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jeakyptacioreectpeepsecitedag pints

Founded by Stanley S. Ballard, University of Florida

ADVISORY EDITOR: Joseph W. Goodman, Stanford University

ALLEN AND EBERLY ® Optical Resonance and Two-Level Atoms

BABCOCK ©° Silicate Glass Technology Methods
BOND ® Crystal Technology
CATHEY ® Optical Information Processing and Holography
DE VANY ®* Master Optical Techniques
DUFFIEUX ® The Fourier Transform and Its Applications to Optics, Second Edition
EBERLY AND LAMBROPOULOS ° Multiphoton Processes
ELMER ° The Optical Design of Reflectors, Second Edition
GASKILL °* Linear Systems, Fourier Transforms, and Optics
GERRARD AND BURCH ® Introduction to Matrix Methods in Optics
GOLDIN ° Waves and Photons: An Introduction to Quantum Optics
HUDSON ° Infrared System Engineering
JUDD AND WYSZECKI ® Color in Business, Science, and Industry, Third Edition
KNITTL ® Optics of Thin Films
LENGYEL ®* Lasers, Second Edition
LEVI * Applied Optics, A Guide to Optical System Design, Volume I
Volume II
LOUISELL * Quantum Statistical Properties of Radiation
MALACARA ° Optical Shop Testing
MARATHAY ©® Elements of Optical Coherence Theory
McCARTNEY ® Absorption and Emission by Atmospheric Gases: The Physical Processes
McCARTNEY ® Optics of the Atmosphere: Scattering by Molecules and Particles
MIDWINTER °® Optical Fibers for Transmission
SUEMATSU AND IGA ® Jntroduction to Optical Fiber Communications
VEST ° Holographic Interferometry
WYSZECKI AND STILES ° Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data
and Formulae, Second Edition
ZERNIKE AND MIDWINTER ® Applied Nonlinear Optics
| About the authors
Gunter Wyszecki is currently Assis-
tant Director of the Division of Physics,
National Research Council of Canada,
and Head of its Optics Section. Prior to
this, he held positions with the Nation-
al Bureau of Standards (as a Fulbright
Scholar, 1953-54) and the Berlin Fed-
eral Bureau of Testing Materials
| (1954-55). In 1979, Dr. Wyszecki re-
_ ceived the Gold Medal of the Associa-
| tion Internationale de la Couleur, the
Inter-Society Color Council’s Godlove
| Award,and the Federation of Societies
| of Coating Technologies’ Bruning
| Award. He is a Fellow of the Royal
Society of Canada, the Optical Society
of America, the Illuminating Engineer-
ing Society, and Vice-President of the
Commission Internationale de
l’Eclairage. Dr. Wyszecki is the co-au-
| thor (with D.B. Judd) of Color in Busi-
ness, Science, and Industry, 3rd Edi-
tion (Wiley). He received his Dr.-Ing.
from the Technical University of Berlin.
W.S. Stiles was Deputy Chief Scien-
tific Officer, National Physical Labora-
| tories, Teddington, England, until his
retirement in 1961. The joint discover-
er of the Stiles-Crawford Effect, Dr.
Stiles recently published his selected
papers in a volume entitled Mecha-
nisms of Colour Vision. Among his
many honors and awards, he received
the 1944 Carpenter Medal of London
University and the 1964 Tillyer Medal
of the Optical Society of America. Dr.
Stiles is a past president of the Illumi-
nating Engineering Society of Great
Britain, past chairman of the Colour
Group of Great Britain, a Fellow of the
Royal Society, and the Optical Society
of America, and an Officer of the
British Empire. He received his Ph.D.
and D.Sc. from University College,

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Concepts and Methods,
Quantitative Data and Formulae,
2nd Edition

National Research Council,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Richmond, Surrey, England

9 O

1807 1982
“OR I aan

A Wiley-Interscience Publication

John Wiley & Sons

New York °: Chichester - Brisbane - Toronto Singapore
JUN 18 1984


Copyright © 1982 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada.

Reproduction or translation of any part of this work

beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the
1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission
of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for
permission or further information should be addressed to
the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:

Wyszecki, Ginter.
Color Science.

(The Wiley series in pure and applied optics)

“A Wiley-Interscience publication.”
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. Color. I. Stiles, W. S. (Walter Stanley),
1901- ; II. Title. III. Series.

QC495.W88 1982 535.6 82-2794

ISBN 0-471-02106-7 AACR?

Printed in the United States of America

10h. «8* 7 KET

3 #2. o

The apparent success of the first edition of this book, published in 1967,
and the persistent encouragement of many of our colleagues was necessary
and sufficient persuasion for us to write the second edition. Our basic
approach to color science has not changed. The second edition is again a
collection of concepts and methods, quantitative data, and formulae bearing
on color science and directed to the advanced student and research worker
in color—physicist, psychologist, and physiologist—and those actively en-
gaged in color engineering projects—illuminating engineers, designers, and
industrial consultants. Our aim has again been to assemble the quantitative
tools for work on color: details of light sources, color filters, monochroma-
tors, and photon detectors; in depth accounts of the working concepts in
color matching, color discrimination, and chromatic adaptation; logical
presentations of the mathematical algorithms used in the development of
these concepts; international standards and procedures of the measurement
of light and color.
Much of the material selected for the book is organized in tabular or
mathematical form, stressing data and formulae that have gained accep-
tance as standard or hard data applicable to color calculations or further
developments in color-vision research. Some of the contents are presented in
considerable detail so as to make the book as much as possible a unique
source of reference material for the research worker and serious student of
color science. Again, trichromatic principles and their application loom
large in this book and, in fact, have been expanded somewhat to include
Maxwell’s method of trichromatic matching. Color matching is here deployed
from first principles and in later sections has been linked to issues of
color-vision mechanisms.
A great deal of new and expanded material has been included in the
second edition, reflecting the considerable growth of knowledge that has
taken place since the 1960s. This has particularly been the~¢as¢“i color
matching, increment-threshold work, chromatic adaptation, and the theoret-
ical modeling of color discrimination and other color-vision phenomena. We
have attempted to keep pace with the new developments, but this has not
been an easy task. For the most part, descriptive and qualitative material on
color phenomena which would properly find a place in a textbook or
introductory treatise on color has not been included. We have also refrained
from delving too deeply into highly speculative issues of color-vision model-
ing, which have attracted a number of research workers, particularly in

recent years. Our account on theories and models of color vision is only a
brief review of the basic principles and approaches that have emerged.
We wish to acknowledge with thanks our indebtedness to our many

In Canada and the United States. At the National Research Council of

Canada: W. Budde, W. B. Cowan, G. H. Fielder, A. R. Robertson, C. Ware;
at York University, Toronto: P. K. Kaiser; at Carleton University, Ottawa:
B. Tansley; at the University of California, San Diego: R. M. Boynton and
D. I. A. MacLeod; at the University of Chicago: J. Pokorny and V. C.
Smith; at the Ohio State University: C. Ingling; at the University of
Michigan: M. Alpern; at the University of Pennsylvania: L. M. Hurvich, D.
Jameson, and E. N. Pugh; at Indiana University: S. L. Guth; at Eastman
Kodak Research Laboratories: C. J. Bartleson, F. Grum; at Rochester:
D. L. MacAdam, and at Alexandria, Va.: D. Nickerson.

In Europe. At the University of Cambridge: J. Mollen, W. A. H. Rushton

(recently deceased); at Kodak Ltd.: R. W. G. Hunt; at City University:
P. W. Trezona; at the Institute of Ophthalmology at London: H. J. A.
Dartnall, D. A. Palmer; at the National Physical Laboratory: F. J. J. Clarke,
O. C. Jones; at London: B. H. Crawford and W. D. Wright; at the
University of Karlsruhe: H. W. Bodmann; at Berlin: M. Richter; at the
Institute of Perception at Soesterberg, Netherlands: J. J. Vos and P. L.
Walraven; at the University of Amsterdam: O. Estévez.

In Japan At the Electrotechnical Laboratory: T. Nayatani. N. Ooba; at

Fuji Photo Research Laboratories: N. Ohta.

In Australia. At the National Measurement Laboratory: W. R. Blevin.

It is also with great pleasure that we acknowledge the fine work of Miss
Lorna Silcox; Mrs. Josie Graham, who painstakingly typed the lengthy
manuscript; and the production staff of John Wiley and Sons, who, once
again, produced the book in expert fashion.


August 1982

Numerous illustrations and tables in this book are taken from, or based on,
the work of many different authors published in a variety of journals and
books. In each instance we have cited the names of these authors in the
captions of the illustrations and legends of the tables, and the complete
reference to the original publication is given in the Reference Section. The
illustrations and tables listed below have been reproduced in detail, and
permission to do so has been received from the following publishing bodies
who are the holders of the copyrights. We wish to express our grateful
acknowledgment to all the authors and publishing bodies for their kind

British Medical: Fig. 1(2.4.5) and Tables 2(2.4.5) and 3(2.4.5)

Cambridge University Press: Figs. 1(5.6.5) and 4(7.3.1)
Illuminating Engineering Society: Fig. 6(1.2.3)
Instituto de Biofisica, Rio de Janeiro: Fig. 1(2.4.7)
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Figs. 1(1.4), 2(1.4), 1(3.3.9), 2(3.3.9), 1(3.3.10),
8(3.8.2), 1 1061836) 91d (3-8:6),, 12.8.6), ..2(3..12.2),” 3(3,12.3),, -4(3:12.3),
2(3.12:3)) 20325) 4Q. 12.5), 3(5.4.1),- 7(52:2).2 8(5.12.2),, .9(5:12.2),
VO shoec ya tele mor oes 83O123) a0 23) (5,1 225) O(5212 5):
2(5.14.1), 1(5.14.2), 3(5.15), 4(6.3), 5(6.3), 1(6.6.1), 2(6.6.1), 3(6.6.1),
1(7.10.5), Tables 1(3.3.5), 1(3.3.8), 11(3.3.8), I1(3.3.8), [V(3.3.8), 1(3.3.8),
2(3.3.8), 3(3-3.8), 1(3.3.10), 2(3.3.10), 13:9); 11(6.5. 1A; B, C), 1(5:5.2)
Junk BW Publishers: Figs. 2(7.3.2), 1(7.4.1) and 2(7.4.1)
S. Karger AG: Fig. 2(2.4.6)
Kimpton Publishers: Figs. 3(5.14.1), 4(5.14.2), and 5(5.14.2)
National Physical Laboratories, Teddington, Middlesex: Figs. 4(5.4.1),
1(5.5.4), 1(5.10), 5(5.12.2)
Optical Society of America: Figs. 2(1.2.1), 3(1.3.7), 7(1.3.7), 3(1.4), 1(1.4.1),
11(1.6.2), 1(2.4.3), 7(2.4.6), 1(3.6), 1(3.8.6), 2(3.8.6), 3(3.8.6), 4(3.8.6),
5(3.8.6), 6(3.8.6), 7(3.8.6), 8(3.8.6), 1(3.11), 2(3.11), 3(4.3.5), 7(4.3.5),
5(4.3.6), 1(5.4.3), 2(5.4.3), 1(5.4.4), 1(5.4.5), 2(5.4.5), 3(5.4.5), 4(5.4.5),
Meee ele LN 2.0.1 Je Ol 0. yw Mo L222 ).01(5, 13), 205313);
PG Ay 1G 511) ol 99), Ol.3), 19.5), aU at o)y) LOC 1.9.5),) 2(1.10.2),
3(7.10.2), 1(7.10.6), 2(7.10.6), 3(7.10.6), 4(7.10.6), 5(7.10.6), 2(8.3.3),
3(8.3.3), 1(8.3.4), 2(8.3.4), 3(8.3.4), 4(8.3.4), 5(8.3.4), 6(8.3.4), 7(8.3.4),
8(8.3.4), Tables 1(3.8.2), II(3.8.2), IV(3.8.2), 2(5.4.1), 1(5.4.2), I1(5.4.2),
1(5.4.3), 11(5.4.4), 1(6.6.1), 1(6.6.4)

Pergamon Press, Inc.: Figs. 2(5.6.5), 3(5.6.5), 4(5.6.5), 5(5.6.5), 11(5.7.2),

3(5.12.2), 2(7.4.4), 1(7.9.1), 1(8.2.4), 2(8.2.4), 3(8.2.4), 4(8.2.4), 5(8.2.4),
2(8.2.6), 3(8.2.6), 5(8.4.4), 1(8.4.6), 2(8.4.6)
Physical Society: Fig. 2(5.5.6)
Mrs. Stephen Polyak: Figs. 1(2.2.4) and 1(2.2.6)
The Royal Society (London): Figs. 2(2.2.4), 1(5.11), 1(7.3.2)
Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science): Figs.
11(7.9.3) and 1(8.3.5)
Taylor & Francis Ltd.: Figs. 6(5.5.6), 7(5.5.6), 8(5.6.2), 1(5.6.3), 2(5.11),


ieee basicis aciometiic Guanes ANG WITILS sn. yes ee eee oe l

D2) moources' Of Radianiseneroy oo) Nee Ok ON hn ee we GOR. Ls ]

eee Peerhe Sureandaviight4 4 42 tes oc 2.4 toe SER, yee ae 4
Ae a CTUIAN INAUIALOIS Ce en core coon ois cee cee ee Se, Bok 11
122 ee ECC Disclrarge Laps ett es ets ee ets ee te Sas 19
[i eee CICCLOIUIIIE SCENE SOUT CES ae ce Re Me Ree teen; oe ks 23
(OS We uisht Pattie Diodes .4%.4044..0444
OS FBe ee, o. 25
ey re et oe eae Ee ee an oe ene a 4 2S
l Dal soources op Ultraviolet Radiant Enersy..s ....5% 9.20. «6 as es 27
1.2.8 Some Photometric and Colorimetric Characteristics of
Sources of Radiant Eneroyiae? toasted a: ansad.. LE E..-- a4|

USS MeO DICAlIE Mects ere te ere ce eaten ee ee oie ee ee ee rere soa ee 30
L3i, . -AbsorpionFilterpasat a8s beste) AT atk actus eietoet > * fo 30
RES PCE REISS TTT(ee kale OR reer tyar eR Se]PORE ee eae Se aR REN: 34
Rs ae CoeLatiibstel steer er onote a ee ee ee ee eg aed +p
Ree Pd EAT ENTANG goUnTor ne oiealliapety 5 caalbelic}, othe: ye Ratetctialal dg r i P Ieae 35
1.3.5 Absorption Filters for Special Applications ............... 35
133.64) aMiscellanGous Absorption Filters os at tenes in eects oe es 40
Rem CELEN COP tel sete ee et on seston ts ntem fe co) ater st: 3 40
Lee RRP CrerencesFitcr WEURES aie re eanete eter CaM. eee eo, 46
Ses EPL STE TT ETE aspS ornae ha, a Ree retapet pts Maule ae dt hl oR hg 48
Uy Ome SMCCE OLOIIZETS ote ta, Oe ari Ot cage Rice ee aie aoe « 49
13-11 eMviscellaneéus‘Optical Pilters.«.. oe 4 oh ae ee hee oe a1

ted) geReflecting Materials 0 iy tics Rite uiine ies», Ueerayeiriiaars

«« 2. 51
We eee TONE SUT aCe Mell TOle ne ert se Boe een On: re Ri ae a)
P42 seenile Retiectance olanGalus 2 2. oe ee oe es ee es oe 55
143 4, Golored- Reflectance Standards west} .ctasevidel fF-- 1-08... - 58
1.4.4. .Black Surfaces) 20): 4....,<,-. +... Saba Seen? ~~ LGR. oo 60
14:5 so.Buslding Materials ... steer orsersiiety } signet -. $0.8 - > 60
1.4.6. .Natural Objects |....:...,.. dherntt 2 tnla’) Hiskiieen) AR oes 60


1.5 Monochromators sxc. «dseighaey eet ek ees eee 63

L5.1 Basic Designsiol Monochtomalorsys... cer .,.0e < he wie: 63
1.5.2 Resolving Power and Transmitted Radiant Flux............ 66
18523 tee SHitaw idth @aorrection tice ose ete ts rae ve 69
LSA, BRolanization 6g Pee eee se a toma ie teen ae 70
135;5, 4 “Wavelensth Calibration cake: Sum. oh ete ee tl
1:5,6.~ Stray Laght ca. 3 totes eke eee ee ere i (p

1.6 Physical Detectors of Radiant Energ Vink oe oe ee ee 72

l6s¥-. ‘ThermahDetectors 144, 0). case a ee 73
1.6:2-° >:Photon Detectors... 0 o.2 cata eS ees 76


2.1 Preamblew ogi s-sc capateetarts he eke eae ae ee ee ene ee 83

2.2 ‘The Structure‘of therhuman yeoman: (ec c an eeeeee 83

2.2.1¢°-Gomea #32200 08S shin nk. eee ae. SS 84
Ddedy MENS, | creas hate ocOia ee ae a eee 84
2.2.3 Aqueous Humor and Vitreous Body, 2s. scneaustt = eee: -- 84
2.2.4 ~The Fine-Structure of the Retina, 6. .c8¥ uccstel. ee Pe ao 85
2.2.5 | Main Topographical Features of the Retina............... 88
22.6 “The Fovea’ 222 2 Ane.) sae ee ae ee eee 90
22,8. Lhe Photorecept6ts 32. a ss. oe de ee 90

2.3 Specification of the External Stimulus ge. ee ks ee i of

2.3:1-'. -Position in External Ficld 9) eee Oe, 93
25.2 RadiomeinicSpecications: 7... 2... - ee ee 93
2.3:3 ,, Photometric Specifications ===. 2...) - seeee ee 95

2.4 Factors in the Eye That Control the Internal Stimulus ............. Js)
2.4.1. Image Formation by the Theoretical Eye ................. 98
2.4.2) “Hye Axes and yesAnpies 00.2 6... cae er a Bey 100
2.43 . Chromatic§tAbercation ol the hyve oe ao ae ee 101
2.4.4 The Troland Values of Retinal luminance .............. 102
DAD. Pupil Size) ies, canon. ek vie aaa ne es a ee 105
2.4.6 Light Losses inthe Eye eset es a ee oy 107
24:1 Rluorescent Light inthe’ Hye... > eee ee ee 116


3.1 Préamble +.» 0500.0.-.tce0 dss hatin eh rae tatese ees SOURS, DEDIROROOL cm Ly

3.2 Basic Colorimetric Concepts), 74. eees

be ee ie 117
3.2.1 - Trichromatic.Generalization™, Peres PaO! ... LE. |. 117
3.2;2.)* Inistimulus-Space +..<.04.:.0.05 5 ee TO, 8, 119
3.2.3 - Basie Colorimetric Equations .; Sema BAe, .. Oe... 121
3:2.4. Imaginary Color Stimuli...) ... Pee SRAM. GA 127
3.2.5. Colorimetric Transiormations +30) eee 129
Contents Xi

93. The ClE-Colonmetric Systems. cancsa. oiostatadt beahaay?-oith ». 130

3.3.1 The CIE 1931 Standard Colorimetric
fODSErver un ele. ars ersacil? swbenewon? bupkmarl «CK. 131
3.3.2 The CIE 1964 Supplementary Standard Colorimetric Observer. 132
3.3.3 Development of the Two CIE Standard Observers ......... 133
3.3.4. sGlbiStandard Tuminants nein! 4 fevneeals .. 5 143
335. .ibStandarthSourcesit. diesen a ee. AGsb « . 146
Oo: Oma antial dOp Cue ance aClOlere yay ate eet. eatery , 155
3.3.7. Standard Illuminating and Viewing Conditions............ 155
3.3.8 Calculation of CIE Tristimulus Values and Chromaticity
SSDOLUIUGLCS Srna ch ate, eT Rd, Gt oeered rite AWer puree eee 156
3.3.9 CIE Uniform Color Spaces and Color-Difference Formulae... 164
3.3.10 CIE Metamerism Index for Change in Illuminant .......... 169
a3. lige LE OlOr- Renuering (nde kas, (yaks os aM ead oi Aanadre ee.. « le

3.4 Dominant Wavelength, Excitation Purity, and Colorimetric Purity .... 175

S.5 <Gomplementary. Color Stimuli tae nb oe a nn Fos os BR ey Dee 176

3.6 Maximum Attainable Luminous Efficiency of Color Stimuli of

Diferen Gnome yaa te oe ee ee ee Lay

b.7), “Optimal Obicct Golo sum lig os ot eel oe ke eS es 179

See WICLAMmeriO COlOG SUDO ets. tees Be ki Me te elon eek eee, 183
a baa | Delinitionron Mietamiensiniwe, £608. oo ee oe tage oop oedyenss 184
3.823 MethodsoiGenérating-Metamerss gio, i fae. on 2 > - 185 —
3.8.3. Intersections of Spectral Reflectance Curves of Metamers .... 194
Bo.Si4amaGounting Metamersags «5 ake eter cust) inctates © 8 3 oe ew 196
3.8.5 Boundaries of Mismatches of Metamers................. 200
3.8.6 Application of Linear Programming to Miscellaneous
Colorimetric Rroblem gt. ie eo hog iE co Ree: os Bho» Zi

3.92 Colorant Formulations. cre ae et ok netsh Rt oe ES su ees - 221

3.10. ‘Specification .of Color Tolerances «...... , ES ME.LI. Zan

3.11 Distribution Temperature, Color Temperature, and Correlated

Color Teiiperature ies Bie Feat ROT... PS. 224

3.12- Colonmeéeticinsiramentatione |: Wil-7 29 POPE.

6 Gees. 228
SD Te SDECUOLACIOMCICLS ate oe ea ae gees a cao: 2 229
On EOE CIIODMOLOMICLCE Ssrete erect ee ae TB nus, 0 teOa
3.12.3 Spectrophotometry of Fluorescent Materials ............. 230
3.12.4 Propagation of Random Spectrophotometric Errors ........ 240
B12 See CISUIMULUS Etter OLOTINCLELS im hs eee a os an a 243


41 Basic Photometric.Quantitiesand Units ot ccsarSnatd’s

PRs + ee b's 249

Ae ne DNOtnetic OTT ples. nine. eas peidcaa Saloeastas ol: oss © « 249

43. - The Standard ‘Photometric System™ =~ 72276 PU!

PA See © -
4.3.1 Historical Notes hte ee 2a eer eee EF
4.3.2 Standard Photometric Observers’... 35... STORMONT.
4.3.3 Phétometrie Methods “arSaiatiye ners Aga. aE
4.3.4 Measurement of Total Luminous Flux ..................
4.3.5 Measurement of Luminous Intensity and Illuminance .......
4.3.6 Measurementiof Luminance’ . 2706, Wb rais Se. Se Lt

4.4 Calculation of Illuminance Produced by Lambert Sources of

Differént'Shapes (UA 20 BASEN th 3G MOURNE... ehh |


5.1 Preamble? oy 6 ees eeeee

5.2". Classification of MatchingtPinced utes (78.u,9.0. erate eae ee

ask Visual Equivalence and Visual Match by Strict Substitution . . .
okra Asymmetric Comparison and Matching;
COUAST=SYMINe LIC WLATCIIINIR = fette tete ea eters eee ee ree
SP ie Limited Groups of Asymmetric Matching Procedures .......
5.2.4 Matching Crmtera 0 ain eat neni gied tenetos reer ora
Ses Some Particular Matching or Equivalence Procedures .......

53% Maxwells Method obG olor Matchine w= 1, cee eee ene

erePa Historical Notre. 5 Sc ce eer cae ae eee eee on eee
313.2 Basis of! Maxwellimg (rictiramacy i. 4 sssgs ne eng as doa eee
nyeRe Maxwell Trichromacy and Full Trichromacy in
Quasi-Symimetiic IMAtenin eS re ee a ieee eee
5.3.4 Maxwell’s Method in Nontrichromatic Matching ..........
S.3.0) Maxwellian Matching as Correlation of Stimulus Spaces .....
3.3.6 Maxwellian Matching in the Weaker Sense...............

5.4 Precision of Color Matching for Normal Trichromats .............

5.4.1 MacAdam Ellipses.."- .... oaamewihea P aches? tee aden ieee:
5.4.2 Brown—MacAdam EBlInscids 0. ce © ars) oe ee
5.4.3 Wyszecks;;Fielder, Ellipsoids. ic.) naemecearnes EYaneierineeit’ - «i
5.4.4 Repeatability of Color-Matching Ellipsoids for the
Mate CIDSERVET a oa ca, ches hse ena eae en ee a ee ee
5.4.5 Intercomparison of Color-Matching Ellipses for
Different Observers: o. 10" ogee oo en
5.4.6 Propagation of Random Errors in Colorimetric
J ransformaugos 7.097 ice ee rent to 9 een eer

5.5 Color-Matching Functions of Normal Trichromats...............

Seoul Two-Degree Data of Guild and Wright .................
ast Judd Modification: vies: 20h ewer.) gr ay ert nee ae
yote Stiles Two-Degree Pilot Data . 2a on. ee,
5.5.4 Stiles Borch)en-Degrce Lala... csc icat ate le Gee ee
BROS: ETL *Ten-DesreeDatar™.. . eee
5.9.0 Variations of Color-Matching Functions of Different
Normal ‘Trichromats( ="".-.1.°11, 22a oe ee ee

5.6 Pactots Modifying, Color, Matchingensarsensst’

be: cater isl] «-4 *- 347
Ore peice tepsncitis Ii le IAVc nt)" renee, meee, See 347
Dice SOE at ICA ULOEL. ies ot eee Ey Sere eg meet 354
2.0 Came SOCAUOI ORY ASUAl ICI Ge ih. aries he err ats Wel bd eae « BY ps
3.0.4) Oe OL Visual Picid “fens 2 ct es fe eee, eee eee =
30.0. .Hig Cuouuance Level... <mealacgtonters Hnscatdt « «doe «- 374
5.6.6 Maxwell Method versus Maximum-Saturation Method ...... 379

».7 Luminous Efficiency Functions of Normal Trichromats ........... 392

5.7.1. Matching or Equivalence Criteria and Experimental Procedures 392
De EA DEDIMENal alas ete ee Ty sca py use rene shee eee 394

5.8 Heterochromatic Brightness Matching of Complex Stimuli ......... 410

5.8.1 | Luminance of Equally Bright Color Stimuli .............. 411
moose © Addiivitydalluresis te sere the Coanricngt seek? Dicneats: 413

5.9 Abney arid Bezold=BrickeiEffectss. VN era ipel Me tt wt tiene 420

5.10 Hue Reversals: Brindley PsochrOmes ea) ce Sn aes eee 424

5.11 Stles=Crawiordilffect¢? ysbyitiosn® Airdoaelk teeteredeeedh

+. 1 Aen 424

5.12 Chromatic Adaptationn sents pitt dn vasyivaat Minnie et. PRS 429
5.12.1 Asymmetric Matching—Basic Concepts ................ 429
ai2a7 Expenmental Procedures*and' Data (Pre re. a ee es 432
5.12.3 A Comparison of Chromatic-Adaptation Transforms ....... 449

5.13 Chromatic-Response Functions.d:ai4 tyhovienstD-qele}

ough) «bee. 451

5.14 Color-Matching Properties of Color-Defective Observers........... 458

5.14.1. Normal and Anomalous Trichromats................... 459
Pen ee eMC ATOIMNAIS eres ce ete wdes nels Win ae ian alee eee he 463
lest Nionoctromitoven: 35 245 44 se 8S te 2 RING MONE |. : 471

5.15 Instrumentation‘for Color Vision Research’ + 2%... Sit

Se See... 472
YP aaitePINAR WCHIALT VICW Stet tera tree Ema en ee ES bereer 5 478
5.15.2 Measurement of Directional Sensitivity and
focrement] hresholds «+ > <> > oghiatt nated? peed © ° 483
oe Gabe OUR orytherCP Vedale repea ital g Manners oa pone ae eRe oe 484


6.1 SVANEDCoe eae ik 5 PE Ge ak Sing ee SET gMPPRR Ie OXRR nt Ee Fa EL 486

6.2 PV DeScOliora Osun Scan eyIVIELNOUS 0 58 io sg. Kn toe ckaas = “uot ont-* 488

6.3 Pike otas ce ness CAS en Want eee ca ee oped ak cs 493

6.4 Color Scales of Constant Lightness -soansisii mmeoinid. L045... 500

6.5 Three- Dimensional Color Scales... <.. @30N9I UE Yin. COLT... 503

65:1 @Printiples'of Gonstractignrr rer. wes ae tee 2) eta

6.5.2 Color-Difference Formolaéoe 24) .ncycyaath
eet «fee 2
6.5:3. “White. Whiteness Formulae: >: . - ysteasviniacull
duekt «+ foe >

66° .Color-Order Systemsig gas cence

Mee, ee ae
6/6.) -*Munsell’ Color Systema aren eee ee en. 5 eee
6:62. “DEINI Color Systeme enn ete ee 5 re
6.6.3 Swedish Natural Color System ........... dir ee ey PR
6.6.44 N'OSAKCOlOMSYSICHI 8 Tiere: eee nt ee ee ee, S|


Ls =Preamble seine ie ec ye BU. co ee Ree ee ea cone

‘l2”* General ‘Concepts® $2 ae een ee ste SAC ee ee ee ee

7.2: +.Basic Terms and) Definitions. yum oa: bare a. oho te
7.2.2 Quantum Fluctuations and Visual Stimuli ...............

7.3. Dark Adaptation and Absolute Thresholds ....................

7.3.1 Recovery of Threshold Sensitivity; Dark-Adaptation Curves . .
7.3.2 Threshold Variation Over the Visual Field ...............
7.3.3 Threshold Sensitivity of Fully Dark-Adapted Eye ..........
7.3.4 Absolute Threshold Values for Different Conditions
of Measurement os 68 tessa ueshea ele Pas eatvenat foe oes

7.4 Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds................

7.4.1 Tsvo-Color:threshold Method ey 7 See 2 OU siiatt.7 | &
T:42. -Basic-Rormiulagg ie) Wh ob) eee ln eo Ea ae
7.4.3 9 Stiles Meat Datagas <)2 is eas SS Se eh?
7.4.4 Specific Aspects of 7 Mechanisms and Later Developments . . .

15: Rod Saturationix,: téeseine fay. areal Teele ee ee ese:

7.6. ‘Cone Saturation’). ocean See ie ne ee

1.1 * *Rod and Gone'Interactions’ .; ¢) =" 254. feet, Renter tere

718 Uniform Equivalent Pields# <5 41 eer ene ate ee

LS." . Basic Pormulicae 90. tie) ane eee, «ee ee

1.9: “Spatial and “Veaiporal e actors iy. nan eae eee

Tile \Distinetiess of Bordettareas Tecchenee 2... ee ee
EO2) =Mach Bands 23550. ee a eas Re, nD ees
Peeda ® EOMCKEL Wet sce aie yasseven 4 ic eter ainsi ee eae oe

710° Discrimimation_ Phresholds’.. a cs eee ee

710-1. \Euminance;Differences: seitial 2 pentiin ) Ie eeleee wot). . 4
710.2) Wavelength, Differenceswt.0 Se ceeeae 2 SH ity on eee
7.10.3 Purity Differences 50: 10. 50) ye fu. holt Rey Get Ge Ce ER Ce «(Oefe] ‘w Jewie, ‘e: eh ie fe) 6 “Ss Velle & 6 © &
Contents XV

PAL ee OLGA OUIPerasuire Lyi ferences concn eer ey ae eg ae 574

Wd Oe LCOMIALICLEVE LyLISELENICOS ar, 7 (avn erm, Mea key bee: mip.
HALLO PRSOLOTLILLCTCDCE NIGtCHES <2) eemers aert ene Sie pen! s ini ae, or 576


Side LCAINIOCMMtttEe OEE Gere ee NR eee rn ees. 2 Passe MN re dca cas 582

8.2 Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of

ASMA Es OICIIS Bre Oey ety eee ee een ae as. 2 agpee yesh twee te a 586
BZ Up eer NCI DIG OL OMY arlaliCe «a feiata atcy Sean eel eee eee 586
Oiled OCR ISUAl-Piginent LAVversemares., A. loaeranr a teituc. aac: mans 588
8.2.3. Dartnall’s Standard Shape of Visual Pigment-Absorption
CCOSTTICICT (pita peat ese teen oer cele hy trate mt) yout UY ante 591
8.2.4 Color-Matching Data and the Spectral Absorption Curves of
ViSUal PIs men tse ug ee eres eee Me tea nena Sones ce Ee ai 591
8.2.5 Dichromatism and the Fundamental Spectral Sensitivities .... 604
8.2.6 | Color-Matching Data and the Pigment-Bleaching Model ..... 619

B:) MENCULADIMIOCE Satter Ure oF: Aa ey iat Aw NEY eT Es 633

FG Ih. oR ok re ak Raed de hy elt 634
a NULLS Mae RS) IRS os ls mate ace OR anit ee en ace ee 639
ase memerA UEVIC OPAC FAINCSON De ryone 20 ho wear cao any ane eee 642
5 CTL WP eit ah OE 5 Cera keane eas ts ete cad, At aac 646
Reh SMM EYSUISOS Or ee eRe eet. GS scatvis Susie Caged yee RN a 652

SA eee ine eacMenits OL. COLOM SPACE ie.¢,her- nc he. ne tude cian a aera ie 654
BA mre SAS LONE CDS Weta ec. calys mee oes coke elnee meet PRO eee 654
BAL) memeLOLIMNONLZ een ee ele en egg hee eee ames Ra he tose ace ee 658
am OC OT OCISCRs te hie aa casi wd, eM eis, eh ea 659
Be SLLCOMEN eT ete) ne Pi odin 2,Jicae ae MeN. cnt, ee ey, 660
BAe DEOL ter ee ee co nscy EN ae eee e 672
S 4 OrmeOS ATION Wd ITAV EDN tn aan Cee cu wha Meee oe tates tee 673
8.4.7 General Construction of Inductive Line Elements .......... 677


RE PERENGES cr to oe es eee Ra ae ata ome ahve 885

ESRC) RGU) Erect ere ere aos welighign hn 5 cnc Ss aca ears Lai We a ony mes ta 925
nse 34

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2,BALA ad sworn easy
“ sy bed » . oe ,

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ver aonbe. eeLio} edswescba 42) aes

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wae AoA a


1.1 BASIC RADIOMETRIC QUANTITIES and visual research worker are relative spectral
AND UNITS radiant power distributions. The spectral range
of these distributions is usually confined to the
A selection has been made of the radiometric visible. However, some distributions extend to
quantities that are regarded as basic and of most the ultraviolet and near infrared regions of the
general value. These quantities are displayed in spectrum to allow for applications to the colorim-
Table I(1.1) of the Appendix. The definitions etry of fluorescent materials and to assess the
used here are substantially those adopted in the potential effects of nonvisible radiant power on
International Lighting Vocabulary (third edition, radiometric, photometric, and colorimetric para-
and an early draft of the fourth edition) of the meters. For some sources, indications are given of
Commission Internationale de lEclairage (CIE, the radiant power emitted in terms of absolute
1970). This vocabulary may also be referred to for radiometric quantities, for example, irradiance (W
equivalent definitions in French, German, and men):
Russian, and the translations of the terms (without The spectral distribution of a radiometric
the definitions) in five additional languages quantity is commonly given in terms of that
(Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish, and Swedish). quantity per unit wavelength interval. This prac-
The reader is also referred to the Self-Study tice is followed in this book. However, occasion-
Manual on Optical Radiation Measurements pub- ally it is advantageous to consider the radiometric
lished by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards quantity per unit frequency interval, frequency
(NBS, 1976 to 1979) which includes a rather being in some respects the more fundamental
detailed and advanced treatise of the radiometric parameter of radiant energy. The conversion of a
concepts. Also recommended is the introductory spectral radiant power distribution based on
booklet by Bauer (1965) and the monograph by wavelength to one based on frequency is carried
Grum and Becherer (1979). out as follows:
Table 1(1.1) is a supplement to Table I(1.1). It By definition [see Table 1(1.1)] it is
contains the defining equations of the basic radio-
metric quantities and the corresponding SI units
of measurement (SI = Systéme Internationale ANZ=cr? [1(1.2)]
d’Unités). Figure 1(1.1) illustrates the explanatory
notes given in Table 1(1.1) and will be found thus
useful in interpreting the defining equations. Fig-
ure 2(1.1) illustrates the concept of solid angle
and its unit, the steradian.
dX = —cv “dv [2(1.2)]

Over a spectral region dA the radiant power may

1.2 SOURCES OF RADIANT ENERGY be given by P,dA, which on the frequency basis
must be equal to —P,dv. The minus sign allows
The data on sources of radiant energy that are for the decrease in frequency with an increase in
considered of basic interest to the colorimetrist wavelength. From Egs. 1(1.2) and 2(1.2), it fol-

1 (TT) siseg sjoworpey sonnuend
pue syrup yuswejddng]
0} F148 [DI
saj0Npue Iv[NULIO,
wa foquidg Surmyjaq uonenby 2as] “s8ryz (111pue [Dz sya)
JUeIPeY AZiaua ¢ (aqnof)
ul eg VE pp soo!
l2 2 so0¢
3 Wes


doUvIPeII] oy —°"F 5 “pp— dORJINs JUoWIZ[a

JO -o1 7M
ie IaA1a0
jURIPeYy AjIsuaqutai ="] Te —!mp juauajajo pros g[sue MA ;—1S-
lop yim xade(,) je sovjins
sourIpey i —*7 . '3 — aur usamjoquaat3 -samp 'pyp='3so00!pp Ayfeuosoyiio ;18-;_W-M
yp soo!
'2 oop uon (z)-({)
pue ewou
wv =! paysaford
uo sueyd -norpuadiad
a Jo yp se] 07 uaard uondamp(Z)-(1)
= 7 ¢3 — a[8ue UsamiaqUdAl3 -dalIp =—'3sootpp
pp Ajfeuogoyyio
Ta tmp uon (Z)-({)
pure yeutsou
“uv= paysaford
uo sued -noipuadiad
)P (Ca jo “pp Ie] Oo} uaats uonsamp(Z)-(1)
= ate cmp— juaWwaya
Jo prjos g[sue aP
2 yim xode(7) ye aoejans ="(°7)p —.——
pros a[zue ” ” ¢ — uoniod
Jo a1oyds soejins aor Spon IS (UeIPeId}s)
aee I =poy se
uv — snipes
jo ‘arayds
osye -SIp as
sour} uaamjaq
(1) jo 'pp =‘mp rent
pure (Z) jo “yp 4
Aouanbal,y a a8
wu =u a

uy, AT[enqIA
[ye smjawitojoo ‘suoneoydde
st ay) JoJaWIOUeU
|) WU = ,_O[ “(WE UT aJOW! UOISIA Ps}UIIO“YIOM Joyita
Ul SuJa}
Jo Wd | ore ‘pasn
J] ay) [eNDNdS uoNesUs0U0N
Jo& omjaworpes Aynuenb
7y st ‘paraprsuos
11 st Aqfensn poyeusisap
Aq ay) sureu
Jo ay} Ayuenb pepsseid =
Aq ayy aanoalpe ‘;oujoads
pure Aq oy} sures joquiAs
Joy ay} Ajnuenb
WIM oy) yduosqns
y Jo)‘a Jo :(w =*’x “yp/?vp
Jog ‘ojdwrexa
Jt °x st
jUeIpel ‘1amodoy) jenoads uoMeUaouoo
Jo juerpes Jamod
st Ajdurts posojar
0} se [enoads juerpes Jomodpuest pajousp
AQ =“’d"dP ‘\P/

Fig. 1(1.1). Illustration of explanatory notes given in Table 1(1.1) concerning basic radiomet-
ric quantities and units.

w = —>— (steradian)

(radius r)
Fig. 2(1.1). IMlustration of a solid angle w and its measurement in terms of the unit of solid
angle, the steradian (sr). The apex of the solid angle is located at C. The solid angle cuts off an
area S on the surface of a sphere centered at C and of radius r. The size of the solid angle «@ is
then given by the quotient of S over r”. In the case illustrated, «w is approximately equal to one
steradian. The concept of solid angle is not confined to right-circular cones of the kind depicted
in the illustration. Almost any shape of cone, generated by the straight lines emerging from the
apex to the points of a closed curve, can represent a solid angle. If the closed curve is a polygon
(e.g., a square), the cone and thus the solid angle takes on the shape of a pyramid.

100 -20 p20


400 500 WAVELENGTH [rm 600 700

750 600 500 429x102

Fig. 1(1.2). Number of photons N, emitted in unit time per unit frequency interval for an
equal-energy spectrum on the wavelength basis (P, = const = 1.0).

lows that scattered by the atmosphere are the components

of daylight that play a key role in color science.
Pee Pye atAUS [3(1.2)] Many spectroradiometric measurements of
daylight have been made and reported in the
If it is required to determine the number of literature. Many of these measurements were made
photons (quanta), N,, emitted in unit time per with applications in mind not directly connected
unit frequency interval, then, with the energy of a with color science. The spectral radiant power
single photon being equal to hv [see also Section distributions of daylight are basic data in astro-
1.2.2(1)], we have physics, materials research, architecture, photo-
biology, illuminating engineering, solar energy
N, = <2 [4(1.2)] engineering, space research, and other fields. In
the last two decades, considerable progress has
been made in the development of measurement
N= ma [5(1.2)] techniques that facilitate the collection of large
volumes of data and their analysis at ground-level
Figure 1(1.2) illustrates Eqs. 3(1.2) and 4(1.2) for altitudes in different locations of the earth as well
the hypothetical case of P, = const.= 1.0; that is as outside the earth’s atmosphere.
for an equal-energy spectrum on the wavelength There are several books available that discuss
basis. The values of the constants c and h are daylight in detail and from different points of
those given in the Section 1.2.2(ii) on Planck’s view. The reader may find the following of partic-
formula. ular interest: Coulson (1975), Henderson (1977),
and Meinel and Meinel (1977).
In specifying certain representative spectral
1.2.1 The Sun and Daylight
radiant power distributions of daylight, it is nec-
The most important natural source of radiant essary to state whether they refer to direct sunlight
energy is the sun. Direct sunlight and sunlight only, to sunlight plus scattered light from the
Sources of Radiant Energy 5

atmosphere, or to scattered light only. The condi- based on work reported by Thekaekara (1973).
tions of the atmosphere and the position of the They supersede the earlier and often quoted data
sun are clearly important factors. reported by Moon (1940) and Johnson (1954).
Table 1(1.2.1) contains spectral irradiance data Table 1(1.2.1) also contains interim NASA
for the whole solar disk obtained by means of standard data of spectral irradiance for the solar
different instruments installed in high-flying disk at the earth’s surface for air mass m = 2
aircraft and rockets. The data, illustrated in Fig- (Brandhorst et al., 1975). These data were derived
ure 1(1.2.1), are representative of the solar spec- by calculation from the NASA standard data for
tral irradiance outside the earth’s atmosphere. the solar disk outside the earth’s atmosphere by
They are referred to as the NASA (U.S. National assuming an atmosphere with a water content of
Aeronautical Space Agency) Standard and are 20 mm and ozone of 3.4 mm. The air mass m is

Table 1(1.2.1) NASA Standards of Solar Irradiance*

Irradiance W-m?-nm"! Irradiance W-m ?-ym!

Outside at Earth’s Outside at Earth’s
Wavelength, Earth’s Surface for Wavelength, Earth’s Surface for
nm Atmosphere m=2 nm Atmosphere m=2

300 514 0 550 25 1120

10 689 1 60 1695 1111
20 830 50 70 HAZ 1134
30 1059 105 80 V715 1147
40 1074 177 90 1700 1148
350 1093 217 600 1666 I
60 1068 255 10 1635 1137
70 1181 320 20 1602 1137
80 1120 344 30 1570 1137
90 1098 371 40 1544 1141
400 1429 530 650 1511 1140
10 17S] 693 60 1486 1136
20 1747 737 70 1456 1127
30 1639 157 80 1427 1119
40 1810 867 90 1402 1114
450 2006 1022 700 1369 1102
60 2066 1089 10 1344 1089
70 2033 1107 20 1314 1071
80 2074 1167 30 1290 1058
90 1950 1133 40 1260 1040
500 1942 1165 750 zor 1026
10 1882 1147 60 1211 660°
20 1833 1136 70 1185 997
30 1842 1159 80 1159 981
40 1783 1140 90 1134 965
800 1109 950
10 1085 850?
20 1060 900°
30 1036 898

“Abridged data from Thekaekara (1973) and Brandhorst et al. (1975).

Interpolated from original table by Brandhorst et al. (1975).



outside atmosphere



earth's surface (m=2)



300 400 500 600 700 800

Fig. 1(1.2.1). NASA standard data of spectral irradiance (W-m ?-pm ') for the solar disk
measured outside the atmosphere (solid dots) and at the earth’s surface at air mass 2 (open
circles). Data points are those given in Table 1(1.2.1). Neighboring data points have been
connected by straight lines for ilustrative purposes only.

defined as the ratio: length of path within the (ii) Recommendations on standard illuminants
atmosphere for rays from the sun to the observa- for colorimetry (CIE, 1964, 1968, 1971).
tion point on the earth, to the corresponding
length of path for a hypothetical position of the CIE recommendations (i) specify a spectral
sun at the zenith. On the basis of this definition, distribution of solar irradiance outside the atmo-
air mass 2 means a sun altitude of 30° (measured sphere and a spectral distribution of global radia-
from the horizon). tion (direct sunlight plus skylight) at the earth’s |
In a more recent document (NASA, 1977), a surface and for air mass m = 1 (90° altitude). The
somewhat revised spectral distribution of ter- spectral distribution outside the atmosphere is
restrial irradiance is given that is considered a identical to that of the NASA standard discussed
more appropriate distribution with regard to ter- earlier and given in Table 1(1.2.1) and Figure
restrial photovoltaic measurement procedures. The 1(1.2.1). The spectral distribution at the earth’s
revised data refer to an air mass of m = 1.5 and surface is based on calculations made by Schulze
are calculated from extraterrestrial data of the (1970) for rather broad bands of wavelengths. For
sun disk obtained by Labs and Neckel (1968). details, the interested reader is referred to CIE
The CIE (Commission Internationale de (1972).
YEclairage) has issued two recommendations con- CIE recommendations (ii) specify relative
cerning daylight: spectral radiant power distributions of typical
phases of daylight at the earth’s surface for corre-
(1) Recommendations for the integrated irradi- lated color temperatures ranging from 4,000 K to
ance and spectral distribution of simulated solar 25,000 K. For a given correlated color tempera-
radiation for testing purposes (CIE, 1972). ture T. within this range, or equivalently, for a
: fe) Rea 3500K
5500 K + 0°




ery, i3333kK— \
+ 1 ty 2

20000 K
+ V,

~ o£tsf 40000 K


hes xo, siere) 40

Fig. 2(1.2.1). Portion of CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram showing chromaticity points
of daylight in comparison with locus of chromaticity points implied by Planck’s radiation law
(large open circles connected by solid line). The temperature of the blackbody (Planckian)
radiator corresponding to the points at the centers of these open circles are indicated in kelvin
(K). The straight lines intersecting the Planckian locus at 4,800 K, 5,500 K, 6,500 K, 7,500 K,
and 10,000 K are examples of isotemperature lines defining loci of constant correlated color
temperature. The chromaticity points computed from the 622 measured relative spectral power
distributions of daylight are identified by solid dots for the Budde (1963) data, by small open
circles for the Condit and Grum (1964) data, and by crosses for the Henderson and Hodgkiss
(1963) data. These 622 chromaticity points suggest that the different phases of daylight can be
represented by a “daylight’locus” in the chromaticity diagram defined by the equation
Vp = —3.000x}, +2.870x —0.275 shown as the dashed curve connecting small open squares.
This curve compares well with a curve obtained by Nayatani and Wyszecki (1963), shown as a
solid line, and with a curve obtained by Chamberlin et al. (1963), shown as a dashed curve
located close to the Planckian locus from about 6,500 K to ooK. (From Judd, MacAdam, and
Wyszecki, 1964).

given chromaticity of a particular phase of by Nayatani and Wyszecki (1963) and by Cham-
daylight, the relative spectral radiant power distri- berlin, Lawrence, and Belbin (1963), and that
bution can be calculated for wavelengths from both sets of chromaticities cluster about the curve
300 to 830 nm at 10-nm intervals. The method of
calculation is based on work reported by Judd,
Vp = —3.000x;, + 2.810x, — 0.295
MacAdam, and Wyszecki (1964) who subjected
622 spectral radiant power distributions measured
by Budde (1963), Henderson and Hodgkiss (1963),
and Condit and Grum (1964), to an eigenvector
analysis. Details of the CIE method of calculation as shown in Figure 2(1.2.1). This curve defines the
are given in Section 3.3.4. “daylight locus” in the CIE 1931 x, y-chromatic-
It was found by Judd et al. (1964) that the ity diagram and runs slightly above and ap-
chromaticity coordinates x, y computed from proximately parallel to the “Planckian locus”;
the measured spectral radiant power distribu- that is, the curve generated by the chromaticities
tions agreed well with those determined visually of Planckian (blackbody) radiators operating at

Table 2(1.2.1) Relative Spectral Radiant Power Distributions of Daylight of Different Correlated Color
Temperatures Calculated in Accordance with CIE Method

A(mm) 5,000K 5,500K 6,000K 6,500K 7,000K 7,500K 8,000K 10,000K 15,000K 20,000 K

300 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.09
310 2.05 E07 De 3.29 4.17 5.13 6.10 9.77 16.27 20.03
320 tot 11.20 Lee 20.21 25.01 29.78 34.38 50.58 AP 9212
330 14.73 20.61 28.36 37.00 45.94 54.87 63.54 94.28 145.16 173a%6
340 17.93 23.85 31.48 39.90 48.57 57.20 65.57 95°13 143.92 171.30
350 20.99 27.78 36.01 44.86 53.83 62.68 71.20 101.04 149.80 L702
360 23.92 30.58 SHR 46.59 54.84 62.93 70.68 97.65 141.40 165.74
370 26.94 34.27 42.89 52.04 61.23 70.25 78.91 109.06 158.06 185.33
380 24.46 32.54 41.19 49.93 58.45 66.65 74.41 100.90 142.96 166.09
390 29.84 38.04 46.41 54.60 62.46 69.91 76.90 100.45 137.24 157.28
400 49.26 60.89 [pate 82.70 92.61 101.87. = 110.43 138.72 181.86 205.04
410 56.46 68.49 80.23 91.42 101.96 LERS3ee 412099 151.41 198.08 223.24
420 59.98 Treo Pa Se FSO 03.38 112.74 =121.42 150.18 194.21 292
430 ad lk, 67.86 TOL 86.63 ports 103.04 110.35 134.44 171.07 190.72
440 74.78 85.55 OST A Oe ee 1332 12st 128132 151.66 186.55 205.07
450 87.20 D194 2 ¢107.850, 116,96 bd 30 132.702 Gals 2O 162.67 196.45 214.34
460 90.5.7 4 100.4 esl 09.47 oe 127 775.0 325,35 13223... 2 138.66 159.22 189.74 205.88
470 O1e33 99. B71 tlOE69.5 114.824 121.33 |P94, ae SS 2a | 150.23 176.16 189.84
480 DO Tite tOD.10 sod) 09.0200 Le 89a 21 58 126.76 131.48 146.62 168.89 180.58
490 91.93 98.05, 10103.65. 0108278. 13.46 Viv.1 cel? 1207 134.32 [RB IK 162.97
500 DSTO TONGS IOS TOF EID Saar SN | MG 7 ior 129.90 144.96 152,91
510 96°59 100.67" 2910440 “1LO7i787 8110187 PIS68S 16225 124.51 136.71 143.14
320 OTN OO GTOMIN MST es TOF SO OCs 108.65 110.30 113}57 123.18 127.14
530 102009 10420" 4106.05 10T637> “109213 110.44 =-:111.61 115.29 120.54 123.25
540 LlOOHS. “10290 1033 lereelOsAte 210539 106.28 107.10 109.70 113.50 115.48
550 102.31 102.96 103.54 104.04 104.49 104.90 105.27 106.42 108.06 108.92
560 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
570 97.74 122 96.75 96.34 95.96 Jo.02 aoe 94.32 92.88 92.123
20 8 96.92 PIPE ie 96.72 oye 94.96 94.22 93.54 91.41 88.32 86.72
590 93.51 91.44 89.89 88.69 S719 87.00 86.39 84.82 83.26 82.68
Sources of Radiant Energy 9

Table 2(1.2.1)— Continued

A(nm) 5,000K 5,500K 6,000K 6,500K 7,000K 7,500K 8,000K 10,000K 15,000K 20,000 K

600 Ft) 94.44 eAlee) 90.02 88.48 87.24 86.21 83.50 80.65 HOS,
610 99.29 95.16 92.03 89.61 87.70 86.15 84.89 81.57 78.15 76.83
620 99.07 94.24 ey 87.71 85.44 83.59 82.08 78.04 So) 72.07
630 ee 90.47 86.45 83.30 80.80 78.76 77.08 T29 67.79 65.85
640 98.89 92.36 87.47 83.72 80.79 78.44 76.55 PteiG 67.00 65.32
650 95.71 88.89 83.85 80.05 47 A2 74.82 Pe 68.48 64.55 63.37
660 98.23 90.36 84.57 80.24 76.92 74.34 12:3) 67.40 63.39 62.33
670 103.05 93:99 87.32 82.30 78.45 75.44 73.06 67.25 62333 60.96
680 99.18 90.00 83.30 78.31 74.52 71.60 O91 63.90 ae ie) 58.88
690 87.42 gOSh 1 74.03 69.74 66.45 63.87 61.82 56.81 By aa| 51.26
700 91.65 82.88 76.45 71.63 67.96 65.10 62.84 57.42 53.04 as
710 O23 84.88 78.91 74.37 70.86 68.09 65.87 60.33 55. 53.69
720 76.89 70.27 65.35 61.62 58.74 56.46 54.64 50.09 45.98 44.66
730 86.55 79.34 73.98 69.91 66.75 64.26 62.26 aiebie Dod | 51.23
740 92.62 85.03 Wo2 got th mies eee 67.07 61.82 57.03 55.48
750 78.27 Tales 67.19 63.61 60.84 58.64 56.89 52.50 48.51 47.22
760 Dhsh2 52.82 49.18 46.43 44.31 42.63 41.29 37.96 34.98 34.04
770 82.96 75.96 70.77 66.83 63.78 61.37 59.44 54.64 50.30 48.91
780 WGvou 71.85 67.05 63.40 60.58 58.34 56.55 52.06 47.97 46.63
790 a9D9 LIF. 68.05 64.32 61.44 59.16 57.34 52579 48.68 47.36
800 73.44 67.38 62.88 59.47 56.83 54.74 53.08 48.91 45.15 43.93
810 63.95 58.75 54.90 Eo | 49.71 47.93 46.50 42.95 Se Alp) 38.73
820 70.81 65.02 60.72 57.46 54.93 PRC otFee 47.32 43.68 42.49
830 74.48 68.34 63.78 60.33 57.66 32.0) 53.87 49.68 45.90 44.70

different absolute temperatures 7, measured in the specified wavelength. The extremely fine
kelvin (K). structure of the daylight spectrum is thus lost as
It was further found that the 622 measured may be seen by comparing Figure 3(1.2.1) with
spectral radiant power distributions could be re- Figure 4(1.2.1). In Figure 4(1.2.1), two spectral
constituted remarkably well by appropriate linear radiant power distributions are shown in the form
combinations of the calculated mean spectral dis- in which they are obtained with a monochromator
tribution {S)(A) dA}, and the spectral distribu- whose slits are opened to give spectral band-
tions {$,(A) dA} and {S,(A) dA} of the two most widths ranging between 0.25 nm in the ultraviolet
important eigenvectors of the set of 622 distribu- and 2.0 nm in the red (Budde, 1963). However,
tions. for the colorimetrist, the very fine structure ex-
Table 2(1.2.1) contains a set of relative spec- hibited here is of academic interest rather than
tral radiant power distributions {S(A) dA} de- practical importance.
rived by means of the CIE method given in detail The CIE method of calculating daylight il-
in Section 3.3.4. Figure 3(1.2.1) illustrates this set luminants makes use of the remarkably close
of functions. Note that the relative spectral radiant correspondence between the chromaticity (or cor-
power distributions so derived have the common related color temperature) of a given phase of
value 100 at A = 560 nm. daylight and its relative spectral radiant power
The CIE relative spectral radiant power distri- distribution. Once the chromaticity of a given
butions are defined at 10-nm intervals, and each daylight irradiating a test surface is known, a
value given in Table 2(1.2.1) is considered to unique relative spectral radiant power distribu-
represent the average radiant power measured in tion corresponds to that chromaticity. There do
a band of wavelengths 10 nm in width centered at not seem to occur in nature any other (metameric)



300 400 500 600 700 800
Fig. 3(1.2.1). Relative radiant power distributions of 10 different phases of daylight obtained
in accordance with CIE method of calculating daylight illuminants for colorimetry.

Se ie ell a rh lah




: Ha

300 400 500 600 5 i7GG


_. Fig. 4(1.2.1). Relative spectral power distributions of two phases of daylight, measured at
spectral bandwidths ranging from 0.25 nm in the ultraviolet to 2.0 nm in the red. Some of the
major Fraunhofer lines are indicated by their conventional symbols (Budde, 1963).
Sources of Radiant Energy 1]

spectral radiant power distributions of daylight of 1.2.2 Thermal Radiators

identical chromaticity, at least over the visible
Thermal radiators are hot bodies. Their spectral
range of the spectral distribution from about 400
power distributions are continuous functions of
to 700 nm.
wavelength and depend both on the nature of the
Whereas the chromaticity of daylight fixes
body and its temperature. However, a thermal
rather uniquely the relative spectral radiant power
radiator may be imagined capable of providing a
distribution of that daylight, the sky conditions
spectral power distribution that depends on the
offer only rather vague clues as to the spectral
temperature alone. Such a radiator is called a full
distribution that may prevail. However, as a rule
radiator, Planckian radiator, blackbody radiator,
of thumb, the following relationships seem to
or cavity radiator. In the following discussion, the
term blackbody radiator is used. Because of its
fundamental importance in radiometry and, con-
(a) Daylight from the sun plus the total sky
sequently, in colorimetry and photometry, some
incident on a horizontal surface ranges in corre-
of the properties of blackbody radiators are given
lated color temperature from about 5000 K to
7000 K regardless of cloud coverage, (1.e., clear to
overcast sky). A good representative spectral (i) Blackbody Radiator. The radiant energy in
power distribution for this case of “global radia- an enclosed space or cavity, the walls of which are
tion” is the one shown in Figure 3(1.2.1) for 6000 maintained at a uniform temperature 7, is depen-
K. dent both in regard to density and spectral distri-
(b) Daylight from the north sky or, equivalently, bution on the wall temperature only, irrespective
daylight from the total sky but with the sun of the wall material. The introduction of a small
occluded, has correlated color temperatures above viewing aperture in the enclosure wall modifies
7000 K. The amount of cloud coverage de- slightly the radiant energy in a way that depends
termines the correlated color temperature most on the size and shape of the aperture and cavity
applicable. For a clear north sky, very high corre- and on the emissivity of the cavity walls. This
lated color temperatures of 40,000 K and higher small modification aside, the radiant power
can be reached. The overcast sky falls into cate- emitted through the viewing aperture is depen-
gory (a). dent solely on the wall temperature, and the
(c) Daylight from the sun disk alone or daylight aperture itself constitutes the ideal blackbody
from the sun disk at low altitudes plus sky gener- radiator. Any surface that emits radiant energy
ally results in spectral power distributions corre- identical in all respects with that from a small
sponding to correlated color temperatures below aperture in a constant temperature enclosure is
5000 K. also described as a blackbody radiator and is
characterized similarly by one parameter, the
In the ultraviolet (300 to 400 nm) and infrared temperature T.
(above 700 nm) regions of the spectrum, seasonal In the above discussion and in the formulae
and time-of-day variations are known to occur. that follow, the interior of the cavity and the
Thus, in these spectral regions, the CIE distribu- ambient medium of emitting surfaces are assumed
tions may, at times, deviate significantly from the to be empty space.
actual distribution occurring.
Studies made since 1964, when the CIE recom- (ii) Planck’s Formula. The spectral density
mendation was formulated on the basis of the (u,,) of radiant energy per unit wavelength inter-
work reported by Judd et al. (1964), have, on the val in the constant temperature enclosure of the
whole, confirmed the CIE spectral distributions. blackbody is given by Planck’s formula:
However, some deviations have been noted and
have been attributed to the particular location at uo, = Saher
(ee ** — 1) ‘(J Site)
which the measurements were taken, as well as to
seasonal parameters (Das and Sastri, 1965; Winch [1(1.2.2)]
et al., 1966; Sastri and Das, 1966, 1968; Nayatani
et al., 1967; Tarrant, 1968; Boshoff and Kok, in which c, h, and k are constants and T is the
1969; Kok, 1972; Tarrant and Brock, 1975; temperature taken on the absolute scale in kelvin
Dixon, 1978). (kelvin = degrees Celsius + 273.15). The cur-

rently recommended values of c,h, k are as fol- radiance of a blackbody radiator is independent
lows: of the direction of emission for all wavelengths;
that is, Lambert’s law is obeyed.
C= 2.907 99458 x 10" ms Equations 2(1.2.2) and 3(1.2.2) apply to non-
(velocity of light) polarized radiant energy. For polarized radiant
energy, the first radiation constant c, must be
=6626 116 10° es multiplied by the factor 3.
(Planck constant) The radiant exitance M,, has a maximum value
M,,,, at a wavelength X,,. The product 4,,7 is
k= 1380662 10°70 JR constant and given by
(Boltzmann constant)
= ne
ar: S aGhS WIE al 2.897791 X 10° —3 (m- K)
For all the constants the values adopted as best m

values are those specified by CODATA [Commit-

tee on Data for Science and Technology of the [4(1.2.2)]
International Council of Scientific Unions
(ICSU)] as compiled by Cohen and Taylor (1973). that is, the maximum of the spectral distribution
The spectral radiant exitance (M,,) of a curve occurs at A,,, which varies inversely with T
blackbody at temperature T per unit wavelength (Wien’s displacement law). The value at the maxi-
interval is given by mum is given by

M, = [uy = cA $(e2/7 — 1)! (Wm) M.y,T° = 1.286673 X 10°° (W-m-3- K~°)

[2(1.2.2)] [5(1.2.2)]

which, written in terms of the first and second Theoretically, the spectraldistribution of
radiation constants c, and c,, is perhaps the most radiant exitance extends from A = 0 to A= 0,
familiar form of Planck’s formula. but M,, soon becomes very small on either side of
The two radiation constants c, and c, are its maximum at A,,. One percent of its maximum
obtained from value M,, is reached at approximately 0.33 4X,
and 6.5 A,,, independent of the value of T.
C= qorhe = 2ahc? Figure 1(1.2.2) shows three examples of spec-
tral distributions of radiant exitance for tempera-
tures T = 2500, 3000, and 3500 K and their cor-
= 3.741 832 X 107'6 (W - m*)
responding maxima.
The total radiant exitance (M,) is given by the
and integral

; = 1.438786 x 10-* (m- K)

M,={ M,dd=T*(W-m?) [6(1.2.2)]

In pyrometry, colorimetry, and photometry, the

rounded value a relation often referred to as the Stefan—
Boltzmann law, which states that the total radiant
exitance of a blackbody radiator is proportional
Cy = 1.4388 X 1072 (m- K)
to the fourth power of the absolute temperature.
is currently recommended. The proportionality factor (Stefan—Boltzmann
The spectral radiance (L,,) 1s given by constant) is given by

Len = a pe (Wiemg sr [32 oa A Knes seri Ome Weemine® Kin
TW 15h3c*

where w, is the solid angle of magnitude one The radiant exitance from A = 0 toA = X,, is
steradian. This relationship results because the very closely equal to one quarter of the total
Sources of Radiant Energy 13








1000 1200 1400


Fig. 1(1.2.2). Spectral distributions of radiant exitance of a blackbody radiator at three

different temperatures, T = 2500 K, 3000 K, and 3500 K. At these temperatures, the blackbody
radiator has a maximum radiant exitance M,) of approximately 1260, 3130, and 6760
W-m ?-nm "|, respectively, at wavelengths A, equal to 1160, 965, and 830 nm (approx.).

radiant exitance; that is, approximately, The radiant exitance per unit frequency interval
is then given by
fXm, dd = 0.25 iPMSUR
[7Gie22)] ov jUey == 2m¢ Z
hv 3

The approximate form of Planck’s formula for

x (eT 1) (T- m=?) [9(1.2.2)]

M!, = c,A~Se°2/™ (W - m7?) where pv is the frequency and

Mae *h= AG32351X108-o (sm +)
which is valid when e°?/7* is large compared with
unity, is the earlier Wien’s formula. te
rs 4.799275 X 10 -11°' (s- K)
Planck’s formula is also often expressed with
respect to a uniform scale of frequencies rather
than wavelengths. The quantity M,, has a maximum value M,, at

frequency v,,, where (iii) Tabulation of Planck’s Formula. For pho-

tometric and colorimetric purposes, it is generally
To) = SB 78887 x 16 se KD preferable to use a table that gives the relative
spectral distribution of radiant exitance of a
M.,,,T7= 5.956646 107"? blackbody at various temperatures, expressed on
a wavelength basis, as a function of wavelength.
(stem pK Table I(1.2.2) has been prepared for this book
with the following specification:
It may be noted that the wavelength c/v,, does
1. Spectral radiant exitance given by Planck’s
not coincide with the wavelength »y,, obtained
formula (see Eq. 2(1.2.2)):
previously (see Wien’s displacement law). In fact,

= = 1959781 A, MA =cA "(ear = [ae


The number of photons emitted in unit time per
unit frequency interval and in all directions in the Cp O41 8 10 Wee
solid angle 27 by unit area of a blackbody at
temperature T is given by C5 = 14388 oc le Wea

[10(1.2.2)] 2. The wavelength A ranges from 300 to 830 nm

at intervals of 10 nm
3. The temperature T ranges
The maximum value N,, occurs at frequency »,,
from 1000 to 2000 K at intervals of 200 K,

fe AR ahs
AUin Pir, iLU K yin, i 9,
from 2000 to 3400 K at intervals of 50 K,

NL 19636270 TO” Gass «KR from 3400 K to 8000 K at intervals of 200 K

The wavelength c/v, does not coincide with either 4. Additional temperatures
v,, OF C/V,,. In fact,
T = 9000, 10,000, and infinity K,
+ a ERSGL2 me:
Py T = 2042, 2790, and 2856 K

The total number of photons of all frequencies The computed values of M,,, given to five
is given by the integral significant figures followed by the power of 10,
are normalized at each temperature so that M,, at
N Sib ve dv(m-?-s-') [11(1.2.2)] A = 560 nm becomes unity. The absolute value at
A = 560 nm is given at the bottom of each col-
umn; the unit is watts per square centimeter per
where 10-nm wavelength interval [W - m 7 - (10 nm) ‘J.
The absolute values at the other wavelengths may
NT? = 4.808228 (F)e> be obtained by multiplying the quoted (relative)
values by the absolute value for \ = 560 nm. If a
change in the value of c, to c5, = ac, is required,
= 12520434. 10? (me? he- "> K-*) the tabulation may be corrected by changing the
temperature T to T’ = aT. A change in the value
For additional information on the blackbody of c, to c; = bc, may be corrected by changing
radiator and Planck’s formula see papers by the absolute value of M,, to M;, = bM,,. Figure
Forsythe (1920), Holladay (1928), Ribaud (1931), 2(1.2.2) illustrates some of the tabulated relative
Benford (1939, 1943), Worthing (1939), DeVos spectral distributions of radiant exitance of the
(1954), Nakaji (1957), and Kaye and Laby (1973). blackbody at different temperatures.
Sources of Radiant Energy 15


400 500 600 700

Fig. 2(1.2.2). Relative spectral distributions of radiant exitance of a blackbody radiator at
different temperatures 7(K). All spectral distributions have been normalized such that the
radiant exitance M,, is unity at A = 560 nm.

Many other tabulations of Planck’s formula with a(A) [= e(A)] as follows:

can be found in the literature. Recent ones are
those by Czerny and Walther (1961), Pivovonsky p(A)=1—a(A) [12(1.2.2)]
and Nagel (1961), Hahn et al. (1964), and Levi
For a blackbody radiator we have p(A) = 0 and
(iv) Nonfull Radiators. The radiant energy
a(A) = e(A) = | at all wavelengths. For a perfect
emitted by an incandescent solid is always less
reflecting diffuser we have p(A) = 1 and a(A) =
than that emitted by a blackbody radiator (full
e(A) = 0 at all wavelengths.
radiator) at the same temperature. The ratio of
the radiant exitance of a thermal radiator to that (v) Tungsten. In the visible range, the spectral
of a blackbody radiator at the same temperature radiant exitance distributions of some selective
is called the emissivity (e) of the thermal radiator. bodies such as carbon, platinum, and tungsten are
In general, the emissivity is a function of wave- approximations to the spectral radiant exitance
length, and the thermal radiator is then said to be distribution of a blackbody. Tungsten is the most
a selective radiator. Numerically, the spectral preferred material for making filaments of in-
emissivity e(A) of the matte surface of a thermal candescent lamps. It has a high melting point,
radiator is the same as the spectral absorbance above 3650 K, and can be operated at high tem-
a(A) of the surface. Kirchhoff’s law states that perature either in vacuo or in an inert gas for long
the ratio of the radiant power emitted by the periods before loss by evaporation brings about
matte surface of a thermal radiator to the ab- failure of the filament. Tungsten filaments can be
sorbance of the surface is the same for all thermal made with high mechanical strength to produce
radiators at the same temperature. If such a favorable vapor pressure and resistance character-
surface receives the radiant power P), the portion istics.
a(A)P, is absorbed-and converted into heat and The emissivity of tungsten is not quite con-
the rest p(A)P, is reflected diffusely. The quan- stant but decreases with increase in wavelength
tity p(A) is called the reflectance and is related and increase in temperature (Ornstein, 1936;
ee ee ee ee ee eee ee eee ee ee
00r'°0 vor'o 607 0 vivo 0cr'0 Scr 0 lev'0 TIVO ely0 9170 6170 cctv 0 008
por'0 800 €Ivo 8Iv0 vcr'0 6cr 0 pero CIV 0 SIV0 8Ir'0 Icv0 vcr'0 O8Z
80¢'0 clv 0 LIv0 Icv0 Lev 0 ctv 0 Lev 0 eIv'0 9IP'0 Ocr'0 tcv 0 Lev 0 O09L
cIvV'0 9IP 0 0cr'0 Scv'0 Ofr'0 sev 0 6fv 0 SIv0 617 0 ccv 0 9cr'0 Ofr 0 Obl
9Ir'0 O0cr'0 vcr 0 6cv 0 eer 0 8tr 0 chr 0 LIV 0 Icv0 Scv 0 6cr 0 vero OCcL
617 0 €cv'0 Lev 0 cer 0 9¢r'0 Orr'0 vrr 0 61 0 vcr 0 8cr 0 ecr'0 Lev 0 OOL
cer 0 9cv'0 O£r'0 pero stv 0 cry 0 9rr 0 Icv0 9cr 0 Ofr 0 ser 0 Orr 0 089
9cr'0 6cr 0 ctv 0 Lev 0 Ivrv0 Spr 0 8rr 0 pcr 0 8cr 0 ctv 0 9€7 0 Ivy 0 099
8cv 0 cero 9€r7'0 6£r 0 trv 0 Lvr'0 Osr'0 9cr'0 Ofr 0 per 0 stv 0 cry 0 Ov9
Tero sev 0 str 0 chr 0 Spr 0 6rr 0 csr 0 Ofr 0 €tv 0 Lev 0 Ivy 0 srr 0 0c9
rer 0 8tr 0 Ipro Srv 0 8rr 0 csv 0 ssv0 pero Lev 0 Orr 0 very 0 Lrv 0 009
8tr'0 Ipv0 S¢r'0 8rr 0 cSv'0 ssVv'0 6Sr 0 Ler'o Orr 0 ery 0 Lvrv0 Osr'0 08S
chy 0 srr 0 8rr 0 Isv'0 csr0 67 0 cov 0 Ipv0 try 0 9br 0 6rr 0 cSPr'0 09S
perro 8rr'0 Isv0 psv 0 8S7'0 19¢'0 69v'0 err 0 9br 0 8rr 0 ls7 0. we USVe Ovs
9br'0 6¢r'0 esp 0 9S7'0 0970 £970 L9V'0 9rr 0 8rr 0 OSr'0 esv'0 ssv0 OcS
8rr'0 Isp0 ssv0 8sr0 c9r'0 Sor 0 697 0 6rr 0 Isv0 esv 0 SsVv0 LSv 0 00S
OSr'0 esv0 LSv'0 09¢'0 y9r 0 L9V'0 ILv'0 csv 0 psy 0 9S7 0 LSv 0 6S7 0 O87
csv 0 ssv 0 6S7'0 c9P'0 9970 69r 0 tLv 0 9S7'0 LSv0 6S 0 0970 c9v'0 09P
ssv'0 8Sv'0 c9P'0 c9or'0 890 clr 0 9Lv 0 6S7'0 19¢'0 cor 0 £97 0 S9v'0 OvY
8Sr'0 19v'0 S9r'0 L9V'0 ILV'0 SLv'0 8Lv 0 €9r'0 y9r0 9970 Lov'0 69h 0 OCP
19¢'0 p9v'0 L9V'0 ILv'0 ply 0 LLV'0 1870 9970 8970 6970 ILvV 0 ely 0 O00V
cov 0 s9r'0 8970 cLV'0 SLvV 0 8Lr 0 c8Pr 0 L9V'0 690 ILv'0 Lv 0 SLv0 06¢
c9or'0 9970 69¢ 0 cLv'0 9LV 0 6Lv'0 c8Pr 0 69r'0 ILv'0 eLv0 SLv'0 LLV'0 O8€
€9r'0 99r'0 OLY'0 eLv0 9Lr 0 6Lv 0 C80 OLr'0 CLV 0 ply 0 9Lv'0 6Lr'0 OLE
€9r'0 9970 6970 cLY'0 SLv'0 8Ly 0 I8v'0 ILv0 eLyv 0 SLv'0 8Lv 0 0870 09€
190 y9r 0 L9v'0 OLtv'0 €Lv0 9LV'0 6Lv 0 cLY'0 ply 0 9LV'0 6Lv'0 I8r'0 OSE
6Sv'0 970 9970 6970 cLV'0 SLV0 8Lb'0 cLyV'0 Ply 0 LLV'0 6LV 0 c8P 0 Ove
8Sb'0 c9oV'0 S9r'0 8970 cLv 0 SLv'0 8Lv'0 cLvV 0 plro LLv'0 08r'0 c8P 0 Oct
LSv'0 19P'0 g9r'0 897 0 cLv 0 9LV'0 6Lv 0 ILv'0 €Lv 0 9LV'0 6Lv'0 c8P 0 OcE
9S7'0 19¢'0 9970 OLv 0 ely 0 LLvV'0 180 897 0 ILv'0 pLrv'o 9Lv'0 6LV 0 Ole
9S7°0 1970 $970 OLYv'0 ply 0 8Lv'0 c8r 0 O0£
0087 009¢ O0VC 00? 000¢ 0081 0091 O0rC 00¢¢ 00072 0081 0091 (wu)
(x) einyeraduia 5 (1) ainjesroduia | v
(pS61)SOA oq Aq s}usweinseayy (661) aeqeiseT Aq s}UsWoINseayy
uajssuny, Jo Aytatssturg peysedg =(7'7'T)T AGeL

Sources of Radiant Energy 17

Forsythe and Adams, 1945; Nottingham and envelope of a 500-W lamp is shown in Figure
Mutter, 1948; DeVos, 1954; Larrabee, 1959). Ta- 4(1.2.2).
ble 1(1.2.2) gives the spectral emissivity of tungs- Figure 5(1.2.2) shows the spectral irradiance
ten as measured by DeVos (1954; values read distribution of a tungsten filament lamp operat-
from published graphs) and Larrabee (1959). ing at a color temperature of 2850 K.
Small but systematic deviations between the two
independent sets of measurements may be ob- (vi) Tungsten—Halogen. Tungsten—halogen lamps
served. These deviations are attributable on the show a number of important advantages over
one hand to experimental errors and on the other ordinary tungsten lamps (IES, 1972). They are
to different amounts of impurities and different more compact and provide a considerably better
surface conditions of the tungsten samples used light output. By the addition of a small quantity
by the two experimenters. Figure 3(1.2.2) il- of halogen to the filling gas of a tungsten filament
lustrates the spectral distribution of emissivity of lamp, a regenerative halogen cycle is set up.
tungsten for two temperatures (T = 1600 K and (Halogen is the name given to a family of nega-
T = 2400 K). The solid curves refer to measure- tive elements; i.e., bromide, chlorine, fluorine,
ments by Larrabee, the dashed curves to corre- and iodine.)
sponding measurements by DeVos. The tungsten filament, when operating at in-
In most practical cases, the spectral transmit- candescence, loses some tungsten through
tance of the glass envelope of a tungsten filament evaporation. In an ordinary tungsten lamp, the
lamp can be assumed uniform, especially when evaporated tungsten would deposit on the lamp
only the visible region of the spectrum is consid- bulb, resulting in bulb blackening, common with
ered. However, in critical work, and particularly a tungsten lamp and most evident near the end of
when the ultraviolet region of the spectrum plays the lamp’s life. However, in a tungsten—halogen
a part in the investigation, account must be taken lamp, the temperature of the quartz bulb, en-
of the spectral transmittance of the envelope. A veloping the filament in close proximity, is suffi-
typical spectral transmittance curve of a glass ciently high (above 260°C) so that the evaporated

—— LARRABEE (1959)
DE VOS (1954)


300 400 500 600 700 800

Fig. 3(1.2.2). Spectral emissivity of tungsten at temperatures T = 1600 K and T= 2400 K
(after measurements by Larrabee, 1959 and DeVos, 1954).

O: S


300 400 500 600 700 800

Fig. 4(1.2.2). Typical spectral transmittance curve of a glass envelope of a 500 W tungsten
filament lamp.

ari >: D4 ae ak

O95- Tungsten Lamp

200 W, Osram Type Wi 41 /G
aes Measured at a distance of |0Ocm,
5.78 A, 316 Vdd i
—s Color Temp. Te =2850 K |

2506. = 4

: |
pO Bee!ox

S3) 03 +


| ee ee |

300 400 500 600 700 800

Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 5(1.2.2). Spectral irradiance distribution of a tungsten filament lamp operating at a
color-temperature of 2850 K. The lamp measured serves as a spectral irradiance working

Sources of Radiant Energy 19

tungsten combines with the halogen to a gaseous quality of daylight simulators of any make, in-
tungsten—halogen compound. When this com- cluding filtered tungsten filament lamps, has been
pound comes in contact with the hotter filament, studied by the CIE Colorimetry Committee and is
it breaks up into its original components of treated in detail in Section 3.3.5 dealing with CIE
tungsten and halogen. The tungsten is redeposited standard sources.
on the filament and the halogen continues its role
in the regenerative tungsten—halogen cycle. De-
spite the fact that the filament does not lose 1.2.3 Electric Discharge Lamps
appreciable amounts of tungsten, the life of a In most electric discharge lamps, radiant energy is
tungsten—halogen lamp is not unlimited. The re- produced by passing an electric current through a
deposition of tungsten does not necessarily occur gas or vapor. Electrons, accelerated by an electric
at the same spots from where the tungsten came, field applied between two electrodes, collide with
thus gradually weakening the filament. the gas molecules and give up their kinetic energy
Tungsten—halogen lamps can operate at higher in processes yielding electrically excited molecules
filament temperatures than ordinary tungsten and atoms, ions, and further electrons. The
lamps, thus providing spectral power distri- charged particles produced are themselves accel-
butions with correspondingly higher color tem- erated by the field and contribute to building up
peratures. Figure 6(1.2.2) shows the spectral the discharge process. When the particles whose
irradiance distribution of a tungsten—halogen energy levels have been raised return to their
lamp operating at a color temperature of ap- normal state, the excitation energy is emitted in
proximately 3100 K. the form of quanta of radiant energy. In contrast
to the thermal radiators described above, electric
(vii) Filtered Tungsten Filament Lamps. Tung- discharge lamps emit /ine spectra, in addition,
sten filament lamps are often combined with col- frequently to a more or less intense continuous
ored glass filters to duplicate approximately the spectrum. A line spectrum is composed of a num-
spectral radiant power distribution of certain de- ber of monochromatic lines of certain wave-
sired phases of natural daylight. Such “daylight lengths, separated by regions in which no radiant
simulators” are of importance for visual inspec- energy is emitted. The spectral radiant power
tion and grading of colored materials and visual distribution of an electric discharge lamp and the
color matching in a variety of industrial produc- amount of radiant power emitted depend on many
tion control tasks. The problem of assessing the factors but primarily on the vapor present in the

Tungsten - Halogen Lamp

2OOW, GE Type Q6.6A/T4/1CL
Measured at a distance of 43cm,
6.50 A, 28.9 V (dc)
Color Temp. Tc, = 3I00K


300 400 500 600 700 800

Wavelength d (nm)
Fig. 6(1.2.2). Spectral irradiance distribution of a tungsten—halogen lamp operating at a
color temperature of 3100 K. The lamp measured serves as a spectral irradiance standard.




500 600 700
Wavelength d (nm)

Fig. 1(1.2.3). Relative spectral radiant power distribution of a “white” carbon arc lamp.

lamp, the vapor pressure, the density of electric a larger proportion of the radiant power into
current passing through the vapor, and the elec- longer wavelengths. The spectral lines then be-
trode material. come broader and a continuous spectrum is
There are many types of electric discharge superimposed upon the line spectrum. About one
lamps (IES, 1972); the following are of particular half of the total radiant power emitted by the
importance to colorimetry and its associated lamp is in the ultraviolet region. By the use of
fields. coatings of “fluorescent” materials (phosphors)
applied to the inside of the lamp envelope, the
(i) Carbon Arc Lamps. Carbon arc lamps emit output of visible radiant power can be increased.
considerable radiant power in the ultraviolet, visi- The phosphor layer absorbs ultraviolet radiant
ble, and infrared regions of the spectrum. The power and emits, as a result, a continuous spec-
radiation is a combined effect of the incandes- trum of longer wavelengths. The spectrum of the
cence of the electrodes and the luminescence of fluorescent light depends upon the phosphor or
vaporized material and other chemical com- mixture of phosphors used in the envelope (Barnes
pounds in the surrounding gaseous atmosphere. and Forsythe, 1937; IES, 1972). Figure 2(1.2.3)
The spectral radiant power distribution of a shows the relative spectral radiant power distribu-
carbon arc lamp is a complex function of the tion of a typical mercury vapor lamp.
electrode materials. It consists of a continuous
distribution on which are superimposed spectral (iii) Fluorescent Lamps. Closely related to the
lines and bands. By means of properly chosen mercury vapor lamp is the fluorescent lamp. The
electrodes and core material, the spectral lines fluorescent lamp is also an electric discharge lamp
and bands can be broadened to give, together usually in the form of a long glass tube, the inside
with the continuum, a radiant power distribution of which is coated with phosphors with the elec-
effectively continuous throughout the visible trodes at the two ends. The tube is filled with a
spectrum (Coblentz et al., 1926). An example of a rare gas that carries the electric discharge until
spectral radiant power distribution of a carbon the drop of liquid mercury in the tube has been
arc lamp is shown in Figure 1(1.2.3). vaporized. The discharge conditions are such as
to give a high yield of the ultraviolet components
(ii) Mercury Vapor Lamps. The principle lines of the mercury spectrum. The ultraviolet radiant
of the ultraviolet and visible spectrum of a power, mainly that of wavelength 253.7 nm,
mercury vapor lamp are at approximately 254, excites the phosphor to radiate energy of longer
313, 365, 405, 436, 546, and 578 nm, and for the wavelengths.
ultraviolet lines to be available outside the lamp, The phosphors used in improved-color mercury
the envelope of the latter must be of quartz. The lamps and in fluorescent lamps are crystalline
radiant power emitted at the various wavelengths inorganic compounds of high chemical purity.
varies mainly with the vapor pressure and the Frequently, one or more activators are added to
density of electric current passing through the increase the efficiency of the phosphor and con-
vapor. Increasing operating pressure tends to shift trol the spectral emittance to some extent. Table
Sources of Radiant Energy 21


400 500 600 700


Fig. 2(1.2.3). Relative spectral radiant power distribution of a typical mercury vapor lamp.

1(1.2.3) lists some of the phosphors and activators spectral differences can lead to unacceptable mis-
used together with the wavelength at which maxi- matches of colored materials that are supposed to
mum emittance occurs (IES, 1972). Figures color match under daylight (see Section 3.3.5).
3(1.2.3) and 4(1.2.3) show examples of relative Fluorescent lamps are also used in tachisto-
spectral radiant power distributions of common scopes; that is, instruments that provide visual
fluorescent lamps. stimuli of brief duration for studies such as back-
Fluorescent lamps are used in a variety of ward masking, apparent movement, visual laten-
visual tasks. However, when they are used as cies, and information processing. The time
“daylight simulators” in critical color matching constants of electronic tachistoscopes incorporat-
tasks, they are often found to be unsatisfactory. ing fluorescent lamps have been found to be
As can be seen by comparing Figure 3(1.2.1) with much poorer than has usually been assumed. Mol-
Figures 3(1.2.3) and 4(1.2.3), the spectral radiant len and Polden (1978) have published a critical
power distributions of fluorescent lamps do not review of such instruments and discuss the possi-
approximate those of natural daylight. The large ble adverse effects the long instrumental time

Table 1(1.2.3) Examples of Phosphors and Activators Used in Fluorescent Lamps (IES, 1972)
Wavelength of
Phosphor Activator Maximum Emittance, nm Lamp Use

Calcium tungstate Lead 440 Blue

Magnesium tungstate — 480 Daylight
Barium titanium phosphate Titanium 490 Various whites
Calcium halophosphate Antimony and 590 Cool white, white,
manganese Warm white, daylight
Calcium silicate Lead and manganese 610
Strontium magnesium Tin 620 Color-improved cool
phosphate and warm white
Calcium-strontium Tin 640
Magnesium fluoro- Manganese 660 Color-improved whites



400 500 600 790

Fig. 3(1.2.3). Relative spectral radiant power distributions of common fluorescent lamps: (1)
standard warm white; (2) white; (3) standard cool white; and (4) daylight. The distribution
curves have been scaled by appropriate constant factors to provide a common value of 100 at
A = 560 nm.




400 500 600 700

Fig. 4(1.2.3). Relative spectral radiant power distributions of common fluorescent lamps: (5)
warm white de luxe; (6) soft white; (7) cool white de luxe. The distribution curves have been |
scaled by appropriate constant factors to provide a common value of 100 at A = 560 nm.

Sources of Radiant Energy A

constants have on certain visual experimental gas (usually argon) and zirconium vapor in the
data. arc stream. A valuable feature of the low wattage
discharge lamps of this type is that they provide
(iv) High-pressure Xenon Arc Lamps. High-
an extremely small, very intense arc forming a
pressure xenon arc lamps are used with consider-
luminous spot of approximately 0.12 to 0.25 mm
able advantage in colorimetry; they can be excel-
in diameter (depending on wattage) which is a
lent “daylight simulators” (Section 3.3.5). These
practical approximation to a point source. Figure
electric discharge lamps have an extremely high
6(1.2.3) illustrates the spectral radiant power dis-
output of radiant power throughout the ultra-
tribution of a typical zirconium concentrated-arc
violet, visible, and infrared regions of the spec-
trum. In the ultraviolet and visible regions of the
spectrum, the spectral distribution is continuous (vi) Flashtubes. Flashtubes are electric dis-
but superimposed by a series of closely packed charge lamps that emit radiant power of large
and pronounced emission bands between 450 and amounts during an extremely short period of time.
500 nm. In the near infrared region of the spec- The spectral distribution provided by a flashtube
trum (from 800 to 1200 nm), there are numerous mainly depends on its inert gas. The most com-
emission bands of considerable power making the mon gases used in flashtubes are xenon, argon,
spectrum of the arc lamp rather jagged. Figure hydrogen, and krypton. Figure 7(1.2.3) illustrates
5(1.2.3) shows an example of a spectroradiometric the spectral radiant energy distribution of a
record of a high-pressure xenon arc lamp. xenon-filled flashtube (IES, 1972).
(v) Zirconium Concentrated-Arc Lamps. The
1.2.4 Electroluminescent Sources
radiant power from a zirconium concentrated-arc
lamp shows a strong continuous spectrum from Some special phosphors convert energy of an
the cathode surface, and a line spectrum and alternating electric current directly into radiant
weak continuous spectrum from the excited inert energy without the intermediate step of producing


09 High-Pressure
Xenon Lamp

O6 S point of
Arc Te : ot a measurement

O05 &
04 Cathode =




300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 5(1.2.3). Relative spectral radiant power distribution of a high-pressure (2 kW) xenon arc lamp.

& 40 54

2az 20

400 500 600 700

Fig. 6(1.2.3). Relative spectral radiant power distribution of a zirconium concentrated-arc

ultraviolet radiant energy by an arc discharge tor. The capacitor consists of a transparent
through a vapor. This phenomenon is called elec- conductive film on a sheet of glass, clear ceramic,
troluminescence. The electroluminescent phos- or plastic. The spectral radiant power distribution
phor, such as cubic zinc sulfide, is mixed with obtained from an electroluminescent source de-
one or two activators (copper, lead) and im- pends on the phosphor, but to some extent also
bedded into the dielectric of a thin-plate capaci- on the frequency of the current. For a given

I6r T T T pes ae T

5 l2

Se 8;

ui 6F

B 4

a Eh i ies ees) ee ey eee ae See ih

300 400 500 600 700 800 3900
Fig. 7(1.2.3). Spectral radiant energy distribution of a xenon-filled flashtube operating at a
current density of 1700 A-cm? (IES, 1972).
Sources of Radiant Energy 22

600 620 640 660 680 700 720

Volt (V) Wavelength X (nm)

Fig. 1(1.2.4)._ Luminance of green ceramic (Curve Fig. 1(1.2.5). Relative spectral radiant power dis-
1) and plastic (Curve 2) electroluminescent sources tribution of a typical light emitting diode (LED).
operated at 400 cycles as a function of voltage
(IES, 1972).

to meet at the junction where they combine to

produce photons (Hall, 1969).
design, the luminance is mainly a function of The spectral radiant power distribution of an
both voltage and frequency, as illustrated in Fig- LED is confined to a fairly narrow spectral re-
ure 1(1.2.4). gion. The wavelength of its peak emission is de-
The application of electroluminescent sources pendent on the semiconductor material and the
is limited to locations where the general illumina- added impurities. Most LEDs presently available
tion is low. They are used in instrument panels, emit in either the yellow, red, or infrared region
switchplates, clockfaces, and the like. In certain of the spectrum. Special phosphors have been
visual experiments, they may be useful as sur- incorporated in some LEDs to produce emission
round stimuli of low luminance. They are com- in the green. There are no shortwave-emitting
mercially available in green, blue, yellow, and LEDs on the market. Figure 1(1.2.5) shows a
white, and can be fabricated into simple or com- relative spectral radiant power distribution of a
plex shapes (IES, 1972). typical LED.
Light-emitting diodes are physically very small.
The p-n junction semiconductor “chip” generally
1.2.5 Light-Emitting Diodes
has a size ranging from 0.2 to 1 mm square; the
Light-emitting diodes (LED) are solid-state assembled source varies in size from 2 to 5 mm
sources of radiant energy. The radiant energy diameter depending on its design and construc-
producing material in a light-emitting diode is a tion. In general, LEDs operate at low voltages
specially prepared semiconductor material of high (one to three volts) and currents below 10 mA to
purity to which have been added small amounts about 200 mA. In the visible spectrum, luminous
of other chemical compounds as controlled “im- intensities of the order of 0.015 candelas are
purities.” Two kinds of impurities are used. One produced.
yields a semiconductor material, called n-type Apart from their wide application in computer
material, having an excess of electrons. The other systems, LEDs are also used in some color-vision
yields a p-type material having a shortage of instrumentation as point-fixation lights.
electrons or “holes.” The two kinds of impurities
are diffused into the same piece of semiconductor
1.2.6 Lasers
material so that an interface or “junction” is
produced between the n-type and the p-type The radiant energy emitted by a laser (Laser =
materials. When a sufficiently high dc potential is light amplification by stimulated emission of
applied to the semiconductor material with polar- radiation) differs in several ways from that emitted
ity such that the n-type is negative and the p-type by other sources. A laser emits coherent and
is positive, the electrons and the holes are forced highly monochromatic radiant energy of very high

intensity. Laser radiation is a process in which a lated emission. When a sufficient “population” of
photon stimulates a molecule or ion, already in an lasing material is in the excited state, an external
excited state, to emit another photon in phase source of photons of exactly the same energy as
with the stimulating photon. The lasing material that to be emitted will stimulate the population of
can be a gas, a liquid, or a solid. It is brought into excited-state material to give up its excitation
an excited state by absorption of electromagnetic energy in phase, thus greatly amplifying the num-
energy at wavelengths other than that of stimu- ber of photons over those that stimulated the


(a) (b) “— 200



300 350 250 300 350 400


d@) -

oS ~S oe



250 300 350 400 250 3005) £360) 400


Fig. 1(1.2.7). Spectral radiant power distributions in the ultraviolet of 20 different sources
measured by Hirt et al. (1960) in terms of pW-em ?- (3 nm) !.(a). Direct Sunlight at noon
at Stamford, Connecticut, U.S.A.: Curve 1: Feb. 11, 1957; Curve 2: May 3, 1957; Curve 3: July
17, 1957; Curve 4: Dec. 27, 1957. (6b). Xenon Arc Lamps: Curve 5: Hanovia 507Cl, 1000 W,
25 cm distance; Curve 6: same as 5, but with Corning filter 7740; Curve 7: Hanau Xenotest W
1500 W, 6.25 cm distance. (c). Fade-Ometer: Curve 8: Atlas OA-2, 2700 W, 25 cm distance.
(d). Sunlamps: Curve 9: GE S-1, 400 W, 21.15 cm distance; Curve 10: GE RS, 275 W, 21.25
cm distance. (e). Mercury Arc Lamps: Curve 11: GE AH3, 85 W, 25 cm distance; Curve 12:
GE AH6, 1000 W, 25 cm distance. (f). Fluorescent Lamps: Curve 13: GE Blacklight
FIST8/BL, 15 W, 7.5 cm distance; Curve 14: GE Blacklight F1ST8/BLB, 15W, 7.5 cm
distance; Curve 15: GE Daylight F1S5T8/D, 15 W, 7.5 cm distance; Curve 16: Westinghouse
Sunlamp F20T12/Sun, 20 W, 7.5 cm distance. (g). Projection Lamp: Curve 17: GE 100T8,
100 W, 7.5 cm distance; Blacklight: Curve 18: GE Purple-X 250 A21/60, 250 W, 7.5 cm
distance. (4). Hydrogen Arc Lamps: Curve 19: Beckmann Instruments, air-cooled, 7.5 cm
distance; Curve 20: A.G. Nester, water-cooled, 50W, 7.5 cm distance.
Sources of Radiant Energy 27

emission. Flashtubes are often used as external 1.2.7 Sources of Ultraviolet Radiant Energy
sources supplying the electromagnetic energy re-
To specify the color of fluorescent materials, or to
quired for “pumping.” However, other methods
deal with problems of fading or bleaching, it is
of pumping are also used.
necessary to consider the spectral distribution as
A large variety of lasers are commercially
well as the quantity of ultraviolet radiant energy
available, designed to serve many different appli-
received by the material. An informative set of 20
cations in science and engineering. Their radiant
different spectral radiant power distributions of
power output may be a few milliwatts or several
various sources emitting (incoherent) ultraviolet
hundred kilowatts; they may operate continu-
radiant energy has been published by Hirt et al.
ously or in a pulsed mode; they may emit radiant
(1960). Their main results are illustrated in Figure
energy at one wavelength, or simultaneously at a
1(1.2.7). Note that all data are given uniformly in
few discrete wavelengths, or may be “tunable” to
emit any desired wavelength in a certain spectral
terms of wW- cm” - (3nm)~! for wavelength A
from 266 to 410 nm.
range. Useful lists of present-day lasers, their
classification, wavelengths, and performance
characteristics can readily be found in the litera- 1.2.8 Some Photometric and Colorimetric
ture (for example, Grum and Becherer, 1979). Characteristics of Sources of Radiant Energy
In color science, the main application of lasers Table 1(1.2.8) gives representative data for the
is in the field of spectroradiometry where they are luminance, chromaticity coordinates, and corre-
sometimes used in place of conventional mono- lated color temperature of some of the sources of
chromators. They have also proven very useful radiant energy discussed above. In connection
tools for aligning optical components in a variety with this table, the following notes may be of
of instruments. Their use as sources of visual interest.
stimuli is limited because of the “speckle” pattern
laser beams produce in the field of view (Dainty, (i) Daylight. Data on natural daylight varies
1975). However, visual scientists continue to be greatly with the time of day, the season of the
interested in lasers as a tool and, at times, find year, and the weather conditions. Some investiga-
them useful (Ingelstam and Ragnarsson, 1972). tors have studied daylight over many years, and


c fe

S 4
Cy (uae



(g) E
fe) taal +
3 20

per (MF
h a, 19 a

250 350 250 300 350 400

Fig. 1(1.2.7).. Continued

Table 1(1.2.8) Representative Photometric and Colorimetric Data of Different Sources of
Radiant Energy
get oe eS Se ee ear ee
Coordinates Correlated
Luminance e eee
2 Color Temperature
Source (cd-cm ”) x y (K)
eebalai'n tm feceeeer oiMES see ener, scl nar af a
Sun disk“
Measured above atmosphere
(m= 0) 200,000 0.318 0.330 6,200
Measured near sea level
for air masses?
m=1 150,000 0.331 0.344 5,600
m=2 125,000 0.343 0.357 5,100
m=3 100,000 0.356 0.369 4,700
m=4 80,000 - 0.368 0.379 4,400
m=5 65,000 0.380 0.388 4,100
Clear blue sky 0.06 to 0.4 0.262 0.270 15,000
0.247 0.251 30,000
Partly cloudy sky 0.1 to 0.4 0.294 0.309 8,000
0.279 0.291 10,000
Overcast sky 0.2 to 0.5 0.313 0.329 6,500

Gold point 0.11 0.607 0.381 1,326
Platinum point 60 0.522 0.414 2,042
Rhodium point 170 0.502 0.415 2,293
Iridium point 1,250 0.458 0.410 2,716
Tungsten filament*®
Vacuum lamp (10 Im-W') 200 0.477 0.414 2,400 to 2,600
Gas-filled lamp 1,200 0.444 0.406 2,700 to 3,100
(20 lm-W!)
750 W projection lamp 2,400 0.430 0.402 3,000 to 3,200
(26 Im: W~')
1200 W projection lamp 3,300 0.417 0.396 3,200 to 3,400
(31.5 Im-W~')
60 W inside frosted bulb 12 0.452 0.409 2,800
60 W “white” bulb 3 0.452 0.409 2,800
Carbon arcs (DC) 15,000 to 4,100 to 6,500
Mercury arc (high-pressure) 13,000
(1000 W; 65 Im/W)
Fluorescent lamps (T-12; 40W; 430 mA)
Std. Warm White 0.85 0.431 0.406 3,100
White 0.85 0.402 0.394 3,600
Std. Cool White 0.83 0.367 0.375 4,370
Daylight 0.69 0.313 0.332 6,500
Deluxe Cool White 0.58 0.376 0.366 4,050
Deluxe Warm White 0.57 0.434 0.400 3,020
Xenon (high-pressure, XBO
1600 W DC) 65,000 07322 0.320 6,000
Zirconium (300 W) 4,500 0.423 399 3,200

“Chromaticity coordinates after Moon (1940).

’The air masses m=1,2,...,5 are equivalent to the secants of the following angles between the zenith
and the sun: 0°(m=1), 60°(m = 2), 70.5°(m = 3), 75.5°(m = 4), 78.5°(m = 5).
“For clear blue and partly cloudy skies, the range of minimum luminance is given (Paix, 1963).
Chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperature are estimated from results by Judd,
MacAdam, and Wyszecki (1964).
“After Pivovonski and Nagel (1961).
“After IES Lighting Handbook (IES, 1972).
Sources of Radiant Energy 2a

on the basis of their records it is possible to

establish averages that have proven to be useful
for the architect, the photobiologist, and others
(Walsh, 1961; Paix, 1963; Henderson, 1977). For
the spatial distribution of the luminance of the
overcast sky and the blue sky, formulae have been
developed that agree with actual experimental = 60 cd-cm2
data to a fair approximation. For the overcast
2042 K Platinum Point
sky, the following formula by Moon and Spencer (Primary Standard
(1942) has been recommended by the CIE (1955): of Light)

Ly = 3L,(1 + 2sin8) [1(1.2.8)]

where L, is the luminance of the sky at an angle 0 (cd-cm-2)
above the horizon and L, is the luminance at the
zenith. In accordance with this formula, the lumi-
nance at the horizon (@ = 0) is one-third of that
at the zenith. For the blue sky, Pokrowski’s (1929) 1000 2000 3000 4000
theoretically derived formula may be used: Temperature (K)

Fig. 1(1.2.8). Logarithm of the luminance of

PA 1 + cos? a ae
blackbody radiators as a function of temperature
aH 1 — cosa [ exp (=) (kelvin). The blackbody radiator at the tempera-
[2(1.2.8)] ture (T = 2042 K) of freezing platinum has a
luminance of 60 cd-cm7. (See Chapter 4 on
where L,, is the luminance at an angle @ above Photometry.)
the horizon and an angle a from the sun, P is a
“scattering coefficient” usually set equal to 0.32,
and L,, is the luminance at two points on the The mean daylight locus passing through this
horizon whose angular distance from the sun is gamut is also shown. It lies somewhat above the
90°. Planckian locus in the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chro-
A modified formula which has been found in maticity diagram.
better agreement with experimental data in cer-
tain cases is as follows: (ii) Blackbody Radiator. For the blackbody
radiator, the spectral radiant emittance is given
Joppaaieba apne
|1 —cosa
se + x] by Planck’s formula [Eq. 2(1.2.1)], and luminance
and chromaticity coordinates can be computed
readily in accordance with the CIE colorimetric

x[1-e(S9)| [3(1.2.8)] system (Section 3.3.8). The luminance of black-

body radiation increases rapidly with increasing
temperature. Figure 1(1.2.8) shows the relation-
where the additional constant K is introduced
ship for a range of temperatures of practical
empirically to take account of scattering by par-
blackbody radiators. For related discussions, see
ticles larger than those responsible for the
Section 3.11 on distribution temperature, color
Rayleigh scattering. The value found for K is
temperature, and correlated color temperature.
approximately 5.
A more recent relationship of the luminance (iii) Incandescent Filament Lamps and Electric-
distribution of the blue sky has been given by the Discharge Lamps. From the enormous variety of
CIE (1973). lamps commercially available, only very few have
The gamut of chromaticity coordinates corre- been chosen for their particular interest to the
sponding to daylight of all phases is illustrated in colorimetrist and these are listed in Table 1(1.2.8).
Figure 2(1.2.1). The graph is based on many For more detailed and comprehensive data, the
hundreds of measurement made either by direct catalogues of the lamp manufacturers should be
colorimetry or by spectroradiometry and compu- consulted. The JES Lighting Handbook also con-
tation (Judd, MacAdam, and Wyszecki, 1964). tains a valuable collection of data (IES, 1972).

The correlated color temperatures given in Ta- are transmitted but reduced because of absorp-
ble 1(1.2.8) have been determined graphically in tion within the filter medium.
accordance with the procedure described in Sec- A precise mathematical formulation of the
tion 3.11. transmittance of an absorption filter is rather
involved and depends on a number of parameters
including the optical constants of the medium
13 OPTICAL FILTERS given by its complex index of refraction, the
thickness of the medium, the angle of incidence,
In the broadest sense, an optical filter is a device polarization, wavelength, and temporal and spa-
or material that changes selectively or nonselec- tial coherence of the radiant energy. All these
tively the spectral distribution of the incident parameters also play a part in the measurement of
radiant flux. Typical examples are colored glass spectral transmittances when the highest precision
filters and interference filters. Prism and grating and accuracy is the goal of the measurement. A
monochromators and reflecting materials such as detailed account of such measurements has been
mirrors and paint surfaces could also be classified given by Mielenz et al. (1973). However, in most
as optical filters, but these are more conveniently practical situations, many of the parameters in-
treated separately. Many different types of optical volved in the precise definition of transmittance
filters have been described in the literature, but and its measurement are of little or no impor-
only a few are of direct interest to colorimetrists tance, and formulae related to the transmittance
and research workers in vision. For additional of absorption filters become rather simple. A few
information the reader is especially referred to the of these formulae have been selected for general
papers by Mohler and Loofbourow (1952), Geff- use.
ken (1957), Dobrowolski et al. (1977), and For homogeneous isotropic absorption filters,
Dobrowolski (1978). Bouguer’s law (Bouguer, 1729) is valid

1.3.1. Absorption Filters o(A) = 10°4"™ [1(1.3.1)]

The most common types of absorption filters are where d is the path length of the beam of radiant
made of glass, gelatin, or liquids in which color- flux in the filter medium and m(A) is the spectral
ing agents are dissolved or suspended. Radiant absorptivity of the medium. At normal incidence,
flux P(A) incident on the first surface of the d is equal to the thickness of the filter. The
filter propagates through the filter medium and quantity #(A) is called the internal spectral trans-
emerges from the second surface as radiant flux mittance of the filter and is defined as the ratio of
P(A), see Figure 1(1.3.1). Portions of the radiant the radiant flux reaching the back surface of the
flux arriving at the first and second surfaces are filter to the flux that enters the filter at its front
lost by reflection, whereas the remaining portions surface.
Changes in concentration of a liquid solution
have the same effect as changes in path length.
Thus with

m(r) = cee ez
we obtain

O(A) = 10°40 [3(1.3.1)]

which is usually referred to as Beer’s law (Beer,
P() 1852). The quantity c is called the concentration of
ABSORPTION the absorbing solute; it is measured, for example,
FILTER in grams per liter. The quantity e(A) is the extinc-
Fig. 1(1.3.1). Schematic diagram showing radiant tion coefficient of the solute material at wave-
flux P)(A) passing through an absorption filter. length A.
The flux P(A) emerging from the filter is reduced Beer’s law has been found generally valid at
due-to reflection losses on the two filter surfaces low and moderate concentrations. At higher con-
and absorption within the filter medium. centrations, many solutions do not obey Beer’s
Optical Filters 31

law, but the deviations are associated with the Equation 8(1.3.1) and the similar ones below
formation or breakup of molecular aggregates ignore any modifications produced by optical in-
and other modifications of the absorbing mole- terference among the various transmitted and re-
cules and the solvent. Apparent deviations from flected beams generated at the filter surfaces and
Beer’s law are also observed as a result of inho- derived from a common incident beam. Because
mogeneities in the liquid or because scattering the path differences of the interfering beams are
particles are present (Hardy and Young, 1948). normally large, the effects of interference on
If dy and d are the original and new thick- transmission are averaged out for any incident
nesses, respectively, of an absorption filter obey- beam containing a considerable band of wave-
ing Bouguer’s or Beer’s law, and if (A) and lengths, such as a band of 10 nm width from a
o(A) are the corresponding internal spectral monochromator. However, in determining the
transmittances, then transmittance of a train of very accurately aligned
plane-parallel optical components (filters, cubes,
H(A) =[9Q)]%* — [4.3.19] etc.) for a parallel beam of more strictly mono-
chromatic light (for example, a spectral line), the
a relation often referred to as Lambert’s law possibility of interference effects has to be kept in
(Lambert, 1760). For the practical handling of mind. They are usually detected by the ap-
(A) it is convenient to use the internal optical pearance of light and dark fringes in the field.
density (A) defined as In many instances, interreflections contribute
little to the transmittance of the filter, and the
denominator in Eq. 8(1.3.1) may be ignored; thus
5(A) = —logig 8(A) = losi057R)

r(A) = [1 eAJPOQA) [9013.1]

dce(A) = dm(A) [5(1.3.1)]
Absorption filters may be combined in series
It follows that
in order to obtain other and more desirable spec-
tral transmittance characteristics. The spectral
8(A) = 4-80() [6(1.3.1)] transmittance 7,.(A) of a filter combination is dif-
ficult to predict if interreflections between surfaces
Losses of radiant flux by reflection from the are to be taken into account. Formulae become
front and back surface of the filter may be com- complicated and a numerical prediction impracti-
puted from Fresnel’s law of reflection (see Section cable (Stokes, 1862; Benford, 1923; Smith, 1926;
1.4). For normal incidence, the fraction p(A) of Tuckerman, 1947). Direct spectrophotometric
radiant flux reflected from a surface separating measurement is to be preferred. However, if inter-
two media is given by reflections can be ignored, the formulae for 7,(A)
are simple. The following are of particular inter-
Foe (2.— | 7(1.3.1)] (i) Combination of Filters in Optical Contact.
The spectral transmittance 7,(.) of a combination
where n(A) is the ratio of refractive indices of the of k filters in optical contact [see Figure 2(1.3.1)]
two media. If interreflections occurring between is given (approximately) by
the two plane-parallel surfaces of a filter are
taken into account, the spectral transmittance T(A)
is given by
TAA) = [1 = po A) HAIL! — 1A)
] 0)
x [1 Vv p(A)] i [1 x px—(A)]
mihi [1 ie p(A)] 9(X)
cad Bo 1— [pA)A)/ <9, (A)[1 — o,(A)] [10(1.3.1)]
[8(1.3.1)] where p,(A) is the reflectance occurring at the jth
surface (j = 0,1,2,...,k) separating two neigh-
This relation assumes that the only discontinuities boring media, and #,(A) (i = | to k) is the inter-
of refractive index in the filter are those at the nal spectral transmittance of the ith component
front and back surfaces. filter.

(O) (1) (2) (3) (k-1) (k)

Fig. 2(1.3.1). Schematic diagram of a combination of k absorption filters in optical contact.
P(A) = incident radiant flux; P(A) = transmitted radiant flux.

It may often be assumed that the refractive given (approximately) by

indices of the component filters are the same.
Thus, according to Fresnel’s law, TAA) = [1 = oA) H(A) = 02(A)]?
p(A) = p2(A) = +--+ pz_-(A) = 0 x 3,(A) wes [1 a p.(A)] 9, (A)

and [12(1.3.1)]
P(A) = px(A) = P(A)
TAA) = 7)(A) (A) ++ (A)
and Eq. 10(1.3.1) reduces to

TAA) = [1 = p(A) P(A)

(A) «+ 8,0) This means that the spectral transmittance of a
combination of filters, all of which are separated
[11(1.3.1)] by air, is given by the product of the spectral
transmittances of the component filters.
This formula describes the important practical If all filters have the same refractive index, so
combination of filters of glass fastened together that
with a cement of the same refractive index as that
of the component filters. The thickness and ab- pi(A) = pa(A) = + p.(A) = pA)
sorption of the cement layers are assumed to be
negligible. Eq. 12(1.3.1) becomes

(ii) Combination of Filters Separated by Air.

TA) = [1 = p(A)]*
(A) (A) --- 8,0)
The spectral transmittance 7,() of a combination
of k filters separated by air [see Figure 3(1.3.1)] is [14(1.3.1)]


Fig. 3(1.3.1).
Schematic diagram of a combination of k absorption filters separated by air.
-Po(A) = incident radiant flux; P(A )= transmitted radiant flux.
Optical Filters 33







400 500 600 700

Fig. 4(1.3.1). Spectral transmittances 7(A ) of component filters 1(2 mm), 1*(5 mm), and 2(5
mm), a combination of filters 1 and 1* in air, and a combination of filters 1 and 1* cemented

From this equation it is readily seen that the single wavelength A = 550 nm; but the complete
reflection loss in a multifilter combination can be results are shown in Figure 4(1.3.1).
considerable if the filters are separated by air. ROCUTIONe

(iii) Numerical Example. Case (a)

Given: Spectral transmittance 7,(A) and
T(A) of two glass filters as shown in Figure EEOC CMU toenail aii
4(1.3.1); Filter 1 has a thickness of 2 mm, Filter 2 Tes meee Nea
Internal transmittance #,(A) from
has a thickness of 5 mm. :
peta: be serch ‘d f inverse of Eq. 9(1.3.1): 0.560
EEE Sal fae rnep ae ponder Internal optical density 6,(A) from
|ra ee] ibk ealBe 0.2518
(a) Filter 1 when its thickness is increased from
Internal optical density 6,(A) of desired
2 to 5 mm; the new filter is denoted by 1*;
Filter 1* from Eq. 6(1.3.1) with
(b) Uncemented combination of Filters 1* and
0. d/dy) = 5/2 = 2:5: 0.6295
‘ ay Internal transmittance 3*(A) from
(c) Cemented combination of Filters 1** and 2. invee of Bq esclael): 1 0.235
“ie 28 3 ¥
The calculations are made for normal inci- fens aeS RiPArof desires baltee |
ratits al from inverse of Eq. 9(1.3.1): 0.215
dence and a constant refractive index of n = 1.53
for both the given glasses and the cement; thus Gaceth)

5 Transmittance T/*(A) of Filter 1* as

[1 — p(A)]}" = const = 0.9142 calculated in Case (a): 0.215
Transmittance T,(A) of Filter 2 from
The computational procedure is illustrated for the Figure 4(1.3.1): 0.625

Transmittance 7,(A) of desired uncemented lection and an intercomparison of about 800 dif-
combination from Eq. 13(1.3.1): 0.134 ferent glasses offered by 13 manufacturers has
recently been made by Dobrowolski et al. (1977).
Such a comprehensive collection cannot be pre-
Case (c)
sented here. Instead, we have limited our collec-
Transmittance 7;*(A) of Filter 1* as tion to the major types of colored glass filters
calculated in Case (a): 0.215 with their representative spectral transmittance
Transmittance 7,(A) of Filter 2 from curves. We hope that this collection, given in the
Figure 4(1.3.1): 0.625 Appendix as Table I(1.3.2), will provide the reader
Internal transmittance #*(A) of Filter 1* with a useful overview of the domain of commer-
as calculated in Case (a): 0.235 cially available colored glass filters.
Internal transmittance 3,(A) of Filter 2 The colored glass filters offered by the manu-
from inverse of Eq. 9(1.3.1): 0.684 facturers in their catalogues carry an identifica-
Transmittance 7,(A) of desired cemented tion and are usually characterized by their respec-
combination from Eg. 14(1.3.1): 0.147 tive spectral transmittance curves over a wide
wavelength range. The given spectral transmit-
NOTE: It is important to recall that the for- tance curve of a particular filter type characterizes
mulae used above apply only to completely ho- the type for a given glass thickness. Specific speci-
mogeneous filter media with all surfaces perfectly mens of that same type may vary somewhat in
flat, polished, and parallel, and with the radiant their spectral transmittance curves from the nomi-
flux propagating in parallel rays. Any deviations nal curve given in the catalogue, even if their
from these conditions will change the results to thicknesses are the same. In particular, if the
some extent. In precision photometry, it is wise specimens come from different melts, slightly dif-
not to rely too heavily on computational means, ferent spectral transmittance curves are not un-
but wherever possible to make direct measure- common.
ments. Filter combinations are preferably cali- As a general rule, for precision photometry
brated in exactly the same instrumental arrange- and colorimetry, individual calibration of each
ment as that in which they are to be used in specimen is strongly recommended. It is further
practice. recommended that each specimen be checked for
uniformity in transmittance across its area. Bub-
bles and striae within the glass medium occur
1.3.2 Glass Filters
occasionally and can, at times, affect seriously the
A large variety of colored glass filters are com- uniformity of the filter.
mercially available from several manufacturers in The spectral transmittance of all filters is a
different countries. A rather comprehensive col- function of temperature (Gibson, 1916; Meyer,


_Fig. 1(1.3.2). Effect of a temperature increase AT on the spectral transmittance of a glass
Optical Filters BD

1936; Holland and Turner, 1941; Angstrom and transmittance characteristics often similar to those
Drummond, 1959; Dodd and West, 1961). For of colored glass filters.
certain glasses, notably those containing selenium Gelatin filters are generally less expensive than
oxide as a coloring agent, even small variations in glass filters and they can be cut readily to the
room temperature affect the spectral transmit- desired size and shape. However, many of the
tance significantly. For other glasses, the effect gelatin filters are less stable than glass filters with
may be small and measurable only over larger regard to prolonged exposure to radiant energy,
ranges of temperature. Some general rules, il- high humidity, and temperature. In precision ra-
lustrated in Figure 1(1.3.2), include the following: diometry, photometry, and colorimetry, they are
A spectral transmittance that increases with rarely used.
increasing wavelength usually decreases with in-
creasing temperature. The greater the slope of the 1.3.4 Liquid Filters
spectral transmittance curve, the greater the tem-
perature effect, as a rule. A spectral transmittance A wide variety of spectral transmittance curves
that decreases with increasing wavelength is, in are provided by colored liquids and solutions.
general, little affected, but if it is, it often in- Their use as optical filters for photometry and
creases with increasing temperature. Spectral colorimetry is, however, mostly confined to spe-
transmittance curves varying only slightly with cial applications. Glass filters are usually pre-
wavelength are usually little affected by variations ferred because of their greater convenience.
in temperature. Transmittance changes due to Rather comprehensive listings of chemical
temperature are reversible; that is, the filter will solutions and their respective absorption char-
always return to its original transmittance at a acteristics are given, for example, in the Landolt-
specified temperature. Bornstein books of tables (Halban, 1923; 1927;
Many glass filters fluoresce, particularly when 1931; 1935; Dreisch, 1935; Pestemer et al., 1951;
irradiated by ultraviolet radiant energy. Most Geffken, 1957), and the International Critical Ta-
manufacturers identify them in their catalogues. bles (Becquerel and Rossignol, 1929; Carr and
The fluorescence can, at times, be troublesome. If Sherill, 1929; Henri, 1929, W. C. Holmes, 1930).
a similar filter without fluorescence cannot be In these publications, extensive references to the
found, it is sometimes possible to select an aux- literature can also be found.
iliary filter that either absorbs the exciting radiant
energy or the fluorescence itself. 1.3.5 Absorption Filters for
The surfaces of some glass filters tarnish when Special Applications
exposed to the atmosphere, high humidity, or (i) Heat-Absorbing Glasses. Heat-absorbing
high temperature for prolonged periods of time. glasses transmit near-ultraviolet and visible
Some manufacturers identify them in their cata- radiant energy but absorb the infrared that causes
logues and provide useful information concerning
heating. Heat-absorbing glasses have a low ther-
the stability of their glasses. Sensitive glasses can mal expansion reducing the possibility of frac-
sometimes be hardened by the manufacturer, or, ture. The optical quality of heat-absorbing glasses
alternatively, be protected by cementing them is usually not as good as that of most other glass
between two stable glasses. It is also now possible filters. Striae and particularly scattered small
to protect these glasses by thin-film coatings which bubbles may be found in the glass. Typical spec-
make them virtually impervious to the atmo- tral transmittance curves of commercially avail-
sphere. able heat-absorbing glasses are shown in Table
TC1..2) UNGer s sl ype, tz iter. .
1.3.3 Gelatin Filters (ii) Color Temperature Conversion Filters.
Gelatin filters are made by mixing organic dyes in Color temperature conversion filters change, by
gelatin and coating the mixture on glass plates. selective transmission, the spectral radiant power
After the coatings are dry, the gelatin films are distribution of a blackbody radiator at tempera-
removed from the plates. Gelatin filters are avail- ture 7, to a distribution approximating in the
able either as lacquered gelatin films or as gelatin visible to a blackbody radiator at another temper-
films cemented between glass plates. Manufac- ature T,. Glasses that are especially suitable for
turers such as the Eastman Kodak Company offer raising the color temperature are those given as
a large variety of gelatin filters with spectral “Type 7 filters” in Table (1.3.2); glasses that

Table 1(1.3.5) Color-Temperature Conversion Filters (Davis and Gibson, 1931)

Two-compartment cell consisting of three borosilicate crown glass plates (each 2.5 mm thick, refractive
index, np =1.51) separated by two glass frames, each 10 mm thick, for containing the respective A and B

Solution A
Copper sulfate (CuSO, -5H,O) 8; (grams)
Mannite (C;H,(OH),) > (grams)
Pyridine (C;H,N) 30.0 (cubic centimeters)
Water (distilled) to make 1000.0 (cubic centimeters)

Solution B
Copper sulfate (CuSO, -5H,O) 8; (grams)
Cobalt ammonium sulphate
(CoSO,:(NH,).SO,:6H,O) > (grams)
Sulfuric acid (specific gravity, 1.84) 10.0 (cubic centimeters)
Water (distilled) to make 1000.0 (cubic centimeters)

The values g, and g,, weights in grams per liter of solution, vary with the purpose of the filter and are
given in the table below. Comprehensive listings are given by Davis and Gibson (1931).

Color Temperature* Solution

Incident Transmitted
Light Light 81 8» 81 8
l 2856 K 3500 K 1.113 1.113 7.197 9.780
2 2856 K 5000 K 2.599 2.599 17.090 23.080
3 2856 K 6000 K 3.188 3.188 21.000 28.480
4 2856 K 7000 K 3.605 3.605 23.800 32.400
5 2856 K 8000 K 3.916 3.916 25.800 355302

“Color temperatures given in this Table refer to those of a blackbody radiator expressed by Planck’s
formula with c, =1.4388. The original data of Davis and Gibson (1931) are based on c, =1.4350.
Although the color temperature of the incident light has been corrected from the earlier value of 2848 K
to 2856 K, the color temperature of the transmitted light has been left unchanged. The new values differ
only little and insignificantly from the old ones. (For example, 3507 K instead of 3500 K, and 8017 K
instead of 8000 K.)

lower the color temperature are of “Type 2.” The simplified if Wien’s formula [Eq. 8(1.2.2)] is used
magnitude and direction of color temperature instead of Planck’s [Eq. 2(1.2.2)] to describe the
change that can be accomplished depend on the spectral radiant power distribution of a blackbody
particular glass type and its thickness. Gelatin radiator (Fabry, 1913; Langmuir and Orange,
filters are also available with similar properties. 1913; Gage, 1933). The spectral transmittance
The Davis—Gibson filters (Davis and Gibson, 7(A) of the filter that changes the color tempera-
1931) are liquid filters designed to convert CIE ture of a blackbody radiator from T, to 7, is
standard source A (2856 K) to a series of sources found from the following formula:
of higher color temperatures. Table 1(1.3.5) lists
the chemical compositions of some of them. For a l i) 0.00624 Sa) dOSron 108
definition of color temperature, see Section 3.11.
The calculations required in the design of a
color temperature conversion filter are greatly [1(1.3.5)]
Optical Filters Dy

The constant b takes account of the fact that only individuals may obtain different results
relative spectral radiant power distributions are (Middleton, 1954). A more satisfactory method is
being considered; A is measured in micrometers to determine the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity
(um). The formula defines a straight line when coordinates of the filter with respect to the
logiol1/7(A)] is plotted against 1/A. The slope blackbody radiator at temperature T, and to ob-
tan ¢ of this line is given by tain for those chromaticity coordinates the corre-
lated color-temperature T, by means of one of the
6 6
procedures outlined in Section 3.11.
tan} = -0.006245| ie
TT| [2(1.3.5)] An example of a practical color temperature
conversion filter is given in Figure 1(1.3.5). The
It follows that the difference in reciprocal color curves log; [1/7(A)] of a suitable type of glass at
temperatures when measured in reciprocal mega- thickness 1 mm (Curve 1) and at 6.5 mm (Curve
kelvins (MK~'; see Section 3.11) is given by the 2) are drawn against 1 /A. Neither curve is straight,
expression but both resemble straight lines with sufficient
approximation for the glass to be considered rea-
Let see, sonably suitable as a color temperature conver-
Ti Wee = — 160.1 tan¢ [3(1.3.5)]
sion filter. The color temperature altering power
is estimated to be approximately 35 MK _!. This
A positive slope (tan ¢ > 0) indicates a filter that means that the l-mm filter changes the color
reduces the color temperature; a negative slope temperature of a tungsten lamp operating at 2856
(tan @ < 0) indicates a filter that increases the K to approximately 3200 K. The same filter at 6.5
color temperature. If 7, is the original tempera- mm changes the color temperature from 2856 K
ture, then T, is given by to approximately 8200 K.
The use of Wien’s formula instead of Planck’s
is only an approximation. Above 4000 K, dis-
=2 _
1+ 0.0001601 7, tan¢
ate crepancies between the formulae become increas-
ingly important. Estey (1938) has worked out a
A change in thickness of the filter changes the procedure to take account of the discrepancies.
difference in reciprocal megakelvins proportion- Color temperature conversion filters can be
ally, and we have improved by combining them with appropri-
ately designed thin-film interference filters
(Dobrowolski, 1970).

(iii) Narrow Passband Filters. Individual filters

[5(1.3.5)] or filter combinations may be designed to select a
narrow region of the spectrum within which a
where d, is the original, and d, the new, thickness portion of the incident radiant flux is transmitted,
of the filter. The value of [(10°/7,) — (10°/T7,)] whereas at all other regions of the spectrum, the
for a filter of one millimeter thickness is some- incident flux is absorbed. These narrow passband
times called the color temperature altering power filters can be used to isolate particular emission
of the material. lines of a discharge lamp or to replace a mono-
Practical color temperature conversion filters chromator in abridged spectrophotometry. The
always deviate to some extent from the ideal filter literature dealing with narrow passband filters of
(Estey, 1936; Gage and Macbeth, 1936; Harding, the absorption type is extensive and only a short
1944; 1948). A plot of log, 9[1/7(A)] versus 1/A bibliography can be given here (Holmes, 1928;
gives a curve which is only approximately a Jones, 1928; Bowen, 1932; Gibson, 1935; Winther,
straight line, see Figure 1(1.3.5). Such a plot pro- 1937; Naumann and Kaltenbach, 1938; Staats,
vides a good way of checking qualitatively whether 1938; Biicher and Kaspers, 1946; Kasha, 1948;
a given filter may be used as a color temperature Frihling, 1953; Kortiim, 1955; Angerer, 1957;
filter (Weaver, 1936). Usually, however, the plot Wyszecki, 1960c).
is not suitable for determining the actual color In recent years, narrow passband filters of the
temperature altering power provided by the filter. absorption type have commonly been replaced by
Drawing the “best” straight line through the curve narrow passband interference filters which will be
is subject to considerable variation, and different discussed in Section 1.3.7. However, whatever the

0.400 0.450 0.500 0.550 0.600 0.650 0.700 0.750

Fig. 1(1.3.5). Plot of log, 9[1/7(A)] against 1/2 for a practical color-temperature conversion
filter of spectral transmittance 7(A). Straight line corresponds to ideal filter. Curve 1 refers to
the selected glass filter at 1-mm thickness; Curve 2 refers to the same glass filter but at 6.5 mm
thickness. The slope of Curve 1 gives the color-temperature altering power of the glass
material, approximately equal to 35 MK ' in the given case.

type, the effectiveness of a narrow passband filter S(A) dA=relative spectral radiant power dis-
in abridged spectrophotometry is sometimes ex- tribution of light source
pressed in terms of its maximum transmittance R(A)=relative spectral responsivity of de-
and its half-width, the latter being the wavelength tector, such as eye or photocell
interval within which the transmittance exceeds
half the maximum. However, such a specification The spectral centroid defined above must not
is incomplete, for it ignores the often important be confused with the ‘‘effective wavelength” of
“tails” of the transmittance curve. red filters used in optical pyrometry. For a defini-
The representative wavelength of a narrow tion of this very special concept see, for example,
passband filter is given by the spectral centroid X . Lovejoy (1962).
defined by For details on some theoretical and practical
aspects of abridged spectrophotometry and re-
lated types of measurement, the reader is referred
[orA)SARA)A dd to the original literature, for example, Wyszecki
(1960c), N. Mori (1961), Fleming and Wark (1965,
ina apy TORTTON AT [6(1.3.5)]
1966), and Chickering (1970).
(iv) Cutoff Filters. Filters that show a spectral
transmittance curve with zero (or near zero)
where 1(A)=spectral transmittance of narrow transmittance at shorter wavelength and high con-
passband filter stant (or near constant) transmittance at longer
Optical Filters 39

wavelength are called cutoff filters. Examples of Keegan, 1938; Keegan and Gibson, 1944; Keegan,
spectral transmittance curves of such filters are 1960). Holmium is a rare earth, whereas didy-
displayed in Table 1(1.3.2) as ‘‘Type 1” filters. mium is a technical mixture of the rare earths
Cutoff filters are effectively used to reduce stray neodymium and praseodymium, with some
light in monochromators. They can also be used samarium added at times. The spectral transmit-
for abridged spectrophotometric measurements tance curves of these special glasses show a
(Mori, 1961). number of distinct minima and maxima at wave-
lengths characteristic of the glass. Figure 2(1.3.5)
(v) Filters for Wavelength Calibration of Spec- [also see ‘‘Type 10” filters in Table 1(1.3.2)] il-
trophotometers. The initial wavelength calibra- lustrates the spectral transmittance curves of di-
tion of a spectrophotometer is usually carried out dymium and holmium glasses.
by direct use of an electric discharge source emit- In an initial calibration, the location on the
ting spectral lines that are of suitable intensity wavelength scale of the minima and maxima can
and adequately spaced over the spectral range of be determined accurately. However, most absorp-
interest. Table 2(1.3.5) provides a short list of tion bands that can be used for this purpose
such lines. Although periodical checks of the consist of very narrow bands grouped closely
wavelength scale may be made in the same way, it together, and the wavelength of maximum ab-
is often more convenient to employ suit- sorption within such a group depends, to some
ably calibrated absorption filters for the purpose. degree, on the width of the spectral passband of
Didymium and holmium glasses have been the spectrophotometer. Generally, different initial
used for such checks for some time (Gibson and calibrations of the glasses are required for differ-
ent types of spectrophotometers.
In the ultraviolet region (200 to 300 nm),
benzene vapor has proven to be a useful medium
Table 2(1.3.5) Sources of Wavelength for wavelength calibrations (ASTM, 1966). In the
Suitable for Calibration of Monochroma- infrared region (2.0 to 15 pm), polystyrene or
tors (Meggers et al., 1961; Gibson, 1949) indene are used (Tables, 1961).
Helium Cadmium
Mercury Arc Discharge tube Discharge tube (vi) Filters for Checking the Photometric Scale
(in quartz) (in glass) (in glass)
of Spectrophotometers. Carefully calibrated
A (nm) A (nm) A (nm) neutral glass filters of different optical densities
253.7 318.8 298.1
are usually used to check the photometric scale of
27553 361.4 313.3 a spectrophotometer (Mavrodineanu, 1973). Their
289.4 363.4 326.1 spectral transmittance curves are approximately
296.7 370.5 340.4 horizontal in the visible spectrum as shown in
302.2 382.0 346.6 Table 1(1.3.2) as ‘‘Type 3” filters. Other glass
filters of somewhat greater spectral selectivity may
312.6 388.9 361.1
S132 396.5 467.8 also be used for this purpose if a careful calibra-
334.1 402.6 480.0 tion of their spectral transmittances is ensured
365.0 412.1 508.6 (Keegan et al., 1962). These filters are somewhat
365.5 414.4 643.8 inferior to strictly neutral filters, because devi-
ations from the true transmittance may arise from
366.3 438.8
causes, notably wavelength errors, unconnected
404.7 443.8
407.8 447.2 with the inaccuracy of the photometric scale. They
435.8 471.3 may, however, be used with advantage to detect
546.1 492.2 stray light, slit width, and wavelength errors (Gib-
son et al., 1934; Gibson and Balcom, 1947).
577.0 501.6
Liquid filters are also used as suitable stan-
579.1 504.8
623.4 587.6
dards for checking the photometric scale of spec-
671.6 667.8 trophotometers (Gibson, 1949; Haupt, 1952;
690.7 706.5 Menis and Schultz, 1971). These filters are quite
stable and precisely reproducible from specifica-
1014.0 728.1 tion. Table 3(1.3.5) contains the pertinent in-
1128.7 1083.0
formation for three such filters.




400 500 600 700 800

Fig. 2(1.3.5). Spectral transmittance curve of a holmium and a didymium glass.

(vii) Lovibond Glasses. Lovibond red, yellow, 1.3.7 Interference Filters

and blue glasses are used in conjunction with the
When a beam of radiant energy passes through an
Lovibond Tintometer to measure the color of
assembly of layers of different materials, multiple
light-transmitting objects such as lubricating oil,
reflections occur within the assembly. If the dis-
sugar solutions, and beer, and of light-reflecting
tances between the boundaries of the layers are
materials such as oleomargarine (Judd and
sufficiently short, the reflected beams will be
Wyszecki, 1975). The coloring agents of Lovibond
coherent with one another and will interfere. This
glasses are gold, chromium, and cobalt, respec-
effect, known_as optical interference and used in
tively, and are confined to a thin layer of glass
Fabry—Peérot interferometers, has been utilized to
flashed onto a clear glass support. The three
construct optical filters with diverse spectral
Lovibond scales, each represented by a series of
transmittance or spectral reflectance properties
red, yellow, and blue glasses, respectively, are
(Heavens, 1955; 1960; Wolter, 1956; VaAsicék,
calibrated in arbitrary units, but the three units
1960; Berning, 1963; Anders, 1967; Thelen, 1969;
are related in such a way that for daylight il-
Dobrowolski, 1978).
lumination a subtractive combination of one unit
of each of the red, the yellow, and the blue scales (i) Fabry-Perot Passband Filters. The essential
results in an approximately neutral filter. Each components of the simplest Fabry—Pérot inter-
glass is identified by the number of unit glasses to ference filter are two partially reflecting thin-film
which it is equivalent. The Lovibond numeral of a layers separated by a dielectric spacer layer, as
combination of two or more glasses of the same shown in Figure 1(1.3.7). Other more complex.
kind is found by adding the numbers of units for designs of Fabry—Pérot type interference filters
each individual glass of the combination. By are shown in Figure 2(1.3.7).
means of graphs, Lovibond numerals may be The theory of Fabry—Pérot type interference
converted to CIE color specifications and vice filters is, in essence, the same as that of low-order
versa (Judd et al., 1962). Fabry—Pérot interferometers, as given, for exam-
ple by Born and Wolf (1959). Our presentation of
1.3.6 Miscellaneous Absorption Filters the important formulae follows essentially that
given by Dobrowolski (1978).
Occasionally, spectral transmittance data are re-
The transmittance, 7, of a simple Fabry—Pérot
quired for noncolored glasses, quartz, and water
filter [Figure 1(1.3.7)] is given by the relation
cells used as window materials. A large variety
exists with different spectral transmittance char-
acteristics and only a few typical examples can be
given here. Their spectral transmittance curves a TR [1(1.3.7)]
are illustrated in Figure 1(1.3.6). (1—R) + 4Rsin’s
6580 8°Sfr 3H Z0Z'0 06¢ 086'0 8°L99 2H $960 06S O8r'0 8°L99 2H 883°0 06S
tae eyeee Ek Feeceale NBIGEN eS wcrc one Hee deSette ia) ae
696'0 lors 3H 1560

¢ af 3
ie Kaeo ay Ore €18°0 [obs 3H
0¢9°0 cret 9H 8r1°0 O9t 789°0 9°10$ 9H L€8'0 oss +660 9°10S 9H 6960 oss
$060 TEE 3H 9170 Ose
80L'0 9°16b 3H pLL'0 Ors 9660 9°16 3H ¢L6°0 Ors
ee E +06'0 8'Stp 3H 9IL'0 o¢s L660 8°Stp 3H 786'0 Os
ILL0 ccOt 8H t8h0 Ort L960 L’bOb 3H 8190 ozs 6660 L'v0b 3H L860 ozs
8650 L967 3H OIL'0 Of 0L9°0 O1S 166°0 O1S
6L7'0 9°€S7 3H 98'0 OZE 7660 OSL 989°0 OOS CSTD OSL 7660 00S
p10 Ott £660 Or cra 06r IL1°0 Or 9660 06r
000°! 00S 60L°0 00t £660 OL €£L'0 O8r €61°0 O€L L660 O8r
166°0 OZL 9SL'0 OLY 1720 OZL L660 OLY
= 686'0 OIL 68L'0 09r 9670 OIL L660 09r
L660; 06r €LE0 0672
L€3°0 OSr L670 OOL L660 OSr
i ace ieee abd 8860
086'0 OLY O81‘0 OLZ $860 069 L88°0 Orr 8re'0 069 L660 Orr
096'0 09 €€Z7'0 097 £860 O89 6760 OLP 9070 089 L660 OP
* 086'0 OL9 0S6'0 O@r 9960 OL9 966'0 O@r
0 8160 099 796'0 Ol zes'0 099 9660 OI
Ne Nice pat Ore
9160 0s9 ZL6°0 00r L650 0S9 $66'0 00r
Z88°0 Orr LOS‘0 Orz
eo Me as Of mo aa oe ee aR ne Bae aR
ae a gobi ue bL6'0 0z9 686'0 OLE ZLL'0 0z9 686'0 OLE
ct9°0 OlP OI? 760 019 1660 09¢ 918°0 O19 9860 09¢€
ZOr'0 OOF 007 6960 009 1660 Ose $S$3'0 009 6L6°0 OSE
(Ye (wu) 7 (Ye (uiu)yY (Y)é (wu) 7 (Ye (wu) 7 (Ye (wu) ¥ (ME (wu) ¥
[BusoUT [Puso]Uy [BusojUy [PUIO}U] ]eusajuy [Buss Uy
ainyesadua | “IOJEM Pe] [Sip SUIUIP}JUOS [[99 AP IWIS Ouse
pos] [stp JUSIOYNS ul 12 (oul dAl}PlOI poinsesf] “YOyy wu Ol JaAP| pinbry oinjesod wd [ “TOTEM Pe[HSip SUIUIJUODS [99 AB[IUWIS
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apixoipAy wnis jul 0° 0001 oy eu Oj (poa][Hsip) JOE AN U.OF dAI} [Ol poinsesj] “Oryy wu Ol JOAP] pinbry
Aytyenb jud3 RAI jo (HOM 5 C8) SYS
-sejod jo 3 ¢°¢ BUIAJOSSIP Aq poasedaid aq ued 1911P| eemoney| (Seg | AuAess oyloads) plow diunj[ns [4 00001 DYPU O} (PI|[NSIP) JOIV AM
sy, ‘uoNjos spixoipAy winissejod |eusOoU ¢0'0 3 18P'rl (0°H9-"OS*(FHN)-"OSOD) jw 00! (Seg ] AwWavis sytoads) plow ounying
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FUSED QUARTZ (2.69 mm)


TRANSMITTANCE cell, Imm walls ,

water column |Omm)

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 LO J5- 20° 25ma83¢

Fig. 1(1.3.6). Spectral transmittance curves of miscellaneous absorption filters.

in which absorption and multiple reflections in thickness, and angle of reflection of the spacer,
the substrate are ignored. In the above relation, and ¢€,, €, are the phase changes that occur when
we have radiant energy of wavelength A is reflected by the
1/2 1/2 two reflector surfaces in contact with the surfaces
Le (T,T, ) ; and R= (R,R2) : of the spacer layer.
The maxima of the transmittance T, as given
[2(1.3.7)] by Eq. 1(1.3.7), occur at wavelengths
where 7,, R, and T,, R, are the transmittances
and reflectances of the first and second reflectors, 2ntcos o
aN a ith k=0,1,2,-
respectively, as determined from within the di- mPa e/a) |oo:
electric spacer medium. The quantity 5, a phase-
difference parameter, is defined by [4(1.3.7)]
Qn1 Nicos te [3(1.3.7)]
These maxima have values determined from

with p alee”?
5 a:

where n, t, and ¢ are the refractive index, physical

T= (— = [5(1.3.7)]



Fig. 1(1.3.7). Essential components of the simplest form of Fabry—Pérot interference filter.
Optical Filters 43


Fig. 2(1.3.7). Fabry-Perot type interference filters of different designs. S = spacer; H =

dielectric reflector with high refractive index; L = dielectric reflector with low refractive index;
M = metal reflector.

The minima of the transmittance T occur at wave- by

2nt cos ; 1x3
=) ae Os ea Di 2
This function defines a Lorentz line shape. Its
and have the values
(1/10)-width (AA)o,; and its (1/100)-width
(AA) oo; are both related to its half-width (AA)9;

Taoee = aOR(TR)
as follows:
(Ad Jo. = 3(AA Jos
For reflectors with reflectances of R > 0.7, the
half-width (AA); at A max, that is, the wavelength and
interval, centered at A,,,,, Within which the trans-
mittance exceeds half the maximum, is given ap- (AA Joo ~10(AA)o; [10(1.3.7)]
proximately by
The first interference filter ever made
= 2 (Geffcken, 1942; 1948) was of the simple Fabry—
2antcos — A,4,(de/9A)
Pérot type shown in Figure 1(1.3.7) with the
reflecting thin-film layers made of silver.
Aluminum is another suitable metallic reflector.
[8(1.3.7)] For filters with metal reflectors, the mean phase
change e has a small but finite value at A,,,,, and
The quantity de/0A is the dispersion of the mean other wavelengths, and thus, the positions A ,,,, Of
phase change e. The values of R and de/0A in Eq. the transmittance maxima T,,,,,, aS given by Eq.
8(1.3.7) are taken at A = A jax: 4(1.3.7), are somewhat affected by e. However,
With small values of de/0A in the neighbor- the dispersion de/dA can often be neglected in
hood of A jax» the spectral transmittance T(A) of these cases, making the half-width (AA)5, de-
a single Fabry—Pérot filter is approximately given fined by Eq. 8(1.3.7), a function of only the

reflectance, the position of the passband, and the The maximum transmittance of an all-dielec-
order k of interference; that is, for filters with tric Fabry—Pérot interference filter can be quite
metal reflectors, we have high. In the visible spectrum, values of 80% are
fairly readily obtained with relative half-widths of
1%. The maximum transmittance reduces to lower
Aa CRD [11(1.3.7)]
(AA )os = akR'/?
values when A, approaches 0.2 or 20 wm.
In Figure 3(1.3.7), the passband of a simple
Fabry—Pérot interference filter with metal reflec-
The maximum transmittance T,,,, of filters with tors is compared with that of a Fabry—Pérot filter
metal reflectors is rather limited. Filters with rela- with all-dielectric reflecting stacks.
tive half-width 100(AA)95/A max Of 1 to 8% can The reflecting stacks in a Fabry—Pérot inter-
have maximum transmittances as high as 40%, ference filter are sometimes made of both dielec-
but for narrower relative half-widths, values of tric and metal layers as shown on the right of
T.,ax Of only 20% may be achieved. Further limi- Figure 2(1.3.7). The transmission properties of
tations occur when A ,,,, falls into the short wave- such designs are intermediate to those using only
length region of the spectrum. metal reflectors or all-dielectric reflectors.
The metal reflectors in a Fabry—Pérot inter-
ference filter can be replaced by two all-dielectric (ii) Square-Top Miulticavity Passband Filters.
“quarter-wave stacks,” as shown on the left of Interference filters can be made whose spectral
Figure 2(1.3.7). Each reflecting stack consists of a passband curves have steeper slopes than those
set of quarter-wavelength thick dielectric layers of found in a Fabry—Pérot passband filter. This
alternating high (H) and low (L) refractive in- feature often leads to a “square”-shaped top of
dices. The phase change e caused by such a stack the passband. The layer structure of such filters
at the reflector /spacer boundary is zero at A pax, consists of a Fabry—Pérot-type structure repeated
and thus the wavelength position of the maximum one or more times. Figure 4(1.3.7) shows two
transmittance is not ‘affected by «. However, the examples, each consisting of two Fabry—Peérot
dispersion of de/dA of the phase change is finite type structures in series. The half-wavelength
and its value depends on the dielectric materials spacer layers (S) are called cavities; thus the name
used in the stack. The half-width (AA)5 of the square-top multicavity passband filter.
passband of the filter can be affected consider- Except for the different shape of the passband
ably by the nonvanishing dispersion. In fact, of such filters, the other characteristics, such as
suitable dielectric materials can be chosen to ob- achievable relative half-width and peak transmit-
tain very narrow relative half-widths of between tance, are generally similar to those of the Fabry—
0.1 and 5% in the visible part of the spectrum. Pérot type filter.





400 500 600

Fig. 3(1.3.7). Spectral passbands of two different designs of Fabry-Perot type interference
filters (Polster, 1952): solid curve = passband of all-dielectric filter consisting of 15 layers;
dashed curve = passband of metal filter with dielectric spacer.
Optical Filters 45

WMA hh bb

Fig. 4(1.3.7). Examples of different designs of square-top multicavity passband interference

filters. S = substrate; H = dielectric reflector with high refractive index; L = dielectric reflector
with low refractive index; M = metal reflector.

(iii) Sidebands of Passband Interference Filters. ference filter with its second, third, and fourth-
The complete spectral transmittance curve of a order passbands in the visible and ultraviolet
passband interference filter represents a periodic spectrum. In the illustrated case, the filter was
function consisting of a series of clearly separated designed to have its third-order passband located
passbands across the spectrum. The passbands at A wax = 475 nm with a half-width of (AA)5 =
correspond to the orders (k = 0,1,2,---) of in- 10 nm (approximately). All other passbands are
terference that are generated by the filter. The considered sidebands and normally an undesira-
formulae describing the Fabry—Pérot-type inter- ble feature of the interference filter. To eliminate
ference filter given as Eqs. 1(1.3.7) to 11(1.3.7) the sidebands, blocking filters are usually ce-
describe the spectral transmittance characteristics mented to the interference filter. Blocking filters
in full. Figure 5(1.3.7) illustrates a passband inter- are either absorption-type filters (see Section 1.3.5)

0.6 T Tee
Thre 3rd Order

re 4th Order
by! Pa 2nd Order
= 03 \ (AXo5
= 0.5 Twax
re wes, 8ia



300 400 Dae 600 700

Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 5(1.3.7). Complete spectral transmittance curve of a Fabry-Perot type interference filter
in ultraviolet and visible spectrum. The passband corresponding to the third-order interference
is, in the illustrated case, the desired passband with its peak at 2
,,,,, = 475 nm and a half-width
of (AA) ,;=10 nm. The other two passbands shown in the spectral range correspond to
second- and fourth-order inference, respectively, and are undesirable sidebands.

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4


0.2 0.2

500 550 600 500 550 600


0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4


0.2 0.2

500 550 600 500 550 600


Fig. 6(1.3.7). Examples of spectral transmittances of fully blocked interference filters; top:
All-dielectric Fabry—Pérot filters; bottom: All-dielectric square-top multicavity filters.

or other interference filters with spectral transmit- of a typical interference filter for angles of inci-
tance characteristics that pass only the desired dence up to 20°.
passband of the given interference filter, and not The angular properties of interference filters
any of the sidebands. The blocking cannot avoid are considerably more pronounced than those of
some loss of the peak transmittance of the desired absorption filters and can cause serious calibra-
passband. Figure 6(1.3.7) shows a few examples tion problems when they are used in optical in-
of the passbands of blocked interference filters of struments. In most cases, the incident beam does
different designs commercially available. not consist of strictly parallel bundles of rays and
a divergence from parallelism can have a mea-
(iv) Angular Properties of Interference Filters.
surable effect on the transmittance characteristics
When the angle of incidence (#) of the radiant
of the interference filter. In high-accuracy work, it
energy is increased, the transmittance maximum
is advantageous to calibrate the interference filter
(Tmax) Of a typical passband interference filter
in situ; that is, in the instrument in which it is
moves toward shorter wavelengths, as indicated
actually used.
by Eq. 4(1.3.7), and T,,,, decreases. For moderate
to large angles of incidence (¢ > 20°), the pass-
1.3.8 Interference Filter Wedges
band becomes asymmetric and eventually splits
into two perpendicularly polarized components. An interference filter wedge is a passband inter-
Figure 7(1.3.7) illustrates the angular properties ference filter in which the thicknesses of all the
O27 peer







470 480 490 500 510

Wavelength d (nm)

Fig. 7(1.3.7). Spectral transmittance of a typical passband interference filter as a function of

angle of incidence of radiant energy (after Dobrowolski, 1978).


Spectral Passband Wedge Dispersion

at 550 nm 900
- iS
800 <
~ =
700 2


S 600 a
2 5

500 520 540, / 560 580 600 0 50 100

Xmax* 550nm Slit Position (mm)

/ Wavelength Scale (nm)

400 500 /'600 700 800 900 1000

ie) 20 40 ) 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

siti Wedge Scale (mm)

Fig. 1(1.3.8). Typical interference filter wedge (straight version) with its performance char-
acteristics. The wedge transmits narrow spectral passbands of somewhat varying peak transmit-
tance 7,,,, and half-width (AA) 5 when a slit of constant width (up to 2 mm) moves across the


layers vary in proportion across the surface of the radiant power distributions of the two emerging
substrate, causing the transmittance maximum of beams remain approximately the same, the quan-
the passband to vary its wavelength position in a tity
corresponding way. Interference filter wedges are
commercially available in versions in which the 1
wavelength of the transmittance maximum varies a(R a Rives pec
either along a straight line or a circle. The circular
wedge has practical advantages when it is used as
is approximately equal to the reflectance R at
a robust rapid-scan monochromator of moderate
normal incidence, 6 = 0°. In the above expres-
spectral resolution and purity.
sion, R, is the reflectance (at the angle of inci-
The maximum transmittances and half-widths
dence @ = 45°) of a plane-polarized beam with its
achieved for fully blocked interference filter
plane of vibration so oriented to the beamsplit-
wedges are generally somewhat less than for indi-
ting surface that its reflection is most facilitated,
vidual passband filters. Figure 1(1.3.8) illustrates
and R, is the reflectance (at 9 = 45°) of a plane-
the performance characteristics of a typical inter-
polarized beam with its plane of vibration so
ference filter wedge of the straight version.
oriented that its reflection is most hindered. The
reflectance R of absorbing, uncemented beam-
1.3.9 Beamsplitters
splitters depends also on the angle of incidence 6
A beamsplitter divides the incident beam of in accordance with Fresnel’s law of reflection (see,
radiant energy into two beams emerging from the for example, Judd and Wyszecki, 1975).
beamsplitter in two different directions. Figure Figure 2(1.3.9) illustrates the spectral transmit-
1(1.3.9) illustrates four of the most common de- tance and reflectance properties of typical achro-
signs of beamsplitters. matic beamsplitters. More details on beamsplitters
The transmission and reflection properties of a are given, for example, by Anders (1967).
beamsplitter depend, in general, upon the state of Beamsplitters can also be made to divide the
polarization of the incident beam of radiant en- incident beam into two component beams of dif-
ergy. However, in achromatic beamsplitters, that ferent spectral compositions. The coatings used in
is, beamsplitters in which the relative spectral such beamsplitters are essentially coatings of

Substrate Plate Substrate Cube


Coating Coating

Substrate Plates


(3) Coating (4) Mount

Fig. 1(1.3.9). Four common beamsplitters. (1) Beamsplitter consisting of a single plane-paral-
lel glass plate with a dielectric or metal (silver) coating. Transmitted beam is laterally displaced
from incident beam. (2) Beamsplitter (glass) cube with coating deposited in the diagonal plane
of the cube. Transmitted beam is not displaced laterally. (3) Beamsplitter in which coating is
sandwiched between two plane-parallel glass plates. Transmitted beam is laterally displaced but
both the transmitted and reflected beam traverse the beamsplitter in paths of identical lengths.
(4) Pellicle beamsplitter. Coating is deposited on pellicle of (approximately) 1-pm thickness.
The device comes in a special mount and may introduce an interference pattern into its spectral
transmittance and reflectance characteristics.
Optical Filters 49

400 500 600 700
Wavelength d (nm)

Inconel Beam - Splitting Plate

400 500 600 700
Wavelength d (nm)
Fig. 2(1.3.9). Spectral reflectance and spectral transmittance curves of two typical achromatic _

‘cutoff’ interference filters designed for use at 1.3.10 Sheet Polarizers

45° incidence. While one part of the spectrum is
Typical sheet polarizers, such as Polaroid films
transmitted, the other part is reflected. Only small
(Land, 1951) and Zeiss polarizers (Haase, 1961),
losses of radiant energy occur due to absorption.
consist of thin sheets of plastic film packed with
Figure 3(1.3.9) illustrates the spectral transmit-
ultramicroscopic dichroic crystals with their opti-
tance of a beamsplitter of this kind, sometimes
cal axes all parallel and in the plane of the sheet.
called a dichroic or color-selective beamsplitter.
The transmittance 7 of a sheet polarizer for a
100% linearly polarized beam of incident radiant
energy is given by the following formula:

0.8 Tu=sloet (1; —“T, )cos7é [1(1:3.10)]

€ where 7, and 7; are the principal transmittances;
c 04 that is, the maximum and minimum transmit-
tances of the polarizer, respectively. In general,
T, > T,. The principal transmittances occur at
the ‘‘parallel” and ‘‘crossed” positions of the
400 500. gat. 600 700 polarizer, with respect to the plane of vibration of
Wavelength A (nm) the incident beam. The quantity @ is the angle of
Fig. 3(1.3.9). Spectral transmittance of a dio- rotation measured from the parallel position (6 =
chroic or color-selective beamsplitter. 0) of the polarizer.

The transmittance T of a polarizer in un- another, is given by

polarized light is simply
a 5(7? + T?)cos?6@ + T;T> sin’6
T= 5(T; +7) — [201.3.10)]
It follows that a perfect polarizer would transmit The polarizing properties of a polarizer are
50% of the unpolarized incident beam. usually characterized either by the quantity
When two identical polarizers are combined
such that their principal transmission directions
are parallel, the transmittance of the combination P $.0le~
Te 5
is given by
which is called the degree of polarization, or by
Time (Peet) [3(1.3.10)] the quantity
When, on the other hand, the two polarizers = = [7(1.3.10)]
are combined in crossed positions, the transmit-
tance of the combination is given by which is called the extinction ratio.
Figure 1(1.3.10) illustrates the principal trans-
T,=T,T, [4(1.3.10)] mittance 7, and extinction ratio p, of two
commercial sheet polarizers as a function of wave-
The transmittance of 7, of the two polarizers length. Further details on sheet polarizers and
combined such that the directions of principal polarizers of different design and materials are
transmittance are inclined at an angle @ to one given, for example, by Bennett and Bennett (1978).


a eee

—E 06


EK 04 HN-22
So 0.2
= ult
400 500 600 700
Wavelength A (nm)

= -3
RS 10 HN-38

8 10-4

it ne A aa oh ea
A 400 500 600 700
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 1(1.3.10). Extinction ratio p, = 7, — T, and principal transmittance 7, of two commercial
sheet polarizers (Polaroid HN-22 and HN-38) as functions of wavelength.
Reflecting Materials 51

1.3.11 Miscellaneous Optical Filters Cady, 1935). In this instance, the half-width of
the passband is approximately 1 nm at around
There are several other types of optical filters that
550 nm. The peak transmittance at A. reaches
are not described in the previous sections. These
40%. Other powder-liquid combinations provide
are considered of minor importance in applica-
different ranges for A. and different half-widths
tions to color science and we will thus confine our
and peak transmittances. It is possible to obtain
description to a brief listing only. A more detailed
Christiansen filters for the ultraviolet, the visible,
and very informative account of these filters has
as well as the infrared regions of the spectrum
been given by Dobrowolski (1978).
(von Fragstein, 1933; Mohler and Loofbourow,
(i) Polarization Filters. A polarization filter 1952; Auerbach, 1957; Dobrowolski, 1978).
consists of a series of birefringent plates that are
(iii) Gratings, Metallic Grids, and Meshes. Dif-
separated by polarizers (Lyot, 1933; Oehman,
fraction gratings, metallic grids, and metallic
1938; Evans, 1949).
meshes, suitably designed, can produce spectral
The spectrum of the radiant energy passing
transmittance or spectral reflectance curves of the
through such a device shows a series of dark
cutoff as well as the passband type. However,
bands and for this reason is usually referred to as
these devices are usually employed in filtering the
a “‘channel spectrum.” Filters have been desig-
far infrared region of the spectrum, typically in
ned, primarily for the study of solar prominences,
the range of 10 to 400 pm.
that consist of a series of such combinations
where the birefringent plates have thicknesses in
the relation 1:2:4:8, and so on. The passband
transmitted by the complete assembly is de- 1.4 REFLECTING MATERIALS
termined largely by the thickness of the thickest
plate; the spacing between the bands is given by Reflection is a physical process in which mono-
the spacing between the maxima of transmittance chromatic radiant energy incident on a material
of the thinnest plate. (the medium) is at least partially returned by the
Sheet polarizers are a special kind of polariza- material without change of wavelength.
tion filters and of some importance to color scien- The reflection can be regular, diffuse, or mixed
tists. They have been described in Section 1.3.10. (CIB 1O27),
Regular reflection (or specular, or mirror reflec-
(ii) Christiansen Filters. A Christiansen filter tion) follows the laws of optical reflection without
(Christiansen, 1885; Weigert and Staude, 1927; diffusion (scattering) as exemplified by mirrors.
Elvegard et al., 1929) consists of a transparent cell Diffuse reflection is reflection, on a macro-
containing a closely packed coarse powder of a scopic scale, without any regular reflection. The
homogeneous isotropic transparent substance sus- diffuse reflection is called isotropic when the spa-
pended in a liquid. Because of their different tial distribution of the reflected radiant energy,
dispersions, the powder and the liquid have the measured in terms of radiance [see Table I(1.1)],
same refractive index at one wavelength only, d.. is the same in all directions of the hemisphere of
Thus, radiant flux of a narrow passband at and incidence.
around A. will be transmitted by the cell without Mixed reflection is partly regular and partly
deviation. Radiant flux of all other wavelengths diffuse reflection.
will be scattered. At the back of the cell, a center Two special concepts are of interest: retro-
spot of a rather pure spectral color (A) is ob- reflection and gloss.
served surrounded by a halo of complementary Retro-reflection is said to occur when the
color. With proper optics, the center spot can be radiant energy is returned in directions close to
isolated, and a narrow passband filter of remark- the direction from which it came, and it is main-
able purity is obtained. Usually the refractive tained over wide variations of the direction of the
index of the liquid changes rapidly with tempera- incident radiant energy. Virtually all materials
ture, whereas the refractive index of the powder that show mixed reflection also show retro-reflec-
varies only slightly. Hence the wavelength A. tion to some extent. However, only those that
varies with temperature. With a combination of retro-reflect most of the incident radiant energy
glass powder and ethyl salicylate, the wavelength are called retro-reflectors or retro-reflective materi-
\.. varies from approximately 430 to 570 nm for a als. Special measurement techniques are required
temperature range of 22 to 57°C (Denmark and to assess their properties (Moerman, 1977).

Gloss is defined as the property of a material For the case considered here, Fresnel’s equa-
surface that involves mixed reflection and is re- tions are as follows:
sponsible for a mirrorlike appearance of the
surface (Hunter, 1975). The term glossiness is used 2
to describe the visual appearance of a surface
COS € —[(ns/n,y ie sin?e]
Pier te Tt ln ow, hue
SOnomy a
attributable to gloss. There are five kinds of glos- cos e + [(n3/m1)° = sin’e|
siness, each having its characteristic scale of de-
grees of glossiness: (a) specular; (b) sheen; (c)
contrast; (d) distinctness of image; (e) absence of
bloom (Hunter, 1975; Judd and Wyszecki, 1975).
For details of the measurement of the different (n,/n,) cos e +[(n3/n,)°
kinds of glossiness, see Hunter (1975), and with
regard to specular gloss see also Budde (1980). [3(1.4)]
The basic quantity that characterizes the pro-
cess of reflection is called reflectance. It is defined where p, is the reflectance of the nonabsorbing
as the ratio of the reflected radiant flux (or power) nonmetallic medium for a plane-polarized beam
to incident radian flux (or power), and has been of radiant energy so oriented that the plane of
given the symbol p. Spectral reflectance is thus vibration of the electric vector is parallel to the
defined by plane of incidence defined by the central ray of
the beam and the normal to the surface of the
medium; p, is the reflectance for a _plane-
p(A) = 5Py (114) polarized beam whose plane of vibration is per-
pendicular to the plane of incidence. The symbols
p,, and p, are sometimes replaced by p, and p,,
respectively. Figure 1(1.4) illustrates the depen-
where P, is the spectral concentration of the
dence of Fresnel reflectance on angle of incidence
radiant power reflected by the medium, and Pp), is
on a surface for which the refractive index ratio is
the spectral concentration of the radiant power
1.5 (representative of an air—glass boundary).
incident on the medium.
For unpolarized radiant energy, the reflectance
When mixed reflection occurs, the reflectance
is simply
can be expressed as the sum of two parts: regular
reflectance (p,) and diffuse reflectance (p,), that
is, p=
p\ + p
Figure 2(1.4) illustrates the dependence of Fresnel
p= peepi [2(1.4)]
reflectance on angle of incidence for various val-
ues of refractive index ratio.
The reflectance of materials with only regular For normal incidence (¢ = 0), the reflectance,
reflection can be expressed by Fresnel’s equations defined by Eq. 3(1.4), becomes

(see, for example, Bennett and Bennett, 1978). A
case of particular interest concerns nonmetallic
media, such as transparent glass, where one wishes P No + Nn, [5(1.4)]
to determine the loss of incident radiant energy
due to regular reflection from the front and back
With the medium in air, one can put n, ~ 1.0;
surfaces of the medium. As there is no diffuse
reflection, the regular reflectance p, of such
surfaces is equal to the reflectance p. The reflec-
tance, also called Fresnel reflectance, depends on = Lied ‘

the angle of incidence e on the medium, the index ey Mo tl [6(1.4)]

of refraction n, of the medium, the index of
refraction n, of the medium (usually air) in con- This equation compares with Eq. 7(1.3.1) used
tact with the medium under test, and the state of in the development of simple formulae for the
polarization of the incident radiant energy. transmittance of absorption filters.

0.10 1.0
0.09 °°
0.08 0.8

0.07 0.7
S 0.06 0.6
8 0.05 0.5

0.04 0.4

0.03 0.3

0.02 0.2
0.01 0.1
[Ss A

10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90°

Angle of incidence

Fig. 1(1.4). Fresnel reflectance as a function of angle of incidence € on a boundary for which
the refractive index ratio is 1.5 (representative of an air-to-glass boundary). Note that the
reflectance, p, for unpolarized radiant energy is the average of the reflectances for radiant
energy plane-polarized parallel (||) to and perpendicular (p + ) to the plane of incidence (Judd
and Wyszecki, 1975).

Angle of incidence
Fig. 2(1.4). Fresnel reflectance for unpolarized radiant energy as a function of the angle of
incidence ¢ for various values of refractive index ratio (Judd and Wyszecki, 1975).


Incident Radiant Energy

| |

di VeSls or. as — Sample

Hemispherical Conical Unidirectional
‘ Ss
y =.


‘ *

hy eee

Reflected Radiant Energy

Fig. 3(1.4). (a) Examples of hemispherical, conical, and unidirectional incidence of radiant
energy. (b) Examples of hemispherical, conical, and unidirectional collection and viewing of
reflected radiant energy (Judd, 1967).

In practice, the need arises for making mea- given surface element and the perfect reflecting
surements of the reflecting properties of materials diffuser.
under different illuminating and viewing condi- Hemispherical illumination and hemispherical
tions; that is, different angular (or geometrical) collection are usually accomplished by means of
configurations of the incident radiant energy and an integrating sphere (Ulbricht, 1920; Walsh, 1958;
of the reflected radiant energy. As illustrated in Budde, 1958a,b; CIE, 1977). An integrating
Figure 3(1.4), the illuminating conditions may be sphere is a hollow sphere coated inside with a
described as hemispherical, conical, or unidirec- spectrally nonselective (white) material (e.g.,
tional; and similarly, the viewing conditions may barium sulphate paint) of high diffuse reflectance.
be described as hemispherical, conical, or uni- The sphere wall has apertures of appropriate size
directional. This classification leads to nine dif- and location to admit a beam of radiant energy
ferent illuminating conditions (Judd, 1967a). into the sphere, to serve as ports for mounting the
However, most practical needs can be satisfied by test sample and a reference sample of known
choosing just one of these possible conditions. reflecting properties, and to permit viewing by
The quantity measured under any of these means of a detector of the test sample, reference
conditions is given the generic term reflectance sample, and/or a portion of the inside wall.
factor, denoted by 8. Its definition is given as The CIE (1971) recommends four specific il-
follows (CIE, 1977): luminating and viewing conditions as standard
The reflectance factor of an element of a given conditions. These are described in Section 3.3.7
surface is the ratio of the radiant flux reflected in and illustrated in Figure 1(3.3.7). Further notes
the directions delimited by a given cone, with on the definition and measurement of spectral
apex at the given surface element, to the radiant reflectance factor are given in Section 3.12.2. The
flux reflected in the same directions by the perfect perfect reflecting diffuser as the primary standard
reflecting diffuser identically illuminated. of reflectance is discussed in Section 3.3.6. Trans-
In accordance with this definition, the re- fer standards and working standards of reflec-
flectance factor B becomes identical to the reflec- tance are discussed in Section 1.4.2.
tance p, defined in Eq. 1(1.4), when the illuminat- Reflecting materials that scatter radiant en-
ing and viewing conditions are either hemispheri- ergy, such as those consisting of dyes and pig-
cal—hemispherical or directional—hemispherical. ments suspended in an appropriate substrate, are
When the conditions are hemispherical— of particular interest to industrial colorimetrists
unidirectional, conical—unidirectional, or uni- when the objective is to make these materials of
directional—unidirectional (bidirectional), the re- specified color. Colorant formulation is practiced
flectance factor B is usually given the name radi- widely and theories exist to aid in this practice.
ance factor, in accordance with the radiometric Section 3.9 reviews the essential aspects of col-
quantity radiance that is measured for both the orant formulation.
Reflecting Materials 55

Fo 7 P, 1.4.1 Front-Surface Mirrors

The majority of front-surface mirrors used in

oun \ee [ees — Sample holder precision optics are produced by evaporating
with apertures metals onto glass or quartz in a high vacuum. The
spectral reflectance of a good vacuum-deposited
metal coating is always higher than that of an
electroplated or a polished surface of the metal.
Auxiliary mirror i
in position The most widely used metal for mirrors is
aluminum (Al), which shows a high reflectance
Po Po throughout the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared,
but silver (Ag), gold (Au), copper (Cu), and
rhodium (Rh) are also frequently used. Figure
Sample holder 1(1.4.1) shows the spectral reflectance curves of
with apertures freshly deposited coatings of Al, Ag, Au, Cu, and
Mirror under test Rh over the spectral region from approximately
p=(P,/P,) 2 0.2 to 5.0 wm (Hass, 1955). These curves refer to
coatings prepared under optimal conditions. Many
Fig. 4(1.4). Method of measuring the reflectance
factors, such as speed of deposition, pressure
of a mirror.
during evaporation, temperature of the substrate,
and aging in air, can significantly influence the
optical properties, particularly the spectral reflec-
Materials with only regular reflectance, such as tance, of the coating.
mirrors, are often measured by a procedure il- For many applications, the metal surfaces are
lustrated in Figure 4(1.4) (Strong et al., 1944). In protected by hard and transparent films. Mag-
the first step, top of the figure, the radiant flux P, nesium fluoride (MgF,) is usually used, but for
is measured which is proportional to the incident aluminum mirrors, a film of silicon monoxide
radiant flux Pp. In the second step, bottom of the (SiO) has been found especially suitable. The
figure, the auxiliary mirror is moved from posi- protective coatings change to some degree the
tion A to B and the mirror under test is placed at spectral reflectance characteristics of the mirror.
the sample holder. The radiant flux P, is propor- By the use of suitable thicknesses of the protec-
tional to the radiant flux P) and to the square of tive coatings, the reflectance may be increased
the reflectance p of the mirror under test. From over parts of the spectrum. A significant increase
the two steps of measurement, it follows that in reflectance in the visible is obtained for Al-mir-
rors coated with superposed quarter-wave layers
of Al,O, + TiO, or MgF, + CeO, (Hass, 1955)
In an optical instrument that includes a light
[7(1.4)] source, heat is often an undesirable factor. Heat
reflectors and cold mirrors can sometimes be em-
ployed effectively to reduce the problem. Heat
The concepts and terms that are used when the reflectors, or hot mirrors, are special long-wave-
radiance factors of fluorescent materials are mea- length cutoff filters, with a cutoff at about 700
sured are discussed in Section 3.12.3. It suffices nm, that transmit the visible part of the spectrum.
here to note that for fluorescent materials, the Cold mirrors reflect the visible part of the spec-
radiance factor is the sum of two radiance factors, trum and transmit the infrared (Dobrowolski,
B; and B,, which are due to reflection only and 1978). Figure 2(1.4.1) illustrates the spectral
due to fluorescence only, respectively: transmittance curves of typical hot and cold mir-
Bo Boag, [8(1.4)]
1.4.2 White Reflectance Standards

Of the many (nonfluorescent) reflecting White surfaces are of special interest to the pho-
materials that may interest the colorimetrist, spec- tometrist and colorimetrist as they are used as
tral reflectance curves of only a few can be given reference surfaces in reflectance measurements.
here. For many years, smoked magnesium oxide (MgO)


1. eae SSS rn
Fig. 1(1.4.1). Spectral reflectance curves of freshly deposited coatings of aluminum (AI),
silver (Ag), gold (Au), copper (Cu), and rhodium (Rh) for use as front-surface mirrors (from
Haas, 1955).

was adopted as the white standard (i.e., standard reflecting, perfectly diffusing surface, as described
of reflectance), and its spectral reflectance was set in Section 3.3.6. When an MgO surface is
equal to 1.0 for all wavelengths within the visible measured in absolute units of reflectance, it is
spectrum. Now the CIE recommends that reflec- found that its spectral reflectance comes close to
tance measurements be related to the primary that of the perfect reflecting diffuser but does not
standard of reflectance defined as a perfectly coincide with it exactly. In the visible spectrum,

Hot Mirror Cold Mirror

Oo‘ SS wl


ae 0.6
0.8 1.0 Pre
Wavelength d (um)
Fig. 2(1.4.1). Spectral transmittance curves of typical hot and cold mirrors used for heat
control in optical instruments.
Reflecting Materials x





ea i


5 aa

; —

0.90 a
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 FOsehO 1.5 ae) 2D
Fig. 1(1.4.2). Absolute spectral reflectance curve of a well prepared surface of smoked
magnesium oxide (Sanders and Middleton, 1951; 1953).

reflectances of up to 0.98 may be reached. An ing properties:

average spectral reflectance of a good surface of
smoked MgO for the spectral range from ap- (1) Mechanically robust surface; transport-
proximately 0.2 to 2.4 wm is given in Figure able.
1(1.4.2) (Middleton and Sanders, 1951; Sanders (1) Stable against common ambient condi-
and Middleton, 1953). The reflectance values de- tions.
pend to some extent on the method of preparing (111) Uniform and flat surface.
the MgO surface, its thickness, age, and pre-ex- (iv) Easy to clean.
posure to ultraviolet radiant energy, as well as on (v) Opaque (no optical interference with the
possible impurities in the magnesium used. These background of the specimen; no edge-losses, that
difficulties are considered highly undesirable in is, lateral diffusion of radiant energy penetrating
precision measurements and, for a number of specimen is small).
years, a considerable effort has been made by (vi) Capable of being prepared with a matte or
several workers to find materials that would be a polished surface.
more suitable as secondary standards of reflec- (vii) Near uniform spectral reflectance across
tance. The CIE (1979; see also Erb and Budde, ultraviolet and visible spectrum.
1979; Grum and Becherer, 1979) has issued a (viii) No luminescence excited by radiant energy
detailed review of the publications on the proper- of wavelengths greater than 300 nm.
ties and reflectances of such materials. In particu-
lar, the CIE review report deals with: (a) smoked There is some leeway as to the extent that any
magnesium oxide; (b) pressed powder of mag- or all of the above conditions must be met by a
nesium oxide; (c) pressed powder of barium particular material to be used as a secondary
sulfate; and (d) various glasses, tiles, and plastics. standard of reflectance for a particular applica-
A material is considered suitable as a sec- tion. Considerable judgment is required of the
ondary standard of reflectance if it has the follow- worker who has to make the selection.

(pressed powder)

ac (pressed — \\—/-_-
powder) ‘\\j{,’
AS Vitrolite Glass~
‘ ‘

(eo) BaSO4q

“300 400 500 600 700 g0008 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2.4 26
Wavelength \(nm) Wavelength (um)
Fig. 2(1.4.2). Absolute spectral reflectance curves of different materials used as transfer or
working standards of reflectance (private communication from F. Grum, 1981).

Two classes of application are distinguished. Materials suitable as working standards are the
In the first class, the actual spectral reflectance following:
values are of primary importance, particularly
when the material is to be used as a transfer 1. Vitrolite glass (a special opal glass of Ameri-
standard; that is, its known spectral reflectance can origin).
values are used to bring the calibrations of differ- 2. Ceramic plates.
ent instruments in line with one another. 3. White enamel plates.
In the second class of application, the material 4. Polished surfaces of opal glass MS 14 and MS
is an integral part of a particular instrument and 20 (see transfer standards No. 3).
used in it as a working standard. Its calibration is
usually ascertained by means of a transfer stan- Figure 2(1.4.2) shows typical spectral reflec-
dard, and its spectral reflectances are considered tance curves obtained for some of the ‘‘white”
valid only in conjunction with the particular in- surfaces used as either transfer or working stan-
strument and its peculiar measurement geome- dards of reflectance.
tries. The measurement of absolute reflectance
In order to meet the requirements for a trans- values (i.e., the reflectance of a given material
fer standard, the material should approximate the relative to that of the primary standard of the
properties of the perfect reflecting diffuser as reflectance, the perfect reflecting diffuser) re-
closely as possible; that is, it should be matte, quires special techniques. The interested reader is .
highly opaque, and have high spectral reflectance referred to the publications of the CIE (1979) and
values everywhere in the spectral range of inter- Budde (1976).
est. The CIE Committee on Materials (TC-2.3)
names the following materials suitable as transfer 1.4.3 Colored Reflectance Standards
standards: Of the many colored surfaces of special interest to
the colorimetrist are a set of ceramic tiles avail-
able from the National Physical Laboratory, Ted-
1. Pressed tablets of barium sulfate powder. dington, England (Clarke and Samways, 1968).
2. Pressed tablets of Halon (an organic fluorin- This set of tiles consists of 12 colored and gray
ated polymer of microcrystalline structure formed specimens suitable as reference surfaces for
under high pressure). checking routinely the performance of colorime-
3. Matte surfaces of opal glass MS 14 and MS ters and spectrophotometers. Figure 1(1.4.3) il-
20 (a Russian development of glasses doped with lustrates the spectral reflectance curves of these
lead fluoride and other compounds). tiles.
002 009 00s O0v 002 009 0Os 0O0v ool 009 00S 00
uae 440g



002 009 OOS 00+ 002 009 OOS OOb


fos winipey;



m im
m 6 D>S
MM.5 24



1.4.4 Black Surfaces 1.4.5 Building Materials

There are several materials that absorb most of The spectral reflectance curves of a number of
the incident radiant energy and reflect only a representative building materials (bricks, shingles,
small portion of it. These materials are perceived sheet metals, rocks, and enamel paints) are given
as black under normal conditions of viewing and in Figures 1(1.4.5) to 5(1.4.5) over a wavelength
have useful applications as baffles in optical in- range from 0.3 to 1.8 wm. These results all refer to
struments to reduce the effects of stray energy, samples diffusely illuminated and viewed per-
and as backing materials in reflectance measure- pendicularly.
ments of semitranslucent objects. Some special
materials, such as gold blacks, are used as coat-
1.4.6 Natural Objects
ings of the elements receiving radiant energy in
radiation detectors (Section 1.6). Krinov (1947) has published a rather comprehen-
Gold black, cloth materials (e.g., Norzon cloth), sive atlas of spectral reflectance properties of
flat black paints (3M Company), and black glasses natural formations found within the USSR. They
(Carrara glass) have spectral reflectance values include forests and shrubs, grass, mosses, field
between 0.5 and 1.0% in the visible spectrum, but and garden crops, soils, roads, water surfaces, and
often show relatively high reflectances in the in- snow. Figure 1(1.4.6) shows spectral reflectance
frared (Grum and Becherer, 1979). curves of samples of black rich soil, green grass,



5c mee
0.6 0.7 O68. 2UO0 ie 41 4e 2 oes
Fig. 1(1.4.5). Spectral reflectance curves of different brick samples: (1) extruded brick,
medium light brown (Milton, Ontario); (2) extruded brick, red-brown (Cooksville Ontario); (3)
dry-press brick, light reddish brown (Cooksville, Ontario); (4) extruded brick, light yellowish
brown (Hanley Co., U.S.A.); (5) extruded brick, dark red-brown (Ottawa, Ontario); (6)
dry-press brick, yellow (Cooksville, Ontario); (7) soft mud brick, reddish brown (Toronto,
Ontario); (8) dry-press brick, brownish yellow (Toronto, Ontario); (9) sand lime brick, light
- gray (Cooksville, Ontario).

Fig. 2(1.4.5). Spectral reflectance curves of six differently colored shingles: (1) black; (2) dark
brown; (3) dark red-brown; (4) dark green; (5) blue; (6) light gray.


0.3 0.4 0:5 0.6 O76 (OC Re 1.4 16 16
Fig. 3(1.4.5). Spectral reflectance curves of various sheet metals used as building materials:
(1) aluminum sheet—3S; (2) brass (Muntz metal); (3) sheet copper; (4) copper bearing steel;
(5) hard lead, (6) magnesium alloy; (7) stainless steel; (8) galvanized steel (hot dipped); (9)
rolled zinc.

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 6? O08 LOhOl2- 1.4 @6 hs

Fig. 4(1.4.5). Spectral reflectance curves of various rocks used as building materials: (1) black
granite (polished); (2) rose granite (polished), (3) black marble (polished); (4) veined marble
(unpolished); (5) white marble (polished); (6) travertine (filled, polished); (7) sandstone (Nova
Scotia); (8) Indiana limestone; (9) concrete; (10) asbestos sheet-transite; (11) asbestos cement



Z BS!eh

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Oskar O.Baw LOmeol 2 ch4ach6 cke

Fig. 5(1.4.5). Spectral reflectance curves of a set of enamel paints: (1) medium gray; (2)
_ white; (3) deep blue; (4) yellow; (5) bright red; (6) brown; (7) medium green; (8) light blue; (9)
light green; (10) peach; (11) ivory; (12) black.

Monochromators 63




Fig. 1(1.4.6). Spectral reflectance curves of some typical natural objects (after Krinov, 1947).

dry sand, and snow selected from Krinov’s data. 15 MONOCHROMATORS

From the nature of the samples, it is clear that the
spectral reflectance curves given can only serve as A monochromator is an apparatus designed to
a very rough guide in assessing the reflectance disperse the incident radiant flux into its spec-
properties of other samples. trum from which any desired narrow band of
The spectral reflectance curves of typical wavelengths can be isolated with a slit aperture.
specimens of living human skin are shown in
Figures 2(1.4.6) and 3(1.4.6). The data have been
1.5.1 Basic Designs of Monochromators
selected from detailed studies made by Edwards
and Duntley (1939), Buck and Froelich (1948), In its simplest form, a monochromator comprises
and Stimson and Fee (1953). a dispersion prism, two imaging lenses, and an

1.0 T 1 1oe T i Pie SSI cae i ear

Human Skin of Different Races 0.8b Caucasian Skin light a

o @

: |
ol oe
o 5 ils average
fo)LS @
L Mulatto
sae hi dark 4
Reflectance a
Oo ~ 0.2

gl gi
I | 1 4 ! |
400 500 600 700 400 500 600 700
Wavelength d (nm) Wavelength d (nm)
Fig. 2(1.4.6). Spectral reflectance curves of living Fig. 3(1.4.6). Spectral reflectance curves of living
human skin of different races (after Edwards and human skin of average, light, and dark Caucasians
Duntley, 1939). (after Buck and Froelich, 1948).


Entrance Slit

Fig. 1(1.5.1). Schematic diagram of a single-prism monochromator.

entrance and exit slit, as illustrated in Figure absorption, for example) are more nearly identi-
1(1.5.1). The radiant flux passing through the cal.
entrance slit is collimated by the first lens, then A diffraction grating is an alternative dispers-
dispersed by the prism into its spectrum which is ing element to be used in a monochromator; and
brought to a focus in the plane of the exit slit by the imaging lens optics can be replaced by imag-
means of the second lens. The exit slit may be ing mirrors, usually spherical or parabolic. Often
placed at any position within the spectrum so that used designs of single-grating monochromators
the emergent radiant flux contains, in principle, are illustrated in Figures 3(1,.5.1) to 5(1.5.1).
only the desired narrow band of wavelengths. In As with prism monochromators, grating mono-
fact, there will be mixed with it some flux of all chromators can be combined to form double
wavelengths entering the monochromator. This monochromators to reduce stray energy, particu-
additional flux, usually referred to as stray radiant larly higher-order spectra generated by the grat-
energy or stray light, arises from inter-reflections ing, and to increase the purity of the emerging
between components and scattering by dust, monochromatic radiant flux. However, it is often
scratches, and other imperfections in the dispers- advantageous to combine a grating monochroma-
ing element and imaging components of the tor with a prism monochromator in such a way
monochromator. that the prism serves as the predispersing element
An effective way of reducing stray energy is to of the system. The prism—grating arrangement, in.
combine two monochromators in series in such a that order, preserves approximately the often de-
way that the exit slit of the first becomes the sired linear dispersion provided by a grating. Fig-
entrance slit of the second. Such an apparatus is ure 6(1.5.1) illustrates a double monochromator
called a double monochromator [Figure 2(1.5.1)], in of that type.
contrast to a single monochromator with just one The usable spectral range of a prism mono-
dispersing system. chromator is limited by absorption of the dispers-
-There are two ways of combining the two ing prism and the lenses, and is confined to the
dispersive systems in a double monochromator. visible and near infrared (0.38 to 2.0 »m) when
The two systems can be combined either to give a the optical components are of glass. With quartz
subtractive or additive dispersion; that is, the prisms and lenses, the spectral range is extended
dispersion of each half of the double monochro- into the ultraviolet down to approximately 0.2
mator may either annul the other or combine with pm. In monochromators going beyond the visible,
it to give double dispersion. With subtractive the lenses are commonly replaced by mirrors that
dispersion, the losses experienced by rays in dif- have a high reflectance over a wide spectral range
ferent parts of the instrument field (by prism and, in addition, do not introduce chromatic
First Second M
Monochromoator Monochromoator BL Exit
ar rangement) Pan


Entrance / Exit
Slits Slit
Sy Pe
/* “\
a First Second :
/ Monochromator Monochromator \
Fig. 2(1.5.1). Schematic diagram of two single-prism monochromators combined in series,
forming a van Cittert-type double monochromator. In the lower part of the figure, the second
monochromator is coupled with the first so as to give subtractive dispersion. When the second
monochromator is coupled to the first as shown in the top part of the figure, additive dispersion
is obtained.

Entrance Slit

Plane Mirror

Parabolic Mirror Grating

Plane Mirror

ewiwm (Exit Slit

Fig. 4(1.5.1). Schematic diagram of an Ebert-type monochromator with a grating as the

dispersive element and a spherical mirror as the imaging optics.

Entrance Slit

Spherical Exit Slit


Fig. 3(1.5.1). Schematic diagram of a Czerny—Turner type monochromator with a grating as

the dispersive element and imaging optics consisting of mirrors.

aberrations in the optical imagery. Fluorite, the ratio of the radiant flux (in the selected wave-
rocksalt, and potassium bromide are used as prism length band) emerging from the exit slit to that
materials to extend the spectral range into the received through the entrance slit. The resolving
infrared. Fluorite gives a usable range of ap- power R of a monochromator is defined as the
proximately 0.5 to 9.0 wm, rocksalt of 0.5 to 16.0 ratio of the mean wavelength A of two spectral
pm, and potassium bromide of 0.5 to 25.0 wm. lines of wavelengths A, and A,, that are just
There are other materials (potassium iodide, thal- resolved, to their wavelength difference 6A; that
lium bromide) that allow a still further extension is,
of the spectral range, but beyond 40 um, a grating
must be used as the dispersing element.
Interference-filter wedges of the kind described R= [1(1.5.2)]
in Section 1.3.8 are sometimes used as monochro-
mators when a robust rapid wavelength-scan
instrument of moderate spectral resolution and For a prism, the resolving power R, can be
purity is demanded. expressed in terms of the angular dispersion
d@/dX or the material dispersion dn/dX of the
1.5.2 Resolving Power and Transmitted prism; thus
Radiant Flux
The fundamental quantities that characterize ev-
ery monochromator are the resolving power and



Fig. 5(1.5.1). Schematic diagram of a monochromator with a plane reflection grating in a

Littrow mount with a single lens serving as the imaging optics.
Monochromators 67





Exit Slit

Fig. 6(1.5.1). Schematic diagram of a prism-grating double monochromator with the prism
serving as the predispersing element.

and beam; thus

r=0(8 = [3(1.5.2)]

The quantity a, is the width of the rectangular

R, = él x) [4(1.5.2)]
The angular dispersion of a grating is given by
beam leaving the prism, and b is the base length
of the prism, as illustrated in Figure 1(1.5.2). It is
assumed that the incident beam passes through (5
Wcos@ a,
the prism at minimum deviation and completely
fills the prism face. If the beam does not fill the where m is the order of the spectrum, N the
prism, b is to be replaced by the difference of the number of rulings on the grating, and W the
two extreme paths through the prism. When there width of the grating. The resolving power then
are two or more prisms in tandem, b is taken as reduces to
the sum of the bases of the individual prisms.
These formulae give the theoretical resolving R,=mN [6(1.5.2)]
power only; that is, for the case when the slits are
of infinitesimal width. In practice, the effective
resolving power is always smaller than the theo- Between the angle of incidence i and the angle
retical because the slits must have an appreciable 6 at which the beam leaves the grating, there is
width to transmit a useful quantity of flux. the following relation:
For a diffraction grating, as for the prism, the
ae oy ee mAN
resolving power is equal to the product of the sin i + sin a (761.52)]
angular dispersion and the width of the emerging
which is often called the grating equation.
Many modern gratings are blazed; that is; the
groove surfaces are sloped at an angle 9¢, as
shown in Figure 2(1.5.2), in order to concentrate
most of the dispersed radiant flux in the mth
order. Taking the blaze angle ¢ into account, one
Ss Q
has i=¢—a,0=¢+4, and thus, sini + sin@
= 2sin@cos a, which becomes a maximum for
Fig. 1(1.5.2). Diagram showing basic quantities a = 0; that is, when i = 0 = 9. This optimal con-
used to evaluate the resolving power of a prism at dition can be achieved with a Littrow mounting of
minimum deviation. the grating [see Figure 5(1.5.1)].

product of (a) the spectral distribution function

of the flux entering the monochromator, (b) the
spectral transmittance of the optical pathway, and
(c) the angular dispersion of the prism or grating,
has a value independent of wavelength. Small
deviations from constancy of the triple product
will produce distortions. For a prism monochro-
mator, the triangle is not exactly symmetrical
because of the variable dispersion, but the dif-
Fig. 2(1.5.2). Diagram showing basic quantities ferences are usually unimportant with reasonable
associated with a reflecting diffraction grating. The slit widths. However, for a critical study of the
magnified section on the right refers to a blazed problem as it affects the use of monochromators
grating. of the highest accuracy, the reader is referred to
the work of Kostkowski (1979) and Shumaker
The relative spectral distribution of radiant The total radiant flux P,,, passed by a mono-
flux P emerging from the exit slit of a single chromator, with slit widths sufficiently large for
monochromator set to a particular wavelength is the effects of optical aberrations and diffraction
a function of the widths of the entrance and exit at the slits to be negligible, is given approximately
slits. This is illustrated in Figure 3(1.5.2) which by the following formulae.
ignores any optical aberrations and assumes that
the effects of diffraction at the slits can be ne- (a) Prism monochromator set for minimum de-
glected, which is true if the slits are sufficiently viation at wavelength 2... with its incidence surface
wide. In Figure 3(1.5.2), 5, represents the width of fully irradiated, and for w,/f; < w2/f>:
the entrance slit and s,, the width of the exit slit,
both measured on a wavelength scale. The flux P Iavioria2
emerging at the exit slit is given by the ordinate. Prop = Ly (A) (AG
fasUh(42 — |a,u( dd
GetPhalioees 2)
In the first case illustrated, s, is different from s,;
in the second case, s, is the same as s,. The
maximum flux for given total bandwidth is trans- e hwy (2w.
_wi)2H (dd
= Lyr(0) | h fi b (aa)
mitted when both slits have the same width; the
spectral distribution of P is of triangular shape [8(1.5.2)]
and the conventional spectral bandwidth or half-
value width 6A =s, = 5, = is the half-base of where L,= the spectral concentration of the radi-
the triangle (Réssler, 1949, Gibson, 1949). ance of the source imaged on the en-
The simple geometrical profiles of Figure trance slit
3(1.5.2) correspond to the assumption that, over T(A)=the spectral transmittance of the opti-
the spectral passbands considered, the triple cal train
w,,h,, f; =the width, height, and collimator focal
length on the input side of the prism.
W,,h>, f,=the width, height, and collimator focal
length on the output side of the prism
(the precise value of h, is immaterial
if, as assumed, h,/f, =h,/f))
H,b,a,=the prism height, its baselength, and
the width of the projection of its inci-
es, + nm) dence surface in the direction of inci-
S\+S2=2 NS)

Ay, =the angular dispersion of the prism

S,=0.5 Sp S,=S,=S
Fig. 3(1.5.2). Radiant flux P as a function of oi =the refractive-index dispersion of the
wavelength within the spectral band emerging from material of the prism
the exit slit of a single monochromator (s,, 5. =
width of entrance and exit slit, respectively). If A, and A, are the extremes of wavelength
Monochromators 69

passed by the monochromator, the difference |), mator if the two dispersing elements have the
—X,|, defining a half-bandwidth AA = +|A, — same resolving power and the base of the prism
A, |, is given by has the same area as the grating.

w, dr w, dX 1.5.3. Slit Width Correction

The accuracy of spectrophotometric measure-

or ments is limited by the fact that the slits of the
monochromator must be wide enough to provide
2AA=s,+ 5, sufficient radiant flux for the measurement. The
problem of correcting measurements with finite
(where s, and s, are the slit widths expressed on a slits to give values corresponding to zero slit width
wavelength scale), or has been studied by many investigators (Paschen,
1897; Runge, 1897; Hyde, 1912; Koana et al.,
1940; Hardy and Young, 1949; Eberhardt, 1950).
Suppose the spectral distribution of a source il-
luminating the entrance slit of the monochroma-
For given AA, P,,, is maximal when s, = s,, and tor is {P(A) dA} and the spectral sensitivity of
the total flux reduces to the detector system receiving the radiant flux
from the exit slit is s(A). With the monochroma-
tor set at wavelength A, using finite slits, the
(ees tnr(a)(} (2) (ary
indication of the detector system is given by
the product P(A)s(A)u(A — A.) integrated over
[9(1.5.2)] the total wavelength band passed by the mono-
chromator. In this expression u(A — A,), the pro-
where A = Hb is the area of the base of the file transmission [see Figure 1(1.5.2)] defines, for
prism. If w,/f; 2 w,/f,, reverse roles of w,/f; every wavelength within the band passed, the
and w,/f, in all formulae in (a). proportion of the radiant flux that enters the
entrance slit and emerges from the exit slit. With
(b) Reflection-grating monochromator used in
the Littrow arrangement [see Figure 5(1.5.1)] and
set to select A. in the mth order spectrum: tip.oeg) = [P(A)s(A)w(r = walya

Pe tnr(a)( 5)a( 2) ba( AA)? the following expression enables the product
P(A..)s(A,.) to be computed:
P(X,)s(A,) = a[J(A,) — KATA.)
where A’= the area of the fully irradiated rectan-
gular grating +1A4J(A.) — ---|
e=the separation between adjacent rul-
ings of the grating [1(1.5.3)]
=the fraction of the radiant flux re-
flected by the grating, which is con-
centrated in the mth order of the spec-
trum (Ww, = W2,fi= fo, hy =h2)

In Eqs. 9(1.5.2) and 10(1.5.2), (A./Rer) may

be substituted for AA, where R,,, is defined as the
effective resolving power that allows for slit widths xi lity (s,/s2)
but ignores diffraction at the slits.
6[1 a (s,/s)]}°
Comparing a prism monochromator with a
grating monochromator, Jacquinot (1954) has
shown that a prism monochromator transmits | Ss 6 95(5;/52) + 10(s\/s>)° i Ouse aes
considerably less flux than a grating monochro- 180[1 +(s,/s2)]°

It is of interest to note that in Eq. 1(1.5.3) only
A27(2,) =5(X, bi“22 ) even-order differences of the observed quantity
J(A) occur. This shows that spectrophotometric
+I (A.Spt ; Sy
FON) errors due to finite slit widths increase with the
curvature of the product curve J(A). No slit width
+- corrections are necessary in regions of the spec-
A47(X,.) = ws(2. i 122) trum where this curvature is zero; that is, in
straight portions of the curve.
+0(2, “| — 2A4(X.)
=- *

1.5.4 Polarization

The quantities s,; and s, denote the widths Monochromators affect the state of polarization
(measured on a wavelength scale) of the entrance of the incident radiant energy, and the effect is
and exit slit, respectively. For equal slit width usually a function of wavelength. Figure 1(1.5.4)
5; = 5S; that is, for a triangular shape of the illustrates the polarizing properties of different
profile transmission function of the monochroma- commercially available monochromators as mea-
tor, one has k = 1/12 and /= 1/90 [see Figure sured by Budde (1980). The radiant energy enter-
3(1.5.2)]. ing the monochromator under test is unpolarized.
If two different spectral radiant power distri- This is accomplished by placing a small lamp
butions P’(A) and P’(A) are compared with inside an integrating sphere and imaging the exit
the monochromator using the same detector sys- port of the sphere on the entrance slit of the
tem, the ratio of the products P’(A)s(A) and monochromator. A polarization analyzer, that is,
P’’(X)s(A) derived from Eq. 1(1.5.3) gives di- a polarizer that transmits radiant energy vibrating
rectly the ratio P’(A)/P’(A). Similarly, with the in only one plane (linear polarizer), is placed
same spectral distribution of the source, the ratio between the exit slit of the monochromator and a
of the spectral sensitivities of different detector photon detector insensitive to changes in the state
systems can be evaluated free from slit width of polarization of the radiant energy incident on
error. its cathode. When, for a given wavelength setting

o N“N


6 >(6)


Fig. 1(1.5.4).Degree of polarization and its dependence on wavelength for a few commercial
monochromators: (1) Single monochromator with quartz prism and quartz-lens optics. (2)
Double monochromator with two glass prisms and glass-lens optics. (3) Double monochromator
with two glass prisms and mirror optics, arranged in additive dispersion. (3’) Same as 3, but
arranged in subtractive dispersion. (4) Single monochromator with reflection grating and mirror
optics. [From Budde (1980), private communication. ]
Monochromators 71

(A) of the monochromator, the analyzer is rotated, from most light sources is partially polarized and
one finds two mutually perpendicular positions at so is the radiant energy reflected or transmitted
which the detector gives a maximum (J/,,,,) and a by materials. For example, the radiant energy
minimum (J,,;,) response to the incident radiant from a coiled filament imaged at the entrance slit
energy, respectively. From these readings, the de- of the monochromator may have a degree of
gree of polarization (P) of the radiant energy polarization of the order of 0.10 depending on the
leaving the monochromator’s exit slit can be design of the filament and the portion of its
calculated: image that falls within the slit aperture. A 250-W
high-pressure xenon arc lamp was found to emit
oe Ss it radiant energy with a degree of polarization of
approximately 0.07. Strip filaments, on the other
hand, emit radiant energy with little or no polar-
This equation is equivalent to Eq. 6(1.3.10) given ization, particularly if care is taken to admit into
earlier in connection with sheet polarizers (Sec- the entrance slit only radiant energy originating
tion 1.3.10) and characterizes the polarizing prop- from the central area of the strip.
erties of the monochromator set at wavelength A. A virtually perfect depolarizer is the integrat-
When the wavelength is changed, the positions ing sphere. Polarized radiant energy entering an
of the analyzer change at which /,,,, and Ji, are integrating sphere will generally emerge from it
recorded, as well as the values of /,,,, and J,i,; completely depolarized. A plane diffuser (opal
and thus, the degree of polarization. A typical glass, ground glass) will reduce the degree of
wavelength dependence of the azimuth of the polarization of the incident radiant energy to
plane of vibration of the radiant energy emerging some extent, but generally will not reduce it to
from the exit slit of the monochromator is shown zero.
in Figure 2(1.5.4). A strong dependence on wave-
length of the degree of polarization caused by the
1.5.5 Wavelength Calibration
grating monochromator is noted, which seems
typical of reflection gratings. It also occurs in The wavelength scale of a monochromator is nor-
double monochromators with a prism—grating mally calibrated by setting on particular lines of
combination as the dispersive system. known wavelength provided by a standard emis-
The polarizing properties of a monochromator sion-line source. Among the many sources availa-
can cause problems when the monochromator is ble, probably the most useful are the low-pressure
used in a spectroradiometer or spectrophotometer mercury arc and the helium and cadmium dis-
to measure radiometric quantities of light sources charge tubes. Table 2(1.3.5) lists a number of
or spectral reflectances and spectral transmit- wavelengths in the ultraviolet, visible, and near
tances of materials. The radiant energy emitted infrared regions of the spectrum at which these

Exit Slit O°
of Monochromator



no (e)°


$9 400 500 600 700

Fig. 2(1.5.4). Typical wavelength dependence of the azimuth of the plane of vibration of
radiant energy emerging from the exit slit of a monochromator whose entrance slit is irradiated
by unpolarized radiant energy [from Budde (1980), private communication].

sources have lines of sufficient strength for most and it follows

wavelength calibrations (see, for example,
Gibson, 1949; Meggers et al., 1961; Habell and P R5Trax — Ry
$=eet —_ [21.5.6
Jackson, 1963). Mercury and cadmium or mercury,
zinc, and cadmium can also be combined in single
tubes and are sold by the manufacturer as The accuracy of this method of determining stray
mercury—cadmium tubes and mercury—zinc-— light depends to a large extent on the quality of
cadmium tubes, respectively. the interference filter and its calibration obtained
1.5.6 Stray Light
Stray light or stray radiant energy in a monochro-
mator arises from inter-reflections between the
optical components in the instrument and scatter-
ing by dust, scratches, and other imperfections in
In many investigations in color science, the need
the dispersing element(s) and imaging optics. Stray
arises to make physical measurements of the
light that emerges from the exit slit of the mono-
radiant power involved. Such measurements are
chromator systematically distorts the geometrical
made by radiometers or photometers of various
profile of the spectral radiant flux passed through
designs, all of which employ a physical detector
the instrument [see Figure 3(1.5.2)] and can seri-
of radiant energy. There are several types of de-
ously affect the performance characteristics of the
tector commercially available, but many separate
monochromator. Stray light is one of the major
performance characteristics must be considered
concerns when it comes to selecting a monochro-
when selecting one that is most appropriate for a
mator for a particular application. In many ap-
particular application. The important perfor-
plications, stray light will be most critical in
mance characteristics of a physical detector relate
wavelength regions where the monochromator has
to the following properties of usual concern:
a low transmittance and where the detector, for
example, a photocell or the eye, has a low respon-
(i) Spectral range of response to incident
radiant power,
An accurate measurement of stray light pre-
(1) Magnitude of response, distinguishable from
sents some difficulty, but the following procedure
noise, to a given level of incident radiant power,
is reasonably simple and satisfactory in most cases
(iii) Capability of absorbing the incident radiant
(CIE, 1979a).
power without damage or severe aging effects,
A well-blocked interference filter of high peak
(iv) Functional relation between response and
transmittance is used, usually of the square-top
incident radiant power (linearity),
multicavity passband type [see Section 1.3.7(ii)].
(v) Speed of response.
It is necessary to know its peak transmittance
Tmax and the wavelength A,,,, at which T,,,, oc-
Other considerations of importance are those
curs. With the monochromator set to transmit at
of cost and the kind of ancillary apparatus (optics,
\ max» twO measurements of transmitted radiant
electronic circuitry, cooling) needed to operate a’
energy are made, one with and one without the
particular detector.
interference filter over the exit slit. The light
There are two main groups of physical detec-
source should be the one normally used with the
tors: thermal detectors and photon (or quantum)
monochromator, and the detector should be one
detectors. Within each group there are several
with a spectrally uniform (flat) response, at least
types; those of some interest to photometrists,
over the total spectral range within which the
colorimetrists, and visual scientists are briefly de-
monochromator is to be used. Otherwise, it should
scribed below. In describing the performance
be the detector normally used with the monochro-
characteristics of these detectors, certain technical
mator. If R, and R, are the measurements made
terms are commonly used (see, for example, Reed,
with and without the interference filter, P(A jax)
1971; Grum and Becherer, 1979).
is the true radiant power transmitted by the
monochromator, and P, is the stray light, then (a) Spectral Responsivity. The spectral respon-
(approximately) sivity, denoted by R(A), of a physical detector is
the ratio of the detector output, the signal, mea-
R, i keleeeP (Ngee. )
sured in amperes or volts, to the incident spectral
Ry =kP(Xmmax) + KP, [1(1.5.6)] radiant power, measured in watts. If the incident
Physical Detectors of Radiant Energy B

radiant power is chopped (modulated), R(A) is (f) Response Time. The response time (or time
measured in terms of the rms amplitudes of the constant), denoted by 7, is the time, measured in
fundamental frequency components. It is not af- seconds, required for the detector output to rise
fected by the bandwidth, nor by the chopping from a stated low value to a stated high value
frequency, if the latter is low. when a steady level of radiant energy is instanta-
The term ‘‘spectral sensitivity” has often been neously incident on the active area of the detec-
used for the same quantity, but is no longer tor. For detectors whose output rises exponen-
recommended. tially with time, the response time is the time at
which the output has reached a value equal to
(b) Quantum Efficiency. The quantum ef- (1 — 1/e) = 0.632 of its final value. After a time
ficiency, denoted by n, of a photon detector is the of 57, the detector output will be approximately
number of electrons released per incident photon. 99% of its final value. At high chopping frequency
Quantum efficiencies for different photon detec- f, the responsivity R, of the detector decreases
tors vary between 0.001 and 0.35 (approximately) significantly in comparison with the dc value Ry
and depend upon wavelength. of the responsivity. The following relation holds:

(c) Signal-to-Noise Ratio. The signal-to-noise

ratio is defined as the ratio of the detector output, Ry= Ro|1 + (2nfr) |”
the rms signal, measured in amperes or volts, to
the rms value of the noise, also measured in
amperes or volts. The signal-to-noise ratio is a 1.6.1 Thermal Detectors
quantity without a dimension. Noise in a detector A thermal detector detects the heat produced in
expresses itself as detector signals whose small its receiving element caused by the absorption of
values distribute randomly within a narrow range. the incident radiant energy. The receiving element
Noise originates at one or more points in the has some suitable temperature dependent electri-
chain of events that govern the detection process cal property which is used to measure the temper-
and can be caused, for example, by the incident ature increase. Depending on the design of the
radiant energy to be measured, the detector tem- detector, the temperature increase may
perature, the detector bias voltage (if applicable),
and the signal-modulation frequency (if applica-
(i) result in a change of the detector resistance,
(ii) produce a thermoelectric voltage, or
(d) Noise Equivalent Power (NEP). The noise (ii1) alter the detector capacitance.
equivalent power is the rms value of the sinusoid-
ally modulated incident radiant power, measured Theoretically, the response of a thermal detec-
in watts, required to produce a signal-to-noise tor is independent of the relative spectral distri-
ratio equal to unity; that is, SNR = 1. The quan- bution of the incident radiant energy. This feature
tity is a function of wavelength and its determina- gives the thermal detector an important ad-
tion depends on the modulation frequency and vantage over a photon detector whose response
the noise bandwidth. A greater NEP means a will always be wavelength dependent. However,
poorer detector performance. in practice, there are certain limitations to the
wavelength independence of the thermal detector.
(e) Detectivity (D, D*). The detectivity D of a The limitations are introduced by the spectrally
physical detector is defined as the reciprocal of nonselective absorptance of the receiving element
the noise equivalent power; that is, D = 1/NEP. of the thermal detector and the spectral transmit-
A more commonly used quantity is the normalized tance of window materials used in front of the
detectivity D*, which is defined as the detectivity detector element, such as air, pyrex glass, fluorite,
D multiplied by the square root of the active area fused quartz, or sapphire. A marked disadvantage
of the detector and the square root of the noise of thermal detectors is their usually long response
bandwidth. This normalization factor was chosen time which is the result of the fact that the signal
because the NEP of many detectors proves to be production in these detectors is an indirect pro-
proportional to the square roots of both the active cess. An exception to this rule is the pyroelectric
area and the noise bandwidth. Both D and D* are detector. Table 1(1.6.1) gives the performance
functions of wavelength and their determinations characteristics of some typical thermal detectors.
depend on the conditions of measurement, such The theory and design of thermal detectors has
as the modulation frequency used. been studied in considerable detail. The interested

Table 1(1.6.1) Performance Characteristics of Typical Thermal Detectors (According to Reed, 1971)

Responsivity Detectivity Response Time Active Area

R= R(A) D* (max) T Dimensions Impedance
Detector (V-w ') (mm: Hz!/?-W~') (s) (mm) (Q)
Thermistor ec ty) 2.0 10? 0.016 0.50.5 2.0 10°
Metal (Pt) 4.0 Beant: 0.016 7.00.3 40.0
Schwarz vacuum 30.0 13.010? 0.10 9.00.5 pS ait
Moll 0.25 0.1110? LS 10 10 60.0
Pyroelectric DIGI 2.0 10° 2.010 4 6.02.5

reader may find the following publications partic- semiconductor (thermistor) strip as shown in Fig-
ularly useful: Simon and Suhrmann (1958); Conn ure 1(1.6.1). Most of the radiant energy incident
and Avery (1960); Kruse, McGlauchlin, and on the strip is absorbed and then causes its tem-
McQuistan (1962); Smith, Jones and Chasmar perature to rise which, in turn, changes the resis-
(1968); Putley (1970), and Stevens (1970). tance R, of the strip. The resistance change then
leads to a change in the electric current i flowing
(i) Bolometers. In a bolometer, the detector through the strip due to the bias voltage V. The
element consists of a thin blackened metal or same current i flows through the resistor R, placed

(reduced scale)


Fig. 1(1.6.1). Schematic diagram of a bolometer. Detector element is blackened metal or

semiconductor strip whose resistance R, changes when incident radiant energy raises its
temperature. The resulting change in current i leads to a change in the voltage V, across the
external resistor R,. This voltage change is the detector output to be measured. A chopper is
used to facilitate the measurement.
Physical Detectors of Radiant Energy 75

/K &


Fig. 2(1.6.1). Schematic diagram of a thermocouple. The detector element is the first junction
of two thin ribbons of dissimilar metals covered by a black absorber. The incident radiant
energy raises the temperature of the junction to 7. The second junction is maintained at the
ambient temperature 7). A voltage AV is measured across the second junction which is
proportional to the temperature differences AT = T — T, between the two junctions.

parallel to the strip. The voltage V, across R; (iii) Pyroelectric Detectors. A pyroelectric de-
changes with a change in i, and this change is tector is a more recently developed thermal detec-
measured and recorded as the dector output in tor. Certain acentric crystals, such a triglycine
response to the radiant energy incident on the sulphate, show permanent electrical polarization
detector element, the blackened strip. When mea- at temperatures below the Curie point. A temper-
suring a steady beam of radiant energy, a chopper ature change of the crystal changes its lattice
is used to modulate the detector output, thus
facilitating the measurement of the small voltage
changes. Electrode

(ii) Thermocouples, Thermopiles. A thermo-

couple consists of two junctions in an electric Pyroelectric
current made up of two dissimilar materials (thin Axis
and narrow ribbons of metals or semiconductors),
as illustrated in Figure 2(1.6.1). Typical materials
used in thermocouples are bismuth—alloy and an-
timony—alloy combinations. One of the two junc-
tions is covered by a black absorber and receives
the radiant energy to be measured, whereas the
other is screened and remains at the ambient
temperature. An electric current is generated in
the circuit proportional to the difference of tem- Electrode

perature of the two junctions, and the voltage

measured across the unblackened junction repre- Fig. 3(1.6.1). Schematic diagram of a pyroelec-
sents the detector output. tric detector consisting of a crystal slice acting as a
A thermopile consists of a number of thermo- capacitor to which electrodes are attached. When
couples connected in series with their blackened chopped incident radiant energy increases the tem-
junctions clustered to form a target for the inci- perature of the crystal from 7T to 7+ AT, an
dent radiant energy. electric current flows between the electrodes and a
In most photometric work, thermocouples and low external impedance (not shown). The electric
thermopiles are preferred to bolometers because current is representative of, and in phase with, the
they are less bulky and more convenient to use. chopped incident radiant energy.

dimensions, and thus shows a change in electrical 1.6.2 Photon Detectors

polarization. This change can be observed as an
electrical signal if electrodes are placed at the Photon (or quantum) detectors utilize either an
opposite faces of a crystal slice, forming a capaci- external photoelectric effect or an internal photo-
tor, as shown in Figure 3(1.6.1). If the radiant electric effect.
energy incident on the crystal is chopped, an An external photoelectric effect (or photoemis-
electric current representative of, and in phase sion) occurs when the energy of a photon is
with, the incident radiant energy will flow be- sufficiently high to free an electron from the
tween the electrodes and a sufficiently low exter- surface of the photosensitive material; that is, the
nal impedance. The chopping frequency must be photon energy is greater than the work function
greater than the reciprocal of the thermal re- of the surface.
sponse time of the device. As the photon energy is inversely proportional
Pyroelectric detectors have a responsivity that to wavelength and the range of suitable photosen-
is essentially independent of wavelength. Their sitive materials with a low work function is limited,
main advantages over other thermal detectors, the spectral responsivity of photoemissive detec-
such as bolometers, thermocouples, and thermo- tors is mainly restricted to the ultraviolet and
piles, are that their absolute responsivity is much visible part of the spectrum. Figure 1(1.6.2) il-
higher because higher modulation frequencies can lustrates a number of relative spectral responsiv-
be used. They also have a shorter response time, ity curves (normalized so that the maximum re-
and for optimal performances they do not require sponse reads unity) of common detectors of this
cooling. However, pyroelectric detectors are sensi- type.
tive to vibration including sound, which increases An internal photoelectric effect occurs when the
their electric noise signals. photon energy is too small to free an electron, but

ane te
andehe tel


A AZ a
a @TN

LS es
TNS LARBde 500 600
d (nm)

Fig. 1(1.6.2). Spectral responsivity curves of typical photon detectors operating by the
external photoelectric effect; that is, photoemission. All curves have been normalized so that
their respective maxima read unity. The curves correspond to photosensitive materials (cathodes)
made of the following materials: (S1) cesium on silver oxide (Cs—Ag,O); (S4) cesium—anti-
mony on nickel base (Cs—Sb); (S8) cesium—bismuth on nickel base (Cs—Bi); (S10) cesium on
bismuth and silver oxide (Cs—Bi-Ag,O); (S11) cesium on antimony and oxygen (Cs—Sb-O);
(S13) same as (S11) but in quartz instead of glass; (S20) cesium—antimony on sodium and
potassium (Cs—Sb—Na-K); (SX1) gallium-arsenide (Ga—As); (SX2) gallium-indium—arsenide
Physical Detectors of Radiant Energy 77

300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200

Fig. 2(1.6.2). Relative spectral responsivity curves of some typical photon detectors operating
by an internal photoelectric effect. (1) all-semiconductor (silicon) photodiode (“diffused”
series); (2) Schottky barrier silicon photodiode (metal—semiconductor device); (3) same as 2 but
uv-enhanced type.

is sufficiently high to raise a charge carrier in a for detection in the far infrared. Figure 2(1.6.2)
semiconductor from the valence band or an im- illustrates typical spectral responsivity curves of
purity level to the conduction band. Two specific photon detectors operating by an internal photo-
internal photoelectric effects of importance are electric effect.
the photoconductive effect and the photovoltaic Table 1(1.6.2) gives the performance character-
effect. istics of some typical photon detectors of general
The photoconductive effect is observed when interest to those who make photometric measure-
the mobilized charge carriers increase the conduc- ments.
tivity of the semiconductor. The theory and design of photon detectors has
The photovoltaic effect is observed when the been studied in considerable detail. The interested
charge carriers are generated to a point where a reader may find particularly useful the books by
potential barrier exists, for example, at a p—n Gibbons (1966) and Sommer (1968). Also recom-
junction or metal—semiconductor junction, and a mended are the brochures of some of the major
voltage is produced by charge separation. manufacturers of photon detectors which contain
There are several materials available that pro- a wealth of useful information.
vide spectral responsivity curves from the near-ul-
traviolet, through the visible, into the infrared (i) Photomultipliers. Of the various types of
region of the spectrum. Some materials are useful photon detectors operating by the mechanism of

Table 1(1.6.2) Performance Characteristics of Typical Photon Detectors (According to Reed, 1971)

Responsitivity Detectivity Response Time Active Area

R(A) D* (max) T Dimensions Impedance
Detector (A-W') (mm: Hz!/?-W~') (s) (mm) (Q)
Sl cathode 0.50 10° Lo x10" LO-<10 36 (dia) 1.3107
S11 cathode 0.12 10° 5.9 10!° POX 50 (dia) 0x 10°
$20 cathode 0.40x 10° 9.2 10!° LOIO. 50 (dia) Pt?
Si (photoconductive 0.45 ho) 64 Uj Dl Usee 7.5 (dia) LO<10"
Si (photovoltaic 0.50 Sos 10 5.0) SLD 2 10 (dia) 0.5 10°

Rr (Feedback resistor) (b) The cathode-to-first dynode voltage must be

stabilized if relative spectral responsivity is to
remain constant. This is accomplished by intro-
ia (Current) ducing an appropriate zenerdiode in the circuit.
(c) The current in the voltage-divider chain of
the dynodes must be kept at a much higher level
than that of the maximum anode current gener-
nth Dynode‘} -.----
ated by the photomultiplier. A ratio of 1000: 1 is
considered satisfactory.
High-Voltage Power Supply
(1 to2 kV)
(d) The anode current in most photomultipliers
should not exceed | »A. This restriction helps to
reduce fatigue effects.
(e) Shielding against earth or other external
Zener diode magnetic fields is necessary. This is accomplished
by wrapping “mu sheet metal” around the photo-
multiplier tube.
Fig. 3(1.6.2). Schematic diagram of a photomulti- (f) Wherever feasible, an appropriate diffuser
plier and its electric circuit (drawing kindly sup- should be mounted in front of the cathode to
plied by W. Budde of the National Research avoid effects of nonuniformities in the responsiv-
Council of Canada, 1980). ity of the cathode surface.

