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THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 274, No. 5, Issue of January 29, pp.

2773–2779, 1999
© 1999 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Stoichiometry and Kinetics of the High-affinity H1-coupled Peptide

Transporter PepT2*
(Received for publication, July 20, 1998, and in revised form, November 13, 1998)

Xing-Zhen Chen‡, Tong Zhu§, David E. Smith§, and Matthias A. Hediger‡¶

From the ‡Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 and
the §College of Pharmacy and Upjohn Center for Clinical Pharmacology, The University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109

Proton-coupled peptide transporters mediate the ab- In kidney and intestine, enzymatic degradation of proteins
sorption of a large variety of di- and tripeptides as well and peptides produces oligopeptides that are absorbed across
as peptide-like pharmacologically active compounds. the brush-border membrane of epithelial cells, followed by
We report a kinetic analysis of the rat kidney high- breakdown into free amino acids (1–3). The absorption is car-
affinity peptide transporter PepT2 expressed in Xeno- ried out by proton-driven cotransport systems, as demon-

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pus oocytes. By use of simultaneous radioactive uptake strated by studies using brush-border membrane vesicles, ep-
and current measurements under voltage-clamp condi- ithelial cells in culture, intact epithelial tubules, and
tion, the charge to substrate uptake ratio was found to
recombined peptide transporters (4 –10). A large variety of di-
be close to 2 for both D-Phe-L-Ala and D-Phe-L-Glu, indi-
and tripeptides, as well as pharmacologically active peptide-
cating that the H1:substrate stoichiometry is 2:1 and 3:1
like compounds such as b-lactam antibiotics and angiotensin-
for neutral and anionic dipeptides, respectively. The
higher stoichiometry for anionic peptides suggests that converting enzyme inhibitors, are transported (11–13). Peptide
they are transported in the protonated form. For D-Phe- transporters have been cloned since 1994 (3, 14 –19) and were
L-Lys, the charge:uptake ratio averaged 2.4 from pooled shown to accept many oligopeptides and peptide-derived com-
experiments, suggesting that Phe-Lys crosses the mem- pounds as substrates, highlighting the physiological signifi-
brane via PepT2 either in its deprotonated (neutral) or cance of these transporters in nutrient and drug absorption.
its positively charged form, averaging a H1:Phe-Lys stoi- Functional studies of these membrane proteins allow a better
chiometry of 1.4:1. These findings led to the overall con- understanding of the mechanism of substrate-transporter in-
clusion that PepT2 couples transport of one peptide mol- teraction and may help establishing therapeutic strategies in-
ecule to two H1. This is in contrast to the low-affinity volving peptide-based drugs.
transporter PepT1 that couples transport of one peptide An electrophysiological study of PepT2 has been carried out
to one H1. Quinapril inhibited PepT2-mediated currents recently on a rabbit homologue (10). However, the H1:peptide
in presence or in absence of external substrates. Oocytes stoichiometry is still controversial (6, 10, 13, 20). In the present
expressing PepT2 exhibited quinapril-sensitive out-
study, we report novel characteristics of the rat PepT2 demon-
ward currents. In the absence of external substrate, a
strated by neutral, anionic, and cationic substrates under var-
quinapril-sensitive proton inward current (proton leak)
was also observed which, together with the observed ious conditions, using the two-microelectrode voltage-clamp
pH-dependent PepT2-specific presteady-state currents technique. We simultaneously measured the radiolabeled pep-
(Ipss), indicates that at least one H1 binds to the trans- tide uptakes and the PepT2-mediated currents under voltage-
porter prior to substrate. PepT2 exhibited Ipss in re- clamp conditions in order to determine the H1:substrate stoi-
sponse to hyperpolarization at pH 6.5– 8.0. However, chiometry. We also demonstrated quinapril-sensitive PepT2-
contrary to previous observations on various transport- mediated outward currents, a proton leak, and pH-dependent
ers, 1) no significant currents were observed corre- presteady-state currents (Ipss).
sponding to voltage jumps returning from hyperpolar-
ization, and 2) at reduced extracellular pH, no EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
significant Ipss were observed in either direction. To- Isolation of PepT2 Clone and Oocyte Preparation—A kidney cortex
gether with observed lower substrate affinities and de- lgt10 cDNA library was screened using a 0.52-kb PepT2 probe gener-
creased PepT2-mediated currents at hyperpolarized Vm, ated by specific PCR primers. The complete PepT2 sequence was iso-
our data are consistent with the concept that hyperpo- lated and subcloned into PTLN2 plasmid. Sequence analysis of both
larization exerts inactivation effects on the transporter strands confirmed a 100% identity to the published PepT2 sequence
which are enhanced by low pH. Our studies revealed (GenBankTM accession number D63149, Ref. 21). Xenopus laevis oo-
distinct properties of PepT2, compared with PepT1 and cytes were prepared as described previously (22) except that oocytes
were defolliculated by incubating them in the calcium-free Barth’s
other ion-coupled transporters.
solution containing collagenase (3 mg/ml) at 18 °C for 3–3.5 h. Capped
cRNA of rat PepT2 was synthesized by in vitro transcription from
cDNAs in PTLN2 and injected (with 15–25 ng) into oocytes. The same
volumes of H2O were injected as the control.
* This work was supported by the International Human Frontier Electrophysiology—The two-microelectrode voltage-clamp experi-
Science Program, Long Term Fellowship (to X.-Z.C.) and by National ments were performed using a commercial amplifier (Clampator One,
Institutes of Health Grants GM35498 (to D. E. S.) and DK43171 (to
model CA-1B, Dagan Co., Minneapolis, MN) and the pCLAMP software
M.A.H.). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by
the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby (Version 6, Axon Instruments, Inc., Foster City, CA). In experiments
marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 involving voltage jumps, currents or membrane potentials were re-
solely to indicate this fact. corded by digitizing at 150 ms/sample and by the Bessel filtering at 10
¶ To whom correspondence should be addressed: Renal Division, kHz. When recording currents at a holding potential, digitization at 0.5
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA s/sample and filtering at 20 Hz were used. Control solutions used for
02115. E-mail: extracellular perfusion contained (in mM): NaCl, 100; HEPES, 10;

