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J Oral Maxillofac Surg

49:13-21. 1991

Lag Screw Fixation of Anterior

Mandibular Fractures

A technique of applying lag screws for treating fractures of the anterior

mandible is presented. A review of 41 patients who had lag screws placed
to treat such fractures showed that it is a successful method of providing
rigid internal fixation. The advantages of this technique over bone-plate
fixation are discussed.

Fractures of the anterior mandible are common more commonly used in maxillofacial surgery than
facial injuries. Although many of these can be the true lag screws.
treated satisfactorily with closed reduction, open The lag screw technique was first introduced to
reduction and internal fixation are commonly used maxillofacial surgery by Brons and Boering in 1970,
to align the fragments and keep them in contact, who cautioned that at least two screws are neces-
which promotes osseous union. With the recent en- sary to prevent rotational movement of the frag-
thusiasm for rigid forms of internal fixation, exper- ments in oblique fractures of the mandible.’ Others
imentation with various forms of plate and screw have similarly illustrated the versatility of lag
fixation have been attempted. Fractures in the an- screws for mandibular fractures.‘33 The purpose of
terior mandible are readily treated by application of this report is to describe the technique of lag screw
either bone plates and/or bone screws. placement in fractures of the anterior mandible and
A useful method of providing rigid fixation in the to review our early experience in their use.
anterior mandible is by using lag screws. The term
lag screw is probably the most misunderstood of all Anatomy and Biomechanics of the
terms involved with rigid internal fixation, probably Anterior Mandible
because it is used both to describe a type of screw,
as well as a technique of screw placement. A true
The anterior mandible, from mental foramen to
lag screw has threads only on its terminal end (Fig
mental foramen, is uniquely suited to the applica-
1). When used, the threads engage the far cortex,
tion of lag screw fixation for three reasons. The
while the head seats against the near cortex, pro-
most important is the curvature of the anterior man-
viding compression upon tightening. A lag screw
dible. This allows placement of lag screws across
technique (resulting in compression) is achieved
the symphysis, from one side to the other, for sag-
with a cortical screw (Fig l), which has threads
ittal fractures, and from anterior to posterior for
along its entire length, by overenlarging the hole in
oblique fractures and those of the anterior body re-
the near cortex. This latter procedure has been
gion. The second reason the anterior mandible is
well suited to lag screw fixation is the thickness of
Received from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur- the bony cortices, which provide extremely secure
gery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas. fixation when the screws are properly inserted. The
* Associate Professor.
t Resident. final reason is that there are no anatomic hazards
Supported in part by a grant from the Chalmers J. Lyons below the apices of the teeth until the mental fo-
Academy-James R. Hayward Research Fund. ramina are encountered. This makes lag screw
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Ellis: Di-
vision of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Texas placement extremely simple.
Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, The direction of forces that are distributed
TX 75235. through the anterior mandible vary with the activity
0 1991 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur- of the mandible. This means that the classic zones
geons of tension on the superior and compression on the
0278-2391/91/4901-0004$3.00/O inferior surfaces of the mandible are not absolute.


