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Directions: Watch the video "Active Reading Strategies for Textbook and take notes using this

5 Active Reading Strategies for Textbook Assignments

1) Preview: Before diving into the reading, take a moment to look through the material and get an

overview of the content. What topics are discussed? What are the main ideas?

2) Read Actively: While reading, use highlighting and note-taking to engage with the material. Ask

questions, make connections, and be aware of the author's purpose and the argument they are making.

3) Summarize: Summarize the main points of the reading so that you can refer back to them later. This

will help you to remember the content and make it easier to recall during exams.

4) Discuss: Talk to others about the material to help you process and retain it. Discuss with your peers,

professor, or study group to gain a better understanding.

5) Review: Once you have finished the material, review your notes and highlights. This will help you to

solidify the information and remember it for future use.

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