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1. The new stage of Safavid Ottoman war began in 1603 and ended in 1639.

2. By the help of revolted people, the army of Shah Abbas I took back Tabriz from Ottomans.
3. Political aim is to prevent Ottoman raids to the interior regions of Azerbaijan,
Economical aim is to replace the trade routes between East and Europe from Ottoman
territories to Safavids lands – Persian Gulf.
4. The treaty of Istanbul II: 1612
Treaty of Marand: 161
The treaty of Gasri: 1639
5. 1603: By the help of revolted people, the army of Shah Abbas I took back Tabriz from Ottomans.
1612: The treaty was signed between Safavids and Ottomans in Istanbul. It was the treaty of
Istanbul II.
1618: After the victory of Safavids in the battle of Sinikh Korpu (1618), the new treaty was
signed between Safavids and Ottomans in Marand.
By the help English navy, Safavi Army took back Hormuz in 1622.
The treaty of Gasri-Shirin in 1639.

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