This paper is available on line at 2773

2774 Kinetics of PepT2
MES, 2.5; Tris base 2.5; KCl, 2; CaCl2, 1; MgCl2, 1; pH 5.0 – 8.0 by
N-methyl-D-glucamine or HEPES. After 3;5 min of membrane poten-
tial stabilization following microelectrode impalements, the oocyte was
clamped to the holding potential (Vh) of 250 mV. 100-ms voltage pulses
of between 2160 and 160 mV, in increments of 120 mV, were then
applied, and steady-state currents were obtained as the average values
in the interval from 80 to 95 ms after the initiation of the voltage pulses.
Voltage-clamped Tracer Measurements—Substrate-evoked currents
and uptake of [4-3H-D-Phe]-Ala, [4-3H-D-Phe]-Glu, or [4-3H-D-Phe]-Lys
were simultaneously measured under voltage-clamp conditions, accord-
ing to a method similar to the one described previously (23). The
radioactive phenylalanyl-dipeptides were synthesized by Zeneca Cam-
bridge Research Biochemicals (Northwich, Cheshire, United Kingdom)
and dissolved in 10% aqueous ethanol. The specific radioactivity is 12
Ci/mmol, and the concentration is 1 mCi/ml (or 83.3 mM) for all three
peptides. The unlabeled Phe-Glu and Phe-Lys were synthesized as
described previously (24), and other peptides were purchased from
Sigma. The control solution or HEPES-rich solution (in mM: NaCl, 70;
HEPES, 60; MES, 2.5; KCl, 2; CaCl2, 1; MgCl2, 1; pH 5.5– 6.5 by
N-methyl-D-glucamine) was used for external perfusion. The uptake
solution consisted of the control or HEPES-rich solution plus cold (0.5,

