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Question: Is Conflict Bad and Undesirable?

This topic is discussed under the following outlines:

 Introduction
 Definition of conflict
 Different perspectives on conflict
 The negative effects of conflict
 The positive effects of conflict
 Strategies for managing conflict
 Case studies on conflict resolution
 Conclusion


Conflict is a natural part of human interaction, often arising from differing opinions, needs, or
perspectives. It can lead to both positive and negative outcomes, depending on how it is managed
and resolved. Understanding the nuances of conflict is essential for effective conflict resolution
and fostering healthy relationships.

Definition of Conflict

Conflict refers to a clash of interests, values, or actions among individuals or groups. It

encompasses a wide range of disagreements, from minor misunderstandings to major disputes,
and can occur in various settings, including personal, professional, and societal contexts.

Different Perspectives on Conflict

 Individuals

Some view conflict as disruptive and seek to avoid it, while others see it as an opportunity for
growth and change.

 Organizations

Organizations may perceive conflict as damaging and aim to eliminate it, or they may embrace it
as a catalyst for improvement and adaptation.

 Societal Views

In society, perceptions of conflict vary, with some valuing harmony and unity, while others
emphasize the benefits of diversity and constructive dissent.

Meanwhile, there are three viewpoints as to whether conflicts is Bad and Undesirable.

 The traditionalists view conflict as bad and be avoided. In most of the cultures, this is
what is being taught – ‘If you cannot speak well, keep mum’,’ don’t fight with anyone’,
and alike.
 The followers of human relations school opine that conflict is natural and can be
functional at some time and dysfunctional at other time. According to them, conflict
provides an avenue to know of opinions and an opportunity for creativity and persuasion.
Thus, it calls for an open approach to conflict.
 Finally, the integrationists view conflict as inevitable and stimulating conflict to some
extent is helpful. They viewed conflict as a positive force except that when it is
misdiagnosed, mismanaged, or improperly avoided.

The Negative Effects of Conflict

Conflict becomes a problem when it is associated with

 Emotional Stress

Unresolved conflict can lead to stress, anxiety, and emotional strain, affecting the well-being of
individuals involved and creating a tense atmosphere.

 Relationship Strain

Conflict can strain relationships, eroding trust and communication, and creating barriers to
collaboration and cooperation.

 Decreased Productivity

In a professional environment, conflict can disrupt workflow, decrease morale, and hinder
productivity, impacting organizational success.

The Positive Effects of Conflict

Conflict is often needed as it:

 Promotes Growth

Constructive conflict can stimulate creativity and innovation, encouraging individuals to

consider alternative perspectives and generate new ideas.

 Strengthens Relationships

Well-managed conflict can lead to greater understanding, improved communication, and stronger
bonds between individuals and groups.

 Fosters Change

Conflict can prompt necessary changes, challenge the status quo, and inspire transformative
actions, leading to progress and development.

Strategies for Managing Conflict

 Effective Communication

Improving communication skills and active listening can facilitate constructive dialogue and
mutual understanding.

 Collaborative Problem-Solving

Engaging in problem-solving processes that involve all parties can lead to mutually beneficial
solutions and sustainable outcomes.

 Mediation and Negotiation

Utilizing third-party mediation or negotiation techniques can assist in finding common ground
and reaching agreements.

Case Studies on Conflict Resolution

 Workplace Conflict

Case study focusing on the resolution of workplace conflicts, including interdepartmental

disputes and team disagreements.

 Community Disputes

Examination of conflict resolution efforts within communities, addressing issues related to

resource allocation, public policy, and neighborhood conflicts.

 International Diplomacy

Exploring diplomatic negotiations and conflict resolution practices in international relations and
global affairs.


Conflicts are inevitable, not always bad or the same as discomfort, but key to conflict is proper
diagnosis and their resolution. By understanding the complexities of conflict, implementing
effective strategies, and embracing diverse perspectives, conflict can be transformed into an
opportunity for growth and positive change.

Bozeman, A. B. (2015). Conflict in Africa: Concepts and realities. Princeton University Press.

National Open University of Nigeria (Lecture Note): Introduction to Conflict Resolution.

Oyedolapo Babatunde Durojaye, Abiodun Joseph Oluwadare & Mathias E Jarikre (2015). Fundamentals
of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution. National Open University Of Nigeria (Lecture Note).

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