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This study aims to explore and propose effective strategies for addressing

emotional challenges faced by Grade 12 students at Sumisip Agro Fisheries

High School. Recognizing the importance of emotional well-being in academic

success and overall development, the research will delve into the root causes

of emotional issues, such as academic pressure, social dynamics, and personal

factors. Through a combination of surveys, interviews, and observation, the

study will gather comprehensive data to identify prevalent emotional concerns

within the student body. Drawing upon this information, the research will then

recommend targeted interventions, support systems, and awareness programs

tailored to address these specific challenges.The findings of this study aspire to

provide valuable insights for educators, administrators, and policymakers to

implement proactive measures that foster a nurturing and emotionally

supportive environment within the high school setting. Ultimately, the goal is

to enhance the overall well-being of Grade 12 students at Sumisip Agro

Fisheries High School and contribute to their academic success and personal


This work would not have been possible without the financial support of our

family and friends. We would like to thank Sir Abulhair P. Ambil our English

teacher at the same time our Research teacher. Thank you for guiding us.


We dedicate our dissertation work to our family and many friends. A special

feeling of gratitude our loving parents, words of encouragement and push for

tenacity ring in our ears. We also dedicate this dissertation to my many friends

and to our English teacher who have supported us throughout the process. We

will always appreciate all they have done.

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