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0.5, or 1 mM of Phe-Ala, Phe-Glu, or Phe-Lys, respectively) and hot
substrate (1.33, 1.33, or 2.67 ml of radiolabeled Phe-Ala, Phe-Glu, or
Phe-Lys, respectively, in 200 ml of solution). The hot substrates con-
tained in the uptake solutions represented only 0.11% of the total
substrates. Before starting tracer uptakes, oocyte was clamped at 280
mV and perfused with substrate-free solution. Then the perfusion was
stopped, and the uptake solution (200 ml) was added manually using a
pipettor, which washed out the substrate-free solution. The uptake
lasted 5 min in the chamber whose volume is about 200 ml and termi-
nated by perfusing (washing) the oocyte with the substrate-free solution.
Statistics and Data Analysis—Experimental results were expressed
in the form of mean 6 S.E. (n), where n indicates the number of oocytes
obtained from at least two different donors. The curve-fitting proce-
dures were performed using the SigmaPlot program (Version 4, Jandel
Scientific Software, San Rafael, CA), and each fitted parameter is
expressed in the form parameter 6 S.E., where S.E. represents the
standard error in the fitting estimates.

Substrate and Proton Affinities—PepT2 mediates the high- FIG. 1. Affinity constants and maximal currents for glycyl-
affinity transport of most di- and tripeptides at physiological dipeptides at pH 6.0 and various membrane potentials. A, dose
membrane potentials (Vm) but not at hyperpolarized Vm (Fig. 1, response of averaged H1-Gly-Glu cotransport currents at membrane
potentials 250 mV () and 2160 mV (ƒ). B, apparent affinity constants
A and B). Apparent affinities for both glycyl-dipeptides (Gly- (Km) for Gly-Lys (●), Gly-Leu (E), and Gly-Glu () were determined
Glu, Gly-Leu, Gly-Lys) and D-phenylalanyl-dipeptides (Phe- when currents elicited by substrates at various concentrations were
Glu, Phe-Ala, Phe-Lys) were strongly voltage-dependent and measured and fitted to the Hill Equation. Inset, Km for Gly-Leu (E)
decreased about 10-fold when hyperpolarizing from 250 to shown in an expanded scale. C, maximal currents (Imax) for substrates.
Data are averages derived from four to six oocytes.
2160 mV (Table I and Fig. 1B). Although affinities differ
largely according to the charge status of glycyl-dipeptides, the
maximal currents for glycyl-dipeptides remain approximately Apparent affinity constants for a variety of dipeptides
the same in the whole voltage range (Fig. 1C). High concentra- Currents due to addition of various concentrations of substrates were
tions of glycyl-dipeptides evoked currents that did not saturate measured in oocytes expressing the rat PepT2 and at pH 6.0. Km values
by hyperpolarization, while modest or low concentrations of were obtained by fitting the data to the Hill equation using the Sig-
these substrates did saturate (Fig. 2A). In contrast, saturation maPlot 4 Program.
a a
at hyperpolarization was observed for phenylalanyl-dipeptides, Substrate K250
m K2160
m K2160
m /K250

