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PE 1 – Foundation of Physical Fitness

UP Open University

Module 3 – A Review of the Components of Physical Fitness


Physical fitness will vary with every individual. How you fulfil your everyday tasks, duties and

functions and at the end of the day have enough time to relax, unwind and enjoy will greatly be affected

by how much you prepare for it. The fitness components are divided into two, the health related and

the skill related components. Understanding all of these will enhance your own understanding of your

body’s capacity.


After working on this module, you should be able to:

1. Differentiate health related and skill related components;
2. Assess the condition of one’s body, and
3. Reflect on the capacity of its own body.

Key Concepts


Knowledge on the health and skill related components of physical fitness is very important.

The health-related components refer to cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance,

flexibility and body composition. These are the factors that support the functional capacity of the body.

On the other hand, the skill related components facilitate the performance of the skills and enjoyment

while engaging in leisure activities. These are the following: speed, agility, power, balance,

coordination and reaction time.

Both the health and skill related are essential in having a quality life.


As you study the resources in Module 3, be guided with the following questions:

1. How is cardiovascular endurance measured?

2. How can muscular strength and endurance be assessed?

3. What body shape would you wish to be, an apple or a pear? Why?
Buot, Merites M. (2021). Foundation of Physical Fitness. Los Baños: University of the Philippines Open University

4. Can you delete balance in the skill-related fitness components?

5. Why do oxygen and water have a big factor in the overall function of your body?


BrianMac Sports Coach. (2021). Components of Fitness. Available at Last Accessed 09 June 2021.

Other Readings

Corbin, Charles; Welk, Gregory; Corbin, William; Welk, Karen. 2008. Concepts of Physical Fitness:
Active Lifestyles for Wellness (14th Edition) McGraw-Hill.
(Scroll down and click “Read Paper”)

Course code: PE 1 Page | 2

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