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Received: 20 July 2018 Accepted: 29 July 2018

DOI: 10.1002/bdr2.1380


Overview on neural tube defects: From development to physical

Laura Avagliano1 | Valentina Massa1 | Timothy M. George2 | Sarah Qureshy3 |
Gaetano Pietro Bulfamante1 | Richard H. Finnell3,4

Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute, Università
degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the second most common congenital malformations
Pediatric Neurosurgery, Dell Children’s Medical in humans affecting the development of the central nervous system. Although NTD
Center, Department of Neurosurgery, The pathogenesis has not yet been fully elucidated, many risk factors, both genetic and
University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical
environmental, have been extensively reported. Classically divided in two main
School, Austin, Texas
sub-groups (open and closed defects) NTDs present extremely variable prognosis
Department of Pediatrics, The University of
Texas at Austin Dell Medical School, Austin, mainly depending on the site of the lesion. Herein, we review the literature on the
Texas histological and pathological features, epidemiology, prenatal diagnosis, and prog-
Center for Precision Environmental Health, nosis, based on the type of defect, with the aim of providing important information
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and based on NTDs classification for clinicians and scientists.
Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,
Valentina Massa, Dipartimento di Scienze della anencephaly, neural tube defects, spina bifida
Salute, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via A. Di
Rudini’, 8, Milano, Italy.
Funding information
March of Dimes Foundation, Grant/Award
Number: 16-FY16-169; NIH, Grant/Award
Numbers: HD067244HD081216HD083809,
HD083809, HD067244, HD081216; Università
degli Studi di Milano, Grant/Award Numbers:
Linea2-2017, Linea 2-2017; March of Dimes,
Grant/Award Number: 16-FY16-169

1 | DE VEL O PMEN T O F N EUR AL TU BE folate supplementation campaigns, bringing the prevalence

D E F E CTS down from 10 per 1,000 for years 2000–2004) (Blencowe,
Kancherla, Moorthie, Darlison, & Modell, 2018; Khoshnood
Neural tube defects (NTDs) arise secondary to abnormal et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2016; Salih, Murshid, & Seidahmed,
embryonic development of the future central nervous sys- 2014). Despite their public health significance, surprisingly
tem. The two most common types of NTDs are spina bifida little is known about the etiology of NTDs in humans.
and anencephaly, affecting different levels of the brain and The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is
spine, normally reflecting alterations of the embryonic pro- formed in vertebrates during a process known as neurulation.
cesses that form these structures. Birth defects such as NTDs This process occurs in human embryos between Days
are relatively uncommon, with a global prevalence among 17 and 28 postfertilization. In the previous developmental
live births in the United States of 1 in 1,200 and a worldwide phase (gastrulation), the ectoderm is formed, which will
prevalence ranging from 1 in 1,000 (in Europe and the Mid- thicken in response to specific molecular signals released by
dle East) to 3–5 in 1,000 (in northern China as of 2014 with the underlying notochord, giving rise to the neural plate.
This plate of ectodermal cells will form the neural tube by
Laura Avagliano and Valentina Massa contributed equally to this study. elevating, juxtaposing and fusing along the midline (primary

Birth Defects Research. 2019;111:1455–1467. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1455

FIGURE 1 (a) Transverse section of normal fetal vertebra with typical spinal cord section. (b) Craniorachischisis. Note the absence of the cranial vault, the
defect extends to vertebral arch into upper dorsal area, resulting in anencephaly and spina bifida