The last note (f) deserves some further consid-

photoemission (external photoelectric effect), the eration (Budde, 1969). Figure 4(1.6.2) shows the
photomultiplier is the most commonly used type results of uniformity measurements made on a
in photometry. Figure 3(1.6.2) illustrated sche- photomultiplier tube with a plane end-on
matically a photomultiplier tube and its internal semitransparent cathode of the S10-type spectral
design. Radiant energy incident on the cathode, responsivity as shown in Figure 1(1.6.2). The
coated with an appropriate photosensitive image, somewhat reduced in size, of the exit slit
material, frees electrons. Each of these electrons is of a monochromator, set at a fixed wavelength,
accelerated by a fixed potential difference of 100 was moved diagonally across the cathode in two
V, say, to the first dynode, which is an electrode mutually perpendicular directions. The responsiv-
having a surface treated to give a high secondary ity relative to that recorded at an arbitrarily
emission ratio for electron impact. The electron selected spot of the cathode varied with the posi-
incident on the first dynode causes the release of tion of the image. The results shown in Figure
a few (e.g., three) secondary electrons that are 4(1.6.2) indicate large spatial nonuniformities of
accelerated by a further potential difference of responsivity, which unfortunately are quite typi-
100 V, say, to the second dynode, and so on. cal of all photon detectors of the photoemissive
Usually, between 9 and 14 dynodes are placed type.
between the photocathode and the final anode. Figure 5(1.6.2) illustrates for the same photo-
The dynode chain generates an anode-current multiplier tested in Figure 4(1.6.2) a number of
gain of several orders of magnitude. The gain spectral responsivity curves obtained at different
depends on such factors as the number of dy- spots of the cathode. The different curves differ
nodes used, and the potential differences between by factors that are wavelength dependent.
the dynodes. A gain of 10’ is not uncommon in If a diffuser of the kind illustrated in Figure
modern photomultipliers. 6(1.6.2) is placed in front of the cathode, spatial
Photomultipliers are very suitable for photo- uniformity of the spectral responsivity is ob-
metric calibrations in color science, particularly tained. The device also eliminates any effect
when low levels of radiant energy are to be mea- polarized incident radiant energy may have on the
sured accurately. However, considerable care must responsivity of the photomultiplier.
be taken with regard to the operation of these Photomultipliers, properly operated, will re-
devices. A few notes may be appropriate here. spond linearly to incident radiant energy within a
range of approximately three to four decades;
(a) The high-voltage power supply must be that is, the proportionality between voltage out-
highly stabilized (0.01% or better). put and radiant power input is maintained if the



30 20 10 0 10 20 30
Fig. 4(1.6.2). Responsivity of a photomultiplier as a function of position of spot on cathode on
which constant monochromatic radiant energy is incident (after Budde, 1969).

Distance from
center of cathode



300 400 500 600 700 800

Fig. 5(1.6.2). Spectral responsivity curves of a photomultiplier as a function of position of
spot on cathode on which radiant energy is incident (after Budde, 1969).


Housing of 12 photomultipliers are shown, all belonging to

Alumina cylinder
the same type (S-10 response), and all manufac-
tured by the same company (Budde, 1969; 1973).
1 1.1 .® ' The spectral responsivity of the photocathode
of a photomultiplier can change with age. A typi-
Photocathode oe cal example of the magnitude of change is shown
\ hsWt in Figure 8(1.6.2) for a photomultiplier whose

spectral responsivity was measured over a period


Opal glass or ground quartz

of 18 months (Budde, 1969).
Fig. 6(1.6.2). Cross section of photomultiplier (ii) Silicon Photodiodes. The silicon photodi-
tube with end-on cathode to which is attached a ode is at present the most commonly used photon
diffuser cavity to obtain spatially uniform respon- detector operating by an internal photoelectric
sivity of the photomultiplier (Budde, 1969). effect; that is, either the photoconductive or the
photovoltaic effect. The essential component of a
silicon photodiode is a p—n junction, that is, an
radiant power varies over a range of approxi- interface between a p-type material and an n-type
mately three to four decades (see, for example, material. The p-type material is a material having
Pitz, 1979). a shortage of electrons or ‘‘holes” and is usually
The nominal spectral responsivity curve of a a semiconductor (silicon) appropriately doped
given type of photomultiplier, such as the curve with impurities. The n-type material is a material
denoted by S10 in Figure 1(1.6.2), provides only a having an excess of electrons and is either a thin
crude indicator of the actual spectral responsivity metal film, such as gold, or a semiconductor
curve of a particular photomultiplier of that type. (silicon or selenium) appropriately doped with
In Figure 7(1.6.2), the spectral responsivity curves impurities.


300 400 500 600 700

Fig. 7(1.6.2). Spectral responsivity curves of 12 different photomultipliers of the same type
(S-10 response) manufactured by the same company. The curves have been normalized so that
the area under each is the same within the spectral range from 450 to 700 nm (after Budde,
Physical Detectors of Radiant Energy 81

2.0 |

A. Sept. 66
B. Jan. 67
C. Jun. 67
D. Feb. 68



300 400 SOO 600 700 800


Fig. 8(1.6.2). Spectral responsivity of a photocathode changing with age (Budde, 1969).

An all-semiconductor photodiode is usually

out Is Ry constructed by diffusing through one surface of a
Ghcranty is }
p-type silicon wafer an appropriate impurity to
Photodiode R, produce a very thin surface layer having n-type
( Load
properties. Incident radiant energy that reaches
the depletion layer at the p—n junction causes the
generation of electron-hole pairs. With an ap-
propriate external electric circuit, a current is

(Signal Current)
is Ry
(Feedback) (B)
Photodiode Resistor

Vout = is Re eiah Wir


=i tO) o=5 0 ) 10 IS
Fig. 9(1.6.2). Electric circuit diagrams required
to operate a silicon photodiode in the photocon- Distance from Center of Photodiode (mm)

ductive mode (A) or in the photovoltaic mode (B). Fig. 10(1.6.2). Spatial uniformity of responsivity
Typical bias voltage used in the photoconductive of silicon photodiode measured by moving a small
mode operation is 50 V. The load resistor (R, ) is light spot across the active area of the photodiode
chosen so that the voltage drop across it remains (insert). Scans parallel to the scan shown gave
small as compared to the bias voltage. similar results (Budde and Dittmann, 1973).


Fig. 11(1.6.2). Linearity of six different silicon photodiodes. The ordinate represents the
factor f of deviation from linearity. The abscissa gives the measured signal current in amperes
(A) on a logarithmic scale (Budde, 1979).

generated that is proportional to the incident ferred because it leads to lower noise signals and
radiant power. is less sensitive to changes in ambient tempera-
When the depletion layer, often called the ture.
intrinsic or i-region separating the p-type and The spatial uniformity of the relative as well as
n-type layers in the photodiode, is clearly dis- absolute spectral responsivity of silicon photodi-
tinguished in the design of the photodiode, the odes is generally good, as shown in Figure
manufacturer refers to PIN photodiodes as 10(1.6.2).
opposed to PN photodiodes. PIN photodiodes Polarized incident radiant energy has only a
generally have an improved response time, re- very small, if not negligible, effect on the respon-
sponsivity, and linearity over PN photodiodes. sivity of the photodiode provided the incident
Photodiodes of the types described above can beam is perpendicular to the active surface of the
be operated in either the photoconductive or the photodiode (zero degree incidence; Budde and
photovoltaic mode. Figure 9(1.6.2) illustrates the Dittmann, 1973).
essential components of the electric circuits used The linearity of silicon photodiodes can be
in the two modes of operation. The photoconduc- very good over eight decades, but there are cases
tive mode is mainly used when a fast response where some deviations from strict linearity have
time is required such as in the measurement of been observed (Budde, 1979), as shown in Figure
short light pulses. In virtually all other photomet- 11(1.6.2).
ric applications, the photovoltaic mode is pre-


2.1 PREAMBLE nonoptical stages in the visual process. Although

it is not yet feasible to reach even an approximate
The visible radiant flux incident on the eye pro- specification of the ultimate internal stimulus,
vides the stimulus to vision and is conveniently nevertheless, it is possible to correct the external
termed the external stimulus. No properties of the stimulus for some of the simpler pre-X-point vari-
observing eye (except its position and orientation ables, notably, pupil size and light losses in the
in space) intervene in the specification of the optic media, to obtain intermediate internal stimuli.
external stimulus. The initial stages of the visual The data and formulae of this chapter are mainly
process, that is, the modifications of the radiant concerned with the optical stages of the visual
flux when it enters the cornea, traverses the optic process involved in deriving intermediate internal
media, and penetrates the retina, involve the stimuli.
properties of the eye structure and tissues. How-
ever, these initial stages are still essentially physi-
cal in character and proceed in accordance with 2.2 THE STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN EYE
the laws of physical optics. The critical point (the
X-point) is reached when radiant flux, originating The human eye is an organ of approximately
from the external stimulus, is absorbed by the spherical shape. The sphere has a radius of about
light-sensitive visual pigments of the retinal end- 12 mm with a transparent protuberance towards
organs (the rods and cones) so as to set going the the front. In the protective envelope, which pre-
further processes that culminate in vision. Beyond serves the eye’s shape, are inserted three pairs of
the X-point, the visual process is no longer opti- extrinsic muscles that move the eye in its bony
cal. Different external stimuli that lead to the orbit (the eye socket), a cone-shaped cavity point-
same absorptions at the X-point stage over the ing slightly outward relative to the central plane
whole retina are visually equivalent. If it were of the head. A change of the point of fixation in
possible to specify, for a given external stimulus, the external field is followed by a corresponding
the quality and intensity of the radiant flux at change of the position of the eye caused by a
each point occupied by visual pigment, the speci- well-coordinated contraction and relaxation of the
fication would define a kind of internal stimulus extrinsic muscles. Fixation of the external point is
in which account would already have been taken maintained also when the head is moved. The
of all the optical modifications undergone by the intricate mechanisms of eye movements have been
external stimulus before the X-point. Since no studied extensively, and the interested reader is
further radiational specification would be possi- referred to Alpern (1962; 1972); Robinson (1968),
ble, this might be termed the ultimate internal and Monty and Senders (1976).
stimulus. Figure 1(2.2) shows the general plan of the
Knowledge of the ultimate internal stimulus human eye with the names of its principal parts.
could simplify empirical laws of visual response Brief descriptive notes on the optic media (cornea,
and make easier the analysis of the subsequent lens, aqueous humor, and vitreous body) and on


eyelids distribute the tears across the cornea. Pain

receptors in the cornea help, together with the
TEMPORAL eyelids, to protect the eye from injury.
The cornea is contiguous with the white sclera,
the tough protecting envelope of the eye in which
are inserted the extrinsic muscles that move the
eye in its orbit. The sclera has many blood vessels
but few pain receptors.

2.2.2 Lens

2 The /ens is a biconvex multilayered structure,

enclosed in a sheath which is connected to the

ciliary muscle by means of the zonule fibers. The

shape of the lens changes during accommodation,
the process that permits bringing the image of an
object in the external field to a sharp focus in the
fovea of the retina.
The change of shape in the lens during accom-
modation occurs mostly at its anterior surface
which touches the iris. When the eye is focused
for an object “at infinity”, the zonule fibers,
Fig. 1(2.2). Schematic near-horizontal median
attached to the sheath of the lens, exert their
section of the right eye seen from above. (1)
maximum pull and hold the lens in a flattened
cornea; (2) aqueous humor; (3) eye lens or crystal-
position. In that position, the cornea provides
line lens; (4) vitreous body (2 to 4 = optic media);
most of the refraction needed to bring the beam
(5) retina (layer containing photosensitive end-
of parallel rays to a sharp focus in the fovea.
organs); (6) choroid (vascular and pigmented mem-
When the object is nearer, the ciliary muscle
brane); (7) sclera (outer coat of the eyeball); (8)
contracts to release some of the tension exerted
optic nerve; (9) fovea; (10) optic disk (papilla); (11)
by the zonule fibers, thus allowing the anterior
ora serrata (front edge of the retina); (12) ciliary
surface of the lens to bulge. This moves the image
muscle; (13) zonule fibers; (14) iris; (15) ocular
of the near object into the fovea from its position
behind where it would be otherwise.
Some eyes, regardless of age, have corneas and
lenses that do not provide a sufficient range of
the retina are given below. Detailed accounts of refractive power to allow perfect focusing for
the structure of the human eye, as well as of other distances ranging from near to infinity. Such
eyes, are given, for example, by Walls (1942), deficiencies, as well as certain others that lead to
Smelser (Ed., 1961), Davson (Ed., 1962), and blurred or distorted images on the retina, can be
Davson (1972). corrected by spectacles or contact lenses. In the
aging eye, the lens usually loses its capacity to
2.2.1 Cornea change its shape, making near vision of fine detail
impossible without appropriate corrections. The
The cornea is the outermost layer through which
design and solution of correcting spectacles
the external stimulus enters the eye. Although of
and contact lenses is the domain of optometry
a complex lamellar structure, the cornea is trans-
(Emsley, 1957; Bennett and Francis, 1962; Borish,
parent and void of blood vessels. It protrudes
toward the front with a convexity of a radius of
about 8 mm; that is, a somewhat greater curva-
ture than the main body of the eye. The Jacrimal 2.2.3 Aqueous Humor and Vitreous Body
gland, located on the outside of the eye, secretes Between the cornea and the lens lies the anterior
tear and mucus solutions to help maintain a nor- chamber of the eye which is filled with a clear
mal exchange of oxygen and the water balance liquid, the aqueous humor. This liquid, continu-
within the cornea. This is a continuous process ously generated and absorbed, controls the in-
keeping the cornea transparent. The blinking traocular pressure, which is greater than the
The Structure of the Human Eye 85

Ms A4 fy By

Mgt} bby etHf AE er a a ad a eS Geer '


Fig. 1(2.2.4). Schematic diagram of the structures of the primate retina that can be observed
through a light microscope (reprinted from The Retina by S. L. Polyak by permission of Mrs.
Stephen Polyak, 1981). The numbered layers are those enumerated in the text. The letters
show Polyak’s designations of the nerve cells: (a) rods; (b) cones; (c) horizontal cells;
(d, e, f, h) bipolar cells; (7,/) amacrine cells; (7m, n, 0, p, s) ganglion cells; (uw) “radial fibers” of
Miiller. Polyak comments: “In this scheme the nervous elements are reduced to their
essentials, with, however, the characteristic features of each variety preserved—the location of
the bodies, the size, shape, and the spreading of the dendrites and of the axis cylinders— and
with the synaptical contacts presented accurately.”

atmospheric pressure, to maintain the structural Polyak’s intensive study of the retinae of primates
integrity of the eye. covers and extends much of the earlier work.
In the space between the lens and the retina, More recent preparations of primate retinae, in-
about two-thirds of the volume of the eye, is the cluding those from human eyes, have confirmed
vitreous body which consists of a transparent jelly the main features of the retinal fine-structure
interlaced with fibers. illustrated in Figure 1(2.2.4) (see, for example,
Cohen, 1963; Rohen, 1964; Boycott and Dowling,
2.2.4 The Fine-Structure of the Retina 1969; Rodieck, 1973).
In accordance with Figure 1(2.2.4), the follow-
The retina is a complex and multilayered struc-
ing are the main retinal layers containing the
ture lining most of the choroid, the vascular and
different kinds of nerve cells (or neurons) and
pigmented layer attached to the sclera, the pro-
fibers that can be distinguished by means of a
tecting envelope of the eye. A schematic cross
light microscope:
section of the retina is given in Figure 1(2.2.4)
which illustrates its structure as revealed through
a light microscope. The illustration is taken from (1) Pigment epithelium. Cells with processes in-
Polyak’s well-known treatise, The Retina (1941). terdigitating to a small degree the outer segments

(2), and containing nonphotosensitive melanin have helped to bring out a great deal of the
pigment in which most of the light traversing the ultrafine structure of the retina that cannot be
retina is finally absorbed. revealed by light microscopy. In particular, the
(2) Rod and cone layer (bacillary layer). intricate network of neural connections has been
(a) Outer segments of the rods and cones traced in considerable detail. Rodieck’s (1973)
containing the actual light-sensitive pigments of extensive treatise on the vertebrate retina pro-
vision. vides a comprehensive insight into the subject
(b) Inner segments. matter.
(3) Outer limiting membrane. Thin sheet made Figure 2(2.2.4) is a reproduction of the
up of fibers of the cells (Miller’s fibers) sustain- summary diagram assembled by Dowling and
ing the framework of the retina. Boycott (1966) which, in a highly schematic
(4) Outer nuclear layer. Mainly cell bodies manner, illustrates the main nerve cells and their
(nuclei) of the rod and cone cells. interconnections. The subdivision into layers, de-
(5) Outer plexiform layer. Inner fibers of rod scribed above, is also indicated.
and cone cells and their synaptic contacts with The human retina covers an area inside the eye
outer fiber expansions of the cells of layer (6). of about 1100 mm” and its average thickness is
(6) Inner nuclear layer. Mainly nuclei of various about 250 um, giving it a volume of tissue of
types of bipolar cells and horizontal and amacrine about 27.5 mm’. Within this rather small volume
cells. are estimated to be about 200 million nerve cells
(7) Inner plexiform layer. Inner fiber expansions of different kinds that are directly involved with
of bipolar cells and dendritic expansions of gan- the early stages of the processing of the visual
glion cells of all kinds. stimulus reaching the retina.
(8) Layer of ganglion cells. The cytoplasmic body The stream of photons that constitutes the
of a ganglion cell has an axon that becomes a internal visual stimulus enters the retina at the
fiber of the optic nerve. inner limiting membrane (layer 10) and proceeds
(9) Layer of optic nerve fibers. Fibers from the through the various other retinal layers before it
ganglion cells proceeding across the retina to leave reaches the outer segments of the photoreceptors.
the eyeball at the optic disk. The photons that are absorbed by the visual
(10) Inner limiting membrane. Thin sheet made pigments in the outer segments elicit signals from
up of the inner terminations of Miller’s fibers. the photoreceptors that trigger a chain of events
through the neural network of the retina cul-
A more recent subdivision of the retina into minating in coded signals emerging from the
layers takes account of the functional properties ganglion cells into the optic nerve fibers which
of the neural network (Stell, 1972). Between the transmit these signals to the brain where they are
pigment epithelium and the inner limiting mem- interpreted in terms of visual information. Most
brane, the neurons are segregated into three layers: of the photons that are not absorbed by the visual
pigments in the outer segments are absorbed by
(1) Layer of photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) the melanotic pigment contained in cells of the
(includes layers of outer and inner segments and pigment epithelium and in the melanophores of
layer of photoreceptor cell bodies; that is, the the outer coat of the eye. Some photons back-
outer nuclear layer). scatter through the photoreceptors, the outer
(II) Layer of intermediate neurons (or inner layers of the retina, and out of the eye.
nuclear layer, containing bipolar cells, horizontal The various processes of signal generation,
cells, and amacrine cells). transmission, and coding that take place in the
(III) Layer of ganglion cells. retina when a visual stimulus enters are not well
(I/II) First synaptic layer (or outer plexiform understood. All explanations given in the litera-
layer): interconnects the processes of photorecep- ture are considered to be of a more or less specu-
tors and intermediate neurons. lative nature; but they are based on structural
(I/II) Second synaptic layer (or inner plexi- data of the retina, such as those summarized in
form layer): interconnects the processes of inter- Figure 2(2.2.4), on electrophysiological data col-
mediate neurons and ganglion cells. lected inside single cells, though mostly of retinae
of nonprimate and cold-blooded creatures, and
~ Refined techniques of tissue preparations and, on a host of psychophysical data, some of which
most significantly, the use of electron microscopy are the subject matter of Chapters 5 to 7.
The Structure of the Human Eye 87

® Tt
2b Pas

Oo rod
receptor receptor

iA =
midget : Q
bipolar horizontal fa
cell °
rm >


9 cell


Fig. 2(2.2.4). Schematic diagram assembled by Dowling and Boycott (1966) of the ultrafine
structure of the primate retina that can be observed through an electron microscope. The
subdivisions of the retina into layers proposed by Polyak (1941) and Stell (1972) are indicated
in the margin of the illustration.

A closer inspection of Figure 2(2.2.4) suggests a rod-bipolar cell, other synapses at which the
a well-organized hierarchy of signal generation, signal is transferred to a horizontal cell, and still
transmission, and coding in the retina, and it is other synapses that connect directly with the syn-
interesting to follow the steps that seem to con- aptic body, the pedicle, of a cone receptor. The
stitute the retinal processes. most important transmission appears to be the
Suppose one or more photons have been ab- one that feeds directly into the rod-bipolar cell,
sorbed in the outer segment of a rod receptor and, because the signal emerging from it is transmitted
as a result of the absorption, a signal is elicited through a synaptic body in the second synaptic
from that receptor. This signal is transmitted down layer to a diffuse ganglion cell. The signal will
the length of the rod to its synaptic body, the undergo final retinal processing, together with
spherule. The spherule contains junctions, called signals arriving at the same time from other cells
synapses, between the rod receptor and other nerve of the neural network. The output signal gener-
cells in the first synaptic layer itself and in the ated by the ganglion cell in response to the input
layer of intermediate neurons. In particular, we signals it receives is transmitted through the optic
note synapses at which the signal is transferred to nerve fibers to the brain.

It appears that several neighboring rod recep- circumstances such as at appropriate levels of
tors pool their signals in a common rod-bipolar stimulation and location in the retina, interact
cell. The same rod receptors are also connected to with cones. The potential interactions are indi-
a common horizontal cell, which in turn is con- cated by the existence of
nected with a number of rods in other areas of the
retina as well as with cone receptors. The pres- (i) direct contacts between rod spherules and
ence of horizontal cells and their interconnections cone pedicles,
with the first synaptic layer suggest lateral (ii) indirect connections between rods and cones
processes to take place in this retinal layer. Hori- through horizontal cells, and
zontal cells are estimated to cover relatively long (iii) indirect connections between rod-bipolars
distances (of the order of 1000 pm) laterally in and cone-bipolars through amacrine and ganglion
the layer of intermediate neurons. They do not cells.
interconnect with other cells in the layer of inter-
mediate neurons nor do they connect with gan-
glion cells (Kolb, 1970).
When photons are absorbed in the outer seg- 2.2.5 Main Topographical Features of the
ment of a cone receptor, the transmission and Retina
processing of the resulting signal are, in the main, Inspection of the whole surface area of the retina
similar to that observed for a signal originating at reveals a number of easily identifiable features
the outer segment of a rod receptor; but there are and major regions. These are the following:
some important differences in detail. The cone
pedicle, considerably larger than the rod spherule, (1) Optic disk, papilla. The gap in the retina
has between 15 and 30 indentations (invagina- proper, occupied by the optic disk which is not
tions) at its base, within which synapses are found. light sensitive and corresponds to the blind spot in
Through one such synapse the signal is trans- the visual field. The optic disk is roughly oval
ferred to a cone-bipolar cell, always of the same with its longer diameter vertical.
type and referred to as a midget bipolar. Through Approximate dimensions: Vertical, 2 to 2.4 mm (7
another synapse, the signal is transferred to a to 8°); horizontal, 1.5 to 1.8 mm (5 to 6°).
horizontal cell that is central to the lateral processes Approximate position of center: 4.8 mm to nasal
that take place in that retinal layer, as described side of visual pole and 0.47 mm above horizontal
above. Another type of synapse is located at the meridian (16° temporal and 1.6° below in exter-
flat portion of the base of the pedicle, between nal field).
the invaginations. Through a synapse of that type, (2) Ora serrata. The abrupt boundary of the
the signal is transferred to another cone-bipolar retina toward the front of the eye. Vision is
cell, called a flat bipolar that generally receives impossible for stimuli beyond the ora serrata, but
signals from several (7 to 12) cones. in fact may not reach as far as this.
The signals processed in the midget and flat (3) Fovea. Small region about the visual pole
bipolars proceed to the second synaptic layer where vision is most acute.
through which they are transferred to ganglion (4) Rod-free area. Small area centered on the
cells. Midget bipolars seem to synapse preferen- visual pole that is blind to weak stimuli in dark
tially with midget ganglion cells, whereas flat bi- adaptation.
polars synapse with both midget and diffuse gan- (5) Central avascular region. This area is also
glion cells. centered on the visual pole (it probably corre-
In the layer of intermediate neurons, amacrine sponds to the region of a very bright external
cells are found which appear to govern lateral field, particularly of shortwave light, in which
processes in the second synaptic layer. These “dancing dots” of light are not observable).
processes run parallel to the lateral processes in (6) Yellow spot (macula lutea). A central area
the first synaptic layer governed by the horizonal extending beyond the fovea in which a yellow
cells. pigmentation can be seen in retinal preparations
Color vision has been thought to be mediated and associated with the Maxwell spot (observable
entirely by the cones. However, the “wiring dia- as a shaded spot in the direction of vision, on
gram”, shown in Figure 2(2.2.4) and discussed intermittent observation of a uniform field of
above, strongly supports certain other experi- deep blue light, and also as a more complicated
mental evidence that rods can, under favorable pattern with various other colored stimuli).
Table 1(2.2.5) Subdivision of the Retina into Regions (from Polyak, 1941)

Approximate Angular
Outer Diameter
Diameter on in External
Retinal Region Retina Field

Central Area
I. Fovea This corresponds to a pit or 1,500 wm neh
depression in the retina-
vitreous surface, the inner
limiting membrane. [See
Fig. 1(2.2.6)]
The nearly flat central area 400 »m 1.4°
of the foveal pit is called
the foveola. There are no
blood vessels here.
In a central island within 50-75 pm 0.17-0.24°
the foveola, the cones have
maximum length. There are
no rods here.

II. Parafovea Roughly circular belt of 2,500 pm 8.6°

width about 500 wm. Here
the thickness of layer 2 has
dropped to the value it re-
tains throughout the re-
mainder of the retina.

III. Perifovea Circular belt of approxi- 5,500 wm 19.0°

mate width 1500 pm
marked by the progressive
reduction in thickness of
the ganglion-cell layer from
about 4 cells to about | cell

Peripheral Area

IV. Near periphery Approximate width 1,500 »m 8,500 4m 29.0°

V. Middle periphery Approximate width 3,000 4m 14,500 »m 50.0°

VI. Far periphery Approximate width 10,000 40,000 wm (horizontal)

pm (temporal side)
Approximate width 16,000
um (nasal side)
Approximate width 2,100
jum (temporal side)
Approximate width 700-
800 wm (nasal side)
VII. Ora serrata [For the special characteris- 40,000 pm (horizontal)
(extreme periphery) tics distinguishing regions
IV to VII, see Polyak


Table 1(2.2.5)— Continued

Approximate Angular
Outer Diameter
Diameter on in External
Retinal Region Retina Field

VIII. Yellow spot The yellow pigment per- 3,000 pm 10°

meates diffusely all layers (intense)
from 4 to 9. Thus, pigmen- 5,000 p 17°
tation is very slight in the (total)
foveola, intense on the
slopes and margin of the
fovea, and gradually fades
out beyond. However, it is
visible in some preparations
nearly up to the papilla
(Polyak, 1941). The yellow
spot is more extended in
the horizontal than in the
vertical meridian.

IX. Rod-free area [Oesterberg’s data (1935) Diameter 500-600 pm _ 1.7—2.0°

correspond to a_ smaller (Polyak)
value] 10°

X. Avascular area Diameter 400-600 pm _—_-1.4—2.3°

(7) Parafoveal area. Retinal region immediately while at the same time, the retinal layers 2 to 4
surrounding the fovea. are somewhat thicker than in the outer region.
(8) Peripheral area. Region between the para- The nearly flat central area of the foveal pit,
fovea and the ora serrata. where layers 5 to 9 are almost absent, is called the
foveola. There are no blood vessels in the foveola.
Polyak’s more precise subdivision into retinal It is the high density of cones in the fovea
regions, based on easily identifiable features in which gives this retinal region its exceptional
the morphology of the retina and not on its capacity to resolve fine detail in an optical image
functional properties, is given in Table 1(2.2.5). focused there. Between 100,000 and 150,000 cones
There is an arbitrary element in assigning some of are estimated to be packed in the fovea. The
the boundaries. foveal cones have a somewhat different structure
than the cones in other retinal regions, and the
relative number of pathways from the fovea to the
2.2.6 The Fovea brain is also greater than from other regions.
These features are believed to be responsible for
The fovea in the retina is of particular interest as
the higher sensitivity of the fovea to visual stimuli
this is the retinal area where vision is most acute.
as compared to that of other retinal regions, when
The structure of the fovea is illustrated in Figure
the eye is light adapted.
1(2.2.6). A pit or depression is seen in the retina—
vitreous surface, the inner limiting membrane.
2.2.7 The Photoreceptors
The retinal layers 5 to 9, redrawn as bands from
Figure 1(2.2.4) and shown at the top of Figure There are two types of photoreceptors in the
1(2.2.6) are considerably thinner near the center, human retina, the rods and cones. As repeatedly
The Structure of the Human Eye 91

pigment epithelium-| ES a EE 010101

Gist ods and n cones
outer nuclear layer—
—— ee ee 5— outer plexiform layer
inner plexiform layer-7 a 6— inner nuclear layer
optic nerve fibers-9 ee
8— ganglion cells

O 500 1000 1500

Distance (um)

=ESS OES SS ISS ° ‘ comm oaGOS <

ini “en Hi|()\!"miewn

Bi go®

O 100 200 300 400 500 600

Distance (um)
Fig. 1(2.2.6). Structure of the human fovea (Reprinted from The Retina by S. L. Polyak by
permission of Mrs. Stephen Polyak, 1981). The retinal layers drawn as bands in the upper part
of the illustration are numbered and identified in accordance with Polyak’s subdivision of the
retina into layers shown in Figure 1(2.2.4) and described in the text. In the figure, the visual
stimulus enters the retina from below.

noted in the previous sections and shown in Fig-

ures 1(2.2.4) and 2(2.2.4), as well as Figure
1(2.2.6), the rods and cones are found in the
photoreceptor layer of the retina. Figure 1(2.2.7)
shows the main structural features of a typical raat ne aa
rod and cone. The names of the two photorecep-
tors are derived from their shapes (Miiller, 1851;
Schultze, 1866). A typical rod has a cylindrical aet
3 : , Ellipsoid
outer segment and a cylindrical inner segment, ROD CONE
consisting of the ellipsoid and myoid regions, both Ahn 2m
of similar diameters. A typical cone, on the other Mold
hand, is tapered and has its largest diameter at
the bottom of the inner segment. Variations in
shape and size are often noted for both rods and
cones, and the distinction by shape between the ucleus
two types is not always possible, particularly in
certain nonprimate eyes (Cohen, 1972).
Table 1(2.2.7) contains data on the distribu-
tion and dimensions of rods and cones compiled
from Polyak (1941) and Oesterberg (1935; see eck
also Pirenne, 1962a). (Spherule)
The photoreceptors are optically inhomoge-
neous and it is difficult, if not impossible, to Fig. 1(2.2.7). Main structure features of a typical
assign representative single values for refractive human rod and cone (Rodieck, 1973).

Table 1(2.2.7) Distribution and Dimensions of Rods and Cones

(a) Total Number in Human Retina

Rods 110-125-10° (Oesterberg)

Cones 6.8-10° (Oesterberg)
more than 4-10° (Polyak)
Nerve fibers 0.8-1.0-10° (Polyak)
Number of cones in foveola (about 400-um dia.): 25,000
Number of cones in fovea (about 1500-m dia.): 110,000 to 115,000

(b) Length and Diameter (in 4m) (from Polyak 1941)

Retinal Region Length (i.e., Diameter of Cones

as Defined in Thickness of Rod Inner Segment — Outer Segment
Pablest(2.275) and Cone Layer) (Tapering) Diameter of Rods

I foveola 70 1.5-1.0 > 1.0 Absent

outer edge (reducing) 3.5-4.0 > 1.3 1.0
of fovea
II 40-45 4.5 > 1.5-2.0 1.0-1.5
Ill 42-45 5:0 > 2.0 |
IV as for III 5.0-6.0 > 2.5 1.5-2.0
V Little thinner 6.0-7.5 > 2.5 1.5-2.0
than for IV
VI Little thinner 8.0-9.0 > 3.0 1.5-2.5
than for IV

index, absorptance, scattering, and so on to a and seem to float within it. An exception to this
cone or a rod photoreceptor. Only few optical arrangement occurs at the lower end of the outer
data are available on photoreceptors, of which segment where the discs are actually infoldings or
those on refractive index reported by Barer (1957) ingrowths of the outer membranes [not shown in
and Sidman (1957) are noteworthy and sum- Figure 3(2.2.7)]. In time, these infoldings are
marized in Figure 2(2.2.7). pinched off the outer membrane and new disks
The outer segment of a photoreceptor is of are thus generated. The replenishing process
special interest because it is generally accepted causes the stack of disks to move upwards gradu-
that this is the part of the photoreceptor wherein ally. It has been estimated that the stack moves at
occurs the interaction of visual pigment and light a rate of about 10 wm per day. The disks pushed
that initiates the visual process. Electron micros- off the top are absorbed in the pigment epi-
copy has revealed a lamellar fine-structure of the thelium, into which the upper portion of the outer
outer segments of both the rods and the cones. segment protrudes (Young, 1976).
Ever since the first records of such a structure Throughout the outer segment of a cone, usu-
were produced by Sjostrand (1948, 1953), many ally infoldings of the outer membrane occur as
more preparations have been made by numerous illustrated in Figure 3(2.2.7). A replenishing pro-
investigators that provide a detailed picture of the cess of cone disks also has been reported recently
architecture of the outer segments. Reviews are (Young, 1978).
given, for example, by Sjostrand (1961), Cohen The visual pigments that have been extracted
(1972), and Rodieck (1973). Figure 3(2.2.7) il- from primate retinae as well as from retinae of
lustrates schematically the fine-structure of the many other species are combinations of the chro-
outer segments of a typical rod and cone. mophores, |1-cis retinal,, or 1l-cis retinal,, and
In the outer segment of the rod, the lamina- various proteins, called opsins. The pigments ex-
tions have the shape of double-membrane disks tracted from retinae of land vertebrates are all of
that are not connected with the outer membrane the same chemical structure and are called
Specification of the External Stimulus 93

rod cone


1.4) |Segment), 38


Fig. 3(2.2.7). Schematic illustration of fine-struc-

ture of outer segments of a typical rod and cone.
The inside of most of the outer segment of the rod
(left) contains a stack of double-membrane disks
not connected with the outer membrane. The outer
segment of the cone (right) consists of infoldings
of the outer membrane. (Illustration by Joana

Fig. 2(2.2.7). Schematic outline of a rod and

cone photoreceptor with average refractive indices
is thought to be connected with differences in the
indicated in the various segments. Values are rep-
fine-structure between rods and cones (Rodieck,
resentative of rods and cones of various animal
eyes. They were determined by refractometry and
interference microscopy by Barer (1957) and Sid-
man (1957).
rhodopsin (for a review see, e.g., Rodieck, 1973).
Visual pigments prove to be insoluble in saline 2.3.1 Position in External Field
solutions, but may be brought into colloidal sus- Figure 1(2.3.1) illustrates the coordinate system
pension with detergents. These properties suggest used to specify the position of a point P in the
that the pigment molecules are built into the external field of the left eye. Suppose, at a given
membranes of the disks in the outer segments of moment, the observing left eye is located with its
the photoreceptors. A detailed model of the struc- nodal point (or with its pupil center) at O, and
ture of the disk membrane and the arrangement the eye’s visual axis, produced forward, lies along
of pigment molecules in it has been proposed by OQ. Then, the position of a given point P in the
Vanderkooi and Sundaralingam (1970). external field is specified by the polar coordinates
It is interesting to note that the visual pig- r, 9, 6, where the azimuth ¢ is the angle by which
ments extracted so far from primate retinae all a half plane bounded by OQ must be rotated
come from the outer segments of rod photorecep- from a conventional reference position to a posi-
tors. No extractions of cone pigments have been tion in which it contains the point P. A suitable
reported. However, physical techniques of mea- convention is to choose the reference position so
surement, such as microspectrophotometry, show that the half-plane contains the nodal point of the
that three types of cone pigment must exist with observer’s other eye (the nasal position), the rota-
absorptance maxima in the short-, middle-, and tion being taken in the direction nasal-—
long-wavelength region, respectively (Liebmann, upper—temporal—lower—nasal.
1972; Bowmaker et al., 1978; Bowmaker and
Dartnall, 1980). The three types of cone pigment
2.3.2 Radiometric Specification
reside in different cones. No fundamental dif-
ference between the visual pigments of rods and Under usual conditions of vision, the stimulus
cones is expected to be found. The difficulty from a given direction (@, ¢) in the external field
experienced in attempts to extract cone pigments is provided by the radiant power emitted diffusely

Plane containing point P of external field


visual axis
of left eye
left eye —_ -——_——

visual axis
of right eye

reference plane

Fig. 1(2.3.1). Specification of the position of a given point P in the external field of the left

by a solid surface at distance r. Let the spectral the surface element dA, of the source. Thus
concentration of radiance at the point P(r, 0, $) [L..(8, 6) dA] provides the appropriate measure
of the emitting surface in the direction of the eye, of the external stimulus, being equal both to the
be represented by L,,(@,) and be measured in external radiance in the direction (@,) and to
terms of watts per unit wavelength interval per the irradiance per unit solid angle (steradian) of
unit area per unit solid angle of emission. Then, external field on a plane surface at the eye turned
by the definition of spectral radiance (see Section to face the oncoming radiant flux.
1.1), an element of area dA, of the surface at P Figure 1(2.3.2) illustrates the geometrical
acts as a source of radiant intensity towards the quantities that are involved in Eqs. 1(2.3.2) to
eye, which for the wavelength interval dA has the 3(2.3.2). The reader will notice that the above
value specification of the external stimulus is a radio-
metric procedure governed by principles, quanti-
dI,, dX = L,,(0, 6) dd- dAscos es (W- sr_') ties, and units described more fully in Chapter 1,
particularly Section 1.1.
[1(2.3.2)] The steradian is a large unit of solid angle and
it is often more convenient in specifying external
measured in terms of watts per unit solid angle of stimuli to use the square degree, that is,
emission. The angle e, is between the normal to
the surface element dA, at P and the line OP. 2
At a plane surface dA, containing the nodal 1 sq. deg. = Ge steradian [4(2.3.2)]
point O of the left eye and turned normal to the
direction (@,), the source dA, produces the
irradiance It follows that the value of the irradiance
E.y,(9,) produced at the eye by one square
dA degree of the source in the external field is ob-
GE 3 dr = L.(6, o) dX - a tained by multiplying the value of the radiance
L.,(9, &) by the factor (1/57.3)7, thus,
sas L. (9, o) dn : dw p (W . m7)
E.y,(9, 6) = 3.05 - 10-*L,,(0, 6) (W- m7)
In some cases, the state of polarization of the
ys dA, COS Es radiant flux incident at the plane of the eye is
doy =F (81) [3(2.3.2)]
important and the specification L,,(@, @) must be
supplemented by this information. Also, it is im-
is the solid angle subtended at the eye O by plied that the radiant flux reaching O from differ-
Factors in the Eye that Control the Internal Stimulus 95


Fig. 1(2.3.2). Geometrical quantities involved in the specification of the external stimulus.

ent points P in dA, is incoherent, so that no with K,, = 683 Im - W7'; and
interference effects can be produced.
The above method of specifying the external
stimulus is primarily applicable when the irradi- L'(8,¢) = Ki, ifL.,(8,6)V(A) da
ance at O from a given direction in the field is
uniform over an area covering the apparent area (inerm eres) 412(245-3)]
of the natural eye pupil in that direction. The
most important exception to this occurs when with K’, = 1700 Im- W!.
either by a material artificial pupil placed in front The functions V(A) and V’(A) are the stan-
of the eye or by means of an optical system (as in dard luminous efficiency functions for photopic
the method of Maxwellian view), the irradiance at and scotopic vision, respectively. A complete
O from a given direction in the field is confined treatment of photometry is given in Chapter 4.
to a small area lying within the apparent area of
the natural pupil. The external stimulus is then
best specified by the total incident radiant flux in 2.4 FACTORS IN THE EYE THAT CONTROL THE
this small area. For example, if the artificial pupil INTERNAL STIMULUS
has the projected area p(0@,¢) in the direction
(9, $), the quantity to be specified is the product The role of the optical system of the eye is to
[L..(6, >)p(0, >) dA]. This product is the radio- image the external scene on the retina; but even
metric analogue of the photometric quantity aside from diffraction effects, the imaging is, in
known as the troland value to be discussed in general, imperfect both because of optical aberra-
Section 2.4.4. tions and because the object distance may be
unsuited to the state of accommodation of the
eye’s optical system at the time. Only for objects
2.3.3 Photometric Specification on or fairly near the optic axis of an emmetropic
External stimuli are also specifiable in photomet- (optically normal) eye and at the distance to
ric units when the spectral radiant power distribu- which that eye is accommodated is the image
tions are immaterial or are indicated separately. sharply focused on the retina (to the approxima-
The quantity specified is the luminance L(@, $) tion of geometrical optics); even then, the radiant
or the scotopic luminance L’(6, ) in the direc- flux from the object must be confined to a limited
tion of the eye at the point P(r,6,¢) of the spectral region (avoidance of chromatic aberra-
emitting surface in the external field. These equal tion), and the eye pupil must not be fully dilated
the corresponding illuminances (E, and E,) at (avoidance of spherical aberration).
the eye per steradian. Then In such cases, a small object surface emitting
radiant flux in the wavelength interval A toA + dA
and subtending the solid angle dw at the eye
L(8,6) =Ky [L.(8,¢)V(A) da produces an image on the retina of area dA pro-
portional to dw; that is,

(Im-m~*-sr_') [1(2.3.3)] dA =mdw [1(2.4)]


where the factor m, apart from its possible depen- external field is small relative to that in other
dence on 9, ¢, and A, will vary somewhat from regions. Some limited data on the nature and
one eye to another. For example, in eyes optically extent of internal stimuli extraneous to the direct
identical except for size, m will be proportional to image are available (see Section 2.4.6).
the square of the linear dimensions (see Section Allowance for diffraction effects in the deriva-
2.4.1). tion of internal stimuli falls under two heads.
If the object surface has radiance (L,, dd) First, the image of a monochromatic point ob-
and the apparent area of the pupil seen from the ject on the photosensitive pigment layer of the
direction (8,¢) is p(@,¢), the total spectral retina—regarded as a simple surface—is a dif-
radiant flux P,, dA reaching the retinal image will fraction pattern; that is, an extended distribution
be of irradiance of size and shape depending on the
wavelength and the form and dimensions of the
P,, dX =[L,, dAp(4, ¢)|[1 — 1(8, 6, A)] dw apparent pupil. Given a circular pupil and assum-
ing the image of geometrical optics to be perfect,
[2(2.4)] that is, a point, we find that this distribution is
the familiar Airy disk (Born and Wolf, 1959).
where /(8,¢,A) is the fraction of the incident More realistic predictions of the distribution of
radiant flux lost from the imaging beam in pass- irradiance in the image of a point source (line
ing through the eye and reaching the visual pig- source or any object with fine detail) must take
ment in the retina. The retinal irradiance E,, dA account of the following factors:
in the direct image at the pigment level is then
(a) The geometrical focus may be displaced by
E.y d= —[Len ddp(6, ¢) [1 a (0, >, )] small amounts in front of or behind the visual
pigment layer, and the distribution will be sensi-
[3(2.4)] tive to the precise accommodation of the eye.
Because of the chromatic aberration of the eye,
measured in (W- m 7”). such displacements are inevitable for some wave-
The validity of this equation depends, as indi- lengths if the point source is not monochromatic
cated in its derivation, on several limiting as- (e.g., white light). The distribution in photometric
sumptions, but even when not strictly applicable, units is then obtainable by summing the distribu-
it often provides a useful if crude approximation tions of different wavelengths, weighted by the
to the retinal irradiance corresponding to a given factor V(A) or V’(A), but the spectral composi-
external stimulus, suitable average values being tion of the irradiance will vary from point to
inserted for the quantities p(6, ¢), /(@, ¢, A), and point of the pattern.
m (see Sections 2.4.5 and 2.4.6, respectively). (b) For object points on the axis, the geometri-
In addition to the direct image, the visual cal image is subject to optical aberration and also
pigment in the retina receives other radiant flux to astigmatism (as the object point is moved off
Originating in the external stimulus but produced the axis); that is, to an increasing separation of
by: the focus in the plane containing the axis and the
plane normal to this plane.
(a) double reflection at the various interfaces in (c) Scattered light coupled with possible irregu-
the eye; that is, cornea—air, lens—aqueous humor, lar defects in the eye’s optical system and small
lens—vitreous body, vitreous body—inner limiting involuntary fluctuations in accommodation have
membrane, and so on, been observed to produce a spread of the retinal
(b) scattering in the cornea, lens, and optic distribution not attributable to diffraction or reg-
humors, ular aberrations (Flamant, 1955). The tentative
(c) scattering within the retina or reflection from determination of the retinal distributions for
one part of the retina to another, stimulus objects with fine detail presents a special
(d) fluorescence of the eye lens or the retina. problem for each experimental situation and sim-
ple general formulae are not obtainable. For a
The nonfluorescent contributions are not gen- discussion of work on these lines, see, for exam-
erally significant at a given retinal position unless ple, Fry, 1955; LeGrand, 1956; Pirenne, 1962b;
the stimulus at the corresponding region of the Gubish, 1967; and Westheimer, 1972).
Factors in the Eye that Control the Internal Stimulus 97

If the point object is expanded to a surface Both theory and observation (Enoch, 1960;
patch in the external field over which the radiance 1967) indicate that the propagation of radiant
L,, 4X in the direction of the eye is uniform, all energy in the visible range by the elongated struc-
the complications of diffraction, exact accom- tures of the end-organs is basically a problem
modation, astigmatism, and other aberrations will of wave-mode propagation, analogous to the trans-
affect the retinal irradiance at the edge of the fer of microwave energy along dielectric wave
image but will be of diminishing importance in guides. Wave-mode propagation in long circular
moving in to the central area. Equation 3(2.4) cylinders, of refractive index and diameter—wave-
may be regarded as specifying, in the limiting length ratio similar to those in the end-organs, is
case of large object patches, the approximate rela- soluble theoretically (Snitzer, 1961; Snitzer and
tion between the external stimulus and the retinal Osterberg, 1961; Snyder and Hamer, 1972; Miller,
irradiance in the central area of the direct image. 1974; Snyder, 1975). The complexities of the reti-
Many of the studies of color science are con- nal situation (irradiation by a diffraction pattern,
cerned with uniform stimuli of one degree or with phase variation across it, of a closely packed
more in angular subtense to which this approxi- array of inner segments tapering to outer seg-
mation can be applied. ments of smaller diameter with refractive index
Diffraction phenomena arise also from the fact variations in the transitional region) have until
that the visual pigment is not an infinitely thin now prevented a satisfactory approximation to
surface bounding an optically homogeneous the key relation just mentioned.
medium. Radiant flux from the vitreous body Two general conclusions relevant to the speci-
incident on the inner limiting membrane passes fication of internal stimulus that also follow by
initially through the layers between the inner and the uncritical application of ray optics to sim-
outer limiting membranes (layers of total thick- plified models of end-organs, are the following:
ness varying from about 50 pm at the fovea to
200 »m in the parafovea and thinning towards (a) The outer segments, despite their smaller
the peripheral retina). These layers, comprising diameter, probably receive nearly all the radiant
nerve fibers, neurones of various kinds, and the flux incident (at normal incidence) on the inner
parts of the rod and cone receptor cells contain- extremities of the inner segments. This light-trap-
ing their nuclei, may be regarded optically as ping or funneling effect may be estimated from
fairly homogeneous, perhaps as very slightly the approximate diameters of the segments to
turbid. However, the optical situation is altered as produce a ratio of the average radiant intensity in
radiant flux enters the inner segments of the rods the outer segment compared with that in the inner
and cones which have refractive indices a little segment of some 4:1 for foveal cones and more
larger than that of the surrounding tissue. A for cones in the surrounding retina.
stratification of slightly different indices parallel (b) The radiant intensity in the outer segments
to the outer limiting membrane would be unim- may vary strongly according to the direction of
portant. But as the radiant flux is incident at incidence of the radiant flux on the outer limiting
quite small angles (not more than about 10°) with membrane, even in the limited range of angles of
the normal to the outer limiting membrane, that incidence normally accessible in the living eye (up
is, at nearly grazing incidence with the side walls to about 10° for radiant flux entering the eye near
of the inner segments, effects corresponding to the edge of the fully dilated pupil).
total internal reflection may occur. The inner The known directional properties of visual re-
segments, however, have diameters comparable to sponse (Stiles—Crawford effect; see Section 5.11)
the wavelengths of visible light, so that the provide evidence that the variation noted under
determination of the distribution of radiant inten- (b) is occurring, at least in the case of cone
sity within them and within their continuations, end-organs; in fact, one attempt to explain the
the outer segments, becomes a problem of diffrac- directional properties led to the first suggestion of
tion and one of considerable difficulty. Of prin- the wave-guide analogy for the end-organ (Toraldo
cipal importance is the relation between the exter- di Francia, 1949).
nal stimulus in the appropriate region of the field Unlike the previously considered effects of
and the distribution of radiant intensity in the aberrations and diffraction on the irradiance in
outer segment, which is the part of the end-organ the central area of the retinal image of a uniform
containing the actual photosensitive pigment. object, the dependence on retinal angle of inci-
98 (Me lzeN Ge

dence of the radiant flux reaching the pigment in for the theoretical eye accommodated on a point
the outer segments is not eliminated by increasing distant 143.6 mm. Here N.D. is the distance in
the angular size of the object. Thus, in specifying millimeters of the image nodal point from the
internal stimulus by the retinal irradiance, it is retina. With increase in the angle @ that the
necessary, in principle, to indicate the angle or direction of the object makes with the visual axis,
angles of incidence on the retina. This require- the approximations of the Gaussian paraxial the-
ment is met effectively by stating the size of the ory fail. For the theoretical eye (LeGrand, 1956)
natural pupil, if that is being used, or the size and and probably for most actual eyes, the two
position in the natural pupil of the artificial pupil astigmatic images of a small object straddle the
(real or, in Maxwellian view, virtual). retina as they separate with increasing 9. How-
ever, the actual retinal illuminance, for example,
in the image of an object subtending 5 min at the
2.4.1 Image Formation by the Theoretical Eye
eye, may be very much [perhaps a tenth at 6 = 60°
Table 1(2.4.1) gives the optical specification of a (Stiles, 1952)] below the amount to be anticipated
representative or theoretical eye as derived by from Eg. 2(2.4) with the above value of m. On the
LeGrand (1946). It applies primarily to the adult other hand, for extensive object surfaces subtend-
European eye and is based on more recent statis- ing several degrees at the eye, the equation can
tical data than the earlier theoretical eyes of still give a crude approximation of the retinal
Helmholtz and Gullstrand. The table also gives illuminance.
LeGrand’s specification of a simplified eye in The optical specification of the theoretical eye
which the refractive indices of the aqueous humor can be used to calculate the size of the retinal
and vitreous body and the cornea are taken as image of an object in the external field.
identical, and the eye lens is replaced by a thin Take, for example, the simple case of a cir-
lens (zero thickness) in such a way that the prin- cular source whose normal at its center coincides
cipal points and the image points are the same as with the optical axis of the unaccommodated eye,
for the theoretical eye. It may be assumed that the as illustrated in Figure 2(2.4.1). If o is the angular
theoretical eye applies either for white light or for subtense or apparent diameter of the source, mea-
monochromatic light in the yellow. Figure 1(2.4.1) sured in radians, the length h’ of the diameter of
illustrates the optical specification of LeGrand’s the retinal image of the source, located at the
full theoretical eye (“unaccommodated complete image focal plane at F’ in the retina, is given by
eye”) in accordance with the data given in Table
Where differences between individual eyes are h’ = 16.68320 [2(2.4.1)]
not critical, the theoretical eye can be used to
make approximate calculations by Gaussian optics The solid angle w subtended by the circular source
of the image, size, position, and so forth of ob- at the eye (nodal point NV) is obtained from
jects not too far from the direction of vision. In
particular, it gives the value of the quantity m in
Eq. 3(2.4) for retinal irradiance. re 4msin? 7 [3(2.4.1)]
If the unit of length is taken as the millimeter
throughout the equation, we obtain
For a small angular subtense o, Eq. 3(2.4.1) be-
a OS Ry mal Use
ea ean ES

[1(2.4.1)] vents
wd) ~—T70
4 [4(2.4.1)]
for the unaccommodated theoretical eye; that is,
The circular area A of the retinal image is given
the eye accommodated on a point infinitely dis-
tant, and by

m = (14.7762) = 218.34
Table 1(2.4.1) LeGrand’s Theoretical Eye

Full theoretical eye Simplified eye

Unaccommodated Accommodated Unaccommodated Accommodated

Refractive index
Cornea L370 1377 1.336 1.336
Aqueous humor 1.3374 1.3374 1.336 1.336
Crystalline lens (total index) 1.42 1.427 1.4208 1.4260
Vitreous humor 1.336 1.336 1.336 1.336

Distance along axis from

corneal pole (mm)
Posterior surface of the
cornea 0.55 0.55 — —
Anterior surface of the lens 3.6 8.2 6.3740 D763
Posterior surface of the lens 7.6 Ts 6.3740 5.7763

Radius of curvature (mm)

Anterior surface of the cornea 7.8 7.8 8 8
Posterior surface of the cornea LS 6.5 — —
Anterior surface of the lens 10.2 6.0 10.2 6
Posterior surface of the lens —6 —5.5 —6 —5.5

Dioptric power
Anterior surface of the cornea 48.3462 48.3462 42 42
Posterior surface of the cornea —6.1077 —6.1077 — —
Anterior surface of the lens 8.0980 14.9333 8.3097 15.0049
Posterior surface of the lens 14 16.5455 14.1265 16.3690

Power 42.3564 42.3564 42 42
Position of principal
points : object —0.0576 —0.0576 0) 0)
: image —0.0597 —0.0597 0 0
Focal length: object — 23.6092 — 23.6092 — 23.8095 —23.8095
: image 31.5749 31.5749 31.8095 31.8095

Crystalline lens
Power 21.7787 30.6996 22.4362 31.3739
Position of principal
points : object 6.0218 5.4730 6.3740 5.7763
: image 6.2007 5.6506 6.3740 5.7763
Focal length: object — 61.4087 — 43.5641 -- 59.5466 — 42.5832
: image 61.3444 43.5185 59.5466 42.5832

Complete eye
Power 59.9404 67.6767 59.9404 67.6767
Position of principal
points : object (P) 1.5946 1.8190 1.7858 2.0043
: image (P’) 1.9078 2.1915 1.9078 2.1915
Position of focal
points : object (F) — 15.0887 — 12.9571 — 14.8974 —12.7718
: image (F') 24.1965 21.9325 24.1965 21.9325
Focal length: object (f) — 16.6832 — 14.7761 — 16.6832 — 14.7761
: image (f’) 22.2888 19.7409 22.2888 19.7409
Position of nodal
points : object (N) 7.2001 6.7838 7.3914 6.9691
: image (N’) ess 7.1563 7.5133 7.1563
Accommodation (diopters) 0 6.9633 0 6.9633
Distance along
axis : image nodal
point to image focal point
(at retina), (mm) 16.6832 14.7762 16.6832 14.7762



S20) arto reo ees 0

Distance from corneal pole in mm
Fig. 1(2.4.1). Optical specification of LeGrand’s full theoretical eye [see Table 1(2.4.1),
“unaccommodated complete eye”): F = object focal point; F’= image focal point; P = object
principal point; P’= image principal point; N = object nodal point; N’= image nodal point;
f = object focal length; f’ = image focal length.

which, in terms of the angular subtense o, be- subtense or solid angle of external sources in the
comes shape of a line, circle, and square of different
ave 37(16.6832)° 0”

2.4.2 Eye Axes and Eye Angles
The visual axis of the eye is defined as the line
A = 218.607 [5(2.4.1)] joining the point on which the eye is fixed—the
fixation point—to the object nodal point N. The
In terms of the small solid angle w, we obtain optical axis—the approximate axis of symmetry
of the refracting surfaces—and the visual axis are
A =27896 [6(2.4.1)] not generally coincident; they are inclined at an
angle termed the angle a. When the eyes are fixed
where w is measured in steradian and A in square on a distant point ahead, with their visual axes
millimeter. parallel and horizontal, the optical axes are in-
Table 2(2.4.1) gives the relations between the clined outwards by an angle that in the normal
lengths or areas on the retina and the angular adult eye has an average value of 5° (range about

Source w= 47 sin 224 Retinal Image



ey =16 6832
Fig. 2(2.4.1). Parameters involved in calculating diameter h’ and area A of the retinal image
of a circular source in the external field. The “infinitely distant” source subtends an angle o
(solid angle w) at the eye (nodal point VV). For the unaccommodated eye, the object focal
- length f is equal to the distance between the image nodal point NV’ and the image focal point F’.
Factors in the Eye that Control the Internal Stimulus 101

Table 2(2.4.1) Relations between Lengths or Areas on the Retina and Angular Subtense or Solid
Angle of External Sources of Different Shapes and Sizes“

Source Angular Retinal Image

Shape Subtense Solid Angle Length Area

Straight 1.0 rad _ 16.683 mm =

Line 0.05994 rad — LOagemnr
1.0 min — 4.853 wm _
0.2061 min — 10 pm —
1.0 deg — 0.2912 mm —
3.434 deg — 10 mm —
Circle 1.0 min dia 6.65-10 °s — 18.50 (um)?
1.0 deg dia 2.39-10°-*s — 6.65-10° (mm)?
2.0 deg dia 9.57-10° 4s — 2.66-10! (mm)?
10.0 deg dia 2.39-10-? sr — 6.65 (mm)?
64.7 deg dia 1.0 sr a 278.3 (mm)?
3.9 deg dia 3.59-10° 7s — 1.0 (mm)?
Square 1.0 min side 8.46-10 *s — 23.55 (um)*
1.0 deg side 3.05-10 4s ut 84.78 - 10° (um)?
3.44 deg side 3.59-10 3s — 1.0 (mm)?
0.206 min side 3.59-10°?s = 1.0 (um)?

“The numerical values apply to the theoretical eye accommodated on a point at infinity, with the image
nodal point 16.683 mm from the retina. For the theoretical eye fully accommodated (6.963 diopters of
accommodation) with the image nodal point 14.776 mm from the retina, the diameters of the retinal
images given above must be decreased by a factor 0.8857, and the corresponding areas by a factor

4—8°) but which may be as high as 10° or as low as the fixation axis, and its angle with the optic
as 0° (or even be slightly negative, corresponding axis as the angle y. For a distant fixation point, y
to inward inclination) for longsighted and short- equals a but diminishes progressively by a small
sighted eyes, respectively. The optical axes are amount as the fixation point is brought nearer the
also inclined slightly downwards. eyes.
The center of curvature of the corneal surface
lies very close to the object nodal point N, so that
lines passing normally through the cornea, in
2.4.3. Chromatic Aberration of the Eye
directions normal to its surface and at points not
too far from the optical axis, also pass through N. The refractive indices of the eye media, and hence
One such line passes through the center of the the optical power of the eye system, depend on
apparent pupil—the pupil as seen from outside wavelength. If the image of a distant point source
the eye by refraction at the cornea—and is termed emitting all wavelengths and located on or near
the pupillary axis or central pupillary line. Its angle the optical axis produces a focused image on the
with the visual axis is called angle x. Angles a and retina for a reference wavelength A, (usually taken
k are nearly the same and would be identical but as in the yellow), the image for shorter wave-
for a slight displacement of the pupil center to the lengths lies slightly behind the retina. This axial
nasal side of the optical axis. chromatic aberration is conveniently specified by
The eyeball rotates about a point situated ap- the power (in diopters) of a thin correcting lens
proximately at its center. The line joining the placed at the eye to bring the image of wave-
center of rotation to the fixation point is defined length A into focus on the retina.

Table 1(2.4.3) Axial Chromatic Aberra- Table 1(2.4.3) gives the mean result of two
tion of the Human eye. Mean Results of experimental studies (Wald and Griffin, 1947;
Wald and Griffin (1947) for 14 Ob- Bedford and Wyszecki, 1957). They are in good
servers and Bedford and Wyszecki (1957) agreement both with each other and with the
for 12 Observers results of other investigations. Figure 1(2.4.3)
shows the construction data of a lens designed to
Power (diopters) of Eye-Correction correct the aberration. With this lens in front of
Lens (to bring eye/lens combi- the eye, there remains less than 0.25 diopter aber-
nation for 4 to the same power
ration over the visible spectrum (Bedford and
as for 4) = 578 nm)
Waveleneth ee Wyszecki, 1957).
A (nm) Wald-Griffin Bedford-Wyszecki For object points off the optical axis, chro-
matic aberration causes both defocusing and a
365 —2.63 small displacement in apparent position. Ideally,
389 —1.93
an off-axis point of white light should appear
405 —1.70 —1.63
436 —1.19 —1.20 spread out as a spectrum on a radial line from the
457 —0.97 optical axis, with red on the outside, and of
480 —0.72 length proportional to the angular separation from
492 —0.59 the axis. For a 5° separation, a spectrum length
509 —0.45
(430 to 770 nm) of approximately 3 min of arc is
546 —0.16 —0.20
578 0.00 0.00
computed (LeGrand, 1956). However, for any
588 0.05 actual eye, deviations from axial symmetry mod-
621 0.18 ify the net effect.
636 0.26
644 0.30
668 0.38 2.4.4 The Troland Values of
691 0.40 Retinal Illuminance
700 0.47
750 0.62 In visual investigations, the actual retinal illumi-
nance or irradiance produced by an external
stimulus cannot be directly determined. Instead, a
conventional retinal illuminance of a particular ret-
inal area is defined by taking the product of

(a) the luminance L(0, ¢) in the corresponding

direction (6, ¢) of the external field; and
(b) the apparent area p(0, ¢) of the pupil (natu-
DF 613369 ral or artificial) seen from that direction.

For an eye free of all light losses in the optic

media, the actual retinal illuminance E(6, >)
would be given by |

E(,)=—[L(0,¢)p(9,)] [1(2.4.4)]
where, for an eye approximating the theoretical
eye and for not too large angles 6, the quantity m
has the value 278.3 (unit of length is one millime-
ter), as calculated in Section 2.4.1. For actual
DBC 614599 eyes, these assumptions are not generally valid,
Fig. 1(2.4.3). Design data of a lens to correct but the simple product L - p is still useful as a
axial chromatic aberration of the human eye (Bed- measure of the internal stimulus from which the
ford and Wyszecki, 1957). main effects of pupil variations have been
Factors in the Eye that Control the Internal Stimulus 103

eliminated. In practice, the unit adopted for the tion 1.2) that
product L-p is always the troland (after its
originator, L. Troland).
A troland is defined as the (conventional) reti- [4(2.4.4)]
nal illuminance when a surface of luminance one
candela per square meter is viewed through a
pupil at the eye (natural or artificial) of area one
where fh and c are Planck’s constant and the
square millimeter. (For “troland,” the now ob-
velocity of light, respectively (see Section 1.2.2.
solete terms “photon” and “luxon” have been
Useful relations between P, and troland val-
In addition to the ordinary troland (or pho- ues, and similarly between N, and troland values,
topic troland ), in the definition of which the lumi- are the following:
nance is photopic luminance based on the CIE
V(A) curve, a second troland—the scotopic tro-
land—is sometimes used in which the luminance De ap=eP VAN SOS 2.242 2104
in question is based on the scotopic curve V’(A).
Thus, the troland values T and T’ of a stimulus
with photopic luminance L (cd-m ’), and [5(2.4.4)]
scotopic luminance L’ (cd - m7), respectively,
seen through a pupil of p (mm”) are TAP Pen) 81 10

[2(2.4.4)] [6(2.4.4)]

T, =Ly,- p= SAV(A) x 4.454- 107"

ae [3(2.4.4)]
The term “troland value” is preferable to “ret-
inal illuminance,” particularly when the actual N
(an ee a) $1109, 410
retinal illuminance is also under consideration.
Supplementary notes concerning retinal illumi-
nance and troland value are given in Section [8(2.4.4)]
Table 1(2.4.4) lists factors to convert photopic where p=area (in mm”) of the apparent pupil
troland values T to scotopic troland values 7’ for (natural or artificial) seen from the given
monochromatic stimuli of different wavelengths field direction
as well as for stimuli with an extended spectrum. L, L’=photopic and scotopic luminances, re-
Monochromatic stimuli from an emitting sur- spectively, of the source in the given
face in a given direction in the field of view are direction (expressed in cd-m™ *)
frequently specified (a) by the radiant flux (or A =wavelength (in m)
power) in watts (W) entering the eye per square
degree of external field, or (b) by the number of If the stimulus has an extended spectrum of
quanta per second entering the eye per square absolute spectral radiant power distribution
degree of field. Here, radiant flux entering the eye {P, dX}, measured in terms of watts per square
means flux that would pass the eye pupil in the degree of surface area of source (W - deg °),
absence of any losses by reflection, absorption, or and of spectral quantum distribution {N, dA},
scattering in the cornea and aqueous humor. If we measured in terms of number of quanta per sec-
denote the spectral concentration of the radiant ond per square degree of surface area of source
flux by P, and the corresponding number of (s_'! - deg 7), the products P,V(A), P,V’(A),
quanta per second by Nj, we first note (see Sec- NV(A)/A, NV'(A)/A, in Eqs. 5(2.4.4) to 8(2.4.4)
104 PREY

Table 1(2.4.4) Conversion of Photopic Troland Values T to Scotopic Troland Values 7’ for Monochro-
matic Stimuli of Different Wavelengths A and for a Few Selected Stimuli with an Extended Spectrum

Blackbody Radiators of
Monochromatic Stimuli Different Temperatures

d (nm) fTiiTe) d (nm) Stare} T (K) Fhecadbos

400 58.39 550 1.20 1000 0.265
10 71.67 60 0.822 1250 0.435
20 60.11 70 0.543 1500 0.610
30 42.87 80 0.347 1750 0.781
40 35.51 90 0.215 2000 0.943
450 29.80 600 0.131 2250 1.093
60 2BA2 10 0.0788 2500 esc)
70 18.49 20 0.0481 2750 1.363
80 14.20 30 0.0313 3000 1.481
90 10.82 40 0.0213 3500 1.689
500 7.57 650 0.0157 6000 2.358
10 4.93 60 0.0128 7000 2.521
20 3.28 70 0.0115
30 2.34 80 0.0105 2042 1.000
40 1.70 90 0.0107 2856 1.411
700 0.0108 Daylight D5 2.464

°T’= f(T TT, where f(T> T’) =2.489 V’(A)/V(A) for monochromatic stimuli and f(T> T’)=
2.489/S(A)V(A) dA /fS(A)V(A) dA for stimuli with an extended spectrum, defined by the relative
spectral radiant power distribution {.S(A) dA}. The factor 2.489 is the quotient K/, /K,,, with K’, =1700
Im-W! and K,, = 683 Im-W_! (see Chapter 4).

are replaced by the corresponding integrals €,=Sscotopic retinal illuminance in lumens per
square millimeter (Im-mm7”).
[PVO) dX, [PV'A) dy,
The above quantities are related to one another as

[(P)vara. [(P)vaya, Ny= Neverrd.034e 1024 [9(2.4.4)]

and 7, and Tx become T and T’ respectively.

The actual retinal irradiance or illuminance in
the image of a field surface emitting monochro-
ef = eV'(A) X 1700 [11(2.4.4)]
matic radiant flux of wavelength A(m) may be
specified by or a | mar x 2.489 [12(2.4.4)]
€,= the retinal irradiance, measured in watts per
square millimeter (W-mm 7”),
Their relations to the other stimulus quantities,
n,=retinal quantum irradiance, measured in
P,, Ny, T,, and Tx of Eqs. 4(2.2.4) to 8(2.4.4), are
number of quanta per second per square mil-
given by
limeter (s_'-mm
€,=photopic retinal illuminance in lumens per
square millimeter (Im- mm”), €, = t(X)P, X 11.80 [13(2.4.4)]
Factors in the Eye that Control the Internal Stimulus —_ 105

ny, = t(A)N, X 11.80 [14(2.4.4)] directional sensitivity of the retina (Moon and
Spencer, 1944; LeGrand, 1946, 1957; De Groot
€, =1(A)T X 3.593 - 10-9 [15(2.4.4)] and Gebhard, 1952). As directional effects de-
pend on the luminance level and other factors,
e, = t(A)T, X 3.593- 107? ~—-[16(2.4.4)] they are best dealt with separately in the next

&, = ae x §.261- 107 [17(2.4.4)]

2.4.5 Pupil Size
The natural pupil responds by contraction and
& = ae x 2.114-107 [18(2.4.4)] dilation to changes in the field luminance or in
the distance from the object on which the eyes
accommodate and converge, to variations in many
ny = oe x 2.649-10" —-[19(2.4.4)] other sensory stimuli (not only visual), and to
psychical influences. Exposed to a steady lumi-
nance level in the field, the pupil tends to fluctuate
eS wee x 1.064-10'° = [20(2.4.4)] in diameter about a value that decreases as the
luminance rises. Although the relation between
pupil diameter and the luminance of a large steady
The eye is assumed to be accommodated on infin- adapting field shows large individual variations,
ity, see Table 2(2.4.1). The factor #(A) represents as shown in Figure 1(2.4.5), various approximate
the effective transmittance of the eye for wave- mean curves of pupil size against luminance level
length A, allowing for all preretinal light losses as have been put forward, mainly to enable visual
given in Table III(2.4.6). observations with natural pupils or with artificial
An effective troland that has been considered pupils to be compared through their respective
takes account of the effect on the internal stimu- troland values. A complicating factor is that pupil
lus of both the variations in pupil size and the size under given conditions is generally lower as
resulting changes in response produced by the age increases. The following formulae have been




=—co —2

Log (Trolands)

Fig. 1(2.4.5). Pupil diameter in viewing a 52° uniform field of different troland values. Curves
for 12 subjects under identical conditions (Spring and Stiles, 1948; reproduced with permission
of the editor of the Brit. J. Ophthalmol.).



Fig. 2(2.4.5). Graphs for obtaining log (trolands, 7) from log (luminance, L in cd-m7) and
vice versa, based on data of DeGroot and Gebhard (1952). CurveA: log T = logL+ 6; Curve B:
log L = logT— 6. (No allowance has been made for the Stiles—Crawford effect.)

proposed: high value (about 320 cd - m 7) compared with

dilatation following the reverse transition [Table
d= 4.9 — 3 tanh[0.4(log L + 1.0)] 1(2.4.5)].

(Moon and Spencer, 1944)

[1(2.4.5)] Table 1(2.4.5) Speed of Opening and

Closing of Eye Pupil. Mean Data of
log d = 0.8558 — 4.01 - 10~4(log L + 8.6)” Reeves (1920) for Six Observers

(De Groot and Gebhard, 1952) Opening in the dark

after steady adaptation Closing on exposure
([2(2.4.5)] to a large field of lumi- _ of adark-adapted eye
nance 320 cd-m-? to the same bright
(white light) field
In the above formulae, the diameter d is given in
mm, and the field luminance L in cd - m7”. Mean Pupil Mean Pupil
Figure 2(2.4.5) gives a graph for the rapid Time Diameter Time Diameter
conversion of log (external luminance L) to log (seconds) (mm) (seconds) (mm)
(photopic troland value T), and vice versa, in the
0 2.9 0 8.0
case of an average eye whose pupil varies with
0.5 34 0.1 7.8
luminance level according to the mean results of 1.0 ao 0.2 7.6
various investigations compiled by De Groot and PS a 0.3 Cit|
Gebhard (1952). The data do not take into account 3 4.7 0.4 6.8
the Stiles—Crawford effect. > 5.6 0.5 6.4
The speed of opening or closing of the pupil 9 6.4 1.0 a3
15 6.6 AD 4.4
following an abrupt change in the luminance level
29 6.9 2.0 3.2
to which the observer is adapted is sometimes 60 me rie ai
relevant in visual observations. Average data for 180 7.6 3.0 ond
six observers (Reeves, 1920) illustrate the greater 2.5 2
rapidity of pupil contraction on raising the lumi- 4.0 32
nance level from darkness to a moderately 4.5 Sel
Factors in the Eye that Control the Internal Stimulus 107

Table 2(2.4.5) Apparent Pupil Viewed from Different Angles. Mean Data of Spring and
Stiles (1948) for 13 Observers

Large pupil Small pupil

6 Mean Horizontal Ratio Horizontal/Vertical Apparent Area Ratio Horizontal/Vertical
(degrees) Diameter (mm) Diameters (mm)? Diameters

20 nasal 7:13 0.90 44.4 0.91

0 7.69 0.98 47.3 1.00
35 temporal 7.01 0.90 43.1 0.90
55 temporal Sede 0.72 35.9 0.73
70 temporal 4.43 0.52 28.3 0.53
80 temporal eps 0.40 20.9 0.40
90 temporal 1.88 0.23 12.0 0.28
100 temporal 0.75 0.10 4.53 0.15
105 temporal 0.25 0.03 1.46 0.07

6 = angle of view, with respect to visual axis, in a horizontal plane through the eye.

In a steady but nonuniform field, such as an 2.4.6 Light Losses in the Eye
isolated light patch, the contraction of the pupil
below its maximum size becomes less as the light In Section 2.4, the fraction of incident radiant
patch moves from the center to the periphery of flux was introduced that reaches photosensitive
the visual field. Formulae for the effect are given visual pigment in the outer segments of the retinal
by Crawford (1936). end-organs. The quantity [1 — /(@, ¢, A)] in Eq.
The efficiency of monochromatic luminances 2(2.4) is the product of two factors, t, the fraction
of different wavelengths in producing a given reaching the external limiting membrane, and g,
(steady-state) contraction of the pupil corre- the proportion of this flux actually reaching the
sponds approximately to the scotopic luminous visual pigment.
efficiency curve V’(A). However, in pupil re- The factor g depends on the amount of radiant
sponse to flashes, both rod and cone response flux getting through to the pigment epithelium at
systems are involved (Bouma, 1965). Bouma’s the- the back of the eye without traversing visual
sis gives a great deal of experimental material on pigment. This in turn is bound up with the precise
the subject covered in this section and includes a wave-mode distribution of radiant energy in and
good bibliography. around the end-organs. Variation of g with the
The dependence of the shape and size of the retinal angle of incidence of the radiant flux is
apparent pupil for stimuli in the peripheral field almost certainly responsible for the directional
are summarized in the mean experimental data of properties of the visual response. For normal
Tables 2(2.4.5) and 3(2.4.5). incidence, g is commonly taken as independent of

Table 3(2.4.5) Factor by Which Area of the Apparent Pupil is reduced in moving away
from the Optical Axis. Mean Data of Spring and Stiles (1948) for 13 Observers

0’ Apparent Pupil Diameter (mm) Viewed

(degrees) Along Optical Axis = 8 6 4 2
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94
0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76
0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44
0.25 0.27 0.29 0.30

6’ = angle between object direction and optical axis.


wavelength and equal to a constant that is less

than, but comparable with, unity.
The factor ¢ is less complex, and approximate
estimates of its magnitude and wavelength depen- Wald (1945)
|Rod vision} Aphakic
Wright (1951 )
dence can be made. It depends on the following Wald (1945) -Cone vision

sources of loss: Ludvigh and McCarthy Direct

(1938) (Densities include |Measurements
all optic media) on Dead

(a) absorption and scattering in the optic media, x Weale (1954) Material

and reflections at surfaces between the media,

(b) absorption and scattering in the retinal layers
preceding the outer limiting membrane.

Scattered light from the radiant flux forming an

image on a particular small spot of the retina may
reach parts of the retina outside the image spot.
Because it is better to consider this phenomenon
separately (see below), all radiant flux not form-
ing the regular image is included under (a) or (b)
as lost flux. Reflections at interfaces (air—cornea,
cornea—aqueous humor, aqueous humor-lens, and 700)
so forth) are very little dependent on wavelength
and are certainly very small, amounting in all to a 300 400 500 600 700 800
loss of some 3 to 4%. WAVELENGTH (nm)
Single reflections give rise to images (Purkinje Fig. 1(2.4.6). Various determinations of the opti-
images) visible outside the eye, and are invaluable cal density of human eye lenses relative to that at
for probing eye properties (see, for example,
A = 700 nm. The solid curve is an attempt at a
Bennett and Francis, 1962).
compromise curve in which reliance is placed on
Light reflected at two interfaces, and hence
the aphakic data for short wavelengths (365 to 436
very much weaker than single reflections, reaches
nm) and on the excised eye data for the rest of the
the retina but is only detectable under special
spectrum. Numerical values for the curve are given
conditions (see Le Grand, 1946).
in Table 1(2.4.6).

(i) Light Losses in the Lens. The eye lens is

principally responsible for losses under (a). The
light losses are markedly dependent on the age of 1S,
the eye, and at very short wavelengths, they be-
come very large. The spectral transmittance ¢,(A) A ,(A, 700) = bel 5 |a oe| |
of the human eye lens has been estimated by:

(1) measurements on excised human eyes, The relative spectral transmittance is the quantity
(2) comparison of the visual spectral sensitivities of most interest in correcting spectral response
of normals, with those of aphakics (persons with curves to make them refer to retinal response. The
the eye lens removed by operation), curve of Figure 1(2.4.6) is an attempt at a com-
(3) an objective method (Said and Weale, 1959) promise curve in which reliance is placed on the
in which the light reflected at the lens—vitreous aphakic data for short wavelengths (365 to 436
surface (after passing twice through the eye lens) nm relative to 700 nm) and on the excised eye
is compared in amount with the light reflected at data for the rest of the spectrum. Numerical
the aqueous—lens surface (which has not traversed values are listed in Table 1(2.4.6). The following
the eye lens). limitations must be noted:

The principal data, as they were available up (a) Sensory data show at short wavelengths, large
to about 1960 by methods (1) and (2), are sum- variations (of the order of 0.5 log units at 400 nm)
marized in Figure 1(2.4.6) which shows the dif- normally attributed to differing light losses in the
ference of lens density at \ = 700 nm and A; that lens which occur even in the same age group. A
Factors in the Eye that Control the Internal Stimulus 109

Table 1(2.4.6) Optical Density Differences of the Young Human Eye Lens (Completely Open Pupil)
as a Function of Wavelength’

\(nm) A (A, 700)? A’,(A,700)° A(nm) A (A, 700)? A’,.(A,700)°

350 550 0.070 0.070
60 BT 60 0.060 0.060
70 2.70 70 0.050 0.050
80 215 2.61 80 0.040 0.040
90 1.66 2.02 90 0.031 0.031
400 1.20 1.45 600 0.024 0.024
10 0.82 0.96 10 0.018 0.018
20 0.55 0.59 20 0.012 0.012
30 0.37 0.37 30 0.008 0.008
40 0.27 0.27 40 0.004 0.004
450 0.225 0.225 650 0.002 0.002
60 0.195 0.195 60 0.000 0.000
70 0.175 0.175 70 0.000 0.000
80 0.155 0.155 80 0.000 0.000
90 0.140 0.140 90 0.000 0.000
500 0.125 0.125 700 0.000 0.000
10 0.110 0.110 10 0.000 0.000
20 0.100 0.100 20 0.000 0.000
30 0.090 0.090 30 0.000 0.000
40 0.080 0.080 40 0.000 0.000

“To convert the tabulated density differences to actual densities, add 0.15 to all given values. To make
the tabulated density differences applicable to a small pupil size, multiply all values by the factor 1.16.
"A (A, 700) = difference of lens density at X= 700 nm and A; that is, A,;(A,700) = log[{1/r,(A)]—
log[1/t,(700)], where ¢,(A) is the spectral transmittance of the lens. The values of 4,(A,700) are those
taken from the curve of Fig. 1(2.4.6) which represents a compromise curve placed through various
experimental data points, and which is proposed as a standard for the selective light losses in the young
human eye lens.
‘A’, (A, 700) has the same meaning as A,(A,700) but has been deduced by Norren and Vos (1974) from
the CIE 1951 scotopic luminous efficiency function V’(A) and Dartnall’s standard shape of the spectral
absorptance of visual pigments. The difference between A’, and A, is in the spectral region below 430

single representative correction curve is therefore of Figure 1(2.4.6), notably in the density at 400
applicable, at best, only to mean data for many nm (relative to 700), which comes out much lower
observers. for all observer ages. This can be seen from the
(b) It is not clear to what age group the repre- data of Said and Weale (1959) shown in Figure
sentative curve of Figure 1(2.4.6) should apply. 2(2.4.6).
From the ages of the normal observers used in the
aphakic comparisons that determine the big cor- Norren and Vos (1974) critically reviewed
rections at very short wavelengths, an age range our proposed compromise curve of A,(A, 700)
of 20 to 30 could be assumed, but the variation at given in Figure 1(2.4.6) by comparing it with
longer wavelengths is derived in part from data more recent experimental data, notably those of
for older eyes. Geeraets et al. (1960), Boettner and Wolter (1962),
(c) The objective method (3), which in many Alpern et al. (1965), Cooper and Robson (1969),
respects may be considered the most satisfactory, Mellerio (1971), and Tan (1971). They also derived
gives results considerably at variance with those additional data on spectral transmittances of the




oO in




400 500 600 700

Wavelength, nm

Fig. 2(2.4.6). Spectral density curves of the human eye lens determined for the living eye by
an objective method. Data for English observers of different ages (ages are shown against the
curves; from Said and Weale, 1959). The crosses refer to mean data for two eyes (ages 48 and
53) obtained, after their removal in operations, by a different method (Weale, 1954).

ocular media from the CIE standard scotopic deduced from the CIE 1951 scotopic luminous
luminous efficiency curve V’(A) and the spectral efficiency function V’(A) and Dartnall’s standard
absorptance curve of rhodopsin as defined by shape of the spectral absorptance of visual pig-
Dartnall’s standard shape of spectral absorptance ment in the wavelength region from 380 to 430
of visual pigment (see Section 8.2.3). nm. The remaining spectral data above 430 nm
Norren and Vos (1974) conclude that the more are, according to Norren and Vos, those given as
recent experimental data agree well with the earlier A (A, 700). Figure 3(2.4.6) illustrates the results
data for wavelengths longer than 420 nm; but for of Norren and Vos’ calculations of A’,(A, 700)
wavelengths of 420 nm and below, somewhat together with the range of variation (95%) from
higher optical densities are observed. The spectral the average they found for the individual curves
optical densities derived by Norren and Vos from of 50 young observers that took part in Crawford’s
the V’(A) function tend to agree better with some (1949) experimental determination of the V’(A)
of the more recent data. function. These variations amount to approxi-
The discrepancies between the old data and mately +25% from the average and are indicative
most of the new in the short-wavelength region of the extent to which individual eye lenses of the
are not large when one considers the difficulties 17 to 30 year age group may differ from the
associated with measurements of this kind. In average of that group.
fact, in view of the uncertainties inherent in lens The values given in Table 1(2.4.6) and the
transmittance measurements and population sam- corresponding curves plotted in Figures 1(2.4.6)
pling, we propose to retain the compromise curve and 3(2.4.6) are all given relative to the optical
established in the first edition (1967) of this book density at A = 700 nm. The optical density in
and which is shown here in Figure 1(2.4.6) and absolute terms is difficult to determine with cer-
tabulated in Table 1(2.4.6). tainty and mainly depends on intraocular scatter-
However, in Table 1(2.4.6) we also give the ing and pupil size. Norren and Vos (1974) report
data A‘,(A,700) that Norren and Vos (1974) that the experimental data in the literature sug-
Factors in the Eye that Control the Internal Stimulus 111


300 400 500

Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 3(2.4.6). Optical density differences A; (A, 700) of human eye lens deduced by Norren
and Vos (1974) from the CIE 1951 scotopic luminous efficiency function V’(2) and Dartnall’s
standard shape of spectral absorptance of visual pigment. The hatched area indicates the extent
to which individual eye lenses of the 17- to 30-year age group may differ from the average of
that group.

gest that a density value of 0.15 should be added somewhat because of the varying properties (in
to all the values given in Table 1(2.4.6) to convert particular, thickness) of the lens across the pupil
the tabulated relative values to absolute opening (Weale, 1961). Norren and Vos (1974)
values. estimate that for a small pupil, the values given in
The values in Table 1(2.4.6) are probably most Table 1(2.4.6) can still be used with good ap-
applicable to the completely open pupil. For small proximation at all wavelengths, provided they are
pupil sizes, the spectral densities will change multiplied by the factor 1.16.





350 400 450 500

Wavelength d (nm)
Fig. 4(2.4.6). Spectral absorptance (or optical density) of crystalline lutein or leaf xanthophyll
in chloroform (continuous line) compared with the spectral absorptance of human macular
pigment (in chloroform) obtained from nine human maculae (Wald, 1945b; 1949).

The effect of age on the optical density of the Table 2(2.4.6) Optical Density of the Macular
human eye is indicated in Figure 2(2.4.6) illustrat- Pigment Covering the Fovea as a Function
ing the data obtained by Said and Weale (1959). of Wavelength?’
These data together with more recent data pro-
vided by Tan (1971) and Coren and Girgus (1972) A(nm) Au(A) A(nm) Ay(A)
suggest that only minor changes occur from age
400 0.085 475 0.410
5 to 30 years; but after 30 years, the process
05 0.120 80 0.415
of yellowing becomes increasingly more pro-
10 0.160 85 0.420
15 0.225 90 0.410
(ii) Light Losses in the Macular Pigment. The 20 0.300 LB 0.360
nonphotosensitive yellow pigment present in the
425 0.345 500 0.275
central area of the retina, known as the macula
30 0.365 05 0.195
lutea (yellow spot) and principally responsible for
33 0.380 10 0.130
the absorption of radiant energy on its way to the
40 0.400 15 0.085
outer limiting membrane, has been identified as a
45 0.425 20 0.050
carotenoid pigment, xanthophyll. In chloroform
solution, this has the density spectrum shown in 450 0.460 525 0.025
Figure 4(2.4.6), with which is compared the spec- 55 0.490 30 0.010
trum of a similar solution of yellow pigment 60 0.495 35 0.000
extracted from human maculae (Wald 1945b). 65 0.470 40 0.000
Psychophysical measurements showing that 70 0.445 45 0.000
such a yellow pigment exists in the living retina
are of two main kinds: “The optical density A,,(A) of the macular
pigment has been taken from the continuous
(1) A spectral sensitivity, for example, the re- curve of Fig. 5(2.4.6) assuring that the representa-
ciprocal of the absolute threshold, is determined tive maximum density, occurring at A = 458 nm,
at the fovea and at an extrafoveal point where the has a value of 0.5.
amount of pigment present is much less and

wald (1949)
Brown and Wald (1963)
Stiles (1953)
De Vries, Spoor and Jielof (1953)
Naylor and Stanworth (1954)
oo Ruddock (1963)



\ O°
g rs
400 450 500 550 600

Fig. 5(2.4.6). Variations of the relative optical density of macular pigment with wavelength
according to determinations by different psychophysical methods: (a) Relative visual cone
sensitivities in the foveal and extrafoveal retina (Wald, 1949; Stiles, 1953; Brown and Wald,
1963); (b) Color matching in the foveal and extrafoveal retina (Ruddock, 1963); (c) Haidinger
brushes (DeVries et al., 1953; Naylor and Stanworth, 1954). For comparison, the densities are
adjusted to have maximum values of approximately 0.5. A preferred “mean curve” is drawn
giving greatest weight to the less difficult measurements.
Factors in the Eye that Control the Internal Stimulus 113

possibly nil. If the relative spectral sensitivities ing the relative apparent brightness of two stimuli
underlying the pigment-containing layer are as- with polarizations at right angles, imaged in a
sumed to be the same, the ratio of the thresholds narrow elongated field through the fovea, ap-
(extrafoveal /foveal) should correspond to the rel- proximate determinations can be made of the
ative spectral transmittance of the macular pig- spectral density of the oriented pigment (De Vries,
ment at the fovea (Wald, 1949b; Stiles, 1953). Spoor, and Jielof, 1953; Naylor and Stanworth,
Color-matching functions determined in foveal 1954). Not all the pigment molecules may be
and extrafoveal retinal areas can also be used oriented, or the orientation may not be complete
effectively to deduce the spectral transmittance so that this method gives in the first instance only
curve of the macular pigment (Ruddock, 1963). the shape of the spectral absorption curve of the
(2) In this method, use is made of the fact that pigment.
an observer viewing a uniform white-light field in
which the radiant energy is plane-polarized sees, Examples of the data obtained by the methods
in the area imaged on the fovea, a faint “cross” (1) and (2), described above, are shown in Figure
(about 3° diameter) made up of two opposed 5(2.4.6).
yellowish “brushes,” the direction defined by the There is good agreement that the form of the
incident light. This phenomenon, referred to as spectral absorptance (or optical density) of macu-
Haidinger’s brushes, is explained if (a) the upper lar pigment is of carotenoid type, has maximal
retinal layer contains dichroic blue-absorbing pig- absorption at about 460 nm, and is not certainly
ment molecules that absorb maximally when the distinguishable from that of xanthophyll, which
electric vector is parallel to their long axes, and if has nill absorption for A greater than about 520
(b) the molecules are oriented at each point P of nm. If this is accepted, though there are some
the retina with their long axes perpendicular to data, notably those obtained by Ruddock (1963),
the line joining P to the foveal center. By measur- that suggest deviations from the xanthophyll ab-


0.5 1.0 Re)

Fig. 6(2.4.6). Variations of the log ratio of scattered luminance L to eye illuminance E with
angular distance 0° from the source of the scattered light. Curve A: direct measurements
(LeGrand, 1937); straight line B: indirect measurements assuming that the increase in the
increment threshold near the image of the source arises solely from scattered light (L /E =
k /07).
114 tHEEYE

sorptance curve, particularly at the longer wave- affect vision is that of the eye viewing a small
lengths, absolute pigment densities are obtainable bright source against a completely dark back-
from psychophysical measurement on the follow- ground. The rod and cone receptors at a retinal
ing lines. location P lying well outside the image of the
Suppose the relative spectral sensitivity (re- source may receive light scattered by the rays
ciprocal of absolute threshold, for example) would forming the image in their passage through the
be the same at the fovea O and at an extrafoveal cornea, lens, aqueous and vitreous humors, or
point P but for the presence of macular pigment. light diffused from the intensely illuminated spot
The difference (Ay, 9— Ay, p) of pigment den- of the retina (and underlying pigment epithelium,
sity at O and P for wavelength 460 nm is then etc.) where the image is formed. The resultant
given by total distribution of scattered light produces ob-
servable visual effects from which the approxi-
mate magnitude of the scattered light (insofar as
Au.o vy Awu,P = log R, [1(2.4.6)]
60 it reaches visual receptors) can be estimated. Ob-
jective measurements of scattered light on excised
where R4¢. and R59 represent, respectively, the animal eyes are difficult to make and interpret
ratio (observed sensitivity at O/observed sensitiv- (Boynton, Enoch, and Bush, 1954; De Mott and
ity at P) taken at wavelengths 460 nm and 520
nm (or for 520 nm, some other wavelength > 520
nm). It is not assumed that the absolute spectral
sensitivities in the absence of pigment would be
the same at the foveal and extrafoveal points. If P
lies far enough from the fovea for Ay p to be
negligibly small, the method gives the absolute
density Ay,9 of the foveal pigment for an un- o Flamant
polarized stimulus of wavelength 460 nm. From e JK (8mm)
estimated values of Ay 9, mainly credited to
Wald and his collaborators, 0.5 may be taken as a
representative figure, although wide individual
variations occur from more than 1.0 to negligibly
small. There is little, if any, systematic increase of
macular pigmentation with age (Weale, 1963).
Table 2(2.4.6) gives the numerical values of the
mean optical densities plotted as a curve in Fig-
ure 5(2.4.6).
The assumption that the relative spectral sensi-
tivity is the same at the fovea and at an extrafo- (percent)
veal point, but for the presence of the macular
pigment, can be only a crude one at best. Several
investigations concerning the sensitivities of the
cone mechanisms for foveal and peripheral re-
gions of the retina strongly suggest that these
sensitivities change with retinal region (Weale,
1951a,b; 1953a; 1956; Stiles, 1955b; Wooten and
Wald, 1973; Wooten, Fuld, and Spillman, 1975;
Stabell and Stabell, 1980). However, it is difficult
2 4
to extract from the many and often diverse data External Angle (minutes)
the information needed to improve, at this time,
Fig. 7(2.4.6). Variation of illuminance in the reti-
on the numerical values of the mean optical den-
nal image of a fine line source (thickness 0.5 min)
sities of the macula pigment given in Table 2(2.4.6)
with distance in minutes (external angle) from the
and illustrated in Figure 5(2.4.6).
central line of the image with pupil diameter of 3
(iii) Scattered Light in the Eye. The typical mm. The line represents the variation e °7*! (from
situation in which light scattered in the eye may Westheimer and Campbell, 1962).
Factors in the Eye that Control the Internal Stimulus 115

Boynton, 1958). Salient points are the following: is about the same fraction of the source intensity
for different wavelengths in the visible.
(1) Measurements by a special photometric (4) The contributions of preretinal media (par-
method of apparent brightness in the scattered- ticularly cornea and lens) and of the fundus to the
light distribution around a small source, produc- total scattering are probably of the same order of
ing an illuminance F at the plane of the eye’s magnitude (Vos, 1963a; Vos and Boogaard, 1963;
pupil, show that at an angular distance @ (external Vos and Bouman, 1964; Boynton and Clarke,
angle = 1°) from the source, the retinal illumi- 1964).
nance by scattered light corresponds to an exter-
nal luminance L where the log ratio, log (L/E), is As the angle @ becomes very small, the
plotted against log 0 in Figure 6(2.4.6), curve A scattered-light distribution must merge finally into
(Le Grand, 1937; 1956). By integration it is esti- the source image proper which itself is spread into
mated that some 10% of the light incident on the a distribution by diffraction, aberrations, and im-
eye appears as scattered light outside the main perfections in the optical imagery of the eye. The
image. (The foregoing applies to young eyes.) latter distribution across the image of a fine slit
(2) If the equivalent background luminance has been measured by a photographic method
around the source, as determined by threshold (Flamant, 1955) and later by photoelectric meth-
methods (see Section 7.8), is attributed wholly to ods (Westheimer and Campbell, 1962; Krauskopf,
scattered light, the ratio L/E would equal k/0”, 1962). All the results are substantialy concordant.
with k = 10, n = 2 as representative values (young The line-spread function f(x), for an observer using
eyes) [straight line B in Figure 6(2.4.6)]. Methods a 3-mm pupil, as measured by Westheimer and
1 an 2 agree in fixing at least the order of magni- Campbell, is shown in Figure 7(2.4.6). It corre-
tude of scattered light in young eyes. sponds well to a retinal illuminance falling off as
(3) There is no evidence of an appreciable col- e °l*| where x is expressed in minutes of exter-
oration of the scattered light; that is, the amount nal angle.






500 550 600

Wavelength d (nm)
Fig. 1(2.4.7). Spectral distribution of fluorescent light from the excised eye lens of the rabbit
and ox under ultraviolet irradiation (365 nm) (from LeGrand, 1948). The dots represent mean
results obtained by a photographic method; the crosses represent mean results obtained by a
visual method. The latter method is more precise in the region of longer wavelengths, the
former is more precise in the region of shorter wavelengths. The curve is considered the best
estimate of the true mean results.
ll6: THE:BYE

In more recent years, the modulation transfer 2.4.7 Fluorescent Light in the Eye
function has been used as an alternative way of
The fluorescence of the human eye lens is caused
specifying image/object relationships in the eye.
by ultraviolet radiant energy (A < 400 nm). It
The modulation transfer function is based on the
produces a general veil of bluish light over the
proposition that an object in the form of a
retina. The spectral composition of the fluo-
sinusoidal grating (i.e., a grating with luminance
rescent light probably agrees with the spectral
variations that are sinusoidal with distance at
distributions— all similar—determined for the eye
right angles to the grating lines) is always imaged
lenses of sheep, rabbit, and ox, by LeGrand
as a sinusoidal grating, but with reduced contrast
(1948); see Figure 1(2.4.7).
(Westheimer, 1972). The specification of the eye’s
The retina is also fluorescent to ultraviolet and
imaging properties can then be given in a graph
possibly to short-wavelength visible light, but in
that shows the demodulation of sine-wave grat-
the normal eye, absorption in the eye lens removes
ings as a function of their spatial frequency.
most of the exciting radiant energy before it can
(iv) Summary of Light Losses in the Eye. The reach the retina. Aphakic observers (eye lens
mean data on light losses in the eye described in removed) are able to see stimuli of wavelengths
subsections (i) to (iii) of this section have been much deeper in the ultraviolet than are normals,
pooled in Tables 1(2.4.6) to IV(2.4.6) in the Ap- the color seen in the range 360 to 310 nm being
pendix for easy reference and convenience in blue, not violet (Gaydon, 1938). This change of
estimating the internal stimulus or correcting ob- color may be the visual response to a mixture of
served visual spectral sensitivity curves to curves bluish-green fluorescent radiant flux with the
corresponding to no light losses in the ocular original ultraviolet stimulus; however, this is con-
media. troversial.



Colorimetry is the branch of color science con- The colorimetric concepts considered to be most
cerned, in the first instance, with specifying basic and of most general use are discussed in this
numerically the color of a physically defined vi- section. They provide the framework for the CIE
sual stimulus in such a manner that: Colorimetric System to be discussed in Section
3.3. For the convenience of the reader, the colori-
(a) when viewed by an observer with normal metric terms and their definitions, as they are
color vision, under the same observing conditions, commonly used to describe succinctly the basic
stimuli with the same specification look alike, concepts, are collected in Table I(3.2) of the Ap-
(i.e., are in complete color-match), pendix. This table is not complete; other more
(b) stimuli that look alike have the same specifi- comprehensive listings may be found in the cur-
cation, and rent third edition of the International Lighting
(c) the numbers comprising the specification are Vocabulary (CIE, 1970). The CIE has a fourth
continuous functions of the physical parameters edition in preparation.
defining the spectral radiant power distribution of The terms given in Table 1(3.2) are classified
the stimulus. as psychophysical terms of color and as such refer
to color matching of two visual stimuli typically
The experimental laws of color matching as presented in the two halves of a bipartite visual
summed up in an empirical generalization, which field, and to judgments of similarities and degree
we will refer to as the trichromatic generalization, of difference between the two stimuli. The psy-
provide the foundation for any system of colorim- chophysical terms are distinguished from psycho-
etry meeting these requirements. The concepts logical terms of color, such as hue, saturation, and
and terms currently employed in colorimetry are, brightness, which apply to visual concepts that
in fact, to a large-extent bound up with the enable the individual observer to describe color
trichromatic generalization. perceptions. Chapter 6 on Uniform Color Scales
Colorimetry is also concerned with the specifi- deals with such concepts.
cation of small color differences that an observer
may perceive when the differences in the spectral
3.2.1 Trichromatic Generalization
radiant power distributions of the given visual
stimuli are such that a complete color match is The experimental laws of color matching are
not observed. For this purpose, color-difference summed up in the trichromatic generalization. This
formulae are used, which in current colorimetric states that over a wide range of conditions of
practice are derived from a variety of different observation, many color stimuli can be matched
blocks of experimental data. in color completely by additive mixtures of three
The CIE Colorimetric System comprises the fixed primary stimuli whose radiant powers have
essential standards and procedures of measure- been suitably adjusted. Other color stimuli have
ment that are necessary to make colorimetry a to be mixed with one of the primary stimuli
useful tool in science and technology. before a complete color match with a mixture of

the other two primary stimuli can be obtained. matches

For some sets of primary stimuli, there remain yet
other color stimuli that have to be mixed with two A matches B, C matches D,
of the three primary stimuli before a color match and (A + C) matches (B + D)
between this mixture and the third primary
stimulus can be obtained. However, every color holds good, then so does the remaining match
stimulus can be completely matched in color in
one or another of these ways in terms of three (A + D) matches (B + C)
fixed primary stimuli whose radiant powers can
be adjusted by the observer to suitable levels. The where (A + C), (B+ D), (A+ D), (B+ ©) de-
choice of three primary stimuli, though very wide, note, respectively, additive mixtures of A and C,
is not entirely arbitrary. Any set that is such that B and D, A and D, and B and C.
none of the primary stimuli can be color matched
by a mixture of the other two may be used. The The stronger form of trichromatic generaliza-
different dispositions of the primary stimuli and tion of color matching as formulated above is a
their relevance to trichromatic matching will be concise statement of what is implied in Grassman’s
discussed later [see Figures 5(3.2.3) and 1(3.2.4)]. three laws of additive color mixture (Grassman,
The precise meaning of the term additive mix- 1853). Different formulations of Grassman’s laws
ture in the above statement on trichromacy is can be found in the literature. An example of a
made explicit by the following definition. traditional formulation has been given by Judd
Additive mixture means a color stimulus for and Wyszecki (1975). A mathematically formal
which the radiant power in any wavelength inter- and detailed exposition of Grassman’s laws has
val, small or large, in any part of the spectrum is been presented by Krantz (1975a).
equal to the sum of the powers in the same Three considerations, ignored in the above ex-
interval of the constituents of the mixture, con- position of the trichromatic generalization, are:
stituents that are assumed to be optically incoher-
ent. (a) the dependence of a match on the observa-
If, in addition to the weaker or qualitative tional conditions under which the two color
trichromacy principle enunciated in the foregoing stimuli are compared,
paragraph, the results of color matching are also (b) the possible effects on a match of different
assumed to obey certain linearity laws, a stronger previous exposures of the eyes to light,
quantitative form of the trichromatic generaliza- (c) differences in the color matches made by
tion is obtained. To these linearity laws of pro- different observers.
portionality and additivity may be added two
others, the laws of symmetry and transitivity, All three factors as well as other aspects of
which, although they are generally tacitly as- color matching will be discussed in some detail in
sumed, it is desirable to make explicit. The four Chapter 5. However, a brief account of the main
laws may be stated as follows: factors may be appropriate in this section.

(i) Symmetry Law. (i) Observational Conditions. In matching, the

If color stimulus A matches color stimulus B, two stimuli are normally presented as contiguous
then color stimulus B matches color stimulus A. light patches of similar shape and area. However,
(1) Transitivity Law. a color match of two stimuli of different spectral
If A matches B and B matches C, then A radiant power distributions, valid for a given ob-
matches C. server when looking directly at the center of the
(i) Proportionality Law. matching field, will not generally remain valid if
_If A matches B, then aA matches aB, where a the observer looks to the side; and changing the
is any positive factor by which the radiant power area of the matching field may also upset the
of the color stimulus is increased or reduced, match. These viewing conditions must befixed if
while its relative spectral distribution is kept the critical color measurements are to be made.
same. In practical colorimetry, direct viewing of the
matching field is of principal interest, and can be
(iv) Additivity Law. assumed unless it is expressly indicated otherwise.
If A, B, C, D are any four color stimuli, then if However, the angular size of the matching fields
any two of the following three conceivable color used varies widely, and this factor has been taken
Basic Colorimetric Concepts 119

into account in recommendations made by the of a point where the deviation from the average
CIE, as will be seen in Section 3.3.2. constitutes an anomaly is, in some degree, arbi-
(ii) Previous Exposure of the Eye to Light. The
effect of previous exposure of the eye to light is With the exclusion of all color defectives
dealt with in an extension of the trichromatic (monochromats, dichromats, and anomalous tri-
generalization known as the persistence of color chromats) there remain about 95% of all ob-
matches. According to this, a color match is unaf- servers (male and female) who are regarded as
fected by the previous exposure to white or col- color-normal and whose color-matching proper-
ored light or by varying light adaptations of the ties can be thought of as approximations to those
eye making the match provided these potentially of a hypothetical ideal or average normal ob-
disturbing factors are not calculated to affect server. Such an ideal observer was established in
differently the areas of the retina on which the colorimetry in 1931 by the Commission Interna-
two color stimuli are imaged. It is not implied, tionale de l’Eclairage under the name C/E 193]
and it is not true, that the color perception of the Standard Colorimetric Observer. It has played a
two matched stimuli remains unchanged or that dominating role in colorimetry since that time.
the precision of matching is unaffected. The per- The specifications of this standard observer and
of a second standard observer, the CIE 1964
sistence property holds for pre-exposures to mod-
erate or fairly high brightnesses, but it certainly Supplementary Standard Colorimetric Observer,
breaks down for very high brightnesses. appropriate for large matching fields are fully
treated in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.
There is a further limitation if the image of the
matching fields extends beyond the rod-free area
of the retina. In that case, color matches of mod- 3.2.2 Tristimulus Space
erately intense stimuli with different spectral Given the validity of the stronger form of the
radiant power distributions may be upset if both trichromatic generalization, it is possible and con-
color stimuli are reduced by the same fractional venient to represent color stimuli by vectors in a
factor, or if, by other changes in conditions, the three-dimensional space, called the tristimulus
level of adaptation is lowered so that the rod
space. |
mechanism of vision can make an effective contri-
In the description of tristimulus space and its
bution towards determining the match.
properties, color stimuli are appropriately de-
(iii) Different Observers. Not all observers noted by boldface letters, such as Q, R, G, and B.
need three independent primary stimuli to make Whereas Q represents an arbitrary color stimulus,
additive color matches with an arbitrary color the letters R, G, B are reserved for the fixed
stimulus. For a small but important proportion primary stimuli chosen for the color-matching
(about 2.6% of males, less than 0.05% of females), experiment that is assumed to be at the basis of
two primary stimuli are sufficient. Such observers the discussion.
are called dichromats and are classed as color Each color stimulus is assumed to be produced
defectives. A much smaller proportion (0.003%), by the imaging on the retina of a surface in the
known as monochromats, have no color dis- external field uniformly emitting radiant power.
crimination and their matching is, in effect, Strictly, in the complete specification of each
brightness matching, which can be carried out color stimulus, it is necessary to know not only
with one fixed primary stimulus. Among the re- the absolute spectral distribution of the radiant
maining observers, all requiring three primary power emitted by the external surface, but also
stimuli for color matching, a small minority of the factors that characterize the display situation
about 5.5% males and 0.4% females are classed as of the stimulus, including, among many other
anomalous trichromats. Their color matches show factors, the angular size of the external surface
pronounced deviations from those of the main (for more details, see Section 5.2). In the present
group, deviations usually accompanied by a context, however, only the absolute spectral power
lowered sensitivity to color differences, and some- distributions of the stimuli involved in the color-
times by other differences in visual response. The matching experiment are of concern, and all other
distinction between anomalous trichromats and factors are kept unchanged. Thus, the color stimuli
normal trichromats is not clearcut because varia- are assumed to be uniquely defined by their re-
tions in the color-matching properties of those spective absolute spectral radiant power distribu-
classed as normal are appreciable, and the fixing tions {P, dX}. A color-matching experiment that

usually meets these requirements is one that em- BoB), the equation for the match becomes
ploys a bipartite visual field of 2° angular sub-
tense, whose image is centered at the fovea of the Q + RoR = GG + BoB
retina [see Section 5.2.2 on quasi-symmetric
matching and Section 5.2.5(a) on some particular which may be written as
matching or equivalence procedures].
Q= —-RoR+ GG + BoB
The spectral distribution of a specific color
stimulus such as Q is denoted by {P) dA}o.
or, with Rp = —Ro,
Similar notations are used for the primary
stimuli. However, one simple yet significant fea- Q= RoR + GoG + BoB
ture is added to them, such that R, G, B can be
regarded as primary stimuli of unit amounts. In The vector equation, Eq. 1(3.2.2), has an obvi-
particular, the absolute spectral radiant power ous geometrical interpretation in linear three-
distributions of the unit amounts of the primary dimensional space, as shown in Figure 1(3.2.2).
stimuli are denoted by The unit vectors R, G, B, representing the primary
stimuli, define the space. They have a common
{oP, dX}, defining R origin and point in three different, but otherwise
arbitrary, directions. Their lengths correspond to
{yP, dX}, defining G the units of length in terms of which distances are
measured along the three directions. The vector Q
{BP, dd}, defining B has the same origin as R, G, and B. Its three
components are located along the axes defined by
where p, y, B are positive constant factors whose R, G, and B and have lengths respectively equal
values are generally determined solely for con- to Ro, Go, Bo, the tristimulus values of Q. The
venience in a particular investigation. It is direction and length of Q is obtained by simple
customary to choose as unit amounts those vector addition as defined by Eq. 1(3.2.2). The
amounts of the primary stimuli that when addi- space defined by R, G, B is called the (R, G, B)-tri-
tively mixed yield a complete color match with a stimulus space. In that space, a color stimulus Q
specified achromatic stimulus, usually one having appears as an (Ro, Go, Bo )-tristimulus vector.
an equal-energy spectrum on the wavelength ba- The representation of color stimuli in tn-
SiS. stimulus space as vectors is informative, but usu-
With the above notations, a color match be- ally not convenient in colorimetric practice. A
tween a given stimulus Q and the additive mix- two-dimensional representation is commonly pre-
ture in suitable amounts of the three fixed primary ferred, though it is recognized that this necessarily
stimuli R, G, B can then be expressed by the reduces the information contained in the tn-
following vector equation: stimulus vector of the stimulus. A useful two-
dimensional representation is obtained in the unit
Q = RoR+ GG + BoB [1(3.2.2)] plane, R+ G+ B= 1, of the tristimulus space,
as shown in Figure 1(3.2.2). All tristimulus vec-
where the scalar multipliers Rp, Gg, By measured tors, such as Q, or their extensions must intersect |
in terms of the assigned respective units of the the unit plane in a point Q. The location of that
given primary stimuli R, G, B are called the point uniquely determines the direction of the
tristimulus values of Q. tristimulus vector Q, but it carries no information
In the first instance, Eq. 1(3.2.2) applies only as to the vector’s length which characterizes the
if the given stimulus Q can be matched by a “intensity” of the stimulus Q.
mixture of all three primary stimuli in positive or Convenient coordinate axes in the unit plane
nil amounts. In the general case, when Q may are the lines of intersection of the unit plane with
have to be mixed with suitable amounts of one or the three planes defined by pairs of the three
two primary stimuli before a color match can be vectors representing the primary stimuli. These
made with the remaining primaries or primary, lines of intersection form a triangle which defines
Eq. 1(3.2.2) still holds if the amount of a primary the (7, g, b)-chromaticity diagram redrawn in the
mixed with Q is assigned a negative sign. For upper part of Figure 1(3.2.2). The chromaticity
example, if an amount Ro of R has to be mixed coordinates of Q are related to the tristimulus
with Q to yield a match with the mixture (GgG + values R= Ro, G= Go, B=Bo of Q by the
Basic Colorimetric Concepts 121

The chromaticity diagram shown in Figure

1(3.2.2) is in the shape of an equilateral triangle,
used in the early days of colorimetric practice,
and sometimes referred to as the Maxwell color
triangle. A more convenient version is a triangle
in which the r and g coordinate axes are per-
pendicular to one another. Such a right-angled
triangle is now almost exclusively used when plot-
ting chromaticity points. In making appropriate
allowances in marking the units along the direc-
tions defined by the vectors representing the
primary stimuli in tristimulus space, it is easy to
obtain a unit plane that embodies a right-angled
triangle. Such an operation does not alter the
above defining equations of the chromaticity co-

3.2.3. Basic Colorimetric Equations

A given color stimulus Q, with spectral radiant
power distribution {P, dA}9,may be thought of
as an additive mixture of a set of stimuli Q, with
spectral power distributions {P, dA}g confined
to n wavelength intervals of width (AA); (i = 1 to
Fig. 1(3.2.2). (R,G, B)-tristimulus space and n). The n wavelength intervals, not necessarily of
(r, g, b)-chromaticity diagram. The primary stimuli equal width, completely subdivide the visible
R, G, B are represented by vectors of unit length spectrum, considered to be a closed interval rang-
with a common origin 0. A color stimulus Q is ing, for example, from A, = 360 to A, = 830 nm.
represented by the tristimulus vector Q whose Figure 1(3.2.3) illustrates such a case where the
components have lengths (tristimulus values) visible spectrum has been subdivided into n = 12
R 9, Gg, Bg along the directions defined by R, G, B, parts of different widths (AA).
respectively. The tristimulus vector intersects the For each stimulus Q,, Eq. 1(3.2.2) must be
unit plane (R + G+ B= 1) of the tristimulus fulfilled, that is
space in the point Q. The unit plane contains the
(r, g, b)-chromaticity diagram, in which Q repre- Q, = Ro R+ GoG + BoB [1(3.2.3)]
sents the chromaticity point of Q. The chromatic-
ity coordinates, rp, £9, bg of Q are related to the where Ro, Go, Bo, are the tristimulus values of
tristimulus values R 9, Gg, By by simple equations Q,, one or two of which may be negative.
given in the text. The additive mixture of all stimuli Q; (i = 1 to
n) must then be the original stimulus Q, that is

following equations: = $0-(Sne)a+(

$0.) i=1 i=]

+ |) 2o,)B [2(3.2.3)]
r= R
b G
Sener [2(3.2.2)]
with tristimulus values
ye B
Rok GB n n n

It follows that
ede a ee Le)
i—1 i= i=]


ny o



dp, = 830 nm
Wavelength, 2X»
Visible Spectrum

Fig. 1(3.2.3). Example of the spectral radiant power distribution {P) dX}, of a color stimulus
Q. The visible spectrum is a closed interval of wavelengths ranging from A , = 360 to A,, = 830
nm. It is subdivided into n = 12 wavelengths intervals i= 1,2,...,12 of different width (AA).
Within each wavelength interval i, the spectral radiant power distribution {P, dA}, defines a
color stimulus Q;. The additive mixture of all Q; ({=1 to 12) constitutes the total color
stimulus Q.

The argument of the additive mixture can be e >0O there exists a 5>0, such that 0<
carried to the limiting case in which the number n (AA), =,11< 8, which makes
of the wavelength intervals is increased while
their widths (AA); are decreased to the point
where the largest wavelength interval approaches > Py, (4a); — Pi<e
zero width. This limiting case generates the fol- [=]

lowing sum:
n regardless of where the wavelength A, is chosen to
lim P, (AA), =P be within the wavelength interval of width (AA),.
(AA) j=l >0 2 (Ar) Equation 4(3.2.3) defines the definite integral
of the spectral concentration P, of radiant power
[4(3.2.3)] in the visible spectrum [A ,, A,], that is,
In this expression, ||(AA);—,|| denotes the width
of the largest wavelength interval (i =k); P_ is dA
‘Pedvs lim » Py (AX);
the radiant power at wavelength A, located any- io Il(AA);=,|| 70 js]

where within the wavelength interval (AA);. The

limit P of the sum is the area under the curve
defined by the spectral concentration P, of radiant
power from A, to A,, representing the boundaries
of the visible spectrum. Figure 2(3.2.3) illustrates provided the limit exists. It can be shown that P,
the situation prior to increasing the number n of is always integrable if P, is a continuous function
the wavelength intervals while making their widths in the visible spectrum [A,, Aj].
smaller and smaller until the largest interval ap- Normally, the subdivision of the visible spec-
proaches zero. trum is in wavelength intervals i of equal width
The limit of the above sum, Eq. 4(3.2.3), means (AA); = AA, which simplifies somewhat the limit-
that, in the closed interval [A,,A,], for every ing process and Eq. 5(3.2.3) can be written as
Basic Colorimetric Concepts 123

Visible Spectrum


Wavelength, A
Fig. 2(3.2.3)._ An example of the spectral concentration P, of the radiant power of a color
stimulus Q. The visible spectrum ranging from A, = 360 to A, = 830 nm is subdivided into
n = 12 wavelength intervals i of different widths (AX);. Within each wavelength interval i, a
wavelength A ; is chosen at which the spectral concentration is P, .The sum of the rectangular
areas P, (AX); from i to n= 12 approximates the area under the curve P, from A, to A,.
When the number of the intervals is increased while decreasing their widths such that the
largest interval (i= =11 in the figure) approaches zero width, the sum of the rectangular
areas becomes, in the limit, equal to the area under the curve P).

follows: power (P, = E, =const= 1) at every wave-

length A within the visible spectrum. Such a
i - stimulus is called an equal-energy stimulus and
P={ P,dA= 1 P, AX
is ‘ Ar—0 2 x denoted by E. Its monochromatic constituents are
denoted by E,. The spectral distribution {£, dA}
[6(3.2.3)] of the equal-energy stimulus is uniform across the
visible spectrum and often referred to as an
where the wavelengths 4, may be chosen as the equal-energy spectrum on the wavelength basis [see
central wavelengths in the wavelength intervals of Figure 3(3.2.3)].
width AX. The equation for a color match involving a
The quantity P, dA represents the radiant monochromatic constituent E, of the equal-
power in the wavelength interval of width dA energy stimulus E is as follows:
centered at the wavelength A, and it is said to
define a monochromatic stimulus of wavelength X, E, =7(A)R+ 2(A)G+ b(A)B
denoted by Q).
For each monochromatic stimulus Q,, Eq. [8(3.2.3)]
1(3.2.2) must hold, that is,
where 7(A), (A), B(A) are the (spectral) tri-
O-= KR + GG + B,B [7(3!2.3)] stimulus values of E,. The lowercase letters with
an overbar are standard notation for this special
where R,, G,, By are the tristimulus values of set of tristimulus values.
Q,, often called spectral tristimulus values. Figure 4(3.2.3) shows the results of a color-
A particularly important set of spectral tri- matching experiment of a typical observer with
stimulus values is obtained when all the mono- normal trichromatic vision viewing a 2°-bipartite
chromatic stimuli Q, contained in the spectrum visual field. The monochromatic stimuli E),
of a given color stimulus Q have unit radiant of unit radiant power vary in wavelength from

chromaticity point E of the equal-energy stimulus

Visible Spectrum E at the center of the (7, g)-chromaticity dia-
gram; that is, at rg = gp = 0.333.
The sets of spectral tristimulus values r(A),
P, =E, =const =| Z(A), b(A) of monochromatic stimuli E, of unit
radiant power embody the color-matching prop-
erties of the observing eye in the particular system
of primary stimuli R, G, B. They are ap-
propriately called color-matching functions.
To illustrate the use of Figure 4(3.2.3), con-
sider the monochromatic stimulus E, at A = 475.
hg = 360 dp=830nm
At that wavelength we read off the values
7(475) = —0.045, 2(475) = 0.032, and b(475) =
Wavelength, X 0.186 which are the tristimulus values of E,,; and
Fig. 3(3.2.3). Spectral radiant power distribution thus, Eq. 8(3.2.3) becomes, in this example,
{E, dX} of a color stimulus E having an equal-
energy spectrum on the wavelength basis. E475 = —0.045R + 0.032G + 0.186B

\,, = 380 to A, = 760 nm. The fixed primary The negative amount of the “red” primary
stimuli R, G, B are also monochromatic stimuli stimulus R signifies that in the actual color match,
and of wavelengths Ap = 700, A, = 546.1, and 0.045R had to be added to E47, in order to
A, = 435.8 nm, respectively. The units of these “desaturate” E,,, sufficiently to obtain a com-
primaries were chosen in the radiant power ratios plete color match with the mixture 0.032G +
72.1: 1.4: 1.0 (approximately) which places the 0.186B. Thus, the equation for the actual color





40 —S(2)oO

Wavelength (A), nm



osba 700.0

Fig. 4(3.2.3). Spectral tristimulus values 7(A), (A), (A) of monochromatic stimuli E, of
unit radiant power, with respect to the three fixed primary stimuli R,G,B, also monochromatic
Stimuli and of wavelengths A p = 700, Ag = 546.1, A , = 435.8 nm. The units of the primary
stimuli are of radiant power ratios 72.1: 1.4: 1.0.
Basic Colorimetric Concepts 125

Fig. 5(3.2.3). (r, g)-Chromaticity diagram in the form of a right-angled triangle showing the
spectrum locus of monochromatic stimuli from A = 380 to 700 nm. The straight line joining
the two extremes of the spectrum locus is the purple line. The chromaticity points R,G, B of
the monochromatic primary stimuli R,G,B are represented by the corners of the triangle. The
chromaticity point E of the equal-energy stimulus E is at the center of the triangle at
re = £¢ — 9.333.

match reads as follows: with

E475 + 0.045R = 0.032G + 0.186B r(d) + 2(A) + B(A) = 1

The locus of chromaticity points so determined is
In applying Eq. 2(3.2.2) to the spectral tri-
called the spectrum locus in the (r, g)-chromatic-
stimulus values r(A), g(A), b(A) illustrated in
ity diagram. Figure 5(3.2.3) shows the (r, g)-
Figure 4(3.2.3), the chromaticity coordinates r(A),
chromaticity diagram in the preferred form of a
g(A), b(A) of the monochromatic stimuli are ob- .
right-angled triangle. The wavelengths of some of
the monochromatic stimuli are marked along the
spectrum locus. The straight line joining the two
=f yes FTEa BOE) end points of the spectrum locus is called the
purple line, representing the locus of chromatici-

ee ties of additive mixtures of the extreme short-wave

stimulus (A, = 380) with the extreme long-wave
Fr ee nbOD stimulus (A, = 700).
With the introduction of the color-matching
Ce b(a)
ee een [9(3.2.3)] functions, it readily follows how to determine the
r(r) + B(A) + BA) tristimulus values of a complex color stimulus Q

defined by a spectral radiant power distribution {P,, dX} and {P,, dd}, are in complete color
{P, dX}o that is not restricted to narrow bands of match if the following three equations are simul-
wavelengths. Multiplication of both sides of Eq. taneously satisfied:
8(3.2.3) by P, dA results in
dd = fP, F(A) da
Q, =(Py dA)E, = (Py, dA)r(A)R ue te

+ (P, dd) Z(A)G + (Py, dd) b(A)B [Pn

ZA) dd = [PP
B(A) ad
['Pinb (A) dd= [Pb (A) dd
which represents the equation for a color match
involving a monochromatic stimulus Q, of radiant
power P, dd, where P, can be any non-negative
The integrals on the left-hand side of these equa-
finite value. If it is further assumed that P, is a
tions are the tristimulus values R,, G,, B, of
continuous function in the visible spectrum
stimulus Q,, and the integrals on the right-hand
[A,,,A,], Eq. 10(3.2.3) is integrable; that is, the
side are the tristimulus values R,, Gy, B, of Q».
tristimulus values R= Ro, G= Go, B= Bo of
At match, R,; = R», G; = Go, B, = By.
the given stimulus Q are given by
When the color-match conditions expressed by
Eg. 12(3.2.3) are satisfied for two color stimuli Q,
R=["PFA) Ad, G= [P,B(A) AA,
" a and Q, with different spectral radiant power dis-
tributions, {P,}, dA} # {P,, dA}, the two stimuli
are called metameric stimuli. Figure 6(3.2.3) shows
B=[''P,b(A)dd [113.2.3)] an example of a pair of spectral radiant power
Ne ;
distributions defining two metameric color stimuli.
Two color stimuli, Q, and Q,, defined respec- The color-match conditions remain unchanged
tively by spectral radiant power distributions if the respective color-matching functions r(A),


600 70Onm

Fig. 6(3.2.3). Example of a pair of spectral radiant power distributions defining two metameric
- color stimuli.
Basic Colorimetric Concepts ey

Z(A), b(A) are multiplied by any three (nonzero) plane through the origin, but not in the plane
factors. In fact, any three functions that are lin- itself. It follows, that if R, G, B are the tristimu-
early independent combinations of r(A), g(A), lus values of a real color stimulus, the all negative
b(A) will serve equally well with 7(A), Z(A), b(X) tristimulus values —R, —G, —B are not admitted
in stating the conditions for a color match. to specify an imaginary color stimulus.
Unfortunately, if neither (R,G, B) nor
(—R, —G, —B) specify a real stimulus, then both
3.2.4 Imaginary Color Stimuli
sets of tristimulus values qualify to specify imag-
Although a color stimulus represented by its tri- inary stimuli and their mixture matches the null
stimulus values with respect to a particular set of stimulus. By the following stronger restriction on
primaly stimuli may have one, or perhaps two, imaginary stimuli, it can be assumed that no
of these tristimulus values negative, not every mixture of two stimuli, real or imaginary, will
ordered set of three numbers, each of which may match the null stimulus unless both are also null
be positive or negative, can be identified as the stimuli. In tristimulus space, a plane through the
tristimulus values, in the given primary system, of origin, aR + bG + cB = 0, is selected such that
an actual color stimulus. In colorimetry and color all vectors representing real non-null stimuli lie in
theory it is sometimes convenient to admit so- one of the half-spaces so formed, but not in the
called imaginary color stimuli with sets of tri- dividing plane. All other vectors in the same
stimulus values that do not correspond, in the half-space and not in the plane are accepted as
primary system used, to actual color stimuli. Sub- imaginary stimuli, and no others. As there is a
ject to a qualification to be introduced im- wide range of planes that might be selected, it is
mediately, it is postulated that such imaginary necessary in any particular context to specify the
stimuli participate in “color matches” specified one adopted (e.g., by giving the relative values of
solely by relations between the tristimulus values the numbers a, b, c). With the stronger restriction
of the participant color stimuli in the same way as on imaginary stimuli, a factor a applied to a real
do actual color stimuli. These color matches con- or imaginary stimulus yields another stimulus,
form to the four matching laws required for strong which will be respectively real or imaginary, only
trichromacy (see Section 3.2.1). However, this if a is positive. |
postulate requires a somewhat wider interpreta- Associated with any set of tristimulus values
tion of the terms used in the proportionality and R, G, B are the chromaticity coordinates r, g, b
additivity laws when the imaginary stimuli are in defined by Eq. 2(3.2.2). The chromaticity, that is,
question. As the imaginary stimulus is solely de- the set of chromaticity coordinates, in a given
fined by its tristimulus values, increasing or re- system of primary stimuli is the same for all color
ducing the stimulus by a factor a means simply stimuli having the same relative spectral power
reducing it by another stimulus whose tristimulus distribution. In this sense, chromaticity specifies
values are a times the original ones. In fact, color stimulus independent of “intensity”, as il-
applied to imaginary stimuli, the proportionality lustrated earlier in Figure 1(3.2.2). Of course, in
law is trivial. Adding an imaginary stimulus to general, color stimuli of many different spectral
another stimulus, real or imaginary, means simply distributions are represented by the same chro-
defining an additive mixture (e.g., those used in maticity. This follows immediately from the con-
the additivity law), as the real or imaginary cept of metameric stimuli discussed in Section
stimulus, obtained by adding the respective tni- a)eS
stimulus values of the constituents. The outstanding property of a chromaticity
It is convenient to place a restriction on imag- diagram is that the representative point of an
inary stimuli. When it is admitted that imaginary additive mixture of two color stimuli lies on the
- stimuli leave intact the additivity principle, it will straight line passing through the chromaticity
be required that no additive mixture of a real points corresponding to the constituents of the
color stimulus with a second stimulus can match mixture. Furthermore, empirical properties of
the null color stimulus; that is, the stimulus with normal human color vision ensure that:
all zero tristimulus values. This restriction means
that in tristimulus space (see Section 3.2.2), (i) the units of any set of independent primary
whatever the primary stimuli used, the vectors stimuli can always be chosen so that the sum
representing real stimuli all lie in one of the (R+G+B) of the tristimulus values of any
halves into which the space is divided by some color stimulus exceeds zero, and

(ii) with units so chosen, the resultant chro- lus space generated by the dividing plane aR +
maticities of all real color stimuli plot in the bB + cB=0), then there is a corresponding
chromaticity diagram as points of a finite domain straight line in the chromaticity diagram, defined
bounded by the spectrum locus and the purple line, by (a — c)r + (b—c)g + c= 0, which separates
as shown in Figure 5(3.2.3). points representing stimuli for which R+ G+ B
The closed boundary of the gamut of real > 0 including the chromaticities of all real and
chromaticities is everywhere straight or concave some imaginary stimuli (region A), from points
inwards, and the representative point of any addi- representing stimuli for which R+ G+ B<0O,
tive mixture of real stimuli lies between the comprising all the remaining imaginary stimuli
chromaticity points of the constituents on the (region B). Points on the dividing line represent
straight line through them. Points lying outside neither real nor imaginary stimuli. Additive mix-
the domain of real chromaticities in such a dia- tures of stimuli represented by points lying in
gram represent imaginary stimuli. If the stronger different regions have chromaticity points that lie
restriction is imposed on the latter (ie., these on the straight line through the constituent points
stimuli together with all real stimuli are repre- but not on the segment lying between these points.
sented by points in one of the halves of tristimu- In the special case where a=b=c#0O, the



Fig. 1(3.2.4). The points (U),(V),(W) represent the chromaticities of three color stimuli in
the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram proposed for use as independent primary stimuli
_U,V,W in color-matching experiments. They are necessarily noncollinear, so that, taken in
pairs, they define three different straight lines that, provided none of the points (U),(V),(W)
lies on the boundary (spectrum locus and purple line) of the domain of real stimuli, divide the
domain into seven regions, UVW,UV/W,VW/U,WU/V,U/VW,V/WU,W/UV. A color
stimulus in region UV W will match with positive amounts of the primary stimuli U,V,W; a
color stimulus in any other region will require for the match a positive contribution from the
one or two primaries specified before the solidus (/), and desaturating contributions from the
two or one primaries specified after the solidus.
Basic Colorimetric Concepts 129

straight line is removed to infinity and the whole where the three elements in each of the three rows
diagram constitutes region A. Any two stimuli are the tristimulus values of the new primary
represented by the same point of the diagram stimuli R’, G’, B’, respectively, measured in terms
have tristimulus values that differ only by a posi- of the original primary stimuli R, G, B.
tive factor. The tristimulus values R, G, B of a color
An example of a chromaticity diagram with stimulus measured in terms of the original set of
real (spectral) primaries is shown in Figure primary stimuli (R, G, B) and the tnstimulus
5(3.2.3), and a second example, Figure 1(3.2.4), values R’, G’, B’ measured in terms of the new set
based on the important set of imaginary stimuli of primary stimuli (R’,G’, B’) are related by the
adopted by the CIE as primary stimuli, is used to homogeneous linear transformation
illustrate the various possible desaturation re-
quirements when the primary stimuli may be any R= a,,R’' + a,,G’ + a,3B’
three independent stimuli whose chromaticities
do not lie on the boundary of the domain of real G = a,R’ + anG’ + ay3B' BiCre shy
B= a,,R’ + a3G’ + a3,B’
3.2.5 Colorimetric Transformations
where the transformation matrix A is the trans-
The limitation on the choice of primary stimuli in pose of matrix A* of Eq. 2(3.2.5); that is, A is
color matching, namely that none of the primary - obtained from A* by interchanging rows and
stimuli can be matched by an additive mixture of columns.
the other two, means in the vector representation The solution of Eq. 2(3.2.5) for R’, G’, B’ gives
that the primary vectors must be linearly indepen- the inverse transformation
dent; that is, they must be such that no set of
values R, G, B makes Re= bi R+b GbR
GG-+ BB=0, Go= by Ret bynG byB? 1436.25)
except the trivial set R= G= B= 0.
For practical reasons it is convenient to use
sometimes one set of primary stimuli, R, G, B, where the coefficients b;, (k,i = 1,2,3) are the
sometimes a different set, R’,G’, B’, but the vec- elements of a matrix which is the inverse of
tors of any two sets are linearly related. Since matrix A and is written A’.
each primary stimulus of the one set can be In the particular case of the monochromatic
matched with a mixture of the primaries of the constituents of the equal-energy stimulus E, whose
other set, the following homogeneous linear rela- spectral tristimulus values are the color-matching
tions between the primaries will hold good: functions 7(A), g(A), b(A) in the R, G, B system
of primary stimuli, similar transformation equa-
R’ =a,,R+a,,G+ a;,B
tions apply
G =a,,R+ aGt a35.B H1t3. 205)
7’(A) = by F(A) + by B(A) + 63 (A)
B’ = a,3R + a,,G + a;;B
2(A) = by F(A) + by B(A) + B35 (A)
Both sets of primary stimuli are linearly indepen-
dent sets, and the matrix A* formed by the trans- b’(A) = by, 7(A) + B38 (A) + b33b (A)
formation coefficients a,; (k,i = 1,2,3) must
have a determinant different from zero. [5(3.2.5)]
When employing the notation used in Section
3.2.3, the matrix A* with elements a,,; is identical The new color-matching functions 7’(A), 3’(A),
to the matrix b’(A) are in terms of the new system of primary
stimuli R’, G’, B’.
If R’, G’, B’ and R, G, B are, respectively, the
tristimulus values of the same color stimulus with
respect to two sets of primary stimuli, and if they
Rp Gp: By

[2(3.2.5)] are related as in Eq. 4(3.2.5), then it is readily


seen that the corresponding chromaticity coordi- Explicit equations inverse to Eq. 7(3.2.5) can
nates are related by the following equations: be derived from the following expressions:

Tet Boe »Bas By ilorteBag

a a
8’ Bo Bog Bo, 8’ =Bas
(bd) + by, + b3,)r Hf (bi + by, + b37) 8
l B32 B33 B31 B33
+ (b13 + bo3 + b33)b hee See ere ae
Bi itt oath By oho ee

ai byr + byg + b53b By, Bu g’ Bo, By 8g’

B3, Bs. 1 B3, Bs, 1
3 (bi, + by + b3,)r + (by. + by + by) 8
ur (43 + by3 + b33)b
b’ b3ir + by2g + 6336 All that is needed is to expand the determinants
ss (dy, + by) + b3,)r + (bi + by + b37) 8
in these expressions in the normal manner and
the appropriate equations for r and g will evolve.
+(b,3 + by; + b33)b
When the tristimulus values (or chromaticity
[6(3.2.5)] coordinates) obtained in one system of primary
stimuli are transformed into another system, there
Using the identities will generally be random errors associated with
the original tristimulus values (or chromaticity
r-e+g+b=1 andvirs:2'tbt= coordinates), and other random errors associated
with the transformation coefficients, themselves
and Eq. 6(3.2.5), the following relation between obtained by color matching or by spectrophotom-
r’, g’ and r, g is obtained: etry. All these errors will propagate into the new
tristimulus values (or chromaticity coordinates).
a Burt Big + Big By application of the general theory of propaga-
Bir + B38 + B33 tion of random errors, it is possible to determine
the resulting uncertainty in the final tristimulus
pes Bar + Bag + Bo; values (or chromaticity coordinates). Section 5.4.6
. Bir + B38 + B33 ee gives the basic equations used in such calcula-
The coefficients B;, (i, k = 1,2,3) in terms of the
coefficients b;, of Eq. 4(3.2.5) are
By = 5), — 53, By = by. — 513, Big
= 443
In colorimetric practice, the main objective is to
Bo, = by) — a3, Bap = bay — 23, Bo3 = 23 obtain results valid for the group of normal tri-
chromats. To this end, the color-matching proper-
B3, = (bi, — by3) + (by, Zi by3) + (b3, — b33) ties of an ideal trichromatic observer are defined
by specifying three independent functions of
B32 = (bi a bi3) a (by) iu) by3) “i (35 - b33) wavelength that are identified with the ideal ob-
server's color-matching functions. By definition,
B33 = by3 + by3 + b33
the ideal observer makes matches in strict accord
with the stronger trichromatic generalization, and
Transformations of the form of Eq. 7(3.2.5) are these matches are subject to the principle of per-
called projective transformations. They are a sistence of color matches, all without restriction on
special class of nonlinear inhomogeneous trans- the range of stimuli involved. The values of the
formations of the (r, g)-plane that play an im- color-matching functions of the ideal observer, as
portant role in the search for so-called uniform- functions of wavelength, are fixed so that the
chromaticity-scale diagrams (UCS-Diagrams) to metameric matches predicted with their aid using -
be discussed in Section 3.3.9. Eq. 12(3.2.3) represent, in some sense, typical or
The CIE Colorimetric System 131

average matches for the group of normal trichro- have five significant figures. The large number of
mats. This requirement can, of course, be met significant figures used to define the color-match-
only for matches where all the conditions lie ing functions must not be construed as being
within the range where the matching of actual proof that the experimental color-matching
observers conforms, at least approximately, with data, on which the tabulated values are based,
the trichromatic generalization. have a comparable inherent precision. Visual color
By general consent, in all countries the specifi- matching is far from being that precise (see Sec-
cation of standard (i.e., ideal) observers for use in tions 5.4 and 5.5). However, the use of the CIE
colorimetry and photometry is the province of the 1931 color-matching functions in a large variety
Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (or CIE), of colorimetric calculations and specifications
a body that in 1913 took over the functions of the makes it very desirable, from the practical point
earlier Commission Internationale de Photomeétrie. of view, to define these functions precisely and at
The CIE specifications of the standard observers small intervals (AA = 1 nm), and to make them
of colorimetry are dealt with in this chapter, and the corresponding chromaticity coordinates
together with CIE recommendations on related smooth functions of wavelength.
questions, the whole forming what may be called When the values of Table I(3.3.1) are rounded
the CIE colorimetric system. The link with the off, as given in Table II(3.3.1), to four decimals,
CIE standard photometric observer is explained the original 1931 values are obtained in all but a
in the following, but this observer is considered few instances. The few minor discrepancies that
on its own merits in Chapter 4. The CIE official do occur (see note at bottom of Table II(3.3.1))
recommendations on colorimetry are spelled out are of no consequence in most practical colori-
in detail in the CIE colorimetry document and in metric calculations.
two supplementary publications (CIE, 1971; The experimental data for actual observers
1972a; 1978a). that provided the basis for the standard x(A),
y(A), Z(A) values of Tables 1(3.3.1) and II(3.3.1),
were obtained with matching fields of two degrees
3.3.1 The CIE 1931 Standard
angular subtense directly viewed so that any par-
Colorimetric Observer
ticipation of rod vision in the measurements was
Since 1931 the ideal observer on which the whole avoided. However, the CIE did not associate the
of applied colorimetry has been based is the CIE 1931 standard observer specifically with any par-
1931 Standard Colorimetric Observer, laid down ticular range of field sizes. Following a more
by the CIE in that year. The color-matching prop- recent series of studies of the adequacy of alterna-
erties of the CIE 1931 standard observer are tive sets of color-matching functions in predicting
defined by the color-matching functions x(A), metameric matches in fields of different sizes, the
yA), 2(A). CIE has confirmed its recommendation of the
In 1931 the color-matching functions x(A), CIE 1931 standard observer with the further in-
y(A), Z(A) were defined in the wavelength range dication that it is suitable for application to
A = 380 to 780 nm at wavelength intervals of matching fields of between one and four degrees
AX = 5 nm. Their values were given to four deci- angular subtense.
mal places. In 1971, the CIE recommended a new In 1964, the CIE recommended an alternative
and extended table of the color-matching func- set of standard color-matching functions, denoted
tions to define the CIE 1931 standard colorimet- by Xio(A), Vio(A), Zio(A), aS a supplement to
ric observer. The new table, given as Table 1(3.3.1) those of the 1931 standard observer for use
in the Appendix, is essentially the same as the whenever more accurate correlation with visual
original 1931 Table, but contains interpolated color-matching in fields of large angular subtense
values at one nanometer intervals and covers an (more than four degrees) is desired. The color-
extended wavelength range from A = 360 and 830 matching functions X,9(A), Vio(A), Zio(A) define a
nm. The original values were also smoothed new ideal observer which is referred to as the CIE
slightly to eliminate small irregularities. 1964 Supplementary Standard Colorimetric Ob-
The color-matching functions x(A), y(A), Z(A) server and which is specified below.
in Table 1(3.3.1) are given in seven significant The CIE 1931 standard observer embodies
figures, the corresponding chromaticity coor- another visual property of the average or typi-
dinates x(A), y(A), z(A) given in the same table, cal normal observer that goes beyond the

color-matching properties and is not a necessary ing functions X19(A), Vio(A), Z10(A) given in Table
consequence of obedience to the trichromatic gen- I(3.3.2). It is intended for use when the colors of
eralization. The property in question is expressed large angular areas are in question and is based
by the basic principle of photometry, the additiv- on matching data obtained for centrally viewed
ity law for brightness, according to which the matching fields of 10 degrees angular subtense.
condition for a match in brightness, but not nec- The values of Table I(3.3.2) are given for wave-
essarily in color, of any two stimuli of spectral lengths ranging from A = 360 to 830 nm at
radiant power distribution {P,, dA} and {P,, dA} wavelength intervals of AX = 1 nm. The color-
takes the form matching functions are defined by six significant
figures and the corresponding chromaticity coor-
JP,V(A) dA = ifP,V(r) da dinates by five decimals.
The large number of significant figures used to
[1(3.3.1)] define the X,9(A), Vio(A), Zio(A) must, as in the
case of the CIE 1931 color-matching functions,
where V(A) is a function of wavelength known as
not be taken as an indication that visual color
the photopic luminous efficiency function, and
matching has a comparable precision. Consider-
the integral extends over the visible spectrum.
ations concerning the practical application of
Because of the difficulties of heterochromatic
these functions to colorimetric calculations pro-
photometry by direct comparison, indirect meth-
vide the overriding argument in favor of their
ods such as the flicker method are commonly
definition to such a high degree of precision and
used. To be strict, therefore, the validity of the
additivity law for brightness and the values of
However, for most practical applications, an
V(A) are relative to the particular method of
abridged set of color-matching functions and cor-
heterochromatic photometry employed in the
responding chromaticity coordinates is adequate;
measurements. For an observer who by a particu-
such a set is given in Table II(3.3.2).
lar method makes brightness matches that con-
The precision of large-field color matching is
form to the additivity law for brightness, and who
generally somewhat greater than that of small-field
also makes color matches that are trichromatic in
color matching. For a 10° as compared with a 2°
the stronger sense, it is readily shown that the
field, color matching is estimated to be two or
function V(A) must be a linear combination of
three times as precise. This is an obvious ad-
the color-matching functions, provided all pairs
vantage in practical situations where large match-
of color-matched (metameric) stimuli are also in
ing fields are often available and relevant to the
brightness match. For such an observer it is possi-
application at hand. In such situations, the CIE
ble to select from the infinitely many equivalent
1964 supplementary standard observer data enter
sets of color-matching functions, some sets for
into the colorimetric calculations that are in-
which one of the color-matching functions, by
tended to predict the color matching. However,
convention taken to be the central or y(A) func-
large-field color matching has limitations that are
tion, coincides with the V(A) function. The CIE
directly related to the use of a large field and do
1931 standard observer is endowed by definition
not apply to small-field (foveal) color matching.
with these ideal brightness-matching properties,
By definition, the large-field standard ob-
and the color-matching function y(A) of Table
server, like the small-field (1931) observer, makes
(3.3.1) has been chosen so that it coincides with
matches in strict accord with the stronger tri-
the standard V(A) function laid down earlier, in
chromatic generalization, but with different
1924, by the CIE to provide the quantitative basis
color-matching functions. The range of stimulus
for photometry under photopic conditions (see
intensities within which the metameric matches
Chapter 4). Thus, the 1931 standard observer
predicted by a standard observer are representa-
combines both color-matching and heterochro-
tive of those of actual observers must be more
matic brightness-matching properties in a single
restricted for the large-field case. The retinal image
quantitative scheme.
of the large field inevitably covers areas that
contain rod receptors. When the stimuli involved
3.3.2 The CIE 1964 Supplementary Standard
(i.e., the matching stimuli themselves and other
Colorimetric Observer
stimuli that may help to determine the condition
The supplementary standard observer introduced of adaptation) are of sufficiently low intensity,
by the CIE in 1964 is defined by the color-match- the scotopic mechanism may contribute to the
The CIE Colorimetric System 133

match, and in such a way as to upset the predict- be regarded therefore as applying to the color
ions of the standard observer. Upsets of this kind stimuli in the main area of the extended field and
are described as arising from rod _ intrusion. not to the Maxwell spot.
Large-field color matching under conditions of There is no officially agreed luminous ef-
low-level adaptation is therefore not in general ficiency function for large-field brightness match-
correctly predicted by the large-field standard ing under photopic conditions, analogous to the
observer, and the CIE 1931 standard observer is V(A) function for the small-field case. The CIE
equally inapplicable. Precise indications of the has, in fact, standardized a second luminous ef-
stimulus conditions under which rod intrusion ficiency function V’(A) but this refers to very low
will upset the predictions of the standard observer levels of adaptation and to conditions where the
have not yet been given, but some work related to scotopic mechanism completely dominates bright-
the problem is discussed in Section 5.6.2. ness matching (see Section 4.3.2). It is not rele-
For certain color stimuli filling uniformly a vant here and thus, the question of choosing
large field, the appearance to an observer is clearly large-field color-matching functions so that y)9(A)
nonuniform. The nonuniformity consists of a spot, coincides with an agreed luminous efficiency
the so-called Maxwell spot. The Maxwell spot has function does not arise. Nevertheless, from the
an ill-defined boundary and a diameter of the infinitely many equivalent sets of color-matching
order of four degrees, which differs in color from functions, the particular set that was adopted by
the apparently uniform main area of the field and the CIE has a y,.(A) function whose values at
which is centered on the observer's momentary three wavelengths were made to agree. This is
point of regard within the field. As the point of always possible with the mean luminous efficien-
regard is shifted from place to place in the field, cies of these three wavelengths as measured in a
the Maxwell spot moves with it. The differences 10° field by a group of observers using the flicker
in the color-response properties of the central method of heterochromatic brightness matching.
(foveal) area of the retina and of the surrounding The three wavelengths were those of the primary
area that are made evident by the Maxwell spot stimuli used in the determination of the color-
are also responsible for the deviating color-match- matching functions. The flicker measurements
ing functions required for small- and large-field were not, at that time, extended to other wave-
color matching. However, they are not related, or lengths covering the spectrum. However, on the
not directly related, to the presence of rod recep- basis of more recent work, it is generally accepted
tors in the retina. The Maxwell spot is seen most that a luminous efficiency function directly mea-
clearly at moderate luminances of the field. Its sured for all wavelengths in a 10° field, agrees
occurrence is attributable, in the main, to a yellow well with the y,.(A) function (CIE, 1978b).
pigment, the macular pigment, which covers all
the retinal receptors in an area covering the fovea
3.3.3 Development of the Two CIE Standard
and beyond and whose optical density diminishes
Colorimetric Observers
sharply in moving out from the fovea into the
surrounding area (see Section 2.2.5). Because of the important role of the standard
For many color stimuli, including most of observers, some further details of the experimen-
those met in everyday life, the Maxwell spot is tal studies and other considerations leading up to
not noticeable, but for color stimuli of more them may be noted.
extreme spectral radiant power distributions, such
as the mixtures of two or three monochromatic (i) The CIE 1931 Standard Observer. The
stimuli used in the basic determinations of the color-matching functions of the 1931 standard
color-matching functions, it can be a striking observer are based of the work of Guild (1931)
feature that complicates the task of large-field and Wright (1928-1929) and on the investiga-
color matching. tions mainly by Coblentz and Emerson (1918)
In the studies of large-field color matching and Gibson and Tyndall (1923) that led to the
from which the standard color-matching func- adoption of the V(A) function in 1924. Both
tions Xjo(A), Vio(A), Z19(A) Of Table 1(3.3.2) were Guild and Wright determined in the first in-
derived, the observers’ matches were made for the stance, the chromaticity coordinates of a set of
color stimuli occupying the main area of the field monochromatic stimuli in the wavelength range
excluding or ignoring the Maxwell spot. The pre- ’ = 400 to 700 nm using a 2° bipartite matching
dictions of the large-field standard observer must field. Guild obtained these data for seven



Fig. 1(3.3.3). Wright’s mean color-matching results for the r(A), g(A), b(A) chromaticity
coordinates of monochromatic stimuli.

observers by measurements on the Guild trichro- to chromaticity coordinates for the monochro-
matic colorimeter. In this instrument, primary matic stimuli that are identical for observers whose
stimuli were generated by light from an in- color-matching properties can be regarded as the
candescent tungsten lamp (color temperature 2900 same, except that for different observers, different
K), limited to relatively broad wavelength bands colored filters are interposed between the stimuli
in the red, green, and blue, respectively, by suit- and the photoreceptor system of the retina. Thus,
able colored filters. The units of these primary observers differing only in the (visually inert)
stimuli were chosen to make equal the three chro- pigmentation of the optic media or of the prere-
maticity coordinates of a particular white-light ceptor layers of the retina (see Section 2.4.6)
stimulus, the NPL white, of known spectral yield, on this system, the same chromaticities for
radiant power distribution, which corresponded the monochromatic stimuli. Of course, this is not
to a correlated color temperature of about 4800 generally true for stimuli containing more than
K. Guild’s mean results for the chromaticity coor- one wavelength. This valuable method of fixing
dinates of the monochromatic stimuli are shown the units of monochromatic primary stimuli is
in Figure 1(3.3.3). , known, after Wright, as the W.D.W. method (for
The primary stimuli of Wright’s trichromatic the detailed calculation procedure, see Section
colorimeter, which he used for his measurements, 5.6.1). .
are themselves monochromatic stimuli, located at The mean chromaticity coordinates for mono-
wavelengths A = 650, 530, and 460 nm, respec- chromatic stimuli, obtained by Wright from the
tively. results of 10 observers, are shown in Figure
Wright introduced a novel method of defining 2(3.3.3). For a larger group of 36 observers, in-
the units of his primary stimuli, which were cho- cluding the 10 just mentioned, Wright determined
sen so that the r and g chromaticity coordinates the chromaticity coordinates of the NPL-white
were equal for a monochromatic stimulus of stimulus, these data being required in the further
wavelength 582.5 nm (first normalizing wave- calculations.
length) and also equal for a second normalizing For a given trichromatic observer, the chro-
wavelength of 494.0 nm. This method of fixing maticity coordinates of all stimuli expressed in
the units of monochromatic primary stimuli leads one system of primary stimuli can be transformed
The CIE Colorimetric System 135

ad o

= (oe)

600 700 nm
Fig. 2(3.3.3). Wright’s (1928-1929) mean color-matching results for the r(A), g(A), b(A)
chromaticity coordinates of monochromatic stimuli, normalized at A, = 494.0 and A, = 582.5
nm in accordance with the WDW method of normalization.

into chromaticity coordinates in another system, matching functions are not determinable from
if the chromaticities in the two systems of four these data alone. Those functions would have
specified color stimuli are known. These four been obtained directly if the quantities of the
stimuli, sometimes called the cardinal stimuli, need primary stimuli in a color match with a measured
be specified only by their relative, not their abso- radiant power of each of the monochromatic
lute, spectral radiant power distributions, but they stimuli had been determined. Instead, a different
must be such that none of them can be matched method of completing the definition of the stan-
by a mixture containing only two (or one) of the dard observer was followed. It was assumed that
remaining three stimuli. The measurements de- heterochromatic brightness matching by the
scribed enabled Guild (1931) to transform both flicker method is an additive process and that the
his own and Wright’s chromaticities of the mono- luminous efficiency function V(A) is a linear
chromatic stimuli to a common system in which combination of the color-matching functions 7(A),
the primary stimuli were monochromatic and of Z(A), b(A). This assumption implies the relation
wavelengths Ap = 700 nm, A, = 546.1 nm, and
A, = 435.8 nm. Their units were such that the V(A) = Lar(A) + Leg(A) + Lgb(A)
NPL-white, the fourth cardinal stimulus, had
_ chromaticity coordinates rxypy = Znpr = Onpy = [1(3.3.3)]
|/3. The transformed chromaticities of the mono-
chromatic stimuli from the two independent in- where Lr, Lo, and Lz are readily seen to be
vestigations were found to be in good agreement, constants proportional to the (flicker) bright-
and the mean results were used in defining the nesses of unit quantities of the primary stimuli in
CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer. the trichromatic system in which 7(A), g(A), b(A)
Nevertheless, the chromaticities of the mono- are expressed.
chromatic stimuli and the specified cardinal With the chromaticity coordinates r(A), g(A),
stimuli are not sufficient to define the color- b(A) replacing the color-matching functions r(A),
matching properties of an observer; the color- g(A), b(A) in Eq. 1(3.3.3), the following equation

is obtained: Thus, if the chromaticity coordinates r, g, b of a

stimulus of known relative spectral radiant power
V(A) = s(A)[Lar(A) + Leg(r) + Lpb(A)] distribution {P, dA} are measured, they may be
expressed by way of the tristimulus values R, G, B
[2(3.3.3)] as

with R l

s(A) =7(A) + B(A) + BA)

Both Guild and Wright have made direct mea- Se ee See
surements of the relative brightness of unit quan-
tities of their primary stimuli, using the flicker
rf B = l .
method of heterochromatic photometry, for their b
respective groups of observers. Thus, in each case,
by identifying V(A) with the function already [4(3.3.3)]
standardized by the CIE in 1924, the quantity
s(A) could be calculated to a constant factor from In substituting 7(A), Z(A), D(A) by Eg. 3(3.3.3),
the measured spectral chromaticities r(A), g(A), one obtains
b(A) and relative values of Lr, Le, and Lz.
When s(A) is known, the color-matching func- Pyr(X)V(A) dad
tions are immediately derivable. This, in princi-
r= —_— — oes

ple, was the method used in determining the

color-matching functions of the CIE 1931 stan- ne (OA | Py,g(A)V(A) da
dard observer from the mean data of Guild and
Wright. However, because of the different primary
ST R+G+ Bs Lar(A) + Log(A) + Lgb(A)
stimuli used, the details are a little more elaborate.
An interesting alternative method of deriving
ae I P,b(A)V(A)da
the color-matching functions, which still assumes hy Sates BAT AN) + LeeA iol ae
V(A) but does not involve measurements of the
relative brightnesses of the units of the primary [5(3.3.3)]
stimuli, was explored by Wright. The method
rests on the connection between the color-match- Apart from the constant 1/(R + G+ B), the
ing functions and the chromaticities of the mono- unknowns in these three equations are Lp, Lg,
chromatic stimuli in terms of V(A), Lp, Lg, and Lz. Provided {P, dA} is a complex distribution
L». One has (i.e., not confined to a single wavelength), a solu-
tion for the relative values of Lr, Lo, and Lz
r(A) = r(A)s(A) will be obtainable by a method of successive
approximation. Given this solution, the color-
r(A)V(A) matching functions 7(A), Z(A), b(A) are de-
Lrar(A) + Leg(A) + Lgd(A) termined from Eq. 3(3.3.3). Wright’s application
of this method to his data gave results that checked
and similarly satisfactorily the earlier determinations.
The CIE defined the properties of the CIE
(A) = g(A)s(A) 1931 standard observer initially by two different
but equivalent (linearly related) sets of color-
¥ g(A)V(A) matching functions. The R, G, B system again
Dert\ jer Leet) + 1 DtA,) employs monochromatic stimuli at 700.0, 546.1,
and 435.8 nm as primary stimuli, but with the
b(A) = b(A)s(A) units adjusted so that the chromaticity coordi-
nates, not of the NPL-white stimulus but of the
z b(A)V(A) equal-energy stimulus (wavelength basis), are all
= LattN ut dee (Nd) shel (AN) equal. The luminous efficiencies Lp, Lo, Lp
of unit quantities of the primary stimuli in this
[3(3.3.3)] system are in the ratios 1 : 4.5907 : 0.0601.
The CIE Colorimetric System 137

CIE 1931 Standard Colorimetric System

(R,G,B) - System (X,Y,Z)- System

Sb Mapes %(A), ¥CA),2 (A)
r(A),Q(A), b(A) color -matching
color- matching functions


0.0 700 nm
t | Wavelérigth r f 500 600
: E ; Wavelength XA
: : :
Ae Ag da

(r,g)-chromaticity (x,y) - chromaticity

diagram diagram



(Z) 02 0.6 0.8

Fig. 3(3.3.3). Color-matching functions and corresponding chromaticity diagrams of CIE 1931
standard colorimetric observer in the system of real primary stimuli R,G,B, and in the
transformed system of imaginary primary stimuli X, Y,Z. The (X, Y, Z )-system constitutes the
official CIE 1931 system for practical colorimetry involving color-matching fields of angular
subtense between one and four degrees. The units of the primary stimuli in either system have
been fixed so that the chromaticity point E of the equal-energy stimulus plots in the centroid of
the respective chromaticity diagram, that is, 7, = g,;= 1/3, and x;= yp = 1/73.

This corresponds to radiant power ratios shows the color-matching functions and the spec-
72-0962 1.3191 le trum locus in the (r, g)-chromaticity diagram.
Both the chromaticity coordinates r(A), g(A), The chromaticity E of the equal-energy stimulus
b(A) and the color-matching functions r(A), g(A), lies at the centroid of the chromaticity diagram;
b(A) are tabulated in Table 1(3.3.3) for wave- that is, at re = g, = 1/73.
length A ranging from 380 to 780 nm at constant As a direct consequence of fixing the units of
wavelength intervals of 5 nm. Figure 3(3.3.3) the primary stimuli in this way, the areas under

the curves 7(A), Z(A), b(A) are equal; that is, Reasons such as these led the CIE to adopt a
transformation of the trichromatic system based
on the primary stimuli R,G,B to one based on
fFQ) dd = [3(A) dd = [5(A) ar new primary stimuli X, Y, Z. The X, Y, Z primary
stimuli are nonreal or imaginary; that is, they
The color-matching functions 7(A), 2(A), b(A) cannot be realized by actual color stimuli (see
and the corresponding chromaticity coordinates Section 3.2.4). In tristimulus space [see Figure
r(A), g(A), b(A) [Table I(3.3.3)] include negative 4(3.3.3)], they are represented by vectors outside
values, which is inconvenient when tristimulus the domain of vectors representing real stimuli; in
values of a given stimulus are to be evaluated the chromaticity diagram, their representative
according to Eq. 11(3.2.3) by computational points are not included among the chromaticities
methods from the spectral radiant power distribu- of real stimuli; they lie outside the chromaticity
tion of the stimulus and the standard color- region bounded by the spectrum locus and
matching functions. The calculation involves, first, the purple line connecting the two ends of the
summing separately the products with negative spectrum locus. The triangle formed by the chro-
and positive signs, and second, a final differenc- maticity points of X, Y, Z completely encloses the
ing of the sums. The development of direct-read- spectrum locus and the purple line. This ensures
ing photoelectric colorimeters is also made more that the chromaticity coordinates x, y, z and the
difficult by the sign change. Further, the de- corresponding tristimulus values X,Y, Z of any
termination of photometric quantities such as real color stimulus (monochromatic or otherwise)
luminance for a given stimulus requires either are never negative.
another direct integration using the V(A) func- Table 1(3.3.3) summarizes the relationships be-
tion or the evaluation of a linear combination, tween the CIE 1931 (R, G, B)-system and the CIE
Eq. 1(3.3.3), of the previously computed tristimu- 1931 (X, Y, Z)-system. It also gives transformation
lus values. equations that relate the chromaticity coordinates

Spectrum locus
S (A) diagram
S (600)
S (700)

Locus of colors 5(A)

of constant radiance

Fig. 4(3.3.3). Tristimulus space based on the CIE 1931 imaginary primary stimuli X, Y,Z,
showing the (x, y )-chromaticity diagram with spectrum locus and purple line. Also shown is the
locus of all monochromatic stimuli E, of the equal-energy stimulus E. The vector E represent-
ing the equal-energy stimulus intersects the chromaticity diagram at E with coordinates
The CIE Colorimetric System ep

Table 1(3.3.3) Relationship between the CIE 1931 (R,G,B) Primary System and the CIE
1931 (X,Y, Z) Primary System of Color Specification

R, G, B System X, Y, Z System
(Chromaticity Coordinates) (Chromaticity Coordinates)

Stimulus r g b x y Z

(R) 700.0 nm ] 0 0 0.73467 0.26533 0.00000

(G) 546.1 nm 0 l 0 0.27376 0.71741 0.00883
(B) 435.8 nm 0 0 ] 0.16658 0.00886 0.82456
Illuminant E 4 4 4 4 + 4
Illuminant A 0.55255 0.32126 0.12619 0.44757 0.40745 0.14498
Illuminant B 0.36230 0.34305 0.29465 0.34842 0.35161 0.29997
Illuminant C 0.28226 0.33326 0.38448 0.31006 0.31616 0.37378

The relationship between the chromaticity coordinates r,g,b and x,y,z of any given stimulus are
expressed by the following projective transformation:

_ 0.490007 +0.31000 g +.0.200006

~~ 0.66697r + 1.13240 ¢ + 1.200635
_ 0.17697r +0.81240g +0.010636
»~ 0.66697r + 1.13240 g +1.20063b
_ 0.000007 + 0.01000g + 0.990005
7 ~ 0.66697r + 1.13240 ¢ + 1.20063b
From the chromaticity coordinates x, y, z the tristimulus values X, Y, Z may be obtained as follows:

where Vis the luminance of the stimulus computed in accordance with the luminous efficiency function
The transformation of the chromaticity coordinates r(A), g(A), b(A) of the monochromatic stimuli is
carried out by using the same equations as above, and from it one obtains the x(A), y(A), Z(A)
color-matching functions as follows:

a tA)
x(A) jays y(A) V(A), y(A)=V(A),
teats z(a}
z(A) — y(A) V(A)

‘and tristimulus values of one system to those of chromaticity diagram, the equation of the alychne
the other. is given by
The particular choice of the X, Y,Z primary
stimuli gave the (X,Y, Z)-system a further im- Dart Lee t+ Lo = 0" [6(33:33)|
portant property. Following a suggestion by Judd
(1930a), the X and Z primary stimuli are located where Lp = 1, Lo = 4.5907, Lz = 0.0601 (see
on the alychne which, in the chromaticity dia- above).
gram, is a straight line on which are located the With the primary stimuli X and Z placed on
chromaticity points of all stimuli (they are all the alychne, their luminous efficiencies Ly and
nonreal) having zero luminance. In the (7, g)- Lz must equal zero, and the luminous efficiency

Ly of the remaining Y primary stimulus may be employed, but the final mean results were all
set equal to unity. This makes the color-matching transformed to refer to the primary stimuli R
function y(A) identical to the luminous efficiency (645.2 nm), G (526.3 nm), and B (444.4 nm). As
function V(A); that is, Stiles and Burch measured the radiant power
{P,dX} of each monochromatic test stimulus
V(A) =) presented to the observer, the color-matching
functions were obtainable directly from the ob-
and facilitates the computation of photometric servations, and no appeal to heterochromatic
quantities from color-matching data. brightness measurements or to any luminous ef-
In Figure 3(3.3.3) the CIE 1931 color-match- ficiency function was required. In this respect, the
ing functions x(A), y(A), Z(A) based on the work differed from earlier investigations on color
X, Y,Z primary stimuli are plotted side by side matching such as those by Guild and Wright with
with the color-matching functions r(A), g(A), a 2° visual field.
b(A) based on the R,G,B primary stimuli. The To reduce possible rod intrusion, the lumi-
same figure also shows the corresponding (x, y)- nance of the matching field was kept high. At the
chromaticity diagram together with the (7, g)- ends of the spectrum, it was kept as high as
chromaticity diagram. In both diagrams, the possible within the limits of the apparatus and
chromaticity point E of the equal-energy stimulus light sources. (A xenon arc was used in the long-
is at the centroid of the chromaticity triangle; wave region.) A correction for rod intrusion was
that is, x; =y,=74 and r;—g,—+4, respec- applied in arriving at the final mean data, but it
tively. was very small and would make a negligible dif-
In the CIE 1931 colorimetric system, the ference in the calculation of the tristimulus values
color-match conditions, defined earlier in Eq. for almost all cases of practical interest. Figure
12(3.2.3), are expressed as follows: 5(3.3.3) shows the mean 10° color-matching func-
tions of the 49 observers used by Stiles and Burch.
[PrzQ) dr = [PaxX(A)dn Speranskaya used 18 observers (later increased
to 27) who determined 10° color-matching func-
tions with results essentially similar to those of
[PrnvO)dr= JParva) Stiles and Burch, although the experimental con-
ditions of the two studies differed in several re-
spects. Speranskaya used a 10° visual field with
[PnZ(r)aa = [Panz(A)da [7(3.3.3)] the central area (2°) masked off to eliminate the
Maxwell spot. The luminance of the visual field
was in general 30 to 40 times lower than in the
where, as before, {P,,dA} and {P,,dA} define
measurements of Stiles and Burch and was at a
the spectral radiant power distributions of two
level where the rod mechanism systematically af-
metameric color stimuli Q, and Q,, respectively.
fected the results, particularly the values of b(A)
The integration is taken over the visible spectrum
in the yellow, orange, and red regions of the
from A, = 360 nm to A, = 830 nm. In practice,
spectrum. The primary stimuli in Speranskaya’s
the integration is replaced by a summation; the
instrument were obtained from a tungsten fila-
procedures used to carry out the summations are
ment lamp in conjunction with colored glass filters
given in Section 3.3.8.
giving bands of dominant wavelength of ap-
(ii) The CIE 1964 Standard Observer. The proximately 640, 545, and 465 nm, respectively.
color-matching functions of the CIE 1964 supple- Speranskaya transformed her data to the same
mentary standard colorimetric observer are based system of monochromatic primary stimuli as used
on experimental investigations made by Stiles and by Stiles and Burch, that is, R (645.2 nm), G
Burch (1959) and Speranskaya (1959). (526.3 nm), B (444.4 nm). Figure 5(3.3.3) shows
Stiles and Burch used a trichromatic colorime- the mean values in this form in comparison with
ter with monochromatic primary stimuli to de- those of Stiles and Burch.
termine for 49 observers the tristimulus values of Judd, acting for the CIE, averaged the color-
monochromatic stimuli of equal energy and of matching functions obtained by Stiles and Burch
wavelengths from approximately 390 to 830 nm. and Speranskaya, after correcting the Speranskaya
In the course of the investigation, different sets of data for rod intrusion (CIE, 1959). In taking this
primary stimuli (all monochromatic stimuli) were average, different weights were assigned to the
The CIE Colorimetric System 14]




2) 1.0



Fig. 5(3.3.3). Mean 10° color-matching functions r49(A), Z19(A),5 1o(A) of 49 observers used
by Stiles and Burch (1959), and of 18 observers used by Speranskaya (1959) in the system of
monochromatic primary stimuli R at A 2 = 645.2 nm, G at A, = 525.3 nm, B at A = 444.4 nm.
The units of the primary stimuli are fixed at unit radiant power.

two sets of data, major weights being given to the structed as far as possible on the same general
Stiles and Burch results. Throughout most of the plan as the 1931 CIE (X, Y, Z)-system. The trans-
spectrum, the ratio of weighting was set at three formation equations finally agreed for converting
to one, approximately in the ratio of the number the 10° color-matching functions 7,9(A), 219(A),
of observers in the two studies. At the two ends of b,o(A) to new standard functions X,9(A), Vio(A),
the spectrum, this ratio was progressively in- Zi9(A) are as follows:
creased so that the mean color-matching func-
tions progressed smoothly into the Stiles—Burch X19(A) = 0.3410807,9(A) + 0.1891452,.(A)
data that extended over the greater spectral range.
The smoothed and extrapolated average results of + 0.387529b
the color-matching functions and corresponding
chromaticity coordinates are given in Table Jio(A) = 0.1390587,9(A) + 0.837460 219(A)
II(3.3.3). Note that in this table, the monochro-
matic stimuli are identified in terms of wavenum- + 0.073316b,.(A)
bers m=(1/A)- 10’ as well as wavelengths A;
with A given in nanometers, m measured in cm !. Z19(A) = 0.0000007,.(A) + 0.0395532,.(A)
The visible spectrum is covered from m = 27,750
cm! (A = 360.4 nm) to m = 12,250 cm | (A= +2.0262006,(A) [8(3.3.3)]
816.3 nm) at constant wavenumber intervals of
Am = 250 cm™~'. Figure 6(3.3.3) shows the de-
rived average color-matching functions 7,9(A), The transformed data were interpolated and ex-
Z10(A), Dio(A) on the wavelength instead of wave- trapolated for every nanometer from A = 360 to
number basis. 830 nm, and corresponding chromaticity coordi-
The CIE elected to use for the large-field nates were also computed. Minor arbitrary adjust-
standard observer a coordinate system con- ments were made to smooth the final values and

CIE 1964 Supplementary Standard Colorimetric System

(R,G,B) - System (X,Y,Z) - System


KilA), Hig A)s Zig (A)

Fig(A)s Dol), DigA) color - matching
color - matching



Values Values
Wavelength A

nm—— 645.2


— ~—.

nm i>) 2


(119+ G19) - chromaticity (Xi91 Yio ) - chromaticity

diagram diagram


(Z) 0.8

Fig. 6(3.3.3). Color-matching functions and corresponding chromaticity diagrams of the CIE
1964 supplementary standard colorimetric observer in the system of real primary stimuli
R,G,B, and in the transformed system of imaginary primary stimuli X, Y,Z. The (X, Y, Z)-sys-
tem constitutes the official CIE 1964 system for practical colorimetry involving color-matching
fields of angular subtense greater than four degrees. The units of the R,G,B primary stimuli
are of unit radiant power. The units of the X,Y,Z primary stimuli have been fixed so that the
chromaticity point E of the equal-energy stimulus plots at the centroid of the CIE 1964
(195 ¥i9)-chromaticity diagram, that is x,9(E) = y49(£) =3-

eliminate slight and probably insignificant con- Xio(A)s Vio(A)s Ziop(A) functions and the corre-
cavities of the spectrum locus. The tristimulus sponding CIE 1964 (x9, ¥j9)-chromaticity dia-
values X19(A), Vio(A), Zi9(A) Of the monochro- gram together with the 7,9(A), 210(A), bio(A)
matic constituents of the equal-energy stimulus color-matching functions and corresponding
and the chromaticity coordinates X19, Yi95 Z10 (Ti0> Z19)-chromaticity diagram.
so obtained are those given in Table [(3.3.2). For most practical purposes, an abridged set
They define the CIE 1964 supplementary colori- of the color-matching functions is adequate; such
metric observer. Figure 6(3.3.3) illustrates the a set Xi9(A), Vio(A), Zi9(A) is given in Table
The CIE Colorimetric System 143

II(3.3.2) together with corresponding chromaticity distribution {S,dA}, are as follows:

In the CIE 1964 colorimetric system, the
color-match conditions are similar to those given
as Eq. 7(3.3.3) for the CIE 1931 colorimetric
system. The following equations are valid:
[Pirxio(A)dd = [Prrxo(A)ar
Xr rv [BiA)Sz(A)Ar= [B(A)S\z(A)Ad
[Pirvo(r)ar = [Poy Iro(A) da
r r In these equations it is assumed that the color
match between the two metameric color stimuli
is established by the CIE 1931 standard observer
Py,Z,9(A)dA = [Py,Z(A)ddA [9(3.3.3)] defined by the color-matching functions
X(A), y(A), Z(A).
Similar equations exist that involve the CIE
To these equations, the same comments apply as 1964 supplementary standard observer defined by
those given to Eq. 7(3.3.3). the color-matching functions Xj (A), Vio(A),
Zio(A). However, for Eq. 2(3.3.4) to be satisfied
with these color-matching functions, a different
3.3.4 CIE Standard Illuminants pair of objects, defined by B,(A) and B,(A), is
In industrial colorimetry, the main concern is
Whenever object-color stimuli are of main
with the measurement of the color of objects.
concern, it is desirable to restrict colorimetric
Light emitted from a source of radiant power,
measurements and calculations to a few specific
such as the sun or a tungsten filament lamp,
and well-defined spectral distributions {S,dA} of
strikes a given object and thus, makes the object
radiant power incident on the objects under study.
visible to the observer. The color stimulus Q
The CIE recommends a set of such spectral radiant
emerging from the object and entering the ob-
power distributions called CIE standard illumi-
server's eye produces a sensation of color that the
observer identifies as the color of the object. The
The spectral radiant power distributions of the
spectral radiant power distribution {P,dA} of the
CIE standard illuminants are given in terms of an
object-color stimulus Q must clearly be the spec-
arbitrary unit of radiant power and thus are re-
tral distribution {B(A)S,dA}, where S, denotes
ferred to as relative spectral radiant power distri-
the spectral concentration of the radiant power
butions {S(A)dA}. For colorimetric calculations
incident on the object and B(A) denotes the spec-
that aim at testing whether the color-match condi-
tral reflectance properties of the object de-
tions defined by Eq. 2(3.3.4) are satisfied, absolute
termined in accordance with given geometrical
spectral radiant power distributions, given, for
conditions of illumination and viewing. The ex-
example, in terms of W - m ’, are obviously not
required, because relative and absolute spectral
distributions differ only by a constant and wave-
{P,dd} = {B(A)S,dA} [13.3.4)] length independent factor, that is

applies only to nonfluorescent objects which will {S,dA} =c{S(A)dA} [3(3.3.4)]

be assumed here. The case of fluorescent objects
will be treated in Section 3.3.8. which cancels when inserted in Eq. 2(3.3.4).
The color-match conditions of Eq. 7(3.3.3) and
9(3.3.3) for two object-color stimuli Q, and Q, (i) CIE Standard Iluminant A. CIE standard
involving two objects of different spectral reflec- illuminant A represents light from the full radiator
tance properties B,(A) and £,(A), and a given at absolute temperature 2856 K according to The
light source providing the incident radiant power International Practical Temperature Scale, 1968

200 |—


300 400 500 600 700 800


Fig. 1(3.3.4). Relative spectral radiant power distributions of CIE illuminants A, B, C, and
D¢s °

(CGPM, 1969). Its relative spectral power distri- as 1.4380 10°? m- K which has led the CIE to
bution {S,(A)dA} has been calculated by means assign to illuminant A the temperature T = 2854
of Planck’s radiation formula, given in Section K, so as again to retain the 1931 agreed upon
1.2.2, and is given in Table I(3.3.4) for wave- relative spectral radiant power distribution.
lengths A from 360 to 830 nm at one nm intervals.
(ii) CIE Standard Iluminant D,;. CIE stan-
An abridged set of values for {S,(A)dA} is given
dard illuminant D,,; represents a phase of natural
in Table 1(1.2.2) and Table II(3.3.4). Figure
daylight with a correlated color temperature of
1(3.3.4) illustrates CIE standard illuminant A.
approximately 6504 K. Its relative spectral radiant
The relative spectral radiant power distribu-
power distribution {Sp..(A)dA} is given in Table
tion of illuminant A has not changed since it was
(3.3.4) for wavelengths A from 360 to 830 nm at
first recommended by the CIE in 1931. However,
one nm intervals. An abridged set of values for
its temperature T = 2856 K, assigned by the CIE
{Sp,(A)dA} is given in Table II(3.3.4). Figure
in 1971, has changed. Originally T was set at 2848
1(3.3.4) illustrates CIE standard illuminant D,;.
K, but at that time the radiation constant c,,
The experimental work on which illuminant.
which in Planck’s radiation formula is the essen-
Ds is based has been referred to in Section 1.2.1.
tial parameter for the relative spectral radiant
A detailed account of the concept of correlated
power distribution, was assumed to be equal to
color temperature is given in Section 3.11. It
1.4350 10°? m- K, in accordance with The Inter-
suffices to note here that the assignment of a
national Practical Temperature Scale, 1927. The
correlated color temperature to D,;, and in fact,
current value is c, = 1.4388 10°? m- K. By ad-
any illuminant whose relative spectral radiant
justing T from 2848 to 2856 K and adopting the
power distribution is fixed, depends on the speci-
current value of c,, the relative spectral radiant
fication of isotemperature lines in the CIE 1931
power distribution is kept unchanged. The rela-
(x, y)-chromaticity diagram and the adopted val-
tion that was used in 1971 to set the new tempera-
ues of Planck’s radiation constant c,.
ture for illuminant A is
_ 1.4388 (iii) Other CIE Standard Illuminants. In 1931
~ 1.4350
2848 K = 2856K [4(3.3.4)] the CIE recommended, in addition to illuminant
A, standard illuminants B and C. CIE standard
For a number of years prior to 1971, c, was given illuminant B was intended to represent direct
The CIE Colorimetric System 145

sunlight with a correlated color temperature of cluding direct sunlight, skylight, and sunlight with
approximately 4874 K; CIE standard illuminant C different cloud coverage, overcast skylight, and
was intended to represent average daylight with a light from the blue sky.
correlated color temperature of approximately In the interest of standardization however, the
6774 K. CIE recommends that D,; be used whenever pos-
The relative spectral radiant power distribu- sible. When D,; cannot be used, it is recom-
tions {Sp(A)dA} and {Sc(A)dA} of illuminants mended that either D;, or D7, be considered for
B and C are given in Table II(3.3.4). They are the application at hand. The illuminants D,, and
illustrated in Figure 1(3.3.4) together with those D,, have correlated color temperatures of ap-
of A and Ds. proximately 5503 K and 7504 K, respectively.
Both illuminant B and illuminant C are con- Table III(3.3.4) gives the values of {Sp.(A)d\}
sidered inadequate in representing the intended and {Sp_(A)dA} and Figure 2(3.3.4) illustrates
phases of natural daylight. In particular, both are these spectral distributions in comparison with
seriously deficient in their spectral distribution in that of Ds.
the ultraviolet region that plays an important role (iv) CIE Method of Calculating D-Mluminants.
in the colorimetry of fluorescent materials. The The correlated color temperature 7, of a D-illumi-
CIE has indicated that at some future date that is nant is related to the chromaticity coordinates
yet to be decided, illuminants B and C will be (Xp; Yp) of that D-illuminant by the following
dropped from the list of recommended standard equations: For correlated color temperatures from
illuminants (CIE, 1971). In practice, illuminants approximately 4000 K to 7000 K:
B and C have already fallen into disuse in most
9 6
applications. Instead, CIE standard illuminant D,; Xp = ~4.607012- a 2.967812
ie Ts
is now widely used as the representative of aver-
age daylight for colorimetry. 3
In 1964, when the CIE recommended TD; as +0.09911 7 + 0.244063
the main standard daylight illuminant, it also
recommended a method of calculating the relative For correlated color temperatures from ap-
spectral radiant power distributions of any day- proximately 7000 K to 25,000 K:
light illuminant D with correlated color tempera- na B 10° 10°
Xp = SS aut + | ON
tures T. ranging from 4,000 to 25,000 K. The
c (&
method, given below, provides a set of spectral
distributions {S,(A)dA} that covers a wide range 103
+0. a + 0.237040 [5(3.3.4)]
of phases of daylight encountered in nature, in- c







> (a,


300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Wavelength (A), nm

Fig. 2(3.3.4). Relative spectral radiant power distributions of CIE illuminants D,;, De;, and

5500 4800 K



0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400

Fig. 3(3.3.4). Portion of CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram illustrating CIE daylight locus
D in comparison with Planckian locus P. Also shown are isotemperature lines 4,800, 5,500,
6,500, 7,500, and 10,000 K defining straightline loci of constant correlated color temperature
(see also Section 3.11).

The yp-chromaticity coordinate is related to xp are defined by

as follows:
M, < 13515 = 1.7703xp + 5.9114yp
| 0.0241 + 0.2562x, — 0.7341 yp
Vp = —3.000xf + 2.870xp — 0.275
_ 0.0300 — 31.4424x, + 30.0717yp
2 0.0241 + 0.2562x, — 0.7341 yp

which defines the “CIE daylight locus” in the [8(3.3.4)]

CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram as shown
in Figure 3(3.3.4). Table IV(3.3.4) gives the chromaticity coordi-
The relative spectral radiant power distri- nates (Xp, Yp) and scalar multipliers (M,, M,)
bution {Sp)(A)dA} of a D-illuminant is given by for the entire range of daylight phases from 4000
a linear combination of a mean distribution K to 25,000 K at close intervals. Table V(3.3.4) |
{So(A)dA} and two distributions {5,(A)dA} and contains the mean and two eigenvector functions
{S,(A)dA} representing the two most important [So(A), S\(A), S3(A)] which are also illustrated in
“eigenvectors” of the set of all daylight distribu- Figure 4(3.3.4).
tions; thus, Examples of calculations made by the above
method are given in Table 2(1.2.1) and illustrated
in Figure 3(1.2.1). In Section 1.2.1 are also given
Sp(A) = So(A) + M,S\(A) + MZ S,(A)
some other relevant data concerning spectral
[7(3.3.4)] radiant power distributions of daylight.

3.3.5 CIE Standard Sources

where M, and M, are scalar multipliers that are
functions of the chromaticity coordinates The CIE distinguishes between sources and illumi-
(Xp, Yp) of the D-illuminant. These multipliers nants. Whereas a source refers to a physical emitter
The CIE Colorimetric System 147

600 700 800


Fig. 4(3.3.4). Mean spectral radiant power distribution S)(A) of all phases of daylight and the
two first eigenvector functions S,(A) and S,(A) used in the CIE method of calculating daylight

of radiant power, such as a lamp or the sun and CIE standard source A, combined with a filter
sky, an illuminant refers to a specific spectral consisting of a layer, 1 cm thick of each of two
radiant power distribution incident on the object solutions B, and B,, and C, and C), respectively,
viewed by the observer. The spectral radiant power contained in a double cell made of colorless opti-
distribution of an illuminant may not necessarily cal glass. The solutions are made up in accor-
be exactly realizable by a source. Illuminants, dance with Table 1(3.3.5). The liquid filters
particularly those recommended by the CIE as required to change source A to B and C are
standard illuminants, find their primary use in commonly called Davis—Gibson filters (Davis and
colorimetric calculations. Sources are needed to Gibson, 1931).
conduct visual colorimetry or color measurements CIE standard sources B and C are not used
by means of physical colorimeters. much in practice. The liquid filters are balky and
The CIE recommends the following sources as require periodic refilling. The illuminance levels
standard sources whenever it is desired to realize that normally can be achieved with such sources
the standard illuminants, defined in Section 3.3.4, are relatively low and confined to small areas of
for actual laboratory inspection of colored illumination, making them unsuitable as sources
materials. for visual inspection. Their relative spectral
radiant power distributions, closely correspond-
(i) CIE Standard Source A. CIE standard il-
ing to CIE standard illuminants B and C, do not
luminant A is to be realized by a gas-filled
represent adequately spectral distributions of
coiled-tungsten filament lamp operating at a cor-
daylight, particularly in the ultraviolet region of
related color temperature of 2856 K. A lamp with
the spectrum (see Section 3.3.4).
a fused-quartz envelope or window is recom-
mended if the spectral distribution of radiant
(iii) CIE Standard Sources D, Daylight Simula-
power in the ultraviolet region of illuminant A is
tors. At present, the CIE has made no recom-
to be realized more accurately.
mendations of artificial sources to realize any of
(ii) CIE Standard Sources B and C. CIE stan- the CIE illuminants D. The difficulty lies in the
dard illuminants B and C are to be realized by unique and rather jagged spectral distribution of

Table 1(3.3.5) Davis—Gibson Filters to these samples match in color when irradiated by a
Convert CIE Standard Source A to CIE given CIE standard daylight illuminant D and
Standard Source B and CIE Standard when viewed by the CIE 1964 supplementary
Source C standard colorimetric observer. A test source of
known spectral radiant power distribution, differ-
Source B filter
ent from that of the given standard daylight
illuminant D, will generally cause color mis-
Solution B, matches between the sample pairs that originally
Copper sulfate (CuSO,:5H2O) 2.452 g
were complete color matches. The magnitudes of
Mannite [C,H,(OH)¢.] 2.452 g the mismatches, calculated by means of a CIE
Pyridine (C;H;N) 30.0 ml color-difference formula (see Section 3.3.9), lead
Distilled water to make 1000.0 ml
to two indices, M/,,, and MI,,,. These indices are
Solution By used to categorize the quality of the test source in
the visible part of the spectrum and in the ultra-
Cobalt ammonium sulfate Dilareliee 2 violet part, respectively. Table 2(3.3.5) defines the
[Co SO,°(NH,4).SO,°6 H,0]

Copper sulfate (CuSO,:5H,O) 16.11 g

categories. For each index, five categories (A to
Sulfuric acid (density 1.835 10.0 ml E) are defined. The correlation of these categories
g-ml~') for various practical applications must be
Distilled water to make 1000.0 ml
determined by experience which, at this time, has
Source C filter not been fully developed. However, a daylight
simulator categorized as a “BC”-daylight simula-
Solution C,
tor would be considered useful for many colori-
Copper sulfate (CuSO,:5H,O) 3.412 g metric applications. According to Table 2(3.3.5),
Mannite [C,H,(OH)¢] 3.412 g its relative spectral radiant power distribution
Pyridine (C;H;N) 30.0 ml would yield an index MI,,, (CIE L*u*v*) be-
Distilled water to make 1000.0 ml
tween 0.32 to 0.65, resulting in category B for the
Solution C2 visible part of the spectrum, and an index MI,,
(CIE L*u*v*) between 0.65 to 1.30, resulting in
Cobalt ammonium sulfate 30.58 g
category C for the ultraviolet part of the spec-
Copper sulfate (CuSO,-5H,O) Ap SP trum.
Sulfuric acid (density 1.835 10.0 ml An additional requirement imposed on a day-
g-ml~') light simulator is that the CIE 1964 (xj, yi9)-
Distilled water to make 1000.0 ml
chromaticity point calculated from the spectral
radiant power distribution of the simulator must
fall within a specified small domain of chromatic-
daylight as shown in Figure 2(3.3.4). No artificial ity centered at the chromaticity point of the given
sources with such spectral distributions are known, CIE standard daylight illuminant D. Figure
and modifying the spectral distributions of exist- 1(3.3.5) illustrates the permissible chromaticity
ing sources by placing filters in front of them or domains for sources simulating standard illumi-
using other means has been only partially success- nants D,;, D,;, and Ds. |
ful (McLaren, 1967; Henderson, 1968; 1977; The CIE method for assessing the quality of
Grum et. al., 1970; Wyszecki, 1970). daylight simulators for colorimetry (CIE, 1980) is
In recognizing the unlikelihood of ever obtain- too elaborate to be reproduced here in detail.
ing an artificial source with a relative spectral However, because of its importance to colorime-
radiant power distribution identical to that try, an extract of the material is given which is
defined as either D¢;, D;5, or D7;, the CIE Col- confined to the assessment of the quality of
orimetry Committee has developed a method for sources simulating CIE standard illuminant D,;.
assessing the usefulness of existing artificial The main steps of the procedure are briefly as
sources for colorimetric purposes (CIE, 1980). follows:
Sources that qualify are referred to as daylight
simulators for colorimetry. (a) Spectral radiant power distribution of test
The CIE method employs a set of fluorescent source. The relative spectral radiant power dis-
as well as nonfluorescent samples specified in tribution of the test source is determined by spec-
terms of their spectral radiance factors. Pairs of troradiometry from A = 300 to 700 nm at 5-nm
The CIE Colorimetric System 149

Table 2(3.3.5) Categories of Daylight Simulators intervals. At these wavelengths, the data are given
for Colorimetry (CIE, 1980) in terms of spectral irradiance at the sample
surface for bands of wavelengths of 5-nm width.
Indices M/,,, and MTI,,, They are denoted by S(A).
Determined by Color-Difference Formula Only relative values of spectral irradiance are
required. The following normalization of the
CAE fab GIE Li 6* Category
spectral data S(A) is made:
< 0.25 < 0,32 A
0.25 to 0.50 0.32 to 0.65 B
100S(A) [1(3.3.5)]
0.5 to 1.0 0.65 to 1.30 Cc SO) = S00 S(d) Fold)
1.0 to 2.0 1.3 to 2.6 D
= LA) > 2.6 Es (b) Chromaticity of test source. For the spec-
tral data SA), the CIE 1964 (x9, yj9)-chro-
“Two indices MJ,,, and MI, are calculated in accor- maticity coordinates are computed in accordance
dance with a procedure outlined in the text. MJ,;, with procedures given in Section 3.3.8 using 5-nm
specifies the category of a given daylight simulator with interval summations. For the test source to qualify
regard to its quality in the visible spectrum; M/,, as a daylight simulator of D,;, the calculated
specifies the category of the same daylight simulator (X19 Yio)-chromaticity point must fall within the
with regard to its quality in the ultraviolet region of the ellipse shown in Figure 1(3.3.5) centered at the
spectrum. A daylight simulator is completely cate-
chromaticity point of D,;. In the CIE 1976
gorized by two letters, for example, “BD”. The first
letter (“B”, in the example) identifies the category
(Ujo, Vio)-uniform chromaticity scale diagram,
applicable to the visible spectrum. The second letter Section 3.3.9, the ellipse is a circle of radius 0.015,
(“D”, in the example) identifies the category applicable exactly.
to the ultraviolet region of the spectrum of the given (c) Calculation of index MI,,, for visible part of
daylight simulator.
spectrum. CIE 1964 (Xjo, Yio, Zj9)-tristimulus
values are calculated for five pairs of samples
irradiated by the test source whose spectral distri-
bution of irradiance S,(A) was determined under



0.250 0.300 0.350

Fig. 13.3.5). Portion of CIE 1964 (xj, y19)-chromaticity diagram showing elliptical chro-
maticity domains centered at the chromaticity points of CIE standard illuminants D,,,D¢5,D-5,
within which the chromaticity points of daylight stimulators must fall. The ellipses are circles of
equal radius (r = 0.015) in the CIE 1976 (uo, v9)-Uniform Chromaticity Scale Diagram.

(a) above. The X;9(A), Vio(A), Z19(A) color-match-

ing functions are used. The summations leading
to the (Xj9, Yio, Z19)-tristimulus values are again
carried from 400 to 700 nm at 5-nm intervals.
Each pair of samples, whose spectral radiance
factors are given in Table 1(3.3.5), provides a
metameric pair under CIE standard illuminant
D,; when viewed by the CIE 1964 supplementary
standard observer. Figure 2(3.3.5) illustrates the
spectral radiance factor curves of the five sample
“400 500 600 700
pairs. The degree of metamerism exhibited by
these five sample pairs is small or moderate, but
they are considered representative of actual sam-
ples found frequently in practice, particularly in
the textile industry.
The color differences AE; (i = 1 to 5) for the
five sample pairs irradiated by the test source are
calculated by either the CIE 1976 L*a*b* or the
CIE 1976 L*u*v* formula as given in Section
The index MI,,,, also referred to as the
“400 500 600 700 metamerism index for the visible part of the spec-
trum, is the mean of the five color differences,
that is

s Ap eon

(d) Calculation of index MI, for ultraviolet part

of spectrum. CIE 1964 (Xo, Yio, Zi9)-tristimu-
lus values are calculated for three pairs of samples
irradiated by the test source whose spectral distri-
bution of irradiance S,(A) was determined under
(a) above. The X;o(A), Vio(A), Z19(A) color-match-
ing functions are used. The summations leading
to the (X19, Yio, Zi9)-tristimulus values are car-
ried out from 400 to 700 nm at 5-nm intervals, in
the same manner as under (c) above.
Each pair of samples consists of a nonfluo- —
rescent and a fluorescent sample. Table II(3.3.5)
Radiance gives the spectral radiance factors, B,(A) (j = 1
to 3), for the nonfluorescent samples as well as
the spectral data, Q,(A’), B;,(A), F(A), required
400 500 600 700 to calculate the total spectral radiance factors
B,(A) of the fluorescent samples for any test
source of known spectral radiant power distribu-
tion S,(A).
The following equations are used to calculate
the total spectral radiance factor B,(A) for a test

Fig. 2(3.3.5). Spectral radiance factors of five

pairs of nonfluorescent samples that provide
metameric pairs under CIE standard illuminant
400 500 600 T00 Des when viewed by the CIE 1964 supplementary
standard observer.
The CIE Colorimetric System tay

source with given S,(A): The different symbols in the above equations
denote the following quantities:
Br(A) = Bs(A) + BCA) [3(3.3.5)]
B,(A)= Total spectral radiance factor
where B;(A)= Spectral radiance factor (reflection)
B,(A)=Spectral radiance factor (lumines-
ALE cence)
F(A) =Relative spectral radiant power
generated by luminescence [2 F(A)
and = 1.0]
bee Q(A’)=External spectral radiant efficiency
N= oD SA(N)O(X) [5(3.3.5)] of luminescence
d’ =360 N=Effectiveness of excitation

- fo) B
5 fe) §


a )




Q)(7) Q2(")


Fig. 3(3.3.5). Spectral distributions of the radiometric quantities of three fluorescent samples
that are required in the calculation of the total spectral radiance factors of these samples when
they are irradiated by a source of known spectral radiant power distribution.

S,(A or A\’}=Normalized spectral radiant power

(irradiance) of test source
A\=Wavelength of incident, reflected,
or emitted radiant power
\’= Wavelength of incident radiant pow-
er causing excitation of lumines-
Figure 3(3.3.5) illustrates the spectral data
given in Table II(3.3.5) which are needed in the
calculation of B;,(A) for each of the three fluo-
rescent samples. d (nm)
Figure 4(3.3.5) shows the spectral radiance fac- Fig. 4(3.3.5). Spectral radiance factors of pairs
tors BA) of the three nonfluorescent samples of samples that are metameric pairs when irradia-
listed in Table II(3.3.5). These curves coincide ted by CIE standard illuminant D,, and viewed by
with the curves of the total spectral radiance the CIE 1964 supplementary standard observer.
factors B;,(A) of the corresponding fluorescent
samples when these are calculated with S,(A)
being that of CIE standard illuminant D,;. (e) Interpretation of the indices MI,,, and MI,,,,.
In other words, under D,; the spectral radiance The indices MI/,,. and MI,,, calculated by means
factors of the two members of each sample pair of Eqs. 2(3.3.5) and 6(3.3.5), respectively, are en-
j are identical at every wavelength from 400 to tered into Table 2(3.3.5) to find for each index the
700 nm. This automatically yields identical corresponding category (A to E£) that is used to
(Xo, Yio, Zio)-tristimulus values for the two indicate the quality of the test source as a daylight
members of the sample pair (i.e., a complete color simulator in the ultraviolet and in the visible part
match is ensured under D,;). In the strict sense, of the spectrum. A double-letter specification of
the pair does not constitute a metameric pair the source is the result.
because the spectral radiance factors of its two Figure 5(3.3.5) shows three examples of rela-
members do not differ. However, when D,; is tive spectral radiant power distributions of pro-
replaced by another source, that is, the test source posed D,;-daylight simulators (Wyszecki, 1970).
with a different S,(A), the fluorescent member of Their qualities have been assessed by the CIE
the sample pair will yield different total spectral method described above. Table 3(3.3.5) gives the
radiance factors B;,(A) in accordance with Eqs. result of the assessment. The quality categories
3(3.3.5) to 5(3.3.5). The spectral differences will found for the three D,.-daylight simulators ap-
be confined to the short-wavelength region of the pear to correlate well with what one might expect
visible spectrum where the fluorescence [i.e., by comparing their relative spectral radiant power
luminescence F;(A)] occurs. These spectral dif- distributions with that of D,, in Figure 5(3.3.5).
ferences lead to a color mismatch between the The filtered high-pressure xenon arc lamp (Xe 5)
two members of the sample pair, which, in the is of very high quality in both the visible part and
main, is caused by the differences in the ultra- the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, indicated by
violet part of the spectrum between the spectral the letters B and A, respectively.
radiant power distributions of the test source and The usefulness of the CIE method of assessing
Dgs. the quality of daylight simulators for practical
The color mismatches are specified by the colorimetric purposes has not been established as
color differences AE; (j = 1 to 3) for the three yet. To a large extent, it will depend on whether
sample pairs irradiated by the test source, using the samples selected for the method are indeed
again either the CIE 1976 L*a*b* or the CIE representative of all or most practical situations.
1976 L*u*v* formula. The index MI/,, is then It is conceivable that, in some situations, the
defined as the mean of the three color differences, degree of metamerism exhibited by the five pairs
that is, of samples shown in Figure 2(3.3.5) is too low
and thus does not represent the actual situations.
In such cases, daylight simulators of higher qual-
MI., == s AE, —[6(3.3.5)] ity would be required than would be determined
j= by the CIE method.

= +i an
Filtered high-pressure
°o es,

x< o jes

(sun Asesjique) 4amod jueipey


aa 4 ' i i 1 a


Be ey

al y

300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Wavelength (A), nm
N ro)

a ioe)
(je) Cyex
:: eyes elo:2
Site =
© ro) fey)wn

a + je)


& i ; ‘
jueipey samod

:i - }
oOjo) ¥
f 5
# ' ‘i

+ (=)

N (@)

iO! i i Te)fo) o a]ro) Ss oO 00 S)
+ Oo(oe) fo) ;(=) ro) ron)(S)oO
Wavelength (A), nm


Leer eS Ow
O Ks) te 2 is) ® wnoO ® c ~ As) £ for
ce Ae ee

Re eee
oO ON a

eww poss
+ oO ee

N 2)
eS 2a

Sa ‘)
a = = 7slag,
t..i rt
Lt aa

omg a=
samod —oee-k,


300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Wavelength (A), nm

Fig. 5(3.3.5). Three examples of relative spectral power distributions of D,.-daylight simula-

= ‘N
‘S97 10} OI9Z 0} [enba “yuauISsasse JO poyjou ay} Jo UsISap Aq ‘ore NW pue “yyy ‘sny) pue sanyea 7V IV 69°01
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ee eee ee ce F-aRar=Et ann SRS ERS Gn ae
@Zbr 997% BEPL LI'EL 666 PII Srl SPI STI 6€0 €7I ISckO OSTEO LA
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Riise) CIW aw ay ‘VSN ieRiNS. Ee (Fue IY fave eve ay ee Oly — JOYRTNUTTS
woTje}IOXY JO sireg ojdures Ayoneuomy) iwsqyAeq
sireg ojdures jusosarIonyy
ate" %T 9L61 AIO #%41%T 9L61 ATO
ae SS SS SS Se
(O86 AID) POW AIO Aq saoyemung yysyAvq-Pq eer], Jo AyTEnd Jo JUsUIssassy (SECOE AIL

The CIE Colorimetric System 155

3.3.6 Standard of Reflectance Factor. The CIE reflecting sphere area. The angle between the axis
recommends the perfect reflecting diffuser as the and any ray of the viewing beam should not
reference for making measurements of reflectance exceed 5°.
factor (CIE, 1971).
4. (0/d)-CONDITION
The perfect reflecting diffuser is defined as the
ideal uniform diffuser with a reflectance equal to The sample is illuminated by a beam whose axis
unity. is at an angle not exceeding 10° from the normal
There is no material surface that has the prop- to the sample. The reflected radiant power is
erties of the perfect reflecting diffuser, but by collected by means of an integrating sphere. The
means of special techniques, it is possible to angle between the axis and any ray of the il-
calibrate suitable secondary standards, also called luminating beam should not exceed 5°. The in-
white standards, in terms of the ideal uniform tegrating sphere may be of any diameter provided
diffuser. Measurements of that kind are often the total area of the ports does not exceed 10% of
referred to as absolute measurements of reflec- the internal reflecting sphere area.
tance factor. Detailed accounts of the various These four illuminating and viewing condi-
methods used for such measurements can be found tions are illustrated schematically in Figure
in the literature (Budde, 1976; CIE, 1979b). 1(3.3.7). For the conditions (d/0) and (0/d),
There is a fair variety of materials available provision is made to reduce the specular compo-
that are useful as secondary standards. Some of nent of samples that are not completely matte: a
these have been discussed in Section 1.4.2. gloss trap is incorporated in the design of the
integrating sphere. Its effectiveness depends on its
3.3.7 Standard Illuminating and Viewing size, shape, and position.
Conditions In the (0/45) and (45/0) conditions, it is
important to note that strictly normal, that is, 0°
The CIE recommends that the reflectance-factor illumination, is not recommended. The slight
measurements be made under one of the follow- deviation from strict normal illumination reduces
ing illuminating and viewing conditions: the possibility of introducing systematic errors in
the measurement caused by interreflections be-
1. (45/0)-CONDITION
tween samples that are not completely matte and
The sample is illuminated by one or more beams the optical components that might be used to
whose axes are at an angle of 45 + 5° from the illuminate the sample. In the case of the (0/d)-
normal to the sample surface. The angle between condition, it also facilitates the measurement with
the direction of viewing and the normal to the either the specular component of the sample
sample should not exceed 10°. The angle between excluded (gloss trap inserted) or specular compo-
the axis and any ray of the illuminating beam nent included (gloss trap removed).
should not exceed 5°. The same restriction should Figure 1(3.3.7) shows a small baffle in the
be observed in the viewing beam. integrating sphere placed between the sample and
the spot of the sphere wall illuminated or viewed.
2. (0/45)-CONDITION
This baffle reduces the possibility of superimpos-
The sample is illuminated by a beam whose axis ing on the sample or the spot on the sphere wall a
is at an angle not exceeding 10° from the normal component of directly reflected radiant power
to the sample. The sample is viewed at an angle of which would upset, to some extent, the desired
45 + 5° from the normal. The angle between the diffuse illumination or viewing condition.
axis and any ray of the illuminating beam should When the solid angle of the viewed reflected
not exceed 5°. The same restriction should be beam is very small, as could be the case in the
observed in the viewing beam. conditions (0/45), (45/0), and (d/0), the mea-
sured reflectance factors, denoted by Bp /45, Bas /o>
3. (d/0)-CONDITION and B7/o, are often referred to as radiance factors
The sample is illuminated diffusely by an in- with the same notations. When the solid angle of
tegrating sphere. The angle between the normal to the viewed reflected beam is equal to or ap-
the specimen and the axis of the viewing beam proaches that of the hemisphere (= 27 stera-
should not exceed 10°. The integrating sphere dians), as is usually the case in condition (0/d),
may be of any diameter provided the total area of the measured reflectance factor is often referred
the ports does not exceed 10% of the internal to as reflectance and denoted by p. A more de-


White or black
sphere cap




O/diff. diff./0

Fig. 1(3.3.7). Schematic diagram showing the four CIE standard illuminating and viewing
geometries for reflectance-factor measurements.

tailed discussion of reflectance-factor measure- Ze k [P,z(A)dd Zo= Kio fPrZio(A)A

ments is given in Section 3.12.2 (see also Section r A
X & Xo
3.3.8 Calculation of CIE Tristimulus Values vem Gans
and Chromaticity Coordinates
ye Yio = Yio
(i) General Equations. The general equations
2 Xo + Yio + Zio
that define the CIE tristimulus values and chro-
maticity coordinates follow directly from the dis-
cussions in Sections 3.3.1 to 3.3.3. A distinction [1(3.3.8)]
must be made between those that apply to the
CIE 1931 colorimetric system and those that apply where WX, Y,Z,'x;*y; and® Xp; Yio; Zijp Mor ep
to the CIE 1964 colorimetric system. denote the tristimulus values in the CIE 1931 and
CIE 1964 colorimetric systems, respectively. The
In the CIE 1931 System In the CIE 1964 System sets of color-matching functions x(A), y(A), Z(A),
and X19(A), Vio(A), Z19(A) define the CIE 1931
x= k[ Pyx(A)dd Xn = Kio {PrXi(A)dA standard colorimetric observer (for viewing of
A A matching fields of angular subtense from 1 to 4°)
and the CIE 1964 supplementary standard colori-
metric observer (for viewing of matching fields of
AAA Yio = kro frv PrFro( AAA angular subtense greater than 4°). The quantity
The CIE Colorimetric System 157

P, denotes the monochromatic component of The tristimulus values defined in Eq. 1(3.3.8)
wavelength A of the given color stimulus whose then become
spectral radiant power distribution is {P,dA}.
The factors k and k,,) are normalizing factors to In the CTE 1931 System
which values may be assigned arbitrarily, pro-
vided these values are kept constant throughout
any particular discussion involving Eq. 1(3.3.8).
x= kf BOA)S(A)X(A) AA
Special applications of Eq. 1(3.3.8) will be identi-
fied immediately below in which the factors k and
kj, are explicitly defined. The integrations in Eq. Views tfB(A)S(A)
H(A) A
1(3.3.8) are carried out over the visible spectrum
within fixed boundary wavelengths, that, in the
extreme, are given by A, = 360 nm to A, = 830 Z= k [BOA)S(A)Z(A) AA
nm. In practice, the integrations are replaced by
summations which are defined later in this sec-
tion. In the CIE 1964 System

(ii) Special Equations.