40 mm should be available before attempting to

treat fractures with lag screws.
Following application of maxillary and mandibu-
lar arch bars, a vestibular incision is made from just
posterior to one mental foramen to the same area on
the other side. Anterior to the mental foramina, the
incision is made out in the lip, splitting the mentalis
muscle to facilitate a two-layer closure. Subperi-
osteal dissection of the anterior, lateral, and inferior
borders of the mandible from one mental foramen to
the other is essential for complete exposure of the
fracture and for proper instrumentation. Dissection
under, or between the bundles of the mental nerves
when necessary for adequate retraction and expo-
sure, helps protect the nerve from injury due to
FIGURE 1. Top, A lag screw. Note the absence of threads
except at the terminus of the screw. Below, Cortical screw. This stretching. The entire fracture is examined follow-
screw can be used to impart compression to a fracture by over- ing slight distraction to note the obliquity and the
drilling the outer (near) cortex so the threads only engage the far relationship of the cortices. If there are extensive
cortex. areas of comminution, the lag screw technique
should be abandoned, because it has little chance of
Instead, the anterior mandible undergoes shearing success in cases where the continuity of the cortices
and torsional (twisting) forces during functional is disturbed. Fortunately, this is unusual in frac-
activities.4.5 Therefore, application of fixation de- tures of the anterior mandible.
vices must take these factors into consideration. Once the fracture has been examined and cleaned
This is why Champy, who advocates only one small of extraneous debris, the mandible is placed into
bone plate in most regions of the mandible, always maxillomandibular fixation (MMF) while simulta-
places two bone plates in the symphysis.4 When neously reducing the fracture. A towel clip with the
using bone screws to secure fixation, one bone tips bent slightly outward can be used to assist in
screw may not provide adequate stability, since the firmly reducing the fracture before application of
shear forces may allow rotation of the mandibular lag screws. A small bur is used to drill holes ap-
fragments around the screw. The only resistance to proximately 10 mm away from each side of the frac-
rotation about one screw is the compaction (fric- ture to provide a purchase for the modified towel
tion) of the fragments into one another by virtue of clip. The towel clip is inserted into these holes and
the compression imparted from the lag screw. Ap- tightened, reducing the fracture. The location of the
plication of an arch bar to the teeth may prohibit the towel clip must not be an area where the lag screws
rotational force; however, application of a second are to be inserted. Frequently, it must be inserted in
lag screw is the best insurance for providing the region of the root apices, taking care to avoid
rigidity.’ Fortunately, there is usually ample space them. The lingual cortices should also be checked
available for the routine placement of two screws in to assure that they are in firm apposition, since
fractures of the anterior mandible. other fractures of the mandible, especially those of
the condyle and ramus, may cause an increase in
Technique the radius of the dental arch and inferior border.
Therefore, the surgeon must not be lulled into a
The application of lag screw fixation for fractures false sense of security that the fracture is properly
of the anterior mandible requires relatively few in- reduced by solid apposition of the buccal cortices.
struments; however, correct instruments are essen- It is helpful to dissect below the inferior border of
tial to the technique. (AO/ASIF instruments are the mandible in the area of the fracture to directly
available from Synthes Maxillofacial Instrument expose the lingual cortex and assure its proper re-
Company, Paoli, PA, or from other manufacturers.) duction.
The necessary instruments are included in the stan- Selecting the point of entry into bone and align-
dard mandibular fracture kits; however, longer ment of the drill is crucial since it will determine the
screws than those that normally accompany the set success of the procedure and, when improperly ex-
are necessary. The lag screw technique for the an- ecuted, may cause undesirable complications. Al-
terior mandible can require 2.7-mm screws up to 40 though the lag screw technique in other bones usu-
mm in length. Therefore, every screw length up to ally involves drilling the screw hole at an angle that

FIGURE 2. Illustration dem-

onstrating the A0 orthopedic
technique for determining an-
gulation of screw placement.
The angle between the outer
cortex and the line of fracture
is bisected to determine the
proper drill path. This tech-
nique of screw placement
makes little sense in the ante-
rior mandible and may cause
overriding of the fragments
when the screw is tightened.
Instead, the screw should be
placed perpendicular to the

is the bisection of the angle between the line of able in most fractures of the anterior mandible.
fracture and the outer cortex (Fig 2),6 the curvature Therefore, the path of screw insertion should disre-
of the anterior mandible and frequent lack of frac- gard this principle of lag screw insertion for long
ture obliquity make this impossible and/or undesir- bones, and instead traverse the fracture in as per-

FIGURE 3. Attempting to use the A0 orthopedic principle demonstrated in Figure 2 for fractures of the anterior mandible, often results
in improper/inadequate placement of screws. A, The screw is placed obliquely to sagittal fractures of the symphysis. The tightening of
this screw tends to cause displacement of the fragments. This is similar to using a compression plate on a very tangential (oblique)
fracture, which also causes overriding of the segments. Attempting to use the A0 orthopedic principle frequently results in placement
of the screw into or very near the fracture on the lingual cortex (B), or misses the lingual cortex altogether (C and D). C, The screw
glances off the lingual cortex although it may feel as if the screw is secure. However, upon tightening, it shears and loosens. D, Screw
misses the lingual cortex and ends up in medullary bone. A screw inserted into medullary bone has insufficient strength to resist
displacement of the fracture during function. The management of this problem is to continue drilling until the buccal cortex is reached,
and a long screw is used (see Fig 4B).