neurulation) of the body axis. In the caudal region, neurula- Heijer, & Finnell, 2006; Wallingford, Niswander, Shaw, &
tion (secondary) involves cellular condensation and Finnell, 2013). For example, the NTD prevalence in Mexico
mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition to close the neural tube (~3.2 in 2,000 births) is higher than in the United States
(Saitsu, Yamada, Uwabe, Ishibashi, & Shiota, 2004). In (CDC in 2000), while the prevalence in some regions of
mammals, primary neurulation is a multisite process and China are 20 times higher than in the United States (Li et al.,
recent evidence suggest that in humans two closure sites are 2006). Interestingly, the different prevalence of NTD cases
recognizable (one at the prospective cervical region and one between ethnic groups persists after migration of the racial
over the mesencephalon-rombencephalic boundary; Copp, groups to other geographical areas, indicating a genetic con-
Stanier, & Greene, 2013; Nakatsu, Uwabe, & Shiota, 2000). tribution to NTD susceptibility (Leck, 1974; Shaw, Velie, &
Mammalian neurulation is tightly regulated and energetically Wasserman, 1997).
highly demanding, involving the formation of an anterior In terms of genetic predisposition, women who have had
and posterior neuropore. These neuropores or openings will an affected fetus have an empirical recurrence risk of 3% in
progressively reduce in size until final fusion completes the any subsequent pregnancy, yet this risk only rises to approx-
process of neural tube closure (Figure 1). imately 10% after conceiving a second NTD embryo (Copp
Different types of NTDs reflect the site of the interrupted et al., 2015). This underscores the fact that while genetic fac-
neurulation. For example, craniorachischisis, which affects tors are important, one cannot ignore the impact of the envi-
the brain and spinal cord, results from a failure of the initial ronment on the development of the NTD phenotype. In
closure site resulting in an open brain and spine, while anen- twins, the NTDs’ concordance rates among monozygotics is
cephaly arises from abnormalities in the cranial neurulation reported to be 7.7%, significantly higher than the rate for
process, and spina bifida results from incomplete caudal dizygotic twins (4.4%).
neurulation. Finally, a gender predisposition has been reported for
some types of NTDs: a female excess has been reported for
2 | EPIDEMIOL O GY AND R ISK FACT O RS neural tube defects, possibly because of a sex-related genetic
or epigenetic effect. Despite the decades long attempts to
Chromosomal anomalies such as trisomy 13, trisomy elucidate genetic factors causative of NTDs in humans, no
18, and triploidy represent less than 10% of all NTDs cases conclusive evidence has been identified. In studies based on
(Kennedy, Chitayat, Winsor, Silver, & Toi, 1998), while vertebrate animal models, a great number of genes have been
nonsyndromic-isolated cases represent the vast majority of implicated in the causation of NTDs. In the mouse, for
NTDs, exhibiting a sporadic pattern of occurrence (Copp example, more than 400 genes have been found responsible
et al., 2015). The prevalence of the different types of NTDs for failed NTC (Harris & Juriloff, 2010; Wallingford et al.,
is not always reported in publications, given the difficulties 2013). Some of these genes are highly evolutionarily con-
in data ascertainment following legal pregnancy terminations served, and their role in neurulation has been shown in mul-
and spontaneous abortions. The prevalence of NTDs in mis- tiple vertebrate animal models (Wallingford, 2005). In
carriage or stillbirths appears higher than in term pregnancies humans, cohort studies of NTDs, genetic variants have been
(Padmanabhan, 2006), and the estimated prevalence reflects associated with increased risk (Greene, Stanier, & Copp,
temporal, regional, and ethnic variations (Blom, Shaw, den 2009). However, some variants are present in different

TABLE 1 Modifiable risk factors for NTDs

Risk factor Action Risk References

Maternal diabetes Teratogenic effect as a result of embryonic 2- to 10-fold increase Ray (2001), Shaw et al. (2003), and
exposure to high glucose concentrations leading Yazdy, Mitchell, Liu, and Werler
to increased cell death in the neuroepithelium (2011)
Maternal obesity Teratogenic effect as a result of embryonic 1.5-to 3.5-fold increase. Anderson et al. (2005), Carmichael,
exposure to hyperinsulinemia, metabolic The risk increases with increased Rasmussen, Lammer, Ma, and
syndrome, and oxidative stress related to maternal body mass index Shaw (2010), Dietl (2005),
adiposity Hendricks, Nuno, Suarez, and
Larsen (2001), Shaw, Velie, and
Schaffer (1996), and Werler, Louik,
Shapiro, and Mitchell (1996)
Maternal hyperthermia Teratogenic effect due to embryonic exposure to 2-fold increase (Moretti, Bar-Oz, Fried, & Koren,
(sauna, hot water tube, heat stress 2005; Suarez, Felkner, &
fever) Hendricks, 2004; Waller et al.,
Drugs (particularly Teratogenic effect as a result of embryonic 10-fold increase Kanai, Sawa, Chen, Leeds, and
valproate) exposure to valproate action as inhibitor of Chuang (2004), Lammer, Sever,
histone deacetylases, disturbing the balance of and Oakley (1987), Meador
protein acetylation and deacetylation, leading to et al. (2006), Pai et al. (2015), and
neurulation failure Yildirim et al. (2003)
Inadequate maternal Teratogenic effect as a result of embryonic Undetermined Grewal, Carmichael, Ma, Lammer,
nutritional status exposure to low folate intake, low methionine and Shaw (2008), Kirke
intake, low zinc intake, low serum vitamin B12 et al. (1993), Ray and Blom (2003),
level, low vitamin C level, caffeine abuse, Schmidt et al. (2009), Suarez,
alcohol use, smoking, all conditions disturbing Hendricks, Felkner, and Gunter
the folate-related metabolism (2003), and Velie et al. (1999))