even at high concentrations (Fig. 2B), presumably due to rela- mM

tively low substrate affinity (Table I). Depending on pH, sub- D-Phe-L-Glu 48 6 4 520 6 60 11
strate type, and substrate concentration, PepT2 may exhibit D-Phe-L-Ala 75 6 6 570 6 70 7.6
decreases in current with hyperpolarization (Fig. 2) due to low D-Phe-L-Lys 135 6 6 890 6 230 6.6
affinities for substrates. The affinities for cationic peptides are L-Gly-L-Glu 16 6 1 490 6 80 30
L-Gly-L-Leu 4.4 6 0.5 30 6 2 6.9
relatively low compared with those for anionic and neutral L-Gly-L-Lys 51 6 3 560 6 10 11
peptides, in analogy to PepT1 (25, 26).
The proton affinities were determined at various membrane
m 5 Km at 250 mV; K2160
m 5 Km at 2160 mV.
potentials using glycyl-dipeptide concentrations approximately
affinities for proton at Vm 5 250 mV were determined when
equal to five times that of their Km values. Substrate-evoked
data were fitted to the Hill Equation. The apparent affinity
currents generally increase with an increase in [H1], which is
constants were 2.8 6 0.5 (n 5 6), 0.7 6 0.1 (n 5 3), and 0.5 6
consistent with a proton-driven transport. However, as alluded
0.1 mM (n 5 5) (corresponding to pH 5.5, 6.1, and 6.3) for
to above, currents evoked by low substrate concentrations (es-
Gly-Glu, Gly-Leu, and Gly-Lys, respectively. The Hill coeffi-
pecially those evoked by cationic substrates) decreased with
cients were 1.06 6 0.03, 1.27 6 0.09, and 1.44 6 0.06, corre-
increasing [H1] and hyperpolarization (Fig. 2, D and E). The
spondingly. This appears to suggest the coupling of a single
proton ion to Gly-Glu and more than one proton ion to Gly-Leu
The abbreviations used is: MES, morpholineethanesulfonic acid. and Gly-Lys. However, Hill coefficients obtained at other Vm
Kinetics of PepT2 2775

FIG. 2. Comparison of voltage de-

pendence of PepT2-mediated cur-
rents under different pH and sub-
strate concentrations. A, currents
evoked by Gly-Glu ranging from 10 to 500
mM, pH 6.0. B, currents evoked by Phe-Ala
from 10 to 500 M. C, currents elicited by
250 mM Gly-Glu at various pH between
7.5 and 5.0, in increments of 0.5 pH units.
D, currents elicited by 50 mM Gly-Leu at

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pH between 8.0 and 5.0. E, currents elic-
ited by 500 mM Gly-Lys at pH between 8.0
and 5.0. F, proton dependence of PepT2-
mediated currents evoked by 50 mM Gly-
Leu at Vm of 250 (●) and 2100 mV (E).
Data shown in this panel are extracted
from D.