(a) Application to Photometry. If P, in Eq. a

erepccad am ipBOA)S(A)X1o(A)dA
1(3.3.8) represents the spectral concentration of
radiance, that is P, = L,,, measured in terms of
radiant power per unit solid angle per unit area, Syseeel thBOA)S(A)Fio( AAA
for example, (W-sr_'- m7), the Y-tristimulus
value in the CIE 1931 system becomes the lumi-
nance L, (or simply L) of the color stimulus, Zia ifBA)S(A)Z
(A) AA
measured in terms of luminous flux per unit solid
angle per unit area, for example, (Im- sr! - [3(3.3.8)]
m ”), provided that the constant factor k is set
equal to K,,= 683 Im-W', the maximum where the factors k and kj, are usually defined as
luminous efficacy of radiant power (see Chapter 4 follows:
on photometry). Thus,
100 100
Y=L= Ky fLexv(A)an [2(3.3.8)] k > ke, = ——
ifS(A) F(A) dd thS(A)Fio(A) dA
where, by definition, y(A) is identical to V(A), the
luminous efficiency function for photopic vision. This definition of k and k, )makes the Y and
An equivalent equation for the CIE 1964 sys- Y,o-tristimulus values of the object-color stimulus
tem is sometimes used, by defining y,.(A) = involving the perfect reflecting diffuser [B(A) = 1.0
V\9(A), a luminous efficiency function for large- at all wavelengths A] equal to 100 exactly.
field photopic vision. However, such an equation The Y-tristimulus value of a given object-color
has not been officially agreed upon. stimulus, calculated by means of Eq. 3(3.3.8),
(b) Application to Object-Color Stimuli. In Sec- defines the /uminance factor of the object-color
tion 3.3.4, object-color stimuli were defined by stimulus. The Yj9-tristimulus value has no such
photometric significance.
P, = B(A)S)
The same equations apply when the object is
transmitting instead of reflecting radiant power.
where B(A) is the spectral reflectance of the il- The spectral transmittance 7(A) of the object is
luminated and viewed object, and S, is the spec- then used in Eq. 3(3.3.8) instead of the reflectance
tral concentration of the radiant power of the factor B(A). The perfect reflecting diffuser is re-
source illuminating the object. In most practical placed by the perfect transmitting diffuser with
situations, only relative spectral radiant power 7(A) = 1.0 for all wavelengths A. Of particular
distributions of the given light sources are re- interest are objects that transmit in the regular
quired. The use of relative values of S, is indi- sense, that is, do not diffuse any part of the
cated by using the symbol S(A). radiant power. For such objects, typical examples

are the optical filters described in Section 1.3. The In the CIE 1964 System
spectral transmittance 7(A) is simply the ratio of
the regularly transmitted radiant power to the Ap
incident radiant power; no recourse to the perfect Xo = kyo 2) B(A)S(A)X1o(A)AA
transmitting diffuser is required here. a

Equations 3(3.3.8) also apply to luminescent

objects, of which fluorescent objects are of partic-
ular interest in colorimetry. The spectral reflec- Yio = kio p B(A)S(A)
tance factor B(A) in Eq. 3(3.3.8) is then replaced

by the total spectral radiance factor B;(A, 0) of Ap

the fluorescent material irradiated by a source o
Zio = kio y B(A)S(A)Z,0(A)AA
of known spectral radiant power distribution A=A,
{S,(A)dA}. In Section 3.12.3 two methods are
described in detail that can be used to obtain [4(3.3.8)]
B;(A, 0). The first method requires the given
source o to be physically available in the spectro- The wavelength intervals into which the visible
photometric analysis as shown in Figure 2(3.12.3). spectrum from A, to A, is divided are of equal
The second method, schematically illustrated in width AA centered at wavelength A. The relative
Figure 4(3.12.3), provides a complete spectropho- concentration of radiant power S(A) at wave-
tometric record in matrix form from which length A is assumed constant for all wavelengths
B,(A, o) can be obtained readily by computation within the wavelength interval of width AA;
for any given source o of known spectral radiant fay S(A) dA = S(A)AA. The reflectance factor
power distribution. B(A) at wavelength A is measured by standard
spectrophotometric techniques. The products
(iii) Integration Replaced by Summation. In B(A)S(A)AX specified at the discrete but uni-
virtually all practical calculations of tristimulus formly spaced wavelengths A are then used as
values defined by Eq. 1(3.3.8) to 3(3.3.8), the weighting factors of the color-matching functions
integrals are replaced by sums. The argument that X(A), V(A), Z(A), and X1o(A), Vio(A), Z10(A)
justifies this approximation is straightforward and which have been defined in tabular form at all
drawn from basic principles of elementary calcu- wavelengths within the visible spectrum (see Ta-
lus. A brief discussion of the principles involved bles 1(3.3.1), T1(3.3.1), 1(3.3.2), and II(3.3.2)).
has already been given in Section 3.2.3. However, The visible spectrum over which the summa-
some additional points must be raised which, tions in Eq. 4(3.3.8) are made is, in the extreme,
though not of any conceptual consequence, are bounded by the wavelengths A, = 360 nm and
important when calculating tristimulus values by A, = 830 nm. The finest recommended subdivi-
means of summations. sion of the visible spectrum is in wavelength
The method most commonly used is the intervals of width AA = 1 nm. However, in most
weighted-ordinate method. The following equa- practical colorimetric applications, wavelength in-
tions apply tervals of width AA = 5 nm or even AA = 10 nm
give satisfactory approximations to calculations
made at l-nm intervals. Also, the visible spectrum
In the CIE 1931 System is usually taken as less broad and bounded at
= 380 nm and A, = 780 nm. |
The application of Eq. 4(3.3.8) to two practical
cases is demonstrated in Tables 1(3.3.8) and
2(3.3.8). In the first example, Table 1(3.3.8), an
object-color stimulus is selected which involves an
opaque plastic sample with given spectral reflec-
Y=k D BA)S(A)A)AA tance factors B(A) and daylight as the illuminant
with a relative spectral radiant power distribution
A», identical to that of CIE standard illuminant D,..
Z=k > BA)S(A)Z(A)AA The color-matching functions are those of the
A=Ay CIE 1964 supplementary standard observer. The
The CIE Colorimetric System 159

spectral data are given from A, = 380 nm to Section 3.3.4, we note that such a calculation
A, = 780 nm at 10-nm intervals. The values for can be simplified somewhat by making use of
S(A) and X1(A), Vio(A), Zip(A) are taken from special tables in which the color-matching func-
Tables I1(3.3.4) and I1(3.3.2), respectively, for the tions have already been weighted by the relative
required wavelengths A. The first phase of the spectral power distributions of these illuminants.
calculations consists of taking at each wavelength Moreover, the resultant products S(A)x(A),
d the products B(A)S(A)Xio(A), BOA)S(A) Prof), S(A)y(A), S(A)Z(A) have been normalized so that
and B(A)S(A)Z;o(A). In the second phase of the the sum %,S(A)y(A), required to determine k
calculations the sums (2,) of the three columns of becomes equal to 100. A similar normalization is
products are formed and entered into the equa- applied to the products S(A)X,9(A),
tions for k,9, X19, Yio, Zio Shown at the bottom S(A)Vio(A), S(A)Z10(A) so that 2, S(A)V1o(A), re-
of the table. The (x,9, yjo)-chromaticity coordi- quired to determine k,), becomes 100. Tables
nates are then readily derived from the calculated I(3.3.8) and II(3.3.8) are such special tables in
tristimulus values. which the color-matching functions
In the second example of calculating tristimu- x(A), y(A), Z(A) are weighted by the relative
lus values, given in Table 2(3.3.8), a self-luminous spectral radiant power distributions of the CIE
color stimulus is selected that is produced by a standard illuminants A,B,C, and D,;,D¢5,D7s.
fluorescent lamp. The light emitted by the fluo- The table entries are given at 10-nm intervals.
rescent lamp has been measured by a spectroradi- Tables III(3.3.8) and IV(3.3.8) are similar tables
ometer providing values S(A) of relative radiant but involve the color-matching functions
power at wavelengths A in intervals of AA = 10 X19(A), Vio(A), Z10(A)-
nm. The relative spectral radiant power distribu- An alternative method to the weighted-ordinate
tion of the fluorescent lamp light is generally method of calculating tristimulus value is the
smooth, except at the four wavelengths at which selected-ordinate method. In the selected-ordinate
the mercury emission occurs, that is, at 404.7, method, which is not used much anymore, the
435.8, 546.1, and 577.8 nm. At these wavelengths, spectrum is again broken up into a finite number
the spectral radiant power distribution has pro- of wavelength intervals. However, instead of in-
nounced “spikes,” the mercury emission lines. tervals uniform in width, intervals of the spec-
The radiant power measured at each of these trum are selected that vary in width. The width
wavelengths is composed of two parts: the radiant AX of each interval of the spectrum depends on
power of the continuum originating with the ex- the relative spectral radiant power distribution of
cited phosphors in the lamp, and the radiant the illuminant and the color-matching functions
power of the emission line. Again a wavelength of the observer. In particular, AA is chosen such
interval of width AA = 10 is used over which the that S(A)x(A)AA, for the median wavelength A in
measured radiant power is uniformly spread. each interval AX, has a constant value throughout
For the purpose of calculating the tristimulus the spectrum. Another set of intervals AA is cho-
values, the measured values of S(A) are given for sen to give constant values for S(A) y(A)AA, and
the continuum from A, = 380 nm to A, = 780 still another for S(A)Z(A)AA.
nm at 10-nm intervals, followed by the four The tristimulus values X,Y, Z of an object-
values of s(A) of the mercury emission lines, color stimulus are then obtained simply by
which are in excess of the values of the continuum adding the spectral reflectance factors B(A) at the
at the four specified wavelengths. The actual median wavelength A of each of the appropriate
calculation then proceeds in a similar manner as wavelength intervals. The three sums obtained
in the first example given in Table 1(3.3.8). How- this way are multiplied by factors proportional to
ever, this time the color-matching functions the constant values of S(A)xX(A)AA, S(A)y
x(A), y(A), Z(A) of the CIE 1931 standard ob- (A)AA, S(A)Z(A)AA, respectively, and whose ab-
server have been used. The values of x(A), solute values are such that the factor of the sum Y
y(A), Z(A) needed at the four wavelengths of the equals 100 times the reciprocal of the number of
mercury emission lines have been found by linear intervals.
interpolation from Table [(3.3.1). Table 3(3.3.8) gives the three sets of 30 selected
Reverting briefly to the calculation of tn- ordinates (median wavelengths in nanometers) for
stimulus values of object-color stimuli involving computing the CIE 1931 tristimulus values X, Y, Z
one of the CIE standard illuminants defined in of objects illuminated by CIE standard illuminant
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Table 3(3.3.8) Selected Ordinates for Computing The spectral reflectance-factor curve B(A) [or
CIE 1931 (X, Y, Z )-Tristimulus Values of spectral transmittance curve 7(A)] of a given ob-
Object-Color Stimuli Involving CIE ject is sampled differently for the calculation of
Standard Illuminant A each tristimulus value. The curve is sampled often
where S(A)x(A), S(A)y(A), and S(A)z(A) have
Illuminant A maximal values, but is sparsely sampled near the
Wavelengths (nm) to compute ends of the spectrum.
tristimulus values Further tables of selected ordinates for various
number (X) (Y) (Z)
illuminants and the CIE 1931 standard observer
may be found in The Science of Color (Committee
1 444.0 487.8 416.4 on Colorimetry, Optical Society of America, 1963)
29 516.9 507.7 424.9
and in Hardy’s Handbook of Colorimetry (1936).
3 544.0 517.3 429.4
The latter publication also contains tables for 100
4 554.2 524.1 432.9 selected ordinates. Sugiyama (1969) added to the
52 561.4 529.8 436.0
6 567.1 534.8 438.7
collection a number of tables of 90 and 30 selected
ordinates for the CIE standard daylight illumi-
7 572.0 539.4 441.3
82 576.3 543.7 443.7
nants D;;,D.;,D7;, and the CIE 1931 standard
9 580.2 547.8 446.0 observer, as well as similar tables for CIE stan-
10 583.9 S57 448.3
dard illuminants A,B,C,D<;,D,;,D,7;, and the
11¢ 587.2 555.4 450.5 CIE 1964 supplementary standard observer.
12 590.5 559.1 452.6 The weighted- as well as the selected-ordinate
13 593.5 562.7 454.7 method to calculate tristimulus values are ap-
142 596.5 566.3 456.8 proximate methods only. In accordance with
15 599.4 569.8 458.8 studies concerned with the question of numerical
16 602.3 573.3 460.8 accuracy (see, e.g., De Kerf, 1958) the weighted-
1724 605.2 576.9 462.9 ordinate method using AA = 5 nm is accurate for
18 608.0 580.5 464.9
most practical cases. The use of AA = 10 nm also
19 610.9 584.1 467.0 provides accurate results for many practical cases
202 613.8 587.9 469.2
21 616.9 591.8 471.6
except those special cases where the spectral re-
flectance factors B(A), the spectral transmittances
2 620.0 595.9 474.1
232 623.3 600.1 476.8
T(A), or the spectral radiant power distribution
24 626.9 604.7 479.9 {S(A)dA} are highly irregular (Ohta and
Wyszecki, 1975b). The selected-ordinate method
25 630.8 609.7 483.4
262 635.3 615.2 487.5 is usually inferior to the weighted-ordinate method
27, 640.5 621.5 492.7 unless many ordinates (i.e., 100 or more) are used.
28 646.9 629.2 499.3 Digital computing devices, often coupled with the
292 655.9 639.7 508.4 readout of spectrophotometers, almost exclusively
30 673.5 659.0 526.7 make use of the weighted-ordinate method. In
virtually all modern colorimetry, the selected-
factors: ordinate method is no longer employed.
30 ordinates 3.661 3.333 1.185 Graphical methods for the determination of
10 ordinates 10.984 10.000 3.555 tristimulus values have rather limited accuracy
2 For abridged method use only these ordinates. and precision and are not used in modern colori-
Note. The multiplying factors are chosen to make the Y metric practice. An example of a graphical method
value of the perfect reflecting diffuser or the perfect is that given by Bodmann and Jantzen (1961).
transmitting diffuser or filter equal to 100.000.

3.3.9 CIE Uniform Color Spaces and

Color-Difference Formulae
A. By taking the second, fifth, eighth, and so on,
ordinate, indicated in Table 3(3.3.8) by asterisks, The CIE colorimetric system includes computa-
the 30-selected-ordinate method can be abridged tional methods designed to aid in the prediction
to a 10-selected-ordinate method. The corre- of the magnitude of the perceived color difference
sponding multiplying factors are given at the bot- between two given object-color stimuli that are
tom of the table. found to mismatch in color. The development of
The CIE Colorimetric System 165

a satisfactory color-difference formula has been Supplementary Standard Colorimetric Observer

recognized as an urgent industrial problem [for a and Coordinate System; in the latter case, the
review, see Judd and Wyszecki (1975)]. However, appropriate tristimulus values and chromaticity
none of the many color-difference formulae that coordinates must be used.
have been proposed in the literature over the past
several decades is considered a sufficiently ade- (ij) CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-Space and Color-
quate solution of the problem. Difference Formula. The first approximately
The determination of a quantity that suitably uniform color space, illustrated in Figure 1(3.3.9),
describes the color difference an observer may is produced by plotting in rectangular coordinates
perceive between two given color stimuli rests on the quantities L*, u*, v* defined by:
the ability of the observer to judge the relative
magnitude of two color differences possibly per-
ceivable when viewing two pairs of stimuli. The 1/3
observer’s judgment varies greatly with the condi- Lx = 116{ +| a ts
tions of observation and the kind of stimuli pre-
sented. Sizes, shapes, luminances, and relative ior (an — 1°.)
spectral radiant power distributions of the test
stimuli and the stimuli surrounding them and oe 13L* (0 = 0,) [1(3.3.9)]
making up the display situation, are important
factors affecting the observer’s judgment. There
with the constraint that Y/Y, > 0.01. If values of
are a great deal of experimental data available on
Y/Y,, less than 0.01 occur, a somewhat modified
color discrimination and uniform color scaling,
procedure is recommended for calculating L”*.
that help to appreciate the complexity of the
For values of Y/Y,, equal to or less than 0.008856,
problem, and that have led many investigators to
the following L* formula is used:
propose empirical formulae designed to predict
observed color differences under certain experi-
mental conditions. Attempts have also been made mn Ue 26 for es< 0.008856
to develop appropriate mathematical models of Y,n

the visual processes that govern color discrimina-

tion, and then predict, by means of such models, [2(3.3.9)]
a variety of experimental data. A model of this
kind takes on the form of a line element, a mea-
In Eq. 1(3.3.9), the quantities u’, v’ and u,, 0,
sure of distance in a postulated space in which
are calculated from:
perceived colors are represented by points or vec-
tors. = 4X Pad WyecOWY wh

Both empirical color difference formulae and ot ane Pia

Lh Z X= bY 467
line elements of color space will be discussed in
more detail in Sections 6.5.2 and 8.4 where the 4X, OY,
fa ea a One
relevant experimental material is collected and ArgiXe lS 3Zeewo Xe lS Ye 8Z;
related topics are discussed.
In this section, we confine our presentation to
the current recommendations made by the CIE
with regard to the evaluation of color differences
as required in colorimetric practice (CIE, 1978a). The tristimulus values X,, Y,, Z,, are those of
The CIE recommends the use of two ap- the nominally white object-color stimulus. Usu-
proximately uniform color spaces and associated ally, the white object-color stimulus is given by
color-difference formulae that were chosen from the spectral radiant power of one of the CIE
amongst several of similar merit to promote uni- standard illuminants, for example, D,; or A,
formity of practice, pending the development of a reflected into the observer’s eye by the perfect
space and formula giving substantially better cor- reflecting diffuser. Under these conditions,
relation with visual judgments. The following rec- X,,, Y,, Z, are the tristimulus values of the stan-
ommendations are all given in terms of the CIE dard illuminant with Y,, equal to 100.
1931 Standard Colorimetric Observer and Coor- The total color difference AE*, between two
dinate System, but also apply to the CIE 1964 color stimuli, each given in terms of L*, u*, v*, is

Fig. 1(3.3.9). Sketch of CIE 1976 (L*u*v*) color space with outer boundary generated by
optimal color stimuli with respect to CIE standard illuminant D,; and the CIE 1964 supplemen-
tary standard observer. The colors of all object-color stimuli fall within this boundary. This is
also the gamut within which the CIE 1976 color-difference formula A E(L*u*v*) is intended to
be valid. Note that the spectrum locus of monochromatic stimuli is generally well outside the
boundary of object-color stimuli (from Judd and Wyszecki, 1975).

calculated from: tive transformation of the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chro-

maticity diagram. Straight lines in the (x, y)-
AE*, =[(AL*)’ + (Au*)’ + (Av*)’]'” chromaticity diagram remain straight in the
[4(3.3.9)] (u’, v’)-diagram. This feature is considered to be
of importance in cases where color stimuli are
The values of the coefficients of the equations
mixed additively. The chromaticity diagram de-
defining the CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-space and its
fined by Eq. 3(3.3.9) is called the CIE 1976 UCS
associated color-difference formula are intended
to apply to the observing conditions normally
If v* is plotted against u*, the points in the
found in practice. However, there is evidence
resulting (u*, v*)-diagram are not uniquely re- |
that, in certain situations, different values for the
lated to chromaticity because their position de-
coefficients may be more appropriate. In particu-
pends on the value of L*. However, if L* is
lar, the weight of the perceived lightness dif-
constant, straight lines in the CIE 1931 (x, y)-
ference between two given color stimuli relative to
chromaticity diagram or in the CIE 1976 UCS
the perceived chromatic difference between the
diagram remain straight in the (u*, v*)-diagram.
same two stimuli may, under certain observing
The CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-space and its associ-
conditions, require different coefficients.
ated color-difference formula are intended to be
The color space defined by Eq. 1(3.3.9) is
improvements over and supersede the original
called the CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-space. The color-
CIE 1964 (U*V*W*)-space and its associated
difference formula, defined by Eq. 4(3.3.9), is
color-difference formula (see Section 6.5.2).
called the CIE 1976 (L*u*v*) color-difference
formula. The letters CIELUV are used as an
abbreviation. (ii) CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-Space and Color-
As indicated by Eq. 3(3.3.9), the CIE 1976 Difference Formula. The second approximately
(L*u*v*)-space incorporates, for constant L*, a uniform color space, illustrated in Figure 2(3.3.9),
(u’, v’)-chromaticity diagram which is a projec- is produced by plotting in rectangular coordinates
The CIE Colorimetric System 167

Fig. 2(3.3.9). Sketch of CIE 1976 (L*a*b*) color space with outer boundary generated by
optimal color stimuli with respect to CIE standard illuminant D,, and the CIE 1964 supplemen-
tary standard observer. The colors of all object-color stimuli fall within this boundary. This is
also the gamut within which the CIE 1976 color-difference formula AE(L*a*b*) is intended to
be valid. Note that the spectrum locus of the monochromatic stimuli is generally well outside
the boundary of object-color stimuli (from Judd and Wyszecki, 1975).

the quantities L*, a*, b* defined by:

y\'2 1/3
ftwe 116bray
Y = 16 eS|x|
~~ 9.008856 xX,n

| x
=e 0.008856

(x) -(Z)
y\'2 7\'3
b* = 200 [5(3.3.9)]
ta Caled aise
with the constraint that X/X,,Y/Y,, Z/Z, >
In calculating L*, a*,
X/X,,Y/Y,, Z/Z, less than 0.01 may be in-
and b*, values of | a ~<|~
< 0.008856

|= |2)
cluded if the normal formulae are replaced by the
Z ~ 9.008856
following modified formulae: N
Lx* —=903.35
bein for = < 0.008856 Z
n Z,
— =

The tristimulus values X,,, Y,,, Z,, are those of
the nominally white object-color stimulus. Usu-
ally, the white object-color stimulus is given by

the spectral radiant power of one of the CIE to identify the components of color differences in
standard illuminants, for example, D,; or A, terms of correlates of the perceived lightness,
reflected into the observer’s eye by the perfect chroma, and hue. It is also often desirable to
reflecting diffuser. Under these conditions, express color specifications in terms of such cor-
X,,,Y,5Z, are the tristimulus values of the stan- relates. Either one of the two CIE 1976 uniform
dard illuminant with Y, equal to 100. color spaces and associated color-difference for-
The total color difference AE*, between two mulae can be used to define appropriate cor-
color stimuli, each given in terms of L*, a*, b*, is relates.
calculated from: The quantity L*, given in Eq. 1(3.3.9) and
5(3.3.9) serves as the correlate of lightness.
AE*, =[(AL*)’ + (Aa*)’ + (Abt) |” The quantities C*, and C¥, defined by

+ (vt) ]%,
The values of the coefficients of the equations
defining the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-space and its Cs =[(a*’ + (o*)7] 7 [863.9)]
associated color-difference formula are intended
to apply to the observing conditions normally serve as correlates of chroma.
found in practice. However, there is evidence The quantity
that, in certain situations, different values for the
coefficients may be more appropriate. In particu-
lar, the weight of the perceived lightness dif- eee [9(3.3.9)]
ference between two given color stimuli relative to
the perceived chromatic difference between the derived from C*, and L* in the CIE 1976
same two stimuli may, under certain observing (L*u*v*)-space can be used as a correlate for
conditions, require different coefficients. saturation. In a series of object-color stimuli of
The color space defined by Eg. 5(3.3.9) is constant chromaticity, but increasing (or decreas-
called the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-space. The color- ing) luminance factor, s*, remains constant with
difference formula, defined by Eq. 7(3.3.9), is corresponding increases (or decreases) in C*,. An
called the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*) color-difference for- equivalent relation for s*, is the following:
mula. The letters CIELAB are used as an abbrevi-
The L* function defining the lightness corre-
sto= 13[(a!— ws) + (0"= wf")?
late in the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-space is identical [10(3.3.9)]
to the L* function of the CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-
space. No simple relation exists between the scales A similar correlate of saturation cannot be given
a*, b* of the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-space and u*, v* for the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-space.
of the CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-space. If b* is plotted The quantities h,,, and h,,, defined by
against a*, the points in the resulting (a*, b*)- * *

diagram are not uniquely related to chromaticity hiot arctan( *>), hap= arctan( 7 |
because their position depends on the value of
L*. If L* is constant, straight lines in the CIE [11(3.3.9)]
1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram or in the CIE
1976 UCS diagram become, in general, curved define hue angles which are useful quantities in
lines in the (a*, b*)-diagram. specifying hue numerically. The angles are given
The CIE 1976 (L*a*b*) color-difference for- in degrees using the following conventions:
mula is a cube-root version of the AE(AN40)
Uae alle aU Iw ee at eae
Adams-Nickerson color-difference formula (see
Section 6.5.2). Both formulae make similar pre- Oe = = LOU. 4 uf wu 0, ote
dictions, particularly when AE(AN4O0) is multi-
plied by the constant factor 1.10. [SOS Ue NM Tad
rae et
(iii) CIE 1976 Correlation of Perceived Light-
PMNpuis D thoes SoBlahg. TE ON
ness, Chroma, and Hue. When color-difference
formulae are used in practice, it is often desirable and similarly for h,, using a*, b*.
The CIE Colorimetric System 169

The quantities AH*, and A H*, defined by These qualitative observations have led to the
concept of the degree of metamerism of colored
AHS, =|(AE*,) — (AL*) — (act)|” objects; that is, objects of different spectral re-
flectance-factor curves colorimetrically evaluated
and with respect to a given observer and illuminant.
The concept is of considerable practical impor-
tance, particularly to those industries in which
AH, =|(AE3,) — (AL*) — (Acz)']'” materials are colored to close specifications, such
as the textile and paint industries. Colorants are
formulated and mixed to reproduce the color of a
specify hue differences. A quantity of hue dif- given standard material with the constraint that
ference is useful to describe a total color dif- the degree of metamerism between the reproduc-
ference AE* in terms of its three components: tion and the standard is minimal (see Section 3.9).
RU AAC*, and WH? A low degree of metamerism generally ensures
For a small color difference between two color
that the color match between reproduction and
stimuli both of which are sufficiently different in standard will essentially be invariant with regard
color from the achromatic stimulus, the hue dif-
to changes in the illuminant and/or observer.
ference can be calculated from The derivation of a suitable measure of the
degree of metamerism of colored objects is a
complex colorimetric problem. Considerations
* =—
CAuv h uv oem. relevant to this problem will be discussed in Sec-
ae 180 tion 3.8 which deals with the subject matter of
metameric color stimuli in somewhat greater
A eae [13(3.3.9)] depth. In the meantime, a recommendation made
by the CIE (1972) is given below that serves as a
practical method of quantifying the degree of
The hue difference is given a positive sign when metamerism of any pair of objects with given
the hue angle A increases and a negative sign spectral radiance-factor curves.
when h decreases. The CIE metamerism index is referred to as a
special metamerism index because it is limited to
the case in which the illuminant is changed. The
3.3.10 CIE Metamerism Index for
observer is kept the same throughout the discus-
Change in Illuminant
sion. The following definition is used:
Object-color stimuli of different spectral radiant The degree of metamerism M of two objects
power distributions {B“(A)S(A) dA} and {B\?(A)} and {B® (A)} that match in color un-
{B® (A)S(A) dA} are metameric stimuli with re- der a given illuminant {S(A) dA} for a given
spect to a given observer if they yield identical observer [x(A), y(A), Z(A)], is measured in terms
tristimulus values (see Section 3.3.4). The given of the color difference AE observed between the
observer judges the two stimuli to be in complete two objects but under another given illuminant
color match. However, it is clear that the color {S’(A) dA}. The CIE procedure is then as fol-
match cannot be expected to remain a color match lows:
if the illuminant, defined by {S(A) dA}, is For two objects whose corresponding tri-
changed to another one of different spectral stimulus values (X, = X,, Y; = Y;, Z, = Z,) are
radiant power distribution. Similarly, changing identical with respect to a reference illuminant
the observer to one characterized by a different and reference observer, the metamerism index,
set of color-matching functions will, in general, M,, is set equal to the index of color difference
result in a color mismatch between the two given A E between the two objects computed for the test
stimuli. The magnitude of the color mismatch is illuminant f.
intuitively expected to be directly related to the The preferred reference illuminant is CIE
sizes of the spectral differences between the re- standard illuminant D,;. The preferred test illu-
flectance-factor curves {B‘?(A)} and {B(A)} of minant is CIE standard illuminant A or one of
the two given objects. The larger the spectral the illuminants defined in Table 1(3.3.10). The
differences, the larger the color mismatch when F-illuminants given in Table 1(3.3.10) represent
either the illuminant or the observer is changed. typical fluorescent lamps having reasonably high

Table 1(3.3.10) Relative Spectral Radiant more appropriate to choose an illuminant differ-
Power Distributions of [lluminants Recom- ent from any of the three F-illuminants given in
mended for Calculating CIE Index of Metamer- Table 1(3.3.10). In some cases, it may also be
ism: change of Iuminant. Illuminant A is useful to determine the metamerism index with
Identical to CIE Standard Iluminant A and respect to several test illuminants. The specific
Illuminants F1, F2, F3 are Representative of test illuminant used must be identified as a sub-
Fluorescent Lamps (CIE, 1972) script to M, for example, M, or My.
The reference observer should be either the
A Fl 2 F3 CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer or the
d(nm) S(A) S(A) S(A) S(A)
CIE 1964 supplementary standard colorimetric
380 9.8 5.4 10.7 23.0 observer, according to the field size involved, and
90 12.1 5.6 12.0 27.3
it should be stated which observer has been used.
400 14.7 5.8 1359, 33.4
The color difference A E is computed from the
10 17.7 6.1 16.8 43.6
20 21.0 7.4 20.8 5520 tristimulus values Xj,, Y1,, Z,, Of object-color
30 24.7 10.6 28.0 6757 stimulus 1 and X;,, Y;,, Z,, of object-color
40 28.7 ie? SiHlose. 81.0
stimulus 2 involving test illuminant ¢. At present,
450 331 26.5 48.8 94.2
60 37.8 33.6 58.5 104.6
the CIE recommends two color-difference for-
70 42.9 38.3 64.4 111.1 mulae as defined in Section 3.3.9, and either one
80 48.2 397 66.5 114.3 can be used for the computation of AE.
90 5-9 39.8 67.0 Li5;5
We have worked out examples to demonstrate
500 599 40.7 66.6 114.2
10 66.1 43.6 67.7 111.4
the procedure recommended by the CIE. Table
20 TPR) 49.9 69.9 107.6 2(3.3.10) and Figure 1(3.3.10) give the spectral
reflectance factors BA), BA), BO(A) of
three objects that, when illuminated by CIE
550 92.9 82.3 88.4 99.8
60 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 standard illuminant D,;, provide for the CIE
70 107.2 1132 110.4 101.1 1931 standard observer a set of three metameric
80 114.4 12537 116.0 102.7
90 121.7 iM Wee) Lis 102.7
object-color stimuli. Their CIE 1931 (X,Y, Z)-
tristimulus values are identical:
600 129.0 103.2 111.2 101.2
10 136.3 93.3 104.6 99.5
20 143.6 109.8 104.0 98.9
Xp =X Sage25 we = eee
650 165.0 DILL 116.9 96.5
Zire? een onl
80 185.4 35.6 40.5 47.2
90 191¢9 21.2 30.2 38.1

700 198.3 12.4 23.6 31.4 It follows that the color difference AE between
10 204.4 8.0 18.0 2553
any of the three pairs of stimuli (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)
20 210.4 2 14.0 20.5
30 216.1 35 10.8 16.7 is Zero.
40 2217 2.0 933 BS When the illuminant is changed from D,; to
750 227.0 1.0 6.6 11.0 A, F,, F,, and F, [see Table 1(3.3.10)], the result-
60 232-4 0.2 ayy? 9.0
70 237.0 0.0 4.0 US:
ing object-color stimuli involving the three objects
80 241.7 0.0 3.1 6.0 given in Table 2(3.3.10) have different tristimulus
values and the color differences between the pairs
404.7° Dee 42.3 et |
435.8 84.0 2 182.4 are different from zero. Table 3(3.3.10) give the
546.1 Pied gcd, 100.8 numerical results in terms of chromaticity coordi-
577.8 23r7 23.0 Pao)
nates x, y, and luminance factor Y. The color
“ Power at principal mercury lines taken above continuum and differences AE were calculated by means of the
spread evenly over a 10-nm band.
CIE 1976 (L*u*v*) color-difference formula given
in Section 3.3.9. Only the differences for pairs
CIE general color-rendering indices and cor- (0, 1) and (0, 2) are recorded in Table 3(3.3.10).
related color temperatures of about 3000 K for In accordance with the CIE method of de-
F,, 4000 K for F,, 6500 K for F,. The most termining the metamerism index M,, outlined
appropriate choice of test illuminant depends on above, it follows from Table 3(3.3.10) that the
application, and in some instances, it may be object pairs (0,1) and (0,2) have the following
The CIE Colorimetric System 171

Table 2(3.3.10) Spectral Reflectance Factors metamerism indices:

of Three Objects Which for the CIE 1931
Standard Observer Provide Metameric Stimuli
when Illuminated by CIE Standard Iluminant Pair (0, 1) Pair (0, 2)
Des Ma 2 11.2
My, 4.7 13.8
Me, 3.3 5.1

380 10.50 15.92 11.74

M- 2.1 0.2
12.00 14.85 13.44

13.61 9.80 15.48 These examples demonstrate that the degree of

14.27 5.90 16.14 metamerism can vary strongly with the test illu-
14.28 5.42 16.05 minant chosen to assess it. For both pairs the
14.09 6.82 15.60 largest index is obtained when the test illuminant
13.94 9.32 15.13
is F,, that is, the 3000 K fluorescent lamp; and
450 13.86 12.39 14.64 the smallest index is obtained when the test illu-
13.74 15.54 13.90 minant is F,, that is, the 6500 K fluorescent lamp.
13.68 19.07 13.03 With D,; being the reference illuminant, this re-
13.67 22.00 11.92 sult is to be expected for most practical situa-
13.60 23.01 10.37
500 13.56 21.86 8.78 It is also noted that pair (0,2) has a larger
13:77 19.26 7.84 index than pair (0,1) in three of the four test
14.17 15.79 7.84 cases. This result is difficult to deduce by mere
14.67 peo 8.73 inspection of Figure 1(3.3.10).
16.06 9.85 iBieee) If one considers object 0 to be the original and
pakote9: 13193 19.18 objects 1 and 2 two reproductions, each made to
27.78 24.47 Slei2 provide the same color as the original under il-
37.47 38.27 46.97 luminant D,,, the calculations indicate that object
48.48 52.58 62.26 1 would be the preferred reproduction because it
aE 61.00 70 98 has a lower degree of metamerism with the origi-
62.59 63.87 70.20 nal object 0 with respect to an incandescent lamp
65.68 65.64 63.10 and with respect to two of three fluorescent lamps.
67517 66.90 5595 However, even for object | the resulting degree of
68.18 68.27 51.09 metamerism is probably not negligible with re-
68.76 69.27 48.46 spect to fluorescent lamps of low correlated color
69.31 70.28 47.63
temperature. Metamerism indices greater than two
69.80 71.20 47.24 or three indicate that the mismatch between the
70.40 pee, 47.41 original and the reproduction may be objectiona-
cA tee q3237 47.59 bly large under those illuminants.
71.86 74.01 47.81 The question of how many different test illu-
minants ¢ one should use to arrive at an adequate
72.61 75.06 47.82
73.14 76.15 47.54
assessment of the degree of metamerism has been
73.69 77.43 47.41 studied by Brockes (1969, 1970). For many practi-
74.45 79.07 47.71 cal purposes it suffices to restrict the number of
74.62 80.09 47.13 test illuminants to two, one being illuminant A,
the other a warm white de luxe fluorescent lamp,
750 74.82 81.40 46.52
such as F,.
75.20 83.13 46.37
The CIE calls its index of metamerism M,
404.7 13:92 1-97 1534/9 “special metamerism index: change in illuminant.”
435.8 14.00 8.27 15.33 The index is special in the sense that the degree of
546.1 18.66 12.34 16.20 metamerism is evaluated in terms of a limited
377,8 46.06 49.43 58.90
number of specific illuminants. Other special in-
dices are conceivable (Allen, 1969; Wyszecki,
1969; Judd and Wyszecki, 1975). In fact, the CIE


=) Oo

oS pp


400 500 600 700

Wavelength (A), nm

Fig. 1(3.3.10). Spectral reflectance-factor curves of three objects that when illuminated by
CIE standard illuminant D,; provide metameric object-color stimuli with respect to the CIE
1931 standard observer. For numerical data, see Table 2(3.3.10).

Table 3(3.3.10) Chromaticity Coordinates x, y and Luminance Factor Y of Three Objects (0, 1,2)
Viewed by the CIE 1931 Standard Observer under Illuminants D,<, A, F1, F2, F3°

Object Ds A Fl F2 F3
Xo 0.4691 0.5680 0.5580 0.5188 0.4695
0 Yo 0.3643 0.3847 0.3877 0.3872 0.3680
Yy 33.0 40.25 39.73 38.86 33.07
x, 0.4691 0.5683 0.5631 0.5233 0.4743
I y 0.3643 0.3810 0.3847 0.3856 0.3699
Y, 33.0 40.23 39.36 36.55 32.76
x5 0.4691 0.5592 0.5458 0.5140 0.4691
2 yy 0.3643 0.3941 0.3991 0.3928 0.3678
Y; 33.0 40.36 40.34 37.88 33.27
A E(0,1) 0.0 2.7 4.7 3.3 2.1
A E(0,2) 0.0 11.2 13.8 5.1 0.2

“Also given are the color differences AE between objects 0 and 1 and between objects 0 and 2 under
each of the five illuminants. Under illuminant D,; the three objects are, by design, metameric
[A E(0, 1) = AE(O,2) = AE(1,2) = 0}.

The CIE Colorimetric System 173

colorimetry committee is considering the develop- The choice of a standard source with which to
ment of a “special metamerism index: change in compare the test source must be governed by
observer.” whatever is considered to be the original object-
color perception; that is, the perceived color of an
object in the light in which it is usually observed.
3.3.11 CIE Color-Rendering Index
In most practical cases, this light will be in-
Color rendering of a light source is the effect the candescent lamp light or some phase of natural
source has on the color appearance of objects in daylight.
comparison with their appearance under a refer- The degree to which the perceived colors of
ence source (CIE, 1974). In this context it is objects illuminated by the test source conform to
appropriate to define a color-rendering index of a those of the same objects illuminated by the
light source as a measure of the degree to which standard source is measured in the perceptually
the perceived colors of objects illuminated by the uniform color space.
source conform to those of the same objects il- Crude approximations to the perceptually uni-
luminanted by a standard source, for specified form color space are the CIE 1976 (L*v*v*)-space
conditions. The usual conditions are that the ob- and the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-space presented in
server shall have normal color vision and be Section 3.3.9.
adapted to the environment illuminated by each The CIE (1974) has recommended for measur-
source in turn. ing and specifying the color rendering properties
In order to derive a color-rendering index that of light sources, the CIE color-rendering index
is in accord with the above definition, one must which satisfies reasonably well the requirements
know how to specify object-color perceptions and outlined above. The CIE color-rendering index is
differences between them, and one must agree based on a color-shift method, because it evaluates
upon a standard source with which to compare for a number of test objects the average colori-
the given test source. metric shift in a color space, that perceptually is
The problem of specifying object-color percep- approximately uniform, when the standard source
tions, that is, colors perceived as belonging to a is changed to the test source.
non-self-luminous body, has not yet been solved The essentials of the CIE (1974) method of
for the general case in which the observer views a calculating a color-rendering index are as follows:
complicated scene composed of a large variety of
objects. Various visual phenomena, such as (i) Reference Iluminant. The reference illumi-
simultaneous contrast, successive contrast, color nant for light sources with a correlated color
constancy, memory color, size, and shape of the temperature below 5000 K shall be a Planckian
objects, come into play and contribute signifi- radiator (Section 1.2.2) and from 5000 K, one of a
cantly to the resultant color perception of the series of spectral radiant power distributions of
complicated scene; but the science of color has phases of CIE daylight D [Section 3.3.4(iv)].
not advanced far enough to deal with this prob- The reference illuminant is intended to be of
lem quantitatively (Judd and Wyszecki, 1975). the same or nearly the same chromaticity as the
However, a simplified version of the problem can light source to be tested. The acceptable chro-
be dealt with by restricting the viewing conditions maticity difference between the test source and
to such scenes as those in which the adaptive state the reference illuminant corresponds to 15 mireds
of the observer’s eyes is governed predominantly along the Planckian locus in the chromaticity
by the quality of the controlled illumination and diagram. The term mired has now been replaced
is only negligibly affected by objects in the field by “reciprocal megakelvin”; 1 mired = 1 MK7™!
of view. Adequate predictions of object-color per- = 10° K“! (see Section 3.11).
ceptions can then be made by using the CIE
colorimetric system and a model capable of pre- (ii) Test-Color Samples. For calculating the
dicting the effect of the adaptive state of the CIE General Color-Rendering Index, a set of eight
observer’s eyes on the color perceptions under the test-color samples is specified in terms of spectral
given simplified viewing conditions. A simple radiance factors. Under daylight illumination,
model of chromatic adaptation that has been used these samples represent colors around the hue
with some success is that of von Kries (1904) (see circuit of moderate saturation and equal lightness.
Section 5.12). Their approximate Munsell notations and color

appearance under daylight are as follows: (i)], the state of chromatic adaptation of the ob-
Approximate server’s eye is assumed to change slightly when
Sample Munsell Color Appearance the reference illuminant is changed to the test
No. Notation Under Daylight source. The change in chromatic adaptation causes
an adaptive color shift for each test sample which
] 7.5R6/4 Light grayish red can be estimated by making use of a von Kries-
2 5 Y6/4 Dark grayish yellow type linear transformation of the CIE tristimulus
3 5GY6/8 Strong yellow-green values (see Section 5.12).
- 2.5G6/6 Moderate yellowish Once the adaptive color shift has been applied,
green the color difference between the test-color sample
5 10 BG 6/4 — Light bluish green illuminated by the test source and the same
6 5PB6/8 Light blue test-color sample illuminated by the reference il-
7 2.5P6/8 Light violet luminant is calculated making use of the CIE
8 10P6/8 Light reddish purple standard color-difference formula. In 1974, when
the CIE method of calculating the color-rendering
For calculating CJE Special Color-Rendering index was issued, the CIE 1964 color-difference
Indices, any one of the above eight test-color formula was in force and recommended for use in
samples may be used in addition to any one of these calculations. However, as outlined in Sec-
the following six color samples whose spectral tion 3.3.9, in 1976 the CIE modified the CIE 1964
radiance factors are also specified by the CIE: color-difference formula slightly and, in addition,
recommended another formula of equal merit for
Approximate practical applications. This development of 1976
Sample Munsell Color Appearance makes the CIE 1974 method of calculating a
No. Notation Under Daylight color-rendering index out of date. A correspond-
ing revision of the 1974 method is required and
9 45R4/13 Strong red the CIE Color-Rendering Committee has begun
10 5 Y 8/10 Strong yellow to prepare such a revision.
1] 45G5/8 Strong green In replacing the CIE 1964 color-difference for-
12 3 PB3/11 Strong blue mula by, for example, the CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)
13 5 YR8/4 Light yellowish pink color-difference formula, only relatively minor
(Caucasian changes in the calculation procedure would occur.
complexion) The principle of the CIE method of calculating a
14 5GY4/4 Moderate olive green color-rendering index would remain the same. In
(leaf green) particular, the calculated color difference (AE),
continues to characterize the resultant color shift
(iii) Determination of CIE 1931 Tristimulus Val-
that the observer perceives when the ith test-color
ues of the Test-Color Samples. The CIE 1931
sample (i = 1 to 14) is first illuminated by the
(X, Y, Z)-tristimulus values of the test-color sam-
reference illuminant and then by the test source.
ples are calculated in accordance with the estab-
lished method given in Section 3.3.8 making use (v) Calculation of CIE Special Color-Rendering
of the given spectral radiance factors of the sam- Indices. A CIE Special Color-Rendering Index
ples, the appropriate spectral radiant power dis- R, is calculated on the basis of the color dif-
tribution of the reference illuminant, and the ference (AE), determined in Step (iv) above for
spectroradiometrically measured radiant power test-color sample i, by means of the following
distribution of the light source to be tested. formula:
(iv) Determination of the Resultant Color Shift.
In Step (iii) above, for each test-color sample, two R, = 100 — 4.6(AE), [1(3.3.11)]
sets of CIE 1931 tristimulus values are obtained.
One set applies to the case where the sample is The index R; has been scaled so that R; = 100 is
illuminated by the light source to be tested. The obtained when the CIE 1931 tristimulus values of
other set applies to the case where the sample is the test-color sample i under the test source are
illuminated by the reference illuminant. the same as those calculated with respect to the
- As the test source and reference illuminant can reference illuminant. In other words, R; = 100
have somewhat different chromaticities [see Step means perfect color rendition for that test-color
Dominant Wavelength, Excitation Purity, and Colorimetric Purity 175

sample. The factor 4.6 in Eq. 1(3.3.11) has been length perceived under similar conditions would
chosen so that the CIE General Color-Rendering be said to have the same hue.
Index [see Step (vi) below] becomes equal to 50 For color stimuli not possessing a dominant
when a “standard warm white” fluorescent lamp wavelength, it is always possible to match the
is used as a test source in comparison with an specified achromatic stimulus with a mixture of
incandescent lamp as a reference illuminant. the given stimulus and a monochromatic stimu-
lus. The wavelength of the latter is termed the
(vi) Calculation of CIE General Color-Rendering
complementary wavelength.
Index. The CIE General Color-Rendering Index
Figure 1(3.4) illustrates the definitions of
R_, is defined as the arithmetic mean of the eight
dominant wavelength and complementary wave-
CIE Special Color-Rendering Indices R, for the
length and their graphical determination in the
eight test-color samples i= 1 to 8 described in
CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram. Tables
Step (11) above:
have been prepared by Judd (1933b) that allow
the computation of dominant wavelength with
respect to CIE standard illuminants A, B, C in
R.=5 : R, —-[2(3.3.11)] the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram.
The excitation purity of a given color stimulus
is an exactly defined ratio of distances in the
The development of the CIE General chromaticity diagram, indicating how far the
Color-Rendering Index can be traced through the chromaticity point of the given stimulus is dis-
literature over a period of many years. Some of placed from the chromaticity point of the given
the more important contributions are those of achromatic stimulus towards the spectrum locus
Jerome and Judd, 1953; Barnes, 1957; Nickerson, or the purple line. Excitation purity correlates
1958; 1960; 1962; Crawford, 1959; Wyszecki, loosely with saturation of the color perceived
1959b; Azuma and Mori, 1960; Hennicke, 1960; under ordinary observing conditions.
Minch, 1960; Ouweltjes, 1960; 1969; Minch and The following formulae are used to calculate
Schultz, 1963; 1970; Nickerson and Jerome, 1965; excitation purity:
Nayatani et al., 1972a,b; Halstead, 1978.
The concept of the color-rendering properties =XT Xy Or = J. ow
of light sources is taken up again in Sections 3.8.5 a Xp Xy - Vo Yw

and 3.8.6 where methods are described that do

not rely on the use of a specific and very limited [1(3.4)]
set of test-color samples such as those employed
in the CIE method. The formula giving the least computational rejec-
tion error is preferred. The chromaticity coordi-
nates (x, y) refer to the chromaticity of the given
color stimulus, such as $,(x, y) and S,(x, y) in
Figure 1(3.4); x,,, y, are the chromaticity coordi-
nates of the achromatic stimulus, such as D,;,
and x,, y, are the chromaticity coordinates of the
The dominant wavelength of a color stimulus is the
boundary color stimulus; that is, the monochro-
wavelength of the monochromatic stimulus that,
matic stimulus of wavelength A, in the case of S,,
when mixed with some specified achromatic
or the pure purple P in the case of S,. For the
stimulus, matches the given stimulus in color. Not
cases illustrated in Figure 1(3.4), p, comes out to
all stimuli have a dominant wavelength. The
about 60% for S,, and about 35% for S,.
achromatic stimulus is usually provided by a
Another scale of purity is provided by colori-
standard illuminant such as CIE standard illumi-
metric purity p, which is defined by the following
nant A or D,;, either of which may be considered

in this connection as having a neutral (or
achromatic) color, devoid of hue. The dominant
wavelength of a color stimulus correlates in an
approximate way with what would be called in
¥ eM Vier.Be
ordinary language the hue of the color stimulus as
observed under everyday conditions. Thus, in
or _ (2x) ( X= %w
Pe = (7 \(= = ad [2(3.4)
general, color stimuli of constant dominant wave-

CIE 1931
Chromaticity diagram

2d (xb, Yb)

Des (xw Yw)


0.4 0.6 0.8


Fig. 103.4). CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram showing the dominant wavelength
A a(Xp55 ¥,) Of a color stimulus S, with a chromaticity point S,(x, y), determined with respect
to CIE standard illuminant D¢;, whose chromaticity coordinates are denoted by (x,,, y,,). Also
shown is the complementary wavelength A. of a color stimulus S, with chromaticity point
S,(x, y), again with respect to D,;. The intersection P(x,, y,) of the line running through the
chromaticity points D¢<(x,,, y,,) and S,(x, y), with the purple line is needed to calculate the
excitation purity of S,, as explained in the text.

The various symbols in these formulae denote the sidered more easily related to descriptions of color
same quantities as in the previous formulae for in ordinary language. In recent years, however,
excitation purity p,, but with one important ex- this practice has not been much used, and color
ception: in the case of color stimuli that do not stimulus specifications are now expressed pre-
possess a dominant wavelength A, but instead a dominantly in terms of chromaticity coordinates.
complementary wavelength A. [as for S,(x, y) in
Figure 1(3.4)], the chromaticity coordinates x,, y,
in the formulae for p. denote the chromaticity 3.55 COMPLEMENTARY COLOR STIMULI
coordinates of \.., the complementary wavelength
of S,. MacAdam (1938; see also Committee on Pairs of color stimuli, that, when mixed in suit-
Colorimetry, OSA, 1963) has derived formulae able proportions, color match some agreed achro-
and tables for converting p, to p. and vice versa. matic color stimulus, are known as complementary
It used to be fairly common practice to con- color stimuli (Committee on Colorimetry, OSA,
vert the chromaticity of a given color stimulus 1963). Of special interest are monochromatic
into the corresponding dominant or complemen- complementary stimuli. Tables 1(3.5) and 2(3.5)
tary wavelength and the excitation purity or give important examples of pairs of monochro-
colorimetric purity, because these terms were con- matic complementary stimuli involving CIE
Maximum Attainable Luminous Efficiency of Color Stimuli of Different Chromaticity 177

Table 1(3.5) Pairs of Monochromatic Complementary Color Stimuli with Respect to CIE Standard
Illuminants D,, and A, and the CIE 1931 Standard Observer”

Achromatic Stimulus D,; Achromatic Stimulus A

Wavelengths Power Ratio Wavelengths Power Ratio
A; (nm) A, (nm) Pe Ted A; (nm) A, (nm) PER Dp

380 566.5 0.608-2 380 579.0 0.227-1

390 566.6 0.189-1 390 579.0 0.642-1
400 566.6 0.639-1 400 579.0 0.217
410 566.6 0.195 410 579.0 0.665
420 566.7 0.609 420 S79 0.207 1
430 567.0 0.130 1 430 579.1 0.444 |
440 S615 0.164 1 440 579.3 0.560 1
450 568.3 0.165 1 450 579.5 0.568 1
460 569.6 0215541 460 579.9 0.535 1
470 Size OVI 470 580.7 0.411 1
480 578.4 0.688 480 582.5 0.256 1
485 585.4 0.489 490 587.5 0.140 1
490 600.7 0,353 495 593.3 0.103 1
491 607.0 0.345 500 606.4 0.807
492 617.2 0.375 501 612.0 0.811
493 642.6 0.804 502 619.9 0.886
* * *
503 635.8 0 |
567 430.2 0.761 * * *

568 447.2 0.600 579 381.1 0.437 2

569 456.0 0.620 580 462.1 0.193
570 462.1 0.667 581 472.7 0272
575 475.7 0.113 585 486.2 0.565
580 481.4 0.160 1 590 492.6 0.836
590 487.1 0.23441 600 498.2 0.116 1
600 489.9 0.282 1 620 502.0 0.113 1
620 492.2 0.254 1 640 503.2 0.625
640 492.9 0.138 1 660 503.6 0:235
660 493.2 0.516 680 503.9), 0.670-1
680 493.3 0.147

“Each pair of complementary stimuli (A, and A,), additively mixed in the radiant power ratio
(P,,/Px,): 10”, matches for the CIE 1931 standard observer the chromaticity of the achromatic stimulus
(Des or A).
Achromatic stimulus Dgs: xp,, = 0.3127 yp,, = 0.3290
Achromatic stimulus A: x,=0.4476 yx =0.4074

standard illuminants A and D,, as achromatic 3.6 MAXIMUM ATTAINABLE LUMINOUS

stimuli and the CIE 1931 and 1964 standard EFFICIENCY OF COLOR STIMULI
observers. Each pair of monochromatic stimuli is OF DIFFERENT CHROMATICITY
defined by a pair of wavelengths A, and A, and
the ratio P,,/P,, of radiant powers required for In general, there is an infinite number of color
their mixture to provide the desired chromaticity stimuli with different spectral radiant power dis-
match with the achromatic stimulus. Figure 1(3.5) tributions that have in common some given chro-
illustrates a few examples in the CIE 1931 maticity. But for these color stimuli, the ratio of
(x, y)-chromaticity diagram with the data taken the luminous power to the radiant power, that is,
from Table 1(3.5). the luminous efficiency expressed in lumen per

Table 2(3.5) Pairs of Monochromatic Complementary Color Stimuli with Respect to CIE Standard
Illuminants D,. and A, and the CIE 1964 Standard Observer“

Achromatic Stimulus D,; Achromatic Stimulus A

Wavelengths Power Ratio Wavelengths Power Ratio
d, (am) d> (nm) Py Px P A, (am) \> (nm) P,,/Pr, P
380 560.9 0.642-3 380 ayes, 0.217-2
390 560.9 0.955-2 390 75:1 0.323-1
400 561.1 0.785-1 400 575.1} 0.265
410 561.3 0.356 410 575.4 0.120 1
420 561.7 0.891 420 at ey 0.300 1
430 562.2 0.142 1 430 575.4 0.480 1
440 562.9 0.179 1 440 ATS6 0.607 1
450 564.0 0.179 1 450 D159 0.615 1
460 565.9 0.15358 460 576.6 0.536 |
470 570.4 0.109 1 470 578.0 0.400 1
475 5156 0.812 480 581.8 0.227 |
480 584.6 0.562 485 586.1 0.162 1
482 591.1 0.482 490 593.7 0.114 1
484 602.1 0.440 495 614.5 0.989
485 611.3 0.457 496 627.1 0.125 1
486 629.6 0.668 497 655.6 0.422 |
* * * * * *

561 394.5 O37 2

562 425.8 0.822 576 451.3 0.164
563 440.8 0.554 577 464.4 0.207
565 456.4 0.604 580 476.3 0.351
570 469.5 0.891 590 487.9 0.760
580 477.9 0.1501 600 492.3 0.100 1
600 483.7 22014 620 495.6 0.934
620 485.6 0.191 1 640 496.6 0.504
640 486.3 0.100 1

“Each pair of complementary stimuli (A, and A,), additively mixed in the radiant power ratio
(P,,/P,)° 10”, matches for the CIE 1964 standard observer the chromaticity of the achromatic stimulus
(Des or A).
Achromatic stimulus Dg: xp,. = 0.3138 yp,, = 0.3310
Achromatic stimulus A: X= 0.4512 y, = 0.4059

watt, varies widely. It turns out that for human lines of constant maximum attainable luminous
color vision, the luminous efficiency for any given efficacy as computed by MacAdam (1950a). From
chromaticity is maximal for a color stimulus this diagram one finds that the chromaticity x =
consisting of a mixture in the correct proportions 0.313, y = 0.329 (the chromaticity of illuminant
of a particular pair of monochromatic stimuli D,;) can be produced with a maximum luminous
(MacAdam, 1950a). The luminous efficiencies for efficacy of approximately 425 Im:W !'. To
the various monochromatic stimuli themselves are achieve this efficacy, a source giving a mixture of
given by the luminous efficiency function V(A) = two wavelengths only is required, one wavelength
y(A) multiplied by K,,, where K,, = 683 Im- at about 450 nm, the other at about 570 nm. Such
W' is the maximum luminous efficacy for a a source is of little use in most applications. The
monochromatic stimulus that occurs at wave- maximum attainable luminous efficacies from
length 555 nm, where V(A) = 1. Figure 1(3.6) given chromaticities are of interest mainly in defi-
shows the CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram with ning upper limits with which efficacies of practi-
Optimal Object-Color Stimuli 179

Chromaticity Diagram


d,=470 Pd
0.0 4 0.4 0.6 0.8
d, = 38Onm 0.2

Fig. 1(3.5). Three pairs of monochromatic complementary stimuli that, when additively mixed
in the given radiant power ratios, match the chromaticity of the achromatic stimulus, given by
CIE standard illuminant Des (xp = 9.313, yp = 0.329). There are no monochromatic comple-
mentary stimuli of wavelength A, for given stimuli of wavelength A, between 493.3 and 566.5
nm (dotted part of spectrum locus). The power ratios of the complementary pairs of stimuli of
wavelengths illustrated in the graph are as follows: P399 /Ps66.5 = 9.00608; P4549 / P5722 = 1.17;
P493,/ P42.6 = 9.804.

cal sources can be compared and the scope for tristimulus space. The points obtained by taking
improvement assessed. all possible object-color stimuli, that is, all suita-
ble functions p(A) [or T(A); the same functions
can serve in either capacity] define a solid in the
3.7 OPTIMAL OBJECT-COLOR STIMULI tristimulus space that is called the object-color
solid. A change in the absolute value of the inci-
Object-color stimuli are color stimuli that arise by dent radiant power that leaves its relative spectral
the reflection (or transmission) of incident radiant distribution the same, gives an object-color solid
power by objects (see Section 3.3.4). Suppose the of the same shape and position but scaled up or
incident radiant power has a fixed spectral distri- down (i.e., the X, Y, Z values of any object-color
bution {P, dA}. The object-color stimulus is then stimulus are all multiplied by a factor, the same
governed by its spectral reflectance function p(A) - for all object-color stimuli). It is convenient,
throughout the spectrum, with 0 < p(A) <1 for therefore, to regard the object-color solid as a
all A (or for transmitting objects by 7(A), 0 < property of the relative spectral distribution of
T(A) < 1 for all A). The tristimulus values X, Y, Z the incident radiant power and to define it for an
for any particular object-color stimulus, that is, absolute radiant power distribution normalized to
any particular p(A) [or 7(A)] function derived for make .
a standard observer, for example, the CIE 1931
standard observer, define a point in (X, Y, Z)-
[PIO dd = 100

Fig. 1(3.6). CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity with lines of constant maximum attainable luminous
efficacy (after MacAdam, 1950a).

The Y value for an object-color stimulus is then A straight line drawn from the origin through
its luminous reflectance (or transmittance). any other point P( Xp, Yp, Zp) of the surface of
The object-color solid so defined is, in general, the object-color solid contains all the points rep-
an asymmetric “torpedo”-shaped body, with ver- resenting object-color stimuli of some fixed chro-
tices at the origin and at the point W with tri- maticity (xp, yp) defined by the direction of the
stimulus values Xj, Yj, = 100, Z,,, correspond- line. Two situations develop:
ing to the object-color stimulus involving the per-
fect reflecting diffuser as the object with p(A) = 1 (a) There may be no points of the object-color
at all wavelengths. All other points X, Y, Z of the solid that are on
the line and that lie beyond the
solid satisfy the conditions initial segment OP; and
(b) There may be points of the line beyond OP,
0<X<X,; 0< Y< 100; OZ= Zy
up to a farthest point P’, that belong to the solid,
It is readily shown that all points on the straight in which case OP’ must lie on the surface of the
line joining two points of the solid also belong; solid. :
that is, the solid is convex or at least not concave.
For a monochromatic incident radiant power, the In case (a) it is clear that P is the tristimulus
object-color solid degenerates to a line joining point corresponding to object-color stimuli that
Xw,Yw = 100, Zy to the origin; for an incident for the given chromaticity (x, y) have the greatest
radiant power comprising just two wavelengths, it value of Y and hence, the greatest luminous re-
degenerates to a diamond-shaped plane figure flectance or transmittance.
with OW as one diagonal. It is truly a solid if the In either case (a) or case (b) the plane Y =
incident radiant power contains three or more constant drawn through P intersects the color
wavelengths. In most applications, the incident solid in a closed (nonconcave) plane figure. Any
radiant power possesses an everywhere-positive point Q, as shown in Figure 1(3.7), within this
continuous visible spectrum. plane figure may be arbitrarily chosen as the
Optimal Object-Color Stimuli 181

Y= const= 50 on which all points of the surface of the

object-color solid represent optimal color stimuli
is adopted here.
For incident radiant power with an every-
where-positive continuous spectrum, optimal color
stimuli have, as a rule, spectral reflectance curves
80 of a very simple type. The spectral reflectance
p(A) is either zero or unity, and in moving through
the visible spectrum, there are generally not more
60 than two transitions between these values. Opti-
mal color stimuli are imaginary stimuli in the
sense that no actual object surfaces have reflec-
40 tance curves with abrupt transitions of this kind.
However, they are of considerable interest be-
cause they represent limiting cases of all (nonfluo-
rescent) object-color stimuli.
The theory of optimal color stimuli was
developed first by Schrédinger (1920a) and later
20 40 60 80 100 by Rédsch (1929) and MacAdam (1935a, b).
MacAdam computed chromaticity loci of optimal
Fig. 1(3.7). Cross section Y = const = 50.0 color stimuli as a function of Y, on the basis of
through object-color solid in (X, Y, Z )-tristimulus the CIE 1931 standard observer and for incident
space. radiant power from standard illuminants A and
C, respectively. MacAdam’s computations have
point representing the achromatic color stimulus been repeated for illuminants A and D,,; with
with respect to which dominant or complemen- updated input data. The results of these computa-
tary wavelength and excitation purity can be tions are given in Table I(3.7) and IJ(3.7) which
defined (see Section 3.4). Object-color stimuli cor-
responding to all points on the segment QP have
the same luminous reflectance or transmittance
Y, and they have either the same dominant wave-
length or the same complementary wavelength. It
will be the dominant wavelength that is held in
common if QP produced beyond P passes through
a point representing a monochromatic color
stimulus; that is, a point which will not, of course,
belong to the object-color solid. Thus, P repre-
sents object-color stimuli that have the maximum
possible excitation purity for given luminous 400
OR A, 500 2 600 700
reflectance and given dominant (or complemen- WAVELENGTH (nm)
tary) wavelength. Object-color stimuli possessing
the maximal property are termed optimal color
stimuli, and it is clear that every point on the
surface of the object-color solid represents one or
more optimal color stimuli.
Optimal color stimuli are sometimes described
as object-color stimuli that for a given chromatic-
ity have the greatest luminous reflectance or
transmittance. The representative point of every
such stimulus must lie on the surface of the 400
OR 500 ™ 600 - 2 700
object-color solid, but a point P of the surface WAVELENGTH A (nm)

will be representative of color stimuli that are Fig. 2(3.7). Spectral reflectance (or transmit-
optimal according to this second definition, only tance) curves of the two types of optimal color
if the above case (a) applies. The first definition stimuli.









0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Fig. 3(3.7). Chromaticity loci of optimal color stimuli as a function of Y, on the basis of the
CIE 1931 standard observer and for incident radiant power from the CIE standard illuminant A.

include the transition wavelengths (A,,A,) for listed in the upper half of each group of columns
each optimal color stimulus listed. From these (Y = 95.0, Y = 90.0,..., Y = 10.0), those of Type
wavelengths the spectral reflectance (or transmit- 2 in the lower half separated from the upper half
tance) curve corresponding to a given optimal by short lines.
color stimulus can readily be drawn. The chromaticity loci specified in Tables I(3.7)
‘Two types of curves must be distinguished; the and II(3.7) are plotted in Figures 3(3.7) and 4(3.7).
first has zero reflectance (or transmittance) at In the American literature, these loci are often
wavelengths A<A, and A>A,, the second at called the MacAdam limits. An oblique projection
wavelengths A, <A <A,, as illustrated by the of the (x, y, Y)-space, showing the boundary
examples shown in Figure 2(3.7). In Tables I(3.7) surface representing the optimal color stimuli for
and I1(3.7), the optimal color stimuli with Type 1 illuminant D,, is given in Figure 5(3.7). In the
spectral reflectance (or transmittance) curves are German literature, the (x, y, Y) object-color solid
Metameric Color Stimuli 183





770 nm


0.6 0.8
Fig. 4(3.7).Chromaticity loci of optimal color stimuli as a function of Y, on the basis of the
CIE 1931 standard observer and for incident radiant power from the CIE standard illuminant

is known as the Résch Farbkérper (Rosch color 3.8 METAMERIC COLOR STIMULI
solid). Still another representation of the object-
color solid is given in Figure 6(3.7). In this Metameric color stimuli have been encountered in
Luther—Nyberg color solid (Nyberg, 1928), the co- several previous sections, and in each one they
ordinates M,, M,, S, and the tristimulus values have played a key role in the discussions of
X, Y, Z are related as follows: different aspects of colorimetry. Because of their
importance to many basic colorimetric concepts,
M,=—-X+Y — (First color moment) we have prepared the following in which we offer
M,=-—Z-—Y _ _ (Second color moment) a more comprehensive treatment of the concept
of metamerism than was considered necessary in
S=X+Y+Z _— (Color weight) — the previous sections.


Fig. 5(3.7). Oblique projection of the (x, y,Y) object-color solid showing the boundary
surface representing the optimal color stimuli (Résch color solid).

3.8.1 Definition of Metamerism spectral radiant power distributions but match in

color for a given observer.
Metameric color stimuli are color stimuli with the
Metameric color stimuli, as defined above, are
same tristimulus values but different spectral
often referred to as metamers, and the underlying
radiant power distributions.
concept is referred to as metamerism.
An equivalent definition states that metameric
In quantitative colorimetric terms, two meta-
color stimuli are color stimuli that have different
meric color stimuli whose different spectral
radiant power distributions are denoted by
{P,, dX} and {P,, dX}, respectively, must satisfy
the following equations:

[Pn7Q) dn = [Parr) dn

fPnzQ) dd = [Parg(A) dd
JPnbO) dd = [Paxb ) dn
These equations were presented in Section 3.2.3
as the necessary conditions for a complete color
match between the two given stimuli of spec-
Fig. 6(3.7). Representation of the Luther- tral radiant power distributions {P,, dA} and
Nyberg color solid. {P,, dd}. The quantities 7(A), Z(A), b(A) define
Metameric Color Stimuli 185

the color-matching properties of the observer per- Figure 2(3.8.2) shows the spectral radiant
ceiving the stimuli; they are referred to as the power distributions of CIE standard illuminant
color-matching functions. Ds; (representative of average daylight) and the
light emitted by a fluorescent lamp designed to
duplicate the color of average daylight. The two
3.8.2 Methods of Generating Metamers
spectral distributions define a pair of metameric
Metamers are generated in virtually all color re- color stimuli.
production processes; that is, in processes de- Figure 3(3.8.2) shows the spectral radiant
signed to duplicate the color of a given light or power distributions of daylight reflected from a
the color of a given object by means of an ap- Caucasian face and light emitted from a color
propriate mixture of a limited number of television screen tuned to duplicate the color of
“primary” lights or colorants. the face. The light from the color television screen
The following examples may serve to illustrate is an additive mixture of three primary lights
the kinds of metamers that are commonly gener- generated by three phosphors deposited on the
ated in the color vision research laboratory and in screen in the form of numerous small adjacent
industry. dots (Judd and Wyszecki, 1975; Hunt, 1967;
Figure 1(3.8.2) shows the spectral radiant Wright, 1969).
power distributions of a pair of metameric stimuli Figure 4(3.8.2) shows a pair of spectral reflec-
Q, and Q,, each consisting of an additive mix- tance curves of two objects that, under CIE
ture of two monochromatic stimuli. Such meta- standard illuminant D,;, have the same color for
meric color stimuli are generated in experiments the CIE 1931 standard observer. The objects are
designed to determine the color-matching func- textile swatches colored by mixtures of different
tions of an observer with trichromatic vision. dyestuffs. More details on formulating mixtures
Details of such experiments and their results are of dyestuffs (or colorants) are given in Section
given in Sections 3.2.1 and 5.5. 379)


10° bipartite
ba visual field

Q,=1.00T +0.40R

¢ Q, =0.33B+0.37G

fe) (6,

400 X8 Ar 500 Xe
600 700

444.4 4800
|: 526.|
Wavelength A (nm ) —
Fig. 1(3.8.2). Example of two color stimuli Q, and Q, generated in the 10° bipartite field of a
visual colorimeter, that are in complete color match for observer GW. Color stimulus Q, is an
additive mixture of the two monochromatic stimuli B and G of wavelengths A , = 444.4 nm and
A g = 526.1 nm, and of relative radiant powers 0.33 and 0.37, respectively. Color stimulus Q, is
an additive mixture of the two monochromatic stimuli T and R of wavelength A, = 480.0 nm
and A p = 645.1 nm and of relative radiant powers 1.0 and 0.4, respectively. The stimuli Q, and
Q, are called a metameric pair of color stimuli.


320 x



260 a 0 ees
200 { )

‘et 1
Gre i
z 7 ! |

> 160 1

FE !40
|| ::

Ves f

Sie he
or a
= fe
1 ot

oO 100 feat
a !
= i
2 +280 te
! 1

afa ac0



300 400 500 600 700 800 900


Fig. 2(3.8.2). Spectral radiant power distributions of two metameric color stimuli: average
daylight (CIE standard illuminant D,,;) and light from a fluorescent lamp.

The examples of metameric color stimuli given is for convenience only and will not alter the
in Figures 1(3.8.2) to 4(3.8.2) illustrate the do- general conclusions drawn. In fact, this choice
main of metamers encountered in color vision will often help to interpret the results in terms of
research and in industry. There is a vast supply of a familiar colorimetric system. Furthermore, we
metamers from such sources and indeed one could will confine our discussions to object-color stimuli
establish a large collection of them without too as these are of prime interest in practical colorim-
much difficulty. However, to the theorist inter- etry. Finally, we will replace, in the usual way
ested in exploring its consequences to different (Section 3.3.8), all integrations by summations,
aspects of colorimetry, such a collection is often and use as illuminants those recommended by the
not very attractive. The theorist prefers a collec- CIE that are defined in terms of relative spectral
tion in which the variability of the spectral radiant radiant power distributions {S(A) AA}. Equa-
power distributions defining the metamers is not tions 1(3.8.1) of the previous section then take on
unduly constrained by the particular processes the following form:
used in generating the metamers. The theorist
prefers to generate a suitable collection of DLei(A)Si(A)x(A) AA = Sip2(A)S2(A)x(A) AA
metamers by numerical means.
Several numerical methods of generating meta- LUe(A)S(APA) AA = J p2(A)S(A)
(A) AA
mers have been reported in the literature. In A
presenting some of these methods, we will choose
as our observer, unless stated otherwise, the CIE 2 i(A)Si(A)z(A) AA = i po(A)S(A)z(A) AA
1931 standard observer defined by the color-
matching functions x(A), y(A), Z(A). This choice [1(3.8.2)]
Metameric Color Stimuli 187

illuminant is used to irradiate the two given ob-

jects; thus $,(A) = S,(A). In such situations, the
spectral differences between the two metameric
$2 50
a. object-color stimuli are given solely by the dif-
ferences between the two spectral reflectance
5 40
functions p,(A) and p,(A) defining the two ob-
5 jects.
© 30
<Z (i) Metameric Black Method. In the metameric
° 20 Caucasian Face black method, developed by Wyszecki (1953;
td in Daylight
1958), spectral reflectance functions p,(A) are
10 generated, which for a given illuminant S(A) and
a given observer x(A), y(A), Z(A), fulfill the fol-
lowing conditions:
400 500 600 700
Wavelength dX (nm)
Fig. 3(3.8.2). Spectral radiant power distributions
De(A)S(A)E(A) AA =0
of daylight reflected from Caucasian face and
emitted by color television screen tuned to match TeA)SAFA)AA=0 [23.82)]
the color of the face. The light from the screen is
an additive mixture of light emitted by the three
(red, green, blue) phosphors which are deposited as Bey(A)S(A)z(A)AA=0
small adjacent dots on the screen.
The tristimulus values X, Y, Z calculated for each
In these equations, the spectral radiant power dis- stimulus {p,(A)S(A) AA} are equal to zero; hence
tributions {p,(A)S\(A) AA} and {p,(A)S(A) the name metameric black. As in the case of
AX}, given in arbitrary radiometric units, define a ordinary metameric stimuli, there are infinitely
pair of metameric object-color stimuli with p,(A) many metameric blacks that fulfill Eq. 2(3.8.2).
and p,(A) denoting the spectral reflectance func- All metameric blacks, more specifically all spec-
tions of the two given objects and S$,(A) and tral reflectance functions p,(A), have the
S,(A) denoting the relative radiant powers at important feature of being positive at some wave-
wavelength A of the two given illuminants lengths and negative at others, and thus, they
irradiating objects (1) and (2), respectively. Cases cannot be realized physically. Nevertheless, they
are of interest only in which can be used very effectively for constructing sets
of all positive spectral reflectance functions that
{p(A)Si(A) AA} * {p2(A)S2(A) AA} are metameric and match some color other than
black. The procedure is to add a spectral reflec-
Most practical situations are concerned with tance function p,(A) of a metameric black to a
metameric object-color stimuli in which the same given spectral reflectance function p,(A) of non-
vanishing tristimulus values X,, Yo, Z >. One ob-
tains a new spectral reflectance function

p(A) = po(A) + p,(A) [3(3.8.2)]

which has the tristimulus values Xp, Yo, Zp. The

procedure is useful only if the new function p(A)
fulfills the condition
0<p(A) <1.0 [4(3.8.2)]

at all wavelengths A. Obviously, this is a neces-

(nm) sary condition that must be satisfied by all spec-
Fig. 4(3.8.2). Spectral reflectance curves of two tral reflectance functions of real (nonfluorescent)
textile swatches that, under CIE standard illumi- objects. In general, this condition can readily be
nant D,<, match in color for the CIE 1931 stan- met by multiplying p,(A) by an appropriate scal-
dard observer. ing factor before adding it to po(A).

rived by orthogonalizing the functions. The 27

orthogonal spectral reflectance functions of the
new set are given in Table II(3.8.2). Each pair of
functions fulfills the following condition:

DPP(A)PYP(A) =O — [5(3.8.2)]

with i, 7= 1,2,...,27 andi #/.

Figure 6(3.8.2) illustrates two spectral reflec-
ro) NY)
tance curves of a metameric pair of object-color
stimuli with tristimulus values X = 24.51, Y=
25.00, Z = 29.53 and corresponding chromaticity
coordinates x = 0.310, y = 0.316. They represent
objects that, when irradiated by illuminant C,
would appear gray under normal viewing condi-
tions. Whereas Curve 1 represents a spectrally
nonselective object, Curve 2 is a spectrally highly
selective gray. Curve 2 was found by adding to
Curve 1 a metameric black curve p,(A) that is
Fig. 5(3.8.2). Example of the spectral reflectance 0.4342 times the sum of curves i = 19, 20, and 21
function of an elementary metameric black. given in Table II(3.8.2).
The metameric black method has been applied
to the study of the color-rendering properties of
Table I(3.8.2) contains 27 linearly independent light sources (Wyszecki, 1960a) and to the assess-
spectral reflectance functions of black objects ment of overall differences of alternative sets
which under CIE standard illuminant C have zero of color-matching functions (Wyszecki, 1959b).
CIE 1931 (X,Y, Z)-tristimulus values. The 27 These applications will be touched upon briefly in
functions p‘)(A) (i = 1 to 27) were calculated in Section 3.8.3 dealing with the general problem of
accordance with Eq. 2(3.8.2) with the visible spec- counting metamers.
trum taken from A = 400 to 690 nm, and divided
into wavelength intervals AA = 10 nm. They rep- (ii) Linear Combination Method. This method
resent samples of the most elementary spectral requires a collection of sets of three different
reflectance functions of metameric blacks that spectral reflectance (or transmittance) functions
can be constructed. Each reflectance function has PPA) pH) 253 yd dy 284, eng) erties
only four values different from zero. Three are made up artificially or determined from spectro-
located always at 450 nm, 520 nm, and 600 nm, photometric measurements of real materials, such
respectively; the fourth, which is always equal to that the following n sets of three simultaneous
unity, varies its position in the spectrum from one linear equations have unique solutions:
reflectance function to the other. Figure 5(3.8.2)
illustrates function i = 14 of Table 1(3.8.2). ai 2Pr(A)S(A)¥(A) AX
Any linear combination of the 27 spectral re-
flectance functions will provide new functions of
metameric blacks. Because the 27 functions of the peizion (SC) A0) Ar
given basic set are linearly independent, they can
be combined in suitable linear combinations to
reproduce the spectral reflectance function of any
agrees (ASO) (2.)AA = X,
metameric black defined by its values (supposed
constant) in 30 wavelength intervals AA = 10 nm
centered on the 30 specified wavelengths (A, =
Bit Quy CEST)
400, A, = 410, A; = 420,...,A3) = 690) of the
visible spectrum. Fain S81 WAS (Aga) Ar
From the values of Table 1(3.8.2), a mathe-
matically more elegant basic set of spectral reflec-
tance functions of metameric blacks may be de-
+a Xp(A)S(A)
(A) Ad = ¥,
Metameric Color Stimuli 189



400 500 600 700


Fig. 6(3.8.2). Spectral reflectance functions of a pair of (hypothetical) metameric object-color

stimuli of tristimulus values X = 24.51, Y = 25.00,Z = 29.53, with respect to the CIE 1931
standard observer and CIE standard illuminant C. Curve 1 represents a nonselective gray
(horizontal straight line) of 25% reflectance; Curve 2 represents a metameric gray constructed
by the metameric black method described in the text.

aj, Ye; (A)S(A)Z(A)AA that yields the given tristimulus values with re-
A spect to the same illuminant and observer.
In keeping the tristimulus values the same,
Fain d pi(A)S(A)Z(A) AA that is, X, = X, Y, = Y, Z, = Z, Eqs. 6(3.8.2) and
nN 7(3.8.2) provide the spectral reflectance functions
of n metameric object-color stimuli of spectral
p) (A)S(A)zZ(A) AA = Z, radiant power distribution {p;(A)S(A) AA} (with
r i= 1 ton).
Up to this point, the procedure of generating
[6(3.8.2)] metamers follows the one suggested by Richter
(1958). Occasionally, however, the resulting spec-
For the ith set of three spectral reflectance func- tral reflectance function p,(A) may exceed the
tions p$?(A), pA), pO(A) drawn from the col- limits
lection of n such sets, and for given tristimulus
values X,, Y,, Z;, given illuminant S(A) and given 0<p,(A) <1.0 [8(3.8.2)]
observer x(A), y(A), Z(A), one can calculate the
factors dj), 4;7,4;3. It readily follows that the
linear combination
that must hold for any real (nonfluorescent) ob-
ject. Whenever this occurs, a scaling procedure
must be applied to bring p,;(A) within the spectral
a;p\)(A) a ainp(A) a aj3p)(A) con p(A)
range while preserving the original tristimulus
[7(3.8.2) values. In general, this can be done readily.
Suppose, for i = k, the computed p,(A) has at
defines a new spectral reflectance function p;(A) some wavelengths values greater than unity. To


0.2 Neares)





Fig. 7(3.8.2). Twelve spectral reflectance functions of objects yielding (hypothetical gray)
object-color stimuli with respect to CIE standard illuminant C and the CIE 1931 standard

modify p,(A), one first subtracts p,(A) from such as to ensure that the new function
another spectral reflectance function of the same
set, for example, p,(A) obtained for i = /. The
p, =p(A) + ap,(A) —[9(3.8.2)]
difference [p,(A) — p,(A)] yields the spectral falls within the limits
reflectance function p,(A) of a metameric black 0<p,(A) < 1.0
as defined earlier by Eq. 2(3.8.2). The function
p,(A) can be multiplied by any positive or nega- Table III(3.8.2) and Figure 7(3.8.2) give 12
tive factor without changing its character as a spectral reflectance functions p;(A) (with i = 1 to
metameric black. A suitable factor a can be found 12) constructed by the method just described. The
Metameric Color Stimuli 19]

functions define 12 hypothetical objects that, un- These equations form a set of 3 X 2 = 6 simulta-
der CIE standard illuminant C, match in color for neous linear equations into which is inserted the
the CIE 1931 standard observer. The object-color ith set (i= 1 to n) of six given spectral reflec-
stimuli obtained in this way form a metameric set tance functions p\/)(A) (with j = 1 to 6). Assum-
of stimuli with the following common tristimulus ing that the functions p\/)(A) have been chosen
values and chromaticity coordinates: such that the determinant of the system of equa-
X = 29.41, Y = 30.00, Z = 35.43 tions does not vanish, a unique solution is ob-
tained for the six factors a; ;(j = 1 to 6,i = fixed).
x = 0.310, y = 0.316 The desired spectral reflectance function p;(A)
The metamers generated above refer to a par- then follows from the equation
ticular illuminant S(A) and a particular observer 6
x(A), y(A), Z(A). If a change is made in either the
p;(A) = 2 a; ;p\(A) [11(3.8.2)]
illuminant, by replacing S(A) with S’(A), or in
the observer, by replacing x(A), y(A), Z(A) with
x'(A), y'(A), Z’(A), the object-color stimuli that If p,(A) does not meet the condition expressed by
originally matched in color will generally do so no Eq. 8(3.8.2), appropriate adjustments can be made
longer. in accordance with the procedure outlined above
However, it is possible to extend the method [Eq. 9(3.8.2)].
based on Eqs. 6(3.8.2) and 7(3.8.2) to generate Figure 8(3.8.2) shows an example of two spec-
spectral reflectance functions p,(A) that yield ob- tral reflectance curves calculated by means of
ject-color stimuli that are metameric with respect Eqs. 10(3.8.2) and 11(3.8.2) with S(A) being the
to more than one illuminant and/or observer. spectral radiant power distribution of CIE illumi-
For example, the extended method can be used to nant C and S’(A) that of CIE illuminant A. For
generate p,(A) functions that under illuminant the CIE 1931 standard observer, the two objects
S(A) will have tristimulus values X,Y, Z, and defined by the two curves match in color when
simultaneously tristimulus values X’, Y’, Z’ under viewed under either illuminant C or illuminant A.
illuminant S’(A). Thus, the given observer will see It is apparent that the method given by Eqs.
the different objects match in color under S(A) as 10(3.8.2) and 11(3.8.2) can be extended further to
well as under S’(A). However, under each illumi- generate metamers with respect to more than two
nant, a different color may be perceived. illuminants and to more than one observer. Such
The extended method uses the following equa- an extension leads to correspondingly larger sys-
tions when two illuminants [.$(A) and S’(A)], and tems of simultaneous linear equations involving
one observer [x(A), y(A), Z(A)], are considered: correspondingly increased numbers of initial
spectral reflectance functions p‘/)(A). Such com-

S [a 200)S0)F0) AN=X,=X
plex cases will not be pursued here.

(iii) Method Based on Variation Calculus.

Takahama and Nayatani (1972) developed an in-
fai,BoAIS(A) TO) AD Siar teresting method of generating metamers by mak-
ing use of variation calculus.
The method requires a collection of initial
3 fa,BISA) jr= Zils spectral reflectance functions p,(A) (with a =
1,2,...,n) each leading to tristimulus values
X,, Yy, Z, with respect to a given illuminant S(A)
and given observer such as x(A), y(A), Z(A). As
fa,B4A)S'O)FO) Ait N CX?
the tristimulus values X,, Y,, Z, do not need to
be the same for different a, it is relatively easy to

faSeA)S'O)FO) A= Y=
acquire a suitable collection of p,(A) functions.
For example, one may use the spectral reflec-
tance functions obtained by spectrophotometry of
a set of paint samples selected from the Munsell
> fa,20)9')z0) AN=Z/=Z’ Book of Color (Section 6.6.1).
= r Alternatively, one may produce p,(A) func-
[10(3.8.2)] tions by a random number technique. The visible


oO ron)



400 500
Wavelength (A), nm
Fig. 8(3.8.2). Example of spectral reflectance curves of two (hypothetical) objects that color
match for the CIE 1931 standard observer when these objects are illuminated by CIE standard
illuminant C or by CIE standard illuminant A (Judd and Wyszecki, 1975).

spectrum is divided into an appropriate number and

of intervals of equal width AA. At the central
wavelength A of each such interval, the value of 2 Ler(r) i p(A)]° = minimum
p,(A) is chosen at random with the constraint
0 <p,(A) < 1.0. With the visible spectrum taken, [13(3.8.2)]
for example, from A = 400 to 700 nm at intervals
of width AA = 10 nm, the p,(A) functions are The main steps of the numerical procedure
defined by 31 mutually independent values. Func- used to determine the desired metamers defined
tions produced in this way are jagged and repre- by Eqs. 12(3.8.2) and 13(3.8.2) are more conveni-
sent objects usually not found in practice. ently illustrated by employing the following nota-
The method of Takahama and Nayatani then tions:
consists of changing each given p,(A) function of The tristimulus values X,, Y,, Z, of the color
the initial collection of spectral reflectance func- stimulus involving p,(A) of the given initial col- .
tions to a new function, denoted by p*(A), that lection of spectral reflectance functions are
meets the following conditions: denoted by:

cr Xa ’ ‘e a Anas Log = X03

as (ASE
AuC CAR) NA =k ta eX
The products S(A)x(A), S(A)y(A), S(A)Z(A),
containing the given illuminant and observer, are
2 Pa(A)S(A)Z(A) Ad pre Nags: respectively denoted by x,(A), x,(A), x3(A).
Summations (replacing integrations) of cross

Dpz(A)S(A)zZ(A)AA= ZE=Z
products of functions f(A) and g(A), taken over
the visible spectrum are denoted by

[12(3.8.2)] (f-g) = 2f(d) (A) AA

Metameric Color Stimuli 193

With the above equations we have (with i = 1, 2, 3) By introducing Eq. 21(3.8.2) into Eq. 16(3.8.2)
and noting Eqs. 22(3.8.2) and 23(3.8.2) an explicit
Xvi = (Py i x;) [14(3.8.2)] expression is obtained for p*(A):

Ke =~ Dre. , x;) [15(3.8.2)] 8) 3

pz(X) = p,(A) + > yy AX,;B;;x;(A)

by substituting
pa(A) = pr) + e(r) [16(3.8.2)] The p*(A) functions derived by means of Eq.
into Eq. 15(3.8.2): 24(3.8.2) do not necessarily satisfy the condition

0<p*(A) <1.0
aM Dart fo ee)
but, if the case arises, appropriate adjustments
[17(3.8.2)] can be made in accordance with the method
described earlier in connection with Eq. 9(3.8.2),
and subtracting Eq. 14(3.8.2) from Eq. 17(3.8.2), or by means of a procedure suggested by Ohta
we obtain
Takahama and Nayatani demonstrate the ef-
AX ge (rir) [18(3.8.2)] fectiveness of their method on a number of ex-
amples. They show that metameric blacks are
calculated readily from the same initial collection
AX Ae ke [19(3.8.2)] of p,(A) functions, but set Eq. 15(3.8.2) equal to
zero; that is, X*. = 0.
The condition expressed by Eq. 13(3.8.2) with They also show that the method can be used to
regard to p*(A) is fulfilled when the value of change a given set of p*(A) functions, which
yields metamers with respect to a given illuminant
and observer, into a new set of p**(A) functions,
ben 269) =2 [pz(A) — pa(A)] AA which yields metamers with respect to another
[20(3.8.2)] illuminant and/or observer. Table IV(3.8.2) re-
produces the results obtained by Takahama and
becomes a minimum. The determination of this Nayatani for a set of 12 spectral reflectance func-
minimum is referred to as an isoperimetric prob- tions px*(A) (a= 1 to 12) that yield “gray”
lem in variation calculus (see, for example, metamers with respect to CIE standard illumi-
Smirnov, 1964) with the constraint, in our case, nant D,; and the CIE 1931 standard observer.
given by Eq. 18(3.8.2). From Euler’s theorem it These functions were derived from the 12 spectral
follows that the required function ¢,(A) is given reflectance functions given in the previous Table
III(3.8.2) that yield “gray” metamers with respect
to CIE standard illuminant C and the CIE 1931
standard observer. When the data given in Table
AWM ee 2 Haj%/) [21(3.8.2)] IV(3.8.2) are plotted, similar spectral reflectance
curves are obtained as those shown in Figure
The constant but unknown factors p,,; are de- IB82)
termined from Finally, Takahama and Nayatani show that
their method can also be extended without diffi-
3 culty to the more general case in which p,(A)
Boj — > AX,; Bi, [22(3.8.2)] functions are generated that yield metamers with
respect to more than one illuminant and/or more
than one observer. For details, the reader is re-
where B;; are the elements of the symmetrical
matrix B, which is the inverse of the 3 X 3 matrix ferred to the original paper by Takahama and
A whose elements are given by Nayatani (1972).
(iv) Monte Carlo Method. A large number of
Ny We od Pro aaae PSL NY metamers can be generated relatively quickly on

the computer by making use of a Monte Carlo to find a desired number n of p/(A;) functions
method. In this method, every spectral reflectance that fulfill Eqs. 25(3.8.2) to 27(3.8.2) depends on
function p/(A) (j = 1 to N) is obtained in the the number M of wavelengths A, used in each
form of a step function by assigning to a fixed set function, and the size as well as the location of
of wavelengths A, (i = | to M) random numbers the box in tristimulus space. The size and location
o/(A,) that satisfy the condition of the box are of particular importance in that
regard. Obviously, the smaller the size of the box,
0<p(A,)<1.0 [25(3.8.2)] the longer it will generally take to generate the
desired n metamers. For a given box size, the time
A typical set of wavelengths A, divides the visible
will be a minimum if the center of the box coin-
spectrum into M equal parts of width AX. If the
cides with the center of the object-color solid,
visible spectrum is taken from A, = 400 nm
located at
to A, = 700 nm and AA = 10 nm, each spec-
tral reflectance function is defined by M = 31 k M
random numbers p/(A,). By inserting the p/(A;) Ain = > > S(A;)x(A;) AA
function into the familiar equations for cal- isl
culating tristimulus values with respect to a given
a M
illuminant {S(A,;) AA} and observer [x(A,),
y(A,), Z(A;)] one obtains Xn =£ SSA) FA) Ad

ke M
Ngege ike 5 p/(A,)S(A,)x(A;) AA

Yk > e7(A)S(A,)F(A;) AA
The time required to generate n near metamers
will increase rapidly with the length of the
£, =k 5 p/(X;)S(A;)z(A,) AA displacement of the box from the centerX,,,
i=1 Y,,, Zm- Lhis finding is directly linked with the
statistical problem of determining the proportion
[26(3.8.2)] of metameric object-color stimuli that belong to
the total set of p/(A;) functions and are ap-
with A being a convenient normalizing constant proximately metameric with a given object-color
such as k = 100/3™,S(A,)p(A,;) AA (see Section stimulus. Section 3.8.4 will deal with this problem
3.3.8). further. As a rule, no metamers will be found
The computer collects all those p/(A;) func- when the box is on or beyond the boundary of the
tions that provide tristimulus values X;; Ys Z; that object-color solid (optimal color stimuli, Section
coincide or nearly coincide with a set of given 3.0).
tristimulus values X,Y), Z); that is, all those Once the desired n near metamers are found, a
that satisfy the conditions fine tuning can be applied to each p/(A,) function
so as to force it to yield the given tristimulus
values Xp, Yo, Zp), precisely. The method of gener-
( Sealias besesel ating metamers by variation calculus, developed
Wie AY, -by Takahama and Nayatani (1972) and described
oe ae above, may be used for the fine tuning.

AZ AZ 3.8.3 Intersections of Spectral Reflectance

(40 -) <%= (20+) Curves of Metamers

[27(3.8.2)] Two reflecting objects that yield metameric ob-

ject-color stimuli under a particular illuminant
This provides a set of near metamers represented and for a particular observer must have spectral
in tristimulus space by a set of points (X;, ¥;, Z;) reflectance curves that intersect. Intuitively or
all of which fall into a small box of sides from experience, we expect the two spectral re-
AX, AY, AZ. The time required for the computer flectance curves to intersect at a minimum of
Metameric Color Stimuli 195

three wavelengths within the visible spectrum: concerning the number of such intersections. In
one intersection at the short end, one in the fact, no such rules of general validity have been
middle, and one at the long end of the spectrum. developed as yet.
More specifically, we expect them to fall ap- In a study by Thornton (1973), the locations
proximately at the wavelengths of the peaks of of the intersections are pinpointed at wavelengths
the three color-matching functions of the given 448 + 4 nm, 537 + 3 nm, and 612 + 8 nm. These
observer. Surprisingly, proving our expectation is locations are claimed to be quite firmly fixed for
not straightforward. Stiles and Wyszecki (1968) virtually all metamers found in practice and are
have worked out the exact conditions under which closely connected with the functioning of the
a minimum of three or fewer than three intersec- mechanisms of trichromatic vision.
tions is required for ordinary trichromatic vision. Thornton’s results have been critically re-
They have also derived the relevant rules that viewed by Ohta and Wyszecki (1977) who were
apply to extended cases when metamerism rests able to show that the situation concerning the
on more than three matching conditions; for location of the intersections is far more complex
example, metamerism for both photopic and than Thornton’s work implies. In particular, Ohta
scotopic vision, or metamerism with respect to and Wyszecki demonstrated that the locations of
more than one illuminant. A detailed account of the intersections and the frequency of their occur-
the theoretical thesis of Stiles and Wyszecki is rence at specific locations depend strongly on the
beyond the scope of this book. However, it is of method of generating metamers. For the two sets
interest to note that the rules developed for one of metamers, each containing 990 pairs of rela-
case, such as the one involving the CIE 1931 tively smooth spectral reflectance curves gener-
color-matching functions, do not necessarily hold ated on the computer by different methods, Ohta
for other (hypothetical) trichromatic systems that and Wyszecki obtained the frequency distri-
lead to different (but physically feasible) spec- butions shown in Figure 1(3.8.3). One set of
trum loci in their corresponding chromaticity dia- metamers obtained yields four peak frequencies
grams. The empirical fact that the spectrum locus in the wavelength bands (430 to 440 nm), (465 to
of the CIE trichromatic system is nowhere con- 475 nm), (520 to 530 nm), and (610 to 620 nm).
cave, turns out to be an essential parameter in the The other set of metamers has three peak fre-
development of the rules concerning the number quencies in the wavelength bands (455 to 475
of intersections of the spectral reflectance curves nm), (520 to 535 nm), and (610 to 620 nm).
of two metamers based on such a trichromatic The number of peak frequencies found for
system. each of the two sets of metamers does not imply
Rules for the precise location of the intersec- that the total number of intersections for each
tions of the spectral reflectance curves of meta- pair of metamers is found to be always four or
mers are even more difficult to develop than rules three, respectively. In fact, for both sets of


300 9
(>) fe) Y es
& 200
Lo I I
QO ¢ Q
100 pay 4 I

ory el M i d

co. bed
400 500 600
Wavelength X (nm)
Fig. 1(3.8.3). Frequency of occurrence of intersections between pairs of metamers as a
function of their locations in the visible spectrum. The solid line with open circles refers to a
set of 990 pairs of metamers generated by one technique; the dashed line with solid dots refers
to a set of 990 pairs of metamers generated by another technique (Ohta and Wyszecki, 1977).

metamers an abundance of five intersections is this frequency distribution, it is necessary to have

found, and sometimes more than five; but, as some systematic scheme for subdividing the set of
expected, less than three intersections were never p(A) functions (i.e., all functions of A with values
found. lying in the interval 0 to 1 throughout the visible
A further analysis of the frequency distri- spectrum) into a large number of subsets. Given
bution for the second set of metamers showed such a scheme, the frequency distribution of the
that for three intersections to occur frequently basic collection is specified by the probability
(about 80% of the 990 pairs) and simultaneously that a p(A) function randomly selected from the
in three different bands of wavelength, it is neces- basic collection will lie in each of the subsets. Of
sary that these bands are centered at approxi- the unlimited number of schemes of subdivisions
mately 460 nm, 530 nm, and 610 nm, and cover that might be used, the only ones of interest here
the rather broad spectral ranges (440 to 485 nm), are those in which all the p(A) functions belong-
(510 to 555 nm), and (590 to 640 nm), respec- ing to a particular subset have approximately the
tively. same tristimulus values; that is, are nearly
metameric with respect to a given illuminant
{S(A) dA} and a given set of color-matching
3.8.4 Counting Metamers functions [x(A), y(A), Z(A)].
Consider the object-color solid belonging to a The simplest way of grouping all p(A) func-
given illuminant and to a given observer (see tions into suitable subsets is the following. The
Section 3.7). As a rule, a point on the surface of visible spectrum is divided into M equal wave-
the solid will correspond to just one object-color length intervals of width 6. All functions p(A) are
stimulus, that is, to a unique spectral reflectance classified by their mean values in these intervals,
curve, and there are no metamers. On the other Pp; tO py. Because the weighting functions
hand, for any point within the solid, there are S(A)x(A), SCA) (A), S(A)Z(A) used to deter-
infinitely many metameric object-color stimuli, mine the tristimulus values X, Y, Z are continu-
each with its proper spectral reflectance curve. To ous functions, then, provided 6 is fairly small, the
study further the variation in the multiplicity of tristimulus values of any function p(A) are closely
metamers at different points within the object- determined by the corresponding values of p, to
color solid, a more refined method of counting Py in the M intervals. These M numbers char-
metamers is needed. Elementary statistical meth- acterize the p(A) functions.
ods have been applied to this problem by Stiles The ‘tristimulus values “X = X,Y XZ =
and Wyszecki (1962b). X, for any function p(A) are set equal to
The initial objective in counting metameric M
object-color stimuli may be formulated as fol- (k = 1,2,3)
Ay AG > P;4q,;
lows: How many or what proportion of the ob- i=1
ject-color stimuli that belong to a given collection
are approximately metameric with a given color [1(3.8.4)]
stimulus of tristimulus values Xo, Y%, Z)? Ap-
proximately metameric means that the tristimulus with
values of the selected object-color stimuli should
lie in a three-dimensional interval (AX AY AZ) ay, = {S(A)X(A) dd
centered on Xp, Y%, Zo, the tolerances AX,
AY, AZ defining the closeness of metamerism
Only those collections of object-color stimuli
ay, = JS(A)F(A) dd
are considered that contain an indefinitely large
number of object-color stimuli with spectral ay, = [S(A)z(A) dd
reflectance functions p(A) extending over a con-
tinuous wavelength range. Such collections of ob-
ject-color stimuli are called basic collections. For and the normalizing constant
such collections, the counting problem has a
meaning only if the frequency with which differ-
ent p(A) functions occur in the basic collection
can be specified. For an explicit formulation of
Metameric Color Stimuli 197

where the integrals are taken over the respective A wide range of basic collections can be gener-
wavelength intervals i. ated by adopting different forms for the frequency
Adopting this scheme of classification of p(A) functions F;(p;) dp;.
functions, the statistical makeup of any basic Given the basic collection of spectral reflec-
collection is specified by F(p,,...,,,), where tance functions as well as its controlling frequency
function F(p,,...,,,), the problem reduces to
F(p1,---,0m) 401 +++ dows deriving the frequency function of the tristimulus
values X,Y, Z. This frequency function de-
is the chance that a p(A) function selected at termines the proportion of the object-color stimuli
random from the basic collection will have mean that have X, Y, Z values in any defined region of
values in the respective wavelength intervals i, the tristimulus space. In particular, the pro-
lying between (p; + dp;) and p;. Obviously, portion of those object-color stimuli may be
l l determined that have (approximately) the same
2 TA Ot soul
J sf El Basten Dy, oO Pa tristimulus values as a given color stimulus speci-
Pi 0 Pu—90
fied by X,Y, Zo; that is, which are (nearly)
[2(3.8.4)] metameric with a given color stimulus with re-
spect to a given illuminant and observer.
The required frequency function is
The very general form of the above func-
tion F(p,,...,P,,) allows for the possibility that
o(X,, xX), X;) dx, dx, dx,
in the basic collection considered, the chance
that a randomly chosen p(A) function has a par-
ticular value p, in the pth interval will depend on which represents the chance that a member of the
the values in neighboring intervals, (—,~1), basic collection will have its respective tristimulus
Pr p+1)> P(p—2)» and so forth. In collections of p(A) values between (X, + dX,) and X, for k = 1,2,3.
curves corresponding to actual reflecting (or A general form of the Central Limit Theorem
transmitting) objects, some such interdependence (Cramér, 1937) can be applied to the present
at least over a limited wavelength range must be problem. This theorem shows that the tristimulus
operative, because abrupt variations of p(A) of vector whose components (Xj, X,, X3) are the
wide amplitude are not met. However, if 6 is not sums of the M random variables £, = ca, jp;,
too small, the assumption that the variations of (i = 1,2,...,M), for example,
p(A) in the different intervals occur indepen-
dently leads to useful approximations. The inter-
val 6 must be taken just sufficiently large to Ai » g;
warrant the assumption of independence for the
type of p(A) curve included in the basic collec-
will approximate for fairly large M to the normal
tion. As 6 should be kept small for other reasons,
the choice of 6 is necessarily a compromise. No
essentially different conclusions emerge when
more refined methods are used to allow for the O(X,, Xo, X;) dX#dX, dX,
limited sharpness of fluctuation of p(A) curves.
dX, dX, dx, ( Ps]
The assumption that the variations of p; of the ______ ooo x —
3/2 2 3
ith wavelength interval are independent of the (277) |o,;|'/7
variations of the reflectances in all other wave-
length intervals implies that the frequency func- [4(3.8.4)]
tion splits into the product of M functions, each
depending on one reflectance value only; that is, in which

q gis
F(p1,...,P1) = F\(p;) --- F(a) Py = » a oX'( X;,aT Xn, nC X, iT es)
fo Flo) dp,=1 — [3(3.8.4)] In the above expression the mean values X,, , of

the sums X, are given by validity of the normal distribution for certain
] The conditions of calculation were as follows:
Xn k=OD axif pF,(p) dp
{S(A) dA} =CIE standard illuminant C
[6(3.8.4)] x(A), y(A), Z(A)=CIE 1931 standard observer
AX =6= 20 nm=constant wavelength interval
and o*! (k,/ = 1,2,3) is a matrix determined by M=20=number of wavelength inter-
the variances and covariances of these sums X,. vals in the visible spectrum
The variances and the covariances are given by from 370 to 770 nm, inclu-
M fe
Ox) — CS > ay.i41,;( = } [7(3.8.4)] Approximately 10,000 sets of tristimulus val-
ues X, Y, Z were computed by using an indepen-
dent random choice of p; in each wavelength
interval for each set. The number of object-color
wi 12|['PAC) ip stimuli with tristimulus values X, Y, Z, contained
-|force) ao]| within a cubic cell of dimensions AX = AY = AZ
= 5.0 units, was counted as well as the number of
object-color stimuli contained in a “slice” AY =
The variances correspond to k = /, the covari- 5.0 units wide, perpendicular to the Y-axis. The
ances to k #/. The matrix {o,,} is called the frequency distribution of object-color stimuli ob-
variance-covariance matrix with the determinant tained in the slice 50.0 < Y < 55.0 with midpoint
|o,,|. The matrix {o*'} occurring in Eq. 5(3.8.4) Y = 52.5 is illustrated in Figure 1(3.8.4) as an
is the inverse of {o,,}. It has the determinant example. In each cell of the slice the number of
1/| o,;|
If one makes the assumption that for every
wavelength interval i, all reflectance values be-
tween zero and unity are equally probable, that is, 50.0<Y< 55.0

Cp yeaa [8(3.8.4)] 120

one obtains

Xmk = 2 Oki [9(3.8.4)]
2 M 60

Ox; — ae i ay i 41, j [10(3.8.4)]

All three tristimulus values (X,) of any
object-color stimulus have finite maximum and 20
minimum values. Thus, for all points in tristimu-
lus space outside the range of these maximum
and minimum values, the normal distribution
20 40 60 80 100
$(X,) of Eq. 4(3.8.4) must obviously be incorrect.
In fact, it deviates appreciably from the true X
distribution as soon as one or more of the three Fig. 1(3.8.4). Slice of the object-color solid cut
differences (X, — X,, ,) exceed a certain limit. perpendicular to the Y-axis. Each cell of the*slice
As the true frequency distribution of the tri- contains the number of object-color stimuli found
stimulus values is extremely difficult to derive, in a Monte Carlo calculation of (approximate)
Monte Carlo calculations were made to check the metamers.
Metameric Color Stimuli 199




0.5 m

y an
0.4 is)
0.3 Oo 640
,700 nm



C5 O

TK ene 0.3 GS 0.6 0.7 0.8

Fig. 2(3.8.4). Frequency distribution of (appréximate) metamers found in a Monte Carlo

calculation in a slice through tristimulus space (Y= const = 52.5) is plotted in the CIE 1931
(x, y)-chromaticity diagram.

near metamers found is given. Also shown is the Y-value (= 50.0), the frequency distribution has
locus of optimal color stimuli for Y = 50.0. zero values.
_ Figure 2(3.8.4) illustrates the same slice but Table 1(3.8.4) gives the frequency distribution
transformed into the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromatic- of all the Y values obtained. It was found that for
ity diagram. The number of near metamers found values of
in each cell of the slice is plotted vertically. The
peak of the frequency distribution is above the (oe Ga a 05] Sa ns
chromaticity point of illuminant C (x, = 0.310,
y. = 0.316). The rapid decrease in the relative
number of near metamers found in cells displaced the results obtained lay closely on a normal distri-
from the central cell is clearly evident. At the bution. The number of sets computed was insuffi-
boundary of the object-color stimuli for the given cient to check the distribution near the boundary

Table 1(3.8.4) Frequency Distribution of Y-Values Obtained from Monte Carlo Calculations

Midpoint Frequency Cumulative

J Yj Fj Relative Frequency

2: 125 es 0.02
3 17.5 Kl? 0.13
4 22.) 70 0.82
5 2hS 229 3.09
6 32.5 a12 8.16
a 315 1021 18.28
8 42.5 1477 32.91
9 47.5 1729 50.04
10 52.5 1734 67.22
11 a Bs 1477 81.86
12 62.5 997 92.74
13 67.5 538 97.07
14 a} 202 99.07
15 TIS 74 99.80
16 82.5 20° 100.00

“These values at the tails of the distribution function deviate significantly from the normal distribution.

of the object-color stimuli determined by the opti- This value compared well with the value
mal color stimuli. The effective value of the con-
stant 1/207 may readily be deduced from a plot dhe = 4. Mes
of the cumulative frequency distribution as shown nN

in Figure 3(3.8.4). It was found that

obtained by direct calculation using Eq. 10(3.8.4).
The mean Y,, obtained from the plot agrees al-
50 = 43 ie = most exactly with the mean directly calculated
from Eq. 9(3.8.4), which gives Y,, = 50.0.

3.8.5 Boundaries of Mismatches of Metamers

© wo ee) Perhaps the most important application of a set
wo © of metamers generated with respect to a given
illuminant and observer is to the determination of
© (2) the magnitude of the color mismatches that will
occur when the illuminant and/or the observer is
50 changed. Such determinations have a direct bear-
ing on the assessment of the color-rendering
properties of light sources, the adequacy of
daylight simulators for colorimetry, and the total
difference of two sets of color-matching func-
125 225 32.5 42.5 52.5 62.5 72.5 82.5 Our discussion will again center on object-
color stimuli; for a given illuminant and observer,
4 their metamerism is governed entirely by the dif-
Fig. 3(3.8.4). Cumulative relative frequency dis- ferences between the spectral reflectance func-
tribution of Y-values of approximately 10,000 tions of the different objects involved. If p/(A)
object-color stimuli obtained in a Monte Carlo (j = 1,2,...,m) represents such a set of spectral
calculation. reflectance functions, the tristimulus values
Metameric Color Stimuli 201

X;, Y;, Z; obtained for each object illuminated by The given test illuminant {S’(A) AA} is then
the given illuminant {S(A) 4A} and viewed by used to replace in Eq. 1(3.8.5) the reference illu-
the given observer [x(A), y(A), Z(A)] are the same, minant {S(A) AA}. The resulting tristimulus val-
that is, ues, denoted by X;, Y/, Z;, yield the expected
cloud of points in tristimulus space. These points
are often transformed into the more convenient
X= X= a IE ae, An (x, y, Y)-space where the luminous reflectance Y
is plotted perpendicular to the (x, y)-chromatic-
ity plane. The following transformation is used:
H=Y,= k Me A)SA)I(A) AX
Fs /
, /


The calculation of a boundary in (x, y, Y)-
a 100 space that contains a given percentage of all
ASU A) AL points (x;, y/, Y/) of the cloud is done by a
familiar multivariate statistical technique. De-

The geometrical interpretation of metamerism,

as defined by Eq. 1(3.8.5), is that every object-
color stimulus {p/(A)S(A) AA} is represented by
the same point (Xo, Yo, Z,) in tristimulus space.
When the illuminant and/or observer is
changed in Eq. 1(3.8.5), metamerism will gener-
ally no longer hold. The original single point
(Xo, Yo, Z)) in tristimulus space will “explode”
into a cloud of points whose size, shape, and
location in tristimulus space depends on the spec-
tral radiant power distribution of the new illumi- The variance-covariance matrix of (x’, y’, Y’) is
nant and the color-matching functions of the new determined by the matrix Q with elements Q,,
observer. given by
Different investigators have studied the prob-
lem of determining the boundary of the cloud of N
points in (X,Y, Z)-tristimulus space or in the 1
0,,=—— > XX, Uh) 1h 203)
related (x, y, Y)-space. Some of these studies will NH
be discussed below. In each case we will confine
our discussions to a change in the illuminant from
From the theory of normal trivariate distribu-
the original {S(A) AA}, the reference illuminant,
tions, it follows that
to a new illuminant {S’(A) AA}, the test illumi-
nant. The observer will not be changed. Calcula-
tions involving a change in the observer are, in
principle, similar to those involving a change in y OMX, X,
the illuminant.
(i) Monte Carlo Calculations. The first step is distributed as x7 (chi-square) with three degrees
consists of generating by the Monte Carlo method, of freedom. The quantity Q*’ denotes the ele-
described in Section 3.8.2(iv), a number of p/(A) ments of the matrix Q~! inverse to Q.
functions of metamers with common tristimulus Since x? with three degrees of freedom is less
values X), Yo, Zp for a given illuminant {S(A) AA} than 7.81 in 95% of all cases, it follows that 95%
and given observer [x(A), y(A), Z(A)]. of all points (x;, y/, Y/) will he within (or on) the

(x;, yj,¥/, with 7 = 1 to 100) is obtained. The

chromaticity points (x;, y/) are shown in Figure
Monte Carlo Method
1(3.8.5) together with the projection of the 95%-
ellipsoid that provides the statistical boundary of
_ the chromaticity mismatches that would be ob-
served for all object-color stimuli that belong to
the same class as the calculated sample of 100.
(ii) Metameric Black Calculations. An alterna-
y tive calculation is based on a set of metamers
generated by the metameric black method de-
scribed in Section 3.8.2(i) (Wyszecki, 1958). The
set of spectral reflectance functions p/(A) that
provides metamers with respect to CIE standard
illuminant D,; and the CIE 1931 standard ob-
server is of the form

0.390 p/(A) = po(A) + a 2 ah py, (A)

0.430 0.440 0.450 0.460

Fig. 1(3.8.5). Chromaticity points of 100 objects [3(3.8.5)]

viewed under CIE standard illuminant A, that when
illuminated by CIE standard illuminant D,, are all where p,(A) is an initial spectral reflectance func-
metameric with identical coordinates (x9 = 313, tion that leads to the given coordinates (Xo, yo, Yo)
Yo = 0.329, Y) = 50.0). The spectral reflectance under Dg, and p, ,(A) (with k = 1 to B) is a set
curves of the 100 objects were generated by a of B metameric blacks under D,;. The metameric
Monte Carlo method. The ellipse drawn around blacks are combined linearly by assigning random
the chromaticity points represents the 95% statisti- numbers to the coefficients a/. An overall scaling
cal boundary of the chromaticity mismatches ob- factor a/ is helpful to force the resulting p/(A)
served under illuminant A. The center of the el- function to fulfill the necessary condition
lipse (cross) coincides with the mean of the 100
calculated chromaticity points and lies close to the 0<p/(A) <1
chromaticity point (open circle) of illuminant A.
for all wavelengths A.
Figure 2(3.8.5) illustrates an example of such
closed boundary defined by calculations. As in the calculations described un-
der 3.8.5(i), 100 p/(A) functions were generated
by the metameric black method leading to 100
>, OFX,
=H=71 8k, M25)
(gray) metamers with respect to D,; and the CIE
1931 standard observer with the common coordi-
The closed boundary is an ellipsoid in (x, y, Y)- nates X9 = 0.313, yy = 0.329, and Y) = 50.0. For
space with its center at (x’,, y,,, Y,,), the mean of the initial spectral reflectance function p)(A) the
points (x;, y;, Y;). nonselective gray object was chosen, that is,
Figure 1(3.8.5) illustrates an example. This and
some of the other examples that follow in this P(A) = 0.5
section were calculated by N. Ohta when he was a
post-doctorate fellow with the National Research for all wavelengths A.
Council of Canada in 1975-1976. One hundred The illuminant was then changed from D,; to
o/(A) functions were generated by the Monte A resulting in the cloud of points shown in Figure
Carlo technique that, with respect to CIE stan- 2(3.8.5). The statistical 95% boundary of the chro-
dard illuminant D,; and the CIE 1931 standard maticity mismatches is an ellipse which is very
observer, provided 100 metamers with the com- similar to the one shown in Figure 1(3.8.5).
mon coordinates x, = 0.313, yo = 0.329, and The basic collection (see Section 3.8.4) of spec-
Y) = 50.0. When the illuminant is changed to tral reflectance functions p(A) that governs the
CIE standard illuminant A, a cloud of points metameric black method differs, in principle, from
Metameric Color Stimuli 203

the basic collection that governs the Monte Carlo

method. To generate a basic collection by means
Metameric Black Method
( p,(4)=0.5 )
of the metameric black method, an initial pp(A) is
required for every point in (X, Y, Z)-tristimulus
space (or (x, y, Y)-space). There is a great deal of
freedom in choosing an appropriate p,(A) func-
tion for each point in space, and its effect on
statistical inferences, such as those concerning the
y boundary of chromaticity mismatches discussed
0.410 here, is not fully understood. However, we must
expect the different choices of p (A) lead to
somewhat different 95%-boundary ellipses. The
following numerical examples indicate that widely
0.400 different choices of p,(A) for a given point in
space may have only a relatively small effect on
the size, shape, and location of the 95%-boundary
ellipse in the chromaticity diagram.
0.390 The calculations resulting in Figure 2(3.8.5)
0.430 0.440 0.450 0.460
x were repeated with two initial p (A) functions as
Fig. 2(3.8.5). Chromaticity mismatches and 95% shown in Figure 3(3.8.5) and denoted by p§(A)
statistical boundary derived from 100 object-color and pj*(A). The two functions are metameric
stimuli calculated by the metameric black method. with the original nonselective function p,)(A) =
The object-color stimuli are metamers with regard 0.5, also shown in Figure 3(3.8.5); that is, both
to CIE standard illuminant D,; and mismatch with lead to the same coordinates x) = 0.313, yy =
regard to CIE standard illuminant A. The results 0.329, and Y) = 50.0 under D,;. Figure 4(3.8.5)
agree closely with those shown in Figure 1(3.8.5) compares the resulting 95%-boundary ellipses, one
obtained by a Monte Carlo method. based on pj(A) and the other based on p(*(A),
with the one obtained earlier on the basis of
Po(A) = 0.5. The three ellipses resemble each other
fairly well, but their centers do not coincide ex-
actly and some differences in size are also noted.
The orientations of their major axes are nearly the


400 500 600 TOO

Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 3(3.8.5). Three initial spectral reflectance functions po(A), p9(A), 09 *(A) used in the
calculation of three sets of metameric object-color stimuli by the metameric black method. The
initial functions are themselves metameric with respect to the CIE 1931 standard observer and
CIE standard illuminant D,s.

length interval i, all reflectance values p; between

zero and unity are equally probable and that the
Metameric Black Method
(0) : p, (4) #0.5
variations of p; of the ith interval are independent
of the variations of the reflectance values in all
(1) = p*OA)
other wavelength intervals. These assumptions are
0.420 (2p (3)
those one normally makes in generating spectral
reflectance functions by the Monte Carlo tech-
nique, which leads to jagged step functions p,.
The frequency function then splits into the prod-
0.410 uct of M functions, each depending on one reflec-
(O)°x (O) tance value only, and each being equal to unity;
x (1)
(2)x o(1)

F( prst- -s0m) = F\(p1) +>: Fu(em)

0.390 where

0.430 0.440 0.450 0.460 (i-oF:(p;) = 1 withi=1toM


Fig. 4(3.8.5). 95%-boundary ellipses calculated on Given the basic collection of spectral reflec-
the basis of three different sets of object-color tance functions as well as its controlling frequency
stimuli obtained by means of the metameric black function, as defined by Eg. 4(3.8.5), the next step
method. Each set of 100 object-color stimuli was is then to determine the joint frequency function
generated with a different initial spectral reflec- of the tristimulus values. Actually, the problem at
tance function, po(A), p9(A), 09 *(A) shown in hand involves the tristimulus values of the p,;
Figure 3(3.8.5). The resulting 95%-boundary el- functions with respect to two given illuminants (a
lipses deviate from one another in minor ways. reference and a test illuminant) and a given ob-
Note that the boundary based on p,(A) is that server. Thus, it is necessary to determine the
shown earlier in Figure 2(3.8.5). The centers of the frequency distribution of six-stimulus values,
three ellipses are indicated by crosses, and the which is of the form
chromaticity points of the objects defined by
the initial spectral reflectance functions po(A), OU Xho Aa Ke Aa ake oa
po (A), po *(A) are indicated by open circles.
and represents the chance that a member of the
basic collection of spectral reflectance functions
(iii) Deterministic Method. In pursuing further will have its respective six-stimulus values be-
their statistical approach to counting metamers, tween (X, + dX,) and X, for k = 1 to 6.
as described in Section 3.8.4, Stiles and Wyszecki The six-stimulus values, denoted by X, (k = 1:
(1962b) developed a deterministic approach to to 6), are defined by
predict 95%-boundary ellipsoids. The intriguing
feature of this method is that it does not require
the actual production of spectral reflectance func- = ” PiX
Kj [5(3.8.5)]
tions p/(A). Instead, a basic collection of spectral
reflectance function is assumed, in which each
member function is thought of as a set of reflec- where, explicitly,
tance values p,;, with 0 < p; < 1, where i denotes
one of M wavelength intervals of constant width
AX = 6, which divide the visible spectrum uni-
7. _ 100S(A)F(A)AA
formly. The basic collection is controlled by its
xX) = ¥, nile FR
frequency function F(p,,...,0,,) for which dif-
ferent forms can be adopted. The case studied by o Ce = xe
a = S;
“ 2
Se ee
Stiles and Wyszecki assumes that for every wave- : he eK OReime)
Metameric Color Stimuli 205

4 _ _ 100S(A)z(A)AX familiar methods and, moreover, can be con-

X,=Z, X%3=S87=———
: me Sy S(A) (AJAX verted to the lower triangular matrix

%=¥, %.=Si5= 100S’(A) (A) AA PG

#7) 0
= ~
i) =)

eek i ee _ _ 100S’(A)X(A)AA tah &


ee EE SHCA) (0) oe

ler feo, tes. tea. esvorntee

TT a la nm S,S’(A) p(A)AA that is needed in the present case. The new six-
stimulus values U, (k = 1 to 6) are then defined
The subscript i denotes the ith wavelength in- by
terval of constant width AA = 6, centered at
wavelength A. S; (or S(A)AA) defines the refer-
ence illuminant and S/ (or S’(A)AA) defines U,.= > PiU, i= 2 t,,X, [8(3.8.5)]
i=1 i=1
the test illuminant. The observer is defined by the
color-matching functions <x;, y;, Z; [or Their joint frequency-distribution function is the
x(A), y(A), Z(A)]. Note that the luminous reflec- normal distribution of the form
tances X, = Y and X,= Y’ of the object-color
stimuli p;S,; and p,S; are given first position in W(U,,...,Us) dU, --- dU,
each set of tristimulus values. The weighting func-
tions x, , have been normalized in the usual ets tne? ete
manner as indicated on the far right of the above
notation table (see also Section 3.3.8). This nor-
cag iegttaen Ay De
malization makes the luminous reflectance of the [9(3.8.5)]
perfect reflecting diffuser, the ideal “white” ob-
ject, given by p; = 1 for all i, equal to 100 for where the quadratic Q, in the exponent is given
both illuminants, S; and S/. by
The detailed procedure for obtaining the joint
frequency-distribution function of the six-stimu-
lus values X, has been outlined in the paper by
ah = 4B) 5 (U, — Uz m) [10(3.8.5)]
Stiles and Wyszecki (1962b) and only the major
steps are given here bearing on the particular with U, ,,, being the mean six-stimulus values.
basic collection of spectral reflectance functions In the next step, all tristimulus values of those
and its controlling frequency distribution [Eq. object-color stimuli are considered that, governed
4(3.8.5)] used in the present discussion. by the given basic collection of p; functions,
The first step is to replace the x, ,; weighting are metameric with respect to the reference
functions by new weighting functions u, ; derived weighting functions u, ;(kK = 1,2,3). The meta-
by the linear transformation mers have tristimulus values U, (k = 1,2, 3) fall-
ing within a very small volume element

tei =Dtu%,,l=]
(k= 106) [6(3.8.5)] (dU,, dU,, dU;) centered on the point corre-
sponding to the tristimulus values U, = U,9 (k
= 1,2,3). In (U,, U5, U;)-space, the metamers dis-
with the transformation matrix {t,,} so chosen tribute according to the following normal distri-
that the new functions are both orthogonal and bution:
normal; that is, they fulfill the conditions
0 4(Us, Us, Us)dU,dUsdU,
3a a = for kes [ [7(3.8.5)]
PAWS 0 fork +l dU,dU;dUg 1

Provided the x, ; functions are linearly indepen-

~ Qa/i2y? exp(—

dent, the transformation {t,,} is determinable by [11(3.8.5)]


with the quadratic and the ellipsoid center is located at

— S (UU. VS (12G.85)] X40 ad X4 mm adh > tas (X/0 i X), a)
k=4 Af f=1

The quadratic Q,_; has the x? distribution with

three degrees of freedom. Thus, a sphere in the DCP eae, tied , 5 faiAy ogee
44 55 [=]
(U,, Us, Us)-space that contains a fraction h of the
metamers with tristimulus values (U,9, Uz,9, U3. 9) hike
is defined by ae » ts)( X).0 =e Xm)
55 /=1
2 2
(U, rs} Us, m) a (U; Sy ty
X60 oe at
2 ] teala4
ig (ug Ue. m) See

[13(3.8.5)] ae 5 ta (X90 — Xm)
44°55°66 [=]

For h = 95%, the value of x’ is equal to 7.81.

The sphere in (U,, U;, U,)-space corresponds
nay 5 ts)( X19 — Xm)
to an ellipsoid in (X,, X;, X,)-space because the 55/66 [=]
two spaces are related to each other by the linear
transformation given by Eq. 8(3.8.5). The hA-
ellipsoid in (X,, X5, X,)-space has the following PEA
Ly te (X10 — Xm)
66 J=]
% 2 [17(3.8.5)]
T44( X4 7x Xo,4) a T55( Xs as Xo.5)
2 . te
+ 166 ( X¢ a Xo.6)

Xi i DE (/ [2p
+2145(X, i, Xa) Xs = Xo.5)

+2155 ( X5 al Xo,5)( Xe = Xo 6) [18(3.8.5)]

l The location of the center of the h-ellipsoid as
+2 %64( X6 in Xo,6)(X% ~ Xo,4) a, mee
given by Eq. 17(3.8.5) depends on the given tri-
stimulus values X, 9, X29, X39 of the metamers
in (X,, X,, X3)-space, and of course, on the coef-
where ficients of the {t,,} matrix. However, the shape,
orientation, and volume of the ellipsoid are the
same whatever the reference tristimulus values
w= Dd tetn [15(3.8.5)]
k=4 X1,0> X2,0) X3,0-
In connection with this at first slightly surpris-
which, explicitly becomes ing result, it should be noted that
TAcs betes re
(a) The h-ellipsoid concerns only the distribu-
tion in (X4, X;, X;)-space of the representative
155 = t55 + t6s
points of the subset of object-color stimuli that
ee ps
are metameric with respect to the given reference
Os [16(3.8.5)] weighting functions; the actual “number” of the
metameric object-color stimuli in the subset de-
5 — tsatss 1 lates
pends strongly on X; 9, X29, X3,9 aS discussed in
T56 — lestee Section 3.8.4.
(b) The normal distribution underlying the
764 — leat whole discussion is only an approximation that
Metameric Color Stimuli 207

decreases in validity as the distance of the point

(X10, X20, X3,.9, X4, X5, Xe) increases from the Deterministic Method

pomt.GXy,,, stg.) (jagged p(X) functions)

The derivation of a corresponding h-ellipsoid 0.420

in (x, y, Y)-space, instead of the (X, Y, Z)-space

as outlined above, is, strictly speaking, not possi-
ble. The transformation of the tristimulus values
X,Y, Z to chromaticity coordinates x, y is non-
linear, which, when applied to the normal joint
frequency-distribution function of the tristimulus
values, leads to an exponent Q in the distribution
that is not of second degree. The contours of 0.400

equal probability density of the distribution be-

come nonellipsoidal.
However, the nonellipsoidal surfaces can be
approximated by ellipsoids if one ignores in the
expression for Q all terms of total degree higher
0.430 0.440 0.450 0.460
than two. Usually, such an approximation is quite x

acceptable. Fig. 5(3.8.5). Nine cross-sections of 95%-

In practice, the numerical procedure is first to boundary ellipsoid (Y = const ranging from 49.2
linearize the given nonlinear transformation of to 50.8) calculated by means of the deterministic
the X,Y, Z values to x, y,Y values and then method. The basic collection of spectral reflec-
to use the linear approximation to transform tance functions consists of “jagged” step func-
Q,(X, Y, Z) to Q3(x, y, Y) which defines an el- tions. The reference illuminant is CIE standard
lipsoid in (x, y, Y)-space. Whereas the original illuminant D,., the test illuminant is CIE standard
ellipsoid in (X, Y, Z)-space had the same shape illuminant A. For the CIE 1931 standard observer,
orientation and volume regardless of the reference objects that under D¢; are metameric grays (x =
tristimulus values (Xp, Yo, Zo), the new ellipsoid 0.313, yo = 0.329, Y) = 50.0), do not match under
in (x, y, Y)-space varies in shape, orientation, illuminant A, but 95% of their (x, y, Y) points fall
and volume as a function of the location of its within the ellipsoid shown, which is centered at
center, that is (Xo, ¥%, Yo). For details of the A(xo = 0.448, yo = 0.407, Yo = 50.0).
numerical procedure, see Section 5.4.2.
Figure 5(3.8.5) illustrates in the CIE (x, y)-
chromaticity diagram nine cross sections (Y = sentative of real objects, that is, spectral reflec-
const, ranging from 49.2 to 50.8) of a 95%- tance functions that are smooth.
boundary ellipsoid. The input data used to derive In a follow-up paper, Stiles, Wyszecki, and
this ellipsoid by means of the deterministic Ohta (1977) study a basic collection that consists
method described above are the same as those of frequency-limited spectral reflectance func-
used to illustrate the Monte Carlo method and tions that, by an appropriate choice of parame-
the metameric black method. Thus, the elliptical ters, can be made quite smooth and representative
envelope shown in Figure 5(3.8.5) can be directly of real objects.
compared with the ellipses shown in Figures The particular set of frequency-limited spec-
1(3.8.5), 2(3.8.5), and 4(3.8.5). The 95%-boundary tral reflectance functions p(A) adopted as the
ellipse obtained by the deterministic method is basic collection was defined by
very similar to those obtained by the other two
methods, except its length is slightly greater. The p(A)=24+726(A) — [19(.8.5)]
differences that are noted are most likely statisti-
cally not significant.
The spectral reflectance functions that make
up the basic collection in the deterministic method
RO oy, sin? [a(A — A,)o — in72]
i sai issige
pat ose
are “jagged” step functions in the visible spec- pens eof [7(A — Aq) w — ia /2]
trum. Other basic collections are conceivable, in
particular, those whose members are more repre- [20(3.8.5)]

with w = 1/50 leads to a 95%-boundary ellipsoid

which is surprisingly similar to the one based on a
basic collection of jagged spectral reflectance
[e) a
Calculations with different choices of w lead to
similar 95%-boundary ellipsoids with regard
Reflectance to orientation and shape, but the volume is found
to vary noticeably with w. The ellipsoid calculated
with w = 1/100 is considerably smaller than that
with w = 1/50.
os 400 500 600 700
Wavelength i (nm)
(iv) Linear Programming Method. The Monte
Fig. 6(3.8.5). Example of a frequency-limited Carlo method, the metameric black method,
spectral reflectance function p(A) with a limiting and the deterministic method all use statistical
frequency of w = 1/50. procedures to estimate the boundary of the cloud
of points in (X, Y, Z)-space or in (x, y, Y)-space
that is generated when objects matching under
where y; is a random number satisfying the condi-
one illuminant are observed under another illumi-
nant. The statistical procedures lead to boundary
| IN ce IN a U=0,--1, = 2, etc.) ellipsoids that contain a given percentage (e.g.,
95%) of the original metamers. The 95%-boundary
[21(3.8.5)] ellipsoids that are computed by the different
w is a constant representing the limiting frequency; methods are, in general, very similar in shape,
Xo is a “zero-adjustment” constant normally cho- orientation, and volume. The differences that do
sen to coincide (approximately) with the wave- occur are, in the main, caused by differences in
length in the middle of the visible spectrum. the basic collections of the spectral reflectance
The frequency-limited spectral reflectance functions that govern the different methods. None
function p(A) defined by Eqs. 19(3.8.5) to of the methods is capable of deducing the optimal
21(3.8.5) satisfies the necessary condition boundary within which ail of the original
metamers must lie. Such a boundary must exist
0<p(A) <1 [22(3.8.5)] and standard procedures of linear programming
can be used to determine it.
for all wavelengths A. It also ensures that the The application of linear programming to the
frequency spectrum of p(A) with respect to A has problem was demonstrated first by Allen (1969)
no component at a frequency greater than w and developed further by Ohta and Wyszecki
cycles per unit change in A. The choice of w (1975a). A related method is that recently used by
provides control over the shape and smoothness Schmitt (1976).
of the spectral reflectance curve. The numerical procedure of finding the opti-
The deterministic method employing the above mal boundary is summarized by the following
basic collection of frequency-limited spectral re- equations taken from the paper by Ohta and
flectance functions follows statistical procedures Wyszecki (1975a). |
that are very similar to those described above. The defining equations of the tristimulus val-
For details, the paper by Stiles et al. (1977) is ues X,Y, Z© of all object-color stimuli
recommended. {p/S‘?} that are metameric for the CIE 1931
Figure 6(3.8.5) shows an example of a fre- standard observer [x;, y,, Z;] are written in the
quency-limited spectral reflectance function p(A) form
for w = 1/50. Figure 7(3.8.5) illustrates in the
CIE (x, y)-chromaticity diagram seven cross sec- n iS (Ds
tions (Y = const, ranging from 49.4 to 50.6) of
DiS oy,
the 95%-boundary ellipsoid that was obtained by
the deterministic method with a basic collection D"_ piSMy.
of frequency-limited spectral reflectance func- YY = 190—=" += [23(3.8.5)]
tions (w = 1/50) leaving all other input data the 7-8!” i
same as in the case illustrated in Figure 5(3.8.5).
n IS (Ms
The use of a basic collection of smooth spectral ZO) = 100 aes Zi
reflectance functions of the limited-frequency type Tre SPY,
Metameric Color Stimuli 209

Deterministic Method
(smooth p(X) functions)





0.430 0.440 0.450 0.460


Fig. 7(3.8.5). Seven cross-sections of a 95% boundary ellipsoid (Y= const ranging from 49.4
to 50.6) calculated by means of the deterministic method. The basic collection of spectral
reflectance functions consists of frequency-limited functions («= 1/50). The reference illumi-
nant is D,;, the test illuminant is A. For the CIE 1931 standard observer, objects which under
Des are metameric grays (x9 = 0.313, yo = 0.329, Yy = 50.0), do not match under illuminant A,
but 95% of these (x,y,Y) points fall within the ellipsoid shown, which is centered at
A(xq = 0.448, yy = 0.407, Y) = 50.0).

with the constraint boundary. When the points (X,Y, Z) are

transformed to the (x, y, Y)-space, a similar cloud
(for all i andj) of points is obtained with a finite boundary in
that space. Because the (x, y, Y)-space is gener-
[24(3.8.5)] ally considered the colorimetrically more infor-
mative space, the numerical procedure described
Equations 23(3.8.5) compare with Eq. 1(3.8.5) of below is confined to finding the optimal boundary
this section except that the subscript i has been in that space.
used here to refer to wavelengths A selected at Cross sections of the optimal boundary in
equal intervals of width AA across the visible (x, y, Y)-space for Y = const = Y, are closed and
spectrum. If the visible spectrum is taken from convex loci in the (x, y)-chromaticity diagram.
400 to 700 nm and divided uniformly in steps of These chromaticity loci are generated by the fol-
AX = 10 nm, i runs from 1| to n = 42. The super- lowing equations:
script j attached to the spectral reflectance func-
D"_ pJSy,
tion p/ of the object indicates a particular Y,= 100 i=1Pi LS

member of the set of metamers all of which are yi! Y,

seen under the same illuminant S{”’, the reference Or
When the reference illuminant S$‘ is replaced 30/5] 5,(2 i |by |
by a test illuminant, denoted by S$, the object- | ay, Vie So Se ae
aE ae ee
color stimuli {p/S@} now at hand will have tri- - BS Py,
stimulus values X,Y, Z. In tristimulus
space a cloud of points is generated with a finite [25(3.8.5)]

In these equations the chromaticity coordinate x referred to as linear programming (for example,
has been assigned the value x,. The maximum Beveridge and Schechter, 1970).
and minimum value of y, when Y = Y, and x = Figure 8(3.8.5) shows in the (x, y)-chromatic-
Xg, can be calculated from ity diagram three cross sections of the optimal
boundary (Y= Y, = 49.0, 50.0, 51.0) that is ob-
Meme: eRe as tained when the reference illuminant is D,; and
the test illuminant is A. The optimal boundary is
Gers 10027_ pjSz Weiss SPY;
not an ellipsoid and embraces a considerably
[26(3.8.5)] larger domain in the (x, y, Y)-space than the
95%-boundary ellipsoids determined by statistical
with Eqs. 23(3.8.5) to 25(3.8.5) being the con- procedures described earlier. Figure 9(3.8.5) com-
straints to be fulfilled simultaneously. pares the optimal boundary with the 95%-
The complete cross section of the optimal boundary ellipsoid from Figure 5(3.8.5).
boundary for Y = Y, is obtained by making ap- At a point P of the optimal boundary, where y
propriate changes in the value of x,. Different of Eq. 25(3.8.5) takes on an extreme value under
cross sections are obtained by changing Y,. the five conditions of constraint defined by Eqs.
The optimization of Eq. 26(3.8.5) with the 23(3.8.5) to 25(3.8.5), the spectral reflectance
constraints given by Eqs. 23(3.8.5) to 25(3.8.5) is function p/ that corresponds to that boundary
point has values of either zero or unity at
all wavelengths i except at five of them, at which
values intermediate to zero and unity are found.
Figure 10(3.8.5) illustrates the p/ function that
leads to the point P at the boundary shown in
Figure 8(3.8.5). In this example, the intermediate
reflectance values occur at i = 4, 12, 17, 22, and
The shape of the optimal boundary surface
and its volume in the object-color solid depend

optimal boundary

95% PRE?

0.400 0.420 0.440 0.460 0.480


Fig. 8(3.8.5). Three cross sections of an optimal

boundary surface (Y = const = Y, = 49.0,
50.0,51.0) calculated by the linear programming
method. The reference illuminant is D,<; the test
illuminant is A. For the CIE 1931 standard ob-
server objects, which under D,; are metameric
grays (X9 = 0.313, yp = 0.329, Y) = 50.0), do not
match under illuminant A, but all of them are 0.400 0.420 0.440 0.460 0.480
represented by points in (x, y, Y)-space that fall x

within the optimal boundary shown. The chro- Fig. 9(3.8.5). Comparison of optimal boundary
maticity point of the nonselective gray is indicated with 95%-boundary ellipsoid, both projected into
by A. CIE(x, y)-chromaticity diagram.
Metameric Color Stimuli 2iAt

caused by a change in the location of the refer-

ence point, attention is drawn to Figures 11(3.8.5)
and 12(3.8.5). Figure 11(3.8.5) shows the cross
section of the (X, Y, Z)-object-color solid at Y =
50.0 bounded by the locus of optimal object-color
° on
stimuli (see Section 3.7). Inside that boundary are
Reflectance marked three points (p = 1,2,3). Each of these
points represents a set of object-color stimuli
which with respect to illuminant D,; and the CIE
1931 standard observer are metameric. The refer-
i=l 5 10 15 20 25 30 ence tristimulus values for the three sets of
400 500 600 700
Wavelength i (nm)
metamers are given by

Fig. 10(3.8.5). Example of an optimal spectral

0 0e eeY ee Sia 21 50.0
reflectance function leading to the chromaticity
point P of Figure 8(3.8.5) located at the optimal
x S100, 8 46¥9 =500, ZS — 70.0
boundary of chromaticity mismatches of metamers.
Ay ==80.0, > _YA0"="50Ope Zs" — 80.0
on the reference tristimulus values X“, Y, Z™
of Eq. 23(3.8.5) of the metamers characterized by Whereas the first set is represented by a point
the p/ functions. The examples given in this sec- near the center of the object-color solid with
tion all refer to reference tristimulus values that respect to illuminant D,, and the CIE 1931 stan-
correspond to a reference point in the middle of dard observer, the third set is represented by a
the object-color solid. To illustrate the change in point near the boundary of the object-color solid.
shape and volume of the optimal boundary surface
When the reference illuminant D,; is replaced
by the test illuminant A, the three sets of metamers
will be represented by three clouds of points in
120 three different locations of the object-color solid
with respect to illuminant A and the same ob-
server. The cross sections (Y = 50.0) of the opti-
100 mal boundaries of these three clouds of points are
shown in Figure 12(3.8.5). The optimal boundary
corresponding to the first set of metamers [ p = 1
80 in Figure 11(3.8.5)] covers the largest area in the
(X, Z)-plane, whereas the optimal boundary cor-
responding to the third set of metamers (p = 3)
z 60 has become quite small.
Obviously, the cloud of points shrinks when
the corresponding reference point of metamers
moves toward the boundary of the object-color
solid. This result corresponds to the relative num-
ber of metamers that can occur at a given refer-
ence point in the object-color solid. As shown in
Section 3.8.5 [see particularly Figure 2(3.8.4)], the
maximum number of metamers occurs in the
O 20 40 60 80 100 center of the solid; in general, there are no
x metamers at points of the boundary of the solid.
Fig. 11(3.8.5). Cross section (Y = 50.0) of ob- Figure 12(3.8.5) also shows, for each case, the
ject-color solid that refers to CIE standard illumi- cross section of the corresponding 95%-boundary
nant D,; and the CIE 1931 standard observer. ellipsoid obtained by the Monte Carlo method
Points p = 1,2,3 represent reference points of (solid line) and the cross section of the 95%-
three sets of metamers in the cross section that are boundary ellipsoid obtained by the deterministic
used in the calculation of boundaries of mis- method. The 95%-boundary ellipsoid obtained by
matches of metamers shown in Figure 12(3.8.5). the Monte Carlo method follows the decrease in

x50, ¥("s50, 2/"=50
Monte Carlo 95% — boundary

95% — boundary
optimal boundary

pz2 optimal boundary

x ero: 1602504 rage270

Monte Carlo
95% - boundary

95 % — boundary

(1) (1) (1) ~ — Deterministic
Xz =80,Y; 750,23 =80
95 % - boundary

Monte Carlo OR boundary

95 % — boundary

86 90 94 102 106 110


Fig. 12(3.8.5). Cross sections (Y=50.0) of boundaries of mismatches of three sets of

metamers shown in the object-color solid that refers to CIE standard illuminant A and the CIE
1931 standard observer. The upper, center, and lower diagrams contain boundaries correspond-
ing to the first, second, and third set of metamers, identified in Figure 11(3.8.5) by their
respective reference points p = 1,2,3.

size of the optimal boundary, but the 95%- 3.8.6 Application of Linear Programming to
boundary ellipsoid obtained by the deterministic Miscellaneous Colorimetric Problems
method does not. In fact, the latter retains its
The linear programming technique described in
shape and size regardless of the location of the Section 3.8.5(iv) has been applied to a number of
reference point in the object-color solid. This other colorimetric problems. Some of these are
feature, already indicated in Section 3.8.5(iii), is a sketched below to illustrate the power of the
direct consequence of the assumption made in the technique.
deterministic method that the frequency distri-
bution of the tristimulus values is a normal dis-
tribution everywhere within the object-color solid. (i) Designing Illuminants with Special Proper-
Evidently, this assumption cannot be upheld when ties. Linear programming has been used to
the reference point deviates appreciably from the calculate spectral radiant power distributions of
midpoint of the object-color solid. illuminants that, when irradiating a given (limited)
Metameric Color Stimuli 213

set of objects, render these objects in prescribed for each given p/ function to ensure solutions for
colors (Ohta and Wyszecki, 1976a). Sa
The basic equations needed in this application If solutions S* exist, a set of corresponding
are similar to those given earlier in Section tristimulus values X¥, Ys, Zf can be calculated
3.8.5(iv). The tristimulus values X,, Y;,Z; of a for the set of object-color stimuli {p2S*} that
given object p/ irradiated by an iiluminant of defines, in tristimulus space, a domain bounded
spectral radiant power distribution {5*} are given by a nonconcave locus containing all possible
by points (Xz,F555 Y;,5 Z;). These tristimulus values are
given by
x, — (jeer
n n

Dads: Y;
ee » 07'S; Xi» ee » o2S;y;,
a) i=1
>" piSky.
¥,=10—="F™ —11(3.8.6)] n

PNY: Jj = > ofS\z; [5(3.8.6)]

Z, —_ 100
a The p% function characterizes an arbitrarily
j=19; Ji
selected object with g not necessarily equal to any
j. In most cases, p2 can conveniently be set equal
where again i refers to wavelengths A selected at to unity for all 7.
equal intervals of width AX across the visible The domain in the tristimulus space con-
spectrum. If the visible spectrum is taken from taining all possible points (X;, Y,, ZS), depends
400 to 700 nm and divided uniformly in steps of on the input data, particularly the set “of given p/
AX = 10 nm, i runs from | to n = 31. The super- functions and tristimulus values X;, Y;, Z;. Obvi-
script j refers to a particular object of a given set ously, given an appropriate ae of of func-
of objects with spectral reflectance functions p/ tions with associated (X,, Y;, Z;)-values and
fulfilling the necessary condition meeting conditions of linear independence, a
unique solution can be found for S* that would
[2(3.8.6)] shrink the domain of solutions to a single point.
However, this special case is only of little practi-
The superscript k refers to a particular illuminant cal interest and will not be pursued here.
of a set of illuminants with spectral radiant power The optimal boundary of the domain in
distributions {S*}. Two constraints are imposed (X, Y, Z)-space, generated by the solution set of
on each illuminant k: S*, is obtainable by the linear programming tech-
nique as outlined in Section 3.8.5(iv). A useful
Skips ancrmeilly: [3(3.8.6)] variation of the earlier procedure determines the
boundary in the (u,v, Y)-space, where the
(u, v)-coordinates define the CIE 1960 uniform
> sky, = 100
[4(3.8.6)] chromaticity-scale diagram obtained from

The first constraint is an obvious lower bound

4X _ 6Y
necessary for real illuminants. The second con-
ita yo tla 6 X 4 16y a7

straint is a convenient one and does not affect the

generality of the problem. From Eq. 1(3.8.6) it [6(3.8.6)]
follows immediately that any spectral distribution
S/* that is proportional to S*, that is, S/*= aS*,
where a is a constant factor, leads to identical In 1976, the CIE 1960 (u, v)-UCS diagram has
tristimulus values. The constraint of Eq. 4(3.8.6) been replaced by the CIE 1976 (u’, v’)-UCS dia-
simplifies Eq. 1(3.8.6). gram (see Section 3.3.9), where u’ = u and v’ =
The constraints imposed on the spectral reflec- 1.5v. However, in the examples given below, the
tance functions p/ [Eq. 2(3.8.6)] and the spectral 1960 version has still been used.
radiant power distributions S* govern, to a con- In the (u,v, Y)-space the nce boundary
siderable extent, the permissible range within of the domain of points (ug, vs, Y;) of the ob-
which one can assign specific values to X;, Y;, Z; ject-color stimuli {p%S*} is then obtained by

means of the following equations: 1(3.8.6). These objects are identical to those used
in the method of calculating the CIE Color-
n Rendering Index (Section 3.3.11). Their tristimu-
»; p2Si‘y, = Y, lus values X;p,., ¥jp,<> Z;,p,,» When irradiated
i=1 by CIE standard illuminant D,;, and viewed by
the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer
E l (X;, ¥;,Z;) are given in Table 1(3.8.6) (Columns
o2S*| |1 —— |x, + 15y,
l I
+ 3z,| =0
Uu 1 Jj I
2—4). We wish to determine the color gamut in
i=1 5
(u, v, Y)-space of all illuminants {5*} that yield
tristimulus values X;, Y;, Z; for the eight objects
5 UsYs Ds PES; X= Un,om
3 ; SOK =
[7(3.8.6)] prescribed in the table (Columns 5-7). We also
i=1 wish to obtain the actual spectral radiant power
distribution {S*} of one of the possible illumi-
with the constraints already given by Eqs. 1(3.8.6)
to 4(3.8.6).
Figure 2(3.8.6) illustrates the results. The up-
By keeping Y, fixed and assigning different
per part of the figure is a portion of the CIE 1960
values to u,, one obtains pairs of points of the
UCS diagram showing the chromaticity points
cross section es = const = Y,) of the optimal
(solid circles) u;, v; of the eight objects (j = 1 to
boundary located at (u,, v,,) and (u,, va,). Dif-
8) under D,; and the corresponding prescribed
ferent values of Y, lead to different cross sections,
chromaticity points (tips of arrows) of the same
which eventually provide a complete picture of
the three-dimensional domain of (uf, vg, Y;) objects under any of the possible illuminants {5/}.
points. The coordinates v,, and v,, are minimum The chromaticity gamut generated by these illu-
minants is very small and located within the small
and maximum values, respectively, of the v-chro-
square next to the chromaticity point for D,;. In
maticity coordinate defined by Eq. 7(3.8.6) and
can be found by the linear programming tech-
the upper right-hand corner of Figure 2(3.8.6),
nique known as the mutual primal dual method this gamut is shown again but much enlarged.
(Llewellyn, 1964).
The boundary of this gamut is the optimal
boundary. No illuminants S* are possible that
have chromaticities outside this boundary. The
illuminant 57“ given in the lower part of Figure
The first example has been selected merely to 2(3.8.6) has the chromaticity point M on the
demonstrate the theory and its basic equations boundary. It presents an example of the set of
outlined above. No immediate practical applica- possible solutions.
tions are envisaged for this particular example. The chromaticity gamut [shown as the insert in
The input data are given in Table 1(3.8.6). We the upper part of Figure 2(3.8.6)] generated by the
have selected eight objects (j = 1 to 8) whose possible illuminants S* is completely described in
spectral reflectance curves p/ are shown in Figure the (u,v) diagram. Its third dimension is zero

Table 1(3.8.6) Input Data for Numerical Example Number 1

Object Tristimulus Values Under D,; Prescribed Tristimulus Values

J Xi,D6s YiDes Zi,Des Xj Y; Z;

l a28 29.77 24.51 30.40 29035 25s3

ys 27.48 28.91 14.92 feb 2a 91lot 14.85
3 Pike N 30.46 9.90 23.01 Sie 9.63
4 20.44 29.50 2425 ON eee 29.89 20.02
5 24.97 30.85 40.31 a) 30.89 40.33
6 28.19 29.81 57.78 27.88 29.01 59.32
7 fe We Janpea) 53.07 31.44 28.37 56.21
8 37.60 31.36 45.37 fee P 29.67 48.04


6 ee ee ee Se ee ee
i=l GS 10 15 20 25 30
=400 500 600; 7OOnm

Fig. 1(3.8.6). Spectral reflectance curves p/(j =1 to 8 ) of eight objects used in numerical



Fig. 2(3.8.6). Upper part: Portion of CIE 1960 UCS diagram. Solid circles represent
chromaticity points of the eight objects defined in Figure 1(3.8.6) under reference illuminant
Dgs- Tips of arrows represent prescribed chromaticity points of the same eight objects under
new illuminants. The new illuminants have chromaticities generating a gamut falling into the
small square. In the upper right-hand corner, the exact boundary of this gamut is shown much
enlarged. Lower part: Example of spectral radiant power distribution S;” of illuminant that
fulfills conditions illustrated in upper part. Its chromaticity point M lies on the boundary shown
in the insert above (Ohta and Wyszecki, 1976a).


because of the fact that we have chosen p£ to be The chromaticity gamut generated by these
equal to unity for all i. illuminants {5*} for any given object p% is very
small indeed, and nearly of negligible size. The
chromaticity coordinate u ranges from 0.19795 to
The second example, as well as those that follow, 0.19770 and v from 0.31231 to 0.31233. On the
are special cases of the first example with practi- other hand, the spectral radiant power distribu-
cal applications in mind. tions {S*} differ greatly from one another. These
Again we use the eight objects p/ (j = 1 to 8) results are in agreement with those by Nayatani
shown in Figure 1(3.8.6) with tristimulus values et al. (1971) who studied the same case but ap-
Xj, Des? 1),Des? Zj,Des 28 Biven in Table 1(3.8.6) proached its solution differently.
(columns 2-4). However, this time we make the Figure 3(3.8.6) gives two examples of illumi-
prescribed tristimulus values (X,, Y;, Z;) identical nants {S*} (k =1 and 2) with a CIE general
to (Xj D65> Vj,D652 27, Des) _Puat is, we look for color-rendering index R,= 100. The spectral
illuminants {5} that render the eight objects in radiant power distribution of D,; is shown for
the same colors as the reference illuminant D,;. comparison purposes. The (u, v)-coordinates of
Because the eight objects are those recommended the three illuminants are
by the CIE for determining the CIE general
color-rendering index of light sources, the illumi- Up,, = 0.19768, vp, = 0.31232
nants S* we wish to find have, by design, a
general color-rendering index R, = 100; that is, dp 2|ON9TIO Moeap=0.31231
they have “perfect” color-rendering properties in
accordance with the CIE method. Up=a = 0.19767, vy= = 0.31232

rr Yy

7: Zj
::o jy
Z *


: yy

:r lJ
i Z
ra Wavelength

Taio )


i= | 5 10 5 20 25 30
d= 400 500 600 700nm

Fig. 3(3.8.6). Two examples of illuminants (5; and S) that have perfect color-rendering
- properties (R = 100) in accordance with the CIE method with respect to reference illuminant
Dg; shown at the bottom.
Metameric Color Stimuli oA |

0.4 0.6

Fig. 4(3.8.6). Chromaticity gamuts in the CIE 1960 UCS diagram illustrating magnitude of
optimal mismatches of metameric grays when the illuminant D,; is replaced in turn by the
illuminants S$} and S$? shown in Figure 3(3.8.6) (Ohta and Wyszecki, 1976a).

When the two illuminants S} and S? are used lates roughly with the perception of saturation
to replace illuminant D,; in object-color stimuli (Section 3.4). Thus, in replacing D,, by any of the
that are metameric under D,;, quite large chro- illuminants {S*} we expect to perceive the
maticity mismatches for these stimuli can be object-color stimuli with increased saturation of
found. Figure 4(3.8.6) shows the chromaticity certain fixed amounts. For some object-color
gamut of mismatched metameric grays (Y = 10). stimuli, such as those involving human complex-
The optimal boundary of this gamut was obtained ion and certain foods, an increase in the satura-
by the method described in Section 3.8.5(iv). tion has a pleasing effect on the observer and the
The large size of the gamut is a confirmation of object is considered to have a preferred color
what has already been known; that is, that illumi- appearance. Illuminants that generate pleasing or
nants having “perfect” CIE color-rendering prop- preferred object-color perceptions are said to have
erties (R, = 100) do not necessarily also have a high “flattery index” (Judd, 1967b).
good color-matching properties (Wyszecki, 1970; The desired simultaneous increases in the exci-
Nayatani et al., 1972a,b; Ohta and Wyszecki, tation purities of the eight object-color stimuli
1975a). can be only of very modest magnitudes. Figure
5(3.8.6) shows what we were able to obtain. The
increase in the excitation purity of objects j = 6
and 8 had to be kept negligibly small to obtain
In our third example, we choose again the eight small to moderate increases for the remaining six.
objects p/ shown in Figure 1(3.8.6) to which we Note that in the illustration the arrow lengths
add a ninth object whose spectral reflectance p? is represent five times the actual increases in excita-
unity for all i. The prescribed tristimulus values tion purities.
for the ninth object when irradiated by {S*} are Figure 6(3.8.6) shows an example of {S*} that
identical to the tristimulus values of that object produces the above increases in excitation purities
when it is irradiated by the reference illuminant for the eight objects, and which has chromaticities
D,;. The prescribed tristimulus values for the identical to D,;. The spectral radiant power dis-
eight objects p/ (j = 1 to 8) under {S*} are to tribution consists of essentially five narrow bands
correspond to higher excitation purities. In other of wavelength centered at 400, 455, 525, 610, and
words, we are looking for illuminants {S*} that 700 nm, approximately.
have the same chromaticity as D,;, but that in- When we reduce the number of objects p/ for
crease the excitation purity of each of the eight which prescribed tristimulus values are to be pro-
given object-color stimuli. Excitation purity corre- duced, the increases in excitation purity can be


0.34 |- =

Vv —

O32 \—


0.30 |e ore | | | it) Ps |e

0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26

0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24
Fig. 7(3.8.6). Portion of CIE 1960 UCS diagram
u showing maximum possible changes in chromatic-
Fig. 5(3.8.6). Portion of CIE 1960 UCS diagram ity of Caucasian complexion. The point Cy repre-
showing chromaticity points of eight objects under sents the chromaticity of Caucasian complexion
Ds (solid circles) and under new illuminants SK under D,;. The points C, and C, represent the
(tips of arrows). The new illuminants have been maximum and minimum excitation purities of
designed to shift the original chromaticity points to Caucasian complexion that can be obtained under
higher excitation purities. The lengths of the arrows new illuminants (S;) and (57) which are il-
are enlarged five times. The chromaticity points of lustrated in Figure 8(3.8.6). These illuminants have
the illuminants are all coincident in the center the same chromaticity as Dg.
(open circle).

considerably larger, because fewer constraints Caucasian complexion with the same luminance
have to be satisfied in the calculations. Figure factor (Y = 57.13). The particular illuminants
7(3.8.6) shows the result of calculations involving {S!} and {57}, whose chromaticity points are C,
only one object, that of Caucasian complexion. and C, on the boundary, respectively increase and
The locus in Figure 7(3.8.6) shows the chromatic- decrease the excitation purity of the Caucasian
ity change of Caucasian complexion when irradia- complexion. Thus, from the point of view of
ted by illuminants {S*}. These illuminants have generating a preferred color appearance, we would
the same chromaticities as D,;, and render the choose the illuminant {S/}. It increases the exci-



Fig. 6(3.8.6). Example of spectral radiant power distribution (.S*) of illuminants that increases
the excitation purities of eight objects as shown in Figure 5(3.8.6).
Metameric Color Stimuli 219

Fluorescent lamps with properties resembling

those discussed in Examples | to 3 above, are
now commercially available. A typical spectral
Shas radiant power distribution of such a fluorescent
lamp is shown in Figure 9(3.8.6). Such lamps can
72) =

be useful when the special color-rendering effects

are indeed desired in a particular application.
However, in many other applications, the color-
rendering properties of the same lamps may be
Power quite unacceptable, for example, in situations
where objects must be rendered in closely the
same colors as they would appear under natural

(ii) Color Changes Caused by Specified Changes

NG in the Illuminant. Linear programming can also
be used to calculate the optimal boundaries of
color changes that occur when the spectral radiant
Fig. 8(3.8.6). Two illuminants S} and S$? that power distribution of a given test illuminant is
give the maximum and minimum excitation puri- permitted to deviate from the given reference
ties [(C, and C, in Figure 7(3.8.6)] for Caucasian illuminant by specified amounts. The problem
complexion. has a direct bearing on the problem of specifying
tolerances for illuminants relative to a given refer-
ence illuminant (Section 3.3.5 and British Stan-
tation purity of the Caucasian complexion by a
dards Institution, 1967).
factor of 1.44.
Suppose, for example, the reference illuminant
Figure 8(3.8.6) shows the illuminants {5S}} is CIE standard illuminant D,,; and all those test
(solid line) and {57} (dotted line) that provide illuminants are acceptable D,,-simulators whose
extreme chromaticities C, and C, for Caucasian
spectral radiant power distributions do not de-
complexion. The illuminant that increases the
viate from the reference distribution by more
excitation purity of Caucasian complexion has a
than a specified percentage value at any wave-
spectral radiant power distribution {5/} consist- length A within the visible spectrum. Figure
ing essentially of three bands of wavelength
10(3.8.6) illustrates an example where S(A) is that
centered approximately at 480, 565, and 700 nm.

& 100 =
x 50 065

400 500 600 700 a het wheSo LE NOE ameli Ne en ee La en

Wavelength dX (nm) 400 500 600 700
Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 9(3.8.6). Example of relative spectral radiant
power distribution of commercially available Fig. 10(3.8.6). Relative spectral radiant power
“cool-white” fluorescent lamp providing special ef- distribution of CIE standard illuminant Dg, (solid
fects resembling those calculated in Examples 1 to line) with upper bound AS(A) = 15% and lower
3 [Figures 2(3.8.6) to 8(3.8.6)]. bound AS(A) = — 15% (broken lines).

SOT asin Hliw fae

0.360} |

0.340 a
y ‘|
0.320 4
(2 ee ee
400 500 600 700
Wavelength d (nm)

AS WItI5S% _—i|

| ye es eens|
0.280 0.300 0.320 0.340

Fig. 11(3.8.6). Optimal boundaries of (x, y)-

chromaticity of acceptable illuminants $’(A )which m:AS(A)=+10%
deviate from the standard illuminant S(A) by Radiant

AS(A) = £5%, +10%, and +15%.

of D,; and the range 400 500 600 700

Wavelength d (nm)

—AS(A) < S(A) < +AS(A) [8(3.8.6)] Fig. 12(3.8.6). Relative spectral radiant power
distributions of illuminants giving upper chromatic-
with AS(A) = 15% of S(A), defines acceptable ity limit M and lower chromaticity limit m in
D,s5-simulators. Figure 11(3.8.6). The two distributions (heavy
In addition to the limiting spectral range broken lines) coincide partly with the upper bound
defined by Eq. 8(3.8.6), it is often also required and partly with the lower bound [A.S(A) = +10%]
that the chromaticity points of the acceptable test (thin broken lines) within which D,.-simulators are
illuminants fall within a specified chromaticity allowed to vary.
boundary centered at the chromaticity point of
S(A). However, the relation between the limiting and S’ (A) are obtained, respectively, as shown in
spectral range and the chromaticity boundary is Figure 12(3.8.6). Note that the spectral radiant
not immediately obvious, but linear programming power distributions coincide partly with the up-
techniques can be used to establish it. per bound [AS(A) = +10%] and partly with the
Figure 11(3.8.6) shows the results of applying lower bound [AS(A) = —10%] of the specified
a linear programming technique, similar to the range.
one used above, to the problem at hand (Ohta
and Wyszecki, 1976b). The optimal (x, y)- (iii) Other Applications. Other applications of
chromaticity boundaries are shown of acceptable linear programming to colorimetric problems have
D,;-simulators with spectral radiant power distri- been noted in the literature.
butions that deviate from that of the reference Allen (1966b, 1969) and Ohta and Wyszecki
Dos by +5%, £10%, and +15%, respectively. (1975a) draw attention to the possibility of calcu-
These optimal boundaries are nonelliptical loci lating by a linear programming technique, the loci
centered approximately at the chromaticity point of optimal object-color stimuli (Section 3.7). The
of Dgs. corners of these loci, usually difficult to pinpoint
For the specific chromaticity points M and m by traditional methods, can be determined rather
in Figure 11(3.8.6), lying on the boundary corre- easily with high precision by the linear program-
sponding to AS(A) = 10%, the illuminants $;,(A) ming technique.
Colorant Formulation 221

Ohta and Wyszecki (1975b) have used the then belong to the upward- instead of the down-
technique to estimate the extreme errors of ward-proceeding flux. The quantity K is the frac-
numerical integrations that can occur in colori- tion of the downward-proceeding flux lost by
metric calculations when wavelength intervals AX absorption in the elementary layer, and the quan-
of different width are employed. tity S is the fraction lost by having its direction
Ohta and Wyszecki (1975d) have applied the reversed. The quantities K and S are called the
technique also to a study of the colorimetric absorption coefficient and the scattering coefficient,
significance of the mercury-emission lines in fluo- respectively, of the material forming the colorant
rescent lamps. layer. It must be noted here that the absorption
and scattering coefficients are being used here in
a special sense and are not identical with the
3.9 COLORANT FORMULATION normally defined coefficients for a parallel beam
traversing a material medium.
An important industrial problem is how to pre- During its passage through the same elemen-
dict the proportions of the three or more col- tary layer, the upward-proceeding flux j is reduced
orants (dyes or pigments) required to produce a by the amounts Kj dx and Sj dx by absorption
color match for an object showing the same color and scattering in exactly the same way as is the
as a given reference object or standard. The prob- downward-proceeding flux. As the flux Si dx,
lem is a difficult one because the light-scattering reversed in direction by scattering from the down-
properties of colorant layers deposited on a sub- ward-proceeding flux, is added to the upward-
strate such as paper or textile materials are dif- proceeding flux, the total changes dj of the
ficult to describe in quantitative terms. upward-proceeding flux becomes
There are several theories of varying complexi-
ties designed to explain the light-scattering prop- Cia (iS 4K) dx Si du 1103.9) |
erties of colorant layers. Among these theories, and, similarly, the total changes di of the down-
perhaps the simplest one is the Kubelka—Munk ward-proceeding flux becomes
theory which succeeds reasonably well in a num-
ber of applications and provides a quantitative sodh= si GSiotek )idortSy-dxdi[2(3-9)]
description of the properties of light-scattering
Different algebraic signs appear in front of the
colorant layers, embracing their reflectance, trans-
differentials dj and di in the above equations,
mittance, absorptance, hiding power, and other
because upward-proceeding flux and distance x
are measured in the same direction, whereas
The theoretical model of Kubelka and Munk
downward-proceeding flux and x are measured in
(1931; see also Judd and Wyszecki, 1975) assumes
opposite ‘directions. The thickness dx of the ele-
that the colorant layer can be divided into a large
mentary layer refers to an increase of X, where
number of elementary layers, with boundaries
X = 0 corresponds to the unilluminated side of
parallel to those of the complete layer, which have
the colorant layers. Figure 1(3.9) is a cross section
identical optical properties. The thickness dx of
through a colorant layer.
an elementary layer is small compared with the
thickness X of the colorant layer as a whole, but
is large compared with the diameters of the pig-
ment particles comprising the layer. Thus, the
actions of the individual particles need not be
considered but only their average effect in pro-
ducing an elementary layer of particular absorb-
ing and scattering properties. The model further
envisages just two completely diffuse light fluxes,
one proceeding downward throughout the layer,
the other simultaneously proceeding upward. The
downward-proceeding flux i in its passage through
an elementary layer is decreased by absorption by
an amount Ki dx, and is also decreased by an
amount (— Si dx) by scattering which reverses the Fig. 1(3.9). Schematic diagram of a cross section
direction of some of the light rays. These rays through a colorant layer.

The above differential equations can be in-

tegrated to give explicit expressions for the reflec-
tance R and for other properties of the colorant
(i) by provision of special material color stan-
layer. The formulae reproduced in Table 1(3.9)
dards with which the product is compared visu-
were obtained by Kubelka and Munk (1931),
Kubelka (1948) and other workers. They form the ally;
(ii) as in (i), but using as color standards the
main part of a wider collection of Kubelka—Munk
paint chips of one of the available color atlases
formulae assembled by Judd and Wyszecki (1975)
(see Section 6.6),
who also go into details of a number of practical
(ii) by assigning acceptable values for quanti-
applications of these formulae.
ties computed from measurements made on the
The Kubelka—Munk theory is the most fre-
actual product using visual or photoelectric col-
quently used in predicting color matches. The
orimeters, or spectrophotometers.
literature on the use of the Kubelka—Munk the-
ory and derivatives of it is vast. For the reader
who wishes to study the subject more deeply, we In method (i), the special material color stan-
have selected the following references: Allen dards, preferably made in the same material as
(1966a, 1971), Beasly et al. (1967), Stearns (1969), the product, reproduce the desired color and the
Strocka (1970), Mudgett and Richards (1971, limiting colors that are considered just acceptable.
1972), Billmeyer and Abrams (1973), Billmeyer The standards for limit colors can be chosen so
and Richards (1973), Gall (1973), Judd and that two of them show the tolerable variation in
Wyszecki (1975), Kuehni (1975). hue; two others, the tolerable variation in satura-
Gall (1973) has described a typical procedure tion; and a further two, the tolerable variation in
widely followed in industry to make adequate lightness, making six limit standards in addition
color-match predictions on the basis of the to the central standard.
Kubelka—Munk theory (see also Judd and In method (ii), which is a variation of method
Wyszecki, 1975). A great deal of technical skill is (i), the required material standards are chosen
required concerning the preparation and calibra- directly from the chips of a color atlas represent-
tion of the component colorants, without which ing a systematic organization of the object-color
adequate color-match predictions cannot be made. space such as the Munsell Book of Color (Section
Furthermore, certain additional assumptions must 6.6.1). .
be made with regard to the absorbing and scatter- It is sometimes useful to increase the number
ing properties of the component colorants. In of limit standards to define the tolerance range
particular, sometimes it can be assumed that ad- more precisely. With twelve chips grouped around
ditivity of the scattering and absorption coeffi- the central standard color chip, it may be ad-
cients of the component colorants holds and that vantageous to aim at uniform tolerances in all
both absorption and scattering increases in direct directions and to adopt an arrangement corre-
proportion to the concentration of the component sponding to the cubo-octahedron of Fig. 1(6.5.1)
colorants. These assumptions lead to greatly sim- (Wyszecki, 1954; 1955; Richter, 1955). The color
plified computational procedures, but unfor- atlas of the OSA Uniform Color Scales (Section.
tunately, they are not applicable to many other 6.6.4) provides an excellent collection of color
practical situations. In general, it is found that the standards arranged in that way. However, in other
K/S ratio of a component colorant is a nonlinear applications, it is desirable to have very strict
function of concentration, and to take this into tolerances in some directions, usually hue and
account, more elaborate calibration data must be saturation, and less strict tolerances in other di-
inserted into the computation procedure to obtain rections, usually lightness.
adequate color-match predictions. In method (iii), the CIE system of color speci-
fication is commonly used. Measurements made
on the chosen material standard yield CIE
3.10 SPECIFICATION OF COLOR TOLERANCES tristimulus values and CIE chromaticity coordi-
nates, and the acceptable range of these quantities
The setting-up of color tolerances is an important of materials made to reproduce the standard color
colorimetric task in industrial applications. The can be laid down in terms of these quantities. An
main methods used in specifying color tolerances important example of such a tolerance specifica-
Specification of Color Tolerances 223

Fig. 1(3.10). CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram showing CIE recommended chromaticity
domains for signal lights (CIE 1975).

tion is given in Figure 1(3.10) which shows in the define a color tolerance domain centered at the
CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram the accep- color of the given standard. This approach of
table chromaticity domains recommended by the setting color tolerances is frequently used, partic-
CIE (1975) for signal lights for all forms of trans- ularly when the tolerances are to be very small,
port and other uses. The chromaticity domains that is, of the order of one or two just-perceptible
are set up for red, yellow, green, blue, violet, and color differences.
white signals. Blue and violet signals are rarely Color-difference formulae are derived to pre-
used for long-range signaling, because often dict perceived color differences between pairs of
blue(or violet)-signal glassware transmits some of color stimuli. Yet, in industry, it is often required
the long-wave (red) radiant power of the lamp. to specify the acceptability (or objectionableness)
Because of the chromatic aberration of the eye of color variations between a given standard and
(Section 2.4.3), the blue (or violet) signal then its reproduction. Whereas the perceptibility of a
appears as a red dot surrounded by out of focus color difference is strictly a visual judgment, the
blue (or violet). For this reason, the use of purple acceptability can be biased by considerations in-
signals is also avoided for long-range signaling. volving the intended application of the product
The measured CIE tristimulus values or CIE and its price. Nonetheless, color-difference for-
chromaticity coordinates can be entered into one mulae can be used to some advantage even in
of the two CIE color-difference formulae (Section such complex situations (Judd and Wyszecki,
3.3.9) and a value of AE can be specified to 1975).

3.11 DISTRIBUTION TEMPERATURE, COLOR where a, and a, are constants depending to some
TEMPERATURE, AND CORRELATED extent on the lamp. Typical values are a, = 620
COLOR TEMPERATURE and a, = 245. This formula is used in the first
instance to interpolate and extrapolate a color
Distribution temperature, color temperature, and temperature—voltage scale, which has been estab-
correlated color temperature are terms used to lished experimentally for a given lamp at two
describe certain properties of light sources. points.
The distribution temperature of a source is de- The relationship between the color tempera-
fined as the absolute temperature (in kelvin K) of ture T, and the logarithm of the luminous power
the blackbody radiator for which the spectral P of a tungsten lamp is given approximately by
radiant power distribution, at every wavelength in
the visible spectrum, is proportional (or ap-
log P= ay
_ 11350 [2(3.11)]
proximately so) to that of the source considered. FE €

It follows that both spectral radiant power distri-

butions provide the same chromaticity coordi- where dy is a constant, the value of which de-
nates. pends on the size of the filament (Weaver and
The term color temperature is applied to highly Hussong, 1939).
selective radiators, such as electric discharge Approximate relations between luminous pow-
lamps, when the light of this radiator has the er P, potential E, and current J have also been
same (or nearly the same) chromaticity coordi- suggested (Walsh, 1958). These take the general
nates as a blackbody radiator at a certain temper- form
ature; this temperature is then called the color 2 dP dE
temperature of the selective radiator. P= mE OT tpiae W epeea

The above distinction between distribution and

color temperatures has not been consistently ob-
served in the literature. In many publications ieRN OE (on aPy vu dl,
ies leak Fer [3(3.11)]
(especially American) the term color temperature
is used to cover both cases, whereas, in some Values for the exponents 1, and n, vary with the
British work, color temperature is reserved for type of lamp and its luminous efficacy; but, when
sources that have a distribution temperature as using the formulae for rough estimates, the values
here defined. n, = 3.5 and n, = 6.5 are satisfactory. A practical
The relative spectral radiant power distribu- example is as follows: the voltage across a lamp
tions of tungsten filament sources approximate may change from 90 to 92 volts; the correspond-
those of blackbody radiators at specific absolute ing change in luminous power is then computed
temperatures. For these sources, it is irrelevant as dP/P = 3.5(2/90) = 0.078, which corresponds
whether the term color temperature or distribu- to a change of 7.8%.
tion temperature is used. The color temperature T.. is often expressed on
It is of interest, however, to note that the true a reciprocal scale (10°/T,). In the past, the unit
filament temperature of the source is not the on this scale has been “microreciprocal degree”
same as the color temperature when the tungsten (urd) or, in short, “mired.” However, in accor-
source and the blackbody radiator emit light of dance with present terminology, the unit is now
the same chromaticity. This is because the emis- called “reciprocal megakelvin” and denoted by
sivity of the tungsten filament varies with MK! (= 10° K~'). As pointed out by Priest
wavelength. The filament temperature is always (1933), the use of reciprocal color temperature
somewhat lower than the color temperature; for instead of color temperature itself may be an
the range of color temperatures around 2850 K, advantage in at least two important cases (see
the filament temperature is approximately 40 K also Judd, 1933a). First, a given small interval in
lower. reciprocal color temperature is approximately
For tungsten filament lamps, there is a simple equally perceptible as a difference in chromatic-
empirical relationship between the color tempera- ity, regardless of the color temperature; for exam-
ture 7, and the voltage V applied to the lamp. ple, a difference of 100 K at 20,000 K is about
According to Wensel, Judd, and Roeser (1934), equally perceptible, as a difference in chromatic-
the relation takes the form ity, as 1 K at 2000 K. Second, a color temperature
TL =a; Has [1(3.11)] conversion filter (see Section 1.3.5) changes the
Distribution Temperature, Color Temperature, and Correlated Color Temperature 225

hia ie FE Hee WUE? es a

HY ==Ly Wy ye} |+
hl} a 4
| iH ie iit
HiWEE A,yy foo

; A= A i HiTie WUUUY,LGGUY)Gh Seg

H+ Hee?ata VNU Wy Y
Ye Hd
y i LAT My MELA pega
af +N \ tle AT Bee
=< \ A |
Sas a \| NE o Hie |
0.300 DERN A N WV AWE i] HE B Be bak “1
i NSN \ VX WHE, eeBar it e mie
NAAN IN an NAV if adie

AVAVU ITT 35,0 | |
TE Oeaed ee

RNs nn sisal alae

a | rfEEE
fii He i a FEEEEE
0.200 0.300 0. He 0.500 0.600

Fig. 1(3.11). CIE 1931 (x, y )-chromaticity Fr showing isotemperature lines as computed
by Kelly (1963).

reciprocal color temperature by nearly the same Figure 1(3.11) shows Judd’s isotemperature
amount anywhere on the scale. lines in the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram
The term correlated color temperature is intro- as computed by Kelly (1963) using the then valid
duced when the chromaticity of a selective radia- value of Planck’s radiation constant c, = 1.4380
tor (e.g., a fluorescent lamp) is not exactly equal x 10°-* m- K and the CIE 1960 (u, v)-diagram
to any of the chromaticities of a blackbody radia- as the uniform-chromaticity-scale diagram.
tor. The correlated color temperature is defined as Both Planck’s radiation constant and the
the temperature of the blackbody radiator whose uniform-chromaticity-scale diagram have been
perceived color most closely resembles that of the changed since that time. The present value of c,
given selective radiator at the same brightness equals 1.4388 X 10°-* m- K (see Section 1.2.2),
and under specified viewing conditions. and the CIE 1960 (u, v)-diagram has been super-
Judd (1936b) was the first to propose the term seded by the CIE 1976 (u’, v’)-diagram. These
and compute so-called isotemperature lines for the changes forced the CIE to reconsider the specifi-
evaluation of correlated color temperatures for cation of the isotemperature lines. It was decided
selective radiators. If chromaticities are plotted in that in calculating isotemperature lines, the pre-
a uniform-chromaticity-scale diagram (see Section sent value of c, be used, but the CIE 1960 (u, v)-
6.4), isotemperature lines are short straight lines diagram be retained as the uniform-chromaticity-
crossing the Planckian locus perpendicularly. In scale diagram. This decision has the effect that all
the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram these correlated color temperature determinations of
lines are, of course, no longer perpendicular to light sources made since 1968, that is, the year the
the Planckian locus; nevertheless, they facilitate present value of c, was adopted, remain the same.
the estimation of the correlated color temperature A change from the CIE 1960 (u, v)-diagram to
for any selective radiator with a chromaticity the 1976 CIE (v’, v’)-diagram was considered un-
point somewhat off the Planckian locus. desirable as the resulting change in the correlated

color temperature scale would offer no advantage Equations 6(3.11) define the tristimulus space in
in practical applications. In this instance, continu- which the chromaticity diagram is the CIE 1960
ity of practice was considered more important. UCS diagram required for the calculation of iso-
The change of c, from 1.4380 X 10°*m- K to temperature lines.
1.4388 X 10°? m- K has only a small effect on From the (U;, V,, W;)-tristimulus values, ob-
the positioning of the isotemperature lines in Fig- tained by Eq. 5(3.11), the (u;, v;)-chromaticity
ure 1(3.11). In fact, on the scale of that figure, the coordinates are given by
change is of little or no consequence if the figure
is used for the graphical determination of corre-
lated color temperature. es Ur
In some practical applications, correlated color iL Ute Vet We
temperatures are required as part of a sequence
of colorimetric calculations, for example, in F
ENG aa (7(3.11)]
the calculation of CIE daylight illuminants D
(Section 3.3.4), and in the calculation of CIE
color-rendering indices (Section 3.3.11). For such The (uz, v;)-chromaticity points define the
applications, numerical methods of determining Planckian locus in the (u, v)-chromaticity dia-
correlated color temperatures are preferred over gram. The slope m, of the tangent to the Planckian
graphical methods (Mori et al., 1964; Robertson, locus at the point (u;, v7) is given by the first
1968; Mahr et al., 1969). derivative dv;/du,, that is,
Mori et al. (1964) propose the following
method by means of which the slope of the iso-
temperature lines can be calculated. m _ der

The spectral radiant power S;(A) of a
blackbody radiator at temperature 7 (in kelvin K)
is obtained by an equation of the following form which is obtained from

S7(A) = oA [exp( <2) = 1 dor _ dv,/dT

duy du,/dT
which has been discussed in detail in Section 1.2.2 By using dots to denote derivatives with regard to
[see Eq. 6(1.2.2)]. The spectral radiant power dis- temperature T, such as (dx;/dT)=xX,7, Eq.
tribution {S;(A)dA} leads to the tristimulus val- 8(3.11) then reads
dvr _ er
Ur = {Sp(A)a(A)ar dup ur

ae [SrQ)oA)aa [5(3.11)] which can be expressed in terms of the tristimulus

values U;, V;, Wand their derivatives U,, V;, W,
as follows:
W, = [Sp(A)w(A) dd
where u(A), o(A), w(A) are linear combinations Wapeee
5, y.

of the CIE 1931 x(A), y(A), Z(A) standard color-

matching functions; that is, Lows V>(Ur + Vert W,) a V-(U; + Vr+ W,)

u(A) = 35(A) U;(U; + Vp t+ Wr) 3 U; (Uy + Vr+ Wr)

(A) = 7A) [6(3.11)]
w(A) = —4e(A) + 49(A) + 420A) Whereas U;,V7;,W, are determined by Eq.
Distribution Temperature, Color Temperature, and Correlated Color Temperature 227

5(3.11), Up, Vr, Wy follow from Robertson’s (1968) method of determining the
correlated color temperature of a source of given
5) chromaticity is the numerical equivalent to the
ligt feveaT 2A Sa(A)exp| =)
graphical method normally used, and involves an
interpolation between two adjacent members of
the set of 31 isotemperature lines defined in Table
1(3.11). With each line (i = 1 to 31) is associated
the correlated color temperature T.;. A computer
program is written that permits the search through
the set of lines to find the two adjacent lines
between which the chromaticity point of the given
source lies. This is done by calculating in the
(u, v)-chromaticity diagram the distance of the
given chromaticity point from each of the 31
lines. If the coordinates of the chromaticity point
Pos [evesT ?A*(d)ex| <=) of the given source are denoted by (u,, v,), and
(u;,v;) denotes the chromaticity point through
which the ith isotemperature line of slope ft, passes,
the required distance d; is obtained from
Jeo(<] ~ i)a [10(3.11)]

The isotemperature line passing through

= (0, a v;) ‘iP t;(u, ae u;)

G+ ee
(uy, vr) is perpendicular to the tangent at that >

point of the Planckian locus; thus its slope [13(3.11)]

t,(u, v) is given by
The chromaticity point (u,, v,) lies between the
tr(u, v) Bibi [11(3.11)] adjacent lines i=j and i=; +1 if the ratio
d,/d;+, is negative.
The correlated color temperature T.. that corre-
The integrations required in Eqs. 5(3.11) and
sponds to (u,, v,) is found by assuming that (a)
10(3.11) are, in practice, replaced by summations
the Planckian locus between 7; and 7;,, can be
using the weighted-ordinate method from A, =
replaced by the arc of a circle whose center is at
360 nm to A, = 830 nm with wavelength interval
the intersection of the two adjacent isotempera-
AX of constant 1-nm width (see Section 3.3.8).
ture lines j and j + | [see Figure 2(3.11)], and (b)
The chromaticity points (u;,v,) of the
the reciprocal color temperature is a linear func-
Planckian locus and the slopes t;(u,v) of the
tion of distance along this arc. It follows that
isotemperature lines passing through (u7, v7) can
be transformed to the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromatic-
ity diagram by means of the following equations:
RohiNGe s WONT
1 Cc vlogs 0, |I -4|

elo thit ps
ae OTe rade [14(3.11)]

a 5 aa
omc where 9, and 6, are the angles between the two
isotemperature lines (7; and 7;,,, respectively)
and the line joining (u,, v,) to their intersection.
and For adjacent lines, 6, and 8, are small, and thus
one can set 0,/0,= sin@,/sin@,, so that Eq.
|4trQuse)iek| Hi2t-(aye) 14(3.11) becomes
iu,v0). =
aoe aera) Stl [483

Table 1(3.11) shows the results of the calcula-

tions made in accordance with Eqs. 4(3.11) to
12(3.11). [15(3.11)]

Table 1(3.11) Isotemperature Lines (c, = 1.438810? m-K) Calculated in Accordance with the Method
Proposed by Mori et al. (1968)

Chromaticity Coordinates Chromaticity Coordinates

Reciprocal in CIE 1960 UCS Diagram in CIE 1931 Diagram
Megakelvin Temperature ——————__—_______—. Slope. —————————_ Slope
i (MK ') T(K) ur Or ty(u, v) Xr JF tr(x,y)
l 0 00 0.18006 0.26352 —0.24341 0.23987 0.23404 —0.68705
2 10 100,000 0.18066 0.26589 —0.25479 0.24258 0.23802. —On21g7
3 20 50,000 0.18133 0.26846 —0.26876 0.24560 0.24240 —0.77926
4 30 33433 0.18208 0.27119 —0.28539 0.24890 0.24714 —0.84248
>, 40 25,000 0.18293 0.27407 —0.30470 0.25251 0.252227 55a
6 50 20,000 0.18388 027709 0.32675, 025645 0.25763 —1.01403
7 60 16,667 0.18494 0.28021 —=0:35156-- 0.26070 (26833 = ia
8 70 14,286 0.18611 0.28342 —0.37915 0.26526 0.26930 "== 152695"
9 80 12,500 0.18740 0.28668 —0.40955 0.27011 0.27547 —1.44313
10 90 1 Leh 0.18880 0.28997 —0.44278 0.27524 0:28182 «> Goons
11 100 10,000 0.19032 0.29326 —0.47888 0.28063 0.28828 Tada so0 t
12 125 8,000 0.19462 0.30141 —0.53204..— 0.29513 0.30477 —3.08425
13 150 6,667 0.19962 0.30921 —0.70471 0.31101 0.32116 —6.18336
14 175 5,714 0.20525 0.31647 —0.84901 0.32775 0.33690 —39.34888
15 200 5,000 0.21142 0.3231 2am OL 0.34510 0.35162 11.17883
16 225 4,444 0.21807 0.32909) att apt eek OS 0.36276 0.36496 5.34398
17 250 4,000 0.22511 0.33439 —1.4512 0.38045 0.37676 3.68730
18 275 3,636 0.23247 0.33904 —1.7298 0.39792 0.38690 2.90309
19 300 3333 0.24010 0.34308 —2.0637 0.41502 0.39535 2.44455
20 325 S07 0.24702 0.34655 —2.4681 0.43156 0.40216 2.14300
21 350 oY 0.25591 0.34951 — 2.9641 0.47464 0.40742 1.92863
22 375 2011 0.26400 0.35200 —3.5814 0.46262 0.41121 1.76811
23 400 2,500 0.27218 0.35407 —4.3633 0.47701 0.41368 1.64291
24 425 L353 0.28039 3557 Teoria 27162 0.49059 0.41498 1.54240
25 450 2222 0.28863 0.35714 —6.7262 0.50338 0.41525 1.45962
26 475 2,105 0.29685 0.3582 3inwra8 5955 0.51541 0.41465 1.39021
2 500 2,000 0.30505 0.359072 rellB24 0.52669 0.41331 1.33101
28 D259 Tou 0.31320 0.35968 —15.628 0:537328 0.41131 1.27989
29 550 1,818 0.32129 0.3601 lasi4232325 0.54712 0.40882 1.23522
30 So 1,739 0.32931 0.36038 —40.770 0.55640 0.40593 1.19579
31 600 1,667 0.33724 0.36051 —116.45 0.56508 0.40271 1.16074

“Data supplied in part by A. R. Robertson, private communication, 1980.

The success of the method depends on choosing a and chromaticity coordinates of a given color
set of isotemperature lines with sufficiently nar- stimulus without making use of an actual human
row spacing so that the errors introduced by the eye aS a measuring component of the instrument.
above assumptions are negligible. Robertson There are three kinds of colorimetric instrumenta-
(1968) has shown that the set given in Table tion: the spectroradiometer, the spectrophotometer,
1(3.11) leads to very satisfactory results. and the tristimulus-filter colorimeter. Each kind is
commercially available in a variety of makes,
degrees of sophistication, and specializations to
3.12 COLORIMETRIC INSTRUMENTATION suit specific colorimetric applications. It is not the
purpose of this book to treat in detail colorimetric
Modern colorimetric instrumentation is designed instrumentation and to describe details of their
to provide automatically the tristimulus values design and operation. Such information is readily
Colorimetric Instrumentation 229

reference source. The comparison of the test

source with the reference source is accomplished
by rotating the integrating sphere by 180° to
admit light from the reference source to the
Reference sources, most often in the form of
tungsten filament lamps, are usually available
from National Standardizing Laboratories [see
Table 1(3.12.1)]. The spectral radiant power dis-
tributions of these sources have been determined,
directly or indirectly, by a spectroradiometric
comparison with a blackbody (Planckian) radia-
tor (see Section 1.2.2) operating at a known tem-
perature, or with some other primary standard
source, such as one providing synchrotron radia-
tion (Key and Ward, 1978).
Fig. 2(3.11). Method of interpolation to find the A survey of sources used for accurate measure-
correlated color temperature of a source of given ment of visible, near-infrared, and near ultraviolet
(u,, v,)-chromaticity (Robertson, 1968). radiation conducted by Steiner (1976) contains
useful information for the practicing spectrora-
available from the well-established manufacturers
A typical output of a spectroradiometric sys-
of such instruments. However, we have selected a
tem is:
few topics that we consider relevant and of some
general importance to the subject matter.
(a) spectral radiant power distribution of the
test source;
3.12.1 Spectroradiometers
(b) tristimulus values and chromaticity with re-
A spectroradiometer is an apparatus designed to spect to either the CIE 1931, or CIE 1964 colori-
measure radiometric quantities as a function of metric system, or both;
wavelength. (c) CIE color-rendering indices;
Figure 1(3.12.1) illustrates schematically a (d) correlated color temperature;
spectroradiometric system. The radiant power (e) photometric quantities, such as luminance.
emitted by the test source in a preselected direc-
tion enters the entrance slit of the monochroma- Whereas the spectral radiant power distribution is
tor through a coupler which optically connects determined by actual physical measurement, the
the test source with the monochromator. In the other output data are derived from it by digital
particular case shown in the figure, the optical computation using the appropriate formulae given
coupler is an integrating sphere, possibly with in the previous sections of this chapter.
(not shown) external lenses, mirrors, apertures, The term spectral radiant power distribution
and baffles. The monochromator (see Section 1.5) [see Table I(1.1)], when applied to a source of
disperses the incoming radiant power and trans- radiant energy or a color stimulus, is defined as
mits it via a narrow band of wavelengths through the spectral concentration of radiant power as a
the exit slit which is optically coupled with the function of wavelength. More specifically, the
detector (see Section 1.6). The detector’s photo- spectral concentration of radiant power is the
electric response is analyzed .by the computer quotient of radiant power taken over an infinitesi-
which, in turn, commands an output display. The mal wavelength range on either side of a given
computer is also interfaced with various other wavelength, by that wavelength range. This defi-
components of the spectroradiometric system to nition implies that the spectral concentration P)
control their automatic operation. of radiant power should be strictly determined for
In practice, the measurement of a spectral an infinitely narrow band of wavelength. How-
radiometric quantity involves the comparison of ever, spectral measurements are virtually always
the test source with a suitable reference source of required, not as ends in themselves, but for appli-
known spectral radiant power distribution. The cation to the calculation of radiometric, photo-
arrangement shown in Figure 1(3.12.1) includes a metric, and colorimetric quantities.




aya En
He} BE
i ea



Fig. 1(3.12.1). Schematic diagram showing principal components of a spectroradiometric

system; PS & ME= power supply and measuring equipment; OP = optical coupler; IF=
electronic interface; E n= entrance slit of monochromator; E, = exit slit of monochromator.

These quantities are usually derived by first value

applying spectral weighting functions [e.g.,
x(A), y(A), Z(A)], to the measured spectral
radiant power distribution, and then processing
ee a eee ee
the product functions further by means of in-
tegration or summation across the spectrum. This
procedure treats the individual measured data The appropriate choice of the width of the
points as a finite set of discrete points, although, wavelength interval at which the step-function of
in reality, they may well be points belonging to a spectral radiant power is to be determined de-
continuum. In other words, an actual spectral pends on the complexity of the spectral radiant
radiant power distribution curve is usually treated power distribution and on the nature of the spec-
as a step-function, similar in appearance to a tral weighting functions to be employed. For in-
histogram. candescent filament sources, such as tungsten or
Thus, what is required of the spectroradiomet- tungsten—halogen lamps (see Section 1.2.2), a rel-
ric system is not a set of values for the spectral atively broad wavelength interval (e.g., AA = 10
concentration P, of radiant power at specific nm) can be chosen across the spectrum because
wavelengths, but rather measurements of the mean such sources have a smooth and continuous spec-
spectral concentration of radiant power over a set tral radiant power distribution varying only slowly
of contiguous bands of wavelength of small but with wavelength. In the spectroradiometric mea-
finite width, covering the spectral range of inter- surement, at each wavelength setting of the
est, for example, the visible spectrum from A, = monochromator, the ratio of the spectral radiant
360 nm to A, = 830 nm at intervals of AA = 5 power of the test source to that of the reference
nm. The spectral concentration P, of radiant source is given by the ratio of the detector
power is therefore approximated by the mean responses. The size of the wavelength band
Colorimetric Instrumentation 231

Table 1(3.12.1) Major National Standards Laboratories Which Offer

Radiometric and Photometric Calibrations of Sources of Radiant Energy
for Reference Purposes in Colorimetry

Country Name and Address

Australia CSIRO Division of Applied Physics

P.O. Box 218
Lindfield, NSW 2070
Canada National Research Council (NRC)
Ottawa, Canada KIA OR6
Federal Republic Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
of Germany Bundesallee 100
3300 Braunschweig
France Institut National de Métrologie (INM)
292, rue Saint Martin
75003 Paris
German Democratic Amt fiir Standardisierung, Messwesen
Republic und Warenpriifung (ASMW)
Wallstrasse 16, DDR-102 Berlin
Great Britain National Physical Laboratories (NPL)
Teddington, Middlesex TW11 OLW
Japan Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL)
1-1-4, Umezono, Sakura Mura,
Niihari-Gun, Ibaraki-ken
Japan 305
National Bureau of Standards (NBS)
Washington, DC 20234
USSR Institut de Métrologie D.I.
Mendeéléev (IMM)
Republic of National Physical Research Laboratory (NPRL)
South Africa P.O. Box 395
Pretoria 0001

transmitted by the monochromator is of little sufficiently accurate tristimulus values and chro-
importance in the case of incandescent sources maticity coordinates. In most cases, spectral data
provided that this wavelength band is not appre- taken at 2-nm intervals, with comparable wave-
ciably greater than the interval at which the mea- length bands transmitted by the monochromator,
surements are taken. are considered adequate.
For electric discharge sources, such as fluo- Some fluorescent lamps, however, can be mea-
rescent lamps (see Section 1.2.2), the spectral sured by a more economical hybrid technique
radiant power distributions are mixtures of multi- consisting of measurements at the rather few
line and spectrally continuous radiation. For such principal mercury emission lines, and separately,
sources spectral measurements at closer inter- of measurements made of the rather smooth and
vals are usually required to obtain a sufficiently continuous phosphor emissions. Examples of such
accurate spectral distribution and consequently, measurement records are given in Figure 3(1.2.3)

and in Table 2(3.3.8). In these cases, the con- reflectance-factor measurements, a standard of
tinuum can often be represented adequately by reflectance factor. The detector system receives
spectral data taken at 10-nm intervals to which the spectral radiant power reflected from the ob-
are added the emission-line values each spread ject and the standard in close succession and
uniformly over a 10-nm wavelength band and generates a ratio signal that is transmitted to the
centered at its respective emission-line wave- computer for analysis and display. The computer
length. is interfaced with various components of the spec-
The wavelength band transmitted by the trophotometric system and controls its automatic
monochromator is usually chosen to be of the operation.
same width as the wavelength interval used in Figure 1(3.12.2) also shows schematic dia-
the calculation of tristimulus values. Its de- grams of alternative illuminating and viewing
termination and effect on the measured spectral chambers that are commonly used in spectropho-
radiant power distribution is a problem of consid- tometry.
erable concern in spectroradiometry, but its full With regard to reflectance-factor measure-
treatment is beyond the scope of this book. The ments the CIE recommends four different geome-
interested reader is referred to Kostkowski (1971) tries of illuminating and viewing the object; these
and Shumaker (1979). have been described in Section 3.3.7 and are
The more recent developments in spectroradi- shown in Figure 1(3.3.7). The standard of reflec-
ometry and its application to photometry and tance factor is the perfect reflecting diffuser, an
colorimetry are exemplified in studies by Merrill ideal surface that does not exist in reality, but
and Layton (1966), Sanders and Gaw (1967), Eby that is used as a basis for calibrating secondary
(1970), Nonaka et al. (1972), Bauer (1973), Sanders standards or white standards for practical spec-
and Jerome (1973), Kok and Hengstberger (1974), trophotometry. A discussion of such standards
de Groot et al. (1975), Morren (1975), Suzuki and has been given in Section 3.3.6.
Ooba (1976), and Grum and Becherer (1979). It is worth noting that in the measurement of
The CIE Technical Committee on Photometry nonfluorescent objects, the actual spectral radiant
and Radiometry has under preparation a Report power distribution of the light source of the spec-
on the Spectroradiometric Measurement of Light trophotometric system is not critical, because only
Sources that treats the subject matter of spec- radiant power ratios are measured at the various
troradiometry in considerable detail, including wavelengths. The main requirement is that the
methods of measurement and error analysis. Much light source emits adequate radiant power at all
of this section has been guided by an early draft wavelengths of interest. The situation is quite
of the CIE Report. different when fluorescent objects are to be mea-
sured. This case will be discussed in Section 3.12.3.
The spectral transmittance 7(A) of a trans-
3.12.2 Spectrophotometers
parent nonfluorescent object is the ratio of trans-
A spectrophotometer is an apparatus designed to mitted radiant power P,AA, to incident radiant
measure the spectral transmittance and spectral power P,,AX, that is,
reflectance factors of objects. It is similar in de-
sign to the spectroradiometer described in Section ts Py
ON Fe Py, AA een
3.12.1, but has a rather different objective, namely,
to compare at each wavelength the radiant power
leaving the object with that incident on it. where A is the central wavelength of the narrow
Figure 1(3.12.2) illustrates schematically a band AX.
spectrophotometric system used for the measure- The definition of spectral reflectance factor
ment of nonfluorescent objects. Radiant power is B(A) is more complex because it takes account of
emitted by the light source and passes through the the fact that the reflecting properties of an opaque
coupler that optically connects the source with object depend much on the way the object is
the monochromator. The monochromator (see illuminated and viewed. All diffusing materials
Section 1.5) disperses the incoming radiant power fail to be perfectly matte; that is, they exhibit a
and transmits it via a narrow band of wavelengths certain amount of gloss. Part of the radiant power
through the exit slit which is optically coupled incident on the surface is reflected in some more
with the illuminating and viewing chamber hold- or less good approximation of an image-forming
ing the object under test and, in the case of state; the remainder penetrates the surface and,








Fig. 1(3.12.2). Schematic diagram showing principal components of a spectrophotometric
system for measurement of spectral reflectance factors and spectral transmittance. PS &
ME = power supply and measuring equipment; OP = optical coupler; IF = electronic interface;
M = mirror; RM = rotating half-mirror; En = entrance slit; Ex = exit slit; Obj = object under
test; Std = standard of reflectance factor. In the lower part of the figure are shown two
examples of alternative illuminating and viewing chambers that can be used in the spectropho-
tometric system. One shows an integrating sphere for the measurement of reflectance factor
with diffuse illumination and normal viewing; the other shows the arrangement of mirrors used
to make measurements of transmittance.


Test object

Fig. 2(3.12.2). Schematic diagram showing principles involved in measuring the spectral
reflectance factor B(A) of an opaque nonfluorescent test object.

after suffering absorption, scattering, and multi- spect to that incident on the test object. Depend-
ple reflection beneath the surface, it is re-emitted ing on whether the perfect reflecting diffuser or
in a nearly diffuse state. the test object is in position, the spectral radiant
It is appropriate, and in accordance with the power P,,AXA or P,AA passes through the aper-
CIE recommendation (Section 3.3.6), to assess the ture A of given shape and size. The spectral
reflecting properties of an opaque object relative reflectance factor B(A) of the test object is then
to the perfect reflecting diffuser identically il- given by
luminated and viewed and a formal definition of
spectral reflectance factor may then be given as PAD
B(A) = PAN [2(3.12.2)]
The spectral reflectance factor B(A) of a non-
fluorescent object is the ratio of the spectral and from Figure 2(3.12.2) it can be readily de-
radiant power reflected in the directions delimited duced that its value depends to a large extent
by a given cone whose apex is at a given point on upon the direction of illumination e, the direction
the surface of the object, to the spectral. radiant of viewing ¢,, and solid angle w of the cone
power reflected in the same directions by the determined by the size and distance of aperture
perfect reflecting diffuser identically illuminated. A, particularly when the test object has a glossy
Figure 2(3.12.2) illustrates the definition of surface. For example, if €, is equal to e and w is
spectral reflectance factor. The spectral radiant small, the spectral reflectance factor B(A) may
power incident on the perfect reflecting diffuser is have a value much larger than unity because the
denoted by P),AA and is identical in every re- cone may contain the mirror image of the source.
Colorimetric Instrumentation 235

There are two limiting cases for the spectral

reflectance factor with regard to the size of the
cone delimiting the reflected spectral radiant
powers. If the solid angle w of the cone ap-
proaches zero, the spectral reflectance factor is
more appropriately called spectral radiance factor.
If the solid angle of the cone approaches 27
(hemisphere above the test object), the spectral
reflectance factor is called spectral reflectance and
denoted by p(A). By definition, the perfect re-
flecting diffuser reflects all the incident radiant
flux Pp,AA in all directions uniformly without
loss. It then follows that the spectral reflectance N'

p(A) of a test object is simply the ratio of the N

spectral radiant flux P,AA reflected into the oS lS calls)ec a mae)
hemisphere above the test object to the incident Fig. 1(3.12.3). Schematic diagram of energy
spectral radiant flux P),AA; thus, levels for the explanation of models of different
cases of luminescence: (1) resonance radiant en-
Pre Ay
p(A) = BDA [3(3.12.2)] ergy; (2) fluorescence; (3) and (4) anti-Stokes
fluorescence; (5) phosphorescence.

There is no spectrophotometric system on the

market that is versatile enough to serve equally the ground level, or the ground state, of the
well on every colorimetric problem. To select the system. For the atoms and for many diatomic
spectrophotometric system that will serve a par- molecules found in gasses, the energy levels are
ticular purpose best and economically, the re- well known. For polyatomic molecules and for
quirements must be clearly understood. The main systems found in crystals and other solids, the
requirements concern the kinds of specimen that energy levels are difficult to determine and are
must be measured, its number per day, the spec- mostly unknown. However, the assumption of the
tral range, and the precision and accuracy. existence of such energy levels generally has led
General guidelines for selecting an appropriate to important advances in the understanding of
spectrophotometric system have been prepared, the luminescence phenomena (Pringsheim, 1948;
for example, by Judd and Wyszecki (1975) and Becker, 1969).
Johnston (1971). Figure 1(3.12.3) shows a typical schematic dia-
gram of several energy levels of a simple system
3.12.3. Spectrophotometry of Fluorescent of molecules. The energy levels are represented by
Materials horizontal lines. The separation between any two
of these lines is proportional to the corresponding
The phenomenon of fluorescence can be observed difference in energy. At the ground state, repre-
in many materials and consequently is often of sented by line N, the system has the energy Qy;
concern to colorimetrists wishing to determine at level F, it has the energy Q;. The difference
colorimetric data for objects made of such between the two energies is proportional to the
materials. Fluorescence belongs to a class of phe- frequency v;-, of the radiant energy that is emitted
nomena with the generic name of /uminescence. or absorbed by the transition between the two
Luminescence refers to the process by which levels F and N. The basic law is
radiant energy is emitted by molecules or atoms
that have been excited by the absorption of radiant
energy. The concepts of quantum theory are used hvry = Or — On
to construct models of the luminescence phenom-
A system of molecules or atoms takes up whereh is Planck’s constant (~ 6.63 X 10° *4J- s).
radiant energy only in certain definite steps, and The quantity Av;, constitutes the elementary
is stable only in discrete, more or less sharply quantity of radiant energy, called quantum or
defined, energy levels. The lowest of the levels is photon.

When radiant energy of frequency vpy is ab- The luminescence excited by the absorption of
sorbed, the energy of the system is raised from radiant energy has a certain period of growth or
level N to level F. If no other energy levels exist induction. With a sufficiently long period of con-
between WN and F, the system can return to N only stant irradiance, the re-emitted radiant power
by re-emitting radiant energy of the same reaches an equilibrium value when the number of
frequency v;-,. Theoretically, this is the simplest molecules excited per second by absorption is
case of luminescence; it is called resonance radia- equal to the number of molecules deactivated by
tion [see Case | in Figure 1(3.12.3)]. emission. For practically all fluorescent materials,
Generally, however, there are several other the periods of growth and decay are equal be-
intermediate levels (C, D,---) between N and F, cause the relative number of excited molecules
and thus, other transitions from F to C, D,--:- always remains small compared to the total num-
can occur. These transitions result in fluores- ber of unexcited molecules, even if the level of
cence; that is, the re-emission of radiant energies irradiance is very high. It follows that the fluores-
of frequencies ypc,V¥rp,---, all of which are cence produces a radiant power that is strictly
smaller than ypy; see Case 2 of Figure 1(3.12.3). proportional to the radiant power incident on the
The fact that fluorescence occurs at a lower substance (Pringsheim, 1948; Ooba, 1963). The
frequency (which means a longer wavelength, be- linear relationship between the radiant power re-
cause of vy= c/A) than the frequency of the ab- emitted and the one incident on the substance is
sorbed energy was first found empirically by of considerable importance when the colorimetry
Stokes (1852) and is often referred to as Stokes’ of fluorescent materials is done by way of
law. However, deviations from Stokes’ law are spectrophotometry. The same linear relationship
possible if other energy levels N’ and F’ are usually does not hold for phosphorescence
located immediately above levels N or F, respec- (Pringsheim, 1948).
tively. Thermal energy can raise the system from For complex systems of molecules, such as
N to N’ before the absorbed radiant energy of those found in solids, the energy levels of a fluo-
frequency vf raises it to F. The fluorescence is rescent molecule are not as sharply defined as was
of frequency vy > Vyr. Thermal energy can also implied in Figure 1(3.12.3) by the horizontal lines.
raise the system to F’ during its lifetime in the The location of each energy level is influenced by
excited state F. The fluorescence is of frequency the continuously fluctuating interaction of the
Ven > Vyp- Both these cases are referred to as surrounding field of molecules whose configura-
anti-Stokes fluorescence; see Cases 3 and 4 in tion changes due to thermal vibration. The mole-
Figure 1(3.12.3). cules oscillate around stable positions within
Case 5 of Figure 1(3.12.3) illustrates phos- broadened bands of energy, and it follows that
phorescence. The energy of the molecules is first both the absorption and the emission of radiant
raised by absorption of radiant energy from level energy takes place in bands covering a range of
N to F; it falls back to a nearby metastable level wavelengths rather than lines.
M, only to be returned again to F by thermal The relative spectral radiant power distribu-
energy before it changes to a lower state, such as tion within the emission band describes the spec-
D, through emitting radiant energy. tral character of the fluorescence. Generally, it
When the incident radiant flux is cut off, does not change with the wavelength of the inci-
luminescence persists for a certain period of time. dent radiant power. It often resembles a bell-
The time for decay to a given fraction of the shaped curve with its peak located near the
initial radiant power re-emitted depends on the centroid wavelength of the emission band. How-
kind of luminescence (e.g., fluorescence or phos- ever, the absolute value of the radiant power
phorescence), the nature of the substance, and emitted by fluorescence at wavelength A can vary
other factors (e.g., temperature, in the case of greatly with the incident wavelength p. Its value is
phosphorescence). The decay times of fluores- a function of the radiant power absorbed at p and
cence are generally considerably shorter than those the excitation efficiency (or quantum efficiency) of
of phosphorescence. For fluorescence the time the material at that wavelength. If the material
during which the emitted radiant power decays to absorbs gj quanta at a given wavelength p, and
e | times its initial value is of the order of 10° re-emits a total of q quanta within the entire
sec; whereas for phosphorescence, this may be emission band, the excitation efficiency of the
from 10~° sec to many days (e = base of natural material is defined as q/qo. The absorbed quanta
logarithms = 2.718 ---). that are not re-emitted by fluorescence are con-
Colorimetric Instrumentation 234

verted into thermal energy. Many fluorescent Source

solids have an excitation efficiency that is nearly uid
constant over a considerable range of incident
wavelengths nw. However, the excitation efficiency Photon
drops sharply when the incident wavelength falls Detector

within the emission band.