NTDs subtypes and some have also been reported in healthy characterized by the external protrusion and/or exposure of
patients, highlighting the difficulties of finding a clear geno- neural tissue. Closed defects have an epithelial covering
type/phenotype association in humans. (either full or partial skin thickness) without exposure of
Many factors, both genetic and non-genetic, are neural tissue (McComb, 2015). Biochemically, during preg-
involved in the abnormal closure of the neural tube, sug- nancy, open defects are detectable because of the high levels
gesting that multifactorial causes lead to the development of amniotic fluid α-fetoprotein and amniotic fluid acetylcho-
of NTDs (Copp et al., 2015). It is likely that each factor linesterase, whereas closed defects do not deviate from nor-
individually is insufficient to disrupt normal NTC; how- mal levels of amniotic fluid α-fetoprotein or
ever, together these genetic and nongenetic factors produce acetylcholinesterase. Clinically, open defects trend toward
synergistic effects leading to failed NTC and the abnormal having worse functional neurological outcomes in children,
embryonic phenotype. This working hypothesis represents compared to closed defects.
the so-called “multifactorial threshold model” (Harris &
Juriloff, 2007). 3.1 | Open neural tube defects
Nongenetic risk factors include exposure to a broad
3.1.1 | Craniorachischisis
range of environmental exposures such as air pollution
(Brender, Felkner, Suarez, Canfield, & Henry, 2010; Carmi- Definition
Craniorachischisis is a defect of NTC that involves both
chael et al., 2014; Cordier et al., 1997; Hutchins et al., 1996;
the cranial and spinal portions of the neural tube (Golden &
Zhiwen Li et al., 2011; Lupo et al., 2011; Padula et al.,
Harding, 2004). It is the most severe expression of an
2013; Ren et al., 2011; Righi et al., 2012) and maternally
open NTD.
toxic factors including disease, nutrition, exposure to occu-
pational chemicals or physical agents and abuse of substance
This is a very rare congenital malformation of the central
(Table 1).
nervous system whose actual prevalence is not known.
Reported prevalence is about 0.1 per 10,000 live births for
3 | PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF cases of 20 weeks gestation or greater in Atlanta, a preva-
N EUR AL TU BE D EFE CTS lence that had been adjusted upward 30% to account for pre-
natal terminations (Moore et al., 1997); 0.51 per 10,000
NTDs have been classically divided into open defects such births in a Texas–Mexico border population whose preva-
as craniorachischisis, exencephaly-anencephaly, and myelo- lence ascertainment included prenatal terminations (Johnson,
meningoceles, and closed defects, including encephalocele, Suarez, Felkner, & Hendricks, 2004); 10.7 per 10,000 births
meningocele, and spina bifida occulta (Copp & Greene, in Northern China; and 0.9 per 10,000 births in Southern
2013; McComb, 2015). In general, open defects are China (Moore et al., 1997).

