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12, DECEMBER 2020 1965

3-D Printing Structural Electronics

With Conductive Filaments
Nathan Lazarus and Harvey H. Tsang

Abstract— Integrating electronics into the body of complex layer extrusion of melted thermoplastics, was one of the earli-
structural parts through 3-D printing is one of the most promising est 3-D printing technologies [9] and remains one of the most
new technologies in additive manufacturing, giving the potential widely used due to its low-cost equipment and materials [10].
of lighter weight and smaller electronic systems. Although fused
filament fabrication (FFF) is one of the cheapest and most FFF printers, such as the Makerbot, are common in schools
widely available 3-D printing approaches available, FFF has and universities [11] and have been a major factor in bringing
lagged behind alternatives, such as direct write printing for 3-D printing to the homes of hobbyists worldwide [12].
incorporating electronics into 3-D printed parts. In this article, As with other 3-D printing technologies, there has been
complex structural electronics are demonstrated using FFF. interest in adding electrical functionality to FFF printed parts.
Numerous surface-mount components are integrated into the
printing process for 3-D structures, and electrical contact is made While early FFF printing was based on thermoplastics such
using conductive thermoplastic filament with and without copper as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polylactic acid
electroplating for improved conductivity. The electrical contact (PLA), demand for improved material properties and new
characteristics and bridging behavior of several commercially functionality has led to widespread printing of thermoplastic
available filaments are investigated. A circuit demonstrator, composite materials [13]. Adding metal or carbon particles
a 555-timer oscillator circuit, is then printed using the process.
to a thermoplastic filament creates a conductive compos-
Index Terms— 3-D printing, additive manufacturing, conduc- ite that can be extruded through a standard heated nozzle,
tive composites, fused filament fabrication (FFF), structural allowing printing of electrical traces and sensors within a
printed part without modification of the FFF printer [14].
I. I NTRODUCTION A number of conductive thermoplastic composite filaments are
now commercially available [15], and the technology has been

I N MANY consumer products from cell phones to comput-

ers, a significant fraction of the total weight and volume is
the physical casing needed to hold the parts together. Being
particularly valuable for creating embedded sensors in 3-D
printed parts [16], [17].
However, there have been several major disadvantages that
able to replace this dead volume with functional electronics have limited the use of FFF printed conductors for structural
has driven recent interest in what is called “structural electron- electronics. The first has been the quality of conductors avail-
ics,” where electronic components and wiring are integrated able. In alternatives such as direct ink writing (DIW), reactive
directly into the bulk of the structure [1]. Additive manufac- silver inks have been developed with comparable resistivity
turing, with its ability to rapidly print complex conductors into to bulk silver after annealing [18]. Commercially available
3-D structures, has been a promising approach for making thermoplastic filaments, on the other hand, have resistivities
structural electronics a reality [2]. A number of technologies between four and six orders of magnitude higher than bulk
have now been developed for integrating electronic compo- metal conductors, such as copper and silver [19]. In the past
nents into 3-D printed parts, including room temperature liquid two years, our group and others have begun to address this
metals [3] and low melting point alloys within printed fluidic problem through using printed thermoplastics and composites
channels [4], laser activation and plating [5], and aerosol jet [6] as seed layers for electro- [20]–[22] and electroless [23]
or direct write extrusion [1], [2], [7], [8] of conductive inks. plating of copper and other metals. With selective plating of
Although 3-D printed structural electronics have become bulk metal demonstrated on FFF parts, it is now possible to
more widely available, most approaches remain reliant on fabricate conductors with performance competitive with the
hybrid processes or relatively expensive specialized printers best alternative 3-D printing approaches.
and materials. The technology remains more challenging for In addition to the conductors, the other major challenge for
lower end printers. Fused filament fabrication (FFF), layer-by- FFF printed structural electronics is in the interface with elec-
trical components. Currently, there are three primary methods
Manuscript received April 15, 2020; revised October 19, 2020; accepted
November 10, 2020. Date of publication November 17, 2020; date of current in use for making contact between embedded parts and FFF
version December 23, 2020. This work was supported internally by ARL. filament. For larger scale through-hole components, physical
Recommended for publication by Associate Editor M. Hoffmeyer upon pressure through mechanical clamping or an externally applied
evaluation of reviewers’ comments. (Corresponding author: Nathan Lazarus.)
The authors are with the Sensors and Electron Devices Directorate, force has been demonstrated for electrical contact [14]. How-
U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD 20783 USA (e-mail: ever, this approach does not scale easily to more complicated; systems, and it is also difficult for some high-performance
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at filaments based on softer thermoplastics, such as Electrifi [24].
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCPMT.2020.3038563 It is also possible to solder components to sufficiently thick

U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright.