The absorbed radiant power is that part of the
incident power that is not reflected and trans-
mitted. The sum of the absorbed power plus the gy;

reflected power plus the transmitted power al-

CStandard Object
ways equals the incident power. The reflectance p
of a material surface of area dA is defined as the
ratio of the radiant power reflected from dA into Fig. 2(3.12.3). Schematic diagram illustrating the
the entire hemisphere ({2= 27 sr) above the principal components of a spectrophotometer de-
surface to the power incident on dA. Similarly, signed to measure the total spectral radiance factor
the transmittance + of the same material is de- of a fluorescent object.
fined as the ratio of the power transmitted through
the material to the power incident on it. Thus, the luminescence). The spectral radiance factor
absorbance a of the material is given by B,(A, o) is not only a function of wavelength A,
a=l1-p-T but depends also on the spectral radiant power
distribution {S(A)dA} of the source o irradiating
All three quantities, a, p, and + are wavelength the material. Consequently, the total spectral
dependent. It is important to recall here the dif- radiance factor B;(A, @) is a function of o as well
ference between reflectance p and radiance factor as X.
B (see Section 3.12.2). In order to determine a There are two principal ways of determining
from the above equation, it is essential that p be the total spectral radiance factor of a fluorescent
used and not B. material for colorimetric applications.
The spatial distribution of the radiant power The first method is schematically illustrated in
re-emitted by fluorescence is uniform in all direc- Figure 2(3.12.3). The source irradiates the given
tions above the surface of the fluorescing object. fluorescent object and, in turn, the (nonfluo-
This means that the radiance of the fluorescence rescent white) working standard of known spec-
component measured in different directions from tral radiance factor. The radiant powers reflected
the surface is constant; such a surface is called a from the object and the standard in a fixed direc-
Lambertian emitter of radiant energy. tion are spectrally analyzed by the monochroma-
The objective of a spectrophotometric analysis tor—detector system, so that appropriate ratios
of a fluorescent material is to determine the total can be taken that define the total spectral radi-
spectral radiance factor of the material across the ance factors of the fluorescent object.
visible spectrum so that this can be used in the When the fluorescent object is placed in the
calculation of colorimetric data appropriate for beam, a photocurrent is generated in the detector
the material when this is irradiated by a given which is directly proportional to the radiance
light source. L,(Obj)dA of the object at the wavelength A»
The total spectral radiance factor B;(A, 0) has transmitted by the monochromator. When the
two additive components, that is test object is replaced by the standard of reflec-
tance, another photocurrent is generated that is
| Br(A,o) = Bs(A) + BL(A,¢) [1(3.12.3)] directly proportional to the radiance L,(Std)daA
of the standard at that wavelength. The ratio of
In this expression, B,(A) is the spectral radiance the two photocurrents is equal to the ratio of the
factor due to reflection only (the subscript S stands two radiances L,(Obj)dA and L,(Std)dA. With
for “substrate,” because in many industrial appli- known spectral radiance factor Bg,g(A) of the
cations, fluorescent materials are made of a non- standard, the spectral radiance factor of the fluo-
fluorescent material, the substrate, to which is rescent object simply follows from:
added one or more fluorescent agents). The quan-
tity B,(A, o) is the spectral radiance factor due to
ae L (Obj) [2(3.12.3)]
Bale OC lae Boal A)
fluorescence only (the subscript L stands for

The spectral radiance factor Bg,g(A) of the white irradiates the object directly as shown in Figure
working standard is assumed to be given in terms 2(3.12.3). The more conventional arrangement in
of the perfect reflecting diffuser identically irradi- spectrophotometers, in which the object is irradia-
ated; that is, ted through a monochromator as shown in Figure
1(3.12.3), must not be used for the measurement
L,(Std) of total spectral radiance factor of fluorescent
Bsta(A) = Fen) [3(3.12.3)] objects. It further follows that, if the fluorescent
object is to be analyzed colorimetrically [e.g., CIE
where L,(PRD) is the spectral radiance of the tristimulus values are to be calculated with
perfect reflecting diffuser. By inserting this B,(A, o)], the colorimetric data can apply only to
expression into Eq. 2(3.12.3) it follows: the particular source o used in the measurement
of B;(A, o). Or, stating it differently, it follows
aS [4(3.12.3)]
that if the colorimetric data of the fluorescent
Br(A, o) ae object are to apply to a particular source 9, it is
important that this source o be used in the spec-
which defines the total spectral radiance factor of trophotometric determination of B;(A,o). This
the fluorescent object as a ratio of the spectral seemingly trivial point is somewhat belabored
radiances measured for the object and perfect here, because in practice, confusion has been often
reflecting diffuser identically irradiated by the noted. Presumably this confusion originates from
source o and viewed by the monochromator-— the fact that most objects used in practice are
detector system. nonfluorescent and therefore do not require the
It is important to note that the resultant total special attention with regard to the source used in
spectral radiance factors are not only characteris- the spectrophotometric analysis. Moreover, many
tic of the particular object under study, but also spectrophotometers are not readily converted so
of the particular source o used to irradiate the as to be capable of measuring fluorescent objects.
object. Figure 3(3.12.3) illustrates the spectral dif- The application of the method of measuring
ferences that can occur when a given fluorescent total spectral radiance factors of fluorescent ob-
object is irradiated first by daylight (o = D,;) jects, described above, to the colorimetry of such
and then by incandescent lamplight (o = A). This objects can have an important practical problem.
phenomenon makes it mandatory that the spec- In colorimetry (see Section 3.3 and 3.4), standard
trophotometric procedure is such that the source illuminants are to be used in the calculation of

B(A, Dés)


300 400 500 600 700 800

Wavelength (A), nm

Fig. 3(3.12.3). Spectral radiance factors of a fluorescent object measured under a source with
the relative spectral power distribution S(A) of CIE standard illuminant D,;, and under a
source with $(A) of CIE standard illuminant A. The instrumental setup used in the measure-
ments is that illustrated in Figure 2(3.12.3).
Colorimetric Instrumentation 239

the CIE tristimulus values of object-color stimuli. instances provide results with acceptable accu-
These standard illuminants, defined by tables racy.
of relative spectral radiant power distributions The second method of measuring the total
{S(A)dA}, cannot exactly be materialized by a spectral radiance factors of a given fluorescent
source and its associated optics in a spectropho- object is the most comprehensive method that can
tometer set up to measure the total spectral radi- be devised. It provides a detailed spectrophoto-
ance factor of a given fluorescent object. In fact, metric analysis of the fluorescent object, on the
the spectral differences between the radiant power basis of which CIE tristimulus values can be
distributions of the instrument source and the calculated with respect to any illuminant of known
desired standard illuminant may be sufficiently spectral radiant power distribution (Donaldson,
large so as to render the colorimetric calculations 1954; Fukuda and Sugiyama, 1961; Grum, 1972;
unacceptable. Baba and Sengoku, 1973; Baba et al., 1974/75).
A number of investigators have attempted to However, the instrumental setup for such an anal-
quantify the colorimetric errors that may result ysis is more elaborate and the volume of data that
from a spectral mismatch between the instrument must be taken for each complete spectrophoto-
source and the standard illuminant, and indeed metric record is considerably larger than that
have proposed schemes by means of which ap- required in the first method.
propriate corrections can be applied to the erro- Figure 4(3.12.3) schematically illustrates the
neous measurements (Eitle and Ganz, 1968; instrumental setup required in the second method.
Allen, 1972; Alman and Billmeyer, 1977; Grum Instead of exposing the object to radiant power of
and Costa, 1977). All these schemes must make all wavelengths simultaneously and then measur-
certain assumptions concerning the fluorescence ing its spectral radiance factor, as indicated in
properties of the object and the instrument used Figure 2(3.12.3), the object is now exposed to
to measure it, and it is not always a priori evident monochromatic radiant power of different wave-
that these assumptions hold strictly in each case lengths p. At each wavelength p (first monochro-
considered. The CIE Materials Committee (TC- mator) a spectral scan of wavelengths A (second
2.3) is studying the proposed schemes and it is monochromator) is made to obtain a record of
anticipated that a quantitative assessment of their the spectral radiant power reflected and emitted
usefulness will be forthcoming in the not too from the object.
distant future. Schemes such as those proposed in With the white (nonfluorescent) working stan-
the literature are in demand in industry because dard in the beam, the measured spectral radiances
they are relatively simple to use and in many L,(Std) are equal to zero at all wavelengths A

Source veSic
o &
°o @®
we detector

eg vA
— Standard object nea

Fig. 4(3.12.3). Schematic diagram illustrating the arrangement of the principal components of
a special spectrophotometer designed to make a detailed spectral analysis of fluorescent

except when A = p». When the fluorescent object tor B,(A, ») due to reflection only is recorded at
is substituted for the working standard, spectral \ = p and a set of radiance factors B;(A, w) due
radiances Ly ,(Obj) are measured which are dif- to fluorescence at wavelengths A of the entire
ferent from zero not only at A = p but also within emission band. In the third example, » = 580 nm,
the entire emission band characteristic of the flu- the wavelength of the incident radiant power falls
orescent object. The radiance factor B(A, ») of just inside the emission band. Fluorescence still
the object irradiated by monochromatic radiant occurs in this case; however, when p is increased
power of wavelength p is then given by to or beyond the centroid wavelength (~ 610 nm)
of the emission band, fluorescence generally
Ly. (Obj ceases. The fourth example, »p = 760 nm, shows
B(A,m) = Boal) a the case where the incident radiant power has a
wavelength near the long wavelength end of the
[5(3.12.3)] emission band and a radiance factor due to reflec-
tion only is recorded at A = p.
where Bs,4(A) is the spectral radiance factor of
The spectrophotometric matrix record of the
the standard assumed to be known in terms of the
fluorescent object can be used to calculate
perfect reflecting diffuser (see Eq. 3(3.12.3)).
the total spectral radiance factors B;(A, 0) for
The complete spectrophotometric record for
the object irradiated by any source o of known
the fluorescent object takes on a matrix of the
spectral radiant power distribution {S,(A)dA}.
form in which the rows are labeled by the wave-
The procedure follows directly from Eq. 5(3.12.3)
lengths A of the reflected or emitted radiant power
and by inspection of the matrix format. The fol-
and the columns are labeled by the wavelengths p
lowing relation emerges:
of the incident radiant power. All entries B(A, 1)
have either positive or zero values and, if Stokes’
law applies, as it usually does, the matrix is of B,(A, 0)S,(A)dA = Ih
B(A, #)S,(m) du
triangular form; that is, all its positive entries are
on and below its diagonal: [6(3.12.3)]

of Reflected
or Emitted Wavelength pu (nm) of Incident Radiant Power
Radiant Power 300 310 780 790 800

300 BAS) ei 7 os a

320 BA,p) BCA,w) BCA,B) ~« = a a

780 B(A,Hw) BOA,pw) BOA,B) BN) == ae

790 BOA,w) BOB) BOA,BH) BA,nw) BAB) —
800 B(A,pw) BA,BH) BOA,2) BA,pw) BA,pH) BOA,B)

Figure 5(3.12.3) illustrates a small part of the The resulting 8;(A, 0) corresponds with its direct
complete matrix record obtained for a fluorescent measurement by means of the first method dis-
red ink. The four parts of the illustration record cussed above and illustrated in Figure 2(3.12.3).
the spectrophotometric data for incident radiant Figure 3(3.12.3) is also recalled to show how the
power held at wavelength p = 340, 460, 580, and resulting total radiance-factor curve changes when
760 nm respectively, whereas wavelength A is the irradiating source o is changed from daylight
scanned through the spectrum. Thus, these re- (D,;) to incandescent lamp light (A).
cords represent the entries of the matrix columns
bw = 340, 460, 580, and 760 nm, respectively. The
first and second examples, » = 340 and 460 nm,
3.12.4 Propagation of Random
illustrate cases where p is smaller than the short- Spectrophotometric Errors
est wavelength of the fixed emission band of the In the determination of tristimulus values and
fluorescent object. In these cases, a radiance fac- chromaticity coordinates by means of spectropho-
Colorimetric Instrumentation 241

S —o

0.10 ba Emission band oH


300 400 500 600 700 800




300 400. 500 600 700 800



300 400 500 600 700 800

on Emission band 4


300 400 500 600 700 800
Wavelength (A), nm

Fig. 5(3.12.3). Typical examples of a detailed spectrophotometric analysis of a fluorescent red

ink irradiated by spectral radiant flux of different wavelengths 1. (Adapted from measurements
reported by Donaldson, 1954).

tometry and computation, it is of interest to The chromaticity coordinates (x, y) are com-
estimate the error in the computed results that puted by means of the familiar equations
originate from uncertainties in the spectrophoto- rl
metric data. The uncertainties in the spectropho- PES x is 2 p(A)S(A)X(A)AA
tometric data in question are random fluctuations Kk Kits Z >,p(A)w(A)AA
in the photometric-scale readings of the instru-
ment when repeated observations are made. A yi _ Yypl(A)S(A)y(A)AA
Nimeroff (1953) and MacAdam (1953, 1954, 1957) Shoes >, p(A)w(A)AA
have dealt with the problem, using elementary but
effective statistical techniques. [1(3.12.4)]

with and a frequency function expressed by

w(A) = S(A)x(A) + S(A)V(A) + S(A)Z() ®[x;, Vis Xm> Ym» M |dx; dy,

The errors in the (x, y)-chromaticity coordinates l l

= IaM'/2 exp(eA 5 O;dx,dy,
are assumed to arise entirely from random un-
certainties in p(A), the spectrophotometrically
determined spectral reflectance function of the [4(3.12.4)]
given object. The weighting functions S(A)x(A),
S(A) (A), S(A)Z(A) are not subject to uncer- Here M is the determinant of M,
tainty if the CIE recommended color-matching
functions x(A), y(A), Z(A) and a standard illumi- M = var(x)var(y) — [cov(xy)]?
nant {S(A)AA} are used.
The variances of x and y, denoted by var(x) and Q, is the quadratic form
and var(y) and the covariance, denoted by
cov(xy), are then obtained from Ooea (ihe ee

2, [WS(A)x(A)
warx) i= = Xw(A)Jvar [ (AJAX 4 2(2%,= yp) =n) ee

5 LWS(A) F(A) + (yp) sia)

var(y) = = Q, has ax? (chi-square) distribution with two
degrees of freedom.
3, [WS(A)x(A) — Xw(A)] With appropriate choice of Q,, the ellipse de-

cov(xy A)
) LWS(= re WvarloY] AA
Yn)F(A) fined by Eq. 5(3.12.4) can be computed which
should contain a specified fraction h of all points
(x;, y;). In particular, the ellipse expected to con-
tain 95% of all chromaticity points computed
[2(3.12.4)] from the n spectral reflectance functions p,(A)
with and used in deriving the constants in Eq. 5(3.12.4),
has QO, = 6.0 (from tabulated x? distribution for
two degrees of freedom).
and The theory outlined above can be readily ap-

varfo(A)] = 27 Lei) ~ oT
plied to practical cases. In general, the random
errors of spectral reflectance measurements are
not constant throughout the spectrum, and they
[3(3.12.4)] may also depend on the actual values of p(A).
Nevertheless, calculations made on the assump-
where p;(A) denotes the ith individual measure- tion of a specified and constant standard devia-
ment of the spectral reflectance at wavelength A, tion for p(A), namely
and p,,(A) is the mean value of n measurements.
It is assumed that there is no correlation between o, = var[ p(A)] = const [6(3.12.4)]
the random errors in the spectral reflectance mea-
surements at different wavelengths. are informative. For this case, the variances and
The chromaticity coordinates x,, y, derived covariances of x and y take on simpler forms;
from the ith set of individual measurements of that is,
p(A) are assumed to have a joint normal distribu-
tion about their mean values, x,,, y,,, With a aaprebaants: amS [WS(A)z(A) — Xw(A)PAA
variance—covariance matrix A

var( x) cov( xy)

cov( xy) var(y) var(y) = = S[WS(A) (A) — Yw(A)PAA
Colorimetric Instrumentation 243

tional to the color-matching functions of one or
poe i SLWS(A)E(A) = Xw(A)) the other CIE standard colorimetric observers. Its
importance as a tool for production control of
x [WS(A)y(A) — Yw(A)]
AA colored objects is well established. Most commer-
cially available instruments of this kind are satis-
[7(3.12.4)] factorily precise and easy to operate, and they are
fast enough to measure many specimens a day.
The uncertainty ellipse (h = 0.95) becomes However, many of them seriously lack accuracy;
that is, tristimulus values read by such instru-
bs re ee ments do not generally agree with tristimulus
values obtained by spectrophotometry and com-

+ 2x — x0)(y — yp) putation. Fortunately, this defect does not neces-

sarily render such an instrument entirely useless.
There are numerous important practical applica-
pane, a tions for which less accurate but precise instru-
ay vi 6.0
ments can still be quite useful.
[8(3.12.4)] The fundamental problem in building a tri-
stimulus-filter colorimeter is to adjust three
with the following interpretation. The center photocells or photomultipliers so that (to a suffi-
(Xo, Yo) Of the ellipse represents the chromaticity cient approximation) their responses are propor-
computed by Eq. 1(3.12.4) for a single set of tional throughout the visible spectrum to, for
individual measurements of the spectral reflec- example, the CIE 1931 color-matching functions
tance p(A). Thus, on 95% of those occasions x(A), y(A), Z(A), or to some other linear combi-
when such a single set is measured, the true nation of them. With an exact duplication of the
chromaticity point (x,,,, y,,) Will, in fact, lie within CIE color-matching functions, the response of
the ellipse. The size, shape, and orientation of the first photocell gives the X-tristimulus value of
the ellipse depend on the tristimulus values the radiant power incident on the photocell, the
(X>, Y, Z>) and also, of course, on the assumed response of the second gives the Y-tristimulus
standard deviation o,. MacAdam (1954) has value, and the response of the third, the Z. In a
shown that the ellipses all cannot be transformed sense, the tristimulus-filter colorimeter is a photo-
into equal size circles of radius o, by any plane electric analogue computer with an output corre-
transformation of chromaticities, whether linear sponding to the three integrals defining the
or nonlinear. tristimulus values given in Eq. 3(3.3.8).
The more general case in which the weighting The proper spectral response adjustment of
functions S(A)x(A), S(A) y(A), S(A)Z(A), as well the photocells can be achieved, at least approxi-
as the spectral reflectance function p(A) are sub- mately, by one of two principal methods. The
ject to random error is, of course, more complex first method employs a monochromator with three
but can be studied by the same methods [see alternately used spectrum templates, each of which
Nimeroff (1957) and Section 5.4.6.]. modifies the spectral response function of a single
There are numerous types of systematic errors photocell to one of the desired x(A), y(A), Z(A)
that can occur in spectrophotometric measure- functions of the standard observer. The second
ments, such as errors in the wavelength scale and method modifies the spectral response function of
photometric scale, and errors due to dispersed the photocell by means of colored glass or gelatin
and undispersed radiant power, slit width, and filters that are placed in front of the photosensi-
temperature changes. Such errors cannot be tive surface of the photocell. The first method
analyzed by normal statistical techniques. Their results in a template colorimeter; the second
effect on the calculated (x, y)-chromaticity coor- method leads to a filter-photocell colorimeter.
dinates is estimated in a different way [see Sec- Figure 1(3.12.5) is a schematic diagram of a
tion 1.5.3 and also Robertson (1967)]. template colorimeter. Radiant power leaving the
specimen and passing through the entrance slit of
a monochromator is dispersed into its spectrum.
3.12.5 Tristimulus-Filter Colorimeters
One of three templates is placed in the plane of
A tristimulus-filter colorimeter is an instrument the spectrum—the X-template, Y-template, or Z-
with spectral response functions directly propor- template. Each template is designed to modify


3] 1)fSa

<-f}---+— all


2 '


HOLDER rulyl 3g

a, Lx
ace ere antes BS)


Fig. 1(3.12.5). Schematic diagram of a template colorimeter.

selectively an equal-energy spectrum in such a The cheaper but usually less accurate filter-
way that the spectral response curve of the photo- photocell colorimeters are still in demand and
cell takes the shape of one of the three color- Figure 2(3.12.5) is a schematic diagram of such an
matching curves of the standard observer. With instrument. Radiant power leaving the object
the X-template in position, the response of the passes through one of the three tristimulus filters
receiver will correspond to the X-tristimulus value X, Y, Z and falls onto the photocell causing it to
of the source—specimen combination no matter given a response proportional to the correspond-
what the spectral composition of this combina- ing tristimulus value of the object-source com-
tion is. Similarly, with the Y-template and Z- bination. Each tristimulus filter is usually a
template in position, the corresponding Y and combination of colored glass filters so chosen that
Z-tristimulus values are obtained. the resultant spectral transmittance function of
Several template colorimeters have been built the combination corrects the spectral response
and are used for determining the tristimulus val- function of the photocell to one of the CIE color-
ues of light sources, particularly fluorescent lamps, matching functions. If the spectral response func-
and of reflecting and transmitting objects of all tion of the photocell is to match the CIE color-
kinds (Mader, 1945; Winch, 1951; Harrison, 1952; matching function x(A), the spectral transmit-
Mahr, 1958 and Ives, 1915). The accuracy of tance function T(A, X) of the ideal X-tristimulus
template colorimeters can be very high, especially filter has to be

when the spectrum into which the templates are
placed is of large dimension (typically 10 by 5
cm). In these cases, the cutting and calibration of
the templates is relatively easy and can be carried
out accurately. Instruments that employ small where s(A) is the uncorrected spectral response
spectrum templates (3 by 1 cm or less) usually function of the photocell expressed in arbitrary
suffer in accuracy because of the great difficulties units. Similarly, the spectral transmittance func-
encountered in the cutting and calibration of the tions of the ideal Y and Z-tristimulus filters are
templates. found from

Fg pes(A) £0)
A good template colorimeter is an elaborate
and complicated instrument. The complexity of
and 7T(A,Z)= AUN)
its design is comparable with that of a spectro-
photometer, and it is necessarily an expensive
instrument. It is thus not surprising that only few respectively.
template colorimeters have been used in practice. Sometimes it is more desirable to duplicate the
Instead, the spectroradiometer or the spectro- CIE color-matching functions weighted by the
photometer coupled with appropriate digital relative spectral radiant power distribution of one
computer facilities is employed as discussed in of the standard illuminants. Thus, instead of using
Sections 3.12.1 and 3.12.2. x(A), y(A), Z(A) as the target response functions,
Colorimetric Instrumentation 245


Test Object &


Possible arrangements of
glass filter combinations
for tristimulus filters

YMMV 4, Kha


Fig. 2(3.12.5). Schematic diagram of a filter-photocell colorimeter. Also shown are two (I and
II) principal ways of combining glass filters to give a tristimulus filter.

the functions in series [see lower part of Figure 2(3.12.5)]. In

this arrangement (I) the light is filtered suc-
Ssa(A) — Ssa(A) - cessively before it falls on the photocell.
Unfortunately, the range of different spectral
transmittance curves available from glass filters is
Ssta(A) - rather restricted and makes it impossible to ob-
tain a tristimulus filter with the ideal spectral
transmittance curve. This is particularly evident
are chosen, where S(A) is the relative spectral in the case of the X-tristimulus filter, which
radiant power distribution of the actual source requires a double-peaked curve of spectral trans-
built into the instrument, and S¢,4(A) is the rela- mittance, and only two separate filter-photocell
tive radiant power distribution of a CIE standard combinations can help to avoid this difficulty.
illuminant, for example, that of D,;. The conver- The tristimulus filter actually obtainable by
sion from the actual source [S(A)] to [Sg,g(A)] is arranging its components in series is usually a
permanently built into the instrument, and the rather crude approximation of the ideal filter. The
tristimulus values of a reflecting (nonfluorescent) use of many components may improve the ap-
specimen are directly read by the instrument with proximation, but normally makes the combina-
respect to the standard illuminant even though tion increasingly dense and eventually renders the
the actual source illuminating the specimen may combination useless because it transmits practi-
be quite different, such as an incandescent lamp. cally no light.
There are two main methods of making a Figure 3(3.12.5) shows what can at best be
tristimulus filter. One is to select colored filters of expected from a filter-photocell colorimeter with
suitable spectral transmittance and combine them tristimulus filters built up by combinations of

— CIE 193] standard observer
---- Photocell with tristimulus


©o ea)

600 700
Wavelength \ (nm)

Fig. 3(3.12.5). Examples of spectral response functions showing the degree to which a
photocell combined with tristimulus filters may best duplicate the color-matching functions of
the CIE 1931 standard observer. The tristimulus filters are made up of combinations of colored
glasses arranged in series [see arrangement I in Figure 2(3.12.5)] (after Robertson et al., 1972).

colored glasses arranged in series (Robertson Dresler principle (Dresler, 1933; Geutler, 1958),
et al., 1972). The agreement with the target color- some filter components are placed side by side.
matching functions is close but not perfect. In the Different portions of the beam of light are filtered
case of this specially designed (noncommercial) differently before reaching the photocell. The re-
colorimeter, the discrepancies are generally very sultant spectral transmittance curve of the combi-
small and may even be considered negligible in nation can be effectively controlled by varying
most practical situations. However, this is a spe- the relative sizes of the filter components. By
cial case and does not apply to commercial instru- using this principle the ideal tristimulus filters can
ments. Commercial instruments show consider- be approximated with a high degree of accuracy
ably larger discrepancies between the spectral and relatively high peak transmittance.
response functions of the filter-photocell combi- Figure 4(3.12.5) gives an example of what can
nations and the target color-matching functions, be expected from a filter-photocell colorimeter
and the chromaticities and luminance factors with tristimulus filters carefully built up by com-
measured by these instruments are usually in binations of colored glass arranged in series and
noticeable disagreement with the target values side by side (Fruhling and Krempel, 1955). How-
obtained by spectrophotometry and computa- ever, because of the technical difficulties involved
tions. Discrepancies of 0.020 in the chromaticity in making these rather elaborate stacks of filter
coordinates x and y, and discrepancies of 1.5 in combinations, few colorimeters employing the
the luminance factor Y of object-color stimuli of Dresler principle have been built commercially.
medium to high lightness are not uncommon; and The selection of suitable filters for either
such discrepancies are about 10 times the toler- method I or method II [see Figure 2(3.12.5)]
ance required for most colorimetric work. is generally made empirically (Hunter, 1938;
The other method of combining filters of Corduan, 1957), but also numerical methods can
suitable spectral transmittances is given by be applied to facilitate the selection (Davies and
arrangement II [see lower part of Figure 2(3.12.5)]. Wyszecki, 1962; Wright, Sanders, and Gignac,
In this arrangement, sometimes referred to as the 1969).
Colorimetric Instrumentation 247

CIE 1931 standard observer

1.6 © © o 0 o Photocell with tristimulus filter:

> Qa
oO wo
c =

S ®
-_- oO
oo 08
= (Sy


Wavelength » (nm)

Fig. 4(3.12.5). Example of spectral response functions showing the degree to which a
photocell combined with tristimulus filters may duplicate the color-matching functions of the
CIE 1931 standard observer. The tristimulus filters are made up of combinations of colored
glasses arranged in series as well as side by side [see arrangement II in Figure 2(3.12.5)]
(Frihling and Krempel, 1955).

The degree to which the spectral transmit- in absolute terms. Colorimetry by difference
tances of the tristimulus filters match the ideal is (Judd and Wyszecki, 1975) is a very common
perhaps the most important indicator of the accu- technique in color production control which re-
racy to be expected from the tristimulus-filter quires good precision but rarely high accuracy. If
colorimeter. To give accurate color specifications, the accuracy requirements can be relaxed, low-cost
the instrument must give tristimulus values (or tristimulus-filter colorimeters can be built that are
chromaticity coordinates and luminance factor) useful tools in colorimetric practice.
exactly in accordance with the standards recom- In particular, a tristimulus-filter colorimeter
mended by the CIE. This requirement goes be- designed to measure small color differences be-
yond the fitting of the spectral response functions tween objects whose spectral reflectance-factor
of the instrument to the standard color-matching distributions are essentially the same can be per-
functions. It also demands that the source used to mitted to have large discrepancies between the
illuminate the specimen be carefully considered in spectral response functions of the instrument and
the design of the instrument and ideally be one the color-matching functions of the CIE standard
whose spectral radiant power distribution dupli- observer. The color difference is measured with
cates that of a CIE standard illuminant such as high accuracy. The spectral differences between
D,;. Furthermore, reflecting specimens must be the two specimens must be small to ensure a
measured in a CIE standard illuminating and satisfactory measurement of the color difference
viewing geometry [see Figure 1(3.3.7)] and the between the objects. When highly metameric pairs
perfect reflecting diffuser must be the reference of objects are compared, the measured color dif-
for the measurement of reflecting specimens (Sec- ference may significantly deviate from the true
tion 3.3.7). difference.
However, there are many, perhaps most, col- In practice, a standard (or reference) object is
orimetric measurements in practice that do not often available which is made of the same material
require color specifications of each specimen and colored with similar colorants as the dupli-

cate objects. Colorimetry by difference of the than the duplicate objects, high degrees of
duplicate objects against the standard is the most metamerism may occur and the operator of a
accurate way of finding the degree to which the tristimulus-filter colorimeter must be on guard
duplicate differs in color from the standard. lest the standard used differs too drastically in
When the standard is made of a different spectral composition from the duplicates to per-
material and/or colored with different colorants mit a reliable color-difference measurement.


4.1 BASIC PHOTOMETRIC QUANTITIES AND distributions of the two stimuli in the wavelength
UNITS range comprising the visible spectrum are the
same, then the distributions will also be the same
The photometric quantities regarded as basic and in absolute terms. The observer’s eye functions
of most general use are displayed in Table I(4.1) are little more than a sensitive null instrument
in the Appendix. The definitions used here are that could be replaced by wholly physical light-
substantially those adopted in the International sensitive devices with response properties deviat-
Lighting Vocabulary (third edition, and an early ing widely from those of the human eye, including
draft of the fourth edition) of the Commission a different and unrelated spectral responsivity.
Internationale de lEclairage (CIE) 1970). The The essentially visual character of brightness
CIE Vocabulary may also be referred to for matching enters where matches are made between
equivalent definitions in French, German, and visual stimuli of different relative spectral radiant
Russian, and the translations of the terms (without power distribution. The basic postulate of pho-
the definitions) in five additional languages tometry is then that whatever the visual stimulus,
(Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish, and Swedish). fixed in all respects, of one patch, and whatever
Table 1(4.1) is a supplement to Table I(4.1). the fixed relative spectral distribution of the
It contains the defining equations of the basic stimulus of the second patch, a brightness match
photometric quantities and corresponding SI units can always be reached by varying the absolute
of measurement (SI = Systeme Internationale value of the second stimulus.
d’Unités). Superficially, brightness matching appears
Although the SI units of measurement are now more elementary than trichromatic color match-
widely used, some of the literature still refers to ing as only one variable is involved. However,
nonSI units, particularly with regard to length from a psychophysical standpoint, brightness
and area units. Table 2(4.1) provides appropriate matching is a more recondite process. It involves
conversion factors for different units of illumi- the recognition, in the visual sensations produced
nance and different units of luminance. by the two patches, not of complete similarity but
of similarity of one quality (brightness) in the
presence, in general, of differences in other quali-
ties (hue and saturation). Heterochromatic bright-
4.2 THE PHOTOMETRIC PRINCIPLE ness matching (i.e., brightness matching of two
stimuli having different relative spectral radiant
The matching of brightness is the fundamental power distributions, when carried out by the di-
operation in photometry. In direct visual photom- rect method), is difficult for the observer and is
etry, the visual stimuli provided by two juxta- attended by a wide spread in the values of re-
posed uniform light patches of similar shape and peated matches. For this reason, indirect visual
angular area in the observer’s field of view are methods, notably the flicker method and the step-
adjusted so that the patches appear equally bright. by-step method, have been developed that are
If, at match, the relative spectral radiant power easier and give more precise results; these purport


Table 1(4.1) Basic Photometric Quantities, Their Defining Equations and Units.“ :

Term Symbol Defining Equation Explanatory Notes Units

Luminous flux F (or P,,) F, = KP, P,: Radiant flux (W) Im

(or power)
Fi= Kofta K: Luminous efficacy (Im-W~')
K,,,. Max. luminous efficacy
(683 Im-W_')
dF, :
Luminous he I,= 7 dw,: Element of solid angle with cd
intensity mf apex (1) at surface of source (Im-sr_')
Luminance L L,=>— dA,: Surface element of source cd-m~?
_ ° dA,cos €,da, Be Ss
(im-m™“-sr -)

e,: Angle between given direction

(1)-(2) and normal n, of dA,
= + — dA cos €;: dA orthogonally projected
dA cos &,
on plane perpendicular to
given direction (1)—(2)
TPES dE,, ,,: Illuminance on dA, normal
2008 £242 to the direction (1)—(2)
a dw,: Element of solid angle with
apex (2) at surface of receiver
I!luminance E, E=— vi dA,: Surface element of Im-m~?
‘ receiver
dF. we
Luminous M M= Im-m
i dA,

Luminous K(A) K(A)=K,,V(A) V(A): Relative photopic luminous

efficacy efficiency function

“Supplement to Table I(4.1) in the Appendix. [Figures 1(1.1) and 2(1.1) of Chapter 1 illustrate the
explanatory notes of this table.]
If photometric quantities are considered over small intervals of the spectrum, their respective symbols are
correspondingly designated by the index A or v. For example: L,, ,= dL, , /dA is the spectral concentration
of luminance per unit wavelength interval at A. With regard to the definition of the solid angle w and its
element dw see Fig. 2(1.1) in Chapter 1. For the conversion of luminance and illuminance expressed in the
above units to the values in terms of other common units, metric and nonmetric, see Table 2(4.1).

to equate the same quality of the sensation as the In Sections 5.7 and 5.8, we will discuss in more
direct method. Whether or not this is so, it must detail the experimental data that have been
be recognized that, strictly speaking, the results gathered on heterochromatic brightness matching
and experimental laws of brightness matching are and how these depend on the method and ob-
relative to the particular method of brightness servational conditions used. In the present section
matching being used, as well as, of course, to the we will confine our discussion, in the main, to the
particular observational conditions, such as field principles that govern photometry as it is prac-
size and level of stimulation. ticed today by international agreement.
Aq Aydryynur ‘a]qei oy JO pesy 94}
x Y = swoquiryjooj yx ‘ojdurexa Joy ‘Wun yeuy oy Ysnory) UNOS oY} pue BUN [eur oY} ySnosY} MOI 94} JO JOasSIO}UT 94} 1B Joquinu oy}
94} UO ULUNOS 94} Ul PoUBU HUN B JO SUT} UT possoidxa Ayiquenb & JO onjeA 94} WAAUOD OT, ‘aJON
ye MOI OY} Ul poweU JUN B JO SWIIO} UL ON]RA S$} OF 9[QE} OY} JO Opis puBY-1J9]

qinsode | = jepuolq | xn] Juayeainbo |

JIIQUIP] | yoyd yuayeambea 7 :sjrun (juayeAmnba) 1394109
Sn - e e k .
a i
gul/po | = I sO X Pl Z0l X b@S"P -OL X 698°h 1-OI X 698° -cOl X 698'h 1-O1 X OSST Ol X OSST = gUl/eJEpUuRD I
[,—UIp9] — 7/ePPpueD I
z/P9l = = ¢_OI X Pr6'9 I Trl'€ Z8ee eeOl X ZBE'E OI X TREE c-O1 X OLOT OL X 9401
[YP] = Woquievyj}00-4 |
23/Po (4/1) = = s-Ol X OIT'Z~=s-OT X EBT'E I 9L0:1 ~~e20 EX 92021 WOE X9L0 TH 120m APOCE 97P'E€
«OI X pS0'% 1-OI X LS6°T 1-OI X 0676 I e-Ol Ol s-OI X E8I'€ ESE = Moquelyiw |
[qu] ,W9d/po (4/1) --Ol = woque’y |
S07. .z0OleXESG6c <0 X 06¢6 01 I 701 1-O] X €8TE eOl X EST E=
(1 zW9/po (4/1) =
;O1 Xrsot% <Ol X L567 -<-Ol X 0676 1-0l r-Ol I c-O] X €8I'E 1-Ol X ESTE = qinsody |
[qse] gw/po (24/1) =
Tsp9 <Ol X 0676 OI X 6167 ecOl X CHIE THEE 2401 CRTC I 01 = qins I
[qs] gwis/po [| =
«01-01 X 616° 1-OISX CHILEw oe0EX erie CEI Ge 7207 I = IN I
(3) i/o) [aa OL %eTSe 9m 3 Ol 40676 ee
ig 2 fie. @ 2 2 bee Bee oe Ee Ree See eee ee ee
(voie Jo g_Ul BJopueD=s_g-YeRjepuey = Woquieyjooj = Woquiey iy] Waquey] qinsody qIns 1IN
yiun asenbs Jad)
Rjapuey ee ee
Sa aes ete me S S Se eRe eS Se Se SEW Uhl SS SS
2 8° 2 oe eS eR SR Se SW WS Se hm ee ee
Peeras~ Be ater
[p93] 2/wy | = I 9L0°1 e-Ol X 9LOT OL X 9LO'T = 91pued}004 J
[ydw] =,WId/W , Ol = 1-01 X 0676 I e-Ol Ol = wydiIW I
[yd] guid/tuy | = 201 X 0676 201 I 101 = 10Ud I
[xq] gui/wy | = z-Ol X 0676 1-01 r-Ol I = xn |
8s kb eS 2s BR eee ee ee eee a. ee ee Ee
uoneiAsiqqy (vale jo yun gjpuesjoo7 rYdi[W 10Ud xn]
aienbs Jad)
Oe fC ee eS eee ee ee ee
Poe ei 2 he Se 2 ee Re
aL es SU OU
ee ee ee ee ee
a =Ee a ee ee
ee ee ee SSS
Be ES ee
SS a eB

The basic laws of brightness matching are are reduced from moderate to very low values.
assumed to be simple and equivalent to those For the same observational conditions, the other
assumed to be valid for trichromatic color match- laws are also unreliable and Eq. 1(4.2) is no
ing (see Sections 3.2.1 and 5.3.1). In particular, it longer generally valid. For the most part, the
is assumed that the following laws hold strictly: breakdown arises from a change in stimulus level
in the effective spectral sensitivity controlling the
(i) Symmetry Law: matching process. This shift in spectral sensitivity
If stimulus A matches stimulus B, then stimulus B (the Purkinje shift) is associated with a transition
matches stimulus A. from cone to rod vision.
(u) Transitivity Law: The approximate validity of the brightness-
If A matches B and B matches C, then A matches matching laws, and thus, of Eq. 1(4.2), can be
C. restored if limitations are placed on the stimuli to
(ii) Proportionality Law: which they are applied. For some pairs of stimuli
If A matches B, then aA matches aB, where a is in the brightness match, the match is determined,
any positive factor by which the radiant power of or nearly so, by the response of the cone receptors
the stimulus is increased or reduced, while its of the retina. Such matches are described as pho-
relative spectral distribution is kept the same. topic matches. If all the matches involved in an
(iv) Additivity Law: application of the matching laws are photopic, the
If A, B,C,D are any four stimuli, then if any two laws hold at least to a tolerable approximation.
of the following three conceivable brightness Similarly, Eq. 1(4.2) is applicable as an approxi-
matches mation to all photopic matches, and B(A) is a
fixed function of wavelength that characterizes
A matches B, C matches D, photopic brightness matching.
Scotopic matches, on the other hand, are those
predominantly determined by the rod receptors of
(A + C) matches (B + D) the retina, and the matching laws and Eq. 1(4.2)
are approximately true if all the matches involved
holds good, then so does the remaining match are scotopic; B(A) is now a different fixed func-
tion characterizing scotopic brightness matching.
(A + D) matches (B + C) Whether a particular brightness match is pho-
topic or scotopic depends on the spectral radiant
where (A + C), (B+ D), (A+ D), (B+ OC) de- power distributions, relative and absolute, of the
note, respectively, additive mixtures of A and C, matched stimuli and on the observational condi-
B and D, A and D, and B and C. tions, such as method, field size, eccentricity in
the field of view, and state of adaptation as
For a brightness-matching process obeying modified by previous or surrounding stimuli. Pre-
these laws, the necessary and sufficient condition cise rules for determining whether matches are
for a brightness match between two visual stimuli photopic or scotopic are difficult to lay down.
of radiant power distributions {P,dA} and Moreover, some matches belong to neither class
{PxdX}, respectively, takes the form as both rod and cone receptors are significantly
involved. The description mesopic is applied to
these hybrid matches.
AA=[PABA [1(4.2)] For the particular case of small centrally
fixated matching fields (two degrees or less), com-
where B(A) is a fixed function of wavelength plications in brightness matching arising from rod
characterizing the brightness-matching process. vision and the Purkinje shift are absent. All
The brightness matches, for specified method matches are photopic. However, just as in color
and observational conditions, made by actual ob- matching, the color-matching functions are differ-
servers deviate in various ways from the above ent for small and large fields, so the fixed func-
laws (Sections 5.7 and 5.8). For example, if the tion B(A) for brightness matching with small
matching field is viewed eccentrically or has an centrally fixated fields shows some differences
angular subtense substantially in excess of 2°, from the function appropriate to photopic matches
there is a clearcut breakdown in the proportional- with large fields. Macular pigmentation is again
ity law when the absolute levels of the stimuli the principal cause of the differences.
The Standard Photometric System 253

By a procedure similar to that used in colorim- where K,, is a constant. This is the definition
etry (Chapter 3), the complications of actual adopted in photometry, and once luminous flux is
brightness matching are set aside by the introduc- defined, the definitions of all the other photomet-
tion of ideal photometric observers. By definition, ric quantities are determined [see Table 1(4.1)].
the brightness matches of these observers obey We note that the subscript e is used with P to
strictly the laws of brightness matching given signify radiant flux (or radiant power) and
above. Two such ideal or standard photometric the subscript v is used with P to signify /uminous
observers have been defined by the CIE by the flux (or luminous power). The use of the sub-
specification of two fixed functions [B(A) = V(A) scripts is recommended when both “radiant” and
and B(A) = V’(A)] appropriate, respectively, to “Juminous” quantities are involved in the same
photopic and scotopic matching. discussion.
The matches predicted for the standard photo- The constant K,,, can be assigned an arbitrary
metric observer, with B(A) = V(A), are typical of numerical value, for example, unity. However, for
the small-field photopic matches of actual ob- historical and practical reasons, photometrists
servers. This standard observer is much the more have agreed to fix the numerical value of K,, at
important, as all ordinary photometric mea- 683. We will discuss this agreement further in
surements of luminous flux, luminous intensity, Section 4.3.
luminance, illuminance, and so forth, rest, in The scotopic luminous flux P; corresponding
principle, on matches made by that observer. to a radiant flux {P, ,dA} is similarly defined as
The scotopic standard observer, with B(A) = the quantity
V’(A), is designed to give matches typical of the
scotopic matches of actual observers. The photo-
pea ifP,.V(A)dd —‘[4(4.2)]
metric quantities, luminous flux, and so on, can
all be derived on the basis of the matches made
by the standard scotopic observer, but it is then where Kj, has the numerical value 1700.
necessary to distinguish them from the corre-
sponding quantities for the standard photopic
observer. This is done by inserting the adjective
“scotopic” in the name of the quantity, for exam-
4.3.1 Historical Note
ple, scotopic luminous flux. It is not necessary,
but is sometimes useful, to qualify as photopic all The standard photometric system has evolved over
those photometric quantities that are based on many decades along with our understanding of
the standard photopic observer. human vision and with the technological develop-
Similar uniform light patches, producing visual ments in the measurement of radiant energy. Fur-
stimuli defined by {P,dA} and {PxdA} respec- ther improvements in the standard photometric
tively, are in brightness match for the standard system are expected to be made in the years to
photopic observer if, and only if, come, particularly with regard to the system’s
capability of predicting the brightness of visual
stimuli of different colors perceived by actual
JPxv(ryan = [Pry ar [2(4.2)] human observers with normal color vision (see
also Section 5.7).
This condition is also expressed by the statement There are two international organizations that
that photopic luminous flux entering the eye per carry the responsibility of developing the stan-
unit solid angle must be the same for the two dard photometric system: the Commission Inter-
patches. For this to be an equivalent statement of nationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) and the Conférence
the condition for a photopic match, any defini- Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM).
tion of the photopic luminous flux corresponding The CIE was founded in 1913 by taking over
to a radiant flux {P, ,dA} that makes it a steadily the functions of the earlier Commission Interna-
increasing function of the integral {P,V(A)d4, tionale de Photométrie, which was established in
will serve. It is most generally used to employ the 1903. Since that time, the CIE has grown into the
simplest possible function, and to define the pho- international body that, by general consent in all
topic luminous flux P,, as countries, develops standards and standard proce-
dures of measurement in virtually all fields of
PL=KyfP.V(A)dd — [3(4.2)] illuminating engineering and those fields that are

directly relevant to it. The outstanding contribu- served as the only detector of light and was used
tions of the CIE are the specifications of standard to judge the equality of brightness between ‘lights
observers, that is, ideal observers for use in col- emitted by different lamps. During this period
orimetry and photometry. The CIE Technical when visual photometry played the dominant role
Committees concerned specifically with the devel- in measuring light, it was most appropriate to use
opment of colorimetry and photometry are, at a specified light source as the basic photometric
present, TC-1.2 (Photometry and Radiometry), standard. This light source became known as the
TC-1.3 (Colorimetry), TC-1.4 (Vision), TC-2.2 primary standard of light.
(Detectors), and TC-2.3 (Materials). In actual photometric practice, the inverse-
The CGPM and its executive committee, the square law of illumination was used very widely to
Comité International des Poids et Mesures intercompare the brightness of different lamps.
(CIPM) operates under the Convention du Metre This led to the early adoption of the primary
signed in 1875. It defines the base units (meter, standard of light as the standard of /uminous
kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela) intensity rather than some other photometric
of the fundamental quantities (length, mass, time, quantity, such as luminous flux. The unit of
electric current, thermodynamic temperature, luminous intensity, now called the candela, be-
amount of substance, luminous intensity) of came the photometric base unit, which is one of
physical measurement that, in virtually all coun- the seven base units in the SJ system of units
tries around the world, become units of measure- (Systeme International d’Unités). Recommenda-
ment of legal status. In 1930, the CIPM became tions made by both the CCPR (1975) and the CIE
actively involved in photometry, establishing in (1979) to the CIPM to adopt the /umen, the unit
1933 the Comité Consultatif de Photométrie of luminous flux, as the photometric base unit, so
(CCP), which in 1971 became the Comité Con- far have not been successful. Although it is gener-
sultatif de Photométrie et Radiométrie (CCPR). ally agreed that in modern photometric practice
The members of the CCPR are representatives of luminous flux is the most convenient quantity to
the major national standardizing laboratories [see be considered first, maintaining the tradition of
Table 1(3.12.1)], whose mandate it is to develop the present SI system is valued higher than practi-
and maintain the base unit of luminous intensity, cal convenience.
the candela, and to advise the CIPM on any The first primary standards of light were
improvements that should be introduced interna- actual candles whose design, construction, and
tionally with regard to the definition of the operation were specified in detail to ensure rea-
candela or to related fundamental aspects of the sonably satisfactory performance characteristics
standard photometric system. The CCPR works (see, for example, Walsh, 1958). However, in the
in close cooperation with the appropriate commit- second half of the last century, these standards
tees of the CIE, particularly TC-1.2 (Photometry were replaced by several types of oil lamps. The
and Radiometry). search for an improved primary standard of light
The mechanism by means of which the CCPR continued into this century, but it was not until
and CIE TC-1.2 maintain a measure of uniform- 1931 when Wensel et al. (1931) of the U.S. Na-
ity of photometric and radiometric practice tional Bureau of Standards followed up a
throughout the world involves the occasional ex- suggestion by Waidner and Burgess (1908) and
ecution of international intercomparisons of mea- succeeded in setting up a blackbody radiator op-
surements of appropriate quantities. The results erating at the freezing point of platinum. Na-
of such intercomparisons are generally published tional standardizing laboratories of several other
for the benefit of all those concerned with photo- countries followed the move of the U.S. National
metric and radiometric standards. A review of the Bureau of Standards and realized similar
more recent international intercomparisons of blackbody radiators. In 1948, the ninth CGPM
measurements of this kind is given in the second formally adopted the blackbody radiator at the
draft of the revision of CIE Publication No. 18, freezing point of platinum as the new primary
The Basis of Physical Photometry (CIE, 1979). standard of light and redefined the unit of
The evolution of the definition of the base unit luminous intensity and changed its name from
of photometry, the candela, best reflects the bougie nouvelle to candela (CGPM 1948). In 1967,
evolution of the standard photometric system. In the thirteenth CGPM improved the wording of
the early period of photometric practice, the eye the 1948 definition of the candela by adopting the
The Standard Photometric System 255

following form (CGPM, 1967): the CCPR through the CIPM and adopted the
following new definition of the candela (CGPM,
The candela is the luminous intensity, in the perpendicu- 1999):
lar direction, of a surface of 1/600,000 square metre of
a blackbody at the temperature of freezing platinum The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direc-
under a pressure of 101,325 newtons per square metre. tion, of a source which is emitting monochromatic
radiant energy of frequency 540 < 10'* hertz and whose
The surface area of 1/600,000 m* was chosen radiant intensity in that direction is 1/683 watt per
to ensure reasonable continuity with the units in steradian.
use in different countries prior to 1948. The defi-
nition translates to the equivalent and more fre- In this new definition, the candela is applicable to
quently quoted statement that the blackbody photopic quantities, as well as to scotopic photo-
radiator at the freezing point of platinum has a metric quantities. If it ever becomes desirable to
luminance of 60 candelas per square centimeter. define mesopic photometric quantities, the above
The blackbody radiator at the freezing point definition could similarily be applied to those as
of platinum proved to be a useful primary stan- well. The specific value of 540 < 10! Hz for the
dard of light for many years. Its major advantages frequency of radiant energy required and the
over its predecessors, the candles and oil lamps, specific value of 1/683 W - sr! of the intensity
were more reproducible performance characteris- of that radiant energy were chosen so as to ensure
tics, higher luminous intensity, and a calculable reasonable continuity with the previous defini-
spectral radiant power distribution by means of tion.
Planck’s radiation formula (see Section 1.2.2) and The specification of frequency instead of
the thermodynamic temperature of freezing wavelength for the monochromatic radiant energy
platinum. has the advantage that it is independent of the
The operation of a blackbody radiator at the optical medium through which the radiant energy
freezing point of platinum is a major and complex passes. However, the relation between frequency
laboratory undertaking, despite technological ad- and wavelength is well established, particularly
vancements in high-temperature physics (see, for for the most common medium, air. If the
example, Sanders and Jones, 1962). The develop- frequency is denoted by v and the wavelength by
ment of an alternative, less cumbersome, and A, we have
possibly still more accurate method of realizing
the candela remained a goal of several national [1(4.3.1)]
standardizing laboratories. A suggestion made by
Preston (1963) and Gillham (1964), both of the
with the velocity of light in vacuum given by
National Physical Laboratory of Great Britain,
proved to be a noteworthy alternative and was
taken up by other national standardizing labora- c = 2.99792458 x 10°m-s_!
tories. The proposed new method formulated in
specific terms by Blevin and Steiner (1975) of the [see Section 1.2.2(ii)] and the refractive index of
Australian National Measurement Laboratory and standard air given approximately by
the U.S. National Bureau of Standards, respec-
tively, related the photometric base unit to the n, = 1.00028
watt in an exactly known numerical relationship.
This was considered a very appropriate approach throughout the visible spectrum (Edlén, 1966).
in view of the rapid increase in the very satisfac- Standard air is defined as dry air at 15°C and
tory application of radiometric techniques to pho- 101,325 Pa, containing 0.03% by volume of carbon
tometry, particularly those techniques involving dioxide. It follows that v = 540 x 10!” Hz corre-
electrically calibrated radiometers (Gillham, 1964; sponds to A = 555.016 nm in standard air.
Blevin and Brown, 1967; Bischoff, 1968; Geist In comparing the new definition of the candela
and Blevin, 1973; Brown, 1975; Katsuyama and with those that preceded it, we note that it offers
Kihuchi, 1975; Hengstberger, 1977; Boivin and more freedom to a laboratory wishing to realize
Smith, 1978; Ono, 1979). In 1979 the sixteenth the candela. For example, it is now possible to
CGPM approved the recommendations made by choose a method that either uses a blackbody

radiator operating at a given temperature or that Table 1(4.3.2) Abridged Values of

employs an electrically calibrated radiometer. Standard Luminous Efficiency Func-
The unit of luminous flux is the /umen (1m), tions V(A) and V’(A) for Photopic and
which is derived from the candela (cd), the photo- Scotopic Vision, Respectively
metric base unit by the following relation:
The lumen is the luminous flux emitted within Wavelength Photopic Scotopic
unit solid angle fone steradian (sr)] by a point 4(nm) V(A) V"(A)
source having a uniform luminous intensity of 380 0.0000 0.0006
one candela, thus 390 0001 0022

460 0004 0093

Im = cd - sr! [2(4.3.1)] 410 0012 0348
420 0040 0966
An equivalent definition of the lumen, which 430 0116 1998
440 0230 3281
avoids direct reference to the candela, is as fol-
lows: 450 0380 4550
The lumen is the luminous flux of monochro- 460 0600 5670
470 0910 6760
matic radiant energy whose radiant flux is 1/683
480 1390 7930
W and whose frequency is 540 X 10’? Hz. 490 2080 9040
This definition would be used if the lumen
were to become the photometric base unit. 500 3230 9820
510 5030 9970
520 7100 9350
4.3.2 Standard Photometric Observers 530 8620 8110
540 9540 6500
In accordance with the photometric principle out-
lined in Section 4.2, two standard photometric 550 9950 4810
observers have been established, one char- 560 9950 3288
570 9520 2076
acterizing photopic vision, the other, scotopic vi- 580 8700 1212
sion. 590 7570 0655
The standard photopic observer was estab-
600 6310 0332
lished by the CIE in 1924 and is defined by the 610 5030 0159
spectral luminous efficiency function V(A) for 620 3810 0074
photopic vision (CIE, 1924). The standard 630 2650 0033
scotopic observer was established by the CIE in 640 1750 0015
1951 and is defined by the spectral luminous 650 1070 0007
efficiency function V’(A) for scotopic vision (CIE, 660 0610 0003
1951). 670 0320 0001
680 0170 0001
Table 1(4.3.2) gives abridged values of V(A) 690 0082 0000
and V’(A) for the wavelength range from A = 380
to 780 nm at 10-nm intervals. 700 0041 0000
The official values of V(A) are given for the 710 0021 0000
720 0010 0000
wavelength range from 360 to 830 nm at one-nm 730 0005 0000
intervals. These values are identical to those defi- 740 0003 00C0
ning the CIE 1931 color-matching function y(A),
750 0001 0000
as discussed in Section 3.3.1, and given in Table 760 0001 0000
(3.3.1). The official values of V’(A) are given for 770 0000 0000
the wavelength range from 380 to 780 nm at 780 0000 0000
one-nm intervals as displayed in Table I(4.3.2) in
the Appendix. Figure 1(4.3.2) illustrates the two
spectral luminous efficiency functions defining nm for V(A) and at A = Xj, = 507 nm for V’(A).
the standard photopic and standard scotopic ob- The two functions are scalar or weighting func-
server, respectively. tions; that is, they have no dimensions.
The spectral luminous efficiency functions Dimensions are introduced through the basic
V(A) and V’(A) are relative functions of wave- equations of photometry given as Eqs. 3(4.2) and
length, that is, functions normalized to have max- 4(4.2) which relate photopic luminous flux P, to
imal values of unity. This occurs at A = A,, = 555 radiant flux P,, and scotopic luminous flux P’ to
The Standard Photometric System — 257

0.8 AYR
eae al a
soe a Ea

Breae WAVELENGTH \ (nm)

Fig. 1(4.3.2). Spectral luminous efficiency functions V(A) and V’(A) defining the standard
photopic and standard scotopic observer, respectively. Each function is normalized to have a
maximum value of unity which occurs at A,,=555 nm for V(A) and at X/,,=507 nm for

radiant flux P., respectively. In accordance with and

these equations, the ratios
’ = 1700 lumen per watt (Im - W~')
a aa
K(A) = P. » [3(4.3.2)]

and The normalizations used for V(A) and V’(A) make

K,, and K’, the maximum photopic and scotopic
Boe luminous efficacies, respectively. Figure 2(4.3.2)
K’(A) ==> [1(4.3.2)]
illustrates K(A) and K’(A).
As noted in Section 4.3.1, the lumen can be
are equal to defined as the luminous flux of a monochromatic
radiant energy whose radiant flux is 1/683 W and
Ro eh oi) whose frequency is 540 X 10'* Hz. This frequency
corresponds to a wavelength A, = 555.016 nm, in
and standard air. It follows, by definition, that the
luminous efficacy of radiant flux of this wave-
K'(A) = Ki V'(A) [2(4.3.2)] length equals 683 Im - W' for both photopic and
scotopic vision, that is,
which define the photopic luminous efficacy and
scotopic luminous efficacy, respectively, for mono- K(A,).=K'(A,) = 683 lm W
chromatic radiant flux P, , of wavelength A. The
factors K,, and K/, are fixed in accordance with with
the new definition of the photometric base unit
and given as Az = 555.016 nm

K,,, = 683 lumen per watt (Im - W~') At the wavelength, A,, the photopic and scotopic

a— Kin 1700 Im: W


8 _— (scotopic ) K(x) = KimV (aA)

Km= 683 Im: Ww!


(photopic ) K(A)= KmV(\)


400 500 600 700

Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 2(4.3.2). Spectral luminous efficacy functions K(A) and K’(A) for photopic and scotopic
vision, respectively.

efficiencies are subtense [see Gibson and Tyndall, (1923) for a

review of the earlier work and of the derivation of
V(Aq) = 0.999998, and V'(Aq) = 0.401750 a composite V(A) function]. In the light of later
measurements, a standard V(A) curve differing
found by linear interpolations in Tables 1(3.3.1) somewhat from the present curve in the short-
and 1(4.3.2), respectively. From Eq. 2(4.3.2) it wavelength end of the spectrum would probably
follows: have been adopted today. But any minor im-
provement at this stage would be outweighed by
ie ChE) a 683.002 Im - W! the very considerable practical inconvenience of a
V(Aq) change in the basic function on which all photo-
pic photometry has been based for more than 50
K’(X years.
Pa f t) = 1700.06 1m - W~!
V'(Aq) The V’(A) function rests on measurements
of the scotopic luminous efficiency of monochro-
These precise values of K,, and Kj, derived in matic stimuli by the method of direct visual com-
strict correspondence with the definition of the parison in a large matching field of low brightness
lumen (or candela) and the V(A) and V’(A) func- (Crawford, 1949) and on visual thresholds for
tions, can safely be rounded to 683 and 1700, monochromatic stimuli viewed eccentrically
respectively, to be adequate for all practical appli- (Wald, 1945b). [See LeGrand (CIE, 1951) for a
cations (CIE, 1982). review of the work culminating in the agreed
The V(A) function was derived from the mean V’(A) function.] The V’(A) function is intended
results of several experimental determinations of to represent as nearly as possible the mean spec-
the relative luminous efficiencies of spectral tral sensitivity of the rod mechanism for observers
stimuli mainly by the flicker and step-by-step whose age does not exceed 30, when observing at
methods of heterochromatic photometry (see angles of not less than 5° from the foveal center
Section 5.7) using large and separate groups of under conditions of complete dark adaptation.
observers. The observations were made with Observer age is more significant in relation to
matching fields of two to three degrees angular VA) than V(A), because the maximum of the
The Standard Photometric System 259

former function is shifted nearer to the blue and (i) Broad-Band Photometry. Broad-band pho-
to the region of greatest absorption of the yellow tometry is the most widely used method. It
pigments, which in the aging eye are increasingly involves as its main hardware component a pho-
present in the prereceptor path (see Section 2.4.6). tometer which consists of either a thermal detec-
However, the limited practical applications of tor or (more commonly) a photon detector (see
V(A) make it unlikely that a standard function Section 1.6) whose relative spectral responsivity
representative of an age range more comprehen- has been modified, often referred to as “cor-
sive than the present standard function will be rected,” to approximate the V(A) function. Typi-
required. cally, this approximation is accomplished by
means of a specially designed combination of
4.3.3 Photometric Methods absorption filters with appropriate spectral trans-
mittance characteristics. The procedure of desig-
In accordance with Table I(4.1) and its supple- ning a V(A)-filter is similar to that used in desig-
ment, Table 1(4.1), the photopic photometric ning tristimulus-filters for colorimeters, described
quantities, whose measurements are most often in Section 3.12.5.
required in practice, are luminous flux P,, In addition to the V(A)-corrected detector,
luminous intensity 7,, luminance L,,, and illumi- suitable optics, apertures, and possibly an in-
nance E,,. All four quantities have similar defi- tegrating sphere are needed to provide the
ning equations, that is, geometrical configuration associated with the par-
Luminous flux: ticular photometric quantity to be measured.
The detector output signals are usually cali-
P= Ky,fPe V(A)an [1(4.3.3)] brated by means of lamps that have been stan-
dardized in terms of the quantity the photometer
is designed to measure. Modern photometers can
Luminous intensity:
be very precise and reproducible, but their accu-
racy is often limited when lights of dissimilar
ES Ky fTe.VOA)ad [2(4.3.3)] spectral radiant power distributions are intercom-
pared. The deviations from accurate measure-
ments are usually caused by residual differences
between the actual spectral responsivity of the
photometer and the standard V(A) function.
Lt Ky fLe V(d) ar [3(4.3.3)]

Tlluminance: (ii) Spectroradiometric Photometry. Spectrora-

diometric photometry is the basic method of pho-
tometry in which the photometric quantity (e.g.,
jr ey, ifE, ,V(A)dd_ [4(4.3.3)] luminance of the light to be measured) is
determined by first measuring the spectral con-
in which the radiometric quantities P, ,, I, , centration of the appropriate radiometric quan-
L..,, E.,., are, respectively, the spectral con- tity (e.g., radiance, of the given light), and then
centrations of radiant flux (or radiant power), calculating the desired photometric quantity
radiant intensity, radiance, and irradiance, which (luminance) in accordance with the appropriate
have all been defined in Table I(1.1) and its equation [Eq. 3(4.3.3)] involving the standard
supplement, Table 1(1.1). V(A) function. In principle, this procedure corre-
The defining equations for the corresponding sponds to that used in the determination of the
scotopic photometric quantities are, in accordance colorimetric quantities of a given color stimulus,
with Eq. 4(4.2), readily obtained by adding primes as described in Section 3.12.1. However, in col-
to the appropriate symbols. However, our re- orimetry, it is rarely necessary to know the spec-
maining discussions will be confined to photopic tral distribution of the radiometric quantity in
photometry only. absolute terms, such as [W-m *- sr ']. Only
There are three main ways of determining the relative spectral distributions are required in most
above photopic photometric quantities in terms of applications, simplifying somewhat the spectrora-
their respective units. A brief description of each diometric task. In photometry, on the other hand,
is given below (CIE 1982). absolute spectroradiometric measurements are

virtually always needed. This is usually accom- justed until the observer judges the surfaces to
plished by making use of standards of spectral match in brightness. Figure 1(4.3.3) illustrates the
radiance and standards of spectral irradiance. Lummer-Brodhun Photometer Head (probably
In general, standards of spectral radiance are the best type) and Figure 2(4.3.3) the bench
gas-filled, tungsten-ribbon-filament lamps having arrangements.
a plane glass or silica window and operated base By the inverse-square law of illumination (see
downwards at a color temperature of about 2700 also Section 4.3.5), the illuminance of the two
K. The calibration of such a lamp relates to a surfaces S, and S, will be I,/d? and I,/d3,
specified area of the filament and a specified respectively, where 7, and J, are the luminous
direction, usually horizontal approximately nor- intensities of the sources. At match, the corre-
mal to the filament. The actual calibration proce- sponding luminances are equal, so that
dure employed to obtain a standard of spectral
radiance is rather involved and normally the do- al et CE) [5(4.3.3)]
main of national standardizing laboratories (see, P17) 1, P2771,
for example, Stair et al., 1960, Sanders and Gaw,
1967, Kostkowski et al., 1970). where p, and p, are the reflectances of S, and S),
A blackbody radiator operating at the freezing and 7, and 7, are the transmittances of any optical
point of platinum, or at an even higher tempera- parts (other than S, and S,) intervening between
ture, is often used as the reference source, because the light source and the eye. For a perfect pho-
its spectral radiance distribution can be calcu- tometer p, =p, and 7, =7, exactly, and the
lated with satisfactory accuracy by means of match condition is then
Planck’s radiation formula (see Section 1.2.2).
Fade 6
ary [6(4.3.3)]
(iii) Visual Photometry. Visual photometry is
rarely used in routine photometric measurements.
It suffers from low precision, and the visual judg- The construction of the Lummer-—Brodhun
ments made by individual observers differ some- head enables the roles of S,; and S, to be reversed,
what from one observer to the next and from and, by taking means of duplicate readings for
those that the (hypothetical) standard photomet- the two arrangements, residual differences in p,
ric observer, characterized by V(A) and V’(A), and p, are eliminated. Left—-right asymmetries in
would make. the observing eye are similarly removed by a
However, the techniques of visual photometry second reversal procedure. It is essential that any
are still of importance to the researcher who is light other than the direct light from the ap-
interested in the basic concepts of light measure- propriate source is prevented by suitable baffles
ments as it relates to human vision. Research from reaching the surfaces S, and S,. In the
in this field has gained momentum in recent accurate determination of the distances d, and
years, particularly with regard to heterochromatic d,, allowance must be made for the reduction of
brightness matching (see Section 5.7). Therefore, optical path length if a length e of the beam is
we considered it appropriate to include in this through glass of index of refraction n (e.g., if a
book some notes on visual photometry. glass filter is present). The corrected d,, for exam-
If it is given that the measurement to be made plepis*thend)= (e—“by/nye.
is reduced to a brightness match between two The eye can detect a luminance difference of
stimuli of similar relative spectral radiant power about 1% between two light patches of the same
distributions, the visual photometer comprises a relative spectral radiant power distribution pre-
device for presenting to the eye the two lght sented in a well-designed matching field, provided
patches as symmetrically disposed areas in juxta- the luminance level is adequate (above about 100
position and a means for varying in a known way td). When asymmetries in the photometer head
the luminance of at least one patch. In the classic and other systematic errors are eliminated,
method of comparing the luminous intensities of luminous intensities obtained as means of sets of
lamps, the two sources can be moved along a repeated settings (e.g., 10) may reach an accuracy
photometric bench, and their distances d, and d, of 0.2% (Walsh, 1958).
from two similar, diffusely reflecting surfaces S, The use of the inverse-square law of illumina-
and S, contained in the photometer head and tion in making matches in a photometer may be
illuminated by the respective sources, can be ad- replaced or supplemented by the insertion in the
The Standard Photometric System 261



La 4





Fig. 1(4.3.3). Schematic diagram of a Lummer-Brodhun photometer head to judge equality of

luminance between two surfaces $, and S,. The Lummer-Brodhun cube inside the photometer
head consists of two right-angled prisms. One of the prisms has a principal surface polished into
spherical shape, except for a small central portion which is flat and in optical contact with the
central portion of the flat principal surface of the second prism. From the light entering the
prism face AB, only the part falling on the portion of AC, not in optical contact with EF,
reflects totally at AC and emerges at BC. From the light entering the prism face ED, only the ©
part falling on the portion of EF, in optical contact with AC, passes through the cube
undeviated and emerges at BC. The geometrical configuration of the visual field as seen by the
observer’s eye depends on the shape and exact location of the portion of the prism surface EF
that is in optical contact with AC. The visual field produced by the cube illustrated in this
figure is shown as an insert, but a centrally divided bipartite field has certain advantages.

light path of neutral (nonselective for wavelength) In visual measurements of luminance and il-
filters or wedges, or sector disks run at speeds luminance, a photometer that employs the in-
high enough to eliminate visible flicker. The sec- verse-square law, provides, in effect, a variable
ond device has the merits of being (a) strictly luminance in one-half of the matching field, and
neutral and (b) capable of calibration to a fair the other half is occupied by the light of the
accuracy by length measurements on the disk that surface whose luminance, or illuminance, is being
determine the relative angular widths of the clear measured and at which the instrument is pointed.
and occulting sectors. The luminance calibration will generally be made


eee eR BE 2 See Ee ee ee we
s N :

Fig: 2(4.3.3). Schematic diagram of photometer bench and photometer head used in visual
photometric measurements.






Fig. 3(4.3.3). Schematic diagram of the Macbeth illuminometer. A lamp, movable along the
tube by means of rack and pinion, illuminates an opal glass serving as a comparison surface.
The test plate, consisting of a depolished opal glass, is placed at a convenient distance outside
the instrument. Its luminance is compared with that of the comparison surface by means of the
Lummer-Brodhun cube viewed through the eyepiece. A luminance match is obtained by
moving the lamp. The scale is calibrated to read the illuminance of the test plate directly, for
example, Im-cm7. The range of measurement can be increased by inserting calibrated neutral
density filters either at F, or F,. The lamp is operated at a fixed current, or better at a fixed
resistance using a Wheatstone bridge circuit, battery and meter being kept in a separate case.

by matching on a diffusely reflecting test plate of a satisfactory diffusely reflecting test plate is im-
known reflectance p,, illuminated by a standard portant for accuracy and presents some difficulty
lamp of luminous intensity J, at a measured dis- (see Section 1.4.2). The Macbeth Illuminometer
tance d, (m). The luminance is given by [see Figure 3(4.3.3) for diagram and description]
is an example of a portable instrument for visual
dink Reayik
Boric (cd - m~*) (7(4.3.3)] measurements of luminance and illuminance.
When the two lights to be compared are differ-
If illuminance in a given plane is to be measured, ent in color, brightness matches may not corre-
the test plate is placed in position in the plane spond to equality of luminance. Also the basic
and a luminance measurement L is made. The laws of brightness matching that are assumed to
illuminance E is then given by govern the standard standard photometric system
(see Section 4.2) may no longer hold. These diffi-
culties can be greatly reduced by making use of a
E=—L [8(4.3.3)]
p, flicker photometer.
In the flicker photometer, the criterion of
For both kinds of measurement, the provision of equality of luminance of two geometrically simi-
The Standard Photometric System 263

Channel |


Channel 2 Beamsplitter
Cube Y Field of View

—— | | — Open
channel! f[ \ [ \_,
! : — Closed
| | |
Time Sequence of Shutters
Channel 2 \ |

Fig. 4(4.3.3). Schematic diagram showing a two-channel photometer, equipped with two
synchronized shutters or rotating sectors, which provides in the field of view two alternating
patches of light. The two slits may be the exit slits of two monochromators through which
monochromatic radiant flux of wavelength A , and A, emerge, respectively. At the bottom of the
figure, the time sequence is given at which the two light patches are presented to the eye. If
spectral luminous efficiencies are measured by this technique, minimum flicker rates are
typically between 10 and 40 Hz, depending on the wavelengths of the lights and other observing

lar light patches is the disappearance of the flicker photometric laboratories, some of these have been
produced by presenting them alternately to the described by Walsh (1958). Figure 4(4.3.3) il-
eye at a certain minimum frequency. The mini- lustrates a system that provides flickering light
mum frequency is defined as the lowest frequency patches by means of synchronized shutters or
that will just cause flicker to disappear over the synchronized rotating sectors inserted in a two-
smallest possible range of variation of either lumi- channel visual photometer.
nance alone.
The usefulness of the method of flicker pho- 4.3.4 Measurement of Total Luminous Flux
tometry rests on the visual phenomenon that a
The fundamental method of determining the total
chromatic difference between the two alternating
luminous flux P,, emitted by a source is by measur-
light patches disappears at a lower frequency than
ing its /uminous intensity I,(0, >) in a large num-
a brightness difference.
ber of directions (9, ¢) uniformly distributed in
For alternating lights of the same chromatic
space about the source, and then integrating the
appearance, flicker disappears when they are
measured luminous intensities over the total solid
equally bright as judged by the steady comparison
angle of 47 sr. The defining equation is
in a bipartite field. However, when there is a
chromatic difference, flicker may disappear when 7 f20 ‘

the two light patches are unequal in brightness as

eG Ea 1,(8,)|sin@| d0 de
judged by the steady (or direct) comparison
method. The magnitude of the discrepancy be- [1(4.3.4)]
tween the results of the two methods depends to
some extent upon the conditions of observation. where @ is the polar angle and ¢ is the azimuth
In Section 5.7, experimental data are given and angle in a spherical coordinate system whose
discussed. origin is at the lamp.
There are several different designs of flicker Alternatively, the illuminance E,(8,) pro-
photometers that have been used in the past in vided by the source is measured at points (6, ¢)

on the surface of an imagined sphere of radius r tungsten filament lamp normally used in such
centered at the source. The defining equation is measurements must effectively become a “point
then source” when viewed by the photometer; thus, a
considerable distance is required between the lamp
ante E(0,$)|sin0| d0 do
7 fla 3
and the photometer head. However, when using
the approach characterized by Eq. 2(4.3.4), where
illuminance measurements are made about the
[2(4.3.4)] lamp, a significantly shorter distance between the
The measurements are usually made by a lamp and the photometer head can be used, mak-
broad-band photometer [V(A)-corrected] ap- ing the goniophotometer more compact (Brown,
propriately mounted so that it can be rotated 1979).
about the lamp. Such an assembly is called a The described goniophotometer determination
goniophotometer and is illustrated in Figure of the total luminous flux emitted by a lamp is
1(4.3.4). There are different goniophotometer de- the approach taken by national standardizing
signs and methods of sampling the points of laboratories to establish national scales of total
measurement about the source (Walsh, 1958; luminous flux. The lamps used for this purpose
Krochmann and Marx, 1969; Jones and Berry, are tungsten-coil-filament lamps carefully selected
1970; Kurioka, 1971; Schaefer and Mohan, 1974; for stability of output. Vacuum lamps are used at
Brown, 1979). color temperatures up to 2400 K (approximately),
Goniophotometers are usually large instru- and gas-filled lamps at higher color temperatures.
ments, particularly when the luminous flux is The bulbs may be clear or diffusing, and the
determined by spatial summation of /uminous in- lamps are usually operated base upwards. The
tensity measurements as given by Eq. 1(4.3.4). The main application of these standards of total
luminous flux is for calibrating other lamps by
means of a substitution method involving an in-
tegrating sphere.
The successful application of an integrating
sphere in such a measurement is based on the
following principle: If a source is placed inside a
hollow sphere coated internally with a perfectly
diffusing material, the illuminance on any part of
the surface due to light reflected from the re-
oe Photometer
mainder of the sphere is the same and propor-
tional to the total luminous flux emitted by the
source. One has

| he aap
oP, er [3(4.3.4)]


E,,=illuminance; that is, total luminous flux re-

ceived per unit area of sphere wall due to
reflection and multiple interreflections only
P,=total luminous flux emitted by source inside
sphere |
r=radius of sphere
p=reflectance of sphere wall

Equation 3(4.3.4) refers to an ideal integrating

sphere and is only an approximation for any
Fig. 1(4.3.4). Schematic diagram of a gonio- actual sphere. The reflectance p of the sphere wall
photometer to measure the total luminous flux is neither strictly constant nor perfectly diffusing,
emitted by a lamp. and it is also wavelength dependent even for the
The Standard Photometric System 265

best coating materials available, such as barium ory of the integrating sphere in the papers by
sulphate paint. Further, the reflected flux is not Jacquez and Kuppenheim (1955) and Fussel
completely undisturbed; the sphere contains ob- (1974). (Note that in the German literature the
jects such as the source itself and baffles, and integrating sphere is usually referred to as the
usually there are one or more windows in the “Ulbricht-Kugel.”’)
sphere wall that produce further deviations from
the ideal. Nevertheless, by applying suitable
methods and corrections, photometrists obtain 4.3.5 Measurement of Luminous Intensity
satisfactory results with the integrating sphere and Illuminance
(Walsh, 1958; Keitz, 1971). This is particularly so In accordance with Tables I(4.1) and 1(4.1),
if the substitution method is used [Figure 2(4.3.4)]. luminous intensity /,, refers to that portion dP,, of
A standard lamp of known luminous flux is placed the total luminous flux P, emitted by a point
in the sphere, and the flux incident at some small source, which propagates, uniformly distributed,
part of the sphere wall is measured by a broad- through a small cone of solid angle dw whose
band photometer. The measurement is repeated apex is at the source and whose axis is in a given
with the test lamp substituted for the standard. direction. Figure 1(4.3.5) illustrates the concept.
Proper baffling inside the sphere is important so The luminous intensity J is then defined as the
that no direct light but only the reflected light quotient of the luminous flux dP (measured in
reaches the specified part of the sphere wall where Im) over the solid angle dw (measured in sr); thus
the measurement is made. The ratio of the two (omitting the subscript v):
measurements gives the ratio of the luminous
Formulae for the effects of baffles, windows, Tiea alsa (ims =f 3} [1(4.3.5)]
and other sphere details are given, for example, in
the books by Ulbricht (1920), Walsh (1958), and The unit Im - sr' is identical to the candela, the
Keitz (1971), and a general treatment of the the- base unit of luminous intensity:

Ped =) im sp™"
Integrating An equivalent definition of luminous intensity
Sphere makes use of the quantity i//uminance E,, which in
the context of Figure 1(4.3.5), is simply defined as
the quotient of the luminous flux dP over the
elementary area dA illuminated by the source. In
this definition, we assume that the area dA is
perpendicular to the direction (axis of cone) of
illumination; thus,

E mrniLsS ae [2(4.3.5)]

Baffle Photometer

We now recall that the solid angle dw is ob-

tained from the quotient dA over the square of
the distance r between the source and dA. The
solid angle is measured in terms of the steradian,
Fig. 2(4.3.4). Measurement of total luminous flux
by means of the substitution method in an integrat-

srof2 ol
ing sphere. The small window, shielded by a baffle
from direct illumination by the lamp, may be a Point Source
translucent diffusing window at which the photom-
eter is pointed. Two measurements are made, one
with the test lamp in place, the other with the
standard lamp of known total luminous flux. From
the two measurements, the total luminous flux of
the test lamp is readily deduced. Fig. 1(4.3.5). Concept of luminous intensity.

a unit that clearly does not follow from the opera- meter-candle (or foot-candle, when the British
tional definition of the solid angle; that is, dw = nonmetric system is used), which is defined as the
dA/r*. In order to use the quotient d4/r? in illuminance produced by one candela of luminous
mathematical operations and retain its imposed intensity on a surface that is one meter away from
dimension of steradian (sr), we introduce the di- the point source. The meter-candle (or foot-can-
mensionality factor Q whose scalar value is unity dle) is still used by some illuminating engineers,
but whose dimension is the steradian. Thus, we and at times, this leads to confusion. It is recom-
write mended that, for the sake of uniformity of prac-
tice, the SI unit, the lux (or lm- m7”) be used
do=4Q(sr) — [3(4.3.5)] exclusively as the unit for illuminance.
Equations 2(4.3.5) and 5(4.3.5) apply to nor-
mal incidence of radiant flux on the surface ele-
By inserting Eq. 3(4.3.5) into Eq. 2(4.3.5), we ment dA, emitted by a point source from a dis-
obtain tance r, leading to the illuminance E,,. The illumi-
nance F for oblique incidence is given by
dP T
~ Q=—2 [4(4.3.5)]
r? dw r-
E=E,cose [6(4.3.5)]
whose dimension is cd - m7: sr =1Im- m ’, as
it should be in accordance with Eq. 2(4.3.5). In where ¢ is the angle of incidence measured from
the normal to the surface element dA, as shown in
practice, the dimensionality factor Q is often
ignored and we then find Eq. 4(4.3.5) written Figure 2(4.3.5). Equation 6(4.3.5) follows readily
simply as when one considers illuminance as a surface den-
sity of luminous flux, which at normal incidence
has its maximum value of E, =dP/dA. The
tel =?
[5(4.3.5)] surface density decreases with the cosine of the
angle of incidence because the surface element,
delineated by the fixed cone of luminous flux,
The correct dimension (or unit) of E, is not
increases in area by the same cosine value; thus,
immediately obvious; in fact, the wrong dimen-
dP /dA’ = (dP /dA)cos e.
sion of (cd - m *) is deduced from Eg. 5(4.3.5).
Equation 6(4.3.5) expressed in terms of
Equation 4(4.3.5), or Eq. 5(4.3.5) properly in-
luminous intensity becomes
terpreted, states that the illuminance at a surface
element, perpendicular to the line joining the
point source and the point at the center of aed
E= Sor [7(4.3.5)]
the surface, is equal to the luminous intensity of
the source in the direction of the surface element,
divided by the square of the distance between the
source and the surface element. dP
An alternative, somewhat simplified, statement oo
is as follows: The illuminance at a surface ele- point source
ment is proportional to the luminous intensity of '
the illuminating source, and inversely propor-
tional to the square of the distance from the
source. It is for this reason that Eq. 5(4.3.5) is
often referred to as the inverse-square law of il-
lumination for normal incidence.
The lux (Ix) = (Ix - m ”) has been chosen as
the SI unit of illuminance and is defined, in
accordance with Eq. 2(4.3.5), as the illuminance
produced by one lumen of luminous flux on one
square meter of surface.
On the other hand, the important inverse- dA’=dA / cose
square law of illumination, expressed by Eq. Fig. 2(4.3.5). Oblique angle of incidence («) of
5(4.3.5), leads to a unit, sometimes called the luminous flux dP on surface element dA’.
The Standard Photometric System 267

In this form it is often referred to as the inverse- These lamps can also be used as standards of
square law of illumination for oblique incidence. illuminance at a specified distance from the plane
Lamps usually used as standards of luminous of the filament.
intensity are tungsten filament lamps, operated The calibration of these lamps is performed
base downwards, and with the measurements either with reference to the blackbody radiator at
made in a specified direction. The filament is the freezing point of platinum, which was the
usually of the uniplanar type using welded con- primary standard of light prior to 1979 (see Sec-
nections between the ends of the filament and the tion 4.3.1), or by means of an electrically
lead-in wires, but omitting intermediate filament calibrated radiator equipped with a V(A)-filter.
supports. The bulb is clear, and the specified The method of using the blackbody radiator to
direction of measurement is normal to the fila- calibrate standards of luminous intensity is il-
ment plane. Vacuum lamps are used for color lustrated in Figure 3(4.3.5). The lower part of this
temperatures up to about 2400 K, and gas-filled figure shows a cross section of a conventional
lamps at higher color temperatures. type of blackbody radiator operating at the freez-



| D,
PHOTOMETER ha wo- ---- - - - ee - - = ee ee ee eee eee er

LENS - seinen oa APERTURE
! j ieee


(4.5CM LONG x 2.0 CM DIA.)



Fig. 3(4.3.5). Schematic diagram showing method of using a blackbody radiator at the
freezing point of platinum (formerly the primary standard of light) to calibrate a standard lamp
of luminous intensity (from Sanders and Jones, 1962).

ing point of platinum. In this arrangement, the ometers, equipped with a V(A)-filter, are ex-
illuminance per unit reading of the photometer is pected to be used for such a basic calibration.
obtained at the aperture plane of the photometer. The method of using an electrically calibrated
In the upper part of the figure, the blackbody radiometer, equipped with a V(A)-filter, is il-
radiator is replaced by the lamp to be calibrated lustrated in Figure 4(4.3.5). The apparatus is set
as a Standard of luminous intensity, and again the up to measure the illuminance E,, produced by
illuminance per unit reading of the photometer is the lamp at the aperture of the radiometer. The
obtained at the photometer aperture. By equating essential steps in the procedure are the following
the two illuminances, one arrives at the luminous (Brown, 1975):
intensity J of the lamp as follows: First, it is recalled that the illuminance E,, is
defined by
nage | 45 [8(4.3.5)]
Be, ES Ke fE, ,V(A) dd [9(4.3.5)]
where the various symbols represent the following
where K,,, is, by definition, equal to 683 lm - W |,
and E,, is the spectral concentration of the
irradiance produced by the lamp at the radiome-
A =area of lens diaphragm in square centimeters
ter aperture without the V(A)-filter in place.
T=transmittance of lens and prism (measured
When the V(A)-filter is in place, the spectral
in an auxiliary experiment)
irradiance at the aperture is given by
R,=photometer reading obtained while the
platinum around the blackbody is freezing
D,=distance from photocell aperture to lens
Enea pe, ray( 2) [10(4.3.5)]
R,=photometer reading for standard lamp
D,=distance from lamp filament to photocell where 7(A) is the spectral transmittance of the
aperture filter, d is the distance from the lamp filament to
the aperture plane, and A is a small correction
The number 60 is the number of candelas per dependent on the refractive index and thickness
square centimeter emitted by the blackbody radi- of the filter. The total irradiance E’, given by
ator (see Section 4.3.1).
In view of the recent change of the definition
of the candela (Section 4.3.1), it is unlikely that e=(Z4) fen 1(A) dd 111(43.5)]
the above method of calibrating standards of
luminous intensity will continue to be used by the
national standardizing laboratories. Instead, the which is the quantity measured with the V(A)-
now well developed electrically calibrated radi- filter in place.

espa ap Trap
V(A) ~ Filter
Thermal Insulation


X To Electrical

Electrically Calibrated

Fig. 4(4.3.5). Schematic diagram showing method of using an electrically calibrated radiome-
ter to calibrate a standard lamp of illuminance (Brown, 1975; Boivin and Smith, 1978).
The Standard Photometric System 269

It then follows that the illuminance E,, is re- leads to very small or negligible deviations from
lated to the measured irradiance E/ by the inverse-square law. The obvious experimental
test as to whether a chosen distance r is suffi-

r= nx,(4=4)
ciently long, is to determine J from E measured at
he 2 [Bc aV(A) ar
On a Se
r, and J’ from E’ measured at r’ > r. If J and J’
agree with one another within the precision of
[Bcat(A) da measurement, or within the tolerance demanded
by the application, the distance r is satisfactory.
[12(4.3.5)] A precise theoretical estimate of what con-
stitutes a satisfactory distance r in a practical
The ratio of the two integrals in the above equa- situation is difficult to make (Walsh, 1958; Keitz,
tion allows the use of the relative spectral distri- 1971; Nicodemus, 1978). In making such an
bution of irradiance {S(A) dA} instead of the estimate, one must consider the shape and size of
absolute distribution {E, ,dA}. This proves to the source, the angular distribution of radiance
be an important feature of this method, as it is (or luminance) from each surface element of the
less difficult to measure the relative spectral dis- source, and similarly, the size and shape of the
tribution of irradiance produced by the tungsten detector surface and its angular and spatial re-
filament lamp. Moreover, in the design of the sponsivity. Only relatively simple and somewhat
required V(A)-filter, the spectral transmittance idealized designs of source and detector can be
curve T(A) can be optimized so as to minimize the treated in a mathematically useful way (see also
effect of errors in {S(A) dA}. Section 4.3.7). However, there is a common rule
The standard of illuminance calibrated by the of thumb in photometry that states that the in-
above method can also be used as a standard of verse-square law of illumination will be applica-
luminous intensity, provided the inverse-square ble to a source of area A, and a detector of area
law of illumination can be applied to it accu- A p, if the distance r between A, and A, is at least
rately. 10 times the largest of the maximum transverse
The inverse-square law holds strictly when the dimensions of A, and Ap. The error that results
lamp filament constitutes a point source. In prac- from such an approximation to the inverse-square
tice, this is never the case. However, it is possible law will then be less than 1%.
to apply the inverse-square law provided the dis- There are many broad-band photometers com-
tance between the filament and the surface receiv- mercially available that measure illuminance. The
ing luminous flux from the filament is large com- essential component of an illuminance meter, also
pared to the physical dimensions of the filament. called a /ux meter, is a photon detector, often a
This will make the filament effectively a point silicon photodiode operating in the photovoltaic
source as seen from the distant receiving surface. mode (see Section 1.6.2), whose spectral respon-
This condition is sometimes expressed by the sivity has been corrected by means of a suitable
relations V(A)-filter. The output signals of the detector can
be read from a scale that has been calibrated, for
example, in terms of lux, by means of either a
T= lim Er [13(4.3.5)] standard of illuminance or a standard of luminous
7 OO

intensity used together with the inverse-square

Or law relation of Eq. 5(4.3.5). In some illuminance
meters, the detector surface covered by the V(A)-
ead MP filter and bounded by the rim of its casing, de-
ey a dw
fines the surface element at which the incident
luminous flux produces the illuminance to be
recalling that dw =dA/r* [and ignoring the measured. An instrument of this design involves
mathematical difficulty of dimensionality dis- the risk of being wrongly used, because, except
cussed in connection with Eq. 4(4.3.5)]. for normal and near normal incidence of the
In practice, the distance r is limited to finite luminous flux, the output signals of the meter
values, and this introduces a systematic error in usually depart from the desired cosine law, as
the value of J derived from E. However, in most expressed by Eq. 6(4.3.5). The greater the angle of
practical cases arising in a photometric labora- incidence, usually the greater is the departure
tory, an appropriate distance can be found that from the cosine law. A typical performance of


Ideal: cos €
---- Well corrected


O 30 60 90
Angle of Incidence € (degrees)

Fig. 5(4.3.5). Angular responsivity of illuminance meters. Solid curve. ideal meter follows
cos e; dashed curve: example of well corrected meter; dotted curve. example of uncorrected

such an uncorrected illuminance meter is il- meter with a silicon photodiode may provide an
lustrated in Figure 5(4.3.5). angular responsivity similar to that shown as the
It is difficult to design and construct an illumi- dashed curve in Figure 5(4.3.5). The design of
nance meter that strictly obeys the cosine law. such a meter is illustrated in Figure 6(4.3.5). In
All so-called cosine-corrected illuminance meters order to achieve an even closer fit with cos e, it is
show some deviation from cos e. A well corrected necessary to mount an integrating sphere in front
of the sensitive surface of the detector with several
baffles inserted at appropriate places in between.
| A good example of such a design is that given by
| Opal Glass
Budde (1964), shown in Figure 7(4.3.5). However,
| viAperture Rim the improvement in the cosine response of such a
Part of photometer has been gained at the expense of its
Enclosure detectivity. The incorporation of a photomulti-
plier tube instead of a silicon photodiode has then

V(A)- Filter
Silicon~ (5-Component
Photodiode 4.3.6 Measurement of Luminance
Filter- Combination)
The photometric quantity /uminance (L,, or sim-
ply L) is of particular interest because it corre-
Fig. 6(4.3.5). Cross section of an illuminance me- lates in some way (Section 4.2) with the perceived
ter that has been cosine-corrected by making use quantity brightness. However, from the con-
of an opal glass and carefully designed enclosure ceptual point of view, luminance is the more
with an outer rim around the entrance aperture of complex quantity of the major photometric quan-
the instrument. The detector is a silicon photodi- tities usually used; the others being luminous
ode. flux, luminous intensity, and illuminance.
The Standard Photometric System 271

Circular Baffle luminous intensity is, in accordance with Eq.

(held in place by 3 wires)
1(4.3.5), given by
bee Integrating Sphere
_ ae
ae dP (Im-sr-') [1(4.3.6)]

The apex of the solid angle dw, can be placed at

S as Ar can be made negligibly small compared to
r; that is, Ar <r, and

dA dA
UR ee (sr)
(r= Ar) r

— Baffles

With dA, placed close to S, the luminous inten-
Filter sity of dA, is clearly that of a small area of the
source itself.
| Cathode a The limiting quotient dI/dA, is called the
luminance L at the point S of a surface element
dA, of the source perpendicular to a specified
Fig. 7(4.3.5). Cross section of an illuminance me- direction SD, that is,
ter especially designed to provide an angular re-
sponsivity closely approximating the cosine law.
The detector is a photomultiplier tube (after Budde,
inating ee
(lm: srg a
amin) -
xdond) (cde-amg4)
Luminance, as defined in Table I(4.1) and The inverse-square law of illumination for nor-
Table 1(4.1), is a quantity used to describe the mal incidence, as given by Eq. 4(4.3.5), allows us
luminous flux in a specified direction and at a to write
specified point on a surface element of the source
or on a surface element of a detector placed in the
specified direction at some distance away from (Im-m~*) [4(4.3.6)]
the source.
The derivation of useful mathematical re-
lations between luminance and the other major where dE,, is the illuminance produced by dA, on
photometric quantities rests on the assumption the detector element dA, at normal incidence.
that the concept of luminous intensity can be ap- With Eq. 3(4.3.6), we obtain a useful alternative
plied, within certain limits, to non-point sources; expression for the luminance; that is,
that is, sources of finite physical dimensions.
Figure 1(4.3.6) illustrates an extended source _ dE, —2.o-1
eel Fe (ime amnesty)
with a given point S, a specified direction SD,
and two opaque baffles perpendicular to SD with
small apertures AA, and AAp around SD. The [5(4.3.6)]
specified direction SD is at an angle e, from the
normal n to the surface of the source at S. Whereas where
the aperture AA, is a small distance Ar away
from the point S, the aperture AA, (the detector) dwp=— (sr) [6(4.3.6)]
is placed at a considerable distance r away from r
In making the apertures AA, and AAp, suffi- is the solid angle that dA, subtends at the point D
ciently small compared to the distance r, the in the detector element dA p.
aperture A A, effectively becomes a “point source” The defining Eq. 3(4.3.6) of luminance can be
with respect to the detector aperture AA p, and its rewritten in terms of luminous flux by recalling

Fig. 1(4.3.6). Ilustration of geometrical configuration used in the development of the concept
of luminance. Apertures AA, and 44 > are perpendicular to the specified direction SD of the
luminous flux 4 P emerging from a point S of the extended source.

Eq. 1(4.3.6); that is emitted luminous flux. Thus,

File [7(4.3.6)]
_ dP [10(4.3.6)]
dA, dA, dug aS Fe
which, in the notation of differentials used here, From Eq. 10(4.3.6), the statement can be derived
means that the luminance is defined as the second that luminous flux emitted by a source is propor-
derivative of the luminous flux with respect to the tional to its geometric extent, the proportionality
area of the source aperture and the solid angle factor being the luminance of the source.
into which the luminous flux is emitted, assuming Figure 1(4.3.6) and the various expressions
that the specified direction of emission is per- derived above that are related to it, are valid only
pendicular to the aperture. for the geometrical condition that the two aper-
An alternative expression for Eq. 7(4.3.6) is tures AA, and AA, (or dA, and dAp, respec-
obtained with reference to Eq. 2(4.3.6); that is, tively) are perpendicular to the specified direction
SD. When this condition is removed, the geomet-
er 2 heel rical layout is that shown in Figure 2(4.3.6). Note
L=r [8(4.3.6)]
that the aperture AA, is parallel to the tangent
plane of the source whose normal is shown as nx
The quantity from which is measured the angle e, of the speci-
fied direction SD. When AA, is moved close to
_ dAsdAp ‘ the source, it acts as the source element itself. The
G ri RATE (m*) [9(4.3.6)]
other aperture 4A,, defining the detector, has
been tilted by an angle ¢,, measured between its
is often referred to as the geometric extent of the normal np and the specified direction SD.


poe Wa |
Fig. 2(4.3.6). Illustration of geometrical configuration used in the development of the concept
of luminance. In contrast to Figure 1(4.3.6), the apertures AA, and AA > are now tilted with
respect to the specified direction SD.
The Standard Photometric System 2n3

As a result of the tilt of the source (and thus, stant luminance; that is,
AA,) and the detector aperture AA p relative to
the specified direction, the apparent areas of AA, L,=L=const. (for alle)
and AA, as seen from D and S, respectively,
change to AA,cose, and AApcos ep [compare [19(4.3.6)]
with Figure 2(4.3.5)]. Thus, the equations devel-
oped above for luminance are now as follows: which means that a Lambert surface appears
equally bright regardless of the direction from
“a dI which it is viewed. Equation 18(4.3.6) is often
~ TSG [11(4.3.6)]
referred to as Lambert’s law or the cosine law of
As an example of a photometric calculation,
eee 2(4 we have selected the classical case of determining
the total luminous flux dP emitted by an element
dA ; of a Lambert surface in the entire hemisphere
; SOU eee
dA , COS €5 dws
is above the surface element. Figure 3(4.3.6) il-
lustrates the case.
2 From Eq. 13(4.3.6) it follows:
nee aT
dA; cos &€, dA pCOS Ep
d*P = L dA,cos eg dws [20(4.3.6)]
The small solid angle dw, in the direction eg is
etdP given by
L 1G [15(4.3.6)]
foe [21(4.3.6)]

Hite een fa TRS pale Es where dA, is a narrow circular strip on the hemi-
sphere whose area is obtained from
r r

[16(4.3.6)] dAp = 27e do [22(4.3.6) ]

and with

e=rsine, [23(4.3.6)]
ee dA 5 COS Es feels En [17(4.3.6)]
r and

Equation 13(4.3.6) is usually given as the basic o=TFrés [24(4.3.6)]

equation defining luminance. In fact, in the Ger-
man literature this equation is often referred to as
Photometrisches Grundgesetz (basic photometric
We then have
law). Most photometric calculations use Eq.
13(4.3.6) as the point of departure. dA, =2ar*sine de, [25(4.3.6)]
An important concept in photometric calcula-
tions is the Lambert surface. A Lambert surface is and thus,
a uniformly diffusing surface for which the
luminous intensity 7, in any given direction varies dw,=2msine,de, [26(4.3.6)]
as the cosine of the angle e between that direction
and the normal (e = 0) to that surface, that is,
Inserting this into Eq. 20(4.3.6), we obtain
I, = I,=9cos € [18(4.3.6)]
d*P = L dA, cos e,2msin es des
This relationship follows readily from Eq.
11(4.3.6) by assuming that the surface has con- [27(4.3.6)]

Fig. 3(4.3.6). Illustration used in the calculation of the total luminous flux emitted per unit
area of a Lambert surface.

The integration of this equation over the range of which states that the total luminous flux emitted
és from 0 to 7/2 is equivalent to an integration of by a Lambert surface is equal to 7 times (sr) the
the luminous flux over the whole hemisphere: luminous intensity of the surface measured in the
direction of its normal (¢ = 0).
dP = [d?P = L dA, f°" 2msin e,cos es des A small aperture in a constant temperature
enclosure (emitting blackbody radiant energy) is
an almost perfect Lambert surface having the
[28(4.3.6)] cosine law of emission, but material surfaces are
at best only good approximations.
dP =aLdA,
The perfect reflecting diffuser (Sections 1.4.2
and 3.3.6) clearly becomes a Lambert surface
In accordance with Table I(4.1) and Table
when it is uniformly illuminated by a source.
1(4.1), the quotient dP/dA, defines the /uminous
Moreover, if the uniform illumination is obtained
exitance M of the surface element of the source;
by placing this ideal surface in a parallel beam of
thus, we have the simple relation
luminous flux incident at an angle e, with the
dP normal to the surface [see Figure 4(4.3.6)], the
MA ied a aL (Im - m~*) luminance Lp of that surface is then given by

[29(4.3.6) 2 E,, COS Ep

ip T
It follows that the total luminous flux emitted per
where E,, is the luminous flux per unit area in the
unit area of a Lambert surface is 7 (sr) times its
incident beam; that is, the illuminance on a surface
normal to the direction of the beam. Thus, a
With Eq. 11(4.3.6) for e = 0; that is,
necessary condition for a surface to be perfectly
diffusing is that the luminance observed in some
Lawns dl,
[30(4.3.6)] fixed direction ¢, varies with the cosine of the
angle of incidence ep of a parallel incident beam
inserted into Eq. 29(4.3.6), we obtain - of luminous flux.
This must be true whether the directions of
P= aI,—6 (Im) [31(4.3.6)] incidence and of view (€p and ¢,) lie in the same
The Standard Photometric System 275

Reflected Incident B(ep, &s, ¥) is found to show small deviations

Luminous Flux Luminous Flux from constancy as €p is varied, similar deviations
will occur for a fixed angle of incidence e, when
the angle of view is varied. The degree of ap-
proximation to the cosine law of emission can
therefore be studied in this indirect way.
A material surface that obeys, or nearly obeys,
the cosine law of emission for all directions of
Perfect Reflecting
incidence with an approximately constant value
of B(ep, €s,¥) for all ep, es, p, is a close ap-
Fig. 4(4.3.6). The perfect reflecting diffuser be- proach to a perfect diffuser, but the common
comes a Lambert surface when illuminated uni- value of B(ep, &5, Y) may be less than unity, so
formly by a source. The luminance observed in that the surface is not necessarily a perfect reflec-
some fixed direction (¢,) varies with the cosine of tor.
the angle of incidence (¢)) of the incident luminous Close approximations to the perfect reflecting
flux. diffuser are of particular interest to photometrists
and colorimetrists as working standards of reflec-
or different half-planes bounded by the normal to tance. There are several materials well suited for
the surface, and it gives a test often used to see the purpose and some of their properties have
how closely material surfaces approach the ideal. been discussed in Sections 1.4.2 and 3.3.6.
For an imperfect isotopic surface, viewed at an Figure 5(4.3.6) compares results obtained by
angle e,, with the illuminating beam incident at Budde (1964) for an MgO surface and a BaSO,
angle ep, the luminance Lp is given by surface with the values for an ideal surface. The
insert in Figure 5(4.3.6) shows schematically the
experimental arrangement. After setting the read-
Ly = Blep, €s; "ee [33(4.3.6)] ing of the photometer equal to unity when the
incident flux is normal (€, = 0) to the test surface,
The quantity B(ep, es, W) is the /uminance factor the subsequent readings should vary exactly with
of the material surface which is defined as the the cosine of the angle ¢, of incident flux if the
ratio of the luminance of the surface to that of the test surface were a perfect diffuser. The observed
perfect reflecting diffuser identically illuminated deviations for MgO and BaSO, surfaces are shown
(compare radiance factor, discussed in Section in Figure 5(4.3.6). Positive deviations indicate that
1.4.2). The luminance factor B(ep,e5, ~) de- the photometer reading for the ideal surface would
pends, in general, on ¢;,€p, and the angle y have been higher.
between the half-planes through the normal to the Measurements of luminance, in practice, or
surface that contain these directions. Isotopic the calibration of /uminance meters, are often
means that B(es, ep,¥) is unchanged by any made with the aid of standards of luminance. For
rotation of the surface in its own plane. For the high values of luminance, tungsten-ribbon-fila-
perfect reflecting diffuser, we have B(ex,, ep, W) ment lamps are usually used as standards that
= 1 for all e,, ep, and y. According to what is have been calibrated by a national standardizing
known as the principle of reciprocity, the reflec- laboratory. These lamps operate base downwards,
tance is the same if the directions of incidence with the measurements made in a specified hori-
and view are interchanged, that is, zontal direction, perpendicular to the plane of the
filament. The calibration data of these lamps refer
Blep, €s,¥) = Bles, ep, v) [34(4.3.6)] only to a specified small area of the filament
because the temperature and thus, the luminance,
This principle is easily established for some espe- varies over the surface of the ribbon filament. A
cially simple cases, for example, when the dif- lamp operating at a color temperature of about
fusing surface is a very thin layer of scattering 2000 K provides a luminance of its filament of
particles; but for more general cases, where the about 2 X 10° cd - m 7”. An increase in the color
polarization of the luminous flux is a factor, the temperature to 3000 K raises the luminance to
proof is not straightforward (see Chandrasekhar, about 1 X 10’ cd- m 7.
1960). However, the result is held to be true in all Luminance standards for lower values of lumi-
cases. Thus, if for the fixed angle of view ég, nance usually consist of a diffuser of known



0.0 _


-0.1 ~a
| Test Surface SY

o° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° paee 80° 30°


Fig. 5(4.3.6). Deviations from the cosine law of emission for practical surfaces used in
photometry and colorimetry. Insert shows experimental arrangement (from Budde, 1964).

luminance factor £, illuminated by a lamp illuminated by a source, is facilitated by means of

calibrated for illuminance. If the illuminance pro- an optical imaging system. The basic optical sys-
duced by the lamp on the diffuser is E,, at normal tem employed is illustrated in Figure 6(4.3.6). The
incidence, the luminance Lp of the diffuser in a lens forms an image, if necessary, enlarged, of the
specified direction is obtained from Eq. 33(4.3.6), small source at the aperture behind which a
that is broad-band photometer is located. The image
must be large enough to fill the aperture. The
Lp = B= [35(4.3.6)] optical arrangement is the same as that used to
provide Maxwellian view in visual instruments,
Reflecting diffusers prepared by pressing BaSO, where the observer’s eye is placed directly behind
powder into tablets have been found particularly the aperture (Section 5.15.1). The lens is then seen
useful for the purpose. When such tablets are uniformly filled with ight coming from the small
illuminated at normal incidence (ep = 0°) and source; the luminance of the lens being tL, where
viewed at e, = 45°, their luminance factors 6 are L is the luminance of the small source and T is the
very close to unity (Kartachevskaia et al., 1975). luminous transmittance of the lens.
The measurement of the luminance of small In many practical measurements of the lumi-
sources, small areas on extended sources, or spots nance of small sources, it is important to define




To Viewfinder

Fig. 6(4.3.6). Optical system used to facilitate measurement of luminance of small sources.
Modification at the bottom employs a Pritchard aperture mirror with a viewfinder to define the
spot on the source actually being measured.
Calculation of Illuminance Produced by Lambert Sources of Different Shapes Zit

the actual spot measured. The simple optical 4.4 Calculation of Iluminance Produced by
arrangement shown in Figure 6(4.3.6) can be Lambert Sources of Different Shapes
modified by a variety of means to permit the
operator of the luminance meter to locate the spot — The illuminance from some idealized sources can
and define it within the area considered. In port- be calculated in accordance with the defining
able luminance meters used in practice, the equations given in Table 1(4.1) and in Sections
Pritchard aperture mirror system has advantages 4.3.5 and 4.3.6.
over other systems (Walker, 1972). The lower part The basic assumption is that the source always
of Figure 6(4.3.6) illustrates the principle of the obeys the cosine law of emission as defined by
Pritchard aperture mirror. The front-surface mir- Eq. 18(4.3.6). Formulae for the illuminance E on
ror with an elliptical aperture through the entire specified areas in terms of the luminance L or
mirror body is placed in the image plane of the luminous intensity 7, have been derived for a
lens, centered, and then oriented at 45° to the number of sources of different shapes (see, for
optical axis. The luminous flux passing through example, Zijl, 1951; Mahan and Malmberg, 1954;
the aperture to the photon detector originates at a Reeb, 1962; Keitz, 1971). Some of the simpler
circular area of the source whose image coincides formulae are listed in Table I(4.4) without proof
with the tilted mirror aperture. The rest of the in the Appendix. They are only of limited value
field imaged by the lens onto the mirror is viewed to the illuminating engineer whose more intricate
by the operator through a viewfinder ap- problems usually require a combination of graph-
propriately adjusted so that both the image of the ical and numerical methods (see, for example,
field and the edge of the mirror aperture appear Illuminating Engineering Society, IES, 1972). The
in sharp focus. The operator sees the field, for direct illumination of surfaces by light sources is,
example, the entire source and its surrounding, in any case, only half the practical problem. The
with a black circular spot in its center that defines increase in illuminance by inter-reflections be-
the actual spot of the source whose luminance is tween all the surfaces present has also to be
being measured. Mirrors with different size aper- evaluated. Simplified methods of doing this ap-
tures can be inserted to change the size of the proximately for rooms of different shapes have
spot in the field under test. been developed by illuminating engineers.



5.1 PREAMBLE rod response. This alternative set of color-match-

ing functions defines the CIE 1964 supplementary
Chapters 3 and 4 specify the simple and rigid colorimetric standard observer.
systems of trichromatic colorimetry and photome- (b) A second luminous efficiency function is
try required in practical applications. The pro- standardized that is not related to either of the
nouncements of the systems are exact only for two standard sets of color-matching functions, for
one or another of the hypothetical colorimetric use in photometry when the scotopic or rod
and photometric standard observers. In colorime- mechanism is judged to be the only, or at least
try, the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer the greatly predominating, factor determining a
conforms perfectly with the trichromatic generali- brightness match. This luminous efficiency func-
zation in its stronger form including the per- tion V’(A) defines the CIE 1951 standard ob-
sistence of full color matches. Its set of three server for scotopic vision.
independent color-matching functions is uniquely
determined, subject only to an arbitrary nonsin- In this chapter are collected supplementary
gular linear transformation. Similarly in photome- notes on the methods, results, and laws of visual
try, the CIE 1924 standard photometric observer matching, both for normal and color-defective
has a unique luminous efficiency function, which eyes, which aim at providing a more general pic-
in fact is a particular linear combination of the ture going beyond the minimal requirements for
color-matching functions of the CIE 1931 stan- the setting up of classical colorimetry as em-
dard colorimetric observer. bodied in the CIE systems. As the diverse topics
The various factors that make the assumed covered need to be treated from somewhat differ-
properties of the CIE colorimetric and photomet- ent standpoints, the several notes are kept, as far
ric standard observers, at best, approximations as possible, self-contained.
for actual visual matching are taken into account
in the formal CIE scheme only by introducing the
following additional standard observers and con- 5.2 CLASSIFICATION OF MATCHING
straints to the color-matching conditions: PROCEDURES

(a) An alternative set of color-matching func- In a visual match, a determination is made of two
tions is standardized for use when the matching physical stimuli that, in some sense, produce the
field exceeds a certain angular size (4° diameter) same visual response. The following descriptive
and when the matching conditions are otherwise classification of various matching procedures
such that rod vision may be assumed to be pro- shows the main differences in their objectives and
ducing only an insignificant distortion of the implications; it is not a complete logical scheme
match that would be obtained in the absence of a of definitions.

Classification of Matching Procedures 279

5.2.1 Visual Equivalence and Visual Match by forming one of the conditioning stimuli and re-
Strict Substitution maining, therefore, unchanged when test stimulus
If, in a visual experiment of observation whose B is substituted for test stimulus A.
result is determined by the observer’s judgment of To define a particular visual equivalence by
what is seen, one physical stimulus (test stimulus strict substitution, both the display situation and
A) can be substituted for another (test stimulus the observer’s visual judgment must be specified.
B) without affecting the prescribed result, then, The latter is conveniently regarded as cast in the
with respect to the particular experiment, pre- form of a proposition about some feature of what
scribed result, and observer, the two stimuli are the observer sees, which can be affirmed or de-
said to be visually equivalent by strict substitution. nied. If, for a given test stimulus, the observer
The substitution must be exact; that is, the alter- affirms the proposition, the test stimulus is
native test stimulus must be imaged on the same accepted as yielding the prescribed result. In
retinal area, and for the same duration. All other practice, repeat observations will normally be
stimuli, which constitute the conditioning stimuli, made enabling acceptance to be based on a more
must be kept the same. They may be applied refined statistical condition such as “affirmation
anywhere in the field, including the possibility in more than 50% of repeated observations.”
that they extend over the retinal area on which Many of the characteristics of the test stimu-
the test stimulus is imaged. If they are not con- lus, for example, its size, duration, and position in
stant in time and if the retina is not fully adapted the visual field, are already laid down in the
to them when the test stimulus is applied, the display situation. In most cases, the test stimulus
time of application of the latter in the time se- will be produced by the imaging on the retina of a
quence of the observation must be invariable. surface in the external field uniformly emitting
Furthermore, if the effective ocular entrance pupil radiant power. Thus, the principal way in which
for the conditioning stimuli and hence, the corre- such a test stimulus can be varied is, in effect, by
sponding retinal illuminance might be altered as a changing the absolute spectral distribution of the
result of the interchange of test stimuli, this must radiant power emitted by the surface. However,
be obviated by some modification of the experi- in certain cases, the state of polarization of the
ment (e.g., by the use of an artificial pupil). test stimulus may be varied, or changes may be
All the various factors that determine the vis- brought about in the effective ocular entrance
ual environment in which the test stimulus is pupil (for this stimulus) so as to modify the
displayed to the observer constitute the display angular distribution of the stimulus and the reti-
situation of the test stimulus. These factors in- nal illuminance it produces.
clude the angular size and position of the test In the complete specification of any test
area, the duration and epoch in the time sequence stimulus, in any part of the visual field at any
of the observation during which the test stimulus time, it would be necessary to know (a) the abso-
is exposed, and, in fact, all factors that must be lute spectral radiant power distribution of the
kept the same when the test stimulus is sub- corresponding external emitting surface; (b) the
stituted by another one. size and shape of the effective ocular entrance
If not already implied by the foregoing, another pupil for the stimulus concerned, and its position
condition is that the observations with one test of entry in the natural pupil of the eye; and (c)
stimulus must be entirely distinct from those with the state of polarization of the radiant energy
the other. This last condition means that the incident on the cornea. Where the effects of
observer’s judgment cannot be a direct compara- changes in the spectral composition are the main
tive judgment of the visual effects of the two test interest, as in the present context, the tacit as-
stimuli presented in the same experiment, such sumption is normally made that the other factors
as: A appears brighter than B. Instead, it must be are kept unchanged in any particular investiga-
an absolute judgment, for example, the naming of tion, and stimuli are discussed as though they
an apparent color, or a decision as to the visible were uniquely defined by the spectral composi-
presence or absence of an object, not necessarily tion of the corresponding external emitting
the test stimulus, in the field. Alternatively, there surface. Where these assumptions are not justified
can be an “internal” comparison such as a judg- [as in Example (e) of the various matching proce-
ment of equality in the appearance of the test dures cited in Section 5.2.5], this must be ex-
stimulus and the appearance of a second stimulus plicitly indicated.

Although the commonest form of test stimulus lent by strict substitution to any member B: (A
is the single uniform light patch, less simple forms equiv. B). Clearly this equivalence relation is
may be used for which many of the possible
propositions about the appearance of a uniform (i) reflexive: (A equiv. A),
light patch could never be affirmed by the ob- (ii) symmetric: (A equiv. B) implies (B equiv.
server. Other propositions, however, that are never A), and
true of a uniform patch may be appropriate for (iii) Transitive: (A equiv. B) and (B equiv. C)
various special groups of nonuniform test stimuli. imply (A equiv. C).
For example, the proposition may assert that “the
two similar halves of the test stimulus appear of It is also
the same hue although different, possibly, in (iv) transitive in the wider sense: if (A equiv. B)
brightness and saturation.” This could be used in and (C equiv. D) then any two of A, B, C, and D
establishing a visual equivalence for test stimuli
are equivalent.
the two halves of which differ in spectral radiant
power distributions. Another example would be However, whether the members of the equiva-
the assertion that the apparent color difference lence set satisfy any form of linearity law can be
between the two halves of the test stimulus is decided only empirically for the equivalence
equal to that presented in a neighboring retinal experiment and observer in question. A compre-
area by a similarly divided comparison stimulus hensive linearity property that may hold in a
forming part of the unchanged conditioning particular case is defined by the following condi-
stimuli. Also, a temporal variation in the color tions:
appearance of the test stimulus may be embodied
in a proposition such as the uniform test patch in (i) if (A equiv. B), then (aA equiv. B), where a
the first half of its period of exposure appears of is any positive factor, and
the same brightness although, possibly, of differ- (ii) either of the two equivalences (A equiv. B)
ent hue and saturation as compared with its ap- and ({A + B] equiv. B) implies the other.
pearance in the second half-period. This again
could generate an equivalence relation among sui- This would mean, for example, that if the re-
table test stimuli. quired result of the equivalence experiment was
These more complex visual judgments, that are that the test stimulus had the same hue as a
appropriate to types of test stimuli that are not juxtaposed yellow stimulus (one of the condition-
uniform light patches but constant during their ing stimuli), then adding any two stimuli that
period of exposure, are equally admissible with match yellow in hue must again yield a stimulus
the simpler judgments. When they are applied, that matches yellow. This is nearly true. There
the physical specification of the test stimulus be- are, however, certain deviations, notably the
comes correspondingly more complicated and will Bezold—Briicke effect. On the other hand, if the
vary from one application to another. Where nec- required result is that the test stimulus has a
essary, test stimuli that are uniform and constant different hue from that of the fixed yellow com-
during their exposure periods will be described as parison patch, additivity does not hold, because a
simple, whereas the term complex will be applied red and a green test stimulus each differ in hue
to other test stimuli, namely those with internal from the comparison patch, but an appropriate
structure, spatial or temporal. additive mixture of the two will be yellow.
The classification of equivalence and matching A more restricted form of linearity law holds if
procedures deployed here has primarily in mind the equivalence satisfies the condition that for
cases where only simple test stimuli are used. But any three test stimuli, A, B, and [A + (1 — a)B],
nothing essential is altered when the visual judg- where 0 < a < 1, the equivalence of any two im-
ment necessarily demands a complex test stimu- plies that all three are equivalent. This form is
lus. (Two of the examples of matching procedure important in the discussion of Maxwellian tri-
given in Section 5.2.5 employ complex test chromacy (see Section 5.3.2).
stimul..) It is important to note that not all procedures
All the test stimuli that, for a given equiva- defining a visual equivalence by strict substitution
lence experiment and observer, yield the pre- would be described as visual matching. Consider,
scribed result, constitute an equivalence set in for example, two alternative test stimuli A and B
that any member A of the set is visually equiva- applied at a particular location in the extrafoveal
Classification of Matching Procedures 281

retina. These stimuli may be equivalent by strict (ii) the common proposition to be satisfied by
substitution in an experiment where the visual each stimulus is an absolute judgment of its ap-
judgment concerns the appearance of a fixed light pearance as a patch of color, but not excluding
patch imaged on the fovea and forming one of the complex stimuli, irrespective of overall shape, size,
conditioning stimuli. However, these test stimuli or duration.
would not normally be said to be in visual match.
If the visual judgment relates specifically to the For example, the observer may have to assert
appearance of the test stimulus itself, the resulting that the patch has the hue yellow, or that it is
equivalence represents a visual match by strict perceptibly different from black, or that it is
substitution. If, for example, the observer has to achromatic, or that its two contiguous halves show
judge identity of color between each of the two no color difference, and so on. If the two test
test stimuli A and B and another stimulus C, stimuli in their respective display situations satisfy
where C forms one of the conditioning stimul, the same prescribed proposition, they are deemed
the relation of equivalence between A and B is to be matched with respect to the appearance
also one of visual match. quality judged, and represent what may be called
In the expression visual match by strict substitu- an indirect asymmetric match. Such matches are
tion, a specific meaning is being given to the term clearly closely related to matches by strict sub-
visual match. This specific meaning differs from stitution. They represent an extension of the latter,
the usual sense of identity, complete or in one or because the display situations of the two test
more qualities, in the appearance of two test stimuli are not the same. They also represent a
stimuli presented in the same observation. The limitation, because the criterion for match must
context will usually indicate which kind of visual be an absolute judgment of the appearance of the
match is intended; but, where necessary, a visual test stimulus with no explicit reference to the
match by strict substitution will be referred to as appearance of any other stimulus in the visual
a substitution match or an indirect match, as com- field functioning as a comparison stimulus. Any
pared with a direct match. Thus, in the example at such stimulus, even though it were present in both
the end of the previous paragraph, the stimuli A display situations, would have an appearance sub-
and B are in substitution or indirect match if the ject to possible modification by the other condi-
stimuli A and C, and B and C, are, respectively, tioning stimuli in the display, which would not
in direct match. generally be the same in the two cases. However,
an internal comparison stimulus might be used if
5.2.2 Asymmetric Comparison and Matching; there were good reason for thinking its ap-
Quasi-Symmetric Matching pearance would be the same in both display situa-
A comparison of the visual effects of two test tions.
stimuli in which the display situations of the two If the proposition embodying the appearance
stimuli are not in all respects the same, is quali- criterion is kept fixed and any number of differ-
fied as asymmetric. Asymmetric comparison is ent display situations are considered, then every
certainly involved if the alternative test stimuli combination of test stimulus and its proper dis-
are not imaged on identical areas of the same play situation that satisfies the prescribed pro-
retina; if their size, shape, duration, and so forth, position is a member of an equivalence class of
differ; if the dispositions in time and space of the (stimulus /display)-combinations. The test stimuli
conditioning stimuli with respect to the test stimuli of any two members of such an equivalence class
are different; or if the observations with the alter- represent a pair in indirect asymmetric match, a
native test stimuli are not independent. Thus, the match that can be represented symbolically by:
only comparisons of test stimuli not in some (A/ds: x) — iam: k — (B/ds: y)
respect asymmetric are determinations of equiva-
lence by strict substitution. where
A particular kind of asymmetric equivalence is
asymmetric matching which is obtained if the A = stimulus A
following conditions are fulfilled: B = stimulus B
ds: x = display situation x
(i) The two stimuli are presented to the observer ds: y = display situation y
in different display situations in completely in- iam: k = indirect asymmetric match with ap-
dependent observations; pearance criterion k

Obviously, the relation denoted by the link sym- parison with criterion k, the match is expressed
bol “iam: &” is reflexive, symmetrical, and tran- symbolically by:
sitive, as well as transitive in the wider sense (see
Section 5.2.1). But it is not symmetrical to an (A/ds: x) — dam :.k — @B7ds* y)
interchange of test stimuli only. The relation de-
noted by (A/ds:x) — iam: k — (B/ds: y) does where k must be an equality criterion. The equal-
not imply (B/ds: x) — iam: k — (A/ds: y), ity criterion must be of such a kind that an
nor, in general, does any other law relating to interchange of the stimulus /display combinations
combinations hold that involves separating a test leaves the truth of the above relation unaffected.
stimulus from its proper display situation. In that case, the symmetrical relation is implied:
The equivalence class just defined is made up
of subclasses in each of which the display situa-
tion is the same and only the test stimulus varies (B/ds:y) — dam: k — (A/ds:x)
from one combination to another. Each such sub-
class is the equivalence set of matches by strict A criterion expressing an inequality does not
substitution for the given display situation and by itself define a matching relation. For example,
matching criterion. If there is no restriction on a criterion with the assertion “(A/ds: x) is
the nature or the number of different display brighter than (B/ds: y),” is no longer true on
situations taken into account, the full asymmetric interchanging the stimulus /display combinations.
equivalence class is characteristic of the proposi- Also, not all equality criteria are acceptable.
tion defining the matching criterion; it can be For example, affirming the proposition “(D/
regarded, in philosophical parlance, as defining in ds: x) and (B/ds: y) both have the hue yellow,”
extension and in a way that can be communicated corresponds certainly to an equality criterion, but
to others what the proposition means for the it approaches closely the assertion of two in-
person making the observations. dependent propositions, “(A /ds: x) is yellow”
By contrast with indirect asymmetric matches, and “(B/ds: y) is yellow,” so that the ap-
direct asymmetric comparisons are derived from pearances of the two test stimuli are not really
an observer’s judgments about the appearances of being compared. The necessary condition can be
two test stimuli (A and B) presented in the same put as follows: for direct asymmetric matching,
observation. This means that the stimulus distri- the criterion must not only be an equality crite-
bution, in visual field space and in time, during rion; it also should be a strictly comparative
the course of the observation, but with the omis- judgment of the appearances of the two test
sion of the test stimuli, will be common to the stimuli, not separable into two judgments each
display situations of both test stimuli. However, having reference to the appearance of one test
the positions of the test stimuli in this distribu- stimulus only. In this sense, the criterion of equal-
tion will generally be different. In addition, the ity must be nonseparable.
display situation of test stimulus A will include Most investigations of matching properties
test stimulus B, and conversely. When direct employ direct asymmetric matching. The asym-
matches are in question, the term total display metric procedures fall into two main groups. In
situation will be used to cover the display situa- the first group, the asymmetry enters incidentally
tions of both test stimuli. when the two test stimuli are brought together in
With indirect asymmetric matching, it is un- the same experiment. This facilitates much more
necessary to place any restriction on the absolute precise comparisons of their visual appearance
appearance criterion employed. However, not ev- than can be obtained when absolute judgments
ery proposition about the appearances of the two are used in visual matching by strict substitution.
test stimuli, to be asserted or denied by the ob- The outstanding example is matching in a bipar-
server in a direct asymmetric comparison, leads to tite field. The two similarly placed, juxtaposed
a matching relation between the test stimuli. The halves of the bipartite field are occupied respec-
assertion must mean, in effect, that one test tively by simple test stimuli. The procedure is
stimulus, A for example, in its display situation clearly asymmetric as the test stimuli are imaged
(ds : x), possesses some appearance quality equal on different, even though closely adjacent, retinal
to that of the other test stimulus B in its display areas. Their positions with respect to other stimuli
situation (ds: y). If “dam: k” is used as an in the field are not precisely the same. Also the
abbreviation for matches in direct asymmetric com- display situation for each test stimulus necessarily
Classification of Matching Procedures 283

includes the other test stimulus. Thus, the two resulting adaptation conditions, and so forth, may
display situations differ in certain particulars. affect the similarity of response to different test
Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume in stimuli. The asymmetry is then an essential ele-
many cases that two test stimuli matched asym- ment in the comparison, and such matching
metrically in this way would also match if sub- procedures may be described as specifically asym-
stantially the same comparison could be made, metric.
with comparable precision, by a strictly symmetri- As previously explained, direct asymmetric
cal substitution procedure. Where this is so, the matches will be obtained from the comparison if
asymmetric procedure may be described as quasi- the observer’s criterion is one of equality and is
symmetric. also nonseparable. But interchange of test stimuli,
In the above example of the bipartite field, it leaving the total display situation otherwise un-
is not difficult to make specific tests on a selec- changed, will generally upset the match. The
tion of the whole range of matches under study to failure of this symmetry feature for direct specifi-
determine whether the procedure qualifies as cally asymmetric matches prevents even the fram-
quasi-symmetric. In particular, one would try to ing of the simple transitivity principle relating the
ascertain: matches, in pairs, of any three test stimuli, such
as holds for quasi-symmetrical matching.
(a) whether identical test stimuli applied respec- However, three modified forms of transitivity
tively in the two half-fields yield a match, principle may hold in direct asymmetric match-
(b) whether interchanging any two different but ing. The first, asymmetric transitivity for stimuli in
matched test stimuli occupying the respective direct asymmetric matches, states that if any
half-fields, leaves the match intact, stimulus A, in display situation (ds: x) matches
(c) [given that (b) holds] whether simple transi- the two different stimuli B, and B, both in dis-
tivity is valid among sets of three matches: if A play situation (ds: y), and if B, in (ds: y) also
matches B and B matches C, then A matches C. matches A, in (ds: x), then B, does the same. In
the adopted symbolic language, this statement
Affirmative results from these tests would in- reads as follows:
dicate that the particular direct asymmetric
matching procedure possessed the three character- if bedZalSeots Jaca,
Kay 4 Ba es 5 J.)
istic properties of matching by strict substitution,
and: WU Bs/ds sy) dam: ke GA5/ds ix)
namely, reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity.
The procedure would then qualify as quasi-sym- then (B,/ds:y) — dam: k — (A,/ds:
metric. However, it must be noted that the set of
all stimuli that are members of pairs in quasi- If this holds, it follows that the corresponding
symmetric matching do not form an equivalence relation with the roles of the two display situa-
class. Transitivity in the wider sense, defined tions interchanged will also be true. The other
earlier, and valid for matching by strict substitu- modified transitivity laws concern limited groups
tion, does not hold. We expect quasi-symmetric of different asymmetric matching procedures to
matching if the following conditions are fulfilled: be discussed in the next section.

(a) the areas of the retina responding to the two

5.2.3 Limited Groups of Asymmetric
test stimuli have the same response properties,
Matching Procedures
(b) the other stimuli contributing to the display
situation are so disposed as to affect equally the Particular examples of direct asymmetric match-
appearance quality being assessed for the two test ing procedures are briefly described in Section
stimuli, 5.2.5. However, first some consideration will be
(c) any possible effect of one test stimulus on given to limited groups of such procedures, all
the appearance of the other is at least the same using the same matching criterion but with differ-
for both when match is reached. ent total display situations. It would be a useful
concept in relating results obtained with the dif-
In the second main group of asymmetric com- ferent procedures of such a group if it were per-
parisons, the emphasis is on the asymmetry. The missible to think of the same (test stimulus /dis-
objective is to determine how differences in the play situation)-combination participating in dif-
retinal area used in the conditioning stimuli and ferent procedures. It might then be found, for

example, that there is simple transitivity in the is provided by the second modified transitivity
matching of different combinations, just as there principle for direct asymmetric matches. This as-
is for similar groups of indirect asymmetric serts transitivity among the (test stimulus /effec-
matching procedures with a common matching tive display)-combinations of a group:
criterion. The difficulty is that in a direct and
specifically asymmetric match, the display situa- if (A /eds: x) — dam: k — (B/eds: y)
tions of the two test stimuli are not independent.
One display situation cannot be modified without, and (B/eds: y) — dam: k — (C/eds: z)
at least formally, modifying the other. However,
suppose that in a particular matching procedure then (C/eds: z) — dam: k — (A/eds: x)
of the group, all the factors in the display situa-
tion of one test stimulus (A, for example) that A hypothetical example of a simple group of
were responsible for influencing As appearance, asymmetric matching procedures is illustrated in
could be separated from the other factors. This Figure 1(5.2.3), caption (a).
would then enable one to define an effective dis- More practical and interesting groups of
play situation, abbreviated to (eds: x), but ex- matching procedures are obtained if one does not
pressly excluding the other test stimulus as a insist that every pair of different (ts /eds)-combi-
possible influence. Suppose further that this could nations can be coupled together to form a match-
be done for both display situations in each match- ing procedure of the group. Instead, suppose that
ing procedure of the group. Again, one would the (ts /eds)-combinations fall into two classes (I
assume that no factor in the effective display and II) and that the procedures of the group
situation of one test stimulus would have an consist entirely of all the possible couplings of
appreciable effect on the appearance of the other two combinations, one from each class. Then, the
test stimulus and would not therefore belong to second modified transitivity principle that treats
the effective display situation of the latter. Be- all (ts /eds)-combinations on an equal footing can
sides the test stimuli themselves, there will no no longer be formulated, but the third modified
doubt be other factors in the total display situa- transitivity principle for direct asymmetric matching
tion of any particular procedure that do not be- may be valid for the group. This states that
long to either of the effective display situations
of the two test stimuli. It is implied in the as- if
sumptions made that these factors are indifferent
with regard to the appearances of the two test (A /eds: x) and (B/eds: y) belong toclass I
stimuli and have a negligible effect in modifying
the matches made. These fairly demanding as- (C/eds: z) and (D/eds: w) belong to class II
sumptions would justify the concept of indepen-
dent combinations (test stimulus/effective dis- and (A,fedsiix,)
adam :.Angn i G/eds acs
play situation) or, in abbreviation, (ts/eds). They
would allow for the same combination to occur in (.B/eds.:.y.) dams dersol C7 edsicezes
a number of different matching procedures.
However, the test stimuli themselves present andif: .(.A/eds:'
2) dam skis (D/eds: w)
certain problems. They have been excluded from
the effective display situations on the tacit as- then (B/eds: y) — dam: k — (D/eds: w)
sumption that the effect on the appearance of any
particular test stimulus resulting from the pres- The above third modified transitivity principle for
ence of any other test stimulus that it matches is direct asymmetric matching may be referred to as
likely to be slight. At least, the effect is not of the asymmetric transitivity for the (test stimulus/
such a kind as to vitiate the idea of the test effective display )-combinations of a two-class group
stimulus in its effective display situation having a of matching procedures. Figure 1(5.2.3), Caption
constant appearance in whatever match of the (b), illustrates the kind of two-class group that
group it is concerned. This assumption is most might meet the present conditions.
plausible if the matching criterion calls for a Embodied in all the transitivity principles ap-
complete color match. plicable to direct matching, is the following idea:
An overall test of the validity of the foregoing When each of two different test stimuli in the
concepts and assumptions for a particular group same display situation matches a particular com-
Classification of Matching Procedures 285

10° "2 @Q x BY


Fig. 1(5.2.3). (a) Hypothetical single-class group of asymmetric matching procedures. The
diagram shows 13 possible positions in the visual field for a 1° diameter test stimulus, each at
the center of a uniform nonvariable illuminated surround of 10° diameter, the surrounds being
all nonoverlapping. The (13-12) /1-2) = 78 asymmetric matching procedures of the group are
obtained by using, in turn, every possible pair of test stimulus positions with their associated
surrounds, the rest of the visual field being kept dark. Subject to the assumption that in each of
the 78 matching procedures the appearance of either test stimulus is influenced solely by the
absolute spectral radiant power distribution of its own surround stimulus, the group exemplifies
the concept of a single class group with independent (ts /eds)-combinations. (b) Hypothetical
two-class group of asymmetric matching procedures. By contrast with the group under (a), just
one pair of test stimulus positions (X and Y) with their associated surrounds is used for all
matching procedures of the group. But in different procedures the absolute spectral radiant
power distributions of the two surround stimuli are varied, independently, in any way desired.
All the various surrounds about X and Y, respectively, that are included in the group correspond
to the (ts /eds)-combinations of classes I and II.

parison stimulus in its display situation, the 5.2.4 Matching Criteria

appearance of the comparison stimulus is not
The criteria embodied in the visual judgments on
different in the two matches because the test
which matching procedures are based vary widely
stimuli have different spectral compositions.
in complexity. The simplest and most important
From what is known of the processes of vision
is matching two light patches to complete color
through the initial absorption in visual pigments,
match, that is, in brightness, hue, and saturation.
we should certainly expect this to hold in most
More complex are matching judgments that re-
cases when complete color match is the matching
quire the observer to mentally isolate a particular
criterion used. Where the criterion requires
quality in the appearances of the two patches
matching of a single appearance quality of the
when these may differ in other respects. The
test stimuli, which may differ widely in other
principal judgments of this kind are the follow-
respects, it is more necessary to check whether
any transitivity principle used in interpreting re-
sults does in fact hold.
Asymmetric matching is considered further in (a) Matching brightness when the patches may
Sections 5.3, 5.4.12, and 5.12.1. differ in hue or saturation or both.

(b) Matching hue when brightness and satura- assess the similarity of contrasts contained in the
tion may differ. two patches to be matched between contiguous
(c) Matching saturation when brightness and hue areas, particularly when the contrasts are weak.
may differ. The criterion of equal contrast is applied to in-
(d) Matching brightness and hue when the crease the precision of brightness matching in a
saturations of the patches may differ. bipartite field. By a suitable optical device, the
(e) Matching hue and saturation when the radiant flux irradiating each half of the field also
brightness may differ. irradiates a patch (usually trapezoidal in shape)
(f) Matching saturation and brightness when the forming an enclave in the other half but to a
hues may differ. stimulus level some 10% lower, although of the
same relative spectral distribution. Figure 1(5.2.4)
All these judgments of what may be called incom- shows schematically the appearance of such a
plete color matches have in fact been used to some field introduced by 0. Lummer and E. Brodhun in
extent, but judgment (a) is outstanding because it the latter part of the last century (Walsh, 1958).
forms the basis of heterochromatic photometry by The observer makes the match by adjusting the
the direct comparison method. It is tacitly assumed controls to equalize as closely as possible in all
in describing the above criteria that each of the respects the contrasts presented by the trapezoids
light patches is homogeneous in appearance over with their immediate surrounds.
its whole area. But this may not be the case even The above photometric application of match-
when the external stimuli applied to the respec- ing to equal contrasts employs, in a particular
tive test areas are uniform and steadily exposed. form, a more general matching criterion, the
In some circumstances, notably with large (more matching of color differences, contained respec-
than 2° diameter) foveally centered bipartite tively in two light patches on which are imaged
fields, inhomogeneities in patch appearance may complex stimuli. In the simplest case, each patch
necessitate the introduction of supplementary contains two similar uniform areas of different
conditions in the matching criteria to enable the color, the two color differences being equalized in
observer to make unambiguous judgments [see the match [see also Section 5.2.5(j)].
Examples (b) and (c) of Section 5.2.5]. An addi- A matching judgment of a quite different kind
tional practical problem is that on first looking at is obtained when two geometrically similar light
the bipartite field, the color appearances may not patches imaged on the same retinal area are
be the same as after continued viewing, and a presented in rapid alternation. By repeated ob-
regular observational routine may have to be servations and adjustments of the frequency of
stipulated. With certain complex test stimuli,
aB B
the light patches may have internal spatial or
temporal structure that is perceived, but that is
sufficiently fine for the observer to make mental
averages of the appropriate qualities and apply
the uniform-patch criteria. This complication is
not unrelated to the everyday problem of match-
ing the color of material surfaces of different
The uniform-patch matching criteria have been
commonly applied to symmetric bipartite fields.
In the two halves of a bipartite field, simple test
stimuli are imaged (in addition, possibly to a
uniform conditioning stimulus) in total display
situations such that a quasi-symmetric matching
procedure is almost certainly assured. But they
are also applicable in specifically asymmetric
A aA
matching procedures in which the two test stimuli
are in quite different display situations [see Ex- Fig. 1(5.2.4). Lummer-Brodhun photometric
amples (g), (h), and (i) in Section 5.2.5]. field of the contrast type. In the trapezoidal
As well as matching the qualities of simple patches, the stimuli A and B are reduced by a
light patches treated as uniform, the eye can also factor a (typically, a = 0.9).
Classification of Matching Procedures 287

alternation and the radiance of one of the light test stimulus with that of a more or less similar
patches, a condition is reached for which the stimulus in the invariant display situation. Two
matching field appears quiescent but begins to interesting visual judgments in this category were
flicker if the radiance of the variable light patch is developed by Hurvich and Jameson (1955). One
raised or lowered by a small amount. Although test stimulus only is entailed, and the observer
elaborate, the visual judgment or set of judgments judges whether its appearance (1) possesses neither
involved here is in practice easy to apply and is the qualities of blueness nor yellowness, or (2)
effective whether or not the two light patches, possesses neither the qualities of redness nor
when they are viewed in turn under steady condi- greenness. These criteria are absolute judgments
tions, have similar or widely different hues and that rest on the existence of the so-called unique
saturations. The quality matched is commonly hues: blue and yellow, red and green, and on the
described as the “brightness”—perhaps better observer’s ability to recognize for each of them
known as the flicker brightness—and provides the whether the appearance of any given test stimulus
basis for the flicker method of heterochromatic partakes in some degree of the hue in question.
photometry (Walsh, 1958). Empirically, no stimulus appearance partakes of
Different in another way, but bearing some both blueness and yellowness, or of both redness
analogy with the minimal flicker criterion, is the and greenness. (The derivation of chromatic-
use of the distinctness of the straight-line border response or chromatic-valence curves for spectral
between two contiguous simple test stimuli of stimuli, using these criteria, is summarized in
different spectral compositions. This matching Section 5.4.12.)
criterion stipulates that the distinctness of the Propositions defining criteria for indirect
border is minimal with respect to variations in matching by strict substitution may correspond
either sense of a physical parameter controlling rather closely to those that lie at the root of the
one of the test stimuli. If the relative spectral extensive development of visual scaling. For ex-
radiant power distributions of both test stimuli ample, the observer may be required to assert that
are kept constant, and the absolute radiant power the test stimulus appears midway in color be-
(or luminance) of one of them is varied, the tween a fixed red and a fixed white reference
criterion provides a method of heterochromatic stimulus, all three being presented simultaneously
photometry yielding results similar to those ob- in the visual field. Or, the observer may have to
tained by the flicker method, but different from make the judgment that the test stimulus is, say,
those obtained by the direct comparison method five times the brightness of a fixed reference
(Boynton and Kaiser, 1968). Distinctness of the stimulus. The numerical assessment of “sensation
border is used as matching criterion in a different magnitudes,” which seems to be involved in vari-
way in the matching procedure employing two ous judgments of this kind, presents certain logi-
adjacent complex test stimuli, developed by cal difficulties, particularly to some observers.
Kaiser, Herzberg, and Boynton (1971), and However, in practice, the degree of consistency of
Wagner and Boynton (1972). The two halves of results obtained with visual judgments in these
each complex test stimulus are contiguous along a terms has enabled them to be applied successfully
straight line and are occupied by unform stimuli in applications and theoretical developments. (See
of different relative or absolute spectral composi- Chapter 6 for material on scaling in color vision,
tion. The matching criterion is that the distinct- not tied to the limited application to color match-
ness of the internal straight-line border is the ing procedures.)
same in the two test stimuli. One concluding remark may be made about
- Any of the above criteria appropriate to the matching criteria. Almost any statement about
direct matching of two test stimuli can, of course, the appearance of a test stimulus could serve as a
be used for indirect matching by the method of basis for a special kind of matching procedure.
strict substitution. One of the two test stimuli is However, to be worthwhile, the procedure must
then kept fixed and forms part of the invariant yield results bearing on practical problems or be
display situation of the other, variable, test susceptible of interesting theoretical interpre-
stimulus. However, in indirect matching by strict tation. Contrived matching procedures such as
substitution, a very much wider range of match- that mentioned earlier based on the visual judg-
ing criteria is available. In that case, the proposi- ment: “The test stimulus differs in hue from a
tion defining the criterion does not involve the given fixed comparison stimulus,” can be of use
actual equating of some appearance quality of the only in illustrating extreme cases.

5.2.5 Some Particular Matching or She used a single set of primaries R,G, B
Equivalence Procedures throughout. Her data, after some correction for
rod intrusion, were combined by Judd (CIE, 1960)
The display situations and test stimuli for several
with those of Stiles and Burch (1959) in the
matching or equivalence procedures employed in
specification of the CIE 1964 Supplementary
particular investigations are illustrated diagram-
Standard Colorimetric Observer [Section 3.3.3(b)].
matically in Figure 1(5.2.5). The different proce-
dures are labeled (a) to (m).
(d) Heterochromatic brightness matching by the
(a) Matching in a symmetric bipartite field small minimal flicker method. Ives (1912) specified the
enough to be imaged in the rod-free foveal area of field pattern (that shown) and other conditions
the retina. Wright (1929-1930) used monochro- best suited for this matching procedure. As the
matic primary stimuli R, G, B to make complete frequency of alternation of test T and comparison
color matches of monochromatic stimuli A mixed stimuli C of different chromaticities is increased,
with one of the primaries as desaturating stimulus chromatic flicker disappears first. At a higher
D. His results, and closely similar measurements frequency, the optimal condition for application
by Guild (1931) using primaries of wide-band of the brightness criterion is reached. This
spectral distributions, provided the spectral chro- frequency, selected by the observer, depends on
maticity data on which the CIE 1931 Standard the luminance level of the stimuli and on their
Colorimetric Observer is based [Sections 3.3.3(a) respective chromaticities [Sections 5.7.1(i) and
and 5.15(ii)]. eR eaeleayp

(b) Matching in a large, foveally centered sym- (e) Matching by slow alternation of test and
metric bipartite field. With such large fields, the comparison stimuli in a single small test area.
two halves of a central area of some 1° to 2° Alternation at a rate slow enough for the observer
diameter may show a well defined color dif- to assess separately the complete color ap-
ference, both differing in color from the sur- pearances of test JTand comparison stimuli C was
rounding half-fields, when the latter are in good used by Enoch and Stiles (1961) in determining
color match with each other. This occurs particu- the effect on the color of a monochromatic
larly when the stimuli being matched have widely stimulus A of changes in its angle of incidence on
different spectral compositions (Phenomenon of the retina. The main constituent of both test and
Maxwell Spot). Stiles (1955b) instructed observers comparison stimuli was monochromatic and of
to ignore the small central area and from their the same wavelength. Just sufficient mixtures of
matches with spectral stimuli A, suitably de- the primary stimuli R, G, B were added to each A
saturated by D, derived complete color-matching to enable satisfactory complete color matches to
functions. To reduce to probably insignificant be made. The monochromatic component of each
amounts any intrusion of rod vision in the match, stimulus entered the eye pupil as a narrow pencil.
the primaries R,G,B were changed from red, The retinal angle of incidence obtained by dis-
green, and blue to red, yellow, and blue for the placing the point of entry in the pupil varied from
longer wavelength test stimuli, the data being normal to about 12° for the fully dilated pupil, a ©
finally transformed to a common reference set of mydriatic being used, if necessary (Section 5.11).
primaries. A 14° diameter guard-ring surround z
of the same spectral composition as the compari- (f) Matching in a symmetric bipartite field
son stimulus C, separated from the matching field imaged on the extrafoveal retina. Clarke’s inves-
by a circular grey line, countered any disturbance tigations (1960a,b, 1963), in which the procedure
of the match attributable to the high contrast illustrated was used (among others), was mainly
edge between matching field and dark surround. directed to the breakdown of the additivity law
This feature was probably of more importance in for complete color matching in the extrafoveal
small field (2°) matching which was investigated retina and to the effects of rod participation in
concurrently [Sections 5.5.3, 5.5.4, and 5.15(11)]. the match. The main complication is the tendency
of the matching field to fade on steady fixation
(c) Matching in a large foveally centered sym- FP (Troxler’s Effect), which is particularly marked
metric annular bipartite field. Speranskaya (1958, when the field is imaged well outside the foveal
1959) occluded a 2° diameter central area to area (Clarke, 1960a). The fading is largely avoided
eliminate match disturbance by the Maxwell Spot. by exposing test 7 and comparison stimuli C
Classification of Matching Procedures 289

simultaneously in brief observation periods that (i) Matching with differential conditioning of the
must, however, be long enough for color judg- two halves of a foveally centered symmetric bipar-
ments to be made (Section 5.6.3). tite field. In the investigation by MacAdam
(1956), accurate fixation on the center of the
matching field was maintained throughout, and
(g) Matching of test and comparison stimuli
different conditioning stimuli (X and Y) were
imaged on small areas of widely different parts of
exposed in the respective halves of the matching
the retina. In this procedure, the display situa-
field in intervals between the actual presentation
tions of the stimuli being matched are clearly
and matching of the test T and comparison stimuli
different because of the test locations on retinal
C. As chromatic adaptation was the main objec-
areas with different properties. In addition, the
tive of the work, the luminances of the members
separation @ of the areas makes it possible to
of each of the six pairs of differently colored
introduce conditioning stimuli that can modify
conditioning stimuli were approximately the same.
the observer’s state of adaptation differentially.
Matching by MacAdam’s method for each pair of
In Moreland and Cruz’s work (1959), the pattern
conditioning stimuli may be regarded as a partic-
shown was used with azimuthal angles ~ of 0°
ular matching procedure. The use of numerous
and 90° and radial angles 8 up to 50°. The
different pairs then represents a limited group of
comparison stimulus C, and R,G, B primary
asymmetric matching procedures (Section 5.2.3).
mixture, was imaged on the fovea. The quantities
Whether the concept of effective display situation
of these primaries in a match with a monochro-
is applicable for this group and whether the sec-
matic test stimulus A were used to calculate foveal
ond modified transitivity principle for direct asym-
chromaticities specifying the apparent color of
metric matches holds good is questionable. The
the extrafoveal stimulus A. Plotted in a diagram
answers turn on whether the conditioning of one
showing also the foveal spectrum locus for the
half-field also affects the state of the other half-
same observer, these chromaticities display the
field so as to modify significantly the match.
progressive modification of color perception and
MacAdam’s subsequent analysis of his data (1961,
its dimensionality with increasing extrafoveal an-
1963) suggests by its form the validity of the
gle 8 (Section 5.6.3).
effective display concept and the transitivity
principle mentioned for the conditions used
(h) Dichoptic matching with differential adapta- without perhaps establishing them (Stiles, 1967)
tion of the two retinal test areas in left and right [see also Section 5.12.2(v)].
eye, respectively. This method, pioneered by
(j) Matching the color difference between two
Wright (1934), was applied by him to compare
contiguous test stimuli with the corresponding dif-
the effects of chromatic adaptation on color
ference for a second copresent pair. In the work
matches during the recovery from different condi-
of Wyszecki (1965) and Wyszecki and Fielder
tioning stimuli (X and Y) of the two eyes. In
(1971), the procedure, based on this matching
Hunt’s procedure (1953), illustrated, a cyclic pre-
concept, involved just three uniform hexagonal
sentation (Period A followed by Period B) of
stimuli J,, J>, J, surrounded by a large white sur-
conditioning and test stimuli was used. The re-
round z. Each hexagon was filled by a variable
sults refer, in effect, to a constant adaptation at a
mixture of the three instrumental primaries
particular time in the cycle. To facilitate the lock-
R,G, B. The observer has to assess three color
ing of the half-fields presented to the respective
differences in the stimulus array provided by
eyes in a dichoptic bipartite matching field, four
the contiguous hexagon pairs (Jj, J>), (J), J3),
fusion points (FuP) were constantly present in
(J,, J;). The final match is reached when all three
the fields of both eyes. Large and small (10° and
hexagons appear equally bright and when their
2° diameter) symmetric matching fields were used.
three color differences are judged to be equal.
The possibility of stimuli applied to one eye mod-
They then define in trichromatic color space a
ifying the display situation of the test stimulus
perceptually equilateral triangle on a surface of
applied to the other eye arises. However, some
constant brightness (Section 7.10.6).
experimenters, using comparable methods, believe
such effects to be slight. Frequently, the dichoptic (k) Matching the distinctness of the straight-line
matching method is also referred to as haploscopic borders contained in two adjacent complex stimuli.
matching or as binocular matching [Section The simplest application of the distinctness of
5.12.2(i)]. border concept as a method of heterochromatic
LO Ate

ec a
See: '

t na 2 m > N

(f) (mono)

Yas 2 boaE,
ye OG
al )
ve / eka
‘ \‘ / A
y Y))
t —
Several seconds

(h) (dichopt)
Fig. 1(5.2.5)._ Diagrams (a) to (m) illustrating the display situations and matching stimuli for
various equivalence and matching procedures. Symbols used: 7: test stimulus; C: comparison
stimulus; R,G, B: set of primary stimuli; A: monochromatic stimulus; D: desaturating stimulus;
I: increment stimulus; J,, J,,J;,K ,,K 2,K3,K,: components in complex stimuli producing
perceptual differences; M: variable stimulus in equivalence determinations; X, Y, Z: condition-
ing stimuli; FP, OP, FuP: small “light” points, and fusion points, all steadily exposed; hatched
area: dark surround or dark field; ¢: time variable during observation; where no time sequence is
shown, the observer is adapted to a steady stimulus pattern, apart from the test stimulus
X(M) orX(M)+I(A)

(m) (mono )
adjustments to reach a match. An exception is made in the case of flicker matching, where the
rapid alternation in the test area is not illustrated; mono: the stimuli concerned in the match are
exposed to one eye only, the other eye being kept in darkness or dim light (monocular viewing);
bino: both eyes view the same stimulus pattern (binocular viewing); dichopt: the two eyes view
somewhat different patterns, the match depending on what is seen in the combined binocular
field (dichoptic viewing). Most of the diagrams are not to scale. In the time-sequence diagrams,
the ordinate defines, in a limited sense, the magnitude of the indicated stimulus, showing when
it is exposed and for how long.

matching involves only two contiguous simple alence is the effect of the detectability of a fixed
test stimuli that are set to minimal distinctness of increment stimulus J of a variable stimulus which,
border (Boynton and Kaiser, 1968). The first step in this case, is an annular contrast pulse M. But
in a more searching study of border distinctness the display situation of the increment pulse J is
(Kaiser, Herzberg, and Boynton, 1971), illustrated much more complex. Pulse J is presented for a
in the diagram, was to vary the luminance of the brief period of time before the contrast pulse M
monochromatic field K, to obtain minimal dis- which is intended to bring J to the threshold of
tinctness of the border with the fixed white field detection. Also, additional conditioning stimuli Y
K,. In further measurements, the contiguous and X, both steady, are applied respectively to
stimuli K,; and Ky, constituted one complex the contrast pulse and increment stimulus areas.
stimulus K, being set at various luminance levels In this work, Alpern, Rushton, and Torti (1970)
above and below the value for minimal distinct- applied their technique to establishing the satura-
ness of the border with K,. The second complex tion, or upper limit, of the inhibitory effect of a
stimulus was provided by white-light stimuli K, contrast pulse on the detectability of an incre-
and K,, again presenting a straight-line border, ment stimulus as the stimulus level in the annular
the luminance of K, being made equal to that of field was raised by increasing Y. (The bracketed
K,. Matching was carried out by varying the Greek letters in the diagram identify the various
luminance of K, to equalize the distinctness of different-colored stimuli in the notation of Alpern
the vertical borders in the upper and lower semi- et al.) The saturation effect was demonstrated for
circular fields. This could be done satisfactorily various sets of conditioning stimuli, designed re-
provided the resultant achromatic contrast | K, — spectively to confine the threshold response to the
K, |/(K, + K,) was less than about 0.3 and above rod or one of several cone mechanisms. In doing
threshold. In this work, the observer must be this, the authors employed a modified form of
equipped with an achromatizing lens to minimize equivalence criterion. The contrast pulse M on
the effects of chromatic aberrations of the eye. To the steady field X had to raise the threshold of the
reduce fading of the borders, the observer shifted increment stimulus to a fixed multiple of the
fixation up and down between the middle and the value obtained when no contrast pulse was ap-
upper and lower borders. In some experiments, plied and when the only stimulus in the annular
the whole field was occluded for about 0.25 s in area was the steady field X. This procedure was
every 4s. The results of the investigations led to a devised to allow for the effect on the threshold of
theory of the contribution of achromatic and light scattered from X onto the central area (Sec-
chromatic differences to border distinctness. tion 7.6).
(1) Determination of equivalent fields with re-
Six of the foregoing examples of matching
spect to their effect on the detection of a fixed
procedures, namely (a) to (f), must be expected to
increment stimulus. In the procedure used by
satisfy the three conditions for quasi-symmetric
Stiles (1939), the relative spectral compositions of
matching. This will continue to hold good if the
the variable field stimulus M and the fixed incre-
total display situation is changed by including
ment stimulus J are, in general, different (two-
additional or modified conditioning stimuli, either
color threshold technique). The radiant power of
pre-exposed or steadily present, provided they are
the field stimulus M is determined at which / is at
symmetrically arranged with respect to, and are
the threshold of detection. In practice, best results
likely to affect equally, the two halves of the
are obtained not by allowing the observer to raise
bipartite field. Examples (g), (h), and (i) represent
and lower the field level to which the observer is
specifically asymmetric matching procedures. In
supposed to be adapted, but by measuring incre-
Examples (j) and (k), the test stimuli are complex.
ment thresholds at field levels giving values in the
The equivalence procedures (1) and (m) contrast a
neighborhood of J, and by then interpolating to
simple and a fairly elaborate display situation.
find the value corresponding to J precisely. The
Among the many matching procedures unrep-
reciprocal powers of equivalent monochromatic
resented in Figure 1(5.2.5) the following may be
fields define field sensitivities that, for ap-
propriate choices of the fixed increment stimulus,
may apply to different retinal response mecha-
(1) Dichoptic procedures in which the observer’s
nisms (Sections 5.12.2 and 7.4).
viewing conditions are not so rigidly defined as in
(m) Determination of equivalent contrast pulses. Example (h). A central septum may be used to
As in the previous example, the criterion of equiv- separate two scenes containing simple test stimuli
Maxwell’s Method of Color Matching 293

in different display situations, viewed respectively reduces to matching by strict substitution if

by the left and the right eye of the observer. In the comparison stimulus is kept constantly the
making the match, the observer’s eyes are free to same. The range of possible matches is thereby
wander, the left eye scanning one scene, the right drastically limited, but this limitation may be
eye the other (Winch and Young, 1951). useful in attempting to elucidate some of the
(2) Viewing conditions employing binocular vi- causes for deviations from the ideal laws of tri-
sion and approximating very closely those of chromatic matching. The approach to color
every day life. In work by Helson, Judd, and matching through such a simplifying restraint is
Warren (1952), observers were given preliminary dealt with in Section 5.3, Maxwell’s method.
training in which they learned to identify colored
test samples, in a standard reference situation, by
their Munsell specifications. Subsequently, they
viewed colored test stimuli in different display
situations and reported their apparent colors using
the Munsell descriptions. This is a refinement of
color-naming procedures in which nonspecially
5.3.1 Historical Note
trained observers employ for description their
ordinary equipment of color nomenclature. Proce- Maxwell in his original determination of his
dures on these lines may be designated matching “mixture curves,’ which would now be called
by long-term memory [see also Section 5.12.2(vii)]. trichromatic color-matching functions, derived
(3) Newhall, Burnham, and Clark (1957) used a them from a set of matches in each of which a
form of asymmetric matching designed to test mixture of up to three different monochromatic
how well colors are remembered over very brief stimuli was adjusted to match a fixed white-light
periods. A color is presented alone for a limited stimulus (Maxwell, 1860a,b). By contrast, the
period (5-10 s). Some five seconds later, a vari- principal later determinations of the trichromatic
able test color is set up by the subject (or selected matching data for the average normal eye (Guild,
from a range of samples) which is judged by 1931; Wright, 1928-1929; 1929-1930; Stiles,
memory to be in match with the first test color. 1955b; 1958; 1963; Stiles and Burch, 1955; 1959;
The conditions for observation of the two test Speranskaya, 1958; 1959) have used mainly sets
stimuli are closely similar, but the results show of color matches of the monochromatic stimuli,
that the subject makes matches in which the each desaturated with the minimal amount of one
saturation and luminance of the second test fixed primary stimulus necessary to make possible
stimulus are appreciably greater than when the a match with a mixture of the remaining two
normal method of matching with simultaneous fixed primary stimuli. If trichromatic color match-
presentation is used. Newhall et al. were able to ing conformed completely to the linear laws of
show that the asymmetric factor to which these proportionality and additivity, deemed to hold
differences are in the main attributable, is the for the CIE standard colorimetric observers,
matching of a stimulus actually being perceived Maxwell’s method and the second method, ap-
with the short-term memory of a stimulus ex- propriately described by Crawford (1965) and
posed a short time earlier. Lozano and Palmer (1968) as the maximum
(4) Complex test stimuli, produced by superim- saturation method, would give the same color-
posing a resolvable dark bar grating over a uni- matching functions, although it is realized that in
form and minimally desaturated monochromatic Maxwell’s method the effect of random matching
test field, were used by Nunn (1977) to make errors on the values of the derived functions will
complete color matches with a simple comparison be magnified. However, if the validity of the
test stimulus consisting of an adjustable R,G, B linear laws in general trichromatic color matching
mixture. Even with identical display situations of is questionable, then the Maxwell method has the
the simple and complex test stimuli, large color merit that all the matches used are made in a field
differences were recorded, in some cases. Mea- of constant luminance and chromaticity and any
surements were also made with different display nonlinearities caused by changes in the luminance
situations that included internally structured or and chromaticity of the matching field will be
pre-exposed conditioning stimuli. eliminated. Obviously, if linearity fails in some
Any direct color-matching procedure (1.e., one degree, no single set of color-matching functions
in which test and comparison stimuli are pre- will predict correctly all matches. The Maxwellian
sented to the observer in the same observation), set might tend to give better predictions for

matches of colors in a domain around the refer- servations of a single observer. Defects of the
ence white used in their determination, whereas same character are observed when a small or large
for predictions of matches of a range of highly matching field (2° or 10°) is used. Although the
saturated colors, the maximum saturation set effects are greater in the case of a large matching
might have advantages. However, these are no field, it cannot be simply rod intrusion in match-
more than general tendencies. Difficulties in defi- ing that is responsible (Crawford, 1965). A fea-
ning a rigorous and generally applicable system of ture of the work of Lozano and Palmer was their
colorimetry on the basis of the strong trichro- inclusion of matches by both Maxwell’s and max-
matic generalization led Blottiau to propose, in imum-saturation methods on color stimuli that
1947, a “Colorimétre trichromatique 4 visibilité were neither near-white nor highly saturated, with
invariable.” Blottiau’s proposal rests, in effect, on chromaticities spread over the whole range of the
an extension of Maxwell’s method to color mea- chromaticity diagram.
surement generally. In his colorimeter, an adapta- Another phase in the current interest in
tion of the Donaldson instrument (Donaldson, Maxwell’s method is its use in studies of the color
1935), to any stimulus to be measured for color, matching of color defectives (Alpern and Pugh,
an adjustable mixture of three primary stimuli 1977; Alpern and Moeller, 1977) and in studies
had to be added so that the resulting total mix- of color matching at levels of retinal illuminances
ture matched a reference white. The color specifi- causing bleaching of the photopigments
cation of the stimulus under test could then be (Wyszecki, 1978; Alpern, 1979; Wyszecki and
calculated from the amounts of primary stimuli in Stiles, 1980).
the total mixture, and the amounts required in a
calibrating match with the reference white of the
5.3.2 Basis of Maxwellian Trichromacy
trichromatic mixture by itself (Blottiau, 1947).
Blottiau was much concerned with the consider- Maxwell was able to derive his set of color-match-
able defects from the linear laws of color match- ing functions solely from direct matches to a
ing that he found in his own measurements on single white comparison stimulus. As these func-
this issue. Although Blottiau’s ideas are certainly tions can be applied, at least in the first instance,
soundly based, later work on the additivity of only to predicting other matches of the same
color matches by Trezona (1953, 1954), using a kind, it is clear that less strong demands on the
1.33° bipartite matching field, although confirm- properties of the observer’s color vision are being
ing the general character and magnitude of made than those needed for full trichromacy in
Blottiau’s observed defects from linearity for indi- the normal sense. It is appropriate therefore to
vidual observers, suggested that, on the average, develop ab initio the minimal assumptions un-
the deviations were not large compared with just derlying a restricted form of trichromatic princi-
discriminable color differences (see also Section ple embodying Maxwell’s concept, which will be
5.6.6). called “Maxwellian trichromacy/C” where C
When the data for large field color matching specifies the particular fixed comparison stimulus
were determined and standard mean color-match- in use. Maxwell’s. method has usually been ap-
ing functions derived, some tests of additivity plied to a bipartite matching field with exactly
were made and some defects were found, particu- similar juxtaposed halves for simple test and com-
larly for individual observers. The defects in addi- parison stimuli, the latter being white, imaged on
tivity when the data for the whole group of the foveal region of the retina. However, the
observers were averaged, although still not nil, method is also applicable to many specifically
were regarded as probably insufficient to stand in asymmetric matching procedures (see Section
the way of the adoption of a large field standard 5.2.2). In these procedures, dissimilar test and
observer (Stiles 1958, 1963). Since then, various comparison stimuli are used that are imaged on
field trials of the large field observer and more more or less widely separated retinal areas. Any
especially the work of Crawford (1965) on color- set of conditioning stimuli may be employed,
matching functions obtained by Maxwell’s provided they are not such as to prevent the
method, coupled with more recent work on the observer’s applying the matching criteria ap-
same lines by Lozano and Palmer (1968), suggest propriate to the matching of a simple test and
that defects in additivity in large field color comparison stimuli enumerated in Section 5.2.4.
matching may be more serious than previously In what follows, only simple test and compari-
thought. This is particularly evident for the ob- son stimuli will be considered. It is questionable
Maxwell’s Method of Color Matching 29S

whether any method comparable to Maxwell’s CONDITION III

could be usefully developed for complex test and
(a) Ifa test stimulus that matches C is increased
comparison stimuli, and these are specifically ex-
by adding power at some or all parts of the
cluded. but the comparison stimulus need not be
spectrum, the modified stimulus no longer
white. It may have any spectral composition, sub-
matches C. More precisely, if for two test stimuli
ject to the applicability of the matching criteria
P’ and P” with spectral power distributions {P’}
just mentioned and to a minor formal limitation
and {P,’} respectively, P/’ = P’ for all wave-
discussed and effectively removed below. It
lengths A, and P’’ > P’ for some wavelengths X,,
is essential that for a given comparison stimulus
then the two stimuli will not both match C.
and total display situation, and a fixed matching
(b) Suppose, for any three test stimuli P, P’,
criterion, the only parameter that may be varied
and P”, the spectral power distribution of P is
from one observation to another is the absolute
related to those of P’ and P” by the “mixture”
spectral radiant power distribution of the test
equation: P,;=aP; +(1—a)P,” for all wave-
stimulus. This does not, of course, exclude the
lengths A, where 0 < a < 1. Then, if any two of
possibility that any of the conditioning stimuli
P,P’, P” match C, so does the third. This is
may change according to a fixed time schedule.
referred to as the additivity law for Maxwellian
The exposure durations of the simple test and
comparison stimuli may range from steadily ex-
posed to brief pulses that are not simultaneous.
The matching criterion will usually be taken to It will be noted that in Condition III, spectral
demand complete color match. In fact, this re- power distributions of stimuli are being repre-
striction will be assumed throughout until in Sec- sented by n-dimensional vectors P. The compo-
tion 5.3.4 a generalized form of Maxwell’s method nents of these vectors are denoted by P. represent-
is deployed. All considerations in the present ing the total power in a wavelength interval
context apply to the matches made by some par- centered on the wavelength A;. The wavelength
ticular observer. interval has a length less than a small positive
For a given total display situation, matching quantity 6. The whole of the relevant spectral
criterion and comparison stimulus C, the retinal range (the visible spectrum, taken as a suitably
response in the area on which the test stimulus is wide but finite band of wavelengths) is divided
imaged will conform to Maxwellian trichromacy / into ns such intervals where ns is necessarily a
C if certain conditions are satisfied which may be large number. This device, which substitutes sum-
put in the following form: mations for integrals over the spectrum, has some
mathematical conveniences in the present context.
CONDITION I In using it later, the suffix 6 will be understood,
and n will stand for ns. Our concern will be
It is possible to find some set of three different
mainly with real stimuli (1.e., those for which
wavelengths A,,A,,A,, called the primary set,
P,=0 for all 7), and this will be assumed unless
such that a test stimulus consisting of a mixture
the contrary is indicated.
of radiant powers P, of A,, P, of A,, P, of A,,
If Conditions I and II are satisfied, but not
where P., P,, P, are all greater than zero, matches
necessarily III, matching in the stated circum-
the comparison stimulus C. The mixture is unique,
stances is described as “Maxwellian trichro-
that is, no other mixture of these three wave-
matic/C in the weaker sense.” However, if all
lengths in different amounts gives a complete
three conditions are obeyed, we refer to the
color match with C.
matching simply as “Maxwellian trichromatic/
C.” Even when only the weaker form holds, it is
possible to define three functions of A;, denoted
For any primary set of wavelengths A,,A,, A, for by 7(A,), Z(A,), b(A;), that play the role of color-
which Condition I is valid, and for each wave- matching functions in a set of matching relations
length A,, a unique mixture of appropriate (posi- of familiar form. When, in addition, Condition
tive) radiant powers of A, and of at most two of III holds, it can be shown that the same color-
the wavelengths in the primary set, is determin- matching functions and matching relations pro-
able that also matches C. The particular wave- vide the necessary and sufficient requirements for
lengths of the primary set that must be used with any real test stimulus to match C, whatever its
A; depend on A,. spectral power distribution.

In the matches for each A,, postulated in Con- for a match to C for a test stimulus of any
dition II, we suppose that the experimentally de- absolute spectral power distribution {P;}, we need
termined radiant powers of the components in the to assume Condition III or some equivalent lin-
test mixture matching C are: P,(A;) of A,; P(A;) earity laws. The proof presents no special diffi-
of A,; P,(A;) of A,; P(A;) of A;. However, by culty and will not be given. The result may be
hypothesis, at least one of P,(A;), P, (A;), P,(A;) simply restated as follows: if Maxwellian trichro-
is zero. The functions 7(A,), Z(A;), b(A;) are then macy/C holds good, then, any test stimulus which
defined as follows: matches C and, at the same time, satisfies Eq.
3(5.3.2), exhibits two equivalent properties; each
property implies the other. Obviously, two stimuli
Be aneEON
= a |r P(A;)
that both match C are in match by strict substitu-
tion. In fact, Maxwellian trichromacy/C provides
= Pan P(A;)
the most important example of this concept. The
g(A;) aig’s (ig [1(5.3.2)] validity of Maxwellian trichromacy/C, and the
particular color-matching functions associated
with this trichromatic principle are primarily two
b(A;) = a wal properties of the visual response of the retinal
area covered by the test stimulus in the state to
It is clear by putting A; equal in turn toA,, A,, Az, which it is brought by the conditioning stimuli of
the functions are normalized in the usual way for the display situation. There is thus also a possible
color-matching functions appropriate to mono- dependence on the properties of other parts of the
chromatic primaries of wavelengths A,, A,, Aj. retina on which the comparison and other stimuli
Thus, the normalizing relations are: forming part of the total display situation are
It is apparent from their normalization proper-
F(A;) g(A,) 5 (A,) ties that the color-matching functions are linearly
0 0
Nee Ne
independent functions of wavelength. The match-
Se Gove l 0 ing relations expressed in Eq. 3(5.3.2) may be
kai ar) 0 equally well formulated in terms of any new set of
color-matching functions that are independent
[2(5.3.2)] linear combinations of 7(A;), Z(A;), b(A;). The
new set, denoted by ,(A;), $2(A;), ¥3(A;), 1S Ob-
If the test stimulus in any of the mixtures of tained by applying to the original set a 3 x 3
Condition II—say for A; = A,—is represented by nonsingular matrix transformation T with ele-
P, then the spectral power distribution for this ments ¢,,. It follows:
test stimulus satisfies the following three match-
ing relations for a match to the comparison
stimulus C. The functions 7(A,), Z(A;), b(A;) as 3 ¥(A,)P
defined in Eq. 1(5.3.2) do, in fact, make this true.
Thus, with P, = P, pscl (okt thes ee ae tin Pp ae sa
> PAL) PF,— 2,
where ¥,(A;) = ¢r(A,;) + ti28(A;) + £;3b(A;)
and j = 1,2,3. The summations on the left-hand
sy BA) P= P, [3(5.3.2)] side of the equality sign in these three equations
can be evaluated for a test stimulus P of any
absolute spectral distribution {P,}. The resulting
5 5(A,)P, =P, sums ¥(P) are termed the tristimulus values, or
i=] components of the tristimulus vector ¥(P) of the
test stimulus, with respect to the particular set of
The match used in Condition I also clearly satis- color-matching functions, ~,(A;). On the right-
fies these relations. To prove that the above rela- hand side of the equality sign stand the compo-
tions are the necessary and sufficient conditions nents ¥., of the tristimulus vector ¥. which is
Maxwell’s Method of Color Matching —_297

common to all test stimuli that match the com- formed sets of color-matching functions,
parison stimulus C. These components are ex-
pressed in terms of the basic primary mixture 8

(P,, P,, P,) postulated in Condition I. Wi(A;) = » tv, (A;)

The chromaticity coordinates or components k=1

of the chromaticity vector »(P) for any test

stimulus P are derived in the usual way from the
tristimulus values: 3

Hd) = D P(A) [6(5.3.2)]

wj(P) = [5(5.3.2)] yields identical and linearly independent tri-
Pelle) stimulus vectors for P“, P®, and P®. Denoting
k=1 the components of the vectors by X(”, XO), XO),
the following relations must hold:
/ ]) =
—_ 0/(P™)
, =
Aes xi 1 )
Lz 2 pj (P)

¥/(P®) = 0(P®) = x [7(5.3.2)]

The tristimulus vector WY. and the corresponding
/ 3 =
== 0/(P”)
/ 3 =—
a xX?
chromaticity vector 4, are termed, respectively,
the tristimulus vector and the chromaticity vector
associated with the comparison stimulus C, for the for j = 1,2,3.
particular Maxwellian matching procedure under There is considerable freedom in choosing
consideration. WY. and p- are obviously changed if XM, X, X®. The only constraint is that they
a new set of color-matching functions is adopted represent linearly independent vectors. As arule,
that is related to the original set by a nonsingular the three columns of the 3 X3 unit matrix
transformation. are adopted. But the set of reference stimuli,
It is readily shown that if one starts from an P‘), P®) P®), must be such that the matrices M,
alternative primary set of wavelengths, for exam- and M, formed from their calculated tristimulus
ple, A,4,Aga> Aba» for which the Maxwellian Con- vectors in the two systems are nonsingular:
ditions I, II, and III are valid, the resulting new N
set of color-matching functions and the corre- (M,);, =>, POANLOS* ef 23
sponding matching relations are obtainable from =
those found for the original primaries A,, A,, Aj,
by applying to the latter a particular nonsingular
(My, rr 2 p(A,) PP, Base ppags,
3 x 3 matrix transformation T in the way il- i=1
lustrated above.
The set of color-matching functions in the [8(5.3.2)]
matching equations defining Maxwellian match-
ing to a given comparison stimulus is, to the The unique solution of the following nine
extent of a nonsingular 3 X 3 matrix transforma- equations for the nine elements of the matrix T“”?
tion, indeterminant. Thus, given two sets purport- provides the required transformation:
ing to represent the results of perhaps the same or
perhaps different matching procedures, it is nec-
essary to apply to them a common normalization 2 7 (My), = XP
7— 1
LoS ple ly 3

before they become comparable.

The most general normalizing procedure for [9(5.3.2)]
comparing two sets of color-matching functions,
W(A,) and $,(A;), 7= 1 to 3, is to find for each a The nine elements of the matrix T‘® are similarly
suitable nonsingular 3 X 3 matrix transformation, calculated.
T™) and T‘®), respectively. These matrices are The common practice is to take for the refer-
chosen such that for a selected set of three test ence stimuli, monochromatic stimuli of unit power
stimuli P“, P™, P®, each of the two trans- at three wavelengths, ,,A,,A,, so chosen that

both sets of three column vectors, ¥,(A,), ¥;(A;), in the familiar form:
YA.) and (Aq), $A), (As = 1, 2,3)
are linearly independent sets. If and ¢ refer to
the results of the same matching procedure, the SADR = SA)
i=] i=]
choice of reference wavelengths to suit y will also
suit @. On the other hand, if they refer to differ-
ent matching procedures, it may not be possible SA) = Sv(A)P [1653.3]
i=1 i=1
in certain extreme cases to find wavelengths
A,» A, A- Meeting the requirements for both sets
of color-matching functions. Other power distri- y ¥3(A;)P; = s W3(A;)P/
butions, not exclusively monochromatic, must i=1 i=1

then be adopted for the stimuli P“, P®, P® to

bring the two sets of color-matching functions to These relations would be independent of the com-
a common normalization. This is always possible. parison stimulus used as intermediary. Exactly
the same relations would hold for a direct match
in the bipartite field between a test stimulus P of
5.3.3. Maxwell Trichromacy and Full
spectral composition {P;} and a comparison
Trichromacy in Quasi-Symmetric Matching
stimulus C whose spectral composition is denoted
Tests of Maxwellian trichromacy for a number of by (P’}.
different comparison stimuli C, but with other- However, it is not in fact possible for Maxwel-
wise the same total display situation and with lian trichromacy/C, as defined by the Conditions
complete color matching as the criterion, may I, II, and III (see Section 5.3.2), to hold for all
show that, although Maxwellian trichromacy is comparison stimuli, quite apart from any upper
valid for each C, the sets of color-matching func- limit on the level. For certain comparison stimuli,
tions, when all suitably normalized (see Section there is always a technical failure of Condition I.
5.3.2), are not the same. For example, this may This is so despite the fact that the color-matching
occur in studying the effect of high stimulus levels. properties of the observer’s retinal test area in the
In such an experiment, it appears probable that a prescribed display situation might qualify as fully
different set of color-matching functions holds trichromatic, with the matching relations ex-
good than that valid when the comparison stimu- pressed by Eq. 1(5.3.3) continuing to apply.
lus has the same relative spectral composition but To clarify this point, consider quasi-symmetric
is of only moderate or low level. The analysis of matching by an imaginary observer for whom Eq.
such results can assist in the identification of the 1(5.3.3) holds without restriction. The observer’s
factors in matching that modify the simple tn- set of all positive color-matching functions are
chromatic model (see Section 5.6.5). assumed to be those plotted in Figure 1(5.3.3)A.
Another especially interesting case arises if the These may be thought of as corresponding to the
total display situation is such that the matches spectral absorption factors of three (hypothetical)
with many different comparison stimuli C, re- visual pigments responsible for vision in the bi-
garded as examples of direct asymmetric match- partite field area. The color-matching functions
ing, satisfy the conditions for a quasi-symmetric have been modified by applying the factor A, to
matching procedure in a bipartite field. In that allow for the fact that in Eq. 1(5.3.3) the spectral
case, it may be quite possible for Maxwellian radiant powers P, and P’ of the two stimuli P and
trichromacy/C to hold whatever the comparison P’ are expressed in watts and not in quanta per
stimulus used, subject perhaps to some upper second. The assumed pigment-absorption curves
limit on stimulus level. Also, the matching rela- are not consistent with the color-matching func-
tions may be expressible always in terms of the tions of any known form of human color vision,
same set of color-matching functions y,(A,), but they are feasible as representing the proper-
W>(A;), ¥3(A;). Under those conditions, the tri- ties of some biological response system. They
chromacy of the retinal area on which the bipar- have been chosen so that the tristimulus values of
tite field is imaged might be appropriately the different test stimuli lead to a chromaticity
described as full. The conditions for an indirect or diagram with a spectrum locus presenting various
substitution match of two test stimuli P and P’ special features, only some of which are paralleled
via some acceptable (not of excessively high level) in the usual chromaticity diagrams for normal
comparison stimulus C, would then be expressible color vision.
Maxwell’s Method of Color Matching 299