Gross dysmorphology calvarium is generally absent, the parietal, frontal, and

The neural tube is open from the midbrain to the spine. squama of the temporal and occipital bones appears as rudi-
The defect of the skull and vertebral arch results both in mentary fragments; the base of the skull is nearly normal
anencephaly and an open spina bifida (Figure 1). Fetuses (Goldstein & Filly, 1988) but is thick and flattened; the
show absence of the cranial vault, with the defect extending sphenoidal bone is abnormally shaped (Golden & Harding,
with various degree to the vertebrae. The neck may be short 2004) resembing a “bat with folded wings” (Marin-Padilla,
or absent, facial dysmorphisms may be present and include a 1965). The facial bones appear normal, and the face is gener-
broad nose, exopthalamos, low-set and folded ears. Typi- ally normally structured (Figure 2), although the eyes often
cally, posterior telencephalon, hindbrain, and spinal cord tis- appear to protrude because of the shallowness of the orbits
sue are externally exposed. and the forehead is absent or shortened. Moreover, other
Histology associated facial abnormalities have been reported such as
In these cases, both the brain and the spinal cord are flattened nasal bridge and low-set ears (Stumpf et al., 1990).
exposed to the intra-amniotic environment resulting in The brain remnants is called the area cerebrovasculosa
destruction of the nervous tissues because of the inherent (Figure 2). Its macroscopic aspect appears as a dark-brown
toxicity of the amniotic fluid. The same histological charac- undifferentiated mass (Anand, Javia, & Lakhani, 2015); the
teristics of anencephaly and myelomeningocele are detect- residual amount of brain tissues varies, generally there is an
able in these specimens (see below). absence of the structures of the forebrain (both diencephalon
Prenatal diagnosis and telencephalon structures including thalamus and cere-
Absence of the cranial vault and spinal dysraphism is brum) and midbrain, whereas the brainstem may appear to
detectable by ultrasound. A disorganized mass of cerebral have been spared, or less severely involved. The pituitary is
tissue is visible and cervical hyperextension may also be present but it is hypoplastic and without the intermediate and
observed. Differential diagnosis includes: nuchal tumors posterior lobes.
(such as teratomas and lymphangiomas), Klippel–Feil syn- Histology
drome (a disease caused by a failure of segmentation of the The residual cerebral tissue appears as an irregular mass
cervical vertebrae during early fetal development), and containing vascular tissue, glia, and some neuroblasts or
Jarcho–Levin syndrome, also known as spondylocostal dys- neurons surrounded by meninges (Golden & Harding, 2004)
ostosis, an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a although some authors failed to find neurons in the area cer-
shortened trunk, opisthotonus position of the head, short ebrovasculosa (Ashwal et al., 1990). The overview shows a
neck, barrel-shaped thorax, multiple wedge-shaped and poorly structured mass consisting of blood vessels (Figure 2)
block vertebrae, spina bifida, and rib anomalies scattered with connective tissue and islets of nervous tissue
(Chen, 2007). including interspersed astroglial cells, nerve cells, and cavi-
Prognosis ties surrounded by the epithelium (Anand et al., 2015). The
Craniorachischisis is a lethal condition: there is no cure exposed cerebral area is covered by nonkeratinizing squa-
or surgical intervention and the death of the newborn is mous epithelium that laterally is continuous with epidermis
unavoidable. (Figure 2) (Golden & Harding, 2004). Interestingly, even
though there is a severe rostral neural tube abnormality, the
3.1.2 | Anencephaly spinal cord in the anencephalic foetuses appears structurally
Definition normal (Anand et al., 2015).
When the primary defect involves failure to close just Prenatal diagnosis
the cranial portion of the neural tube, the defect is refered to The diagnosis is primarily based on the absence of a nor-
as exencephaly (anencephaly). The degeneration of the mally formed calvarium and the brain above the orbital line
cerebral-neural tissues because of the destructive exposure (Goldstein & Filly, 1988). The area cerebrovasculosa may
of the brain to the intra-amniotic environment converts the be detected as fluctuant echogenic tissue. Often polyhydram-
exencephaly defect to anencephaly (Golden & Harding, nios are present. The differential diagnosis between anen-
2004; Timor-Tritsch, Greenebaum, & Monteagudo, 1996; cephaly and other causes of an absence of the cranial vault
Wilkins-Haug & Freedman, 1991). may include cases of head destruction related to amniotic
Epidemiology bands (Stumpf et al., 1990). This distinction is very impor-
The Center for Disease Control and preventin (CDC) tant for counseling families, because the destruction related
estimates that each year, about 3 pregnancies per every to amniotic bands represents a sporadic event which would
10,000 births in the United States will be affected by have a very low recurrence risk, whereas the presence of
anencephaly. anencephaly increases the risk of occurrence of another
Gross dysmorphology NTD in any subsequent pregnancy. The differential diagno-
Anencephaly is a defect in which there is absence of the sis between these two entity with an of absence of the cranial
structures derived from the forebrain and the skull. The vault relies on the presence or absence of othe malformations

FIGURE 2 Macroscopic and histologic features of anencephaly. The cranial vault is absent, the brain is not covered with the bones, the skin is in continuity
with the nervous tissue, and the nervous tissue, called area cerebrovasculosa, is a mass of degenerated tissue. Histologically the typical aspect of area
cerebrovasculosa are shown with the enlarged venous vessels with various dimension immersed in nervous tissues

as anencephalic infants are usually isolated with no other myelocele. Therefore, a myelocele is an open defect without
associated malformations. Moreover, the cranial defect in the cystic component (Figure 3 and 4).
cases of amniotic bands syndrome is asymmetric, whereas in Epidemiology
the case of anencephaly it is symmetric (Goldstein & Filly, It is the most common form of spina bifida aperta in
1988; Keeling & Kjaer, 1994). humans, with an estimated incidence according to the CDC
Prognosis of 1.8 per 10,000 live births in the United States.
Anencephaly is a lethal condition. Detection of anen- Gross dysmorphology
cephaly during early gestation is generally followed by legal In myelomeningocele, a cystic mass protruding though a
interruption of the pregnancy. In cases of pregnancies that bony defect in the vertebral arches is detectable. The size
continue to term, most anencephalic newborns die within the and shape of the lesion can vary significantly and may
first day or two postparturition (Stumpf et al., 1990). include cerebrospinal fluid drainage. The neural tissues
appears translucent through the protruded meningeal sac and
the neural placode, a segment of flat, nonneurulated embry-
3.1.3 | Myelomeningocele onic neural tissue, is externally shown and protrudes above
Definition skin surface (Figure 4). In case of myelocele, the cystic mass
In myelomeningocele, the developmental defect involves is absent and the neural tissue is clearly detectable though
the failure to close the posterior spinal portion of the neural the vertebral cleft and the placode is flush with the surface
tube, more frequently the lumbar portion is the region which of the skin (Figure 4). The spinal cord above the defect may
fails to fuse. In this defect, the meningeal sac herniates be distorted in position and shape, but it is not overtly mal-
through a bony defect of the vertebral arch (Figures 3 and formed (Emery & Lendon, 1973; Naik & Emery, 1968).
4). In some cases, a clear open defect that involves the spinal Myelomeningocele and myelocele are usually associated
cord, but without a protruding meningeal sac, is defined as a with Chiari malformation Type II (Figures 4 and 5) because