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Fig. 1. (a) Part alignment and (b) making electrical contact with conductive filament and (c) and (d) example print, a pyramid with four surface-mount
components (two red LEDs and two resistors), with LEDs lit.

electroplated copper layers on printed parts [21], [25], but II. FABRICATION
this approach is manual and soldering smaller surface-mount
components is challenging. A. 3-D Printing
For finer pitch surface-mount components, most demonstra- Two different conductive thermoplastic filaments were
tions instead rely on silver-loaded inks [26] or pastes [23], [21] investigated for component embedding, Protopasta Conductive
for mounting and electrical contact. This hybrid approach PLA, and Multi3D Electrifi. The Conductive PLA consists
requires either manual addition of the ink/paste by hand or use of PLA, a dispersant, and conductive carbon black parti-
of a direct-ink-writing print head within the process, limiting cles [27], whereas Electrifi is based on copper particles within
the value of using the conductive filaments for the conductors. a biodegradable polyester thermoplastic [24]. Each has respec-
Recently, however, there was a limited demonstration that tive advantages; the Conductive PLA is relatively rigid and
suggests it is potentially possible to print directly over a prints at similar temperatures to PLA and ABS (from 190 ◦ C
surface-mount component and make electrical contact. In [19], to 230 ◦ C), typically allowing easier printing, but is relatively
a single large surface-mount LED (5050 package size, with resistive (15 · cm in filament form). [15], [19]. Electrifi
widely spaced contacts) was printed over with the high- is the most conductive thermoplastic filament commercially
performance conductive thermoplastic filament, Electrifi, using available (resistivity of 0.006 · cm in filament form) [24]
an FFF printer, and shown to light successfully with an applied but prints at lower temperatures (130 ◦ C–160 ◦ C) [19] and
voltage. is substantially softer, both of which can make it more
In this work, for the first time, we demonstrate the integra- challenging to integrate into a standard FFF printing process.
tion and electrical contact to numerous small surface-mount Both filaments have higher resistivity as printed compared
components using conductive and nonconductive filaments with their filament resistivity (up to an order of magnitude
within the same print. Printed slots are used to align and or more higher), although the level of increase varies through
position surface-mount components within the FFF prints (see factors such as print settings and orientation; the full resistivity
Fig. 1), with a controlled pause used to allow part insertion behavior for both filaments upon printing has been studied
[see Fig. 1(a)], followed by further printing of the conductive extensively elsewhere (see [15]). After printing, the Protopasta
traces [see Fig. 1(b)] and the remainder of the part. The can be contacted directly by probes to measure or apply a
component embedding behavior of two commercially available voltage; the softer Electrifi requires the addition of silver paste
conductive filaments was characterized. While both were able or use of screw terminals on the contact points to make a
to make electrical contact, the softer Electrifi filament was robust contact.
found to sag more when crossing a gap in the print and there- For the structural layer, two different thermoplastic fil-
fore to more consistently contact an embedded surface-mount aments (Makerbot True Green ABS and Ultimaker Silver
pad. Electroplating of copper was also demonstrated to reduce Metallic PLA) were used depending on the printer involved
the electrical contact resistance to the part. An oscillator circuit (see below). Both tested conductive filaments adhered to either
with a number of small surface-mount components, including of the structural filaments, and with the exception of the
an eight-pin SOIC-8 package 555 timer, is then demonstrated changes in the needed extrusion temperature, the process was
using the process. found to work similarly for both.

