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14. Which of the following philosopher does NOT adhere of the naturalism philosophy of education?

A. Burrhus Frederic Skinner

B. Jean Jacques Rosseau
C. John Locke
D. Michel de Montaigne

Rationalization: because he is the only philosopher who do not adhere the naturalism.
15. Which of the following is a false premise under the naturalist philosophy of education?
A. Education is in accordance to human development and growth
B. Emphasis in naturalism is given more on physical development – informal exercise – rather
than 3R’s.
C. Naturalism believes that everyone is different therefore must be educated in different ways.
D. Naturalism stands for democratic and universal way of teaching and learning.

Rationalization: C is the correct answer because it does not adhere to the naturalist theory of education.

16. Which philosophy emphasizes that ideas are the only true reality there is in which education must strive for what
is ideal not what is available?
A. Constructivism
B. Idealism
C. Pragmatism
D. Realism

Rationalization: idealism because I used the key word “education must strive for what is ideal”.
17. Which of the following is FALSE in the realization of idealism in education?
A. Method sin idealism used in teaching include lecture, discussion and Socratic dialogue
B. Idealism aims to discover the full potential of the child – what he can do more than what he is
– to prepare him for a better position in society.
C. Character development is through emulation of examples taken from more knowledgeable
people and tries to cover idea lives of heroes and enhance the saints and worthy of praise
D. Emphasis of idealism is given to subject such as natural science, physical education, technical
and vocational training which will develop and enhance the skills of the child.

18. Which philosophy of education adheres to the subjective nature of teaching and learning and proclaims that
education is according to how the child sees it?
A. Behaviorism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism
D. Linguistic Philosophy

Rationalization: for me I used the words “How the child sees it” because behaviorism is a act or stumuli in response
of the student based on what they see.
19. Which of the following statements does NOT belong in the Existentialist Philosophy of Education?
A. Learning is based on the willingness of the students to choose and give meaning to the
B. Emphasis of existentialism is given not on students but rather on academic content itself.
C. Methods are geared on giving opportunities for students to self-actualize and direct
themselves to their goals.
D. Character development is through the responsibility of every individual in making a decision.

Rationalization: because existentialism do not use methods, it just making decision.

20. Which of the following statement does NOT adhere to the philosophy of Essentialism?
A. Essentialism refers to the traditional or back to the basics approach in education _3R’s
B. The concerns with the fundamental value of hard work, perseverance, discipline and respect
to authorities
C. Students should be taught to think out of the box, practically and creatively as this values
D. Methods of teaching centers on giving regular assignments, drills, recitation and testing.

Rationalization: because essentialism refers to the basic approach in teaching and letter C does not match on based
on the meaning of essentialism.
21. Which of the following does not match a pragmatic philosophy of education which teachers can do in the
A. Experimentation
B. Collaborative work
C. Drills and exercise
D. Problem solving tasks

Rationalization: because based on the given chooses drill and exercises do not used methods to solve problem.
22. Which of the following subjects is NOT on top of the list when focusing on Humanist educational philosophy?
A. Literary appreciation
B. Mathematics
C. Physical education
D. Good Manners and Right Conduct

Rationalization: because when we say humanist philosophy it is bringing out your best in themselves, and
mathematics don did not require those characteristics. Unlike the three choices.
23. All of the classmates of Marvin cheats in an exam when their teacher went out of the classroom. As a result,
Marvin also cheats, opens her notes, and shares answers with her friends. The teacher was disappointed as she
caught Marvin and the rest of the class and then gave a sermon to the students that the value of respect and
honesty has never changed so they too must work hard to uplift these values despite the difficulties as a student.
Which philosophy did the teacher adhere with?
A. Behaviorism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism
D. Perennialism
Rationalization: because teacher thought her student to behave the right way and explains the essence of
hardworking and respect.
24. Teacher John is an advocate of Behaviorism. Which of the following will affirm this?
I. The mind of a newborn child is a blank slate
II. All behaviors are determined by environmental events
III. The child has a certain degree of freedom not to allow himself to be shaped by his

A. III only
B. I and III
C. II only
D. I and II

Rationalization: for me III is opposite of the two first choices, and according to behaviorism behavior will determine on
their nature and nurture.
25. Teacher Filemon is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide reinforcement and
soon the student learns to perform the behavior on his own. On which principle is Teacher is Filemon’s
conviction based?
A. Cognitivism
B. Behaviorism
C. Constructivism
D. Environmentalism

Rationalization: because I used the work reinforcement as a key word for constructivism

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