600 700 800

25.0 22.5 20.0 I/d(em™') 175 15.0 12.5x10>

~~~ \_800-680nm
(r,g)-Chromaticity Diagram

Fig. 1(5.3.3). (A): R,G, B are the color-matching functions of a trichromatic system based on
a hypothetical set of visual pigment spectral absorption curves. (B): The corresponding
(r, g)-chromaticity diagram shows the spectrum locus and the chromaticity point W of the
equal-energy spectrum calculated on the wavelength basis. The chromaticity points of all real
colors correspond in this system to points in or on the boundary of the closed locus formed by
segments of the spectrum locus and the broken tangent lines.

Figure 1(5.3.3)B shows this special chromatic- which is included in it, is indicated in the figure.
ity diagram with its odd spectrum locus. The It contains points and segments of the spectrum
chromaticities of all test stimuli are represented locus as well as segments of those straight lines
by points of the smallest convex set that contains that can be drawn through at least two distinct
the spectrum locus. (A convex set is one con- points of the spectrum locus and which have no
taining all points of the straight line joining any points of the locus in one of the half-planes into
two points of the set.) The boundary of this set, which the straight line, excluding the line itself,

divides the diagram. It is apparent from the dia- spectrum locus, are empirical properties of normal
gram that to any interior point Q of the convex human color vision and are not necessary for
set, three wavelengths may be chosen whose chro- trichromatic systems in general.
maticity points on the spectrum locus define a This formal difficulty in relating Maxwellian
triangle that includes Q in its interior. Since and full trichromacy can be met by reformulating
matching is quasi-symmetric, there will certainly the definition of full trichromacy. Full trichro-
be some comparison stimuli C that are matched macy of a retinal area, evaluated by a particular
by test stimuli P, whose chromaticities coincide quasi-symmetric matching procedure in a bipar-
with Q. It follows that for any such comparison tite field involving any given comparison stimulus
stimulus, matching will satisfy Condition I for C, means one or the other of the following:
Maxwellian trichromacy/C. It is also similarly
clear that Condition II will be satisfied. However, (a) Maxwellian trichromacy/C holds with a
for no point Q on the boundary of the convex set common set of color-matching functions.
can Conditions I and II be satisfied. Four (b) A sequence of comparison stimuli C,,
boundary points, Q,,Q,,Q3;,Q, marked in Fig- Cy, sn » Cysn%eycan, bet specified, “for, caches
ure 1(5.3.3)B, illustrate various causes of failures. which (a) applies.
Boundary point Q, represents the chromaticity
common to a range of wavelengths at the end of The absolute spectral power distribution func-
the visible spectrum. A mixture of three different tions..of C,, C,,...,C,»:+s CONVeRSe, abmeaam™
wavelengths from within that range, all having wavelength uniformly onto that of the given
necessarily chromaticity Q,, will serve. For any stimulus C. Continuity then ensures that the
choice of these wavelengths, infinitely more mix- matching relations, expressed by Eg. 1(5.3.3),
tures could be used, so that the uniqueness re- apply in full trichromacy without any reservation
quired by Condition I fails. Similarly, for Q, on a on the implied comparison stimulus.
straight section of the spectrum locus, any set of An immediate consequence is that in full
three different wavelengths on this section that trichromacy the linearity laws of matching will
straddle Q, will provide a mixture required by apply in a form wider than that required
Condition I, except that again it will not be by Condition III for Maxwellian trichromacy.
unique. For the boundary point Q,, a unique For any four stimuli P,, P,, P;, P, whose absolute
mixture of the two wavelengths 444 and 513 nm spectral power distributions are given by
would give the desired match, but with the obliga- {Pi;}, {Po:}, (Psi}, (Pa;}, respectively, the follow-
tory addition of a contribution from a third wave- ing linearity laws apply:
length, the match must break down. Finally, a
(i) If {P,;} color matches {P,,;}, then {aP,;}
boundary point like Q, is considered which corre-
color matches {aP,;} for any positive a.
sponds to a single wavelength on a positively
(ii) Of the three possible color matches, {P);}
curved part of the spectrum locus. Because no
color matches {P;}, {P3;} color matches {P,;},
mixture of two or more wavelengths can yield the
{P,; + P3;} color matches {P,;} + {P,;}, if any
chromaticity Q,, Conditions I and II fail.
two hold, so does the third.
In the chromaticity diagram for normal color
vision, for example, the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chro-
For matching procedures that are not quasi-
maticity diagram [see Figure 3(3.3.3)], the convex
symmetric, the relationship of Maxwellian and
set of real chromaticity points is bounded by the
full trichromacy is more complicated than that
complete locus and the line of purples. All wave-
described above. Most important are the facts
lengths from 700 to 830 nm have a common
that, in specifically asymmetric matching, some
chromaticity and resemble point Q, of Figure
comparison stimuli may be unmatchable by any
1(5.3.3)B. For wavelengths from 700 to 650 nm,
test stimulus and some test stimuli may not figure
the spectrum locus is a straight line and all points
in a match with any comparison stimulus. The
in it have the same drawback as point Q,. All
general case is discussed in Section 5.3.5.
remaining wavelengths of the spectrum locus are
of the type Q,. The points on the line of purples,
5.3.4 Maxwell’s Method in Nontrichromatic
on. the other hand, fail in the same way as point
Q;. That for the CIE diagram no wavelengths Matching
have chromaticities in the interior of the convex In Maxwell’s method, the matching criterion need
set, and that there is no internal loop in the not be limited, as it was in Sections 5.3.2 and
Maxwell’s Method of Color Matching 301

5.3.3, to complete color match. Any of the cri- open. The restated conditions are as follows:
teria for matching simple test and comparison
stimuli discussed in Section 5.2.4 may be allowed.
Also, “dichromatic” or even “monochromatic” It is possible to find some set of N different
Maxwellian matching may be admitted as alterna- wavelengths, A,,...,A,, called the primary set,
tive possibilities. In these cases, the mixtures of such that a mixture of radiant powers P, of
three wavelengths in Conditions I and II for Xe. Po X,, where P,,...)/P, are all greater
Maxwellian trichromacy are replaced, respec- than zero, matches the comparison stimulus C.
tively, by mixtures of two wavelengths or by a The mixture is unique; that is, no other mixture
single wavelength. Clearly, such cases arise with of these N wavelengths in different amounts gives
color defective observers, or with color normal a complete color match with C. If N= 1, by
observers when the test stimulus is imaged on the “unique mixture” is to be understood a specific
far extrafoveal retina, or when the matching crite- amount of A, only.
rion is one of incomplete color match.
There is no evidence that the postulation of
more than three wavelengths would enable Condi- For any primary set of wavelengths (A,,...,A,)
tions I and II to be satisfied in any particular for which Condition I’ is valid, and for each
case. This is not necessarily at variance with the wavelength A,;, a unique mixture of appropriate
existence of more than three retinal response sys- (positive) radiant powers, of A, and of at most
tems with linearly independent spectral sensitivity (N — 1) of the wavelengths of the primary set, is
curves in the retinal area on which the test stimu- determinable that also matches C. The particular
lus is imaged. For example, in the near extrafo- wavelengths of the primary set that must be used
veal region there are certainly four such response with A, depend upon A,. If N = 1, by “unique
systems, three cone systems and the rod system. mixture” is to be understood a specific amount of
In assessing the appearance of a simple test A; only.
stimulus, which is perceived as a uniform patch, CONDITION III’:
the eye seems able to employ, in effect, only three
independent qualities, even though these may re- This condition is identical with Condition III,
sult from the summation in the visual process of given in Section 5.3.2.
the responses of more than three systems with The derivation of N normalized color-match-
linearly independent spectral sensitivities. This ing functions follows exactly the same course as
would make possible obedience to Conditions I the derivation of 7(A,), Z(A,), b(A;) for N = 3. If
and II (Maxwellian trichromacy/C in the weaker Maxwellian N-chromacy/C is assumed to hold,
sense). However, Condition II could be met only matching C and satisfying the generalized match-
if the summation in the visual process were such ing relations are equivalent statements about a
as to relate the appearance qualities linearly to test stimulus P of absolute spectral power distri-
responses of the component retinal systems. It bution {P,}. Each of these statements implies the
must be emphasized that, in Maxwell’s method, other. The generalized matching relations may be
the total display situation and the comparison expressed by the equation
stimuli are kept fixed. This limits any variations
in the condition of the test area to possible effects Dw)? = ¥(P) =¥%o (i= 1,2,...,N)
of the different spectral compositions of the test
stimuli matching the comparison stimulus. If the
factors mentioned are not held constant, then [1(5.3.4)]
more than three mixture primaries may be re-
quired; but this is not Maxwellian matching. An where ¥(A;) are N linearly independent color-
example is Trezona’s method of tetrachromatic matching functions, and ¥,(P) are the compo-
color matching (Section 5.4.13) in which, in fact, nents of the corresponding N-stimulus vector
two matches under different conditions are made. (P) for test stimulus P; ¥.; are the components
It will be convenient to restate, for the general of the N-stimulus vector Y, associated with the
case, the conditions for Maxwellian N-chro- comparison stimulus C.
macy/C, for given total display situation, match- To go over completely to matrix notation, the
ing criterion and nonzero comparison stimulus C, N color-matching functions ¥,(A;) are made
where N, the number of primaries required, is left the rows of an (N X n) color-matching matrix, the

test stimulus vector P is an (n X 1) column ma- the stimulus. In special cases, the spaces may be
trix, and W(P) and WV. are (N X 1) column enlarged by additional coordinates for parameters
matrices. Equation 1(5.3.4) is then stated alterna- specifying the polarization and retinal angle of
tively in the single matrix equation incidence conditions of the stimuli. However, this
complication will not be allowed for in the pre-
Wo PoP) We 1s A) sent discussion. The parameters in question will
be assumed to remain unchanged throughout.
Two color-matching matrices y and y’ are said to These spaces provide a useful way of thinking of
be equivalent if they are related by a nonsingular the results of matching when matches are made
N X N matrix T such that for a wide range of test and comparison stimuli,
but under the condition that the matching crite-
yy rion and the respective display situations of test
The original matching relations restated in terms and comparison stimuli are kept unchanged. Two
of the color-matching matrix ~’ are then given by principal cases arise:

y- P=W(P)=% (i) The two display situations may differ, in

particular, when different colored conditioning
where stimuli control the states of test and comparison
retinal areas. These are the circumstances of much
W(P)=T-¥(P) and YO=T-Y work on chromatic adaptation.
(ii) Matching may be quasi-symmetric with the
Wé and VY, are equivalent if they are related by the two display situations virtually the same. The
same transformation matrix T as that connecting effects of changes in the luminance or chromatic-
the color-matching matrices of the matching rela- ity of the comparison stimulus are then of prime
tions in which they appear. The effect of the interest. In this category are the match changes
transformation T on the N-chromatic chromatic- resulting from the bleaching of the visual pig-
ity vector u(P) is less simple. It follows ments at high stimulus levels.

The following notes on match correlations be-

¥/(P) 2 UMP) tween stimulus spaces provide a preliminary to
pi(P) = 5 Tae naa the more detailed consideration of chromatic
SeeyGP) Ded eek) adaptation and pigment bleaching in Sections
k=1 k=1[=1 5.12, 5.6.5, and 8.2.6.
Not every comparison stimulus, that is, not
[3(5.3.4)] every point in C-space, will necessarily have a
correlate in 7-space representing a test stimulus
In the special case that the matching proce- that matches it, and conversely. But, in general,
dure is quasi-symmetric in a bipartite field and where there is a correlated pair of points, denoted
the criterion is for complete matching, full N-chro- by T°? and C?, there will be an extended set of
macy is defined like full trichromacy. points Met;[C] in T-space, including T®,
For every comparison stimulus C, either that match C“?, and a set of points Met-[T]
matching is Maxwellian N-chromatic/C with in C-space that match T“?. In general, these sets
matching relations expressible in terms of a com- are (n — 3)-dimensional, but may reduce to a
mon set of color-matching functions (A), or C single point in special cases. The points of each
is the limit of a sequence of comparison stimuli set are metameric. They constitute metameric do-
for which this is true. mains. If matching to C‘) is Maxwellian N-chro-
matic/C’? with color-matching matrix y,
5.3.5 Maxwellian Matching as Correlation of
Met,[C?] will consist of the points common to
Stimulus Spaces
N (n— 1)-dimensional linear manifolds (or hy-
Simple test and comparison stimuli T and C may perplanes) in 7-space. Each such hyperplane is
be represented as points in two n-dimensional defined as the set of points whose coordinates P,
stimulus spaces, 7-space and C-space. The coor- satisfy one of the matching relations expressed by
dinates of a point T or C are the components P, Eq. 1(5.3.4). There is, however, the constraint
of the n X 1 matrix (or column vector) P defining injected that only points are included with all
Maxwell’s Method of Color Matching 303

non-negative coordinates, that is, points corre- enlarged by including in it any comparison
sponding to real stimuli. The test stimuli in these stimulus whose spectral composition is the limit
matches can then be specified adequately for many of a sequence of comparison stimuli all satisfying
purposes in color analysis by the N-stimulus vec- the conditions just stated. Physical continuity
tor associated with C“. This is the assumption considerations ensure that for each such addi-
made in interpreting most experimental work. tional comparison stimulus, the matching rela-
Matching to C“) may, however, be Maxwellian tions will apply with y‘*) as color-matching
N-chromatic/C“? in the weaker sense only. One matrix and an associated N-stimulus vector ¥{“)
or more of the matching relations are then nonlin- that is the limit of the associated vectors of the
ear and generate nonlinear subspaces in T-space. defining sequence. The values of ¥{*) can be
A mathematical model for this case is given in plotted in an N-dimensional (e.g., trichromatic)
Section 5.3.6. space to generate a set J‘4) which is associated
In the present context, there is no real distinc- specifically with the color-matching matrix p“.
tion between the roles played by test and com- To each point of the set J{*) will correspond a
parison stimuli. There is equally a possibility that metameric domain in 7-space. The aggregate of
the domain of points in C-space that match T? all these domains defines, in 7-space, the total
may be Maxwellian N’-chromatic/T“?. The di- range R& of test stimuli that match some com-
mensionalities N and N’ are not necessarily the parison stimulus ¥{“) in accordance with the
same. Even if they are the same, the color-match- color-matching matrix y~‘*), Thus, these test
ing matrices will not necessarily be equivalent. stimuli satisfy Eq. 2(5.3.4), and ¥& is a member
This is the kind of situation that can arise if the of the set J‘*). The range R¢&) may include all
comparison stimulus is imaged on the foveal ret- real test stimuli. It will then occupy the whole
ina where trichromacy operates, whereas the test region of 7-space for which every point has all
stimulus is located in a dichromatic area of the non-negative coordinates. In that event, the ret-
extrafoveal retina. inal area, on which the test stimulus is imaged,
The metameric domains associated respec- will have a property that is the nearest approach,
tively with T°) and C exhibit an important in a given specifically asymmetric matching pro-
simplifying property, if the principle of asymmet- cedure, to full N-chromacy as defined for quasi-
ric transitivity for test stimuli (see Section 5.2.2) is symmetric matching with the complete color-
valid for the matching procedure. It then follows match criterion in Section 5.3.3. Generally how-
that every point in the domain about TJ? in ever, the R¢) range will occupy only a part of the
T-space correlates (matches) with every point in region of T-space representing real test stimuli.
the domain about C? in C-space, and con- T-space may well contain other similarly defined
versely. This follows from the principle of asym- ranges R?), R&, and so on, for different non-
metric transitivity whether or not matching is equivalent color-matching matrices y7), py, and
Maxwellian in either sense. However if, in addi- the like.
tion, for comparison stimulus C@? Maxwellian An interesting example is presented by matches
N-chromacy/C“? does hold, it holds also for made with comparison stimuli under two separate
every other point of Met [T“]. Furthermore, all conditions:
the test stimuli in the T-space domain Met,[C?]
then satisfy a set of N matching relations with the (a) The comparison stimuli are of such low
same N color-matching functions y,(A;) and the power levels that they produce no change, by
same N-stimulus vector Y*?. A similar result ap- bleaching, in the spectral absorptance function of
plies with the roles of test and comparison stimuli the visual pigments in the receptors.
interchanged. In what follows, the principle of (b) The comparison stimuli are of such high
asymmetric transitivity for test stimuli will be levels that the pigments are bleached to densities
assumed without further comment. where the following “dilute solution” approxima-
For any particular asymmetric matching pro- tion to their spectral absorptance function holds:
cedure, Maxwellian N-chromacy/C may hold for
a group of comparison stimuli C for each of
which the matching relations can be expressed in
1 —e Fe) = cha(A)
terms of a common color-matching matrix p‘),
but with various values of the corresponding asso- where a(A) is the absorption coefficient and c, h
ciated N-stimulus vector ¥{“). The group will be are constants.

Matches under condition (a) may be expected this case, the color-matching matrices are not
to yield a range R&), and under condition (b), a necessarily equivalent. For example, consider an
range RY). If the Conditions I, II, and III for asymmetric matching procedure that would be
Maxwellian matches are also satisfied for com- quasi-symmetric, except that all the receptors in
parison stimuli of intermediate power levels, rea- the test area, but not in the comparison area, are
sons of physical continuity indicate that the covered by an inert, selectively transmitting pig-
color-matching matrix ‘*) must change gradu- ment layer (possibly the macular pigment). Every
ally to the nonequivalent matrix y‘*). The test stimulus can be matched by some comparison
metameric domain Met,(C,) for each such inter- stimulus, and conversely. However, the two
mediate comparison stimulus C, must belong to color-matching matrices operating, respectively,
some intermediate range R{) and may in fact be in T-space and in C-space are clearly nonequiva-
the sole constituent of this range (see Section lent.
8.2.6 for specific data and interpretations of ef- Whether or not this is so, the matching results
fects of pigment bleaching). of the asymmetric matching procedure are com-
The geometrical picture of what is happening pletely specified if the following conditions are
in T-space in cases such as the foregoing is rather fulfilled:
simple. If Maxwellian N-chromacy holds, each
hyperplane, defined by one of the matching (a) In each space T and C, a single range in-
relations expressed by Eq. 1(5.3.4), will be cludes all real stimuli.
merely displaced parallel to itself for comparison (b) The two color-matching matrices, y and 9,
stimuli that generate different metameric domains are known.
Met,(C;) all belonging to the same range, for (c) The necessarily one-to-one correlation is
example, R&). On the other hand, if the compari- known between the values of the N-stimulus vec-
son stimulus is changed to one generating a tors ¥. and W,, belonging, respectively, to the
metameric domain belonging to a different range, metameric domains that match. In other words,
RY), the orientation, and probably the distance the correlation is known between the points of
from the origin, of at least one of the N hyper- sets J; and Jc in their respective N-dimensional
planes will be altered. In an extreme case, it is spaces.
conceivable that with a progressive change in the
comparison stimulus, two of the hyperplanes may When the matching results reveal more than
coalesce, with a consequent change in the dimen- one range in either or both spaces, a similar
sionality N of the matching process. However, the correlation can be made between the associated
artificial dichromacy and monochromacy in nor- N-stimulus (test) and N’-stimulus (comparison)
mally trichromatic areas of the retina, described vectors at match. However, in that case, this is
by Brindley (1953), probably doesn’t arise in this only possible for matches in which the test stimuli
way. Instead, a very great reduction occurs in the belong to metameric domains generated by a
sensitivity of one or two of the response mecha- common matrix Y‘*, and the comparison stimuli
nisms on which matching depends. belong to metameric domains generated by a
The above discussion of different matching common matrix ¢°”). In the further case, when
ranges in 7-space applies equally to different one of the color-matching matrices, for example,
ranges RW) in C-space, each with its own Wy, changes progressively and continuously as
color-matching matrix $). However, although the comparison stimulus moves along some suita-
for any asymmetric matching procedure there is a bly chosen path in C-space, the correlation pro-
one-to-one correlation of metameric domains in duced by matching is confined to that between
the two spaces, this is not necessarily true of single metameric domains in the respective spaces.
ranges. Two domains belonging to the same range The set J; then reduces to a single point that
in T-space may correspond to domains in differ- correlates with one point of Jc.
ent ranges of C-space. As already observed, the
dimensionalities of Maxwellian matching in T-
5.3.6. Maxwellian Matching in the Weaker
and C-space may differ. However, in the special
case when all real test stimuli belong to a single
range in 7-space, and similarly, all comparison The T and C spaces are also useful in visualizing
stimuli belong to a single range in C-space, the a certain kind of deviation from linearity that
dimensionalities must be the same. Even in may appear in the results of some asymmetric
Maxwell’s Method of Color Matching 305

matching procedures and that illustrates Maxwel- one moving with the jelly. Thus, in T-space, the
lian N-chromacy in the weaker sense (see Section initial and final coordinates, T;l and 7)I respec-
5.3.2). Consider first a quasi-symmetric matching tively, will be related by the following equations:
procedure for which Maxwellian N-chromacy
(with all three Conditions I’, II’, and III’ satisfied)
holds throughout for both variable test stimulus
Teele eT = I) = tor
and variable comparison stimulus, and with al-
ways the same color-matching matrix VW. The
matching relations for matching a real test stimu- where the functions w;(7’) are all single-valued
lus T,; with a real comparison stimulus C; may be continuous functions of their arguments. No two
written as follows: different sets of 7; values yield the same T, val-
ues, and if 7’ is at the origin, so is 7;. Similarly
for the initial and final coordinates, C; and C/ of
Q ¥(Ai)T; a V,(T) = Vo
i=1 a jelly-point in C-space, the following equations
are valid:

>, ¥(Ai)C; ci) ¥,(C) =. ie APR C;= ¥(Cy, CoB FOS) = y;(C’)

[3(5.3.6) |
where the functions y;(C’) satisfy similar condi-
with ¥%. = VW; at match. The restriction to real tions to the functions w,(7T’). The solutions T/
stimuli may now be removed. Solutions to the and C; of the sets of the N matching relations
above equations may be admitted to which one or
more of the components 7; or C; become negative.
At the same time, the associated N-stimulus vec- DYQ)e(T) = YT) = %,
tors YW. and WV; will be allowed to assume any
values, not only those for which at least one real [4(5.3.6)]
test or comparison stimulus satisfies the equa-
tions. For this enlarged system, in each space the and
metameric domains corresponding to different
N-stimulus vectors will all be nonoverlapping (as
2 ¥(A;) @;(C’) ay Vie) = V7;, J=I1toN
before). However, collectively, they will now fill
the whole space. If ¥. = V;, the test and com-
parison stimuli, T and C, will be deemed to [5(5.3.6)]
match, setting up in this way the correlation
between test and comparison metameric domains, define, respectively, the points of the metameric
denoted by Met7;(C) and Met (7), respectively. domains, {Met,(C)}’ and {Met-(T)}’, in the
Suppose now that 7-space and C-space are distorted system. These domains are correlated as
each filled completely with a jelly-like solid in matching pairs, if Yo = V,.
which are embedded the hyperplanes concerned The restriction to real stimuli may be restored
in defining the correlated domains representing by accepting only solutions of Eq. 4(5.3.6) and
matches. Suppose further that independently in 5(5.3.6) such that all the 7/ and C; values are
each space, the jelly is elastically and continu- non-negative. These solutions could then repre-
ously deformed in any desired fashion, subject to sent the results of an asymmetric matching proce-
the condition that the jelly at the origin remain dure that is nonlinear and would not conform to
stationary. All the N hyperplanes defining Condition III’ for Maxwellian matching. Also,
metameric domains, and hence, the domains not every real comparison stimulus will be
themselves, are assumed to remain embedded and matched by some real test stimulus. On the other
to move with the jelly, the coordinate axes, of hand, it can be shown that Conditions I’ and II’
course, remaining fixed. At every stage and at the for Maxwellian matching in the weaker sense
completion of the deformation, there will be a would hold for matching of test stimuli to almost
one-to-one correspondence between the initial and all fixed (real) comparison stimuli, matched by
displaced positions of every jelly-point, that is, some real test stimulus. The exceptions arise in

the same way as those discussed in Section 5.3.5 Table 1(5.4.1) Example of Results Obtained by
and are dealt with similarly. Maxwellian matching MacAdam’s Observer (PGN) in a
in the weaker sense obviously applies equally to Color-Matching Experiment
matching variable comparison stimuli to fixed test
stimuli. Direction of Line
through Standard Deviation
Xg = 0.305, yp = 0.323 of Color Matching


1.03 + 0.00203
5.4.1 MacAdam Ellipses 1.28 + 0.00228
Visual sensitivity to small color differences is 1.76 + 0.00213
the essential factor determining the precision of 0.27 + 0.00095
color matching. Early data on color-difference —0.84 + 0.00085
thresholds provide indirect evidence on how this 2.09 + 0.00215
precision will vary with the color of the matching
field and with other factors that affect sensitivity.
The first systematic studies of matching precision
in different parts of tristimulus space were made times as large as the corresponding standard devi-
by MacAdam (1942). The work was confined to ation.
matches in which the variable test and fixed com- For the variable stimulus, several straight lines
parison stimuli were constrained always to have intersecting in a common fixed chromaticity were
constant luminance (15 millilambert or ~ 48 cd - used in turn. The resulting standard deviations of
m ~), the same throughout this investigation. color matching were plotted as distances As along
MacAdam used an ingeniously designed col- these lines, measured from the central fixed chro-
orimeter. His observer (PGN) turned a single maticity point (x9, Yo). The end points fell closely
control knob to vary the color of one half of the on an ellipse whose size, shape, and orientation
2° visual field along a straight line in the CIE changed when the whole procedure was repeated
1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram, while the lumi- with a new fixed chromaticity point. Table 1(5.4.1)
nance of that field was automatically held con- gives an example of the experimental results ob-
stant. The 2° matching field was surrounded by a tained by MacAdam’s observer for a chromaticity
42° diameter surround field having a chromaticity represented by the point x, = 0.305, yy = 0.323.
similar to that of CIE source C and a luminance These results are plotted in Figure 1(5.4.1), which
of 7.5 millilambert (~ 24 cd-m 7). Both the also shows the best fitting ellipse. A total of 25
variable and the fixed stimulus were mixtures of ellipses was determined for different locations of
the same set of red, green, and blue primaries so the fixed chromaticity (x9, yo). Figure 2(5.4.1)
that for an ideal match, the two stimuli had the shows all these ellipses in the CIE 1931 (x, y)-
same spectral radiant power distribution. Re- chromaticity diagram but drawn to ten times their
peated color matches were made between the correct linear dimensions in relation to the coor-
variable stimulus and a fixed stimulus of the same dinate scales. The lengths a and b of the major
luminance occupying the second half of the visual and minor semi-axes of the ellipses and the angle
field. The chromaticity of the fixed stimulus was of inclination 6 of the major axis to the axis of the
located on the given straight line in the CIE x-coordinates are given in Columns 3 to 5 of
chromaticity diagram. The standard deviations of Table 2(5.4.1). An illustration of the ellipse
the settings were determined, a setting being parameters (Xo, Y), a, b, and @ is added to the
specified by the distance in the chromaticity dia- table.
gram between the variable and the fixed chro- Each of the 25 ellipses representing the known
maticity points. MacAdam’s auxiliary experi- standard deviations of color matching can be
ments on just-noticeable color differences in- expressed by the equation
dicated that for the same observer these are ap-
proximately proportional to the corresponding 2 2
81 (dx) + 21) dx dy + gy (dy) zy
standard deviations of color matching. The just-
noticeable difference was found to be about three [1(5.4.1)]
Precision of Color Matching for Normal Trichromats 307




Oy 20

0. 3°@2 0.304 x O70 Ore 0.308

Fig. 1(5.4.1). Example of experimental results, obtained by MacAdam’s observer PGN,
showing how standard deviations of matching a fixed comparison chromaticity (x9, yo) along
different directions in the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram lead to a MacAdam (1942)

where dx is the difference of the x-coordinates of where

the center (x9, yo) of the ellipse and any point on
6<90° when g,,<0
the ellipse; dy is the difference of the y-coordi-
nates of the same pair of points; and g)), 215, 209 6>90° when g,,>0
are constants for each ellipse. The values of the
g;,s can be computed from the lengths a and b of l
the major and minor semi-axes of each ellipse and 5 = 822 t 812 Cot 8
the angle of inclination 6 of the major axis to the
axis of the x-coordinates (MacAdam, 1943). The
_ = $11 — 812 Cot 6
following relations exist:

The values of the g;,’s differ from one ellipse

Eo eating.
kera co. 22 serps
Liao 6 to another in a systematic manner, and it is
possible by a process of interpolation to plot
smooth contour diagrams showing the variations
gis (+. dl sinfcos@ [2(5.4.1)] of these coefficients as functions of the chro-
a maticity of the central color of the ellipses
(MacAdam, 1942). In deriving smooth contour
Be AOR So3 ESE epee:
eee toe 6 lines, MacAdam had to depart somewhat from
the computed coefficients for the 25 ellipses, but
by allowable amounts in relation to the 15%
Sometimes, the inverse relations are needed. They uncertainties associated with the observed stan-
are as follows: dard deviations of color matching. With the
limited number (25) of observed ellipses and the
complicated dependence of the coefficients on
2212 chromaticity, construction of the contour dia-
tan26 = ee 3(5.4.1
811 ‘$12 ( )| grams involves some arbitrary element.

0.4 0.6

Fig. 2(5.4.1). MacAdam (1942) ellipses (observer PGN) plotted in CIE 1931 (x, y)-chro-
maticity diagram. The axes of the plotted ellipses are 10 times their actual lengths.

The distribution of repeated color matches distribution belonging to the chromaticity (x9, Yo)
around a color center in tristimulus space has is uniquely determined by the standard deviations
been studied in a slightly different way by Silber- (o,., 0,) and the correlation coefficient p of the x
stein and MacAdam (1945). If it is assumed that and y values in repeated matches. These coeffi-
color matches distribute normally about a color cients vary from chromaticity to chromaticity and
center in tristimulus space, it can be shown that are directly related to the metric coefficients g;,
loci of constant standard deviation of color as follows:
‘matching are ellipsoids. In the special case of
colors of equal luminance, the loci reduce to
ellipses when plotted in the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chro- §11 — o2(1 - p?)
maticity diagram. Silberstein and MacAdam
analyzed the observations made by MacAdam’s
observer PGN (MacAdam, 1942) and concluded §12
GRE aa
1 — p*) [4(5.4.1)]
that, in the main, these data are consistent with a
normal (Gaussian) frequency distribution of the
color matches about the fixed comparison chro- l
S2222 a, —
o7(1 ae
maticity (X9, Yo). The particular normal frequency
Table 2(5.4.1) MacAdam Ellipses (Observer PGN) Observed and Calculated on
the Basis of a Normal Distribution of Color Matches about a Color Center
(Silberstein and MacAdam, 1945)

Color Center Observed Calculated

Xo Yo 10°b 10°a 1025

0.160 0.057 0.35 0.94 0.30

0.187 0.118 0.55 ie 0.44
0.253 0.125 0.50 2.49 0.49
0.150 0.680 25 | 9.09 ous
0.131 0.521 2.0 ] 4.67 2.10

0.212 0.550 2.3 1 5.63 2.30

0.258 0.450 2.0 4.54 2.08
0.152 0.365 1-9 I 3.81 1.86
0.280 0.385 Wee) 4.26 1.46
0.380 0.498 LZ 4.23 132

0.160 0.200 0.95 1 2.08 0.94

0.228 0.250 0.90 3.09 0.82
0.305 0.323 0.90 DES) 0.68
0.385 0.393 1.6 3.70 1.48
0.472 0.399 CIA | 1.30

opal 0.350 2.56 1.27

0.475 0.300 2.89 0.99
0.510 0.236 29.5 2.40 1.15
0.596 0.283 13.0 2.49 T5
0.344 0.284 60.0 2.24 0.97

0.390 0.237 47.0 2.43 0.98

0.441 0.198 34.5 pamg) 0.90
0.278 0.223 51,9 2.34 0.61
0.300 0.163 54.0 St 0.60
0.365 0.153 40.0 4.12 0.90
Note. Values of the observed ellipses were read off graphs of MacAdam’s 1942 paper.

Illustration of Ellipse Parameters.

Xo, Vo = coordinates of center

a = major semiaxis
b = minor semiaxis
6 = angle in degrees


The calculation of the standard deviations (9,, 9,) equal to the unit of perceived chromaticity dif-
and the correlation coefficient p from observed ference, sometimes referred to as the MacAdam
chromaticity coordinates x;, y, (i= 1,2,...,n) unit of color difference.
whose mean values are (X, yo), 18 carried out by From the properties of line elements, which
means of the following formulae: are more fully treated in Section 8.4, it follows
that, given the coefficients g,,, 217, 29) as func-
tions of x and y, a surface in an ordinary Euclidean
oy = var (x) == (4 — x6)" three-dimensional space can be defined on which
all the stimuli of constant luminance considered

0} = var(y) = n— |
yibran Van
by MacAdam plot as points. If the distance apart
in the Euclidean space of any two points on the
surface has a certain small constant value, the
corresponding stimuli are just-perceptibly differ-
cov(x, y) = man p>(x; — Xo)(% — Yo) ent. Also, on this surface, the MacAdam ellipses
plot as circles of identical size, so that the surface
] l may be described as a uniform-chromaticity-scale
Xo = 7 LX Vnm een: (i = 1,2,. ,n) surface. The complicated involuted form of this
surface as derived from the MacAdam line ele-
2_ 2
y) 5(5.4.1 ment can be seen from a photograph [Figure
5(8.4.4)] of a model of the surface, constructed by
° var(x) var(y) DO Au
MacAdam (1944).
The notations var (x), var(y), cov(x, y) stand for The CIE 1976 (u*, v*) diagram (Section 3.3.9)
the variances and the covariance of x and y. is a plane diagram that may be used instead of
The agreement between the MacAdam ellipses the true uniform-chromaticity-scale surface de-
derived by the original method and those calcu- rived from MacAdam’s data. Transformed to this
lated on the assumption of a normal distribution diagram, MacAdam’s ellipses approach circles of
is good. Table 2(5.4.1) compares the two sets of equal size in some instances, but there remain
ellipses. The basic assumption that color matches considerable discrepancies as may be seen in Fig-
distribute normally about a given color center has ure 3(5.4.1).
been checked experimentally by Brown (1952) Farnsworth (1958) has developed a nonlinear
and found to agree well with the experimental transformation of the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromatic-
data. ity diagram in which the transformed MacAdam
If, in Eq. 1(5.4.1) which defines a MacAdam ellipses are very close to circles of equal size. The
ellipse, the expression on the left is put equal to a deviations from circles of equal size are in fact
quantity ds in place of unity, it can be regarded as never greater than 20% with respect to the radii,
the distance between two points with coordinates and in most cases, are less than 10% [Figure
(x, y) and (x + dx, y + dy) in a nonlinear space 4(5.4.1)]. Because such a close approximation is
for which ds is the so-called line element: possible and the experimental uncertainties of the
MacAdam data are of the order of 10 to 20%, the
2 2 question arises whether, after all, a uniform-chro-
(ds) cst (dx) + 281) (dx dy) + g) (dy) maticity-scale surface of zero Gaussian curvature
(Section 8.4.4) would not be entirely consistent
[6(5.4.1)] with the measurements. However, other experi-
mental data for different observers (Brown and
In using MacAdam’s approximate relation, we MacAdam, 1949; Brown, 1957; and Wyszecki and
should put ds = 3 to define the so-called dis- Fielder, 1971; see Sections 5.4.2 and 5.4.3) strongly
crimination ellipse. The distance ds =3 from indicate that a nonzero curvature occurs per-
the center to any given point of the ellipse sistently. It may also be noted that the actually
then represents a just-perceptible chromaticity observed points in Figure 4(5.4.1) are in many
difference under the observing conditions used by cases better fitted by ellipses than by the circles
MacAdam. In practical applications of MacA- shown.
dam’s ellipses, ds = 3 has been used only infre- It is possible to approximate the uniform chro-
quently. Almost always, ds = 1 has been used maticity surface by a number of plane diagrams
making the standard deviation of color matches each of which is designed to represent only a





-150 -100 -50 e) * 50 100 150 200

Fig. 3(5.4.1). MacAdam (1942) ellipses plotted in CIE 1976 (u*,v*)-diagram (Robertson,

560 ri al LOCus

eo EOE ES SS Nee 600


tho = Sone
Bie eBilewe shoo 2 --- 480

Fig. 4(5.4.1). Nonlinear transformation of CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram designed to
make MacAdam’s (1942) ellipses approximately equal to circles of identical size (from
Farnsworth, 1958).


restricted area of the curved surface (MacAdam, The quantity As becomes the line element ds
1943). Within such plane diagrams, a discrimina- which is constant if (x, y) and (x + Ax,x + Ay)
tion ellipse can be transformed into a circle of are separated by the standard deviation of color
unit radius (= 1 MacAdam unit of color dif- matching. The example of Figure 5(5.4.1) refers to
ference), if x and y are plotted as oblique coordi- the region of the chromaticity diagram that con-
nates with modified scale units. The angle w tains the MacAdam ellipse having its center at
between the axes of x and y to accomplish this, is Xo = 0.305, yo = 0.323 [see Figure 1(5.4.1)]. In
determined by the values of the metric coeffi- this region, the metric coefficients are
cients applicable in the portion of the surface
under consideration, and is given by = 102% 10°, ge, — 0 ee

COS w = aN a (7654.1) (Foun k bese AU

(211822) .
At the same time, the scale units for the oblique
x and y coordinates are changed by factors COs wW = —— = —0.679
h(g,,) ‘77, and h(g,,)_'/*, where h is a con- (102 X 53)
stant. By ordinary coordinate geometry, the dis-
tance As apart of points in the oblique coordinate and
diagram representing chromaticities (x, y) and
OX Oa Vee y)ris then w = 132.8°

prises Ax

h(gi1) i
: With h = 1, the displacements along the oblique
axes corresponding to Ax = 0.001 and to Ay =
0.001 are 0.001(102 X 107)'7", — 1 Oia
0.001(53 X 104)'/* = 0.73, respectively.
se ee . weer W The oblique coordinate system applies within
h(g11) h( 83) the region over which any variations of the coeffi-
cients 21), 81>, 82) are confined to a quite small
Ay 3 range that may be taken as some 25%. Within this
a —1/2 restricted region, the (Euclidean) metrical proper-
h( 83) ties of plane geometry are applicable to the chro-
maticity points represented. Thus, the straight-line
or distance between two points in this plane is di-
rectly proportional to the smallest number of
df 2 just-noticeable chromaticity steps between the two
ae *[g1:(Ax) + 2gpAxdy + gy(Ay)’| chromaticities represented by the:two points. This
method of determining small color differences
[8(5.4.1)] measured in terms of MacAdam units has been

Ne NEN es
Not es Naan
0:13 0:2 01304 5X2 07306 0.308
Fig. 5(5.4.1). Example of small portion of CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram, centered at
Xq = 0.305, yo = 0.323, that has been transformed linearly such that the MacAdam (1942)
ellipse with center at (x9, yo) becomes a circle of radius As =1. The (x, y)-coordinates are
now measured along oblique axes intersecting at the angle w = 132.8°.
Precision of Color Matching for Normal Trichromats 313

developed by Davidson and Hanlon (1955) to the tion

point where it can be used in practical color
control problems. ®(R,G, B)A(dR)A(dG)A (dB)
Several attempts have been made to derive
approximate but explicit functions for the g,,- = Kexp|—40(dR,
dG, dB)|
coefficients of MacAdam’s ellipses in terms of the
(x, y)-chromaticity coordinates. The most suc- <A (dR)A(dG)A
cessful attempts have been those of Chickering
(1967; 1971) who, in developing further the work
of Friele (1961; 1966) and MacAdam (1964a,b;
1965), derived two formulae with computer opti-
mized parameters, either one of which can be
used to calculate MacAdam’s ellipses with close Q(dR, dG, dB) =c,,(dR)° + 2c,, dR dG
approximation (see also Section 5.4.5).
+¢y)(dG) + 2c,, dG dB

5.4.2 Brown-—MacAdam Ellipsoids

+¢3;(dB)° + 2c, dB dR
The restriction to colors of equal luminance was and
removed in determinations of trichromatic color
matching by Brown and MacAdam (1949). They
used a method in which the observer could vary os |Cik eas
K 3
the amounts of all three mixture primaries in the (277)
variable stimulus, the fixed stimulus being a mix-
ture of similar primaries so that again, for an
The quantity |c,,| is the determinant of the coef-
ideal match, the spectral compositions of the
ficients c;, (with c;, = c,;). The coefficients c;,
matched stimuli were the same. The specially
are determinable from the variances and covari-
designed colorimeter employed a bipartite match-
ances of tristimulus values obtained in repeated
ing field of 2° diameter in a dark surround,
color matches with the given color center. The
viewed monocularly with the natural pupil. Each
variances are computed from the following for-
primary was provided by a tungsten-filament lamp
with suitable color filters. Results for 38 fixed
comparison stimuli were reported for two ob-
servers (WRJB and DLM). The luminances of the
comparison stimuli, all save two of different chro-
var(R) = ——— 3(R, — Ro)”
maticities, ranged from approximately 0.3 to 10
footlamberts (~ 1 to 34 cd - m *). Separate mea-
surements for a blue, a green, and a white
var(G) = 3,(G,— GJ’
comparison stimulus were made of the standard
deviations of the test primaries in matches over a
wide range of luminance. The approximate CIE var(B) = — J (B, — By)”
1931 (x, y)-chromaticities of the primaries used
were: Red = (0.699, 0.301); Blue = (0.152, 0.113); [2(5.4.2)]
Green = (0.176, 0.766) or (0.317, 0.624).
If R=(Ro + dR), G= (Gy + dG), B= (Bo
where R,, G;, B; are the tristimulus values of the
+ dB) are tristimulus values, with respect to any
ith match (i = 1,2,3,...,n) and Ro, Go, Bo are
given set of primaries, of a color that has been set
the tristimulus values of the central color assumed
up by an observer as a match with a central color
to be identical with the mean color match; that is,
Ro, Go, By, normal distribution of three-dimen-
sional color matches means that the chance, de-
noted by ®(R,G, B)A(dR)A(dG)A(dB), that
dR lies between dR and [dR + A(dR)], dG be-
tween dG and [dG + A(dG)], dB between dB and
[dB + A(dB)] is given by the exponential func- [3(5.4.2)]

The formulae for the covariances are uniform cylinder with the line as axis) passing
through (Ro, Gp, By) in a fixed direction, the
standard deviations of the matches, measured as
cov(R,G) = —_. d(R, — Ro)(G; — Gy)
distances along the line, define two points on
either side of (Ro, Go, By), which coincide with
= cov(G,R) the intersections of the line with the surface of the
ellipsoid. The ellipsoid for (ds)* = 1 is sometimes
cov(G, B) = ——— B(G,~ G)(B,~ By) called the standard deviation ellipsoid, color-match-
ing ellipsoid, or color-discrimination ellipsoid. The
intercept of the plane of constant luminance
= cov (B,G) [4(5.4.2)] through (Roy, Go, By) with the ellipsoid is an el-
lipse as derived by MacAdam. If just-noticeable
cov(B, R) =~ us 2B, Bi iChro nis differences are about three times standard devi-
ations, the ellipsoid corresponding to (ds)* = 37,
would define the locus of colors just-noticeably
= cov(R,B) different from (Ro, Go, Bo).
An alternative concept may be used in assign-
Variances and covariances together form the so- ing a constant value of (ds). It may be stipulated
called variance—covariance matrix that the corresponding ellipsoid should contain,
on the average, a certain percentage a of any
var (R) cov(R,G) cov(R, B) random set of color matches. The necessary con-
M = | cov(G,R)_ var(G) cov(G,B) stant value for (ds)* = h(a), let us say, is ob-
cov(B,R) cov(B,G) var(B) tained from standard statistical tables noting that
the quadratic form Q(dR, dG, dB) is distributed
[5(5.4.2)] as x* (chi-square) with 3 degrees of freedom.
Thus, h(a) is the x* value for 3 degrees of free-
The elements of the matrix M_', inverse to M, dom, and is given in Table 1(5.4.2) for a series of
are the required coefficients c;,. values a.
The quadratic form Q(dR, dG, dB), or rather It is important to note that if the same concept
its square root plays the role of the line element is applied to fix the size of a chromaticity ellipse
ds. The equation for matches in the constant luminance plane or of
a critical segment for matches along a fixed line,
Q (dR, dG, dB) = const |= (ds)’| the constant value to be assumed for (ds)? = h(a)
is not the same as for determining the ellipsoid of
defines an ellipsoid, and Eq. 1(5.4.2) shows that a Table 1(5.4.2) Values h(a) of the x?
random match (R,G,B) on the central color (Chi-Square) Distribution (from Hald, 1952) -
(Ro, Go, Bo) is more likely to lie in any assigned
space element [A(dR)A(dG)A(dB)] within the Probability h(a) h(a) h(a)
ellipsoid, than in any assigned element of in percent (1 degree (2degrees (3 degrees
ro of freedom) of freedom) of freedom)
the same volume lying outside. The surface of the
ellipsoid is the locus of “threshold” colors, sep- 1.0 0.000157 0.0201 0.115
arating colors that are difficult to distinguish or 5.0 0.00393 0.103 0.352
cannot be distinguished from (Ro, Gp, By) and 10.0 0.0158 0.211 - 0.584
colors that can be distinguished easily. Different 20.0 0.0642 0.446 1.000
30.0 0.148 0.713 1.42
choices of the constant (ds)? generate ellipsoids 40.0 0.275 1.02 1.87
corresponding to “threshold criteria” of different 50.0 0.455 1.39 2:37
degrees of severity. To agree with the standard 60.0 0.708 1.83 2.95
70.0 1.07 2.41 3.67
deviation criterion used by MacAdam in deriving 80.0 1.64 ASs 4.64
his chromaticity ellipses, the constant (ds)* must 90.0 rae A 4.61 6.25
be taken as unity. If, as in MacAdam’s experi- 95.0 3.84 309) 7.81
ment, attention is confined to matches made on a 99.0 6.63 9.21 Li.3
be BB 12.1 15.2 Liat
line (or strictly, to matches made in a very thin
Precision of Color Matching for Normal Trichromats 315

equal a in the three-dimensional case. The ap- where, for example, 0x,/0x; = a,,;. We note that
propriate values of h(a) for two and one-dimen- Co) = C19, C32 = C93, aNd C)3 = C3; this reduces
sional cases are also listed in Table 1(5.4.2). the expression for c}, to
If, for example, a is taken as 95%, the corre-
sponding ellipsoid is obtained with h(a) = 7.81, yRe A ed Z
and the corresponding ellipse with h(a) = 5.99. Chy = AYCy, F 244147)
Cyq F 5, Co2 + 2471 43)Cr3
Conversely, when the same constant value for 2
(ds)* is used, irrespective of the number of di- FA31C33 + 24)1431C13
mensions, the corresponding values of a for el-
lipsoid, ellipse, and linear range are different. For Similar expressions are obtained for the other
example, with (ds)? = h(a) = 1 corresponding to coefficients cj. The transformed line element is
standard deviation loci in the three, two, or one- then
dimensional cases, the fractions a are, respec-
tively, 20% (ellipsoid), 40% (ellipse), and 68%
(critical linear range). (ds) =c',(dX) + 2ci, dX dY
To convert the expression for the line element,
Q(dR, dG, dB) = (ds)? given in Eq. 1(5.4.2) in +¢5,(dY) +25, dYdZ
terms of some set of instrumental primaries, to
the expression in terms of the standard CIE tri- tHe,3( GZ)a
/ 2
eve, vd ed Xi

stimulus values X, Y, Z, use may be made of the

following transformation of the coefficients c;, to [10(5.4.2)]
new coefficients cj:
3 A further transformation of the line element,
Ox; 0x of considerable value in applications, replaces
Cit = > ik ax’ = [7(5.4.2)]
i,k=1 J X, Y, Z by the two chromaticity coordinates x, y,
together with the luminance Y. Equation 7(5.4.2)
Here x,, Xj, X3 represent the original tristimulus is now used in the form
values R, G, B, whereas x}, x5, x; denote the tri-
stimulus values X, Y, Z. The two sets of tristimu-
lus values are related to each other by the linear

x, = 5 A; ;X; [8(5.4.2)]
with x; — xX, X%> = ys.%3 — Y, x, = X, X=
Y, x3 = Z, to determine the new coefficients c’;.
or in explicit form : ;
The relations connecting (xj’, x3, x3) and
R=a,,X + ayY + a,3Z (X}, X32, X3) are
Ga, (Xa Pd F [9(5642)| PP 2IE

ae — “1 ee = a
1 oes p) y

B= a3,X+ a3,Y + 4332

where the a;,’s are given constants derived from suey=. ”


the calibration of the colorimeter. Application of

Eq. 7(5.4.2) gives [thensieee9cisrn) edbate4
ae oy. be 0X Oi leacsl, OX 1 Ox 2 wae 0x, 1 Ox 3
. 1 Qx1 OX; ¢ Ox} Ox; a Ox; OX} [11(5.4.2)]
OX» Ox, OX OX 0X7 0X; The rather complicated explicit expressions for c;;
eon ee c
OK OX, ee eX, “sb in terms of c/, (i, / = 1 to 3) will not be written
out. They are obtainable by exactly the same
0x3 0X, 0x3 0X, q 0x3 0X3 procedure as used for deriving c/, in terms of c,,
+ C3] 2 os

Ox; OX; oe Ox xd sh date OX; (i,/= 1 to 3). The transformed line element is

then Brown and MacAdam (1949) give transforma-

tion equations that convert directly the coeffi-
(ds) = cl, (dx) + 2c, dx dy cients c;, of Eq. 1(5.4.2) to the coefficients g;, of
Eq. 16(5.4.2) without going first to c;, and then to
5 (dy) Th Cy. Gy a). cj. This reduces the chance rejection errors in
computing two successive transformations.
+c%,(dY) + 2c’ dx dY When dY, and thus, d/, is zero, Eq. 16(5.4.2)
reduces to the equation of the chromaticity ellipse
[12(5.4.2)] in the plane of constant luminance. Thus,
the coefficients g)), 215, 2, that Brown and
For ds = const, this equation defines an ellipsoid MacAdam derived are directly comparable with
in the x, y, Y space. those reported by MacAdam (1942) for his ob-
To obtain ellipsoids of comparable dimensions server PGN which have been described earlier.
in the directions of the three variables, one fur- On the other hand, if variations in luminance
ther change from the variable Y to a new one, only are considered and chromaticity is kept the
(1/k) log, Y, has advantages. In each term of Eq. same (dx = dy=0), the corresponding radius
13(5.4.2) containing dY, the latter is replaced by vector of the ellipsoid is closely related to the
dY/kY, and at the same time the factor kY is Weber fraction AY/Y. When ds = 1 (standard
introduced so that there is no net effect. This deviation criterion for the line element), the radius
modification is written out as follows: in question, d/, satisfies

(ds) = cl, (dx) +2c%, dx dy + c% (dy) (ds) = 1=2,,(aDeotG4en

y Cia,
kY dy kY is ik?¥?| =|
dy \’ The quantity d/ in this case represents the stan-
dard deviation of / = 0.2 1log,,. Y or approximately
(0.2/2.3) (oy/Y), where oy is the standard devi-
+26}kY dx [14(5.4.2)] ation of Y in luminance matching. Thus, o,/Y =
11.53/(g33)'/7. The quantity AY in the Weber
fraction is the just-noticeable difference of lumi-
However, dY/kY equals, approximately, nance that has been found experimentally to equal
about 30). Thus, on this assumption, we’ have
dlog,. Y 2.3
(“Ben )= (2) atogio¥

“r= —s_[186.42)]
Thus, if we put k = 5 X 2.3 (a suitable scaling
factor) and introduce the new variable / =
The results obtained by Brown and MacAdam
(1/5) logj) Y in place of Y and new coefficients
(1949), expressed in terms of Eq. 16(5.4.2) are
g;, defined by given in Table 1(5.4.2) of the Appendix. This
table contains the metric coefficients g,, for (ds)?
21 Cab Sioa 612) Bn
= CH = const = 1.0 with the corrections suggested by
Brown (1952). Also given are the cross sections of
S74 Goa Ca (KY )°c435 813 — kYci3 the ellipsoids for A/ = 0; these are compared with
corresponding ellipses of observer PGN deduced
[15(5.4.2)] from the smoothed summary of PGN’s observa-
tions of MacAdam (1943).
the final form of the equation of the ellipsoid is The cross sections of all ellipsoids (number 33
given by omitted because of its low luminance) obtained
by Brown and MacAdam for observer WRJB are
illustrated in Figure 1(5.4.2). An overall resemb-
(ds) = const = gi,(dx) steed iam OXHay
lance is noted between these ellipses and the
2 earlier data for observer PGN [MacAdam ellipses
+8y(dy)° + 285; dy dl shown in Figure 2(5.4.1)]. There is also an overall
resemblance between the ellipses for observer
+g33(dl)” + 2g), dx dl [16(5.4.2)] DLM and those for PGN and WRJB as indicated
Precision of Color Matching for Normal Trichromats aig



500 9





e O

3899 5
0.4 0.6 0.8
Fig. 1(5.4.2). Cross sections of Brown—MacAdam (1949) ellipsoids for observer WRJB
plotted in CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram.

by the data compiled in Table (5.4.2). Howeve1, tion ellipsoids at 22 color centers extending over a
when we inspect the data more critically for a wide range of chromaticities with luminances be-
given color center, the ellipses of different ob- tween 3 and 6 footlamberts (~ 10.3 to 20.6 cd -
servers disagree with one another markedly in m ~*). Brown used the MacAdam binocular col-
perhaps half the cases. Rather large discrepancies orimeter (Section 5.15) with a 10° diameter
are observable, particularly in the ratio of the matching field and a large near-white surround
major and minor axes of the ellipse. The varia- [x = 0.357, y = 0.344, Y = 2.6 footlamberts (~ 9
tions in orientation also appear significant. A cd-m*)]. The specifications of the ellipsoids
discussion of the differences noted between el- representing straight means or weighted means of
lipses obtained by different observers is given in the results of the 12 observers are reproduced in
Section 5.4.4. Table I1(5.4.2). Figure 2(5.4.2) shows the cross
In later measurements, Brown (1957) em- sections of the ellipsoids (those based on weighted
ployed 12 observers to obtain mean discrimina- means) by the plane AY = 0. These ellipses, al-

0.4 0.6 0.8


Fig. 2(5.4.2). Cross sections of mean ellipsoids determined by 12 observers (Brown, 1957).

though generally similar to those shown in Fig- for the less skilled and more erratic observers, the
ures 2(5.4.1) and 1(5.4.2), have orientations that effect on the shape of the mean ellipsoid is un-
appear to vary less regularly with the chromaticity duly great. The weighting factors, designed to
than in the results of a single observer. reduce this distortion of the mean, were derived
Straight-average results for each ellipsoid were from the actual experimental results and should
obtained by averaging the elements of the vari- provide mean ellipsoids of more representative
ance—covariance matrix for each observer at each shape. (For details of the weighting method, see
color and then inverting the mean variance— Brown, 1957.) Brown’s paper also brings out the
covariance matrix to obtain average metric coeffi- pronounced learning effect in the results obtained
cients g,, (it is incorrect to average directly the by an observer in protracted investigations of this
g;,’s of the individual observers). kind.
-Brown justified his use of weighted instead of The effects of field size, chromatic surround-
straight averages by arguing that whenever an ings, and luminance level on color-matching el-
observer’s results correspond to an ellipsoid of lipsoids have also been studied by Brown (1951;
exceptionally large size, which occurs particularly 1952a, b). His results on luminance level obtained
Precision of Color Matching for Normal Trichromats 319

for two observers using the MacAdam binocular colorimeter (Section 5.15) was used with all but
colorimeter with a two-degree matching field and two of the juxtaposed 3° diameter hexagonal fields
dark surround, indicate that the precision of chro- replaced by a white surround (Figure 1(5.2.5)j) of
maticity matching remains fairly constant for a luminance 6 cd - m ? and of diameter 40° with
considerable range of luminance above about 3 the bipartite field at its center. As in Brown’s
and up to 30 cd-m ~. Below the level of 3 work with the MacAdam binocular colorimeter,
cd-m °, the elliptical cross sections of the el- in each half-field was presented a mixture of the
lipsoids rapidly become larger and are rotated to same three primary stimuli, the comparison mix-
point with their major axes towards the “blue ture being fixed while the observer adjusted all
corner” of the chromaticity diagram. This result three components of the test mixture to obtain a
correlates with color discrimination which one match. A feature of the work was that both eyes
expects of an anomalous observer of the tritan were used and could wander over the field with
type (Hartridge, 1947; Judd et al., 1950). no strict fixation although, of course, central
In general, large fields (10°) allow better preci- vision was used for the match. These conditions,
sion of color matching than fields covering only shared with Brown’s binocular measurements, ap-
the foveal (2°) region (Brown, 1952b). Little im- proximated most closely those of ordinary view-
provement in precision is expected for fields larger ing. The data obtained determined the color-
than 12 degrees. This result is in agreement with matching ellipsoid for each of 28 comparison
observations by other investigators (Judd, 1930b; stimuli all of luminance 12 cd - m? and of chro-
Lobanova and Rautian, 1949). In general, the maticities covering the triangle in the diagram
color-matching ellipsoids obtained for large-field defined by the chromaticities of the matching
and small-field viewing are similar in orientation primaries. The statistical methods for handling
and shape; only their sizes differ. However, in the blocks of matches were as explained earlier in
some cases, slight but significant changes of Sections 5.4.1 and 5.4.2. The three-dimensional
orientation do occur when the field size is changed. space in which the ellipsoids were finaly ex-
This phenomenon has not been fully explored. pressed have the coordinates x, y, and /, where
As a rule, the color of the field surrounding (x, y) are CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinates and
the matching field has a quite noticeable effect on / is the log luminance variable / = 0.2log Y. In
the precision of color matching when the match- addition, the cross section of each ellipsoid was
ing field is small (Brown, 1952b). The observer determined; that is, the ellipse of intersection of
usually finds it more difficult to detect small color each ellipsoid with the plane of constant lumi-
differences in the presence of a surrounding field nance through its center. These cross sections
differing in chromaticity. Best precision is ob- facilitated comparison with MacAdam’s and other
tained when the surround has the same chro- earlier data.
maticity as the matching field. This agrees with An example of an ellipsoid determined by
results reported by Schénfelder (1933). The orien- observer GW is shown in Figure 1(5.4.3). Ob-
tation and shape of the color-matching ellipsoids server GW made 29 matches with the given com-
(2° matching field) are also affected by the color parison stimulus whose coordinates were x9 =
of the surround. In some cases, a rotation and 0.3251, y = 0.3325, and /) = 0.2156. These 29
elongation of the major axis of the (x, y)-cross matches result in 29 points (x,, y;, /;, with i= 1
section of the ellipsoid toward the chromaticity of to 29) which cluster about (X9, yo, /9). A com-
the surround has been observed. plete picture of their distribution in the three-
The effect of the color of the surrounding field dimensional space is obtained by plotting them as
is considerably less pronounced for large-field projections in the three coordinate planes (x, y),
than for small-field matching, but an exception (x,/), and (/, y). The color-matching ellipsoid
has been noted for matches in the red where the calculated on the basis of the 29 matches, with
color-matching ellipsoids are modified for both (ds)? = const = 7.81, is also shown in its three
field sizes. projections, which, of course, are ellipses in the
coordinate planes centered at (X9, Yo), (Xo; /o),
and (/, yo), respectively. As expected, the three
5.4.3. Wyszecki-Fielder Ellipsoids projections of the ellipsoid envelop the three cor-
In more recent measurements of color-matching responding sets of observed points. Figure 1(5.4.3)
ellipsoids made for three observers by Wyszecki also shows the cross section (dashed line) of the
and Fielder (1971), Wyszecki’s 7-field binocular ellipsoid. In this example, this cross section nearly


0320 r 0.330


0.320 : 0.330 O.2I0 ’ 0.220

Fig. 1(5.4.3). Portion of (x, y,/)-space, in its three projections, showing the distribution of
points (solid dots) representing 29 color matches made by observer GW with fixed comparison
color (open circle). The ellipses (solid lines) are projections of the resulting color-matching
ellipsoid, with (ds)? = 7.81, into the three respective coordinate planes. The ellipse (dashed
line) in the (x, y)-plane is the cross section through the center of the ellipsoid when the
luminance is constant, that is, /= 0.2158.

coincides with the projection of the ellipsoid in Table (5.4.4) gives several examples of the
the (x, y)-plane. results of these tests. Each observer went through
Table 1(5.4.3) gives the complete specifications two or three different sessions to produce two or
of the ellipsoids and their cross sections for all three sets of color matches with each of the
three observers. The cross sections of the el- comparison colors numbered 9, 11, 13, and 15. In
lipsoids are illustrated in Figure 2(5.4.3). each session, each observer made up to 30
It should be noted that these specifications are matches; the exact number is recorded in the last
derived on the assumption that the constant (ds)? column of Table I(5.4.4). The observational data
in the ellipsoid equation has the value 7.81, ap- of each session were then analyzed separately,
propriate to an ellipsoid embracing on the aver- leading to a color-matching ellipsoid that can be
age 95% of any random set of matches. Constant directly compared with one obtained from data of
standard deviation ellipsoids on the other hand another session but for the same observer and
correspond to (ds)? = 1, and are therefore comparison color.
smaller. Table 1(5.4.4) also gives the mean results for
each comparison color matched by the same ob-
server in the different sessions. The mean results
5.4.4 Repeatability of Color-Matching
(Rows M in the table) were obtained by lumping
Ellipsoids for the Same Observer
together all the color matches recorded in the
The work of Wyszecki and Fielder (1971) de- different sessions into a single set, as if they were
scribed in Section 5.4.3 also included tests of the obtained in a single session. This leads, for each
repeatability of the color-matching ellipsoids for comparison color and observer, to a mean color-
each of the three observers (GF, AR, and GW) on matching ellipsoid, but one whose g;, coefficients
different occasions. are not necessarily the arithmetic mean of the g,,


Fig. 2(5.4.3). Cross sections of Wyszecki-Fielder (1971) ellipsoids plotted in CIE 1931
(x, y)-chromaticity diagram for observers GF, AR, and GW. The open circle (S) represents the
chromaticity of the white surround. The triangle (dashed lines) represents the chromaticity
gamut provided by the primary stimuli (R, G, B).

a ee
ZO re)
ome) vO ZO 210 vO 20


“Sl “(p'P'S)T sso suoNIes
(TL6T) sprosdypapayojd
Ul AID T€61
) ‘x4 ApIOQeUIOIYI-(
10} pajyvadal
SjasJO 10[0I Soyd}VUI
Aq Sidarasqo
‘yD YYV pue
Precision of Color Matching for Normal Trichromats 323

coefficients of the ellipsoids corresponding to the 5.4.5 Intercomparison of Color-Matching

individual sessions. The mean color-matching el- Ellipses for Different Observers
lipsoids given in Table I(5.4.4) are identical to
In their critical intercomparison of color-match-
those given in Table 1(5.4.3) for the comparison
colors 9, 11, 13, and 15.
ing ellipses, Wyszecki and Fielder (1971) included
the following seven observers:
Figure 1(5.4.4) illustrates the results of the
repeatability tests for the cross sections of the (a) Observer PGN from the work of MacAdam
ellipsoids. In several cases, considerable dis- (1942) described in Section 5.4.1. The relevant
crepancies are noted between the ellipses ob- data are given in Table 2(5.4.1) and illustrated in
tained by the same observer at different occasions Figure 2(5.4.1).
(separated by weeks or months) under otherwise (b) Observers WRJB and DLM from the work
identical observing conditions. The discrepancies of Brown and MacAdam (1949) described in Sec-
are remarkable because statistical estimates of the tion 5.4.2. The relevant data are given in Table
standard deviations of the major and minor I(5.4.2) and illustrated in Figure 1(5.4.2).
semi-axes a and b and the orientation @ of the (c) Mean of 12 observers, taken as one observer
ellipses suggest much smaller discrepancies. and denoted by 12B, from the work of Brown
The statistical estimates of the standard devia- (1957) described in Section 5.4.2. The relevant
tions o(a), o(b), and o(@) of the ellipse parame- data are given in Table II(5.4.2) and illustrated in
ters a, b, and 6, respectively, can be calculated for Figure 2(5.4.2).
a given set of n color matches by means of the (d) Observers GF, AR, and GW from the work
following formulae: of Wyszecki and Fielder (1971) described in Sec-
tion 5.4.3. The relevant data are given in Table
1(5.4.3) and illustrated in Figure 1(5.4.3).

RO) =D:
BG There is an overall resemblance between the
seven sets of ellipses illustrated in the figures
listed above. However, when one confines the
[1(5.4.4)] intercomparison to a particular location in the
chromaticity diagram, the ellipses of different ob-
servers are quite often not in close agreement.
Rather, larger discrepancies are noted in the
< orientation, size, and shape of the ellipses. No
oe Snr GaD doubt, some of these discrepancies arise from the
inconsistencies inherent in the ellipses of the indi-
vidual observer as discussed in Section 5.4.4 and
where @ is measured in radians. For n = 30, the illustrated in Figure 1(5.4.4). The remainder of
standard deviations of a and b are approximately the discrepancies, particularly those which appear
+0.13a and +0.13b, respectively. This means to be systematic, must be attributed to other
that for 30 color matches, one would expect an causes, such as differences in the underlying vis-
uncertainty of +13% in the major and minor ual mechanisms that characterize the different
semi-axes of the cross section ellipse. The uncer- observers, and differences in the observing condi-
tainty of orientation @ of the same ellipse is a tions used in the different studies.
function of the shape of the ellipse, characterized The ellipses of Observer 12B (weighted means
by the ratio a/b; the greater the ratio, the smaller of 12 observers) shown in Figure 2(5.4.2) stand
o(@). out as a somewhat odd set. Although generally
The obvious disagreement between the statisti- similar to those of the other sets of ellipses, their
cal estimates of the uncertainties of the ellipse orientations change less regularly with chromatic-
parameters and those indicated by the repeatabil- ity than those of a single observer. This suggests
ity tests casts doubts on the applicability of classi- that averaging the data of several observers in a
cal statistical techniques to visual experimental way it would normally be done and, in fact, was
data of the kind discussed here. However, no done by Brown (1957), does not necessarily yield
quantitative explanations have been offered as to a set of ellipses that could be treated as repre-
possible reasons for the occurrence of the dis- sentative of an actual observer intermediate to a
agreement. group of observers.


20 40 60 80
@(deg), Obs. GW



GF Obs.

a/b, Obs. GW a/b, Obs. GW

Fig. 1(5.4.5). Diagrams showing the correlation of the orientations (8, in degrees), sizes
(log ;94, with A = wab), and shapes (a/b) between corresponding color-matching ellipses of
observers (GF,GW), and of observers (AR, GW) (from Wyszecki-Fielder, 1971).

Although inspection of the different sets of larly, correlation diagrams can be plotted for the
ellipses drawn in the chromaticity diagram reveals sets of ellipses of observers WRJB and DLM.
some general trends of agreement and disagree- Figures 1(5.4.5) and 2(5.4.5) show the results ob-
ment between them, a more informative inter- tained when correlating the ellipses of GW with
comparison may be made by resorting to ap- those of GF and AR, and DLM with WRJB,
propriate correlation diagrams for the orienta- respectively.
tions, shapes, and sizes of the corresponding el- The agreement between the orientation (0) of
lipses of a given pair of sets. Two ellipses from the corresponding ellipses for each of the given
different sets are called corresponding ellipses if pairs of observers is generally quite good. The
they have a common center; that is, they refer to points distribute well along the 45°-line represent-
the same comparison color. ing perfect correlation. However, there is a
Correlation diagrams are readily plotted for suggestion that most of the ellipses of GF are less
the sets of ellipses of observers GF, AR, and GW, steeply sloped than the corresponding ellipses of
because the set of comparison colors involved is GW and AR. This is indicated by the fact that
identical for each of the three observers. Simi- the points in the 6-diagram for GF and GW are
Precision of Color Matching for Normal Trichromats 325

points along the 45°-lines in the (log), A)-dia-

However, the agreement between the shape,
characterized by the (a/b)-ratio, of the corre-
sponding ellipses is not as good. In fact, few if
any inferences can be made in this case. At least
in part, the poor correlation may be attributed to
the fact that the ratios of the semi-axes are inter-
compared, each one of which, that is a and b,
being subject to a considerable uncertainty.
Correlation diagrams of the kind shown in
Figures 1(5.4.5) and 2(5.4.5) cannot be drawn
readily for observers whose ellipses do not refer
to the same comparison colors. However, by using
a formula derived by Chickering (1967), a link
can be established between such observers.
@ e 7 Chickering optimized the parameters of his
a rs formula such that the ellipse he calculated by
> > °”” e
2 750 - Le e
means of his formula for comparison chromatici-
2 m Le ®
3 e ties (Xo, Yo) identical to the 25 chosen by
7 MacAdam (see Section 5.4.1), agree very closely
oe e /’e
° with the ellipses of observer PGN in orientation,
— 7
6, size, A, and shape, a/b. The good agreement is
illustrated in Figure 3(5.4.5). Because of the good
-6.0 -5.0 -4.0
109,94, Obs. DLM agreement, it is reasonable to assume that the
calculated ellipses, denoted by (PGN)c, are
@a 5 e Zz
iA representative of the observed (PGN)-ellipses.
4 of Furthermore, it is reasonable to assume that
=! 7 °
Oo ES eo. pice (PGN) -ellipses similarly calculated for other
Sb chromaticity centers are representative of ellipses
— e %
= e e ig °
that observer PGN would have obtained if asked
2 Sins to do color matches at these other centers. With
e* vas
7 these assumptions, it is then possible to calculate
I 2 3 4 5 6 (PGN),-ellipses at centers exactly coinciding with
a/b, Obs. DLM
those at which other observers actually had ob-
Fig. 2(5.4.5). Diagrams showing the correlation tained color-matching ellipses. Appropriate corre-
of the orientations (0, in degrees), sizes (log 19 A, lation diagrams for observer (PGN) = (PGN)c
with A = mab), and shapes (a/b) between corre- paired with any of the other observers are then as
sponding color-matching ellipses of observers readily drawn as before.
(DLM, WRJB) (from Wyszecki—Fielder, 1971). Figure 3(5.4.5) also shows the correlation dia-
grams of the observer pair [(PGN)., GW], while
Figure 4(5.4.5) shows similar diagrams of the
below the 45°-line, whereas for AR and GW, the observer pairs [(PGN)c, WRJB] and [(PGN)<,
points distribute fairly closely along the 45°-line, 12B]. All these diagrams reveal important sys-
as shown at the top of Figure 1(5.4.5). A similar, tematic discrepancies between the ellipses of PGN
though in opposite direction, displacement of [i.e., (PGN)-] and those of GW, WRJB, and 12B.
points is indicated in the 6-diagram for WRJB The most apparent discrepancy occurs in the
and DLM. In this case, almost all of the ellipses orientation @. In the @-correlation diagrams, the
of DLM are less steeply sloped than those of points distribute along a line of much lesser slope
WRIJB. than the 45°-line. In referring back to Figures
The agreement between the size (A = mab) of 2(5.4.1), 1(5.4.2), and 2(5.4.2), and 2(5.4.3), the
the corresponding ellipses for each of the given discrepancy can be traced to the ellipses in the
pairs of observers is generally also quite good. “purple” and “red’ region of the chromaticity
This is again indicated by the distribution of the diagram. In these chromaticity regions, the

100 7
ve 7
7 7
£100 zee 80 . fe
z a e ee Z Sf °
1) ez 2
a 80 i pes s ie 60 ay & l

$s: . PPsis =
3 a oe rn e ® Kis

© 60 ae © 40;-, ° 7
33 bb, Le, aa
Pc 3
3S /
be=) eo @ °
e IK ,
20 7 ) ee
20 40 60 80 100 (@) 20 40 60 80 100
6@(deg), Obs. PGN @(deg),Obs. GW
-4.0 aoe
— Ad >
2 ny oO
© a
O. os ~—- -40
ont e a
FS as =
S 5.0 of 3
<x e Ke e °
° a =
$ 7 2

-5.0 —4. O
10919 A, Obs. GW

a/b, Obs.(PGN),

2 3 4 2 3 4 5
a/b,Ob s.PGN a/b, Obs. GW
Fig. 3(5.4.5). Diagrams showing the correlation of the orientations (0, in degrees), sizes
(log 94, with A = mab), and shapes (a/b) between corresponding color-matching ellipses of
observers [PGN,(PGN)-], and between observers [GW,(PGN) ] (from Wyszecki-Fielder,

(PGN)-ellipses are systematically more steeply Detailed explanations for the noted dis-
sloped than those of observers GW, WRJB, and crepancies between corresponding ellipses of dif-
12B. Because observer GW correlates well with ferent observers cannot be offered. However, not
(GF and AR, and observer WRJB correlates well all the discrepancies should be attributed to dif-
with DLM, it is concluded that PGN shows simi- ferences in the visual mechanisms of the different
lar discrepancies with GF, AR, and DLM. _ observers. No doubt, differences in the observing
Systematic discrepancies between PGN and conditions and methodology used in the different
GW are also indicated for the sizes of correspond- studies also play an important part. Perhaps the
ing ellipses. The GW-ellipses range in size over a most important parameters of the observing con-
full log unit, approximately; those for PGN range ditions are the size of the matching field, lumi-
over only 0.4 log units. The discrepancies between nance of the comparison stimuli, and chromatic-
PGN and WRJB, and between PGN and 12B are ity and luminance of the surround. All three
not as pronounced. parameters changed from one study to the next,
Precision of Color Matching for Normal Trichromats 327

“do é
loo 7° 100 ie A
79 = rg
< 80 /. /~e& 280 e /4 as a
a eg . z @ ods e e
=: ) © Co Rial @
# 60 ee a 60-e0e 7
2 e @ 7 = es 7
o e ; 0&7 ja S re

o> 40r , se ° 40 A
= * “d 7 . - ° yi
520 fap bd S20 ° 7,
7 @ 7
7 7
fe) dh Ch ee ee oe eee eere ees
160 y, fe) 20 40 60 80 100 160 740 20 40 60 80 100 120
a 6(deg), Obs. WRUB 7/ 9(deg), Obs. 128
' > oO


510 -4.0
lOgig A, Obs.12B


2 3 4 5
a/b, Obs. WRJB a/b, Obs. 12B

Fig. 4(5.4.5). Diagrams showing the correlation of orientations (0, in degrees), sizes (log 1) A,
with A = wab), and shapes (a /b) between corresponding color-matching ellipses of observers
[WRJB,(PGN)], and between observers [12B, (PGN)] (from Wyszecki—Fielder, 1971).

at least to some extent. The effect of a difference another. All use color-matching techniques in-
in field size is perhaps the one most easily identi- volving three independent controls of the three
fied in some of the correlation diagrams. Other given primary stimuli to produce the desired color
studies (for example, Judd, 1930b; and Brown, mixture that matches the color of a given com-
1952b; see also Section 5.4.2) have shown that a parison stimulus. By contrast, the methodology
larger field size tends to improve the observer’s used in MacAdam’s (1942) study involved a
precision of making color matches, thus reducing single-knob control to vary the test color along a
the sizes of the color-matching ellipses. Such an given straight line in the chromaticity diagram,
effect is indicated when intercomparing the el- keeping the luminance automatically constant.
lipses of PGN and GW. Whereas PGN used a 2° MacAdam’s one-variable method is much less
field, GW used a 3° X 6° field. This field size demanding on the observer than the three-varia-
increase, no doubt, contributes to the apparent ble method used by the other investigators. How-
average decrease by a factor of 0.4 in ellipse size ever, whether the noted discrepancies, particularly
for GW relative to the ellipse sizes of PGN. evident in the orientations of some of the
The methodology used in the studies by Brown PGN-ellipses relative to those of all other ob-
and MacAdam (1949), Brown (1957), and servers, are caused by the different methods used,
Wyszecki and Fielder (1971) are similar to one cannot be established with certainty.


5.4.6 Propagation of Random Errors in Variances

Colorimetric Transformations
The transformation of the color-matching el-
lipsoids from the instrumental primaries to p=)
another set was explained in Section 5.4.2, in
which it was tacitly assumed that the coefficients (Uz, » 7a
of Eq. 9(5.4.2) were known precisely. The fact var (U, ) c* > n= 1
that these coefficients are not free from error is,
in general, unimportant in this application be- [2(5.4.6) ]
cause of the approximate character of the original
ellipsoids. Different considerations apply when Cowariances
tristimulus values obtained in one primary system
are transformed into another system, as there will S (5 ee)
cov (7,7;) =
be random errors associated with the original
tristimulus values, and other random errors asso-
ciated with the transformation coefficients, them-
selves obtained by color matching or by spectro-
photometry. All these errors will propagate into cov (U,U;) = s (
the new tristimulus values. By application of the eee
general theory of propagation of random errors,
the resulting uncertainty in the final tristimulus (kK#l) [3(5.4.6)]
values can be determined. For fuller explanation
of the general theory and proof of the formulae to The means, variances, and covariances of the
follow, see, for example, Scarborough (1962). measured vy; and derived U, quantities are related
In general, a set of known functions U, = according to the general theory of error propaga-
U,(y;) with k = 1,2,3,--- of the independent tion in the following way:
variables v,(i = 1,2,3,---) is presupposed, and Mean Values
the uncertainty in the U,’s has to be calculated
from the random errors of the v,’s. Although the U, = U,(7;) [4(5.4.6)]
variables v; are supposed independent, the errors
in determining them are not necessarily unrelated. Variances
For example, if v,,v,,v,; are the R,G, B tr-
stimulus values of a match, errors in R may be
correlated with errors in G or B. It is necessary, var(Uy) = (SE) var)
; I
therefore, to define a combined single measure-
ment of the whole set of variables v; in which a dU, \ | dU,
single value of each variable is obtained, and, in +25) |= (4 cov (7;, »;)
the case of any subgroup of the variables p,, oy
whose random errors may conceivably be corre- (Gi, 7=1,2,3 ---;i As) [5(5.4.6)]
lated, all these single values must be obtained in
the same multiple observation. From such a com- Covwariances
bined single measurement of the v,’s, a single set
of values of the U,’s is computed, using the
known functional relations between U,’s and p,’s.
From n combined single measurements, the mean
values, variances, and covariances of the v,’s and
U,’s are derivable from the standard statistical +2ij aUOD, |(aUdv;
expressions. The suffix p identifies values refer-

“(3 ](52)
ring to the respective combined single measure-
dU, dU;
ments. cov (7,7; )
Ov; Ov;
Mean Values

Vp. Zs a U,.
(Gi, j= 1,2,3,---
31 Fy)
sabe [1(5.4.6)]
(k, f= 1,2;3; 3k ~D: [664.60]
Precision of Color Matching for Normal Trichromats 329

The important colorimetric application is to obtained for the variances and covariances of the
the transformation from measured tristimulus val- b., and subsequently for the variances and covari-
ues R, G, B to derived values R’, G’, B’ in a new ances of the tristimulus values R’, G’, B’. Even so,
primary system the formulae are extremely elaborate, and the
principle of their derivation having been estab-
(Tee fat elon iy ee ie lished, their explicit statement will be omitted.
A much simpler case develops if one assumes
G’ = bu Rt boG + b,8.17(5,4.6)] that the variables (Rp, Gr, Br), (Rg, Gg, Be),
(Rg, Gp, Bz’), or the coefficients b,, are known
precisely, that is, if they are free from random
errors. Such an assumption may be made if the
Here the coefficients b,, are the elements of a
relations between the old and new primaries are
matrix that is the inverse of the matrix
based on very precise spectrophotometry or if
Rr Ro Rp
they are specifically assigned on some theoretical
or conventional basis. Then the only variables
AmitGi, GYeiG. mts(5.4.6)| with random errors are the visually determined
Bre Bratt, tristimulus values R, G, B. The formulae for the
variances and covariances of R’, G’, B’ then re-
whose respective columns are the (R, G, B)-tri- duce to the following:
stimulus values of unit quantities of the primaries
var (R’) = bj, var(R) + bi, var (G)
R’, G’, B’ with respect to the R, G, B primary sys-
+ b?; var (B) + b,,b,;,
cov (RG)
It will be supposed initially that these sets of
tristimulus values are, in fact, determined by di- +b,,b,,cov(
RB) + b,.b,3cov(GB)
rect matching. Thus, the coefficients b,, are all
known functions of the nine measured quantities
var (G’) = b3, var (R) + b5, var (G)
Rr, Gr, Br, Rg, Gg, Bg, and Rp, Gp, Bg; for
+ b3, var (B) + b,,b,, cov( RG)
Es (By Go — Gp Bg)
bi |A | ’ [9(5.4.6)] +b,,b5,cov( RB) + b,,b,, cov (GB)

var (B’) = bj, var (R) + bj, var (G)

where |A |is the determinant of A.
For the colorimetric application, the variables + b3; var (B) + b3,b3)
cov (RG)
in the general formulae are identified as follows:
+b3,b3;cov(RB) + b3,b33 cov (GB)
U, = R’, vy,—R, v,= Rp,
U,= G’, ¥,—G, Vs = Gp, cov (R’G’) = b,, by, var (R) + b7b)
var (G)
U; = B’, v,—B, Yo = Br,
+ b,3b>;
var (B)
vz= Rg, Vio
— Rp
Vg = Go, Vin— Gp + (1b. + b,2b,)
cov (RG)
Vo = Bg, Vin = Bp
+ (1b; + b13b,)
cov (RB)
The general formulae then give the required vari-
ances and covariances of R’,G’, B’ in terms of + (b12by3 + b 13622)
cov (GB)
the experimentally determined variances and co- cov (R’B’) = b,,b3,
var (R) + 6,253)
var (G)
variances of R,G, B, Rp, Gr, Br, Ro, Go,
Bo, Rp, Gg’, Bp. Since the random errors in each + b,3b33
var (B)
of the groups of measured variables (R, G, B),
(Re, Gr’, Br), (Ro, Go's Bg), (Rp, Gp, Bz’) GD; Disats DioPay) COVAGRG,)
are uncorrelated with those of any other group,
the only covariances not equal to zero are those (Bj pag te Dy503;),
between individual variables in any one group.
This simplifies somewhat the formulae that are es (b12b33 ot b 13532) cov (GB)

cov (B’G’) = b3,b5, var (R) + b32b>,

var (G) 5.5.2 Judd Modification
In reviewing the experimental data on which the
+ b3,b>;
var (B)
CIE 1924 luminous efficiency function V(A) is
based, Judd (1951) concluded that the CIE ap-
+ (b31b2 + b32b,) cov (RG) pears to have given weight to early measurements
+ (b3,b5; + b33b>,)
cov (RB) which led to average values at short wavelengths
that must now be considered excessively low.
Judd proposed a modification of the CIE V(A)-
+ (b32b3 + b33b22) cov (GB)
function for wavelengths below 460 nm.
[10(5.4.6)] This modification is shown graphically by the
continuous line in Figure 1(5.5.2) which gives the
logarithm of the ratio of Judd’s modified values
to the original CIE values. The same figure shows
5.5 COLOR-MATCHING FUNCTIONS OF the results of subsequent experimental studies of
NORMAL TRICHROMATS the values of V(A) in the blue end of the spec-
trum (Ishak and Teele, 1955; Stiles, 1955). These
The matching procedures usually used in the de- substantially confirm Judd’s modification, at least
termination of color-matching functions are those for observers in an age group centered on 30.
illustrated in Figure 1(5.2.5) labeled (a), (b), and If the Judd-modified V(A)-function had been
(c). In the sections below, we have selected a few used instead of the CIE 1924 V(A)-function, the
examples of different sets of color-matching func- CIE 1931 color-matching functions derived from
tions obtained by different investigators for a
variety of observing conditions.

5.5.1 Two-Degree Data of Guild and Wright

The color-matching data of Guild (1931) and
Wright (1928-1929), together with the CIE 1924
luminous efficiency function V(A), form the ex-
perimental basis of the color-matching functions
of the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer.
oO oO T
The essential features of the work of Guild and
Wright have already been described in Section
3.3.3(a) dealing with the development of the CIE
1931 standard observer and thus they do not need
repeating here. The actual experimental data re- ce]
ported by Guild and Wright are now of only
historical value and the reader interested in them 27500



20000 cm!
is referred to the original papers of Guild and
| i |
Wright. However, their combined spectral chro- 400 450 500nm
maticity data which ultimately emerged and WAVENUMBER/ WAVELENGTH
which, together with the CIE 1924 luminous ef- Fig. 1(5.5.2). Comparison of measurements of
ficiency function V(A), led to the definition of V(A) in the blue end of the spectrum with the CIE
the CIE 1931 standard observer in terms of the 1924 standard V(XA)-curve and Judd’s modified
color-matching functions 7(A), Z(A), b(A), are V(A)-curve (Stiles, 1955). Curve: Judd’s (1951)
still of some importance. The resulting color- V(A)-curve; open circles: Mean of direct-compari-
matching functions are given in Table I(3.3.3) and son measurements with 1/A = 22,500 cm ' for 28
illustrated in Figure 3(3.3.3). They refer to a observers, mean age 30.4 (Stiles, 1955); open tri-
system of monochromatic primary stimuli of angles: Mean flicker comparison measurements
wavelengths Ap = 700.0, A, = 546.1, and A, = with 1/A = 21,750 cm! for 104 observers, re-
435.8 nm, whose units are chosen so that the duced to age 30 (Ishak and Teele, 1955). The
chromaticity coordinates r;, g;, b; of the equal- constant value added to the ordinate was chosen so
energy stimulus (wavelength basis) are all equal; as to make log[V(A)/V(A) cp] + const. equal to
that is, 7g = gp = bb; = 1/73. zero at 21,750 cm.
Color-Matching Functions of Normal Trichromats 331

the Guild—Wright spectral chromaticities and the and z(A) to preserve the spectral chromaticities
V(A)-function would have been assigned the val- are less simple [see Section 3.3.3(a)]. Although,
ues shown in Table 1(5.5.2) which were computed for various reasons, mainly practical, the CIE has
by Judd (1951). The new y(A) is simply Judd’s decided to make no change in the standard
modified V(A)-function, but the changes in x(A) V(A)-function (or the CIE 1931 color-matching
functions), the Judd-modified data are of interest
in visual studies.
Table 1(5.5.2) Color-Matching Functions Vos (1978) has refined Judd’s modified color-
of CIE 1931 Standard Observer, Modified matching functions x’(A), y’(A), Z’(A) by:
by Judd (1951)
(a) making use of more precise computational
Color-Matching Functions procedures than those available to Judd in 1951;
Wavelength = ——————_______—_- (b) extending the data further into the far red
A (nm) x’(A) yA) 2'(X)
by making use of data consistent with the reversal
370 0.0008 0.0001 0.0046 phenomenon at long wavelengths, that is, Brind-
380 0.0045 0.0004 0.0224 ley’s isochromes described in Section 5.10;
390 0.0201 0.0015 0.0925
(c) reducing by 0.2 log units the values of Judd’s
400 0.0611 0.0045 0.2799 modified V(A)-function for wavelengths below
410 0.1267 0.0093 0.5835 410 nm, making them follow more closely the
420 0.2285 0.0175 1.0622 values obtained by Stiles (1955) shown in Figure
430 0.3081 0.0273 1.4526
440 0.3312 0.0379 1.6064 TS. e2y,
(d) smoothing slightly the CIE 1931 color-
450 0.2888 0.0468 1.4717 matching functions in the region from 380 to 400
460 0.2323 0.0600 1.2880
470 0.1745 0.0910 1.1133
nm and eliminating a minor concavity of the CIE
480 0.0920 0.1390 0.7552 1931 spectrum locus between 435 and 445 nm;
490 0.0318 0.2080 0.4461 and
(e) truncating the color-matching functions at
500 0.0048 0.3230 0.2644
510 0.0093 0.5030 0.1541 380 nm, because the CIE 1931 data below that
520 0.0636 0.7100 0.0763 wavelength are not based on experimental data
530 0.1668 0.8620 0.0412 but are only the result of numerical extrapola-
540 0.2926 0.9540 0.0200
550 0.4364 0.9950 0.0088
560 0.5970 0.9950 0.0039 Table 1(5.5.2), given in the Appendix, contains
570 0.7642 0.9520 0.0020
the color-matching functions x’(A), y’(A), Z’(A)
580 0.9159 0.8700 0.0016
590 1.0225 0.7570 0.0011 and corresponding chromaticity coordinates
x'(A), vy(A) derived by Vos (1978) for wave-
600 1.0544 0.6310 0.0007 lengths from 380 to 825 nm at 5-nm intervals.
610 0.9922 0.5030 0.0003
620 0.8432 0.3810 0.0002 The Judd (1951) modification of the CIE 1931
630 0.6327 0.2650 0.0001 standard colorimetric observer, or its refinement
640 0.4404 0.1750 0.0000 by Vos (1978), is generally considered an im-
650 0.2787 0.1070 0.0000
provement over the original 1931 data that are
660 0.1619 0.0610 0.0000 still the official data. However, from the apparent
670 0.0858 0.0320 0.0000 improvement that has been accomplished, it does
680 0.0459 0.0170 0.0000 not necessarily follow that an accurately de-
690 0.0222 0.0082 0.0000
termined photopic luminous efficiency function
700 0.0113 0.0041 0.0000 must be a linear combination of the color-match-
710 0.0057 0.0021 0.0000 ing functions. As already pointed out in Section
720 0.0028 0.0011 0.0000
730 0.0015 0.0005 0.0000
3.3.1, the color-matching properties of a typical
740 0.0005 0.0002 0.0000 normal trichromat are a direct consequence of
obedience to the trichromatic generalization (Sec-
750 0.0003 0.0001 0.0000
tion 3.2.1), and the brightness-matching property
760 0.0002 0.0001 0.0000
770 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 of the same observer does not necessarily follow
it. In order to merge meaningfully the two visual
Totals 10.7533 10.7526 10.7531
properties into a single system, the additivity law

for brightness must hold, according to which the better fit is obtained for the V(A)-function ob-
condition for a match in brightness, but not nec- tained by the flicker method, except in the wave-
essarily in color, of any two stimuli of spectral length range below 510 nm. Figure 2(5.5.2) il-
radiant power distribution {P,}, dA} and {P,, dA} lustrates the results of Sperling (1958) together
takes the form with results obtained by Stiles (1955) using the
color-matching functions of his 2° pilot group of
[PaVQ) dd = [Pa) dr 10 observers (see Section 5.5.3) and Judd’s mod-
ified CIE V(A)-function. If allowance is made for
[1(5.5.2)] the somewhat different primary systems used in
the studies of Stiles and Sperling as well as dif-
Direct measurements of the color-matching func- ferences in the normalization procedure, Stiles’
tions and of the luminous efficiency function (by data resemble those of Sperling involving the
the flicker and direct comparison methods) made flicker V(A)-function. Sperling’s data involving
by Sperling (1958) on six observers show that the the direct comparison V(A)-function, on the other
linear combination of the color-matching func- hand, take a quite different course.
tions does not adequately fit the V(A)-function A useful critical review of the basic photomet-
obtained by direct comparison; but a somewhat ric and colorimetric data governing the CIE 1931

Wavelength \ (nm)
400 450 500 5}0) 8) 600 (S19 112OL)
ls ames I a ate T aeaiesa

< LS
ipa [ Sperling (1958) i
SI (Flicker) \
pad ES _= Sperling (1958) i!
— ? . . 1
S / (Direct Comparison)
fies It L in
x :

+ 1.0
ips O99 iz
2408 =
< “Stiles (1955)
= 10,7 r (Judd modification)

EI | Bre le | | | all i | a ae |
25000 20000 15000

Wavenumber m (cm7!)
Fig. 2(5.5.2). Ratio of an experimentally determined V(A)-function and a linear combination
of independently determined color-matching functions; that is, V(A)/[Lpyr(A)+Le6g(A)+
L3b(A)] where the coefficients Lz, L¢, Lz are the luminous efficiencies of unit amounts of the
primary stimuli R,G,B used in the color-matching experiment. Solid dots: mean data of six
observers obtained by Sperling (1958). Each of the six observers measured the V(A)-function
by the flicker method. The primary stimuli in the color-matching experiment were: R at
Ap = 650 nm, G at A, = 520 nm, B at A,= 460 nm, with Lp =V(AR) = 0.125, Lg =V(Ag)
= 0.649, L, =V(Ag)= 90.590. Crosses: mean data of the same six observers as above.
However, this time, each of the six observers measured the V(X )-function by the direct -com-
parison method, giving coefficients L p = V(A pz) = 0.122, Lg = V(AG¢) = 0.654, Ly =V(Ag)=
0.074. Open circles: the V(X)- Forction is Judd’s modification of the CIE 1924 standard
V(X )-function. The color-matching functions are the mean of the 10 observers of Stiles’ (1955)
2° pilot group, based on the primary stimuli R at A,=15,500 cm | (~ 654 nm), G at
se = 19,000 cm! (~526 nm), B at dp = 22,500 cm”! (~ 444 nm). The coefficients
rR—V(AR) = 9.137, Lg = V(AG) = 0.813, Lz = V(Ag) = 9.043, follow from Judd’s modified
a (V(A)-function. The ratio-curve has been normalized to have unity value at A = 18,000
em! (~ 556 nm).
Color-Matching Functions of Normal Trichromats —_ 333

standard observer has been given by Estévez observer for large-field viewing. In following the
(1979). direction recommended by the CIE Colorimetry
Committee, Stiles proceeded with his work by
concentrating on large-field color matching ex-
5.5.3. Stiles Two-Degree Pilot Data
periments. These have been discussed in Section
In the 1950s, Stiles conducted a major re- 3.3.3(b); further notes are given in Section 5.5.4.
examination of the CIE standard photometric Although no further work was done by Stiles
and colorimetric data for the average normal tri- on 2° color-matching, his 2° pilot data provide a
chromatic observer. His investigation was encour- valuable set of color-matching functions that are
aged by the CIE Colorimetry Committee which obtained without appeal to any form of hetero-
had expressed concern about the correctness of chromatic brightness matching.
the CIE 1931 standard observer data (CIE 1948, Table 1(5.5.3) gives the 2° pilot color-match-
1951) with regard to ing data as obtained by Stiles and Burch (1955) as
functions of wavenumber m at intervals of 250
(a) the luminous efficiency function V(A) = cm '. However, small changes have been made to
y(A) in the ends of the spectrum, particularly the the original data by first applying to them correc-
blue end; tion factors given by Stiles and Burch (1959), and
(b) the small discrepancies between the color then renormalizing them so that the newly tabu-
differences of certain titanium pigments, as ob- lated color-matching functions refer to primary
served and as computed from the CIE 1931 data; stimuli located precisely at mp = 15,500, me =
and 19,000, mz = 22,500 cm! instead of their origi-
(c) their applicability to color matching in large nal locations at m’p = 15,418, mo = 18,997, m,
visual fields that are used in industrial color pro- = 22,456 cm”'. The unit quantities of the three
duction control. primary stimuli are of equal radiance measured in
terms of [W-m 2: sr_'].
d It was also noted, as already expressed by Table 1(5.5.3) in the Appendix gives inter-
Guild (1931), that the method of determining the polated 2° pilot color-matching data as functions
CIE 1931 color-matching functions by combining of wavelength 4 at intervals of 1 nm.
measurements of the chromaticity coordinates for
monochromatic stimuli and a standard white, with
measurements of the CIE 1924 V(A)-function, is
5.5.4 Stiles-Burch Ten-Degree Data
not an ideal procedure when one considers that
color-matching functions are directly measureable Stiles’ re-examination of the CIE standard photo-
without introducing any heterochromatic bright- metric and colorimetric data, already referred to
ness matching (flicker or direct comparison). in Section 5.5.3 culminated in the 1958 final
Stiles’ investigation began with a pilot study report of the N.P.L. color-matching investigation
involving a group of 10 observers that made color by Stiles and Burch (1959). These data, together
matches and heterochromatic brightness matching with those obtained by Speranskaya (1959),
in 2° and 10° visual bipartite fields on the spe- formed the basis for the CIE 1964 supplementary
cially designed colorimeter, known as the Stiles standard observer presented in Section 3.3.3(b).
(or NPL) trichromator (Stiles, 1955; see also Sec- Table 1(5.5.4) gives the numerical values of the
tion 5.15). The interim report by Stiles (1955; Stiles-Burch mean 10° color-matching functions
with an appendix by Stiles and Burch) on the for 49 observers at wavenumbers m from 14,000
results of the pilot study were considered by the to 25,500 cm™! and intervals of 250 cm'. The
CIE Colorimetry Committee at the CIE 1955 primary stimuli are located at mpg = 15,500, m¢
Session at Zurich. There it was decided that the = 19,000, and m, = 22,500 cm~'. The retinal
discrepancies between the CIE 1931 standard ob- illuminances (photopic trolands) provided by the
server data and the 2° pilot data obtained by monochromatic test stimuli and their spectral
Stiles, though significant from the experimental bandwidths are listed in Table 2(5.4.4) together
point of view, were not large enough to warrant a with other pertinent details concerning the
change in the standard data for practical col- Stiles—Burch investigation.
orimetry. On the other hand, the work on large- Table 1(5.5.4) in the Appendix gives inter-
field (10°) color matching was to continue with polated color-matching data as functions of wave-
the view of establishing a supplementary standard length A at intervals of 5 nm.

In an auxiliary experiment (Part III) con- 500 cm ', the color-matching functions given in
ducted by Stiles and Burch, the color-matching Table 3(5.5.4) were obtained.
functions at four wavenumbers in the deep red Data on the differences between color-match-
were determined for nine observers in terms of ing functions obtained by the different observers
three instrumental primary stimuli at 14,250, that participated in the experiment will be dis-
17,000, and 21,250 cm~'. After transforming the cussed in Section 5.5.6.
measured data to the primary stimuli at mp = Large-field color matches are subject to rod
15,500, mg = 19,000, and mz = 22,500 cm™' and intrusion (see also Section 5.6.2), the extent of
making appropriate interpolations at intervals of which depends on the spectral compositions of

Table 1(5.5.3) Mean Color-Matching Functions and Spectral Chromaticity Coordinates of Stiles
2° Pilot Group of 10 Observers (Stiles and Burch, 1955)”

m Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates
(cm) r(m) g(m) b(m) r(m) g(m)
13,000 0.22584(—3) —0.15247(— 5) 0.10263(—5) 1.0022 — 0.0068
13,250 0.5817 1( 3) — 0.42384(— 5) 0.16896(—5) 1.0044 — 0.0073
13,500 0.14968(— 2) —0.11768(—4) 0.26913(-5) 1.0061 — 0.0079
13,750 0.38554(—2) — 0.32707(— 4) 0.46069( — 5) 1.0073 — 0.0085
14,000 0.99201(—2) — 0.90802(— 4) 0.76490( — 5) 1.0085 — 0.0092
14,250 0.24514(— 1) =—0,22699(— 3) 0.14193(— 4) 1.0088 — 0.0093
14,500 0.61782(— 1) —0.58137(— 3) 0.31514(—4) 1.0090 — 0.0095
14,750 0.13860 —0.12144(—2) 0.65460(— 4) 1.0084 — 0.0088 -
15,000 0.29121 —0.21620(—2) 0.20189(— 3) 1.0068 — 0.0075
15,250 0.57162 — 0.26607(—2) 0.19995(—3) 1.0043 — 0.0047
15,500 0.10000(1) 0.00000 0.00000 1.0000 0.0000
15,750 0.15291(1) 0.12894(— 1) —0.31980(— 3) 0.9918 0.0084
16,000 0.21054(1) 0.46504(— 1) — 1.95522(3) 0.9788 0.0216
16,250 0.25837(1) 0.11027 —0.19698(— 2) 0.9598 0.0410
16,500 0.28388(1) 0.21447 — (2 108 — 2) 0.9306 0.0703
16,750 0.28447(1) 0.34935 Ay SPSS — 2) 0.8921 0.1096
17,000 0.26118(1) 0.50834 — 0.74860(— 2) 0.8391 0.1633
17250 0.22587(1) 0.65470 —0.10018¢— 1) 0.7780 0.2255
17,500 0.18272(1) 0.80895 =-0:12293¢-)) 0.6964 0.3083
17,750 0.13891(1) 0.89702 —0.14092(— 1) 0.6114 0.3948
18,000 0.10321(1) 0.99238 —0.14941(— 1) 0.5136 0.4938
18,250 0.70528 0.10450(1) —0.14461(— 1) 0.4063 0.6020
18,500 0.43766 0.10509(1) swt Ae PET eri y, 0.2965 0.7120
18,750 0.20801 0.10509(1) — 0.68923(— 2) 0.1661 0.8394
19,000 0.00000 0.10000(1) 0.00000 0.0000 1.0000
19,250 — 0.15687 0.90132 0.14714(—1) —0.2066 1.1873
19,500 — 0.23984 0.76091 0.37289(—1) —0.4295 1.3628
19,750 0.29321 0.62551 0.69418(—1) —0.7299 1.5571
20,000 — 0.29500 0.49060 0.10749 i BLES 1.6186
20,250 — 0.28935 0.38750 0.15779 1 00 1.5140
20,500 — 0.26819 0.30712 PARI) et 235 1.1719
20,750 — 0.24494 0.25529 0.32272 — 0.7354 0.7665
Color-Matching Functions of Normal Trichromats 335

Table 1(5.5.3) — Continued

21,000 —0.22016 0.20892 0.45409 —0.4972 0.4718

21,250 —0.17931 0.15607 0.60188 —0.3099 0.2697
21,500 —0.13851 0.11116 0.66513 =0 2172 0.1743
21,750 —0.94407(— 1) 0.69402(— 1) 0.78943 =0.1235 0.0908
22,000 —0.57710(—1) 0.41276(—1) 0.82933 —0.0710 0.0508
22,250 —0.25781(—1) 0.17136(—1) 0.93143 —0.0279 0.0186
22,500 0.00000 0.00000 0.10000(1) —0.0000 0.0000
22,750 0.16196(—1) —0.80375(—2) 0.95813 0.0168 — 0.0083
23,000 0.32896(— 1) —0.16395(—1) 0.89094 0.0363 —0.0181
23,250 0.44063(—1) —0.19878(—1) 0.79823 0.0536 — 0.0242
23,500 0.52281(—1) —0.21437(—1) 0.69981 0.0716 —0.0293
23,750 0.52901(—1) —0.17656(—1) 0.56137 0.0887 — 0.0296
24,000 0.45690(— 1) —0.13934(— 1) 0.40841 0.1038 —0.0317
24,250 0.36885(—1) —0.10023(—1) 0.28893 0.1168 —0.0317
24,500 0.26022(—1) —0.54649(—2) 0.18538 0.1264 — 0.0265
24,750 0.17025(—1) —0.41916(—2) 0.11742 0.1307 — 0.0322
25,000 0.96264(—2) —0.21689(—2) 0.62371(—1) 0.1379 —0.0311
25,250 0.54459(—2) —0.12055(—2) 0.36362(—1) 0.1341 —0.0297
25,500 0.27211(—2) —0.64566(—3) 0.18043(—1) 0.1353 —0,0321
25,750 0.13596(—2) —0.34574(—3) 0.89530(—2) 0.1364 — 0.0347
26,000 0.67930(—3) —0.18510(—3) 0.44424(—2) 0.1376 —0.0375
26,250 0.33940(— 3) —0.99080(—4) 0.22042(—2) 0.1388 —0.0405

“The above data have been corrected in accordance with instructions given by Stiles and Burch (1959)
and renormalized to primary stimuli located precisely at mp=15,500, m,- =19,000, and mz = 22,500
’The numbers in parentheses denote powers of 10. Thus, 0.22584(—3) reads 0.22584 10-7.

the two color stimuli to be matched in color and equation

their radiances in absolute radiometric terms. In
their investigation, Stiles and Burch (1959) con- QO(m)Q(m) + R(m)R = G(m)G + B(m)B
sidered the phenomenon in great detail and at-
tempted to account for it in their data. Color [1(5.5.4)]
matches were done in two separate runs, one
involving a “green” middle primary stimulus at where Q(m) is the test stimulus of wavenumber
mg = 19,000 cm! (referred to as the “green m, and R, G, B are the “red,” “green,” and “blue”
run’), the other involving a “yellow” middle monochromatic primary stimuli located at mp,
primary stimulus at my = 17,000 cm“! (referred mg, and mz. The quantities O(m), R(m), G(m),
to as the “yellow run”). The yellow run was and B(m) are the amounts of the test and primary
introduced to reduce rod intrusion in the mea- stimuli, measured in radiometric (energy) units
surements for m < 17,250 cm |. such as [W-m ~~ sr '], required to obtain a
The way rod intrusion comes about is prob- color match between the two-component mixture
ably as follows (Stiles, 1958; Stiles and Wyszecki, on the left-hand side of the equation (presented in
1973). Suppose that, using for the middle primary the upper half of the 10° bipartite visual field)
a “green” at 19,000 cm!, color matches are and the two-component mixture on the right-hand
made in a retina whose rod mechanism has in side of the equation (presented in the lower half
some way been prevented from responding. A of the visual field). The quantitative effect that
particular match is presented by the (vector) the two halves of the visual field would have on
pue ,_ Wd 0OS‘SZ 9} NOO'PT Woly SISquINUDAL AA JB SIDAIISAO GF (6S61) YOING-S2[NS JO Sajyeurps00+)
p 1 Wd OSZ JO sfeasojuy

ul suotoun,y BuTyo}eJA[-IO[OD Sd}PUIPIOOD AjyOTyeUTOIYD) Sd}VUIPIOOD “A\'C' AA
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= OSL'IZ 9SS10— 6S01°0 Oves0 p86l0— ISel 0 Eveo0d OGCOO = L6S00 £096 0
ss 97K0'0— 0Sc0'0 | 96000—s Ctr €¢C0'0 S8Z10:1 LYOUD= Icl00 0 9766
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00S*E7 09L00 Ore0O0— 00£9°0 EU see 205000 CLE6 SLEl00 0— S900 Ielol
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OST'P7 OtPr00 vSIOO0— EVETO er9l00— 9850 0 £768 +=8070°0
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dy} AreutId



ae (r's'S)E

Table 2(5.5.4) Photopic Trolands and Total Spectral Bandwidth of Monochromatic
Test Stimuli Used in 10° Color-Matching Experiment by Stiles and Burch (1959)
Wavenumber Log (Photopic Trolands) Total
m Approximate Values Bandwidth
(cm ') Part I Part II Part III (cm~')
Yellow Run
14,000 (Zr Source) 22 Bee, 188
500 3.0 2.9 182
14,500 (W Source) 2.4 263 182
15,000 3.0 2.9 176
500 pa) 2.9 169
16,000 2.4 ie 162
250 2.6 3.4 158
500 2.6 3.4 155
750 Ze] She) 152
17,000 2.7 ode 149
Green Run
17,000 (W Source) Pa ah 149
250 2.8 35 146
500 2.8 an 143
750 2.8 335 140
18,000 2.8 a 138
250 2.7 3.4 135
500 21 3.4 132
750 2.9 no 129
19,000 2.8 a2 126
250 2.8 3.1 123
500 ail 3.0 121
750 2.9 2.8 118
20,000 2.8 vie | 116
250 2.6 2.6 Le
500 V7) 2.4 110
750 2.4 2.3 108
21,000 2.4 2.2 132
250 oat 2.0 129
500 24 1.9 126
750 — 1.9 123
22,000 2.0 1.9 =sre BL)
500 1.9 1.8 114
23,000 1.9 2.0 88
500 1.6 1.8 83
24,000 1.6 - ed) 131
500 1.4 | Ba) 226
24,500 (Zr Source) 1.8 19 124
25,000 je, 1.6 210
500 1.3 1.4 529
Deep Red Experiment
15,000 (Xe Source) Je): 774
15,000 2.2 176
14,000 2g 830
14,000 22 188
13,081 22 (890)?
133 ies (950)?
Table 2(5.5.4) — Continued

Visual Field: Circular, horizontally divided bipartite field. Ten-degree angular subtense with a
narrow surround of the same spectral composition and luminance as the mixture
half-field. With the surround the extended total field diameter is 14°. Maxwellian
viewing technique is used through the center of the natural pupil.

Instructions to In making color matches, observers are instructed (a) not to stare fixedly at the
Observers: center of the field while approaching the color match but, on the other hand, to base
their final judgment on the field appearance with the gaze directed to the center; (b)
to disregard in the final judgment the central region of the field (1° to 2° diameter)
in those matches, where the Maxwell spot made it impossible to make the half-fields
similar over the whole area for any setting of the primary stimuli.

Yellow Run: Instrumental primary stimuli in

Part I: MR; = 15,420 my, =17,000 min 22450cm ©

Part IT: M pr; = 15,420 my, = 17,000 mis 27150

Twenty-four observers participated in Part I experiment, 29 observers in Part II.

Four observers were common to both parts.

Green Run: Instrumental primary stimuli in

Part I: Mp, — 15,420 Mo, = 19,000 M9 = 22,450 ema

Part IT: MR; — 15,420 Mo, = 19,000 Hine 22 oU.cme

Twenty-four observers participated in Part I experiment, 29 observers in Part II.

Four observers were common to both parts. (Groups of observers are the same as in
the yellow run.)
Deep Red
Experiment: Instrumental primary stimuli in

Part LIT: Wiese — 14,250 my, = 17,000 ee Oe

Nine observers, selected from Parts I and II, participated.

Observer Age and 16 to 23 24 to 32 33 to 42 43 to 55

Sex distribution: Years Years Years Years

(Total of Parts I to III) 6 10 17 5 8 l 13 2

The color-matching data obtained in Parts I to III with different sets of primary
stimuli were transformed by conventional methods to color-matching functions
referring to a common set of primary stimuli located at mp =15,500, mg = 19,000,
m g = 22,500 cm™', whose unit quantities were of equal radiances [W-m *-sr_ '].

“Band contains prominent Xe-lines.


Table 3(5.5.4) Mean 10° Color-Matching Functions, Spectral Chromaticity Coordinates, and W.D.W.
Coordinates for Nine Observers Determined by Stiles and Burch (1959) in the Deep Red of the Spectrum.
These Data Extend the Data Given in Table 1(5.5.4) from 14,000 to 12,000 cm‘. No Correction for Rod
Intrusion Has Been Applied to the Data [see Table 4(5.5.4)].

m Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates W.D.W. Coordinates

(cm~') r(m) g(m) b(m) r(m) g(m) b(my "(my 4a(t)
12,000 2857506) SOISS2(S9 2 OO ae? L019 —0.0014 —0.0005 1.0110 —0.0062 —0.0048
1250052 2665) 29= 8, 9638) 25G=10)a3h0032 —0.0032 +0.0000 1.0142 —0.0143 0.0001
13,000 2.0(—4) — 1.00(—6) 5.9(—8) 1.0047 —0.0050 0.0003 1.0197 —0.0224 0.0027
13500) © “4 B39) =9.2(6-6) 6 Tee LOG! —0.0065 0.0004 1.0258 —0.0294 0.0036
14,000 9.74(-3) —7.4(—5) 3.6(—6) 1.0073 —0.0077 — 0.0004_-1.0311 —0.0345 0.0034

“The negative digits in parentheses following the values of the color-matching functions denote powers of 10. Thus,
the entry 3.75(—6) reads 3.75 X 10~©, etc.

the rod mechanism can be estimated by multiply- An approximate calculation of the ratio S for
ing the quantity in energy units of each stimulus color matches made with test stimuli varying in
by the scotopic (rod) luminous efficiency function wavenumber through the visible spectrum was
V’(m) and the constant factor k’ required to made by Stiles (1958) for his 10° pilot group data
express the effect on the rod mechanism in using the stimulus levels employed in that experi-
scotopic trolands T’. It follows: ment and the threshold data for rod vision ob-
tained by Aguilar and Stiles (1954) (see Section
(a) Total scotopic effect in the upper half of the 7.5). The results of these calculations, shown in
visual field: Figure 1(5.5.4), indicate that over most of the
spectrum, the ratio S is below unity. This is
T, = k'Q(m)V'(m) + k'R(m)V'(mg) largely because the scotopic level is high enough
to lift the rod mechanism to the first stages of
[2(5.5.4)] saturation. However, in the orange and red region
of the spectrum, on either side of thé “red”
(b) Total scotopic effect in the lower half of the primary stimulus (mz = 15,500 cm7'), the ratio
visual field: S reaches a rather high value of nearly 12.
The scotopic imbalance specified by the ratio
Ti = k’G(m)V'(mg) + k’B(m)V'"(mz) S is not the only factor determining the dis-
turbance of the color match. Other factors may be
[3(5.5.4)] considered as defining the extent to which the eye
will allow an imbalance of the cone mechanisms
If the scotopic effects T/ and T/ in the two in the compromise match it is forced to make in a
halves come out equal, then we may assume that three-control color-matching system. Neverthe-
even if the rod mechanism were still to respond, less, the results of the calculation of S given in
the color match would be unaffected. Otherwise, Figure 1(5.5.4) indicate the spectral regions where
the possible disturbance of the match may be rod intrusion is potentially important.
expected to depend to a first approximation on a The ratio S is high in the orange and red
quantity S defined as the difference AT’ = T/ — spectral regions because the only stimulus in either
T; of scotopic effect, divided by the smallest half of the visual field of high scotopic value is
perceptible or threshold difference 7, for the the “green” primary stimulus and, at the same
scotopic mechanism, adapted to a level some- time, the mean scotopic level T’ is not high. The
where between T/ and T/, a level for which the main impact of the “green” primary stimulus is
geometric mean T = (T/T/)'/* is probably a good on the “green” cone mechanism, which has maxi-
estimate. Thus, mal sensitivity at about 18,500 cm '!. To produce
the same effect on this cone mechanism with a
a AT’ “yellow” stimulus at 17,000 cm~! and a “green”
S [4(5.5.4)]
Ts stimulus at 19,000 cm!, the radiance of the
Color-Matching Functions of Normal Trichromats 341

low” primary stimulus at 17,000 cm~! has a

smaller effect on the rod mechanism, correspond-
ing to a radiance ratio of 1:6.5. A calculation of
primary eth the S ratio for color matches made with a middle
primary stimulus at 17,000 cm~! leads to the
curve through the solid dots in Figure 1(5.5.4), the
(photopic) troland values of the test stimuli as-
primary stimulus ‘ sumed being approximately the same as for the
curve through the open circles. Potential intrusion
by the rod mechanism is materially reduced.
The modification produced by the use of the
25.0 220 20.0 17.5 15.0X103 “yellow” middle primary stimulus appears prin-
Wavenumber m (cm') cipally in the b(m) color-matching function for
Fig. 1(5.5.4). Results of calculations of ratios wavenumbers m < 17,250 cm'. Other devices,
S = AT’/z, for 10° color matches with test stimuli the addition of equal amounts of “green” primary
of different wavenumbers and (photopic) troland stimulus to both halves of the visual field, and an
values used in Stiles 10° pilot-group investigation. increase in the luminance of the visual field also
Curve through open circles refers to color matches reduce rod intrusion in a way conforming with
where the middle primary stimulus is a “green” at the general picture given above of the rod intru-
19,000 cm '. Curve through solid dots refers to sion phenomenon.
color matches where the middle primary stimulus Any one of the devices or combinations of
is a “yellow” at 17,000 cm '. For detailes see text them may still leave a small residual effect of rod
(after Stiles, 1958). intrusion in the 10° color-matching functions for
m < 17,250 cm '. However, corrections can be
former stimulus must be about twice that of the calculated that lead to rod-free color-matching
latter. On the other hand, for the same effect on functions. The corrections are made on the as-
the rod mechanism, the radiance of the stimulus sumptions that:
at 17,000 cm! must be about 13 times that for
the stimulus at 19,000 cm~!. Thus, for the same (a) for these rod-free color-matching functions,
effect on the “green” cone mechanism, the “yel- the spectrum locus in the chromaticity diagram

Table 4(5.5.4) Mean Rod-Free 10° Color-Matching Functions, Spectral Chromaticity Coordinates, and
W.D.W. Coordinates Determined by Stiles—Burch (1959). The Data Are Derived from Those Given in
Tables 1(5.5.4) and 3(5.5.4) by Applying Corrections for Rod Intrusion as Outlined in the Text.*

m Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates W.D.W. Coordinates

(cm~') r(m) g(m) b(m) rim) g(m) b(m) r*(m) g*(m) b*(m)
12,000 3.75(-6) —1.64(—9) 1.8(—11) 1.0004 —0.0004 0.0000 1.0019 —0.0019 0.0000
00) S257 665-5)! He 88C= 8)0095(— 10) 1.0032" —0,0032. 0.0000. 1.0138 —0'0141 0.0003
13,000 2.00(—4) —1.08(—6) 1.17(—8) 1.0054 —0.0054 0.0001 1.0239 —0.0244 0.0005
Perea 4150-3) Ge 1.0165) 910907), al0071. > 0.0072. 0.0001 ..1.03.15, 0.0322, 0.0007
14,000 9.74(-3) —7.9(-—5) 8.6(—7) 1.0081 -—0.0082 0.0001 1.0361 -—0.0370 0.0008
14,500 6.01(—2) —4.90(-—4) 5.3(—6) 1.0081 —0.0082 0.0001 1.0362 —0.0370 0.0008
15,000 2.96(-1) —1.89(—3) 2.0(—5) 1.0064 —0.0064 0.0001 1.0280 —0.0287 0.0006
15,500 1.000 0 0 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
16,000 2.17 3.79( —2)—4.1(—4) + 0.9830 =0.0172—0.0002 0.9303 0.0713 — 0.0016
16,250. 2:70 9.2(—2) —9.9(-4) 0.9674 0.0330—0.0004 0.8722 0.1306 — 0.0029
16,500 3.08 1.80(— 1)—1.95(—3) 0.9454 — 0.0552—0.0006 0.7991 0.2054 — 0.0045
16,750 3.16 BOs!) 333 (423) 000.9126 0.0884—0.0010 0.7071 0.2994 — 0.0066
17,000 3.02 4.53(—1)—4.9(—3) 0.8708 0.1306—0.0014 0.6088 0.4000 — 0.0088

“The negative digits in parentheses following the values of the color-matching functions denote powers of
10. Thus, the entry 3.75(—6) reads 3.75X 10°, etc.
Table 1(5.5.5) Mean 10° Color-Matching Functions Obtained by Katori and Fuwa (1979) for 10 Observers.
The Coefficients of Deviation are the Ratios of the Standard Deviations over the Mean Values, Expressed in
Percent. The Mean Photopic Trolands are Derived from the Luminance of the Visual Field at the Mean Color
Wavelength Color-Matching Functions? Coefficients of Deviation (%) Photopic Trolands, Bandwidth
\ (nm) r(A) g(A) b(A) Ar(A) Ag(A) Ab(A) T(A) (nm)

395 WS8(E-2) a Poor) 86 61 64 3 6.0

400 3.929(—2). —5,8136—A) 5.093(—2) 70 61 59 13 6.8
410 ROS TGs ty) 291662) 2.054(— 1) 38 36 30 96 7.8
420 HAIN HT) BF 2) 4.541(—1) 25 a2 15 157 8.7
430 D306C= 1)” 8:3 9TE—2) 7.761(— 1) 19 16 12 161 9:7
440 570356 1) VS ey SS 18 18 11 181 5.4
450 3:624(—T)y' '~6.174(~—2) 1.099 2h 17 33 187 6.0
460 0.000 0.000 1.000 — — os 178 6.5
470 —5.990(— 1) biS6¢s 2) 7.398(— 1) 16 2 5.0 pets 7.2
480 — 1.245 251561) 4.356(— 1) 16 8.8 4.9 221 22
490 = 1.695 396361) 2.349(— 1) 14 8.9 8.3 248 32
500 — 1.818 5.654(— 1) 1.245(— 1) 9.1 6.6 9.2 257 3.4
510 — 1.801 7.399(— 1) 5.631(—2) re 4.8 8.9 265 5:7
520 —-0226 8.942(— 1) 2:362¢=.2) 17 2.9 14 255 4.0
530 0.000 1.000 0.000 — —_ 229 4.3
540 1.298 1.047 I ed K=3) 8.5 1.1 13 201 4.6
550 3.000 1.018 py halON( 2) 9.5 1.3 iy, 214 4.9
560 5.135 9.450(= 1). .— 1.470(—2) Bl 2.0 14 218 5.2
570 7.274 SOON Ir eer tet2 6.4 2.8 13 213 me
580 9.267 GASI(-1)y lat 2) ia 4.7 13 Paw 39
590 1.081(1) 4.624(—1) —1.616(—2) 3.6 6.1 14 203 6.3
600 1.146(1) 2.940(—1) —1.483(—2) 33 8.2 14 193 6.6
610 1.088(1) 1694-13" = Te 2) aol 7.6 16 182 7.0
620 9.444 DOL 2) 8 2Ie oo) 23 8.7 20 200 oe
630 7.456 3.906(—2) —4.350¢—3) 4.4 9.6 20 199 7.8
640 5.166 1.543(—2) —2.173(—3) 2.6 1.2 30 199 8.2
650 3.318 593 180473) a989.47F( 34) 4.5 9.6 20 7 1 8.6
660 1.897 1.206(—3) —3.942(—4) 32 19 26 213 9.1
670 1.000 0.000 0.000 oo -- _ 204 pe
680 P2351) = LS Ze) 5.386(—5) Sul 38 67 255 10.0
690 23553(— bai F=9.450645) 3.410(—5) 8.3 29 66 206 10.5
700 1.146(— 1): ,.-5-9T1(55) 1.249(—5) 2.6 25 80 195 29.0
720 2911 (2)e, 243065) 3.262(—6) 6.4 139 55 yy ayAL
740 3.34 1(=33).. = 2173(—6) 1.181(—6) 6.3 33 46 75 35.0

“Visual Field: Circular horizontally divided bipartite field. Ten-degree angular subtense with a narrow
surround of the same spectral composition and luminance as the mixture half-field. With the surround, the
extended total field diameter is 14°. Maxwellian viewing technique is used through an artificial pupil of
3-mm diameter.
Primary Stimuli: Xp = 670 nm, Ag = 530 nm, Az = 460 nm with bandwidths AA p = 26 nm, AA; = 6 nm,
AA , = 12 nm.
>The numbers in parentheses denote powers of 10. Thus, 1.588(—2) reads 1.588 X 1077.

Color-Matching Functions of Normal Trichromats 343

[g*(m) versus r*(m) W.D.W. coordinates] coin- In a supplementary report by Katori, Fuwa,
cides for m< 17,250 cm~' exactly with the and Ooba (1980), the same 10 observers made
straight line joining the chromaticity points at color matches by the method of constant stimuli.
m = 17,250 and 15,500 cm!; and The mean color-matching functions of the 10
(b) the deviations from these color-matching observers closely agree with the mean data ob-
functions produced by the rod mechanism corre- tained by the same observers by the method of
spond to the addition to the stimulus with the adjustment.
greater scotopic value of a small amount of
equal-energy white (wavelength basis). It is not 5.5.6 Variations of Color-Matching Functions
necessary to assume in advance how much equal- of Different Normal Trichromats
energy white must be added to represent rod
intrusion under any given observational condi- The extent to which the color-matching properties
tions. of normal trichromats differ from one observer to
another is not readily specified. The data on
From the above assumptions, rod-free color- which the CIE standard observers were based
matching functions can be derived for m < 17,250 provide some information. Guild (1931) and
cm ' from the mean observed functions given in Wright (1928-1929) both give diagrams showing
Tables 1(5.5.4) and 3(5.5.4). They are listed in the individual variations in the spectral chro-
Table 4(5.5.4). maticity curves of their groups of observers. Fig-
ure 1(5.5.6) shows the range of those variations
deduced from the graphs of Guild and Wright.
5.5.5 ETL Ten-Degree Data
Katori and Fuwa (1979) of the Electrotechnical
Laboratory (E.T.L.) of Japan determined 10°
color-matching functions for 10 Japanese normal
trichromats (eight males, two females) 24 to 44
years old (35.7 years average age), on an instru-
ment constructed along the design features of the
N.P.L. trichromator. The observers used the
method of adjustment to arrive at a color match.
The study aimed at the derivation of a 10°
luminous efficiency function from the measured
color-matching functions and from heterochro-
matic brightness matches made between the three !
400 450 500 550 600 650 700
primary stimuli by the flicker technique.
Wavelength A (nm)
Further reference to the derived luminous ef-
ficiency function will be made in Section 5.7.2.
The mean color-matching functions determined
for the 10 observers are listed in Table 1(5.5.5)
together with other pertinent information con-
cerning the color-matching experiment.
The luminance of the bipartite visual field at
color match was kept approximately at 200 td Coordinates

throughout the spectrum except at the ends where

lower troland values had to be used. The lumi- 450
Wavelength A (nm)
nance levels used by Stiles and Burch (1959),
given in Table 2(5.5.4), were generally higher in Fig. 1(5.5.6). Two-degree spectral chromaticity
the long-wavelength part of the spectrum. Katori coordinates determined by Guild (1931) and
and Fuwa estimated that these level differences W.D.W. coordinates determined by Wright (1928-
were the main reason for their color-matching 1929) with ranges of variation for the different
functions, particularly 7(A) and b(A), to deviate groups of observers involved. Guild’s data (upper
somewhat from those of Stiles and Burch at longer graph) are based on measurements made by seven
wavelengths. Rod intrusion was considered to observers, those of Wright (lower graph) are based
have been a factor. on measurements made by 10 observers.




Fig. 2(5.5.6). Chromaticity points of matches on a standard white of 36 observers plotted in a

W.D.W. diagram (normalizing wavelengths 582.4 and 494.0 nm), with the spectrum locus (mean
of 10 observers). The white stimulus has a correlated color temperature of approximately 4800
K (from Wright 1928-1929).

Figure 2(5.5.6) shows the variations in the match Variations in the match on a standard white
on a standard white of 36 observers included in are given in Figure 8(5.5.6).
Wright’s basic study. The variability of the other The singularities in the curves in Figures
essential constituent of the CIE 1931 standard 6(5.5.6) and 7(5.5.6) that appear at the wavenum-
observer, the V(A) curve, is illustrated in Figure bers of the primary stimuli result from the nor-
2(5.14.1). | malization. For example, the blue color-matching
Individual variations in the basic data of the function b(m) has the value unity at the blue
CIE 1964 supplementary standard observer for primary (m, = 22,500 cm') and the value zero
colorimetry are illustrated (for the data of Stiles at the green and red primaries (m, = 19,000 and
and Burch, 1959) by Figures 3(5.5.6) to 5(5.5.6). mp = 15,500 cm~'), and because this is exactly
Figures 6(5.5.6) and 7(5.5.6) illustrate (a) the true for each observer, the standard deviations
standard deviation of each of the color-matching must be zero.
functions expressed as a percentage of the mean The information on individual variability con-
values of the function, and (b) the standard devia- tained in these figures is incomplete for no account
tions of the W.D.W. coordinates, computed in is taken of the fact that for a given observer, the
each case from the results of the whole group of deviations from the mean of the values at differ-
observers. Table 1(5.5.6) illustrates in addition the ent wavenumbers may be correlated.
correlation coefficients between the color-match- The deviations of different observers in mak-
ing functions at each wavenumber. ing any particular metameric match—not only
Color-Matching Functions of Normal Trichromats 345


10° Color Matches

3.5 49 Observers
Stiles - Burch (1959)



Na (6)




25 24 23 ee 2\ 20 19 T:) 17 16 15 14-10°
Wavenumber m (cm’!)
Fig. 3(5.5.6). 10° color-matching functions of 49 observers participating in the Stiles—Burch
(1959) experiment. All functions refer to primary stimuli at mp = 15,500, m, = 19,000, and
m pz= 22,500 cm'.

those involving four monochromatic components Suppose two stimuli of spectral distributions
—would be the most useful information. For the {P, dX} and {Px dX} are approximately meta-
special case of a white match with three mono- meric (metameric for one observer, say), and the
chromatic primaries, the diagrams of Figures color-matching functions of a representative group
2(5.5.6) and 8(5.5.6) already provide this, except of N observers equal 7,(A), 2;(A), 5,(A), (i = 1 to
that the W.D.W. method of normalization in this N), producing tristimulus values R,;, G;, B; and
application complicates the interpretation. It is R’,, G;, B; respectively, for the two stimuli. The
probably simplest to consider the color-matching differences of tristimulus values AR; = R; — R 1?
functions of all observers expressed in a system AG;, AB; or of chromaticities
based on three monochromatic primaries, the re-
spective functions being normalized to have the RAGMARY Gch Gi;
ér, =
value unity at the corresponding primary wave- 8g; a ip ps






PS x

48 ~~ S
Spectrum Loci of 49 Observers
- Burch (1949)

-6.0 =7.0 -4.0 -3.0

Fig. 4(5.5.6). (r, g)-chromaticity diagram of Stiles—Burch (1959) 10° color-matching investi-
gation showing the spectrum loci of 49 observers.

where tigation of Stiles and Burch (1959). The selection

from the data of the whole group was made by
> =R,+G,+B, and >’ = Ri + G+ B taking the observers with the greatest reliability
1 i
and experience in trichromatic matching, without
then provide, when suitably plotted, a quick ap- reference to their actual results. The data of the
praisal of the kind of variations to be expected in last two observers, GW (58) and DBJ (59) in
this particular metameric match from individual Table 1(5.5.6), were added after completion of the
differences in color-matching properties. With a main color-matching investigation of Stiles and
computer, this procedure is readily applicable to Burch.
any match, given a representative set of individ- The individual variations obtained in the
ual color-matching functions. R, G, B-system are readily transformed to a CIE-
For large-field color matching, Table I(5.5.6) type system corresponding closely to that in which
in the Appendix gives such a set of color-match- the 1964 standard observer system is expressed.
ing functions obtained for 20 observers of which An appropriate transformation to be applied to
the first 18 were used in the color-matching inves- R;, G;, B;, (R;, Gj, B; or AR;, AG;, AB;) is the
Factors Modifying Color Matching 347


49 Observers
1.25 Stiles - Burch (1959)


"4 je)



25 24 23 22 2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14-10°
Wavenumber m (cm’')
Fig. 5(5.5.6). W.D.W. coordinates of 49 observers of the Stiles—Burch (1959) 10° color-
matching investigation.


The color-matching properties of individual ob-

_ X, = 0.3411R, + 0.1891G, + 0.3875B, servers—all normal trichromats or members of
the same class of color defectives—differ from
Y, = 0.1391R, + 0.8375G, + 0.0733B, those of the ideal representative observer by more
than can be ascribed to random variations in
actual matching measurement. The causes of some
Z, = 0.0000R, + 0.0396G, + 2.0262.B, systematic deviations are recognized and dis-
cussed below.
5.6.1 Filter Pigments in the Eye
A similar test set of color-matching functions The yellow pigments of the ocular media, pre-
for small-field matching is not available. dominantly of the eye lens and of the macular




25000 22500 20000 17500 15000

Wavenumber (cm7!)
Fig. 6(5.5.6). Logarithms of the standard deviations of 10° color-matching functions (primaries
at 15,500, 19,000, and 22,500 cm” ') from measurements on a group of 49 observers (Stiles and
Burch, 1959). Open triangles: variations of b(m) for 49 observers; oblique crosses: variations of
g(m) for 49 observers; open circles: variations of r(m) for 49 observers; open diamond:
variations of b(m) for 2 experienced observers. One observer measured the color-matching
functions at selected wavenumbers four times, the other five times. Mean variations for the two
observers are plotted. Right- angled crosses: same as open diamonds but of g(m) for the same
two experienced observers; open squares: same as open diamonds but of r(m) for the same two
experienced observers.

area of the retina (see Section 2.4.6), are believed losses, to color-matching functions 7(A), go(A),
to be photochemically inert and to act simply as bo(A) based on a set of monochromatic primary
filters interposed between the external stimulus stimuli. The actual color-matching functions of
and the visual receptors. Light that fails to reach each observer, based on the same primaries, have
the receptors in the direct image of a test stimulus the form t(A)7(A), f(A) 8o(A), H(A) bo(A), where
because of scattering in the path through the eye [1 — t(A)] is the fraction of light of wavelength A
may, for the present purpose, be lumped in with lost in passage through the particular observer’s
losses by absorption in filter pigments. eye. In making use of a special normalizing proce-
Suppose that, for a group of observers, the dure developed by Wright (1928-1929), already
properties of the visual system from the visual referred to in Section 3.3.3(a), W.D.W. color-
receptors and beyond are identical and would matching functions r*(A), g*(A), b*(A) are ob-
correspond, in the absence of all prereceptor light tained for each observer of the group. The W.D.W.
Factors Modifying Color Matching 349




Log oq



Log o,


25000 22500 . 20000 17500 15000 cm7!

Wavenumber (cm-!)
Fig. 7(5.5.6). Logarithms of the standard deviations of the W.D.W. coordinates (normalizing
wavenumbers 17,250 and 20,500 cm') corresponding to the variations in color-matching
functions shown in Figure 6(5.5.6). The open circles represent, for each coordinate, the
standard deviation corresponding to variations among observers; the crosses represent the
standard deviations of a single observer in repeat measurements, averaged for two observers
(Stiles and Burch, 1959).

color-matching functions are defined simply by W.D.W. system:

r*(X) W, The
: (A) ‘
PoCA ie" (A) GsGA.)
B*(A) = H(A) B(A) © [165.6.1)]
: = eee?
B*(A) (A) bo(A) 7 rol) -
ue | 2D 4 gory + BOD
where the constants

ya 22]
wt ma[B@2]
dap EO
P(A) + g*(A) + b*(A)
are determined at the normalizing wavelengths A y
and A pc. Le Sor Eee or
The chromaticity coordinates r*(A), g*(A), La + g(r) + ea
b*(A) of monochromatic stimuli become, in the W, W,
Table 1(5.5.6) Standard Deviations o,, o,, 0, of Color-Matching Functions Expressed as
Percentages of Mean Values.“ Correlation Coefficients C,,C,,,C,, Expressed as

m 1006, 1000, 1006,

(cm~!) =a 100C,, ae 100C;,. ate 100C,,

14,000 4.5 = 0 15 “ii 51 ole

14,500 3.9 ys 14 + 43 51 =
15,000 3.1 —4] 16 +29 88 1G
15,500 (0) — — — — —
16,000 3.6 22 10 31 54 +31
16,250 at — 43 8.8 “24 35 +22
16,500 6.7 729 8.2 13 31 +34
16,750 7.9 28 ae +) 24 a5
17,000 9.1 ae 6.5 =32 22 +39
17,250 9.4 e335 5.6 ==35 22 sea
17,500 10 =26 3.9 ==34 20 + 30
17,750 12 —4] 4.1 — 46 24 +4
18,000 11 7 20 2 —49 19 +26
18,250 12 =6 sel = i| 22 +10
18,500 12 15 3.0 92 21 +10
18,750 14 Pale re == 39 25 + 36
19,000 o (0) —- — —
19,250 Li —14 2.8 == Si) 18 + 44
19,500 14 — 40 3.9 — 43 IZ +40
19,750 13 —44 apee) — 44 14 + 38
20,000 14 —54 7.9 — 44 11 +49
20,250 14 — 60 10 —33 1] 253
20,500 5 — 64 9.0 ~~16 12 +49
20,750 Is si 2 10 +226 9.4 +47
21,000 15 aot] 11 — 34 95 + 48
21,250 16 — 80 11 238 11 + 36
21,500 20 = on 14 — 48 9.9 AS 2
22,000 20 = $83 24 == 38 Tal + 52
22,500 — _- —- — (0) _
23,000 43 = 31 aed) 4 7.5 +54
23,500 26 5 26 332 8.9 +35
24,000 ei =—§2 24 ame ie 17 + 68
24,500 44 PO 44 =+1$3 be. 87
25,000 66 =935 58 coef! 54 + 93
25,500 95 —94 87 95 719 + 96

“Standard deviation:

ays 2.1 we
_> __ x(x xe


of color-matching function x in n separate determinations under identical conditions of

Correlation coefficient:

= D(X X wean Ve vee

[s(x m Cee X(y iy 4 ans) te

of color-matching functions x and y in n separate determinations under identical

conditions of observation.
Factors Modifying Color Matching 35]

will be different for different functions (A) in a

way that depends on {P, dA}. This important
relation is illustrated in Figure 2(5.5.6). The chro-
maticity points shown in the diagram are those
measured by Wright’s (1928-1929) 36 observers,
of a stimulus of color temperature 4800 K in a
system with primary stimuli at Ap = 650 nm,
Ag = 530 nm, and A, = 460 nm and normalizing
wavelengths at Ay = 582.5 and Ap, = 484 nm.
Subject to the assumption that the chromatici-
ties of the monochromatic stimuli are substan-
0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250
tially the same for the different observers, the
distribution of the chromaticity points in Figure
Fig. 8(5.5.6). Chromaticity points of matches on 2(5.5.6) embodies the variations in their f(A)
a white stimulus made by 55 observers, plotted in a functions. Thus, the observer with chromaticity at
portion of a W.D.W. diagram (primaries of wave- point A is identified as the one with the least
lengths 645.2, 526.3, 444.4 nm; normalizing wave- prereceptor pigment, the chromaticity points dis-
lengths at 579.7 and 487.8 nm). The chromaticity placed towards the yellow region of the spectrum
of the stimulus of an equal-energy spectrum com- representing observers with increasing amounts of
puted from the average color-matching functions yellow pigment (Wright 1928-1929).
of the 55 observers is shown as a square (from Another example is given in Figure 8(5.5.6)
Stiles and Burch, 1959). showing the chromaticity points of 49 observers
obtained in the large-field color-matching investi-
gation of Stiles and Burch (1959). Note that the
spectral primaries, normalizing wavelengths, and
b*(A) = b*(A) the spectral distribution of the “white” stimulus
r*(X) + g*(A) + B*(A) differed from those relevant to Figure 2(5.5.6).
There is again a drawing-out of the distribution of
bo(A) the chromaticity points toward the yellow region
of the spectrum.
ro(A) bo(A)
AIKOS banemerrne
A study by Ruddock (1963) goes into further
details, particularly of the effect of macular pig-
mentation on color matching when the field size
[2(5.6.1)] and field location are varied. In the same study,
Ruddock uses color matches to predict the den-
They are independent of ¢(A), and therefore sity of the macular pigment both with regard to
the same for all observers. However, the chro- its spectral variation and its variation across the
maticity of any mixed stimulus of spectral radiant fovea.
power distribution {P, dA}, that is, The approximate relative spectral density
curves of the macular pigment and the lens pig-
_ Jt(A)r(A)Pada ment are known (Section 2.4.6), so that the effect
? > on the chromaticity of the “white” stimulus of
increasing or reducing the amount of these pig-
ree [3(5.6.1)] ments in an observer whose color-matching func-
tions are known can be calculated. The results of
such a calculation are shown in Figure 1(5.6.1).
Jt) b(A)PA AA The square point represents the chromaticity of
YAS Mehoe the equal-energy “white” stimulus, {P, dA} =
const, for the average observer of the Stiles—Burch
investigation in the same W.D.W. system used in
where Figure 8(5.5.6). The assumed relative spectral
density curves for lens and macular pigment are
ya fro] 2 4 2(A) +
bol) those shown in the inset to the figure, the macular
: P, dX
pigment density being specified by its value at

a pontie) J Sesz2nm

[+1.136 (L)}#o \+2696 (my)



wherh wee

acy 0.2 0.3 04 05 0.6

Fig. 1(5.6.1). Computed effects on chromaticity in the W.D.W. diagram of increasing the
density of macular and lens pigments in an average eye viewing an equal-energy stimulus. The
assumed spectral variations of the density of lens and macular pigments are shown in the inset
figure (see also Section 2.4.6). The increase (or decrease) of lens or macular density, specified
at A = 455 nm for macular pigment, and at A = 403 nm for lens pigment, is shown for each
point. The calculations are based on the average large-field color-matching functions (Stiles
and Burch, 1959) for which a section of the spectrum locus is shown. The chromaticity diagram
is the same as that used for Figure 8(5.5.6).





SAN|DA SNiNWIjsi4] jD4j0edS &
Sv Ul


(U)4 JY}

626] (w)6 -.—.—.-

QCE] [7

UI Ueds



00011 00¢c'0 daisep-usy,


626) (W) 4 --—-——
BS6I (W) 4° —°-



“BY ued

I2 22 £2 be


00SsO oolo
SAN|DA SNinwysij j04j99dS


455 nm and the lens pigment density by its value

at 403 nm.
The cross and circle points represent, respec-
tively, the modified chromaticities if the density
of macular pigment or lens pigment is increased
or reduced by the amount shown, and the triangle —-— b(m)7o/b(m)g,
points show examples of simultaneous changes in ———— kp t)!7(m)/ t_(m)
both pigments. The chromaticity shifts for this
“white” stimulus are very similar for macular and
lens pigments (although this is not always so) and
are in the direction of a spectral yellow at about
572 nm for macular and 570 nm for lens pigment.
The density of the lens pigment increases
materially with age (Section 4.2.6). Figure 2(5.6.1)
illustrates the aging effect on the color-matching
functions of observer GW who measured his first —eee. a(m)z9 /3(M)sg

set of 10° color-matching functions 7(m)se, = kg t(m)/t_(m)

2(m)sg, b(m)sg at age 32 in 1958 at the NPL
(Stiles) trichromator, and his second set r(m)79,
Z(m), b(A)7q at age 53 in 1979 at the NRC
trichromator of similar design.
Figure 3(5.6.1) shows the ratios of the two sets
of color-matching functions displayed in Figure ——— F(m)75/° (Ms
2(5.6.1). The three spectral distributions of these —— k,t,'(m)/t,(m)
ratios are somewhat jagged, but all three suggest
that aging of the eye lens of observer GW must be
a major factor contributing to the change of his 25 24 23 22 2l 20 (G) 18 I7 16 15-105
color-matching functions of 1979 compared with (B) (R)
those of 1958. Wavenumber m (cm!)
Suppose (a) that in 1958, observer GW had a Fig. 3(5.6.1). Ratios of color-matching functions
lens of relative spectral transmittance ¢,(m) iden- obtained by observer GW in 1979 and in 1958
tical to that of the average young eye defined in under similar observing conditions [see Figure
Section 2.4.6, and (b) that aging of the lens can be 2(5.5.1)] compared with ratios of spectral transmit-
characterized completely by increasing its pig- tances t}>(m) and t,(m) of eye lens. It is as-
ment density by a factor a whose actual value sumed that in 1958, the lens of observer GW had
depends on the age increment. Then, assuming spectral transmittances ¢,(m) identical to that of
that aging of the eye lens is the only cause of the the average young eye (see Section 2.4.6), and in
change in the color-matching functions, the fol- 1979, the density of the lens pigment had in-
lowing relations must hold: creased by the factor 1.75, thus giving spectral
transmittances t}’°(m).
im(m)79 _ Keti(m)
rin( ™ )58 t;(m)
When a is set equal to 1.75 (or there about), a

ACE TCD amu oy

Bm M )79 EL kgtr(m) satisfactory fit of the ratios of GW’s two sets of
color-matching functions is obtained. This is il-
lustrated in Figure 3(5.6.1).
b,,(m)79 re k gtr(m)
5.6.2 Rod Participation
b,,(m)sg t,(m)
The scotopic or rod mechanism of vision must
where k,, k g» ky are constants, each normalizing play some part in matches made in a bipartite
the ratio ¢7(m)/t;(m) to unity at the wavenum- field that is imaged wholly in the extrafoveal
ber of the appropriate primary stimulus used in retina or that is large enough to extend beyond
the color-matching experiment. the rod-free area. But most investigators agree
Factors Modifying Color Matching 355

that satisfactory matches can be obtained in rod- will then be expressible by the equations:
containing areas by using, for the comparison
stimulus, appropriate mixtures of not more than
three fixed primary stimuli. Thus, the addition of
[Pna) dd = [Para) dd
the rod mechanism does not in practice entail
that, for two stimuli to match, their spectral
radiant power distributions {P,, dA} and
[Pinb(A) dd = [Pb Q) dd
{P,, dX}, respectively, must satisfy four, instead
of the usual three, matching conditions. On the
other hand, the matches made are subject to
JPre) dd = [Parc) dd
variation with changes in the adaptation of the
matching field and the principle of persistence of [1(5.6.2)]
color matches cannot be assumed (Section 3.2).
where a(A), b(A), G(A) are the color-matching
For retinal areas not too far from the fovea
functions appropriate to matching by cones in the
which are kept adequately light-adapted by the
rod-suppressed condition of the retinal area
matching stimuli assisted possibly by surrounding
covered by the image of the large visual field.
or pre-exposed adapting stimuli, three primary
A match made in the rod-suppressed condition
stimuli and three matching conditions are in fact
will not be expected to remain valid when, as in
necessary, and the matching process is trichro-
practice, the rods as well as the cones are contrib-
matic, at least in the weaker sense. As the level of
uting their responses. This expected failure would
adaptation is allowed to fall, the matching pro-
not occur if the spectral sensitivity curve for rod
cess finally degenerates to become less than
vision were a linear combination of the color-
three-dimensional and may approach “mono-
matching functions @(A), b(A), C(A), because in
chromatic” scotopic matching with the scotopic
that case, any pair of stimuli {P,, dA} and
luminous efficiency function V’(A) as the single
{P,, dX} satisfying Eq. 1(5.6.2) would necessarily
color-matching function.
satisfy also .
There is some experimental evidence on the
quantitative properties of color-matching in rod-
containing retinal areas. Also, some tentative ifPU Nee ifP,,V'(A) dd
quantitative schemes have been proposed to pre-
dict color matches under such conditions. Some [2(5.6.2)]
of the more recent developments are reviewed
below. where V’(A) represents the spectral sensitivity
The question as to whether, and to what ex- curve of the rods and may be identified with the
tent, the rods contribute to the color matches scotopic luminous efficiency function. From Eq.
made in a large visual field, such as a 10° bipar- 2(5.6.2), it follows that the rods would be stimu-
tite field, has been studied by Stiles and Wyszecki lated equally on the two sides of the visual field.
(1973). However, V’(A) is certainly not a linear combina-
tion of the foveal color-matching functions
(i) Rod Participation in Large-Field Color x(A), V(A), Z(A) that define the CIE 1931 stan-
Matching. Suppose that the two stimuli occupy- dard colorimetric observer (Section 3.3.1). The
ing the respective halves of the visual field have color-matching functions a(A), b(A), c(A) may
spectral radiant power distributions {P,, dA} and differ somewhat from x(A), y(A), Z(A) because of
{P,, dX} and would be in complete color match a difference in the effective density of macular
if the rod receptors could in some way be pre- pigment for large and small fields and, probably,
vented from responding to the stimuli. also because of minor differences in the proper-
Such a hypothetical match may be called a ties of the underlying cones in the foveal and
rod-suppressed match. It will be mediated by the surrounding retinal areas (see Section 5.7.2).
cones only, and we may suppose that the ordinary Enough is known of these sources of difference to
linear laws of trichromatic color matching, which make it certain that no linear combination of
hold for the purely cone system in the small a(X), b(A), (A) would duplicate V’(A).
foveal area of the retina, are also valid for the Nevertheless, for certain pairs of stimuli
area concerned in large-field matching in the {P,, dA}, {P,, dA}, that match in the rod-sup-
rod-suppressed state. The conditions for a match pressed condition, it may be that Eq. 2(5.6.2) 1s,

in fact, satisfied. On allowing the rods to function 1(7.5) is of particular relevance. The conditions
in their normal way, we should not then expect used in their measurements were rather different
the match to be disturbed, because the rod re- from those one would have in a bipartite visual
sponses in the two halves of the field as well as field; but in default of data for precisely the
the cone responses would be equal. Only on the present case, the results may be accepted as in-
assumption of some complex interaction between dicative of what will occur. In the Aguilar and
rods and cones which made the shapes of the Stiles results plotted in Figure 1(7.5), the abscissa
cone spectral sensitivities depend on the degree of represents the scotopic troland value of the back-
response of the rods, would there be any upset in ground stimulus on which an increment stimulus
the rod-suppressed match. We note that for the is superposed. The effective scotopic level in the
special pairs of stimuli that satisfy both Eggs. bipartite visual field, therefore, must be between
1(5.6.2) and Eq. 2(5.6.2), the match would remain T; and 7;, and the geometric mean 75 of Eq.
valid if the spectral radiant powers in both half- 3(5.6.2) is a tentative estimate and used as the
fields were reduced or increased by the same value on the abscissa of Figure 1(7.5).
factor independent of wavelength; the match If AT’ and 7) are calculated for an actual
would be independent of stimulus level. match and AT” is smaller than 7,, the rod contri-
In general, for a rod-suppressed match, Eq. bution can be regarded as producing, at most, a
2(5.6.2) will not hold, but there is still a possibil- barely perceptible shift from the rod-suppressed
ity that the rods will produce only an insignificant match. In the Stiles—Burch (1959) investigation of
upset of the match. Broadly, this possibility arises the large-field color-matching functions, condi-
first because the smallest perceptible difference of tions were chosen so that in most cases, the rods
rod response in the two half-fields, expressed as a could be assumed to be producing a negligible
fraction of the mean response, already has a shift from the rod-suppressed matches. As dis-
rather high value around 20% in the wide range of cussed in Section 5.5.4, the ratio AT’/t, was
low and moderate stimulus levels over which it is calculated for each of the matches made between
nearly constant (Aguilar and Stiles, 1954; see also a spectrum color and the monochromatic primary
Section 7.5). In the second place, when a certain stimuli and was shown to be less than unity
level is exceeded, the smallest perceptible dif- except for monochromatic stimuli of wavelengths
ference rises at an increasing rate until, at the longer than about 590 nm. For these wavelengths,
so-called “saturation” level, the rods are incapa- auxiliary experiments were made to find how
ble of detecting a difference. At and above the changes in the matched stimuli designed to reduce
saturation level, the rod system may perhaps be the ratio AT’ /7, would affect the observed match.
thought of as responding to its maximum capac- These changes were principally an increase in
ity in both half-fields so that at some higher stimulus level and desaturation of both halves of
neural stage, where the discrimination process the field by addition of the same amount of green
operates, there is no difference to detect. or blue primary stimuli. It was found that as
We put AT’ /t,; was reduced, the point in the chromaticity
diagram corresponding to the observed match
k’ [Piav(r) accal, moved along a line directed towards the extension
of the straight line representing the observed
matches at wavelengths below 590 nm for which
k’ [Pav") AN 22OTREG TION AT’/t; had values smaller than unity. The mod-
ifications in stimulus conditions enable the ob-
AT! SAGs Fea es ippais served chromaticity point to be moved very near
but not quite up to this straight line extension. It
where the constant k’ is adjusted so that the rod was assumed that, if the effect of the rods could
or scotopic values 77, T;, 75, AT’ are obtained in have been completely eliminated, the observed
scotopic trolands (see Section 2.4.4). The smallest point would have moved right onto the straight
perceptible value of AT’ is termed the threshold line portion of the spectrum locus and a small
difference t; for the scotopic mechanism whose correction of the data was made to achieve this.
value depends on the mean level 7}. As can be seen from the published work of Stiles
‘The variation of log7; with log75 can be and Burch (1959) and the account given in Sec-
deduced from the work of Aguilar and Stiles tion 5.5.4, the necessary correction was, in fact,
(1954), described in Section 7.5 of which Figure very small.
Factors Modifying Color Matching ne)

Thus, the color-matching functions embodied supplementary standard colorimetric observer.

in the CIE 1964 supplementary standard colori- Two stimuli of different spectral distributions,
metric observer aim to define the matching prop- {P,, dA} # {P,, dX}, but identical tristimulus
erties of the rod-suppressed retina for a large values, X{q) = X{0, Yio = Yio, Zio = Zio,
visual field; that is, they are believed to represent match in color when viewed in a large field but
the functions a(A), b(A), c(A) used in Eq. 1(5.6.2). may have different luminances, L,~ Lj.
Large-field color matches can be grouped un- There is no official luminous efficiency func-
der four headings: tion for large-field viewing, but we may stipulate
that the y,,.(A) function of the CIE 1964 supple-
(a) Those for which the rod contributions of the mentary standard colorimetric observer defines
two stimuli are equal (AT’ = 0) and which should the desired luminous efficiency function applica-
therefore be identical with their evaluation from ble to large-field viewing (see also Section 5.7.2).
the rod-suppressed color-matching functions. Such Consequently, for the purpose of this exercise, we
matches should hold, irrespective of the level of define the (photopic) luminances of our stimuli
stimulation. {P, dX} by
(b) Matches for which the difference of rod
response AT’ is smaller than the smallest percep- L* = Ki [PV) dd [5(5.6.2)]
tible difference 1; appropriate to the mean level of
rod response TJ, = (T;T;)'/*. From these, the
matches predicted by the rod-suppressed color- where V*(A) = y,.(A). The value of the maxi-
matching functions should be at least just accep- mum luminous efficacy K* is not the same as
table in practice. that of K,, in Eq. 4(5.6.2), but is not expected to
(c) Matches for which the ratio AT’/t, exceeds deviate much from it. Without serious loss of
unity but for which by an increase in stimulus accuracy we chose K* = K,, = 683 (Im- W_').
level, within practical bounds, this ratio could be The modified definition of luminance, as given
reduced to an acceptable value. by Eq. 5(5.6.2), assures that two metameric stimuli
(d) Matches for which the ratio AT’/7, cannot {P,, dA} and {P,, dA}, viewed in a large field,
be reduced below unity at any reasonable stimu- will have the same luminance.
lus level. The scotopic luminance L’ (cd-m *) of a
stimulus {P, dA} is defined by
The numerical procedure proposed for esti-
mating whether, and to what extent, the rods ie Kn fPV) dd [6(5.6.2)]
contribute to color matching in a large visual field
is straightforward.
In this expression, V’(A) denotes the spectral
The (photopic) luminance L (cd- m7”) of a
luminous efficiency function and K,, (= 1700
stimulus {P, dA}, where P, is given in terms of
the spectral concentration of radiance L,, (W -
Im - W_!) the maximum luminous efficacy of the
CIE standard photometric observer for scotopic
m ~*-sr_'), is defined by
_ (rod) vision.
The photopic troland value 7* of a stimulus is
directly proportional to the photopic luminance
bm ibPV(rX) dd [4(5.6.2)] (cd-m 7) of the stimulus, and accordingly we
In this expression, V(A) denotes the spectral T* = pL* [7(5.6.2)]
luminous efficiency function and K,,, (= 683 Im -
W_') the maximum luminous efficacy of the CIE where p is the pupil size at the eye given in mm”
standard photometric observer for photopic and (see Section 2.4.4).
foveal vision (see Section 4.3). Similarly, the scotopic troland value 7” is given
The V(A) function is identical to the y(A)
function of the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric
observer that applies to foveal color matching. In T’ = pL’ [8(5.6.2)]
our case, we are concerned with large-field color
matching and thus, require the color-matching The natural pupil of the eye varies with the
functions X,9(A), Vio(A), Zip(A) Of the CIE 1964 luminance of the stimulus. For an average eye,

the relation between p and L is fairly well known where Y,,. is obtained routinely when the tri-
(see Section 2.4.5), and we employ the existing stimulus values of the object-color stimulus are
relation by assuming it to be identical to that calculated. The quotient
between p and L*.
From Eqs. 5(5.6.2) to 8(5.6.2), it follows K! [S(A)V(A) da
K* [S(A)V*(A) dA
_K’,[PV(A) da
Tar [9(5.6.2)]
K* [P,V*(X) da may be calculated for a series of different illumi-
nants S(A) commonly used in colorimetry and
In our analysis, we will either assume specific vision research (Section 3.3.4). For S(A) of the
values for T* or derive them from given values of CIE standard illuminant D,;, the above quotient
L* using Figure 1(2.4.5). The corresponding value is equal to 2.243, approximately.
of T’ can then be calculated from Eq. 9(5.6.2) The numerical examples given below refer to
provided the spectral distribution {P, dA} of the pairs of stimuli each of which provides a rod-sup-
stimulus is known in terms of some arbitrary pressed color match for the CIE 1964 supplemen-
radiometric unit. Note that absolute radiometric tary standard observer. The metameric spectral
quantities for P, dA are not required, because distributions P,\(A) and P,(A) of each pair are
only the ratio of the two integrals in Eq. 9(5.6.2) hypothetical functions. They were constructed for
is needed. In accordance with international prac- the purpose of demonstrating the different types
tice of expressing relative spectral distributions of of large-field color matches described earlier. An
radiometric quantities, we may write P(A) instead attempt was made to construct stimulus functions
of P). that resemble those found in visual colorimeters
In the case of viewing an object-color stimulus, employing mixtures of two or three monochro-
it is often more convenient to replace P(A) by matic stimuli, and in colored objects illuminated
B(A)S(A). The quantity B(A) is the spectral re- by daylight.
flectance factor of the object measured under The relative spectral radiant power distribu-
specified illuminating and viewing conditions tions of the metameric stimuli composed of two
(Section 3.3.7). The quantity S(A) denotes the or three monochromatic stimuli are given in Ta-
relative spectral radiant power distribution of the ble 1(5.6.2). The corresponding chromaticity coor-
source illuminating the object (Section 3.3.5). dinates x9, ¥j9, and the ratios Y’/Y,, for each
Equation 9(5.6.2) can then be rewritten as pair are also given. Table 2(5.6.2) contains the
spectral reflectances of the hypothetical ' objects
p= pe KnIBO)SO)V'O) dd that, when illuminated by CIE standard illumi-
nant D,;, provide metameric object-color stimuli
for the CIE 1964 supplementary standard ob-
[10(5.6.2)] server. The corresponding chromaticity coordi-
nates X19, ¥jo, and luminance factors Y,, and Y’
which reduces to the convenient form of are also given.
The analysis of the pairs of metameric stimuli
Yy’ K’fS(A)V'(A) da is carried further in accordance with the numeri-
Yio K*{S(X)V*(X) da cal procedure outlined above. Table 3(5.6.2)
contains the results obtained for each pair. The
[11(5.6.2)] photopic troland values T assumed for each pair
ranged from a low value of 10 td to an optimum
where Y’ and Yj, are the scotopic and photopic value at which the threshold difference 1, be-
luminance factors, respectively, of the object-color comes infinitely large. In accordance with Figure
stimulus. They are defined by 1(7.5), this optimum value occurs when Tj reaches
the value of approximately 3500 scotopic tro-

Y= 1007FSV)dd
— IB(A)SCQ)V’(A)
We note that both the luminance (photopic
and troland value T) of a given pair of metameric
stimuli as well as their relative spectral radiant
¥9 = 109 BAISAIFio(A)
[S(A)Vi(A) ar
power distributions {P,(A) dA}, {P,(A) dA} are
the key parameters that decide whether the rods
Factors Modifying Color Matching 359

Table 1(5.6.2) Pairs of Metameric Stimuli Composed of Two or Three Monochromatic Stimuli
d Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair4 Pair 5
(mm) PA) PA) PA) P(A) PA) PAA) PA) PA) P(A) P(A)
435 0.15510
445 0.00208 0.37376 0.02051 0.00001
480 1.00000
482 0.42308
525 0.09804 0.33449 0.99111 0.00025
533 0.47274
555 1.60000
588 0.827909
615 1.00000
625 1.00000
645 2.71928 0.35464 1.31679 0.02796
700 1.00000
X10 0.4690 0.4690 0.6712 0.6712 0.1584 0.1584 0.3742 0.3742 0.7097 0.7097
ao 0.3863 0.3863 0.3259 0.3259 0.2374 0.2374 0.6002 0.6002 0.2895 0.2895
Y/Y, 0.5255 0.5255 0.0253. 0.1927 2.6157 1.4548 +=0.4098 -~—«0..8730 (0.0608 0.0073

may contribute to the color match made in a large It is clear from the foregoing that the lumi-
field. nance and spectral distributions of the stimuli
Pairs of stimuli can be found for which any enter in a far from simple manner in the evalua-
rod contribution has no effect on the color match. tion of potential rod intrusion in large-field color
Pair 1 is an example. The relative spectral radiant matching. Whereas a value for the ratio AT’/t,
power distributions {P,(A) dA} and {P,(A) dA} (which is appreciably below unity) indicates that
of the two stimuli are such that the difference AT’ rod intrusion will not occur significantly, the pre-
of the two scotopic values T; and T; is zero for all cise nature and extent of the distortion of a color
values of T. In other words, Pair 1 is not only a match when the ratio exceeds unity are unde-
metameric match with respect to the cone mecha- termined. Some attempts have been made to show
nism [Xj (A), VCoA)s Z10(A)], but also with re- how the effect on specific matches might be
spect to the rod mechanism [V’(A)]. evaluated, but no safe and simple practical rule
In general, the rod mechanism can be sup- has yet emerged.
pressed by increasing the illuminance of the Rod intrusion is more likely to occur where
stimuli to an appropriate level. When AT’ /r, falls the mixtures involved are made up of two or three
substantially below unity, we may assume that we spectral lines or fairly narrow spectral bands. The
have reached the level at which the rod mecha- differences in the spectral distributions of
nism can have only a negligible effect on the color metameric stimuli of this kind are extreme as
match. No contribution of the rod mechanism is compared with rather moderate differences ex-
expected when AT’ /t, approaches zero because T,; hibited by metameric object-color stimuli com-
becomes infinitely large. This occurs at approxi- monly met with in practical color problems.
mately 3500 scotopic trolands; the corresponding If we confine our consideration to metameric
photopic troland value T depends on the relative object-color stimuli with small to moderate spec-
spectral distributions of the stimuli involved. In tral differences, it is conceivable that a luminance
some cases, for example, Pair 3, the optimum T level of not less than 1000 photopic trolands
value may be relatively low (~ 700 td). In other (~ 125 cd - m *) may be sufficient to assure that
cases, for example, Pair 5, the T value must be rod intrusion will be negligible or small.
extremely high (~ 60,000 td ~ 30,000 cd - m*) It is worth noting that in “severe” cases, where
which indeed may be prohibitive for safe viewing the ratio AT’/t, exceeds unity even when the
of the stimuli. Figure 1(5.6.2) illustrates the spec- photopic level is 1000 photopic trolands or more,
tral radiant power distributions of the two stimuli the scotopic level will be comparatively low, as
of Pair 5. for Pair 5 in the above examples. If such a pair
Table 2(5.6.2) Spectral Reflectances of Pairs of Objects That, when Illuminated by Daylight (D,;;),
Provide Metameric Object-Color Stimuli for the CIE 1964 Supplementary Standard Observer

rN Pair 6 Pair 7 Pair 8 Pair 9 Pair1l0

(nm) BA) BA(A) BA) — By(A) BA) B(A) BA) BA(A) BA) —Bo(A)
380 0.083 0.176 0.195 0.159 0.199 0.042 0.132 0.800 0.000 0.001
390 0.124 0.127 0.146 0.157 0.189 0.061 0.150 0.341 0.000 0.001
400 0.164 0.078 0.111 0.166 0.182 0.088 0.175 0.118 0.000 0.001
410 0.186 0.054 0.105 0.153 0.172 0.106 0.181 0.041 0.000 0.001
420 0.190 0.055 0.108 0.144 0.163 0.111 U2 pe email 1A Ue 0.000 0.001
430 0.195 0.057 OPTS moa OF122 0.148 0.110 0.170 0.060 0.000 0.001
440 O97 <O.072 0.134 0.096 ON32 0.109 0.161 0.092 0.000 0.001
450 0.203 0.090 0.138 0.086 0.117 0.108 0.150 0.134 0.000 0.001
460 0.199 0.141 0.132 0.086 0.100 0.109 ats Aefaso hg ig 0.000 0.001
470 0.176 0.250 0.113 0.098 0.086 0.112 0.117 0.204 0.000 0.000
480 0.126 0.432 0.082 0.134 0.068 0.116 0.094 0.232 0.001 0.000
490 0.048 0.692 0.042 0.201 0.045 0.121 0.062 0.248 0.001 0.000
500 0.000 0.918 0.011 0.309 0.018 0.128 OB 0r 0.256 0.004 0.000
510 0.093 0.894 0.040 0.377 0.001 0.141 0.011 0.240 0.020 0.000
520 0.293 0.628 0.121 0.388 0.000 0.158 0.009 0.210 0.043 0.000
530 0.459 0.343 0.158 0.474 0.019 0.164 0.025 0.148 0.042 0.000
540 0.549 0.144 0.220 0.465 0.064 0.160 0.074 0.084 0.032 0.005
0.583 0.028 0.370 G5 O27 O80 0:t2 U6" OT 0.020 0.027
0.563 0.000 0.555 0.056 0.356 0.153 0.390 0.143 0.012 0.043
0.506 0.400 0.695 0.000 0.531 0.207 Obl ="0.295 0.006 0.048
0.417 0.138 0.745 0.176 0.653 0.341 0.824 0.500 0.003 0.050
0.306 0.273 0.712 0.402 0.690 0.501 0.900 0.640 0.002 0.051
0.199 0.405 UDS9ms 0577 0.658 0.633 Lie elem LUMeteee, 0.001 0.052
0.128 0.494 0.403 0.697 0.591 0.731 0s aU 0.001 0.053
0.084 0.553 0.254 0.766 0.528 0.794 ps pede | Ne as OOS aes
0.061 0.585 0.147 — 0.817 0.485 0.830 0.221 0.728 0.007 0.054
0.043 0.614 0.091 0.849 0.455 0.853 0.146 0.732 0.077 0.054
0.031 0.632 0.069 0.869 0.346 0.870 0.116 0.736 0.489 0.055
0.033 0.633 0.053 0.891 0.417 0.887 0.099 = 0.724 0.822 0.055
0.059 0.602 0.042 0.906 0.411 0.900 0.094 0.714 0.880 0.055
0.092 0.562 0.030 0.917 0.406 0.916 0.087 0.699 0.815 0.055
0.132 0.514 0.019 0.929 0.397 0.934 0.080 0.679 0.741 0.055
0.154 0.490 0.012 0.925 0.389 0.948 0.069 0.679 0.669 0.055 -
0.154 0.499 0.009 0.925 D370 0.963 0.054 0.677 0.595 0.055
O32. ae.U3e 0.010 0.916 0.353 0.976 0.043 0.683 0.537 0.049
0.120 0.599 0.014 0.921 0.355 0.986 0.040 0.717 0.472: 0.054
0.148 0.537 0.018 0.889 0.318 0.992 0.024 0.734 0.418 0.054
0.206 0.473 0.006 0.888 0.297 0.997 C007 "0776 0.367 0.054
760 0.250 0.436 0.000 0.887 0.272 0.999 0.000 0.862 0.317 0.054
— X19 0.334 0.334 0.442 0.442 0.494 0.494 0.468 0.468 0.565 0.565
Y10 0.420 0.420 0.408 0.408 0.358 0.358 0.362 0.362 0.422 0.422
Yio 33,3 33.3 34.3 34.3 28.9 28.9 31.7 Sie! PES. 2.59
23.1 42.9 15.0 25.4 9.0 14.2 Tie LoS 1.38 0.52

Factors Modifying Color Matching 361

Table 3(5.6.2) Threshold Differences 7, and and forth between metamers and surround will be
Ratios AT’ /z, for Different Photopic Troland higher than the steady-state value appropriate to
Values T of the Metameric Pairs of Stimuli the metamers because of the time taken for the
Defined in Tables 1(5.6.2) and 2(5.6.2) scotopic mechanism to follow the changes. As a
result, the computed value of the ratio AT’/t1,
Pair TS 1, AT’ /1, will tend to overestimate the chance of rod intru-
sion. This mitigating factor will not, of course,
Any — 0.0
operate when, as in some colorimeters, the match-
2 10 0.41 10.5 ing field has a surround that is dark or of about
107 0.36 X 10 11.8 the same scotopic luminance as the matching
103 0.47 X 102 9.2 field.
tO 0.15 RiP 0.3
(ii) Maximal Rod Participation. The above dis-
2-104 00 0.0 cussion on rod intrusion in color matching may
3 10 1.00 X 10 3.0 be expanded by considering in a more general
107 3.63. 4710- 0.8 way all possible pairs of stimuli of given chro-
7-10 00 0.0 maticity and photopic troland value T that match
4 10 3.16 3.8 in the rod-suppressed condition, and by providing
102 372 a0 3.2 a quick method for estimating, in any particular
103 ean Te 0.1 case, the maximal rod intrusion as specified by
2-103 00 0.0 the ratio AT’/t, which may be referred to as the
index p of rod intrusion. The paper by Rodieck
5 10 0.13 10.5
(1976) answers the closely related question of
10? 17 11.6
“Which two lights that match for cones show the
103 1.1210 cm
greatest ratio for rods?”
104 0b xX 107 2.7 The analysis requires the calculation of the
6-104 00 0.0 ratio D[S(A), X19, Yio, Zi9] Of scotopic to pho-
6 10 4.47 3.0 topic troland values T’ and T of the stimulus with
102 6.31 < 10 2.1 a spectral power distribution {S(A) dA} and
103 3.63 X 104 0.0 (rod-suppressed) large-field tristimulus values
2 #10? 00 0.0 X05 Yio, Z10:
7 10 2.82 2.5 If ¢(Q) is the set of all spectral power distri-
10? 3.02 x 10 2.4 butions {S(A) dA} that yield the same point Q in
tristimulus space (X19, Yio, Zio), then any two
103 550><103 0.1
members of $(Q) observed through the same
a0" 00 0.0
pupil area will be in rod-suppressed match, but
8 10 1.91 22 will usually have different scotopic values. The
10? 1.82 X 10 223 difference is greatest for the two spectral power
10? 6 * 10° 0.3 distributions having, respectively, the maximal
4-10? 00 0.0 and minimal scotopic values. These extremes are
9 10 2.34 2.6 also extremes of the ratio D[S(A), X19, Yio, Zio]
10? 2.19 X 10 2.8 since T is the same for all members of $(Q).
103 2.88 X 10° 0.2 Thus, the stimuli of maximal and minimal 7” will
3 -10° 00 0.0 have the same relative spectral power distribu-
10 10 1.66 4.6 tions {S(A) dA} for all those points Q in tn-
stimulus space that correspond to stimuli with the
107 U5 XAG 54
same chromaticity point (Xj9, Vio), where
10? 107 x10" 0.7
5 -10° 00 0.0 Xo
X10 a Yio 25 Z\0

is in an achromatic surround (scotopic and photo- and

pic troland values about equal) of the same pho-
topic luminance as the metamers, the effective
scotopic adaptation level for an eye moving back

Z 1.0
Stimulus 1 Ppa
Z 0.1

Z 0.01
Stimulus 2 ————_~ Z
Z 0.001
g SQ)

gg Z

gg Z
g Z

100 500
q 600: as
Wavelength (A) nm

Fig. 1(5.6.2). Logarithms of relative spectral power distributions S(A) of two color stimuli
[Pair 5 of Table 1(5.6.2)] that match in color with respect to the CIE 1964 supplementary
standard observer when it is assumed that the responses of rod mechanism are suppressed. In
reality, however, there will be rod intrusion unless the stimuli are presented above a certain
luminance level at which the rods become saturated and incapable of detecting the scotopic
difference between the two stimuli. In the illustrated case, the stimuli must be at a luminance
level of approximately 30,000 cd-m7 (equivalent to approx. 60,000 photopic td) before rod
intrusion can be expected to be negligible.

For any trichromatic system, whatever the distribution {S(A) dA} are calculated in accor-
shapes of the color-matching and scotopic func- dance with standard practice by using sums
tions as continuous functions of wavelength, it instead of integrals (Section 3.3.8), after dividing
can be shown that the maximal and minimal the visible spectrum into n wavelength intervals 6;
values of the ratio D for stimuli of a given chro- (i = | ton) of constant length AA. The problem
maticity are obtained for relative spectral power then reduces to finding sets of n values for
distributions consisting in each case of a mixture {S(A) dA}, that are solutions of three linear equa-
of not more than three monochromatic compo- tions of order n for X19, Yi9, Z,9 and that simul-
nents. For the actual determination of the maxi- taneously make the quantity
mal and minimal spectral power distributions and
of the corresponding values of D, our calculations
have been made by the method of /inear program- D[S(A), Xo Yio» Z10] = Ti hn ae
Tih K.
ming.' m

This method of calculation, already applied to

Ky SVOOL[SQ) 4],

other colorimetric problems discussed in Section

3.8.6, gives the desired values of D in a more l=

direct way than Rodieck’s (1976) method which,

in part, involved the construction and use of a Km 3LFS) 4],
metal model of the (x19, yi9, v)-space where v =
V’/(X10 + Yio + Zjo). [12(5.6.2)]
To apply the method of linear programming,
the tristimulus values Xj , Yio, Zj9 and the maximal or minimal. As expected from the gen-
scotopic value V’ of a stimulus of spectral power eral theoretical result, the solutions obtained make
[S(A)@A]; equal to zero except for, at most, three
‘The cooperation of Dr. N. Ohta is acknowledged intervals of 6;. In the calculation of the maximal
here, who actually carried out the calculations for us in values (and for the minimal values corresponding
1975 while he was a Research Associate with one of us to chromaticities located in most regions of the
(GW) at NRC. chromaticity diagram), two of the nonzero values
Factors Modifying Color Matching 363

of [S(A) dA]; occur at adjacent intervals 5,. This lated at a network of points in the (xj9, Vj9)-
means that the solution represents a distribution chromaticity diagram, covering the domain of real
for which S(A) is zero except in two intervals, one color stimuli. The sums used were based on a
of length 6, the other of length 26. On repeating subdivision of the spectrum into intervals of length
the calculation with smaller and smaller intervals 6 = 10 nm, except for some checks using smaller
5, (with consequent increase in n), in order to intervals. Interpolation was then used to derive
improve the “resolution,” again two of the non- families of loci of constant maximal and minimal
zero intervals come out to be adjacent, and the values of the ratio V’/Y,,) which are shown in
spectral power distribution remains a mixture of Figures 2(5.6.2) and 3(5.6.2). The constant factor
two spectral bands with progressively diminishing K,,,/Km = 2.489 [see Table 1(2.4.4)] must be
widths. This behavior is consistent with the con- applied to the value of each locus to find the
clusion (see also Rodieck, 1976) that the shapes of corresponding constant value of the ratio
the color-matching functions Xj9(A), Vio(A), D[S(A), X105 Yio, Z19], Maximum or minimum.
Zi9(A) and the scotopic luminous efficiency func- Figure 4(5.6.2) gives similar loci of constant
tion V’(A) defining human visual properties are values of the ratio
such that in the limit, the maximal and minimal
spectral power distributions reduce to mixtures of (Vis Yio) max
just two monochromatic components. However,
nt eee tae)
(V'/ Yio ete
for some other conceivable examples of trichrom-
atism in which the four functions deviate in shape a quantity that is also useful to know in certain
in various ways from those valid for human vision visual experiments. It is of interest to note that
[see Figure 4(5.3.3)], the theoretical maximum of the greatest possible value for this ratio occurs for
three separated spectral components in a mixture rod-suppressed matches at a chromaticity located
to give the maximal (or minimal) value of the in the diagram at approximately x,) = 0.685 and
ratio D[S(A), X19, Yio, Z19], would be necessary. Yio = 0.299. For that chromaticity point, the ratio
For the present purpose, the maximal and Venax/ Vin Teaches the value 15.14. The corre-
minimal values of the ratio V’/Y,) were calcu- sponding stimuli providing the maximal and



O O2 0.4 5406 0.8

Fig. 2(5.6.2). Loci of constant maximal values of the ratio V’/Yj9 as function of (x49, ¥19)-
chromaticity coordinates.




& 650
SS $% 770 nm
eS 0.01
\ 0.03

O 0.2 04 O06 0.8

Fig. 3(5.6.2). Loci of constant minimal values of the ratio V’/Yj9 as function of (x19, ¥19)-
chromaticity coordinates.

minimal scotopic values are, respectively, the mix- tristimulus space, and Dy and D,, are abbrevia-
tures of two monochromatic components (500 nm tions for the extreme values of the ratio
and 700 nm) for V;,,, and (410 nm and 630 nm) DISCHEMP IE
for V,.,,. The above data as well as the loci shown If the chromaticity point, defined by the point
in Figures 2(5.6.2) to 4(5.6.2) agree very closely Q(Xi0; Yio, Zi90) 18 known, Dy, and D,, can be
with those obtained by Rodieck (1976). estimated by interpolation between the loci of
The index of rod intrusion for the rod-sup- Figures 2(5.6.2) and 3(5.6.2). The value of 7, can
pressed match between the two stimuli of the set be read off the Aguilar—Stiles plot of log 7; against
6(Q), mand M say, having respectively the maxi- Tp [see Figure 1(7.5)].
mal and minimal scotopic value, is given by p = For any other pair of stimuli in the set $(Q),
Pum> Where say stimuli 1 and 2, with the same photopic
troland value 7, the index p,, will be given by the
ey OY elec identical formula given in Eq. 13(5.6.2), with Dy
and D,, replaced by D, and D,, it being assumed
that stimuli 1 and 2 are assigned so that
with 7, being the threshold difference for the
scotopic mechanism whose value depends on the Dy aD, 2D, = De
effective scotopic level
It would be a convenient general rule if pj)
Te = (Tu Tn) = TDi Dy)!
(ee L/D) t/2
never exceeded p,,,, for a given chromaticity and
given photopic troland value 7. However, this
[14(5.6.2)] rule breaks down in some cases. The reduction in
the first term on the right-hand side of Eq.
as discussed above in connection with Eq. 3(5.6.2). 13(5.6.2) may be more than counterbalanced by a
The quantity T refers to the photopic troland change in 7, due to a shift in the effective scotopic
value of the color match, dependent on the pupil level 75. It is readily shown that the maximum
area as well as the point Q in (Xj, Yio, Zi9)- value of the index p,, is either equal to py,,,
Factors Modifying Color Matching 365

O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8


Fig. 4(5.6.2). Loci of constant values of the ratio V,,,, /Vein aS function of (x19, ¥49)-chro-
maticity coordinates.

or will be the value p,, = p,,, for a match bet- difference to be detected is
ween the minimal spectral power distribution
{S(A) dA} and a distribution {S(A) dA} such AS=S,-—S, [16(5.6.2)]
that D, satisfies the equation
which is proportional to the difference AT’ mea-
dlog T. Z sured in scotopic trolands as defined in Eq.
dlog T Ti=T(D, Diy)? 1 = D,,/D, 3(5.6.2). The sensitivity of detection is measured
by a difference threshold T;, equivalent to 7;
[15(5.6.2)] defined earlier, which depends on the rod re-
sponses S$, and S, and on surrounding or pre-
where exposed adapting stimuli. The ratio AS/T¢,
equivalent to AT’/7,, determines the strength of
gO aie
Ph Rees imbalance of the rod mechanism. Similarly, the
lest Ds /D; Lie Dy 37 imbalance of the three cone mechanisms may be
represented by the ratios AF,/7,, AF,/Th,
Equation 15(5.6.2) presumes that the solution for AF;/T;, where the differences of response,
D, is not greater than D,,. If the solution exceeds AF,, AF,, AF, are all linear combinations of AR
Dy; then py, is the maximum index. The actual = R, — R,,AG=G, — G,, AB= B, — B, with
determination of the maximum index for any case R,,G,, B, and R,, G, B, being the tristimulus
is best done by means of a graph displaying the values of the two given stimuli determined with
relationship expressed by Eq. 15(5.6.2). respect to an appropriate set of primary stimuli.
The total mismatch Q is defined by the sums-
(iii) Rod Participation and the Notion of the of-squares relation
Line Element. A rather different approach to
rod participation in color matching is to adopt BANS A ee el Aer Ar 4
the ideas and notation introduced in the discus-
sion of inductive line elements presented in Sec-
o=(52| ACA lea ills
tion 8.4.7. For the rod mechanism, the response [17(5.6.2)]

which can also be regarded as an expression for (iv) Tetrachromatic Color Matches. A number
the inductive line element in the four-dimensional of experimental studies on rod participation in
(R, G, B, S)-space. color matching specifically aim at balancing not
The crucial hypothesis is that making an ex- only the three cone responses but also the rod
trafoveal match corresponds to reducing the mis- responses evoked by the two stimuli {P,, dA}
match Q to the minimum value possible with the and {P,, dA} presented in a large bipartite visual
controls available to the observer. Clearly, if the field, such that the color match remains com-
controls enable the matching stimuli to be ad- pletely stable regardless of the level of stimula-
justed so that the tristimulus and scotopic values tion. The color-matching process then clearly de-
are equal in the two half-fields, which leads to fines a four-dimensional system, and the color
AR=AG=AB=AS=0, then Q can be re- matches are obtained by using four instead of
duced to its absolute minimum value, zero, and three primary stimuli. The results are ap-
the match is obviously the correct one. However, propriately referred to as tetrachromatic color
in general, with a fixed test stimulus in one half, matches.
and a variable mixture of three fixed primary Bongard, Smirnov, and Friedrich (1958) are
stimuli in the other, Q can be reduced only to a believed to be the first who studied tetrachro-
minimum not equal to zero, and the hypothesis matic color matching. More recent and more sys-
asserts that this will be the match made. This tematic studies are those of Palmer (1970, 1972b,
leaves unexplained how, if the minimum value of 1978, 1980), Trezona (1970, 1972, 1973a,b, 1974,
QO exceeds about unity, the eye can accept the 1976), Clarke (1973), and Clarke and Trezona
minimum setting as a tolerable match. (1976).
Despite this difficulty, the theory has been The experimental method developed by
applied with partial success to explain the varia- Trezona (1972) is of particular interest. Trezona
tion with stimulus magnitude of color matches in used a modified version of the NPL (Stiles) tri-
a 10° matching field, variations which are cer- chromator which provided, in a 10°-bipartite field,
tainly to be attributed to the participation of rod a test stimulus Q of (variable) wavelength A and
vision (Stiles, 1955b). In this application, the four primary stimuli R, Y,C,B of (fixed) wave-
quantities g,, q2, q3 of three spectral primaries in lengths Ap = 644 nm, Ay = 588 nm, A, = 509
a match on a monochromatic stimulus of fixed nm, and A, = 468 nm, respectively. All five
magnitude are the variables controlled by the stimuli could be varied in radiant power from
observer. The match values of g,, g, g3 are com- zero to a level giving moderate retinal illumi-
puted by making Q a minimum; that is, by mak- nances. Although the test stimulus Q always ap-
ing peared in the upper half of the bipartite field,
only three or two of the four primary stimuli
appeared in the lower half, and the remaining one
gs) tue)
== == O
or two were added to the upper half to “de-
0q, 04> 043
saturate” the test stimulus. As in trichromatic
color matching (Section 3.2.1), desaturation of the
The result must depend on the forms assumed for monochromatic test stimulus is necessary in order
the terms in the line element defined by Eq. to obtain a complete color match.
17(5.6.2). The cone contributions (AF,/T,)’, An iterative procedure is used to establish the
(A F,/T,)’,(AF,/T;)* were taken to be the three tetrachromatic color match for a given test
terms of the Stiles line element (Section 8.4.4). stimulus Q. First, an ordinary trichromatic color
For the rod term (AS/T,)*, use was made of the match is made for Q set at a moderate luminance
data by Aguilar and Stiles (1954) in the same level, the experimental stimulus level, by means of
“manner as the term AT’/zt, was used above. For the primary stimuli R, Y, and B. One of these
the case of a monochromatic test stimulus in the primaries serves to desaturate the test stimulus.
yellow region of the spectrum, the calculations The luminance of the entire bipartite field is then
show that the main effect of reducing the quantity lowered by means of a rotating sector disk to a
gq, of the test stimulus from about 200 to 1 level below the cone threshold so as to evoke only
photopic trolands is to increase by about 30 times rod responses. At that level, the bipartite field
the ratio q3/q4, where q; is the originally small appears colorless except for test stimuli in the far
quantity of the blue primary in the match. This is red end of the spectrum which continue to exhibit
substantially the experimental result. a red tinge even near the absolute threshold of
10° visual field
in trichromatic
= color match

Q 10° visual field

R“R.BB in tetrachromatic
color match


Level of Test Stimulus Q

(decreasing —= )
Fig. 5(5.6.2). Trichromatic and tetrachromatic color matches at four luminance levels. Test
stimulus Q of wavelength A 9 = 530 nm provides a retinal illuminance of 400 photopic td at
experimental level I. The low level of Q is 1/2160 of level I. The trichromatic and tetrachro-
matic color matches made at level I of the test stimulus Q require settings of the primary
stimuli that are given in the ordinate in terms of photopic trolands. When the level of Q is
reduced to 1/6, 1/67, and I/6°, the settings of the primary stimuli would reduce by
corresponding factors, provided that the proportionality law in color matching holds. Deviations
from the proportionality law are illustrated conveniently by plotting the experimentally de-
termined settings after they have been multiplied by the factor 6, 67, or 6°, depending on the
level of Q. Strict obedience to the proportionality law would place the plotted points on
horizontal lines. The trichrometric color matches whose settings are denoted by R®, Y¥®, B®
indicate failure of the proportionality law because the blue settings [B®] deviate substantially
from the horizontal line. At level I/6° the blue primary stimulus must be increased by more
than a factor of 20 as compared to that predicted by the proportionality law. The tetrachromatic
color matches, R®, Y,C®, B®, on the other hand, appear to obey the proportionality law
much more closely. The dip of B™ at the level 1/67 has been explained by Trezona to have an
“operational cause” and is not considered to be significant with regard to the validity of the
proportionality law. The inset in the graph shows the visual field configuration and the way the
test stimulus Q and primary stimuli R, Y,C,B are displayed (after Trezona, 1975).


vision. Normally, the two halves of the visual at both the experimental and low level. In fact,
field, though generally colorless in appearance, this tetrachromatic color match appears to persist
will not match in brightness indicating an imbal- also at levels intermediate to the two levels at
ance in the responses of the rods. The primary which it was obtained. Figure 5(5.6.2) illustrates
stimulus C, whose wavelength A; is located near tetrachromatic color matches in comparison with
the peak of the scotopic luminous efficiency func- trichromatic color matches at four luminance
tion V’(A), is then introduced in the appropriate levels for a test stimulus Q of wavelength A = 530
half of the visual field to enable the observer to nm.
produce a brightness match between the two In repeating the procedure outlined above for
halves. When the original experimental stimulus test stimuli of different wavelengths, Trezona de-
level is restored, the two halves generally show a termined a complete set of tetrachromatic color-
color difference that the observer eliminates by matching functions for one observer. Figure
making appropriate trichromatic adjustments on 6(5.6.2) illustrates the results. Table 4(5.6.2) pro-
the R, Y,B primary stimuli. The luminance level vides numerical values of smoothed tetrachro-
of the field is then again lowered to the scotopic matic color-matching functions obtained by
level in order to check and, if necessary, readjust Trezona (private communication, 1980) for two
the brightness of the two halves of the field by observers and their mean.
means of C. The procedure of alternating between For a specified level of stimulation, trichro-
the experimental luminance level and the low matic color-matching functions can be deduced
level, and restoring at each level in turn the match from the tetrachromatic color-matching functions.
between the two halves of the field, eventually The tetrachromatic color-match equation may be
leads to radiant power settings R®, ¥?, C%, B® written as
of the respective primary stimuli R, Y, C, B, which,
for the given test stimulus Q, are unique at both
levels. Typically, four iterations are sufficient to [18(5.6.2)]
reach the unique settings. With these settings, the
observer finds the two halves in complete match where Q is the given test stimulus of (variable)

Tetrachromatic color-matching functions Observer PMG

{ R(644nm) g

a Y (588nm)




Wavelength dX (nm) Wavelength A (nm)

Fig. 6(5.6.2). Tetrachromatic color-matching functions r(A), p(A), €(A), BA) de-
termined by Trezona (1976) for one observer (PGM). The values of these functions are given
in terms of the radiant power (arbitrary units) of the primary stimuli (R, Y,C,B) required to
match unit radiant power of the test stimulus of variable wavelength 2. In each instance, the
mean of three color matches is shown (solid dot) with a +2 standard-error bar of that mean.
Factors Modifying Color Matching 369

Table 4(5.6.2) Smoothed Tetrachromatic Color-Matching Functions for Two Observers (PGM and WHM)
and Their Mean as Determined by Trezona. The Primary Stimuli R,Y,C,B Are Located at 2, = 664,
Ay = 588, Ac = 509, A, = 468 nm, Respectively. The Values in Italics are Numerically Interpolated between
Observed Values. (Kindly Supplied by P. W. Trezona in a Private Communication, 1980.)

d FOX) FA) e@(A) dO (A)

(nm) PGM WHM Mean PGM WHM Mean PGM WHM Mean PGM WHM Mean

400 — 0.34 0.12 =—O:13 Loe

Sinem Ub he 0.8300 5-0,50 Osmo te 0.20050. 05." 0397 —022" 7013 © -0.66 0.39
220a7 +0.36°0—1.31) :+0.84 Ds129 058 0337 O99" 0.66%" 0:42a0" 0.65 22" 9095
425 —0.44 0.14 — 0.24 . 0.80
ee O49 = 1.61 — 1.05 UG) S02 0449-82029 0 859" —0.58" 9 1203 1.56 1.30
440 —0.54 —1.53 —1.03 OMS OF ee O.Ave a 019 0855 — O59 F132 LTT 155
ates 039 es 09065 0.13 064 0.39 —0.26 —067 —0.46 1.43 Leys (bey
460 —0.02 0.08 0.03 0.01 0.33 O19 S002 et 0 25m Yi hot 24 1.54 ie39
470 TORS E04 OF) tite OL ON OR 0.15 0.16 O27 ECO)? BOOS EL Oye geOl
475 0.76 1.40 O08 0.208 26:37" 0,30 0.30 O51 0.40 0.86 0.76 0.81
480 O19, 4 01262 1 SOQ OZ2. = 0. 52 — 0.41 0.44 0.70 Olas O60 220 Dire 62
483 bi 1.68 M408 =0/33=0:58%— 0.46 0.53 0.80 0.665 057" 046 0.52
490 1.38 1.62 1.50 —0.44 —0.56 —0.50 0.73 0.97 0.35% 05335 }5 0.26 0.30
495 1.54 1.4] 148 —0.50 —0.49 —0.49 0.91 L.11 LOPES LO. £0016 ely
500 1.54 1.11 1.32 —0.50 —0.38 —0.44 1.07 Lg HIses010: ©" 008 0.09
505 1.26 0.70 OOS er 0i4 le 0 2382 — 0.32 1.17 1223 1.20 0.04 0.03 0.03
510 0.70 0.21 O60 = Or228= O02 0.12 APU 28) Le SO POOL SaREO!]
peomre— O10 =-0.83 (2=0:77 O88 @O0:465" (0.37 1.11 12 M620 05-0. 0592-00)
Soe 158 1.62 —1.60 0.64 0.85 0.74 1.00 1.08 1.04 —0.07 —0.05- =-0.06
Saree ae 212 2 5 Booey 1 Ole e 0.97, 0.86 0.83 0.84 —0.06 —0.05 —0.05
poveeer 215° 2.39 2:29 Rider 1.25 1.17 0.69 0.62 0.66;--0:05: =0.04 -—0.05
poem 21990-2379 2.28 1.29 8 1.44 1.36 0.46 0.42 0.44 —0.04 —0.03 —0.03
Bray 1.69 tlees ¥ — 176 Waves alkes, 1.42 0.27 0123 0 2 0.02 2-081 -002
eodn 0.66" —0.78 70.72 116 1.36 1.26 0.11 0.07 0:09 SAG, es]
590 57 S00. oO) J 075 S090 10 0.96 0.01 0 0.01 O 0 0
59) 3 1.20 1.16 O75 084) 0.80 20.027 s-0.0l 0.01 0 0 0
600 1.58 L772 1.65 0.60 0.68 0:64 0.03008; 0:02 fx0.02, 0.01 0 0
610 210 Zk 2.2) O33 039 "-0. 3691-2002 70.01 —O0l 0 ) 0
620 Ds: Be" 233 2.24 0.15 0.16 Ose O01) 20 = 0). 4) 0 0
630 1.89 2.02 195 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 le 0 ar) 0
640 1251 P39 LOOM 003 oe O06 — 0.05 0.02 702 a0 0 ai) sail
650 1.08 ting 5) Deel eet 06 0108 0.07 0.03 0.03 0:03, —0 Sh) ail!
660 0.67 0.69 0.68 —0.06 —0.06 —0.06 0.03 0.03 0:03 °—0 <4, A)
670 Oe lee 39) 2 38 A 00.05 0,035 0.02 0.02 O02 ae 0 seg f ale
680 0.18 0.17 Cy pee ee 2a 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 —O =a) =)
690 0.06 0.06 (E06 0.01 0 1)1 eed 0 0 ON ea 4) =)
700: 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 eat) nit an) 0 0 0)

wavelength A and R,Y,C,B are the primary radiometric technique after the observer has
stimuli of fixed wavelengths Ap, Ay,Ac, Ag, Fe- established the color match. Depending on the
spectively. The factors Q, R®, ¥®, C, B® de- wavelength A of the test stimulus, one or two of
note the amounts of the test stimulus and primary the primary stimuli are required to “desaturate”
stimuli, given, for example, in terms of radiance the test stimulus; their amounts are entered in Eq.
(W-m ’-sr_'), determined by an appropriate 18(5.6.2) with a negative sign.

For unit radiance of the test stimulus, that is, For unit radiance of C, we define
Q=1, the amounts of the primary stimuli re-
quired in the color match become RO Gras yO =
"aia ap he). Bates Daan
R® = yo fe
Folie lookin wee
(3) LS
etises b™ (Xe) [22(5.6.2)]
BO £
cE == b(r)
and obtain
C= FO(AC)R + PO(AC)Y + 6O(AC)B
and Eq. 18(5.6.2) appears in the form
Inserting Eq. 23(5.6.2) into Eq. 20(5.6.2) results in
a trichromatic color-match equation for the test
The quantities F(A), pO (A), EA), BMA) de- stimulus Q of unit radiance:
fine the tetrachromatic color-matching functions.
For a specified level of luminance, one of the Q =[F(A) + 2(A)FOAC)IR
four primary stimuli, typically C, is then color
matched in terms of the other three. The trichro- + [FA + OA)FOAC)IY
matic color-match equation may be written
+[ BO A) + (A)b (A) |B
[21(5.6.2)] [24(5.6.2)]

Derived trichromatic color-matching functions

from CIE 1964
standard data
R (644nm) Si “in Y (588nm)

vy, aN
y(3) - y; <

7 (3) (@) @) “
be” 500 600 700
sl Wavelength dA (nm)

2 B (468nm)

? 500 600
Wavelength (nm)

-/~ from tetrachromatic

= 7

Fig. 7(5.6.2). Trichromatic color-matching functions 7 (A), p©(A), b©(A), derived by

Trezona (1976) from her tetrachromatic color-matching functions shown in Figure 6(5.6.2) for
observer PMG. The trichromatic reduction equation that expresses the C primary stimulus in
terms of the primary stimuli R, Y, B for a specified luminance level was found experimentally to

C= —5.00R+ 1.43Y
+ 0.087B

The dashed curves are the trichromatic color-matching functions derived, by an appropriate
linear transformation, from the CIE 1964 standard observer data x 19(A), V19(A ),Z 19(A)-
Factors Modifying Color Matching 371

deduced from the tetrachromatic color-matching ble in tetrachromatic color matches involving the
functions 7d), pA), EA), BMA). The same test stimuli. Trezona further observed that a
validity of the trichromatic color-matching func- tetrachromatic color match obtained in a 10°
tions is limited to the extent to which changes in field remained an acceptable color match when
the luminance level and the particular spectral the field was reduced to 1°20”.
compositions of the stimuli displayed in the visual Palmer (1978, 1980) disagrees with Trezona’s
field will not upset the balance of the responses of (1974) observations and finds that the Maxwell
the rod mechanism. spot does not disappear completely when making
The trichromatic color-matching functions de- tetrachromatic color matches in a 10° field. His
duced by Trezona from her set of tetrachromatic experiments also indicate that the Maxwell spot
color-matching functions are illustrated in Figure is, at least in part, responsible for residual failures
7(5.6.2) together with corresponding trichro- of the additivity law he finds in tetrachromatic
matic color-matching functions obtained by an color matching.
appropriate linear transformation of the CIE 1964
standard observer data X;9(A), Vio(A), Zi9(A).- (v) Extrafoveal Color Matches. Rod participa-
In her investigation on tetrachromatic color tion in color matching has also been investigated
matching, Trezona (1973a,b) reported on two in the extrafoveal region of the retina (Clarke,
rather surprising effects concerning (i) the 1960b; 1963). Figure 8(5.6.2) from the work on
Maxwell spot when matching in large fields, and Clarke (1963) shows how the observed chromatic-
(ii) the persistence of the color matching when ities (W.D.W. system) for mixtures of two spec-
changing the field size. According to her observa- tral stimuli (the curved line) differ from those
tion (see also Trezona, 1970), the Maxwell spot, predicted from the chromaticities of the pure
which is quite vivid in a 10° bipartite field when components assuming strict validity of the addi-
trichromatic matching is done for certain mono- tivity law (straight line). The matches were made
chromatic test stimuli (Section 3.3.2), is not visi- with small test and comparison stimuli (each 40

B 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 B 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
450nm r 450nm r

Fig. 8(5.6.2). Defect of additivity in extrafoveal color-matching in measurements by Clarke

(1963). Chromaticities plotted in a modified W.D.W. system with monochromatic stimuli at
wavelengths 450, 500, and 650 nm, and normalizing wavelengths at 570 and 480 nm. The
measured chromaticities of mixtures in various proportions of wavelengths 430 and 530 nm
(lefthand diagram), and 480 and 650 nm (right-hand diagram), are shown as open circles. The
points marked on the straight lines joining the observed values for two extreme mixtures are
the chromaticities of intermediate mixtures derived on the assumption of additivity. The point
S represents the chromaticity of a “rod color,” or “scotopic white,” which enters in a possible
explanation of the failure of additivity in terms of rod participation.

>< 80 minutes) exposed at 10° from the fovea in a more pronounced in the extrafoveal and periph-
dark field. With large stimuli in a white surround, eral regions of the retina. However, under certain
the discrepancies are much reduced, the observed observing conditions, all involving voluntary but
points falling on the straight line but with small strict fixation, strong foveal local adaptation ef-
displacements from the predicted positions. fects can also be observed (McCree, 1960b;
Whether rod participation accounts for all the Kaneko, 1965). The use of an appropriate pulse
observed additivity failures is not clear. and recovery cycle is often a necessary experi-
mental technique to obtain a reasonable precision
in peripheral color vision tasks (Moreland,
1955a,b; Clarke, 1960b).
5.6.3 Location of Visual Field
In general, juxtaposed bipartite visual fields
Most color-matching experiments are made with cannot be used in peripheral color matching be-
the visual test field, usually a bipartite field, cause visual acuity is rather poor in the periphery.
viewed by the central region of the retina covering This is particularly so when the test field is small,
the fovea when the field has an angular subtense that is, less than 10°. The two halves of the test
not exceeding 2°, and including the parafoveal field must then be separated sufficiently to pro-
region for fields of 10°. The CIE 1931 and 1964 vide a clear resolution between them [see part (f)
standard colorimetric observers provide im- of Figure 1(5.2.5); Weale, 1951b; Moreland,
portant examples of color-matching functions for 1955a,b; Clarke, 1960b].
these viewing conditions. When the test field is Cruz and Moreland (1955) and Moreland and
moved away from the central region of the retina, Cruz (1959) conducted an extensive experimental
neither of the two sets of standard color-matching study of color matching involving different loca-
functions applies. Peripheral color vision, and in tions of the visual field in the retina. Their results
particular, peripheral color matching, deviates sig- demonstrate the large variations that occur in
nificantly from foveal and parafoveal color vision. color matches made in foveal, extrafoveal, and
The deviations generally increase with the dis- peripheral regions of the retina. They also demon-
tance of the visual field from the center of the strate that differences between observers can be
retina. rather large for peripheral color matches.
Apart from effects of the ocular media (macu- In the study of Cruz and Moreland, the visual
lar and lens pigments) and refractive defects, field consisted of a test and comparison field each
which influence the periphery and the center dif- subtending 80’ < 40’ and presented simulta-
ferently, it is mainly the variations in the neuro- neously for 0.5 sec every 2 sec to reduce and
nal topography, both in the retina and in the control the Troxler effect. The comparison field
visual pathways, that govern the differing proper- was centered at the fovea; the test field was
ties of central and peripheral color matching (see imaged on a specified location in the peripheral
Section 2.2). A useful recent review of peripheral retina. The surrounding field was kept dark. Color
color vision has been given by Moreland (1972a). matches between the two fields were made while
There are three factors of particular impor- viewing a sequence of some 20 to 30 exposures to
tance in peripheral color-matching experiments. the pulse /recovery cycle. ;
Color matching in a specific peripheral retinal The main results, when plotted in a W.D.W.
location requires the use of a fixation target for type chromaticity diagram, showed a progressive
foveal viewing, whereas the test field itself is reduction in size and shape of the test field from
imaged at the required peripheral location. Care- the fovea. Figure 1(5.6.3) illustrates the data for
ful adherence to fixation is important because observers JM and AC when the test field was
even small shifts in the location of the test field in located 25° nasal from the fovea.
the periphery can result in marked upsets in the The experimental data of Cruz and Moreland
color matches. The requirement of simultaneous suggest that trichromatic vision in the central
foveal fixation and peripheral color matching is a region of the retina gradually reduces to dichro-
task of divided attention which a naive observer matic vision for a test field of moderate size and
must practice in order to master. given luminances and exposure times. These find-
With small test fields viewed steadily by the ings are supported by other more recent experi-
peripheral retina, local adaptation occurs that is mental data obtained by Boynton, Schafer, and
often referred to as the Troxler effect (Troxler, Neun (1964) and by Weitzman and Kinney (1969)
1804; Clarke, 1960a). This effect, though also who used color-naming techniques to explore color
noticeable in the fovea (Clarke, 1957), is generally vision in the peripheral region of the retina.
Factors Modifying Color Matching 373

Visual Field

540 ‘Test Comparison

1 A ' fixation
a CON aun dots


Fig. 1(5.6.3). Asymmetric color matches of peripheral test stimuli of wavelength A, located at
25° nasal from the fovea, expressed in a W.D.W. type chromaticity diagram for observers JM
and AC. The line through the corners (R),(G),(B) of the triangle represents the foveal
spectrum locus for each of the two observers and provides the reference frame for the
experiment. The point W represents the “white” stimulus (CIE standard illuminant C) in
foveal matching. When the test stimuli are presented in the peripheral test field, as indicated in
the inset, and matched by appropriate mixtures of the given primary stimuli R, G, B, chromatic-
ity points are obtained that result in the loci falling completely inside the triangles: open circles
for observer JM, solid dots for AC. The primary stimuli used in the experiment are at
wavelengths 650,530, 460 nm; the normalizing wavelengths used to obtain W.D.W. chromatic-
ity coordinates are at 494.0 and 582.5 nm. The peripheral test field was kept at constant
brightness for most wavelengths, corresponding to a foveal retinal illuminance of approximately
30 td for the mixture of the primary stimuli. (Moreland and Cruz, 1959).

5.6.4 Size of Visual Field functions of average normal trichromats making

color matches in small fields of 1° to 4° angular
The importance of field size to color matching subtense and large fields of greater than 4° angu-
has already become evident in several previous lar subtense, respectively, when the visual field is
sections, notably those dealing with the develop- a juxtaposed bipartite field centered at the fovea
ment of the CIE 1931 and 1964 standard colori- (Section 3.3.3). The differences between the two
metric observers that define the color-matching standard observers are, to a large extent, caused

by a decrease in the effective optical density of color-vision characteristics begin to become evi-
the ocular media, mainly the macular pigment, dent for very small fields of 20’ angular subtense
which occurs when going from the small field to and less, when observations are made by strict
the large. Considerably less macular pigmentation fixation.
covers the parafoveal region of the retina. Rod Field-size effects have been studied a great
intrusion in the large-field data may also be a deal in connection with color discrimination, par-
contributing factor, but it is believed that this has ticularly wavelength discriminations, which will
been virtually eliminated in the CIE 1964 stan- be discussed in Section 7.10.2.
dard data by correction procedures along the
lines discussed in Section 5.5.4.
5.6.5 High Luminance Level
When differences in the effective optical den-
sity of the ocular media and possible rod intru- It is generally accepted that foveal trichromatic
sion have been taken into account, small but matching obeys, at least to a close approximation,
experimentally significant discrepancies between the proportionality law (Sections 3.2.1 and 5.2)
2° and 10° color-matching functions remain. In over a wide range of photopic luminance levels.
his pilot investigation of 2° and 10° color-match- Similarly, extrafoveal or large-field trichromatic
ing functions (Section 5.5.3), Stiles (1955b) made matching obeys the proportionality law if the rod
a careful comparison of the two sets of data he receptors do not contribute to the match, their
obtained for a group of 10 normal trichromats on responses being either suppressed by a suffi-
the NPL (Stiles) trichromator. He concluded that, ciently high luminance level or being equal for the
in the wavelength range 570 to 700 nm, the dif- two spectrally different stimuli to be color
ferences between his two sets of data show fea- matched (Section 5.6.2).
tures not attributable to an ocular pigment effect. In this section, we will discuss the failure of
In that region of the spectrum, the ocular media the proportionality law for trichromatic color
are virtually nonselective (Section 2.4.6). Stiles matching when the color stimuli presented to the
suggested that in going from 570 to 625 nm, the observer reach high luminance levels. The discus-
“blue” mechanism in the parafovea (10° field) sion is relevant to the von Knies law of the
might become relatively more sensitive compared persistence of color matches (Section 3.2.1).
with the foveal “blue” mechanism, whereas for Early work by Wright (1936; 1946) was con-
the “green” and “red” mechanisms, a reverse firmed and extended by the results of Brindley
effect occurs. (1953) who showed that the amounts of red (680
Changes in the sensitivity of the cone mecha- nm) and green (550 nm) required to match a
nisms with retinal location of the image of the monochromatic test stimulus in the range 480 to
visual field have been observed by several other 620 nm are changed materially following a 30-sec
investigators studying the spectral sensitivity or exposure to a yellow adapting stimulus of about
the luminous efficiency of the peripheral and 30,000 photopic trolands [Figure 1(5.6.5)]. More-
foveal regions of the retina by a variety of differ- over, intense adapting stimuli of other wave-
ent techniques [see Sections 2.4.6 and 5.7.2(v)]. lengths all produced similar changes in this match,
However, the agreement between the results ob- namely a considerable increase of up to three
tained by the different investigators is not entirely times in the amount of red and a rather small
satisfactory and it is difficult to extract from decrease up to about 25% in the amount of green
them information particularly relevant to the case [Figure 1(5.6.5)]. Terstiege’s (1967) experimental
at hand, that is, to changes in the size of centrally data show similar trends.
viewed visual fields. More recent work by Wyszecki (1978), Alpern
_ The field size has also an effect on the preci- (1979), and Wyszecki and Stiles (1980) provide
sion of color matching. Color-matching ellipsoids further data and in some ways, more comprehen-
(Section 5.4.2) obtained in large fields (10°) are sive quantitative evidence of the failure of the
usually smaller, that is, the observer can repeat proportionality law for trichromatic color match-
color matches more precisely, than color-match- ing. The experimental technique used by these
ing ellipsoids obtained in small fields (2°) but investigators differs from the one employed in the
otherwise identical observing conditions. For field earlier work. The retinal illuminance, measured in
sizes greater than 12°, little or no gain in preci- trolands, which controls the adaptation of the
sion is noted. For field sizes smaller than 2°, the observer’s eye, is provided by the luminance of
precision deteriorates rapidly and dichromatic the bipartite visual field itself. Thus, a (metameric)
Factors Modifying Color Matching —_ 375



—0.2 70 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 £680 700 0.5 1.0 15) 2.0
Test wavelength (nm) log (adapting luminance)

Fig. 1(5.6.5). Left-hand diagram: changes AlogR and AlogG in the logarithms of the
amounts of red (A = 680 nm) and green (A = 550 nm) in a match on test stimuli of various
wavelengths, following adaptation to a yellow stimulus (A = 578 nm) of high luminance (about
30,000 photopic td). Right-hand diagram: similar changes in a match on a yellow stimulus
(A = 580 nm), following adaptation to stimuli of various filter colors [deep red (DR), red(R),
orange (QO), yellow (Y), yellow-green (YG), blue-green (BG), blue (B), violet (V), and deep
violet (DV)], and various luminances. In both diagrams the heavy points with experimental
spread refer to Alog R, the light points with experimental spread to Alog G. The open circles in
the left-hand diagram are computed from Brindley’s theory of the phenomenon (Brindley,

color match is made first at a moderate level of Maxwell method of color matching (Sections 5.3
retinal illuminance, say 1000 td, with the eye and 5.6.6) has advantages over the more conven-
adapted to that level, and then the luminance tional maximum saturation method because, at
level of the color-matched bipartite field is raised color match, the visual field will always appear
(anywhere between 1,000 and 100,000 td) without “white” regardless of the wavelength of the test
requiring the observer to look elsewhere to adapt stimulus that is presented as one of the three
to the higher level. Compared to the method used already mixed primary stimuli in the lower half of
in the earlier studies, in which adaptation to the bipartite field. The observer’s state of chro-
higher levels was achieved by a 30-sec exposure matic adpatation is thus kept constant throughout
to a secondary stimulus, this method and the the experimental study.
restoration of the color match at higher levels Examples of the results of Wyszecki’s (1978)
leads to more precise measurements of the pilot study are given in Figures 2(5.6.5), 3(5.6.5),
breakdown of the color matches with the eye’s and 4(5.6.5), which conveys a similar message of
adaptation under better control. breakdowns in color matches as that obtained
In the experimental work reported by Wyszecki from Figure 1(5.6.5).
(1978) and Wyszecki and Stiles (1980), the NRC Figure 2(5.6.5) refers to large-field color
trichromator was used (an instrument whose basic matches (9° field) where the test stimulus was
design is that of the NPL (Stiles) trichromator). composed of monochromatic stimuli (L) =
Both a large (9°) and a small (2°) bipartite field 17,500 cm~'!, (G) = 19,000 cm™', and (B)=
were available and used, and all trichromatic color 22,500 cm '. The color matches were made at
matches were made against a fixed “white” (D;;) retinal illuminances of 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 6,000,
reference stimulus presented in the upper half of 8,000, 10,000, 12,000, 15,000, 25,000, 50,000, and
the bipartite field. This method, known as the 100,000 td. The radiant powers, measured in pW,


| 4 4 6 10.) 155-25 50 100X10°

_| 2-04
L=17500 cm”!


G= 19000 cm!

' Nn

, )(rad.

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

LOG ( rad. power, »W, of white stimulus in reference field )

Fig. 2(5.6.5). Color matching with 9° bipartite field at retinal illuminances from 1,000 to
100,000 td. The test stimulus is composed of wavebands (L),(G),(B) located at 17,500,
19,000, and 22,500 cm ', respectively, and color matched with a white reference stimulus
composed of wavebands (R),(G),(B) located at 15,500, 19,000 and 22,500 cm ', respectively.
The radiant power, ».W, requirements of the mixed wavebands (L),(G),(B) in the test field,
do not all obey the proportionality law. Although the L and G curves deviate drastically from
the predicted horizontal curve between 8,000 and 50,000 td, the B curve remains horizontal
over the entire range of levels (Wyszecki, 1978).

required for the (L), (G), (B) wavebands to zontal within 5%, the L and G curves are clearly
obtain, when mixed in the lower half of the field, not. While the observer increases the radiant
a color match with the white reference stimulus in power of the waveband (G) in the test field
the upper half of the field, are found not to be beyond what the proportionality law would re-
proportional to the retinal illuminance. To il- quire, the radiant power of the test waveband (L)
lustrate the failure of proportionality, the loga- is decreased. The breakdown of the proportional-
rithm of the ratio of the radiant power of (L), ity law sets in at approximately 8,000 td and
(G), and (B) in the test field to the radiant power appears to be completed at approximately 50,000
of the white stimulus in the reference field is td. Above 50,000 td, the proportionality law ap-
plotted against the logarithm of the radiant power pears to hold again.
of the white stimulus in the reference field. The magnitude of the breakdown is quite large.
If proportionality would hold, the L,G, B Above 50,000 td, the radiant power (G) must be
curves would be strictly horizontal in Figure approximately three times higher than strict pro-
2(5.6.5). Although the B curve is virtually hori- portionality would predict on the basis of the
Factors Modifying Color Matching 377


| 2 3 5 10 18 30 45 65 100 200x103

test L=17500 cm°!

B=22500 cm"!

G=19000 cm"!




wee ee
-2.5 -2.0 =f25 =a -0.5 0.0
LOG ( rad. power, wnW, of white stimulus in reference field )

Fig. 3(5.6.5). Color matching with 2° bipartite field at retinal illuminances from 1,000 to
200,000 td. Similar, but somewhat more pronounced failures of proportionality in the radiant
power requirements of the (Z) and (G) wavebands in the test field are noticed here as
compared to color matching with a 9° bipartite field [Figure 2(5.6.5)].

matches made below 8,000 td. Simultaneously, Figure 4(5.6.5) is an example of such a case.
the radiant power of (L) must be approximately The test waveband (L) is at 20,750 cm|. All
1.5 times lower than strict proportionality would other conditions are identical to those given for
predict. Figure 2(5.6.5). Only a slight suggestion of a
Figure 3(5.6.5) shows that similar results are breakdown is indicated in the G curve which
obtained for small-field color matching (2°). bulges slightly in the 8,000 to 100,000 td region. It
Again, the breakdown of color matches occurs at is not certain whether the slight upswings in the L
approximately 8,000 td, and after approximately curve at the 75,000 and 100,000 td levels are
50,000 td, no further breakdown is observed. The significant. When ignoring these last two levels,
magnitude of the breakdown appears somewhat the curve is, as before, horizontal.
larger than for the large-field case. The radiant The experimental procedure described above
power requirements for the waveband (G) in- was used to determine complete sets of Maxwell
creases by a factor of four above the prediction spectral distribution functions, at different levels
by strict proportionality. (L) decreases by a fac- of retinal illuminance, by varying (L) over the
tor of three, whereas (B) is again virtually pro- entire range of the visible spectrum. Figure 5(5.6.5)
portional to the level of stimulus. illustrates the results obtained by observer GW in
When the (variable) waveband (L) in the test a 2° bipartite visual field for two levels of retinal
stimulus is located in the middle to short-wave illuminance: 1,000 td and 100,000 td. The numeri-
region of the spectrum, breakdowns of color cal values on which Figure 5(5.6.5) is based are
matches with increasing levels of retinal illumi- given in Table 1(5.6.5).
nance are much less pronounced. In fact, it ap- The results of the color-matching experiment
pears as if breakdowns do not occur even at levels by means of the Maxwell method, as illustrated in
as high as 100,000 td. Figure 5(5.6.5) and tabulated in Table 1(5.6.5),


6 10 (5 25 50 100x10°

= 0.0

—_ os aoe X X=—X —— x —— KX x — X—
' ° a)
R=15500 cm"!

fe) BS ante ee ee oe
L=20750 cm’!

power power,
G=19000 cm"!

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

LOG ( rad. power, pW, of white stimulus in reference field )

Fig. 4(5.6.5). Color matching with 9° bipartite field at retinal illuminances form 1,000 to
100,000 td. The test stimulus is composed of wavebands (R),(G),(L) located at 15,500,
19,000, and 20,750 cm', respectively, and color matched with a white reference stimulus
composed of wavebands (R ),(G),(B) located at 15,500, 19,000, and 22,500 cm ', respectively.
Only a slight failure of proportionality in the radiant power requirement of the (G) waveband
in the test stimulus is indicated between 8,000 and 100,000 td. The other two wavebands (R))
and (B) follow proportionality law predictions closely.

can be converted to the familiar color-matching respectively, presented in the upper half of the
functions r(A), g(A), b(A). The following equa- bipartite field providing the fixed “white” refer-
tions are used: ence stimulus W. The quantities L(A), R(A),
G(A), B(A) are the radiant powers of L, R,G,B

Dares eC
= as Ray R(A) stimuli presented in the lower half of the bipartite
field and required by the observer to obtain a
color match with the given juxtaposed “white”
reference stimulus. The stimulus L varies in wave-
2(A) oe [1(5.6.5)]
length A and is referred to as the test stimulus; its
amount L(A) never becomes zero, whereas
R(A), G(A), B(A) are respectively zero in the
long-, middle-, and short-wavelength regions of
the spectrum. Thus, for any given test stimulus L,
In the above equations, Ry, Gy, By are the only two of the available three stimuli R,G,B
radiant powers of the primary stimuli R,G,B, need to be added to L to obtain the desired
Factors Modifying Color Matching 379

400 450 500 550 600 650 700
dre) R 250
1000 Trolands
—-0-0-0-0- | QO00 Trolands

2.0 200


25.24 23 22 21 20 i9 18 I7 16 45 14-103 TROLANDS
Fig. 5(5.6.5). Maxwell spectral distribution functions L(A), R(A), G(A), and B(A) obtained
by observer GW in a 2° bipartite visual field for two levels of retinal illuminance: lines refer to
data obtained at 1,000 td, thin lines through open circles refer to data obtained at 100,000 td.
The reference “white” stimulus consists of an appropriate mixture of the three instrumental
primary stimuli R,G,B to give the chromaticity of CIE standard illuminant D,, (average
daylight). At the 1,000 td level the radiant powers of R,G,B are R ,, = 1.0856, G,, = 0.5567, and
B,, = 0.3516 nW, respectively. At the 100,000 td level these radiant powers are increased by a
factor of 100, precisely.

trichromatic color match with W. When L has a 5.6.6 Maxwell Method versus
wavelength identical to R, G, B, the two halves of Maximum Saturation Method
the visual field become physically identical.
Table 2(5.6.5) gives the color-matching func- There are two main methods that have been used
tions 7(A), Z(A), (A) derived by means of Eq. in color-matching experiments: the maximum
1(5.6.5) from the values of Table 1(5.6.5). Also saturation method and the Maxwell method. Fig-
given are the corresponding chromaticity coordi- ure 1(5.6.6) gives the parameters that are essential
nates. Figures 6(5.6.5) and 7(5.6.5) illustrate the to the two methods. A bipartite field is usually
data. used in either method. In the illustrated case, the
The widely favored physiological interpre- field has a horizontal dividing line. There are
tation of the breakdowns of color matches at high three fixed primary stimuli R, G, B which are usu-
luminance levels, as demonstrated in Figures ally monochromatic stimuli consisting of narrow
1(5.6.5) to 7(5.6.5), is that of bleaching of the bands of wavelength A, one in the red, one in the
photopigments in the cone receptors (Wright, green, and one in the blue part of the spectrum.
1936; 1946; Brindley, 1953; 1960; Terstiege, 1967; Then there is a variable test stimulus L, also
Alpern, 1979; Wyszecki and Stiles, 1980). The monochromatic but of variable wavelength A, and
bleaching hypothesis will be discussed in Section finally, a fixed reference stimulus W, usually of a
8.2.6. “white” chromaticity.
Table 1(5.6.5) Maxwell Spectral Distribution Functions for Retinal Illuminances of
1,000 and 100,000 td, Obtained by Observer GW in a 2° Bipartite Visual Field with a
Fixed “White” (D,;) Reference Stimulus’
m Maxwell Values for 1,000 td Maxwell Values for 100,000 td
(cm ') Lim) Rim) Gm) Bim) Lyoolm) Riool™) Groom) Bioo(m)

14,500 12.616 0:5 73enei3 360608568 56.6 35.8

14,750 6.412 O:512 7 0856 665.2 56.4 25.2
1D,000R TS 3t215 209 2 E0205 348.1 56.4 35.4
15,250 1.749 0.566 0.353 169.4 56.1 BInpe)
15,500 1.086 52) caetela DA 108.6 Sauk 35.2
15, 750° | 02730 0.542 0.348 67.6 55.0 35.0
16,000 0.525 0.521 0.345 47.4 54.0 34.7
16,250 0.435 0.494 0.344 36.6 52.4 34.5
16,5008 7 03399 0.455 0.344 30.8 50.1 34.3
16,750 0.406 0.400 0.347 All 47.4 34.2
17,000 0.437 0.32225 U.to2 24.3 441] 34.1
17,2503 40501 0210 — 0/358 28.8 39.6 34.1
17,500 0.616 0.000 0.044 0.365 33.0 33,1 34.4
17,7504 (0579, 0.2397 S060" G5) 41.3 Pa ap 35.0
18,000 0.530 0.541 0.366 55.0 0.0 4.8 35.6
18,2507, "0500; 10,717 0.364 55.0 30:5 0.0 35.9
18,500 0.499 0.860 0.361 52.0 63.8 35.9
18,7503. O17" *0.986 0.358 53.4 89.2 Sa)
19,000 0.557 1.086 0.352 55.7. 108.6 eh
T9200 wee UOLae nial Oo 0.341 OU ata 34.2
BS Os Us)Sale 2 0.319 JU ete Lo gt
19,750 0.885 1.334 0.285 85.9. 142.2 28.0
20,000 bA2Z3mwli4t9 02 16 116.5 154.1 20.0
20,250 1.449 1.508 0.000 0.086 158.8 167.6 0.0 @)5,
20,500 1.260 1.427 0.150 0.000 124.2 150.8 20.4 0.0
20750- “O25 5 lore Usa! aise pau)selaje'd 34.0
21,000 0.628 1.188 0.408 6i.dag AZS8 43.4
21,250. 0)¢.0:520, 4lil4deu 0.463 58Hae lil927, 48.7
21,500 0.465 1.122 0.500 46.7 116.1 51.4
DATS AVAZ Ze be 413 ., 113-5 we
22000 70390 OO IPG 539 39 lesarldt5 54.2
22,250 0.364 1.090 0.549 867778010939 55.0
225900 OSS 204071 OS6RUIO SST, 39.2) 921086 ee
225750 "7203674 SNO820920563 B7.3:¢ 81070 559
23,000 0.401 1.079 0.568 40.7 105.6 56.0
23,250 0.474 1.076 0.570 49.0 104.0 56.0
23,500 — 625 4 1 O71 SO 57) 63:5... 1027.8 56.0
23,750 0.846 1.064 0.570 86.5 101.6 oy)
24,000 1.374 1.058 0.569 141.1 100.2 55.8
2425027 12.235 , A105 020569 230.0 98.8 DSi7
24,500 5.709 1.045 0.568 585.0 ov 55.8

“m=10'/X when A is given in nanometers (nm). All Maxwell values are given in
nanowatts (nW). The “white” (D,;) reference stimulus has tristimulus values R ,,= 1.086
nW, Gy = 0.557 nW, By, = 0.352 nW to provide 1,000 td; the tristimulus values of the
“white” (D,;) reference stimulus are increased by the factor 100 for measurements at
100,000 td.
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Factors Modifying Color Matching 383

i are tall oe
35 Observer GW
2°-Bipartite Field
Maxwell Method
30 (Des - White Reference)

1000 Trolands --——--

25 100000 Trolands --——--

N (e)





23 (B) 22
2l (G)
an 0
I6 (R) 15:10

Fig. 6(5.6.5). Color-matching functions 7(A),Z(A),5(A) derived from Maxwell spectral

distribution functions obtained by observer GW with a 2° bipartite field at retinal illuminances
of 1,000 and 100,000 td [see Figure 5(5.6.5)].

The maximum saturation method shown on small, it is sometimes helpful to add a small
the left of Figure 1(5.6.6) is the most commonly amount of the B primary to the upper half of the
used method. The test stimulus L, of magnitude bipartite field and then take as the match the
L(A), presented in the lower half of the bipartite difference in the amounts of the B primaries in
field, is “desaturated” by the minimum amount the two halves.
required of one of the three primary stimuli The amounts R(A), G(A), B(A) of the three
R, G, B such that the mixture of the test stimulus primary stimuli required in the match are called
and the desaturating primary can be color the tristimulus values of the test stimulus L(A)L.
matched by an appropriate mixture of the remain- The amount of the desaturating primary stimulus
ing two primary stimuli appearing in the upper is given a negative sign.
half of the bipartite field. The choice of the Apart from differences at test stimuli of short
desaturating primary depends solely on the wave- wavelengths consistent with different absorptions
length of the test stimulus relative to the wave- in the eye lens and macular pigment, the respec-
lengths of the primaries. In the case illustrated, tive color matches of normal trichromatic ob-
the test stimulus L is desaturated by the B primary servers agree rather closely, leading to similar
so that the mixture [L(A)L + B(A)B] color tristimulus values R(A), G(A), and B(A) for a
matches the mixture [R(A)R + G(A)G]. when the given stimulus L(A)L. From such data, the
amount of the desaturating B primary is very familiar color-matching functions r(A), g(A),

:GW (1977)
AGE ie]
(20 000) 1000 TWolands —«—«—e—
° 100000 Trolands
2° Bipartite Field
Maxwell Method (Dgs5-White)

dee SS
G 1.5 |

(20 500) °o

20 500°

18 500
a =f (18 500)

(21000 SS

(21 oe
(22 000)-S.\4

; 0.5 22500\"="%uP 500

(24500) 0.5 (16 500) 10

Fig. 7(5.6.5). Spectrum loci derived from Maxwell spectral distribution functions obtained by
observer GW with a 2° bipartite field at retinal illuminances of 1,000 and 100,000 td.

b(A) emerge:
: alta)
Ao Say)
g(A) = a [1(5.6.6)]
LI) + BAB aS

The Maxwell method shown on the right of

MAXIMUM SATURATION MAXWELL METHOD Figure 1(5.6.6) employs a fixed reference stimulus
METHOD W, usually of a “white” chromaticity, appearing
Fig. 1(5.6.6). Color matching in a bipartite visual in the upper half of the bipartite field. In the
field using the maximum-saturation method or the lower half, a mixture of the test stimulus L and
Maxwell method. R,G, B = Primary stimuli (of two of the available three primary stimuli (R, G,
fixed wavelengths Ap, AG, Ag); R(A), GA), and B) is presented, which when appropriate
B(A) = amounts of primary stimuli (tristimulus amounts of them are chosen, color matches the
values (e.g., in terms of radiance: W - m~? - sr~!); reference stimulus. The wavelength of the test
L = variable test stimulus of wavelength A; L(A) stimulus determines which two of the three
= amount of variable test stimulus (e.g., in terms primaries must be added to the test stimulus. In
of radiance: W-m 7- sr_'); W = fixed refer- the example illustrated, the stimulus WW color
ence stimulus (usually of “white” chromaticity); matches the mixture [R(A)R + G(A)G + L(A)L].
W = amount of fixed reference stimulus (e.g., in As in the maximum saturation method, normal
cd - m ” or troland, td). trichromatic observers agree closely with their
Factors Modifying Color Matching 385

respective color matches, leading to similar set- However, more recent experimental work by
tings of L(A), R(A), G(A), BCA). Crawford (1965), Lozano and Palmer (1968), and
The results of the color-matching experiment Wyszecki (given below) points at visually small
by means of the Maxwell method can be con- but systematic differences between the two sets of
verted to the familiar color-matching functions color-matching functions obtained by the Maxwell
r(A), Z(A), b(A) by equations given in the previ- method and the maximum saturation method.
ous section as Eq. 1(5.6.5). An example of Crawford’s (1965) data is given
It is clear that if the basic laws of trichromatic in Figure 2(5.6.6) which shows the spectrum loci
color matching, particularly the proportionality obtained from color matches made by the two
and additivity laws, hold strictly, the color-match- methods. The two loci deviate from one another
ing functions r(A), g(A), D(A) derived from particularly in the blue-green region of the spec-
Maxwell matches in accordance with Eq. 1(5.6.5) trum. Five other observers engaged by Crawford
must (within the experimental uncertainties) be in the same investigation gave similar results,
identical to those derived more directly by means though the degree of deviation varied somewhat
of the maximum saturation method, that is, Eq. from observer to observer. Crawford also studied
1(5.6.6). the effect of field size, by making corresponding
Early tests of the additivity law by Blottiau color matches for 2° and 1° bipartite fields. The
(1947) in foveal rod-free areas revealed failures; results were similar to those obtained for the 10°
but then, in a more critical investigation, Trezona field, but, in general, somewhat reduced in the
(1953, 1954) found that the failures of the additiv- magnitude of the deviation.
ity law are not considerable in comparison with Results of another experiment by Lozano and
just-discriminable color differences. In fact, Palmer (1968) are shown in Figure 3(5.6.6). Al-
Trezona concluded that the observed discrepan- though the observing conditions and the system
cies are, in part, associated with the technique
used by the observer for arriving at the actual

match settings within the range of visual uncer-
Obs.: RDL (10°)
{20000 -o— Maxwell Method
aii nen (10°)
Maxwell Method
-oe-oes Maximum -
Ke) eT Saturation

\,, 18500
*s, 18000
\ ®,_!7000


Fig. 3(5.6.6). Spectrum loci derived from color

matches made in a 10° bipartite field by observer
~ -05 00 0.5 1.0 1.5 RDL by means of the Maxwell method against a
“white” (NPL Bluish White; Stiles, 1955) refer-
Fig. 2(5.6.6). Spectrum loci derived from color ence stimulus and by means of the maximum-
matches made in a 10° bipartite field by observer saturation method. The retinal illuminance of the
BHC by means of the Maxwell method against a visual field was of the order of 160 td. For the
“white” (CIE standard illuminant C) reference purpose of this illustration, the original data, sup-
stimulus and by means of the maximum saturation plied by Dr. D. A. Palmer in a private communica-
method. The data points are means of three com- tion, have been smoothed somewhat and then
plete sets of readings. The primary stimuli transformed to a _ set of primary stimuli
(R),(G),(B) have wavelengths 650, 530, and 460 (R),(G),(B) of wavenumbers 15,500, 19,000,
nm, respectively (Crawford, 1965). 22,500 cm', respectively.

Blue Corner

_ 500

20 500

0.5 18 OOO
Observer GW (1978)
9° Bipartite Field (IOOOtd)
Maxwell Method (D¢s) --—o—o=
Des 17500
Max-Saturation Method --—e—e=


16 500
22 500
16 000
15 500
Sp pp fp $$
-45 -.0 -0.5 . 0.5 (R) 1LO\.
500 24 500 gp oeies 14 500

Fig. 4(5.6.6). Spectrum loci derived from color matches made in a 9° bipartite field by
observer GW by means of the Maxwell method against a “white” (CIE standard illuminant
Ds) reference stimulus and by the maximum-saturation method. The retinal illuminance of the
visual field was of the order of 1000 td. The primary stimuli (R),(G),(B) are of wavenumbers
15,500, 19,000, and 22,500 cm‘, respectively.

of primary stimuli used by these investigators not confirmed throughout the spectrum. In fact,
differ somewhat from those used by Crawford, Wyszecki’s observations indicate that the effect
similar deviations are noted between the data can be somewhat larger at some wavelengths and
obtained by the Maxwell method and those ob- smaller at others.
tained by the maximum saturation method. The All investigators, whose results are illustrated
magnitude of the effect appears larger for ob- in Figures 2(5.6.6) to 5(5.6.6) report that the
server RDL than BHC. points of a spectrum locus derived from color
Figures 4(5.6.6) and 5(5.6.6) are pilot data matches made by the Maxwell method against a
obtained by Wyszecki in 1977 and 1978 on the “white” reference stimulus are, in general, consid-
