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Story Telling

Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel were children of a poor woodcutter. One day, their
stepmother convinced their father to abandon them in the forest, as they were
consuming too many resources.
Hansel, who overheard their plan, left a trail of breadcrumbs behind to help
them find their way back home. However, the birds ate the breadcrumbs,
leaving them lost in the forest.
As they wandered deeper into the woods, they stumbled upon a house made of
gingerbread and candy. They couldn’t resist and began to eat the house, when
suddenly an old woman appeared.
“Who are you and why are you eating my house?” she asked.
“We are Hansel and Gretel. We are lost and hungry,” Hansel replied.
The old woman invited them in and gave them a feast, but it turned out that she
was actually a witch who wanted to eat the children. Hansel and Gretel cleverly
outwitted her and managed to escape with their lives and treasure.
They found their way back home and reunited with their father, who was
overjoyed to see them again. From that day on, they all lived happily ever after.

Muhamad Rizqi Firdaus


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