FIGURE 3 Macroscopic and histologic aspect of myelocele (upper panel) and myelomeningocele (lower panel). In myelocele, the foetus presented a clear
open defect in the lumbar-sacral region. The spinal cord is displayable in the depth of the cleft. The defect is open, and no meningeal sac is protruding. The
histological sections show the bone defect of the vertebral arches and the exposed spinal cords. In this case, the spinal cord is not closed in its typical shape
but is divided in two halves appearing as an “open book.” The remnant of the ependymal layer is visible at the surface, covering the center of the two halves.
In myelomeningocele, the foetus presented a clear meningeal cystic sac that contains cerebro-spinal fluid and nervous tissue. Note the translucent appearance
of the nervous tissue. The histological sections show the protrusion of the medulla through the bone defect of the vertebral arches. Meninges are also
herniated forming the cystic mass

FIGURE 4 Schematic representations of central nervous system appearance in normal foetus, meningocele, myelomeningocele, and myelocele. In
meningocele, meninges are displaced through a bone defect of the vertebral arches; spinal cord is not involved in the protrusion and the brain is normal. In
cases with myelocele and myelomeningocele, the neural tube defect is associated with Chiari malformation Type II, characterized by the herniation of
cerebellar vermis through the foramen magnum

FIGURE 5 Prenatal signs of open neural tube defects. Differences between the normal fetus and fetus affected by open neural tube defects are shown. Note
the appearance of the transverse section of cerebellum at the ultrasound scan in normal fetus (typical butterfly shape) and the appearance of the herniated
cerebellum in Chiari malformation Type II (characteristic banana shape, asterisk). Note also the appearance of the transverse section of the skull comparing
the shape of the normal fetus with the lemon shaped skull of the NTD fetus. Lemon sign represents the scalloping of the frontal bones (arrows)

of the traction of the brain stem from below as a result of Prenatal diagnosis
tethering of the open spinal cord through the vertebral The detection rate of this type of open spina bifida by
defect. Indeed, the brain stem is elongated, there is caudal ultrasound is very high (virtually 100%) thanks to the indi-
elongation of the medulla and the fourth ventricle, cerebellar rect cranial signs including the “lemon” and the “banana”
vermis is displaced into the foramen magnum (Figures 4 sign (Figure 5) (Nicolaides, Gabbe, Campbell, & Guidetti,
and 5). As a result, the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid 1986). The lemon sign describes the shape of the skull and
through the ventricles is compromized, resulting secondarily represents the scalloping of the frontal bones: loss of the
in hydrocephalus. There is also an abnormal orientation of convex outward shape of the frontal bones with mild flatten-
the cervical nerve roots that lack their usual downward obli- ing. It is present in virtually all fetuses with myelomeningo-
que orientation. Moreover, in these cases, the cerebellum cele between 16 and 24 weeks of gestation. The banana sign
appears smaller than the normal dimension and presents an describes the shape of the cerebellum and is because of the
altered contour (Del Bigio, 2010). downward traction of the cerebellum, most likely related to
Histology the leakage of spinal fluid from the open spinal defect. Foe-
The meningeal cystic sac contains cerebrospinal fluid, tal repair of myelomeningocele has been shown to reverse
nerve roots and spinal cord. Both spinal cord and meninges the cerebellar and brainstem displacement (Adzick
are damaged and displaced through the bony opening et al., 2011).
(Figure 3). Histologically, the medulla is generally hyper- Direct findings of open spina bifida may be also detected
vascularized and abnormal: in some cases the spinal cord by ultrasound or fetal MRI: sections of the spine demon-
could be closed with dilated central canal, while in other strates vertebral dysraphism with an associated fluid-filled
cases the spinal cord appears open as a flat mass posterior bulging of meninges forming the cystic sac often
(Golden & Harding, 2004). In Chiari malformation Type containing internal septations. Sometimes spinal dysraphism
II, the cerebellar structure appears modified because of its without posterior cyst may be observed; this is the case of
flattened elongation that extend downward below the level myelocele. During pregnancy, a progressive deterioration of
of the foramen magum: the structure may be atrophied leg movements may be observed due to the damage of the
with decreased neurons and chronic astroglial changes spinal cord and nerves. Clubfoot, which is a deformity char-
(Del Bigio, 2010). Historical studies based on cell count acterized by abnormal foot position in which the foot is
demonstrated that in these cases, the central lobes of the internally rotated, is virtually always detectable.
cerebellum develop normally but subsequently acquire an Prognosis
irregular degeneration and arrest of growth (Emery & In the absence of other additional serious congenital mal-
Gadsdon, 1975). This cerebellar local atrophy might formations, newborns with myelomeningocele or myelocele
depend on local ischemia (Poretti, Prayer, & Boltshau- survive with various degree of neurological impairment.
ser, 2009). Although controversial, cesarean section may be indicated to