NRC trichromator for 9° and 2° bipartite visual erably less certain than those derived from color
fields at an illuminance level of 1000 td. The data matches made by the maximum saturation
show similar features to those illustrated in the method. The uncertainty in a “white” match is
previous Figures 2(5.5.6) and 3(5.5.6). However, unfavorably amplified when the match is trans-
Crawford’s (1965) finding, that the effect becomes formed to predict the corresponding point on the
less pronounced when the field size is reduced, is spectrum locus. Although an appropriate analysis
Blue Corner

22 500
/ 002 004 006 008 O10 O12 O14

Observer GW (1978)
2°-Bipartite Field (1000 td)
Maxwell Method (Des) -o==o=mom
Max.-Saturation Method=e=-e==e=

22 500
(B) >24 500

Fig. 5(5.6.6). Spectrum loci derived in a similar manner as those shown in Figure 4(5.6.6),
but the observations were now made in a 2° bipartite field. The numerical values for the plotted
points are given in Table 1(5.6.6).

2.0 (-2,-2,-2)

19 Se abe 4 O22)

18 =e
17 /”'5(-2,-2,-2)
r 7(-2,-2,-2) | go 2-9)


1.3 Max.- Sat. I9500“.

-|.4 -|.2 -|.0 -0.8 -06 -0.4
1 ame

Fig. 6(5.6.6). Portion of (r,g)-chromaticity diagram showing spectrum loci derived from
Maxwell color matches against a D,.-“ white” reference stimulus and from color matches made
by the maximum-saturation method. For the monochromatic test stimulus of wavenumber
m = 20,000 cm~! (=500 nm) chromaticity uncertainty gamuts are shown that result from
+2% perturbations of the observed mean color matches. In each case, eight match perturba-
tions are made which, in tristimulus space, correspond to the eight corner points (1 to 8) of a
cube centered at the point (0) representing the observed mean color match. For details, see

| (9°9°S) SuTyd}VP-10][0D
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pompoyy (w)q (um) (u)s
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0000 I 0000°0 00000 00001 0000°0 0000 I 0000°0 00000 0000'1 0000°0 00°61

of the error propagation has not as yet been The results are plotted in Figure 6(5.6.6) which
made, the problem is appreciated readily by con- shows an elongated convex four-sided polygon
sidering the following numerical example. approximately centered at the observed mean
Let us consider color matches involving the chromaticity point (0). The cube corners whose
test stimulus L of wavenumber m = 20,000 cm !. (R,, L;, B;)-coordinates differ only in L; have
The mean Maxwell values obtained by observer identical chromaticity coordinates (1,, g;).
GW against the D,;-“white” reference stimulus The mean maximum saturation values ob-
W are, in this case, as follows: tained by observer GW for the same test stimulus
L (20,000 cm~') in terms of the primary stimuli
Ry = 1.427, Ly = 1.095, By = 0.2374 R, G, B are, in accordance with Table 1(5.6.6), as
By perturbing the above mean observed values
by +2%, we generate a set of eight points
(R,, L;, B;), with i= 1 to 8, which represent the
7S) = 0.2843, 6S) = 0.5297,
eight corners of a cube centered at the point
BSS) = 0.1230
(Ry, Lo, By) in (R, L, B) space, as shown in
Figure 6(5.6.6). These +2% perturbations are
consistent, in a rough approximation, with the If the above mean observed values are perturbed
uncertainties found in the settings made by the by +2%, a similar perturbation cube is obtained
observer in repeat color matches. Of course, in as for the observed Maxwell values. When trans-
reality, actual repeat color matches would lead to forming the mean and the eight perturbed color
an ellipsoid and not to a cube (see Section 5.4) in matches (75), gz), b{)(i = 0,1,...,8) to corre-
(R, L, B)-space, but for the purpose of this dis- sponding chromaticity coordinates r{5), g‘°), the
cussion, we will dispense with the refinement. results illustrated in Figure 6(5.6.6) are obtained.
The mean and the eight perturbed color The emerging polygon is, in this case, consider-
matches (R,, L;, B;) (i& O0§1,! 4,8) are then ably smaller than the one based on perturbed
transformed to the tristimulus values 7{™), Maxwell matches. The cube corners (1) and (7)
gz’, bp” of the given test stimulus L (20,000 have identical chromaticity points and coincide
cm') by means of with the chromaticity point of the mean (0).
When the wavenumber of the test stimulus L
Re -eR:
i; D is changed, the resulting perturbation gamuts in
the chromaticity diagram for the Maxwell matches
9 G, and the maximum saturation matches exhibit, in
general, similar features to those shown in Figure
Bew a8; 1
(M) we
Z The fact that the (r, g)-chromaticity diagrams,
in which the spectrum loci in Figures 2(5.6.6) to
5(5.6.6) are plotted, are perceptually nonuniform,
which, in fact, are the values of the color-match-
adds to the problem of assessing the visual signifi-
ing functions for m = 20,000 cm™! in terms of cance of the deviations between corresponding
the instrumental primary stimuli R, G, B of fixed
loci. A given linear distance Ad plotted in differ-
wavenumbers mp = 15,500, mg = 19,000, mz =
ent parts of the chromaticity diagram will most
22,500 cm~!, respectively, as given in Table certainly correspond to quite different perceived
1(5.6.6). Equation 2(5.6.6) corresponds to Eq.
color differences Ac. Unfortunately, the relation-
1(5.6.5) introduced earlier.
ship between Ad and Ac as a function of the
The calculated values 7,, 2,,b, are then con-
location of Ad is not immediately obvious (Sec-
verted to the chromaticity coordinates r,, g; by the
tions 3.3.9, 7.10.5, and 8.4).
familiar equations
When the color-matching functions are plotted
instead of the spectrum loci, the deviations be-
(M) ae tween corresponding sets of data reveal them-
=(M ~(M M
selves in a different perspective, though again, the
5(M) visual significance of the deviations noted for
(M) — : different wavelengths is difficult to assess quanti-
BO + 5m tatively. Figure 7(5.6.6) shows the color-matching
functions obtained by observer GW of the
[3(5.6.6)] Maxwell method and the maximum saturation






SON|DA sNinwiysiay

100 100
4eAs08q0 (8261)
sooo 2 4001Q-
4 PIO!

(8) 02 (9) ¢Ol-Sl aod 8) 02 (9) ¢Ol-Sl o) iso'0 (8)



(j-Wd) W sequINUeADM (j-Wd) W sequnueADM

“SI *(9°9°S)L suTypyeul-10]0F)

suoyouny pourejqo
Aq JoArasqo
AA)Ul & 7 aysediq
ppelyAq ayy
[JAMxEyA] poyjoUrSUISN
& .,2}TYA,,(£9q) sdUeI0Jo1 snus pue Aq oy) uonvINjes-UMUTxeul

sy], [eUye! sdULUTUINTT
JO dy} [VNSIA Poly Sv JO ay) Jopso
JO OOOT‘P} sy] ArewLid
RUINS (g7)‘(.D)‘(Yy)
oavy StoqunuasaRM
‘OOS’ST ‘O00’6T
‘, ‘Ajaaysedsar
Jay) stunoie pojsn{pe
0} JURIpes S1aMO0d
105 ay) pajjojd sjutod
ore UaAIS
Ul F1qGR], ‘(9'9O'S)T


method. From these functions, the spectrum loci vary widely in complexity. Some of these criteria
shown in Figure 5(5.6.6) were calculated. Table and the associated matching or equivalence pro-
1(5.6.6) gives the corresponding numerical values. cedures have already been described and il-
Taking into account the uncertainties in the lustrated in Sections 5.2.4 and 5.2.5. These and
observations between corresponding color several others are compiled below for quick refer-
matches made by the two different methods, we ence purposes.
are inclined to consider the deviations small from The results obtained by the different measure-
the experimental point of view but not insignifi- ment procedures, each with its own particular
cant. The fact that all investigators independently criterion, usually differ systematically from one
obtain similar deviations, particularly with regard another. These differences offer clues toward a
to their direction in the (r, g)-chromaticity dia- better understanding of the functioning of the
gram, is a strong argument in favor of considering visual mechanism, but they are also disturbing as
the deviations to be significant. However, to our they put constraints on the validity of the basic
knowledge, no definitive physiological model has principle of photometry (Section 4.2).
emerged as yet which would predict the devia- Below we have compiled the major measure-
tions quantitatively. ment procedures and criteria used in determining
The deviations are appropriately termed fail- luminous efficiency functions. This is followed by
ures of the additivity law of color matching in a a selection of luminous efficiency functions ob-
bipartite field (see Section 5.2.2 on asymmetric tained by different investigators. Our selection of
matching procedures). Suggestions have been the material presented below has been guided to
made with regard to possible causes of these some extent by the recent review report “Light as
failures.- They include chromatic adaptation a True Visual Quantity: Principles of Measure-
(Crawford, 1965), Maxwell spot (Palmer, 1980), ment” prepared by the CIE Technical Committee
and interactions or linkages between different on Vision (CIE, 1978b), and by Le Grand’s (1972)
cone mechanisms (Ingling and Drum, 1973), but review paper.
further work is obviously needed to resolve the
5.7.1 Matching or Equivalence Criteria and
Experimental Procedures
5.7 LUMINOUS EFFICIENCY FUNCTIONS OF (i) Minimum Flicker. Two geometrically simi-
NORMAL TRICHROMATS lar light patches imaged on the same retinal area
are presented in rapid alternation. By repeated
Luminous efficiency functions, which have also observations and adjustments of the frequency of
been called /uminosity functions or sensitivity func- alternation and the radiance of one of the light
tions, form the basis of our present photometric patches, a condition is reached for which the
procedures (Chapter 4). They also play a funda- matching field appears quiescent (or at minimum
mental role in our efforts to understand the visual flicker) but begins to flicker if the radiance of the
mechanism that governs our perception of visual variable light patch is raised or lowered by a
stimuli and our ability to discriminate between small amount. Although elaborate, the visual
stimuli of different spectral radiant power distri- judgment or set of judgments involved is, in prac-
butions presented in a variety of display situa- tice, easy to apply and is effective whether or not
tions. the two light patches, when they are viewed in
A luminous efficiency function gives the ratio turn under steady conditions, have the same chro-
of the radiant power of a monochromatic stimu- matic appearance or not. What is matched is
lus of wavelength A,,, to that of a monochromatic commonly described as brightness, but a more
stimulus of wavelength A, when the two mono- appropriate term is, perhaps, flicker brightness.
chromatic stimuli produce luminous sensations The frequency of alternation at which the
that under given observing conditions and in chromatic appearance of one light patch fuses
accordance with some specified criterion are with the chromatic appearance of the other must
judged to be equivalent or the same, A,, being be selected carefully so as to be optimal with
chosen so that the maximum value of this ratio is regard to the flicker sensitivity of the visual mech-
unity. anism. In practice, the frequency is set just above
The criteria embodied in the visual judgments the one at which fusion of chromatic appearance
on which luminous efficiency functions are based occurs.
Luminous Efficiency Functions of Normal Trichromats 393

The variable light patch usually represents the matic brightness matching is similar to that de-
monochromatic test stimulus of wavelength A, scribed earlier under 5.7.1(i).
whereas the other light patch represents the refer-
(iii) Step-By-Step Brightness Matching. This
ence stimulus which is either monochromatic and
method is a special case of heterochromatic
of fixed wavelength A, or a “white” stimulus of
brightness matching described above. Both the
given spectral radiant power distribution. The
reference and the test stimulus are monochro-
reciprocal of the radiance required for minimum
matic and, at each step of the experiment, their
flicker is then plotted as a function of wavelength
wavelengths are set just a few nanometers apart.
of the test stimulus. The resulting luminous ef-
This keeps the color difference between the two
ficiency curve is commonly normalized to unity at
stimuli small and thus makes the task of bright-
its maximum value occurring at wavelength 4,,.
ness matching less difficult to perform. The pro-
Useful publications concerning the experimen-
cedure leads, in fact, to the derivative dV(A)/daA
tal procedure are those of Ives (1912), Walsh
for a larger number (20 to 30) of wavelengths A,
(1958), LeGrand (1957), and Kaiser (1979).
and the luminous efficiency function V(A) is then
(ii) Direct Heterochromatic Brightness Match- derived by integration (Gibson and Tyndall, 1923;
ing. The two light patches of different chromatic LeGrand, 1957; 1972).
appearance are typically presented at a steady (iv) Minimally Distinct Border. The two stimuli
state in a foveally centered bipartite field. One are presented in a precisely juxtaposed bipartite
patch, making up one half of the field, represents field. One half represents the reference stimulus
the reference stimulus which is of fixed spectral of fixed spectral radiant power distribution, usu-
radiant power distribution. The reference stimu- ally of a “white” appearance. The other half
lus is usually chosen to be of “white” appearance represents the monochromatic test stimulus of
or to be monochromatic of a fixed wavelength 4.,,. variable radiance. The observer is required to
The second patch, making up the other half of the minimize the distinctness of the border between
field, represents the monochromatic test stimulus the two halves of the field by adjusting the radi-
of wavelength A. While fixating at the center of ance of the test stimulus. This task is made easier
the dividing line of the bipartite field, the ob- by the use of a lens which compensates for the
server adjusts the radiance of the test stimulus chromatic aberration of the eye. The variability of
until the test stimulus is perceived to be of equal the settings of minimally distinct border is com-
brightness to the reference stimulus. The judg- parable to that obtained by the minimum-flicker
ment requires the observer to mentally isolate the method (Boynton and Kaiser, 1968; Wagner and
brightness quality in the appearances of the two Boynton 1972).
stimuli when these may differ in hue and satura-
tion. The task is difficult and results in consider- (v) Color Matching. Complete trichromatic
able variability of the brightness matches made color matches are made in a bipartite field involv-
by the same observer and even more so between ing the monochromatic test stimulus of wave-
different observers. length A and three fixed monochromatic primary
In some circumstances, notably with large bi- stimuli of wavelengths A zp, AG, Ag. At match, there
partite fields, the color difference between the is perfect visual identity in hue, saturation, and
two stimuli may necessitate the introduction of brightness between the two halves of the bipartite
supplementary conditions in the matching crite- field. In varying A of the test stimulus and keep-
rion and procedure to enable the observer to ing its radiance constant, the radiances required
make unambiguous judgments. An appropriate for the primary stimuli to provide, for each test
surround of fixed color may be provided and stimulus, a complete color match between the two
strict fixation may be relaxed and replaced by a halves of the field define three functions of wave-
regular observational routine that involves look- length A, known as the color-matching functions
ing alternately at the two halves of the field and r(A), g(A), b(A) (see Section 3.2.1). In a second
at the surround. An automatic alternating presen- experiment, the luminous efficiencies Lp =
tation of a conditioning stimulus for three sec- V(Ar), Lg = V(Ag), and Lpg= V(Ag) of the
onds, say, followed by the presentation of the primary stimuli are determined, for example, by
bipartite field for one second, and so on, is another the minimum-flicker method. It then follows the
controlling procedure. luminous efficiency function
The derivation of the luminous efficiency
function from data obtained by direct heterochro- V(A) = Lar(A) + Leb (A) + Lgb (A)

The validity of this relation rests on the validity case of the increment threshold method by letting
of the additivity law for brightness matching (Sec- the radiance of the conditioning stimulus in the
tions 3.3.1 and 5.5.2). increment threshold method go to zero, thus
creating a dark surround.
(vi) Absolute Threshold. The monochromatic
test stimulus of wavelength A is presented in brief (viii) Visual Acuity. A spatial visual acuity
and repeated pulses as a patch of light of given target, such as a grating or Landolt C, is placed
dimensions, carefully imaged at a specified lo- on a patch of monochromatic light of wavelength
cation of the retina. The minimum radiance (or A whose radiance is adjusted by the observer until
number of quanta per second) required by the he or she can identify correctly the distinguishing
observer to “just see” the patch of light defines feature (grating or gap in the C) in the target. The
the absolute threshold (see Sections 7.2.1 and reciprocal of the radiance of A is used to plot a
7.2.2) for that wavelength and for the given condi- luminous efficiency function (Ives, 1912; Graham
tions of observation. The determination of foveal and Guth, 1970; Myers, Ingling, and Drum, 1972;
absolute thresholds demands a light patch suffi- Guth and Graham, 1975).
ciently small, less than 1° angular subtense, and
(ix) Critical Flicker Frequency. A single mono-
well fixated by the observer, so as to avoid rod
chromatic test stimulus of wavelength A is pre-
intrusion. The reciprocal values of the minimum
sented against a dark background at a constant
radiance are plotted as a function of wavelength
flicker frequency. The observer adjusts the radi-
to arrive at a luminous efficiency curve.
ance of the test stimulus for “just-detectable”
It has been argued by LeGrand (1972) that
flicker. The results depend to some extent on the
foveal absolute threshold data do not measure a
given flicker frequency method 5.7.1(i) (Ives, 1912;
luminous efficiency function if one takes this
De Lange Dzn, 1957; Kelly, 1961; Bornstein and
function to be the result of the cooperative re-
Marks, 1972; Roufs, 1972; Bornstein, 1975; see
sponses of the three cone mechanisms. At
also Section 7.9.3).
threshold, there is no summation of the cone
responses because only one of the cone mecha- (x) Other Methods. Several other matching or
nisms is active, that is, the one most sensitive for equivalence criteria and procedures have been
the test stimulus used. A foveal absolute threshold used in an effort to arrive at a luminous efficiency
curve nearly coincides with the “envelope” of the function. In some of these cases, it is debatable
sensitivities of the individual cone mechanisms whether the response functions obtained can be
acted upon by the test stimulus (Pirenne, 1962c). classed luminous efficiency functions. We will not
pursue the matter further except to note some
(vii) Increment Threshold. The monochromatic relevant publications. For studies dealing with the
test stimulus of wavelength A is presented, in pupil diameter as a criterion, see, for example,
either the steady-state or in brief pulses, against a Laurens (1923), Alpern and Campbell (1962),
fixed conditioning stimulus of given spectral Bouma (1965), Adrian (1970), Alexandridis and
radiant power distribution. The minimum radi- Koeppe (1969). Reaction time as a function of
ance required by the observer to “just see” the wavelength and radiance has been studied by Lit,
test stimulus against the conditioning stimulus Young, and Shaffer (1971). Finally, there are
defines the increment threshold for that wave- numerous papers exploring the luminous ef-
length A and for the given observing conditions ficiency of the visual mechanism by electrophysio-
(retinal location, angular subtense, characteristics logical techniques (see, for example, Regan 1970,
of the conditioning stimulus, and others). This and Riggs and Wooten, 1972).
method has a wide range of applications to isolat-
ing visual mechanisms and exploring their proper-
ties (Sections 7.2.1 and 7.4), but under certain
conditions of observation, which, for example,
5.7.2 Experimental Data
involve a conditioning stimulus of a “white” ap- (i) The CIE Standard Luminous Efficiency Func-
pearance, spectral sensitivity functions are ob- tions V(A) and V’(A). In 1924, the CIE adopted
tained that may be classed luminous efficiency the standard photopic luminous efficiency func-
functions (Sperling and Harwerth, 1971; Verriest tion V(A) and in 1951, the standard scotopic
and Kandemir, 1974). luminous efficiency function V’(A) (CIE, 1926;
The absolute threshold method, discussed 1951). Both these functions have already been
above in 5.7.1(vi), may be regarded as a special introduced in our Chapter 4, Photometry, and
Luminous Efficiency Functions of Normal Trichromats 395

have been used in a number of other sections The values adopted in 1924 were those sug-
throughout the book. The official numerical val- gested by Gibson and Tyndall (1923) who com-
ues of V(A) and V’(A) have been given in Tables posed a smooth and symmetric V(A)-curve from
1(4.3.2) and 1(4.3.2). Figure 1(5.7.2) illustrates the the data cited above. The final result was not an
two functions. average of the experimental data, but a weighted
The V(A)-function was derived from the re- assembly of the different sets of data. From 400
sults of several independent experimental de- to 490 nm, the V(A)-curve represents roughly the
terminations of the luminous efficiencies of results of Hartman (1918); from 490 to 540 nm,
monochromatic stimuli, as summarized below: those of Coblentz and Emerson (1918); from 540
(a) Minimum flicker: to 650 nm, those of Gibson and Tyndall; and
125 observers (Coblentz and Emerson, 1918) above 650 nm, those of Coblentz and Emerson
(b) Step-by-step: (1918).
29 observers (Hyde, Forsythe, and Cady, 1918) In all experiments, a 2° test field was used,
(500 to 660 nm) often with a large surround of the same bright-
52 observers (Gibson and Tyndall, 1923) ness. In the minimum-flicker measurements, the
(c) Direct brightness matching: brightness of the field was kept constant, corre-
9 observers (Hyde, Forsythe, and Cady, 1918) sponding to a luminance of about 1.5 cd - m
(red end of spectrum) seen through the natural pupil. In the step-by-step
20 observers (Hartman, 1918) (blue end of spec- method, the brightness of the field varied some-
trum) what, corresponding to a luminance range of about

V3 CIE 1924 V(A)

_CIE 1951 oN

oO re)re)on


400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Wavelength \ (nm)
Fig. 1(5.7.2). Luminous efficiency functions of CIE 1924 standard observer V(A) for photo-
pic vision, CIE 1951 standard observer V’(A) for scotopic vision, and Judd’s 1951 modification
of the CIE 1924 V(A)-function in the blue end of the spectrum.

additivity law for brightness, actually known for

some time, have begun to concern those pho-
52 Observers of tometrists who wish to measure and specify the
Gibson and brightness of lights of different colors in terms
Tyndall (1923)
0.8 that relate closely to the visual experience of
actual observers (Section 5.7.3).
The CIE 1951 standard scotopic luminous ef-
ficiency function V’(A) is based on measurements
made by Wald (1945a) and Crawford (1949).
Crawford’s data are for 50 observers, all under 30
years of age, who made direct comparisons be-
tween a “white” reference stimulus of a lumi-
nance of about 3 X 10° cd- m ? seen through
of the natural pupil, and a monochromatic test
0.2 stimulus of (variable) wavelength A in a 20° field
with a vertical dividing line. The observers fixated
the top of the dividing line, and were dark adapted
for one hour before the start of the experiment.
400 500° 600 700 Wald’s data are for 22 observers, averaging 20
Wavelength A (nm) years of age, who determined absolute thresholds
for the monochromatic test stimuli. For further
Fig. 2(5.7.2). Range within which the luminous details of the derivation of the standard V’(A)-
efficiency functions of the 52 observers of Gibson curve;.see CIE (1951).
and Tyndall (1923) fall after each function was
The standard scotopic luminous efficiencies
normalized to unity at its maximum value. The
apply to completely dark-adapted observers un-
luminous efficiency functions were determined by
der the age of 30. For stimuli of wavelengths
the step-by-step method.
below 500 nm, V’(A) decreases with age A ap-
proximately in accordance with Crawford’s for-
3 cd- m ” in the middle of the spectrum to 0.5
cd-m * at the ends (LeGrand, 1972). A [logioV’(A)] = 10~4(500 — A)(A — 30)
There are considerable differences between
the luminous efficiency functions of individual (Seren
normal trichromats. Figure 2(5.7.2) illustrates the
variability found by Gibson and Tyndall (1923) The decrease in V’(A) is attributed to the progres-
for 52 observers using the step-by-step method. sive yellowing of the eye’s lens with age (Section
The variability of data obtained by the 2.4.6).
minimum-flicker method is, in general, somewhat
less pronounced, but for the 125 observers of (ii) Judd Modification of CIE V(A). Con-
Coblentz and Emerson (1918), the individual cerned about inadequacies of the CIE 1931 stan-
maximum varied between 549 and 570 nm, with dard color-matching functions in the shortwave
the average being at 557.6 nm. region of the spectrum, and recognizing that the
In the light of more recent measurements, a problem may have been caused by the CIE 1924
standard V(A)-curve differing somewhat from the V(A)-function being too low in the blue end of
“present curve in the blue end of the spectrum the spectrum, Judd (1951) proposed a modifica-
would probably have been adopted today. How- tion to the standard V(A)-function and, resulting
ever, any such improvements at this stage would from this modification, a revised set of color-
most likely be outweighed by the very consider- matching functions. The modification of the
able practical inconvenience of a change in the V(A)-function is in the wavelength region below
basic function on which all photopic photometry 460 nm as illustrated in Figure 1(5.7.2). The
has been based for over 50 years. Moreover, even numerical values have already been given in Table
if an improved V(A)-curve were chosen for pho- 1(5.5.2). A somewhat refined modification pro-
tometry, the problem that photometry faces today posed by Vos (1978) is given in Table 1(5.5.2) in
would not be resolved completely. Failures of the the Appendix. Reference is also made to the
Luminous Efficiency Functions of Normal Trichromats 397

CIE 1964 0
ef ye
H(A) =YolA) of

Ol fe)

0.05 WY ee 1951
Mod. V (A)

(e)(e)oO on


400 450 S00 550 600 650 700
Wavelength A (nm)

Fig. 3(5.7.2). Luminous efficiency function V,9(A) for large (10°) centrally viewed fields at
photopic levels derived from large-field color-matching data. V,9(A) is identical to the CIE
1964 y,.(A) color-matching function. For the purpose of comparison, the Judd 1951 modified
V(A)-function of Figure 1(5.7.2) applicable to small (2°) field viewing is also shown.

earlier Figure 1(5.5.2) in which Judd’s modified nation of the mean experimentally determined
V(A)-function is compared with subsequent ex- color-matching functions 7,9(A), Zio(A), Bio(A)
perimental data by Ishak and Teele (1955) and that form the basis for the CIE 1964 supplemen-
Stiles (1955b). tary standard observer data:
Although for various reasons, mainly practical,
the CIE has decided to make no change in the
Vio(A) = Lat) an LG 810(A) wi lend OS
standard V(A)-function, the Judd modification
has found applications in several visual studies. [2(5.7.2)]
(iii) 10°-Field Luminous Efficiency Function
Vio(A). The luminous efficiency function which, The luminous efficiencies Lp, Lg, Lz, of the
at present, is considered most representative for primary stimuli, in terms of which the color-
large centrally viewed fields at photopic levels is matching functions Fi(A), Zi9(A), Dio(A) are
the y,.(A) color-matching function of the CIE given, are based on minimum-flicker measure-
1964 supplementary standard colorimetric ob- ments made by 26 observers of the Stiles and
server. Denoted by V,9(A), this function is il- Burch (1959) investigation. Further details con-
lustrated in Figure 3(5.7.2) in comparison with cerning the large-field color-matching functions
the small-field (2°) Judd 1951 modified V(A)- have already been given in Sections 3.3.2 and
function. It has been derived from a linear combi- 5.5.4. In particular, reference is made to Tables

Table 1(5.7.2) Mean Luminous Efficiency Func- 1(3.3.2) and II(3.3.2) which contain the numerical
tion V,9(A) rn. for 10 Observers of ETL (Japan) values of ¥i9(A) = Vio(A).
Derived from 10° Color-Matching Functions and More recently, Katori and Fuwa (1979) of the
Minimum Flicker Determinations of the Luminous Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL) of Japan have
Efficiencies of the Primary Stimuli. Also Given determined V,.(A)-functions using a_ similar
Are the Coefficients of Variation c(A), Defined as method of trichromatic color matching for 10
the Ratios of the Standard Deviations of the Japanese observers (see Section 5.5.5). Their mean
Luminous Efficiencies Divided by the Mean Val- results are given in Table 1(5.7.2).
ues for the 10 Observers, Expressed in Percent In their experiment, Katori and Fuwa (1979)
(Katori and Fuwa, 1979) had their observers make color matches by the
method of adjustment as well as by the method of
A (nm) Vio(A eri c(A)
constant stimuli. The method of adjustment is the
395 1.154(—3)4 9.25(1) traditional method used in color matching and
allows the observer to have full manual control
400 2.073(—3) 7.66(1) over the settings of the radiances required for the
410 6.975(—3) 5.50(1) primary stimuli to achieve a complete color match
420 1.699(—2) 3.05(1) in the bipartite visual field. In the method of
430 3.359%(—2) 1.95(1) constant stimuli, on the other hand, the observer
440 5.925(—2) 1.49(1) has no direct control over the mixtures of the
450 8.765(—2) a2
stimuli in the two halves of the field. Instead,
460 1.209(—1) 3.76 these mixtures are generated by automatic means
470 1.762(—1) 6.36 and presented to the observer at short regular
480 2.432(—1) 6.96 intervals. Every presentation involves mixtures
490 3.363(— 1) 8.03
with slightly different radiances of the primary
500 4.718(—1) 6.78 stimuli, all randomly selected from ranges that
510 6.211(—1) 5.40 are expected to include those radiances at which
520 7.723(—1) 2.76 the particular observer would see the two halves
530 9.002(— 1) 1.38 of the field in a complete color match. To each
540 9.788(—1) 1.00 presentation, the observer responds with a “yes”
550 1.000 5.12(—1) when a match is seen or with a “no” when it is
560 9.965(—1) 9.61(—1) not. An appropriate statistical procedure is used
570 9.357(—1) 1.13 to arrive at the settings of the observer’s complete
580 8.458(— 1) 2.19 color match.
590 7.251(—1) 2.47 Katori and Fuwa (1979) found that the two
methods of color matching gave essentially the
600 5.924(—1) 3.73 same results and thus, we have reproduced here
610 4.639(—1) 2.10
only their results based on the method of adjust-
620 3.519(—1) 2.89 ment.
630 2.491(—1) 4.98 The “coefficient of variation” c(A), calculated
640 1.623¢—)) 4.00
by Katori and Fuwa for the values of the mean
650 1.002(— 1) 5262
luminous efficiency function derived from the
660 5.564(—2) 4.90 measurements of their 10 observers, are of inter-
670 2.878(—2) 3.83 est as they relate to the observer variability of
680 1.493(—2) 5.84 luminous efficiencies derived from trichromatic
690 *1:365(23) 8.79
color matches coupled with minimum-flicker set-
700 3.245(—3) 4.31 tings between the primary stimuli. The coefficient
720 7.007(—4) 9.04 c(A) is defined by
740 1.519(—4) 5.90

s [YiolA); a Vio(A) mI] vs

“The numbers in parentheses following the entries de- md 100 ra
note a power of 10. Thus, 1.154(—3) reads 1.154 X 1073. oO aor c mor 17 cee |

Luminous Efficiency Functions of Normal Trichromats 399


f Oo


% Efficiencies
400 500 600 700
Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 4(5.7.2).Variation of luminous efficiencies obtained by Katori and Fuwa (1979) for 10
observers who determined their luminous efficiency functions by linear combinations of their
10° color-matching functions with minimum-flicker measurements between the primary stimuli
(A zp = 670 nm, A, = 530 nm, A z = 460 nm). The variations plotted at each wavelength A, are
the ratio of the calculated standard deviation divided by the mean for the 10 observers,
expressed in percent. Note the changes of scale made at A = 450 nm.

where V,,(A); is the luminous efficiency function defined by

for the ith observer, with i = 1 ton, and V,)(A),,
is the mean luminous efficiency function for n = 100
rel = ———|V,,(A
Ven [ 10 ett — Poth
10( Jere |
10 observers. Figure 4(5.7.2) illustrates c(A) as
obtained by Katori and Fuwa (1979). The varia-
bility between the observers is less than 10% of [4(5.7.2)]
the mean data for wavelengths 450 nm and above,
and becomes rapidly poorer below 450 nm. The agreement between the two sets of data is
The agreement between the mean values ob- considered good, particularly if one takes into
tained by Katori and Fuwa and the CIE 1964 account a possible difference in the effective den-
values is illustrated in Figure 5(5.7.2) in which is sity of the lens pigment for the two groups of
plotted the “relative deviation” D,., (in percent), observers, and a potential rod participation in the


400 500 600 700

Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 5(5.7.2). Relative deviations (in percent between the luminous efficiencies obtained by
Katori and Fuwa (1979) at ETL (Japan) and those defined by the CIE 1964 V,,.(A)
[ = y(A)]-function.

ETL data which were obtained at a retinal illumi- permitted to compare it with Judd’s modified
nance of approximately 200 td. V(A)-curve, given in Figure 1(5.7.2), which is
considered representative of luminous efficiencies
obtained by both the method of minimal flicker
(iv) 2°-Field Luminous Efficiency Functions and the method of minimally distinct border
Based on Heterochromatic Brightness Matching. (Wagner and Boynton, 1972). Figure 7(5.7.2)
The CIE Vision Committee (CIE, 1978b) has shows the ratio between the two luminous ef-
produced a weighted average luminous efficiency ficiency curves. From the shape of the ratio curve,
function for 31 observers making direct hetero- it is apparent that the luminous efficiency curve
chromatic brightness matches in centrally viewed based on heterochromatic brightness matching is
fields of 1° to 2° angular subtense. The average broader than Judd’s modified V(A)-curve. It also
curve is derived from the experimental data re- exhibits more pronounced humps. These features
ported in seven different studies (Bedford and have led several investigators to suggest that het-
Wyszecki, 1958; Sperling, 1958; Sperling and erochromatic brightness matching is mediated by
Lewis, 1959; Kinney, 1964; Wagner and Boynton, an achromatic mechanism as well as by two chro-
1972; Guth and Lodge, 1973; Comerford and matic mechanisms, whereas the V(A)-curve based
Kaiser, 1975). The data taken from the individual on minimum flicker (or minimally distinct border)
studies are entered into the calculation of the is essentially the output of only the achromatic
mean with weights corresponding to the number mechanism (Section 8.3).
of the observers participating in these studies.
Table 2(5.7.2) contains the numerical values of (v) Foveal Luminous Efficiency Function Based
the seven individual studies as well as their on Minimally Distinct Border Judgments. Figure
weighted mean, and Figure 6(5.7.2) illustrates 8(5.7.2) shows the mean luminous efficiency func-
them. tion obtained by Wagner and Boynton (1972) for
Some of the variations between the data of the four observers who used as the equivalence crite-
seven different studies are no doubt caused by rion that of minimally distinct border. A centrally
differences in the observing conditions sum- viewed bipartite circular field of 1°40’ angular
marized at the bottom of Table 2(5.7.2): Dif- subtense was used in a dark surround. The retinal
ferences in field size, color of reference stimulus, illuminance provided by the “white” reference
and level of stimulation all have measurable ef- stimulus was approximately 80 td.
fects on the results, but these effects are difficult The same four observers made also -measure-
to extract and correct from the given data, and no ments by using the criteria of minimum flicker,
attempt has been made to do so. Furthermore, step-by-step heterochromatic brightness match-
the observational procedures used were generally ing, and direct heterochromatic brightness match-
different from one study to the next, and ing. The resulting mean luminous efficiency func-
those differences may have enhanced the varia- tion for each of these cases is also given in Figure
tions between the different sets of data. In some 8(5.7.2).
studies, the observers were presented with pulsed The luminous efficiency function based on
stimuli, in others with steady-state fields which minimally distinct border judgments agrees well
were viewed with casual fixation and frequent with that based on minimum flicker (see also
re-adaptation to the reference stimulus. Again, no Tansley and Glushko, 1978). Only relatively small
attempt has been made to correct for differences systematic deviations are noted between the two
in the observational procedures used by the dif- functions, making the one based on minimally
ferent investigators. distinct border marginally broader in shape. Both
When considering the obvious experimental functions deviate in a significant manner from
shortcomings of the weighted mean luminous ef- those determined by the step-by-step and direct
ficiency function given in Table 2(5.7.2) and Fig- heterochromatic brightness matching; but they
ure 6(5.7.2), it is somewhat surprising that agree well with Judd’s modified V(A)-function in
the deviations of the individual curves from the Figure 1(5.7.2).
mean are not larger. If we then accept the mean The luminous efficiency function based on the
curve as representative of luminous efficiencies step-by-step method agrees quite well with the
obtained by direct heterochromatic brightness one based on direct heterochromatic brightness
matching in, say, a 2° bipartite field with a matching in the short to middle region of the
“white” (daylight type) reference stimulus provid- spectrum, but deviates from it significantly for
ing a retinal illuminance of 200 td, we may be longer wavelengths.
Table 2(5.7.2) Luminous Efficiencies Obtained by Direct Heterochromatic Brightness Matching in
Seven Different Studies and Their Weighted Mean. Each Set of Data Has Been Normalized To Be
Unity at 570 nm (CIE, 1978b).

rN Weighted
(nm) 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 Mean

400 0.003 0.034 0.019

10 0.008 0.025 0.064 0.032
20 0.020 0.052 0.037 0.036 0.012 0.094 0.042
30 0.038 0.124 0.057 0.064 0.064 0.104 0.076
40 0.050 0.161 0.078 0.080 0.076 0.167 0.103
450 0.074 0.187 0.10 O19 0.088 0.080 0.229 0.135
60 0.104 0.210 0.13 0.21 tz 0.092 0.312 0.166
70 1.480 0.258 0.18 0.23 OA72 0.130 0.375 0.214
80 0.250 0.378 0.23 0.29 0.206 0.168 0.542 0.294
90 0.300 0.464 0.38 O37 0.231 0.166 0.583 0.359

500 0.420 0.603 0.60 0.56 0.368 0.412 0.709 0.523

10 0.560 0.809 0.82 0.74 0.542 0.58 0.823 0.698
20 0.880 1.090 ed byl 0.775 0.847 0.979 0.978
30 1.02 1.136 Tt 1.25 0.961 0.947 1.07 1.103
40 tt 1.238 1.44 1.24 1.15 1.06 1.08 1.200

550 1.08 1.308 1.24 23 1.186 1.07 1.06 is Wk

60 1.02 1.118 1.11 1.06 eB 1.05 1.01 1.075
70 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000
80 1.06 0.962 0.90 1.02 0.907 0.947 1.01 0.967
90 0.94 0.951 0.89 1.06 0.945 0.962 1.04 0.965
600 0.86 0.941 0.89 0.89 0.814 0.886 1.01 0.895
10 0.68 0.910 0.77 0.72 0.658 0.801 0.969 0.782
20 0.50 0.792 0.64 0.56 0.511 0.702 0.904 0.651
30 0.38 0.556 0.48 0.45 0.346 0.495 0.813 0.494
40 0.23 0.439 0.36 0.35 0.235 0.298 0.614 O35;
650 0.136 0.294 0.20 0.27 0.145 0.113 0.099 0.184
60 0.076 0.159 0.070 0.084 0.070 0.093
70 0.038 0.085 0.039 0.024 0.049
80 0.024 0.045 0.021 0.018 0.028
90 0.013 0.021 0.021 0.005 0.014

700 0.005 0.011 0.004 0.007

Data Number of
Set Investigators Visual Field Reference Stimulus Level Observers

] Bedford and Wyszecki (1958) 1° bipart. “white” (xenon) 50 td 4

2 Comerford and Kaiser (1975) —_1° bipart. “white” 150 to 400 td 5
x = 0.34 for diff.
y = 0.34 observers
we, Guth and Lodge (1973) 45’ bipart. “white” 190 td 5,
2430 K
4 Kinney (1964) 20 .2ire: “white” 0.34 4
test in 120° x410:33 cd: m7?
ref. y = 0.33
5 Sperling (1958) 2° bipart. monochr. 520 nm 500 td 6
6 Sperling and Lewis (1959) 2° bipart. monochr. 520 nm 500 td 3
L Wagner and Boynton (1972) 1°40’ bipart. “white” 10 td at 4
x = 0.29 445 nm, 570 td
y= 0.31 at 560 nm,
1 td at 690 nm

Luminous Direct Heterochromatic
Brightness Matching
Weighted Mean (CIE 1978)
Bedford & Wyszecki (I958)
Comerford & Kaiser (1975)
—x—x—- Guth & Lodge (1973)
Kinney (1964)
Sperling (1958)
—e—e—e— Sperling & Lewis (1959)
—a—s—a— Wagner & Boynton (1972)

400 450 500 550 600 650 700

Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 6(5.7.2). Luminous efficiency functions obtained in seven different investigations by
means of heterochromatic brightness matching. The heavy line through the open circles is the
weighted mean of the seven sets of data (CIE, 1978b).


400 450 500 950 600 650 700

Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 7(5.7.2). Ratio of mean luminous efficiency function obtained by heterochromatic
brightness matching over Judd’s modified luminous efficiency function.

Luminous Efficiency Functions of Normal Trichromats 403


eee Minimum Flicker

ee Minimally Distinct Border
meres Step by Step
=—O=0=0= Direct Heterochromatic Brightness Matching

Wagner & Boynton (1972)

4 00 450 500 550 600 650 700

Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 8(5.7.2). Mean luminous efficiency functions obtained by Wagner and Boynton (1972)
for four observers, each making measurements by means of the equivalence criteria of
minimum flicker, minimally distinct border, step-by-step heterochromatic brightness matching,
and direct heterochromatic brightness matching:

(vi) 1°-Field Luminous Efficiency Functions radiant power within a range of 0.3 log units,
Based on Absolute Threshold Determinations. whereas an individual observer varies in his or her
Absolute threshold data and the interpretation of own settings made on different days within the
such data is a complex issue that will be discussed range of 0.1 to 0.2 log units (Hsia and Graham,
in Sections 7.2 and 7.3. What is presented here 1957).
are data on absolute threshold luminous efficien-
cies for centrally viewed fields of 42’ to 1.0° (vii) Photopic Luminous Efficiency Functions in
angular subtense. These data have been selected the Periphery of the Retina. The determination
and compiled by the CIE Vision Committee (CIE, of photopic luminous efficiency functions in pe-
1978b) as representative data of that kind. Table ripheral regions of the retina requires special tech-
3(5.7.2) contains the numerical values taken from nical precautions, some of which are of the same
five different investigations and their mean nature as those discussed in Section 5.6.3 dealing
weighted by the number of observers involved in with the effects of the location of the visual field
each of these sets of data. Figure 9(5.7.2) il- on color matching.
lustrates the data. The mean curve resembles fairly Changes in the properties of peripheral vision
closely the mean curve obtained by heterochro- caused by prolonged exposure to light (Troxler
matic brightness matching shown in Figure effect) can adversely influence the experimentally
6(5.7.2). determined luminous efficiency data both with
Maximum luminous efficiency (i.e., minimum regard to their mean values and their precision.
radiant power) occurs for A = 540 nm, approxi- To reduce or control the Troxler effect, the color
mately. For fixed observing conditions, different stimuli are presented as brief pulses followed by
observers agree in their settings of minimum appropriate off-periods. '
Table 3(5.7.2) Luminous Efficiencies for Centrally Viewed Visual Fields (42’ to 1.0°) Obtained by
the Absolute Threshold Method in Five Different Studies. Their Weighted Mean Is Also Given
(CIE, 1978b).

r Weighted
(nm) l 2 3 4 5 Mean
400 0.013 0.011 0.012
10 0.026 0.025 0.089 0.045
20 0.045 0.032 0.031 0.021 0.089 0.043
30 0.070 0.052 0.050 0.038 0.107 0.062
40 0.094 0.058 0.055 0.051 0.109 0.074
450 0.103 0.045 0.062 0.065 0.114 0.077
60 0.123 0.091 0.081 0.087 0.118 0.102
70 0.186 0.129 0.106 0.142 0.134 0.145
80 0.247 0.204 0.168 0.194 0.330 0.229
90 0.381 0.363 0.255 0.282 0.432 0.350
500 0.598 0.513 0.373 0.468 0.573 0.520
10 0.825 0.724 0.540 0.709 0.855 0.749
20 13 0.912 0.733 0.934 1.02 0.972
30 1.24 1.15 0.845 0.892 Lit 1.08
40 1.34 1.29 1.03 1.29 1.14 i
550 1.19 1.28 1.06 1.12 1.11 ea,
60 1.03 1.07 1.03 0.934 1.09 1.03
70 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
80 0.928 0.813 0.975 0.794 0.932 0.875
90 0.825 0.646 0.870 0.676 1.05 0.787
600 0.732 0.513 0.733 0.709 1.05 0.720
10 0.690 0.576 0.565 0.709 0.886 0.676
20 0.567 0.457 0.429 0.550 0.739 0.504
30 0.410 0.323 0.360 0.380 0.682 0.419
40 0.289 0.204 0.217 0.194 0.522 0.276
650 0.129 0.118 0.148 0.182 0.144
60 0.058 0.062 0.063 0.105 0.071
70 0.036 0.031 0.042 0.061 0.042
80 0.018 0.012 0.021 0.034 0.018
90 0.008 0.006 0.007 0.007
700 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004

Data Number of
Set Investigations Visual Field Presentation Observers

] Guth and Lodge (1973) 45’ cire. steady-state 5

method of adj.
2 Hsia and Graham (1952) 42’ 4-msec flashes 5
method of limits
a Hurvich and Jameson (1953) 1° x 48’ 45-msec flashes, 2
ellipt. method of limits
4 Sperling and Hsia (1957) 42’ 4-msec flashes, 2 to4
method of limits
5 Sperling and Lewis (1959) 45’ 4 ms flashes, :
method of limits
Luminous Efficiency Functions of Normal Trichromats 405


Absolute Thresholds
0.01 |
—o==o==o= Weighted Mean (CIE 1978)
xx Guth & Lodge (1973)
0.005 — — Hsia & Graham (1952)
Hurvich & Jameson (1953)
—4—s—a— Sperling & Hsia (1957)
—e—e—e— Sperling & Lewis (1959)

400 450 500 550 600 650 700

Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 9(5.7.2). Luminous efficiency functions obtained in five different investigations by means.
of the absolute-threshold method. The heavy line through the open circles is the weighted mean
of the five sets of data (CIE, 1978b).

Another difficulty is to eliminate effectively The study by Wooten, Fuld, and Spillman
rod participation from the visual response to given (1975) is particularly informative. These investiga-
test stimuli. Appropriate conditioning (or adapta- tors determined photopic luminous efficiency
tion) stimuli are presented to suppress the re- functions (they call them spectral sensitivity func-
sponse of the rod mechanism without selectively tions) in the mid- and far-peripheral retina by two
adapting the different cone mechanisms. methods. The first method consisted of measuring
There are many studies reported in the litera- increment thresholds on a background stimulus of
ture that pursue the difficult task of measuring a spectral radiant power distribution similar to
photopic luminous efficiency functions in differ- that of CIE standard illuminant A (representative
ent parts of the parafoveal and peripheral retina, of tungsten-lamp light). The resulting luminous
of which the following are a selection from more efficiency function showed a pronounced hump at
recent such efforts: Weale (195la,b, 1953a, b); about 440 nm, in agreement with previous work
Sperling and Hsia (1957); Kinney (1958); More- done by Weale (1953a). The second method con-
land and Cruz (1959); Wooten and Wald (1973); sisted of measuring, for monochromatic test
Wooten, Fuld, and Spillman (1975); Stabell and stimuli of different wavelengths, dark-adaptation
Stabell (1976, 1980) and Abramov and Gordon curves (see also Section 7.3.1) after abrupt extinc-
(1977). The results obtained by the different in- tion of the high-luminance, “white”-background
vestigators often differ considerably from one stimulus. From these dark-adaptation curves,
another. The deviations are attributed to observer luminous efficiency functions were derived for
differences as well as differences in the observing different times in the dark. The results showed
conditions, such as size and retinal location of the that the maximum at 440 nm diminished quickly.
test stimulus, the state of adaptation of the eye, During the period at which the cone plateau was
and the matching or equivalence criterion used by observed in the dark-adaptation curves, the corre-
the observers. sponding luminous efficiency functions peaked at

approximately 550 nm and had much the same measuring lights in the mesopic range of vision. A
shape for different locations in the retina, from selected list of references is the following: Walters
the parafovea to the far periphery. Wooten et al. and Wright (1943), Wright (1946), Kinney (1955,
(1975) suggested that the previous finding by 1958, 1964), CIE (1964), Palmer (1966, 1967, 1968,
Weale (1953) of maximum photopic luminous 1972a), Hough (1968), Hough and Ruddock
efficiency in the short-wavelength region of the (1969), Kokoschka (1972), Clarke and Trezona
spectrum resulted from chromatic adaptation in- (1976), and Kokoschka and Bodmann (1976).
duced by a background stimulus (such as CIE The experimental data show that a luminous
illuminant A) that selectively weights the cone efficiency curve in a mesopic range has a maxi-
mechanisms. Figure 10(5.7.2) illustrates some of mum whose location is intermediate to the maxi-
the results obtained by Wooten et al. (1975) for mum of the scotopic luminous efficiency curve
observer BW at 30° retinal eccentricity. near 505 nm and to the maximum of the photopic
A comparison of parafoveal luminous ef- luminous efficiency curve near 555 nm. The shift
ficiency functions obtained from the cone-plateau of the luminous efficiency function from V’(A) to
values of the dark-adaptation curves of Wooten V(A) as the luminance level is raised, or from
et al. (1975) with foveal luminous efficiency curves V(A) to V’(A) as the luminance level is lowered,
indicated that the deviations in the short- has been called the Purkinje shift; it is a direct
wavelength region of the spectrum could, for the consequence of the transition from rod to cone
most part, be attributed to the macular pigmenta- vision, or vice versa. The phenomenon was first
tion in the fovea. However, some small but sys- described by Purkinje (1823), who observed a
tematic deviations remained after appropriate dramatic change in the relative brightness of blue
corrections for macular pigmentation had been and red objects when the illumination was
applied to the foveal data. These deviations were changed from daylight to twilight levels.
thought to originate from small changes in the The experimental evidence also shows that
sensitivities of the different cone mechanisms mesopic luminous efficiency curves cannot be ob-
when going from the parafoveal to the foveal tained by linear combinations of scotopic and
region of the retina (see also Section 2.4.6). photopic luminous efficiency curves, Complex
rod—cone interactions in the mesopic range pre-
(viii) Mesopic Luminous Efficiency Functions. clude such a simple mathematical model for
Mesopic vision is mediated by the rod mechanism mesopic photometry (Hough, 1968; Hough and
and the cone mechanisms responding simul- Ruddock, 1969; Kokoschka, 1972; Clarke and
taneously to stimuli of appropriate spectral Trezona, 1976).
compositions and luminances. Whereas mesopic From the experimental studies listed above,
vision begins at luminances of approximately 107° those by Palmer (1967) and by Kokoschka (1972)
cd-m 7, the luminance level at which it ends are particularly noteworthy and will be dealt with
depends to a large extent on the spectral composi- briefly below. Another important contribution is
tion of the stimuli viewed, their sizes, and loca- that of Clarke and Trezona (1976) which has
tion on the retina. The level of 3 cd - m ? for the already been discussed at some length in Section
upper luminance level often quoted (for example, 3.612) .
CIE, 1978b), is at best a crude measure and Palmer (1967) presented to his 18 observers a
applies only to certain experimental conditions. 15° bipartite field for central viewing. In one half
According to Johnson (1937), the upper limit is of the field, the reference stimulus was displayed
about 5 cd: m * (~ 60 td) for a 3° centrally with a spectral radiant power distribution ap-
viewed visual field and at least 15 cd-m 7”) proximately that of a blackbody radiator of 2042
(~ 140 td) for a 25° field. Stiles and Wyszecki K (freezing point of platinum; see Section 1.2.2
(1973), studying rod intrusion in large-field color and 4.3.1). In the other half of the field, quasi-
matching, estimate that in some cases, luminance monochromatic test stimuli were displayed with
levels of 30,000 cd - m ° are required to saturate the aid of interference filters of approximately 30
the rod mechanism (see Section 5.6.2). nm half-width and peaking at wavelengths be-
There are many experimental studies in which tween 410 and 680 nm. The observers made direct
mesopic luminous efficiency functions have been heterochromatic brightness matches between the
determined for a variety of observing conditions, test and reference stimuli by adjusting the radi-
and several other studies in which attempts have ances of the test stimuli, for fixed luminances L,..
been made to develop a photometric procedure of of the reference stimulus from 0.316 to 0.000316
Cone Plateau





1.0 —_




400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 10(5.7.2). Luminous efficiency functions obtained by Wooten, Fuld, and Spillmann
(1975) for observer BW at 30° retinal eccentricity. The lower curve was obtained from
increment-threshold measurements of 1° monochromatic test stimuli of different wavelengths,
presented in flashes of 190 ms every 2 s, on a steady 12° background stimulus of spectral
radiant power distribution similar to CIE illuminant A providing a retinal illuminance of
300,000 td. The background stimulus was on for 4 min; increment thresholds were measured
during the first two minutes. The remaining upper curves were derived from recovery dark
adaptation curves measured after the abrupt extinction of the background stimulus. For each
monochromatic test stimulus, a new dark-adaptation curve was measured. From these curves,
luminous efficiency curves were derived for different times in the dark, as indicated next to
each curve in the figure. The top curve is derived from the cone-plateaus of the dark-adaptation
curves. The cone-plateaus begin after about 4 min in the dark; they terminate at the rod—cone
break which occurs at times that depend on the wavelength of the test stimulus. For
wavelengths longer than 610 nm, there is no rod—cone break.


cd-m ? at intervals of 0.5 log units. For each curved. In comparing the four loci drawn in Fig-
brightness match at a given L,.,, the photopic and ure 11(5.7.2), it is helpful to consider that test
scotopic luminances L and L’ of the test stimulus stimuli of the same wavelength must lie on the
were determined in accordance with the equations same 45° line in the diagram; this is an inherent
property of the method of presenting the data.
For the high level (Curve 4), slightly different
Ls Ky, {LeViolA) dx
A filters for wavelengths A = 650 nm and A = 470
nm were used, resulting in slight shifts of their
Leake ifESV (Ae Meals Oday actual spectral designations, as indicated by
crosses in the diagram.
In a subsequent paper, Palmer (1968) derives
An “equivalent luminance” L.,yiy of the test
an empirical formula for the observed curves L equiv
stimulus is then defined as an empirical function
(L, L’). This formula is given as
of the luminances L and L’.
Figure 11(5.7.2) shows examples of mean
curves of L.quiy (L, L’) obtained by Palmer (1967) ML’ + L?
for four different luminances L,.; of the reference |Beal biBe L’) = M+L [6(5.7.2)]
stimulus (2042 K). In the ideal case, the loci of
constant equivalent luminance would be straight
in which all quantities are given in cd - m 7. The
lines parallel to the L-axis at low luminances L,,.r
quantities L and L’ are calculated by means of
and parallel to the L’-axis at high luminances
Eq. 5(5.7.2) involving the V,.(A) = yi (A) and
L.-¢- However, the ideal is not reached in the
V’(A)-functions representing the spectral
experiment. Instead, the limiting loci are rather
luminous efficiencies for (large-field) photopic and
scotopic vision, respectively. The quantity M is an
optimized value of 6 X 10°? cd - m~?.
The validity of Eq. 6(5.7.2) rests on the as-
650* oo
0 70 470 sumption that both the mechanism for photopic
and the mechanism for scotopic vision each con-
tribute to the equivalent luminance judgment in
the mesopic range as single-parameter functions.
This assumption may be well founded for the
scotopic mechanism as only the rods are mediat-
ing the scotopic response. However, for the pho-
topic mechanism, the assumption may be too
simple to account for other evidence concerning
that mechanism. The interactions between the
Photopic three cone mechanisms and the rod mechanism
are likely to vary in a rather complex manner as. a
function of luminance level, making it difficult to
(0: ee: | express the response of the photopic mechanism
Scotopic Luminance L’ (cd-m@) as a single-parameter quantity. It is.more likely
Fig. 11(5.7.2). Mean curves of constant equiva- that equivalent luminance L,,,;, in the mesopic
lent luminance L,,,;, aS a function of the photopic range is a function of three cone responses and
and scotopic luminances P and S of quasi-mono- the rod response whose inter-relations are depen-
chromatic test stimuli matched in brightness with a dent on the level of stimulation. Such a model
2042 K reference stimulus whose luminance L_., is has, in fact, been proposed by Kokoschka (1972)
set at four different levels. Curves 1 to 4 refer to and Kokoschka and Bodmann (1976).
luminances L,., = 3.16 X 10-4, 3.16 < 1073, Kokoschka’s (1972) extensive study on mesopic
3.16 X 10-7, and 3.16 < 107! cd- m ”, respec- photometry contains, among other items, a useful
tively. Eighteen observers took part in the experi- set of mesopic luminous efficiency functions.
ment making heterochromatic brightness matches Three observers made direct heterochromatic
between the test and reference stimuli in a 15° brightness matches between quasi-monochromat-
bipartite field viewed centrally. (Redrawn from ic test stimuli, produced with the aid of inter-
Palmer, 1967.) ference filters with peaks at 400, 430, 460, 480,
Luminous Efficiency Functions of Normal Trichromats 409



—o—o—o — 10% cd-m? (0.003 td)

—x—x—x- 10? cd-m™@ (0.03 td)
es 10°! cd-m™? (03 td)
—A—A—A— | cd-m™? (3 td)
—e—e—e— |0 cd-m7~2 (30 td)

Luminous Kokoschka (1972)


4 00 450 500 550 600 650 700

Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 12(5.7.2). Mean mesopic luminous efficiency functions obtained by Kokoschka (1972)
for three observers (aged 27 to 32) in a 9.5° bipartite field centrally viewed. The observers
made direct heterochromatic brightness matches between quasi-monochromatic test stimuli and
a 530 nm reference stimulus whose luminance was set at 10°, 10-7, 10°', 1, and 10 cd-m7
seen through a 3 mm” artificial pupil. The heavy lines represent the standard scotopic luminous
efficiency function V’(A) and the photopic V,9(A )-function.

500, 550, 575, 600, 620, 660, and 700 nm, and levels of the reference stimulus. For comparison
half-widths between 9 and 12 nm, and a quasi- purposes, the standard V’(A)-function and the
monochromatic reference stimulus with a peak Vio(A) [= ¥i0(A)]-function have been added to
wavelength at 530 nm. Test and reference stimuli the figure.
were presented in a bipartite centrally viewed Kokoschka (1972) made a factor analysis of
circular field. The main experimental results refer his experimental data to determine the number of
to three different field sizes (3°, 9.5°, 64°), and to visual response mechanisms that might be re-
five different luminance levels of the (530 nm)- quired to explain mesopic heterochromatic bright-
reference stimulus: 107°7,10~7,107',1,10 cd- ness matching. His analysis suggests that his data
m * which correspond to approximately 0.003, can be explained by a physiological model that is
0.03, 0.3, 3, and 30 td, respectively. Table 1(5.7.2) based on four component mechanisms, three cone
in the Appendix gives Kokoschka’s (1972) and one rod mechanism. The responses of these
numerical values of his luminous efficiency func- mechanisms are weighted independently by dif-
tions from 400 to 700 nm at 10-nm intervals. ferent functions of the luminance of the reference
Figure 12(5.7.2) illustrates the set obtained for the stimulus before they are added linearly to give the
9.5° bipartite field at the five given luminance total response corresponding to the observed

equivalent luminance of the test stimulus. With example, Kohlrausch, 1935; H. Konig, 1947; and
decreasing luminance of the reference stimulus, Judd, 1958).
the model predicts the following physiological If the luminance of the reference stimulus is
processes to take place: denoted by Lp = B and that of the test stimulus
of L;= L, the ratio B/L is, in general, greater
(a) Rods are increasingly activated. than unity and increases with increasing satura-
(b) “Red” cones are increasingly inhibited. tion (or excitation purity) of the test stimulus
(c) “Green” cones are, at first, activated but are when the reference stimulus has zero saturation,
inhibited in the middle of the mescopic range. that is, has an achromatic appearance. An excep-
(d) “Blue” cones are increasingly activated at tion to this rule is often reported for yellow
rates greater than the “green” cones, but they stimuli for which B/L remains close to unity even
cease to respond when the luminance level be- at maximum saturation.
comes very low. The contribution of the “blue” In deriving the B/L ratio for the brightness-
cones to the total equivalent-luminance response matched reference and test stimuli, the basic
is, however, small. The latter finding seems to equation of photometry (Section 4.2) is used, that
contradict Hough and Ruddock (1969) who pro- is,
posed that in mesopic vision, the “blue” cones
play a dominant role.
L (or B) = Ky,[LeV(A) dr [1(5.8)]
MATCHING OF COMPLEX STIMULI where L,, is the spectral concentration of radi-
ance of the stimulus (either test or reference),
In Section 5.7, heterochromatic brightness match- V(A) is the CIE 1924 standard photopic luminous
ing was one of several matching criteria used to efficiency at wavelength A, and K,,, is a constant
arrive at luminous efficiency functions. In a typi- fixed at 683 Im - W_'. This equation implies that
cal experimental procedure, the monochromatic the basic laws of brightness matching, particularly
test stimulus of wavelength A was matched in the proportionality and additivity laws, often re-
brightness against a fixed reference stimulus usu- ferred to as Abney’s laws, hold strictly.
ally of a “white” appearance. Test and reference Deviations from unity of the B/L ratios for
stimuli were presented in a centrally viewed bi- brightness-matched reference and test stimulus
partite field of given angular subtense. Such an can be caused by:
experiment is a special case of the general visual
task of making direct heterochromatic brightness
matches of test stimuli of arbitrary spectral radiant (a) use of the wrong V(A)-function in Eq. 1(5.8),
power distributions (not restricted to a single (b) failure of Abney’s laws, or
wavelength) against a given reference stimulus. (c) both (a) and (b) simultaneously.
The general case is of particular interest to practi-
cal photometry of sources of colored lights. It also
offers further insights into the functioning of the The experimental evidence is that another
visual mechanism. V(A)-function, such as Judd’s modified V(A)-
When a test stimulus of complex spectral function or one based on direct heterochromatic
radiant power distribution has been matched in brightness matching, if used in place of the CIE
brightness against a fixed “white” reference standard V(A)-function in Eq. 1(5.8), does not
stimulus, it is generally found that the luminance yield B/L ratios of unity for chromatic test stimuli
of the chromatic test stimulus is lower than the each of which brightness-matched against a given
luminance of the reference stimulus. Or, stating it “white” reference stimulus. Abney’s additivity law
another way, a chromatic stimulus, of the same is not valid for the general case of direct hetero-
luminance as the “white” reference stimulus will, chromatic brightness matching.
in general, appear brighter than the reference Below, we present some selected experimental
stimulus. To many observers, the chromatic data on heterochromatic brightness matching of
stimulus appears to “glow” (or appears to exhibit complex stimuli and results of investigations that
“Farbenglut”). The effect is sometimes referred aimed specifically at testing Abney’s additivity
to as the Helmholtz—Kohlrausch effect (see, for law.
Heterochromatic Brightness Matching of Complex Stimuli 411

5.8.1. Luminance of Equally Bright to make the “white” reference stimulus appear as
Color Stimuli equally bright as the test stimulus of 20 cd - m~’,
its luminance must be raised by a factor equal to
There are several experimental studies on hetero- the B/L ratio determined for that test stimulus.
chromatic brightness matching of stimuli of com- Similarly, it follows that for a test stimulus to be
plex spectral radiant power distributions. Of equally bright to a “white” reference stimulus of
particular interest are the studies of Chapanis and constant luminance (20 cd - m~”), the luminance
Halsey (1955), Sanders and Wyszecki (1957, 1958, of the test stimulus must be lowered by the factor
1964), Wyszecki and Sanders (1957), Breneman L/B.
(1958), Wyszecki (1967), Kaiser and Smith (1972), The variation of B/L ratios between different
and Alman (1977). The paper by Dresler (1953) observers is fairly large. An example is given in
summarizes the more important studies on the Figure 3(5.8.1).
subject matter available up to 1952. The variation of B/L ratios for an individual
We have selected two sets of experimental observer making brightness matches on different
data that illustrate the general trend found by occasions is not as large as that between different
most investigators. observers. The range within which the B/L ratios
The first set has been taken from the paper by varied for observer GW with respect to test stimuli
Sanders and Wyszecki (1964). Twenty observers 601/1 to 7, who made brightness matches with
with normal color vision made direct heterochro- each stimulus on six different occasions, is indi-
matic brightness matches of 95 test stimuli cated by vertical lines in Figure 4(5.8.1). As the
of different chromaticities against a “white” chromaticity point of the test stimulus moves
reference stimulus of a fixed chromaticity. A farther away from the chromaticity of the “white”
MacAdam-type binocular colorimeter [see Figure (W) reference stimulus, the variability of the B/L
4(5.15)] was used providing a 10° bipartite visual ratio increases. This is consistent with the general
field surrounded by a “white” field of approxi- report of the observers who find it more difficult
mately 40° X 40° angular subtense. The CIE to make brightness matches when the chromatic
specifications of the stimuli presented to the ob- difference between test and reference stimuli be-
servers are given in Table 1(5.8.1) and illustrated comes larger.
in Figure 1(5.8.1). The second set of experimental data has been
Each observer viewed the visual field with taken from a paper by Wyszecki (1967) which
both eyes; strict fixation was avoided, encourag- reports on an experiment conducted by the Com-
ing frequent direct views of the “white” surround mittee on Uniform Color Scales of the Optical
for the purpose of controlling to some extent the Society of America (see also Section 6.6.4). In this
state of adaptation of the observer’s eyes. The test experiment, object-color stimuli were used made
stimuli presented in one half of the bipartite field up of colored ceramic tiles illuminated by either
were kept at a constant luminance L = 20 cd - natural daylight or an artificial daylight source.
m 7, while the luminance B of the “white” refer- The CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity coordinates and
ence stimulus was changed by the observer until the luminance factor Y of each of the 43
equality of brightness was perceived between the object-color stimuli are specified, with respect to
two halves. The luminances L and B were calcu- CIE standard illuminant C, in Table 2(5.8.1).
lated in accordance with Eq. 1(5.8), but using the Figure 5(5.8.1) shows the 43 chromaticity points.
Yio(A)-function as the luminous efficiency func- A total of 76 observers located in different
tion V(A). In the last column of Table 1(5.8.1), laboratories in the United States and Canada
the mean B/L ratios are given for the group of 20 took part in the experiment. Thirty-nine observers
observers. used 23 tiles, the other 37 observers used the
Curved lines of constant values of the B/L- remaining 20 tiles plus three of the subset of 23 to
ratio can be plotted in the chromaticity diagram provide an overlap of experimental data. Each
to illustrate how brightness changes with the colored tile was compared in lightness with a set
chromaticity of test stimuli of constant (20 cd - of 10 gray tiles which provided a scale of known
m ~*) luminance [Figure 2(5.8.1)]. The further the luminous reflectances ranging from Yy, = 28.12
chromaticity point of the test stimulus is from to Yy,, = 52.46 in perceptual intervals that were
that of the “white” reference stimulus, the brighter approximately equal in size. The observer was
the test stimulus appears against the “white” asked to find, for each chromatic tile, the gray tile
reference stimulus of the same luminance. In order that he or she perceived as being of the same
Table 1(5.8.1) Specification of Test Stimuli and Mean B/L -Ratios for a Group of 20 Observers
Who Made Direct Heterochromatic Brightness Matches Against a “ White” (W ) Reference Stimulus by
Viewing a 10° Bipartite Field Displayed in a “White” (S) Surround of 40° < 40° Angular Subtense
(after Sanders and Wyszecki, 1964)°

Stimulus Chromaticity Mean Stimulus Chromaticity Mean

Number X10 Yi0 B/L Number X10 Yio B/L

601/1 0.382 0.365 1.14 482/1 0.304 0.351 1.05

0.422 0.365 1.17 2 0.266 0.338 1:12
3 0.462 0.365 122 3 0.229 0.324 1.21
4 0.502 0.365 1.28 “ 0.191 0.310 1.30
5 0.542 0.365 1.32 5 0.167 0.301 133
6 0.582 0.365 1.36 475/1 0.326 0.352 1.06
7 0.613 0.365 1.35 2 0.296 0.326 1.09
583/1 0.360 0.372 1.10 3 0.265 0.301 jh
0.398 0.386 1.11 4 0.234 0.275 1.23
3 0.436 0.399 1.13 5 0.204 0.249 1.31
4 0.473 0.413 1.15 6 0.173 0.223 ay
5 0.510 0.427 1.14 450/1 0.322 0.330 1.16
574/1 0.372 0.391 1.07 2 0.302 0.296 1.20
2 0.403 0.416 1.07 3 0.282 0.261 1.26
3 0.433 0.442 1.08 4 0.262 0.277 1.31
4 0.464 0.468 1.14 5 0.242 0.192 1.37
565/1 0.352 0.382 1.05 6 0.222 0.158 bse
2 0.372 0.417 1.04 yi 0.202 0.123 1.39
he 0.392 0.452 1.05 SOF F 0.338 0.345 1.10
4 0.412 0.486 1.09 2 0.331 0.306 1.17
5 0.427 0.513 1.09 3 0.324 0.267 1.24
556/1 0.348 0.404 1.01 A 0.317 0.227
2 0.355 0.444 1.05 5 0.310 0.188 1.51
3 0.362 0.483 1.10 6 0.305 0.155 1.61
4 0.369 0.523 1.14 —541/1 0.348 0.326 1.16
5 0.374 0.553 Lt 2 0.355 0.286 1.28
541/1 0.338 0.385 1.03 3 0.362 0.247 1.42
2 0.331 0.424 1.06 - 0.369 0.208 1.61
* 0.324 0.463 1.11 5 0.374 0.177 1.83
4 0.317 0.503 1.15 matey Tt 0.352 0.348 1.14
5 0.310 0.542 1.20 2 0.372 0.313 1.21
S17/1 0.322 0.400 1.04 3 0.392 0.279 1.36
2 0.302 0.434 1.13 - 0.412 0.244 1.53
3 0.282 0.469 aE 5 0.432 0.209 bi3
+ 0.262 0.504 1.25 —500/1 0.372 0.339 1.16
500/1 0.326 0.378 1.03 2 0.403 0.314 1.24
2 0.296 0.404 1.10 3 0.433 0.288 1.38
3 0.265 0.429 1.16 “ 0.464 0.262 1.55
4 0.234 0.455 1.19 5 0.495 0.237 1.76
492/1 0.304 0.379 1.07 —492/1 0.360 0.358 ed tat
2 0.266 0.392 1.17 p2 0.398 0.345 1.18
3 0.229 0.406 1.19 3 0.436 0.331 1.26
* 0.206 0.415 1.21 4 0.473 0.317 1.32
487/1 0.322 0.365 1.04 5 0.511 0.303 1.46
2 0.282 0.365 1.10 6 0.548 0.290 1.61
3 0.242 0.365 1.18 7 0.586 0.276 1.71
4 0.202 0.365 1.24 8 0.620 0.264 1.75
5 0.174 0.365 1-27 Ref. (W) 0.342 0.365 1.07
Sur. (S) 0.294 0.335 —

“The B/L ratio is the ratio of the luminance B of the “white” reference stimulus and the luminance L of the test
stimulus when the two stimuli are at brightness match for the group of 20 observers. In arriving at the match, the
observers vary the B while L is kept constant at 20 cd - m~ *. The luminance of the surround (S) was also fixed at 20
oi ta v1ile

Heterochromatic Brightness Matching of Complex Stimuli 413

5.8.2 Additivity Failures

The additivity law in brightness matching (see
Section 4.2 on the principle of photometry, and
Section 5.2 on the classification of matching pro-
cedures) has been the subject of several investiga-
are) tions. Most of these investigations were motivated
by a concern over the validity of the present
standard system of photometry, governed by Eq.
3(4.2). A summary of the earlier work has been
given by Dresler (1953). More recent work in-
cludes the studies already listed in Section 5.8.1
and those of Boynton and Kaiser (1968); Guth,
Donley, and Marrocco (1969); Guth (1970);
Wagner and Boynton (1972); Guth and Lodge
(1973); and Kaiser and Wyszecki (1978).
O Ole Oe 03 04 O05 O06 O07, 108 In direct heterochromatic brightness matching,
*10 the additivity law, also referred to as Abney’s
Fig. 1(5.8.1). CIE 1964 (x49, ¥19)-chromaticity additivity law, fails substantially. The experimen-
diagram showing locations (solid dots) of test tal evidence for its failure is conclusive and has
stimuli used by Wyszecki and Sanders (1964) in been demonstrated by a number of investigators.
their study on heterochromatic brightness match- An example will be given below. It is largely
ing. The chromaticity point of the “white” refer- because of this additivity failure that the photo-
ence stimulus is given by an open circle at x1) = metric principle governing our present standard
0.342, y49 = 0.365, that of the surround is indi- photometry is being reviewed by the CIE (1978b).
cated by a cross (8). Numerical data are given in In order to comply with the basic equation of
Table 1(5.8.1). photometry [see Eq. 3(4.2)], the photopic luminous
efficiency function V(A) must be determined by a
visual equivalence or matching criterion that leads
to visual responses obeying the additivity law.
lightness as the given chromatic tile. If necessary, Direct heterochromatic brightness matching does
the observer interpolated between two neighbor- not fulfill that condition, but minimum flicker
ing gray tiles. The luminance factor Y, of the judgments and judgments of minimally distinct
gray tile that matched in lightness the given chro- border both do, at least to a close approximation
matic tile of luminance factor Y was then used to (Section 5.7.2 and Wagner and Boynton, 1972).
form the ratio Y,/Y. The mean values of the However, in practical photometry, both mini-
Y,/Y-ratios for the two groups of observers are mum-flicker and minimally distinct border criteria
given in Table 2(5.8.1). are unrealistic when the brightnesses of differ-
As for the previous set of experimental data ently colored lights are to be compared and
given in Table 1(5.8.1), the data of Table 2(5.8.1) specified so as to relate as closely as possible to
can be illustrated effectively by means of loci of actual visual experience. In such cases, hetero-
constant values of Y,/Y ratio in the CIE 1931 chromatic brightness matching is the most
(x, y)-chromaticity diagram. A family of such relevant procedure, and a mathematical model,
loci is shown in Figure 6(5.8.1). The chromaticity possibly of considerable complexity, that predicts
gamut provided by the daylight-illuminated col- the responses of the visual mechanism to het-
ored tiles is somewhat smaller than that which erochromatic brightness comparisons must be
was available on the colorimeter, but in the region preferred over the simple (linear) model, char-
where the two gamuts overlap, the two families of acterized by Eq. 3(4.2), which has been shown to
loci shown in Figures 2(5.8.1) and 6(5.8.1), re- fail significantly in its prediction of heterochro-
spectively, exhibit similar features. A quantitative matic brightness matches.
comparison between the two sets of data is, how- Experiments designed to test the additivity law
ever, difficult and has not been attempted be- in brightness matching usually involve a bipartite
cause of the marked differences in the observing field, one half of which contains a fixed “white”
conditions used in the two experiments which reference stimulus W, the other half a chromatic
cannot be easily reconciled. stimulus C,. The observer is asked to equate the







0:3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 08

Fig. 2(5.8.1). CIE 1964 (x19, 19)-chromaticity diagram showing loci of constant values of the
B/L_-ratio calculated for the group of 20 observers making heterochromatic brightness matches
of test stimuli defined in Figure 1(5.8.1) against a “white” (W) reference stimulus. The loci
were drawn freehand through the experimental data points given in Table 1(5.8.1).

brightness between the two stimuli in a direct When C, is a “blue” stimulus and C, a “yel-
comparison by adjusting the radiance of C,. The low” stimulus, each of the same brightness as a
experiment is repeated with another stimulus C, “white” reference stimulus W, the additive mix-
of a different color than C,. With C, brightness ture of the “blue” and “yellow” stimuli is found
matching W, and C, brightness matching W, it is to be Jess bright than the “white” reference
generally assumed that C, then brightness matches stimulus of twice its original radiance (Boynton
C, (transitivity law). The crucial step in the ex- and Kaiser, 1968).
periment is to ascertain whether the additive mix- A variation of the above experimental proce-
ture of C, and C,, produced in one half of the dure has been applied by Guth and his coworkers
bipartite field, will brightness match the “white” (Guth, Donley, and Marrocco, 1969; Guth and
reference stimulus whose radiance has been dou- Lodge, 1973). The test stimulus C is monochro-
bled, that is, 2W. matic and of wavelength A and is matched in
Heterochromatic Brightness Matching of Complex Stimuli 415

2.5 hi doe Saat , wea lege ec 2.5

| x

20 Soro. 4 3/3 cy2- 7k a 20
ate 15
x ou Oo

Og 10


Fig. 3(5.8.1). Variation of B/L -ratios between different observers. Diagram shows B/L -ratios
for observers YN, GW, and WB in comparison with the mean ratios of the group of 20
observers recorded in Table 1(5.8.1). YN represents an observer with very high ratios, GW is
one with average ratios, and WB is one with unusually low ratios. The test stimuli are those of
the series 601/1 to 7 and 487/1 to 5 given in Table 1(5.8.1) and Figure 1(5.8.1). The
B/L-ratios are plotted as a function of the x,9-chromaticity coordinates of the test stimuli.

brightness against a “white” reference stimulus The main results obtained by Guth (1970) are
W, again using a bipartite field. This match shown in Figure 1(5.8.2). The monochromatic test
establishes “unit amounts” of brightness both for stimulus C(A), added to 0.5W (a 2800 K “white”
C(A) and W. Then, C(A) and 0.5W is additively stimulus), varies in wavelength A from approxi-
mixed in one half of the field and compared with mately 430 to 630 nm as shown on the abscissa of
W remaining in the other half. If the two halves Figure 1(5.8.2). The number a of brightness units
do not match in brightness, the observer adjusts of C(A) required to make [aC(A) + 0.5W] bright-
the radiance of C(A) to produce a stimulus aC(A) ness match with W is plotted as the ordinate. The
which in the mixture with 0.5W brightness solid dots in Figure 1(5.8.2) are the mean values,
matches W; thus, the solid lines indicate the range of a obtained for
nine observers.
B If additivity would hold, the data points in
[aC(A) + 0.5W] =W Figure 1(5.8.2) would all coincide with the hori-

03 0.4 0.5 0.6

Fig. 4(5.8.1). Range of variation of B/L-ratios for test stimuli 601/1 to 7 obtained for
observer GW making brightness matches on six different occasions. Open circles are the mean
ratios of the six individual determinations.

Table 2(5.8.1) Specification of Colored Tiles and Equally Light Gray Tiles in Terms of CIE (x, y)-
Chromaticity Coordinates and Luminance Factor Y with Respect to CIE Standard Iluminant C.
Also Given are Mean Y,, / Y-Ratios (Wyszecki, 1967).”

Chromaticity Luminance Factor

Tile Coordinates Colored Tile Gray Tile Ratio
Number x y 4 Yn Yy/¥
| 0.2955 0.5321 30.99 42.20 1.36
2t 0.2816 0.4652 30.24 37.92 1.25
3° 0.3341 0.4813 30.08 36.20 1.20
4 0.3777 0.4976 29.08 36.46 1.25
$3 0.2520 0.4038 29.22 37.38 1.28
6 0.2922 0.4238 28.25 35.04 1.24
ic 0.3439 0.4416 28.14 33.16 1.18
8* 0.3838 0.4466 26.20 30.87 1.18
OTT 0.4379 0.4599 28.53 33.29 1.17
10* 0.2299 0.3383 28.59 36.20 127
11 0.2661 0.3603 28.16 35.04 1.24
122 0.3075 0.3801 28.00 33.41 11g
13 0.3544 0.3982 29.59 33.66 1.14
14* 0.3959 0.4100 28.75 31.83 1.11
ees 0.4415 0.4193 28.91 32.92 1.14
16 0.4764 0.4238 28.54 35.81 1.26
17 0.2258 0.2926 28.71 38.18 133
18* 0.2474 0.3082 28.58 35.81 1.25
19 0.2804 0.3248 28.35 33.29 1.17
20* 0.3196 0.3448 29.26 30.99 1.06
21 0.3581 0.3599 29.58 33;29 T3
22% 0.4026 0.3765 29.42 33.29 1.13
23 0.4426 0.3827 29.74 35.94 1.21
24* 0.4888 0.3934 28.12 35.68 127
25f 0.2342 0.2595 28.28 36.59 1.29
26 0.2632 0.2796 29.21 37.52 1.28
pb: 0.2978 0.3023 30.24 3474 1.05
28 0.3310 0.3211 28.42 30.64 1.08
29: 0.3713 0.3355 29.68 33.66 ls
30 0.4068 0.3488 29.68 35.68 1.20
31* 0.4580 0.3571 29.19 36.46 1.25
32 0.4864 0.3602 30.09 41.07 1.36
33 0.2512 0.2400 29.66 39:43 132
34* 0.2790 0.2626 30.25 35.68 1.18
35* 0.3058 0.2796 29.09 34.41 1.18
36 0.3398 0.2994 29.54 34.16 1.16
ad 0.3785 0.3157 28.86 34.66 1.20
38 0.4208 0.3240 29.60 31.18 1.28
39* 0.4580 0.3288 29.40 37.92 1.29
40 0.2960 0.2432 29.50 39.00 1.32
41* 0.3258 0.2576 28.74 36.07 1.26
42 0.3642 0.2708 28.84 38.05 ese
43** 0.3919 0.2790 28.34 37.92 1.34
N 0.315 0.322 ~ 28.12 to —

“Colored tiles marked with an asterisk (*) were matched in brightness with gray tiles by 39
observers, the other tiles by 37 different observers. Those marked with a double asterisk (**) were
observed by both groups (76 observers). The tiles (hexagonal in shape, 5 cm inside diameter) were
displayed on a table covered with a matte gray sheet of Munsell Value 6/(Y = 30) illuminated by
artificial or natural daylight providing an illuminance on the table surface of at least 500 Im-m 7’.
The observers viewed the tiles at a distance of 40 to 50 cm at an angle between 20 and 45° from the
Heterochromatic Brightness Matching of Complex Stimuli 417

.4 i 6 sh .8

J 450°

| se 5 3 4 5 6 yt 8
Fig. 5(5.8.1). CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram showing the chromaticity points of 43
colored tiles, illustrated by CIE standard illuminant C.

zontal dotted line of a = 0.5. This is obviously Wyszecki, 1978). Guth (1970) referred to them as
not the case. Two types of additivity failure are subadditivity and superadditivity, respectively.
noted. For some wavelengths a value of a > 0.5 is The experimental data described in Section
found, for others we have a < 0.5. Only in the 5.8.1, though obtained by a different procedure,
regions around A = 580 nm, and A = 490 nm, is are to a large extent consistent with the data
the value of a at or near 0.5. Values of a greater obtained by Guth (1970). A reanalysis of the
and smaller than 0.5 suggest the presence of in- earlier data, particularly those of Sanders and
hibitory and excitatory visual processes when a Wyszecki (1964) and Kaiser and Smith (1972),
heterochromatic brightness match is obtained by made by Kaiser and Wyszecki (1978), brings out
the observer. The two types of additivity failure their similarities and the existence of the two
have been called additivity failure of the cancella- types of additivity failure.
tion type for a > 0.5, and additivity failure of the Guth, Donley, and Marrocco (1969), in another
enhancement type for a< 0.5 (Kaiser and study on additivity of brightness matching, used

| 2 3 4 > 6 We 8

.8 + .8

7 : a!

6 | 6


nS BS)

4 .4

3 3
2 650
"7 70nm

2 WE

A |

O 380 4 me) mS if 8
Fig. 6(5.8.1). CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram showing loci of constant values of the
Y, / Y-ratio calculated for two groups of observers [Table 2(5.8.1)] making lightness matches
between colored tiles of luminance factors Y and gray tiles of luminance factors Y,. The
chromaticity points of the colored tiles are shown in Figure 5(5.8.1); the chromaticity point
common to the gray tiles is indicated by the solid dot at x, = 0.315 and y, = 0.322. The loci
are drawn freehand through the data points of Table 2(5.8.1; Wyszecki, 1967).

two equivalence or matching criteria: threshold covered the visible spectrum and included A ;. For
and direct heterochromatic comparison. In the each wavelength A,, the unit of brightness is de-
threshold experiments, the general procedure was fined by the radiance of the stimulus of wave-
first to establish in a centrally viewed 0.75° field, length A; required to elicit a threshold response.
a subthreshold stimulus of wavelength A; and With this definition, it is then possible to check
then determine the radiance (or some other con- whether the threshold responses obtained for the
venient quantity) of another stimulus of wave- bichromatic mixtures of test stimuli (A;, A;) obey
length A ; which, when added to the first stimulus, the additivity law. As expected, the results re-
brings the mixture to threshold. Both A; and 4, ported by Guth et al. (1969) clearly show pro-
were varied, and for any given A,, the set of A,’s nounced additivity failures when A; #A,. Figure
Heterochromatic Brightness Matching of Complex Stimuli 419

et al. (1969) and their vector model predictions.

However, the vector model itself does not offer
any immediate clues as to the physiological na-
ture of the complex interactions between the cone
mechanisms which appear to play an important
part in the threshold determinations and which
manifest themselves in the additivity failures.
Guth et al. (1969) explain the additivity failures
by a physiological model designed within the
framework of the opponent-color theory (Section
8.3.4). ;
Increment threshold determinations constitute
400 500 600 700 the more general case of the absolute threshold
Wavelength \ (nm) determinations discussed above, and additivity
Fig. 1(5.8.2). Additivity failures in heterochro- failures for bichromatic mixtures set at increment
matic brightness matching measured by Guth thresholds have provided further evidence for
(1970) for nine observers. Solid dots: mean values; interactions between the cone mechanisms
solid lines: overall range. If data points would have (Boynton, Ikeda, and Stiles, 1964; Kranda and
coincided with dashed line, additivity law would be King-Smith, 1979). The increment threshold
valid. For details, see text. method, widely considered a tool of major impor-
tance to the exploration of the visual mechanisms
by psychophysical means, will be treated more
2(5.8.2) gives an example of the experimental data fully in Section 7.4.
obtained. In the experiment using direct heterochromatic
In following up earlier suggestions made by brightness matching, Guth et al. (1969) used a
Swets (1960) and Cohen and Gibson (1962), Guth centrally viewed 1.5° bipartite field in a dark
et al. (1969) applied a vector model to the experi- surround. One half of the field displayed the
mental data in an effort to predict their results. In “white” reference stimulus (tungsten-lamp light)
such a model, any monochromatic test stimulus is at one of four luminance levels (0.31, 15.3, 31.8,
represented by a vector whose length and direc- and 153 cd-m *”, respectively). Each of several
tion characterize its brightness and wavelength, monochromatic test stimuli of wavelength A, was
respectively. The resultant brightness of addi- displayed in the other half and brightness matched
tively mixed stimuli (A; and 4,) is characterized against the reference stimulus by adjusting the
by the vector sum. In general, there is fairly good radiance of A;. The measured radiance L,, of the
agreement between the experimental data of Guth brightness-matched test stimulus defined the

Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 2(5.8.2). Mean results for three observers of an absolute threshold experiment conducted
by Guth et al. (1969) to check the additivity law. If C(525) is a monochromatic stimulus of
wavelength A = 525 nm, with a radiance that makes the stimulus just visible in the 0.75° field,
and C(A) is a monochromatic stimulus of wavelength A (selected from a set of 10), with a
radiance that makes that stimulus just visible, then the additive mixture aC(A)+90.5 C(525)
with a= 0.5 will be just visible if additivity holds. The experimental data indicate strong
failures of additivity (a > 0.5) for long wavelengths A.

= | |

oO GBs

, % C (A)

i ve
Wee —— aa

05 a a aes

ens |

400 450 500 550 600 650 700

Wavelength A (nm)

Fig. 3(5.8.2). Mean results for nine observers of a direct heterochromatic brightness experi-
ment conducted by Guth et al. (1969) to check the additivity law. If W is a fixed “white”
reference stimulus, C(521) a monochromatic test stimulus of wavelength A = 521 nm, C(A) a
monochromatic test stimulus of wavelength A (selected from a set of 10), and if C(521)
brightness matches W and C(A) also brightness matches W, that is, C(521) = W, C(A) = W;
then aC(A )+0.5C(521) = W where a is equal to 0.5 if additivity holds. The experimental data
indicate strong failure of additivity except for the trivial case of C(A) = C(521).

brightness unit for A,;. In the next step of the stimulus or a purple, an achromatic stimulus is
experiment, the observer was presented with an added to it to decrease progressively the colori-
additive mixture that consisted of A; and A; metric purity (Section 3.4). The effect, called the
(another member of the same set of test stimuli), Abney effect (Abney, 1910), is manifest in the
fixing the radiance of A; to half its unit value choice of samples (chips) in color-appearance sys-
(L,,.). The radiance of A; was adjusted by the tems, particularly the Munsell System (Section
observer until an equality of brightness between 6.6.1). In a CIE chromaticity diagram showing the
the mixture and the “white” reference stimulus chromaticities of the Munsell color chips of con-
was seen. The similarity between this experiment stant Munsell value, the chromaticity loci of chips
and the one described in connection with Figure to which the system assigns the same hue are (for
1(5.8.2) is apparent. most hues) curved lines joining the achromatic
An example of the results obtained by Guth point to a point on the spectrum locus or the line
et al. (1969) -is illustrated in Figure 3(5.8.2). It of purples [see Figures I(6.6.1) to [X(6.6.1)]. For a
refers to the case where monochromatic stimuli of particular yellow at about 570 nm and a particu-
various wavelengths A, were added to a mono- lar bluish purple (x = 0.240, y = 0.035, ap-
chromatic stimulus of wavelength A; = 521 nm. proximately), the hue locus is a straight line,
Strict obedience to the additivity law would have indicating no effect of chroma or saturation on
resulted in data points lying on a horizontal line hue.
of a = 0.5. Other examples of experimentally determined
A statistical analysis applied by Guth et al. loci of constant hue in the chromaticity diagram
(1969) to their data yielded no significant effect have been provided by MacAdam (1950b, 1951),
of the luminance level of the “white” reference Wilson and Brocklebank (1955), and Robertson
stimulus on the additivity failure. The observed (1970).
additivity failures were of the two types described Robertson (1970) used three methods of hue
earlier: additivity failure of the cancellation type matching with the aid of Wyszecki’s Seven-Field
and additivity failure of the enhancement type. Colorimeter (Section 5.15). In the first method,
The latter type is, in general, not observed in the three of the seven fields were used, whose centers
threshold experiment, as illustrated in Figure formed the corners of an equilateral triangle, with
2(5.8.2). each 3° hexagonal field having one side adjacent
to each of the other two. The three-field array had
a large white surround of 6 cd - m ”.
5.9 ABNEY AND BEZOLD-BRUCKE EFFECTS In two of the fields, the observer was shown
color stimuli of the same hue and brightness
The apparent hue of a color stimulus is, in gen- (luminance of 12 cd - m~*) with high but slightly
eral, modified if, starting from a monochromatic different saturations. The task was to use the
Abney and Bezold— Briicke Effects 421

controls of the third field to adjust its stimulus so difficulties reaching a common achromatic point
that the hue and brightness were the same as for for the different hue lines. However, neither of
the two given stimuli, and the saturation a little the two methods proved to be completely satisfac-
less. After recording the settings, the observer tory, as simultaneous contrast effects, chromatic
arbitrarily altered the stimulus in the first field of adaptation, and gradual shifts away from the
highest saturation and replaced it by a fourth of starting hue as a line is determined, appeared to
lower saturation than the third, while still main- affect adversely the precision of the experimental
taining the same hue and brightness. This data, and observer differences were also fairly
sequence was continued with stimuli of progres- large. Figure 1(5.9) illustrates the mean results for
sively lower saturation until one was reached three different observers.
which appeared to the observer to be achromatic. In order to avoid particularly the problem of
Eight different hue lines were determined in this gradual hue shift, a third method was tried. In
step-by-step way; these are identified by the ap- this method, only two adjacent fields were used.
proximate dominant wavelength (in nm) of the The first field contained a fixed stimulus of the
most saturated starting stimuli, which were 435, starting hue and of high saturation, and in the
485, 510, 565, 575, 585, 600, and the complemen- other, the observer was shown a series of stimuli
tary wavelength of 505 nm. of different saturations and of various hues close
The second method was the same as the first, to that of the fixed stimulus. These stimuli were
except that a fourth field was added to the stimu- presented in random order and the observer was
lus array. The chromaticity of the stimulus in the required to state, for each one, whether it fell to
fourth field was fixed and the same as that of the one side or the other of the hue line through the
white surround; its luminance was set equal to given stimulus. The observer did not adjust the
that of the saturated starting stimulus of 12 cd - controls of the instrument. A stimulus was taken
m ”. to lie on the hue line if the observer placed it
The addition of the white fourth stimulus sometimes on one side and sometimes on the
helped the observer in moving along a constant other in repeated viewings. This method proved
hue line that ended near the target achromatic to be considerably better than the previous two
point. When using the first method, the user had step-by-step methods. Both the repeatability of




0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350

Fig. 1(5.9). Mean constant-hue lines derived by Robertson (1970) for three observers
(ARR, HW, GW), plotted in the (now obsolete) CIE 1960 UCS diagram whose coordinates are
defined in terms of CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity coordinates by u= 4x /(—2x +12 y +3) and
v=6y/(—2x+12y +3). A step-by-step hue-matching technique was used, starting in each
case with a stimulus of high saturation, a luminance of 12 cd-m ~?. and known dominant
wavelength (600, 585 nm, etc.) and then progressing towards an achromatic stimulus. In moving
along a line of constant hue, brightness was kept constant. The cross in the diagram indicates
the chromaticity of the “white” surround used in the experiment, kept at 6 cd-m' “.

one observer and the variability between different termined a fourth reddish-purple hue with the
observers was much improved. However, the third same property.
method was not used extensively to generate many Boynton and Gordon (1965) repeated Purdy’s
data, because the time required to determine a (1931) experiment of direct hue matching in a
single hue line was rather long. steady-state bipartite field and added two other
The Abney effect is of importance also in experimental procedures. The first of their addi-
connection with chromatic response functions, to tional experiments was a modification of Purdy’s
be discussed in Section 5.13. procedure in which the observer was asked to
The effect of luminance on hue, known as the make hue matches on the basis of 300-msec pulses
Bezold—Briicke effect, is not so clearly shown in of the bipartite field with 9-sec dark intervals. In
the current diagrams of color appearance systems, the second experiment, a color naming method
but direct measurements by Purdy (193la) make was used employing a 3° circular field centrally
clear the direction and approximate magnitude of fixated, superimposed upon a tiny fixation point.
the effect for monochromatic stimuli. Purdy’s The monochromatic stimuli were presented in
measurements were hue matches (in a 3° bipartite 300-msec pulses providing either 1000 or 100 td,
field) between a monochromatic stimulus of fixed with dark intervals of 12 sec. The observer named
wavelength and luminance, and a second mono- the hues in terms of four color names: red (R),
chromatic stimulus whose wavelength was varied, yellow (Y), green (G), and blue (B), and was
the luminance being kept at a constant value allowed to assign also intermediate hue names
considerably lower than for the first stimulus. The such as yellow-red (YR) or red-yellow (RY) with
excess of the wavelength A,, of the higher lumi- Y being the predominant cardinal hue in (YR)
nance field over that of the lower luminance field and R the predominant cardinal hue in (RY).
A,, when the perceived hues were as nearly as Thus, the observer had 12 possible choices of
possible the same, defined the Bezold—Briicke hue naming a hue: BR, B, BG, GB, G, GY, YG, Y,
shift (Ay —A,). The values obtained for the YR, RY, R, and RB. Each judgment made by the
luminance pair, yielding a ratio of retinal illumi- observer was assigned an arbitrary score value of
nance of 1000 to 100 td, are shown in Figure 3. When the judgment was described by a cardi-
2(5.9). In addition to the three spectral hues nal hue name, such as red (R), the entire score
showing no Bezold—Briicke shift, Purdy de- value of 3 was assigned to it. When intermediate

eee 1000 td

100 td

450 500 600 650

Wavelength i, (nm)
Fig. 2(5.9). Change of apparent hue of monochromatic stimuli corresponding to a reduction in
retinal illuminance 1000 to 100 td. Extract of the data of Purdy (1931b) who made hue matches
in a 3° bipartite field between a stimulus of fixed wavelength A ,, and of a luminance providing
1000 td, and a second stimulus of variable wavelength A, and of a luminance providing 100 td.
The Bezold—Briicke shift (A ;, — A) is plotted as a function of A,,.
Abney and Bezold - Briicke Effects 423

Table 1(5.9) Example of Scoring Procedure Used in Color Naming Experiment by

Boynton and Gordon (1965) for Observer JG, Monochromatic Stimulus at 520 nm,
1000 td’
Score Value Assigned to Color Names
Blue Green Yellow Red
Judgment Frequency (B) (G) (Y) (R)
BG 5 10 a 0 0
GB 9 9 18 0 0
G 6 0 18 0 0
GY 5 0 10 - 0
Total 25 19 51 5 0

“The 520 nm stimulus was never judged to be BR, B, YG, Y, YR, RY, R, RB.

hue names were used, such as red-yellow (RY), a considered possible. The same authors also con-
value of 2 was assigned to the first (R) and a cluded from their experimental data that mono-
value of | to the second (Y) name. For each level chromatic “unique yellow” (approximately 578
(1000 and 100 td), every monochromatic stimulus nm) and monochromatic “unique blue” (ap-
of wavelength A was judged a total of 25 times in proximately 478 nm) showed either no variation
a randomized presentation cycle, providing a total
score value of 75 distributed among the four
cardinal hue names. Table 1(5.9) gives a typical
example of the scoring procedure. ya ae |S ee OTe Se | ee eT

The mean results obtained by Boynton and 40 —o—o—o— hue matching in steady-state viz
Benge hue matching of pulses y Aas
Gordon (1965) for three observers determining = 30 —.—x—»— hue naming of pulses A ike
Bezold—Briicke hue shifts by three different ex- THESES 4 i]
perimental methods are illustrated in Figure o ©
ylog /

3(5.9). TIO we ign:

< 0. gis GaN
The data obtained by the steady-state hue Sz
< 0 A arMt
oa OL
pea wh reheat
matching method are directly comparable with 7 ae Lae See a ae
ok eA Re ye
those obtained by Purdy (1931), shown in Figure Oo JL
@ -20} : wie
2(5.9). The agreement between the two sets of a ii
-30F °
data is quite good. When the experimental proce-
dure is changed, differences in the results are -40

noted which Boynton and Gordon (1965) attri- meSieme A 88A hse Mt bena CE Ss et Se
450 500 ate 600 650
bute to simultaneous contrast effects whose im-
portance varies with the presentation time of the Wavelength A,, (nm)
stimuli. The authors also discuss possible connec-
tions between stimuli for which zero shifts of hue Fig. 3(5.9). Change of apparent hue of mono-
are observed, that is, (A;, — A,,) = 0, and stimuli chromatic stimuli corresponding to a reduction in
that have been found in other studies to exhibit retinal illuminance 1000 to 100 td, determined by
the psychologically “unique hues” red, yellow, Boynton and Gordon (1965) for three observers
green, and blue. Some correspondences are noted, and three different experimental procedures. The
except for the red. mean of the three observers for the Bezold—Briicke
In a later study by Larimer, Krantz, and hue shift (A,, — A,) is plotted as a function of
Cicerone (1974), in which the Bezold—Briicke ef- Ay, the wavelength of the monochromatic stimu-
fect was explored further, it was suggested that lus held at a retinal illuminance of 1000 td. The
the hue-naming data of Boynton and Gordon are second stimulus of wavelength A, was held at 100
likely to have been biased somewhat by the scor- td. The data obtained by the steady-state hue-
ing method used. In particular, a bias toward a matching method are directly comparable with
shorter wavelength of the “unique blue” was those of Purdy (1931b) shown in Figure 2(5.9).

or virtually insignificant variation over a lumi- Table 1(5.10) Brindley Isochromes

nance range of one to two log units; within that Wavelengths in nm
range, these stimuli yield invariant hues relative
to the Bezold-Briicke shift. In a subsequent paper, Shortwave member 641 652 674 679 688
Longwave member 887 850 786 749 7I1
the authors (Larimer et al., 1975) also found that
the monochromatic “unique green” (approxi-
mately 500 nm) stimulus yields an invariant hue.
“Unique red” was obtained for nonmonochro- changes in x,9(A), Yio(A), [Z19(A) is zero] reverse
matic stimuli consisting of additive mixtures of their direction, which means that the monochro-
the shortwave and longwave ends of the visible matic stimuli become slightly yellower. This result
spectrum. The additive mixture required for the corresponds to an observation first made by
stimulus to remain “unique red” must be varied Brindley (1955b) using a 4° field and is of consid-
with luminance; otherwise, a stimulus perceived erable theoretical interest although unimportant
to be “unique red” at a low luminance level, in practical applications. Brindley’s isochromes,
turns bluish-red when the luminance is increased. that is, pairs of wavelengths in the red end of the
The study by Nagy and Zacks (1977) dealt spectrum that have the same chromaticity, are
with the zero shifts of hue and the measurement given in Table 1(5.10) and are plotted in Figure
procedure used to assess Bezold—Briicke hue 1(5.10) together with the longwave chromaticities
shifts. These authors concluded that the stimulus from the 10° matching results of Stiles and Burch
presentation time was the more important vari- (1959), see also Section 5.5.4, which substantially
able in accounting for the differences between confirm them. One implication of Brindley’s re-
different procedures. sult is that in a plot of the logarithm of the
In accordance with the opponent-colors theory spectral sensitivity (expressed on a quantum ba-
(see Sections 5.13 and 8.3), the independent sis) against wavenumber, the gradients of the
“red-green” and “yellow-blue” chromatic re- curves for the red and green mechanisms do not
sponse systems (Section 5.13) are functions of tend to the same constant value as the wavelength
luminance and exhibit differential response rates is moved deep into the red. A theoretical interpre-
that are consistent with the observed Bezold- tation of this deviation from the simpler behavior
Briicke hue shifts (Hurvich and Jameson, 1955). commonly assumed has been advanced by Lewis
In particular, it is hypothesized that blueness and (1955).
yellowness responses increase with luminance
more rapidly than redness and greenness re-
sponses. However, this explanation does not ap- 5.11 STILES-CRAWFORD EFFECT
pear to be entirely satisfactory with regard to
recent observations of hue shifts for very brief The term directional sensitivity is now commonly
pulses (17 ms) of stimuli varying in luminance used, in a visual context, to denote variations in
(Nagy, 1980). Under such conditions, the visual sensitivity that are observed, not when
“unique” hues no longer exhibit zero shifts, and stimuli arrive from different directions in the
in some instances, a reversal in hue shift direction visual field to be imaged on different retinal areas,
occurs at high luminance levels. but when stimuli enter the eye through different
There are several other studies of the Bezold— parts of the eye pupil and are imaged on the same
Bricke effect, of which the following are of par- retinal area. Both brightness-matching and incre-
ticular interest: Walraven (1961), Coren and Keith ment threshold methods yield quantitative mea-
(1970), Yager and Taylor (1970), Cohen (1971), surements of directional sensitivity. The value of
Savoie (1973). the directional sensitivity at a pupil point of entry
P may be defined as the ratio

Le —[1(5.11)]
where Sp and Sp are the same magnitudes produc-
The CIE 1964 large-field chromaticity coordinates ing the same visual effect on the given retinal area
[see Table I(3.3.2)] which extend to the wave- when entry is, respectively, at P and at a fixed
length 830 nm show that beyond 700 nm the reference point of entry P). Experiment shows
Stiles — Crawford Effect 425



8 Oo


—.05 Brindley lsochromes

Short wave Long wave

16000 15000 14000 13000 12000 cm —}
Wavelength or Wavenumber
Fig. 1(5.10). Observations of hue reversal in the deep red. The curves are the mean g(A) and
b(A) 10° chromaticity coordinates referring to primaries at 15,500, 19,000, 22,500 cm! in a
W.D.W. system, with normalizing wavenumbers at 17,250 and 20,500 cm! (Stiles and Burch,
1959). In making the comparison with Brindley’s isochromes, the very small contribution of the
b(A)-chromaticity coordinate is ignored, so that the Brindley isochromes may be taken as
having the same g(A)-chromaticity coordinate. The short-wave member of each pair is placed
on the g(A)-curve at its correct wavelength, and the long-wave member is then plotted to have
the same g(A )-value [see Table 1(5.10)].

that: the variation of 7 with the distance r in millime-

ters between P and Py (taken to be the point of
(a) For most eyes studied, the response of a entry for maximal 7)
foveal rod-free area is maximal when P is at or
near the pupil center and is reduced to about a n= 10?” [2(5.11)]
quarter when P approaches the pupil edge.
(b) For extrafoveal (parafoveal) retinal areas, where the constant p is a convenient measure of
the directional sensitivity resembles that for foveal the directional effect. Figure 1(5.11) illustrates the
vision, provided the conditions are such that the agreement between predicted and observed values
visual response measured is a cone response. of n. The effect characterized by 7 is commonly
However, when the measured response is attribu- referred to as the Stiles—Crawford effect of the first
table to the rod mechanism, the directional kind and sometimes abbreviated by SCE.
changes are very much reduced and the response For foveal vision, p has a value in the neigh-
may be regarded as nearly nondirectional. borhood of 0.05. Few data on the variation of p
with the wavelength of the stimulus are available,
The following empirical formula was intro- but p appears to be rather larger in the blue and
duced by Stiles and Crawford (1933) to represent red than in the green, yellow, or orange. Table







Fig. 1(5.11). Mean directional sensitivity curve (fovea) showing its approximate representa-
tion by the formula n = 10 ”” . Observed values are often higher at the extremities than the
computed curve fitted in the central region, as is the case here (Stiles, 1937a).

1(5.11) contains a set of measured values, ob- for example, LeGrand, 1957). Representative
tained by the threshold method for one observer, mean data based on a large group of observers
illustrating the range of variation of p with A that have yet to be obtained.
have been observed (Stiles, 1939). Alternate em- If the visual effects of rays incident through
pirical formulae for n have been proposed but different parts of the pupil and imaged on the
offer little, if any, advantage over Eq. 2(5.11) (see, same foveal area of the retina are additive, a
Stiles— Crawford Effect 427

Table 1(5.11) Variation of the Value of p with Wavelength X in the

Expression n = 10 ” "* for the Directional Sensitivity of the Retina
(Stiles, 1939)

Wavelength 4 (nm) 430 500 540 580 620 660

Coefficient p 0.067 0.060 0.048 0.046 0.052 0.056

directional sensitivity factor o can be obtained by Py), appear of slightly different color and not
integration of the expression 2(5.11). For a uni- merely of reduced brightness. This is commonly
form beam entering the eye through a circular referred to as the Stiles—Crawford effect of the
pupil with its center at P) and of radius R in second kind and abbreviated SCE2. The magni-
millimeters, the total radiant flux S(R, 7) ad- tude of the color changes is illustrated by the data
mitted by the pupil and appropriately weighted, of Figure 2(5.11) which show the changes in
at each elementary area (r drd¢) of the pupil, by stimuli when the point of entry is shifted from Pp
the directional sensitivity, 7 must be proportional to a point 3.5 mm temporal (Enoch and Stiles,
to 1961). There is a hue shift with a characteristic
variation through the spectrum (inset figure) and
a(1 — 107?”") an increase in saturation in the blue-green.
legs nr drdo=
r=0 Plog,10 Directional sensitivity is predominantly retinal
in origin; that is, it corresponds to changes in the
with 7 given as in Eq. 2(5.11). The corresponding visual response of a retinal area as the retinal
total radiant flux S(R) admitted by the pupil but angle of incidence of the stimulus is altered; but
not weighted by n, is proportional to the area of differential light losses in the optic media experi-
the pupil, that is, 7R?. The directional sensitivity enced by rays entering through different points of
factor o is then defined as the ratio of the two the pupil may modify the effect observed in the
fluxes, S(R, 7) and S(R), and equals, for differ- intact eye. As emphasized by Weale (1961), the
ent values of p, lens with its diminishing thickness from center to
edge and its high absorption (or scattering) at
= 1 — 107?®” [3(5.11)] short wavelengths must be expected to have a
considerable effect on the observed directional
PR‘ log, 10
sensitivity for spectral stimuli in the blue and
and is computed in Table 2(5.11). violet. The modification is in the sense of a smaller
Stimuli entering the pupil at points displaced observed variation of sensitivity than would be
from the center (strictly, displaced from point expected from the purely retinal effect.

Table 2(5.11) Directional Sensitivity Factors o for Centered Circular Pupils

Pp 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10

R Values of o

0.5 0.997 0.994 0,991 0,988 0.986 0.983 0.980 0.977 0.974 0.972
1.0 0.988 0.977 0.966 0.955 0.945 0.934 0.924 0.913 0.903 0.893
1.5 0.974 0.949 0.926 0.903 0.881 0.859 0.839 0.819 0.799 = 0.781
2.0 0.955 0.913 0.874 0.836 0.801 O:768 st-0-737 O70 T7ie® 0.680." 205653
2.5 0.931 0.869 0.812 0.760 O713 40 O670-41.0.630) 60,594 .- 50561 0.530
3.0 0.903 0.819 0.745 0.680 0.623 0.572 0.528 0,488 0.453 0.422
3.5 0.871 0.764 0.675 0.600 0536 0.4825 .0:436., 0.398. . 0:363 . 0333
4.0 0.837 0.708 0.605 0.523 0.457 0.403 0.358 0.321 0.291 0.265
4.5 0.799 0.650 0.538 0.453 O367 #10 33665 0.205 5 262; 0235 0.212
5.0 0.760 0.594 0.476 0.391 0.328 “O20 e0244@" 215 0.192 ~. 0.473

R = radius of pupil in mm,

p= directional sensitivity parameter in 7 = io-*",
o =(pR* log, 10)(1 — 10-?*").,
‘(196T ‘S9INS pue ysoug wWory) “WAL 1eAsasqOC “WU g°eGp YIsuajaawm 1O¥
Pays] Sv pouluLiajop si JTS any JUsIedde sy] ‘a.MBIy JoSUT dy) UT UMOYS A]IVa][D d10UI Je
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(909 \
009 \y

2788S \\ oO .

\ \

XY x
\ Ss 9°0

ooos! ooo!
g9<gscs NN < 8°0
oss SS wug ¢6b LV
1J3IHS 30H S
‘\ 00S
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afte rere L4IHS 3NH LN3YVdd¥ 92s Fols

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wu 009 Oss 00S OSb 00
Chromatic Adaptation 429

Reviews of work on directional sensitivity and tristimulus values

attempts to explain the phenomenon by means of
an appropriate physiological model have been X= [P,x(A) dd
published by Vos (1960), Stiles (1962), Enoch
(1963), Crawford (1972), Snyder and Pask (1973),
Starr (1977), Fuld, Wooten, and Katz (1979), Y= [P,y(A) dd
Bour and Verhoosel (1979), and Kinnear et al.
(1979); they also contain most of the other rele-
vant references.
Z = [P,z(A) da
A directional effect of a quite different kind
was discovered by Campbell (1958), who showed and
that visual acuity for light incident obliquely on
the retina is considerably lower than for normally X’ = [PKx'(A) dd
incident light, provided the object details to be
resolved are separated in the plane of incidence.
The effect is, in part, of retinal origin (Campbell
y’ = [Pxy'(A) da
and Gregory, 1960).
Z’ = fPxz(A)dd [1(5.12.1)]
where the sets of color-matching functions x(A),
The term chromatic adaptation is applied in rela- y(A), Z(A) and x’(A), yA), z’(A), which in bi-
tion to modifications of visual response, particu- nocular asymmetric matching refer to stimuli
larly the response to chromatic test stimuli, imaged on foveal areas of the left and right eyes,
brought about by chromatic conditioning (adapt- respectively, may be different. In fact, they may
ing) stimuli that are surrounding or pre-exposed. be different even if only as a result of prereceptor
The response may be studied by determining pigment differences, and thus they are not
discrimination or increment thresholds (see Sec- transformable one into the other by a linear
tion 7.4), but quantitative investigations have been transformation. Although in some applications
concerned predominantly with measurements of the differences may be unimportant, the possible
luminance and chromaticity by asymmetric distinction between the sets of color-matching
matching. Despite much observational material functions is retained.
obtained under diverse conditions, few general The various investigations of chromatic adap-
principles of chromatic adaptation have emerged. tation indicate that the matching of the stimuli
The following notes sketch the preliminaries to in differently adapted retinal areas is three-
any unified scheme based on asymmetric match- dimensional in the sense that for a great many
ing and discuss the salient points of the work stimuli {Px dA}, whose tristimulus values corre-
done by a number of investigators. spond to points filling a considerable domain of
the (X’, Y’, Z’)-space, a satisfactory match can be
made with a comparison stimulus {P, dA} con-
5.12.1 Asymmetric Matching— sisting of a mixture in suitable proportions of
Basic Concepts three, well-chosen fixed primaries of high satura-
The phenomena of chromatic adaptation are in tion, whereas the use of just two primaries will
full play when the test stimuli are imaged on the not serve.
foveal, rod-free area of the retina. It is a simplifi- It may be assumed therefore, that there are
cation, adopted in most experimental work, to three matching conditions which may be written
deal only with this case. The basic concepts that in the following functional forms:
underlie such experiments have been formulated
by Stiles (1961). il Kh, Zed eel Xoo Zt As)
Two stimuli {P, dA} and {Px dA} applied to
UaleX ke Ci Wee a Ah 2 A)
foveal areas O and O’, whose luminance and
chromaticity are to be compared under different
Welk li ead slay 2 sad)
adapting conditions, are then specified by their

where A and J’ represent, respectively, for O and values assumed on these occasions by a single set
O’, the values of all the variables that may con- of conditioning variables. In these circumstances,
tribute to determining the adaptation of the asymmetric matching is transitive; that is, if
stimulus area. However, it must be emphasized stimulus (X, Y, Z) presented under conditions A
that, with widely different adaptations A and 4’, matches (X’, Y’, Z’) presented under conditions
the number of stimuli that cannot be matched Aipvand «ify (4, Y..Z) Wunder) Aemmatcies
with a given three-primary mixture may be (X”, Y”, Z”) under A”, then (X”, Y”, Z”) under
very great; their tristimulus points may occupy an A” matches (X, Y, Z) under A.
extensive domain in the (X’, Y’, Z’)-space. Super- In binocular color matching, on the other hand,
ficially, this resembles the impossibility of match- the response to (X, Y, Z) in area O in the left eye
ing certain too saturated stimuli in ordinary sym- could depend not only on the adapting stimuli
metric matching. However, the unmatchable applied to the left eye, but also on all the stimuli
stimuli in asymmetric matching are not neces- applied to the right eye; in effect, A would repre-
sarily well described by the expression “too sent a double set of parameters. Fortunately for
saturated,” and the indirect method of deriving a this method, the evidence is that such interference
match by desaturating the test color with quanti- of stimuli in one eye on the response in the other
ties of one or two of the matching primaries is eye is slight. However, in monocular matching in
questionable because it assumes that matching is a bipartite field with differential adaptation of the
additive. Moreover, an important difference from two halves, as used by MacAdam (1956), it is
symmetric matching is that some test stimuli questionable whether a pre-exposed adapting
{Px dX} may be not only unmatchable by any stimulus applied to one half (retinal area O) has a
comparison mixture of three fixed primaries, but negligible effect on the condition of the juxta-
also by a comparison stimulus {P, dA} of any posed half (retinal area O’). To the extent that
spectral composition whatever. Striking examples this occurs, the matches made represent the hy-
of these points have been brought out in the work brid effects of two adapting stimuli on perception
of Hunt (1953) and Bartleson (1977, 1978a, b). in each of the half-fields, and further interpreta-
The conditioning variables (A or A’) for a test tion is made more difficult. In any study of
area (O or O’) must include the tristimulus values chromatic adaptation by asymmetric matching,
for that test area (X,Y, Z or X’, Y’, Z’) and all tests of the transitivity principle should show
the parameters of surround and pre-exposed whether there is transfer to one matching area of
stimuli applied to the retina in which the test area the effects of stimuli used to adapt the other.
is located. They may also have to include the The important linearity laws (proportionality
tristimulus values and adaptation parameters for and additivity) are not generally true for asym-
the other test area. At this point, the different metric matching, although within the limits of
methods of asymmetric matching must be dis- some investigations confined to certain pairs of
tinguished. conditioning stimuli they have been found to be
The crudest procedure, a form of color naming approximately valid. A full discussion of asym-
or memory method, was applied in studies of metric comparison and matching and associated
chromatic adaptation by Bouma and Kruithof basic laws has been given, in more general terms,
(1947) and Helson, Judd, and Warren (1952). The in Section 5.2.2.
observers, in preliminary training, familiarized The scheme of Table 1(5.12.1) shows the rela-
themselves with the appearance of the samples of tion of the linearity laws for symmetric color
a color atlas, exposed under adaptation condi- matching, which are presumed to hold for matches
tions A. In the main experiments, the observers between stimuli exposed under common adapta-
‘had to name, by long-term memory, the sample tion conditions A (or A’), to the linearity laws for
corresponding to the perceived color of the test asymmetric matching when the stimuli are ex-
object exposed under the test conditions A’. This posed under different adaptation conditions, A
method is a more systematic application of and A’, respectively.
the purely descriptive procedure used in many The implications of obedience to the linearity
demonstrations of chromatic adaptation. In laws for asymmetric matching have played a vital
asymmetric matching of the kind just described, part in the study of chromatic adaptation. If they
the stimuli {P, dA} and {Px dA} are applied to hold for adaptations A and A’, the tristimulus
the same retinal area (O = O’) but on entirely values X, Y, Z and X’, Y’, Z’ at match are related
distinct occasions; A and J’ are the two sets of by a constant linear transformation with the 3 < 3
Chromatic Adaptation 43]

Table 1(5.12.1) Linearity Laws

Stimuli Matched under

Asymmetric Adaptation
Stimuli Matched under Conditions Stimuli Matched under
Adaptation Conditions left-hand right-hand Adaptation Conditions
A A’ A’

If A, => By By => Gy C; = D,

A, = By By => Cy ce => Do,

then (i) | aA, = «B, aC, =aD,

Fisldedeariaed sy deen, tical?) (Cy a C2) = (D, ste Dz)
Linearity Laws for Symmetric Matching
and i) aC, = “D, aA, = «B,
a Co Cee Dre Ds (A, aF Ap) — (B, =F B,)

Persistence-of-Color Matches under Different Symmetric Adaptations

but aby
aB, = «aC,
not necessarily,
Linearity Laws for Asymmetric Matching

— . The symbols 4, As, B, and so forth, represent stimuli generally of different spectral compositions.
2. « is any positive number.
3. “=” denotes “‘matches under symmetric condtiions.”’
‘‘=" denotes ‘“‘matches under asymmetric conditions.”

matrix T, 4’: terminant) to the color-matching functions

x(A), y(A), Z(A). The latter are supposed ex-
X\ - xe pressed with respect to any convenient set of
Y) =Tal Y’ [3(5.12.1)] primaries without reference to visual theory. The
Z, ze fundamental tristimulus values R,G,B of a
stimulus {P, dA} are then related to X,Y, Z by
The matrix 7, ,, can be determined in princi-
the same matrix M; that is
ple by making just three asymmetric matches
between independent pairs of stimuli. In more R x
recent work, a larger group of matching pairs has G|=Ml| y [5(5.12.1)]
been used, and the best values of the matrix B Zi
elements of 7, ,, are determined by a least-squares
method. If the matching process with different If the two test areas O and O’ in an asym-
pairs of adapting conditions is transitive, the cor- metric matching process have the same color-
responding matrices satisfy the matrix equation matching functions (x(A) = x’(A), and so forth)
and the same fundamental color mechanisms, the
Tya0 = Tha Tyran [4(5.12.1)] same matrix M will be applicable to both, and
this is commonly assumed. According to the hy-
A celebrated hypothesis on chromatic adap- pothesis, the asymmetric match between {P, dA}
tation originating in a /aw of coefficients put and {P; dX} corresponds to equating the abso-
forward by von Kries (1904) would lead under lute responses of the respective fundamentals to
certain conditions to asymmetric matching which give
is linear and transitive. The von Kries hypothesis
assumes that different adaptations of a particular K ypR = KypR’
retinal area modify the overall sensitivities of
three fundamental color-response mechanisms, K4¢gG = KygG’ [6(5.12.1)]
whose relative spectral sensitivities r(A), g(A),
b(X) are a particular fixed set of the color-match-
ing functions applicable to the area in question.
Thus, 7(A), Z(A), b(A) are related by a linear where the coefficients K,r, K4g, K4g and
transformation with matrix M (of nonzero de- K yr» Kag, Karp are supposed determined by the

surround and pre-exposed stimuli contributing to can be identified with the fundamental spectral
the adaptation of areas O and O’, respectively, sensitivities. This has been perhaps the principal
but are to be independent of the actual test application of the von Kries hypothesis: the
stimuli {P, dA} and {Px dA}. determination of the spectral sensitivities
There are obvious objections to conceding that F(A), Z(A), B(A) of the fundamental color-
adaptation is unaffected by the test stimuli, but response mechanisms. If valid, the hypothesis
accepting the hypothesis as a whole, Eq. 6(5.12.1) would reduce the problem of chromatic adapta-
implies that tion to determining the way the coefficients
Kar: Kac, Kaz depend on the surround and
WK ak X pre-exposure stimuli in various adaptation situa-
‘ Kg M\ Y tions. Several quantitative studies have shown the
. Kap Z von Kries scheme to be imperfect in one or more
ways, as indicated in Section 5.12.2. However,
K yr aa
often the adaptational changes of perceived color
— : Kuc M y’ are qualitatively of the kind it would predict for
fundamentals r(A), g(A), b(A), which, according
‘ Kap Zz to other evidence (properties of color defectives,
or two-color threshold data, objectively determined
absorptions of visual pigments), could be reason-
X XxX’
able (see Section 8.2).
YY} =| Y’ [7(5.12.1)]
Z vA
5.12.2 Experimental Procedures and Data
where In this section we present the salient points of a
number of studies on chromatic adaptation. The
T,4°— M~ 'DM reader is also encouraged to consult the very
or useful reviews by Jameson and Hurvich (1972)
and by Bartleson (1978a, b).
MT,,,M' =D
(i) Wright (1934, 1937, 1946). Wright pio-
and D is the diagonal matrix neered the use of binocular matching by the full
trichromatic method; that is, the monochromatic
K gr/Kar test stimulus in one eye is matched with a mixture
D= ; Kyc¢/Kacg of three monochromatic primary stimuli in the
other eye which is differently adapted [see Section
j Kp/K ap
5.2.5(h)]. The measurements were mainly con-
cerned with the luminance and chromaticity of a
whose three elements are often referred to as the
test stimulus applied during the recovery of the
von Kries coefficients. If the matrix T,,, is ob-
fovea from highly saturated pre-exposed condi-
tained empirically from an asymmetric matching
tioning stimuli (see also Section 5.6.5). The
process obeying the linearity laws, at least one
quantitative results include, with some tentative
matrix M can, in general, be found by standard
laws on the time course of the recovery process, a
mathematical methods which makes MT, ,,M-'a
determination of the spectral sensitivities of the
diagonal matrix D. Provided the nonzero ele-
fundamental response mechanisms by the von
ments of D are all different, the matrix M is
Knes method. These were in general agreement
uniquely determined except that the rows may be
with what might be expected if each mechanism
taken in any order. If M, ; are the elements of M
were equipped with a single visual pigment, the
(and if they are real quantities) the expressions
spectral maxima being located at wavelengths 445,
540, and 575 nm.
Mx(A) + Myy(A) + Mj3Z(A) = 7(A)
(ii) Walters (1942). Binocular matching was
Mx(A) + My (A) + M3Z(A) = g(a) employed as in 5.12.2(i), but with test stimuli
confined to medium and long wavelengths, so
M3,X(A) + M3, y(A) + M332(A) = b(A) that the experiments were reduced effectively to a
study of dichromatic vision. Matrices T,,,, M, D,
[8(5.12.1)] defined in Section 5.12.1, are then of second
Chromatic Adaptation 433

instead of third order. The application of the von used, different optimal fundamental response
Kries procedure to some of the sets of data led to functions are obtained from different pairs of
complex (nonreal) values for the elements of M adaptation conditions (failure of the transitivity
and D. This has proved a recurrent difficulty in law), and complex solutions M still occur. Table
applying the von Kries scheme. Mathematically, 1(5.12.2) taken from Wassef’s results, illustrates
although M can, in general, be determined from these difficulties. The columns under (1), (2), and
any experimental matrix T, ,,, there is no guaran- (3) defined the chromaticities in the CIE system
tee that the solutions will be real. Walters related of the fundamental vectors (i.e., three hypotheti-
his complex solutions to nonlinearity in his asym- cal stimuli, each of which would stimulate one
metric matches. Deviations from linearity in- color-response mechanism and one only). The
creased with the luminance of the test stimulus fundamental vectors, when all three are known
and by extrapolating back to test stimuli of zero and are real, determine the fundamental response
luminance, he obtained real solutions correspond- functions.
ing to fundamental spectral sensitivities (two only) The appearance of different fundamental vec-
in fair agreement with Wright’s [5.12.2(i)]. This tors in experiments using different conditioning
procedure evades one of the weak points in the stimuli, suggests that the way in which receptors
von Kries hypothesis, the assumption that the test containing different photopigments are associated
stimulus will not modify the adaptation. in the quasi-independent mechanisms whose re-
sponses are equated in asymmetric matching, may
(iii) Burnham, Evans, and Newhall (1952, 1957), vary with the conditioning stimulus. Physiologi-
Brewer (1954), and Wassef (1958, 1959). Binoc- cally, this would not be hard to accept. Threshold
ular matching was used but with steady adapta- studies on summation in rod vision suggest that
tion of the two test areas by different surround the lateral neural connections of receptors are
fields generally of rather low saturation (e.g., changed as the adaptation level is raised, and, if it
daylight, tungsten light). These studies use the is granted that the effective color mechanisms in
more sophisticated computational method which asymmetric matching need not be associations of
assumes in effect, that “random errors” are re- receptors all containing the same photosensitive
sponsible for any deviations of the observations pigment, the possibility of some change in the
from some von Kries scheme. The appropriate neural association under different conditioning is
best solution, the matrix M, is then obtained by a not unreasonable. However, if this is admitted,
least-squares procedure applied to a large number the method of handling the data of asymmetric
of matches. The results indicated that, even with matching must be changed. The transformation
the comparatively mild adaptation differences for converting tristimulus values to a system in

Table 1(5.12.2) CIE Chromaticity Coordinates of Fundamental Vectors Derived from

Chromatic Adaptation by Wassef (1958, 1959)

(1) (2) (3)

Pairs of
Conditioning Stimuli =x y z x y z 2 y Z Reference

Tungsten color (A):

Daylight color (C) 0.700 0.375 —0.074 0.924 —0.664 0.740 0.149 0.041 0.810 Wassef (1958)

Tungsten (A)
Daylight (C)
(Black background) 0.702 0.345 —0.047 <..... ENE Sil complex
Po Te 6 aap oped tes > Wassef (1958)
Tungsten (A) :
Daylight (C) 0.641 0.342 COViAee SG.- 3s eee complex es... > Wassef (1959)

Magenta ;
Daylight (C) 0.555 0.200 0.245 0.156 0.359 0.485 0.132 0.014 0.852 Wassef (1959)

Yellow :
Daylight (C) 0.684 0,335 —0.019 <..... Ne ORCS complex
Oe Se eee ea > Wassef (1959)
Daylight (C) complex values 2.481 —0.856» —-0.625 complex values _Wassef (1959)

which each component stimulates just one mecha- 3(5.12.2), which was given as
nism, will be different for the two adaptations A
and A’, and the matching equations [see Eq. i xt
3(5.12.1)] must now be written y p=Tjpley
Z Va:
X x
M,\| Y| =M,| Y’ Burnham, Evans, and Newhall (1957) obtained
Z we a better representation of their asymmetric
matches by means of the nonhomogeneous rela-
Or tions
whe /

Yilc= IM lay We [its ))

2, Za X = ty,
X' + tyY’ +932’ + tog

The experimental transformation 7, ,, has merely X = t3,X! + tyoV! + t33Z! + bay

to be of the form
eas Faeire Bene)
The von Kries method is then no longer strictly
There is no way of determining M, and M,, from
T,,° indefinitely many pairs of transformation (iv) Hunt (1950, 1952, 1953, 1958). Binocular
M, and M,, will satisfy. Naturally, the matrix matching was used with steady surrounds control-
T, 4, contains some information on the relation- ling the adaptation. The principal objective was
ship of the possible pairs of transformations M, to establish the effects of conditioning stimuli
and M,,, but the information takes no simple or (surrounds) of widely different luminances, the
striking form. The physiological implication in chromaticity being in most cases the same (white).
the case of a matrix T, ,,, which leads to complex Hunt’s main results were expressed by plotting in
values when processed on the von Kries assump- the CIE chromaticity diagram, the chromaticity
tion, may be that the two adaptations have of the comparison stimulus, seen in a condition-
modified differently the way in which receptors ing surround of fixed luminance (yielding a reti-
containing different pigments are organized into nal illuminance of 75 td), that matched a test
the systems whose responses are equated in mak- stimulus of fixed chromaticity, seen under a wide
ing asymmetric matches. However, it then follows range of surround luminances (0, 0.7 to 6300 td).
that even when the matrix T,,, leads to all real The approximately radial lines in Figure 1(5.12.2)
solutions on the von Kries method, this may be show the change of chromaticity of eight test
regarded in a way as a fortunate accident. The colors, as the surround luminance was changed.
two matrix transformations M, and M,. just hap- The circle point on each line represents the chro-
pen to yield a product M,M,,. for which a third maticity when the surrounds of test and compari-
matrix M can be found, such that son stimuli were the same; this is the symmetrical
situation. In these measurements, the test stimu-
MT,,M~'= M(M;,'M,)M~! lus was always given the same luminance as the
surround. The very large increase in excitation
purity of all the test stimuli, as the surround
[3(5.12.2)] luminance was increased from the lowest to the
highest value (marked Z to A on one of the lines),
is a diagonal matrix. Stated briefly, the continual is evident. The test stimulus and comparison
appearance of complex solutions makes the inter- stimulus for the data of Figure 1(5.12.2) were of
pretation in the von Kries way of even the all-real 1° linear extent, and foveal vision was used.
solutions doubtful. Hunt’s conclusion that no participation of the rod
The above remarks apply strictly to the situa- mechanism could explain the observed large
tion when the asymmetric matching conforms changes in purity (saturation) can safely be
closely with the linearity laws embodied in Eq. accepted.
Chromatic Adaptation 435





S @ R
M A ‘650




: 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Fig. 1(5.12.2). Change in apparent color of eight stimuli (R,O,Y,G,C,B,V,M) of fixed

CIE chromaticity, as the equal luminances of test stimulus and surround are decreased together
in steps from A (6300 td) to F (0.7 td). An additional observation with zero luminance of the
surroundings and a low luminance (0.7 td) of the test stimulus is also included (point Z ). For
the stimulus R, the chromaticities for the different luminance levels are labeled in order of
decreasing luminance 4, B, C, D, E, F, and Z (Hunt, 1953).

Hunt (1950) discusses a possible explanation tions is limited. Adaptation to higher levels, by
of the change of saturation with luminance which breaking down some of the neural links, tends
rests on essentially the same idea as the interpre- progressively to limit the receptors of a particular
tation just given of the complex imaginary solu- mechanism to those containing just one pigment,
tions obtained in applying the von Kries principle a different one for each mechanism. The effective
in studies of differential chromatic adaptation. spectral sensitivity curves are then much nar-
He supposes, in effect, that in the dark-adapted rower, and highly saturated as well as unsaturated
state, the receptors (cone receptors only), contain- perceived colors can be produced by suitable test
ing. among them all three kinds of pigments, are stimuli.
neurally grouped into three mechanisms that de- Other data of Hunt show that his asymmetric
termine the brightness and chromatic appearance matches do not obey the linearity laws. When the
of a test stimulus; that is, the quantities equated surrounds of test and comparison stimuli are kept
in the asymmetric match. The three groupings are fixed, a match is, in general, upset by changing
not identical so that stimuli of different spectral the luminances of the two stimuli by the same
composition can produce different perceived col- factor.
ors, but because each mechanism incorporates
some receptors of all kinds, there is extensive (v) MacAdam (1956, 1958, 1961, 1963). The
overlapping of their relative spectral sensitivity method employs a monocular bipartite field with
curves, and the range of possible color percep- differential adaptation of the retina in the two

wae Gras

Yt | Tungsten* ——> \,
light a

0.6 0.8

Fig. 2(5.12.2). Some typical chromaticity shifts obtained by MacAdam (1956) for observer
DLM using a method of differential adaptation of the retina. Each vector shows the change in
chromaticity that was required to maintain a visual match between the two halves of a
monocularly viewed bipartite field when one part of the central area of the retina was adapted
to daylight and an adjacent part of the same retina was adapted to tungsten light.

halves [see Section 5.2.5(1)]. Extensive asymmetric (MacAdam’s symbols have been modified to suit
data were collected with pairs of adapting stimuli the present context):
selected from the series: tungsten light, daylight,
green, pink, red, greenish-yellow, blue; the mem- dp + by(R)"* = az + be R’)*
bers of the selected pair having, in nearly every
case, about the same luminance. Figure 2(5.12.2) ag + bg(G)"? = ag + b6(G’)”*
gives an example of the set of data collected with
tungsten light and daylight as the adapting stimuli. az + b,(B)’? =a‘ + b5(B’)””
MacAdam’s analysis showed considerable sys-
tematic deviations from the predictions of any [5(5.12.2)]
von Kries scheme. These deviations were found to
be of such a kind that if the true linearity of The nine quantities dp, dc, ap, br, bc, bp,
asymmetric matching was assumed, the existence Pr: Pc» Pp are dependent on the adaptation con-
of more than three independent fundamental ditions A of one half-field, and the similar primed
spectral sensitivities would be indicated. The quantities depend on the adaptation conditions A’
concept of just three fundamentals is restored by of the other half-field. These 18 constants replace
admitting nonlinearity and, in later work, the six adaptation constants in the von Kries
MacAdam (1961, 1963) put forward a nonlinear equations. However, as the equations are unal-
hypothesis which replaced the von Kries match- tered by multiplying both sides by a constant
ing equations [Eq. 6(5.12.1)] by the following factor, the number of independent constants is
Chromatic Adaptation 437

reduced by three. As for the von Kries scheme, 0.33 to 1.0, with a rather smaller range, 0.5 to 1.0
MacAdam’s scheme also requires the matrix M for Pz, Pp If the transitivity law holds in the
which transforms x(A), y(A), Z(A) to fundamen- present application, the indices pr, pcg, pg would
tals r(A), (A), b(A). MacAdam’s calculations are be expected to depend only on the adaptation in
then directed to finding optimal fundamentals as the one half-field, pp, pG, pz only on the adap-
well as best values of all the assignable constants. tation of the other half. Thus, pp and pp would be
For each pair of adaptations studied, the ap- the values assumed by a single function of the
propriate criterion throughout was the minimiza- adaptation variables of a half-field and similarly
tion of the differences between the matches for pg and pG, pg and pz. This appears to be
predicted by the nonlinear hypothesis and the approximately true as far as the dependence of
matches actually observed. For the most satisfac- the value of the index on the chromaticity of the
tory fundamentals, the chromaticities of the adapting stimulus is concerned. For example,
fundamental vectors were obtained as follows: contours of constant pp values in the chromaticity
diagram of the adapting stimulus as derived by
R-Funda- G-Funda- B-Funda- MacAdam (1961) are shown in Figure 3(5.12.2),
mental mental mental
and similar figures were obtained from pg, and pp.
9 0.747 Kis 0.1785
The analysis was also applied to the independent
data of Burnham, Evans, and Newhall (1957) and
y 0.253 =A) p35 0.0
Wassef (1958, 1959) with considerable success.
The indices pr, Pr (OF Pg, Pg) were found to It may be noted that MacAdam (1961) also
have values, for different adaptations, in the range examined another nonlinear response relation, the

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 3(5.12.2). Contours in the CIE (x, y)-chromaticity diagram of an adapting stimulus, on
which the index p(R) of R in the power-law form of the asymmetric matching conditions has
the constant value indicated. The encircled numbers represent the results from the independent
data of Burnham, Evans, and Newhall (1952) (from MacAdam, 1961).

logarithmic expression crlog(dpR +t ep), as an might take eight hours or so, the observer has
alternative to the power law expression dp + memorized hue, lightness, and chroma scales so
bpR?®, for use in Eqs. 5(5.12.2) with similar as to be able to describe with reasonable accuracy
changes in the terms involving G, B, R’, G’, B’. and precision the color of any object he or she
This also proved greatly superior to the linear may perceive. The trained observer is then re-
(von Kries) form and was comparable with the quested to look at the objects in chromatic light,
power law in representing the experimental data. such as tungsten light and, after the observer’s
Whether these nonlinear laws would explain the eyes have adapted to the new illumination, de-
effects of adapting stimuli of widely different scribe the color perceptions in terms of the mem-
luminances (Hunt 1953) for which a different orized color scales.
kind of explanation (adaptational changes in the Figure 4(5.12.2) illustrates some typical results
matrix M) was noted above is not clear. A further obtained by the authors for six observers judging
discussion of this point has been given by Stiles Munsell samples under CIE standard sources C
(1967). (average daylight) and A (tungsten light) against a
white background. Only the resultant shifts in hue
(vi) Hunt (1950, 1952). A binocular matching and chroma are shown in the figure, and these are
method was used with large matching fields (20° indicated by arrows. Each arrow starts at the
diameter), steady and interrupted surrounds. In point corresponding to the hue and chroma judged
adaptation by means of a surround, there is a to belong to the Munsell sample in daylight
question whether the total adaptive effect can be (source C) and ends at the point corresponding to
resolved into a contribution ascribable to simulta- the hue and chroma judged to belong to the same
neous contrast between test stimulus and sur- sample in tungsten light. The judgment in daylight
round and a contribution of a more persistent was made after complete adaptation to daylight;
kind that does not depend on the actual presence similarly, the judgment in tungsten light was made
of the surround during the match. Hunt investi- after complete adaptation to tungsten light. The
gated how the color of the test stimulus was authors noted that the luminance factor (CIE
modified if the adapting surround was tempor- tristimulus value Y) of the background affects the
arily extinguished while the match was being results greatly, as found earlier by Helson (1938)
made. It was found that when the effect of simul- who showed that the perceived hue and chroma
taneous contrast was eliminated, the adaptive of an object-color stimulus depend on the relation
color shifts were certainly smaller but generally of of its luminance to adaptation luminance. Adap-
the same kind, that is, in the same direction in the tation luminance depends on a weighted mean of
chromaticity diagram. the luminance factors of all object-color stimuli in
Hunt also measured the time taken by the the field of view and is largely determined by the
surround to produce the full adaptive color shifts background.
in a test eye originally dark adapted, and the time The analysis that Helson et al. (1952) apply to
for the eye to recover fully after the removal of their data is consistent with the von Kries hy-
the surround. He obtained values of the order of pothesis and the transformation equations
100 sec. The smaller but quite measurable effects governing the hypothesis as outlined in Section
of simultaneous contrast on the other hand were 5.12.2. The predictions are in fair agreement with
very rapid, taking less than a second to operate the experimental data.
after the abrupt removal of the surround. That a The Munsell notations for the samples viewed
very rapid process and a much slower process by the observers under daylight can be converted
enter into photopic adaptation is important and readily to CIE (X,Y, Z)-tristimulus values by
has been elaborated by Schouten and Ornstein means of Table 1(6.6.1). The Munsell notations
(1939) in their work on brightness. estimated by the observers for the samples under
tungsten light can be converted similarly from the
(vii) Helson, Judd, and Warren (1952). A same table, if necessary, by graphical interpola-
memory method was used. The observer first tion in Figures 1(6.6.1) to IX(6.6.1), to
learned how to describe the colors of painted (X’, Y’, Z’)-tristimulus values. The test validity of
chips, presented in daylight, in terms of hue, the von Kries hypothesis then consists of finding
lightness, and chroma, conveniently making use the matrix T,,,of Eq. 7(5.12.1), such that
of Munsell color chips and their notations, 4¢ ,

Munsell hue, Munsell value, and Munsell chroma a anyhe ae

(Section 6.6.1). After sufficient practice, which vs Dis
Chromatic Adaptation 439

Fig. 4(5.12.2). Changes in hue and chroma in passing from CIE source C (daylight) to CIE
source A (tungsten light), according to data reported by Helson, et al. (1952) using the memory
method. Observations shown here refer to Munsell samples of medium Munsell value in
daylight, displayed on a white background.

The first step is to determine a suitable matrix M definition,

which transfers the (X, Y, Z)-tristimulus values
to the fundamental tristimulus values R, G, B by 6 ey eh ear, Gayals
means of the equation
and that, in addition, both the (X, Y, Z) and the
R x (R, G, B)-system are normalized such that the tri-
G|=M| yY’ [7(5.12.2)]
stimulus values of the equal-energy stimulus are
B ze
Helson et al. (1952) assumed the fundamental
primaries to have the following CIE (x, y,z)-
chromaticity coordinates

Fundamental Primaries
haw ey aay
It follows that
x 0.7471 1 0.1803
y 0.2529 0 0
z 0 0 0.8197 HEYA PG;
Mote ey wey Ys
which satisfy the familiar constraint of x + y +z ZR ZG Zp

= 1 (see Sections 3.2 and 3.3). Corresponding

tristimulus values (Xp, Yr, Zz), and so on, are 2.9541 —2.1741 0.2200
obtained from the above chromaticity coordinates Sale. MY 0 0
(Xr» Yr» Zr) and the like by recalling that, by 0 0 I

and resulting in

0 l 0 1.1511 —0.4464 0.4786

M= | —0.4510 1.3588 0.1012 (Bip pea 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 3.3267
[8(5.12.2)] In an experiment in which different pairs of
adapting stimuli (A, A’) are studied and the same
The second step is to calculate by means of Eq. matrix M~!' is used in the analysis, a useful
1(5.12.2) the (R, G, B)-tristimulus values of the expression for the matrix 7, ,, is the following:
stimuli that control the state of adaptation of the
observer in the daylight and tungsten-light experi- B 2.9541(a—B) 0.2200(y — B)
ments, respectively. These stimuli are given as Ty 4 a 0 a 0

CIE standard source C (identified as condition A) 0 0 Y

and as CIE standard source A (identified as con-
dition A’). Possible changes in adaptation caused
by the colored samples themselves are being
ignored. The tristimulus values of source C and where the von Kries coefficients have been de-
source A are known to be noted by a, B, y, that is

X- = 98.0, No 100. cae LER Qa

= Kar
B ae
a ¥,
K 4

Kar K yg K yp

SOROS Meee eyed ON pee Oeil S

(viii) Land (1959a,b, 1962, 1964). An absolute
which transform into color naming method is used. Land’s experiments
on chromatic adaptation are distinguished from
Révct 100 Ke eeGroeiyl 036s thar LLB most earlier work by the use of a complex stimu-
lus pattern containing a wide range of different
Rien eee 00 nue chromatic and achromatic stimuli with sharp or
graded boundaries and often representing actual
In the notation used in Section 5.12.1, the meaningful scenes. The observer’s eyes are al-
above (R, G, B)-tristimulus values of the adapt- lowed to range over the pattern, the perceived
ing stimuli are given as colors of the various parts being reported on in
the color nomenclature of everyday life. Thus,
there is the possibility that information sent by
Kyug =Ge, Kyp
= Be the eyes to the brain about the nature of the scene
being viewed may feed back so as to modify the
Kyg=G4, Kyp=B,
visual, including the color, perceptions by whic
it is conveyed. :
and thus, the diagonal matrix D becomes
The original striking demonstrations (Land,
1959a, b) were pictures, mainly elaborate still-lifes,
Rc/R 4 produced by projecting, in exact register, two
dS | Gc a Gy,
black and white positives obtained originally by
using, in turn, red and green filters over the
camera lens. The two projectors emit lights of
1 ; different color (white and red, for example), and
ep elle) [9(5.12.2)] Land established, among other things, that pic-
3.3267 | tures of complex scenes could be produced in this
way, showing a remarkable variety and richness
of color, comparable in some cases with three-
In the final step, the matrix T, ,, is obtained
color projections. This could be done even if
from Eq. 7(5.12.1), that is,
monochromatic projector sources were used, pro-
vided their wavelengths were not too close; in the
T44,=M"'DM [10(5.12.2)] yellow region, the separation need be no more
Chromatic Adaptation 44]

than about 20 nm. Land rejects explanations of provided not by the internal content of the pic-
the colors seen in terms of the accepted concepts ture, but by side clues—for example, light
of trichromatic theory and chromatic adaptation scattered from the projector beams, visible to the
(but he appears to have in mind only the slow observer and informing the observer of the illumi-
component) and elaborates a set of principles of nant color that must be allowed for.
color perception in complex scenes coordinating The other extreme of interpretation would
his observations. For these principles, difficult to make no appeal to “meaning” and would attri-
summarize, reference must be made to Land’s bute the wide range of colors perceived in a
own explanations. random arrangement of patches or a complex
Some of Land’s phenomena are covered in (short-period chromatic adaptation) generated by
earlier work (Judd, 1940; Evans, 1943). Judd the inevitable juxtaposition of areas with markedly
(1960) gave more traditional explanations of many different tristimulus vectors. It is certainly true, as
of Land’s observations, using his own fairly shown by Land and others, that in an ordered
elaborate formulae for perceived color, developed arrangement of patches in which the tristimulus
in 1940. The main element in these explanations vectors (untransformed) vary in a simple progres-
is contained in a simple discussion by Woolfson sive way by small steps on any line across the
(1959) who used approximate methods to picture, and especially in a picture where there is
determine, in effect, the possible range (three- a similar continuous variation on any line, the
dimensional) of the tristimulus vectors corre- range of colors perceived is greatly curtailed.
sponding to small areas in the Land projection of Whereas simultaneous contrast would be the
a complex picture produced by a particular pair principal element in the explanation of the wide
of monochromatic projector sources. The tri- differences of perceived color, the long-period
stimulus values were determined in a fundamental component of chromatic adaptation would con-
system close to those to which most color re- tribute to determining the average perceived color
search leads. The particular choice of the system of the picture. It is, however, difficult to maintain
is not very critical. He then applied a simple von the extreme interpretation that “meaning” is not
Kries-type transformation by dividing the respec- a factor. In some experiments (see, for example,
tive components of the tristimulus vectors by Judd, 1940), observers report that they can change
three constants. The transformed vectors, treated the color they perceive by consciously altering
as stimuli viewed in isolation or in a standard their conception of what it is they are viewing.
white surround, correspond to perceived colors Land has introduced the term retinex to char-
which Woolfson accepts as sufficiently well de- acterize the proposed retinal—cerebral system be-
fined by the positions of their chromaticities in lieved to underlie the phenomena that he has
the standard chromaticity chart. The perceived described (Land 1964; 1974; Land and McCann,
colors in the actual Land projection are supposed 1971; McCann, McKee, and Taylor, 1976). Fur-
to coincide with those derived in this way. ther developments along the lines of Land’s ap-
Woolfson’s basic assumption corresponds very proach have been reported, notably by McCann
nearly to a conception going back to Helmholtz; (1972) and McKee, McCann, and Benton (1977).
that is, in judging the color of objects in a real
scene, we make an allowance for the color of the (ix) Hurvich and Jameson (1958, 1960), and
illuminant. An interpretation in terms of meaning Jameson and Hurvich (1956, 1959, 1972). From
would postulate that the viewer knows certain the extensive studies of Hurvich and Jameson, we
objects in the picture ought to appear white under have selected for this section the experimental
“normal” conditions of illumination, and the eye work reported by them in 1958. They employed
and brain effect an inevitable and unconscious binocular matching to determine chromaticity
color transformation that makes this true or nearly shifts for a single 2° test stimulus at two lumi-
true. Against this is the fact that when the picture nance levels (32 cd-m ? and 3.2 cd-m ’,
consists of a meaningless assembly of patches in a approximately) for three pairs of adaptation con-
sufficiently random arrangement, the range of ditions (A, A’). Figure 5(5.12.2) illustrates the
colors perceived is at least comparable with that results which show that the proportionality law,
in a meaningful picture, the parts of which pro- as defined in Table 1(5.12.1), fails under asym-
vide a set of stimulus vectors (untransformed) metric adaptation conditions, making the von
similar in range to that of the patches. It may be Kries hypothesis inadequate to predict such ex-
proposed that involuntary color transformation is perimental data.

Sr jaqtes ies a eG also Jameson and Hurvich, 1972; and Sections

5.13 and 8.3.3).
(x) Sobagaki, Yamanaka, Takahama, and
Nayatani (1974). A scaling method, known as
0.6 |i-
magnitude estimation, was used along the lines
5004 studied in an earlier paper by Nayatani,
Yamanaka, and Sobagaki (1972). The method
O4-r aims at assessing the strength of an observer’s
color perceptions in terms of numbers selected by
the observer in proportion to the magnitudes of
those perceptions (Section 6.2). Hue, saturation,
and lightness were scaled in that way for 95
colored chips selected from the Munsell Book of
Color (Section 6.6.1), which the observer viewed
one at a time and in random order under a
daylight source (a fluorescent lamp simulating
CIE standard illuminant D,;) and under a tung-
sten source (simulating CIE standard illuminant
Fig. 5(5.12.2). Chromaticity shifts for a single 2°
A). Thirteen observers took part in the investiga-
test stimulus at two luminance levels (32 and 3.2
cd - m 7) for three pairs of adaptation conditions.
Hues were estimated in terms of the “unique
The open circle in the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromatic-
hues”: red (R), yellow (Y), green (G), and blue
ity diagram at x = 0.23 and y = 0.20 represents
(B). Between neighboring “unique hues,” the ob-
the chromaticity of the variable 2°- test stimulus in
server had 100 steps available to assign an ap-
the left eye for both the high and low luminance
propriate scale value to the hue of a given colored
level of the test stimulus of fixed relative spectral
chip. For example, to an orange chip, the ob-
radiant power distribution in the right eye when no
server might assign the value (80R/20Y) which
surround stimulus is present in either eye. When
corresponded to the judgment that the chip ap-
the left eye is adapted to a near-achromatic stimu-
peared to have 80% redness and 20% yellowness.
lus (32 cd - m ”) and the right eye to a 450-nm
A chip of achromatic appearance was assigned
monochromatic stimulus of the same luminance,
the value zero.
the binocular match for the high luminance test
Saturation was estimated on a scale from 0 to
stimulus is the chromaticity indicated by the arrow
100, zero being an achromatic perception, 100
tip at H, on the diagram, and for the same adapt-
being maximum saturation. For studies of the
ing and surround conditions, the match to the low
effect of using different methods of estimating
luminance stimulus is at the arrow tip at L ,. When
saturation, see Sobagaki, Takahama, and Nayatani
the right eye is adapted to a 650-nm monochro-
(1976) and Takahama, Sobagaki, and Nayatani
matic stimulus, and all other conditions are kept
(1978). .
the same, the comparable matches for the two
Lightness was similarly estimated on a scale
luminance levels are at H, and L., respectively.
from 0 to 100, zero being “no lightness” and 100
For adaptation of the right eye to 550 nm, the
being maximum lightness.
matches plot at H, and L.,, respectively. (Hurvich
For details of the numerical procedure used to
and Jameson, 1958 and Jameson and Hurvich,
convert the observed scale values to (X, Y, Z)
and (X’, Y’, Z’)-tristimulus values, the original
papers of Sobagaki et al. (1974) and Nayatani
et al. (1972) should be consulted, as well as the
Jameson and Hurvich (1959) suggested that
paper by Mori, Kambe, and Hanayama (1972).
chromatic adaptation may be explained more
The numerical procedure was essentially a least-
satisfactorily by postulating two processes. In ad-
squares technique yielding, for each of the 13
dition to the “multiplicative process,” governed
observers, a transformation matrix 7, ,, such that
by the von Kries coefficients and located at the
the expression
cone receptor level, there exists an “incremental
process” located in post-receptoral neural units or oY X
systems in which the opponent, presumably Vd ees PV Ue
color-coded, neural responses are detected (see ZL vA
Chromatic Adaptation 443

was Satisfied as closely possible. The fundamental that can be experienced for stimuli of different
vectors of each matrix provide the fundamental hues are not equal in magnitude. For example,
primaries that govern the von Kries-type transfor- the most saturated yellow is generally seen as less
mation. These are obtained by standard numeri- saturated than the most saturated blue.
cal techniques by solving the characteristic equa- The test stimuli were calibrated in terms of the
tion of T, 4. For five of the 13 observers, complex (u’, v’)-chromaticity coordinates that define the
solutions of the characteristic equations were ob- CIE 1976 UCS diagram (Section 3.3.9). To each
tained. This, as discussed above in Section chromaticity point was assigned the mean ob-
5.12.2(iii), makes the interpretation of the experi- served hue scale value which then permitted the
mental data of all 13 observers in the von Kries drawing of lines of constant hue by simple free-
way a doubtful exercise. hand procedure. The observed saturation-scale
In subsequent studies by Takahama, Sobagaki, values obtained for each test stimulus by the
and Nayatani (1977) and Nayatani, Takahama, different observers had to be normalized first
and Sobagaki (1981), these authors have devel- before a mean value could be calculated, because
oped a nonlinear model of chromatic adaptation the scale was open-ended and each observer used
designed to predict more adequately various ex- a different scale. Lines of constant saturation
perimental data. The proposed model is a two- were then drawn freehand through the chromatic-
stage model. Its first stage operates in accordance ity points. The above analysis of the data yielded
with a modified von Kries-type transformation, two diagrams, Figure 6(5.12.2), of grids of con-
and its second stage in accordance with a nonlin- stant hue and constant saturation; one diagram
ear transformation (power function) that de- for daylight (D,;) adaptation, the other for
scribes a response compression assumed to take tungsten-light (A) adaptation.
place in each receptor mechanism (Boynton and The two grids shown in Figure 6(5.12.2) pro-
Whitten, 1970). The model awaits experimental vide a graphical method of estimating the hue and
testing. saturation of any object color stimulus that we
may wish to view under conditions similar to
(xi) Pointer, Ensell, and Bullock (1977) and those of the above experiment. Suppose a colored
Pointer (1980). In the first study, direct scaling chip is given whose spectral reflectance character-
by a magnitude estimation method was used to istics are known. Its (u’, v’)-chromaticity coordi-
assess the hue and saturation of each of 60 nates can then be calculated both with respect to
object-color stimuli of constant luminance of 60 CIE standard illuminant D,; and standard illumi-
cd-m *. Each object-color stimulus was gener- nant A. The resulting chromaticity points are
ated by a lamp-filter combination and displayed plotted in the “daylight (D,;) adaptation dia-
in a 2° field surrounded by an adapting stimulus gram” and “tungsten-light (A) adaptation dia-
of 18° angular subtense, representing either CIE gram,” respectively. The corresponding hue- and
standard illuminant A (2856 K) or CIE standard saturation-scale values can be read off for each
illuminant D,; (6504 K). The luminance of the point by suitable interpolation between neighbor-
adapting stimulus was fixed at 120 cd - m’, that ing grid lines. The result are hue and saturation
is, twice the level of the test stimuli, making the values for the colored chip illuminated by D;,
latter to appear in the object (or surface) mode. and corresponding hue and saturation values for
Five observers took part in the experiment using the same chip illuminated by A; the observer
monocular viewing. being adapted to D,, in the first instance and to
Hue scaling was done in a similar way to that A in the second. The differences between the
described in Section 5.12.2(x), but saturation scal- corresponding hue and saturation values provide
ing was approached differently. A gray scale was a measure of the change in appearance of the
provided in the field of view to help the observer colored chip by going from the daylight to the
with estimating saturation. The observer was first tungsten-light condition.
required to find the gray chip that most closely In the second study (Pointer, 1980), a similar,
matched the test stimulus in lightness, and then to but somewhat more extensive and in various ways
estimate the magnitude of the difference between improved, experiment was conducted that gave
that gray chip and the chromatic test stimulus. essentially comparable results to those discussed
Thus, the saturation scale became open-ended above. An interesting feature of the second study
and not limited to a fixed upper value, such as was the introduction of the concept of colorful-
100. This arrangement was considered important ness, aS Opposed to chroma or saturation, that
to allow for the fact that maximum saturations had been proposed by Hunt (1977) as a new

Daylight (Dés) Adaptation

0,000 O0JOO 0.200 i“ 0.300 0.400 0.500

0,000 0.100 0.200 U i)
0.300 0400 0500

Fig. 6(5.12.2). Portion of CIE 1976 (u’,v’)-chromaticity diagram showing lines of constant
hue and constant saturation for adaptation to daylight (D,,) and for adaptation to tungsten light
(A). The lines are mean data obtained by Pointer, Ensell, and Bullock (1977) for three
observers taking part in a direct-scaling experiment of object-color stimuli by a magnitude
estimation technique. The 2° stimuli had a constant luminance of 6 cd-m 7 and were viewed in
an 18° surround (D,; or A) of constant luminance of 12 cd-m 2 “*.

appearance attribute. Observers are said to grasp states of adaptation. Each test stimulus (1° diam-
the new concept quickly and are able to scale it eter) was viewed centrally in a surround (15.2°
consistently with a minimum of training. Hunt’s diameter) of high (near nonselective) reflectance
and Pointer’s observers found scaling of satura- illuminated by one of three sources that provided
tion more difficult. In this connection, the paper (x, y)-chromaticities of the surround closely rep-
by Takahama, Sobagaki, and Nayatani (1978) is resenting those of CIE standard illuminant A
also of interest. (2856 K), CIE standard illuminant D,,; (6504 K),
and of an illuminant D,, with an intermediate
correlated color temperature 5003 K. The test
(xii) Bartleson (1977, 1978a,b, 1979a, b). stimulus was presented for periods of 2 sec at
Bartleson’s extensive investigation on chromatic intervals of 10 sec. This was accomplished by a
adaptation provides, apart from a detailed review shutter made of the same material as the surround
of earlier work, new experimental data, an inter- and placed right behind the opening in the sur-
comparison of data from different investigators, round. When the shutter was in its closed posi-
and a proposal of predicting the effect of chro- tion, the entire visual field appeared virtually
matic adaptation. uniform.
_ Bartleson’s experimental work involved meth- Each of the seven observers, of ages 20 to 53
ods of direct scaling (for the main part, magni- who took part in the experiment, was adapted for
tude estimation) applied to a set of 24 test stimuli 20 min before the start of an experimental session
of different chromaticities seen under different to the uniform visual field with a luminance not
Chromatic Adaptation 445

less than 200 cd - m~*. This ensured sufficiently as well as the illuminance of the field of view. The
complete adaptation to the conditioning stimulus attributes of chroma and saturation, which are
provided by the surround, making the surround related to colorfulness, do not vary significantly
appear perfectly “white” (i.e., a hueless area with with illuminance. Chroma is judged in relation to
no trace of gray), regardless of which source was the brightness of the surround, whereas saturation
used to illuminate it. The luminance of 200 cd - is judged in relation to the brightness of the test
m * was found to be the minimum level that stimulus itself. Chroma and saturation are de-
could be used to obtain the appearance of “white” scribed as two types of “relative” colorfulness,
for the surround. whereas colorfulness is considered by some inves-
The experimental conditions were varied not tigators an “absolute” attribute of color percep-
only with regard to the correlated color temper- tion (Hunt, 1977).
ature of the sources used to illuminate the sur- (c) Lightness of a given test stimulus, that is, the
round, but also with regard to the luminance of attribute of a visual sensation according to which
the surround and the luminance of the test stimuli. the test stimulus appears brighter or darker in
At this point, it is useful to recall two lumi- proportion to the brightness of the “white” sur-
nance-related terms, /uminance factor and illumi- round, varies with the luminance factor of the test
nance, which figure in the experiment. Luminance stimulus, but is essentially invariant to changes in
factor is defined as the ratio of the luminance of the chromaticity (correlated color temperature) of
the test stimulus to the luminance of the sur- the adapting stimulus (surround) and the illumi-
round. It is a term commonly used for object-color nance of the field of view.
stimuli as found in everyday life (Section 3.3.8) (d) Color appearance data obtained for daylight
and as simulated in Bartleson’s experiment. [//u- adaptation (D,;) are highly correlated with the
minance is defined as the luminous flux per unit Munsell renotation specifications (Section 6.6.1).
area incident on a surface, measured in terms of
Im - m ? (Section 4.3.5). In the present case, this An extract of Bartleson’s main experimental
term applies to the field of view as a whole results is summarized in Figures 7(5.12.2) to
(surround and test area). By varying both the 10(5.12.2). Figure 7(5.12.2) shows (u’, v’)-chro-
luminance of the surround and the luminance of maticity points of the 24 test stimuli used in the
the test stimulus by the same factor, the illumi- experiment. Figure 8(5.12.2) shows the shifts in
nance of the field of view changes by the same color appearances of the 24 test stimuli when
factor but the /uminance factor of the test stimulus adaptation is changed from daylight (D,;) to
remains constant. With real objects, such as col- tungsten light (A) for a surround luminance of
ored chips from the Munsell Book of Color 1000 cd - m-? and a luminance of the test stimuli
presented on a white background, varying the fixed at 200 cd-m 7, making the luminance
illuminance means varying the incident radiant factor B of the test stimuli equal to 0.2. The data
flux emitted by the light source without altering given in Figure 8(5.12.2) allow the construction of
its relative spectral distribution. a polar-coordinate system of color appearance for
Bartleson’s results lead him to draw the follow- adaptation to A in terms of color appearances for
ing general conclusions: adaptation to D,;. Figure 9(5.12.2) shows the
A-adaptation diagram superimposed on the D,;-
(a) Perceived hue of a given test stimulus, ex- adaptation diagram. For the benefit of colorimet-
pressed as proportions of neighboring “unique” ric applications, it is useful to present the data in
(or “unitary’’) hues (red, yellow, green, and blue) a CIE standard chromaticity diagram. This has
varies with the chromaticity (correlated color tem- been done in Figure 10(5.12.2). The numerical
perature) of the adapting stimulus (surround), but values for the grid points are given in Table
does not vary significantly with the luminance 2(5.12.2). One application of Figure 10(5.12.2) is
factor of the test stimulus or the illuminance of to determine colorimetric specifications for corre-
the field of view. sponding color stimuli as obtained, for example,
(b) Colorfulness of a given test stimulus, that is, by an asymmetric color match involving daylight
the attribute of a visual sensation according to and tungsten-light adaptations. First, the chro-
which the test stimulus appears more or less chro- maticity point for one adaptation condition, D,;,
matic, varies with the chromaticity (correlated say, 1s located in the appropriate diagram in
color temperature) of the adapting stimulus (sur- which its color appearance specification is de-
round), the luminance factor of the test stimulus, termined by interpolation in the grid-overlay.

0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500


Fig. 7(5.12.2). Chromaticity points of 24 test stimuli plotted in the CIE 1976 (u’,v’,)-chro-
maticity diagram. These stimuli were used in Bartleson’s (1977, 1979a,b) study on chromatic

Fig. 8(5.12.2). Color-appearance diagram in which lines of constant hue are radii originating
at the center and lines of constant colorfulness (chroma, saturation) are concentric circles; the
greater the radius of the circle, the more colorful (the higher the chroma or saturation) of the
test stimulus. Neighboring “unique” (or “unitary”) hues (R,Y,G,B) are at right angles.
Shown in this diagram are the observed shifts in color appearances of the 24 test stimuli used
by Bartleson (1977, 1979a,b) when the observers’ state of adaptation was changed from
daylight (D,,)-adaptation to tungsten-light (A) adaptation. Direct scaling by the method of
magnitude estimation was employed. The “white” surround that controlled the adaptation had a
luminance of 1000 cd-m~?; the test stimuli were kept at a luminance of 200 cd-m7, giving
them a luminance factor B = 0.2. Arrow heads are for adaptation to A, tails for D,<.


Chromatic Adaptation 447

Dayeaty (Des)
ior Adaptation


0400 |5¢

0.300 ‘ <BR
0.000 Ol1I00 O200 0300 O400 0500 O600

= i apo es go ee ees
0.600 Soar Tungsten-light
tis SUR Adaptation ;
\ alee a5 -

o500- \ eae
oe L 100 7”
o400- +h; et ee a Nil
\ = iM near , bra

F Ca ee Be ]
0.3001. H act L |
O:000 O100 0200 “0300 0400 0500 0600
—e—e@— Des ~Adaptation
-A-—-A4— A -Adaptation
Fig. 10(5.12.1). Portion of CIE 1976 (u’,v’)-
Fig. 9(5.12.2). Superimposed color-appearance chromaticity diagram showing lines of constant
diagrams for D,,-adaptation (solid dots) and for hue and constant colorfulness (chroma, saturation)
A-adaptation (open triangles), derived from data for adaptation to daylight (D,;) and for adaptation
given in Figure 8(5.12.2). A triangle in the A-adap- to tungsten light (A). The lines are mean and
tation diagram indicates the color appearance of a smoothed data obtained by Bartleson (1977, 1979a,
test stimulus viewed under D,.-adaptation that, b) for seven observers taking part in a direct-scal-
under A-adaptation, would have the same color ing experiment with 24 test stimuli specified in
appearance as the corresponding solid dot in the Figure 7(5.12.2). The 1° test stimuli had a lumi-
D,;-adaptation diagram (Bartleson 1977, 1979a, b). nance of 200 cd-m 7” and were presented in a
15.2° “white” surround with a luminance of 1000
cd-m 7”, The numerical values of the grid points
Then, the just determined color appearance are given in Table 1(5.12.2).
specification is transferred to the grid for the
other (A) adaptation condition given in the other
diagram. This provides the chromaticity point of (see Section 8.2.5). The same matrix converts the
the desired corresponding color stimulus. (X, Y, Z)-CIE tristimulus values to (R, G, B)-
In an effort to predict his experimental data fundamental tristimulus values for any given
by means of a suitable numerical expression, stimulus of known spectral radiant power distri-
Bartleson (1979a,b) arrived at an empirical bution, that is,
scheme that is based on the notion of the
von Kries hypothesis to which is added a nonlin- R Xe
ear compression of the response of the “blue” Gl=MILY [13(5.12.2)]
fundamental. In some ways, Bartleson’s scheme is B X
a simplified version of that proposed by Takahama
et al. (1977) and Nayatani et al. (1981) mentioned Stimuli of spectral radiant power distributions
in Section 5.12.2(x) above. In particular, Bartle- {P, dA} and {Px dA} that elicit identical color
son chooses K6nig-type fundamentals 7(A), perceptions, equate the absolute responses of the
2(A), b(A) which are linearly related to the CIE respective fundamentals as follows:
1931 standard color-matching functions
xX(A), y(A), Z(A) by the matrix

0.0713 0.9625 —0.0147

Foasyie [14(5.12.2)]
Mi=}\ =0,3952* 11668 0.0815
0 0 0.5610 B’ = k(yB)’
[12(5.12.2)] where a, B, y are von Kries coefficients which are

Table 2(5.12.2) CIE 1976 (u’,v’)-Chromaticity Coordinates of Corresponding Color Stimuli for
Daylight (D,;) and Tungsten-Light (A) Adaptation Conditions. The 1° Test Stimuli Are at Constant
Luminance of 200 cd-m~7, Presented in a 15.2° “White” Surround at a Luminance of 1000 ed-m?
(Bartleson, 1977, 1979a,b). The Data Are Illustrated in Figure 10(5.12.2).°

G H=R YR ne YG G BG B BR Gray

Daylight (D,;) Adaptation

20 u’= 0.218 0.215 0.208 0.199 0.185 0.182 0.189 0.207 0.198
v’ = 0.474 0.492 0.495 0.493 0.480 0.465 0.453 0.457 0.468
40 u’ = 0.267 0.249 0.226 0.196 0.151 0.144 0.171 0.226
v’ = 0.486 0.534 0.543 0.543 0.498 0.454 0.412 0.427
60 u’ = 0.321 273 0.233 0.191 0.120 0.111 0.157 0.243
v’ = 0.497 0.555 0.566 0.570 0.512 0.442 0.371 0.401
80 u’ = 0.405 — oa -- 0.090 0.082 0.140 0.270
v’ = 0.507 — — ~- 0.522 0.430 0.295 0.355
100 u’ = 0.484 — — — 0.045 0.045 — 0.286
v’=0.511 — — — 0.534 0.408 — 0.326

Tungsten-Light (A) Adaptation

20 u’=0.278 0.281 0.269 0.258 0.243 0.235 (2232 0.267 0.256

v’ = 0.528 0.541 0.543 0.539 0.531 0.523 0.500 0.516 0.524
40 u’ = 0.316 0.315 0.281 0.258 0.227 0.211 0.205 0.286
v’= 0.529 0.554 0.560 0.555 0.538 0.520 0.468 0.491
60 u’ = 0.366 — — — 0.195 0.166 0.179 0.303
v’ = 0.530 — — — 0.548 0.508 0.424 0.452
80 u’ = 0.413 — — — 0.150 0.117 — —
vo’ = 0.528 — — — 0.556 0.486 — —

“H = hue; C = colorfulness (chroma, saturation).

completely determinable from the fundamental the stimulus providing adaptation condition A
tristimulus values of the two conditioning stimuli [= daylight (D,;) adaptation, in Bartleson’s case].
that control the two states of adaptation A and A’ From the calculated fundamental tristimulus
[A = daylight (D,;), A’ = tungsten-light (A), in values (R’,G’, B’) , the CIE tristimulus values
Bartleson’s case]. A detailed exercise of a de- (X’, Y’, Z’) are obtained from
termination of the von Kries coefficients was
given in Section 5.12.2(vii). The exponent p in Eq. x’ ‘
14(5.12.2) that compresses the response of the ¥- |ay ere |[17(5.12.2)]
“blue” fundamental, interpretable as a_post- Zz B’
receptor neural activity, is obtained from the em-
pirical expression with

py = 0.32602745 + 0.3258739! + 0.340779 ht |

2SM0 a 2.07G3 O.|
MeV B20 0.1538 0
[15(5.12.2)] 0 0 1.7825

The coefficient k is given by Figure 11(5.12.2) illustrates the agreement

Bartleson obtains between his observed and pre-
[16(5.12.2)] dicted data. The diagram shows observed (solid)
lines and predicted (dashed) lines of constant hue
and colorfulness (chroma, saturation) for the mean
where B, is the fundamental tristimulus value of observer whose state of adaptation was changed
Chromatic Adaptation 449

0.600 Tungsten-light (A) Adaptation



0.000 0100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0500

Fig. 11(5.12.2). Observed and predicted lines of constant hue and constant colorfulness
(chroma, saturation) for the mean of the observers whose state of adaptation was changed from
daylight (D,,) to tungsten light (A) in Bartleson’s (1977, 1979a, b) experiment, summarized in
Figure 10(5.12.2). The predictions were made by means of a simple nonlinear model whose
coefficients were determined empirically from the bulk of the experimental data (Bartleson,

from daylight (D,;) to tungsten light (A). The (b) and (c) Two inhomogeneous, linear transfor-
agreement is quite reasonable. mations used by Burnham et al. (1957) and by
Bartleson (1979a,b) applied his formulae also Sobagaki et al. (1974), as discussed in Section
to experimental data gathered by other investiga- 5.12.2(iii), which, because of their additional con-
tors, notably those of Burnham et al. (1957) and stants, are not of the von Kries type.
Wassef (1959) [see Section 5.12.2(111)], MacAdam (d) Nonlinear transformation, given in terms of
(1963) [see Section 5.12.2(v)], and Helson et al. power functions, used by MacAdam (1956), as
(1952) [see Section 5.12.2(vii)]. The agreement discussed in Section 5.12.2(v).
between his predictions and the observed data (e) Nonlinear transformation, based on a con-
varies from one data set to the other, from fair to cept of level dependent neural interaction pro-
quite reasonable and is, in general, comparable posed by Hunt (1950), and formulated by
with the agreement the other investigators had Takahama et al. (1977) [see also Sections 5.12.2(vi)
obtained by applying their own formulae to their and 5.12.2(x)].
own data. (f) Two-stage nonlinear transformation based on
proposals by Jameson and Hurvich (1972), as
5.12.3. A Comparison of Chromatic formulated by K. Richter (1976).
Adaptation Transforms (g) and (h) Two graphical transformations,
which may be considered equivalent to (unspeci-
Bartleson (1978a, b) made a comparison of differ- fied) nonlinear transformations, as used by Pointer
ent methods of predicting observed chromatic et al. (1977) [see Section 5.12.2(xi)] and by Bartle-
adaptation data. The following eight methods were son (1977) [see Section 5.12.2(xii)].
selected from the literature, some of which have
already been discussed in Sections 5.12.1 and
wi. The comparison of the different methods of
prediction was made on a common set of 120
(a) von Kries (linear) transformation as dis- paint samples selected from the Munsell Book of
cussed in Sections 5.12.1 and 5.12.2(vii). The work Color. For each of these samples, the CIE 1976
by Helson et al. (1952) provides a typical example (u’, v’)-chromaticity coordinates were determined
for a von Kries transformation. with respect to CIE standard illuminant D,;,



Fig. 1(5.12.3). Portion of CIE 1976 (u’, v’)-chro-

maticity diagram showing lines of constant Munsell
hue and chroma for Munsell value 5, with regard
to daylight (D,,;)-adaptation (Bartleson, 1978a, b). BURNHAM - EVANS -NEWHALL (1957)
0.2 1 0.3 0.4

which was taken as the reference state of adapta-

tion of the standard observer. The fact that the
Munsell notations for the samples are only ap-
plicable for CIE standard illuminant C, and not
D,5, presented only a minor difficulty, which was Pie

overcome by using a von Kries transformation to =

shift C into D,; with corresponding adaptation cm

--~ SP BARTLESON (1977)
shifts for the chromaticity points of the 120 sam- 0.2 u’ 0.3 0.4
ples. The correction is small because C (6770 K)
and D,; (6504 K) have similar chromaticities. Fig. 2(5.12.3). Portion of CIE 1976 (u’, v’)-chro-
Figure 1(5.12.3) illustrates the chromaticity points maticity diagram showing lines of constant Munsell
of 30 of the total set of 120 Munsell samples, all hue and chroma that are predicted by different
of which are of Munsell value 5; that is, a con- methods for a change from daylight (D,. )-adapta-
stant luminance factor B ~ 0.2. Their Munsell tion to tungsten-light (A) adaptation. The different
chromas are 2, 6, or 10, distributed over 10 differ- prediction methods are those referred to in the
ent Munsell hues. text: (a) Helson et al. (1952), (b) Burnham et al.
Each of the eight methods of transformation (1957), (h) Bartleson (1977). (From Bartleson,
referred to above under (a) to (h) were then used 1978a, b)
to predict the (u’, v’)-chromaticity points for the
same samples when these were illuminated by
CIE standard illuminant A, with the standard attainable for all eight methods was 6). The largest
observer completely adapted to illuminant A. Fig- discrepancies occur in the blue and purple region
ures 2(5.12.3), 3(5.12.3), and 4(5.12.3) illustrate (Munsell hues 5B and 5P).
the results of these predictions, indicating im- In comparing the predictions made by the
portant differences between them. eight transformations, as illustrated particular-
Another demonstration of inherent differences ly in Figures 2(5.12.3) to 4(5.12.3), Bartleson
between the eight methods of transformation is (1978a, b) divided them into two groups which he
given in Figure 5(5.12.3) where eight predicted identified as Type I and Type II predictions.
adaptation shifts are plotted for each of five Type I predictions are obtained by transforma-
samples of the primary Munsell hues (5R, 5Y,5G, tions that accord in whole or in part with the von
5B,5P) and Munsell chroma 10 (except for Kries hypothesis. There is obviously some degree
Munsell hue 5Y for which the maximum chroma of arbitrariness in differentiating between all those
Chromatic Response Functions 451

8 Se See
5GY (d)
5G — = ee a =o 5Y
v’ 5BG -* Po
; 3 25R
—— qe < = a ees

0.5} ae ee FORE
5B me <a, ae Gn

st ea SP
| ~
MAC ADAM (1963)
0.1 OF2 03 0.4

—— a B~x0.2
0.1 0.2

Fig. 3(5.12.3). Same as Figure 2(5.12.3) but for prediction methods (d) MacAdam (1963), (e)
Takahama et al. (1977), and (c) Sobagaki et al. (1974). (From Bartleson, 1978.)

transformations that are not strictly von Kries which the different investigators developed their
transformations, but a pattern seems to emerge methods of prediction. However, these systematic
when one considers the differences in the shapes differences are not as yet fully understood and
of the loci of constant Munsell chroma predicted need further exploration. For some tentative
by the different transformations as shown in Fig- explanations, see Takahama et al. (1979) and
ures 2(5.12.3) to 4(5.12.3). Type I predictions are Bartleson (1979a, b).
those of Burnham et al. (1957), Bartleson (1977),
Takahama et al. (1977), K. Richter (1977), and
Pointer et al. (1977). Type II predictions are those
of Helson et al. (1952), MacAdam (1963), and 5.13 CHROMATIC RESPONSE FUNCTIONS
Sobagaki et al. (1974). When the data correspond-
ing to Type I and Type II predictions are aver- The opponent-process (or opponent-colors) theory
aged separately, the results shown in Figure has its origin in Hering’s (1878) proposal that any
6(5.12.3) are obtained. hue can be described in terms of its redness or
The differences between Type I and Type II greenness and its yellowness or blueness. Red and
data are considered quite large and indicative of green are opposite hues because they cannot be
the systematic differences actually found between elicited simultaneously by a single color stimulus;
the various experimental data on the basis of and the same is true for yellow and blue. The two

5PB B=0.2

K. RICHTER (1977)

0.1 O.2 i 0.3 0.4

Ol 0.2 ess 0.4

Fig. 4(5.12.3). Same as Figure 2(5.12.3) but for prediction methods (f) K. Richter (1977), and
(g) Pointer et al. (1977). (From Bartleson, 1978a, b.)


SY 5/6
05 5G 5/10
5R 5/10

5B 5/10 JP 5/710

0.1 0.2 1 0.3

Fig. 5(5.12.3). Adaptation shifts predicted by eight different methods for five Munsell samples
first viewed under daylight (D,;) (common points) then under tungsten light (A). (Bartleson,

Chromatic Response Functions 453

0.6 Type I
ae nee a? GY


= ie Se = oi SS YR
BG ee al oc FO = ay
vy a 7 She : or
at era
fe oO ee aT
as~-50<------pad Os eRe
AC HS pet) Drie Le = = be == Sade 10


0.1 0.2 4 0.3 0.4

Fig. 6(5.12.3). Lines of constant Munsell hue and Munsell chroma, at Munsell value 5, as
predicted for tungsten-light (A) adaptation by methods classified as Type I and by methods
classified as Type II (Bartleson, 1978a, b).

pairs of opponent hue responses (redness /green- m ~*), consisting of a mixture of a monochro-
ness and yellowness /blueness) are independent of matic test stimulus of wavelength A (luminance 32
one another, thus allowing, for example, red to be cd-m 7”) with an adjustable amount of one of
seen in a single color stimulus simultaneously four so-called cancellation stimuli of fixed wave-
with either yellow or blue; or, similarly, green to length: 467, 490, 588, and 700 nm (observer H);
be seen simultaneously with either yellow or blue. 475, 500, 580, and 700 nm (observer J). The first
Jameson and Hurvich (1955) put the oppo- three of these were chosen as the monochromatic
nent-process theory on a more quantitative basis stimuli evoking for each observer “perceptually
by determining experimentally, using a hue cancel- unique” blue, green, and yellow hues, whereas the
lation technique, the spectral distributions of the fourth (700 nm) evokes a predominantly red hue,
opponent hue responses which are often referred the “unique” red being normally “extraspectral.”
to as the chromatic response functions (or chro- Jameson and Hurvich remark that there is
matic valence functions). The data Jameson and nothing critical about the use of perceptually
Hurvich (1955) obtained for their own vision are unique stimuli but that the analysis is simplified
illustrated in Figure 1(5.13). by doing so. By repeated adjustments of the radi-
The observer who viewed a 1° test stimulus ance L(A.) of the cancellation stimulus, the
exposed repeatedly for several seconds in a 37°- condition is reached when its mixture with the
diameter “white” surround (luminance 32 cd - monochromatic test stimulus of radiance L,(A)

(b) For A < 490 nm and A. = 588 nm:

OBSERVER H LAA) + L588) satisfies (YB);

—19(A) = ony [2(5.13)]

(c) For A > 588 nm or A < 467 nm, and A, =

490 nm;
Le(A) + L,(490) satisfies (RG);

nal) = ony [3(5.13)]

(d) For 467 nm <A < 588 nm and A. = 700

LAA) + L,(700) satisfies (RG);
400 500 600 700
—1g(A) = 9 “aw [4(5.13)]

Here ny(A) and 7,(A) define, in their respective

spectral regions, the chromatic response function
relevant to the opponent-hue pair yellow-blue, oy
and o, being suitably chosen constant factors.
Similarly, nr(A) and n,(A) define the other

chromatic response function. The relative values
i¢ of oy and o, are determined by postulating that
when two monochromatic stimuli of wavelengths
Oo A}, A>, respectively greater than and less than 490
nm, are mixed in such radiance proportions
LAA,): L(A2) that the (YB)-criterion is satis-
fied, the yellowness ny(A,)L.(A,) of the first
stimulus equals with opposite sign the blueness
Np(A7)L(A>2) of the second stimulus. By applica-
400 500 600 700 tion of this postulate to the special case, A, = 588
WAVELENGTH-nm nm, A, = 467 nm, it is readily shown that
Fig. 1(5.13). The chromatic-response functions
determined experimentally by a hue-cancellation Cale L (588)
technique for two observers (Jameson and Hurvich,
0p L,(467)
Thus, each chromatic response curve is com-
pletely determined in its relative spectral values.
satisfies the criterion (YB): neutral as between It can also be inferred from the postulate that for
blueness and yellowness, or the criterion (RG): a mixture of two wavelengths A, and A, with
neutral as between redness and greenness. The set-
A, >490nm and A, < 490 nm
ting made (by observer H) may be expressed
formally as follows: A, # 588 nm and A, ~ 467 nm

(a) For A < 490 nm and A. = 467 nm: to be neutral-(YB), the radiances L,(A,) and
LAA) + L(467) satisfies (YB); L(A) must be given by

[1(5.13)] L.(Ai) rs —np(Ar)

ny(A) = wee
Chromatic Response Functions 455

the right-hand side being determined completely perceived as being achromatic (neutral). Similarly,
once 0;/60, has been fixed. Because this informa- a (yellow /blue)-equilibrium stimulus is a stimulus
tion is not part of the actual experimental data that appears neither yellowish nor bluish; that is,
contained in Figure 1(5.13), the postulate goes one that is perceived as having either the “ unique”
beyond a mere normalizing convention. The ratio hue of red, or the “unique” hue of green, or is
0,/Op is similarly obtained as perceived as being achromatic (neutral).
In denoting the set of all stimuli (in
0, _ L.(490) (red /green)-equilibrium by S, and the set in (yel-
Gp L,(700) low/blue)-equilibrium by S,, the linearity laws
may be formulated as follows:
where the mixture of the two stimuli of wave-
lengths 490 and 700 nm is neutral-( RG). (a) Proportionality Law:
The values of the factors (oy,o,) for one If the stimulus A is in S;, then the stimulus aA is
chromatic response curve relative to those of the also in S; (i = 1,2), where a is any positive factor
other factors (o¢, 6p) are determined by subjec- by which the radiance of the stimulus is increased
tive estimates of the monochromatic stimuli for or reduced, while its relative spectral distribution
which the hue sensation appears to partake equally is kept the same.
of two qualities belonging to different opponent (b) Additivity Law:
pairs, for example, equal redness and yellowness, If stimulus A is in S,, then stimulus B is also in S,
equal greenness and yellowness. When the if, and only if, the additive mixture of the two
ordinates of the two chromatic response curves stimuli, that is, A + B, is in S; (i = 1,2).
are made equal (in absolute magnitude) or nearly
so, at such estimated wavelengths, the curves are Krantz (1975b) has presented a mathemati-
completely determined except for an arbitrary cally formal and detailed exposition of the linear-
overall factor applied to both. ity laws in the context of the opponent-process
Romeskie (1976) repeated, for two observers, theory. He shows that the two linear operations of
the hue cancellation experiment and her results proportionality and additivity hold only if the
agree closely with those obtained by Jameson and corresponding chromatic response function is a
Hurvich shown in Figure 1(5.13). linear function of the color-matching functions
The generality and hence the usefulness of the 7(A), 2(A), b(A) derived from matches made be-
chromatic response functions as a database for tween appropriate additive mixtures of mono-
making quantitative predictions of other experi- chromatic test stimuli of wavelength A and three
mental data, such as wavelength discrimination primary stimuli (Sections 3.2 and 3.3). More
and chromatic adaptation, rests to a large extent specifically, the proportionality law (a) and the
on the assumption that the /inearity laws for additivity law (b) hold for stimuli of set S; only if
opponent-hue cancellation, which comprise the there exists a real-valued linear function ¢; such
linear operations of proportionality and additivity, that
are strictly valid. The work by Jameson and
Hurvich (1955, 1956a, 1959, 1964, 1972), Hurvich B is in S, if, and only if, ¢,(B) = 0
and Jameson (1955, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1974), and
Hurvich (1978) appears to support that assump- The function ¢; is linear with respect to the
tion. However, direct experimental tests of the operations of trichromatic color matching; that is,
linearity laws, made by Larimer, Krantz, and for any stimuli A and B, and any positive factors
Cicerone (1974, 1975) and Cicerone, Krantz, and of a, B, the following condition is met:
Larimer (1975), have brought out certain failures
of these laws. ¢;(aA + BB) = a¢,(A) + B4,(B)
The work of Krantz and his colleagues centers
on proportionality and additivity tests of stimuli [8(5.13)]
that are perceived to be in (red/green)- and in
(yellow /blue)-equilibrium. A (red/green)-equi- It follows that the function ¢, is a linear function
librium stimulus is defined as a stimulus that of any set of primary stimuli. It can be de-
appears neither reddish nor greenish; that is, one termined experimentally by the hue cancellation
that is perceived as having either the “unique” method which results in ¢; being a chromatic
hue of yellow, or the “unique” hue of blue, or is response function for monochromatic stimuli of

wavelength A and of constant radiance (equal- other equilibrium stimuli, in particular, by means
energy spectrum on the wavelength basis), which of an equilibrium “white” stimulus.
is independent, except for a constant scale factor, The results obtained by Larimer et al. (1974,
of both the radiance level (or luminance level) at 1975) in their linearity tests may be summarized
which the determination is made and the choice as follows:
of cancellation stimulus.
The tests of the linearity laws conducted by (i) The wavelengths of the monochromatic equi-
Larimer et al. (1974, 1975) and Cicerone et al. librium stimuli perceived as “unique” yellow (~
(1975) consisted first of the determination, at 578 nm), “unique” green (~ 500 nm), and
several luminance levels, of the monochromatic “unique” blue (~ 478 nm) were invariant, or
equilibrium stimuli (“unique” blue, green, and virtually so, with luminance changes ranging over
yellow) and the extraspectral equilibrium stimu- two log units. Zero Bezold—Briicke hue shifts
lus, “unique” red. Then, the results of adding the were observed for these three stimuli.
equilibrium stimuli yellow and blue, or the equi- (ii) For the equilibrium stimulus perceived as
librium stimuli red and green, were studied. In “unique” red, which is an extraspectral stimulus,
accordance with Krantz (1975b), these specific that is, one that cannot be represented by a point
tests of the linearity laws (proportionality and on the spectrum locus, invariance with luminance
additivity) are exhaustive, since the equiliibnum did not hold. When the equilibrium stimulus was
stimuli act as primary stimuli with respect to produced by an appropriate mixture of a mono-
cancellation-equivalence. Two stimuli are defined chromatic stimulus of long wavelength and a
as cancellation-equivalent when their hues are monochromatic stimulus of short wavelength, the
canceled by the same stimulus. If proportionality red equilibrium stimulus turned bluish-red when
and additivity hold, then multiplying each stimu- the luminance was increased while keeping its
lus of a cancellation-equivalent pair by a constant wavelength composition constant.
factor (a, for example), or adding a third stimulus (iii) The additive mixture of the monochromatic
to each will not upset the cancellation-equiva- equilibrium stimuli perceived as “unique” yellow
lence. It is important to note that cancellation- and blue, in any luminance ratio, is again an
equivalent stimuli are not necessarily perceived to equilibrium stimulus. “Unique” yellow and
be visually equivalent in every respect, that is, in “unique” blue are found to be complementary
complete color match. For example, desaturating hues relative to an equilibrium “white”. No Ab-
a red stimulus with an equilibrium “white” ney hue shift was observed when a yellow equi-
(achromatic or neutral) stimulus makes the de- librium stimulus or a blue equilibrium stimulus
saturated stimulus cancellation-equivalent to the was desaturated with the equilibrium “white”
original stimulus, even though its perceived red- stimulus.
ness decreases. Additive mixtures of red and green equi-
In tristimulus space, based on the particular librium stimuli are again equilibrium stimuli, that
observer’s color-matching functions, strict validity is, neither yellowish nor bluish stimuli.
of the linearity laws, (a) and (b), means that a set
of equilibrium stimuli must be represented by From the above experimental results, Larimer
points located on a straight line. Thus, it is suffi- et al. (1974, 1975) draw the following conclusions.
cient to test whether the four equilibrium
(“unique”) stimuli represented by four points in (1) The set of (red/green)-equilibria, that 1s,
tristimulus space are invariant with luminance stimuli that appear neither reddish nor greenish,
and whether all additive mixtures of these stimuli obeys the linearity laws (proportionality and
are, in turn, equilibrium stimuli. additivity). Thus, the (red/green) chromatic
The Bezold—Briicke and Abney effects (Sec- response function, such as that measured by
tion 5.9) are obviously related to the question of Jameson and Hurvich by the method of hue
the validity of the linearity laws. The proportion- cancellation [Figure 1(5.13)], is a linear function
ality law demands that the equilibrium stimuli are of the observer’s color-matching functions.
invariant and thus, show no Bezold—Briicke hue (II) The set of (yellow/blue)-equilibria, that is,
shift with increasing or decreasing luminance. The stimuli that appear neither yellowish nor bluish,
additivity law demands that the equilibrium does not strictly obey the linearity laws. The
stimuli are invariant and thus, show no Abney observed nonlinearities are assumed to be associ-
hue shift when they are desaturated by means of ated only with the responses of the long-wave-
Chromatic Response Functions 457

length (“red”) cone mechanism which contributes previous experiments, described above, which ap-
to the perception of yellowness, but via a “com- plied to conditions of dark adaptation.
pressive function of luminance.” Thus, the rela- In the application of chromatic response func-
tive values of the (yellow/blue)-chromatic- tions to a wide range of color-vision problems,
response function of Figure 1(5.13), determined Hurvich and Jameson (1955) assume for their
for an equal-energy spectrum, must vary some- own experimentally determined functions that the
what with the radiance level. linearity laws hold strictly. This assumption per-
In a subsequent paper by the same authors mits them to substitute their chromatic response
(Cicerone, Krantz, and Larimer, 1975), the linear- functions by others constructed from appropriate
ity laws are studied for moderate changes in the linear combinations of the CIE 1931 standard
observer’s state of chromatic adaptation caused color-matching functions x(A), y(A), Z(A). The
by conditioning stimuli of “unique” blue, green, new chromatic response functions are then re-
yellow, and by a (nonunique) monochromatic red garded as applicable to the CIE 1931 standard
stimulus of 650 nm, varying in luminances that observer. Figure 2(5.13) illustrates the chromatic
provided retinal illuminances from 40 to 2000 td. response functions postulated for the CIE 1931
The main results of this study indicate that adap- standard observer by Hurvich and Jameson (1955)
tation to blue or green stimuli did not introduce (see also Judd, 1951b). For the luminance level
significant failures of additivity of (red /green)- (32 cd- m *) of the stimuli used in their experi-
equilibria; but adaptation to yellow stimuli of 900 ment, they put
td or more resulted in failures of proportionality
and thus, additivity. A small proportionality [y(A) — b(A)] = 0.4y(A) — 0.427(A)
failure was also observed for red-conditioning
stimuli at 40 td. The (yellow /blue)-equilibria ex- [r(A) — g(A)] = 1.0x(A) — 1.0~()
hibited nonlinearities under chromatic adaptation
that were of similar kind to those observed in the [9(5.13)]



Pa 0.25
O 0.00

+ 0,25



400 500 600 700


Fig. 2(5.13). Chromatic-response functions postulated for the CIE standard observer (Hurvich
and Jameson, 1955).

where the quantities [y(A) — b(A)] and [r(A) — process mechanisms characterized by the (yel-
g(A)] are the (yellow/blue)- and (red/green)- low/blue) [¢,(A)] chromatic response function
chromatic-response functions represented in Eqs. and the (red/green) [$,(A)] chromatic response
1(5.13) to 4(5.13) by [mny(A), ng(A)] and function.
[np(A), ng(A)], respectively, and which define also When assuming KO6nig-type fundamentals
the functions ¢, (i= 1,2) referred to in Eq. (Section 8.2.5) for p;(A), Jameson (1972) arrives
8(5.13). at the following explicit equations:
The chromatic response functions characteriz-
ing two opponent processes in the visual system 6 (A) = —Odlp Xd) + 0.06p,(A) + 0.34p,(A)
are supplemented by an achromatic response
function that characterizes a nonopponent pro- $(A) = 0.37p (A) — 2.23p.(A) + 1.66p3(A)
cess. The achromatic response function is
commonly identified as the luminous efficiency $3(A) = 0.15p,(A) + 0.85p3(A)
function obtained by the minimum-flicker method
(Section 5.7). There is considerable evidence from
electrophysiological research on the visual mecha-
nisms of different species that the response func-
tions of the above three types are being generated 5.14 COLOR-MATCHING PROPERTIES OF
in “color-coding sites” located in one or more of COLOR-DEFECTIVE OBSERVERS
the different parts of the visual tract starting in
the retina and ending in the visual cortex. An There is a vast literature dealing with numerous
informative review of the present state of our aspects of color-defective vision of congenital as
knowledge on this aspect of vision research can well as acquired types. It is beyond the scope of
be found in Boynton’s (1979) book entitled Hu- this book to even attempt a comprehensive trea-
man Color Vision (pp. 207 to 250). However, the tise on the subject matter. However, certain
precise relation between the responses of the cone aspects of color-defective vision are of consider-
receptor mechanisms and the responses generated able interest to color science in general, and some
in the color-coding sites is not known. Hurvich of these, notably those related to color matching,
and Jameson (see Jameson, 1972) postulate the we have selected for inclusion in this section. The
following general form reader interested in a more comprehensive treat-
ment of a broader range of topics of color-defec-
@ (A) = —en pA) + C2 p2(A) + €1373(A) tive vision is encouraged to consult the recent
book entitled Congenital and Acquired Color Vi-
@.(A) = P(A) — C22 pa(A) + €23p3(A) sion Defects edited by Pokorny, Smith, Verriest,
and Pinckers (1979). Other valuable reviews on
$3(A) = 3, p(A) + ¢32 p2(A) + C33)3(A) color-vision deficiencies are those by Hurvich
[10(5.13)] (1972), Jaeger (1972), and Griitzner (1972).
Variations of color-matching properties among
in which ¢$,(A), $,(A) denote the chromatic re- actual observers fall under the following head-
sponse functions (yellow/blue) and (red/green), ings:
respectively, and ¢$,(A) denotes the achromatic
response function (light/dark or white/black). (a) Variations among observers classed all as
The functions p,(A) (i = 1 to 3) are the spectral normal trichromats, or as some particular type of
response functions of the three cone receptor color defective
mechanisms, also referred to as the fundamentals; (b) More radical deviations between normals
PA), pA), p3(A) representing, respectively, the and the several varieties of color defective
(never negative) spectral response of short-wave
(“blue”) receptors, middle-wave (“green”) recep- Differences in color-matching properties, includ-
tors, and long-wave (“red”) receptors. The ing the related properties of color discrimination,
coefficients c;, (i,k = 1,2,3) are non-negative provide, in fact, the basis for the scientific classi-
constant factors. Attention is drawn to the two fication of observers into normal and color defec-
negative signs in Eq. 10(5.13) which signify the tive. In the classification now to be summarized,
possibility of having either positive or negative it may be taken, unless otherwise indicated, that
spectral responses emerging from the opponent- matching is carried out in a small field imaged on
Color-Matching Properties of Color-Defective Observers 459

the foveal rod-free area of the retina. Where het- blue-green (see Section 5.6.1). Thus,
erochromatic brightness-matching is quantita-
tively critical, the use of flicker photometry may _[ ra) _[ba)
be presumed. m= [EO ae m= [EQ]
5.14.1 Normal and Anomalous Trichromats

An observer requiring mixtures of three fixed and The red-green ratio W, provides one of the
independent primary stimuli to color match all main criteria by which the normal trichromat is
color stimuli is a trichromat. For the observer to separated from the two groups of anomalous tri-
be color-normal, the observer’s full color and chromats, known as protanomalous when the value
heterochromatic brightness matching (minimum- of W, is abnormally high and as deuteranomalous —
flicker method) must obey at least approximately when it is abnormally low.
the linearity laws (proportionality and additivity, In practice, advantage is taken of the fact that
see Section 3.2). Given this, a trichromat is classed the blue contribution b*(Ay) (which is negative,
as a normal if the quantitative properties of the i.e., it has to be added to the yellow to complete
matches are sufficiently close to the average for the match) is very small and can be omitted
the population. These quantitative properties for without seriously upsetting the match or altering
an individual trichromat are specifiable by the the red and green contributions. The red-green
observer’s: ratio, which was first used by Rayleigh when he
discovered protanomaly and deuteranomaly, is
measured on an instrument known as an anoma-
(a) color-matching functions 7(A), 2(A), b(A) loscope, the Nagel anomaloscope being particu-
for some set of independent primary stimuli larly well known. In a large randomly selected
(R, G, B); group of observers, the measured values of the
(b) luminous efficiency function V(A) (mini- R/G ratio are mostly clustered about a central
mum-flicker method); and value, but on either side there occurs a second,
(c) brightness and chromatic-difference thresh- much smaller, concentration of measured values
olds (e.g., the least perceptible wavelength dif- for deuteranomalous observers and for pro-
ference through the spectrum). tanomalous observers. Figure 1(5.14.1) illustrates
the results of tests made on 864 males by Schmidt
(1955). Earlier, somewhat less distinct data have
In testing for color normality, it is convenient
been published by Trendelenburg and Schmidt
to consider first the observer’s color-matching
(1935) and Nelson (1938).
functions 7(A), Z(A), b(A) referred to a set of
The assignment of a limiting R/G ratio sep-
monochromatic primary stimuli located, respec-
arating normal and deuteranomalous observers is
tively, at wavelengths Ap,A¢,A, and expressed
straightforward, but there is a more arbitrary
in radiometric units. These functions are con-
element in the choice of a limiting value separat-
verted into the corresponding W.D.W. color-
ing normals from protanomalous observers. By
matching functions
determining R/G values relative to the central or
average value for a large group, which is taken as
the representative normal value, the need for an
Wi absolute calibration of the results given by an
anomaloscope is avoided. The relative R/G val-
ues so obtained are not critically dependent on
g*(A) = 8(A) [1(5.14.1)] the exact wavelength used for Az, Ag, and Az,
nor on the use of monochromatic light; a
b*(A) = i narrow-band filter anomaloscope may be used.
Although no agreed limits have been laid down,
reasonable limiting values for the relative R/G
by means of the constant ratios W, and W, so values are
chosen that r*(A) = g*(A) at a fixed “normal-
R/G greater than 1.5 for protanomaly
izing” wavelength A y in the yellow, 2*(A) = b*(A)
at a second normalizing wavelength A», in the R/G less than 1/1.5 for deuteranomaly



Deuteranomalous Protanomalous
20 --£a 7Scale—
Number rc mad
Scale—> (%)
eKte ee
ar L ‘

Log (R/G)
Fig. 1(5.14.1). Distribution of the values of log(R /G) where R /G incorporates a factor that
makes its average value for the normal trichromat equal to unity. The number of observers,
given in percent, is shown on a scale from 0 to 100% for the midpoint values of log(R /G) =
— 0.1, 0.0, + 0.1. For all other midpoint values, the expanded scale from 0 to 10% on the right
applies. 63.6% of the observers have log(R /G) values in the interval —0.05<0< +0.05;
1.8% have log(R /G) values in the interval —0.55 < —0.50 < —0.45; 0.6% have log(R /G)
values in the interval 0.55 < 0.60 < 0.65. The remaining 34% observers are distributed as
indicated. The data are taken from Schmidt (1955) who tested 864 males.

An observer who measured the R/G ratio after limits of R/G between which an acceptable match
inserting between the eye and the instrument a can be made by luminance adjustment only. Pick-
selectively transmitting filter would obtain in- ford (1964), using this procedure, further subdi-
stead of the true value R/G, an apparent value vides anomalous observers as follows:
Rt;/Gtpr, where tg and ftp represent the filter
transmittances at A, and Ap, respectively. Simi-
(i) Extreme protanomalous or extreme de-
larly, inert selectively transmitting pigments in
uteranomalous: when the R/G range is very large
the path of the rays within the eye will influence
and includes the mean value for normals. The
the observed R/G value. However, the inert pig-
protanomalous and deuteranomalous observers
ments known to be present in the eye lens and the
are then distinguished by their different luminous
macular retina are believed to be nearly nonselec-
efficiency curves (see below).
tive in the wavelength range green to red, and are
(ii) Simple protanomalous or simple deuteranoma-
unlikely to falsify the diagnosis of deuteranomaly
lous: when the R/G range is fairly small but is
or protanomaly from the relative R/G value. In
widely displaced above or below the mean for
any event, these anomalies as a rule are also
marked by reduced color discrimination in the
(iii) Deviants: when the R/G range shows some
green to red spectral range, and measurements of
enlargement (more than twice the modal range).
color thresholds, such as least-perceptible dif-
(See also Pickford, 1951; Pickford and Lakowski,
ferences of wavelength at constant luminance,
1961; and Willis and Farnsworth, 1952).
provide independent evidence of the anomaly,
which is unaffected by possible inert eye pigmen-
tation. Diminished color discrimination has the A much rarer anomalous trichromat, the fri-
consequence that the yellow match on the tanomalous observer, is marked by poor color
anomaloscope can be reached over a relatively discrimination in the green to blue spectral range,
wide range of fixed R/G ratios simply by varying whereas discrimination in the green to red range
the luminance of the yellow stimulus. Normally, and the R/G ratio are within the limits of the
the setting accepted is assumed to correspond normal. The use of the blue-green ratio W, =
approximately to the midpoint of the acceptable [3(A)/g(A)],,,, to detect tritanomaly is com-
range. A more refined application of the anoma- plicated by the fact that the yellow (shortwave
loscope is to determine, for each observer, the absorbing) inert pigments of the eye lens and
Color-Matching Properties of Color-Defective Observers 461

Twelve protanomalous O O Average of six

0.9} Observers (Nelson, protanopes (Pitt)
McKeon and Wright)
x x Average of six
Six deuteranomalous deuteranopes (Pitt)
observers (Nelson) ——


©w | | Normal limits
AK (Gibson and Tyndall)©

= ho


0.0 vee
500 600 650
at Wavelength, nm

Fig. 2(5.14.1). Luminous efficiency for normal and color-defective observers, showing individ-
ual variations. For normals, the individual curves—all with maximum value unity—lie in the
tract defined by the arrowheads. The limits have been determined from the data of Gibson and
Tyndall (1923) for 52 observers (from Judd and Wyszecki, 1975).

retina have an important effect on the ratio Differences between the luminous efficiency
(Moreland, 1972b; Moreland and Kerr, 1978). functions of anomalous and normal trichromats
Ideally, the luminous efficiency curve V(A) of must be attributable to the combined effect of
a normal trichromat is a linear combination of differences in color-matching functions and
the color-matching functions 7(A), Z(A), b(A), luminous efficiency factors. However, for de-
that is uteranomalous observers, the resultant effect is
not sufficient to make the measured V(A)-curves
V(A) = Laf(A) + Lez(A) + Lgbh (A) clearly distinguishable from those of the normal
group, allowing for the considerable spread in
[5(5.14.1)] these latter curves. On the other hand, the V(A)-
curves of protanomalous observers differ signifi-
where only the relative values of the luminous cantly from the normal curves. In Figure 3(5.14.1)
efficiency factors Lr, Lz, Lz are significant. the mean curves are plotted for comparison,
These factors are formally independent of showing that the protanomalous curve is narrower
r(A), Z(A), b(A) in the sense that two trichromats and displaced towards shorter wavelengths. The
who agreed exactly on all their complete color salient difference is the very low luminous ef-
matches—and hence possessed identical color- ficiency shown by the protanomalous in the red
matching functions 7(A), Z(A), b(A)—could end of the spectrum, and it is this difference
conceivably show very different V(A) curves in (“shortening of the spectrum in the red’’) that
heterochromatic brightness matching, correspond- provides a valuable additional diagnostic test dis-
ing to different sets of values of the factors tinguishing deuteranomalous and protanomalous
Lr, Lg, Lg. The considerable range variation in observers. It is pointed out, however, by Wright
the V(A) curves of normal trichromats [see Figure (1946) (who with his collaborators provided the
2(5.14.1)] is attributable in part to individual dif- quantitative basis for many current conclusions
ferences in Lp, Lg, Lz (see also Section 5.7). on the properties of color defectives) that the

1.0 AIS

w O06

0.2 ‘ye |

400 9 500 600 700


Fig. 3(5.14.1)._ Mean luminous efficiency curves for the normal trichromat, the protanomalous
and the deuteranomalous observer (from Wright, 1946).

method of selection of observers used for the pronounced differences from the normal curves,
protanomalous V(A)-curve of Figure 3(5.14.1) and, in general, such observers have a similar
may have excluded some observers showing a less reduced color discrimination. For details of chro-
marked difference in this respect from the nor- maticity-coordinate curves of anomalous ob-
mal. There is no evidence that tritanomalous ob- servers, Wright’s (1946) book entitled Researches
servers have V(A)-curves differing appreciably on Normal and Defective Colour Vision 1s particu-
from the normal. larly recommended.
The chromaticity coordinates of the mono- Several hypotheses have been advanced to
chromatic stimuli, expressed in the W.D.W. sys- account for congenital anomalous trichromatic
tem, vision, but so far none appears to have found
general acceptance. Some investigators have
searched for clues in the shapes of the spectral
RE Oa)irtsh Cy) atebS CA) absorbance curves of the photopigments in the
cone mechanisms and the positions of their max-
and similar expressions for g*(A) and b*(A) (see ima in the spectrum (photopigment-alteration hy-
Section 5.6.1), would be the same through the pothesis). Such studies consist mainly of analyses
spectrum for anomalous and normal observers, if of the means and the variability of color-match-
their differences in color vision were equivalent to ing data obtained by anomalous trichromats in
the effect of different selective pigment filters in comparison with normal trichromats (von Kries,
the eyes of the two observer types. For pro- 1899; De Vries, 1948; Wald, 1966; Alpern and
tanomalous observers, the chromaticity-coordi- Torii, 1968; Vos and Walraven, 1971; Pokorny,
nate curves differ little from those of the normal Smith, and Katz, 1973; MacLeod and Hayhoe,
(see Section 5.5.6), and in this respect their 1974; Piantanida, 1974; Ruddock and Nagh-
anomaly corresponds predominantly to a filter shineh, 1974; Pokorny, Moreland, and Smith,
difference. Nevertheless, a filter difference would 1975; Hayhoe and MacLeod, 1976; Alpern and
not account for the reduced color discrimination, Moeller, 1977; Alpern and Pugh, 1977; Alpern
that is, the high values of the hue threshold in the and Wake, 1977).
red-green region. The chromaticity-coordinate Miller (1924) and Jameson and MHurvich
curves of deuteranomalous observers show more (1956b; see Hurvich, 1972 for a review) assume
Color-Matching Properties of Color-Defective Observers 463

photopigment alteration as only partly responsi- other factors may also enter, such as responses of
ble for anomalous trichromatic vision and residual cone receptors that are not contributing
postulate, in addition, neural changes at post- measurably in small field viewing.
receptor levels, specifically at the color-coding Complete color-matching and (minimum-
sites at which opponent-processes are being gen- flicker) heterochromatic brightness matching by
erated (Section 5.13). dichromats, made in a small and centrally viewed
field, are believed to conform to the linearity laws
(proportionality and additivity) although these
5.14.2. Dichromats
properties seem not to have been critically tested.
Observers requiring mixtures of just two fixed If it is assumed that they are valid, then the
and independent primary stimuli to match all color-matching properties of a dichromat are
color stimuli are called dichromats. They are fur- specifiable by two linearly independent functions
ther subdivided into two main types—protanopes of wavelength, the color-matching functions,
and deuteranopes—and a third, much rarer, type which are replaceable by any other pair of inde-
—tritanopes. The salient properties of the color pendent functions related to the first by a nonsin-
vision of the various kinds of dichromat are sum- gular linear transformation. For a dichromat who
marized in Table 1(5.14.2). Sets of color-matching will accept any complete color match made by a
functions and luminous efficiency functions de- particular trichromat, the dichromat’s two color-
fining ideal or standard dichromats, comparable matching functions [let us say, h(A) and j(A)
with those of the CIE standard colorimetric referred to some pair of fixed and independent
observers for normal trichromats, have not been primary stimuli] must be independent linear com-
laid down. The current quantitative picture of binations of the color-matching functions
dichromatic vision is based, to a large extent, on 7(A), Z(A), b(A) of the trichromat; thus,
measurements by Pitt (1935) on protanopes and
deuteranopes, and by Wright (1952) on tri-
tanopes. However, numerous more recent studies h(a) = piyr(A) + prg(A) + p30 (A)
have added valuable information to the data bank
(Judd, 1945; 1948; 1951b; 1964; DeVries, 1948; iQ) = put (A) + png (r) + pb (A)
Judd, Plaza, and Farnsworth, 1950; Thomson and
Wright, 1953; Hurvich and Jameson, 1955; Walls
and Heath, 1956; Sperling, 1960; Rushton, 1963;
1965b; Hsia and Graham, 1965; Cole, Henry, and In this sense, the dichromat’s color vision is a
Nathan, 1966; Cole and Watkins, 1966; Heath, reduced form of the trichromat’s. If any given
1968; Scheibner and Boynton, 1968; Nimeroff, dichromat will accept all the matches of some
1970; Verriest, 1971; Vos and Walraven, 1971; normal trichromat, dichromatic vision may be
Vogt, 1974; Walraven, 1974; Smith and Pokorny, said to be a reduced form of normal trichromatic
1975; 1977; Massof and Bailey 1976; Alpern and vision, and this is often believed to be the case.
Moeller, 1977; Alpern and Pugh, 1977; Padmos, For a discussion of the possible difficulties associ-
van Norren, and Faijer, 1978; Tansley and ated with this assumption, the studies of Hurvich
Glushko, 1978; Paulus, 1979; Nagy 1980). and Jameson (see Hurvich, 1972) and Alpern and
The color-matching functions, luminous ef- his coworkers (see Alpern and Moeller, 1977;
ficiency functions, and data on color discrimina- Alpern and Pugh, 1977; Alpern and Wake, 1977)
tion for dichromats are usually determined with are recommended.
small (1 to 2°) centrally viewed fields. When large It should be noted that if a dichromat will
(~ 8°) centrally viewed fields are used, many accept any trichromatic match but only after ad-
observers, diagnosed as dichromats under the justing the luminance (but not the relative spec-
small-field condition, take on a form of trichro- tral composition) of one of the stimuli being
matic vision (Nagel, 1905; Scheibner and Boyn- compared, then the dichromat’s color vision is not
ton, 1968; Smith and Pokorny, 1977; Nagy, 1980). a reduced form in the strict sense, and it cannot
This phenomenon, though of considerable im- be concluded that his or her color-matching func-
portance, is not fully understood. It is postulated tions are expressible as linear combinations of
that responses of the parafoveal rod receptors add those of the trichromat.
the third dimension to dichromatic cone vision, As an approximation, the color-matching
making the observer’s vision trichromatic. But properties of normal trichromats and of the three
IYSLIIIVIVYD snojeuourjoig snojeuouvisjneg adouvrjO1g nog adouvie odour}, JCUIOIYIOUOJA[-PO

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JO.J Ize] wep ‘vas Joj ‘o[durexa JJOIOWIN“(0/6])
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pue SOxUTA *6/6]) Typ SopqeL
['L pue (LL
Color-Matching Properties of Color-Defective Observers 465

types of dichromat are expressed by typical or planes

average sets of color-matching functions. For nor-
mals, in particular, these are expressed by the set P, = pyyX + PY + py3Z
x(A), y(A), Z(A) defining the CIE 1931 standard
observer. To this approximation, the condition Py = PipX + PY + p73Z [6(5.14.2)]
that protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia
should be reduced forms of normal trichromatic which cannot be parallel because the linear forms
vision means that their typical sets of on the right are independent. The corresponding
color-matching functions can be written as the lines for any other pairs of bistimulus values
following pairs of independent linear forms in Pi = kP,, P3 = kP, (k #0) which are in the
same ratio as P,, P, and correspond, for the pro-
X(A), y(A), 2(A).
For the protanope: tanope, to stimuli with the same protanopic chro-
PA) = puixX(A)prv(A)pi3Z()
Pi P;
P(X) = Pri X(A)PrV(A)p232(A) Pee Pep ap
[2(5.14.2)] all lie in the plane Ol through the line | and the
origin O. If P,; # 0, the plane Ol has the equation
For the deuteranope:
Q0= (pPi Spay)
d\(A) = dy, X(A) dy H(A) d,32(A) (pp — Pa)¥

d.(A) = dy,X(N)
doy y(A) dy32(A) + (P13 — P23)Z

where p = P,/P,. If P, #0, the equation is

For the tritanope: O= (Pi — OP21)
X + (Pir — 9py)Y

+ (P13 — 9P23)Z
t(A) = ty)X(A )ty (A) t132(A)
where o = P,/P,. If neither P,; nor P, equals
t,(A) = to) X(A )ty Y(A)to32(A) zero, either equation defines the plane Ol. The
plane Ol and the plane 1 = X + Y + Z, in gen-
[4(5.14.2)] eral, intersect in a line m, all points of which
represent color stimuli with a common protanopic
The necessary and sufficient conditions for two chromaticity. Their coordinates X,Y, Z are the
color stimuli {P, dA} and {Px dX}, to be in trichromatic chromaticities
match for a particular type of dichromat—for
example, the protanope—are, in terms of the xX
color-matching functions, given by x
a ts Ae DEA vf = Jy;
P= r Pypi(d) dd = fr PKp(A) dd = PY of the stimuli. The exceptional case in which
plane Ol is parallel to the plane 1 = X + Y + Z,
can arise only if the determinant

P, =[P.72() dd = [PXP2) dd = P5 l l 1
Do— PUA eeeLAG eee 2
[5(5.14.2)] slo Pratl 2

where P,, P, and P;, P5 define, respectively, the equals zero and then only if p (or o) has a
protanopic bistimulus values of the two stimuli. particular value. There is in that case no line of
The tristimulus values X, Y, Z, of all stimuli hav- intersection (except at infinity). Excluding this
ing the same fixed bistimulus values P,, P, (not possibility, all the lines m corresponding to differ-
both equal to zero) lie on a straight line | in ent protanopic chromaticities (i.e., to all possible
(X, Y, Z,)-space defined by the intersection of the values of p and o) intersect in a common point

(X59 Yncs Zp-) Which satisfies the equations

CIE 1931
Chromaticity diagram

|, yenh) pe
bps 7Afae

Omi Xpe | Puen | P15 oe

O = paXpe t+PrrVpc + P23 Ze


This point, sometimes called the confusion point,

is determinable experimentally by plotting in the
trichromatic chromaticity diagram the loci
(straight lines) representing stimuli of the same
protanopic chromaticity (i.e, which the pro-
tanope can match by luminance adjustments only)
and by then noting that for different protanopic
chromaticities the lines converge, at least ap-
proximately, on a single point, as illustrated in CIE 1931
Chromaticity diagram
Figure 1(5.14.2).
Protanopes, dueteranopes, and tritanopes are
distinguished by leading to different confusion
points [see Table 1(5.14.2)]. Given that each of
these types of dichromatic vision is a reduced
form of trichromatic vision, a knowledge of the
trichromatic chromaticity (x. = X., y. = Y.) of
the appropriate confusion point, determines the
dichromatic color-matching functions completely
except for the arbitrary element corresponding to
the choice of primary stimuli. This arbitrariness
may be conveniently removed, say for pro-
tanopes, by choosing any two monochromatic
stimuli of wavelengths A, and A, whose pro-
tanopic chromaticities are different, and by
stipulating that the color-matching functions shall
have the values

CIE 1931
PUA), pi MeO Chromaticity diagram

Pi(Ar) = 0, — po(A) = 1
respectively, at these wavelengths. The six trans-
formation coefficients {p;;} for protanopic vision

Fig. 1(5.14.2). Lines of constant dichromatic

chromaticity drawn in the normal trichromat’s
chromaticity diagram (represented here by the CIE
1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram), and showing
convergence to (a) the protanope’s, (b) the de-
uteranope’s, and (c) the tritanope’s, confusion
points (P),(D),(T), respectively (from Judd and
Wyszecki, 1975).
Color-Matching Properties of Color-Defective Observers 467

then satisfy the simultaneous equations In the exceptional case that the determinant
D,, is zero, the plane Ol corresponding to a partic-
US X(A)) Pu + y(Ai) Pi2 + Z(A1) P13
ular—and unique—value of p or o (that is, of
protanopic chromaticity) is parallel to the plane
0 = X(Az) Pi + ¥(A2)
Pin + Z(A2) Dis 1+ X+ Y + Z, and for all other values of p and
o, the two planes intersect in lines m that are
Wiss XpcPi1 S YieP12 aa LocP13 parallel and in a direction specifiable by the value
of dY/dX = a (or of dX /dY = B if a approaches
0 = x(A,) po + y(A,) Po» < Z(A;) p23 infinity). Thus, in this case, the confusion point is
a point at infinity whose coordinates may be
Ree X(A2) pr fe V(Ax) Px» + Z(A2) pos represented by |

OX, Par + WpcPrue i Pa Ae

Yo. ak

which have a unique solution, provided the Z,c=1—(1t+a)Q

determinant of coefficients—which equals A’, with

where {2 is to be made indefinitely large. When

X(A;) VC) 2(AY) these values are inserted in the equations for the
ayhes X(A,) y(Az) Z(A2) coefficients {p;;} and & is made to tend to infin-
Xpe Yc ZLpc ity in the solutions, the expressions for p;; become

—is not zero. However, A p cannot be zero be- ae (1 + a)y(A2) + .a2z(A2)

cause A, and A, have different protanopic chro- 11 A’,

maticities, and the line joining their representative

points in the chromaticity diagram cannot pass
through the point (X,., Y,., Z,-). The solutions _ (+a)
they ime
x(a) +a7(A1) A’,
are readily obtained as

¥(A2)Z,- ad Z(AS YS) Py

_ 2(Az) +(1 + a) Xz)
Pie A

ar ¥(A,)Z,. sy Z(A,)¥%- _ Cr
= 20a) + 0A’,+ a)x(Ar)
nd(4 Tees A

Z(A2)X,. oa X(A,)Z,, ide ax(A,) — y(Az)

Pia A PBs A’
p Pp

ait Z(A\) Xp a x(A\)Z,- sa _ ax(A,) — yy)

jwLiebe Aa A |Le OG A’

f [10(5.14.2)]
a x(A2)Y,. — (Az) X,-
PIGS aS Jo te Raut, Uiceeng Tt

x(A,)¥,. — (Ay) Xp
T2305 souk me Ae
fare ee x(A1) YA) — 7))
A, =|*(A2) ¥(Aa) z(X3)
[9(5.14.2)] l a = (1 ton

Table 2(5.14.2) Transformations from CIE Trichromatic to Dichromatic Color-Matching


Protanopic (Normalizing wavelengths: 4, = 460 nm, 4, = 530 nm)

Pi 0.010597, Pi2 = —0.031290, P13 — 0.59840,

P21 — 0.41968, P22 = 1.23912, Pog = 0.028599,

Le }hy, = 01150.
Deuteranopic (Normalizing wavelengths: 4, = 460 nm, A, = 650 nm)
ay = 0, dys — 0, dy, = 0.59909,
do} = 0.57870, doo = (RADA dys = —0.38164,

Lg /La, = 0.6914.

Tritanopic (Normalizing wavelengths: 2, = 530 nm, 4, = 650 nm)