were significantly different, indicating that this method is not when the buffer concentration was lower. In the same oocytes,
accurate for stoichiometry evaluation. In addition, since cur- decreases in Gly-Leu-evoked current were also present during
rents at low pH experienced decreases at hyperpolarized Vm continuous perfusion but were accelerated when perfusion was
(see Fig. 2F, at 2100 mV), they no longer obey the Michaelis- stopped (not shown). These data indicate that decreases in
Menten or the Hill relationships. Thus, it is inaccurate to current were partly due to decreased proton concentrations at
evaluate stoichiometric ratios based on Hill coefficients. More the immediate proximity of the extracellular membrane. De-
direct approaches are necessary to determine the H1:substrate creases in current during perfusion may be due to intracellular
stoichiometry. substrate or H1 accumulation (trans-inhibition), in analogy to
Determination of Stoichiometry by Tracer Method—The pro- observations for other transporters (34, 35). None of these
ton:substrate coupling ratio (stoichiometry) can be accurately factors are expected to compromise the accuracy of stoichiom-
determined when the proton and substrate fluxes mediated by etry determination.
PepT2 are measured under the same conditions. Simultaneous No significant difference in the charge:uptake ratios were
monitoring of transporter-specific currents and radioactive observed when using either control (10 mM HEPES) or HEPES-
substrate uptakes from the same oocyte under voltage-clamp rich solution (see “Experimental Procedures”). When charge
conditions is one of the few approaches proven to be accurate. was converted into picomole, the charge to uptake ratios for
Voltage-clamp condition is critical to monitor the PepT2-spe- Phe-Glu, Phe-Ala, and Phe-Lys were determined and averaged
cific currents, because background currents (before substrate 1.91 6 0.04 (n 5 11), 2.16 6 0.02 (n 5 8), and 2.42 6 0.03 (n 5
addition) change due to depolarization that is elicited by sub- 16), respectively (Fig. 3D). Data obtained using either solution
strate addition. were both plotted in Fig. 3D. These results indicate that the
We observed that, during the uptake period, substrate-elic- number of protons cotransported is 3 and 2, respectively, for
ited currents significantly decreased after reaching initial peak each anionic and neutral peptide transported. The cotrans-
values (Fig. 3, A–C), which poses the question of whether these ported proton number per Phe-Lys molecule is 1.4, which is
decreases interfere with stoichiometry determination. De- significantly larger than 1, suggesting the possibility that Phe-
creases were less pronounced when the buffer concentration Lys is transported either under the deprotonated (neutral)
was high (60 versus 10 mM HEPES). For a given buffer concen- form (60%) or under the positively charged form (40%).
tration, decreases in current were less pronounced when Quinapril-inhibited PepT2-mediated Currents—Quinapril,
PepT2-specific currents were lower. With similar initial peak an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, was found to in-
currents, Phe-Glu-evoked currents exhibited more decrease hibit the PepT2-mediated currents in oocytes expressing PepT2
than Phe-Ala-evoked currents. We also observed a spike cur- (Fig. 4, A, B, and D) but had no effects on control oocytes. The
rent upon perfusing an oocyte with substrate-free solution after inhibition was demonstrated to be noncompetitive with an IC50
substrate applications. The spikes were significantly higher close to 1 mM by an independent study (data from our labora-
2776 Kinetics of PepT2
(Q, obtained by eliminating the capacitative component) at pH
7.0 did not saturate up to 2160 mV (see Fig. 5E). Since Q at pH
6.0 saturated by hyperpolarization, it is obvious from the figure
that the maximal charge displacement (Qmax) at pH 6.0 repre-
sents less than 15% of the value at pH 7.0. Surprisingly, at the
tested pHo range (5.0 – 8.0), no significant Ipss were observed for
the off-responses (returning from test potentials Vm to Vh) (see
examples in Fig. 5, A–C) and Ipss at pH 6.0 recovered by
addition of substrate (Fig. 5D; steady-state currents were sub-
tracted). These abnormal behaviors of PepT2 are not readily
accounted for by previously described kinetic models (see
Between 2160 and 280 mV, relaxation time constants (t) of
Ipss for the on-responses ranged from 10 to 40 ms. With exter-
nal alkalization, the Vm corresponding to the maximal t shifted
to more negative values (Fig. 5F), similar to other transporters
such as PepT1 (9) and SGLT1 (27). At more depolarized poten-
tials, t could not be evaluated due to small Ipss. t was only

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slightly affected by intracellular acidification using a previ-
ously reported approach (9) (not shown), in contrast to t of
PepT1 that showed large responses (9).