FIGURE 4. Ihustration show-

ing proper placement of
screws for fractures of the an-
terior mandible. A, The screw
is placed perpendicular, or B,
nearly perpendicular, to the
line of fracture when it is sag-
ittal. C and D, When the frac-
ture is oblique, screws are
simply inserted across the
fracture in as perpendicular a
manner as possible.

pendicular a manner as possible. When the screw is drill is then redirected to the previously selected
perpendicular to the line of fracture, the compres- angulation and the drilling completed through the
sive load imparted by the lag screw becomes ex- buccal cortex and medullary bone of the first (near)
tremely effective in securing rigid stabilization of fragment only (Fig 5A). The drill and drill guide are
the fragments without causing displacement upon withdrawn from the wound and a countersinking
tightening. For the same reason that compression tool is used at slow speed to provide a smooth plat-
plates are not applied to oblique fractures, lag form for screw-head seating (Fig 5B). It is impera-
screws applied obliquely to the fracture cause dis- tive that two facts be considered while countersink-
placement of the fracture. Figure 3 shows examples ing the hole. First, the same angulation should be
of improper placement of lag screws, which results used as established by the initial 2.7-mm drill hole.
in inaccurate reduction, complications, and/or in- To facilitate this, a countersinking tool with an ad-
stability. One must remember that medullary bone justable guide-pin that extends beyond the counter-
offers insufficient resistance to bone screw fixation sinking flutes into the drill hole can be used. Sec-
and, therefore, a bony cortex must be engaged with ond, countersinking must be adequate to allow
the terminal threads of the screw. Figure 4 shows complete seating of the screw head. This means that
proper screw placement for various types of frac- a considerable amount of buccal cortex must be re-
tures in the anterior mandible. moved when a screw is inserted into a rounded sur-
Selection of the proper point of entry for the drill face or in an oblique manner on a straight surface
in the buccal cortex is based on placing it suffL (Fig 6). The most appropriate method to determine
ciently away from the fracture so that an ample the adequacy of countersinking is to place the 2.0-
amount of bone is present between the head of the mm (“centering”) drill guide into the drill hole. This
screw and the fracture after drilling and counter- drill guide, to be used in the next step, has a tip that
sinking. This is especially important when drilling fits tightly into the 2.7-mm hole and a shank with an
along the curved surface of the anterior mandible. outer diameter slightly larger than the head of the
The remaining bony bridge must resist all forces of screw. If insertion into the drill hole cannot be
mastication, since the screw head rests directly on smoothly accomplished without binding on the
it. Another factor to consider in determining the bone medial to the drill hole, countersinking is in-
location of the bone screw is providing sufficient adequate and must be completed (Fig 7). However,
space for a second screw. Thus, the first screw one must avoid countersinking deeper and deeper
should be placed just above the inferior border. into the bone to the point where the screw head
Once the proper angulation and point of entry has rests on medullary instead of cortical bone.
been established, the 2.7-mm drill is initially placed Drilling through the second (far) fragment with a
almost perpendicular to the buccal cortex at the se- 2.0-mm drill is the next step. To ensure that the
lected point of entry to prevent skidding of the drill 2.0-mm drill is perfectly centered in the 2.7-mm
bit, and a hole is begun in the buccal cortex. The hole previously drilled through the near cortex, a

