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Worksheet 1.

Student Name: Amit Sharma UID:21MCA3158

Branch: MCA Section/Group:3/B
Semester: 4th Date of Performance:18/1/2024
Subject Name: Internet of things Subject Code: 22CAH751

1. Aim/Overview of the practical:

Design the circuit on Tinkercad / Arduino Uno Board to interface Led with Arduino Uno
and to design different patterns (i.e. blinking 1 LED)

2. Apparatus (For applied/experimental sciences/materials based labs):

Hardware Requirements
• Arduino Uno Board
• Wires
• Resisters (220 ohms)
• LEDs
• Bread Board
• Power Supply

Software requirements
• Arduino 2.2.1 IDE
3. Circuit Diagram (TinkerCad):

4. Coding:
int ledPin=8; //definition digital 8 pins as pin to control the LED
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); //Set the digital 8 port mode, OUTPUT: Output mode
void loop()
digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); //HIGH is set to about 5V PIN8
delay(1000); //Set the delay time, 1000 = 1S
digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW); //LOW is set to about 5V PIN8
delay(1000); //Set the delay time, 1000 = 1S
5. Precautions:

1. Power Supply: Ensure the Arduino Uno is powered within the specified voltage range (5V). Avoid
over-voltage, as it may damage the board.
2. Component Compatibility: Verify that all connected components (sensors, actuators, etc.) are
compatible with Arduino Uno's pins and voltage levels to prevent damage.
3. Static Electricity: Handle the board and components in an anti-static environment to prevent
electrostatic discharge, which can harm sensitive electronic components.
4. Code Safety: Review and debug your code thoroughly to prevent unintended consequences or
overloading the board. Implement safeguards in your code to handle unexpected situations.

6. Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1. Digital Output Control: Understanding how to set digital pins on an Arduino as outputs to control
external devices like LEDs.
2. LED Connection: Learning how to connect LEDs to digital pins on the Arduino and the importance
of using resistors to limit current.
3. Sequential Execution: Implementing sequential execution of patterns using digital Write to turn
LEDs on or off.
4. Timing Control: Gaining experience with using delay to control the timing of LED patterns and
create specific time intervals.
5. Programming Logic: Applying logical conditions to achieve specific patterns, such as turning on
and off different LEDs in a sequence
6. Hardware Interaction: Developing skills in translating logical patterns into hardware interactions
to control external components
7. Arduino IDE Usage: Using the Arduino IDE to write, upload, and run sketches on the Arduino
Evaluation Grid (To be created as per the SOP and Assessment guidelines by the faculty):

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks

1. Conduct 12 marks
2. Worksheet 8 marks
3. Viva 10 marks
Total 30 marks


Teacher Signature

Dr. Sumit Kushwaha

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