Using biophysical approaches, we have revealed unique ki-
netic properties of rat PepT2 expressed in Xenopus oocytes.
These include the stoichiometries for different types of sub-
strates determined under voltage-clamp conditions, the proton
leak, and the reversed transport mode as well as presteady-
state currents.
Stoichiometry—The number of proton ions (“n”) necessary for
cotransporting one substrate molecule (stoichiometry “n”) de-
termines the concentration of intracellular substrate that cells
can keep at equilibrium. A high H1:substrate ratio allows
FIG. 3. Stoichiometry determination by simultaneous meas- maintenance of high intracellular substrate concentrations but
urements of substrate-evoked currents and tracer uptakes un- also requires a relatively large amount of H1 electrochemical
der voltage-clamp conditions (Vh 5 280 mV). A, representative energy. Earlier studies on isolated intestinal tissue prepara-
examples of currents generated by 500 mM Phe-Glu (cold 1 hot). Re-
cordings were obtained using solutions containing 10 mM (left panel) or tions and the Caco-2 cell line derived a H1:peptide ratio of
60 mM HEPES (right panel) (see “Experimental Procedures” for detail). greater than 2:1 based on measurements of short circuit cur-
The charge moved was calculated by integrating the Phe-Glu-evoked rents and peptide fluxes (5, 28). In contrast, according to equi-
current over the uptake period. B, representative examples using 500 librium intracellular substrate estimation (14) and Hill plot
mM Phe-Ala. C, representative examples using 1 mM Phe-Lys (see the
scale difference). D, charge moved was converted to pmol and plotted analysis (13, 26, 29) using Xenopus oocytes expressing low
against radiolabeled uptake. The slopes of the linear fits corresponding affinity PepT1, a 1:1 coupling ratio was deducted for neutral
to Phe-Lys (), Phe-Ala (E), and Phe-Glu (●) are 2.44 6 0.02, 2.15 6 substrates. More recently, our laboratory used current and
0.02 and 1.88 6 0.03, respectively. tracer measurements to study the stoichiometry of PepT1 for
neutral and charged peptides (25). These experiments revealed
tory).2 Both inward and outward currents were inhibited (Fig. 1:1, 2:1, and 1:1 ratios for neutral, anionic, and cationic pep-
4, A–C), indicating that there exists a reversed transport mode. tides, respectively.
In the absence of external substrates, an inward quinapril- Studies of the high-affinity peptide transporter using rat
sensitive proton current (proton leak) was observed in oocytes kidney brush-border membrane vesicles (6) and oocytes ex-
expressing the rat PepT2 (Fig. 4, D and E). Similar uncoupled pressing rabbit renal PepT2 (10, 13) revealed a Hill coefficient
leak currents exist in several other transporters (see Refs. 23, (nH) close to 1 for charged and neutral peptides, suggesting a
34, and 37). Together with the observation that no currents 1:1 stoichiometry. However, using brush-border membrane
were elicited by substrate addition at high pH (see Fig. 2, C–E), vesicles of rat kidney cortex, Temple et al. (20) found a nH close
our data demonstrates that H1 binds to PepT2 prior to the to 1 and 2 for neutral and anionic dipeptides, respectively, and
substrate. Quinapril-sensitive proton leaks exhibited similar suggested a stoichiometry of 1:1 and 2:1, correspondingly.
decreases with hyperpolarization compared with currents Since nH value may depend on the substrate concentration and
evoked by low external substrate concentrations, indicating binding cooperativity of different protons in case of coupling to
that this is a characteristic property of PepT2. multiple protons, nH is usually not equal to the actual stoichi-
PepT2 Presteady-state Currents—By applying voltage jumps ometric ratio. Protons are also known to have multiple effects
from 250 mV to hyperpolarized potentials, PepT2 exhibited on membrane proteins as well as on substrates (30). The eval-
pH-dependent presteady-state currents (Ipss) (Fig. 5). At pH uation of nH necessitates experiments to be performed over a
5.0 – 6.0, no significant or low Ipss were observed in the whole wide pH range. However, proteins and/or substrates might not
voltage range tested. The PepT2-specific charge displacement have the same activity in the whole range, which would signif-
icantly influence the profile of current versus proton concentra-
Zhu, T., Chen, X.-Z., Hediger, M. A., and Smith, D. E., manuscript tion ([H1]). Although in epithelial cells PepT2 is in contact with
in preparation. a luminal unstirred layer, which has a pH ranging between 5.5
Kinetics of PepT2 2777

FIG. 4. Inhibition of PepT2-specific

currents by quinapril. A, time course of
total currents in the presence of 50 mM
Gly-Leu upon voltage pulses from a hold-
ing potential of 250 mV to final potentials
ranging between 2160 and 160 mV, each
separated by 20 mV. For clarity, only cur-
rents corresponding to Vm of 2160, 2120,
280, 250, 220, 120, and 160 mV are
shown. B, time course of currents in the
presence of both 50 mM Gly-Leu and 1.2
mM quinapril, obtained from the same oo-
cyte as in A. C, quinapril-sensitive cur-
rents in presence 50 mM Gly-Leu as ob-
tained by subtracting the recording in B