FIGURE 5. Illustration show-

ing technique of placing lag
screws for sagittal fracture of
the anterior mandible. A,
Drilling near cortex with 2.7-
mm drill. Note that the drilling
extends only to the fracture. A
drill guide should be used to
stabilize the drill and protect
soft tissues. B, The near cor-
tex is countersunk using coun-
tersinking tool with guide pin,
which extends into 2.7-mm
hole. C, Drilling 2.0-mm hole
completely through mandible
using centering drill guide.
The tip of the drill guide has an
outer diameter of 2.7 mm, al-
lowing it to seat firmly into the
previously drilled hole in the
near cortex. The inner diame-
ter of the drill guide is 2.0 mm,
centering the 2.0-mm drill in
the 2.7-mm hole. D, Result af-
ter drilling. Note the near cor-
tex (right) has been drilled to
2.7 mm diameter, and the far
cortex to 2.0 mm diameter. E,
Depth gauge used to deter-
mine length of screw. F, Tap-
ping the far cortex. Note that
the tap (and screw in next
step) slides through the near
cortex, since it has the same
outer diameter (2.7 mm). G,
Result following tapping. Note
screw threads only in far cor-
tex. H, Screw inserted. Since
the threads only engage the far
cortex, compression is applied
during tightening.

special “centering” drill guide is used (Fig 50. tap (Fig 5F). To prevent tissue entanglement and to
This drill guide has an outer diameter of 2.7 mm on help avoid wobble, the same drill guide as used in
its working end, allowing a snug fit into the hole drilling the 2.7-mm hole should be used as a tap-
previously drilled through the near cortex. It has an guide. Care should be taken to ensure that the same
inner diameter of 2.0 mm, acting as a drill guide for direction used during drilling is used for tapping.
the 2.0-mm drill, perfectly centering it within the The hole should be thoroughly irrigated before plac-
2.7-mm hole in the near cortex. Drilling through the ing the screw.
second (far) segment with the 2.0-mm drill is then After selection of the appropriate length screw, it
performed (Fig 5C). During the drilling, it is impor- is inserted on a screw driver into the screw hole.
tant to use slow-speed, copious irrigation, and re- The outer hole (or clearance hole) is free of threads
peatedly withdraw the drill flutes from the drill and the screw should slip through until it con-
guide to clear bony debris. If not done, the drill tacts the threads in the far segment (Fig 5D and G).
becomes quite warm due to both the inability of Thus, when tightened, the screw will compress the
irrigant to reach the flutes and clogging of flutes two segments of bone together. While the final
with debris. tightening proceeds, the surgeon must carefully ob-
A depth gauge is inserted through the drill hole serve the bony cortices around the head of the
and the screw length is determined (Fig 5E). The screw for signs of crazing. Frequently, the screw is
hole in the far segment is then tapped using a long overtightened to the point of creating microfrac-

FIGURE 6. Illustration dem-

onstrating the importance of
properly countersinking the
screw. If inadequate or no
countersinking is performed
(A), tightening of an obliquely
placed screw will cause pre-
mature contact and binding of
the screw on the bone, result-
ing in displacement of the
screw and/or segments or
causing fractures of the near
cortex. B, Proper countersink-

tures around the screw head. This should be Material and Methods
avoided if possible. It is essential that the screw exit
the far cortex for maximal strength (Fig 5H). All patients treated by open reduction and inter-
A second screw is then inserted in the same man- nal fixation of fractures between the mental foram-
ner as just described (Fig 8). With sagittal fractures ina by the lag screw technique previously described
of the mandible between the incisors, it frequently between November 1, 1988, and November 31,
is easier to place the second screw from the oppo- 1989, were included in this retrospective study. The
site direction. Because the buccal cortex on the patients’ charts were reviewed for information
other side of the fracture has not yet been dis- about additional fractures, and the presence of a
rupted, a greater area of bone for screw placement tooth in the line of fracture. Notes on the operative
is provided (Fig 9). In fractures of the anterior man- findings and postsurgical course were evaluated for
dibular body (Fig lo), placing a second screw may extraction of the tooth in line of fracture, duration
not be possible without damaging the mental nerve. of MMF if used, postsurgical occlusal relationship,
There are two choices in this instance. The first is to infection, and need for further intervention because
supplement the fixation with a bone plate placed of complications. When possible, clinical examina-
superior to the lag screw (Fig 1OD). The second is tions were performed in December 1989 and Janu-
the maintenance of the arch bar and compression ary 1990. Otherwise, only the patients’ charts, in-
(bridle) wire, and placement of the patient on a soft cluding postsurgical notes, were used for tabulation
diet (Fig 1OC). However, the rigidity produced by of the above data.
one lag screw and an arch bar is not yet known and
is therefore not recommended routinely. If used, it Results
requires that the patient be extremely cooperative.
The intraoral incision is closed in two layers with Forty-one patients were identified who were
resorbable sutures. The MMF is then removed and treated using bone screws for anterior mandibular
the patient is maintained on a soft diet. fractures. Seven were female, the remainder male.