prevent additional neurological defects related to the mode

of delivery (Thompson, 2009). Clinical characteristics
depend on the level of the lesion: motor and sensorial deficit
occur at levels below the spinal lesion and may be associated
with bladder and rectal incontinence (Golden & Harding,
2004) and sexual dysfunction (Thompson, 2009). Intellec-
tual disability is relatively infrequent (20%–25% of cases)
and generally related to hydrocephalus (Copp et al., 2015).
According to the results of the Management of Myelomenin-
gocele Study (MOMS) trial, to improve the prognosis of the
affected foetuses, predelivery surgical solutions may be
offered in selected cases, performing an in utero surgical
intervention. In fact, the results of the MOMS study show
that surgery performed prior to 26 weeks of gestation may
preserve neurologic function, reverse the hindbrain hernia-
tion of Chiari II malformation, and decrease the need to
place postnatally a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt (Adzick et al.,
2011). However, the prenatal surgery increases the risk of
premature rupture of the membranes and preterm delivery
(Adzick et al., 2011).

3.2 | Closed neural tube defects

3.2.1 | Encephalocele
Encephalocele is a herniation such as a sac-like protru-
sion of the brain and/or the meninges through an opening in
the skull. According to the type of tissue involved in the her-
niation, cephaloceles are classified as meningocele (hernia-
tion of meninges), encephalomeningocele (herniation of
meninges and brain), and encephalomeningocystocele (her-
niation of meninges, brain, and ventricle) (Figure 6; Pilu,
Buyukkurt, Youssef, & Tonni, 2014).
CDC estimates that each year about 1 out of every
10,000 babies are born with an encephalocele in the United
FIGURE 6 Type and site of cephalocele. Upper panel shows a schematic
representation of possible cephalocele localization. Middle panel shows a
Gross dysmorphology
schematic representation of different type of cephalocele classified
Encephaloceles can occur in any part of the cranial vault; according to the content of the herniated mass. Lower panel shows
cystic mass passes through a cleft of the calvarium squamae macroscopic aspect of human fetuses affect by cephalocele
and approximately 90% of cases involve the midline.
According to the site of the herniation, encephaloceles are types. Basal encephaloceles are internal lesions which occur
classified as: anterior, with lesion located between the within the nose, the pharynx, or the orbit. They are normally
bregma and the anterior aspect of the ethmoid bone; parietal, classified into three types: spheno-orbital, spheno-maxillary,
with lesion located between the bregma and the lambdoid and spheno-pharyngeal (Pilu et al., 2014).
suture; and occipital, with lesion located between the lamb- The occipital encephalocele may occur in association
doid suture and foramen magnum (Figure 6). This location with a Chiari III malformation. The Chiari Type III malfor-
is the most common, involving almost 75% of all mation is characterized by occipital and/or high cervical
encephaloceles. encephalocele associated with caudal displacement of the
The anterior encephalocele is further subclassified into lower brain stem into the spinal canal and herniation of the
frontal, sincipital, and basal varieties, according to the locali- cerebellar tissues into the herniated sac.
zation of the defect. The frontal encephaloceles are external The macroscopic aspect of the encephalocele is a round,
lesions that cause craniofacial abnormalities and are typi- soft, compressible nodule with subscalp localization
cally found near the glabella, the root of the nose. They are (Figure 6; Gao, Massimi, Rogerio, Raybaud, & Di Rocco,
subdivided into naso-frontal, naso-ethmoid, and naso-orbital 2014). The mass may appear solid or cystic according to the

