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1 The effects of the parasimpatetics

a) cardiac stimulation

b) secretional growth ( szecrecio noveles )

c) antispasmodic

d) pupillary dilatator

e) anti bronchial spasmodic

2 Its true about insulin that:

a) a neonate (fesckendo) contains maximum 40 mg of insulin

b) comes mostly from pancreas...

c)with a pomping metod only pig insulin can be administered ( viheto be )

d) the effects of insulin with zinc has a rapid evolution

e) they rarely recomend mixed insulin

3 which are the adrenergic neurons:

a) sympathetic preganglionic

b) sympatetic postganglionaris

c) parasimpatetic pregnglionaris

d)parasimpatetic postganglionaris

e)somatomotor neurons

4 In grand mal seiziure what can be used s anti epileptic:





5 The ofloxacin

a) belongs to the macrolid class

b)its bactericid

c) effetcs onf gram negativ

d)effects on gram positive

e)bacterium cell wall inhibitor

6 atropin blocks the effects of acetylcolin on:

a)exterior separating ( separated) glands

b)the motor endplate

c)on the smooth muscles of the viscera

d)on the vegetative ganglions

e)on the vegetative ganglions and smooth muscles of the viscera

7 the Beta type sympatomimethcs effects

a) tachicardia


c) midriasis

d)broncho dilation

e)broncho constriction

8 its true that :

a)sulfonilureals increas the periferic use of sugar

b) the biguanids act on their own receptors

c)rosinglitazon is the most common used biguanid

d) the acarbose (glocobay) decreases sugar absorbption from the intestine

e)pioglitazon can easily cause hypoglycemia

9 the anabolic steroids can cause :

a)testicular atrophy


c)decrease muscle mass


e)increase cardiovascularrisk

10 the omeprazol:

a) K-H ATPase irreversible inhibitor)

b) competitive antagonist of histamin



e)highs standard personal deviation O_O

11 which of these statements are not true

a)metilxantines have a good absorbtion oraly administered

b)metilxantines (metilxantinok) do not metabolize in the liver

c)oral contraceptives decrease plasma concentration of theophyllin

d) metilxantines are capable of water retention

e)metilxantines decrease the inflamatory effect of glucocorticoids

12 against TBC can be used and it is used :






13 for the handling of asthma the followings can be recomended:

a)Beta 2 selective stimulators

b) Beta 2 selective inhibitors


d)non stereoid anti inflamators

e)leokotrien receptor antagonists

14 anti viral substances:


b) aciklovir

c) alfa interferon



15 which of the following are ture :

a)salbutamol per os can be administered

b)salmeterol is adviced in asthma attack

c)bambuterol can be given to avoid asthma attack

d) Beta 2 receptor stimulator advice are threatening or dangereous in case of premature birth

e) salmeterol cannot be combined with cortico stereoids

16 The triazoles

a) are modern anti malaria substances

b)modern anti fungal substances

c) can act only localy

d) can act only sitematically

e)Canesten or cotrimazol belongs to this class

17 the amminopenicilinn

a) has a wide spectrum action

b)amoxicilin belongs to this class

c)act on penicilin producing cocci

d)side effects are common

e)some of them area associated with clavulanic acid

18 which are the selective beta stimulating simpatomimetics

a) izoprenalin




19 effects of calcium channel inhibitors on the cardio vascular sistem

a) arterial dilatation

b)arterial constriction

c) venus constriction

d)rezistive vessel dilatation

e)wreath vasoconstriction ( vasoconstrizione coronale )

20 which statements are true concerning tiazides:

a) decreases natrium reabsorbsion

b)increasingly moves the natrium reabsorbtion

c)decreases clor reabsorbtion

d)dont affect natrium excretion

e)have a clor retention action

21 Amid structure local anesthetics ( impossibile tradurre )

a)their onset is shorter compared to their esteric nature

b)pseudo esterazes cleaves them

c)prokain belongs here

d)xilin belongs here

e)bupivakain belongs here

22 orally advicable ( administratable) cephalosporins


b)cefuroxim acetil



23 among modern macrolides we find:






24 metronidazol can be used:

a)against trichinoma vaginalis

b)against lambliasis

c)against penicillinaze resistant staphilococcus

d)against bacterioides fragilis

e)as anti fungal

25 in heart faliure curing

a)heart rate increase is positive (has good effects)

b)preload can be decreased with diuretics

c)Ace inhibitors can be administered because of their positive ionotropic effect

d)beta blockers can be administered (Carvedilol)

e)Levosivedan increases the force of contraction

26 which are the effects of the ACEI

a)decrease periferic resistance

b)increases heart frequency

c)worsens..destroys the diastolic function

d)can ameliorate stroke volume

27 effects of nitrates and nitrates

a)dilatate the ill calcified coronary arteries

b)they dilated the veins mostly

c)decrease cardiac work so they correct blood distrubution o the sub endocardial region

d)in small amount they dilated arterioles as wel

e)in bigger amounts increase blood pressure

28 side effects of calcium channel inhibitors

a)gingival hiper plazia

b)tiredness feeling



e)uterine contractile effect

29 counter indications of ACEI

a)bilateral stenozis of kidney artery

b)renal hypertonia

c) chronic heart faliure

d)low blood pressure


30 its true that:

a)Radioactive Iodium is given in hypothiroidism

b)Propiltiural is adviced with a replacing ( substitutive ) purpose

c)carbamizol is a tireostatic substance

d)T4 has stronger effects than T3

e)T4 is always administered in combination with T3

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