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In this work, two low-cost commercial FFF printers, a

Makerbot Replicator 2X and Ultimaker 3, were used; the
Makerbot was used for initial process development, and the
Ultimaker was purchased late in the project both to show
that the process was not printer specific and allow consistent Fig. 2. Printing process. (a) Substrate printed in nonconductive polymer.
(b) Print is paused. (c) Parts are placed using tweezers. (d) Conductive
printing of finer resolution for creating a more complex circuit. composite filament is printed over the part to lock in place and make electrical
The transition between the printers is clearly noted in the text. contact. (e) Remainder of the part is printed. (f) Final part showing LED turned
Table I shows the printer settings for each of the fil- on through an applied voltage.
aments/printers. Both printers were used with a 0.4-mm-
diameter nozzle and a 30% hexagonal infill. The filament
the underlying fill pattern that is in the process of being
diameters for the Ultimaker 3 and Makerbot were 3 and
printed over when the part was paused. For simpler prints,
1.75 mm, respectively. The higher temperature needed for
observing and manually pausing the print was possible; for
extruding the Electrifi filament on the Ultimaker is expected
more complicated/longer prints, an automatic pause was set in
and is due to a narrower heating block for printers from that
the printer. For the Makerbot, the “Z Pause Height” function
manufacturer that requires a higher temperature for printing
was used to define the time and vertical position of the pause;
the composite filament [24]. Layer heights for all prints for
for the Ultimaker, several lines were added to the.gcode file
both printers were set to 100 μm. For the Makerbot, the parts
at the desired point to pause and raise the head.
were printed on a Kapton tape surface, and a raft was used
The surface-mount components were then added using
for improved adhesion; purge towers were also designed at
tweezers [see Fig. 2(c)]. While the component insertion
the four corners of the print (as seen on the print in Fig. 2) to
process here was manual due to the low-cost printers used,
limit mixing of the two filaments. For the Ultimaker, a blue
components could also be added using an automatic pick-and-
painter’s tape surface was used, and the adhesion of the PLA
place head as in [28]. After insertion, the printer is unpaused
on the painter’s tape was sufficient that a raft was unnecessary;
and continues with the print, first printing the thermoplastic
the printer also has a feature where the print heads are raised
filament conductors [see Fig. 2(d)], followed by the remainder
during the use of the other extruder, so purge towers were not
of the structure [see Fig. 2(e)]. Fig. 2(f) shows the final part
found to be necessary.
after a voltage has been applied to turn on the embedded
component, an LED.
B. Component Embedding
Fig. 2 shows the steps for printing structural electronics, III. R ESULTS
in this case for the Makerbot Replicator 2X using Electrifi on
ABS. Within the CAD file for the print, slots are designed A. Contact Resistance
such that the top pads of the surface-mount component, when The component embedding behavior for both of the two
inserted, will be roughly flush with the top surface of the slot conductive filaments was first investigated. Both Electrifi and
for contact. The designs are then exported as standard STL the Protopasta Conductive PLA were found to be able to make
files and imported into the appropriate 3-D printer control electrical contact to surface-mount chips. Fig. 3(a) and (b)
software (Makerbot Desktop 3.1 or Ultimaker Cura 4.2.1 for shows an Electrifi trace printed on the side of a spherical print
the Makerbot and Ultimaker, respectively). The print is then and making contact to an LED on the top surface, whereas
started and allowed to print normally [see Fig. 2(a)] until the Fig. 3(c) and (d) shows a planar print showing contact from
top of a slot is reached. At this point, the print is paused the Protopasta filament to a similar LED.
and the print head is moved up and away from the part [see The electrical contact resistance was also characterized for
Fig. 2(b)]. The discontinuous surface at this point is due to both filaments to a standard 0805 package surface-mount

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Fig. 3. (a) Printed part with embedded LED and vertical Electrifi vias.
(b) With LED turned on. (c) Printed Protopasta Conductive PLA traces to an
LED. (d) After applied voltage.

