Essay 1

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„Some people think that it is very hard to be a doctor nowadays”

I agree with the statement that it is hard to be a doctor nowadays. And to prove my opinion I have
some reasons: I would say that being a doctor means to have huge responsibilities and also the
academic course that a medical student goes through requires a lot of time and pressure.

First of all, doctor’s profession is never easy, because they may face many difficulties as they have to
be prepared as mentally as physically to overcome barriers and deal with problems. When
somebody’s life depends on you than you have to be really careful and observant because one
thoughtless and wrong decision can ruin everything, cause great damage and may also cause
somebody’s death. And there is also another problem, for instance, no matter how hard doctor have
worked on their patient or how hard they have tried to save person’s life when patient dies despite un
going tries their natives usualy blame it on doctor and sometimes they insult them even throw they
did not deserve it, so most of the doctors have to be mentally ready for this.

Second reason is that becoming a doctor takes a lot of time and learning course is mostly exhausting
that takes most of their energy and this is the reason why some students quit continuing their studies.
Form my sister’s experience I know how hard is to become a doctor because there are so many things
that she have to learn and understand. On the other hand, Technological development has also
affected medicine so being a doctor means to be in touch with modern life technics that is really hard
to understand for many people, so this is the main reasons why being a doctor is hard.

To sum up, all the above-mentioned arguments into consolidation, we easily cnclude that being a

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