FIGURE 7. Illustration show-

ing effect of inadequate coun-
tersinking for an obliquely
placed screw. The 2.0-mm
drill guide does not seat se-
curely, causing the 2.0-mm
drill to become misaligned
with respect to the 2.7-mm
hole. A, Inadequate counter-
sinking. B, Proper counter-

They ranged in age from 14 to 59 years. Two lag

screws were placed in the majority of patients (29);
however, in two patients, three lag screws were
used. A single lag screw was placed in seven pa-
tients; a single lag screw combined with a small
compression plate (using 2.0-mm screws) was used
in three patients. The anterior mandibular fracture
was the only mandibular fracture in 13 patients.
Twenty-nine patients had associated mandibular
fractures, of which 17 were fractures of the angle,
nine were subcondylar (six unilateral, three bilat-
eral), one was in the body, one was in the ramus.
and one was a dentoalveolar fracture.
All patients had a tooth in the line of fracture.
Five patients had the tooth in the line of fracture
removed at surgery. Because of associated frac-
tures, MMF was used in nine patients: two patients
for 1 week, four for 4 weeks, and three for 6 weeks.
No MMF was used as a supplement to lag screw
fixation of a symphyseal fracture. Follow-up ranged
from 4 to 61 weeks, with a mean of 12 weeks. All
fractures except the one noted below were found to
be stable at follow-up appointments. No postsurgi-
cal malocclusion resulted. Two patients developed
postsurgical infections (4.9%), both thought to be
due to a nonvital tooth in the line of fracture that FIGURE 9. Lag screws placed from opposite sides of a sagittal
was subsequently removed. Both patients had two fracture. A, Intraoperative view. B, Postoperative view follow-
lag screws placed to secure the two halves of the ing healing of fracture. The crisscross technique of screw place-
ment may be easier, because more bone is available for drilling
mandible. In one patient, a soft-tissue infection de- and countersinking on the side opposite the initial screw.
veloped 1 week following surgery and the tooth in
the line of fracture, which was noted to be loose,
was removed. This patient had a large segment of bone that included the inferior border maintained in
position using a third lag screw during surgery. The
patient had also been placed in MMF for an asso-
ciated subcondylar fracture. The infection persisted
at a subclinical level, and at 6 weeks postsurgery,
the labial soft tissue had a dehiscence, exposing
some granulation tissue and nonvital bone. A se-
questrectomy was performed at this time and the
previously repositioned bony segment, which was
found to be loose and necrotic, was removed. How-
ever, the fracture was united and the patient healed
uneventfully. The second patient developed a soft
tissue swelling 3 weeks postsurgery. This patient
had no extraction at the time of surgery. One tooth
associated with the fracture was removed. The fol-
lowing week, more swelling was noted and the
other tooth adjacent to the fracture was noted to be
loose and was removed. The fracture was noted to
have slight mobility at that time. The patient was
placed into MMF, but was uncooperative and re-
peatedly removed the fixation. At 8 weeks’ postsur-
FIGURE 8. Example of lag screws in symphyseal fracture. A,
gery, the patient was taken to the operating room
Preoperative panoramic radiograph showing sagittal fracture of
midsymphysis. B, Postoperative panoramic radiograph showing where the lag screws (which were slightly loose)
placement of two lag screws perpendicular to fracture. from one were removed and external pin fixation was placed.
buccal cortex to the other. He had a satisfactory course thereafter. One addi-