content of the herniation, and it is generally covered by alo- Gao et al., 2014). The treatment of encephaloceles requires a
pecic skin that could be surrounded by a ring of hair deter- surgical correction.
mining the so called “hair collar signs” (Gao et al., 2014),
although sometimes hypertrichosis may be present over the
lesion (Sewell, Chiu, & Drolet, 2015). Sometimes the sur- 3.2.2 | Meningocele
face of encephalocele appears bluish, translucent or glisten- Definition
ing, and capillary malformations are detectable (Sewell Although macroscopically similar to a myeolomeningo-
et al., 2015) cele (Figure 3), meningocele is a closed spina bifida, compa-
As a result of its patent intracranial communication, rable to encephalocele, whereby the defect consists in
encephaloceles modify its dimension (enlargement/reduc- herniation of meninges through the vertebral column.
tion) with the modification of intracranial pressure: it Although the herniation of the meninges through the verte-
enlarges during increase of pressure such as during Valsalva bral arch defect, the spinal cord resides within the spinal
maneuver (Sewell et al., 2015) including crying and suction. canal (McComb, 2015). Differences between meningocele,
Histology myeolomeningocele and myelocele are summarized in
Solid variants results from the proliferation of neuroglial Table 2.
and fibrous tissues and hyperplasia of the meningeal cells. Epidemiology
The herniated mass may contain various types of tissues The actual incidence of meningoceles is unknown.
including cerebral and cerebellar portion, ventricles with Gross dysmorphology
choroid plexus, gray matter heterotopias. Brain tissues In meningocele, the dura and the arachnoid herniate
involved in the herniation are generally nonfunctional and through the vertebral arch defect whereas the spinal cord
appears abnormal with gliosis, necrosis, reactive astrocyto- remains in the normal position into the spinal canal. The her-
sis. Meningeal inflammation has been detectable (Castillo, niated mass is covered by skin that is characterized by atro-
Quencer, & Dominguez, 1992; Isik, Elmaci, Silav, Celik, & phic epidermis without skin appendages (Golden & Harding,
Kalelioglu, 2009; Ivashchuk, Loukas, Blount, Tubbs, & 2004). Sometimes the skin may display different degree of
Oakes, 2015). Aberrant deep veins and ectopic venous dysplasia (McComb, 2015). The lesion is peduncolated to
sinuses are also often observed (Ivashchuk et al., 2015). varying degrees and is generally easily compressible and
Cystic variants contain cerebro-spinal fluid (Gao well transilluminable.
et al., 2014). Histology
Prenatal diagnosis A protrusion in continuity with epidermal tissue is
A sac protruding through a bony defect may be detected detectable. The protruded mass is formed by extremely thick
by ultrasound. Associated brain abnormalities may include meninges and generally contains vascularized stromal tissue.
cerebral ventriculomegaly and microcephaly (Cameron & The surface of the herniated mass generally does not pre-
Moran, 2009). In case of a Chiari III malformation, a pro- sented skin appendages.
trusion through a defect of the occipital squama and or the Prenatal diagnosis
arch of the first cervical vertebra may be observed, associ- By ultrasound may be seen spinal dysraphism with an
ated with a small posterior cranial fossa with low tentorial associated cystic mass. The characteristics of the cystic mass
attachment, scalloping of the clivus and herniation of the are comparable with that of the myelomeningocele, although
cerebellum into the defect and hydrocephalus (Caldarelli, they lack septa in the herniated mass, and the cranial anat-
Rea, Cincu, & Di Rocco, 2002; Ivashchuk et al., 2015). In omy is unremarkable (Ghi et al., 2006).
the absence of identifying a skull defect, the differential Prognosis
diagnosis includes a wide range of craniofacial mass, Cases with meningocele generally have normal neuro-
according to the site of the lesion, such as a teratoma, a lyn- logic examination without deformity of the lower extremities
phangiona, a haemangioma, nasolacrimal duct cyst, neuro- or sphincter dysfunction (McComb, 2015). The treatment of
glia heterotopia, lipoma (Cameron & Moran, 2009; meningocele is a surgical correction.
Connor, 2010).
Prognosis 3.2.3 | Spina bifida occulta
Clinical characteristic depends on the localization and Definition
content of the herniated mass. The more rostral the site, the Spina bifida occulta represents a spectrum of a spinal
better the prognosis (Thompson, 2009). Moreover, the cord abnormalities related to abnormal development of the
underlying brain involvement and hydrocephalus affects the embryonic tail bud. The defect involves the low lumbar
prognosis. In cases with mechanical effects of distortion and and sacral regions, and results in closed defects with
traction of the brain stem thought the herniation, various incomplete vertebral arches. Spina bifida occulta is often
degree of developmental delay, epilepsy and motor and sen- associated with other skeletal defects including sacral
sorial nerve dysfunction may occur (Caldarelli et al., 2002; agenesis.