hy J —0.4701 De hie —= 1.2456, hig == 0.096974,

toy = 3.7874, Too mS —0.68891, fog — —0.78123,

Ly[Ly, = 6.713.

These simplify to With these values of the coefficients, the

color-matching functions of the dichromats have

_ (Az) + 202) the values computed in Table 3(5.14.2). These
color-matching functions have not been directly
“+P 4

measured, and the values of Table 3(5.14.2) as-

: _ (Ay) + Z(A2) sume:
oh 1 im ”

(a) The functions for the representative dichro-

ey _ X(A2) Pie Eom _ x(Aj) mat of each class are reduction forms of the
12 e 13 = ”
A’ ’ 22 23am ”
functions for the representative normal trichro-
X(A,) ¥(Ay) (A) (b) The latter functions are adequately specified
by the functions of the CIE 1931 standard ob-
An =|x(A2) y(A2) 7A) server.
0 l aa
(c) The confusion points of the dichromats have
the locations given above.
if dY/dZ = a approaches infinity, that is, if the
lines m are parallel to the plane X = constant.
The numerical values of the coefficients Further. the dichromat color-matching func-
{Piz}, {4i;}, {t;;} by which the color-matching tions of Table 3(5.14.2) are expressed with respect
functions of a representative protanope, de- to convenient real primary stimuli, chosen without
uteranope, and tritanope are related to the color- reference to theoretical considerations about nor-
matching functions of the CIE 1931 standard mal and defective color vision.
observer are given in Table 2(5.14.2). They as- The above assumptions (b) and (c) can be
sume for the trichromatic chromaticities of the modified to take account of new and improved
respective confusion points the values estimates of color-matching functions that are
representative of a normal trichromat, such as
Apart, Py 0253 those proposed by Judd (195la, see also Section
5.5.2) and measured by Stiles (1955b, see also
Xie = 1.080, — y,.= —0.080 Section 5.5.3), and by choosing different locations
for the confusion points, such as those proposed
X,.=90.171, — y,, = 0.000 by Walraven (1974). However, if one adheres to
assumption (a), that is, dichromatism is a reduc-
quoted in Table 1(5.14.2), and for the normalizing tion form of trichromatism, the computational
wavelengths A, and ),, (the effective dichromatic procedure outlined here would not change, only
primary stimuli), the pairs of suitably chosen val- the numerical data would be different (see also
ues stated. Section 8.2.5).
Color-Matching Properties of Color-Defective Observers 469

Table 3(5.14.2) Color-Matching Functions of Dichromats

Protanope Deuteranope Tritanope

(nm) P(A) P(X) d,(X) d() 4,(Q) Z( A)
400 0.0408 —0.0036 0.0407 —0.0145 0.0004 0.00084
10 0.125 —0.0108 0.124 —0.0446 0.0012 0.00190
20 0.388 —0.0330 0.387 —0.137 0.0044 0.00190
30 0.832 —0.0652 0.830 —0.274 0.0153 —0.0152
40 1.048 —0.0678 1.047 —0.286 0.0343 —0.062
50 1.063 —0.0434 1.062 —0.185 0.0611 —0.137
60 1.000 0 1.000 0 0.100 —0.244
70 0.770 0.0676 0.771 0.333 0.146 —0.329
80 0.483 0.155 0.487 0.831 0.207 —0.369
90 0.272 0.258 0.279 1.466 0.289 —0.386

500 0.153 0.406 0.163 2.422 0.426 —0.416

10 0.079 0.624 0.095 3.875 0.638 —0.435
20 0.0252 0.856 0.0469 5.554 0.862 —0.310
30 0 1.000 0.0253 6.814 1.000 0
40 —0.0147 1.061 0.0122 GOA 1.054 0.427
50 —0.0214 1.051 0.0052 8.021 1.036 0.949
60 —0.0225 0.984 0.00233 8.116 0.960 1.563
70 —0.0205 0.860 0.00126 7.878 0.828 2.229
80 —0.0165 0.694 0.00102 TESPA! 0.653 2.870
90 —0.0122 0.507 0.00066 6.508 0.461 3.365

600 —0.0080 0.336 0.00048 5.544 0.287 3.588

10 —0.0050 0.202 0.00018 4.510 0.155 3.450
20 —0.00277 0.114 0.00012 3.471 0.073 2.973
30 —0.00150 0.059 0.00000 2.442 0.0281 2.250
40 —0.00074 0.0289 0.00000 1.626 0.0074 1.576
50 —0.00035 0.0136 0.00000 1.000 0 1.000
60 —0.00016 0.0064 0.00000 0.572 —0.00154 0.582
70 —0.00008 0.00297 0.00000 0.301 —0.00123 0.309
80 —0.00004 0.00142 0.00000 0.160 —0.00083 0.166
90 —0.00002 0.00063 0.00000 0.077 —0.00046 0.0803

700 —0.00001 0.00030 0.00000 0.0386 —0.00025 0.0404

A neutral point for a dichromat with respect to neutral point only, but for tritanopes there may
a particular achromatic stimulus {P, dA} is a be two intercepts of the specified straight line
particular wavelength which has the same chro- with the spectrum locus, one in the greenish-
maticity as the achromatic stimulus. Thus, for the yellow, the other in the blue or violet, and thus,
respective protanope, the neutral point A,, is de- two neutral points.
fined by For an equal-energy (achromatic) stimulus, P,
= const, and from the locations of the confusion
points given above, the following neutral points
5 Py p(X) dd have been derived:
nee = JPL EE [11(5.14.2)]
0%) fp,pyr) dd Protanope: Ayn — 494 nm

The neutral point A,, can be determined from the Deuteranope: Nan = 499 nm
known color-matching functions p,(A), p(A). In
the trichromatic chromaticity diagram, A,, is at Tritanope: Ain, = 970.0m
the intersection with the spectrum locus of a
A.,.a0) = 400 nm
straight line through the confusion point and the
point representing the chromaticity of {P, dA}.
For protanopes and deuteranopes there is one These derived neutral points agree well with the

Table 4(5.14.2) Luminous Efficiency Functions of Dichromats

V(X) Vq(A) V, (A)
are Experimental Computed Experimental Computed Experimental Computed

400 — 0.0011 — 0.0017 — 0.0004

410 0.020 0.0033 — 0.0051 0.0096 0.0012
420 0.029 0.0109 0.041 0.0160 0.0154 0.0039
430 0.041 0.0288 0.056 0.0370 0.0208 0.0110
440 0.055 0.0498 0.067 0.0540 0.0254 0.0211
450 0.073 0.0744 0.080 0.0677 0.0276 0.0340
460 0.108 0.1086 0.096 0.0852 0.0374 0.0532
470 0.154 0.1474 0.119 0.1067 0.0670 0.0816
480 022.16 0.1991 0.156 0.1439 0.0951 0.1274
490 0.296 ce a p12 0.2043 0.1256 0.1941
500 0.444 0.3999 0.339 0.3123 2228 0.3053
510 0.668 0.5976 let 0.4854 0.4027 0.4799
520 0.871 0.8104 0.713 0.6881 0.6577 0.6837
530 0.971 0.9440 D850 0.8416 0.8337 0.8380
540 1.000 1.0000 O90 0.9389 0.9419 0.9364
550 0.965 0.9903 Doi2 0.9885 0.9908 0.9872
560 0.883 TAS Balaie 999 1.0000 0.9908 1.0000
570 0.748 0.8096 0.991 0.9706 0.9594 Oo ee
580 0.600 0.6530 0.948 0.9026 0.8913 0.9058
590 0.444 0.4777 0.873 0.8017 0.8035 0.8064
600 0.288 0.3165 0.770 0.6830 0.6966 0.6885
610 0.183 0.1907 0.633 0.5556 0.5715 0.5612
620 0.101 0.1069 0.480 0.4276 0.4150 0.4326
630 0.057 0.0553 0.338 0.3008 Spies 0.3047
640 0.025 UR ee Ce Ne 0.2004 i Sat 0.2031
650 0.013 0.0128 0.140 O23. 0.0910 Ost 2ou
660 0.004 0.0060 0.075 0.0705 0.0519 0.0715
670 — 0.0028 0.038 0.0370 OT. 0.0376
680 — 0.0013 0.014 0.0197 0.0140 0.0200
690 — 0.0006 0.009 0.0095 — 0.0097
700 — 0.0003 _- 0.0048 — 0.0048

spectral ranges that have been found experimen- Vi(A) = Lyt(A) + Lyt)(A)
tally by some investigators as quoted in Table
1(5.14.2). | (tritanopic vision)
Direct measurements made by Pitt (1935) and
Wright (1952) of the luminous efficiency func- [12(5.14.2)]
tions V,(A), V,(A), V(A) of dichromats yield the
experimental values of Table 4(5.14.2) and plots
of the logarithm of the mean against A are shown where (Lj, Lp2), (Lars La), (Ln, Liz) are ap-
propriate pairs of constant luminous efficiency |
in Figure 2(5.14.2). As for trichromatic vision, the
factors. If, for a given form of dichromatic vision, |
luminous efficiency function is assumed to be a
the color-matching functions are known, and also
linear combination of the color-matching func-
tions, so that
two stimuli, {P, dA} and {Px dA} which the pro-
tanope matches in luminance but not in chro- |
0) caebeee hn) al maticity, then the relative values of the luminous
pA) = Lp Pil) + Lyn PrlA) efficiency factors and the whole luminous ef-
(protanopic vision) ficiency function are determined. Thus, for pro-
a z tanopic vision, if
Va(A) = Lada) + Lan da(A)
(deuteranopic vision) /PyV,(A) dd = i}PV,(A) da
Color-Matching Properties of Color-Defective Observers 471

the ratio L,,/L,, and the complete V,(A)-func-

tion can be computed.
A similar procedure is applicable for de-
uteranopic and tritanopic vision, and the derived
luminous efficiency ratios and luminous effi-
ciency functions for the three types, are given in
Tables 2(5.14.2) and 4(5.14.2). The experimental
and derived luminous efficiency functions are
compared in the logarithmic plot of Figure
3(5.14.2). The considerable deviations that appear
at wavelengths below 460 nm are probably related
to the excessively low values at short wavelengths
“S PROTANOPE of the CIE standard V(A)-function for normals
(see below) on which the CIE 1931 color-match-
ing functions [x(A), y(A), Z(A)] (Section 5.5.1)
and hence, the derived dichromatic functions
[p (A), p(A), etc.], depend.
If it is not stipulated that the color-matching
functions of the representative dichromat of a
given type shall be exactly linear combinations of
the color-matching functions of the CIE 1931
400 500 600 700 standard observer, the dichromat’s functions can
WAVELENGTH A (nm) be derived from the experimental luminous ef-
ficiency function V,(A),Vj(A),V,(A) and from
Fig. 2(5.14.2). Logarithm of the mean luminous
the dichromat’s chromaticity coordinates in terms
efficiency curve for protanopes (Pitt, 1935), de-
of two primary stimuli units whose (dichromatic)
uteranopes (Pitt, 1935), and tritanopes (Wright,
luminous efficiency is known. The method is pre-
1952). The deuteranope and protanope curves have
cisely similar for two dimensions to that used
been displaced downwards by one and two log
originally in deriving the CIE 1931 color-match-
units, respectively.
ing functions for trichromatic vision (see Section
3.3.3). It has the advantage that no use is made of
then trichromatic data. Wright (1946) applied this
method to obtain the pairs of dichromatic color-
fam POR) ar matching functions plotted in Figures 4(5.14.2),
5(5.14.2), and 6(5.14.2).
[(Px— PRA) aa
5.14.3 Monochromats
The principal category of the very small per-
In particular, if the two luminance-matched centage of observers devoid of color discrimina-
stimuli are monochromatic of wavelengths A = a tion is the group of rod-monochromats. These have
and A = b and radiant powers P,, and P,,, respec- generally very poor acuity in foveal vision, are
tively, the equation becomes commonly subject to photophobia and nystag-
mus, and are unable to make satisfactory observa-
Ly inte 6 P,P2(a) — P,pr(b) tions on small matching fields under onditicons
Ly2 P,p\(a) — P,p\(b) of foveal fixation. Under relaxed conditions,
matches can be made, and all color stimuli can be
[14(5.14.2)] matched by varying the luminance of a compari-
son stimulus of fixed spectral composition. The
If the experimental values of V,(A) at A=a, spectral luminous efficiency curve—the sole spec-
A = b are used to derive the relative values of P, tral response curve provided by the “color
and P,, that is, matches” of such observers—is maximal in the
neighborhood of 510 nm and otherwise resembles
the scotopic luminous efficiency curve of normals.
The rod-monochromats are believed to be



X< x x”
xe fas 0 Sime
x Xe xy

Xu ee x
Xsy x




400 500 600 700

Fig. 3(5.14.2). Logarithm of the ratio of the experimental values to the computed values of
luminous efficiency [see Table 4(5.14.2)], plotted against wavelength. The curves show the
measure of agreement. However, the comparison is complicated by two facts: (i) the computed
values are derived from color-matching functions that rest on the CIE standard V(A)-function
which is believed to be considerably too low in the blue below 460 nm; (ii) given that the
agreement at longer wavelengths is not perfect, the nature of the discrepancies must depend on
the choice of the two wavelengths a and b (see text) at which the ratio of observed to computed
luminous efficiencies is made to have the value unity.

equipped with a single retinal response system, of three cases of this type, see Weale (1953b).
the scotopic or rod system. In trichromats, as well More recently, cases have been described by
as dichromats, the rod system is absent from the Blackwell and Blackwell (1961) in which, apart
central foveal area of the retina, which is popu- from the rods, the retinal response is confined to
lated exclusively with cone receptors. The defects a cone system with maximum at about 440 nm
of the rod-monochromat’s vision, apart from a and approximating the K6énig’ or Fick “blue”
lack of color discrimination, are correlated with fundamental. The accommodation of cone-mono-
the absence, particularly at the fovea, of cone chromats in a single theoretical scheme with di-
receptors suited to the mediation of vision at chromats and trichromats is controversial.
daylight levels. The review by Hurvich (1972) is recommended
A still rarer type of color defective known as a for a more comprehensive discussion of mono-
cone-monochromat is free of the visual defects chromats and further literature references.
associated with complete absence of cone recep-
tors but is nevertheless able to match in foveal
vision all color stimuli by varying the luminance 5.15 INSTRUMENTATION FOR COLOR-VISION
of a fixed comparison stimulus. The single spec- RESEARCH
tral response curve may resemble most closely the
protanopic luminous efficiency function and the There is a considerable variety of instrumentation
“green” Konig or Fick fundamental (Section that has been developed by instrument makers
8.2.5). For the results of a detailed investigation and individual workers for use in color-vision

[Loe Bald)]




400 450 500 550 600 650 700


Fig. 4(5.14.2). Protanope curves of [L,,;p,(A)] <5 and [L,.p2(A)] against A, as derived by
Wright (1946) from the average spectral chromaticities, the average luminous efficiency curve,
and the average luminous efficiencies of the primaries used in the chromaticity measurements.
A constant factor applied to both curves brings the maximum value L,,, p,(A) to unity. The
derivation of the curves is based on experimental data of Pitt (1935), and is independent of the
CIE standard V(A) luminous efficiency function.

Fig. 5(5.14.2). Deuteranope curves of [L n4(A)] <5 and [L 224,(A)] against A as derived by
Wright (1946). See caption to Figure 4(5.14.2).








AND 400
UNITS 500 60 700

Fig. 6(5.14.2). Tritanope curves of [L,,2,(A)] and [L,.7,(A)] against A, as derived by Wright
(1946), based on his own measurements using the method indicated in the caption to Figure
4(5.14.2). The V,(A)-curve corresponds to the experimental values in Table 4(5.14.2). Note:
The shapes of the color-matching functions are not, in this case, directly comparable to those of
the tritanopic color-matching functions tabulated in Table 3(5.14.2), because the normalizing
wavelengths are different: 480 and 650 nm for the present figure and 530 and 650 nm for the

research. Most of the instruments are highly spe- (e) Physical Detectors (thermopiles, photodiodes,
cialized to serve one or a limited number of photomultipliers, and others; Section 1.6)
purposes. Researchers have demonstrated a great
deal of ingenuity in putting together the instru- Our Chapter | on physical data contains a collec-
ments they need to carry out certain visual experi- tion of data on the above optical components
ments, often under heavy budgetary constraints. together with other relevant information consid-
Apart from auxiliary electronic equipment, ered of importance when an appropriate compo-
now frequently used to provide “computer-con- nent must be selected for a specific application.
trolled operation” of an instrument, automatic The same chapter also discusses the basic radio-
“data acquisition,” and “data processing,” virtu- metric quantities and their units that are of im-
ally all instruments of moderate to high sophisti- portance when the visual stimulus generated by a
cation include several of the following “optical” particular instrument is to be calibrated with re-
components: gard to its spectral composition and radiant
(a) Light Sources (tungsten-filament lamps, Photometric calibrations of such quantities as
high-pressure xenon arcs, and others; Section 1.2) luminance and illuminance are treated in Chapter
(b) Optical Filters (absorption filters, inter- 4 on photometry, and the special case of retinal
ference filters, beamsplitters, polarizers, and illuminance is discussed in Section 2.2.4 of
others; Section 1.3) Chapter 2 entitiled The Eye.
(c) Reflecting Materials (mirrors, white diffusers, Colorimetric calibrations of the visual stimulus
and others; Section 1.4) in accordance with the CIE colorimetric system
(d) Monochromators (prism and/or grating dis- are fully described in Chapter 3 on colorimetry,
persive elements; Section 1.5) particularly Sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.11, and 3.12. Sec-
Instrumentation for Color-Vision Research 475

tion 3.12 deals with Colorimetric Instrumentation Biology in which Crawford and Granger (1968)
as it is now practiced, including spectroradiome- give “some worked examples” and Ruddock
ters and spectrophotometers used to calibrate light (1968) discusses the “control of the time pattern
sources and reflecting or transmitting materials, of the stimulus.” Although our own selection is a
respectively. very limited one indeed, we hope that it provides
From the large number of different instru- at least a general impression of the kind of opti-
ments that have been used or are being used by cal-mechanical hardware that is often employed
different researchers in color vision, we have in such instrumentation. However, no attempt has
selected a few to illustrate certain features of their been made to deal with the auxiliary electronic
design. Useful additional information on instru- equipment often used in conjunction with a visual
mentation can be found, for example, in the instrument for the purpose of automating stimu-
booklet entitled Techniques of Photostimulation in lus presentation, data gathering, and processing.


Side View L,

Fig. 1(5.15). Schematic diagram of the Wright colorimeter. This instrument incorporates a
double monochromator whose two pairs of dispersing prisms (!/, — M,; M, — M,) are mounted
on top of each other. Two small totally reflecting prisms (7 and D), placed in the spectrum S,
formed by the upper dispersing system (7, — M,) serve as two slits for the lower dispersing
system (M, — M,). After reflection in the prism P, the two monochromatic components are
brought to a common focus in the pupil of the eye of the observer (Obs.). The prism R, splits
the beam from the upper monochromator so as to form a second spectrum at S,. Three small
totally reflecting prisms, R,G, B are positioned at S,. The three monochromatic components
are reflected by these prisms and redirected by the prism R, through the lower dispersing
system (M, — M,) and the prisms P and Q, and brought to a common focus in the pupil of the
eye of the observer (Obs.). The mixtures of the two sets of monochromatic components isolated
from the spectra S, and S, fill adjacent areas of the field prism Q, forming the field of view.
The monochromatic lights reflected from the prisms R,G, B serve as primary stimuli in a
color-matching project and may be fixed at wavelengths 650, 530, and 460 nm, respectively.
Calibrated neutral-density wedges in front of each of these prisms control the radiances of the
primary stimuli. The prism 7 at S, reflects the monochromatic test stimulus which can be
varied along S,. The prism D is placed at S, so as to reflect that primary stimulus which may be
necessary to desaturate the test stimulus before it can be matched by a mixture of the other two
primary stimuli (from Wright, 1927-1928).

Second stage First stage

(= ay Upper tier

Exit slit
vy Re i Entrance slit
i Field lenses [i
[4 Source

Middle tier
| cA
: .: )‘ Entrance slit
Photometer IVAN
cube ~ ~

ptt og Lower tier

See Lupe Cyne slit

MeN Source

Fig. 2(5.15). Schematic diagram of the Stiles trichromator. Three double monochromators of
van Cittert type with canceling (subtractive) dispersion are mounted vertically, one above the
other. In the central spectrum of the middle tier, a single movable narrow slit selects the
monochromatic test stimulus, which fills one half of the test field provided in the photometer
cube in front of the eye of the observer. Three fixed slits in the upper tier select the
monochromatic primary stimuli. These, after recombination in the second stage of the
monochromator, provide a mixture which fills the comparison field in the photometer cube. The
radiances of the primary stimuli are independently variable by neutral-density wedges inserted
immediately after the slits in the central spectrum. The lower tier provides a similar mixture, in
variable amounts, of three primary stimuli of the same wavelengths as those in the upper tier.
These primary stimuli can be added to the test stimulus to desaturate it. The exit slits of all
three tiers are imaged at a common point in space; the eye of the observer is placed so that the
pupil center coincides with this point, and the whole of the light in the slit images, all of which
lie within a square area of about two millimeters size, is collected by the pupil. The observer
sees the bipartite visual field by the method of Maxwellian view. Different photometer cubes
can be provided to give different field sizes and fields of different shape (from Stiles, 1955).

(i) Wright Colorimeter. Figure 1(5.15) il- (ii) Stiles Trichromator. Figure 2(5.15) shows
lustrates the basic design of the Wright (1927- the basic optical arrangement of the Stiles (1955)
1928) colorimeter that has been employed exten- trichromator as it was designed initially at the
sively at the Imperial College of London for National Physical Laboratory at Teddington, En-
many years. Its first major use was in Wright’s gland, to determine color-matching functions for
(1928-1929) color-matching experiment which, a large group of normal trichromats viewing
together with Guild’s (1931) data, formed the centrally a large 10° bipartite field. These data
basis for the CIE 1931 standard observer data for formed the major part of the input data that were
small visual fields (Sections 3.3.3 and 5.5.1). used to develop the CIE 1964 supplementary
Several Wright colorimeters have been built in standard observer for large-field viewing (Sections
other laboratories for a variety of different color- 3.3.3 and 5.5.4). Instruments of the same basic
vision experiments. design are in use at the National Research Coun-
(ws) Front view of
filter frame
/ | \__ Six primary een orcs
v y filters
RRS OTL Willi tth SOOSESE SERRE aaa ean Cee CE ETS:

Shutters \ | \\> Shutters

|) _controlled |[ee Condenser
Source from front of lens
instrument \, J
\ /

] Integrating sphere \ \ 1 7A
7 where mixing of ox va
primary lights
takes place


Photometric field as
seen by observer

+2) Photometer cube

Six duplicate
Specimen primary filters Test Comparision
on 7-hole disk field (mixture) field

J Eyepiece

Fig. 3(5.15). Schematic diagram of Donaldson six-primary colorimeter. The six primary
stimuli (red, orange, yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue) are provided by incandescent-lamp
light combined separately with each of six colored filters. The additive mixture of the primary
stimuli taking place in the integrating sphere, fills one half of the photometric field seen by the
observer. The other half (test field) is filled by light coming from a second source and the
specimen mounted outside the main instrument. The instrument can be used as an ordinary
tristimulus colorimeter by employing three of the six primary filters only; that is, red, green,
and blue, or orange, yellow-green, and blue-green. In practical color-matching work it is,
however, advantageous to use all six primaries and in this way make an attempt to reduce the
metamerism between the matched color stimuli of the test and comparison field. Color
matching with six primaries is carried out with the aid of six duplicate primary filters mounted
near the eyepiece in a seven-hole disk. The observer looks through one of six duplicate filters
and adjusts the corresponding primary stimulus in the comparison field to an approximate
brightness match with the test field. This is repeated for the remaining five duplicate filters.
Then the observer looks at the photometric field without a duplicate primary in the beam. Since
test field and comparison field have been adjusted to approximate matches in brightness for
each of six parts of the spectrum separately, they will be found to be an approximate color
match. Final adjustments to obtain a perfect match are made by using three primary stimuli
only. The Donaldson colorimeter can be calibrated in terms of the 1931 or 1964 CIE standard
observer and coordinate system (from Judd and Wyszecki, 1975).


cil (NRC) of Canada (Wyszecki, 1978; Section

5.6.5) and at the Electrotechnical Laboratory
(ETL) of Japan (Katori and Fuwa, 1979; Section
(iii) Donaldson Colorimeter. Figure 3(5.15) il-
lustrates the design of the Donaldson six-primary
colorimeter. This instrument was initially de-
signed by Donaldson (1935, 1947) for color-
matching tasks in industry. However, its merits
were primarily exploited in research laboratories.
One such application was to field trials on the 2°
and 10° CIE color-matching functions (Stiles and
Wyszecki, 1962a; Wyszecki and Nayatani, 1964;
Wyszecki, 1964). The instrument proved to be
difficult to calibrate and provided only low to
moderate field luminances. It is not being used
much anymore, but some of its basic features
have been retained in other instrument designs,
notably those described below as examples 5.15
(iv) and 5.15(v).
(iv) MacAdam Binocular Colorimeter. Figure
4(5.15) shows the design of the MacAdam (1950b)
binocular colorimeter. Its main feature is that it
provides a large bipartite field that can be viewed
with both eyes simultaneously. It has been used in
a variety of color-vision experiments (MacAdam,
1950b; Brown, 1951; Breneman, 1958; Wright
and Wyszecki, 1960; Sanders and Wyszecki, 1964;
Cruz, 1965), related to color matching and hetero-
Fig. 4(5.15). Schematic diagram of the
chromatic brightness matching.
MacAdam binocular colorimeter. The various
(v) Wyszecki Seven-Field Colorimeter. Figure components are identified as follows: (1) source;
5(5.15) illustrates the design of the Wyszecki (2) and (5) condensing lenses (plastic Fresnel
(1965) colorimeter with an array of seven visual lenses); (3) controllable shutters; (4) primary filter;
fields viewed by the observer with both eyes. The (6) integrating sphere; (7) and (8) baffles; (9) field
color stimulus presented in each field is generated lens (Fresnel type). The large bipartite visual field
by a controllable mixture of three primary stimuli. provided by the instrument can be viewed with
The instrument has been used in color-difference both eyes simultaneously. The instrument consists
matching experiments (Wyszecki, 1965; 1972; of two symmetrical parts, each of which can be
Wyszecki and Fielder, 1971; Section 7.10.6), in a used to provide a spectrally identical match with
redetermination of color-matching ellipses the color stimulus provided by the other part (from
(Wyszecki and Fielder, 1971; Section 5.4.3) in Judd and Wyszecki, 1975).
hue-matching experiments (Robertson, 1970; Sec-
tion 5.9), as well as other studies. The availability
of more than two fields was an important prere- color-vision experiments (Burnham et al., 1952;
quisite for most of these studies. 1957; Bartleson, 1977), dealing mostly with
aspects of chromatic adaptation (Section 5.12.2).
(vi) Burnham Colorimeter. Figure 6(5.15)
shows the essential components of the Burnham
5.15.1 Maxwellian View
(1952) colorimeter that offers a relatively simple
way of generating color stimuli by means of addi- In many instruments, the visual field is presented
tive mixtures of primary stimuli made up of col- to the observer in Maxwellian view, an imaging
ored filters and a light source. Such a device, or technique first introduced by Maxwell (1860a, b).
variations of it, has been used in a number of Detailed accounts of Maxwellian view have been
Instrumentation for Color-Vision Research 479


Obs. S

Fig. 5(5.15). Schematic diagram of Wyszecki seven-field colorimeter. Only one of seven
similar channels, the one providing field No. 5, is shown in top view. Obs: observer’s two eyes;
Sd: surround, illuminated by two projectors (not shown) placed to the left and right of the
observer; FL: hexagonal field lens No. 5 imaging exit aperture of integrating sphere into plane
containing observer’s eyes; PM: plane mirror; Sp: integrating sphere; Sh: shutter; CL: con-
denser lenses; R,G, B: red, green, blue primary filters with controllable shutters; WC: heat-
absorbing water cell; S: source (1000 W); M: mirror. The insert at the top shows the field
configuration the observer sees when the surround exposes all seven fields (each about 3°
angular subtense).

given by LeGrand (1957), Walsh (1958), and By assuming that:

Westheimer (1966). The simplest optical arrange-
ment is illustrated in Figure 1(5.15.1). A small
(a) the eye is perfectly transparent (see, how-
source, that might be represented by the ribbon
ever, Section 2.4.6),
filament of a tungsten lamp or the exit slit of a
(b) the Stiles—Crawford effect is negligible (Sec-
monochromator, is imaged by a biconvex lens
tion 5.11),
into the pupil of the observer’s eye. The eye
(c) the eye’s nodal points are coincident and
focused on the lens, or an aperture placed next to
located in the center of the pupil (Section 2.4.1),
it, sees the lens uniformly filled with light. The
(d) the eye focuses at the Maxwellian lens, and
principal advantage of the Maxwellian-view tech-
(e) all relevant optical rays originating at the
nique is that it yields a retinal illuminance which
source and entering the eye’s pupil have angles «
can be as high as that for ordinary direct-viewing
with the optical axis such that cose = 1 is an
of the source, but with a larger area of the retina
adequate approximation (Gaussian approxima-
being illuminated. A disadvantage of the Maxwel-
lian-view technique arises when the source is ex-
tremely small (w, — 0) and the light from each
part of the Maxwellian lens passes through a very the basic photometric relation, developed in
small area within the pupil’s eye. The field of Chapter 4 on photometry and given by Eq.
view then becomes marred by the existing imper- 13(4.3.6), can be applied readily to the derivation
fections in the pupil, such as variations in trans- of a useful formula for the retinal illuminance
mission which cause patchiness, and specks or obtained by the Maxwellian-view technique il-
other opaque particles which give shadows mov- lustrated in Figure 1(5.15.1).
ing apparently across the field of view (Michel- In accordance with Eq. 13(4.3.6), the luminous
son, 1924). flux P that is passing through the lens and thus,

Glass integrating Primary


= ©
bar ve frame

\ ys

Observer — - —— -——--§

Opal glass
Aperture plate

Front view of
primary-filter frame

Aperture plate

Fig. 6(5.15). Schematic diagram of the Burnham colorimeter. Light from an incandescent
lamp passes through a frame holding the primary filters (red, green, and blue), an aperture plate
with an opening one quarter of the filter area, and an integrating bar whose front and back
faces are covered with opal-glass plates. The back face of the bar appears uniformly filled with
the mixture of the primary stimuli. The mixture can be controlled by moving the filter frame in
both horizontal and vertical directions in front of the fixed aperture plate. A light attenuator
may be placed between the source and the filter frame to control the luminance of the visual
field. Other filter arrangements than that shown in the illustration may be used that incorporate
four or more primary filters. A second similar colorimeter assembly is usually used to provide
another visual field for color-matching purposes or for studying other colorimetric problems.
The two fields are brought into juxtaposition so as to provide a bipartite field of view.

through the pupil, is given by where Ap (m’) = area of illuminated part of ret-
ina R
P=LAsw, (Im) [1(5.15.1)] Inserting Eq. 1(5.15.1) in Eq. 2(5.15.1) we obtain

where L (cd-m~”)=luminance of the source S as LA sW>

A, (m’)=area of the source S Er 7p [3(5.15.1)]
W, (sr)=solid angle subtended by the
area Av of the lens Q as seen A more useful expression is obtained by introduc-
from the center of the source ing the following quantities that can be seen in
S Figure 1(5.15.1):

The illuminance Ep at the retina R must then be, apes

assay} Ae
Ao Ap
by definition [see Eq. 2(4.3.5)],

(im atl oo ee [5(5.15.1)]

Instrumentation for Color-Vision Research 481

Maxwellian View

Lens a Aperture


Image S of Source S in Plane p

Cae nr "White" Standard
u ae u Baca D

Fig. 1(5.15.1). Schematic diagram of the essential components and parameters involved in a
Maxwellian-view arrangement. The lower-right part of the figure shows the arrangement used
to determine the retinal illuminance or the troland value when the area A ,, of the source image
is smaller than the area A, of the eye’s pupil. For details of procedure see text.

—_— = eae COED) 6(5.15.1
In the above calculations, it has been assumed
that the source image S’ is not larger than the
pupil area A, that is
where w, (st)=solid angle subtended by the
area Av of the lens Q, or As <A,
the area Ap illuminated at
the retina R, as seen from If this condition is not met, that is, if
the center of the pupil
Ay >A,
wy (sr)=solid angle subtended by the
area Ao of the lens Q as seen
the smaller pupil reduces the illuminance Ep at
from the center of the source
the retina by the factor A,/A,,, and we have
A, (m*)=area of the source S$
A,, (m’)=area of the image S’ of S ijBs ae rd
S r? Ay
u (m)=distance of the source S from
the lens Q
and thus
u’ (m)=distance of the image S’ from
the lens Q
r (m}distance of the retina from
the pupil
n= 3° (im-m~)
pert (1 AAPA [8(5.15.1)]

Inserting Eqs. 4(5.15.1) to 6(5.15.1) in Eq. 3(5.15.1) This expression is equivalent to the one given as
we find for the illuminance of the retina: Eq. 3(2.4) for the spectral concentration of the
retinal irradiance E,, dd if one considers negligi-
oe ast (Im-m~?) [7(5.15.1)] ble the radiant flux lost from the imaging beam
when it passes through the eye on its way to the
retina. In the earlier expression, the quantity m
where oS = Wp (sr) = solid angle subtended by corresponds to r? in Eg. 8(5.15.1) and, as shown
4 the area A,, of the source in Section 2.4.1 entitled Image Formation by the
image S’ as seen from the Theoretical Eye, has the value of 267.33 for the
retina R eye accommodated on a point at infinity, and the

value of 218.34 for the eye accommodated on a the retinal illuminance or the troland value may
point distant 143.6 mm (all distances in the eye be used (Westheimer, 1966).
are measured in millimeters). At an appropriate distance d (m) beyond the
The generally accepted unit of retinal illumi- source image S’, a “white” reflectance standard
nance is the troland (td), as discussed in Section D is placed [see Figure 1(5.15.1)] with reflecting
2.4.4, which is defined as the retinal illuminance properties closely approximating those of the per-
when the surface of a source of luminance 1 fect reflecting diffuser (Sections 1.4.2 and 3.3.6).
cd - m 7 is viewed through a pupil of area (A, or Its radiance factor B is obtained by means of a
A,) 1 mm’. Thus, the troland value is given by separate calibration; good “white’’ standards have
a radiance factor B ~ 0.98. From a measurement
T=L-Ay (td) fords <A, (mm’) of the luminance Lp, made by means of an
established technique (Section 4.3.6), of the
and “white” standard, the retinal illuminance Ep or
the troland value T can then be calculated readily.
T=L-A, (td) fords >A, (mm’) In accordance with Eq. 12(4.3.6), we have for
the luminance L., of the source image S’
when L refers to photopic luminance (cd - m ”), Ly = — (cdo powst a)
and by
T’=L'-Ay (td) fordy <A, (mm?)
where E, (Im-m *)= illuminance at surface of
“white” standard D
placed at distance d (m)
Wel’ ged Peenth) from S’, normal to the
ford, >A, (mm°)
optical axis
[10(5.15.1)] Wp = ae (sr) = solid angle subtended by
d the area A,, of the source
when L’ refers to scotopic luminance (cd - m°). image S’ as seen from the
The measurement of retinal illuminance or center of the “white”
troland value follows directly from the above standard D
considerations. With the entrance pupil of the eye
The measured luminance Ly of the “white”
(natural or artificial) completely covered by the
standard D is related to the illuminance E, by the
image of the source (A, > A,), the retinal illumi-
relation given as Eq. 34(4.3.6), that is,
nance Ep (or the troland value T) is the same as
if the eye with that particular pupil (A,) were E
looking directly at the source, though allowance Eo pies [12(5.15.1)]
must be made for luminous flux lost from the
imaging beam when it passes through the external where we assume that our “white” standard has
optical system (Maxwellian lens and possibly the diffusing properties of a “Lambert surface.”
other optical components) between the source From Eqs. 11(5.15.1) and 12(5.15.1) we obtain
and the eye. What are required, in this case, are
measurements of the luminance L (cd - m 7) of
the source (for details, see Section 4.3.6), and of jp Bolo [13(5.15.1)]
the pupil area 4, (in mm”). Although there is no
problem in measuring the size of an artificial Recalling that the product L.A, gives the
pupil, the measurement of the size of the natural luminous intensity [,, of the source image S’ [see
pupil requires special techniques, such as high- Eq. 11(4.3.6)], we have
speed flash photography; for a discussion of a
number of techniques, see, for example, LeGrand vie
(1957). ly = Lele 34 Lp [14(5.15.1)]
When the image (A,,) of the source is smaller
than the pupil, an indirect method of measuring The illuminance Ep in the plane R (retina) is then
Instrumentation for Color-Vision Research 483

given by bright patch of light which forms the central field

of the conditioning stimulus. A collimated beam
i nal Get sls onset from monochromator M, is delimited by a square
z ‘a r? Br? a aperture in the diaphragm 7, is partially reflected
at the diagonal surface in the cube C, and is
[15(5.15.1)] finally brought to a focus F, in the plane of the
observer’s pupil by the lens L. The diaphragm T
and the troland value T is obtained by the con- is so placed that the observer sees a virtual image
vention that A, is measured in mm’ while other of the square aperture at infinity. This image
distances are measured in m and the luminance forms the test stimulus.
Lp in cd - m ’, thus It is important that in the area of the field of
view occupied by the test stimulus, the eye re-
Tae 10° 1, (td) [16(5.15.1)] ceives radiant flux from both the test stimulus and
the conditioning stimulus. Thus, in this sense, the
test stimulus is added to or superimposed on the
5.15.2 Measurement of Directional
conditioning stimulus.
Sensitivity and Increment Thresholds
The complete visual field, as it is seen by the
Many studies aim at the determination of the observer, is shown as an insert in Figure 1(5.15.2).
spectral sensitivities of the visual mechanisms, The orientation points in the visual field are
particularly the receptor mechanisms. In these introduced from the side by reflection in a thin
studies, the increment threshold technique is often plain glass plate P inserted in the collimated
used (Stiles, 1978; Section 7.4) which requires an beam from monochromator M,. The rays forming
optical arrangement not normally employed in a particular orientation point are reflected by P to
color-matching experiments. The essential part of give a real image in the plane K which is the focal
an instrument used for increment threshold mea- plane of the lens L. This real image, when seen
surements is illustrated in Figure 1(5.15.2). The through the lens L, appears to the observer as a
same arrangement is also useful for the de- virtual image at infinity.
termination of the directional sensitivity of the By slight rotations of the cube C, the beam
retinal receptors (Section 5.11). The optical con- providing the test stimulus can be sent into the
figuration shown in Figure 1(5.15.2) is that used eye through different points of the pupil, while
by Stiles (1939). the point of entry of the beam forming the central
A collimated beam of light provided by mono- field remains practically unchanged. After such a
chromator M, is partially transmitted by the rotation of cube C, the diaphragm 7 must be
beam-splitter cube C and is brought to a focus F, readjusted by a displacement in its own plane to
in the plane of the observer’s pupil at 0 by lens L. restore the test stimulus to its original position in
This beam is seen by the observer as a uniformly the observer’s field of view.

Mo Pape een ays


From Auxiliary Test

Optical System = Stimulus
Providing Orientation Orientation
Points (x) in Visual ; ’ Point
Field. Visual Field
From Monochromator

Fig. 1(5.15.2). Schematic diagram showing the principal components of an optical arrange-
ment used to make increment-threshold measurements and measurements of directional
sensitivity (redrawn from Stiles, 1939).


@ vs\, @ e @ A @ @ @ e® e@

\/ \/ °

o'No" Response
e Yes' Response

20 25 30 35
Trial Number
Fig. 1(5.15.3). Example
Pp of “yes”
y and “no” responses
po to p pulsed test stimuli of radiances L er
(arbitrary units, with fixed A) presented in a single-staircase series containing 36 trials. The
radiance increments or decrements are constant and equal to 0.05 log units. A threshold level of
log L,, = 1.075 (approx.) is derived from the sequence of data points between the fifteenth and
thirty-sixth trial.

5.15.3. The Staircase Methods method which is an improvement over the origi-
nal single-staircase method. Figures 1(5.15.3) and
Both the single-staircase method and _ the 2(5.15.3) illustrate the experimental procedures
double-staircase method are being used quite fre- used in the two methods.
quently now in experiments in which a visual In the single-staircase method, the first stimu-
threshold of a pulsed stimulus is to be determined lus presented to the observer, for example, an
with high precision by a relatively small number incremental test pulse on a fixed conditioning
of trial pulses. A fine account of the two methods stimulus as shown in Figure 1(5.15.2) of the previ-
has been given by Cornsweet (1962) who must be ous section, has arbitrary radiance, but usually
given credit for inventing the double-staircase somewhere near the level at which threshold is to

Trial Number - Staircase A

lO I5

= Yes' Response
Staircase A u
o'No' Response

Neos ah
i Mp EX AQ
Sf-t ef ay
Test o No’ Response
Staircase B u
e Yes’ Response

f°) lO IS
Trial Number - Staircase B
Fig. 2(5.15.3). Example of “yes” and “no” responses to pulsed test stimuli of radiances L,,
(arbitrary units; with fixed 1) presented in two concurrently run, but randomly mixed, staircase
series, A and B. Total number of trials is 36, 18 for A and 18 for B. The radiance increments or
decrements in each staircase are constant and equal to 0.05 log units. A threshold level of
log L, , — 1.075 (approx.) is derived from the second half of the sequence of data points.
Instrumentation for Color-Vision Research 485

be expected. The observer responds to the test tainty and a bias in the data may be intro-
pulse with “Yes” when it is seen, or with “No” duced.
when it is not seen. If the observer says “Yes,” The double-staircase method greatly reduces
the second pulse is given a lower radiance de- the possibility of a bias in the experimental re-
creasing the original radiance by a small step sults. The experimental procedure consists essen-
whose actual and most appropriate magnitude is tially of running two series of staircased test
usually predetermined in exploratory trial runs. If stimuli concurrently. This may be done by operat-
the observer says “No,” the second pulse is given ing staircase A on odd trial presentations of the
at a higher radiance. If the observer responds with test stimulus, whereas staircase B is operated on
“Yes” to the second pulse, the third pulse will be even trial presentations. Staircase A starts with a
given a lower radiance; if the response is “No,” test pulse whose radiance is set above the ex-
the radiance will be increased. This procedure is pected threshold level; staircase B starts with a
continued until some predetermined criterion or a test pulse of radiance below threshold level. After
certain number of trial pulses has been reached. a number of trials, the two alternating staircase
In the ideal situation, a particular radiance level series converge toward a common radiance level
can soon be identified after a few trial pulses, that characterizes the threshold level.
around which the observer’s responses alternate An often preferred alternative procedure is to
between “Yes” and “No” from any pulse to the randomize the operation of the two staircase series
next. A and B, which is the case illustrated in Figure
The statistical analysis of such data (see, for 2(5.15.3). This refinement virtually eliminates any
example, Dixon and Massey (1969), assumes that bias that may be introduced to the data by possi-
the response to a particular test pulse is indepen- ble interdependencies between the response to a
dent of the preceding pulses and the responses to given stimulus and the responses to preceding
them. This assumption may not hold with cer- stimuli.


6.1 PREAMBLE foregoing object-color situation. The distinction is

generally clear from the context but needs keep-
The experimental data and theoretical considera- ing in mind.
tion of this chapter deal with the ability of the eye (b) The usual judgments being made by the
to judge differences in attributes of color percep- observer often go beyond mere matching. The
tion [see Table 1(6.1)], such as brightness, hue, observer is assessing differences or equalities in
and chroma, with the resulting possibility of certain attributes of the perception of the color
establishing uniform scales of brightness, hue, stimuli presented, attributes which are isolated
and chroma. In some instances, the data are di- subjectively. The attributes are initially undefined
rectly related to the CIE tristimulus space or the in any quantitative or numerical sense, and their
CIE chromaticity diagram and are in a form scaling has to be constructed from the subjective
suitable for application to practical colorimetry judgments of observers, obtained in extended
and industrial color-control problems. In other studies.
instances, experimental data and some notes on An observer’s judgment of the relative magni-
methods are given which are of more specific tude of two color differences rests on the subjec-
interest to the research worker in color vision. tive impressions experienced when perceiving the
There are two important preliminary observa- two pairs of color stimuli. The judgment varies
tions. greatly with the viewing conditions and the kind
of stimuli (samples) presented, and, in general, its
(a) In the derivation and application of much of precision assessed in any reasonable way com-
the material on color spacing and the establish- pares poorly with that of complete color-match-
ment of uniform color scales, the typical experi- ing. The difficulty of making such judgments is
mental situation is provided by a fixed illuminant reduced if the object-color perceptions concerned
(daylight, for example) under which material color are closely similar in one or two of the three basic
samples (painted chips, colored papers, etc.) are attributes of color perception, such as hue,
exposed against a background surface, the latter chroma, and lightness (or brightness). Thus, judg-
being usually nonselectively reflecting but with an ments of the relative sizes of lightness (or bright-
assigned reflectance that may range from high to ness) differences are readily made and with good
low. All the color stimuli are then object-color precision if the stimuli viewed yield at least ap-
stimuli whose tristimulus values define repre- proximately the same hue and chroma. Similarly,
sentative points contained in the object-color solid judgments of differences in either hue or chroma,
appropriate to the relative spectral radiant power if the stimuli yield the same lightness, are not
distribution of the illuminant being used. Also, generally found difficult.
points in the object-color solid that mark out the As the lightness, hue, and chroma differences
graduations of any derived color scale are realiz- to be judged become large, the observer finds it
able, at least in principle, by actual samples. On increasingly hard to assess their magnitude. There
the other hand, color scales can be constructed is also very little practical value in judging
and formulated in terms that do not imply the extremely large color differences. Of principal

Table 1(6.1) Basic Terms of Color Perceptions and Their Definitions

Light Light is that aspect of radiant energy of which a human observer is aware through
the visual sensations that arise from the stimulation of the retina of the eye by the
radiant energy.
Color Color is that aspect of visual perception by which an observer may distinguish
differences between two structure-free fields of view of the same size and shape,
such as may be caused by differences in the spectral composition of the radiant
energy concerned in the observation. In this sense, the term color is sometimes
referred to as perceived color to distinguish it from color used in the sense of
psychophysical color. Basic terms of psychophysical color have been given in Table
A related color is a color perceived to belong to an area seen in relation to other
An unrelated color is a color perceived to belong to an area seen in isolation from
other colors.
A chromatic color is a perceived color possessing hue.
An achromatic color is perceived color devoid of hue.
Hue Hue is the attribute of a color perception denoted by blue, green, yellow, red, purple,
and so on.
Unique Hues Unique hues are hues that cannot be further described by the use of the hue names
other than its own (also referred to as unitary hue). There are four unique hues, each
of which shows no perceptual similarity to any of the others; they are: red, green,
yellow, and blue. A light (color stimulus) perceived to be unique red is judged to be
neither yellow nor blue. Similarly, unique yellow is neither red nor green; unique
green is neither yellow nor blue; and unique blue is neither green nor red. The
hueness of a light (color stimulus) can be described as combinations of two unique
hues; for example, orange is yellowish-red or reddish-yellow. Sometimes, nonunique
hues such as orange are referred to as binary hues.
Brightness Brightness is the attribute of a visual sensation according to which a given visual
stimulus appears to be more or less intense; or, according to which the area in which
the visual stimulus is presented appears to emit more or less light.
Variations in brightness range from “bright” to “dim.”
Lightness Lightness is the attribute of a visual sensation according to which the area in which
the visual stimulus is presented appears to emit more or less light in proportion to
that emitted by a similarly illuminated area perceived as a “white” stimulus. In a
sense, lightness may be referred to as relative brightness. Variations in lightness
range from “light” to “dark.”
Chromaticness | Chromaticness is the attribute of a visual sensation according to which the
(perceived) color of an area appears to be more or less chromatic.
Chromaticness has also been referred to as colorfulness.
Chroma Chroma is the attribute of a visual sensation which permits a judgment to be made
of the degree to which a chromatic stimulus differs from an achromatic stimulus of
the same brightness.
Saturation Saturation is the attribute of a visual sensation which permits a judgment to be
made of the degree to which a chromatic stimulus differs from an achromatic
stimulus regardless of their brightness.


interest is the study of small differences and, in that the order of the numbers corresponds to the
the limit, of differences which the observer finds order of these magnitudes. An ordinal scale is
to be just-noticeable or to be on the threshold. thus represented by a monotonic function, y =
Just-noticeable or threshold differences may be f(x). Any other function y = $(x) will also serve,
considered as the natural units for measuring provided that $(x) is related to f(x) by a mono-
larger differences. However, the phenomena and tonic, that is, order-preserving transformation.
concepts associated with threshold judgments dif- With appropriately chosen sets of color stimuli,
fer in various ways from those involved in the ordinal scales can be established readily for the
assessment of small but clearly perceived color perceptual attributes of lightness and of chroma.
differences and additional discussions and data Consider, for example, a set of colored paint
will be presented in Chapter 7. chips picked at random from the Munsell Book of
Color (Section 6.6.1), illuminated by daylight, and
displayed randomly in front of the observer. The
6.2 TYPES OF SCALES AND SCALING observer will have little or no difficulty in order-
METHODS ing the chips in accordance with what he or she
perceives their lightnesses to be under the given
In recent years, the fundamental concepts of scal- observing conditions. In fact, the only difficulty
ing psychological and psychophysical attributes that the observer may have is one of conceptual
have been clarified greatly, and methods of scal- nature concerning the term lightness. The ob-
ing have been developed which, when combined server's idea of what is meant by lightness may
with appropriate statistical techniques, provide differ from that of the experimenter particularly
powerful tools for the psychologist and psycho- when the colored chips do not only vary in light-
physicist. The application of these methods to the ness, but also in hue and chroma. However, in the
scaling of the attributes of color perception and case of lightness, such conceptual difficulties are
to quantifying color discrimination is well estab- rare and different observers agree remarkably well
lished. Also, the theory of scaling has been put on with each other’s ordinal scales of lightness gener-
a sound foundation and is well covered in the ated with a given set of colored paint chips.
literature. Excellent recent accounts on the sub- Ordinal scales of chroma can also be estab-
ject have been given by Torgerson (1958); Krantz, lished fairly readily, though the conceptual diffi-
Luce, Suppes, and Tversky (1971); Krantz (1972, culties that are associated in this case are often
1974); Falmagne (1974); Stevens (1975); and more pronounced than in the case of lightness. In
Gescheider (1976). fact, other attributes have been identified that are
The scope of our book does not allow us to related to chroma or to a combination of chroma
treat the often elaborate theories and methods of and lightness. The attribute of saturation is per-
scaling in detail, but a few brief notes on some of haps the most prominent example of such another
the basic concepts are included here which have attribute. In more recent work, the attribute of
particular relevance to the data of this chapter. colorfulness has been identified by Hunt (1977) as
A color scale is a series of ordered numbers the attribute that may actually be the basic attri-
which represents observable gradations of a given bute accounting for the variation in color percep-
attribute or gradations of a combination of attri- tion that cannot be described as variations in
butes of color perception. lightness or in hue. When taken in this sense, the
Different types of color scales can be estab- saturation and chroma of a given stimulus are
lished in accordance with different operations then special attributes derivable from assessments
that can be performed on numbers. In following of the colorfulness and lightness of the stimulus.
the exposition of Torgerson (1958), the following The interesting arguments put forward by Hunt
four types of scales may be used for one-dimen- deserve further study (see also Section 5.12.2).
sional attributes: The attribute of hue perceived by the observer
when viewing color stimuli does not present, in
I. Ordinal scale general, any conceptual difficulties as to what is
II. Ordinal scale with natural origin meant by the term hue. However, it is clear that
III. Interval scale what is meant is ordering magnitudes of four
IV. Ratio scale attributes of hueness: redness, yellowness, green-
ness, and blueness. The four attributes are directly
In the ordinal scale, the numbers, y say, are associated with the “unique hues” of red, yellow,
assigned to the magnitudes x of the attribute, so green, and blue (Sections 5.9 and 5.13).
Types of Scales and Scaling Methods 489

Although ordinal scales exist that have no which leaves the natural origin of the ratio scale
natural origin, the most common attributes of unchanged.
color perception all have a natural origin; that is, Both interval scales and ratio scales are by far
there exists a point on the scale to which the the most useful scales in efforts of quantifying
number zero is assigned when the magnitude of attributes of color perception. In the particular
the attribute considered is, in fact, perceived to be case in which adjacent intervals x (distances
nil. Lightness, brightness, saturation, chroma, col- X1,X7,X3,°°:) are assigned the same number y
orfulness, redness, yellowness, greenness, and (¥1, ¥2, ¥3,°°°) throughout the domain of the
blueness can each be characterized by an ordinal attribute, we have an interval scale of equal spac-
scale with a natural origin. ing, which, in the context of this chapter, is
The basic property of an ordinal scale, that is, referred to as a (one-dimensional) uniform color
its monotonicity, is retained for ordinal scales scale.
with a natural origin within order-preserving For a detailed formal treatment of the systems
(monotonic) transformations that include preserv- of axioms that govern ordinal and interval scales,
ing the natural origin. the reader is referred to the book by Krantz et al.
An interval scale is, in the first instance, an (1971) entitled Foundations of Measurement.
ordinal scale and as such fulfills all the require- Scaling methods are procedures that attempt to
ments (postulates or axioms) of an ordinal scale. give quantitative descriptions of perceptual attri-
However, two additional requirements must be butes. Different scaling methods have been used
added: (for summaries see, for example, Torgerson, 1958; .
Krantz, 1972; Stevens, 1975; Gescheider, 1976),
and the following have been selected from those
(a) Differences between different magnitudes
most applicable to scaling the attributes of color
can indeed be determined.
(b) Numbers can be assigned to these magni-
tude differences so that the differences between
(i) Confusability Scaling. Confusability scaling
numbers characterize the sizes of the correspond-
refers to a procedure in which the observer is
ing observed magnitude differences of the attri-
required to discriminate between color stimuli
that evoke only slight differences in visual sensa-
tion. Typically, the stimulus confusions are de-
In scaling of psychological attributes, it has fined by the just-noticeable difference (jnd) [also
often been useful to introduce the notion of dis- called the just-perceptible difference (jpd)], which
tance, that is, to identify an observed magnitude serves as a unit of sensation difference. The defi-
difference of the attribute by the distance (inter- nition of the jnd is usually linked with the
val), say x, and then to represent x by a number numerical value of the probability of confusion, or
y. The number y increases or decreases in direct with some other discriminability index. The jnd
proportion to an observed increase or decrease in concept is directly associated with the concept of
distance x. It follows that in an interval scale, the threshold (Chapter 7). The number of jnds is then
numbers are determined to within a linear trans- counted to establish the desired scale, which is an
formation of the form interval scale.
A good example is obtained by considering an
interval scale of brightness in which a stimulus of
Vad (X) Sax [1(6.2)] fixed relative spectral radiant power distribution
is arbitrarily adjusted to luminance x providing
where m is any positive number, and y is any the zero point of the scale. If y, denotes a slightly
finite number. higher luminance of the same stimulus that is
A ratio scale is an interval scale with a natural perceived as just-noticeably brighter than x, then
origin. The invariance characteristics of an inter- y, is assigned a brightness value of 1; if the
val scale given by Eq. 1(6.2) is retained in the luminance of the stimulus is raised to y5, per-
ratio scale except that now only one number, ceived as just-noticeably brighter than y,, and
instead of two, may be assigned arbitrarily and thus, two jnds above x, y, is given the brightness
the linear transformation within which the ratio value 2; and so forth.
scale remains invariant takes on the reduced form For the interval scale constructed in this way
to be useful, it is essential that the scale remain
y = f(x) = mx [2(6.2)] invariant within a linear transform [Eq. 1(6.2)]

when which leads to the expression of the form

(a) the method by which discrimination is tested s(x) =a+t blog(x + xo) [5(6.2)]
is changed, and
(b) another discriminability index is used to de- relating by a logarithmic function the stimulus
fine the jnd. magnitude x, measured in terms of a physical or
psychophysical unit, to the sensation magnitude s.
A discussion of the invariance of confusability The quantities a and b are constants. The relation
(jnd) scales, when changes (a) and (b) are intro- expressed by Eq. 5(6.2) is known as the Fechner
duced, has been given by Krantz (1972). A law.
mathematically formal exposition of a theory of Another important concept in confusability
discrimination has been given by Falmagne (1974). scaling is the law of comparative judgment derived
The Weber law and the Fechner law play key by Thurstone (1927a, b).
roles in the basic concepts of confusability scal- Thurstone (1927a,b) postulates that each
ing. stimulus, when presented to an observer, has a
There is considerable evidence that shows when variable effect on a hypothetical continuum of
jnds are determined for a number of stimuli that sensation magnitude. The variability is described
differ with respect to the perceptual attribute by a normally distributed random variable, called
(e.g., brightness); the size of the jnd, measured in a discriminable process. The mean and standard
physical or psychophysical units (e.g., radiance or deviation of the normal distribution associated
luminance) for the given attribute depends on the with each given stimulus are taken as its scale
magnitude of the stimuli involved. In general, it is value and discriminal dispersion, respectively.
found that the greater the magnitude of the For example, if required to judge which of two
stimuli, the greater the size of the jnd. This em- given stimuli, one of luminance x and the other of
pirical fact is mathematically stated in Weber’s luminance y, is perceived as being the brighter of
law. the two, the observer samples randomly from the
bivariate normal distribution defined by the two
=k [3(6.2)] discriminal processes, and chooses whichever
value is the higher. If we denote the means of the
two discriminal processes by S(x) and S(y) and
where Ax is the increment that must be added to
their standard deviations by o(x) and a(y), re-
the magnitude x of the given stimulus to be just
spectively, with p(x, y) being the correlation
noticeable in accordance with some specified value
coefficient, the probability, P(y, x), that y is per-
of the discrimination index. The quantity x, is a
ceived brighter than x is then simply the probabil-
constant, independent of the specified value of
ity that the difference between the sampled sensa-
the discrimination index, and is often interpreted
tion magnitude evoked by y and the sampled
as internal noise in the visual mechanism. The
sensation magnitude evoked by x is positive. This
proportionality constant k is called the Weber
sample difference is normally distributed, has a
mean value equal to the difference [S(A) — S(x)]
Postulating that jnds are equal increments As
of the means of the two-dimensional processes,
in “sensation magnitude” at all stimulus magni-
and a standard deviation o( y, x) given by
tudes, and assuming that the empirical Weber law
is valid, it follows that

me On
o(y,x) =[0?(y) + 67(x)
pee sarc ok [4(6.2)]
~2p(y, x)o(y)o(x)] ”
with k’ being a constant factor specifying an
appropriate unit of the sensation-magnitude in-
crement. By treating As and Ax as differentials, It follows that
ds and dx, respectively, Eq. 4(6.2) can be in-
tegrated S(y) — S(x)
ro.x=r| ST adie
s(x) = fdas=k'f ie
x + Xo [7(6.2)]
Types of Scales and Scaling Methods 49]

where f' denotes the familiar cumulative normal difference between the scale values S(y) and S(x)
distribution function, that is, of the two given stimuli (y and x) is then given as
the inverse normal transform f of the probability
jou tate aa I 2 =) aes FUY- x).
For n given stimuli, denoted by x,, x5,...,X,,
there exist n(n — 1)/2 pairs of stimuli. Each pair
The special case in which both o(x) and is presented to the observer who is required to
p(y, x) are constant, and thus, in accordance indicate which member of the pair appears greater
with Eq. 6(6.2), with respect to the perceptual attribute to be
scaled (for example, brightness). The observer
o(y, x) = constant [8(6.2)] must designate one member of the pair as greater;
no equality judgments are allowed. In order to
is known as Thurstone’s Case V. Krantz (1972), make adequate estimates of the proportion of
whose exposition we have followed here, notes greater, a large number of comparisons must be
that, in this case, Fechner’s law of sensation would made for each pair of stimuli. This may be
be justified. accomplished by (a) having a single observer judge
If Thurstone’s Case V does not apply, that is, each stimulus pair many times, (b) each of many
observers judge each pair just once, and (c) each
o(y, x) # constant of several observers judge each pair several times.
The particular method, (a), (b), or (c), to be used
and, in particular, if nonconstancy of o(y, x) is
depends on the aim of the experiment and the
caused by p(y, x) being some function of the
type of stimuli involved. Details of the numerical
discriminability defined by P(y,x), it can be
procedures commonly used in analyzing paired
shown (Krantz, 1972) that the standard deviation
comparisons are given, for example, by Torgerson
of the discriminal process is a linear function of
its mean, and that the sensation magnitude fol-
lows a power law. Thus, (ii) Scaling by Direct Estimation. Methods of
direct estimation of the magnitude of a given
S(x) = asb(xbhaxg)” perceptual attribute may be grouped into partition
scaling and ratio scaling.
Partition scaling yields an equal-interval scale
of the perceptual attribute with boundaries identi-
o(x) =c(x+x,)" [9(6.2)] fied by specific stimuli. In the equisection method,
the observer is required to choose from a large
number of stimuli, representing the perceptual
c attribute over a certain range of magnitudes, those
ae ints pecayeetn stimuli that result in a specified number of per-
ceptually equal differences. In the method of
equal-appearing intervals, a common form of cate-
Stevens (1959) has referred to the above case as
gory scaling, the observer is required to assign all
Thurstone’s Case VI and the power function,
stimuli of the large set of given stimuli to a
given in a slightly different form, is called the
specified number of categories. In this technique,
Stevens law, though it is usually based on direct
it is assumed that the observer is capable of
estimation and not on confusability scaling
keeping the intervals between the boundaries of
(Gescheider, 1976; see further on, this section).
the categories perceptually equal as stimuli are
The method of paired comparisons readily fol-
assigned to the various categories. The experi-
lows from the law of comparative judgment under
menter then treats the category value assigned to
the condition characterizing Thurstone’s Case V.
a particular stimulus as a value on the interval
From Egs. 7(6.2) and 8(6.2) we deduce
Ratio scaling yields an equal-interval scale of
S(y) — S(x) = of [P(y, x)] the perceptual attribute which includes a natural
[10(6.2)] origin; that is, it yields a ratio scale. The specific
techniques used in ratio scaling are often referred
where o = const can be set equal to unity. The to as ratio production, ratio estimation, magnitude

estimation, and magnitude production. In each case, those experienced in color perception, the mean
the observer is required to judge the ratio between estimate (x) of the magnitude of a given attri-
two magnitudes of the perceptual attribute under bute increases approximately as a power function
study. of the “intensity” x of the stimulus exhibiting
In ratio production, also known as fractiona- that attribute; that is,
tion, the observer adjusts a variable stimulus while
observing a reference stimulus. Prescribed magni- W(A) = bx? [11(6.2)]
tude (e.g., brightness) ratios between test and
reference stimuli are produced by the observer. In this power law, Stevens (1975) considers
In ratio estimation, the observer estimates the the exponent p the parameter that characterizes
magnitude ratio between the given test and refer- the perceptual continuum [loudness (p = 0.67),
ence stimuli; no adjustment by the observer of brightness (p = 0.33), taste (salt; p = 1.4), smell
either the test or the reference stimulus is made. (p = 0.6), heaviness (p = 1.45)]. In each case, p
In magnitude estimation, the observer makes may vary somewhat with individuals and with
direct estimates of the perceived magnitudes of stimulating conditions (e.g., state of adaptation),
given stimuli and assigns appropriate numbers to but nonetheless, a representative value of p seems
those estimates. A commonly used form of in- to exist for each of many perceptual continua.
struction (Stevens, 1975) given to the observer is The exponent p is generally estimated from the
the following: slope of the power function in log—log coordi-
nates, that is, from
You will be presented with a series of stimuli in irregu-
lar order. Your task is to tell how intense (bright, log ¥(x) = log b+ plogx [12(6.2)]
saturated, etc.) they seem by assigning numbers to them.
Call the first stimulus any number that seems ap- When the variable x has low values, a better
propriate to you. Then assign successive numbers in agreement between magnitude estimation and
such a way that they reflect your subjective impression. power function is obtained by introducing a con-
There is no limit to the range of numbers that you may stant in Eq. 11(6.2). Three different forms have
use. You may use whole numbers, decimals, or fractions. been used:
Try to make each number match the intensity (bright-
ness, saturation, etc.) as you perceive it. (ho) OC xg)" [13(6.2)]

In magnitude production, the observer adjusts a W(x) = bx? — bh [14(6.2)]

variable stimulus to produce a perceived magni-
tude whose numerical value seems to match that W(x) = b[(x + x9)? — x8] [15(6.2)]
of the magnitude of some given stimulus.
Of the four techniques used in ratio scaling, In Eq. 13(6.2), the constant x, is sometimes inter-
the one referred to as magnitude estimation is the preted as the stimulus intensity at which “abso-
most commonly used in color-perception studies lute threshold’”’ is observed. Thus, the constant
(see, for example, Section 5.12). shifts the stimulus scale so that its zero point
It is important to note that all so-called “di- corresponds to the zero point on the perceptual
rect estimation” methods of scaling imply that the scale (Ekman, 1956, J.C. Stevens and S.S. Stevens,
observer makes “comparative judgments” of at 1963). However, the connection between x, and
least two pairs of stimuli. The number assigned to the concept of theshold in the conventional sense
the perceived magnitude of a given stimulus must of a statistical quantity is not made clear. In
_be “in proportion” to the magnitude of at least Eq. 14(6.2), the subtractive constant Wp is used
one previous stimulus, presented earlier in the which Jameson and Hurvich (1964) introduced to
particular experiment or remembered by the ob- account for simultaneous contrast effects. In Eq.
server from his or her bank of experiences with 15(6.2), the constant x, is chosen to represent a
color stimuli. Thus, direct estimation of the mag- special case of the earlier expressions, given as
nitude of a given perceptual attribute cannot, Eq. 9(6.2), which arose from the combination of
strictly speaking, be an absolute measure of the the Weber law and the law of comparative judg-
-attribute’s magnitude. ment of Thurstone (Krantz, 1972).
A great deal of experimental evidence exists The three variants of the power law given by
that for many one-dimensional continua, not only Eqs. 13(6.2), 14(6.2), and 15(6.2) exhibit an
Brightness and Lightness Scales 493

asymptotic slope p when logy(x) is plotted method, which is widely used in practice, for each
against log x. In the case of 0 < p < 1, the slopes pair of stimuli some “proximity measure’’ is first
for small x-values are steeper than p; this corre- obtained. Then, one looks for a configuration of
lates well with most experimental data. points in Euclidean space, one point correspond-
ing to the observed magnitude of the attribute
(iii) Multidimensional Scaling. The scales con- associated with each stimulus, such that the order-
sidered above are one-dimensional scales; that is, ing of magnitude proximities between stimuli is
they quantify attributes whose perceived magni- reproduced as closely as possible by the ordering
tudes or magnitude differences form a one-dimen- of the inverse distances between the correspond-
sional series of numbers. In that context, the ing points. The aim is to generate a reproduction
attribute itself is considered as a one-dimensional of the proximity ordering in as small a number of
continuum that can be represented geometrically dimensions of the Euclidean space as possible. In
by a straight line. When taking “color” as the general, the computational procedure provides a
attribute to be scaled, instead of just one of its good fit for a dimensionality => n, but the good-
component attributes (e.g., lightness, or hue, or ness of the fit seems to collapse abruptly for
chroma), it is immediately obvious that the scal- dimensionality n — 1. When this occurs, it is con-
ing problem is more complex and the magnitude cluded that the proximities are based on varia-
differences that one may wish to scale may form a tions in n independent perceptual component
multidimensional series with its geometrical repre- attributes. Often an attempt is also made to draw
sentation in a multidimensional space. Each ob- inferences on the nature of the component attri-
served magnitude difference is, in effect, assigned butes, but this is difficult because the “principal
a set of numbers which, in terms of a specified axes” that the analysis provides are only unique
geometrical system, characterizes the relations within an arbitrary rotation and translation in the
between the various observed magnitude dif- given space model. However, a kind of informal
ferences, each of which is represented by a point principal-axes analysis can sometimes lead to a
in the multidimensional space. The number of useful insight into the nature of the component
numbers that is assigned to each observed magni- attributes. |
tude difference specifies the dimensionality of the In color perception, the dimensionality prob-
space and thus, the dimensionality of the attri- lem is, in general, of lesser concern to the re-
bute. searcher than it is in other fields of behavioral or
There are different spaces, each characterized social study. There is overwhelming evidence,
by a different metric, that can be employed as the originating from psychophysical experiments, that
underlying geometrical model for multidimen- perceived color is a three-dimensional attribute,
sional scaling. The Euclidean metric is the one whose most commonly isolated component attri-
most commonly used, but other metrics and even butes are (1) hue, (2) chroma, and (3) lightness. In
nonmetric multidimensional scaling procedures fact, the three-dimensionality of perceived color is
have been developed. An excellent introductory considered so well founded that it is often used as
booklet on multidimensional scaling has been a criterion for the validity of a particular multidi-
written by Kruskal and Wish (1978) in which the mensional analysis.
reader will find many worked examples of multi- Multidimensional color scaling has been used
dimensional scaling demonstrating different anal- in many studies. The following is a selection of
ysis procedures and data interpretations. Details such studies: Torgerson (1958); Indow and
of computational procedures, all of which require Kanazawa (1960); Shepard (1962); Indow (1963,
a computer, have been given, for example, by 1980); Helm (1964); Carroll and Chang (1970);
Kruskal (1976). Also, the book entitled Multidi- Carroll and Wish (1974).
mensional Scaling (Vol. I; R.H. Shepard et al.,
Editors, 1972) contains useful information.
Multidimensional scaling is an indirect method 63 BRIGHTNESS AND LIGHTNESS SCALES
for determining the number of the component
attributes that are evoked by a given set of color Brightness is defined as the attribute of a visual
stimuli. It also offers the possibility of extracting sensation according to which a given visual
the internal structure of the given observational stimulus appears to be more or less intense, or
data that may offer useful insights into the visual according to which the area in which the visual
mechanism itself. In following Shepard’s (1962) stimulus is presented appears to emit more or less

light. The magnitude of brightness can be esti- brightness scales. The test stimuli had an angular
mated for unrelated visual stimuli as well as for subtense of 2° and the surround was 180°. Both
related visual stimuli. Unrelated visual stimuli are test and surround stimuli were achromatic. Con-
stimuli presented individually in isolation (dark- trary to work by S.S. Stevens and his collabora-
ness). Related visual stimuli are presented in a tors, Bodmann et al. find that brightness scales
simple or complex display of other visual stimuli. obtained by bisection are /inearly related to those
Brightness scales have been determined for a obtained by magnitude estimation.
variety of observing conditions by several investi- Lightness is defined as the attribute of a visual
gators, notably by S.S. Stevens and his collabora- sensation according to which the area in which
tors (J.C. Stevens and S.S. Stevens, 1963; Aiba the visual stimulus is presented appears to emit
and S.S. Stevens, 1964; S.S. Stevens and more or less light in proportion to that emitted by
Diamond, 1965), Jameson and Hurvich, 1964; a similarly illuminated area perceived as a “white”
Bartleson and Breneman, 1967a,b; Jameson, stimulus. Lightness is thus an attribute of visual
1970; and Bodmann, Haubner, and Marsden, sensation that has meaning only for related visual
1980. The power law, which is used either in the stimuli (see above). As lightness is judged with
form of Eq. 13(6.2) or in the form of Eq. 14(6.2), reference to the brightness of a “white” stimulus,
is generally found to provide a satisfactory fit to it may be considered a special form of brightness
the experimental data. However, the more recent measure that could be referred to as relative
studies, particularly those by Bodmann, Haubner, brightness.
and Marsden (1980) provide a convincing case Perhaps the largest body of existing data on
that the power law in the form of Eq. 14(6.2), that uniform color scales is the one dealing with the
is, establishment of uniform lightness scales for a
variety of conditions of observation. These data
refer to samples that have approximately the same
is to be preferred over the one in the form of Eq. hue and chroma, and differ only in lightness.
13(6.2) that has been favored especially by S.S. Most of the investigations are subject to the re-
Stevens and his collaborators. In Eq. 1(6.3), B striction that they deal with achromatic stimuli
denotes a measure of the brightness estimated only, and the lightness scales then developed are
by an observer presented with a stimulus of often called gray scales.
luminance L under specified conditions of ob- One way of developing a gray scale is by the
servation. The exponent p has a value of ap- method of bisection which leads to an interval
proximately 1/3; Bodmann et al. (1980) find scale. The observer is given a black chip, a white
p = 0.31 + 0.03. The values of a and B, depend chip, and a number of different gray chips and is
on the observing conditions (such as field size of asked to select a gray that appears about as
test stimulus, luminance of surround) and include different from white as it does from black. Then
an arbitrary scaling factor. The term By has been the interval between the black and mid-gray is
given a plausible physiological interpretation halved by the same procedure, and also that
by Jameson and Hurvich (1961, 1964); see also between white and mid-gray, resulting in a gray
Jameson (1970) and Hurvich and Jameson (1972) scale extending from black to white by four steps
who see it as a “response correction” caused by that are perceived to be equal. The uniform sub-
the neural process of induction when the test division can be continued, following the same
stimulus is viewed in a surround of nonzero lumi- procedure, and a multiple-step gray scale is then
nance. Haubner (1977) has advanced this idea obtained.
further. Another way to develop a gray scale is by
Figure 1(6.3) illustrates typical results of making use of the principles of confusability scal-
brightness-scaling experiments. The two curves ing (Section 6.2) which again lead to an interval
were drawn from data obtained by Bodmann scale. One starts with black, selects a gray that is
et al. (1980). They refer to brightness scaling just-noticeably lighter, then a gray that is just-
made with a dark surround (0 cd - m~*) and with noticeably lighter than the latter, and so on until
a surround of luminance 300 cd- m 7”. In both the white or near-white is reached.
cases of observing conditions, interval scaling (bi- Both procedures can also be used to develop
section method) and ratio scaling (magnitude uniform lightness scales for colored chips, all of
estimation) were used to derive the corresponding approximately the same hue and chroma.
Brightness and Lightness Scales 495


Surround luminance
‘He O cd-m~2
2: 300 cd-m-2


| 10 102 Tek 104 105

Luminance [cd-m-@] of Test Stimulus
Fig. 1(6.3). The functional relationship between brightness and luminance for two different
surround luminances (from data obtained by Bodmann et al., 1980).

The results of such experiments are conveni- ness) and its uniform scaling have been made for
ently represented in a graph where the ordinate is quite some time. Notable examples of early stud-
the number of lightness steps V between black ies are those by Adams and Cobb (1922) and
and each gray, and the abscissa is the luminance Judd (1940). But it was only in recent years that a
factor Y of the corresponding chip. The relation- much clearer picture has emerged. The studies by
ship between V and Y can be expressed by means Kaneko (1964), Takasaki (1966), and Semmelroth
of an empirical formula, which in more recent (1970, 1971) are of particular interest to lightness
investigations has commonly taken the form of a scaling.
power function, in accordance with the notion of Kaneko (1964) constructed experimentally
the power law (Section 6.2). Table 1(6.3) in the lightness scales for black, gray, and white back-
Appendix lists a number of formulae reported by grounds and for samples of different sizes. As
different investigators and Figure 2(6.3) shows expected, he found that the luminance factor of
the corresponding graphical relations between V the background has an important effect on the
and Y. spacing of the lightness scale. He also found that
There are important differences between some the background effect was more pronounced for
of the curves. These differences mean that the smaller samples. But of particular interest is
spacing of the lightness scales, represented by the Kaneko’s finding that a gray background en-
curves, is different. For example, the luminance hances the sensitivity of the observer to lightness
factor of the middle gray (V = 5) for Curve 5 differences between gray samples of about the
corresponds to that for the third step (V = 3) for same luminance factor as that of the background.
Curve 1. These differences are generally attri- This phenomenon has been observed before (for
buted to the differences in the observing condi- example, by Adams and Cobb, 1922) but was
tions to which the different lightness scales are considered to apply only to the case involving
intended to apply. In particular, the luminance rather small differences, of about threshold size.
factor of the background is considered the most Kaneko’s experimental data show that the phe-
important parameter influencing the spacing of a nomenon can also be observed when relatively
lightness scale. The background essentially con- large lightness differences are present, such as
trols the adaptive state of the observer’s eyes, those between neighboring samples of a 10-step
particularly when the scale samples are relatively lightness scale going from black to white.
small. In his attempt to quantify his experimental
Studies of the influence of the adaptive state data, Kaneko derived a lightness-index formula
of the observer’s eyes on lightness (and bright- based on the formula by Adams and Cobb (1922)

3 and! 4
—— 5
—_Oo— 6

0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 2(6.3). Relationship between lightness-scale value V and luminance factor Y plotted in
accordance with different formulae [see Table 1(6.3)]. 1: Priest, Gibson, and McNicholas
(1920); 2: Munsell, Sloan, and Godlove (1933); Godlove (1933); 3: Newhall, Nickerson and
Judd (1943) (also known as the Munsell Renotation-Value Scale); 4: CIE (1976) lightness scale
(plotting V = L*/10); 5: Foss (1944) (gray scale of the Color Harmony Manual); 6: Richter
(1953) (gray scale of the German DIN Color Chart; plotting V = 10—D).

and modified by Judd (1940). Kaneko’s formula presented gray samples S1 and $2 with lumi-
consists of two simultaneous equations: nance factors Y, and Y;, respectively. For any
given sample $1 and background B1 on the left
Fit ed side, the observer was instructed to choose, for a
ae AS te given background B2 on the right, a sample $2
appearing as light as that on the left.
* + -Y,a — (1 — Y,
y a + Ysa = 1)a¥e [2(6.3)] A typical set of results is given in Figure
rq(Yz rt a) 4(6.3), where the logarithm of the luminance fac-
tor Y, of sample $2 is plotted against the loga-
where V denotes the lightness index and Y and Y, rithm of the luminance factor Y, of sample S1.
the luminance factors of the sample and the back- When the two backgrounds are the same, we
ground, respectively. The parameter r denotes expect no difference between Y, and Y, and,
sample size; small values of r refer to small sam- indeed, the observer does not report a difference.
_ ples. The parameter g denotes the level of illumi- The 45° line in Figure 4(6.3) illustrates this trivial
nance at the plane of the viewing field containing result. When the background B2 is lighter than
the background and sample. The parameter a Bl, a sample $2 is always chosen with a lumi-
denotes the state of adaptation of the observer’s nance factor Y, higher than that of sample S1.
eye. We also find that, when the background B2 is
Takasaki (1966) presented to his observers a darker than Bl, a sample $2 is always chosen
viewing situation as sketched in Figure 3(6.3). with a luminance factor Y, lower than that of
‘There are two backgrounds, Bl and B2, side by sample $1. These observational results are, of
side with luminance factors Y,, and Y,,, respec- course, in agreement with the well-known con-
tively. In the center of each background there are trast effect which says that a relatively small gray
Brightness and Lightness Scales 497

Takasaki calls this phenomenon the crispening

effect. It is the same effect Kaneko (1964) re-
ported in his study, discussed above; a gray back-
ground enhances the sensitivity of the observer to
lightness differences between gray samples of
about the same luminance factor as that of the
In analyzing his experimental data, Takasaki
arrives at an empirical lightness-index formula
Fig. 3(6.3). Sketch of visual field presented to which predicts fairly well both the general con-
observers in Takasaki’s (1966) experiment. B1 and trast effect and the crispening effect when light-
B2 are gray backgrounds of different luminance ness changes are observed for a wide range of
factors: S1 and $2 are gray samples. The observer experimental conditions. His formula is of the
is instructed to match the lightness of $2 with the following form:
lightness of S1 by finding a sample $2 with the
appropriate luminance factor. (V, se ra)
I fee OV ee ca]
sample looks lighter (darker) when it is placed on
a darker (lighter) background. |
X exp [3(6.3)]
Takasaki’s results, as illustrated in Figure C3
4(6.3), also show a hump in the lightness-change
curve, in addition to the expected parallel dis- When i = 1, we have the lightness index 7, for
placement from the 45° line. This hump results sample $1 on background B1; similarly, when
from the fact that the observer sees the lightness i = 2, we have T, for $2 on B2. The formula does
of sample S2 change rapidly with change in Y, not use the luminance factors Y, and Y;, and Yp,
when Y, is close to Y,, of the background B2. and Y,,, but, instead, the Munsell renotation
values V,, V,, Vz,, and V,,5, respectively, which
are derived from the luminance factors by means
of Equation (3) in Table I(6.3). The quantity V, is
the average of the Munsell renotation values for
the two backgrounds, thus, Vg = (Vz; + Vp>)/2.
There are three constants c,,c,,c3; which vary
somewhat from observer to observer and depend
N5-N7 on observing conditions, such as sample size and
presumably also level of illuminance at the sam-
0.1 ple plane.
The general contrast effect is taken into
account by the first two terms of Eq. 3(6.3).
This is in agreement with the induction theory
(Jameson and Hurvich, 1961; 1964) which states
that a certain part of the visual excitation from
the background is inversely induced on the sam-
ple area and therefore changes its apparent light-
0.01 0.05 0.1 05 1.0 ness. Thus, the constant c, controls the amount of
Y4 induction.
Fig. 4(6.3). Typical results of an observer making The remaining term in Eq. 3(6.3), an exponen-
lightness matches of the kind sketched in Figure tial function, takes into account the crispening
3(6.3). The luminance factors Y, and Y, refer to effect. The factor c, controls the amount of cris-
samples S, and S,, respectively. The backgrounds pening and the factor c, adjusts the reciprocal
B1 and B2 are Munsell grays of values N.../. sharpness of the crispening.
The results of three different background pairs Semmelroth (1970) proposes a model for the
(B1 — B2) are shown: (N1/-N9/); (N3/- functioning of the visual mechanism responsible
N7/); (N5/-N7/). (After Takasaki, 1966.) for the perception of brightness and lightness. He

postulates that the visual mechanism responds of lightness differences with a gray background of
simultaneously to two signals of the stimulus field. Munsell value intermediate to those of the two
First, there is a response a to the luminance of the gray samples being compared. Such a background
stimulus. A power law is assumed to relate the of sliding luminance factor implies that, for exam-
magnitude of the response to the luminance level. ple, two samples of Munsell value 1/ and 2/
Then, there is a response B to the difference of viewed on a background of Munsell value 1.5/
luminance between the sample and its back- would appear just as different in lightness as two
ground. Again, a power law is assumed to relate other samples, say Munsell value 8/ and 9/,
the magnitude of this response to the luminance viewed on a background of Munsell value 8.5/.
difference. It is assumed that the f-response is Semmelroth (1971) has tested this possibility
added to the a-response when the luminance of by using his Eq. 4(6.3) with m= 0.4, n= 0.2,
the sample is greater than that of the background, k = 0.65. First, he finds that for a background of
and it is subtracted from the a-response when the fixed luminance factor, the Munsell renotation
luminance of the sample is lower than that of the value scale yields nonuniformities in lightness
background. Thus, we have scaling by factors exceeding 3.0. When he intro-
duces a background of sliding luminance factor,
that is, Y, is maintained intermediate to the lumi-
Se OR ws (etnias nance factors of the two grays whose lightness
difference is to be judged, the situation does
Se L” —kie—
el" for b=, improve. But there are still nonuniformities by
factors of about 1.5. A further improvement to
[4(6.3)] factors less than 1.3 is obtained when the lumi-
nance factor of the background is maintained
where S denotes the lightness or brightness index, equal to, or slightly less than, the intermediate
L and L, are the luminances of the sample and luminance factor of the two gray samples. The
background, respectively, and k is a constant that residual errors result from the fact that Eq. 4(6.3)
controls the proportional effect of the a and takes account of the observed crispening effect,
B-responses on the total response S. The expo- whereas Equation (3) in Table 1(6.3) does not.
nents m and n govern the a-response and f-re- Semmelroth (1971) has provided a table which
sponse, respectively. can be used to make adjustments to the Munsell
Semmelroth showed that Eq. 4(6.3) describes renotation value scale so as to make it apply more
Takasaki’s experimental data, illustrated in Fig- accurately to uniform lightness steps for back-
ure 4(6.3), quite well when he chooses m= n=k grounds of different luminance factors. The same
= 0.2. The luminances L and L, are replaced by table can be used to make equivalent adjustments
luminance factors Y and Y,. There is some flexi- to the CIE (1976) L*-scale by recalling that
bility in the choice of the appropriate values for Munsell value V is approximately 0.1 L*.
m,n, and k. When other experimental data are to Judd and Wyszecki (1975) converted Semmel-
be fitted in addition to those of Takasaki, the roth’s table into a graph shown as Figure 5(6.3).
values m = 0.4, n = 0.2, and k = 0.65 are found The abscissa V; denotes the Munsell value of gray
to serve best. samples determined by the Munsell renotation
The studies by Kaneko (1964), Takasaki (1966), value formula and may be called the nominal
and Semmelroth (1970) draw attention to the Munsell value cf the sample. The ordinate V,
rather limited applicability of the earlier light- denotes the background-adjusted Munsell value
ness-index functions compiled in Table 1(6.3) and so as to correspond more closely to Semmelroth’s
illustrated in Figure 2(6.3). For example, the lightness index S[Eq. 4(6.3)]; in fact, Semmelroth
Munsell renotation value scale was intended to gives the relation
apply best for a middle-gray background; yet, the
function given by Equation (3) in Table I(6.3)
does not exhibit anywhere the effect of crispen-
V, = 0.575421S — 0.658646 [5(6.3)]
ing. If the Munsell gray scale would apply to a
fixed gray background, it ought to show a local The background Munsell value V, as a function
expansion near that fixed gray. Lacking such an of the nominal Munsell value V; of the sample
expansion, we may ask whether the Munsell gray depends, of course, on the background. This is
scale could be thought of as referring to appraisal why Figure 5(6.3) shows a series of curves, one
Brightness and Lightness Scales 499

Fig. 5(6.3). Background adjusted Munsell value V, plotted against nominal Munsell value V,
for backgrounds of nominal Munsell value 1/, 2/,...,9/. (Prepared by Judd and Wyszecki,
1975 from a table by Semmelroth, 1971.)

for each of nine different backgrounds. Each that is, almost twice as large as on the value 7/
background is specified by its nominal Munsell background.
value, denoted in Figure 5(6.3) by the numerals 1
to 9. The units of V,, are chosen so as to corre-
spond to units approximately equal to Munsell A sample of Munsell value V; = 3 viewed on a
value with respect to a background of sliding value 5/ background has a lightness index V, = 2
luminance factor. Thus, we note that for Vo = (approximately). The same lightness index V, =
1,2,3,..., we read (approximately) V, = 2 is obtained for a sample of Munsell value
1,2,3,..., respectively, for corresponding back- Vs = 2 on a value 2/ background.
erounds },2;3,. -./,.
The following examples, taken from Judd and
Wyszecki (1975), illustrate the use of Figure 5(6.3): The crispening effect is quite evident in the region
where V; is about equal to the background value;
in that region, each curve has its inflection point.
The lightness difference between samples of For example, increasing V; by half a Munsell step
Munsell value V; = 2 and V;=3 on a back- from 5/, for a background of 5/, increases V, by
ground value 7/ is (approximately) AV, = 1.65 — 6.35 — 5.0 = 1.35 steps. This is more than double
0.7 = 0.95 units. The corresponding difference the increase caused by V; increased (9.9 — 9.4 =
between the same two samples viewed on a back- 0.5) by half a step from 8/, with the same back-
ground of value 3/ is AV, = 3.0 — 1.2 = 1.8 units, ground value 5/.



Uniform scaling of the lightness of object-color

stimuli perceived to have approximately the same
hue and chroma is a specially simple case because
a single variable only is involved. With more than
one variable, the possibility of uniform scaling
depends on the observer’s judgments satisfying a
further requirement. Consider all object-color
stimuli having a particular fixed lightness; their
representative points, defined in terms of tn-
stimulus values, in the object-color solid will gen-
erate a surface that is not necessarily contained in
a plane. Two pairs of stimuli belonging to this
surface that are judged by observers to present
the same color difference will not generally be Fig. 1(6.4). Triangular lattice used for uniform
represented by pairs of points separated by the scaling of colors of constant lightness.
same distance, whether this distance is taken as
the length of the straight line joining the two
tem as shown in Figure 2(6.4). The central point
points of the pair or as the length of the shortest
represents a gray; points on a circle represent
joining line lying wholly in the surface (geodesic).
object-color stimuli of constant chroma. All circles
The question is whether by a systematic distortion
are centered at the gray and evenly spaced corre-
of the tristimulus space, that is, by a one-one but
sponding to uniform steps in chroma. Points on a
not necessarily linear transformation, the separa-
radial line starting at the center represent stimuli
tion in the transformed space of all pairs of
of the same hue. Equal angles between these
points in the equilightness surface representing
radial lines correspond ideally to equal steps in
object-color stimuli judged to show a given fixed
hue. A complete color solid is constructed from
color difference can be made the same. If this can
color scales of this kind at different lightness
be done at all, then the transformed equilightness
surface can be made a plane covered by a net-
work of equilateral triangles, each lattice point of
the network representing a stimulus showing the
same apparent color difference with each of its six
nearest neighbors, as illustrated in Figure 1(6.4).
The set of lattice-point stimuli then provides an
ideal uniform scaling of the equilightness system.
Present evidence is that observers’ judgments of
the color difference do not satisfy accurately the
requirements for constructing such ideal uniform
scaling systems; the geometry of color-perception
space is not Euclidean. However, the failure of

the Euclidean property is not so serious as to rule
out practically useful approximations of uniform
scaling. The color-order system developed by the
Committee on Uniform Color Scales of the Optical
Society of America (see Section 6.6.4) provides
examples of good approximations to uniform color
scales of object-color stimuli of constant light-
ness. Fig. 2(6.4). Polar-coordinate system. Points on a
Another representation of color scales of con- circle represent object-color stimuli of constant
stant lightness is in terms of loci of constant hue saturation, points on a radial line starting at the
and constant chroma on a surface of constant center represent object-color stimuli of the same
lightness; these loci form a polar coordinate sys- hue.
Color Scales of Constant Lightness 501

levels ranging from black to white. An example of the scale graduations, the CIE 1931 tristimulus
such a color solid is provided by the Munsell color values of these samples, under the assigned
system (see Section 6.6.1) illuminant, can be determined. Analytical expres-
Given that the Euclidean property of color sions can then be sought that transform—nonlin-
perception is approximately valid, a color scale ear transformations must be allowed—CIE tri-
based on a polar coordinate system represented stimulus values to three new variables which, used
by uniformly graduated loci of constant hue and as rectangular coordinates, define the required
chroma can be converted very simply to a uni- distorted space. This is the space in which equi-
form color scale defined by a regular triangular lightness samples occupy a common plane, and a
lattice system. The triangular lattice is superim- given color difference between any two samples
posed onto the polar coordinate system, and in an equilightness plane corresponds to the same
points of the lattice are expressed in terms of the distance separation of their representative points.
polar coordinates by interpolation. Wyszecki With the Munsell system taken as basis, a number
(1954) has carried out such a transformation for of attempts at acceptable but fairly simple ana-
the Munsell color system. Figure 3(6.4) is an lytical transformations have been made (Adams,
example of the triangular lattice sampling of col- 1942; Moon and Spencer, 1943a; Saunderson and
ors of Munsell value 5/. Each lattice point is Milner, 1944; 1946; Godlove, 1952; Nickerson,
identified by the proper notations of the Munsell Judd, and Wyszecki, 1955; Farnsworth, 1958;
system. Glasser, McKinney, Reilley, and Schnelle, 1958;
When an approximate uniform scaling of hue Taguti and Sato, 1962; Fukuda and Fuju, 1965).
and chroma has been set up by selecting, on the Some of these transformations are given in Table
basis of observer judgments or otherwise, the I(6.5.1) in connection with three-dimensional color
particular material color samples that realize scales. Perhaps the most popular transformation

a i.
au ee ree! iM
Sei alate
oneal] renee |ese | eee
| 28872 |5386/53 |47618 | Tpev/f2 | 336/100
4 6.78/80 | 548/53 | Toca |BBOY/ES |330/80 |
| at 6.7B/60 | 8386/55 | 176/35 | 33GY /6.0 |
eR a ee a a | oe et
2 |20P8/106 | 05PB/7.2 | 6.78/40 | 106/20 | 33GY/£0 | 95Y/72
ST ene | ee ag Ta OO Ge a a |
| 3pB/i2.2 | 3.26/82 | 2.0PB/5.3 | 6.78/20 | 330/20 | gtv/sa |
ay | ee eles SAE PZ Sl Se) ee Sn “
0 |5.0PB/ 13.9 |5.0PB/10.4 | 5, 0PB/69 | 5 OPB/3.5 | N/0.0 | 50Y/35 | 50v/69 |
Pane ee ano Cure een. eg Sees SE ae) Pe. Ke
0PB/15.6 | 638/122 | 6. 8PB/8.7 | 8.0PB/5.3 | 33P/2.0 | 6.7YR/2.0 | 20v/53 | 32¥/87
a Eee ited AW Ay Oaks cane | EON ee bess Ue Cee oe eS
—? | 7.3PB/ 14.0 |8.0PB/10.6 | 9 5PB/72 | 33P/40 | 1ORP/Z0 | BIYR/40 | OBY/72 |
le BA ed eS hase |e Sh Da dy SD TE 1 OOM Oregtt
q 8.08P/18 9 |8.9BF /125 |OP |33P/60 |LRP AS. |BARS |BIRD |BRA
-4 | oat | 09P/1i1 | BaP 82 | ser/53 |-JorP/4.0 |LARS |BIRO |ee
i | 33P/100 | Deriie |AR 63 |SIR/SS |2/72 |BR/100
-6 23P/1Z0 |BMPS |TpRPIES |RP 6 | Sv6e | aps2 | >
a |BPEL | s9/6_| 6 )RP/T 2 Bua |oeréy_ |anya
a Seen |BBP 105 | 3.5RP/87 |_Tone780 |BRIT |1avR/10.6|i
| FarrrZs | uRe/Ga |rpweKe | s0rs2 | adenda |28/25
-10 ee arn a |a7RP106 |Towerida | S3R/166 |S8R/22 |
3.0RP 12.2 |7.5RP/TL.A | 2erni | 7R/162 |
=i? ve |5.5RP/12.5 |_JorP/20 | ASR/NAS | Se
a |> | 2:R/151 |SARIS
mas goo BRIE |

—9 —8 —J] —6.-5. —45—<3 —2 =-1 0 ] eS. 4 5


Fig. 3(6.4). Triangular lattice sampling of object-color stimuli of the Munsell color system for
Munsell value 5/ (from Wyszecki, 1954).


CIE 1960 UCS

Diagram ea

0.4 0.5 0.6


0.4 0.5 06

Fig. 4(6.4). CIE 1960 and CIE 1976 UCS diagrams.

Three-Dimensional Color Scales 503

of this kind is the one providing the Adams-chro- ous investigators to represent approximately
matic-value-diagram (Adams, 1942; Nickerson, uniform chromaticity spacing. MacAdam’s UCS
1947; 1950; Vickerstaff and Tough, 1949; diagram [Number 5 in Table I(6.4)] was adopted
Godlove, 1950; Stearns, 1951; Billmeyer, 1963; by the CIE in 1960 as a standard UCS diagram,
Bridgeman, 1963). That particular transformation referred to as the CIE 1960 UCS diagram whose
played an important role in the development of coordinates were given the designations u and v.
the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-space (Sections 3.3.9 and However, on the basis of more recent experimen-
6.5.1). tal evidence, the CIE in 1976 modified its 1960
In a slightly different approach to uniform UCS diagram to a slightly improved version with
scaling, all those color stimuli, not necessarily coordinates
object-color stimuli, are considered that lie in a
plane of constant luminance of the CIE 1931 us—wyand vo = 150
tristimulus space. Only linear transformations of
the CIE space are allowed, corresponding to pro- thus leading to the transformation coefficients a;,
jective transformations of the CIE 1931 (x, y)- given as Column (9) in Table 1(6.4) (see also
chromaticity diagram, and it is sought to make Section 3.3.9). Figure 4(6.4) illustrates the CIE
equal displacements in the transformed chro- 1960 as well as the CIE 1976 UCS diagram.
maticity diagram correspond to perceptually equal
color differences. This objective is known to be
impossible in any strict sense, but the simplicity
of linear or projective transformations makes even
a crude approximation of practical value. The
6.5.1 Principles of Construction
general form of the transformation is as follows:
In many industrial color control problems, color
, —_ 41x + 4iy + Qy3 differences have to be judged that are a combina-
a3)X + ayy + 33 tion of differences in lightness, hue, and chroma;
[1(6.4)] to assess these, a uniform three-dimensional color
, 2 Ae + Ag y + Ay; scale is needed. The logical extension of the regu-
a3\X + Ax) + a33 lar triangular lattice arrangement in the plane,
shown in Figure 1(6.4), is to a regular rhombo-
where x, y are the CIE 1931 chromaticity coor- hedral lattice arrangement in space (Wyszecki,
dinates and x’, y’ the coordinates of the new 1954). In a regular rhombohedral lattice sampling
chromaticity diagram which is called a uniform- of the color space, each color is surrounded by 12
chromaticity-scale diagram (= UCS diagram) nearest neighbors, all equally distant. The 12
when the coefficients a;, are properly chosen. points representing these colors form a poly-
In the first attempt to develop a UCS diagram hedron called a cubo-octohedron for it is ob-
(Judd, 1935a), the choice of the coefficients a;, tained by cutting off the eight corners of the cube
was based on a variety of data on chromaticity by planes through the midpoints of each three
spacing published prior to the Munsell data, concurrent edges. Figure 1(6.5.1) illustrates a
including chromaticity spacing of the monochro- cubo-octahedron.
matic stimuli, spacing of chromaticities just- The regular rhombohedral lattice arrangement
noticeably different from some central nearly provides not merely a regular array of colors but
neutral chromaticity, spacing of chromaticities of also the most closely packed arrangement. The
constant dominant wavelength, and spacing along lattice can be resolved into a series of parallel
the Planckian locus. plane lattices in seven different ways. In four of
The usefulness of a UCS diagram led several these, the meshes of the plane lattice are equi-
other investigators to try either improvements on lateral triangles, and in the remaining three, they
Judd’s UCS diagram or new UCS diagrams based are squares. Figure 2(6.5.2) shows the seven dif-
on different experimental evidence (MacAdam, ferent ways of cutting the regular rhombohedral
1937; Breckenridge and Schaub, 1939; Hunter, lattice, the typical cell being the cubo-octahedron
1942; Farnsworth, 1944; Neugebauer, 1949; illustrated.
Sugiyama and Fukuda, 1959; Committee on Col- A spatial arrangement of color samples such
orimetry, 1963). Table 1(6.4) lists a number of sets as the Munsell color solid, that has, or aims to
of coefficients a;, of Eq. 1(6.4) proposed by vari- have, the property of uniformity with respect to

Fig. 1(6.5.1). Cubo-octahedron.

judgments of magnitude of color differences com- chromaticity difference closely equivalent to the
bining lightness, hue, and chroma differences, can unit of lightness difference. Table 1(6.5.1) in the
be respecified as a regular rhombohedral lattice Appendix lists a number of three-dimensional
system. In the case of the Munsell solid, position color scales that have been used in practice. Spe-
in the uniform space is defined by a cylindrical cial weight attaches to the two CIE uniform color
coordinate system, the coordinates being Munsell spaces, known as the CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-space
hue, Munsell chroma, and Munsell value, respec- and as the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-space. These two
tively. If a regular rhombohedral lattice is in- spaces, recommended by the CIE for practical
serted in the Munsell space (a convenient lattice applications have been discussed in Section 3.3.9.
spacing and lattice position and orientation can
be chosen), the cylindrical coordinates (the
6.5.2 Color-Difference Formulae
Munsell notations) of the lattice points can be
determined by interpolation between the known For each of the three-dimensional color scales of
points of the Munsell system (Wyszecki, 1954). Table 1(6.5.1), the formula for AE represents the
With the proper choice of lattice orientation, each magnitude of the color difference perceived be-
plane of constant Munsell value will contain a tween two object-color stimuli which are specified
triangular lattice as discussed earlier [see Figure in terms of their CIE tristimulus values. The
3(6.4)]. A direct determination of a regular difference AE is the quantity of importance in
rhombohedral lattice in color space has been made industrial color-control problems and in the
by the Committee on Uniform Color Scales of the establishment of color tolerances. Values of AE
Optical Society of America. The results of this calculated from the different formulae for the
work will be discussed in Section 6.6.4. same pair of color stimuli, differ because of dif-
_ The traditional way of deriving formulae for ferences in the basic observational data and in the
three-dimensional color scales has been by choos- approximations used by the authors of the differ-
ing a chromaticity diagram with approximately ent scales. The numerical relation between AE
uniform spacing for equilightness (or equilumi- values given by the different formulae is very
nance) color stimuli and by adding to it some complicated, and explicit and useful mathemati-
function of luminance factor which gives ap- cal expressions that convert AE values obtained
proximately uniform lightness spacing for color by one formula to corresponding AE values ob-
stimuli of the same chromaticity. Suitable scaling tained by another formula can, in general, not be
factors for both the chromaticity scale and the produced. Noteworthy is a partly graphical, partly
lightness scale are selected to make the unit of numerical method developed by Ohta (1977) for
cell being a
Fig. 2(6.5.1). Seven ways of cutting a regular rhombohedral lattice, the typical

converting from CIE 1976 A E( L*u*v*)-values to Buchmann-Olsen (1949); Selling and Friele
CIE 1976 AE(L*a*b*)-values and vice-versa. (1950); E. Allen (1957a,b, 1959); Dearth (1957);
Line elements are commonly considered a sep- Hunter (1958, 1960, 1962, 1975); Berger (1959);
arate class of color-difference formulae. We will Croes (1959); Friele (1959); Fukuda (1959);
discuss them in Section 8.4. Dearth, Shillcox, and Van den Akker (1960);
Fukuda and Sugiyama (1962); Grum and Patek
(1965); Seve (1966); Vaeck (1966); Stensby (1967);
6.5.3 White. Whiteness Formulae Mori (1969); Anders and Daul (1970); Ganz
White is the attribute of a visual sensation accord- (1972, 1976, 1979a,b); Thielert and Schliemann
ing to which a given stimulus appears to be void (1973); Berglund and Stenius (1979); Fago de
of any hue and grayness. In this sense, we also Mattiello and Lozano (1979); Seve (1979); Stenius
speak of “white” stimuli. The gamut of stimuli (1979).
that give rise to the perception of “whites” or The work by Ganz (1972, 1976, 1979a,b) is
“near-whites” in color space depends markedly especially recommended as an in-depth treatment
on the observing conditions, but is always very of whiteness specifications as applied to industry.
small as compared to the whole gamut of color Seve (1979) provides a comprehensive bibliogra-
perceptions (Hurvich and Jameson, 195la,b; phy on whiteness of about 300 references cover-
Jameson and Hurvich, 1951; Bartleson and Witzel, ing the period until 1976.
1967; Honjo, Shimada, and Nonaka, 1967; and Table 1(6.5.3) in the Appendix lists a number
Hunt and Winter, 1975). of whiteness formulae suggested by different in-
The scaling of whiteness and, in particular, the vestigators.
derivation of suitable formulae for the prediction
of whiteness is of considerable importance to a
variety of industries and their products (textiles,
paper, plastics, photography, television). With ap- 6.6 COLOR-ORDER SYSTEMS
plications in mind, whiteness may be defined as
the attribute of a diffusing surface under an as- A color-order system is a rational method or a
signed illumination by which its similarity in color plan of ordering and specifying all object colors
to some preferred or standard white is judged. or all within a limited domain by means of a set
Many formulae for whiteness so defined make of material standards selected and displayed so as
direct use of color-difference formulae. to represent adequately the whole set of object
Whiteness has also been defined as a simple colors under consideration.
function of the luminance factor of the surface or Of the many conceivable color-order systems,
of its reflectances measured for one or more nar- a number have been developed and are used.
row regions of the visible spectrum. Fairly detailed accounts of the more important
Despite many attempts, no general agreement systems are given by Judd and Wyszecki (1975)
has yet been reached on the most useful formula and Wyszecki (1960b).
for specifying whiteness for practical purposes. All color-order systems fall broadly into three
Visual estimates of whiteness are highly subjec- major groups. Those in the first group are based
tive, and different observers disagree widely in primarily on the principles of additive mixtures
their estimates; also a single observer may change of color stimuli. Systematic variations of the set-
an estimate on different occasions, quite fre- tings of a Maxwell disk can be used to generate
quently by large amounts. Different observers color scales which in turn can be duplicated by
have, in addition, different ideas of the ideal actual material standards. Examples include the
_white that should be taken as the standard for a Ridgway Color System and the Ostwald Color Sys-
particular product. The widespread use of blue tem.
fluorescent dyes has aggravated the practical The principles of colorant mixtures provide
problem. the basis for color-order systems of the second
There is an extensive literature on whiteness group. The desired colored objects are developed
and its specification for practical purposes. For by compounding a limited number of pigments of
the interested reader, the following is a selection dyes in systematically varied proportions. Exam-
of references from a total of several hundred ples include the Plochere Color System and the
papers that have been published in this field: Martin—Senour Nu-Hue System. By application of
MacAdam (1934, 1955); Judd (1935b, 1936a); the screen-plate process of printing and by vary-
Harrison (1938-1939, 1942); Asmussen and ing the screening systematically, color-order sys-
Color-Order Systems 507

tems are obtained intermediate in character to the bottom by steps that are intended to be perceptu-
two groups just mentioned. Examples include the ally equal; and they progress from achromatic
Maerz and Paul Dictionary of Color, the Villalobos colors, black, gray, or white, at the inside edge of
Colour Atlas, and the Hickethier System. the chart to chromatic colors at the outside edge
The third group of color-order systems is based of the chart by steps that are also intended to be
on principles of color perception. Material stan- perceptually equal.
dards are selected to represent scales of constant Each chip is identified by a 3-part code. For
hue, chroma, and lightness, each one spaced uni- example, the notation 2.5 YR 5/10 describes the
formly in accordance with the perceptions of an chip with the Munsell hue 2.5 YR, Munsell value
observer with normal color vision. Color-order 5/, and Munsell chroma /\0. The notation of the
systems of this group are sometimes called color- Munsell system, because it is based on nearly
appearance systems. Examples include the Munsell uniformly spaced scales of color, is a useful tool
Color System. for the formulation and solution of many colori-
Color-order systems, those mentioned above metric problems.
and others, have usually been developed to serve A Munsell constant-hue chart is laid out as
specific purposes and as such, have been used shown in Figure 1(6.6.1). The lightness scale is
with more or less success (see, for example, Judd represented by the Munsell value scale with black
and Wyszecki, 1975). None of the existing color- denoted by 0/ and white by 10/. There are nine
order systems can claim a universal usefulness. grays placed uniformly in between. Colors of
However, the Munsell Color System has gained constant chroma are placed on the vertical lines
remarkable popularity among research workers parallel to the Munsell value scale. Munsell
and color technologists of many countries and chroma increases in steps of two (/2, /4,..., /10).
primarily for this reason has been selected for Colors placed on the horizontal lines have con-
more detailed treatment here. The DIN Color stant Munsell value. The gamut of the colors in
System (German Standard Color Chart), of im- the Munsell constant-hue chart is limited. Mix-
portance particularly in central Europe, and the tures of chromatic pigments with black and white
more recent Swedish Natural Color System and pigments yield a color gamut whose boundary is
the OSA Color System have been added as further represented by the dashed curve in Figure 1(6.6.1).
examples of color-appearance systems. Each row of colors of constant value is extended
until the next interval of two chroma steps would
extend beyond the boundary of the colorant mix-
6.6.1 Munsell Color System
ture gamut.
The Munsell Color System has been realized in the Figure 2(6.6.1) shows the organization of the
Munsell Book of Color, available through the Munsell constant-value charts that can be built up
Munsell Color Company. There are different edi- from the constant-hue charts. The 100-point
tions of the Munsell Book of Color exhibiting Munsell hue scale and notation are shown around
different numbers of samples, different sample the outer circle. Colors of constant Munsell hue
sizes, and different finishes (glossy or matte). For are shown by the radial lines intersecting at the
example, the glossy finish collection displays 1450 center representing gray, or chroma /0. The hue
glossy color paint chips inserted in slots on 40 scale is built up to 10 segments of 10 hues each,
constant-hue charts arranged on facing pages. An such as the segment from 1 YR to 10 YR, and the
18-step gray scale is also included. Each color fifth hue of each of these segments is alternatively
chip may be removed from the chart. The chart notated by the letters alone, thus, 5 YR is often
sizeis10 by 12 in.; the chip size 11/16 by 13/16 written simply YR. The Munsell chroma scale up
in.; the whole collection comes in two volumes to chroma /10 is shown along any radial line in
(13 by 12 by 2 in. each). Figure 2(6.6.1), and the colors of constant Munsell
On each constant-hue chart, the chips are chroma are shown by each of the five concentric
arranged in rows and columns. It was intended circles. It will be noted that the sampling of the
that the chips in any one row should be perceived color solid near the black-white axis (chroma /0)
to have equally light colors under ordinary view- is, by this plan of development, much denser than
ing conditions (daylight illumination, middle gray that of the high chroma colors represented far
to white surroundings) and that the chips in any from the axis. This is a necessary defect of any
one column should be perceived to have colors of collection of color chips organized on the radial
equal chroma. The colors progress from very light plan. The Munsell Book of Color does not show all
at the top of each chart to very dark at the 100 Munsell hues on the scale of Figure 2(6.6.1),


Munsell chroma ———>

Fig. 1(6.6.1). Organization of the colors of constant Munsell hue in the Munsell Book of

but only 40 of them: 2.5 YR, 5 YR, 7.5 YR,.10 Research Institute are intended to conform with
VALE IN OR el IY the Renotation System of 1943.
Figure 3(6.6.1) is an oblique projection of the Table 1(6.6.1) in the Appendix is a reproduc-
Munsell color solid illustrating the arrangement tion of the table given by Newhall, Nickerson,
of planes of constant Munsell hue and constant and Judd (1943), which contains the CIE (Y, x, y)
Munsell value; constant Munsell chroma is repre- equivalents of the recommended Munsell renota-
sented by cylinders with the gray scale as com- tions for 40 hues and nine values (V) at every
mon axis. second chroma (C) step from zero to the loci of
The color chips in the Munsell Book of Color optical color stimuli (see Section 3.7). Figures
have CIE tristimulus values in close agreement I(6.6.1) to [X(6.6.1) in the Appendix illustrate the
‘with the specifications laid down in the “Final hue and chroma scales of the Munsell system for
Report of the OSA Subcommittee on the Spacing Munsell renotation values 1/ to 9/, respectively,
of Munsell Colors” (Newhall, Nickerson, and in the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram. The
Judd, 1943). The 1943 report gives a revised spac- luminance factor Y and chromaticity coordinates
ing of the Munsell system represented in x, y refer to CIE standard illuminant C. The
the earlier editions of the Munsell Book of Color. Munsell value scale is defined as follows:
This system is commonly referred to as the
Y = 1.2219V — 0.23111V? + 0.23951V?
Munsell Renotation System. The editions of
the Munsell Book of Color currently issued by the —0.021009V* + 0.0008404V°
Munsell Color Company or by the Japan Color and has been tabulated in Table II(6.5.1).


Color-Order Systems 509

Fig. 2(6.6.1). Organization of the colors of constant Munsell value in the Munsell Book of

Munsell renotations intermediate to those luminance. Among the few notable exceptions, we
given in Table I(6.6.1) may be found by interpola- have again the 10 Y hue and the hue between 5 P
tions from Figures I(6.6.1) to [X(6.6.1). Renota- and 7.5 P; these hue lines remain in the same
tions between value 9/ and 10/ (perfect white) position in the chromaticity diagram at all value
can be found reliably by extrapolation from the levels.
graphs representing values 7/, 8/, and 9/. How-
ever, renotations between 1/ and 0/ are not as
6.6.2 DIN Color System
easily found by extrapolation, and charts pre-
pared by Judd and Wyszecki (1956) for Munsell The DIN Color System (Beuth-Vertrieb G.m.b.H.,
renotation values 0.8/, 0.6/, 0.4/, and 0.2/ may Berlin, Germany) is the official German Standard
be used for that purpose. Digital computers have Color System (DIN 6164) developed by M.
also been employed to carry out conversions from Richter and his associates (Richter, 1953; 1955;
Munsell renotations to CIE color coordinates and 1961). The color solid is organized in terms of hue
vice versa (Keegan et al., 1958). (DIN-Farbton), saturation (DIN-Sattigung), and
The Munsell constant-hue lines in the CIE lightness (DIN-Dunkelstufe). Colors of constant
1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram are generally DIN-Farbton have the same dominant wave-
curved with the exceptions of one (10 Y) in the length or complementary wavelength with CIE
yellow region and one (between 5 P and 7.5 P) in standard illuminant C as the achromatic color
the purple region. The curvature of the hue lines stimulus. The hue circuit is divided into 24 per-
has been documented in other experimental stud- ceptually equal steps of DIN-Farbton. In the CIE
ies (see section 5.9) and is considered well estab- 1931 chromaticity diagram, loci of constant DIN-
lished, at least qualitatively. A closer inspection Sattigung are ovals around the chromaticity point
of the hue lines at different Munsell-value levels of illuminant C. These loci are the same for
reveals that most hue lines do not retain their all values of DIN-Dunkelstufe. The DIN-
position in the chromaticity diagram (Newhall, Dunkelstufe is defined as a logarithmic function
Nickerson, and Judd, 1943). The Bezold—Briicke of “relative lightness” h = Y/Y), where Y is the
phenomenon (see Section 5.9) is indicated, which luminance factor of the sample and Yo the lumi-
says that most color stimuli change their hue with nance factor of the optimal color stimulus having


constant Plane of
constant hue
Se 5R


Fig. 3(6.6.1). Schematic diagram of the Munsell color solid showing four planes of constant
Munsell hue (5R, 10Y, 5BG, 10PB) and a cylinder representing constant Munsell chroma
(/10). Planes of constant hue intersect each other at the Munsell value axis, which also is the
common axis of all cylinders of constant Munsell chroma. Planes of constant Munsell value
intersect the axis perpendicularly.

the same chromaticity as the sample. Constant coordinates of the colors of the DIN-System il-
Dunkelstufe means constant relative lightness h lustrated in Figure 2(6.6.2).
but usually not constant lightness in the sense of The introduction of relative lightness rather
perceived lightness (Wyszecki 1960b). The DIN- than lightness itself is said to give the DIN-hue
Dunkelstufe function is defined as circuit a “psychologically balanced” appearance.
It is thus not surprising that the loci of constant
D = 10 — 6.1723 log (40.7h + 1) DIN-Sattigung do not approach closely the corre-
sponding loci of constant Munsell chroma.
In fact, the relationship between the two color-
order systems is rather complicated (Kundt and
Wyszecki, 1955).
The DIN Color System has been realized in the
and is plotted in Figure 1(6.6.2). The network of form of painted paper chips with a matte finish.
lines of constant DIN-Farbton and constant The chips are rectangular in shape and approxi-
DIN-S&ttigung is illustrated in Figure 2(6.6.2). mately 0.9 by 1.1 in. large. Samples of the same
Table 1(6.6.2) in the Appendix gives values of D DIN-Farbton are displayed on a single sheet;
as a function of h in accordance with the above there are 24 such sheets, one for each Farbton.
equation; Table II(6.6.2) gives the chromaticity The samples progress from light at the top of each
Color-Order Systems 511

5 o
ui 2
5 <5

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

(Relative lightness)
Fig. 1(6.6.2). Relationship between DIN-Dunkelstufe D (= DIN darkness degree) and DIN
Relativ-Helligkeit h (= DIN relative lightness).

sheet to dark at the bottom by steps of equal on the six psychologically unique color percep-
difference in Dunkelstufe (D = 1 to 8), and from tions of black, white, red, green, yellow, and blue.
near achromatic colors (Sattigung S = 1) at the The German physiologist Ewald Hering is
left side of each sheet to saturated colors at the given credit for developing the basis for this model
right, the samples changing by steps of equal of color perception in the second half of the last
difference in Sattigung until the gamut boundary century and the Swedish physicist Tryggve
of the pigments used is approached. The samples Johansson developed it further in the first half of
are held in small slots cut into each sheet and can this century. The Swedish Color Center under the
be removed for use in color comparisons. Each direction of A. Hard has attempted to achieve a
sample is identified by DIN-notations (F': S: D) practical realization of the Hering—Johansson
and CIE (x, y, Y) coordinates with respect to the ideas of systemizing color perceptions in the form
1931 standard observer and source C. Also given of a color atlas (Hard, 1966).
are dominant wavelength or complementary A description of the quality of a color percep-
wavelength and excitation and colorimetric pur- tion is the primary objective of this system; the
ity, as well as corresponding Munsell renotations perceptually uniform spacing of colors as stressed,
(Budde, Kundt, and Wyszecki, 1955) and Ostwald for example, in the Munsell system, is given sec-
notations (Richter, 1957). ondary consideration. The appropriate quality
A review of the DIN Color System in its final attributes of a color perception are the psycho-
form issued by the Beuth—Vertrieb, Berlin as the logically unique perceptions: black, white, red,
German Standard DIN 6164, has been given by green, yellow, blue. A given color perception can
Nickerson and Granville (1963). be specified by judging its resemblance to the
unique (also called “elementary’’) perceptions, and
not by judging differences from the unique per-
6.6.3 Swedish Natural Color System ceptions. The resemblance is expressed in degrees
The Swedish Natural Color System (Hard, 1970) is of whiteness, blackness, yellowness, redness, blue-
an example of a color-appearance system based ness, and greenness.

0.3 rity

€ 4

an aa 380 to 410

Fig. 2(6.6.2). CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram showing straight loci of DIN-Farbton
(hue) and oval loci of DIN-Sattigung (saturation). The network of lines is valid for all values of
DIN-Dunkelstufe (darkness degree). (After Richter, 1955.)

There appear to be functional relationships the object-color solid) is surrounded by 12

between degrees of whiteness, blackness, yellow- neighboring colors, all perceptually equally dis-
ness, and so on, exemplified in the Swedish tant from the given color. The arrangement is
Natural Color System and the color-perception such that any given color appears in seven en-
attributes of hue, chroma, and lightness as exem- tirely different series of equally spaced colors,
plified in the Munsell system (Judd and with each series traversing the color solid.
Nickerson, 1975). But these functional relation- The OSA Color System developed by the Com-
ships are not as yet clearly understood and re- mittee on Uniform Color Scales of the Optical
quire further study, particularly when the color Society of America between the years of 1947 to
atlas, based on the Swedish Natural Color System, 1974 is available in atlas form from the Optical
becomes more widely available. Society of America in Washington, DC. The paint
chips contained in the atlas closely rep-
resent, when viewed under daylight (D,;) il-
6.6.4 OSA Color System
lumination and on a middle-gray surround (30%
The OSA Color System is a color-appearance sys- reflectance), the colors of the OSA Color System
tem that exemplifies uniform color spacing by as specified by CIE 1964 color coordinates given
means of the regular rhombohedral lattice in Table 1(6.6.4). Figures 1(6.6.4) to XIII(6.6.4)
arrangement of color samples [see Section 6.5.1, illustrate the plane square-lattices of the system
especially Figures 1(6.5.1) and 2(6.5.1)]. In this for constant OSA lightness L = —7 to +5 in the
system, each color (not lying on the boundary of CIE 1964 (x19, ¥j9)-chromaticity diagram.
Color-Order Systems at

All colors of medium lightness are represented where

by points on the plane square-lattice L = 0. The
planes parallel to and above L = 0 are denoted ye
by L=1,2,---; those below are denoted by C= =
L = —I, —2,---. There are only a few points on 5.9(¥1v3 —2)
the planes L = 5 and L = —7 representing colors oo 1/3
that are producible by stable paint mixtures. —
=1+0.042 (Yio=1/3 —30)
In each plane of constant lightness (L), lattice 10 3
coordinates (j, g) are used to identify the lattice
points. Both j and g are zero for grays. Positive
values of j, with zero values of g, indicate yellow
or brownish colors. Negative values of 7, with zero
values of g indicate blues. Positive values of g,
with zero values of j, indicate greens. Negative
values of g, with zero values of j, indicate The (Rio, Gio, Bjo)-tristimulus values refer to a
reddish-purples. fundamental system of primary stimuli whose
The lattice points (L, 7, g) of the OSA Color (X19, Yio)-chromaticity coordinates are given as
System are related to the CIE 1964 tristimulus
values (X19, Yio, Zi9) by the following formulae:
x19(R) = 0.747 yg R) = 0.253
L =5.9| 4? — 3 + 0.042(¥9 — 30)'”)|
Xjo(B) =0.171 — yio(B)= 0
This is a modified Semmelroth (1970) formula
that takes “crispening” of color differences into
(see also Section 8.2.5).
account (see Section 6.3) when the gray back- In the application of the above Eqs. 1(6.6.4) to
ground has a reflectance of 30%.
3(6.6.4) it is often useful to recall the following
The quantity Yj) in Eq. 1(6.6.4) is obtained relations:
from a modified Sanders—Wyszecki (1957) for-
mula (see also Section 5.8):
— thl.
AU fia dle p=Br Ge a ae
Vio = Yio(4.4934xi) +.4.3034y%) — 4.276x10Vi0 Y10 Yi0

—1,3744x19 — 2.5643 yj) + 1.8103) [4(6.6.4)]

The OSA Committee on Uniform Color Scales
where Yi9, X19, Yio are the CIE 1964 color specifi- makes no claim as to the applicability of Eqs.
cations of a given object-color stimulus. The 1(6.6.4) to 3(6.6.4) to the evaluation of color
calculated value of Y,, refers to the luminance differences other than those materialized in the
factor of the gray object-color stimulus that ap- OSA Color System. In particular, the Committee’s
pears equally light to the given object-color final report (MacAdam, 1974) stresses that Eqs.
stimulus (Yj9, X19, Yio). The perfect reflecting dif- 1(6.6.4) to 3(6.6.4) “should not be used to con-
fuser illuminated by CIE standard illuminant D,; struct a formula for evaluation of small color
yields the “white” object-color stimulus with Y,, differences or tolerances, because the color dif-
= 100. ferences judged by the Committee were all more
The coordinates j and g are defined by than 20 times just noticeable”’.
More specific aspects of the OSA Color System
f= C(H13.7R13 +:17.7G14?.— 4BiY3) have been treated in detail in a number of recent
publications, a selection of which is the following:
g = C(1.7R16? + 8GIg? — 9.7B16°) MacAdam (1974, 1978); Nickerson
1978); Wyszecki (1975); Davidson (1978); Foss
(1975, 1977,

[3(6.6.4)] (1978).


7.1 PREAMBLE A wide variety of difference threshold studies

can be usefully coordinated by introducing the
Some data on visual thresholds have already been concept of increment-threshold sensitivity. This
given previously (see particularly, Chapter 5), but concept envisages the retina as a complex receiv-
the bulk of such data, especially those having a ing surface with a characteristic topography
direct bearing on color vision, will be summarized (fovea, optic disk, etc.), and is primarily con-
in this chapter by highlighting basic concepts and cerned with monocular vision. If, as is usual, the
giving convenient (not necessarily the earliest or complications produced by blinking and involun-
“best”) results of experimental investigations. The tary eye motions are ignored, the retinal irradi-
literature on visual thresholds, with the early work ance at each point of this surface is determined
dating back some 200 years, is too extensive to by the external stimulus (see Section 2.3); that is,
permit a brief quantitative summary of the sub- by the spatial and spectral radiant power distribu-
ject matter. For supplementary reading on visual tion of the light in the field viewed and by the
thresholds, the following review articles are re- effective entrance pupil at the eye. In a typical
commended: Pirenne and Marriott (1959), Pirenne determination of the increment threshold, the eye
(1962c), Bartlett (1965), Cornsweet (1970), views a stimulus of given spectral radiant power
Baumgardt (1972), Blackwell (1972), Bouman and distribution which may be variable with time in a
Walraven (1972), and Nachmias (1972). prescribed way. This distribution provides the
so-called conditioning stimulus. At a given mo-
ment, an additional stimulus—the fest stimulus—
is exposed, and the subject reports if it is detected.
By repeated trials, using test stimuli of different
radiances but keeping unchanged all the other
characteristics (retinal location, epoch in the time
7.2.1 Basic Terms and Definitions
course of the conditioning stimulus, angular size,
A visual threshold is usually defined by the prob- duration, relative spectral composition, etc.), the
ability p of seeing a difference in brightness, or threshold radiance corresponding to, for example,
hue, or saturation, or a difference in some other a 50% probability of seeing, is determined. This
perceptual attribute exhibited by a given set of increment threshold, expressed in suitable units
stimuli. The value of p of the probability of seeing of radiance, and its reciprocal, the increment-
is usually taken as 0.5 (or 50%), but other values threshold sensitivity, depend for a particular eye
of p between zero and unity are sometimes pre- on two distinct groups of variables, those de-
ferred. termining, respectively, the conditioning stimulus
The above definition includes the special case and the test stimulus, together with a parameter
of the absolute threshold when the probability p fixing the time of application (epoch) of the test
refers to the absence or presence of visual sensa- stimulus, which is convenient to reckon in with
tion determined at an expected point in time and the conditioning variables.
in an expected region of the visual (monocular or The increment threshold can be determined
binocular) field. for almost any proposed conditioning stimulus



General Concepts 515

and for a test stimulus of arbitrary characteristics. shape, and length of pulse of the test stimulus
The latter may be a distribution filling the whole provides one of the principal means of studying
visual field as in some work (see, for example, the spatial and temporal integrating properties of
D. H. Kelly 1961, 1962), but most commonly the response systems in a particular retinal area in
it is confined to a small area centered on a the condition to which they are brought by the
particular point of the retina. Also, the exposure given conditioning stimulus. A special case of
time is usually brief, a fraction of a second only. some interest arises when the test stimulus is
By determining the variation of the increment presented to the same retinal area as homoge-
threshold of such a small pulsed test stimulus neous double pulses which may be perceived as
with changes in the test and conditioning varia- two flashes separated by a definite dark interval
bles, inferences can be drawn about the properties or, instead, as a single flash that appears to vary
of the visual response mechanisms, including color from bright to dim and back to bright (Boynton,
mechanisms, that operate in a localized retinal 1972).
area. The measurement of increment thresholds at
Steady-state measurements are made when the very low radiances of the conditioning stimulus,
test stimulus is applied only after the observer’s and in the limit, the measurement of absolute
vision has become fully adapted to a nonvarying thresholds, demands particularly severe working
conditioning stimulus. When the conditioning conditions. Dark adaptation for 30 min to 1 hr
stimulus is a completely dark field, except per- are normal, but the time period must be extended
haps for fixation points of minimal intensity, the substantially if, just prior to the start of the
increment threshold coincides with the absolute session, the observer’s eye has been exposed to a
threshold. If conditioning and test stimuli are high-luminance environment. An effective tech-
both uniform light patches of the same spectral nique sometimes used (Pugh, 1976) to arrive at a
composition of radiant power, the test patch being controlled dark adaptation level is to keep the
small and applied well within the more extended observer in the dark for 5 min, followed by a
conditioning patch, then the measurement reduces 30-sec exposure of his or her eye to a 6.25 log
to a form of /uminance discrimination with the troland “white” bleach; absolute thresholds are
increment threshold equal to the /uminance-dif- then measured 5 to 10 min later.
ference threshold. From this situation, the two-color The collection of data leading to absolute
threshold method is developed by allowing differ- thresholds or increment thresholds with a condi-
ent spectral radiant power distributions for test tioning stimulus at a very low radiance level is
and conditioning stimuli; with a test stimulus of done best by the constant-stimulus method with
given form, size, and pulse duration, the principal randomized stimulus presentation. The observer,
variables determining the increment threshold are after being dark adapted (or adapted to the steady
then the two spectral radiant power distributions conditioning stimulus), is instructed to regard the
and the radiance of the conditioning stimulus. fixation point(s) and to report with “yes” if, after
Time-variable measurements are made when a warning (auditory) signal, another light is seen
increment thresholds are determined at different in the visual field, and to report with “no” if not.
times when the conditioning stimulus is a steady The radiance (or luminance) of each test stimulus
stimulus of given spectral radiant power distribu- pulse is selected randomly from a set of radiance
tion and usually high radiance (or luminance) levels that have been predetermined so as to give
which drops abruptly to a completely dark (zero nearly 0% of yes responses at the lower extreme
radiance) field. Measurements of this kind lead to of radiance level and nearly 100% of yes re-
dark-adaptation curves. The increment threshold sponses at the upper extreme. At least seven
is also used to follow variations in retinal re- radiance levels are usually used in the set.
sponse during and after abrupt changes in the So-called “blanks” (zero-radiance stimuli) are
reverse sense, that is, low to high level condition- presented intermittently to assess the observer’s
ing. When very brief test pulses are used, varia- reliability of making the required yes—no judg-
tions with very short time period can be traced. ments.
The obvious extension of the two-color threshold The randomized presentation of the set of
method to such light-adaptation curves, has also pulsed test stimuli of different radiance levels
been used (Boynton, 1956). (including the blanks) is repeated a sufficient
For almost any conditioning stimulus, the number of times so that for each radiance level,
variation of the increment threshold with size, the frequency of occurrence can be determined of

one of the two permissible, contrasting responses 7.2.2 Quantum Fluctuations and Visual
(e.g., the yes response). A plot of the percentage Stimuli
of flashes seen (yes responses) against the loga-
When radiant flux is incident on the photosen-
rithm (log,,.) of the radiance of the corresponding
sitive pigments of the retina, the effective stimu-
stimulus pulses leads to the frequency-of-seeing
lus is the number of quanta absorbed, and this
curve. From such a plot, the radiance can be read
number is subject inevitably to quantum fluc-
off at which the observer would be estimated to
tuations, purely physical in origin. Since 1942 the
respond with “yes” with a frequency of p%. The
bearing of these fluctuations on vision, particu-
shape of the frequency-of-seeing curve depends
larly on visual thresholds, has been extensively
on the underlying statistical distribution. In many
studied (Hecht, Shlaer, and Pirenne, 1942; De
absolute threshold experiments, frequency-of-see-
Vries, 1943; van der Velden, 1944). For critical
ing is approximated by the Poisson sum, and the
reviews of the subject, with ample references, see,
sigmoid- or ogive-shaped curve is nonsymmetri-
for example, Pirenne and Marriott (1959) and
cal. In increment-threshold experiments involving
Pirenne (1962c). For an elementary introduction,
higher radiance levels of the test stimuli, the
see, for example, Cornsweet (1970). The following
frequency-of-seeing curve is approximated by the
formulae are basic.
symmetrical Gaussian cumulative distribution
(i) If a beam of monochromatic light of wave-
curve (see also Section 7.2.2).
length A, measured in meters (m), and of radiant
A popular variation of the constant stimulus
power F, measured in watts (W), is incident for a
method is the double-staircase method which has
period ¢, measured in seconds (s), on an absorb-
been described in Section 5.12.3.
ing material, such as a visual pigment layer, that
The visual thresholds discussed above under
absorbs a fraction p, the chance that exactly m
the general concept of increment threshold sensi-
quanta will be absorbed is given by Poisson’s
tivity exclude, in general, the class of color-
discrimination data that quantifies the just-percep-
tible difference in some perceptual attribute such fy: xe

as brightness or hue by presenting to the observer w(m,x)= ay [1(7.2.2)]

a bipartite visual field, the two parts of which are
adjusted by the observer to be just-perceptibly with
different. The results of such experiments are also
referred to as discrimination thresholds (Section n

dali) Diwhony xed

Instead of making settings of just-perceptible
differences between the two halves of the visual
field, in some experimental procedures,: the where x= it okt Ap,= average number of
observer is required to make complete color quanta absorbed in repeated trials
matches between the two halves of the visual field c=velocity of light = 2.997925 x 108
by keeping the stimulus in one half (the compari- (m-s_')
son stimulus) fixed and adjusting the stimulus in
the other half (the test stimulus). The match is y= * = frequency of light (s~')
repeated many times (about 30) and the recorded
settings are then used to compute the standard
deviation or some other measure of the variability h=Planck’s constant = 6.626176 X 107*4
(or precision) of the equality setting. This measure (J-s)
is taken to be proportional to the color-dis-
crimination threshold. The precision of trichro- The chance that n or more quanta are ab-
matic matching offers an example of such data sorbed equals
and has been dealt with in some detail in Section
5.4. Whether the variability of the equality set-
ore) it
tings is indeed strictly proportional to the just-
p(n,x) => wm,
x) =1— > wh, =x)
perceptible difference has not been established m=—n m=0
with certainty, though some experiments seem to
suggest that proportionality does hold. [2(7.2.2)]
General Concepts 517

Table 1(7.2.2) Probability of Absorption p(n, x) of n or More Quanta when the

Average Number Absorbed Is x. The Quantity x) Gives the Value of
x for p(n,x)=05.

Plin,z) n=1 # 3 4 5 7 10 14 20 30

Values of log 2/29

0.975 Zor? 0.521 0.432 0.378 0.341 0.292 0.248 0.212 7 0.179 0.148
0.95 0.636 0.449 0.372 0.325 0.292 0.249 0.212 0.180 (152° 0.925
0.90 0.521 0:356>* 0.300° °2:260° 0.233 0.198 0.167 0.142 0.120 0.098
0.80 0.366 0.251 0.204 0.177 0.158 O34 2. O42" = 0:095 0.080 0.066
0.70 0.240 062,940.13 1 0.113 0.101 0.085 0.071 0.061 0.050 0.041
0.60 0.121 0.081 0.065 0.056 0.050 0.042 0.035 0.029 0.024 0.020
0.55 0.061 0.041 0.033 0.028 0.025 0.021 0.017 0.015 0.012 0.010
0.50 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0
0.45 1.936 1.958 1.967 1.971 1.975 1.979 1.982 1.985 1.988 1.990
0.40 1.868 1.914 1.932 1.942 1.948 1.957 1.964 1.970 1.975 1.980
0.35 1.794 1.867 1.895 1,910 (3,924 1.934 1.945 1.954. 1.962 1.969
0.30 E713 1.815 1.855 1.877 1.891 1.909 1.925 1.937 1.947 1.958
0.25 16ts” 1.758" “1-810 “i839, 1.858, oo1 B82 561.902 of 918. 212932 eal 945
0.20 1.508 1.691 £159 91.996. 9) 1,820 bel Lous 1.898 1.915 1.931
0.15 1.370 1.609 1.697 1.744 1.775 1.814 1.847 1.873 1.894 1.914
0.10 1ISZ0F 1-500 ™1.615 Leite L760” VRs0s ST 841 1.868 1.893
0.08 POSOn 11.442 el572. 11.641 1. 686ppti742 11789, F85-824— “h855 1.882
0.06 2.951 1.370 1.518 1.597 1.648 R7il 1.764 1.807 1.839 1.870
0.04 2.770 1.270 1.444 1.538 1.597 1.670 731 177 1347, 1.852
0.02 2.464 1.107 1.324 1.442 515 1.604 1.679 135 1.782 1.825

log xy 1.841 0.225 0.427 0.565 0.669 0.824 0.985 1.136 1.294 1.472

ag 0.693 1.679 2.67 3.67 4.67 6.67 9.67 13267 19.67 29.67

p(n, n) 0,63289'40,594 «80.577 0.567 0.560, 0.550) 04542:105,0.536 » 5.0:53014..01524

The principal application of Eq. 2(7.2.2) is to and

the representation of frequency-of-seeing (proba- eee)
bility-of-detection) curves in determinations of eae: = 2.3026xw[(n — 1), x]
visual thresholds. On the simplest theory, a detec- (log x)
tion occurs if, and only if, n or more quanta are [4(7.2.2)]
absorbed in the visual pigment and p(n, x) then
defines the probability of this occurring as a Some numerical values derived from Eq. 4(7.2.2)
function of the radiance of the stimulus pulse. are given in Table 2(7.2.2). The shape of a curve
Sets of values of p(n, x) in the range of main of p(n, x) against logx depends only on n; a
visual interest are given in Table 1(7.2.2). Figure change of x to z=cx merely shifts the curve
1(7.2.2) illustrates a sample of curves of p(n, x) along the axis of log x by the amount of log c.
plotted against log x/x,. Molina (1942) gives val- The above formulae for w(n, x) and p(n, x)
ues covering a much wider range. also apply when the incident monochromatic
The gradient of the curve of p(n, x) against x beam is replaced by a beam with spectral radiant
or log x is frequently required, particularly in the power distribution {FS(A) dA} and the fraction
neighborhood of n=x or of p(n, x) = 0.5. absorbed is a function of wavelength, denoted by
Sometimes, p(n, x) = 0.60 or 0.55 are also used p(A). In the expression {FS(A) dA}, the quantity
to define threshold radiance. We have S(A) dX defines the relative spectral radiant power
distribution, and F is a factor independent of
doe = w[(n—1),x] [3(7.2.2)] wavelength, which converts the relative distribu-
tion into an absolute distribution, measured in



p(n,x) 05


GiF2 80 (Bid 122R The 18 O O02 04 06 O8 1.0

log, (x/Xo)
Fig. 1(7.2.2).Probability of absorption p(n, x) of n or more quanta when the average number
absorbed is x, plotted against log, 9(x/x9) where x, is the value of x for p(n,x)=0.5.
Numerical values of p(n, x) are given in Table 1(7.2.2).

watts (W). When F is varied, the radiance of the where

beam is changed, although its spectral composi-
tion remains the same. The quantity is then de-
fined as y =z [S(A)Ap(A)ad
x= 2 [s(a)rp(a) da (ii) If a common beam irradiates material con-
taining N different “elements” (e.g., different reti-
= Fy [5(7.2.2)] nal receptor groups or different pigments in a
layer of mixed pigments) each with its own p(A)
Table 2(7.2.2) Gradient of Curve of function, denoted by p,(A), the chance that the
Probability of Absorption of n or ith element absozbs n; or more quanta is given as
More Quanta: dp(n, x) /d(log x) before by p;(n;, x;), where
for x =n and x= x, ( p=9.5)

dp(n, x)/d(log x)
5 + [S(A)d0,(A) dd [6(7.2.2)]
n rc=n z= Xo

The chance that at least one element absorbs its

1 0.847 0.798 minimum number n;, or more, quanta is
2 1.246 Ast
3 1.548 1.518
4 1.799 1.774 PCF) Same O pede) 4: es ee
5 2.02 2.00
6 222 2.20 [7(7.2.2)]
7 2.40 2.38
8 257 2255 where
9 raat pea
10 2.88 2.86
11 3.02 P; = DAN; x;) = p(n;, Fy;)
12 3.16 (Remaining
13 3.29 values of this Equation 7(7.2.2) depends on the absorption
14 3.42 column differ processes in the different elements being indepen-
15 3.54 from those of
dent, which is already implied in the definition of
16 3.66 column 2 by
17 34d less than 1
the p,(A) functions. The principal application of
18 3.88 percent) Eq. 7(7.2.2) is to theories of visual thresholds,
19 3.99 which assume that a response “seen” to a test
20 4.09 stimulus can be triggered off by a minimal ab-
25 4.58 sorption in two or more retinal elements.
30 5.02
100 9.18
For fixed {S(A) dA}, the curve P(F) against
log F has a general similarity with the simpler

Dark Adaptation and Absolute Thresholds 519

curves of the type p(n, x) against log x, but its always less than any of the F,,’s, and its relation
shape is different in some degree whatever the with the latter quantities defines the “probability
value for n. However, an effective n, written nr, summation” occurring when WN _ independent
can be chosen that makes the gradients of P( F) elements act together. For further points on prob-
versus log F, and p(n, x) versus log x, agree in ability summation see Section 8.4.7, where a
the neighborhood of P = p = 0.5. In the special Gaussian form of the probability-of-seeing curve
case when the N elements are all similar in every is taken as basis.
respect (1, = 1>,°°:,N; y; = y2,°°+,y), the P(F)
versus log F curve is always sharper than the
p,(n, Fy) versus log F curve, and ns, is greater
than n. For example, for N = 2 andn, =n, = 6,
Ng 18 about 7. The sharpness increases with the
number of elements N, and, as shown by Brindley
(1963), for very large N, the curve approaches the 7.3.1. Recovery of Threshold Sensitivity;
limiting form Dark-Adaptation Curves
Following adaptation of the eye to a field of high
luminance which is then abruptly extinguished,
Py(F) = 1 — e NY"/*! 18(7.2.2)] the threshold for an extrafoveal area falls from its
value after a second or two through a very wide
In the general situation, the value of F for range (of the order of five log units in some
which P(F) equals 0.5 corresponds in the visual conditions), and takes a time of some 40 min to
application to the threshold radiance F;, for the approach (within, say, 0.2 log units) its value for
whole set of elements. Given y,,...,yy, and full dark adaptation. By contrast, the threshold
N,,.--,Ny, F, can always be calculated from Eq. for a foveal area drops over a much reduced range
M22), (generally not more than two log units) and ap-
Similarly, F,,;, such that p;(n,, F;,y;) = 0.5, proaches its final value in a shorter time in the
defines a corresponding threshold value for the neighborhood of 5 min. Figures 1(7.3.1) to 3(7.3.1)
ith element acting alone. Threshold radiance F; is give examples. Moreover, with a high initial

Adapting stimulus
e o 400,000 trolands
4A 38,900 trolands
#0 19,500 trolands
© © 3800 trolands
V 263 trolands


0 10 20 30 40
Time in dark (min)

Fig. 1(7.3.1). Recovery of threshold sensitivity for extrafoveal (30°) vision. Prior to making
the measurements the eye was exposed for 2 min to a “white” adapting stimulus providing a
fixed retinal illuminance in the range 263 to 400,000 td. The “violet” 3°- test stimulus was
presented in 0.2-sec pulses. For the test stimulus to be treated as visible, the observer had to
detect in it a broad black cross (Hecht, Haig, and Chase, 1937).

a 10 20 30 40
Time in dark (min)
Fig. 2(7.3.1). Recovery of threshold sensitivity for foveal vision. Prior to making the measure-
ments the eye was exposed for 2 min to a “white” adapting stimulus providing a retinal
illuminance of 3,800, 19,500, 38,900, and 400,000 td. The “red” 3°- test stimulus was presented
in 0.2-sec pulses. The red color was used to reduce interference from rod vision. For the test
stimulus to be treated as visible, the observer had to detect in it a broad black cross (Hecht,
Haig, and Chase, 1937).





0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time in dark (min)

Fig. 3(7.3.1). Variation in extrafoveal (7°) dark-adaptation curves obtained by different

observers after adaptation to a “white” stimulus of approximately 51,000 cd-m ” viewed
through the natural pupil. The threshold values are given in terms of micro-microlamberts (1
lambert = 3.183 x10° cd-m~ 2). Within the two extreme curves obtained, the range covered
by the curves of 80% of the 110 observers is shown stippled (Hecht and Mandelbaum, 1939).


ae _
Dark Adaptation and Absolute Thresholds By

adapting luminance, the extrafoveal dark-adapta- values in the area of the optic disk and near large
tion curve [Figure 1(7.3.1)] is clearly divided be- blood vessels in its neighborhood; and (c) a drift
tween an initial branch in which the extrafoveal towards higher values as the periphery of the field
cones have the lower threshold and determine the is approached. Figure 1(7.3.2) gives examples of
observed value and a final branch in which the these variations for two observers.
rods take over. However, with lower adapting The height of the foveal maximum and the
luminances, the following phenomena may be ob- character of the threshold variation at and around
served: (a) the cone branch is not in evidence; it the fovea are critically dependent on the wave-
may have been traversed within a second or two length of a monochromatic test stimulus. Figure
before observations began; (b) the shape of the 2(7.3.2) illustrates this wavelength dependence.
rod branch is modified; that is, it cannot be The variation in the foveal area is of special
regarded as the later part of the rod-recovery interest. For A = 435 nm particularly, a narrow
curve from a high adapting luminance. maximum is shown which is probably related to
For foveal vision [Figure 2(7.3.1)], one branch the foveal tritanopia present in eyes with “normal”
only is normally observable, which must be at- color vision (see also Willmer and Wright, 1945;
tributed to cone vision. However, by the use of Wald, 1967; Wright, 1971).
extremely luminous adapting fields, multiple
branches attributable to different cone-response
7.3.3 Threshold Sensitivity of Fully
systems have been obtained (Auerbach and Wald,
Dark-Adapted Eye
1955; Du Croz and Rushton, 1963; 1966).
The range of individual variation in dark- In fully dark-adapted extrafoveal areas, the rela-
adaptation curves is considerable, as indicated in tive values of the threshold sensitivity (reciprocal
Figure 3(7.3.1). of the threshold value in radiant energy units) of
The forms of dark-adaptation curves (ex- monochromatic test stimuli agree substantially
trafoveal or foveal) for a given test stimulus with the CIE scotopic luminous efficiency func-
depend not only on the level of the adapting tion V’(A) given in Table I(4.3.2) and illustrated
luminance but also on the time during which it in Figure 1(5.7.2). For foveal vision, the Judd
has been exposed. In fact, by using different modification of the CIE V(A)-function [see Sec-
adaptations in which the product of luminance tion 5.7.2(11)] provides a rough approximation to
and duration is kept constant, dark-adaptation the threshold sensitivity. An additional limited set
curves are obtainable that actually intersect of foveal threshold-sensitivity data is discussed in
(Winsor and Clark, 1936; Crawford, 1946). It Section 5.7.2(vi), tabulated in Table 3(5.7.2), and
must be concluded that the changing state of the illustrated in Figure 6(5.7.2).
rod (or cone) system during dark adaptation re-
quires more than one parameter for its specifica-
7.3.4 Absolute Threshold Values for Different
Conditions of Measurement
The course and range of dark-adaptation are
modified by changing the area and duration of To specify the “smallest amount” of light detect-
the test stimulus; thus, the spatial and temporal able by the fully dark-adapted eye, it is necessary
summation properties of the retina must change to distinguish different conditions of measure-
during dark adaptation, and in the direction that ment and to indicate what precisely is being de-
summation is greater in the more dark adapted termined. Following Pirenne (1962c), three main
state. Figure 4(7.3.1) shows experimental data of sets of conditions may be considered.
Arden and Weale (1954) which demonstrate the
spatial effect.
A very large test stimulus is presented in long
exposures, usually of many seconds, and is ob-
7.3.2 Threshold Variation over the Visual
served with the natural pupils, the eyes being free
to move as in ordinary vision. For incandescent
For a fully dark-adapted eye, the variation over lamp light (2400 K), Pirenne found as the average
the whole visual field of the threshold for a small for 22 young subjects that the stimulus luminance
test stimulus, achromatic or chromatic, but not for 50% seeing chance was
red, is characterized by (a) a pronounced maxi-
mum at the fovea (rod-free); (b) indefinitely large POS) SS Oi7S< 10 89 (ede a2)

Minutes in dark
Fig. 4(7.3.1). Thresholds during dark adaptation showing the effect of size of test stimulus
(Arden and Weale, 1954). Extrafoveal (8°) vision. Curves A obtained with 2.7’-dia field; Curves
C obtained with 7°-dia field. Foveal vision. Curves B obtained with 2.7’-dia field. The threshold
values are given in terms of nanolamberts (nL); 1 lambert = 3.183 < 10° cd-m_~”.

Dark Adaptation and Absolute Thresholds 523

(Nasal) x ¥ = 190°
(Lower) @ ¥ = 270°


‘\ ol a

Lake (Temporal) x ¥ = 10°

(Upper) @ ¥ = 90°

(Nasal) x ¥ = 190° (Temporal) x ¥ = io
(Lower) @ ¥ = kee ¢ VARIABLE
(Upper) @ ¥=90° f ® eee



Fig. 1(7.3.2). Variation of the increment threshold of the fully dark-adapted eye for two
observers (Stiles and Crawford, 1937). The large maximum in the threshold of observer BHC
= near 16° is associated with a vessel radiating from the optic disk. A “white” 5’- test stimulus
was used in 0.2 s pulses.

Allowing for an average pupil area of 50 mm’, the threshold to be determined substantially by
this is equivalent to a nominal retinal illuminance the total flux entering the eye for the whole
of 4.4 < 10~° (scotopic) td. Individual values stimulus. For these conditions, Marriott, Morris,
ranged from about half to double this value. and Pirenne (1959) found that the 50% threshold
Observations by other investigators agree fairly corresponded to a flux of 100 to 150 quanta of
closely with this result. A monochromatic test 507-nm light entering the eye per second during
stimulus of wavelength 507 nm [where V’(A) is the long exposure. The eye was free to move, and
maximal], scotopically equivalent to 0.75 < 10°° this value certainly corresponds to the extrafoveal
(cd - m~*) of incandescent lamp light (2400 K), rod threshold.
would have a radiance of 5.08 - 10° '°(W- sr! - With free eye motion and long exposures, de-
m ~*). Pirenne also estimates the actual retinal termination of a cone (foveal) threshold is not
irradiance (allowing for pupil size, light losses in practicable. However, for many practical purpo-
the optic media, and refraction) to which the last ses (such as in navigational signals), it is desired
figure would correspond; he obtains the result to fix the radiant intensities of the test stimuli so
0.45 x 10°'? (W-m-’). For the number of that even if the stimulus is fixated and imaged on
quanta per second of light of wavelength 507 nm the fovea, it shall still be just perceptible. Values
entering the pupil of the eye per square degree of (summarized by Stiles, Green, and Bennett, 1937)
the large-field stimulus, Pirenne finds, at obtained in various early investigations, indicate
threshold, the value 19.6 quanta per second. that, for this to be so, a monochromatic test
stimulus of wavelength 555 nm (maximum of the
CIE V(A)-curve) must be a radiant flux contain-
The test stimulus is again exposed for long peri- ing about 20,000 quanta per second entering the
ods, but is of angular size sufficiently small for eye during the period of exposure.



10° 55 0) 5°
Fig. 2(7.3.2). Variation of increment threshold in traverses through the dark-adapted foveal
and parafoveal area with monochromatic test stimuli of different wavelengths. For all wave-
lengths except 700 nm there are sharply descending wings representing rod response (Stiles,

The practical threshold for lighthouse signals, distance of 1 mile in a completely nonscattering
and so forth, is frequently fixed at rather larger or nonabsorbing atmosphere).
values. For steady signals of this kind, a threshold
value of about 0.5 photopic mile-candle is often
given (1 mile-candle = illuminance produced by Angular size and exposure time are made suffi-
a point source of unit photopic candle power at a ciently small for the perception of the pulse of the
Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds azo

test stimulus to be dependent only on the total ning with two and three respectively. The fourth
luminous flux (lumens) or the number of quanta observer produced “erratic” data and those re-
entering the effective pupil in each pulse. Under sults were discarded.
these conditions, absolute thresholds are obtained Sakitt estimated the fraction of quanta inci-
that provide the most precise visual significance. dent at the cornea that resulted in a rod signal to
The observer fixates so that the stimulus is be approximately 0.03. This was considered con-
imaged on a particular retinal area. In general, an sistent with physical estimates of effective absorp-
artificial pupil rather than the natural pupil is tion for that retinal region obtained by other
used. Under these conditions and with a mono- investigators (Hagins, 1955; Rushton, 1956a,b;
chromatic stimulus of wavelength near the maxi- Barlow, 1962). A simulated forced-choice experi-
mum for rod vision (507 nm), measurements of ment resulted in an absolute threshold that was
extrafoveal thresholds at about 20° from the fovea approximately 0.4 log units below the absolute
have been found to range for different subjects threshold normally obtained by the “yes-no”
from about 50 to 150 quanta (Hecht, Shlaer, and method. This and his other experimental results
Pirenne, 1942; Baumgardt, 1959). These appear to led Sakitt to conclude that observers can utilize
be fairly representative values, but both lower and the sensory information they receive only if one,
higher results have been recorded. (It may be two, or three quanta are effectively absorbed,
noted that 20° extrafoveal vision is probably not depending on the individual. Thus, the human
quite the most sensitive extrafoveal area.) visual system may be able to count every action
For foveal vision, few comparable measure- potential or every discreet burst of such potentials
ments have been made. Observations by Marriott in some critical neurone.
(1963) gave for nine observers values ranging
from about 500 to 900 quanta for the foveal
threshold of a one-minute stimulus, exposed in 7.4. CHROMATIC ADAPTATION AND
1.2-msec pulses provided by a source emitting INCREMENT THRESHOLDS
radiant flux in a narrow spectral band centered
on 550 nm. These results agree fairly well with Increment thresholds provide one way of studying
earlier measurements reviewed by Marriott. For a the visual effects of conditioning the eye to color
more recent review of such measurements, see, for (chromatic adaptation), although the measure-
example, Baumgardt (1972). ments made have not the same direct application
A somewhat different experimental approach to practical questions as determinations of hue,
to determining the “smallest amount” of light saturation, and brightness (Section 5.12). Also,
detectable by the fully dark-adapted eye has been each observation gives just one measured quantity
reported by Sakitt (1972). Four observers were (the increment threshold) instead of three (hue,
required to rate both blanks and very dim flashes saturation, and brightness of a perceived color),
of light at 7° in the extrafoveal region of the and the information content is therefore less. On
retina by using a 7-point rating scale from 0 (“do the other hand, threshold methods have the ad-
not see anything’) to 6 (“a very bright light’). vantage that the near-threshold test stimulus pro-
The pulsed (16 ms) “blue-green” test stimulus duces a minimal disturbance of the adaptation
contained on the average, at the cornea, either 66 being measured; some special difficulties of ob-
or 55 quanta. servation and interpretation in binocular match-
For one of Sakitt’s observers, the distributions ing and other asymmetric matching methods are
of ratings were approximately Poisson distribu- avoided.
tions and the data were consistent with each
rating being the actual number of effective quan-
7.4.1 Two-Color Threshold Method
tum absorptions plus the number of noise events.
It was concluded that the observer was presum- One principal interest has been the analysis of
ably able to count every rod signal, that is, effec- different color-response systems (mechanisms) on
tive absorption plus noise. the same line as the familiar separation of rod
For two other observers, the experimental data and cone systems by their differential spectral
were consistent with the ratings being respectively sensitivities at threshold. The concept that under-
one less or two less than the number of effective lies most of this work and that is exploited in the
absorptions plus noise. These two observers were two-color threshold method is well summarized in a
presumably able to count every rod signal begin- number of publications of which the following

provide a selected list: Stiles (1949b, 1978), also monochromatic, say of wavelength A), as
Marriott (1962), Alpern (1968), Ripps and Weale well as its angular size, exposure time, angle of
(1969), Enoch (1972), Boynton (1979). incidence on the retina, are kept fixed. For given
In the retinal area on which the test stimulus is wavelengths A,u, and given field radiance M,, (ex-
imaged, there are several component mechanisms, pressed, preferably in quantum units), the fest
any one of which may be the means of triggering radiance for a 50% seeing chance-that is, the
off the response “seen” when the test pulse is increment threshold N, (preferably quantum units)
applied. Each component mechanism is conceived —is determined. The increment threshold N, is a
of as an association of a selected proportion of function of the three variables A, w, M,,.
the end-organs (rods and cones) in the area, the The main objectives are to see whether its
association being effected somewhere in the neu- observed variations with the above quantities
ral system through which the neural activity, ini- (A, #, M,,, N,) could arise in the way proposed in
tiated by light absorption in the end-organs, is the basic concept, and if so, to determine the
transmitted to the brain and finally to the effector relative spectral sensitivities and other properties
nerves of the external response. It is not assumed of the component mechanisms that have to be
that the end-organs of a component mechanism assumed.
are necessarily all of the same kind or contain just The experimental results are displayed in
one photopigment, nor that end-organs belong curves of three types:
exclusively to one component mechanism, but the
mechanisms are assumed to have sufficient in- (a) Threshold versus radiance, or t.v.r.-curves
dependence for the idea of a particular compo- These curves show the variation of log N, with
nent mechanism acting alone to have a meaning. log M, for fixed A and wp.
It is assumed, in fact, that the response of all but (b) Threshold versus test wavelength, or t.v.X.-
one component mechanism could be blocked curves
(ideally, it may not be practicable to do it), leav- These curves show the variation of log N, with
ing the remaining mechanism to respond in its A (or 1/X) for fixed p and M,,.
normal way. (c) Field radiance versus field wavelength, or
For a given test stimulus and given condition- f.U..-curves
ing stimulus, the observed increment threshold in These curves show the variation of log M, with
the retinal area is assumed to depend only on the ., where A is fixed and M, is the field radiance
respective increment thresholds of the component which experiment shows to be necessary to raise
mechanisms that would be observed under the the increment threshold to some fixed multiple of
same conditions if they were acting alone. In its value on zero field (M, = 0).
particular, it is assumed that the observed in-
crement threshold will not exceed any of the The application of the basic concept to the
component-increment thresholds and will gener- t.v.r.-curves for an extrafoveal area with two
ally approximate the smallest of these. response mechanisms [a rod mechanism with
Finally, each component mechanism is as- the spectral sensitivity V’(A) and a cone mecha-
sumed to have a characteristic relative spectral nism—here assumed to be simple—with the spec-
sensitivity function, so that the effect on the tral sensitivity V(A)] is illustrated in Figure
mechanism of an irradiance E, of one wavelength 1(7.4.1). Curves A and B represent the supposed
A,, forming the whole or part of the test or t.v.r.-curves of rod and cone mechanisms acting
conditioning stimulus, is just the same as that of alone. Their positions in the diagram for any pair
an irradiance E, of any other wavelength 2, that of wavelengths, A and pw, are determined by the
may be substituted for it, provided that E, and E, rod and cone spectral sensitivities in the way
are in the inverse ratio of the relative spectral indicated. The resultant increment threshold at
sensitivity values at these wavelengths (Stiles, any field radiance is to be taken as the Jower of
1959). the values of Curves A and B, with perhaps some
In the most frequently studied situation, the small correction for summation effects when these
eye is fully adapted to a uniform conditioning values are nearly equal.
field (usually monochromatic, say of wavelength Experimentally, extrafoveal t.v.r.-curves are in
‘w) which extends over the retinal area in which general agreement with this scheme, at least as
the test stimulus is applied. The spectral char- regards the shape and positioning of the rod
acteristics of the test stimulus (which, as a rule, is branch A [see Figure 2(7.4.1)]. Some deviations
Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds 527


6 4 2 0


5 6


(a ve
op leek
7 ©


700 600 500 400 nm

700 nm 6,
600 ae
500 ui =

400 <9
6 4 2 O =

Fig. 1(7.4.1). Diagram illustrating how t.v.r.-curves like that of Figure 2(7.4.1) result from the
t.v.r.-curves of two-component mechanisms, A (rod) and B (cone), whose positions with respect
to the axes of log NV, and log M,,, for any test, and field wavelengths A and p are determined by
the respective spectral sensitivity curves of the mechanisms shown in the auxiliary diagrams.

for the cone branch B are attributable to the fact curves with two, in some cases three, clearly
that the cone mechanism is not simple, a conclu- distinguishable branches are obtained. Figure
sion that is fully confirmed by the foveal (rod-free) 3(7.4.1) shows an example with two branches.
t.v.r.-curves. A very sharp separation of the rod This finding is the crucial observation. The differ-
and cone branches as in the example of Figure ent branches are attributable to cone-response sys-
2(7.4.1) is obtainable only by the use of a suitable tems with different spectral sensitivities. The posi-
pair of different wavelengths for test and condi- tions of the branches are controlled on the same
tioning stimuli (hence the name: two-color general lines as for the rod and cone systems of
threshold method ). Figure 1(7.4.1).
‘Application of the same experimental proce- (c) The possibility that just three cone-response
dure to test stimuli imaged in the foveal area mechanisms, identifiable with “red,” “green,” and
(with additional tests distinguishing rod and cone “blue” systems of color-matching theory, would
vision) has shown the following: account for foveal increment thresholds over the
whole range of values of A, p», and M,, has not
(a) In the t.v.r.-curves obtained, no part or been borne out. The actual situation is more
branch is attributable to the response of the rod complicated. Although the results indicate that
system. the foveal mechanisms may be classed as blue-
(b) For certain wavelength combinations (par- sensitive (maximum sensitivity near 440 nm),
ticularly for A<510 nm, p> 550 nm), t.v.r.- green-sensitive (max at 540 nm), and red-sensitive


(ZERO) 9 8 7
Fig. 2(7.4.1). Rod and cone branches in the t.v.r.-curve for a 1°, 0.06 s test stimulus imaged
5° from the fovea. Wavelengths of test and field stimuli 580 and 500 nm, respectively (Stiles,

(max 570 to 590 nm), it has proved necessary to latter have nearly the same value. The re-
admit the following: sultant log-increment threshold may differ
from the value to be expected from proba-
(i) There are three blue-sensitive mechanisms bility summation of independent mecha-
with different absolute thresholds and with nisms (see Section 8.4.7) by perhaps 0.1 to
spectral sensitivites that diverge widely at 0.2 log units, and the discrepancy may be
long wavelengths (A > 500 nm). This di- in the direction of inhibition rather than
vergence makes possible their separation summation.
by the threshold method.
(ii) For the green- and red-sensitive mecha-
nisms, some modification (a narrowing) in
7.4.2 Basic Formulae
the shape of the spectral sensitivity curves
takes place in going from low to high The following formulae express the theory of
conditioning levels [as shown in Table increment threshold sensitivity deriving from the
1(7.4.1)]. Another complication examined basic concept discussed in Section 7.4.1, in a
by Boynton, Ikeda, and Stiles (1964) re- precise form suitable for quantitative application
lates to the derivation of resultant thresh- and for future modification to meet some of the
olds from component thresholds when the difficulties.
Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds 529



= 550nm




Fig. 3(7.4.1). Foveal t.v.r.-curve with A = 475 nm and » = 550 nm showing two branches
attributable to blue- and green-sensitive cone mechanism, respectively (Stiles, 1961).

For the ith component mechanism, the incre- ment threshold on zero field (absolute threshold)
ment threshold N,, of a monochromatic (A) test and regarded as a function of A, it represents the
stimulus of fixed characteristics exposed on a test spectral sensitivity. Similarly, if the field M,,
uniform monochromatic (1) field of radiance M, raises the increment threshold to 10 times its zero
is given by field value, then from conditions defined by Eq.
2(7.4.2), it follows that M,II;, = 1. The quantity

Nt m,$(M,II,,) — [1(7.4.2)]

The function §,(x) defines the shape of the t.v.r.-

curve of the mechanism and can be taken without as a function of pw, represents the field spectral
loss of generality so that sensitivity of the mechanism.
According to the basic concept, 7; and II;,
Six) =| when x = 0 correspond to the same relative spectral sensi-
tivity so that the ratio (II;,/7;,),=, equals a
f(x) =0.1 when x = 1 constant, which is closely related to the Weber—
Fechner fraction. When M, = 1/II;,, the incre-
([2(7.4.2)] ment threshold N;, equals 10(.Na: where (N;)o
is the absolute threshold, and the Weber—Fechner
Thus, if M, = 0, 7;, is the reciprocal of the incre- fraction or the ratio of the increment threshold
JO JouyooF uoTjORIy



pow On 8 OY}
JUASQY BIAOJ €0S 08861 (0¢)
,INI_,,9u0d oo oney
jo anjq0} | ‘xoidde Orb OEL‘7Z L'8
} 9°Z BOT
/ (06S sjrun
ub oneYy
Jo anTq0} | Japso
JO Orr)©} (O8r OEL‘77
01 A[Qeqosq)
se Joy
4 | BOT O€8‘0Z 'y pue (f~
‘uy oney
jo onjq0} | ‘xoidde Orb OEL‘T on
/ (06S syrun
QUOD "% Ors OzS‘81 61
7 = PayIpoyy AyIsus}UT-YsTY
ayes Ors O7S‘81
..P2Y,,209 Lb CLS 06€LI 8]
AOA)yeTy (‘xeur
97e4s L8S Or0'LI
Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds 531

for A = p to the field radiance is given by The use of quantum and wavenumber units
entails some care in the integrations involved.
Nin 10(Mado
10(N, _=|== | ( Suppose the absolute spectral distribution of the
M, M,, LEN A=p field stimulus is specified by E,, where E,, dy is
the radiant power in ergs per second (1 erg-
[3(7.4.2)] sec_'= 10-7 W) entering the observer’s eye per
square degree of field, the wavelength p being
The threshold response of the ith mechanism to expressed in centimeters. The corresponding
the particular test stimulus is completely specified number of quanta per degree square is
by the function {(x), the test or field spectral
sensitivity, 7, or II;,, and the Weber—Fechner E, ee
aa a|
fraction w; at M, = 1/II;,. (ch rE|i{fb
To construct the t.v.r.-curve corresponding to
a particular wavelength pair (A, ») for a retinal where the wavenumber (1 /p,) is expressed in cm
area containing several mechanisms for which the units. If
above properties are specified, a log N;, is plotted
against log M,,, using the formula for each mecha-
nism to give component curves similar to A and B
in Figure 1(7.4.1).
the integral

Similarly, for t.v.A.-curves appropriate to a
field M,, log N;, is plotted against A (or 1/A) for
each component, and at each wavelength, the
resultant is taken to the first approximation as the
lowest of the component values.
takes the place of the product M_II,, in Eq.
Finally, for the f.v.y.-curve, corresponding to
a particular increment threshold N, (A fixed), the
For the test stimulus, it is convenient to put
value of the product M,II;,, ip? which inserted in
the absolute spectral radiant power distribution
Eq. 1(7.4.2) gives
equal to {pe, dA} where e, 1s the relative distri-
bution and p is a parameter that is varied to
m§;(M,Ii,) = + [4(7.4.2)] arrive at the threshold. For the threshold of the
ith mechanism,

is determined for each mechanism. If the required
value of the product for the ith mechanism is P,,
the corresponding component curve in the dia-
gram of log M, against pu is obtained by plotting
log M,, = log( P;/II;,,) = log P; — log II;, against replaces N,,7;,. The formula for extended spectral
uw. The resultant curve is obtained at each value of distributions may then be written
pw as the highest of the various component-curve
values. The component curve of a mechanism
disappears from the diagram if N, has been fixed >= Aximd(x)§ l=ae i 1
lower than the mechanism’s absolute threshold
1/1; . [5(7.4.2)]
It is convenient to assume definitely at this
point that threshold and field radiances (mono-
7.4.3 Stiles’ Mean Data
chromatic) are all expressed as numbers of quanta
per second entering the eye per square degree of Tables 1(7.4.3) and 2(7.4.3) contain mean data in
the field occupied by the stimulus in question. the form sketched in Sections 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 for
When the test and conditioning stimuli, in- the scheme of foveal mechanisms summarized in
stead of being monochromatic, have extended Table 1(7.4.1). These data were based on results
spectral radiant power distributions, the assump- for four observers obtained by Stiles (1953, 1959).
tion that for an individual mechanism the effects They are incomplete but sufficient for the predic-
of different stimulus wavelengths are additive tion, on the theory, of the various increment-
leads to a generalization of Eq. 1(7.4.2). threshold curves for a considerable number of

Table 1(7.4.3) Function ¢(x) Representing pulsed (0.2 sec) test stimulus wavelength A had an
Approximately the Shape of a t.v.r.-Curve angular size of 1° (circular) and was presented on
of an Individual Foveal Mechanism* a 10° (circular) conditioning stimulus.

log log ¢(.v) log x log (x) (ii) Notes to Table 2(7.4.3). The data of Table
2(7.4.3) are illustrated in Figures 2(7.4.3), 3(7.4.3),
3.00 0 2.80 1.67
3.05 0 2.85 1.65
and 4(7.4.3).
3.10 0 2.90 1.63 The quantity tabulated for each mechanism
Bal 0 2.95 1.61 represents the logarithm of the reciprocal of the
20 1.99 T.00 1.59 field radiance of a monochromatic field that raises
3125 1.99 1.05 Pst the increment threshold for a given mechanism to
3.30 1.98 1.10 155
10 times its value on zero field, the retina being
3.35 1.98 fi 52
3.40 1.98 1.20 1.50
assumed always to be fully adapted to the field.
3.45 1.97 125 1.48 The radiance of the uniform monochromatic
8.50 1.96 1.30 1.45 adapting field is expressed in terms of the number
3:55 1.96 1.35 1.43 of quanta per second entering the observing eye
3.60 1.95 1.40 1.40 per square degree of field.
3.65 1.94 1.45 1.37
The values given are derived from the results
3.70 1.94 1.50 1.34
5.05 1.93 1.55 1.32 of experimental work described by Stiles (1953)
3.80 1.92 1.60 1.28 and given in his paper in graphical form. Values
3.85 1.92 1.65 1.26 in parentheses are interpolations; values enclosed
3.90 1.91 1.70 k22 in boxes were obtained by indirect methods in-
3.95 1.90 1.75 1.19 volving special assumptions and are correspond-
2.00 1.89 1.80 te fe
ingly speculative (see further below).
2.05 1.88 1.85 1.12
2.10 1.87 1.90 1.08 (a) Test Stimulus. 1° (circular), 0.2 sec pulse,
215 1.86 1.95 1.04
monochromatic of wavelength A.
2.20 1.85 0.00 1.00
2.25 1.84 0.05 2.96 (b) Field. 10° (circular), continuously exposed
2.30 1.83 0.10 2.92
with pulsed test stimulus superimposed at the
235 1.82 0.15 2.88
2.40 1.80 0.20 2.83
center; monochromatic of wavelength pw, or mix-
2.45 1.79 0.25 2.79 ture of a main monochromatic field of wavelength
2.50 hae 0.30 2.74 pw with an arbitrary field (filtered light providing a
2:55 1.76 0.35 2.70 narrow spectral band).
2.60 1.74 0.40 2.65
2.65 Te7Z 0.45 2.61 (c) Observation. Test stimulus centered at the
2.70 1.70 O05 ies 2156 fovea; equilibrium condition. Increment thresh-
OR 1.69 olds were derived from frequency-of-seeing curves
(50% thresholds), or from a reduced form of this
Note. For log x >0.5, log ¢(x)=1.06—log x.
method using a series of test stimulus exposures
of increasing and decreasing radiance, or by hav-
ing the observer set the test stimulus radiance to
cases. Several new studies by different investiga-
the threshold value. No essential difference in the
tors have been reported in more recent years;
results given by the different methods was ob-
some of these will be brought out in the next few
served except that threshold values set by the
sections dealing with specific aspects of the cone-
observer were generally rather higher.
response mechanisms.
The following notes supplement the data given (d) Observers. Three females, aged 20 to 30,
in Tables 1(7.4.3) and 2(7.4.3). and one male, aged 51.
(i) Notes to Table 1(7.4.3). The data of Table (e) I15,-Field Sensitivity. The values of II.,
1(7.4.3) are illustrated in Figure 1(7.4.3). It is were determined for each observer in two blocks
noted that small differences, probably not signifi- (A and B) of measurements. In Block A, a test
cant, in the shapes of mean experimental curves stimulus of wavenumber 15,000 cm~! (A = 666.7
of different mechanisms (Stiles, 1953) have been nm) was used throughout with monochromatic
averaged out to give a mean function §(x). The fields of wavenumbers 14,500 to 20,250 cm! in
Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds 533

Table 2(7.4.3) Field Sensitivities of Component Visual Mechanisms at the Fovea

(Stiles 1953, 1959)

Wave number

(cm?) log IN,, log IIa, log Hs,

14,250 12.060
500 (12.380)
750 14.970 12.700
15,000 (13.235) (11.010)
250 13.500 11.620
500 (13.740) 11.840
750 13.980 (10 060)
16,000 (12.170) 10.270
250 12.360 (10.370
500 12.610 10.650
750 12.800 10.910
17,000 12.840 10.990
250 12.800 10.620 13.160
500 12.850 10.980 (13.420)
750 12.910 9.240 (13.670)
18,000 11.130 10.990 (13.920)
250 11.160 10.880 12.140
500 11.390 10.870 (12.370)
750 11.599 (12.670)
19,000 11.860 (12.950)
250 10.054 (11.230)
500 70.257 11.528
750 10.424 11.756
20,000 10.528 11.873
250 10.647 10.031
500 10.775 10.227
750 10.922 10.345
21,000 9.051 10.499
250 9.154 10.622
500 9.237 10.652
750 9.268 10.723
22,000 9.354 10.745
250 9.410 10.870
500 9.478 10.892
750 9.454 10.903
23,000 9.460 10.880
250 9.433 10.868
500 9.372 10.778
750 9.296 10.731
24,000 9.232 10.595
250 9.035 10.456
500 10.854
750 10.664

steps of 250 cm™'. In Block B, the monochro- expected to produce a threshold exactly equal to
matic fields were of wavenumbers 19,250 to 24,500 the mean. This correction was made using the
cm! in steps of 250 cm7!. relation between threshold and field radiance de-
In the first run of Block A, the field radiance fined by the standard shape of a component
at each field wavenumber was set at a value that, t.v.r.-curve given in Table 1(7.4.3) and illustrated
on the basis of an estimate from preliminary in Figure 1(7.4.3). The reciprocals of the field
measurements, would raise the log (threshold) by radiances so corrected provided a first determina-
a fixed amount (about one log unit or rather less) tion of the relative values of II, in the wavenum-
above the zero field value. In that run, the ber range of Block A measurements.
thresholds for all field wavenumbers were mea- In the next run, the field radiances were preset
sured, and from the deviation of the value at each at the corrected values obtained in the first run,
field wavenumber from the mean for all field and then proceeding as before, a second de-
wavenumbers, an estimate was made of the change termination of the relative values of II;, was
in the corresponding field radiance that would be derived.
x >
Fig. 1(7.4.3). Shape of a t.v.r.-curve of an individual foveal mechanism. Numerical data are
given in Table 1(7.4.3).





Qu tedi PS OP (e209 aIB) Mb ntlee IS lai.

Wavenumber |/n (cm)
Fig. 2(7.4.3). Field sensitivities (II,,,,112,,,113,) of the three “blue”-sensitive component
mechanisms at the fovea (Stiles, 1953; 1959). Numerical data are given in Table 2(7.4.3).

Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds 535




Wavenumber /u (cm™')
Fig. 3(7.4.3). Field sensitivities (II,, and I14,) of the two “green”-sensitive component
mechanisms at the fovea (Stiles, 1953; 1959). Numerical data are given in Table 2(7.4.3).

At least four runs on different days, traversing value found earlier for this wavenumber, the fac-
the field wavenumbers in alternating order in tor for converting all the relative values of Block
successive runs, were made for each observer, and A to absolute values was derived. For converting
the means of the logarithms of the relative values the mean relative values for the wavenumbers
at each wavenumber were computed. covered by the Block B measurements, the factor
Absolute values of II,,, were found by making used was derived by comparing the mean relative
further threshold measurements (Block C) for values obtained respectively in Blocks A and B in
fixed test and field wavenumbers both equal to their common wavenumber range. The final val-
15,000 cm~! with: ues of log (II;,,) in Table 2(7.4.3) are the means
of the log absolute values for all four observers.
(i) zero field radiance, and
(f) I4,-Field Sensitivity. The values of II,,
(ii) a field radiance estimated to raise the
were obtained by a precisely similar procedure to
threshold by not more than about one log unit.
that described for II.,, except that the test
stimulus had a wavenumber of 20,000 cm™! (A =
The standard t.v.r.-shape was again used to de-
500 nm), and the factor for conversion of relative
termine from the mean measured threshold
to absolute values was obtained for (1/p) =
values, the field radiance to raise the threshold
20,000 cm~!.
exactly one log unit above the zero field value.
This gave the absolute value of II5, at (1/) = (g) IL,,-Field Sensitivity. The values of II),
15,000 cm~' and by comparison with the relative were determined with a test stimulus of wave-


Wavenumber \/p (cm!)

Fig. 4(7.4.3). Field sensitivities (II; and IIs) of the two “red’-sensitive component
mechanisms at the fovea (Stiles, 1953; 1959). Numerical data are given in Table 2(7.4.3).

number 23,000 cm! (A = 434.8 nm). For ob- give best agreement at the join with the absolute
taining relative values of II), in the shorter values found at longer wavelengths by the direct
wavelength range, a fixed yellowish-green aux- method. The final values in Table 2(7.4.3) are
iliary field (effective wavelength around 555 nm) again the means for all four observers. —
was used of sufficient radiance to raise the
threshold onto the lower part of the 7,-branch of (h) I1;,-Field Sensitivity. The values of II;,
the t.v.r.-curve. The main (monochromatic) field were determined with a test stimulus of wave-
had a wavenumber 18,750 cm7', increasing by number 23,000 cm~' (A = 434.8 nm) throughout.
250 cm! steps, to 24,750 cm |. The radiances of For finding IT, in the shorter wavelength range,
the main fields of different wavenumbers required an orange auxiliary field (effective wavelength
to increase the log threshold by a constant amount around 600 nm) was used of radiance just suffi-
above the value for the auxiliary field only, were cient to bring the threshold onto the initial flat
determined by the same indirect procedure used range of the 7,-branch of the t.v.r.-curve, so that
for finding relative values of II,,, and II,,,, ignor- the observed threshold could be taken as the
ing the presence of the auxiliary field. absolute threshold for the 7,-mechanism. Thus,
In a second block of measurements, complete after determining as for II,,, the relative values of
t.v.r.-curves were determined for monochromatic II,,, for main (monochromatic) fields of wave-
fields (no auxiliary field) of wavenumber 14,250 numbers 19,500 to 24,250 cm™', in steps of 250
cm', increasing in 16 steps, to 20,250 cm !. cm ', the factor for converting to absolute values
For each field wavelength, the 7,-branch of the was readily obtained from the observed increase
curve was fitted with the standard t.v.r.-shape, in threshold above the value for the auxiliary field
from the position of which along the log (field only.
radiance)-axis the absolute value of II,, could at For longer field wavelengths, complete t.v.r.-
once be derived. The relative values of II,,, ob- curves showing a well-developed 73-branch were
tained in the shorter wavelength range were then determined for monochromatic fields (no aux-
converted in absolute values by a factor chosen to iliary field) provided by the green and yellow
Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds Soe

emission lines of a high-intensity mercury arc, For the 7,-mechanism, the factor was taken as
and the corresponding absolute values of II;, proportional to the ratio of the test sensitivity for
deduced by fitting with the standard t.v.r.-curve. a blue-green field (20,000 cm ') providing a reti-
As before, Table 2(7.4.3) gives the final means for nal illuminance of 1552 td, to that for a field of
four observers. similar color but providing a retinal illuminance
of 43 td (see also Stiles, 1964).
(i) I1,,-Field Sensitivity. The values of II,, For the 7,-mechanism, the factor was assumed
were determined with a test stimulus of wave- proportional to the ratio of the test sensitivity for
number 23,000 cm~! (A = 434.8 nm) throughout. a red field (15,000 cm™') providing a retinal
One observer had to be omitted from these de- illuminance of 2506 td, to that for a field of
terminations as this observer’s t.v.r.-curve showed similar color but providing a retinal illuminance
no, or at most an extremely shallow, 7,-branch. of 29 td.
The other three observers gave 7,-branches with The constants of proportionality involved
an absolute threshold on the average 0.25 log in the two factors have been taken so that the val-
units lower than the absolute threshold for 7,. All ues of II¢,, and II,,, are approximately the same
determinations of II,, were made by fitting the at long wavelengths (ie., 1/u< 17,000 cm7'),
standard t.v.r.-shape to the rather small portion whereas II, and II, agree approximately in the
of the z,-branch visible in t.v.r.-curves for differ- medium-wavelength region (1.e., 1/p < 18,000
ent field wavenumbers, and the fitting errors were cm '), but there is an arbitrary element in these
materially greater than in the determinations of normalizations.
II,,, and II,,. Identifying and fitting the 7,-branch
proved most difficult for short-wavelength fields,
and satisfactory mean values of log II,,, by the 7.4.4 Specific Aspects of a-Mechanisms and
direct method were not obtained in this spectral Later Developments
region. The boxed-in values in Table 2(7.4.3) be- (i) The Blue-Sensitive Mechanism a,. The 7,
tween 22,750 and 24,500 cm! were derived on mechanism is the least well established of the
the following assumptions: three (7), 7, 7) blue-sensitive mechanisms. As
already noted by Stiles (1953), it is not in evi-
(i) in this spectral region, the test sensitivity and dence for every observer. As shown, for example,
field sensitivity of 7, stand in a fixed ratio, and in Figure 1(7.4.4), 7), in an observer for whom it
(ii) the Weber fraction of 7, has the value of appears, is represented by the lowest branch of
0.087 which is the same as for the other two the t.v.r.-curve for very short wavelengths on a
blue-sensitive mechanisms 7, and 73. long-wave background, a branch which covers a
range of threshold values of no more than 0.3 to
The boxed-in values can then be derived from the 0.4 log units. This range, which corresponds to
absolute threshold for test stimuli of different the difference in absolute thresholds for 7, and
wavelengths exposed on zero field, which in this m,, varies with the observer and it is possible that
short-wavelength range and for the three ob- where an observer does not show 7, the 7, mech-
servers concerned can be identified with 7,- anism may exist but may have an absolute
thresholds. The boxed-in values are, of course, threshold equal to or higher than that of 7,. For a
speculative only, and in Table 2(7.4.3), represent test stimulus of fixed wavelength in the extreme
the means for three observers. blue (say, A = 420 nm), the initial part of the
t.v.r.-curve for any field wavelength would be
(j) IIS, and I1%,-Field Sensitivities. True equi- attributable to 7, for any observer who with a
librium conditions of observation were not long-wavelength field (say, 7 = 600 nm) showed a
achieved and thus, the direct measurements made clear 7,-branch. Thus, in theory, the field sensitiv-
of these field sensitivities were unacceptable. The ity curve of 7, throughout the whole spectrum
boxed-in values given in Table 2(7.4.3) were ob- should be determinable. Stiles (1953) determined
tained by a speculative and indirect method only the long-wavelength region of the 7, field
(Stiles, 1959), which reduces in practice to multi- sensitivity curve. One of the difficulties noted was
plying the II,, and II,, values by respective a certain instability leading to small changes in
wavelength-dependent factors derived from the the relative positions of the 7- and z,-branches.
change in test sensitivity of the appropriate mech- Among several later workers who have con-
anism on raising the adaptation level. firmed the appearance of a 7, mechanism, Watkins

4 how associated with a main blue-sensitive mecha-

Test stimulus \A=430nm nism, 73 perhaps.
Field stimulus »=600nm
(b) The photoreceptors of the 7, mechanism
contain a mixture of two or perhaps three visual
5 ie} pigments.
os \ (c) The photoreceptors of the 7, mechanism
Observer A
contain just one pigment but this pigment has a
= Observer B ° secondary absorption band around 580 nm.
é e
It will be noted that the secondary lobe corre-
log ° sponds to a sensitivity no more than a small
percentage of the peak sensitivity in the blue, and
oO! 4 2 0) it would probably produce very little distortion of
log ( field radiance )
color-matching data. It will also be noted that the
Fig. 1(7.4.4). Variation of the foveal increment secondary lobe occurs in much the same spectral
threshold with field radiance for two observers. region as the presumed special feature of the
The lowest branch of the t.v.r.-curve for observer II, ,-field sensitivity curve referred to above.
B is attributed to the 7,-mechanism which is not in An important investigation by Pugh (1976) has
evidence in the data of observer A. (Redrawn from shown that the field sensitivity II), is not an
Stiles, 1953). additive spectral sensitivity such that the adapting
effect of any field with a spectral power distribu-
tion {P, du} is determined by an integral
fI1,,P, du whose numerical value S, defines the
(1969a,b) studied a group of normal observers “r-stimulus value,” a term coined by analogy to
which included one observer whose original the familiar term of “tristimulus values.” Pugh
t.v.r.-curve showed no 7,-branch, but who in later (1976) established that for fields made up of
measurements obtained a “weak” 7, contribution mixtures of short wavelengths, p < 450 nm, say,
(shallow branch presumably). Mollen and Polden, and long wavelengths, » < 550 nm, say, the mix-
working at Cambridge, have found observers who ture produces effectively a higher S,-value than
show a clear 7,-branch, but they also report some would be expected from the S,-values appropriate
instability in 7, (private communication, 1977). to the short- and long-wavelength components of
Despite the difficulties, a full determination of the field’s radiant power distribution used sep-
the II,,, field sensitivity curve would be of inter- arately. Figure 2(7.4.4) gives an example of Pugh’s
est. The result would be of particular value, results. A more rigorous statement of this result is
because in the only available but incomplete de- as follows:
termination, illustrated in Figure 2(7.4.3), a curi- If two monochromatic fields, one of short
ous feature of the curve appears in the range wavelength », and radiant power P,, the other of
18,500 cm! to 16,400 cm~! (540 to 610 nm), a long wavelength », and power P,, each produce
feature which has some resemblance to the ab- when applied by itself the same effect in raising
sorption bands of haemoglobin, oxyhaemoglobin, the increment threshold of the 7, mechanism,
and cytochromes. Although this feature may turn then a mixture of the two of power P = aP, + (1
out to be an artifact of the original measurements, — a)P,, where 0 < a <1, produces a greater ef-
if confirmed, it would be an interesting novel type fect. To obtain the same effect, a field mixture of
of visual response curve. radiant power P’ = kP is required, where k < 1.
Obviously, Pugh’s result favors the explana-
(ii) The Blue-Sensitive Mechanism a,. The tion (a) above, and Pugh elaborates this to a
field sensitivity curve II, of the 7, mechanism, two-stage model of the 7, mechanism whereby the
shown in Figure 2(7.4.3), has a characteristic sec- factor by which a mixed field increases the incre-
ondary lobe low down on the descending limb on ment threshold for 7, above the zero field value,
the long-wave side of the peak, for which various is the product of two factors, one determined by
explanations have been proposed: absorption in the visual pigment of the receptors
with peak sensitivity in the blue, the other by
absorption in the visual pigment of the receptors
(a) The green-sensitive 7, mechanism, or more with peak sensitivity at longer wavelengths. For
probably, the red-sensitive 7; mechanism is some- the blue peak sensitivity, the field sensitivity curve
Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds 539

(iii) Adaptation-Recovery Anomaly of the Blue-

Sensitive (a,) Mechanism; Transient Tritanopia.
Ooa The reduction of different cone mechanisms by
measuring the increment threshold on zero field
during recovery from exposure to high-radiance
)log oO
fields was not accomplished until many years
after their separation by the two-color threshold
technique using steady adapting fields. Auerbach
and Wald (1954) first produced a kind of double
branch in a foveal threshold-recovery curve indi-
oOo cating the operation of a “violet” cone receptor
mechanism. This was obtained after adapting the
retina to a very intense conditioning field. Before
that, Wright (1934) and Stiles (1949b) had ob-
log (field radiance )
served that immediately after adaptation to long-
wavelength fields of moderate radiance, the fovea
Fig. 2(7.4.4). Upper figure: A field-mixture ex- becomes very insensitive to short-wavelength
periment for the a,-branch in which additivity stimuli. Stiles (1949b) measured increment thresh-
holds. One field component is of wavelength p, = olds for test stimuli of various wavelengths when
500 nm, the other component of wavelength p,. = the retina was adapted to a moderately high level
430 nm. The pulsed (50 ms) test stimulus is set at (20,000 td) of wavelength » = 640 nm. With test
A = 435 nm and presented foveally. The observer’s wavelengths 4 < 500 nm, the test stimuli were
threshold was allowed to reach steady-state on the detected by the 7, mechanism. However, im-
500-nm field of a given radiance [expressed in mediately on the extinction of the field, the
terms of quanta - sec | - (deg)7], and then a threshold increased by a large factor of the order
series of 430-nm fields of increasing radiance were of one log unit and it was established by the
admixed and the threshold [expressed in terms of variation of this increment threshold with test
quanta - sec _' - (deg) 2] was measured for each wavelength that the test pulse was being seen by
mixture. The solid line is the standard t.v.r.-curve means of the green-sensitive 7, and not the 7,
[see Figure 1(7.4.3)] fitted through the data points mechanism which remained temporarily “blind”
for each field component (yu, and p,) alone. The for many seconds. Das (1964) substantially con-
dashed lines are the additivity predictions, which firmed this observation. .
are in obvious agreement with the experimental A quite different result was obtained by Du
data points (triangles and squares). Lower figure: Croz and Rushton (1966) who by using very high
A field-mixture experiment for the 7,-branch in intensity adapting levels of different colors (nar-
which additivity does not hold. The experimental row-bandpass interference filters were employed)
conditions are similar to those used above, how- were able to show that the recovery curves [log
ever, with the essential difference that the wave- (increment threshold) against time] after extinc-
length , of the first field component has now tion of the field showed branches corresponding
been shifted to p, = 590 nm (~ 17,000 cm‘) closely to independent recovery curves of the
which is in the spectral region in which the II,,, 7, 4, mechanisms previously derived under
field sensitivity [see Figure 2(7.4.3)]| has its sec- equilibrium conditions. In particular, they found
ondary maximum. The solid line is again the that after a long-wavelength (orange) adaptation,
standard t.v.r.-curve fitted through the data points the initial branch of the recovery curve for a
for each component (u, and p,) alone, and the short-wavelength (blue) test stimulus was attribu-
dashed lines are the additivity predictions, which, table to 7, and the anomaly described above was
this time, miss the experimental data points (trian- not observed. A similar, if less striking, separation
gles and squares) by substantial margins. [The in the recovery curves of branches corresponding
illustrations are based on Pugh’s (1976) work, and to 7, and 7; was also established. This remarkable
redrawn from Pugh and Mollen (1979).] extension of the independent mechanism con-
cepts was obtained by adaptations to fields of the
II; of the 7, mechanism suggests itself as a order of 10° td exposed for 20 sec. Such adap-
possibility and raises the interesting question tation levels were known by the fundus reflection
whether the II, curve complies with the additiv- work of Rushton (1972) to bleach nearly all the
ity principle in the sense used above. cone pigment.

The apparent discrepancy between the Du Croz nism. The problem then is why this ceases at very
and Rushton (1966) results concerning the re- high-level fields. Their further results and com-
covery of the 7, mechanism and those of Stiles ments suggest that the change may be connected
(1949b,c), has been elucidated by work by with the switch from 7, to 7; in the steady-state
Mollen and Polden (1975, 1977a) adding new t.v.r.-curves.
insights into what may be happening. They found The more recent work by Augenstein and Pugh
that at high, but not too high, adapting field (1977) both confirms and extends some of the
radiances (providing up to 10° td) of yellow light results noted above. In particular, these authors
the extinction, or even reduction of the field find the following.
radiance to one tenth, produced the anomalous
rise of the increment threshold of a short-wave- (a) The time courses of adaptation of the 7,
length test stimulus. However, when very high mechanism to (2,-equated) short-wavelength
adapting levels were used of the order of 10° td or (u < 500 nm) and long-wavelength (1 < 550 nm)
more, the anomalous rise did not occur and Du fields are very distinct. A large and relatively
Croz and Rushton type of recovery supervened. long-lasting transient threshold elevation occurs
Figure 3(7.4.4) gives an example of the results at the onset of the long-wavelength, but not of the
obtained by Mollen and Polden (1977a). short-wavelength, fields.
Mollen and Polden’s initial interpretation of (b) Similarly, the time courses of recovery of the
the anomaly, which they refer to as transient a, mechanism from (7,-equated) long- and short-
tritanopia, is that the recoverying 7, mechanism wavelength fields are very distinct. A large and
exerts a strong inhibitory effect on the 7, mecha- relatively long-lasting transient threshold eleva-
tion (transient tritanopia) occurs at the offset of
the long-wavelength, but not of the short-
wavelength, fields.
(c) The wavelengths of the fields which cause
4 ine) the adaptation transients coincide with those
shown previously by Pugh (1976) to combine
nonadditively with » = 430-nm fields in effecting
the adaptation of the 7, mechanism. The failure
of the time course of adaptation to be indepen-
dent of wavelength combines with the failure of
field additivity to demonstrate that signals from
the red- and/or green-sensitive cones affect the
state of adaptation of the 7, mechanism [see also
discussion of Pugh’s (1976) paper in Section
7.4.4(41), above].
(d) The adaptation transients are not observed
in the 7, and 7, mechanisms. Thus, instantaneous

signals from the green- and/or red-sensitive cones
are not the cause of the transients. Instead, it
must be concluded that the cause lies either in the
path by which those cones transmit their signals
to the 7, mechanism, or in the 7, mechanism
log (trolands a oe by ne ) itself.
Fig. 3(7.4.4). Adaptation-recovery anomaly of the (ec) The recovery transient can be diminished by
-blue-sensitive m,-mechanism (transient tritanopia) adding a short-wavelength field of adequate high
as found by Mollen and Polden (1977). The open radiance to a long-wavelength field that can nor-
circles represent increment-threshold data for ob- mally cause the effect. It is suggested that the 7,
server JDM taken by the conventional steady-state mechanism receives chromatically opponent sig-
method. Through the data points is drawn the nals.
standard t.v.r.-curve in two branches characteristic
of the a, and 7;-mechanisms. The solid dots repre- The dynamic property of the blue-sensitive
sent the threshold 400 msec after the field has as compared with the green- and red-sensitive
been extinguished. cone mechanism has been studied in an earlier
Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds 541

paper by Stiles (1949c). It was found that the can be obtained, the test wavelength must always
blue-sensitive mechanism takes a much longer be in the short-wavelength region below about
time to become adapted to a high-radiance chro- 510 nm. There, it seems probable that the relative
matic field of long wavelength. Tests with fields test sensitivities of the 7,, 7), and 7, mechanisms
of different wavelengths suggest that the process remain fixed; that is, the logarithms of the spec-
responsible for this delay in light adaptation has tral sensitivity curves have the same shape in this
maximal sensitivity, not at the short-wavelength spectral range. Changing test wavelength then
where the 7, mechanism is most sensitive, but at a merely moves the 7,, 7, 7; branches up or down
much longer wavelength. as a whole without altering their relative posi-
The question of increment-threshold sensitiv- tions. This being so, an alternative to treating
ity during the early adaptation period on ex- 7\, 7, 73; as distinct mechanisms would be to say
posing a high-radiance field was examined by that they correspond to a single mechanism which,
Boynton (1956) and Boynton, Kandel, and Onley when it is fully adapted in turn to each of a series
(1959) [see also Boynton’s (1979) review]. Their of increasing levels of the adapting field of some
t.v.A.-curves in these early stages of light adap- fixed wavelength, undergoes at a certain level,
tation were resolved into component spectral sen- dependent on the field wavelength, a fairly sharp
sitivities differing considerably from _ those change in threshold response properties. This
indicated for 7 mechanisms by steady-state mea- change has been attributed previously [see Section
surements. Just as in the earlier phases of dark 7.4.4(ii1)] to a switch from mechanism 7, to 7,. At
adaptation, there are complicating factors still still higher levels, a further sharp change occurs,
needing to be elucidated. previously attributed to a switch from mechanism
a, to 7;. We could speculate that in the transition
(iv) Relationship of Blue-Sensitive Mechanisms from 7 to 7,, the mechanism jettisons its associa-
(1, 7, 7). Much more is needed to un- tion with the photoreceptors responsible for the
derstand the connection between the three rather high field sensitivity of 7, to medium and
blue-sensitive mechanisms. Originally, all the 7 long wavelengths. This process involves possibly
mechanisms were based on increment thresholds the special feature noted in Section 7.4.4(i). In the
measured on fields to which the retina was fully other transition from the 7, to the 7, mechanism,
adapted. If for a particular conditioning field of a further jettisoning of associations with medium-
given spectral composition and for a test stimulus and long-wavelength receptors is taking place.
of particular wavelength, the t.v.r.-curve shows This general conception is consistent with Pugh’s
two branches assigned to distinct mechanisms, A (1976) work on the field sensitivity of the 7,
and B, we would like to know that when the field mechanism, because we do not expect light ab-
radiance is such that the observed threshold lies sorbed in the main receptors and light absorbed
on the A branch, then if the response to the in the associated receptors to yield a truly addi-
stimulus of the A mechanism could be in some tive field-sensitivity curve.
way blocked, we should observe a threshold on In a recent study, Pugh and Mollen (1979)
the B branch. propose a theory of the 7, and 7, mechanisms
Suppose A is 7, and B is 7,, and the field is at that accounts for a number of features of the
p = 600 nm. We can then, in general, change the experimental data concerning these two blue-
test wavelength, say from A = 475 nm to 510 nm, sensitive mechanisms. Among the visual phenom-
without disturbing in any way the adaptation ena explained by the theory are additivity failures
condition, so that the observed threshold for a and transient tritanopia described briefly in Sec-
particular field radiance M, which was initially tions 7.4.4(i1) and 7.4.4(11). Pugh and Mollen
the threshold of 7,, becomes for the new test (1979) base their theory on the assumption that
wavelength a threshold for 7,. On the basis of under the experimental conditions which isolate
arguments of this kind, we are justified in saying the 7, and 7,-branches of the two-color threshold,
that for a// radiances of the 600-nm field both a signal originating with the absorption of pho-
mechanisms are present and we can draw a com- tons in the pigment of the short-wavelength cones
plete branch for each. passes through two “sites of attenuation.” The
However, this test fails for 7,, 7, and 7; gain of the first site is by the short-wavelength
because for the test and field wavelength combi- cones alone; the gain of the second site is de-
nations such that distinct branches of the termined by a net “blue-yellow” opponent signal.
t.v.r.-curve corresponding to these mechanisms The two sites are distinguished by spectral sensi-

tivity, absolute field sensitivity, and dynamic

properties. Four equations are given which pro-
vide the formal mathematical description of the
theory and whose predictions are in reasonable t.v.r.- CURVE of #4 MECHANISM

agreement with experimental data. However, the

authors emphasize that their proposed theory is
most likely an oversimplification of what actually
happens in the neural network. They consider
their theory, in the first instance, to be a guide for
future experimentation.

(v) The Green-Sensitive and Red-Sensitive

Mechanisms (74, 743 75,5). The difficulties of 1/N)]
separating the 7, and 7; mechanisms by identify-
ing branches in t.v.r.-curves have been discussed
in detail by Stiles (1953) who gives the first evi-
dence for distinguishing low and moderately high
radiance states for both 7, and 7,;. The higher
radiance states are referred to as 74 and 7 respec-
tively, whereas 7, and 7, represent the two mecha-
nisms when their respective conditioning stimuli
are low; that is, such as not to raise the absolute
threshold of the mechanism to more than about Fig. 4(7.4.4). Effect of pigment bleaching on the
10 times its zero field value. At first, it was t.v.r.-curve of the a,-mechanism. Curves A, B, C,
thought that the distinction between 7, and 74 or show the shape of the t.v.r.-curve of the 7,-mecha-
am, and 7; mechanisms evident in the increment- nism whose cone receptors are assumed activated
threshold data might arise because of the bleach- by absorption in the visual pigment chlorolabe with
ing of the pigment in the cones. This bleaching an effective optical density, in the dark, of 1.0 at
can modify the shape of the t.v.r.-curve if the the wavelength (540 nm) of maximum absorption
pigment density is sufficiently high. Figure 4(7.4.4) coefficient. The fourth curve (D) (Rushton, 1963a)
shows how the t.v.r.-curve of a particular mecha- shows how the pigment density is reduced as the
nism, 7,, which has the standard shape [see Table field radiance M, to which the retina is adapted is
1(7.4.3) and Figure 1(7.4.3)] when the test and raised.
field wavelengths are the same, will be modified
when different test and field wavelengths are used
if the receptors of the mechanism contain high- be attributable to this effect, because (a) the
density pigment which is bleached as the field transition seems to occur at levels where insuffi-
radiance to which the retina is adapted is raised. cient bleaching has occurred, and (b) in one case,
If the test wavelength lies at the peak of the ms to m3, the bleaching would provide an elevation
spectral absorption curve and the field wave- and not a dip. However, if the presence of rather
length near the “tail” of the curve, then as the high densities (e.g., greater than 0.5) of pigments
pigment is bleached, the receptor’s sensitivity to in cone receptors is confirmed, some distortion of
the test wavelength will increase with respect to the shape of t.v.r.-curves for the same mechanism
its sensitivity to the field. The t.v.r.-curve will for different combinations of test and field wave-
‘then develop a dip over a certain range of field lengths would have to be admitted. So far (how-
radiances that could be interpreted as the intru- ever, see Section 7.6), in the interpretation of
sion of a new mechanism, with a modified spec- t.v.r.-curves, a constant shape of the branches
tral sensitivity curve. On the other hand, if the attributable to individual mechanisms has seemed
spectral positions of test and field wavelengths adequate. This may be so, in part because the
are reversed, the t.v.r.-curve will develop an eleva- distortion effects may be rather small, and be-
tion over the bleaching range, a distortion quite cause it is not easily possible in many instances to
unlike the expected effect of a new mechanism. follow the t.v.r.-curves over the range when the
Stiles (1959) rejects the possibility that the pigment bleaching would be expected to produce
transitions from 7, to 74 and from 7, to 7{ might distortion. However, a re-examination of this
Chromatic Adaptation and Increment Thresholds 543

whole argument with respect especially to (74, 74) is not in evidence when pulse-brightness matches
and (7;,75) 1s required. As regards the blue- are made at some one or more log units above
sensitive mechanisms, we know virtually nothing increment threshold. The authors conclude, in
about the bleaching of the visual pigment in the conformity with well-established viewpoints, that
receptors. Rushton’s fundus reflection methods the blue-sensitive mechanism carries little weight
have not, in fact, been successful in demonstrat- as a brightness-producing system (see, for exam-
ing the presence of a bleachable “blue-absorbing” ple, Marks, 1974; and Boynton, 1979). Their work
pigment (Rushton 1958, 1963a,b, 1972). is perhaps most interesting for the persistent ap-
There are few increment-threshold studies pro- pearance of (74, 74) and (7,, 75) transition in the
viding evidence on the existence of properties of suprathreshold measurements.
the duality (74, 74) and (7,, 73) in the green- and In a lmited application of the two-color
red-sensitive systems. Watkins (1969a,b) claims threshold method confined to the determination
that his measurements at a limited number of test of t.v.A.-curves, making no use of the more
and field wavelengths and for groups of normal, powerful t.v.r. and f.v.u.-approaches, Wald (1964)
deutan, and protan observers are consistent with obtained spectral sensitivity results for normals
m4 and 74, 7, and 73, but with certain identifiable which are substantially in agreement with the
differences in the shapes of the spectral sensitivity earlier t.v.A.-curves and the f.v.y.-curves of Stiles,
curves for the color-defective observers. As except that for the red-sensitive process (corre-
Watkins used only a limited number of test and sponding to 7, or 75), the data of Wald suggest
field wavelengths, it is difficult to assess how considerably lower values than for 73 for wave-
reliable his conclusions may be. lengths shorter than about 560 nm, provided the
The most significant recent contribution on curves are superimposed at longer wavelengths
the (7,, 74) and (7,, 75) systems is that of Whittle where they have similar shape. This is in interest-
and Challands (1969), Whittle (1973, 1974), and ing difference that has been discussed by Enoch
Whittle and Swanston (1974) who measured, not (1972). It raises the question whether in the
increment thresholds, but suprathreshold bright- shorter-wavelength half of the spectrum (A < 560
ness matches obtained by a haploscopic (binocu- nm), the test sensitivity (t.v.A.) of 7; (or 72) as
lar-matching) method in which two test pulses (40 measured by Wald may not, in fact, deviate from
msec, exposed simultaneously), seen respectively the field sensitivity as measured by Stiles. On the
by the left and nght eyes on backgrounds, also other hand, Ingling (1969), Cavonius and Estévez
exposed onto the respective eyes, were matched in (1975), and Estévez and Cavonius (1977) obtained
brightness. Generally, a white (background) field field spectral sensitivities that closely agree with
of 1.76 log td and a white test pulse were used for ms rather than with the shape obtained by Wald
the left eye, these being kept constant. For the using the t.v.A.-approach. Ingling’s (1969) 2s,-
right eye, different combinations of test and field curve shows, however, a dip in the wavelength
wavelengths, A and p respectively, were used in a region of 1 /u = 17,000 cm™', which Ingling sug-
complete range of different field radiances. Thus, gests may imply the existence of more than one
the procedure was analogous to the two-color pigment in the red-sensitive cone mechanism.
increment-threshold method except that the test
pulse (seen by the right eye) was adjusted not to (vi) a-Mechanisms and Color-Matching Func-
threshold but to match the brightness of a con- tions. A first comparison of the spectral sensi-
stant reference pulse on a constant background tivities of a-mechanisms with color-matching
seen by the left eye. The results were curves of log functions made by Stiles (1953) indicated (a) that
(matching pulse radiance) versus log (background the field sensitivities II,,, I1,,, and IIs, of the
radiance) for each (A, 1.) combination, one corre- mechanisms 7, 74, and 7; respectively, could be
sponding to the actual t.v.r.-curve, the others to represented to a very rough approximation by
progressively increasing pulse-brightness levels. linear combinations of CIE 1931 standard color-
The results showed a close correspondence matching functions, or rather better, in the short-
with increment threshold analysis for 7, and 7, wavelength region, by the modified CIE 1931
and 7, and 7, even though the pulse-brightness color-matching functions of Judd (1951); and (b)
levels correspond to pulses of radiance from one that the chromaticity coordinates of the mono-
to three log units above the increment threshold. chromatic stimuli in a W.D.W.-system, derived on
For the blue-sensitive mechanism, however, the the hypothesis that the color-matching functions
a ,-branch shown by the increment-threshold curve are linear combinations of the IT,,,, I14,,, and IT,

field sensitivities, show certain deviations from the rms errors are about twice as large as those
Wright’s directly measured chromaticities. (We for II,, and II.,. Pugh and Sigel note special
recall that the CIE 1931 data are largely based on difficulties in obtaining good fits with II, and
these chromaticities of Wright; see Section 3.3.3.) II,,, when the sensitivity values in the long-wave-
The noted deviations were taken rather seriously, length region (1/p < 18750 cm™') are included
particularly the largest one, namely, the too small in the fitting exercise. However, when the long-
amount of negative red chromaticity in the spec- wavelength region of II,, and II;, is truncated
tral region 19,000 to 22,000 cm ', approximately. and only the remaining parts of these field sensi-
However, it was later realized that the modifica- tivities are fitted, much improved agreements, that
tion of the shapes of the field sensitivities, partic- is, much smaller rms errors, are obtained. Pugh
ularly I1,, and II,,, to eliminate the major and Sigel argue that such a truncation is justifi-
discrepancy would be very small. Nevertheless, at able on the basis of certain experimental evidence
that time the issue was not pursued further. in color matching which suggests that the contri-
Estévez and Cavonius (1977) have made a bution of the blue-sensitive mechanism (either
much more satisfactory comparison between the IT,,, or II;,,) to color matches involving test stimuli
field sensitivities II,,, I1,,, II5,, and the color- of wavenumbers 1/p < 18750 cm! (that is, p >
matching functions for the same observers. They 533 nm) is negligibly small or nonexisting. The
found that there was no significant discrepancy. validity of such an argument may deserve further
They also noted that the field sensitivities of study.
Stiles given in Table 2(7.4.3) would yield good The results of the fitting exercise of Pugh and
agreement with Wright’s mean spectral chro- Sigel (1978) with the CIE 1931 standard color-
maticities if the comparatively small distortion of matching functions are not as good as those ob-
less than 0.1 log units were made in the II,,,-curve tained with the other two sets of color-matching
in the blue-green spectral region. Estévez and functions. They confirm to a large extent the
Cavonius (1977) found no evidence in any of their results obtained earlier by Stiles (1953).
work for the field sensitivities I14,, and IIs, and, In the same study, Pugh and Sigel (1978) apply
in particular, no support for the suggestion that their fitting technique also to pigment spectra
they would be needed rather than II,, and II., in obtained from the Dartnall standard shape of
explaining their color-matching data which they visual pigment absorption coefficient (see Section
obtained at moderately high radiances. Their re- 8.2.3) and the iodopsin spectrum of Wald, Brown,
sults emphasize the unsatisfactory position as re- and Smith (1955). Each of these pigment spectra
gards the existence or properties of the 7; and 7 was numerically varied by shifting (a) the wave-
mechanisms discussed earlier in Section 7.4.4(v). length at which its absorption maximum occurs,
Pugh and Sigel (1978) used a computer mini- (b) the optical density, and (c) by applying lens
mization technique to obtain linear combinations and macular pigment corrections (see Section
of color-matching functions that yield “best fits” 2.4.6). Good fits were obtained between II,, and
to the field sensitivities that are numerically de- an appropriately corrected rhodopsin spectrum
fined in Table 2(7.4.3). Three different sets of (Dartnall’s standard shape extended by the
color-matching functions were employed: Stiles’ iodopsin spectrum), and between II, and an
2° pilot data (Section 5.5.3), CIE 1931 standard appropriately corrected iodopsin spectrum. A rea-
colorimetric observer (Section 3.3.1), and Judd sonable fit was also obtained between II, and an
modification of CIE 1931 standard data (Section appropriately corrected iodopsin spectrum. How-
dade.) ever, these best fits required, in each case, the
The main results of the numerical exercise are assumption of different lens and macular pigment
summarized in Table 1(7.4.4). Particular attention corrections.
is drawn to the rms errors of the best fits calcu-
lated by using the different sets of color-matching
functions. The Stiles 2° pilot data and the Judd 7.55 ROD SATURATION
modification of the CIE 1931 data each yield
about equally good fits with the field sensitivities In extrafoveal areas, color matching is subject to
IT,,, Il5,, U14,, and I,,. Remarkably good fits modification by the participation of the scotopic
are obtained for II,, and II, with very small rms or rod mechanism of vision (Section 5.6.2). Evi-
errors, indeed. The field sensitivities II), and dence on the adaptation levels above which such
II,,, on the other hand, are less well fitted, and rod participation may be expected to be small or
T (pp)
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& 2 0 2 4
Fig. 1(7.5). Approach to saturation of rod mechanism in 9° extrafoveal vision by rapid rise in
increment threshold. Curve A: log (increment threshold); Curve B: ratio (increment threshold /
field radiance). (Aguilar and Stiles, 1954).

negligible is provided by determinations of the tem appears to saturate in the sense that it is
increment threshold for rod vision as a function incapable of responding to the increment stimu-
of adaptation level. The adaptation of the two- lus, however intense.
color threshold method with a red adapting field The mean data obtained in this way by
and a green test stimulus enables the increment Aguilar and Stiles (1954) are shown in Figure
threshold for (extrafoveal) rod vision to be de- 1(7.5) as a plot (Curve A) of the increment
termined up to high levels at which the rod sys- threshold against the field radiance, both ex-
Cone Saturation 547

Table 1(7.5) Variation of the Ratio (Increment Threshold) /(Field Radiance) as a Function of