resistor; 0805 sized surface-mount resistors have lateral dimen-

sions 2.0 mm × 1.2 mm, and the chips here have pads on the
two flat pads on either end of the top surface, with dimensions
of each pad approximately 1.2 mm × 0.35 mm. Four-point
resistance test structures [see Fig. 4(a)] were printed for each
filament. The testing region consists of traces 1.5 mm ×
1.5 mm in cross section and a total of 15 mm in length (7.5 mm
on either side of the component for the embedded component).
In all cases, three samples were measured, and the average
and standard deviation are reported. For the embedded cases,
a resistor with a relatively low resistance (1 ) was used in
all cases, and the embedded component resistance is included
in the reported value.
For the traces without embedded chips, the total measured
resistance was (1.09 ± 0.12) and (543 ± 10)  for the Electrifi
and Protopasta filaments, respectively. With embedded resistor,
the resistance rose to (47.5 ± 9.9) and (3140 ± 2420)  for
the Electrifi and Protopasta, respectively. Since each contains
two contacts (one to either end of the resistor), in addition to
the added resistance of the component, the contact resistance
to each pad is roughly 23 and 1.3k  for the Electrifi and
Protopasta, respectively.
Previously, our group has demonstrated electroplating of
Fig. 4. (a) Contact resistance test structures for Electrifi; top and bottom are
copper on Electrifi to improve electrical conductivity [21]. print with and without embedded resistor, respectively. (b) Copper electroplat-
In this work, parts were printed and plated to investigate ing test samples after electroplating; left and right are print with and without
the effects of electroplating on the electrical contact to embedded resistor, respectively. (c) Yield test for Protopasta Conductive PLA
with ten embedded resistors. All scale bars are 1 cm.
an embedded surface-mount component. The same contact
test geometries were used, with an additional conductor
extending to allow for electrical contact while being dipped
into electroplating solution [see Fig. 4(b)]. Parts were then (0.013 ± 0.004)  for the samples with and without a
electroplated in a copper electroplating solution consisting component, respectively. The contact resistance to each pad,
of 160 mL of water, 40 mL of 96% by weight sulfuric therefore, dropped to approximately 2.5  after copper elec-
acid, and 20 g of copper sulfate. The parts were positioned troplating, a reduction of an order of magnitude. While the
roughly 35 mm from a sacrificial copper anode and plated contact point between the Electrifi and the embedded part is
for a total of 1.1 Amp· min (Ampere minutes) at a current partially obscured since the Electrifi rests on the top surface of
density of between 20 and 80 mA/mm2 , which based on our the pad, these results show that it remains possible to reduce
prior plating characterization in [21] corresponds to a plated the contact resistance through electroplating.
copper thickness of approximately 20 μm. Three samples with There were substantial differences in the yield and reliability
and without embedded 1- resistor were again measured. of contacting parts using the two filaments. With the correct
The measured resistance after plating was (5.9 ± 0.93) and slot sizing, the Electrifi was found to be capable of consistent

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and repeatable contact to embedded components, with the vast

majority of contacts successful (allowing complete circuits
with numerous individual contacts such as the 555 timer
to be printed). Component embedding with the Protopasta
was found to be possible, as with the LED in the figure,
but was found to less reliable. To quantify this behavior,
a simple test structure consisting of a series of embedded
0805 package surface-mount resistors, all with value 1 ,
were printed [see Fig. 4(c)]. For the Electifi filament, all
ten chips were successfully embedded with solid electrical
contact across the resistor (meaning that both sides of the
resistors were successfully contacted, so a total of twenty
electrical connections were made without fail). The structure
is designed for two-point electrical continuity testing rather
than precise resistance measurements (the screw terminals for
making contact to the Electrifi have their own substantial
resistance, which unlike the prior test is not being addressed
here through a four-point measurement), but the measured
resistance in all cases was on the order of tens to a few
hundreds of ohms. For the Protopasta Conductive PLA, eight
of the ten resistors were contacted successfully (resistance less
than a few tens of k); two of the resistor paths measured
as open circuits. This result means that at least two (and
potentially up to four) of the electrical contacts failed out of
the 20 attempted, giving a contact yield of no better than 90%
for the conductive PLA.