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from that in A. The inset is a depiction at
depolarized potentials, highlighting out-
ward currents at depolarized potentials.
D, quinapril inhibition of PepT2-mediated
currents at a holding potential of 250
mV. Solid and hatched bars represent ap-
plications of 25 mM Gly-Leu and 1.2 mM
quinapril, respectively. E, PepT2-specific
quinapril-sensitive currents in the ab-
sence of external substrate (●, also inset)
were compared with currents due to addi-
tion of 50 mM Gly-Leu (E) in the same
oocytes. Represented data were mean val-
ues from five oocytes.

and 6.0 (31), and proton affinity constants of PepT2 are around observed Phy-Lys-evoked currents. However, neither of these
pH 6.0 (see “Results”), PepT2-mediated currents decreased when two coupling mechanisms satisfies both the 2:1 H1:substrate
pHo approached 5.0 – 6.5 (Fig. 2). This means that PepT2 cur- stoichiometry requirement and the 2:1 charge:substrate ratio
rents no longer obey the Michaelis-Menten or Hill relationships. requirement, which may explain observed significantly lower
Our results from simultaneous measurements of radiola- affinities for cationic substrates compared with neutral or an-
beled peptide uptakes and PepT2-mediated currents under ionic substrates.
voltage-clamp condition show that the charge:uptake ratios are The characteristics of high stoichiometry and overall high
close to 2 for both anionic and neutral substrates. These data affinity of PepT2 as compared with PepT1 are consistent with
indicate that PepT2 possesses two H1- and one substrate- its S3 localization in the kidney (32), where PepT2 can effi-
binding sites. In the case of anionic substrates, one additional ciently reabsorb peptides using higher electrochemical energy
proton is needed, most likely for substrate protonation before or of protons. In contrast, the 1:1 stoichiometry and low affinity of
during binding. Because of the hydrophobic environment pro- PepT1 allow economic and efficient substrate absorption in the
vided by the membrane and the transporter, the charges that intestine and early parts of renal proximal tubules.
the loaded transporter is permitted to carry within the mem- The Reversed Transport Mode—As required by the principle
brane should be well controlled and relatively constant (12 for of microscopic reversibility, reversed transport must occur pro-
neutral and anionic dipeptides). In the case of cationic sub- vided that substrates are available in the intracellular side of
strates (S1) such as Gly-Lys and Phe-Lys, the charges on the the membrane. Usually, forward and reversed transports are
loaded transporter (2H1 and 1S1) are 13, and the cotransport not symmetrical in terms of substrate/ion affinity. Transport by
might be unfavorable. The lysine residue under physiological SGLT1 exhibits a strong inward rectification in both cotrans-
pH range (pH 5.0 – 8.5) predominantly carries one positive port and Na-leak modes, as revealed using the cut-open oocyte
charge. However, PepT2 protein might help in deprotonating technique (33). Reversed transport has been demonstrated by
(neutralizing) the lysine residue even at external physiological using transporter-specific inhibitors in oocytes expressing
pH and, thereby, transport the resulting neutral form of dipep- SGLT1 (by phlorizin, Ref. 33), EAAC1 (by kainate, Ref. 38), and
tide by coupling to two protons. This process is apparently SDCT1 (by phloretin, Ref. 23), etc. Reversed transport depends
equivalent to the stoichiometry of 1H1:1S1 and corresponds to on the availability of sufficient levels of substrates inside the
carried charges of 12. Observed charge:Phe-Lys ratio of 2.4 is oocyte. However, no significant levels of dipeptides were ob-
consistent with the interpretation that both cationic and neu- served in Xenopus oocytes (39) as they are efficiently digested
tral forms of Phe-Lys are transported. The former (2H1:1S1) by intracellular peptidases. The observed quinapril-inhibitable
accounts for 40% and the latter (1H1:1S1) accounts for 60% of outward currents of PepT2 might originate either from re-
2778 Kinetics of PepT2