FIGURE 10. Illustration

showing application of lag
screws for fractures of the an-
terior mandibular body in the
vicinity of the mental foramen.
Placing screws from buccal to
buccal (A), or buccal to lingual
(B) both have utility. C, Use of
a single lag screw combined
with arch bar and bridle wire
for fractures around the men-
tal foramen. D, Supplementa-
tion of fixation by application
of a 2.0-mm bone plate, using
monocortical screws to avoid
roots, if necessary.

tional patient had further surgical intervention at 9 ture reduction. Although no research has yet been
months. This patient had been treated with two lag done that compares the rigidity of fixation with a
screws, no MMF, and underwent an uneventful bone plate versus lag screw fixation of anterior
postoperative course. However, a 9-month radio- mandibular fractures, one frequently gets the im-
graph showed a small radiolucency around the head pression that lag screws provide much more rigidity
of one of the bone screws. No symptoms were than do bone plates. This is especially evident when
present. This screw was found to be loose and was the screws are applied perpendicular to the frac-
removed. Dense fibrous connective tissue sur- ture. The fracture gap frequently completely disap-
rounded the head of the screw where the labial cor- pears from sight due to the great amount of com-
tical bone had once been. The other screw was not pression that can be imparted with the screws. An-
loose, but was also removed. other advantage is the costs incurred: these are
greatly diminished because the screws cost much
Discussion less than a bone plate.
The results of this retrospective study show that
Besides the many advantages that rigid fixation of lag screw fixation of anterior mandibular fractures
mandibular fractures offers, the use of lag screws as is an extremely simple and successful method of
a type of rigid fixation has several unique advan- rigidly securing the fragments, permitting active use
tages over bone-plate fixation. The major advantage of the mandible during healing. Only two patients
is that lag screws can be applied more rapidly, since experienced problems that required intervention.
the time-consuming task of adapting a bone plate is All seven patients treated with only one lag screw
obviated. This also allows a more anatomically ac- (in addition to an arch bar and bridle wire) had no
curate reduction, because it takes considerable skill postoperative difficulties. These patients were all
to perfectly adapt a bone plate to the complex con- cautioned to maintain a soft diet, because the rigid-
tours of the mandible. In our experience, displace- ity of the fixation with only one screw is unknown.
ment of bone fragments is much more common dur- However, their compliance with this regimen was
ing placement of a bone plate, since the adequacy of not determined. However, even in the face of these
plate contouring is not thoroughly known until the results, we still do not recommend the use of only
screws are inserted and the plate is drawn to the one lag screw, because adequate numbers to justify
mandible. Displacement of bone segments almost its routine implementation are not yet available.
never occurs while applying lag screw fixation We are in disagreement with Niederdellmann et
when one adheres to the details previously de- al, who state that “lag screw osteosynthesis is not
scribed. meant to replace osteosynthesis with plates,” and
Lag screws also permit the rapid application of who reserved the use of lag screws for very special
fixation without a decrease in rigidity of the frac- circumstances.’ We now use lag screw fixation as