TABLE 2 Differential diagnosis among meningocele, myelomeningocele, and myelocele

Meningocele Myelomeningocele Myelocele

Type of defect Closed Open Open
Ultrasound aspects
Posterior anechogenic cystic mass (sac-like protrusion) from the spine + + −
Presence of septa in the sac − + //
Abnormality of vertebral bones (absence of the arches) + + +
Abnormal shape of skull (lemon sign) − + +
Abnormal shape of cerebellum (banana sign) − + +
Association with Chiari type II malformation − + +
Association with hydrocephalus − + +
Association with clubfoot − + +
Macroscopic aspects of the lesion
Absence of vertebral arches + + +
Meningeal herniation though the bones defect + + −
Presence of neural tissues in the meningeal sac (medulla and/or nerves) − + //
External exposition of placode − + +
Covered by skin + − −

Although macroscopically similar, meningocele and myelomeningocele represent two opposite types of spina bifida, a closed and open defect, respectively, with differ-
ent prognosis. Because of the similar macroscopic aspect of the herniated sac, prenatal ultrasound differentiation of the cystic lesion may be difficult. In contrast, myelo-
meningocele and myelocele are macroscopically different but they represent the same type of spina bifida, an open defect, with the same clinical implications. The
macroscopic distinction between myelomeningocele and myelocele is based on the location of the neural placode. When the placode is pushed out of the confines of the
canal and through the vertebra, and a cutaneous defect is created by expansion of the subarachnoid space, a myelomeningocele is present. Otherwise, in case of myelo-
cele, the subarachnoid space is not expanded, the placode remains in plane with or deep to the cutaneous surface

Epidemiology Prognosis
The actual incidence of spina bifida occulta is unknown This group of defects represents a less severe form of
(Hertzler, DePowell, Stevenson, & Mangano, 2010). malformation: more often, this problem may be detected
Gross dysmorphology only later in life, because nerves and the spinal cord are not
The presence of cutaneous stigmata of the low back may affected and therefore it does not usually result in disabil-
be the only signs of occult spina bifida. Cutaneous markers ities. In other cases, spinal cord anomalies may occur and
include nevi, lumps, depigmented region, subcutaneous lipo- include hydromyelia (overdistension of the central canal),
mas, capillary hemangiomas, hair tufts (localized hypetrico- diplomyelia (longitudinal duplication of the spinal cord),
sis), and dermal sinus tract (Hertzler et al., 2010; Sewell diastematomyelia (longitudinal split of the spinal cord), and
et al., 2015). Structural abnormalities may also been detected tethering of the lower end of the cord (Golden & Harding,
such as an asymmetrical gluteal cleft, scoliosis, and leg 2004). Neurological symptoms start when the damage and/or
length discrepancy. traction of the cord occurs. During the intrauterine life, the
Prenatal diagnosis spinal cord grows slower than the spinal column. The caudal
No secondary cranial findings are detectable thus the pre- spinal cord (also called conus medullaris) reaches its normal
natal diagnosis is hard and in such cases is a challenge level only after birth, and the symptoms may start through
(Coleman, Langer, & Horii, 2014). The commonest form of the extrauterine life when the cord is insulted (Sewell et al.,
closed spinal dysraphism detectable in utero is the type asso- 2015). Sometimes this occurs in childhood, other times this
ciated with intradural lipoma. Its aspect may affect the sensi- occurs later in life, in case of thickening of filum terminale
tivity of differential diagnosis and the ability of the correct (increased fibrosis leading to progressive loss of elasticity),
identification during the prenatal diagnosis: during intra- increased physical activity, development of spinal stenosis
uterine life, meningoceles, and lipomas have a very similar or occurrence of lumbar trauma (Hertzler et al., 2010). Neu-
appearance and may be very difficult or impossible to distin- rosurgical intervention is the therapy of choice in cases of
guish (Pierre-Kahn & Sonigo, 2003). In fact, by ultrasound, symptomatic patients with neurological deterioration.
lipomas typically appear as echogenic masses (Ghi et al.,
2006) much like a meningocele. Postnatally, high-resolution
ultrasound may be employed until the sixth month of life, 4 | P RE VE NT I O N O F N E U RA L T U B E
before the ossification of the vertebral body, but the sensitiv- DE FEC TS
ity is low, especially in cases of a subcutaneous mass (Sewell
et al., 2015). The more appropriate diagnostic technique is NTDs are known as one of the few birth defects in which
magnetic resonance, but this procedure is limited by its cost, primary preventive strategies are available and effective.
availability, and the need for sedation for many children. Pioneering studies by Smithells and colleagues in the United

Kingdom (Smithells et al., 1980; Smithells, Sheppard, & REFERENCES

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