FIG. 5. Rat PepT2-specific pre-

steady-state currents (Ipss). The hold-
ing potential was 250 mV. For clarity,
only currents at final potentials of 2160,
2140, 2120, and 140 mV were shown.
Time between two consecutive jumps was
650 ms. Steady-state currents were re-
moved from all recordings by base-line
subtraction using the Pclamp6 Program.
A–C, Ipss were recorded in the absence of
external substrates at pH 7.0, 6.5, and
6.0, respectively. D, Ipss were evoked by
250 mM Gly-Glu at pH 6.0. E, charge dis-

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placements upon voltage jumps from 250
mV to various test potentials were meas-
ured by integrating the currents versus
time and eliminating the capacitative
component that was determined when
data were fitted to the sum of two expo-
nential functions. F, relaxation time con-
stants (t) at various Vm and pH values.

versed cotransport of unknown PepT2 substrates or from pro-

ton-leak current.
Presteady-state Properties of PepT2—Transporters and chan-
nels possess charged residues within the membrane which, in
response to voltage changes (jumps) applied across the mem-
brane, move (or relax) to new equilibrium positions, thus gen-
erating electrical signals (i.e. currents). These currents vanish
when the new equilibrium (steady state) is reached and are
therefore called presteady-state currents (Ipss). Binding/disso-
ciation of coupling ions or substrates are often voltage-depend-
ent and contribute to the observed Ipss. Characterization of
these currents provides unique information on properties of
membrane transporters.
We propose a kinetic model to help understanding how
PepT2 Ipss are associated with conformational changes from
one steady state to another (Fig. 6). For simplicity, the model
was drawn with ordered binding and mirror symmetry, in
analogy to models proposed for PepT1 (9, 29). At low external FIG. 6. Schematic illustration of a kinetic model for PepT2.
driving-ion concentrations and in the absence of external sub- Each configuration represents a state. Outside, from states I to IV, two
strate, the transporter should be predominantly inward facing proton ions and one substrate (S) orderly bind to the protein. Fully
(states I9 to IV9, Fig. 6). Ipss elicited under these (or similar) loaded configuration (state IV) undergoes a conformational change dur-
ing which two H1 and one S are translocated across the membrane.
conditions have been interpreted as being associated with con- Subsequently, the dissociation of these ions and substrate occurs, as
formational changes of the unloaded transporter from the in- represented by reaction steps from state IV9 to I9 (inside). When the free
ward-faced to the outward-faced configurations (27, 36). Con- carrier changes from the inward-faced state (I9) to the outward-faced
versely, when [H1]o is high, previous kinetic models predict state (I), the whole cycle of forward transport is accomplished, which
generates a net inward current. In the presence of intracellular H1 and
that the transporter is predominantly outward facing (states II substrates, the backward (reversed) transport can occur as well, pro-
and III) and that voltage jumps to depolarized Vm generate ducing outward currents. After binding of either one or two H1, the
positive Ipss. However, these predictions were not applicable to translocation across the membrane may occur in the absence of peptide
PepT2 (see below), even though they were extensively verified substrates, generating observed H1 leaks.
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transporters also predict that 1) the maximal charge displace- movement associated with the on-response from Vh to a test
ment (Qmax) is independent of driving-ion concentration pro- potential Vm (Qon) is equal to that corresponding to the off-
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Stoichiometry and Kinetics of the
High-affinity H +-coupled Peptide
Transporter PepT2

Xing-Zhen Chen, Tong Zhu, David E. Smith

and Matthias A. Hediger
J. Biol. Chem. 1999, 274:2773-2779.
doi: 10.1074/jbc.274.5.2773

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