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Sister Maria Carmela Brescia School

First Quarterly Evaluation

Christian Living 2

I. Draw a  if the sentence shows good action and  if not.

__________1. Always tell the truth.

__________2. Make fun of others.

__________3. Obey your parents and teachers.

__________4. Offer your classmate a snack.

__________5. Ask permission whenever you want to go out of the classroom.

__________6. Laugh at person with disability.

__________7. Share your toys with the orphans.

__________8. Throw your trash in the garbage bin.

__________9. Eat vegetables even if you do not like them.

__________10.Obey your parents when asked to sleep early.

II. Write TRUE or FALSE.

_________11. Jesus forgave the sins of Zacchaeus.

_________12. Jesus promised Zacchaeus more money and wealth.

_________13. St. Francis Xavier gave up his wealth to follow Jesus.

_________14. St. Stephen’s name means “ cloud”.

_________15.St. Stephen because of sickness.

_________16. Jesus is our Good Shepherd.

_________17. St. Marcella lived a simple life and gave her money to the poor.

_________18. St. Francis chose to live like Christ by giving up everything.

_________19. If we do not love the poor, we do not love Jesus.

_________20. When Lazarus died, the angels carried him to Abraham.

III. “WHO SAYS?” Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

21. “Whatever you do to the least of My brethren, you do unto Me”.

A. St. John B. Jesus C. St. Stephen

22. “Lord Jesus, received my spirit!”.

A. St. John B. St. Francis Xavier C. St. Stephen

23. “I give up my life. No one takes it from Me but I give it up on My own”.

A. St. John B. Jesus C. St. Stephen

24. What does it profit a man who gains the whole world but loses his own soul?”.

A. St. Francis Xavier B. Jesus C. St. Francis of Assisi

25. “Love one another”.

A. St. John B. St. Francis Xavier C. St. Marcella

IV. Color the picture and write a short message inside the heart for Jesus as your friend.

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