B. Bridging
To understand the reasons for this difference in printing
yield, the bridging behavior of the two filaments was inves-
tigated. For each conductive filament, a part was printed in
ABS with a series of gaps of differing widths and subsequently
bridged with a line of conductive filament eight layers thick Fig. 5. Printed (a) Electrifi and (b) Protopasta Conductive PLA trace (1 mm
wide, eight layers thick) crossing designed gap of 1 mm (scale bar is 1 mm),
and 1 mm wide. Both were capable of bridging a sizeable gap and (c) measured sag depth.
(to at least 2-mm designed spacing, the largest tested). The
Electrifi, however, is a substantially softer filament, with thin
layers less able to support their own weight; the printed trace, not always make a robust contact to an embedded part.
therefore, sags down into the gap, as is clearly evident in the The Electrifi, on the other hand, sags hundreds of micrometers
side view [see Fig. 5(a)]. The Protopasta filament bridges the more for gaps the size of the surface-mount components used,
gap far better, with minimal sag [see Fig. 5(b)]. The degree resulting in the filament conforming well to the top surface of
of sag for each type of filament was characterized optically the part and giving a solid electrical contact.
for a range of different gaps [see Fig. 5(c)], with at least three
gaps measured for each data point, and the average gap width
measured optically for each set of data points; the average C. 555 Timer Circuit
gap was consistently several hundred micrometers narrower Simple oscillators based on the 555 timer IC have been
than designed due to spreading of the thermoplastic upon a common example circuit within the 3-D printing commu-
extrusion. nity [8], [21], [23] since it requires a modest number of com-
The component embedding process here is based on placing ponents and provides a clear visual indication of functionality.
components roughly at the top surface of a gap and relying The small outline integrated circuit (SOIC) eight-pin surface-
on flow of the extruded filament to conform to the pad and mount version of the 555 timer requires an independent
make a robust contact. FFF typically results in a relatively connection to seven pins without shorting, with a pin pitch of
rough surface finish, up to several hundred micrometers (as only 1.27 mm; note that one of the eight pins of the package is
seen in the cross sections in Fig. 5); this roughness results in not used for the oscillator circuit here. Due to the narrow pin
a similar level of variability in the component position and spacing, the Makerbot was found to be unable to consistently
the height of the gap edges. Since the Protopasta filament avoid shorting, and the Ultimaker 3 with Electrifi was instead
bridges the gaps very well, with vertical sag on the order used. The tendency of Electrifi to conform to the pints of the
of a hundred micrometers, the extruded material likely does embedded part can be seen clearly in Fig. 6(a). Even though

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Fig. 6. (a) Side view of embedded SOIC-8 package(scale bar 2 mm) and
SOIC lead. (b) Side view. (c) End-on view CT scans of individual pin interface
(scale bars 500 μm).

Fig. 7(a) shows a top view of an embedded 555 timer; the

designed component slot included slots for the individual pins
of the IC for alignment, and there was no evident shorting in
the print. A complete 555 astable oscillator was then printed
[see Fig. 7(b)], consisting of a total of five surface-mount
components (the 555 timer, two resistors, a capacitor, and
an LED). The 555 timer circuit requires 15 distinct electrical
contacts to be made to individual surface-mount pads without
shorting. Several of the connections also required electrical
Fig. 7. (a) Embedded SOIC-8 integrated circuit (scale bar 5 mm). (b) and traces to cross an embedded component [or instance, across
(c) 555 astable oscillator circuit (scale bar 1 cm). (d) Oscillator output voltage. the back of the 555 timer IC in Fig. 7(b)], and the Electrifi was
found to adhere sufficiently well to the components to allow
these connections. Fig. 7(c) shows the circuit in operation, and
the pins of the package are a layer or two (i.e., 100–200 mm) Fig. 7(d) shows the oscillator output waveform demonstrating
below the top surface of the print, the Electrifi flows around functionality.
the pin to make contact. To further verify this, the interface
was imaged using a CT scanner (Zeiss Xradia 510 Versa) IV. D ISCUSSION
[see Fig. 6(b) and (c)], showing close, conformal contact This work presents the first multipart system made using
between the Electrifi and the pin without any evident voids. direct printing of filament onto embedded components.

