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Build-Up Knowledge Academy

Fourth Periodical Test in Christian Values 1

S.Y: 2022-2023

Name: ______________________________________________________ Score: _____________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________

I.Fill in the blank with the missing words to complete the following Memory Verse. Choose the
correct answer in the box.

to want does of lost little

1-6. Matthew 18:14b

He _________ not ___________ any ___________ these ______________ones

______________ be ____________.

7-11. John 3:16a you help ask Spirit Father

I will _____________the ___________ to send ___________the Holy _____________ who

will _____________you.

12-14. Isaiah 1:17a what to right

Learn __________ do ___________ is _____________.

II. Vocabulary Words. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the box.
A. graze B. cliff C. tax collector D. Shepherd E. stream
________15. a person who collects unpaid tax from people.
________16. to eat green grass plants
________17. a high steep rock
________18. somebody who looks after sheep
________19. a narrow and shallow river

III. Answer the questions based on the story “I belong to God”.

20. How many sheep were lost?
a. one b. ten c. twenty
21. How did the shepherd show his love for his sheep?
a. He finds it b. He let it c. He fed it
22. What symbolizes Jesus in the story?
a. shepherd b. sheep c. stream
23. What symbolizes the sinner in the story?
a. shepherd b. sheep c. stream
24. What is the moral lesson of the story?
a. Jesus can save us from being lost in sin.
b. It is okay to lose one person to Jesus.
c. Jesus will find only people who follow Him.
IV. Encircle the word with the correct answer based on the story “My Helpful Friend”.
25. Jesus took His friends to a ( river, mountain, temple )
26. Jesus promised to return to bring them to ( heaven, church, Jerusalem )
27. Jesus disappeared behind the ( clouds, trees, hills )
28. Jesus sent the ( Holy Spirit, angels, message )
29. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to us as our ( hinder, helper, enemy )
30. The Holy Spirit helps us to do what is ( right, bad, wrong )

V. Shade T if the statement is True and F if false.

T F 31. Zacchaeus is a teacher.

T F 32. Zacchaeus is a tall man.

T F 33. Jesus found Zacchaeus up in a coconut tree.

T F 34. Everyone complains that Zacchaeus is a sinner.

T F 35. Zacchaeus promised to Jesus that he will give half of his possessions
to the poor.

T F 36. Jesus saved Zacchaeus from his sins.

VI. Put a check (✔) on the line if the sentence shows the right thing to do and cross out (✖) if not.
37. Helping an elderly person carry packages. ______
38. Looking over your friend’s shoulder on a test. ______
39. Taking care of your baby sister/brother. ______
40. Asking permission before leaving the house. ______
41. Calling funny names to your classmates. ______
42. Throw garbage anywhere when no one sees you. ______
43. Laugh at someone’s mistake ______
44. The Holy Spirit helps us. ______

VII. Encircle the picture that shows good manners and cross out if not.

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