our first choice for providing rigid internal fixation that are large enough to permit the application of lag
of anterior mandibular fractures. Rarely do we have screw fixation.
the need or desire to use bone plates in the anterior
mandible. However, there are special circum-
stances where the use of lag screws are contraindi-
cated. The most important is when there is commi- 1. Brons R, Boering G: Fractures of the mandibular body
nution and/or bone loss in the fracture gap. One treated by stable internal fixation: A preliminary report. J
Oral Surg 28:407, 1970
must understand completely that the lag screw tech-
2. Niederdellmann H, Schilli W, Dtiker J, et al: Osteosynthesis
nique of fixation is one that relies on compression of of mandibular fractures using lag screws. lnt J Oral Surg
bone fragments. If the intervening bone is unstable 5:117, 1976
due to comminution, or is missing, compressing 3. Leonard MS: The use of lag screws in mandibular fractures.
across this region will cause displacement of inter- Otolaryngol Clin North Am 20:479, 1987
4. Charnpy M, Lodde JP, Schmitt R, et al: Mandibular osteo-
vening bone fragments, overriding of segments, synthesis by miniature screwed plates via a buccal ap-
and/or shortening of the fracture gap, resulting in proach. J Maxillofac Surg 6:14, 1978
problems with the occlusion. In such situations, ap- 5. Niederdellmann H: Fundamentals of healing of fractures of
plying a bone plate without compression across this the facial skull. 1. Biomechanics, in Kruger E, Schilli W
teds): Oral and Maxillofacial Traumatology (vol 1). Chi-
gap can achieve rigid fixation without disturbing the cago, IL, Quintessence, 1982, pp 125-128
occlusion. Fortunately, the vast majority of frac- 6. Mtiller ME, Allgower M, Willenegger H: Manual of Internal
tures of the anterior mandible result in fragments Fixation. New York, NY, Springer-Verlag, 1970, p 24

J Oral Maxillofac Surg


Lag Screw Fixation of Anterior are used. In oblique fractures that allow placement of
Mandibular Fractures only a single lag screw, protection of the lag screw by a
stabilization plate is recommended.
Alan Schwimmer, DDS With the publication of this technique, Drs Ellis and
Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY
Ghali have expanded the use of lag screws for the func-
tional stabilization of mandibular fractures. This proce-
Doctors Ellis and Ghali have presented an extremely dure appears to be easily executed; however, any surgeon
innovative technique for the use of lag screws as a means attempting to use this technique must be familiar with the
of obtaining functionally stable fixation in mandibular basic principles of rigid internal fixation. A lack of under-
fractures. Lag screws, or traction screws, provide maxi- standing of these basic principles will result in failure. It
mum interfragmentary compression with a minimum is therefore advisable that one first develop proficiency in
amount of implanted material. Because of their effi- the more routine methods of plate and screw stabiliza-
ciency, they represent an ideal method of internal fixa- tion. Once experience is gained in these techniques,
tion, and in orthopedic surgery lag screws are often the greater success can be expected when using the proce-
first choice when rigid fixation is used. dure described by Drs Ellis and Ghali.
Lag screw fixation also has been useful in the treatment The technique described in this article does adhere to
of midface trauma. Direct lag screw fixation is often not several principles of lag screw fixation. To begin with, it
practical for the stabilization of midface fractures; how- is important to note that the authors recommend using
ever, the use of lag screws has been shown to be effective dedicated instruments when using this technique. At-
in the stabilization of split calvarial grafts. Recent studies tempts to improvise instrumentation will compromise the
by Phillips, Rahn, and McCarthy have demonstrated im- success of the procedure. Of special importance is the use
proved retention of bone graft volume when cranial grafts of the centering guide to align the traction hole and the
have been stabilized with lag screws. gliding hole coaxially. Failure to pay close attention to
Anatomic considerations often prevent the use of lag this step will result in misalignment of the fracture and a
screw fixation in the treatment of mandibular fractures. decrease in the compressive force of the lag screw.
Niederdellman has described the use of a single unpro- It should also be reemphasized that a 20-mm screw is
tected lag screw for the fixation of transverse fractures at the longest available in the standard Synthes set. When
the angle of the mandible.’ With this technique, the lag using lag screws for the stabilization of transverse frac-
screw is placed on the tension side of the fracture; there- tures, whether at the angle or in the anterior mandible,
fore, compression is achieved along the unstable portion screws longer than 20 mm are often required. Therefore,
of the fracture. Spiessl has recommended the use of lag if the surgeon is planning lag screw fiiation of a trans-
screws in oblique fractures of the body of the mandible.2 verse mandibular fracture, it is essential that screws of 30
However, in these cases a minimum of three lag screws to 40 mm in length be available.

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