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[26] C. Cao et al., “Methodology for the additive manufacture of embedded Nathan Lazarus received the B.S. degree in electri-
conductive paths connecting microelectromechanical sensors using con- cal engineering from the University of Pennsylvania,
ductive and flexible filaments with extrusion devices,” Rapid Prototyping Philadelphia, PA, USA, in 2007, and the M.S. and
J., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 349–359, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.1108/RPJ-03-2019- Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering
0058. from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA,
[27] M. Ibrahim, Y. Mogan, S. N. S. Jamry, and R. Periyasamy, “Resistivity in 2010 and 2012, respectively.
study on conductive composite filament for freeform fabrication of In 2012, he joined the U.S. Army Research Lab-
functionality embedded products,” ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci., vol. 11, oratory, Adelphi, MD, USA, where he is currently
no. 10, 6525-6530, 2016. a Staff Researcher with the Sensors and Electron
[28] A. D. Valentine et al., “Hybrid 3D printing of soft electron- Devices Directorate. He has also served as a Part-
ics,” Adv. Mater., vol. 29, no. 40, Oct. 2017, Art. no. 1703817, Time Faculty Member for several semesters with
doi: 10.1002/adma.201703817. George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA, lecturing on microme-
[29] N. Grimmelsmann, Y. Martens, P. Schäl, H. Meissner, and A. Ehrmann, chanical systems design. He has authored or coauthored 46 refereed journal
“Mechanical and electrical contacting of electronic components on tex- publications and holds 15 patents received or pending. His research interests
tiles by 3D printing,” Procedia Technol., vol. 26, pp. 66–71, Dec. 2016, include micromechanical power devices, stretchable electronics, and additive
doi: 10.1016/j.protcy.2016.08.010. manufacturing.
[30] S. W. Kwok, K. Goh, Z. Tan, S. Tan, and W. Tjiu, “Electrically Dr. Lazarus’s awards and honors include ARL’s Honorary Award for Engi-
conductive filament for 3D-printed circuits and systems,” Appl. Mater. neering and the Rookie of the Year Excellence in Federal Career Award (Gold)
Today, vol. 9, pp. 167–175, Dec. 2017. from the Baltimore Federal Executive Board. In 2019, he was selected for the
[31] J. O. Thostenson et al., “Integrated flexible conversion circuit between Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and
a flexible photovoltaic and supercapacitors for powering wearable sen- the highest honor given by the U.S. government for researchers beginning
sors,” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 165, pp. B3122–B3129, Apr. 2018, their independent research careers.
doi: 10.1149/2.0141808jcs.
[32] Z. Lei et al., “Fabrication of highly electrical conductive composite
filaments for 3D-printing circuits,” J. Mater. Sci., vol. 53, no. 20, Harvey H. Tsang received the B.S. degree in
pp. 14495–14505, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.1007/s10853-018-2645-1. electrical engineering from the University of Texas
[33] B. Podsiadly, A. Skalski, B. Walpuski, P. Walter, and M. Sloma, “Elec- at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA, in 2009, and the
trically conductive acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)/copper com- M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
posite filament for fused deposition modeling,” Proc. SPIE, vol. 10808, from the University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso,
Oct. 2018, Art. no. 1080856, doi: 10.1117/12.2501546. TX, in 2011 and 2016, respectively.
[34] K. Kutuniva, J. Mäkikangas, A. Mustakangas, T. Rautio, J. Kumpula, From 2010 to 2016, he was conducting research
and K. Mäntyjärvi, “DFAM based multi-material 3D printing using con- with 3-D printers for electronics at nScrypt and
ductive and flexible filaments,” Key Eng. Mater., vol. 786, pp. 364–370, Sciperio Inc., Orlando, FL, USA. Since 2016, he
Oct. 2018, doi: 10.4028/ has been an Electronics Engineer with the Army
[35] Z. Lei et al., “Novel electrically conductive composite filaments Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, USA, where
based on Ag/saturated polyester/polyvinyl butyral for 3D-printing cir- his research interests include flexible hybrid electronics, 3-D printed radio
cuits,” Composites Sci. Technol., vol. 180, pp. 44–50, Aug. 2019, frequency devices in extreme environments, photonic sintering of conductive
doi: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.05.003. composites, and multifunctionalization of 3-D printed materials.

Authorized licensed use limited to: ETH BIBLIOTHEK ZURICH. Downloaded on December 13,2023 at 23:35:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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