Log (Field Radiance). See Curve B in Figure 1(7.5).4

Log (Field Radiance) 4.0 3.0 2.0 1 .Cige0 Op 0s oe. 6L00 835
Increment Threshold/ 7.1 1.0 0.35 0.260502238 00.22.0020 60/324 0054 LO FR232,
Field Radiance

“Both field radiance and increment threshold are expressed in scotopic trolands.

pressed in scotopic trolands. This t.v.r.-curve green test stimulus. It then shows the rod-satura-
should be applicable, whatever the spectral com- tion effect illustrated in Figure 1(7.5) of the previ-
positions of test and field stimuli to the ap- ous section. However, if in the same figure there
proximate estimate of the thresholds for rod is also shown the fraction of the rod rhodopsin
response. In many cases with spectral composi- bleached at each field radiance, as derived from
tions different from those used in the experi- Rushton’s work (see Rushton, 1972 for summary,
ments, the cone mechanism will have a lower and Stiles, 1961), it is apparent that rod response
threshold than the rod mechanism at the higher is already saturated when no more than a few
levels, and the threshold of the latter will not be (about six) percent bleaching has occurred. For
observable. The curves of Figure 1(7.5) indicate foveal (cone) vision, on the other hand, the t.v.r.-
that the rod threshold is almost proportional to curve, at least for the 7, and 7,-branches, can be
the field luminance in the range 107! to 10? followed to very high field radiances at which
scotopic trolands; it then begins to rise with in- nearly all the cone pigment is bleached, and yet
creasing rapidity at 100 scotopic trolands. shows no upward turn characterizing saturation
According to estimates by Aguilar and Stiles, the (Stiles, 1961). ;
rod mechanism is effectively saturated [the ratio An outstanding series of papers by Alpern,
(increment threshold /field level) equals 100 times Rushton, and Torii has elucidated the saturation
its value in the 10-' to 10? scotopic troland property by using responses to brief intense con-
range] at a level between 2000 and 5000 scotopic ditioning stimuli rather than to fields to which the
trolands. The variations of the ratio mentioned retina has become fully adapted.
(Fechner fraction) are given in Table 1(7.5). In their initial researches, concerned with rod
According to these results, possible participation vision, the authors used the so-called after-flash
of rod vision in color matches is likely to diminish effect (Alpern, 1965; Alpern and Rushton, 1965)
progressively above 100 scotopic trolands and to and found a new kind of saturation in which it is
be entirely absent at 2000 to 5000 scotopic tro- the inhibitory effect of a pulsed stimulus added to
lands. a Steady field stimulus, namely, its action in rais-
It has been shown by Fuortes, Gunkel, and ing the increment threshold in a neighboring reti-
Rushton (1961) that for an observer very deficient nal area, that is subject to saturation.
in cone vision, a near rod-monochromat, a rod-in- In their subsequent researches, Alpern et al.
crement-threshold curve closely resembling that (1970) applied a similar method to cone vision,
of Figure 1(7.5) could be obtained without the and for this they also established a saturation of
special devices needed with normal observers to the inhibitory effect. Their work also included
avoid the cones obscuring the approach to satura- measurements on cone vision by a method more
tion. However, the saturation level appeared in closely akin to the procedure used originally to
this subject to be sensibly lower, at about 500 to establish rod saturation (Section 7.5).
1000 scotopic trolands. The work has, to a large extent, been con-
firmed and extended by King-Smith and Webb
(1974) and by Shevell (1977). In using a simpler
7.6 CONE SATURATION method, these authors showed that cone mecha-
nisms, notably the 7,- and 7,-mechanisms, saturate
The t.v.r.-curve for the extrafoveal retina of the in the sense that the increment threshold increases
normal eye corresponds to rod vision of the test indefinitely when the conditioning stimulus (a
stimulus up to high field radiances if the two-color background) is progressively raised towards a
threshold method is used with a red field and a (finite) saturation level, provided, however, that

the test stimulus is pulsed before the cone mecha-

nism has had time to adapt to the background. In
a typical experimental procedure, the condition-
ing (background) stimulus was exposed on the
previously dark field for just 200 msec; 40 msec
after the onset of the background, a 20-msec test
stimulus was added to the background stimulus. pulsed field

A plot of log (increment threshold) against log

(background radiance) then shows the character-
istic upturn from the 45° line in asymptote to a
vertical saturation line at a background of the
order of 4.0 log trolands (red test stimulus, to
isolate 75) or 4.5 log trolands (green test stimulus,
to isolate 7,). A “white” conditioning stimulus
was used in both cases. Figure 1(7.6) illustrates log (field radiance )
schematically typical results obtained for a cone
Fig. 1(7.6). Schematic diagram showing the vari-
mechanism. The fact that cone saturation is ob-
ation of the logarithm of the increment threshold
served by using a pulsed conditioning field but
for a cone mechanism as a function of the loga-
not by a field to which the retina has become
rithm of the field (background) radiance for two
adapted is explained by noting that in the former
conditions of observation. In one case, the field is
situation, the pulsed field generates, by absorp-
exposed steadily; in the other case, the field is
tion in the visual pigment, a strong surge of
exposed as a pulse to the observer. Saturation of
neural responses before the stimulus has time to
the cone mechanism whose increment threshold is
bleach more than a very little pigment. Thus,
being measured occurs only under the pulsed-field
attributing the saturation to congestion in the
condition and not under the steady-field condition.
further transmission of the neural responses, this
The scale values on the abscissa and ordinate of
can occur when the number of quanta absorbed
the figure apply approximately to the experimental
approaches a certain limit. In the equilibrium
case studied by Shevell (1977) for the a5-mecha-
situation, however, this limit may never be
nism: Field (background): 4.1° “white” (tungsten);
reached, because the more intense the adapting
in the pulsed mode, the field was on for 200 msec;
field, the more the pigment is bleached and the
its radiance is converted to log (photopic td), rang-
smaller its capacity for absorbing quanta.
ing from — oo to 6. Test stimulus: 0.57°, red (~ 620
As noted above, the discovery of cone satura-
nm), 20-msec pulse presented 40 msec after onset
tion was first made by Alpern, Rushton, and
of field when pulsed-field condition was used. The
Torii (1970d) by a more involved method that
presentation rate of trials was one per sec. When
utilizes the after-flash effect. In that method, an
the steady-field condition was used, the observer
annular stimulus surrounding the foveal test
was first adapted to the given field radiance for 10
stimulus is exposed for 100 msec at a fixed time
min before beginning increment-threshold mea-
(50 msec) after the exposure (10 msec) of the test
surements. The test stimulus was then presented at
stimulus. The radiance of the annular stimulus is
a rate of 1 pulse (20 msec) per sec.
set so as to raise the threshold of the test stimu-
lus. The effect of the annular stimulus, seen as an
“after-flash,” is reduced if, in the annulus, a
steady field is exposed all the time on which the fixed factor above the value obtained with the
annular stimulus is superimposed. Measurements steady field acting alone. The assumption is made
can then be made of the way the radiance of the that, when this is done at all steady fields, the
annular stimulus, which produces a given effect annular stimulus itself will be producing always
on the threshold of the test stimulus, varies with the same inhibitory effect on the detectability of
the radiance of the steady field. Even if the pulsed the test stimulus. The experimental data so ob-
annular stimulus is not exposed, the steady an- tained show the characteristic saturation shape.
nular field will itself raise the threshold of the test The after-flash method of Alpern, Rushton,
stimulus. To take account of this, the radiance of and Torii (1970d) and the simpler pulsed-field
the annular stimulus is raised until it increases the method of King-Smith and Webb (1974) and
threshold of the test stimulus by some prescribed Shevell (1977), both methods designed to observe
Rod and Cone Interactions 549

cone saturation, are strictly concerned with differ- thresholds. However, if a threshold is simply the
ent visual effects, though, no doubt, they have a value which gives a certain probability of detec-
common root cause. It is perhaps not surprising, tion, the lowering of the resultant threshold will
therefore, that the field radiance to produce be determined by the steepness of the probability-
saturation differs widely, by some two log units, of-detection curves given by the component
in the two cases. mechanisms, acting alone. In recent years, the
Mollen and Polden (1977b) have reported a more sophisticated approach of signal detection
saturation behavior also for the blue-sensitive theory (see, for example, Nachmias, 1972 and
(7, 7, 73)-mechanisms. By applying the aux- Egan, 1975) may modify the details of the proba-
iliary-field method (Section 7.4.3(g), IT,,-field bility summation concept, without necessarily al-
sensitivity) to high radiances, the t.v.r.-curve of tering the essential point.
these mechanisms bends upwards from the straight Where the observed threshold cannot be iden-
Weber-fraction line towards a vertical asymptote tified as the resultant of the thresholds of inde-
in a way indicative of saturation. They used pendent component mechanisms, the summation
a short-wavelength test stimulus and a short- is described as physiological summation and be-
wavelength main field of progressively increased comes evidence of some interaction in the
radiance mixed with a constant long-wavelength threshold responses of the mechanisms. This con-
auxiliary field. Mollen and Poiden’s results indi- cept is not, of course, limited to threshold re-
cate that the blue-sensitive mechanisms not only sponses of component color mechanisms for test
saturate, but also, unlike the green 7,- and red stimuli of fixed characteristics. In the case of a
m;-mechanisms, they do so in the equilibrium case large test stimulus, the resultant threshold may be
(steady field). thought of as arising from similar mechanisms
operating in the various small areas of the retina
on which the test stimulus is imaged. The same
7.7 ROD AND CONE INTERACTIONS distinction between probability and physiological
summation can be drawn.
The extent to which a visual response to light is In the original increment-threshold analysis of
determined exclusively by the quanta absorbed in Stiles (for the collection of his relevant papers, see
the rod receptor system (absorption by the rod Stiles, 1978), it was assumed that the component
pigment rhodopsin) or exclusively by those mechanisms (rods and three cone mechanisms)
absorbed in one of the cone receptor systems were independent so that only probability sum-
(absorption by the cone pigments, erythrolabe, mation operated, or that any physiological sum-
chlorolabe, or cyanolabe) or, in some way, by mation effects were small enough to be ignored to
contributions from absorptions of more than one a first approximation. Although this is still proba-
of these kinds, is a wide-ranging and controversial bly acceptable as a crude approximation, small
question. The following remarks deal with the but significant deviations have been found.
more limited question of the extent to which The first study of the summation of threshold
increment thresholds (including thresholds on zero responses from different 7-mechanisms was made
fields or absolute thresholds) reveal interaction by Stiles in 1959 at the National Research Coun-
between different component mechanisms. cil of Canada (see Stiles, 1967). The two-color
In an experimental determination of an incre- threshold method was used to set up conditions in
ment threshold, where the response may arise which a test stimulus consisting of a mixture of
through two different receptor mechanisms, an two wavelengths was such that for each of them
apparent summation of the effects of the two in the absence of the other, the threshold could be
mechanisms may be produced by what is known attributed to a single mechanism, different for the
as probability summation, even though there is the two wavelengths. With varying proportions in the
highest degree of independence of the mecha- mixture, it was possible to determine the way in
nisms, that is no interaction. This is now a familiar which the responses from the two mechanisms
concept and is discussed in Section 8.4.7 on line were summating.
elements. It leads to the general rule that if the For a mixture of two wavelengths that are
thresholds of the independent component mecha- both on a section of the envelope provided by one
nisms, when acting alone, have infinitely sharp mechanism, for example, the 73-mechanism, the
values, there is no probability summation and the mechanism integrates completely. It follows that
observed threshold is the lower of the component at the threshold of the mixture, the quantities of

the constituent wavelengths are fractions adding lengths A, and A, of which one is kept fixed at
up to unity if these quantities are expressed in 640 nm on the section of the envelope provided
units equal, respectively, to the threshold for the by the 7 mechanism while the other is varied
separate wavelengths. For the special case of an through the spectrum. Despite inevitable scatter,
equal mixture, these fractions are equal, and minus the points are in tolerable accord with expecta-
the logarithm of their values, are defined as the tion when the second wavelength is also on the
summation index, equal in this case to 0.301. m-section, or when it is on the 7-section. The
On the other hand, for two wavelengths in striking discrepancy occurs for intermediate posi-
sections belonging to different mechanisms, the tions around 530 nm, where the summation index
summation index will be smaller, as the mecha- deviates by 0.1 to 0.2 log units from the predict-
nisms are assumed independent and can only ion of probability summation in the direction of
collaborate in determining a resultant threshold less summation, indicating, apparently, a physio-
by probability summation. logical inhibitive rather than summative effect.
Clearly, this arises because the threshold cor- Actually, around 530 nm the summation index
responds to a 50% chance of seeing the test drops to the inexplicable value of zero, that is,
stimulus, and, if two completely independent below the theoretical limit of 0.1 log units.
mechanisms each give a 50% chance, the resultant Repetition and extension of the work, using,
chance is 75% (see also Section 8.4.7), correspond- however, smaller (10 min) test stimuli and making
ing to a lower threshold. From the steepness of measurements for negative as well as positive
experimental frequency-of-seeing curves, it is increments of the test stimuli, showed many simi-
found that because of probability summation, the lar and rather complicated summation or inhibi-
summation index cannot be less than 0.1 log units tion effects of the same order of magnitude
or a little more. (Boynton, Ikeda, and Stiles, 1964; Ikeda 1963;
In Figure 1(7.7) are plotted the 1959 results 1964). Ikeda, for example, showed that with very
Stiles (1967) obtained for a green (filtered light brief test pulses the inhibitive effect did not ap-
with peak wavelength at 555 nm) field of high pear. Whereas perhaps none of the deviations
(30,000 td) radiance. The summation index refers from strict probability summation is large enough
to pairs of 1° (200 msec) test stimulus of wave- to affect the increment-threshold analysis re-

Curve computed for probability summation

—-—--— Mean experimental curve

is Observers: o WSS
os Aa GHF
e 0.2
P= | =—_———
i?) ee


400 450 x 550 600 640 700
Wavelength \, (nm)

25.0 22.5 é 17.5 15.0-10°

Wavenumber m, 2-2 (cm')

Fig. 1(7.7). Summation index for high-radiance green field, and for test stimuli of wave-
lengths A, = 640 nm (fixed) and A, (variable through the spectrum). Test stimulus: 1°,
200 msec (Stiles, 1967).
Rod and Cone Interactions 551

garded as a first approximation, they are not yet trum of the product of its spectral sensitivity and
understood and need further study. An element in the spectral radiant power of the stimulus. Thus,
any further work on the same lines that might be an initial /inear stage in the effect was assumed.
undertaken, is the use of double-pulse increments Most of the earlier studies employed monochro-
in which two stimuli are separated by some milli- matic stimuli and for these it was concluded
seconds but are sufficiently close to be appreci- (Stiles, 1953) that, in the spectral regions where
ated as a single presentation for detection. It has the relative spectral sensitivities both to test
been found that the white-light thresholds for stimuli and to conditioning stimuli could be de-
double pulses also show interesting inhibitive ef- termined, they were the same. However, the unex-
fects (for summary, see Boynton, 1972) and the pected lobe in the II,,-field sensitivity curve at
potentialities of this new temporal factor in moderate and long wavelengths [see Figure
elucidating component color mechanisms seem 2(7.4.3)] led, among other suggested explanations,
worth exploring. to the proposal that a second mechanism was
In the special case of increment thresholds on contributing to the field sensitivity. As discussed
a dark field, Guth (1967) and his collaborators in Section 7.4.4(1), Pugh (1976) has now estab-
have observed summation anomalies of much the lished that the II,,-field sensitivity curve must be
same kind as those discussed above. However, composite and dependent on two (perhaps even
Guth’s interpretation of his results aims primarily three) spectral sensitivities associated probably
at the problem of brightness additivity associated with the “proper receptors” of other mechanisms.
with the difficult concept of heterochromatic If we think of two sensitivities for each of
brightness matching. Some of his experimental which the additivity law holds, then the basic
data have been given in Section 5.8. formula for the increment threshold given in Sec-
The above interactions have been considered tion 7.4.2 as Eq. 1(7.4.2), that is,
from a position that assumes each mechanism to
be brought independently to a certain state by the
= 7 $;(M,II;)
conditioning stimulus, the actual interaction oc- =|— >

curring in the processes by which the signals

produced by the pulsed test stimulus in the re- must be modified for mechanism i = | to
spective mechanisms are combined at some higher
level to determine a detectable or not-detectable l
resultant response. Interaction of a different kind
might fairly be said to occur if the condition of a
particular mechanism were dependent not only [1(7.7)]
on light absorbed in the “proper receptors” but
also on light absorbed in the “proper receptors” where the function Z,{ ---, --- } depends on two
of other mechanisms. To make precise this state- arguments, and where II}, and II}, are two com-
ment which uses the undefined and vague term ponent field sensitivities. Equation 1(7.7) applies
“proper receptors,” it is useful to look again to monochromatic test and field stimuli. For non-
briefly at the development of the concepts of monochromatic field stimuli, the products M, 11},
increment threshold mechanisms. and MII‘), must be replaced by integrals of the
Originally (Stiles, 1939), it was postulated that form given earlier as Eq. 5(7.4.2). Pugh (1976) has
any radiant energy (that is, any conditioning shown that the function Z,(x, y) does not reduce
stimulus) modifying the condition of a particular simply to a function of (x+y), which would
mechanism and any radiant energy (that is, any correspond to the original theory. The theory
test stimulus) producing a threshold response proposed by Pugh and Mollen (1979), briefly
would do so, as far as variations of wavelengths referred to in Section 7.4.4(iv), may lead to fur-
were concerned, in accordance with a spectral ther experimental studies specifically designed to
sensitivity curve unique to the mechanism and the explore more deeply the interactions between the
same for both conditioning and test stimuli. It different blue-sensitive mechanisms.
was also implied—and the formulae given in Sec- However, the important modification in the
tion 7.4.2 assumed this—that for nonmonochro- a-mechanism concept necessary to accommodate
matic stimuli of various spectral compositions, the above interaction phenomena, must not ob-
their effects on the mechanism would be de- scure the fact that in certain experimental situa-
termined by a simple integration over the spec- tions, the mechanisms preserve a high degree of

independence. Alpern and Rushton (1965) have Pol

shown that after-flash phenomena are consistent

with the view that the 7-mechanisms are behaving ou
independently, even though in these cases it is
frequently a stimulus applied not only at a differ-
ent time, but also in a part of the retina that DISPLACED—
merely adjoins the area on which the test pulse is CONE ras
imaged, which is producing a “field” increase in
test threshold (see also Section 7.6).
The possibility of a modification of the t.v.r.-
curve of the rod mechanism produced by a contri-
bution from the cone systems has been raised by “Ni
Makous and Boothe (1974) from the results of
increment-threshold studies that apparently con-

io 8 6 4 2
tradict the results of Flamant and Stiles (1948). LOG (FIELD RADIANCE)
However, in later work, Makous and Peeples
Fig. 2(7.7). Schematic illustration of the problem
(1979) find that using the same conditions they
raised by the results of Makous and his collabora-
find no conflict in the two sets of data, but that
tors on the possible effect of cone stimulation on
when sufficiently high adapting fields (higher than
the form of the t.v.r.-curve of parafoveal rod vi-
those of Flamant and Stiles) are used, the t.v.r.-
curve for fields of long wavelength differs from
that for fields of shorter wavelength, the former
apparently having more effect at high field levels In Figure 2(7.7), the line of heavy dots indi-
in raising the rod threshold even though the fields cates where the breakaway point may be when
are scotopically balanced. It certainly seems that one uses the results of Makous and Peeples (1979).
the results of Makous and his co-workers present It is clearly at a lower level than that predicted
a problem. for cone intervention according to the usual the-
From material summarized by Stiles (1939), ory. Makous and Peeples determined the ap-
Figure 2(7.7) has been prepared showing the proximate position of the absolute cone threshold,
t.v.r.-curve for 5° parafoveal vision for the combi- not in the way adopted here, but experimentally
nation A = 580 nm, » = 500 nm. From the test from the break in dark-adaptation recovery curves
spectral sensitivity data in the same paper, it (Section 7.3.1), and established by a direct method
appears that changing A from 580 nm to 490 nm that there is a problem. It is not altogether clear
would lower the rod branch by some 0.6 log units. the kind of rod—cone interaction that could ex-
On the other hand, if parafoveal cones behaved plain their results. If it is a contribution of cones
just like foveal cones, the same change of A would to a rod—cone pool (Sternheim and Glass, 1975),
raise the rod branch by an estimated 0.9 log units. through which the effect of the field in raising the
In fact, the increase is likely to be less for the threshold is produced, one might expect a red
parafoveal cones than for the foveal cones. Proba- field with its relatively large cone effect to bend
bly, therefore, the net effect of changing A from an ideal straight line rod branch upwards at high
580 to 490 nm would be to raise the cone branch field radiances, rather than for short-wavelength
with respect to the rod branch by not more than fields to bend the branch downwards at high field
1.5 log units, and the dashed curve in Figure radiances. Alternatively, the cone saturation might
2(7.7) shows the new (relative) position. Clearly, be assumed to inhibit the effect of rod stimulation
if this approximate prediction of the situation is in raising the threshold.
‘valid for the combination A = 490 nm, p = 500
nm, the cone branch will take over at a suffi-
ciently high scotopic field level and thereby mod- 7.8 UNIFORM EQUIVALENT FIELDS
ify the apparent t.v.r.-curve. With a deep-red field,
the scotopic level at which the takeover by the In the specification of adaptation, a method first
cone branch occurs will certainly be higher, so used by Holladay (1927) in expressing the results
that the t.v.r.-curve for green (500 nm) and deep- of measurements of the rise in increment threshold
red fields will deviate in shape at a certain level when the visual field contains a small “glare”
that will coincide with the takeover level for the source, is relevant. The underlying idea was that
green field. the glare source acts by throwing a veil of scattered
Uniform Equivalent Fields 553

light (in the eye) over the retinal area where the photopic conditions, the equivalent background
test stimulus is applied and that the level of this luminance for the inner periphery is lower than
veiling luminance would be determined by find- for the outer periphery. For scotopic conditions,
ing the actual uniform field luminance producing on the other hand, this trend reverses. These
the same rise in threshold in the absence of the results compare reasonably well with those ob-
glare source. tained earlier by Crawford (1937). Spillmann and
In the later development of this idea (Stiles Fuld (1979) suggest that the equivalence hypothe-
and Crawford, 1932), it was shown that the value sis, also referred to as Crawford transformation,
of the equivalent uniform field luminance, which obtains only for retinal locations that have com-
also became known as the equivalent background parable spatial and temporal properties.
luminance, is substantially independent of the The studies of Alpern and Campbell (1962) on
characteristics of the test stimulus used in its the pupil behavior during dark adaptation, and of
determination. It was further shown that it pro- Barlow and Sparrock (1964) on the brightness of
vides a measure of the condition of the retina as afterimages have provided further support to the
modified by the glare source irrespective of equivalence concept.
whether this modification corresponds to a super- Of interest is also the work of Blakemore and
posed veil of scattered light or to some deeper Rushton (1965), Du Cruz and Rushton (1966),
physiological process by which stimulation in one Spillman, Wolf, and Nowlan (1971), Spillman,
retinal area affects response in another. By apply- Nowlan, and Bernholz (1972), and Geiser (1979)
ing the same methods to the increment threshold who conducted detailed studies on foveal dark-
measured after the abrupt removal of a condition- adaptation curves. The experimental data support
ing stimulus of high luminance, the course of the hypothesis that the effects of a bleaching field
dark-adaptation was expressed by a curve of are interchangeable with those of a uniform field
equivalent background luminance against time. and are, in fact, linearly additive.
Such a curve was then independent of the char- There are, however, also a number of studies
acteristics of the test stimulus and more accessible that suggest limitations to the equivalence con-
to theoretical treatment than the original dark- cept. Some of these studies are concerned with
adaptation curves (see also Crawford, 1947). summation pools (Rushton, 1965c), spatial sensi-
The above studies apply when only achromatic - tization (Westheimer, 1968), photopic spatial
stimuli are involved and when the condition of and temporal summation (Rinalducci, 1968;
the retina may (possibly) be specifiable by one Rinalducci, Higgins, and Cramer, 1970; Stewart,
variable only. For the more complicated case, 1972; Rinalducci, Lowenhaupt, and Martinez,
when chromatic stimuli are used and trichromatic 1973), and border contrast (Tachibana, 1977).
principles must enter, Moon and Spencer (1943c) A useful review of the concept of uniform
have elaborated a three-dimensional method of equivalent fields and particularly its application
specifying foveal adaptation that rests on the to studies of mechanisms of pigment-bleaching
concept of equivalent background luminance. recovery has been given by Barlow (1972).
In more recent years, a number of important
applications and extensions have been made of
7.8.1 Basic Formulae
the concept of equivalent background luminance.
Blakemore and Rushton (1965), using both uni- For steady conditioning by achromatic stimuli,
form fields and gratings find comparable results the formula used to represent measurements of
to those of Crawford (1937, 1947) and, in particu- the equivalent background luminance L in a field
lar, confirm the equivalence to hold for different containing an actual background luminance L
field sizes. extending over the test-stimulus area together with
Spillmann and Fuld (1979) tested the validity a “point” source producing an illuminance E at
of the equivalent-background concept for differ- the observer’s eye and located @ degrees from the
ent retinal locations on the nasal half of the test stimulus has the form
horizontal meridian. They obtained both dark-
adaptation and increment-threshold curves for b=L+ke [1(7.8.1)]
different test-stimulus conditions [A = 550 nm
for 2° (175 msec) and 0.5° (40 msec)]. The experi-
mental results showed that the equivalent back- where k and n are constants (Holladay, 1927;
ground luminance (converted to trolands) follows Stiles, 1929a,b). The values of the constants ob-
its own time course at each retinal location. For tained by different investigators using different

ranges of the variables show some differences; The most important case is with L = 0 when
but for foveal vision of the test stimulus and with for foveal vision (k = 10), the surround has the
OSPR Os2S S10 means placed same effect as a uniform field of luminance 8.7%
m ’, the values n= 2 and k= 10 are (6 = 1°) or 4.3% (8 = 10°) of the surround value.
fairly representative values. The experimental Direct measurements of 6 = 1° (Stiles and Craw-
data, directed to practical glare problems, were ford, 1932) indicate values in fair agreement with
determined with the natural eye pupil. The cor- this estimate.
rection to give a relation in terms of nominal For other related studies to glare see, for ex-
retinal illuminances (7) is complicated (Stiles, ample, Fry and Alpern (1953, 1954); Boynton,
1929), but little error (perhaps 10%) is incurred by Bush and Enoch (1954); Vos and Bouman (1960);
assuming the pupil to have the same size under Vos (1963b); and J. Walraven (1973).
the glare and the equivalent field stimuli. Equa-
tion 1(7.8.1) then becomes
abi 7 a [2(7.8.1)]
The response characteristics of the visual mecha-
where 7, T, T; are, respectively, the troland val- nism are functions of not only the spectral prop-
ues of the equivalent background, the actual erties of the test and conditioning stimuli, but are
background, and the glare source, and we is the also functions of the temporal modes and spatial
solid angle in steradians subtended at the eye by configurations in which these stimuli are pre-
the glare source. sented to the observer’s eye(s). The previous sec-
Equation 1(7.8.1) with n = 2 has been found tions give important examples of color vision and
to apply approximately to the equivalent back- its dependence on spectral, temporal, and spatial
ground luminance for vision of a test stimulus characteristics of the visual stimuli.
imaged in the extrafoveal retina with @ put equal The color-matching properties of the human eye
to the angle subtended at the eye by the line are obviously dependent on the spectral radiant
joining test stimulus and glare source (Stiles and power distribution of the stimulus, its field size,
Crawford, 1937). The value of the constant k and location on the retina (Section 5.6).
increases from 10 to 16 as the test-stimulus image The brightness-matching properties are similarly
is moved into the extrafoveal retina. The position dependent on the spectral radiant power distribu-
of the glare source with respect to the fovea is not tion, field size, and location on the retina of the
a significant factor. For one or more glare sources stimulus, but also show a distinct functional rela-
copresent in the visual field, the resultant equiva- tionship with the temporal mode of the stimulus.
lent background luminance is found to be ap- Flicker photometry and heterochromatic bright-
proximately additive: ness matching are important examples (Section
ee In assessing the perceptual attributes, hue,
Lark pegs.
saturation, and brightness of a given test stimu-
lus, again all three physical characteristics (spec-
tral, temporal, spatial) of the test stimulus as well
(Luckiesh, Taylor, and Holladay, 1925; Crawford, as those of the conditioning stimuli are important
1936). parameters (Section 6.3 to 6.5).
Equation 3(7.8.1) enables the equivalent back- Then there are the visual thresholds, particu-
ground within a small darker area in a large larly those discussed in Section 7.4 dealing with
bright surround (ideally filling the whole field) to chromatic adaptation and increment thresholds,
be calculated by integration of Eq. 1(7.8.1). At whose dependence on all three physical character-
the center of a circular darker area of diameter istics of both test and conditioning stimuli often
6(0.5° <8 < 40°) and luminance L, with a sur- play a major role in the experimental procedures
round of luminance L,, L is given by and interpretation of the results.
Many visual scientists have directed their at-
L = L + k(0.0087 — 0.0044 log 8)(L, — L) tention to visual phenomena that are mainly asso-
[4(7.8.1)] ciated with temporal and spatial variations of the
observed stimuli. In particular, the objective has
for n = 2. been to quantify the temporal and spatial re-
Spatial and Temporal Factors 555

sponse characteristics of the visual system. The 1968; 1978; Tansley and Boynton, 1976; 1978:
tools of Fourier analysis have been applied effec- Valberg and Tansley, 1977; for reviews, see Boyn-
tively to this task yielding temporal and spatial ton, 1973; 1978; 1979; see also Section 3.7):
modulation transfer functions of the visual system. These workers used three methods for estimat-
The experimental procedure used in studying ing the perceived distinctness of the border be-
the temporal response characteristics of the visual tween juxtaposed fields. In the first method, two
system typically involves a visual stimulus of some juxtaposed fields of uniform chromaticity are pre-
specified size whose luminance is varied sinusoid- sented slightly above, but clearly separated from,
ally as a function of time over a range of frequen- two other juxtaposed chromatic fields. The ob-
cies and luminance amplitudes. For a given server adjusts the radiance of one of the two
frequency and mean luminance, the observer ad- upper fields until a border is perceived which is as
justs the luminance amplitude until the imposed distinct as the border seen between the two fields
sinusoidal variation is just large enough that below.
the field does not appear steady in brightness In the second method, only one pair of juxta-
(de Lange Dzn, 1952; Kelly, 1961). posed fields is used. The observer first establishes
An analogous procedure is used in studying the minimally distinct border between the two fields
the spatial characteristics of the visual system. by making an appropriate adjustment of the radi-
Typically, the visual stimulus is displayed in the ance of one field, and then judges the distinctness
form of a sine-wave grating, that is, a regular of the border in terms of a seven-point rating
stripe pattern whose luminance across the pattern scale (“zero” meaning no border at all, “seven”
varies sinusoidally. The observer is asked to de- meaning a very strong border).
termine the threshold for detecting the pattern. In the third method, the observer steadily
Presented with a sine-wave grating of given spa- fixates the border between two juxtaposed fields
tial frequency, the observer adjusts the amplitude for a certain period of time, five minutes, say, and
of the luminance variation until he or she can just the tendency of the border to fade is then mea-
see the presence of the grating, or just distinguish sured in terms of the percentage of time that a
it from a perfectly uniform field (Van Nes and border is not seen.
Bouman, 1967). A different procedure was intro- All three methods yield comparable results of
duced by M. L. Davidson (1968), whose observers border distinctness and provide a measure of the
matched the luminance contrast perceived for one equivalent amount of achromatic contrast that
grating with that of another (reference) grating. produces the same “strength of border” as that
Fourier-analysis techniques are well-estab- produced by a purely chromatic difference. One
lished tools in electrical engineering, communica- or the other method has been used to study a
tion systems, and optical imaging. There is a host number of visual response characteristics.
of textbooks that provide the mathematical algo- Luminous efficiency functions have been
rithm of these techniques; for their applications determined with the minimally distinct border
to vision, an excellent and well illustrated intro- criterion and were found to be in close agreement
duction has been given by Cornsweet (1970). with the V(A)-curve obtained by the conventional
From the numerous studies of temporal and minimum-flicker technique (Wagner and Boyn-
spatial response characteristics of the visual ton, 1972; see also Section 5.7.2).
mechanism that have been made, we have selected When the equivalent achromatic contrast was
a few of those that have a direct bearing on color determined as a function of wavelength for mono-
vision and that have not been treated in the chromatic stimuli paired with a “white”-stimulus,
previous sections or have been referred to only the resultant curve closely resembles that of the
briefly in passing. colorimetric purity (“saturation”) discrimination
curve (Kaiser, Herzberg, and Boynton, 1971;
Boynton, 1973; see also Section 7.10.3).
7.9.1 Distinctness of Border
Another interesting study has been made by
The perception of contours is an important exam- Tansley and Boynton (1976), extended by
ple demonstrating the effect of the spatial re- Valberg and Tansley (1977), dealing with tri-
sponse characteristics of the visual system on the tanopic purity, that is, colorimetric purity dis-
perception of hue, saturation, and brightness. crimination along tritanopic confusion lines in
Of particular interest is the pioneering work of the chromaticity diagram. When two color stimuli
Boynton and his coworkers (Boynton and Kaiser, have chromaticities on a tritanopic confusion line

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8


Fig. 1(7.9.1). Results of minimally distinct border experiment of Tansley and Boynton (1976).
Each monochromatic stimulus of wavelength A; ({=1 to 6) is compared with each of three
tristimulus mixtures [(a;,S;; + 4;25;.) where a;, and a;, are variable and j = 1, 2, or 3]. The
observer adjust the ratio a;, /a;, at constant luminance until a color stimulus (open circle) is
obtained which gives a minimally distinct border with the juxtaposed monochromatic stimulus
(solid dot). In most of the 18 cases, the border actually disappears entirely. The tristimulus
mixtures (open circles) that give zero (or nearly zero) border with a given monochromatic
stimulus (solid dot) lie on (or nearly on) a tritanopic confusion line with origin at (7). This
suggests that regardless of the activity of the blue-sensitive cones, the distinctness of a visually
distinct border may be related to the activity of the red- and green-sensitive cones only.

(see Section 5.14.2), although they stimulate the Mach bands have been studied extensively and
blue-sensitive cones of a normal trichromat dif- the interested reader may find the reviews by
ferentially, they stimulate the red-and green-sensi- Ratliff (1965) and Fiorentini (1972) useful start-
tive cones to exactly the same extent at constant ing points for more detailed information. The
luminance. Figure 1(7.9.1) illustrates some of the phenomenon in all its complexities is not fully
results obtained by Tansley and Boynton (1976). understood but it is generally agreed that lateral
interactions in the neural network of the visual
system account for it. It is assumed that the
function that characterizes the response of each
7.9.2 Mach Bands
element of the neural network has an excitatory
Mach bands (Mach, 1865) are light or dark nar- component, which depends on the luminance of
row bands that are perceived near the border of the stimulus eliciting a response in that element,
two juxtaposed fields, one field being darker than and an inhibitory component which depends on
the other. Figure 1(7.9.2) illustrates a typical case the luminance of the stimulus (or stimuli) eliciting
showing the spatial luminance distribution across responses in the elements surrounding the first
the border and the corresponding spatial distribu- element. The magnitude of the inhibitory effect of
tion of brightness perceived by the observer. each surrounding element on the first element
Spatial and Temporal Factors 557

enon is known as the Briicke—Bartley effect in

accordance with observations made by Briicke
(1864) and Bartley (1938, 1941). When the rota-
tion of the disk is further increased, the spot of
light is almost steady but not quite; a sensation of
flicker remains and the Briicke—Bartley effect is
no longer observed. A still further increase of the
disk’s rotation eventually leads to an abrupt dis-
appearance of flicker and the observer perceives a
steady spot of light. The frequency, that is, the
number of cycles of exposures and occlusions of
the spot of light per second, at which flicker
disappears is called the flicker threshold or, more
commonly, the critical flicker frequency (CFF);
the phenomenon of the disappearance of flicker
at that frequency is called flicker fusion. The spot
_Of light then seen has a brightness, that is, for the
special case of the rotating disk used above, ex-
actly equal to the brightness of the steady spot of
O B light, exposed through the opening of the sta-
-2 =I ) 2 tionary disk, but at half its original radiance.
Distance from Center Line (O) of Field
The special case of the rotating disk used to
(arbitrary units)
demonstrate the flicker phenomenon can be ex-
Fig. 1(7.9.2). Luminance and brightness profiles tended to any technique that generates rapidly
of a visual field with a graded border. A light (A) repetitive visual stimuli with periodic variations
and dark (B) Mach band appears near the points of the radiance (or luminance) that can take any
where the luminance of the border changes function of time, not restricted to on—off modes
abruptly. of equal periods. When flicker fusion is reached,
the brightness of the physically alternating stimu-
lus is equal to the physically steady stimulus
depends on the distance between the two ele-
whose radiance (or luminance) is set equal to the
mean of the time-dependent radiance (or lumi-
The experimental evidence of particular inter-
nance) of the physically alternating stimulus,
est to color vision is that Mach bands are, in
calculated by appropriate integration over the
general, not found near chromatic borders when
time it takes to complete a full cycle of the
the two juxtaposed fields have no luminance vari-
periodic variation. This relationship is known as
ation but differ only in chromaticity, including
the Talbot law or Plateau-Talbot law (Talbot,
possibly a graded transition from the chromatic-
1834; Plateau, 1835).
ity of one field to the chromaticity of the other.
Talbot’s law is of particular importance in
visual experiments in which stimuli are alternated
7.9.3 Flicker by a rotating sector disk whose transmittance can
A rotating sector disk may be used to expose and be determined precisely by measuring the open
occlude a spot of light for equal intervals of time. portion of the disk. The validity of Talbot’s law
Depending on the speed of rotation of the disk, has been tested and was found to be very accurate
the intermittent stimulation of the observer’s vis- over a wide range of conditions (see, for example,
ual system results in the sensation of flicker. At a Le Grand, 1957; Waish, 1958).
very slow rotation of the disk, the spot appears to There are many papers that have been devoted
flash on and off in a discreet but regular fashion. to the study of flicker with regard to a variety of
A somewhat increased rotation causes the dis- conditions of observation. Useful reviews on the
creetness of the on-off flashes to disappear. In results of such studies, some of them containing
fact, the brightness of the “pulsing” light is greater comprehensive bibliographies, are those of Landis
than the brightness perceived of the spot of light (1953, 1954), Pirenne (1962d), J. L. Brown (1965),
when seen through the opening of the stationary Cornsweet (1970), and Kelly (1972). Some of the
disk; this enhancement of brightness phenom- early flicker data are given in Figures 1(7.9.3) and


40 fovea

5° above fovea
15° above fovea

0 | 2 3 4
Log [ retinal illuminance (trolands
Fig. 1(7.9.3). Relationship between critical flicker frequency (CFF) and retinal illuminance
obtained by Hecht and Verrijp (1933) for a 2° “white” stimulus centered at three different
retinal locations: fovea (0°) and 5° and 15° above the fovea. A 10° “white” surround was used
of the same luminance as the test stimulus (above CFF). The observer looked through an
artificial pupil of 1.8 mm in diameter. The photopic retinal illuminance scale used as the
abscissa is the corrected scale in accordance with instructions given by Hecht and Shlaer

2(7.9.3). Figure 1(7.9.3) is based on results ob- surround. For high retinal illuminances, the mea-
tained by Hecht and Verrijp (1933) which show surements for different wavelengths can roughly
the variation of CFF with retinal illuminance for be approximated by a single curve attributed to
a 2° “white” stimulus presented at three different cone vision, though some wavelength dependence
retinal locations: at the fovea (0°) and at 5° and has been noted in that region (Landis, 1954). For
15° above the fovea. A 10° “white” (nonflicker- low retinal illuminances, on the other hand, sep-
ing) surround was used whose luminance was set arate wavelength-dependent branches are ob-
equal to the luminance of the test stimulus when tained that are attributed to rod vision; the most
its “on-off” flicker rate was above the CFF. For separated branch being the one for the shortest
the foveal (0°) test location, a single curve is wavelength (A = 450 nm). In interpreting the re-
obtained that peaks at about 10,000 td with a sults, it must be emphasized that the retinal illu-
CFF of approximately 45 Hz. The result applies minances given on the abscissa are based on
to predominantly cone vision. For the two photopic measurements employing the technique
parafoveal (5° and 15°) test locations, each of the of heterochromatic brightness matching in the
resulting CFF-curves shows two branches. The fovea (see also Section 5.7.1).
branch for low retinal illuminances is ascribed to The modern approach to studying flicker phe-
' rod vision, whereas the other branch, which oc- nomena is by employing the principles of
curs at high retinal illuminances and resembles linear-systems analysis, well developed in the fields
that for central foveal vision, is ascribed to of electrical engineering, communication, and
parafoveal cone vision. optical imaging. The mathematical tool is that
Figure 2(7.9.3) is based on results obtained by known as Fourier analysis which permits flicker
Hecht and Shlaer (1936) which show the variation waveforms to be expressed in terms of sets of sine
-of CFF with retinal illuminance for a centrally waves. De Lange Dzn’s (1952, 1958a,b) studies
viewed 19° monochromatic stimulus of varying are generally considered the first major studies
wavelength, presented in a 35° (nonflickering) that introduced the principles of linear systems
Spatial and Temporal Factors 559





*) |
670 nm
605 625

-4 =3 -2 a 0 | a 3 4 5 6
Log [retinal illuminance (trolands
Fig. 2(7.9.3). Relationship between critical flicker frequency (CFF) and retinal illuminance
(photopic trolands) for monochromatic test stimuli of seven different wavelength A. The 19°
test stimulus is presented in a 35° (nonflickering) surround. (Based on work by Hecht and
Shlaer, 1936.)

analysis to visual flicker phenomena (G. Sperling, by the function h(t). It is postulated that the
1964). Important further contributions have been principal of superposition (additivity) is strictly
made by Kelly and his coworkers and many other obeyed; that is, the output, corresponding to the
investigators since (for excellent summaries, see sum of two given inputs is equal to the sum of the
Cornsweet, 1970; Kelly, 1972). two corresponding outputs. The superposition
The model underlying flicker responses is property permits the output, corresponding to
sketched schematically in Figure 3(7.9.3). The virtually any input, to be calculated from the
waveform of the visual stimulus, the “input” to knowledge of the visual system’s transfer function
the visual system, is represented by the function
f(t), typically expressed in terms of retinal illumi-
G(w) = Ae’”® [1(7.9.3) ]
nance (td) as a function of time (ft). The “output” where ¢ denotes time and A sin (wt + ¢) repre-
of the visual system has a waveform represented sents the output obtained when the input is given


Input Transfer Output

Fig. 3(7.9.3). Schematic diagram of the linear model applied to visual flicker responses.




f(t)=To(l+m sin wt)

Time t (seconds)
Fig. 4(7.9.3). Basic waveform of a visual stimulus used in flicker studies. The waveform is the
sum of a constant component 7, and a sinusoidal component of amplitude m7, with 0 < m <1.
The time-average retinal illuminance, 7), provided by the stimulus is often referred to as the
“adaptation level.” The quantity m is called the “modulation factor” (or simply “modulation’’).

by sinw?t. The amplitude A and the phase ¢ are ments with square waves, on the other hand, yield
functions of the frequency w (expressed in radians) but a single point at the CFF for a given level of
of the input. As visual stimuli cannot have nega- adaptation.
tive components of radiant power, the input func- Figures: 5(7.9.3) and 6(7.9.3) show modu-
tion sin wt is replaced by a waveform f(t) consis- lation-threshold curves obtained by de Lange Dzn
ting of a steady-state component, providing a (1958) for 2° “white” stimuli flickering with dif-
retinal illuminance 7(t) = 7) =const., and a ferent waveforms (one near-sinusoidal, three non-
sinusoidally modulated component with an am- sinusoidal), and by Kelly (1961) for a very large
plitude corresponding to a retinal illuminance (65°) “white” stimulus flickering with a sinusoidal
mT, with 0 < m < 1. Thus, waveform. Kelly’s data are also given numerically
in Table 1(7.9.3). The large-field data of Kelly
f(t)=Th(1+msinwt) [2(7.9.3)] differ from the small-field data of de Lange Dzn
mainly in the region of low frequencies, where
Figure 4(7.9.3) illustrates the input waveform de- Kelly’s data show a decrease in the sensitivity to
scribed by Eq. 2(7.9.3). low frequencies. This change in sensitivity at low
The use of the threshold of modulation (m) as frequencies has been attributed to lateral inhibi-
a response criterion ensures that the visual system tion which increases with increasing field size
is perturbed to the psychophysically smallest (Kelly, 1969; 1972).
measurable extent, a range within which it must Kelly (1961) describes his results as follows:
certainly behave as a linear system.
The bulk of the earlier flicker data, such as (a) At every adaptation level, except the lowest
those shown in Figures 1(7.9.3) and 2(7.9.3), are (To = 0.06 td), the modulation-amplitude sensitiv-
based on the use of the technically easily gener- ity (m_'= 1/modulation-amplitude threshold)
ated on-off alternation of the stimulus that pro- first rises to a maximum as the frequency in-
vides a square waveform. The use of the sine creases, then falls off sharply at still higher fre-
waveform, though sometimes more difficult to quencies.
generate, has obvious analytical advantages over (b) The sensitivity peak shifts gradually toward
the square waveform. By fixing the adaptation higher frequencies with increasing adaptation
level provided by the average retinal illuminance level. At the three highest adaptation levels, the
T, and then measuring the modulation-threshold peak is located between 10 and 20 Hz.
curve, also known as frequency-response curve, is (c) The relative modulation-amplitude sensitiv-
obtained for the given adaptation level. Experi- ity increases with adaptation level at all but the
Spatial and Temporal Factors 561


| Gasae |

el caren .2
¥ at 3

+ 4


| a 3° 4°55 10 20
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 5(7.9.3). Modulation-threshold curves obtained by de Lange Dzn (1958) for different
stimulus conditions and a wide range of frequencies. A 2° “white” test stimulus was presented
in a 60° (nonflickering) surround of the same luminance as the average luminance of the
flickering (above CFF) test stimulus. Different (nonsinusoidal) waveforms (one to three) of the
test stimulus (see inset) lead to virtually the same results for the three given adaptation levels
(430, 43 and 4.3 td) and frequencies above 10 Hz, if the amplitude of the first Fourier
component is the same for each waveform.

lowest frequencies; thus, each curve in Figure at m_' = 15 (approximately). This behavior is in
6(7.9.3) tends to lie above those corresponding to accord with the Weber—Fechner law found to be
lower adaptation levels. valid for other threshold data involving steady-
(d) The total frequency bandwidth increases with state or pulsed stimuli applied within a certain
adaptation level at roughly the same rate as the range of observing conditions. However, the ac-
frequency of maximum sensitivity, so that the tual value of the Weber—Fechner fraction varies
cutoff frequency, which corresponds to the CFF, with field size.
is about 4.5 times the frequency of maximum
sensitivity at all levels (except the lowest). The modulation-threshold curves for very low
(e) The lowest slope of the high-frequency cutoff adaptation levels, as exemplified by Kelly’s (1961)
in the logarithmic plot remains nearly constant, curve for 0.06 td, do not fall into the same pattern
increasing slightly with adaptation level. of curves that apply to moderate and high adapta-
(f) The curves in Figure 6(7.9.3) for every adap- tion levels. It has been suggested that the
tation level except the lowest are practically su- frequency-response characteristics of the rod
perimposed at frequencies below 4 Hz, apparently mechanism play the dominant role at such low
approaching a common low-frequency asymptote levels.

0.005 200

foxe}| 100

850 td
0.02 50



lo 6
bp |
Modulation 0.06 td wm
0.2 5

0.5 2

2 5 10 20 50
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 6(7.9.3). Modulation-threshold curves obtained by Kelly (1961) for a large (65°) “white”
stimulus sinusoidally modulated over a wide range of frequencies and for different adaptation
levels (td). The numerical values of a number of experimental data points on the basis of which
the curves have been plotted are given in Table 1(7.9.3).

By replotting the data given in Table 1(7.9.3) that controls adaptation is incapable of attenuat-
and illustrated in Figure 6(7.9.3) so as to show ing a threshold response to flicker that is mod-
them in terms of absolute modulation-amplitudes ulated at 100% (or nearly so).
(mT,), expressed in trolands, or in terms of abso- Modulation-amplitude threshold data such as
lute modulation sensitivity (1/m7)), additional those shown in Figure 7(7.9.3) do not yield the
relationships are readily revealed. Figure 7(7.9.3) complete transfer function G(w) that would be
is such a plot whose curves are of the same shape required in the linear model [Figure 3(7.9.3)] to
as those shown in Figure 6(7.9.3) but each has predict also transient visual phenomena, such as
been shifted downward by an amount propor- thresholds obtained with pulsed incremental
tional to log 7). The order in which the shifted stimuli (see, for example, Section 7.4). In addition
curves appear in the figures is now reversed; that to the amplitude-threshold data provided by Fig-
is, in absolute units, the modulation sensitivity is ure 7(7.9.3), data on phase-shift sensitivity are
greatest at the /owest adaptation level. required. However, such data are difficult to be
The important feature exhibited in Figure obtained by psychophysical techniques (Kelly,
7(7.9.3) is the common asymptote of all curves at 1972).
high frequencies. This asymptote represents the The phenomenon usually referred to as chro-
high-frequency cutoff over nearly the entire pho- matic flicker has also been studied extensively.
topic range of retinal illuminance. The absolute Chromatic flicker may be generated by presenting
modulation amplitude (m7)) uniquely determines two stimuli of different colors in a periodically
the high-frequency threshold value. No matter alternating mode. The appearance of the visual
what the adaptation level, the visual mechanism field will depend, apart from size, retinal location,
Spatial and Temporal Factors 563

Table 1(7.9.3) Relative Modulation-Amplitude Sensitivity m~! (=1 / Modulation-Amplitude Threshold)

for a Large (65°) “White” Stimulus Flickering with a Sinusoidal Waveform at Different Frequencies,
for One Observer (DHK) Adapted to Different Levels 7, (Trolands) (from Kelly, 1961)
Frequency Adaptation Level J) (Trolands)
(Hz) 9300 850 Wy 721 0.65 0.06
1.6 ee 15.4 17.8 17.3 1:2 5.86
2.7 Eke: 18.4 Na) 19.8 Eid 6.11
4.0 26.7 33e2 32.9 ae 22.) 6.27
Del 33.8 54.1 45.3 40.0 222 6.29
6.8 54.9 81.6 DUS B27): 22.0 4.58
8.8 81.3 114.5 23 50.5 16.5 3.43
10.7 86.8 120.8 96.7 ayRe Pz 2.43
12.7 104.0 1328 101.5 41.1 dod 1.42
16.2 f22.5 1323 iD 24.7 2.92
19.8 114.0 119:3 78.8 14.9 1.24
24 117.0 105.8 59.8 6.19
28 913 82.2 29.9 3.08
32 88.5 13,3 23.0 2.09
40 48.0 38.1 5.89
54 195 8.7 E23
64 95 32
75 2.74

nonflickering conditioning stimuli, and luminance of the two component stimuli is appropriately
level, on the two colors of the stimuli seen under altered. This interesting dependence between
the steady-state condition and the rate of alterna- CCFF and CFF was demonstrated by de Lange
tion. At a very low rate of alternation, the ob- Dzn (1958) who worked with component. stimuli
server will see a distinct repetitive change from of different wavelengths alternated sinusoidally in
the first color to the second and back to the first. time such that their phase relation was initially
With an increasing rate of alternation, the ob- 180°. In general, brightness flicker could not be
server begins to see not only the two original eliminated just above the CCFF by a mere adjust-
colors, but also colors of intermediate hue, satura- ment of the luminance of one of the component
tion, and brightness; and when the rate is further stimuli. However, if the initial 180° phase relation
increased, the two colors will fuse to a single color was altered by advancing the phase of the compo-
which is the color of the additive mixture of the nent stimulus of the shorter wavelength, the per-
two component stimuli. ception of flicker could be eliminated. Figure
At the point at which chromatic fusion occurs, 8(7.9.3) illustrates de Lange Dzn’s results. The
that is, the critical chromatic flicker frequency phase shift required is interpreted as directly re-
(CCFF) is reached, there may still remain a per- lated to a phase shift (differential latency) in the
ceptual brightness flicker (however, see also visual response systems mediating brightness
below). For a given pair of color stimuli, the (luminance) and chromatic perceptions. For some
observed CCFF is highest when the luminances of further work concerning the phase relation, see
the steady-state component stimuli are the same; Walraven and Leebeek (1964).
it decreases with increasing luminance difference De Lange Dzn’s (1958) study also includes a
between the two stimuli (Truss, 1957). The CCFF comparison of chromatic flicker and brightness
also depends on the magnitude of the chromatic flicker, as illustrated in Figure 9(7.9.3). The chro-
differences of the flickering component stimuli matic-flicker data are obtained by alternating a
(van der Horst, 1969). monochromatic stimulus of wavelength 615 nm
The difference between CCFF and CFF can with another monochromatic stimulus of wave-
be minimized or eliminated if the phase relation length 549 nm and introducing an appropriate


cra 0.06 td


— 6 Hz

0.2 ®

0.5 dq

14 Hz

0 :
400 500 600 700
Wavelength A (nm) 689

Fig. 8(7.9.3). Phase shift Aq required for a
20 0.05 monochromatic stimulus of shorter wavelength A
in order to eliminate flicker when that stimulus is
alternated with a monochromatic stimulus of wave-
850 td length A = 689 nm. One set of data was taken at
an alternation rate of 14 Hz, the other at 6 Hz. In
both cases, the retinal illuminance was kept at 45
td (de Lange Dzn, 1958).
200 0.005

0.002 of wavelength 595 nm. At high frequencies, the

response to chromatic flicker is inferior to the
9300 td
response to brightness flicker. At 100% modula-
| 2 5 10 20 50 100 tion and an adaptation level of 285 td, the CCFF
Frequency (Hz)
is 28 Hz with a phase shift of Ag = 5.9°; the
Fig. 7(7.9.3). Modulation-threshold curves ob- corresponding CFF for brightness flicker is 48
tained from Table 1(7.9.3) whose values have been Hz. At low frequencies, there is no attenuation of
converted to absolute units. The curves are identi- sensitivity of the chromatic-flicker response. The
cal in shape to those given in Figure 6(7.9.3) but marked differences between the two sets of data,
have been shifted downward by amounts propor- particularly in the moderate to high frequency
tional to their respective values of log 7p. range, are consistent with observations made in
flicker photometry which is used to elicit bright-
ness (luminance) responses from only the achro-
phase shift (A@) between the two stimuli to com- matic channel of visual perception with no, or
pensate for the phase shift in the response sys- only a minimal, intrusion from the opponent
tems mediating brightness and chromatic percep- chromatic channels (Section 5.7).
tions as discussed above in connection with Fig- At moderate to low frequencies (< 10 Hz), the
ure 8(7.9.3). The brightness-flicker data are ob- sensitivity of the visual system to the brightness
tained by modulating the luminance of the two (luminance) sinusoidally modulated stimulus de-
monochromatic stimuli of 615 and 549 nm, hav- pends on the spatial configuration (field pattern)
ing an “orange” color corresponding approxi- of the stimulus. When the slowly flickering
mately to the color of a monochromatic stimulus stimulus is displayed uniformly (no pattern) in a
Spatial and Temporal Factors 565


Chromatic flicker


aes Oe ee, 10 20 30 40 50 100

Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 9(7.9.3). Modulation threshold curves obtained by de Lange Dzn (1958) for phase-shift-
corrected chromatic flicker (615 nm against 549 nm), and for brightness flicker (mixture of 615
nm and 549 nm).

large field with no surround, the sensitivity is in the counterphased bipartite field is increased,
lowest; but it is significantly higher in a patterned in the low-frequency range, by a factor of about
field whose different parts flicker in opposite six compared to the sensitivity to brightness flicker
phase (Kelly, 1969). The sensitivity to brightness in the uniform field. The opposite effect occurs
flicker reaches maximal values when a rectilinear for chromatic flicker; the sensitivity is decreased
counterphase grating is used with stripes of angu- by a factor of about three when the uniform field
lar subtense of approximately 10 min. However, is changed to the counterphased bipartite field.
even a single edge in the field, as found, for Kelly and van Norren (1977) extended the
example, in the familiar bipartite visual field, is earlier chromatic flicker studies and offered a
quite effective in raising the sensitivity signifi- “two-band model” explaining the main features
cantly when the two halves of the field flicker in of the experimental results. Some of the results
counterphase. obtained by Kelly and van Norren are sum-
In extending his study on brightness flicker to marized in Figures 12(7.9.3) and 13(7.9.3).
chromatic flicker, Kelly (1975) discovered that The upper part of Figure 12(7.9.3) illustrates
counterphase chromatic flicker in a bipartite the most general waveform configuration of
visual field has opposite effects to counterphase the chromatic stimuli available to Kelly and
brightness flicker in the same field. Figure van Norren (1977) in a 1.8° uniform field with no
10(7.9.3) illustrates the spatial configurations of surround viewed through a 2.3-mm artificial pupil.
the stimuli used by Kelly and the sequences of The left (a) and nght (b) diagrams depict two
their presentation. Figure 11(7.9.3) illustrates the different modulation settings at the same average
results obtained for the four variations of Kelly’s luminance (dashed line), illustrating how the two
experiments. The sensitivity to brightness flicker out-of-phase chromatic stimuli [S(R) and S(G)]

Brightness (Luminance L,<«+L5) Flicker

| !


Chromatic (R<*G) Flicker


! '

Experiment S(R)

4 : :
Fig. 10(7.9.3). Field configurations of stimuli and sequence of presentation in Kelly’s (1975)
experiments on brightness (luminance) flicker and chromatic flicker. In experiments 1 and 3, a
uniform field is flickered. In experiments 2 and 4, the two halves of a bipartite field are
flickered in counterphase; as the left half is changed from L , to L, (or from R to G), the right
half is changed from L, to L, (or from G to R), and vice versa. In all cases, sinusoidal
modulation is used. The chromaticities of the chromatic stimuli presented in experiments 3 and
4 varied sinusoidally about the chromaticity of a yellow stimulus. At full modulation, the
extreme chromaticities were a saturated red (R) and a saturated green (G) stimulus, respec-
tively. Their luminance ratio was adjusted so as to minimize low-frequency brightness flicker. A
10° visual field providing a retinal illuminance of 1000 td was used in both the brightness and
chromatic flicker experiments, viewed through a 2.3 mm artificial pupil.

could be adjusted by the observer. The waveforms the green stimulus [.$(G)] and vice-versa. Case (2)
are plotted cumulatively in order to show the illustrates strictly brightness modulation after
total luminance of the field. In the case il- having changed the phase of one, for example, the
lustrated, the amplitude of the green stimulus green, of the two chromatic stimuli into the same
[S(G)] is greater than the amplitude of the red phase with the other (red) stimulus. The resulting
stimulus [S(R)]. The modulation of the ampli- flickering stimulus appears yellow. Case (3) is
tudes of the green and red stimuli can only be obtained by replacing the green stimulus of Case
changed simultaneously and proportionately, (2) by a red stimulus of equal luminance and
whereas the nonflickering yellow background adding it to the existing red stimulus, thus pro-
stimulus [S(Y)] is appropriately changed to keep ducing a flickering stimulus that includes both the
the average luminance at a constant level (equiva- brightness-flicker component of Case (2) and the
lent to 860 td). chromatic component of Case (1), modulated on
The lower part of Figure 12(7.9.3) illustrates the same steady-state yellow background.
three special cases of the general waveform con- Figure 13(7.9.3) shows the modulation thresh-
figuration shown in the upper part. Case (1) il- old curves Kelly and van Norren (1977) obtained
lustrates strictly chromaticity modulation at con- for the three experimental conditions illustrated
stant luminance; the red stimulus [S(R)] replaces in the lower part of Figure 12(7.9.3). The sensitiv-
Discrimination Thresholds 567

the sensitivity for the complex Case (3) is governed

by the flicker component having the greater sensi-
tivity at each tested frequency: below 5 Hz, this is
the chromatic-flicker component, above 5 Hz, it is
the brightness-flicker component.
Additional useful experimental data on chro-
matic and brightness flicker and various theoreti-
cal explanations of such data have been given,
among others, by van der Horst (1969); van der
Horst and Bouman (1969); Estévez and Spekreijse
(1974); Boynton and Baron (1975); Estévez and
fe)ro)fe) Cavonius (1975); Kelly, Boynton, and Baron
(1976); Boynton (1979), and Wisowati and Boyn-
fo) re) re) ton (1980).
Oo nN3)

Color discrimination has been studied in various

special investigations, not using material samples,
as 1s usual in color-scaling experiments and in the
| 2 5 10 20 50 development of color-order systems (Chapter 6),
Frequency (Hz) but by presenting to the observer a bipartite
visual field [see Figure 1(7.10)], the two parts of
Fig. 11(7.9.3). Modulation-threshold curves ob-
which are adjusted to be just perceptibly different
tained by Kelly (1975) for brightness and chro-
in some special quality such as hue or brightness.
matic flicker under the experimental conditions
Some of the principal data of this kind are sum-
summarized in Figure 10(7.9.3). Curve 1 (experi-
marized in the following. These data are of a
ment 1): brightness flicker in uniform field. Curve
somewhat different type than those we have dis-
2 (experiment 2): brightness flicker in coun-
cussed in the previous sections of this chapter.
terphased bipartite field. Curve 3 (experiment 3):
They are concerned primarily with measuring an
chromatic flicker in uniform field. Curve 4 (experi-
observer’s powers of color discrimination and less
ment 4): chromatic flicker in counterphased bipar-
concerned with elucidating the properties of
tite field.
color-vision mechanisms.

7.10.1 Luminance Differences

ities of the visual system to brightness and chro-
matic flicker (Cases 1 and 2) govern two separate The classical luminance-difference measurements
frequency bands [recall also de Lange Dzn’s re- by Konig and Brodhun (1889) and later similar
sults illustrated in Figure 9(7.9.3) and Kelly’s ones by Blanchard (1918), Lowry (1931), and
results shown in Figure 11(7.9.3)]. At low fre- Steinhardt (1936) are of the type to be considered
quencies, the sensitivity to chromatic flicker is in this section; a representative result obtained by
considerably greater than that to brightness the later investigators is reproduced in Figure
flicker; the reverse is true at high frequencies. The 1(7.10.1). The quantity log(AL/L) is plotted
maximum sensitivities measured by Kelly and van against log L. The curve shown refers to observa-
Norren (1977) are about the same for both types tions with “white” stimuli and with field sizes
of flicker, but occur at distinctly different fre- larger than the rod-free area. It exhibits a sharp
quencies. For the Case (3) condition which in- bend at a luminance L of roughly 5 X 10°? cd -
cludes both the brightness-flicker component of m ~*. This apparent break signifies that at lumi-
Case (2) and the chromatic-flicker component of nance levels below 5 X 10-3 cd - m 7”,judgments
Case (1), the modulation-threshold curve, repre- of luminance differences A L were effectively made
sented by solid dots in the right-hand part of by using parafoveal vision and thus, strongly in-
Figure 13(7.9.3), follows the upper envelope of troducing the rod mechanism. Above this level,
the Case (1) and Case (2) curves. It appears that foveal vision was dominant. For luminance levels


Time —>

- S(G)
oe S(R) S(R)
~— | s(G) S(R)
— $

ae S(Y) S(Y) S(Y)

Time —~

(1) (2) (3)

Fig. 12(7.9.3). Upper part: General waveform configuration of flickering chromatic stimuli
[.S(R) and S(G)] superimposed on steady-state yellow stimulus [.S(Y )]. Left (a) and right (b)
diagrams show two different amplitude modulations keeping the average retinal illuminance
(dashed line) constant. Lower part: Three special cases of the general waveform configuration
given in the upper part (Kelly and van Norren, 1977).






Modulation Modulation

0.2 O85 2 5 10 2 50 0.2 0:3) cl 2 5 \OnieC 50

Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 13(7.9.3)._ Modulation-threshold curves obtained by Kelly and van Norren (1977) for the
three cases (1), (2), (3) of waveform configurations shown in the lower part of Figure 12(7.9.3):
(1) strictly chromatic (red < green) flicker; (2) strictly brightness flicker of a yellow stimulus;
(3) combination of chromatic and brightness flicker. The results for cases (1) and (2) are given
in the left-hand part of the figure by crosses and open circles, respectively, through which |
smooth curves are drawn. These curves are redrawn in the right-hand part of the figure for a
direct comparison with the results for case (3) given by solid dots.

Discrimination Thresholds 569

Fig. 1(7.10). Two typical visual fields: (a) circular bipartite field with vertical dividing line; (b)
two concentric circular fields. Hatched areas indicate surrounding field.

higher than approximately 100 cd - m~’, the ratio interpreted as being the result of imperfect adap-
AL/L (Weber fraction, sometimes called Fechner tation of the eye to the luminance level of the
fraction, or Weber—Fechner fraction) has its field during the experiment.
lowest value and tends to be constant. The best Luminance-difference measurements with mon-
values obtained by the various investigators differ ochromatic stimuli have also been made. Curves
somewhat depending on the observing condi- of log(AL/L) against log L are very similar to
tions; but a good practical estimate is AL/L = those obtained with “white” or “achromatic”
0.01. Sometimes a slight rise in log(AL/L) is stimuli, especially for high values of L. The ap-
observed for very high values of L. This increase parent breaks in the curves, marking the transi-
in just-noticeable luminance difference has been tion from cone to rod vision are observed, and the


Fig. 1(7.10.1). Discrimination of luminance differences (AL) as observed for “white” stimuli
in bipartite fields of angular sizes larger than the rod-free area.

values of L at which these occur depend on wavelength of one half, at the same time main-
wavelength. For stimuli of long wavelengths taining a brightness match between the two halves,
(above 670 nm), the break is absent. Such varia- until a just-noticeable hue difference was seen.
tions are the result of the different spectral sensi- Just-noticeable differences to longer and to shorter
tivity functions of the rods and cones. With strictly wavelengths than the comparison wavelength were
foveal vision, the influence of the rod mechanism observed in succession and denoted by (+AA)
is practically removed and the curve of and (—AA), respectively. The average difference
log(A L/L) shows no break at any wavelength. AA = [(+ AA) + (—AA)]/2 was obtained from
A useful and detailed review of luminance-dif- several repeat measurements of this kind for each
ference thresholds has been given by Blackwell comparison wavelength A and plotted against A.
(1972) discussing the effects of a variety of differ- All curves have the same general appearance.
ent experimental conditions on such data, in- Discrimination rapidly becomes poor at both ends
cluding the effects of spatial and temporal stimu- of the visible spectrum; two relative maxima of
lus characteristics. AX are observed at approximately 460 and 530
nm, and three relative minima at approximately
440, 490, and 590 nm.
7.10.2 Wavelength Differences
Wavelength discrimination depends on the
Discrimination of wavelength differences has usu- luminance level, surround, field size, portion of
ally been studied by means of a monocular col- the retina used in the measurement (fovea, para-
orimeter providing Maxwellian view of a bipartite fovea, or periphery), as well as the technique of
visual field [Figure 1(7.10); Type a]. Typical re- observation (strict fixation or scanning). The ef-
sults can be found in papers by Tyndall (1933), fect of field size is illustrated in Figure 2(7.10.2)
Wright and Pitt (1934), Weale (1950, 195la, for the case in which the observer was allowed to
1953a), Thomson and Trezona (1951), Bedford scan the field. It is noted that decreasing the field
and Wyszecki (1958), McCree (1960a, b), Hurvich size generally results in poorer discrimination, as
and Jameson (1961), Connors (1964), and Siegel is to be expected. If very small fields are used and
(1965, 1969). For general reviews of wavelength also strict foveal fixation, discrimination becomes
discrimination, see Birch and Wright (1961) and extremely poor, particularly in the blue-green re-
Bouman and Walraven (1972). gion of the spectrum. This phenomenon has been
Figures 1(7.10.2) and 2(7.10.2) illustrate attributed to the fovea being essentially tritanopic
average results obtained by Wnght and Pitt under small-field viewing conditions. Figure
(1934) and Bedford and Wyszecki (1958). In these 3(7.10.2) illustrates this case in accordance with
cases, the wavelength discrimination was mea- measurements reported by Willmer and Wright
sured by setting just-noticeable differences of (1945). The data of Willmer and Wright were
wavelengths. Starting with the two halves of the replotted to conform to the plotting technique
visual field at the same wavelength and lumi- used in Figures 1(7.10.2) and 2(7.10.2) (Bedford
nance, the observer was required to change the and Wyszecki, 1958). A more detailed discussion

Fig. 1(7.10.2). Wavelength discrimination curve based on observations made by Wright and
Pitt (1934).
Discrimination Thresholds 571

Observer Visual Field

100 trolands
GQ |coe
ime be
e* 15 minutes 2000 trolands
40 minutes»
pits e 1.5 minutes 5 eS 5 eS,
= At Ar
Ar 1 Xp—
12 minutes | 500 trolands
(nm) 24minutes >
12 minutes



400 500 600

Fig. 2(7.10.2). Wavelength discrimination curves based on observations made by Bedford and
Wyszecki (1958) for different field sizes and retinal illuminances (trolands).

on the effect of viewing techniques, that is, scan- 1941; MacAdam, 1942; Kaiser, Comerford, and
ning as compared to strict fixation, has been Bodinger, 1976).
given by McCree (1960a, b). Additive mixtures of a monochromatic stimu-
lus of a given wavelength A and a given achromatic
(“white”) stimulus are produced in a bipartite
7.10.3 Purity Differences
visual field. The luminance of both the mono-
Discrimination data on differences of colorimet- chromatic stimulus and the white stimulus can be
ric purity or excitation purity have been recorded varied independently, thus providing a series of
by several investigators (Jones and Lowry, 1926; colors ranging from an achromatic color to a pure
Purdy, 1931b; Martin et al., 1933; Wright and monochromatic color. The mixtures are restricted
Pitt, 1937; Priest and Brickwedde, 1938; Wright, so as to maintain constant luminance throughout

Visual Field

as minutes
Approx. 100 trolands


400 500 600 700

Fig. 3(7.10.2). Wavelength discrimination curve based on observations made by Willmer and
Wright (1945), using a small field and strict foveal fixation (from Bedford and Wyszecki, 1958).

the series. The observer is required to determine noticeable difference from the standard deviation
the just-noticeable differences or equally noticea- of the matches (MacAdam, 1942).
ble differences of purity by changing the color of Two scales of purity have been used. One
one half of the visual field (for example, Martin refers to excitation purity, the other to colorimetric
et al., 1933). An alternative method is to make or spectral luminance purity; both quantities have
repeated color matches and deduce the just- been defined in Section 3.4. Figure 1(7.10.3) gives

A =650nm
"white’' =4800 K
2° Field, 30 trolands




Fig. 1(7.10.3). Discrimination of colorimetric purity p, as observed by Martin et al. (1933) for
stimuli of constant dominant wavelength A = 650 nm.
Discrimination Thresholds a3

an example of results, obtained by Martin et al. Some investigators have concerned themselves
(1933), of just-noticeable differences (A p.) in col- with the determination of the size of the first
orimetric purity at various purity values p. be- just-noticeable differences in colorimetric purity
tween a “white” stimulus (correlated color tem- from a given “white” in the direction of a given
perature = 4800 K) and a monochromatic stimu- spectral color of wavelength A. Figure 3(7.10.3)
lus of wavelength A = 650 nm (see also Wright, gives average data for this first step from white,
1946). The visual field subtended two degrees, derived by Wright (1946) on the basis of measure-
observations were made at approximately 30 td ments made by Priest and Brickwedde (1938),
with the eye pre-adapted to the “white” stimulus Martin et al. (1933), and Wright and Pitt (1937).
of the same luminance. The difference A p. first This average may be considered representative for
tends to increase in going from “white” towards a “white” of correlated color temperature 4800 K
the spectral color, reaches a maximum at some observed in a 2° visual field. In Figure 3(7.10.3),
intermediate purity, and decreases somewhat at the logarithm of the inverse of Ap., for the first
higher purities. This tendency is reported to be step is plotted against the wavelength. A pro-
typical for practically all wavelengths. The preci- nounced minimum is found at approximately 570
sion of the measurements, not indicated in Figure nm. This implies that a monochromatic stimulus
1(7.10.3), is of the order of +10 or 20%. of wavelength 570 nm is in some sense less
Data of this kind have been used to determine saturated than a stimulus of any other wave-
the number of just-noticeable steps between a length.
“white” stimulus and a monochromatic stimulus The determination of the first just-noticeable
of varying wavelength. Figure 2(7.10.3) gives an difference from a monochromatic stimulus of
average derived from measurements made by wavelength A toward a specified “white” stimulus
Martin et al. (1933) and Jones and Lowry (1926). appears to be a more difficult task than the
A very marked minimum occurs at about 570 nm; reverse task going from “white” toward a given A,
the number of steps increases rapidly on either described above. Wright and Pitt (1937) find the
side of this wavelength and reaches a constant first just-noticeable difference from A toward
value at both ends of the spectrum. “white” approximately constant in size over most

20 ii


500 600 700

Fig. 2(7.10.3). Number of just-noticeable steps between a “white” stimulus (4800 K) and a
monochromatic stimulus as a function of wavelength, A. (From Martin et al., 1933, and Jones
and Lowry, 1926.)

og 8
ae we20 A
PE on
o x
ce sf
oc Oo
OMe tS
~~ a

oO = 1.0
to 4g
> wo
600 700
Fig. 3(7.10.3). Log (1/4 p,) of first just-noticeable step (A p,) from “white” measured in
different directions which are indicated by A (from Wright, 1946).

of the spectrum; but a more recent study by face value, one could argue that the precision
Kaiser, Comerford, and Bodinger (1976) yields (statistical standard deviations) of color match-
significantly different results. Kaiser et al. (1976) ing, on which the color-matching ellipse is based,
find that for most of their observers, the size of is not related in a simple way with just-noticeable
the first just-noticeable step from A towards color differences (Parra, 1972). On the other hand,
“white,” when plotted against A gives a curve if one takes into account the possible observa-
resembling in shape the one obtained for the size tional uncertainties that underly both the color-
of the first just-noticeable step from “white” to- matching ellipse (Sections 5.4.4 and 5.4.5) and the
ward A, shown in Figure 3(7.10.3), with a pro- locus of just-noticeable differences from “white”,
nounced minimum at about 570 nm. However, the discrepancies between the two sets of data
the range of the size of the just-noticeable dif- shown in Figure 4(7.10.3) may not be as signifi-
ference from A toward “white” is generally nar- cant as they may appear at first glance.
rower than that of the just-noticeable difference
from “white” toward 4X.
7.10.4 Color-Temperature Differences
The data shown in Figure 3(7.10.3) can be
transformed to the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity A change of the color temperature of an
diagram and compared with the corresponding incandescent lamp corresponds to a change in
color-matching ellipse centered at the chromatic- chromaticity along the Planckian locus in the
ity point of the “white” stimulus (Section 5.4). If chromaticity diagram (Section 3.11). Since color
one assumes that the radii of the color-matching temperature is used to specify incandescent lamps
ellipse in the directions of the spectral colors are for colorimetry, it is important to determine the
proportional (by the same factor) to the just- color-temperature interval AT.. which corresponds
noticeable differences from “white”, one would to a just-noticeable chromaticity difference. The
expect to find the chromaticity locus derived from most comprehensive study on this subject has
Figure 3(7.10.3) to agree with the color-matching been made by Judd (1933a). Measurements were
ellipse in all those directions (A = 450 to 670 nm) made with a 2° bipartite field with dark surround.
covered by the data of Figure 3(7.10.3). However, The retinal illuminance was kept at approxi-
as shown in Figure 4(7.10.3), the agreement is not mately 30 td regardless of the color temperature.
very good and it is difficult to explain the dis- Results were obtained for a range of color tem-
crepancies. If one takes the discrepancies at their perature from 1,800 to 11,000 K. It was found
Discrimination Thresholds 375



0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450
Fig. 4(7.10.3). Portion of CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram showing the locus of just-
noticeable differences from “white” (4800 K) derived from the data plotted in Figure 3(7.10.3)
and a corresponding color-matching ellipse centered at the same “white.” The color-matching
ellipse has been taken from the Wyszecki—Fielder (1971) study (observer AR, ellipse no. 16
shifted to the 4800-K chromaticity point and its axes enlarged by a factor of 5), described in
Section 5.4.3.

that under these observing conditions, A(10°/T.) Some of the results obtained by Wright (1941)
is practically independent of T. and has a value of are illustrated in Figure 1(7.10.5). Wright adhered
approximately 5.5 reciprocal megakelvin (see Sec- to the method in which an observer sets the two
tion 3.11). The difference of 5.5 MK! decreases halves of a bipartite field so that, in the observer’s
if more favorable observing conditions are em- judgment, they differ in chromaticity by some
ployed, such as higher retinal illuminance and a small constant step (but rather larger than the
larger visual field. just-noticeable step), while the two brightnesses
are kept the same. This measurement was made
along the spectrum and along a number of chro-
7.10.5 Chromaticity Differences maticity paths generated by varying the propor-
Wright’s (1941) data constitute the main body of tions in a mixture of a pair of strongly colored
experimental evidence collected on just-noticeable stimuli. The chromaticity interval defined by each
chromaticity differences. The color-matching el- dash in the dashed lines was found by Wright to
lipses of MacAdam (1942), Brown and MacAdam correspond to a chromaticity difference judged to
(1949), Brown (1951, 1952a,b, 1957), and be the same as that for every other dash. From
Wyszecki and Fielder (1971) are often considered the figure, it is quite evident that the CIE 1931
to be directly related to just-noticeable chromatic- chromaticity diagram is far from being a uniform
ity differences, but strictly speaking, the color- chromaticity diagram; the “green” region (upper
matching ellipses are standard deviations derived portion of the diagram) is spaced out, compared
from repeated complete color matches and not with the “bluish-purple” region (lower left por-
just-noticeable chromaticity differences. Thus, we tion).
have treated them separately in Section 5.4 deal- The measurements were made on Wright’s col-
ing with the precision of color matching. orimeter (see Section 5.15), using a 2° visual field

0 0.2 0.6 0.8


Fig. 1(7.10.5). CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram showing chromaticity differences of perceptu-
ally equal size; Wright’s dashes (from Judd and Wyszecki, 1975).

with dark surround. Four observers participated

and the retinal illuminance was kept, on the aver-
age, at approximately 100 td.

7.10.6 Color-Difference Matches

The work of Wyszecki (1965, 1972) and Wyszecki

and Fielder (1971) on color-difference matching
differs in an important way from the conven-
tional studies on color discrimination discussed
previously. Instead of determining just-noticeable
color differences, the observer is now required to
discriminate between color differences and, in
particular, adjust them so as to make them appear
equal in magnitude. The color differences pre-
sented to and matched by the observer are not
necessarily small or of near-threshold size, but
can be many times threshold. The criterion of 40°
equality of color difference requires the observer’s Fig. 1(7.10.6). Configuration of visual field used
ability to discriminate between color differences by Wyszecki and Fielder (1971) in their experi-
of comparable size generated by pairs of color ment on color-difference matching. The color
stimuli of different chromaticities. stimuli presented in fields (7), (j), and (i) dif-
Figure 1(7.10.6) illustrates the visual-field con- fered in chromaticity but were of constant lumi-
figuration used by Wyszecki and Fielder (1971) nance (~ - m 7”). The “white” surround had
obtained on Wyszecki’s seven-field colorimeter a luminance of approximately 6 cd - m~”.
Discrimination Thresholds 571


(29, 30)

0.360 0.380 0.400


0.360 0.380 0.400

Fig. 2(7.10.6). Portion of (x, y,/)-space shown 0.330 0.340 0.350 0.360
in its two main projections: the (x, y )-chromatic-
Fig. 3(7.10.6). Portion of CIE (x, y)-chromatic-
ity plane and the (x, /)-plane where / is related to
ity diagram showing cross sections (dashed lines)
the luminance L of the test stimuli by /= 0.2
of four color-difference matching ellipsoids ob-
log ,9(0.2L). The color stimuli (3) and (4) are
tained by the same observer (GW) in four separate
given both in chromaticity and in luminance; color
sessions. In each session, 30 different settings
stimulus (3,4) is found by the observer so as to
were made, each yielding a perceptually equilateral
make the chromaticity differences between (3, 4)
triangle with corner points at (29), (30), (29,30).
and (3), and between (3,4) and (4) perceptually
The small solid dots represent the mean chromatic-
equal to the given difference between (3) and (4).
ity points obtained in the four sessions. The large
The brightness of (3, 4) is set by the observer to be
solid dot and the ellipse drawn as a solid line
equal to (3) and (4). Each cross indicates a setting
represent the mean of the four sessions and associ-
made by the observer; there are 30 such settings
ated composite ellipse derived from the data of the
whose mean is indicated by a solid dot. The el-
four sessions.
lipses shown in the two planes are projections of
the color-difference-matching ellipsoid calculated
by familiar statistical methods (Section 5.4) from
the 30 settings made by the observer. stimuli (i), (7) and (ij) are plotted in the CIE
1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram, a triangle is
obtained whose sides represent chromaticity dif-
described in Section 5.15. Three adjacent fields ferences of perceptually equal size. The setting of
(7), (/), ()] are used. In fields (7) and (7), two (ij) is not unique as there exists another possibil-
color stimuli are presented of different chromatic- ity of setting (ij) on the opposite side of the given
ity but equal brightness (luminance). In field (i), side [(),(/)] of the triangle. However, in general,
a variable color stimulus is presented whose color the observer was instructed to place the setting of
the observer adjusts until it is perceived to have (ij) such that a “clockwise” change in chromatic-
the same brightness as (i) and (/) and a chro- ity was obtained when going from (i) to (/) to
maticity such that the perceived color differences (ij) and back to (i). This procedure, which was
between (ij) and (i) and between (ij) and (/) are not difficult to follow, ensured that the three
the same as the given difference between (i) and observers who took part in the experiment ob-
(j). When the chromaticities of the three color tained perceptually equilateral triangles in the


// 52 6 3
/ qs, 82:42) 28
56 (29,30) “30
5 4
(5,6) (3,4)


60 ‘op ( 34.29) ie | SIG)

(60,61) 5 = B26
(35,34) 93 (13,14) (26,27)
347 (37,34) 8 (25,26)
(17,18) (39,34)
(34,35) (62,63) 62 (58,59)
SK ate
(33,31) (34,37)
37 20 Do ee —_— ~
J ae (21,22)
33 19 Z(\9,20)
(31,32) (20,36)

0.2 OS 0.4 x 0.5 0.6 0.7

Fig. 4(7.10.6). Portion of CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram showing perceptually equi-
lateral triangles obtained by observer GW. For each triangle, the open circles represent the
chromaticity points of the given color stimuli (7) and (/); the solid dot represents the observer’s |
mean chromaticity setting of color stimulus (i, /). Different triangles are not necessarily of i
equal size; for details, see text. The points (R), (G), (B) represent the chromaticities of the
primary stimuli of the visual colorimeter used in the study. Point S represents the chromaticity
of the surround.

chromaticity diagram that could be directly inter- servations (3,4). The colordifference-matching el-
compared. lipsoid is centered at the mean chromaticity and
Figure 2(7.10.6) illustrates the results obtained luminance setting and its projections into the
by observer GW in 30 trials of finding the percep- (x, y)-plane and (x, /)-plane of the (x, y, /)-space
tually equilateral triangle (3), (4), (3,4), located become ellipses. The calculation of the color-
near the center of the CIE (x, y)-chromaticity difference-matching ellipsoid follows the same
-diagram. Whereas the color stimuli (i = 3) and procedure used in calculating color-matching el-
(j =4) have fixed chromaticities [(x3, y;) and lipsoids described in Section 5.4. For conveni-
(x4, ¥4)] and the same luminance (L; = L, = 12 ence, the luminance dimension / has been scaled
cd-m 7”), the chromaticity (x34, y34) and lumi- in accordance with / = 0.2 log, (0.2 L).
nance L,, of the color stimulus (3,4) set by the Figure 3(7.10.6) illustrates the repeatability of
observer varied somewhat from observation to the mean settings (i, /) for i= 29, 7 = 30 and
observation but permitted the calculation of a the associated cross sections of the color-dif-
“color-difference-matching ellipsoid” containing, ference-matching ellipsoids obtained by the same
on the average, 95% of any random set of ob- observer (GW) in four separate sessions but un-
Discrimination Thresholds 579

(1,12) 2S
’ SS ne
(1,2) (53,4 3)


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


Fig. 5(7.10.6). Portion of CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram showing the color-
difference-matching ellipses associated with each of the 33 perceptually equilateral triangles
shown for the same observer (GW) in Figure 4(7.10.6). The axes of each ellipse have been
drawn 2.5 times their actual sizes.

der identical observing conditions. The different lateral triangle. Details for the triangles (3), (4),
ellipses (dashed lines) show a fair degree of varia- (3,4) and (29), (30), (29,30) have been given in
bility in size, orientation, and eccentricity, but Figures 2(7.10.6) and 3(7.10.6), respectively.
their centers are closely clustered. The ellipse Although each of the triangles shown in Figure
shown as a Solid line is a “composite” ellipse 4(7.10.6) has sides that are perceptually equal in
derived from the data defining the four observed length for observer GW, the sides of one triangle
ellipses; its center is indicated by the large solid are not necessarily equal to those of the other
dot. triangles. The relative lengths are only very
Figure 4(7.10.6) illustrates the set of 33 percep- roughly the same. The base side, defined by the
tually equilateral triangles obtained by Wyszecki two given color stimuli (i) and (/), of each of the
and Fielder (1971) for observer GW, plotted in 33 triangles was made the same length in accor-
the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram. Open dance with the CIE 1964 color-difference formula
circles indicate the chromaticity points of given giving, in each case, a color difference AE = 6.7
color stimuli; solid dots are the mean chromatic- (see Section 6.5.2). The CIE 1964 color-difference
ity points obtained by observer GW to produce formula, and to some extent also the more recent
for every pair of given color stimuli (i) and (/), a CIE 1976 formula, does not predict with entire
third stimulus (i, 7) yielding a perceptually equi- satisfaction perceived color differences, and it is

uncertainty domain of
color matching (i)
uncertainty domain of
matching color
perceptually equilateral
differences between
Ci) Gide slaty.

6) 3 6 9
Number (T) of j.n.d.’s between (i) and (j)
Fig. 6(7.10.6). A small portion of the (x, y)-chromaticity diagram has been linearly trans-
formed to a new chromaticity diagram (x’, y’) in which a perceptually equilateral triangle
[((7)( j)(i, j)] becomes a geometrically equilateral triangle, and a color matching ellipse with
center at (7) and a color-difference-matching ellipse with center at (i, 7)each becomes a circle.
When the color difference betwen (i) and (/), measured in number of just-noticeable
differences (j.n.d.’s), is increased, the equilateral triangle increases and with it the radius of the
circle increases linearly characterizing the precision of color-difference matching (c.d.m.).

thus not strictly possible to relate the length of The relative position and orientation of the given
the sides of one triangle with the length of the base line, defined by (i) and (/) do not seem to
sides of another. However, the set of 33 triangles have a bearing on the orientation and shape of
includes three pairs, each consisting of twin trian- the color-difference-matching ellipse. However,
gles with a common base side: the perceived color difference between (7) and (/)
does control the size of the color-difference-
(a) [(34)(35)(34, 35)] and [(35)(34)(35, 34)] matching ellipse, increasing it with increasing dif-
(b) [(34)(37)4, 37)] and [(37)(34)(37, 34)] ference between (i) and (/).
(c) [(34)(39)(34, 39)] and [(39)(34)(39, 34)] Figure 5(7.10.6) shows all 33 color-difference-
matching ellipses whose centers are identical to
The sides of each of the above three pairs of the mean chromaticity settings of (i, /)-color
triangles form a regular rhombus; they represent stimuli shown as solid dots in Figure 4(7.10.6). A
color differences of identical size. general similarity is noted between the color-
- To each solid dot in Figure 4(7.10.6), repre- difference-matching ellipses shown in Figure
senting the observer’s mean chromaticity setting 5(7.10.6) and the color-matching ellipses obtained
of color stimulus (i, 7), there corresponds an el- by the same observer at an earlier experiment
liptical domain of uncertainty of color-difference described in Section 5.4.3. In fact, the correlation
matching as illustrated earlier in Figure 2(7.10.6) between the precision of color-difference match-
for (i, 7) = (3,4). The orientation and shape of ing and that of color matching is quite high,
the color-difference-matching ellipse appear to be particularly with regard to the orientation and
solely dependent on the location of the center shape of the corresponding ellipses resulting from
(i, j) of the ellipse in the chromaticity diagram. such matches made at approximately the same
Discrimination Thresholds 581

location in the chromaticity diagram (Wyszecki, atively small portion of the (x, y)-chromaticity
1972). On the other hand, the size of the color- diagram to a new (x’, y’)-diagram. In the
difference-matching ellipse is always larger than (x’, y’)-diagram, the perceptually equilateral tri-
the corresponding color-matching ellipse ‘and its angle becomes a geometrically equilateral triangle
axes appear to increase linearly with the percep- in the Euclidean sense, and both the color-match-
tual size of the color differences to be matched, at ing and color-difference-matching ellipses ob-
least for color differences of sizes in the range tained for different triangle sizes become circles.
between (slightly above) 1 and 10 just-noticeable When the triangle size increases, the radius of the
differences. This interesting result is schematically corresponding color-difference-matching circle in-
illustrated in Figure 6(7.10.6) in which a linear creases linearly as shown in the inset of Figure
transformation is postulated that converts the rel- 6(7.10.6).



8.1 PREAMBLE vision, though there have been others before him
who foreshadowed such a theory. For an informa-
A theory of color vision explains or helps to tive collection of such early sources of color sci-
comprehend one group of visual phenomena and ence, see MacAdam (1970) who quotes Young as
makes predictions about some other quite differ- follows:
ent visual phenomena. Usually, an analogy is
employed in characterizing satisfactory explana- As it is almost impossible to conceive each sensitive
tions by relating the unknown color-vision system
point of the retina to contain an infinite number of
to known or more familiar physical and chemical particles, each capable of vibrating in perfect unison
systems. The development of a theory of color with every possible modulation, it becomes necessary to
vision involves, apart from recognizing a number
suppose the number limited; for instance to the three
of specific visual phenomena, an element of intui- principal colours, red, yellow, and blue, and that each of
the particles is capable of being put in motion more or
A theory of color vision, as any other theory of
less forcibly by modulations differing less or more from
science, rests on a set of assumptions about the
perfect unison. Each sensitive filament of the nerve may
visual system. These assumptions attribute an in-
consist of three portions, one for each principal colour.
ner structure or mechanism that manifests itself
in other properties exhibited by the visual system.
For many years, the three-component or trichro- Helmholtz (1896; see also English translation
matic theory of color vision played a dominant role published by the Optical Society of America in
in color science, and a “competing” theory of 1924) developed further the ideas of Young con-
color vision, known as the opponent-colors theory tained in the above statement. Helmholtz says
was given relatively little attention. In more re- (translated into English):
cent years, zone theories of color vision have be-
come widely accepted which, put in general terms, (i) The eye is provided with three distinct sets of
bring together the basic ideas of the trichromatic nervous fibres. Stimulation of the first excites the sensa-
theory and the opponent-colors theory by confin- tion of red, stimulation of the second the sensation of
ing the underlying processes postulated by these green, and stimulation of the third the sensation of
theories to two separate but sequential zones in violet.
which the visual stimulus arriving at the retina is (ii) Objective homogeneous light excites these three
processed, converted to electrical signals, coded, kinds of fibres in various degrees, depending on its
and transmitted, possibly through other process- wavelength. The red-sensitive fibres are stimulated most
ing or coding zones, to the brain for interpre- by light of longest wavelength, and the violet-sensitive
tation. fibres by light of shortest wavelength. But this does not
Thomas Young is usually credited with being mean that each color of the spectrum does not stimulate
the first to propose a trichromatic theory of color all three kinds of fibres, some feebly and others strongly;

Preamble 583

on the contrary, in order to explain a series of phenom- green, green-blue, and blue-red. The opponent
ena, it is necessary to assume that that is exactly what processes also account for the empirical fact that
does happen. other intermediate hues, such as reddish-greens or
yellowish-blues, are never experienced.
Helmholtz then proceeds by giving a graph When taken alone, neither of the original theo-
showing three sensitivity curves as functions of ries of Young—Helmholtz and Hering, though they
wavelength, which overlap substantially with one competed against one another for some time, was
another, but which have peaks in the red-orange, capable of giving satisfactory explanations of
green, and blue-violet regions of the spectrum. several important color-vision phenomena and of
These curves “may be taken to indicate some- making adequate predictions of other phenomena
thing like the degree of excitation of the three of color vision. However, when merged into a
kinds of fibres.” single theory, known as a zone theory, many
The trichromatic theory of color vision, also color-vision phenomena could be explained and
referred to as the Young—Helmholtz three-compo- predicted that relate to color matching, color dis-
nent theory, assumes the existence of three inde- crimination, color appearance, chromatic adapta-
pendent cone types (“fibres”) with different tion, and other experiments for both observers
spectral sensitivities, and the signals generated in with normal and observers with (congenital) de-
these cones are transmitted directly to the brain fective color vision.
where “color sensations” are experienced that G. E. Miller (1930), see also Judd (1949;
correlate in a simple and direct way to the three 1951b), is usually credited with being the first to
cone signals. The theory accounts for the experi- introduce the zone-theory concept and to explore
mental data of foveal color-matching by means of plausible specific zone theories. Essentially, a zone
additive mixtures of color stimuli (Sections 3.2 theory assumes that in the first zone there are
and 5.5) and, with some additional assumptions, located three independent types of cone in which
to a lesser degree for experimental data of color color vision is initiated through the process of
discrimination in the threshold domain (Section absorption of light in the photopigments of the
8.4.2). The theory is inadequate to account for the cones and conversion into electrical signals. This
way color stimuli appear to an observer. For zone complies with the basic assumption of tri-
example, it cannot explain why, under the usual chromacy in the Young—Helmholtz theory and
observing conditions, an observer with normal accounts for the experimental data of color
color vision sees “yellow” when a “red” stimulus matching. In the second zone, the cone signals are
is additively (and in appropriate proportions) coded in a neural network that generates three
mixed with a “green” stimulus; “yellow” clearly new signals; one achromatic signal and two
being perceived as qualitatively different from antagonistic chromatic signals. This second zone
each of the two components in the mixture. Simi- complies with the basic assumption of the ex-
larly, the theory cannot explain why a “yellow” istence of opponent processes in the Hering the-
stimulus, when mixed with a “blue”’ stimulus, can ory and accounts for experimental data of color
lead to a “white” stimulus. appearance. Subsequent zones in the visual sys-
The appearance of color stimuli or color per- tem are most likely to exist in which further
ception is explained with considerable success by processing (coding and encoding) of the signals of
the opponent-colors theory. The opponent-colors the second zone takes place, but specific assump-
theory, proposed by Ewald Hering in the last tions as to the internal structure and functioning
century (see Hering’s Outlines of a Theory of of these zones are yet to be developed. In the final
the Light Sense as translated by Hurvich and zone, located in the cortex, of the assumed
Jameson in 1964), assumes the existences of visual hierarchal structure of the visual system, the sig-
processes capable of generating neural signals of nals are interpreted in the context of other visual
two opposite kinds, depending on wavelength. information (mainly spatial and temporal) re-
Such processes account for the visual experience ceived at the same time and in the context of
of seeing a variety of, but combination-limited, previously accumulated visual experience (mem-
hues of varying saturation and brightness. More ory).
specifically, these processes account for the attri- There are other theories of color vision, among
bute of hue that can be described by the names of which the retinex theory of Edwin Land (1974) is
red, yellow, green, and blue, and by names ex- a more recent development. However, we will not
pressing hues intermediate to red-yellow, yellow- pursue these theories in this section. With regard

to the retinex theory, we refer the reader to Sec- tailed structure of the theory. In such a case, a
tion 5.12.2(viii) where, apart from a brief descrip- model may be built that, in a sense, “fills in the
tion of the experiments done by Land and his missing detail.” This model is said to enrich the
collaborators, a number of references are given given theory. We do not believe that what
that may be helpful to the reader interested in a the model tells us is false in the sense that it
more detailed treatment. contradicts what might be proposed as a complete
A model of color vision, as opposed to the theory, which, in fact, we are envisaging has not
concept of a theory of color vision, rests on the been proposed. Again, as under (a), the guiding
assumptions made in the theory but treats these principle in building the model is its tractability.
assumptions as a simplified approximation useful
for certain purposes. Although the framework of There are models of color vision that im-
the more basic theory is believed to be true, poverish and models that enrich some of the
though perhaps only tentatively, the model must properties of the underlying theories, notably
certainly be false as it is built, by definition, on those outlined above. Also, in general, models of
simplified approximations to the assumptions color vision display useful analogies in char-
made in the theory. But this feature of the model acterizing the explanations they provide with re-
does not necessarily defeat its usefulness in color gard to the visual system. An important type of
science. The possibility exists, though remotely, model displays the visual system, or part of it, in
that the model complies exactly and in every the form of a diagram showing schematically its
respect with the theory; then the model would essential anatomical features and its neural con-
change its status and acquire the title of theory. nections assumed to play a role in generating and
Conversely, what starts as a theory may later be transmitting signals in response to color stimuli
seen to be inadequate in the light of empirical received by the system. In the light of the known
investigation and so be “demoted” to the status anatomical structure of the neural network of the
of model. visual system (Section 2.2), on the basis of which
Models, like theories, employ analogies in a rather complicated theory might be formulated,
characterizing satisfactory explanations by relat- such models play most certainly the role of an
ing the visual system to physical or chemical impoverished theory. Nevertheless, they are useful
systems. In accordance with Redhead’s (1980) in the sense that they are tractable and as such
informative treatment of models in physics, two often provide clues for building another type of
basic cases may arise: model, appropriately called a mathematical model
of color vision. A mathematical model arises when
(a) Suppose a theory has been proposed satisfy- we establish a formal analogy between a color-
ing the condition that it consists of a set of vision theory and some mathematical structure.
assumptions about the visual system and the con- Often, the mathematical structure of this kind of
dition that these assumptions attribute an inner model is embedded in some wider structure that
structure or mechanism that manifests itself in has led to the notion of “surplus” structure in the
other properties exhibited by the visual system. formulation of a theory (Redhead, 1980). The
The theory under consideration may be too com- calculus associated with this wider structure is
plicated to provide an “exact solution” of the partially interpreted by means of the original
functioning of the visual mechanism. In such a theory, and often is used as a mechanism for
case, a simplified model may be built which may further developing the original theory or to pro-
permit an exact solution, or at any rate present a pose new theories.
more tractable structure than the given theory. Among the various kinds of models that phil-
The model then plays the role of an impoverished osophers of science consider (see again Redhead,
theory, the important feature being that the model 1980), are so-called “floating models” (a term
and the given theory logically contradict one coined by H. R. Post) which we seem to encoun-
another, so that we believe the model to be false ter quite frequently in the field of color vision.
insofar as we believe the theory to be true. Essentially, a floating model is disconnected from
(b) A theory may be given that, though meeting the basic theory and the empirical facts; that is, it
the conditions stated above under (a), is incom- has no theoretical or empirical support and, quite
pletely specified in the sense that certain general obviously, its usefulness is in question. According
constraints may be imposed but this may still to Redhead (1980), H. R. Post has parodied the
allow considerable latitude in selecting the de- case of a floating model with an example referred
Preamble 585

Fig. 1(8.1). Schematic diagram of a farm gate with strut of length /, rails of length x, and
stiles of length y. The farmer’s model of predicting / from x and y is /= e(x, y)(x + y), where
e(x, y) is introduced as a new effect, “the farm-gate contraction.”

to as the Farm-Gate Contraction. The case is We notice that the farmer’s model characterized
described along the following lines: by Eq. 1(8.1) has several properties analogous to
A farmer, interested in the construction of the model of Eq. 2(8.1) which completely accounts
farm gates, investigates the relation between the for the properties of the true theory. In particular,
length (/) of the diagonal strut and the lengths (x for x = 0 or y= 0, the farmer’s model predicts
and y) of the rails and stiles of a farm gate, such correct values for /, and also, / increases monoton-
as that shown in Figure 1(8.1). Although he is ically with x or y as in the perfect model. How-
familiar with the theory and practice of length ever, when the farmer carries out detailed and
measurement and with Euclid, the law of precise measurements, he finds discrepancies. In
Pythagoras is utterly beyond his deductive powers. order to explain the mismatch between the pre-
So he invents a model, a linear one, in which the dictions of his model and the experimental re-
lengths (/, x, y) are related by sults, the farmer introduces a new effect, the
Farm-Gate Contraction. It is possible that the
J=xt+y [1(8.1)] farmer, before he took up the career of farming
instead of some years ago, had some intimate connection
with color science and indeed his peers may have
[2(8.1)] been builders of models of color vision. In any



“00 0.2 0.4 0.6 08 1.0 2


Fig. 2(8.1). The function e(x, y) defined in Figure 1(8.1) is plotted on the basis of many
experimental data points (open circles) for different values of x and y (private communication
of a model-building farmer).

event, the farmer casts his model into a new form, is possible. Our selection given in the sections
that is, that follow must necessarily be very limited in
scope and ignore some of the models that many
b= el xtteyi) [3(8.1)] readers may consider most important. In keeping
with the general scope of the book, the psycho-
The farmer establishes that the quantity e is not
physical aspects involved in the models are
only smaller than unity in every case he encoun-
stressed; other aspects such as those of biochem-
ters, hence the term farm-gate contraction, but is
istry and electrophysiology, if they are discussed
also a surprisingly complicated function of x and
at all, do not go beyond a very rudimentary level
y. The farmer’s experimental data (private com-
of explanation. For accounts of that kind, the
munication) showing e as function of x with y
reader is referred to the relevant literature; the
being constant are illustrated in Figure 2(8.1).
Handbook of Sensory Physiology Volume VII/1 to
Quite obviously, we could further expand on
3 (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1972 and 1973)
the case described above, but we prefer to leave
provides an excellent start. Reference is also made
this to the reader. However, observations of a
to the previous chapters in our book where, in
general kind might be made. It is true that any
several cases, brief descriptions of models have
model can be matched with experiment if one
been given.
allows appropriate modifications of the ad hoc
designed model to be made in an effort to “cor-
rect” it. The status of this floating model is put
into serious question because has it not misled us
into investing a mathematical artifice with a
semblance of physical significance (the mythical
contraction)? There are various visual response functions that
In recognizing the danger of using floating can be compared directly with objective proper-
models that are disconnected from the basic the- ties of visual pigments. Such comparisons are
ory and the empirical facts, we must be careful in often helpful in the derivation of appropriate
our approach to constructing useful models of models that explain the functioning of cone and
color vision. At least three different ways emerge rod receptor mechanisms. This section makes a
(see also Green and Luce, 1974): few elementary points concerning such compari-

(1) We can begin with a few empirical generali-

zations of a group of experimentally established 8.2.1. Principle of Univariance
phenomena that, when taken as the basic theory
Spectral visual response curves obtained by psy-
in the form of a set of postulates or axioms, lead
chophysical methods are essentially action spec-
deductively, by means of a mathematical model,
tra, and represent the reciprocal radiant powers
to a variety of testable predictions of other visual
of monochromatic stimuli producing some con-
stant sensory effect. When the latter is the result
(ii) We can postulate a theory in terms of an
of absorption in a visual pigment, the condition
internal structure or mechanism mediating color
that two stimuli of wavelengths A, and A, pro-
vision and, after estimating the parameters of an
duce the same effect is that the numbers of ab-
appropriate mathematical model of that mecha-
sorbed quanta (or photons) of the two kinds of
nism, then predict a variety of visual phenomena.
radiant energy are the same. This assumes that
(iii) We can actually investigate the internal
the effectiveness of an absorbed quantum in pro-
functioning of the photoreceptors and the neural
ducing the visual result is independent of the
network of the visual system, describe the system
wavelength of the quantum (i.e., that the quantum
axiomatically, determine experimentally the
efficiency is constant). This can probably be as-
needed parameters, and then use a mathematical
sumed if A, and A, lie in a single broad ab-
model to deduce the visual phenomena.
sorption band of the pigment associated with a
particular electronic transition in the pigment
Most models of color vision seem to have been molecule.
constructed in one of the three ways described Rushton (1972) summarized the above proper-
above. No brief summary of the many useful ties of a visual pigment and their relation to
models of color vision that have been constructed vision in the principle of univariance. When ap-
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 587

plied to the pigment in the rod receptor, rhodop- tion 3.2), valid for foveal vision for not too high
sin, which has been studied extensively, Rushton stimulus levels (retinal illuminances). They are
formulates the principle of univariance as follows: exactly those that would hold if the visual effect
of a stimulus were produced by the light absorp-
Any two lights that are equally absorbed by rhodopsin tion of three photosensitive pigments contained in
will be equally seen by rods. the retinal end-organs, the cones, and if, for all
the cones containing a particular pigment, the
It follows that the rhodopsin spectral absorp- relative spectral absorption factor of that pigment
tion curve must coincide with the scotopic were the same and were to remain unchanged
luminous efficiency curve V’(A) (Section 5.7). whatever stimuli were applied. Here, by absorp-
The experimental evidence confirms this relation- tion factor of a particular pigment in a cone
ship [see, for example, Crescitelli and Dartnall, containing possibly other pigments, we mean the
1953; and also Figure 1(8.2.3) of Section 8.2.3]. fraction of the radiant power incident on the cone
The biochemical evidence also supports the prin- that is absorbed by the pigment in question. This
ciple of univariance by showing that the initial definition leaves open whether the pigment in the
action of the incident quanta on the rhodopsin cone is to be regarded as a uniform thin or thick
pigment is to produce a conformational change in layer or as being nonuniformly distributed, and
the rhodopsin molecule, known as photo-isomeri- whether because of wave—mode propagation in
zation. It is assumed that equal numbers of the cone (Section 2.4) there is a nonuniform spa-
isomerized molecules lead to indistinguishable tial distribution of the stimulating radiant energy.
sensations (Wald, Brown, and Gibbons, 1963; The conditioning for the spectral absorption fac-
Wald, 1968). tor may well not be satisfied when the matching
The principle of univariance is also applied to or adapting color stimuli reach very high levels
each of the photopigments that, in accordance (Section 5.6.5), but, if it fails, it is almost certain
with the Young—Helmholtz theory, are assumed that Eq. 1(8.2.1) will also cease to hold; they
to reside in three kinds of cone receptor. The would survive only if some other factor were to
color-matching functions, denoted, for example, counterbalance exactly the deviations in relative
by u(A), 0(A), w(A), derived from actual trichro- spectral absorption factor.
matic color matches (Section 5.5), are the visual From the above it follows that, within the
spectral response functions that are related with range of validity of the trichromatic principle,
the spectral properties of the cone pigments. there will be a linear relation between the empiri-
Ordinary trichromatic matching can be cal color-matching functions and the relative
summed up in the equations for a complete match spectral absorption factors, denoted, for example,
between two stimuli of spectral distributions by p(A), y(A), B(A), of the three cone pigments,
{P, dA} and {PX dd}, expressed in quantum or, more strictly, of these factors multiplied by
units instead of energy units, viewed side by side the spectral transmittance 7(A) of the prereceptor
in a bipartite field: light path in the eye (Section 2.4.6); thus,

U =| P,u(A) dd = [PiPa(A) dA =U p(A)r(A) = a,,i(A) + 4,,0(A) + a), (A)

V =[Po(A) dd = [P(A) dA SV y(A)r(A) = a,,a(A) + a,,0(A) + a,,0(A)
B(A)1(A) = aputt(A) + ag.0 (A) + apyw(A)
W = [P\w(A) dd = [PW(A) dd = WO [2(8.2.1)]
[1(8.2.1)] where the nine coefficients a,,, pu? and so on, are
The color-matching functions, u(A), o(A), w(A), The objective detection and measurement of
refer to three given fixed monochromatic stimuli cone pigments in recent years (Section 2.2.7) has,
(primary stimuli) of different wavelengths and are of course, strongly consolidated our belief in the
uniquely determined. Equations 1(8.2.1) express pigment absorption explanation of the trichro-
the strong form of the trichromatic principle (Sec- matic principle (however, see also Section 8.2.4).

In this explanation, it is immaterial how the three band is concerned. If a’(A) is the absorption
pigments are distributed among the cones, or how coefficient when the absorbing molecules have
the neural activity is elaborated by neural mecha- their long axes all parallel to the electric vector in
nisms in the retina or brain. Conversely, ordinary a beam of polarized light, the absorption coeffi-
trichromatic color matching gives no information cient for the case in which the directions of the
relative to visual processes beyond the pigment molecules are completely at random equals
absorptions. However, asymmetric matching (Sec- a’(A)/3, and is the same for polarized and un-
tion 5.2) can provide such information within the polarized light. In the retina, the approximate
limitations of psychophysical models of color vi- arrangement of the visual pigment molecules is
sion. Studies of chromatic adaptation (Section with their long axes at random in a plane normal
5.12) and of color discrimination including incre- to the incident radiant flux, and the absorption
ment thresholds (Sections 7.4 and 7.10) fall into coefficient is a’(A)/2 for polarized and un-
this category. polarized light. Thus, the effective absorption coef-
ficient of the pigment in the retina is 1.5 times its
8.2.2 The Visual-Pigment Layer value measured in vitro in a solution. This point is
generally relevant only when absolute values of
The visual pigments in the retina are contained in absorptance are in question. However, if the pig-
the end-organs of the photoreceptors, the rods ment molecule has a second absorption band (a
and cones (Section 2.2.7). Every visual pigment is cis-peak, say), for which the absorption direction
regarded as, effectively, a layer of a particular is not along the long axis, a different allowance
thickness h and concentration c. Its spectral for pigment orientation may have to be made in
transmittance 7(A) is then given by different parts of the spectrum.
In many investigations of photosensitive visual
tl lpeie ea [1(8.2.2)] pigments by objective methods, what is de-
termined is a difference spectrum, that is, the
where a(A) is the pigment’s spectral absorption
difference in optical density [log (1/transmit-
tance)] of the pigment layer before and after a
The fraction k(A) of the stimulus absorbed is:
partial or complete bleaching of the pigment, the
K(A) Se eee 2 (82.2) result being independent of any stable “impuri-
ties” present in the layer. If 6)(A) and 6(A) are
which can be approximated by the optical densities before and after bleaching,
the difference spectrum is given by
k(A) = cha(d) [3(8.2.2)] ALi Peat 1&4 ieee :
log io e ei Src 8A)
if cha(A) is small compared to unity. The relative
spectral visual response can then be compared
directly with a(A), known, for example, from in = cha(A) — h[(c — x)a(r) + yB(A)]
vitro measurements on pigment extracts. When
=h[xa(A) — yB(A)] [5(8.2.2)]
cha(A) is not small, the comparison should be
with oa(A) where the factor where x is the reduction of the concentration of
the original pigment and y is the concentration of
1 e chat A)
any products of bleaching, assumed to have the
EW [4(8.2.2)]
absorption coefficient B(A). Provided the prod-
ucts of bleaching are stable and not lost from the
is given in Table 1(8.2.2) with corresponding val- layer, y may be put equal to x and
ues of cha(A) and of cha(A) - logj, e which is the
optical density of the pigment layer for wave-
length A. This correction is sometimes referred to
89(A) — 8(A) = xh[a(A) — B(A)]
as a correction for self-screening. [6(8.2.2)]
Visual pigment molecules have highly direc-
tional absorption properties and only the compo- Thus, relative values of the difference spectrum
nent of the electric vector of the incident radiant for different wavelengths are independent of.the
flux which is parallel to the long axis of the original concentration and the amount bleached,
molecule is effective as far as the main absorption however large or small these may be. These values
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 589

Table 1(8.2.2) Ratio o of the Fraction Absorbed by a Pigment Layer to the

Product k(A.) of Spectral Absorption Coefficient a(A), Concentration (c),
and Layer Thickness (/), for Various Optical Densities 6(A) of the Layer“

5(A) k(X)

48(X) = k(A)-log joe (optical density of layer); k(A) = cha(A) (approximate

fraction of stimulus absorbed); o=k(A)/k(A) (correction factor for self-
screening); k(A) =1—e “"*) (fraction of stimulus absorbed).

are characteristic of the pigment or, strictly, of If, for all wavelengths concerned, c, x, and y are
the combination of pigment plus products of sufficiently small, Eq. 7(8.2.2) reduces to
bleaching; the latter may be different in different
chemical environments. In some instances, and
for a particular wavelength, the isobestic wave- k*(X) =h(c—x)a(A) [8(8.2.2)]
length, the difference spectrum may drop to zero
when a(A) = B(A) and may also go negative.
so that visual response curves may be compared
The difference spectrum is not comparable,
with a(A) just as though there were no products
without careful qualifications, to spectral re-
of bleaching in the retina. Also, if very little
sponse curves. It must probably be assumed that,
bleaching of the retinal pigment has occurred
in the effective pigment layer of the retina, ab-
when a visual response curve is determined, so
sorption of radiant energy will yield pigment
that x and y are compared with c, the quantity
products with a different spectral absorption
k*(A), defined by Eq. 7(8.2.2), reduces to k(A),
coefficient B(A) from the original pigment, and
defined by Eq. 2(8.2.2) above.
after some bleaching has occurred, the fraction
Again, products of bleaching play no part.
k*(A) of the radiant energy absorbed by the
This is probably the situation for most visual
original pigment becomes
response curves determined at moderate or low
k*(A) = (c — x)a(A) stimulus levels. However, after very strong bleach-
(c — x)a(A) + yB(A) ing which makes (c — x) small compared with y,
X [1 — eT Blea) —YABA)] there is a possible effect of the products of
bleaching on the shape of the visual response
[7(8.2.2)] curve as shown by the expansion of Eq. 7(8.2.2)

in the form where T=retinal illuminance (measured in tro-

lands) obtained from the luminance
k*(A) =h(c— x)a(A) (cd-m~*) of the external stimulus (Sec-
tion 2.4.4.). In the case of rhodopsin
x {1 5p[h(e~ x)a(A) + yABO)] pigment, the scotopic retinal illumi-
nance JT’ measured in scotopic tro-
lands, is used.
+ Lae x)a(d) + yaBOAYE —--- | t=time (measured in seconds, sec).
p=fraction of pigment unbleached at t.
[9(8.2.2)] Q=energy of the pulsed external stimulus
(measured in troland-seconds, td-sec)
However, the effect is different and much less that bleaches p from 1 to e!.
radical than that produced on the difference spec- to=time constant of regeneration (mea-
trum. The latter can really be used in a com- sured in seconds, sec), that is, time it
parison with visual response curves only at takes to restore the bleached pigment.
wavelengths for which B(A) is negligible com-
pared with a(A) and Typical values for the two constants Q and fy in
Eq. 11(8.2.2) for the case of rhodopsin-pigment
83(X) — 8’(A) ~ hxa(A) [10(8.2.2)] bleaching and regeneration are
The kinetics of the visual pigments of rods and
Q = 1.57 - 10’ [(scotopic) td - sec]
cones have been studied extensively by retinal
densitometry of the living human eye (Campbell ty = 519 (sec)
and Rushton, 1955; Rushton, Campbell, Hagins,
and Brindley, 1955; Rushton, 1958; 1972; Weale, Typical values for the two constants correspond-
1965). Although retinal densitometry, also known ing to cone-pigment bleaching and regeneration
as the fundus reflectometry, has its technical diffi- (chlorolabe and erythrolabe cones only and
culties (see, for example, Boynton, 1979), some of “white”’-stimulus bleaching, see below) are
the results obtained by the technique have signifi-
cantly contributed to our understanding of the Q = 5.0 - 10° [(photopic) td - sec]
visual process that takes place in the receptor
stage, particularly with regard to the visual adap- ty = 130 (sec)
tation process at both scotopic and photopic levels
of retinal illuminance (Stiles, 1961; Rushton, Simple calculations with Eq. 11(8.2.2) show
1965a). that the changes in rhodopsin density that occur
The kinetics of visual pigment bleaching in while the effective rod sensitivity is rising during
man were shown to conform to a very simple law dark adaptation by more than one log unit are
of a first-order photochemical reaction which very small. For the experimental data of Arden
Rushton (1972) expressed in the following three and Weale (1954), illustrated in Figure 4(7.3.1),
statements: the rhodopsin density at the end of the pre-
liminary adaptation to 3000 td is still about 90%
(a) Pigment is bleached at a rate proportional to of maximum. The density changes in the period
the quantum catch. from the eight-minute point of the recovery curves
(b) Regeneration proceeds at a rate proportional to the final steady values, from 0.97 to 1.00, or
to the fraction of the pigment in the bleached 3%. The conclusion established by the work of
_ State. Rushton and his associates that apparently in-
(c) Process (a, bleaching by light) and process significant changes of rhodopsin density may
(b, regeneration by chemical processes) are inde- accompany quite large adaptive changes in effec-
pendent of one another and therefore are simply tive rod sensitivity is in line with earlier evidence
additive. of various kinds (see, particularly, Baumgardt,
1949; 1972).
The mathematical model describing the above The application of Eq. 11(8.2.2) to the phot-
three statements has the following form opic visual pigments (cone pigments) enables us
to see how far changes in pigment concentration
ee ret Very)
- [11(8.2.2)] might play a part in chromatic adaptation and
color matching. Although it is virtually certain
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 591

that three cone pigments are concerned in an eye log a(A) against 1/A would be a curve of the
possessing normal color vision, retinal densitome- same shape for all the pigments, being merely
try has revealed only two. These have the maxima shifted for different pigments to different posi-
in their difference spectra at approximately 540 tions with respect to the axes. When a visual
nm and 590 nm, respectively. They have been response curve may possibly correspond to ab-
described as the “green-sensitive” or “green- sorption in some one or other visual pigment, a
catching” (chlorolabe) and the “red-sensitive” or comparison of its shape (after correction for pre-
“red-catching” (erythrolabe) pigments. The eva- pigment light losses in the eye) with Dartnall’s
sive “blue-sensitive” or “blue-catching” (cyano- standard shape may be informative. The standard
labe) pigment with a maximum at approximately shape is specified in Columns 5 and 6 of Table
440 nm, presumably has a very low optical den- 1(8.2.3) which also gives (Columns 1 to 4) the
sity and/or only relatively few “blue cones” re- logarithm of the response curve of rod vision (the
side in the foveal retina, Thus, strictly speaking, CIE V’(A) curve) converted to a quantum basis
Eq. 11(8.2.2) applies only to bleaching and regen- and with an average correction applied for light
eration of two cone pigments. The regeneration losses on the eye lens. A comparison of this latter
rate is found to be the same for both pigments, curve with Dartnall’s standard curve shifted to
that is, 1/130th (or 0.77%) of the bleached pig- have its maximum at A = 498 nm to give the best
ment is restored per second. The rate of bleaching fit is shown in Figure 1(8.2.3). This turns out to
with “white” stimuli also happens to be the same be substantially the same comparison as made by
for the two pigments. However, stimuli with other Crescitelli and Dartnall (1953) but with an im-
spectral radiant power distributions will result in portant qualification. In Figure 1(8.2.3), to il-
different bleaching rates for the two pigments lustrate the method, the standard curve was shifted
depending on their different spectral absorption along the wavenumber axis to suit best the visual
curves. response data; Crescitelli and Dartnall, however,
In the (photopic) range of retinal illuminance determined the curve and its position by photo-
T from about 10? to 10° td, the bleaching of the chemical measurements on the rod pigment
cone pigments increases from nearly zero to nearly (rhodopsin) from an actual human eye. The
100%, yet there is no indication from increment agreement in shape shown by Figure 1(8.2.3) sug-
threshold measurements (Section 7.6) that any- gests that the rod curve, which covers a much
thing remarkable occurs that is related to the greater range on the long-wavelength side than
incidence of the bleaching process. Over the whole the standard curve, may be used in place of the
of the range of retinal illuminance mentioned, the latter in testing other visual response curves. Two
Weber fraction (ratio of increment threshold to examples of this application are shown in Figures
field radiance) is substantially constant (Stiles, 2(8.2.3) and 3(8.2.3). There is an incompatibility
1961). It seems that the discriminating power of in shape between the “red’’-response curves [(A)
the photopic mechanism defined by the Weber in Figure 2(8.2.3), 7; in Figure 3(8.2.3)], and the
fraction is just about as good when all but a few standard pigment curve. At wavenumbers above
percent of the pigment is bleached as when none 20,000 cm~! (A < 500 nm), an increasing uncer-
of it is bleached. Nevertheless, there are other tainty in the visual response curves must be ad-
visual observations, particularly the color ap- mitted because of their dependence on the eye
pearance of the field and the persistence of color lens correction.
matches, that show changes around the region A detailed comparison with color-matching
where the bleaching is becoming marked (Sec- functions, to be discussed in Section 8.2.4, has
tions 5.6.5 and 8.2.6). been made by Stiles and Wyszecki (1974).

8.2.3. Dartnall’s Standard Shape of Visual 8.2.4 Color-Matching Data and the Spectral
Pigment Absorption Coefficient Absorption Curves of Visual Pigments
According to Dartnall’s generalization (1953), the Color-matching data and other visual response
visual pigments, a great variety of which have data depend on the way the absorptions of the
been extracted from animal retinae and mea- visual pigments vary with wavelength, and con-
sured, all have relative spectral absorption coeffi- versely, certain limitations on the possible shapes
cients that vary with wavenumber in the same of the spectral absorption curves are imposed by
way and differ only in showing maximum absorp- the visual response data. We have seen in Section
tance at different wavenumbers. Thus, a plot of 8.2.3, that at least for the long-wavelength (“red’’)

Table 1(8.2.3) Relative Rod Response and Standard Shape of Visual Pigment
Absorption Coefficient“
1 2 3 4 5 6
1/A 1/r
(cm7) log W(A) (cm) log W(A) 1/A—1/Ay, log @(A) — log aA) max
13,000 7.270 19,750 1.992
250 7.630 20,000 0.000
500 7.988 250 1.997 —4000 (3.70)
750 6.347 500 1.984 —3600 2.30
14,000 6.708 750 1.967 —3200 2.699
250 5.068 21,000 1.946 —2800 1.041
500 5.432 250 1.922 —2400 1.342
750 3.790 500 1.898 —2000 1.568
15,000 4.152 750 1.874 —1600 1.736
250 4.515 22,000 1.846 —1200 1.863
500 4.874 250 1.812 —800 1.944
750 3.232 500 1.779 —400 1.987
16,000 3.578 750 1.730 0 0
250 3.908 23,000 1.669 +400 1.987
500 2.215 250 1.602 800 1.954
750 2.500 500 1.538 1200 1.906
17,000 2.756 750 1.488 1600 1.848
250 2.983 24,000 1.433 2000 1.782
500 1.182 250 1.376 2400 1.708
750 1.354 500 1.308 2800 1.628
18,000 1.504 750 1.225 3200 1.550
250 1.631 25,000 1.154 3600 1.498
500 1.739 250 1.088 4000 1.447
750 1.824 500 1.036 4400 1.389
19,000 1.890 750 2.982 4800 1.352
250 1.940 26,000 2.950 5200 1.322
500 1.974

“Columns | to 4: Logarithm (relative rod response) = log W(A) as a function of.

1/(A); W(A) is the CIE V’(A) function corrected for lens absorption, using the lens
factors given in Section 2.4.6, converted to quantum units by multiplying by 1/A,
and finally normalized to a maximum value of unity.
Columns 5 and 7: [log a(A)—log a(A) nx] aS a function of (1/A —1/A,,,). This
relation defines the standard shape of a visual pigment absorption coefficient as a
function of 1/A (numerical values, kindly supplied by Dr. H. J. A. Dartnall, are
probably the most reliable values available). !
According to more recent work (private communication from Dr. Dartnall), there
is probably a slight systematic difference in the standard shape for visual pigments
employing respectively as chromophore retinene 1 and retinene 2. The values in
Column 6 of the table are based on data for retinene | pigments.

fundamental p(A), of Thomson and Wright [Fig- pigments, each with a similar spectral absorption
‘ure 2(8.2.3)] or for the “red” mechanism 7, of to rhodopsin but displaced to different positions
Stiles [Figure 3(8.2.3)], the spectral response could in the spectrum, would be compatible with the
not correspond to absorption by a single visual empirical data of color matching. Our own calcu-
pigment of rhodopsin type, whereas for the lations (Stiles and Wyszecki, 1974) are in general
“sreen”- and “blue’”’-sensitive mechanisms [y(A) agreement with Brindley’s statement, but bring
and B(A)], or 7, and 7, (or 7;), the spectral visual out a number of additional points of interest
response could arise in this way. More generally, which are discussed below. The question of the
Brindley (1960) quotes in his book calculations he shapes of the spectral sensitivity curves of the
had made showing that no set of three visual receptor mechanisms has also been emphasized
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 593


25000 22500 20000 17500 15000


Fig. 1(8.2.3). Comparison of the scotopic luminous efficiency curve W(A), expressed in
quantum units and corrected for average lens absorption, with the standard shape defined by
the cross points, of spectral absorption curves for visual pigments [a@(A)/a(A)
max |:

by several other investigators, notably LeGrand data of normal trichromats and rests on the fol-
(1969), Smith and Pokorny (1972, 1975), lowing basic assumptions:
Piantanida and Sperling (1973). These investiga-
tors discuss evidence on the shape question
derived from the color-matching properties of (i) A visual pigment is said to be of rhodopsin
observers with normal color vision and of type if its spectral absorption coefficient as a
observers with defective color vision, from two- function of wavenumber, m = 1/A, is of the form
color threshold studies, from spectral absorptions of a, f(m — my) where my is the wavenumber at
of retinal extracts, from retinal densitometry, and which the coefficient has its greatest value and
from the microspectrophotometry of photorecep- f(---+) is a fixed function such that ag f(m — mg)
tors. coincides with the empirically determined absorp-
The numerical examination made by Stiles and tion coefficient of rhodopsin with the appropriate
Wyszecki (1974) is confined to color-matching choice of my, (~ 1/500 nm) and ao.




or >|

25000 22500 20 000 17500 15000 12500


Fig. 2(8.2.3). Thomson-Wright [o(A, y(A),8(A)] fundamentals corrected for prereceptor
light losses and compared with the displaced rod curve (dashed lines) (from Stiles, 1959).

(ii) Vision is effected by absorption in three hypothesis embedded in the above assumptions
photosensitive pigments of rhodopsin type with (11) to (iv) will lead.
maximal absorption coefficients at three wave- The mathematical model that satisfies the
numbers m,, mj, m,, respectively, for which most above basic assumptions follows readily. Two
suitable values are to be found. stimuli of spectral distributions {N,, dm},
(11) All external stimuli of radiant energy reach- {N,,dm}, where N,,, N,, represent numbers of
ing the photosensitive pigments do so, in effect, quanta of wavenumber m per unit wavenumber
after passing through an overall filter (eye lens interval, are visually equivalent as far as absorp-
and macular pigment) of spectral transmittance tion a,(m) in pigment 1 is concerned, if the
t(m), for which again the values are left open number of quanta absorbed is the same; that is, if
(iv) In the absorption of light in the end-organ
of the photoreceptor, each visual pigment can be Dae — exp[—a,(m)ch]}t(m)
regarded as acting like a pigment layer (Section
8.2.2) of effective concentration c and effective
thickness h, giving an absorption factor [1 —
e “9(™)). the quantities c and h are sufficiently = [n{1 — exp[ —a,(m)ch]}t(m) dm
small, or at least the product ch is sufficiently
small for the approximation
and similarly for absorption a,(m), a3,(m) in
e hm) ~ 1 — cha(m) pigments 2 and 3.
On making the simplifying assumption (iv)
to be valid for all relevant wavenumbers. above, and then replacing the absorption coeffi-
The objective of the numerical examination is cients by their specifications using the function
to see how near to the data of color matching the f(- ++), the conditions for a complete (metameric)


8 15000
25000 22500 20000 17500
WAVENUMBER _ 1/p (cm?)
Fig. 3(8.2.3). Field spectral sensitivity curves of Stiles’ mechanisms 77, 73, 74, 7; (Section 7.4)
corrected for prereceptor light losses and compared in each case with the similarly corrected
sensitivity curve of rod vision displaced parallel to the two axes to give the best fit (Stiles,


color match become: light) the empirical matching conditions reduce to

[Ny fm = m,)t(m) dim [NamFQ) dm = [Nj,mr(A) dm

= [Nj f(m — m,)t(m) dm [NnmB(A) dm = [Nj,mgy(r) dm

[Nn f(m — mz)t(m) dm [Nnmb (A) dm = [Njmb (X) dm

= [Nj f(m — mz)t(m) dm [2¢ )

The color-matching functions 7(A), Z(A), b(A)

/N,, f(m — m,)t(m) dm are indeterminate to a linear transformation (Sec-
tion 3.2) so that the predictions of the model will
agree with the empirical color-matching data, if
= [Nj f(m — m3)t(m)dm
mr(X) = pi, f(m — m,)t(m)
+P. f(m— mz)t(m)
The empirical color-matching conditions are +pi3f(m — m3)t(m)
usually based on stimuli defined in terms of spec-
tral radiant power distributions {P, dA}, {Px dA} mg(A) = po, f(m — m,)t(m)
with P,, Px expressed in watts per unit wave-
length interval. Alternatively, they are defined in +P f(m — m,)t(m)
terms of distributions {F,, dm}, {F,dm} with
F.,, F’, in watts per unit wavenumber interval. If +p, f(m — m,;)t(m)
we denote the color-matching functions by b
7(A), Z(A), b(A), the empirical color-matching mb (A) = p3,f(m— m,)t(m) -
conditions are then given by the familiar expres-
sions (Section 3.2) +3 f(m — m,)t(m)

+p33f(m — m3)t(m)
fP7Q) dy = [Px7(A) dd
or .
when the matrix of transformation coefficients p,,
ifF7(A) dm = /F’ r(A) dm has a nonzero determinant.
In terms of the chromaticity coordinates:

with similar equations involving g(A) and b(A), mr(X)

respectively, instead of r(A). The quantity F,, is OM )i spre
related to P, by the equation mr (A) mg (AD ae Gay

F ones y a 70 Ne = mg (A) = ante

metas mr(A) + mg(A) + mb(A)

However, with N,, = F,,/h’v = F,,/h'c'm (h' = c,(m) = oii Bun anh), stiriniaanse
L: :
Planck’s constant, v = frequency, c’ = velocity of mr(A) + mg(A) + mb (A)
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 597

Eq. 3(8.2.4) entails the following relations: f(m — m,), f(m — m3), f(m — m3) may be sup-
posed known for any wavenumber m. Thus, by
Pif(m— _m,) + py f(m— mz) applying the normalizing conditions, the follow-
+ pi3f(m— m3) ing eight independent linear and homogeneous
c.(m) ¥ G(m) equations in the nine coefficients p,, are obtained
which fix their values apart from a common con-
Praf(m— m,) + po f(m — m3) stant factor:
oF + Px f(m— m3)
c,(m) = G(m) 0 = pr f(u— m,) + px» f(u— m2)

P3if(m— m,) + py f(m— mz) + P23 f(u— m3)

¢,(m) = + p33f(m — m3)
0 = p3,f(u— m) + px f(u— mz)
+p33f(u— m3)
G(m) = (pi + Par + Psi) f(m — m)
0=pif(e— m) + Profle — m2)
+ (Pio + P22 + P32) f(m — m2)
+pi3f(v — m3)
+ (p13 + Pos + P33) f(m — m3)
0 = ps3 f(v — m) + px f(v — mz)
c,(m) + ¢,(m) + ¢,(m) = |
+p33f(v — m3)
0=pif(w— m) + Pr f(w— mz)
For convenience in comparison, the indefinite-
ness in the p,, coefficients is removed, except
for an overall constant factor, by applying cer-
+pafw— ms)
tain normalizing conditions which can be intro- 0 = poi f(w— m) + Pr f(w— m2)
duced without loss of generality. The empirical
color-matching functions r(A), g(A), D(A) are + P23 f(w — m3)
supposed expressed in a system with three mono-
chromatic stimuli—at wavenumbers u = |/a, Puf(hy — m) + Prof ~ m2)
v = 1/b, w = 1/c, or wavelengths a, b, c, respec-
tively, as primaries, so that +pisf(h; — m3)

ed wlan h, avs.c.(
191 )ileaO 2,aiic,(iv) 30 = puf(hy — m) + pr f(hy — m2)

cide Derr Colt), alae bec(Ww) 0 +po3f(h; — m3)

c(u)=0 c¢,v)=0 c,(w)=1 Pau f(h2 — m) + pr f(h2 — m2)

Furthermore, the units of primary stimuli are +po3f(hz — m3)

taken so that at two fixed wavenumbers h, = 1/d,
= ps f(hy — m1) + P32 f(h2 — m2)
h,=1/e, respectively, the following equations
hold: +D33f(h2 — ms) [5(8.2.4)]
c.(h,) = c(h,)
As a ninth equation to fix absolute values we put
c(h) = ¢,(h)
Pip t+Px + P33 = 1 [6(8.2.4) |
This is the W. D. Wright system of normalization
(Section 5.6.1). With the p,,’s determined by Eqs. 3(8.2.4) and
For any fixed choice of the maximal absorp- 4(8.2.4), the chromaticity coordinates of the
tion wavenumbers m,,m,,m,, the values of monochromatic stimuli can be computed at all

wavenumbers from Eq. 4(8.2.4) for comparison range of (m — m,) is too limited for the present
with the actual empirical values. This can be done purpose. If chromaticity coordinates over the
without knowing the spectral transmittance func- range m= 13,000-25,000 cm™! (A = 770-400
tion t(m) which has been eliminated by the nm) have to be explained, and if the pigments
W.D.W. method of normalization. The model does with spectral maxima between 15,000 and 24,000
not actually predict the relative spectral transmit- cm | (A = 667-416 nm) are to be covered, the
tances t(m), but if it yields the correct spectral function f( ---) must be defined for (m — mp) in
chromaticities, then the relative values of t(m) the range +10,000 to —11,000 cm™'. Stiles and
can be calculated from the experimentally de- Wyszecki (1974) extrapolated Dartnall’s standard
termined color-matching functions using one of shape on the “blue limb”, (m — m,) > 0, and on
the Eqs. 3(8.2.4) or 4(8.2.4), giving in the latter the “red limb”, (m— m,) <0, by procedures
case outlined in their original paper.
The extrapolation of the blue limb is shown by
aye m| F(A) “£% + b(A)| the dotted extension of Curve | in Figure 1(8.2.4)
and corresponds to average iodopsin data ob-
tained by Wald et al. (1955). In extrapolating the
[7(8.2.4)] red limb of the standard curve, use may be made
of the curve of the gradient Alog, )[a(A)]A(1/A)
where 7(A), Z(A), D(A) are the empirical color- against (m—my,). This gradient, to judge by
matching functions. The four equations give ex- visual response data, is expected to tend to a
actly the same relative values for t(m) if and only constant value as the extreme red of the spectrum
if the model predicts precisely the correct chro- is approached, that is, as —(m— m,) becomes
maticities. If the predictions approach closely the large.
correct values, the most reliable estimate of t(m) Although the gradient curve for Dartnall’s
will be obtained from Eq. 7(8.2.4). If the devia- standard curve does not reach into the extreme
tions from the correct values become large, the red (in fact, at its extreme point at —3800 cm!
calculation of t(m) loses its meaning. the available objective data become erratic),
The normalizing procedure ensures that the Dartnall has re-examined some of his test data
model predictions for the chromaticity coordi- (for frog rhodopsin; private communication to
nates must be correct at wavenumbers u, v, w and authors). By applying a justifiable correction, he
must be partially correct [that is c,(h,) must equal concludes that the curve should flatten out much
c,(h,), and c,(h,) must equal c,(h,)] at wave- as shown in Figure 2(8.2.4) (Curve 1). The limit-
numbers h, and h,. Tests of the performance of ing gradient he obtained for the frog data has a
the model must therefore be applied to one chro- slightly lower value (0.95 < 107+) than the value
maticity coordinate only at wavenumbers h, and of 1.05 X 10-3 accepted here as a suitable ex-
h,, and otherwise to the two independent chro- trapolation for the standard curve. Using the con-
maticity coordinates at a selection of wavenum- tinuous line gradient Curve 1 of Figure 2(8.2.4),
bers avoiding u, v, w, h,, andh,. the complete red limb of the extrapolated stan-
It remains to specify the function f(--- ) which dard curve is derivable to arbitrarily low values
is to represent the shape of the spectral absorp- of m.
tion curve of any rhodopsin-type pigment. As the An alternative function f(---) can be derived
starting point, Stiles and Wyszecki (1974) took from the rod spectral sensitivity curve expressed
Dartnall’s standard shape which is based on ob- in quantum units and corrected for lens absorp-
jective measurements of a range of visual pig- tion. This is plotted as the continuous part of
ments extracted from various animal eyes, all Curve 2 in Figure 1(8.2.4). On the blue side of the
pigments that, like rhodopsin, incorporate retinal maximum, (m — m,) > 0, the standard Curve 1
as prosthetic group. This shape is specified in and the rod Curve 2 show a certain systematic
Columns 5 and 6 of Table 1(8.2.3) of the previous difference which grows into a major discrepancy
section. In the notation used in this section, the as the broken-line section of the curves is reached.
quantity log) f(m — mg) is identical to [log a(A) The form of the extrapolated (broken line) section
— log a(A) max} in. Table 1(8.2.3) and (1/A — of the rod curve was allowed to take the course
1/X,,) is identical to (m — mj). The continuous shown as there is no substantial evidence that the
section of Curve 1 of Figure 1(8.2.4) is plotted visual response curve rises in the way indicated by
from the values of Table 1(8.2.3). However, the the objective curve in the blue at large (m — my).
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 599

O a

o% ¢

--@- -~9..
J ie —
ft ~seL_



ie ae
PS °
= Pe
1 2
= Pee
oe a“
8 : 70”

] a

10 OOO 7500 5 000 2 500 fe) -2 500 =5 000° =7506


Fig. 1(8.2.4). Rhodopsin-type curves in the form log,, f(m — m,). Curve 1: Dartnall’s stan-
dard curve. From (m — m,) = 5,400— 10,000 cm ! extrapolated in accordance with iodopsin
data obtained by Wald et al. (1955). Curve 2: Rod-sensitivity curve obtained from logjo
[t(A)V(A)/A] where ¢(2) is the spectral transmittance of the lens and V(A) the CIE standard
luminous efficiency function (quantum basis) for scotopic vision. The portion for (m— m,) >
5400 cm! is an arbitrary extrapolation (from Stiles and Wyszecki, 1974).

The form of the visual response curve in the blue vided by the large-field color-matching data of
is, of course, subject to an increasing uncertainty Stiles and Burch (1959; see Section 5.5.4), and
in the correction for lens absorption as (m — my) specifically by the variation of the color-matching
increases. The discrepancy in the blue between function r(A). For this function, the gradient in
the objective pigment absorption curve and the the red rises to a value of approximately 1.726 X<
visual response curve of the rods has been a 10-3 where it remains nearly constant from
puzzling anomaly but appears to be real (Denton, m = 14,000 cm! to the limit of the measure-
1958). ments at approximately 12,000 cm™'. This gradi-
Even on the red side of the maximum, the two ent is very close to the value of 1.75 X 10°?
curves do not quite agree, the rod curve being derivable from the mean foveal cone threshold
slightly steeper. The rod curve has been followed data in the deep red obtained by Goodeve (1936)
experimentally far deeper in the red than the and Wald (1945a). A modification of the rod
objective curve, in fact, up to values of (m — mo) gradient Curve 2 of Figure 2(8.2.4) to yield a
approaching — 10,000 cm! (Griffin et al., 1947), limiting gradient of 1.726 < 107° is shown as the
and is consistent with a constant gradient in the broken line extension (Curve 3).
extreme red equal approximately to 1.44 x 10-7 A difference of long-wavelength gradient of
[see Curve 2, Figure 2(8.2.4)]. the visual response curves of rods and cones has
For cone vision, evidence on the shape of the been known for some time (Griffin, Hubbard,
visual response curve in the extreme red is pro- and Wald, 1947). Reviewing all the then available




Oo uo

O “1000 “2 000 -~3000 -4000 -5 000 -6 OOO


Fig. 2(8.2.4). Gradient curves of the red limb. Curve 1: Gradient (left scale in figure) of
Dartnall’s standard curve in accordance with a refined analysis made by Dartnall in a private
communication. Limiting gradient slightly raised to 1.05 10~* as compared to 0.95 10>
obtained by Dartnall for his frog data. The A refers to a 400 cm‘ step in 1/A. Curve 2:
Gradient (right scale in figure) of rod-sensitivity curve obtained for the quantum form of V(A)
after correction for the spectral transmittance ¢(A) of the lens. The A refers to a 250 cm! step
in 1/A. Curve 3: Modification of the gradient of the rod-sensitivity curve (Curve 2) to give
limiting gradient of cone curve. The red limb of the cone curve is identical to the red limb of
the rod curve from (m— m,)=0 to —3500 cm! (from Stiles and Wyszecki, 1974).

visual response data, Stiles (1948) derived gradi- an objective blue limb with a red limb based on
ents 0.79 hv/kT = 1.59 X 1073 for the rod curve visual response data, and vice versa. |
and 0.87 X hv/kT = 1.75 X 107? for the cone As color-matching functions, four sets of data
mechanism dominant at long wavelengths, and were considered:
suggested that the fairly small difference might be
attributable to a difference of chromophore of Small-field data:
rod and cone pigments. Although we now know
this is almost certainly not the case, there is the (1) CIE 1931 Standard Observer (Section 3.3.1)
possibility that the difference is associated merely (2) Stiles 2° Pilot Data (Section 5.5.3)
with the position along the spectrum of the peak
absorption wavelength. If so and this affects the Large-field data:
three cone pigments, the basic assumption (i)
made above could not be strictly valid. (3) Stiles 10° Pilot Data (Section 5.5.3)
As the considerations affecting the red and (4) Stiles-Burch 10° Data (corrected for rod
blue limb of the function f(---) are different, intrusion; Section 5.5.4)
Stiles and Wyszecki (1974) made the calculations
for six different shapes including combinations of However, only the CIE 1931 and Stiles—Burch
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 601

sets were retained for the main calculations as the The transmission function t(m) could be
others gave insignificant differences. For each of evaluated using G(m) and the sum of the empiri-
the chosen sets, the data were expressed as color- cal color-matching functions as required for
matching functions 7(A), Z(A), b(A) referred to selected comparisons.
monochromatic primaries u = 15,500 cm!, v = Computer programs for all the above opera-
19,000 cm~', w = 22,500 cm', respectively, and tions enabled a wide variety of cases to be tested
normalized by the W.D.W. system to make covering appropriate ranges of the peak wave-
r(h,) = g(h,) and g(h,) = b(h,) at the wave- numbers. About 1500 cases were calculated that
numbers h, = 17,250 and h, = 22,500) cm™!. provided the basis for a number of conclusions:
From the Stiles—Burch (1959) investigation (Sec-
tion 5.5.4) were also taken the standard devia- (a) Models using shapes of the f(---) function
tions 9o,(m), 0,(m), o,(m), for an individual with a blue limb provided by the visual response
observer, of the chromaticity coordinates at each curve of the rods can be fitted reasonably well to
wavenumber, calculated from the results of the 49 the empirical chromaticity data. The f(---) func-
observers. As shown in that investigation, these tion displayed as Curve 2 of Figure 1(8.2.4) with
deviations arise principally from differences in its (arbitrary) extrapolation in the blue and the
the color-matching properties of different ob- gradient 1.44 X 107° [Curve 2 of Figure 2(8.2.4)]
servers, and not from observational uncertainties. in the red was found to be the most successful of
The standard deviations of the mean chromaticity the six that were studied.
coordinates of the whole group would be about (b) The difference between the comparisons
one-seventh of the values of o,(m), ,(m), 6,(m) made with the CIE 1931 color-matching data and
but the latter are more appropriate in assessing with those of Stiles—Burch was not great, but the
the performance of the model. model suited slightly better the Stiles—-Burch 10°
With u, v, w, h,, h, set throughout at the above data.
values, a model for test is obtained by choosing (c) With the best shape function f(---) de-
first three wavenumbers m,,m,,m, defining scribed under (a) and the Stiles—Burch 10° data,
the positions of the peak absorptions of the the most suitable wavenumbers (m,,m,, m3) at
three visual pigments, and second, one of the six which the three pigment-absorption curves have
(i= 1 to 6) particular shapes selected for the ‘their peaks are
rhodopsin-type absorption curve. The transforma-
tion matrix P = {p,,} is then computed by means m, = 16,200 cm~! (~ 617 nm)
of Eqs. 5(8.2.4) and 6(8.2.4). From this, the chro-
maticity coordinates c,(m), c,(m), c,(m), and the m, = 18,700 cm~! (~ 535 nm)
function G(m) are calculated at 250 cm! inter-
vals through the spectrum. m; = 23,150 cm | (* 432 nm)
To compare the model for the particular choice
(m,,m,,m,, shape i) with the CIE or Stiles— With these values, the best fit to the empirical
Burch data, the differences of the chromaticity (Stiles—Burch) chromaticity data is obtained.
coordinates— model value less empirical value— Figure 3(8.2.4) shows the chromaticities (con-
are determined and also these differences divided tinuous curves) obtained by the optimum model,
by the appropriate standard deviations: compared with the Stiles-Burch mean data
(broken curves), whereas Figure 4(8.2.4) gives the
variation through the spectrum of the quotients
cm) —r(X)=D(m); — 4,(m) = ah g,(m) and so on [Eq. 8(8.2.4)]. In the extreme red,
the deviation of the model values from those
observed is no doubt associated with the slight
; _ D,(m)
cg) — 8(A) = Dy(m)s_ ag) =
yellowing of long-wavelength monochromatic
stimuli first observed by Brindley and confirmed
in the empirical chromaticities (Section 5.10). Any
model employing a shape function f(---)
c,(m) — b(A) = D,(m); asymptoting to a constant gradient in the red
qy(m) = en
must fail to explain the yellowing, but a slight
modification in the red limb would probably do
[8(8.2.4)] so without disturbing the situation in the rest of
a ee fp- et


O o



25 000 22 500 20 000 17500 I5 OOO I2 500 cm

m (cm-!)
Fig. 3(8.2.4). Chromaticity coordinates predicted by optimum model (solid line) compared
with chromaticity coordinates found empirically by Stiles—Burch in 10° color-matching investi-
gation (crosses connected by broken line). Large solid dots are normalization points (from
Stiles and Wyszecki, 1974).

SF x,
Le °
2 i ’ ° pi bai y aL
pala *x xx Kieran pal

~ oo 0888 ed kyRs
wane pes
- sf
°g _o
2 =A vay a

-3 dae og

25000 22 500 20000 17 500 15 000 12 500 cm"

m (cm)
Fig. 4(8.2.4). Quotients g,(m),q,(m),q,(m) illustrating agreement between chromaticity
coordinates predicted by optimum model and chromaticity coordinates found empirically,
relative to standard deviation of empirical color matching. Perfect agreement would be
horizontal line at which quotients are zero. Acceptable agreement is the domain of +3 for each
quotient, that is, the differences between predicted and measured chromaticity coordinates are
within +3 times the standard deviation of the measured coordinates (from Stiles and Wyszecki,

Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 603

the spectrum. Rather similar remarks apply to the cally estimated t(m). We conclude that the
discrepancies in the extreme blue which could thodopsin-type models are ruled out by the im-
probably be reduced by some change in the un- possible eye transmission properties implied.
certain extrapolated part of f(---) on the short- In the model on which the calculations were
wavelength side. based, it is assumed, in effect, that the pigments
All in all, we regard the chromaticity perfor- were present in “indefinite dilution” [see assump-
mance of the optimum model as unexpectedly tion (iv) above]. This assumption is not consid-
good; the predicted chromaticity coordinates, if ered unreasonable and it simplified the numerical
obtained for a real observer in the Stiles—Burch expressions considerably. However, because of the
measurements, would no doubt have been failure of the model to provide proof that
accepted as a normal variation from the mean. thodopsin-type spectral absorption curves can ac-
The disturbing feature is that the peak wavenum- tually serve as a basis for the color-matching
ber for the long-wavelength pigment in the opti- properties in man, a revised model was tried.
mum model lies so far from the position found in The revision consisted of dropping the as-
various psychophysical studies. If we take a model sumption for one of the pigments, namely the one
with peak wavenumbers fairly typical of psycho- with maximum absorption at wavenumber m),.
physical fundamentals, say, m, = 17,200, m, = For this pigment, it is still assumed that the
18,500, m3 = 23,000, we find for the quotients spectral absorption coefficient a,(m) is given by
qm), 9.(m), 4,(m), very bad values in the red, Qo, f(m — my) where f(---) is one of the six
rising as high as 18, elsewhere between the red adopted standard curves. However, the compari-
and the blue primaries the quotients are several son is now made with oa,(m) in accordance with
times larger than those of the optimum model. Eq. 4(8.2.2) of Section 8.2.2 which takes self-
However, the decisive failure of the rhodopsin- screening into account.
type model appears when we compute the spec- The revised model was used to make a series
tral transmittance function t(m) which the of trial runs with similar input data as before, but
optimum model demands if the empirical the new results were not substantially different
color-matching functions—as distinct from the from the previous results. Again, quite good ap-
chromaticity coordinates—are to be correctly re- proximations to the empirical chromaticity co-
produced. ordinates were found when m,,m,,m, were
The good chromaticity predictions justify the placed at about 16,200, 18,700, 23,150 cm™', re-
use of Eq. 7(8.2.4) in conjunction with the Stiles— spectively, with f(---) given by Curve 2 in Figure
Burch color-matching functions to determine 1(8.2.4) and the Stiles-Burch 10° data as the
t(m), and the resulting values are plotted as Curve other input. Also the spectral transmission curve
1 in Figure 5(8.2.4). The figure also gives a plot of t(m) of the ocular media was of similar shape
an empirical t(m) curve derived from estimates of and thus, unacceptable as before.
the average spectral transmittances of the eye lens It has been advanced, for example by Stiles
and macular pigment given in Section 2.4.6. As (1953), that it is the long-wavelength fundamental
the Stiles—Burch data refer to a large matching sensitivity (7, or 75 in the Stiles scheme, discussed
field, the effective maximum density of macular in Section 7.4) that implies a pigment absorption
pigment was reduced to 0.6 of the nominal aver- not conforming to the rhodopsin type, whereas
age value given in Section 2.4.6. This adjustment the “green”- and “blue’-sensitive fundamentals
was based on a comparison of the 2° and 10° (74, 7, Of 7) are probably consistent with such a
color-matching data in the Stiles (1955b) Pilot shape. The limitations proposed by color-match-
Investigation (Section 5.5.3). ing data on the shape of any visual pigment arise
With the two curves of Figure 5(8.2.4) normal- from the fact that its absorption coefficient a(m)
ized to agree at m = 19,000 cm!, we see on the must be a linear combination of the color-match-
long-wavelength side, the model curve deviates ing functions of the form
downwards very steeply from the empirical curve
in just the region of the spectrum where the latter a(m) = em [Ar(A) + Bg(A) + Cb(A)]
is most reliable. At m= 14,000 (714 nm), the
model value is less than 1% of the empirical
estimate. The deviations of the two t(m) curves [9(8.2.4)]
on the short-wavelength side are less serious,
bearing in mind the uncertainties in the empiri- provided only that assumption (iv) above is valid.


1.5 15

1.0 Ke)

2.5} 2.5

SK :
2.0 2.0

3.5 35

30 30

45 45
25 000 22 500 20000 a 500 15 000 12 500
m (cm
Fig. 5(8.2.4). Curve 1: Logarithm of relative spectral transmittances of ocular media derived
from Stiles—Burch 10° color-matching functions and model [G(m)-function]. Curve 2: Loga-
rithm of relative spectral transmittances of ocular media expected in accordance with objective
measurements (Section 2.4.6). (From Stiles and Wyszecki, 1974.)

Here A, B, and C are constants independent of tion curve is of the rhodopsin type, its peak
m; and again the color-matching functions are wavelength must be less than 556 nm. On the
expressed in the W.D.W. system of normaliza- other hand, for the pigment associated with the
tion. “green“-sensitive cone process and absorbing
For pigments absorbing maximally at long maximally at about 540 nm, a rhodopsin shape is
wavelengths, greater, say, than 540 nm, this ex- not inconsistent with the color-matching data.
pression can be used to illustrate the failure of the
rhodopsin shape. In fact, Stiles and Wyszecki
(1974) show that no visual pigment consistent 8.2.5 Dichromatism and Fundamental
with the color-matching data can have its maxi- Spectral Sensitivities
mal absorption coefficient at a wavelength greater (i) K6nig Fundamentals. According to the tri-
than 591 nm. They also show that if the absorp- chromatic theory of color vision, one particular
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 605

set of color-matching functions defining the are then expressed in terms of 7(A), 2(A), b(A) by
color-matching properties of the normal trichro- substituting for x(A), y(A), Z(A) using the above
mat is singled out from the infinitely many relation. This gives
mathematically equivalent sets because the re-
spective functions correspond to the actual spec- P(A) = (pif + Piha + Pishid?)
tral sensitivities of three distinct response systems
present in the retina of the trichromat’s eye and + similar terms in g(A) and b (2d)
mediating the trichromat’s color-matching prop-
erties. The second crucial step in the theory, as it P(A) = (Pah + Phar + Poshi)7(r)
was developed particularly by A. Konig (1903), is
that in a dichromat (see Section 5.14.2) there are + similar terms in (A) and b (A)
just two distinct response systems that correspond
Because the protanope, by hypothesis, lacks the
to two of those present in the trichromat and have
fundamental 7(A), the coefficients of r(A) in the
respectively the same relative spectral sensitivities
expressions for p,(A) and p,(A) must be zero and
as the latter. On this theory, three types of dichro-
it follows that
mat would be possible, all possessing reduced
forms of trichromatic vision but each lacking one
0=piihi + Piha + Pishi
—a different one—of the three normal response
systems. If protanopia, deuteranopia, and tri-
0 = pafir + Parfa + Proxha [3(8.2.5)]
tanopia are identified with the predicted three
types, the relative spectral sensitivities of the dis- Thus, f,;, 51, and fs; satisfy two of the equations,
tinct response systems—the so-called fundamental given in Section 5.14.2 as Eq. 7(5.14.2), by which
spectral sensitivities—are derivable from the the chromaticity X,., Y,.,Z,- of the confusion
color-matching functions of the normal trichro- point of protanopic vision was defined. More gen-
mat together with the locations in the trichro- erally, the equations are solved by —
matic chromaticity diagram of the confusion points
of the three varieties of dichromat. fir = DP C2 Se— BY,
po pe? fay = Ke Zae
Suppose the fundamentals lacking in the
protanope, deuteranope, and tritanope are the [4(8.2.5)]
relative spectral sensitivities 7(A), Z(A), (A), re- where K,, is a constant factor. Should the confu-
spectively. For definiteness these will be supposed sion point be at infinity in the direction dY/dX
normalized, so that the maximum sensitivity is in = a, the coordinates X,,., Y,., Zp- are replaced in
each case unity. Any set of color-matching func- these expressions by 1, a, —(1 + a), respectively.
tions representing the normal trichromat must be An exactly similar argument applied to the deu-
linearly related to r(A), g(A), b(A). In particular, teranope and tritanope relates the other elements
the CIE 1931 standard functions x(A), y(A), Z(A) of the matrix F to the deuteranopic and tritanopic
must satisfy confusion points, giving finally

x(A) fi fro fis F(A) x(A) Ky x6 KyXqc K,Xj¢ r(A)

y(A) =[hi fo ha (A) y(A) aS BSA be Kg Yac K,Y,, g(r)
z(A) fa fro fs b(A) z(X) eR, K 77,41 Vb (A)
where the matrix F = {f,;} has a nonzero de-
provided the confusion points are not collinear
terminant. The protanopic color-matching func-
(in which case K6nig’s hypothesis would be un-
tenable). Thus, the matrix

PA) = pux(A) + pry(A) + p32)

ne Xac Xr

PAA) = prx(A) + pr V(A) + pr37(A) ieee eles

[2(8.2.5)] Lys ne, wie,}
Table 1(8.2.5) Konig and Fick Fundamentals Derived by
Wyszecki and Stiles (1967, First Edition of this Book)“

g(r) b(r)
Wavelength 7(X) T(A) (K6nig and (K6nig and
A(nm) (Konig) (Fick) Fick) Fick)

400 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0381

10 0.0012 0.0010 0.0011 0.1164
20 0.0039 0.0028 0.0042 0.3622
30 0.0110 0.0048 0.0143 0.7773
40 0.0213 0.0046 0.0316 0.9801
50 0.0345 0.0021 0.0559 0.9941
60 0.0539 (—0.001) 0.0912 0.9364
70 0.0826 0.0050 0.1339 0.7223
80 0.1286 0.0286 0.1907 0.4561
90 0.1956 0.0690 0.2680 0.2610

500 0.3072 0.1359 0.3971 0.1526

10 0.4825 0.2452 0.5961 0.0888
20 0.6867 0.3938 0.8098 0.0439
30 0.8408 0.5375 0.9438 0.0237
40 0.9386 0.6620 1.0000 0.0114
50 0.9884 0.7698 0.9904 0.0049
60 1.0000 0.8663 0.9263 0.0022
70 0.9706 0.9467 0.8098 0.0012
80 0.9027 0.9940 0.6531 0.0010
90 0.8018 0.9916 0.4778 0.0006

600 0.6830 0.9580 0.3166 0.0004

10 0.5556 0.8566 0.1907 0.0002
20 0.4276 0.7054 0.1069 0.0001
30 0.3009 0.5194 0.0553 —
40 0.2004 0.3571 0.0272 —
50 G:1252 0.2241 0.0128 —
60 0.0705 0.1297 0.0060 —
70 0.0370 0.0686 0.0028 —
80 0.0197 0.0366 0.0013 —
90 0.0095 0.0178 0.0006 —

700 0.0048 0.0089 0.0003 —

10 0.0024 0.0045 0.0002 —
20 0.0012 0.0022 = ~-
30 0.0006 0.0011 — —
40 0.0003 0.0006 — —
50 0.0001 0.0002 ~ —
60 — — — —

“The fundamentals are obtained from the following transfor-

mations of the CIE 1931 standard color-matching functions,
X(A), y(A), 2(A):
Konig and Fick:
g(A) = — 0.3952 x(A)+ 1.1668 y(A) +0.0815Z(A)
b(A) = 0.0000x(A) + 0.0000 (A) +0.5610Z(A).
r(A) = 0.0713x(A)
+0.9625 p(A ) —0.01472(A)
r(A) = 0.5960x(A)+0.5151 9(A)—0.12292(A)
The confusion points (fundamental primaries) are located in
the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram at
ep OHM Gees 0253
SUM oes rei
+= 017 Vie= 0.000
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 607

has a nonzero determinant and can be inverted to can be assumed to have a maximum value of
give the matrix unity. The required values of K,, Kz, K, are then
those that make this true. The Kénig fundamen-
Tg {Zix} tals, computed from x(A), y(A), Z(A) and the
locations of the dichromat confusion points,
Multiplication of both sides of Eq. 5(8.2.5) by G specified in Section 5.14.2, are given in Table
gives 1(8.2.5) and are plotted in Figure 1(8.2.5).
If the locations of only two confusion points
F(X) = x lenzQ) + gn5(A) + 832(A)] are known, for example, (X,., Yj-, Z4-) and
(X,.5 Yies Z;¢)) Only one fundamental can be de-
rived, the one present in both the dichromatic
B(A) = ge[ea¥(A) + gn F(A) + g257(0)] types whose confusion points are known. In the
case cited, the fundamental determinable is r(A)
and is given by
b(A) 3 Klenk) + gy (A) + 8332(A)]
r(A) = constant [(¥,.Z,¢ — YieZac)X(A)
[6(8.2.5)] a (7. Xi sine XacLZic) ¥(A)

The appearance of assignable constants 4" (XyeNic - YicXie)Z(A)]

K,, Ky, K, as factors in the expressions for
r(A), g(A), b(A) makes possible a simple normal- the constant being adjusted to make unity the
izing procedure for these functions, each of which maximum of r(A).


Konig Fundamentals
Wyszecki & Stiles (1967)

400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Wavelength A (nm)

Fig. 1(8.2.5). Fundamental spectral sensitivities of the Konig type. The values are taken from
Table 1(8.2.5) which are identical to those derived in the first (1967) edition of this book.

The luminous efficiency function for normal lay = (Lardy + Lard) KX;
trichromatic vision is given by
+ (Lai diz + Landy )K,¥ jc
V(A) =¥(A) = far) + fog) + fozb (A)
+ (Laid)3 + Lady) K,Z,.
= (K,Y,.)7(A) + (KaYac)8(A) +(Ki%c)b
Ly = (Lath + Ligtr)KyXp¢
+ (Lith + Lita )KpY,.
Thus, the luminous efficiency factors of the
fundamentals in normal trichromatic vision are + (Liyti3 + Lyte) KpZpe

Up Rd ac ly Rg kaes reat G9 a Le (Lith + Ltr)

Ka Xac

[8(8.2.5)] + (Lyty, + Lyte) KaYac

For protanopic vision, the luminous efficiency + (Lytis + Lites) KaZac
function V,(A) is given by
(ii) Fick Fundamentals. An _ alternative to
V,(A) = LyPiA) : Ly2 D(A) KO6nig’s theory—but a weaker one—was ad-
vanced by Fick. In its most general form, this
=1,,8(A) +1,,b(A) — [9(8.2.5)] assumes that for each type of dichromatic vision
there are two independent linear combinations of
where the fundamentals 7(A), 2(A), b(A) of normal tri-
chromatic vision, which play the role of funda-
Le a (LiPu ats Ly2Pn)KaXac mentals for the dichromatic type in question.
These dichromatic fundamentals may be written,
+(LpiPi2 =a Ly2 P22) KaYic for protanopia:

a (Lyi P 13 ay Ly2P23)KaZac P(A) = puiF(A) + 9128(A) + 0136 (A)

lees (LyaPu is Loo P21) Ki Xie P2(A) = paF(A) + px8(A) + P23b (A)
a (Ly Pi2 4p Ly2 Px) K Lic
for deuteranopia:
+(LyiPi3 a Ly P23) KZ

For deuteranopic and tritanopic vision

MA) = mA) + WBA) + 1138 A)
MA) = yaiF(A) + 2A) + 1136 (A)
V(A) = Laid(A) + Lad(A)
=1,,7(A) +1 ,b(A) [10(8.2.5)]
for tritanopia: |
VA) = LA) bat (A)
BA) = Bu F(A) + B8(A) + B13 (A)
= L,,F(A) + ligB(A) [11(8.2.5)]
B,(A) = By F(A) + Bo B(A) + Bo3b (A)
ie (Edits Lyd) Ky Xp¢ There are limitations in the choice of values that
may be postulated for the coefficients p; ;, y;;, B ij?
+ (Laid), + Linda) KY, these limitations are indicated below.
Any pair of color-matching functions specify-
+ (Lay dy3 + Lydy3)K,Z,. ing a particular type of dichromatic vision must
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 609

be expressible as independent linear combina- More generally, any assignment of the ele-
tions of the corresponding dichromatic funda- ments of p, y, B could be made as a hypothesis,
mentals and, in particular, for the dichromatic provided that
color-matching functions previously specified in
Section 5.14.2. Thus, (a) in each matrix, the two rows are independent
vectors so that the color-matching properties rep-
PA) = m1P\(A) + M202) resented are truly dichromatic;
(b) no two of the matrices are related by a
P(A) = 110 \(A) + m202(A) nonsingular linear transformation; for example,
p # Ay, where A is any (2 X 2) matrix of nonzero
determinant. This is essential if the color-match-
ing properties of the three types are to be all
d\(X) = 870A) + 8%(A) distinct;
(c) all the dichromat fundamentals finally de-
d,(X) = 8 7(A) + 872(A) termined (see below)—p,(A), p»(A), y,(A), and so
forth—come out positive at all wavelengths. The
difficulty of a physiological interpretation of
fundamentals that change signs imposes this re-
t() a 71:B,(A) i 717By(A) striction.
The outstanding question is whether, given p,
t,(A) ae 7B\(A) a 77 Bo(A)
y, and B, the fundamentals r(A), g(A), b(A) of
[17(8.2.5)] the normal trichromat are uniquely determined;
that is, can the matrix F = {f;;} [Eq. 1(8.2.5)] be
where the matrices 7 = {7;;},6 = {6;,},7 = {,} calculated? With matrix notation and
have nonzero determinants.
Various special forms of the generalized Fick Pals! Pi2 Bs)
hypothesis are obtained by assigning specific val- Pai Pez Ys
ues to the elements of the matrices
i |d 11 d 12 d 13

= (50 P12 ay dy, dy dy;

Poy Ps “Px,

y and B. Fick’s special hypothesis corresponds to

the assumption that in deuteranopia one funda-
mental—y,(A), say—is a “fusion” of the “red” the matrix F must satisfy
and “green” fundamentals r(A) and g(A) of the
normal trichromat, whereas the other fundamen- x(A) 7(A) r(X)
tal—y,(A)— coincides with the normal’s “blue” P| y(A) | = PF] 8(A) | =| 8A)
fundamental b(A). Thus, the assumption is that
z(X) b(A) b(A)
ho}11 ee ‘| [18(8.2.5)]
u er ool
or, because 7(A), 2(A), and b(A) are linearly
independent functions,
where the ratio y,,;/y,, determines the relative
contributions of r(A) and g(A) in the “fusion.”
This assignment of y is commonly combined with
PF = 1 [19(8.2.5)]
the assumption that protanopia and tritanopia Similarly,
arise as in K6nig’s theory simply by the lack,
respectively, of the normal “red” and “blue” DF = by [20(8.2.5)]
fundamentals, so that
and |
TF = 7B [21(8.2.5)]

For Eq. 19(8.2.5) to hold, it is readily shown that and

O = pyymy, + Pj2M, + Pi3™M3) Gy 90 -¥i2 923 avy 13¥22 > 913 = Bir B23 — Bi3h22

O = pom, + P22M, + P23M3) Go." Vis20 @ tise 923 = Bi3B2, — Bi Bos

[22(8.2.5)] G39 — Vivtsa S111 721: 933 = By:B22 — Bi2Bo

with and

3 Mio Gad ge, Mo = Caldes M3. = CyZac

LNs waa > fii
i=1 Misi CLA, Mo, — Cl, m3 = C,Zye

and The relation satisfied by the matrix F is then

Gi1 — Pi2P23 ~ P13P22 FO=M [28(8.2.5)]

921 — P13P21 ~ P11P23
931 — Pi1P22 ~ Pi2P21
Q = {q;;} and
M = {m;;}
Thus, m,,, ™ ,, m3, Satisfy two of the equations
that define the confusion point of protanopic We exclude initially the exceptional case in which
vision [see Eq. 4(8.2.5)], therefore, the matrix Q, and hence also M, has a zero
determinant. The transformation matrix is
my — CA, pee ihe ane ©, Zp Cc
uniquely determined as

[23(8.2.5)] F= MQ"! [29(8.2.5)]

where C,, is a constant factor. and the fundamentals of the normal trichromat
Similarly, from Eqs. 20(8.2.5) and 21(8.2.5), it are given explicitly by
follows, respectively,

3 7(X) x(A) x(A)

0= Ydjmj,. (i=1,2) z(A) |=F'| x(a) | = OM" 9A)
ja b(A) z(A) 2(A)
[24(8.2.5)] [30(8.2.5)]
O= Dtjmj (=1,2) This relation written out in the form
7 l 1 l
[25(8.2.5)] r(A) mealrel ahs Coe 03 AnG

where a £5 l l ]
g(A) — Ad, Gi + Ay) C) + Ap; Gi
M j2 dis » KiQi2 (j= E23)
r= b(A) =A ulnayy
31 G loidyll
32 G, 33 C,


3 where
M 73 7 . fii (j= L, 243)
4 Ee = drs |81 X(A) ag g,2V(A) " 8532(A)]

[27(8.2.5)] (r,s= 1,2,3)

Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 611

G =fe9 Si pwith £,3Zny) = 0 only if the chromaticity N is in line

with two confusion points. Thus, the constants
Age Xae Xr¢ 1/G,,1/Cy, 1/G, are uniquely determined.
H = :6 Lae Ye
Note that the relative spectral sensitivities of
the fundamentals 7(A), Z(A), b(A), as derived
Lie Lac Lrc
above, are unaffected by a change of normaliza-
tion, provided the appropriate adjustments are
obviously involves the constants C,, C,, C, whose made to the postulated dichromat fundamentals.
values, yet to be determined, depend on the nor- Thus, if, by a different normalization, the funda-
malization of r(A), g(A), D(A). It is difficult to mentals become
determine the values of SN OF TeOFT 5i
r(A), Z(A), b(A) are supposed normalized to have r'(A) = k,r(A), 8(A) = kB(A),
maximum values unity. A suitable alternative is
to suppose 7(A), g(A), b(A) normalized so that
for a conveniently chosen spectral radiant power b’(A) = k,b(A)
distribution {P, dA} whose CIE chromaticity
(Xx; Yy, Zy) 1S not collinear with any two of the the expressions for p (A), p,(A), for example, must
three dichromatic confusion points, the following be changed to
equalities hold:
mir) =(S)ray + (S)
[FOA)P. ad = [AJP ddA = Xy

[ZAP dd = [PA)P. ad = Vy

[oQ)P,dr= [2OQ)P, AREAS

m0) = (Sra + (B)F70)
[31(8.2.5)] + P23. JPQ)

The equal-energy stimulus, P, = 1 for all A, is a

to preserve the postulated relation between the
satisfactory choice.
protanope and normal trichromat fundamentals.
On multiplying the above expressions for
Similar expressions are obtained for y,(A), y>(A),
F(A), B(A), (A) by {P, dX} and integrating over
B,(A), B(A). With these changes, the trichromat
the spectrum, the following equations for the
fundamentals derived in the way shown above
constants C,, Cz, C, are obtained:
correspond to the same relative spectral sensitivi-
1 1 ties as before.
t Cle Buc + Bae uF Buc The exceptional case, in which the determinant
Dp t
of B equals zero, implies that the determinant of
l l l M equals zero and therefore, that the confusion
i Mi Buc ( Bc st Baa points of protanopic, deuteranopic, and tritanopic
D t
vision are in a straight line in the chromaticity
diagram. This is certainly not the case in human
l 1 l
fA Bae + Bac a BG vision, although for other conceivable systems of
Pp Tt
trichromatic and dichromatic vision, the gener-
alized Fick hypothesis would admit the possibil-
[32(8.2.5)] ity.
The luminous efficiency factors of the funda-
mentals appropriate to the generalized Fick hy-
pothesis are readily obtained:
B,. - 9rs1 851 Xn re 852 Yn + g,3Zy |
(a) Normal trichromat.
The matrix B= {B,,} cannot have a zero de-
terminant, since |Q|#0 and (g,,Xy + g,.Yy + V(A) = yA) = fir) + fog) + frsb(A)

Thus, /, = fo), 1, = fo, and /, = f,3, and all are Fick’s special hypothesis (see above), corre-
computable from Eq. 29(8.2.5). sponding to
(b) Protanope.

V(A) ot Ly P(A )L 2 D(A)

= (L,im1 + Lyom) P(A)

+ (Lym + Ly2t% )p2(A)

leads to the trichromatic fundamentals given in
= 1,10 (A) + 1,202(A)
Table 1(8.2.5). These are calculated from Eq.
30(8.2.5) and assume

(1) normalization of the trichromat fundamen-

Loy = Lym, + L271; Loa = Lyi 2 + Ly2M2
tals on integrals over the equal-energy spectrum
(fr(A) dA = {x(A) dA, etc.); and
In the matrix
(2) Yu = Yi:

= (3 P12 ad This is the usual quantitative basis for deriving

Por P29 P33 so-called Fick fundamentals. With these assump-
tions, it is only for the function 7(A) that the
the rows are linearly independent so that at least relative values through the spectrum differ from
one of (111022 — P12P21)» (P12P23 — P13P22): those of the corresponding K6énig fundamental.
(P11P23 — P13P21) is different from zero. Suppose Other choices for the ratio y,, : y,7 (with the same
(P11P22 — P12P2;) #9; then the two pairs of normalization) lead to different r(A) fundamen-
equations tals. In fact, however, values of y, greater than
y,; turn out to be inadmissible because they lead
3 to negative values of r(A) at some wavelengths.
a Pifiy = MP1 + 712021 Justification on physiological grounds of a partic-
ular choice of y,; : y;> 1s difficult. Once the funda-
a mentals 7(A), Z(A), b(A) have been found, they
> Piifiz = TM1P12 + T2P2
can be renormalized to have maximum values of
i=1 unity, and this has been done for the values of
Table 1(8.2.5) which have been plotted in Figure
and 2(8.2.5).
> Prifir = 7 1P 11 + M7 Pr (iii) Other Derivations of Kénig Fundamentals.
i=1 Careful consideration of the confusion points of
dichromats, of the known short-wave deficiencies
in the CIE 1931 standard color-matching func-
» Prfi2z = M1P12 + TP)
i=] tions, and of other relevant factors in trichromatic
and dichromatic vision, led Vos and Walraven to
a new derivation of fundamental spectral sensitiv-
contained in Eq. 19(8.2.5) yield, respectively,
ity functions of the Konig type (Vos and Walra-
solutions for (7,1, 712), (71, % 2) from which the
ven, 1971; Walraven, 1974; Vos, 1978). Their best
luminous efficiency factors /,, and /,, of the
estimate (Walraven, 1974; and Vos, 1978) yields
protanopic fundamentals are computed.
the following transformation equations:
(c) Deuteranope and tritanope. The pairs of
luminous efficiency factors (/,,,/,.) and (/g; /,>) F(A) = 0.1551646%'(A) + 0.54307637’(A)
are determined in the same way as for the pro-
tanope. —0.0370161z’(A)
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 613





Fick Fundamentals
Wyszecki & Stiles (1967)

400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Wavelength A (nm)

Fig. 2(8.2.5). Fundamental spectral sensitivities of the Fick type. The values are taken from
Table 1(8.2.5) which are identical to those derived in the first (1967) edition of this book.

g(A) = —0.1551646x’(A) + 0.4569237p(A) (x’, y’)-chromaticity diagram:

+ 0.02969462’(A) xe ae 077465ei2 y=" 0.2535

b(A) =0.0073215z’(A)
x’, = 1.4000 y5, = —0.4000
x;.= 0.1747 = y, = 0.0060
The color-matching functions x’(A), y’(A), Z’(A)
are Judd’s (1951) modified CIE 1931 standard Further constraints on the coefficients in Eq.
functions as refined by Vos (1978). They are 33(8.2.5) are introduced by gauging the relative
described in more detail in Section 5.5.2 and spectral sensitivities of the fundamentals so as to
given in Table 1(5.5.2) in the Appendix. The correspond to effective population densities of the
values of the fundamentals 7(A), 2(A), D(A) “red,” “green,” and “blue” foveal cone receptors
(which Vos and Walraven denote by R,, Gy, By, in the ratios R: G: B= 32:16:1. Vos and
respectively), calculated by Eq. 33(8.2.5) are given Walraven postulate that these population density
in Table 2(8.2.5) and illustrated in Figure 3(8.2.5). ratios are related to the different Weber fractions
The confusion points which provide the im- that have been found by Stiles (1946) (see Section
portant constraints on the coefficients in Eq. 8.4.4) for the responses of the cone mechanisms at
33(8.2.5) have the following coordinates in the high luminances, and to the visual phenomenon

of invariant-hue perceptions when observing cer- Vos and Walraven, this balance is achieved when
tain monochromatic stimuli at different lumi- b(A,) and [7(Az) + Z(Ag)] are at the ratio 1: 16
nance levels (Bezold—Briicke effect, Sections 5.9 for \, = 475.5 nm and when r(Ay) and g(Ay)
and 5.13). The invariant hues, “blue” and “yel- are at the ratio 2:1 for Ay = 570 nm.
low,” are observed (Walraven, 1961) for stimuli of The sum of the three fundamentals defined by
wavelengths A, = 475.5 nm and Ay = 570 nm. Eq. 33(8.2.5) yields the Judd modification of the
They are believed to be invariant because at these CIE standard luminous efficiency function [Sec-
wavelengths (A, and A,) the neural opponent- tion 5.7.2(11)]:
process mechanisms (red/green) and
(yellow /blue) are thought to be in balance; that
is, the rates at which these mechanisms saturate V(A)moa = F(A) + B(A) + b(A)
remain the same with increasing level of stimula-
tion. In the underlying visual model adopted by [34(8.2.5)]

Table 2(8.2.5) Konig Fundamentals Derived by Vos and Walraven (Walraven, 1974, Vos, 1978) and by
Smith and Pokorny (1972)

Wavelength Vos and Walraven Smith and Pokorny

A (nm) 7(X) g(A) b(A) 7(A) g(A) b(A)
400 0.00096 0.00056 0.00127 0.00273 0.00177 0.00224
10 0.00246 0.00157 0.00337 0.00553 0.00377 0.00467
20 0.00561 0.00409 0.00781 0.01005 0.00745 0.00851
30 0.00870 0.00786 0.01074 0.01489 0.01241 0.01164
40 0.01239 0.01367 0.01184 0.01918 0.01872 0.01287
50 0.01568 0.02034 0.01078 0.02186 0.02494 0.01179
60 0.02083 0.02972 0.00946 0.02630 0.03370 0.01032
70 0.03524 0.04758 0.00816 0.03991 0.05108 0.00892
80 0.06175 0.07174 0.00554 0.06495 0.07404 0.00605
90 0.1013 0.1034 0.00327 0.1032 0.1047 0.00357
500 0.1664 0.1547 0.00194 0.1675 0.1555 0.00212
10 0.2689 0.2330 0.00113 0.2696 0.2334 0.00123
20 0.3926 0.3168 0.00056 0.3930 0.3170 0.00061
30 0.4925 0.3692 0.00030 0.4926 0.3694 0.00033
40 0.5628 0.3911 0.00015 0.5629 0.3911 0.00016
50 0.6077 0.3872 0.00006 0.6078 0.3871 0.00007
60 0.6329 0.3620 0.00003 0.6329 0.3621 0.00003
70 0.6355 0.3165 0.00002 0.6355 0.3164 0.00002 ~
80 0.6146 0.2554 0.00001 0.6146 0.2554 0.00001
90 0.5698 0.1872 0.00001 0.5697 0.1872 0.00001
600 0.5064 0.1246 0.00001 0.5063 0.1247 0.00001
10 0.4271 0.07586 0.00000 0.4271 0.07586 0.00000
20 0.3378 0.04322 0.00000 0.3377 0.04322 0.00000
30 0.2421 0.02289 0.00000 0.2421 0.02289 0.00000
40 0.1634 0.01160 0.00000 0.1634 0.01160 0.00000
50 0.1013 0.00566 0.00000 0.1014 0.00564 0.00000
60 0.05820 0.00280 0.00000 0.05820 0.00280 0.00000
70 0.03068 0.00132 0.00000 0.03068 0.00132 0.00000
80 0.01634 0.00066 0.00000 0.01634 0.00065 0.00000
90 0.00790 0.00031 0.00000 0.00790 0.00031 0.00000
700 0.00395 0.00015 0.00000 0.00395 0.00015 0.00000
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 615

Table 2(8.2.5) — Continued

The fundamentals are obtained from the following transformations:

Vos and Walraven

r(A) 0.1551646 0.5430763 —0.0370161 xs)

g(A) | =| —0.1551646 0.4569237 0.0296946 y (A)
b(A) ) 0 0.0073215 z'(X)

Smith and Pokorny

r(A) 0.15514 0.54312 —0.03286 x'(A)

2(A) |=| —0.15514 0.45684 0.03286 y(A)
b (A) 0 0 0.00801 z'(X)

In the case of Vos and Walraven, the color-matching functions x’(A), y’(A), Z’(A), are the Judd modified
CIE 1931 standard functions as further revised by Vos (1978) [see Table I(5.5.2)]. In the case of Smith
and Pokorny, the color-matching functions x’(A), y’(A), Z’(A), are the original Judd modified CIE 1931
standard functions [see Table 1(5.5.2)].

The following confusion points were used:

Vos and Walraven Smith and Pokorny

X pe = 0.7465 yee 0.259 Ker UACS pie hehbeh aRis

X 4e= 1.4000 Vie= —0.4000 X ae = 1.4000 Vae = — 0.4000
Xj¢= 0.1747 Y,.= 0.0060 X,.= 0.1748 Vie 9.0000

Smith and Pokorny (1975), in extending their dard functions given in Table 1(5.5.2). The values
earlier study (Smith and Pokorny, 1972) on the of the fundamentals 7(A), Z(A), b(A) calculated
spectral sensitivities of protanopes and deu- by Eq. 35(8.2.5) are given in Table 2(8.2.5) and
teranopes, arrived at a set of K6nig-type funda- are illustrated in Figure 4(8.2.5). Pokorny and
mentals that differed somewhat from those of Vos Smith (1975) do not specify the coefficient by
and Walraven described above. The transforma- which z’(A) is to be multiplied to obtain b(A).
tion equations are as follows: We have chosen the value 0.00801 so as to make
the ratio [r(Ap) + g(Ag)|/b(Ag) = 16 at AZ =
7(A) = 0.15514x’(A) + 0.54312 y(A) 475.5 nm, in agreement with the proposal of Vos
and Walraven discussed above. Boynton (1979)
—0.032862’(A) put the coefficient at 0.01608 by scaling the
b(A)-function so that b(A)/[7(A) + g(A)] = 1.0
Z(A) = —0.15514x’(A) + 0.45684 (A) at A = 400 nm.
The Pokorny and Smith (1975) transformation
+ 0.032862’(A) equations are based on confusion points which, in
the (x’, y’)-chromaticity diagram, are located at
b(A) =0.008012’(A)
nO ey ee
x, = 1.4000 ys, = —0.4000
The color-matching functions x’(A)(A), y’(A),
z’(A) are Judd’s (1951) modified CIE 1931 stan- x/,-=10.1748 yin= 90.0000




K6énig Fundamentals
Relative Vos & Walraven
(I971,1974 1978) —

OO 450 500 550 600 650 700

Wavelength a (nm)
Fig. 3(8.2.5).Relative spectral sensitivities of K6nig-type fundamentals derived by Vos and
Walraven (Vos and Walraven, 1971; Walraven, 1974; Vos, 1978). Numerical values are given in
Table 2(8.2.5).

The essential difference between these confusion the spectral distribution of the “red” cone sensi-
points and those adopted by Vos and Walraven is tivity of both the deuteranope and tritanope. The
in the location of the tritanopic confusion point discrepancy is difficult to explain and Pokorny
(Xe. Yi) Which Pokorny and Smith locate on the and Smith speculate that it may be caused by a
alychne (chromaticity locus, y’ = 0, of zero lumi- “selective screening filter of optical density at 460
nance) in accordance with the idea, proposed by nm of 0.12 and spectral shape similar to macular
other investigators as well, that the (minimum- pigment.” .
flicker) luminous efficiency function of the nor- More recently, in his critical and valuable re-
mal trichromat is mediated only by the “red”- view of the fundamental database of normal and
and “green’-cone mechanisms and that the dichromatic color vision, Estévez (1979; and
“blue’”-cone mechanism makes no contribution to slightly amended data received by the authors in
“Juminance signals.” In particular, they put a private communication, 1981) derives K6énig-
type fundamentals from the Stiles 2° pilot
Vinoa(A ) a r(X) a g(A) [36(8.2.5)] color-matching functions 7(m), Z(m), b(m) (Sec-
tion 5.5.3)’and a set of confusion points which he
This constraint on the coefficients of Eq. 35(8.2.5) locates in the Stiles 2° (r, g)-chromaticity dia-
helps to improve the agreement between pre- gram at
dicted and observed color-matching functions of
tritanopes. Yel 25 gie=— 0.025
- In their comparison of predicted and observed ric = 1.600 Zac = —0.612
data of all three types of dichromat, Pokorny and
Smith note small but systematic discrepancies in r,,= 0.090 — g,, = —0.085
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pi gments 617


Konig Fundamentals
Pokorny & Smith

400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Wavelength A (nm)
Fig. 4(8.2.5). Relative spectral sensitivities of K6nig-type fundamentals derived by Smith and
Pokorny (1975). Numerical values are given in Table 2(8.2.5).

The fundamentals p(m), y(m), B(m) are ob- dichromats are strictly reduction forms of nor-
tained from mal trichromats, the confusion points no longer
play a unique role in the derivation of the trans-
formation coefficients that relate linearly the
o(m) =0.38457(m) + 1.0062 2(m) + 0.05125(m) color-matching fundamentals. Other visual mod-
els can then be used that are based on other
y(m) = 0.05387(m) + 1.44122(m) + 0.1183b(m) experimental data and that are not necessarily
linked with the color-matching properties and
B(m) = 0.03052(m) + 1.551b(m) heterochromatic brightness matching properties
of observers with color-defective vision. Examples
of such models are derived from the experimen-
[37(8.2.5)] tally determined field sensitivities of component
visual mechanisms in the fovea (Stiles’ 7-mecha-
Tables 3(8.2.5) and 4(8.2.5) reproduce the data nisms, Section 7.4), from Dartnall’s standard
obtained by Estévez (1979; slightly amended in shape of the visual pigment absorption coefficient
1981) including the original Stiles 2° pilot data (Sections 8.2.3 and 8.2.4), and from color-match-
which served as input data. Figures 5(8.2.5) and ing experiments made at moderate and at high
6(8.2.5) illustrate some of the data given in these (pigment-bleaching) levels of retinal illuminance
tables. (Wyszecki and Stiles, 1980, Section 8.2.6).
The K6nig- and Fick-type fundamentals dis- For the purpose of comparison, we have repro-
cussed in this section are not the only types of duced in Figure 7(8.2.5) and Table 5(8.2.5) data
fundamentals that have been proposed by vision on the spectral absorption characteristics of hu-
scientists. When one abandons the condition that man cones obtained by Bowmaker and Dartnall
Table 3(8.2.5) Stiles 2° Pilot Color-Matching Functions and Spectral Sensitivities of Fundamentals Derived by
Estevez (1979, 1981) from the Color-Matching Functions [See also Table 4(8.2.5)]

Logarithms of Stiles 2° Pilot Logarithms of Spectral

Wavenumber Color-Matching Functions Sensitivities of Fundamentals
m (cm!) log?(m) log Bm) — log b(m) ~—logp(m) ~— Log y(m) ~—_log B(m)
25,500 2563 —#3:175N — 1.744 —2 8853 — 2.8804 — 1.5526
23,250 = 2.264 —2.903N — 1.439 2.51/08 — 2.5574 —2Si5
25,000 —2.014 —2.648N — 1.208 —2.3429 2345) eet Poe Ps
24,750 — 1.766 +2\362.N — 0.930 — 2.0974 — 2.0805 —O7505
24,500 == £528 —2.244N =(. oz — 1.8769 = 18379 — (Saag
24,250 — 1.430 — 1.983N =().539 1518 — 1.6953 — 0.3694
24,000 —e1.337 — 1.840N — 0.389 — 1.6451 = 1.5500 (ess
23,750 Fe f:2 13 —TIS0N =O.251 — 1.5430 — 1.3997 — 0.0904
23,500 ana PNG —1.561N =), 153 = 15084 — 1.3076 — 0.0010
23,200 men) Be) — 1.680N — 0.098 — 1.4718 = 1:2160 — 0.0534
23,000 — 1.474 — | 756N — 0.050 a AI32 = 1.1312 — 0.0968
22,750 =|: 71S —2.034N —0.019 =='1:3850 — 1.0460 —0:1234
22,500 == "5t162 —2.897N — (0.000 cael Ee — 0.9880 — 0.1374
22,250 — 1.599N = 1797 0.031 == |3264. — 0.9393 —0.1071
22,000 —1.242N — 1.396 — 0.081 — 1.2796 — 0.8794 — 0.0471
21,750 — 1.027N = 14165 —0.103 —= 172055 — 0.7976 — 0.0204
21,500 —0.859N = (957 —(u/y — 1:1105 OG — 0.0579
21,250 —0.747N — 0.809 +0221 — 1.0068 — 0.6240 — 0.1062
21,000 —0.657N — 0.681 — 0.343 (132) — 0.5500 = (29
20,750 —0.611N —0.594 — 0.491 — 0.8376 — 0.4962 — 0.3821
20,500 —(.571N —0.514 —=U.G52 — 0.7598 — 0.4385 — 0.5435
20,252 —0.538N — 0.412 — 0.803 — 0.6433 —0.3510 — (0.6909
20,000 —0.529N — 0.309 — 0.970 =O 193 — 0.2578 — 0.8464
19,750 =U552N — 0.204 Sti G2 —-().3953 — 0.1600 — 1.0101
19,500 —0.619N =—=() 119 — 1.435 =) 2875 — 0.0802 = Le
19,250 — 0.802 N — 0.045 = Oot. —0.1941 — 0.0107 — 1.4309
19,000 — 3.084N 0.000 —3.097N ectogWan 0.0309 — 1.6616
18,750 — 0.683 0.022 pawet ohWh — 0.0774 0.0501 — 1.8316
18,500 — 0.359 0.022 —1.874N — 0.0509 0.0476 — 2.0863
18,250 = ela. 0.019 OLN — 0.0243 0.0427 eh E
18,000 0.014 — 0.003 — 1.802N — 0.0065 0.0205 eat eo
17,750 0.143 — 0.047 —1.828N © 0.0000 —0.0218 — eG
17,500 0.262 —0.092 —1.886N 0.0173 — 0.0621
17,250 0.354 —0.184 —1.974N 0.0141 —0.1429
17,000 0.417 — 0.294 —2.098N 0.0044 = (0.23561 .
16,750 0.454 =) 4g —2.254N — 0.0227 —0.3659
16,500 0.454 — 0.669 PBF UO P21 —0.5249
16,250 0.413 =0.957 —2.667N ly eh reyA BS
16,000 0.324 SAME. —2.978N — 0.2692 — 0.9461
15,750 0.185 — 1.889 —3.414N — 0.4299 Seg $f.Vins
15,500 0.000 Sa (585 — 4.442 N cd OR veOs) — 1.4854
15,250 —0.242 2 IOV —3.741 — 0.8857 4 19T)
15,000 rah aye — 2O25IN as aR — 1.1890 — 2.1405
14,750 ==). G00 —2.916N est: WIN WZ ==) 5209 — 2.4802
14,500 — 1.209 3.20 =A 52] — 1.8801 — 2.8487
14,250 = OL —3.645N —=4 SA} — 2.2894 20
14,000 = 2 NS —4.042 N = eh — 2.6890 = 0d
13,750 = 2.414 —4.789N — 5.348 — 3.1021 — 4.0023

Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 619

Table 3(8.2.5) — Continued


1. The Stiles 2° pilot color-matching functions refer to monochromatic primary stimuli located at

mp=15,418 mo=18,997 m,=22,456cm™!

The values of 7(m), Z(m), b(m) of this table deviate slightly from those given in Table 1(5.3.3)
where entries refer to primary stimuli located precisely at wavenumbers 15,500, 19,000, and 22,500
cm', respectively (see Section 5.3.3 for details).

The color-matching functions imply monochromatic test stimuli of unit radiance.

2. The spectral sensitivities p(m) y(m), B(m) of the fundamentals imply monochromatic test stimuli
expressed in quantum units. They are obtained from the color-matching functions 7(m), z(m), b(m)
by means of

p(m)= k,m[0.38457(m)+ 1.0062 g(m)+0.0512b (m)|

y(m) = k, m[0.05387(m)+ 1.4412¢(m)

+0.11835 (m)|

B(m) =kpm[ 0.0305g(m)+1.5551b

k,,k,, kg are normalizing constant factors which make the sums of three functions very nearly equal
to one another.

Multiplication of the linear combinations of 7(m), g(m), b(m) by the wavenumber m yields
functions that are based on quantum units.

The values of 6(A) in the long-wavelength region, from 13,750 to 17,500 cm_', have been ignored.

No correction for light losses in the ocular media has been applied to the fundamentals.

(1980) by microspectrophotometry applied trans- bly those of Wright (1936), Brindley (1953), and
versely through the outer segments of individual Alpern (1979). In all these studies, bleaching of at
cones. least one of the cone pigments was considered the
important process controlling the observed
8.2.6 Color-Matching Data and the Pigment-
breakdowns of the color matches.
Bleaching Model
Wyszecki and Stiles (1980) adopted the simple
In Section 5.6.5 we described trichromatic color- and generally accepted model in which color
matching experiments made by Wyszecki and matching is determined by the absorptions in
Stiles (1980) at retinal illuminances ranging from three classes of cone receptors containing, respec-
moderate (1,000 td) to high (100,000 td) levels. tively, visual pigments designated “red” (erythro-
The results of these experiments clearly demon- labe), “green” (chlorolabe), and “blue” (cyano-
strated breakdowns of color matches when the labe). In Maxwell-type color matching (Section
luminance of the bipartite field reached a level 5.3) at a given level of the “white” reference
equivalent to approximately 8000 td. Although stimulus, the total number of quanta absorbed in
the experimental technique used by Wyszecki and the visual pigment of each of the receptors of a
Stiles (1980) differed in important ways from particular class is determined by the receptor’s
those used by other investigators, their results visual pigment absorption factor as a function of
were quite consistent with the earlier ones, nota- wavenumber and the absolute spectral radiant

Table 4(8.2.5) Spectral Sensitivities of Fundamentals at Retinal Level and Corresponding Spectral Absorption
Coefficients of Human Cone Pigments as Derived by Estévez (1979; 1981) [See also Table 3(8.2.5)]

Logarithms of Spectral Density
Sensitivities of Fundamentals of Ocular Spectral Absorption Coefficients
Wavenumber at Retinal Level Media of Human Cone Pigments
m(cm~') —logp’(m) —logy’(m) —logB(m) K(m) —9,(m) —a,(m)_—_—_o(m)
25,500 0.72 0.78 O12 Os, 14.76 12.47 68.90
25,250 0.71 0.77 0.13 1.94 14.92 12.87 67.06
25,000 0.71 0.79 0.14 1.71 14.84 12.33 66.41
24,750 0.73 0.78 0.12 1.45 14.33 12.47 69.11
24,500 0.75 0.78 0.17 1.21 13.67 Laks 60.43
24,250 0.76 0.78 OZ 1.07 1349 12.62 69.55
24,000 0.79 0.76 0.10 0.94 12.47 13.10 72.83
23,750 0.79 0/72 0.08 0.83 12.23 14.44 78.17
23,500 0.81 0.68 0.04 0.78 11.80 15.99 88.89
23,250 0.81 0.63 0.03 0.74 11.69 18.14 92.48
23,000 0.81 0.58 0.02 0.70 11.66 20.26 93.49
22,750 0.79 0.52 0.02 0.68 12.47 23.82 95.43
22,500 0.75 0.46 0.00 0.68 13.45 29:51 100.00
22,250 0.71 0.39 0.02 0.70 15.08 32:81 94.99
22,000 0.68 0.35 0.09 0.68 16.09 36.46 75.25
21,750 0.63 0.29 0.14 0.66 18.37 42.94 65.56
21,500 0.56 0.23 0.25 0.63 21.56 49.99 28.34
21,250 0.50 0.19 0.34 0.59 25.28 57.08 38.16
21,000 0.44 0.15 0.50 0.55 28.94 62.91 24.96
20,750 0.38 0.11 0.66 0.54 34.26 Th 16.79
20,500 0.33 0.08 0.85 0.51 32.82 77.73 10.58
20,250 Ora) 0.05 1.06 0.45 45.14 84.61 6.47
20,000 0.23 0.04 1.30 O37 50.90 88.21 3.73
19,750 0.19 0.04 1.54 0.27 54.39 87.61 202
19,500 0.15 0.01 1.81 0.22 64.08 96.41 © oe
19,250 0.12 0.01 2.10 0.15 68.51 96.26 0.58
19,000 0.09 0.00 2.36 0.12 77.04 100.00 0.32
18,750 0.06 0.00 Dasa 0.10 83.91 99.74 0.20
18,500 0.04 0.01 2.2 0.09 88.39 D512 0.11
18,250 0.02 0.03 2.98 0.08 93.21 Dice 0.08
18,000 0.01 0.05 313 0.08 98.75 85.00 0.05
17,750 0.01 0.10 0.07 97.63 72.46
17,500 0.00 0.15 0.06 100.00 62.51
17,250 0.02 0.24 0.05 95.10 48.47
17,000 0.05 0.36 0.03 87.08 35.88
16,750 0.09 0.51 0.01 TI? 24.43
16,500 0.15 0.68 0.00 63.25 16.10
16,250 0.23 0.87 0.00 50.53 10.03
16,000 0.35 1.10 0.00 36.90 5.89
15,750 0.51 1.36 0.00 24.46 Ba
15,500 0.71 1.64 0.00 14.90 1.68
15,250 0.97 1.94 0.00 8.11 0.83
15,000 bead 2:29 0.00 3 OT 0:37
14,750 1.60 2.63 0.00 1.84 0.17
14,500 1.96 3.00 0.00 0.80 0.07
14,250 2.37 3.4] 0.00 0.31 0.03
14,000 page| 3.80 0.00 0.12 0.01
13,750 3.18 4.15 0.00 0.05 0.01

Table 4(8.2.5) — Continued
ee ee ee

i The logarithms of the spectral sensitivities of the fundamentals at the retinal level have been
obtained from those given in Table 3(8.2.6) by adding to them the optical density of the ocular
media given as K(m) which has been taken from data given in Section 2.4.6 assuming a peak density
of 0.46 of the macular pigment at A = 460 nm.

The three functions p’(m), y’(m), B’(m) have then been normalized to have unit values at their
respective maxima.

The values of 9,(m),o,(m),og(m) are obtained from the logarithms of the fundamentals
p’(m), y’(m), B’(m) given in the previous columns by assuming that the latter represent pigment-ab-
sorption functions with peak optical densities of 0.3. Thus:

o’(m) =1—exp he co,(m)|

and similar expressions for y’(m) and B’(m), with c= 0.499 at maximum.

The table gives o,(m), o,(m), og(m) in percent of the maximum (100).

0.0 He Ae sa 3 ,

log p(m)
log B (m) wane

> -1.0 | (ee ce


Oo -20 | bas


/p) AS

S ok
= -3.0 it -+—\—\4

ha Konig Fundamentals
a Estévez (i979, 1981)
-40 + |

-~5.0 | L I | L | | | | |
Bhs eee oe 20 oe bak. ITalGielllS sil 4510
Wavenumber m(cm7!)
Fig. 5(8.2.5). Logarithms of relative spectral sensitivities of K6nig-type fundamentals derived
by Estevez (1979; and private communication, 1981). Nummerical values are given in Table







Wavenumber m (cm~!)
Fig. 6(8.2.5). Spectral absorption coefficients derived by Estévez (1979; and private communi-
cation, 1981) from his Konig-type fundamentals shown in Figure 5(8.2.5). Numerical values are
given in Table 4(8.2.5).

Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 623

ee 420 nm 534 "564nm

"Red" Cones
- = Cones~
2 L
Cc " "
Ss Blue Cones
@ 0.05

400 450 500 550 600 650
Wavelength d (nm)
Fig. 7(8.2.5). Relative spectral absorptances of human cone pigments measured by microspec-
trophotometry by Bowmaker and Dartnall (1980). For details see Table 5(8.2.5).

power distribution of the stimulus reaching the which has a “white” appearance to the observer.
receptors. At the 100,000 td level, the values of Ry, Gy, By
In the color-matching experiments, Wyszecki are 100 times larger.
and Stiles (1980) determined first the Maxwell It is clear that, if the basic laws of trichromatic
spectral distribution functions L(m), R(m), color matching, particularly the proportionality
G(m), B(m) for 1,000-td and 100,000-td levels and additivity laws, hold strictly, the color-match-
from which Maxwell color-matching functions ing functions 7(m), Z(m), b(m) derived from
r(m), g(m), b(m) can be derived as follows: Maxwell matches in accordance with Eq. 1(8.2.6)
must (within the experimental uncertainties) be
identical to those derived more directly by means
ieee (ie
= ee Ry = R(m)
of the maximum-saturation method (Section
5.6.5). However, there is some experimental evi-
dence of systematic differences between the two
zit) = Se [1(8.2.6)] sets of color-matching functions obtained by the

nyo Pe
two different methods (Section 5.6.6).
In the bleaching experiment, Wyszecki and
Stiles assume that color matching done at a given
level of retinal illuminance and with a fixed rela-
The observed quantity L(m) never becomes zero tive spectral radiant power distribution of the
[see Figure 1(8.2.6)] whereas R(m), G(m), B(m) “white” reference stimulus strictly obeys the
are respectively zero in the long, middle, and color-matching laws. With these restrictions,
short-wavelength region of the spectrum. The the laws reduce to asserting a more limited addi-
quantities Ry, Gy, By are fixed throughout the tivity law, namely, that if any two test stimuli A
experiment and define the color of the reference and B match individually the fixed reference
stimulus, which, in the case of the 1000 td level, stimulus, then so does any additive mixture of A
are given by Ry = 1.0856, Gy = 0.5567, By = and B in amounts pA and (1 — p)B, respectively,
0.3516 (measured in terms of nanowatts),. and where p is less than unity.

Table 5(8.2.5) Relative Spectral Absorbtances Table 5(8.2.5)— Continued

of Human Cones Measured by Bowmaker and
Dartnall (1980) The tabulated data represent mean data obtained
from several individual human cones by micro-
Wavelength “Blue” “Green” “Red” spectrophotometry applied transversely through
\ (nm) Cones Cones Cones the isolated outer segments of the cones. Three
classes of cones were identified with the following
370 0.59
mean characteristics:
80 0.67
90 0.76 Red) “Green” “Blue”
400 0.88 0.35 0.36 Cones Cones Cones
10 0.96 0.35 0.36 Peak Absorb. 562.8 533.8 420.3
20 1.00 0.34 0.33 AtASe £4nm) =3.lom a7) im
30 0.96 0.34 0.30 Transverse 0.027 0.032 0.037
40 0.86 0.35 0.29 Absorb. +0.005 +0.007 +0.011
450 0.68 0.38 0.28 of Cones 19 11 3
60 0.50 0.42 0.30 Measured
70 0.36 0.49 0.34
80 0.25 0.56 0.39
90 0.18 0.67 0.47
500 O12 0.78 0.55
10 0.08 0.88 0.63 It is assumed that two different test stimuli
20 0.05 0.95 0.73 match the fixed reference stimuli if the total num-
30 0.03 0.99 0.83 ber of quanta absorbed per receptor is the same
40 0.99 0.91 for both mixtures in receptors (assumed identical)
of each of the three classes. Thus, two test stimuli
550 0.93 0.96 with external spectral radiant power distributions
60 0.82 0.99 {P,\(m) dm} and {P,(m) dm}, given in terms of
70 0.67 0.98 nanowatts, will color match the reference stimu-
80 0.53 0.93 lus of
90 0.40 0.85
600 0.29 0.74 [ F2 e(m)an(o) dm
10 0.20 0.61
20 0.14 0.47
30 0.09 0.34 = [ P22 (man(m) dm
40 0.06 0.24
650 0.04 0.16
60 0.105 and two similar equations with a,(m) and a 3(™),
70 0.068 respectively, replacing a,p(m). Here ap(m),
ag(m), &p(m) are, respectively, the pigment ab-
sorption factors for receptors belonging to the
three classes, and 7(m) is the spectral transmit-
The Maxwell method of determining color- tance of the ocular media accounting for light
‘matching functions is preferred over the maxi- losses that occur in the eye before the stimuli
mum-saturation method because it eliminates reach the receptors.
effects that may arise when, for different test By the characteristic property of Maxwell
wavelengths, simultaneous changes are made in color-matching functions, the two test stimuli also
both the composition of the test stimulus and the satisfy the equations
reference stimulus as is done in the maximum-
saturation method. Also it allows the stimulus J Pim)r(m) dm = JPa(m)r(m) dm
level to which the color-matching functions apply
to be uniquely specified. [3(8.2.6)]
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 625


2 400 450 500 950 600 650 700
gies B 7 R 250
- poe
Tso 1000 Trolands
oO 0-0-0 |QQO00 Trolands
O 2.0 200
BS / Ulm)
2<Ikb Ln
L(A) 0


J io 100

5S 0.5 —=_|_

25 24 23 22 21 20 i918 i615 14-103

Fig. 1(8.2.6). Maxwell spectral distribution functions L(m), R(m),G(m), B(m) obtained by
observer GW in a 2° bipartite visual field for two levels of retinal illuminance: solid lines refer
to data obtained at 1000 td, thin lines through open circles refer to data obtained at 100,000 td.
A “white” (D,.;) reference stimulus was used whose spectral composition consisted of the three
monochromatic primary stimuli used in the experiment, with radiant powers R ,, = 1.0856,
G y = 0.5567, By, = 0.3516 nW when the retinal illuminance is set at 1,000 td, and with radiant
powers 100 times larger when the retinal illuminance is set at 100,000 td (for further details, see
Section 5.6.5).

OT pigment— the following reasoning justifies the as-

sumption made.

J [Erm
(m)7(m) [2] i Suppose, in a retina adapted to darkness, the
m 0 7(m) concentration of the completely unbleached vis-
ual pigment in the outer segment varies along the

segment according to a function of the distance s
from the junction with the inner segment. This
function may be designated cro(s) in the “red”
and two similar equations with g(m) and b(m), receptors, where s lies between zero and S, the
respectively, in place of r(m). length of the outer segment. If, in the steady state,
In Eg. 2(8.2.6), it is assumed that the absorp- a test stimulus {P,(m) dm} color matches the
tion factors ap(m), a¢(m), a_(m) do not depend reference stimulus, the concentration of the un-
on the test stimuli {P,(m) dm} and {P,(m) dm} bleached pigment in the “red” outer segments of
that match the reference stimulus. For the simple the test area will be reduced to a different func-
model in which the outer segment of the cone tion Cr(s). For another test stimulus {P,(m) dm}
receptor is taken to contain only one absorbing that also color matches the reference stimulus, the
substance—the “red,” “green,” or “blue” visual corresponding concentration function cr>(s) will

not in general be the same as Cp,(s). The absorp- In actual receptors, the situation is com-
tion factors for the “red” receptors in the two plicated by the possible presence in appreciable
cases will be, respectively, amounts of absorbing substances other than the
visual pigment, and the effect of these on the
19~Kee(m) fcri(s) ds visual pigment absorption factor for test stimuli
Api(m) =l]-
color matching the same reference stimulus may
[4(8.2.6)] be different. However, the assumption that the
function ap(m) is independent of the relative
spectral radiant power distribution of the test
=|]- 10 kxo(m) f’caa(s) ds stimulus is adopted as a working approximation.
This is consistent with the assumed validity of the
[5(8.2.6)] limited additivity law for Maxwell matching (Sec-
tion 5.3.6).
where kp is a constant independent of wavenum- Equations 2(8.2.6) and 3(8.2.6) then imply that
ber, and p(m) is the spectral absorption coeffi- the absorption factors ap(m), ag(m), ap(m) are
cient of the “red” visual pigment, normalized to linear combinations of the Maxwell color-match-
unity at the wavenumber m(R) where the coeffi- ing functions for the fixed reference stimulus when
cient has its greatest value. these functions are expressed in quantum units
The total number of quanta of all wavenum- and corrected for prereceptor eye losses. It is
bers absorbed per unit time in the outer segment convenient for later comparisons to define what
must equal the rate of restoration of complete may be called the “pigment fundamentals”
(unbleached) molecules (Section 8.2.2), which the fr(m), fo(m), fg(m) as the spectral absorption
work of Rushton (1972) has shown to be propor- factors normalized to unity at their maximum
tional to the total number of bleached pigment values at wavenumbers m(R), m(G), m(B), re-
molecules in the receptor; that is, the number of spectively. Thus,
protein moieties of originally unbleached pig- 1 — 107 Pre(™)
ment, which may be thought of as anchored in the fa(m) = 1— 10->
structure of the lamellae of the outer segment.
Thus, for the test stimulus {P,(m) dm} we have
= ny Leut(m) + c12e(m) + cub (™)
f Pre am) ani
1 — 107 Pav™)
= const J Lenols) teas) ae
= my Lea?(m) + ¢y)8(m) + cy3b(m)]
1 — 10 280(™)
A similar equation holds for the stimulus fp(m) = — 1072s
{P,(m) dm}, and since, at color match, the ex-
pressions on the left are equal for the two equa-
= a [¢3,7(m)
tions, the same is true for the expressions on the C30 2(m) ts €336(m)|
right. Therefore,
Jens) ds = [en2ls) ds =C where

Dr = k Cp; Dg = kgCo; Dz = kpCz

It follows from the above formulae for a,,(m)
and a,p>(m) that these reduce to the same func- are the total visual pigment densities of the outer
tion ap(m) applicable to any test stimulus that segments at their maximal values in the receptors
color matches the reference stimulus. A similar of the three classes.
argument defines C, and C, for “green” and The pigment densities Dp, Dg, Dz, the trans-
“blue” receptors. formation coefficients c;,, the observed color-
Visual Response Functions and the Spectral Properties of Visual Pigments 627

matching functions 7(m), 2(m), b(m), and the media; that is,
pigment fundamentals f,(m), f,(m), f,(m), all
depend, in general, to some degree on the refer-
ence stimulus, and, in particular, vary as the level
of the reference stimulus of given relative spectral
fea) Soe Milam)m

radiant power distribution is raised from mod-

erate to high values. The absorption-coefficient
fou(m) =
t(m) fou(m) [12(8.2.6)]
functions, on the other hand, given by m

p(m) = ~- log[1 ~ (1 ~ 10-?*) fam]

Fe) et) m

y(m) = ~ slog[1— (1 ~ 10°) f-(m)] _ In the second step, we transform feu(m),

fou(™), fey(m) to predicted color-matching
B(m) = ~ log [1 —(1 ~ 10-*)fa(m)] functions 7,,(m), &);(m), b,,(m) normalized at the
primaries such that at wavenumber mp = 15,500
[10(8.2.6)] em 2m — 19,000 cm mn, = 22;500 cm! b

these functions obtain values of

represent invariable intrinsic properties of the
three visual pigments.
With known absorption coefficients p(m), Fy(mp)=1 Fy(mg)=0 — Fy (mg) = 0
y(m), B(m) we can calculate the pigment funda-
mentals fp(m), f;(m), f,(m) for different pig- Bu(mr)=90 By(me)=1 — &y(mz) = 0
ment densities Dz, Dz, Dg. In particular, we can
try to predict the pigment fundamentals when by(mr)=0 by(mg)=0 by (mz) =1
bleaching one or more of the photopigments has
occurred as hypothesized in the high-level color- [13(8.2.6)]
matching experiments.
If the pigment densities Day, DoH, Dgy at the This is readily accomplished by making the trans-
high level (symbolized by the subscript H) of formation matrix {b;,} of
retinal illuminance (100,000 td) were known, we
could determine fp;(™), fou(™), fay(m) from
?y(m) = bi fan(m) + Pifen(m) + bisfen(m)
1 — 10 Prxe(™)
fru(m) = 1 — 10~Drx 81(m) = by fan(m) + bofou(m) + bos fan(m)
ve lee 107 Pexy(™)
By (m) = bs fen (m) + bs fou(m) + bssfan(m)
La Sl a enor epee tras [14(8.2.6)]
— 1 = 107 PanBor)
meneoe equal to the inverse of the matrix

[11(8.2.6)] feu(mp) fau(mc) fru(ms)

fou(mr) fou(mg) fou(ms)
By reversing the procedure used above, the
pigment fundamentals fpy(™), fey(™), fex(™) fou(mp) fou (mo) fan (ma)
at the high level are readily transformed to color-
matching functions and Maxwell spectral distri- _ The Maxwell spectral distribution functions
bution functions. L,,(m), Ry(m), Gy(m), By(m) are then ob-
In the first step, we revert to pigment funda- tained from the predicted color-matching func-
mentals expressed in energy units and modulated tions 7,,(m), ,(m), b,(m) by means of the
by the spectral transmittance t(m) of the ocular reverse transformation of Eq. 1(8.2.6) Three sub-

sets of transformations are required: When inserted in Eqs. 1(8.2.6) to 17(8.2.6), the
appropriate values of the above parameters are
(a) Spectral region within which test stimulus L then expected to transform the experimentally
replaces red primary R [i.e., R;,(m) = 0}: determined Maxwell spectral distribution L(m),
we R
R(m), G(m), B(m), characterizing color matches
Ly(m) 2 ee with a given “white” reference stimulus at a reti-
F,(m) nal illuminance of 1,000 td, to new Maxwell spec-
tral distribution functions L,(m),
Gy(m) suture Ly(m)&y(m) R,,(m), Gj(m), By(m) which agree with the ex-
perimentally determined functions
By,(m) = Bywais Ly(m)by(m) Li(m), Ry(m), Gy(m), By(m)_ characterizing
[15(8.2.6)] color matches with the same given “white” refer-
ence stimulus but at a retinal illuminance of
(b) Spectral region within which test stimulus L 100,000 td.
replaces green primary G [i.e., G,(m) = 0]:
Because of the nature of the experiment and
its inherent uncertainties in both the observations
and instrumental calibrations, one cannot expect
Linkre) racy to obtain perfect agreement between predicted
and observed Maxwell spectral distribution func-
R,(m) Nae Ly(m)F,(m) tions. However, one should expect to find at least
one set of parameters that yields an agreement
B,,(m) = Beit Ly(m)by(m) within the range of the experimental uncertain-
[16(8.2.6)] ties. Such a set might be called a “best” set of
(c) Spectral region within which test stimulus L Another important requirement is to constrain
replaces blue primary B [i.e., B,,(m) = 0]: the parameters within certain “acceptable” ranges.
The transformation coefficients c;, should pro-
Bwr vide relative spectral distributions of the pigment
Ly(m) i fundamentals which resemble those expected from
other studies, such as the K6nig-type fundamen-
tals. The optical densities Dr, Do, Dz of the
R,(m) — Rinne Lj (m)F_y(m)
unbleached photopigments should fall within a
reasonable range of values, somewhere between
G(m) Oy ie Ly(m)&,(m)
0.2 and 1.0. The spectral transmittances t(m) of
[17(8.2.6)] the ocular media should agree reasonably well
with those found in normal eyes.
If the hypothesis holds that bleaching of the There are different procedures one might fol-
photopigments accounts for the breakdowns in low to obtain an acceptable best set of parame-
the color matches observed at 100,000 td, it must ters, and Wyszecki and Stiles (1980) explored
be possible to assign appropriate values to the several possibilities. The most successful turned
following parameters of the pigment-bleaching out to be an iterative procedure coupled with
model as outlined above: “trial and error” calculations guided by a consid-
erable amount of human judgment. The “best”
(i) The transformation coefficients c;, in Eq. set of parameters ultimately emerging was the
8(8.2.6) which convert the 1000-td-level color- following:
matching functions r(m), g(m), b(m) to the rela-
tive spectral distributions fp(m), f,(m), fg(m) of (a) Coefficients c;,:
the pigment fundamentals.
(ii) The pigment densities Dp, D5, Dg at the [35710 = 399558 10>? 3.008 OC10
1,000-td level and Dey, Dox, Day at the 100,000-
td level.
(1) The spectral transmittance t(m) of the ocu- 2.098 X 10~° 3.954 x 10-5 4.035 x 10°
lar media. [For details, see Eq. 18(8.2.6), intro-
duced later.] TIT 0 1.813 x 10~° 1148 10m?
Ly 83
8 WN \

et yyy |v
= LT. 4
8 ii Y
oO io@


0.92 Z
0.90 ‘ ' ;

Be 5 G Gh

oot WY YY UY Y

0.98 GY a ae ‘YY
Gy 0.96 Ui YY Y



Rw W
st Poa 24 AS 128s 228 Aled.
20. HI wlB PIT Jere 15) 14.107
Fig. 2(8.2.6). Ratios of predicted over observed 100,000-td Maxwell values as function of
wavenumber m. Hatched area represents uncertainty range of ratios when assuming +2%
errors in the observed 1000-td Maxwell matches and +4% in the observed 100,000-td Maxwell


(b) Pigment densities: The discrepancies are considered small and

most likely can be attributed to the uncertainties
Dp = 0.44 Dg = 0.38 D, = 0.45 inherent in the observations and instrumental
Daxe=00l DS O08 Day = 0.44 calibrations. Upper and lower bounds of the in-
herent uncertainties were estimated that provided
(c) Spectral transmittance 7(m) of ocular media: uncertainty ranges (hatched areas) for the ratios
The inert pigments in the eye’s lens and macula plotted in Figure 2(8.2.6). Except for a few iso-
are initially assumed to have spectral transmit- lated wavenumbers, the ratios of predicted over
tance 7,(m) and t,,(m), respectively, in accor- observed 100,000 td Maxwell values generally fall
dance with data usually applied to the normal eye well inside the estimated uncertainty range. This
(Section 2.4.6). However, as the densities of these indicates that the “best” set of parameters, which
pigments may differ from individual to individ- governs the bleaching model, predicts 100,000-td
ual, the parameters 6 and e were introduced to Maxwell matches within the uncertainty of the
allow for such density difference between the experimental data. However, what remains to be
normal eye and the observer used in the experi- considered is whether the parameters also meet
ment. Thus, the spectral transmittances t(m) of the requirements of being “‘acceptable” from other
the ocular media were considered to be composed points of view, as discussed above. Of particular
of spectral transmittances 7°(m) of the lens pig- interest are the pigment fundamentals that the
ment and spectral transmittances t;,(m) of the bleaching model yields with its “best” parame-
macular pigment; that is, ters.
The pigment fundamentals yielded by the
t(m) = t(m) - 1%,(m) [18(8.2.6)] bleaching model and given in Table 1(8.2.6) are
specifically defined by envisaging a single visual
The best case required pigment in each receptor. Other sets of “funda-
mentals” can be derived from color-matching data
6=1.00 and e=0.80 on the basis of K6nig’s hypothesis that the three
types of dichromat (protanopes, deuteranopes,
that is, normal density of the lens pigment, but
tritanopes) possess reduced forms of trichromatic
only 80% of the normal density of the macular
vision, but each lacking one—a different one—of
three normal visual response systems (Section
The agreement between predicted and ob-
8.2.5). The spectral sensitivities of the. distinct
served 100,000 td Maxwell spectral distribution
response systems, the fundamentals, are derivable
functions was found to be quite good when al-
from the color-matching functions of the normal
lowances were made for the inherent uncertainties
trichromat together with the locations in the tr-
in the observational data both at the 1000-td and
chromatic chromaticity diagram of the confusion
the 100,000-td levels of retinal illuminance. In
points of the three types of dichromat.
Figure 2(8.2.6) are plotted the ratios of the pre-
A further possibility is that the spectral sensi-
dicted over the observed Maxwell spectral distri-
tivities of the 7-mechanisms (Section 7.4.3) might
bution functions, that is,
be identified as pigment fundamentals. These
sensitivities were determined by methods not in-
Ly(m) Rj(m) volving color matching and aim to represent the
Ly(m)° —— -Ry(m) spectral sensitivities of distinct retinal response
systems, each of which might involve more than
one visual pigment. Nevertheless, the field sensi-
Gy(m) By(m) tivities of 75, 7,, and 7, have been found to be
Gy(m)° By (m) expressible approximately as linear combinations
of the color-matching functions (Section 7.4.4).
Perfect agreement between the predicted and ob- Figure 3(8.2.6) compares the fundamentals de-
served data would result in ratios of 1.00 at all rived from the bleaching model with those based
wavenumbers. This, of course, does not occur, on the 7-mechanisms and those of the Kénig type
except at the wavenumbers of the primary stimuli suggested by Vos and Walraven (see Walraven,
R,G, B. However, at these wavenumbers the 1974; Vos, 1978; and Section 8.2.5) and by Smith
agreement has been forced to be perfect through et al. (1976). Only relative spectral distributions
the required normalization of the data. of the fundamentals are shown; that is, all have
Table 1(8.2.6) Relative Spectral Absorption Factors fr(m), fg(m), fg(m)
of Pigment Fundamentals as Predicted by Bleaching Hypothesis
[See Also Figure 3(8.2.5)] (Wyszecki and Stiles, 1980)¢
a a ae
m(cm_') fR(m) fg(m) fp(™m)

14,500 0.0163 0.00187 0.294 1078

14,750 0.0327 0.00383 02110
15,000 0.0665 0.00823 0.960104
15,250 0.125 0.0167 0.430 1073
15,500 D244 0.0327 0.00121
15,750 0.332 0.0630 0.00329

16,000 0.495 0.117 0.00694

16,250 0.651 0.186 0.0113
16,500 0.784 0.276 0.0154
16,750 0.866 0.372 0.0184

17,000 0.932 0.485 0.0214

17,250 0.977 0.603 0.0244
17,500 0.991 0.715 0.0274
17,750 1.000 0.825 0.0313

18,000 0.996 0.910 0.0349

18,250 0.986 0.980 0.0386
18,500 0.934 1.000 0.0408
18,750 0.859 0.990 0.0422

19,000 0.790 0.970 0.0445

19,250 0735 0.955 0.0491
19,500 0.654 0.903 0.0567
19,750 0.597 0.880 0.0708

20,000 0.545 0.861 0.101

20,250 0.474 0.838 0.152
20,500 0.462 0.814 0.230
20,750 0.474 0.796 0.332

21,000 0.463 O35 0.446

21,250 0.451 0.689 0.578
21,500 0.404 0.605 0.699
21,790 0.364 0.534 0.834

22,000 0.331 0.472 0.923

22,250 0.297 0.410 0.971
22,500 0.262 0.351 1.000
22,750 0.217 0.284 0.980

23,000 0.192 0.243 0.973

23,250 0.172 0.208 0.902
23,500 0.162 0.180 0.805
23,750 0.157 0.161 0.677

24,000 0.124 OAL 0.486

24,250 0.0980 0.0872 0.353
24,500 0.0542 0.0459 0.175

“The three pigment fundamentals are normalized to unity at their respec-

tive peaks, are given in quantum units, and are corrected for light losses in
the ocular media.
| Uses9




i Yyiws



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Neural Models 633

been normalized to have unit values at the wave- Smith et al. chose the 7, mechanism as their
numbers at which their respective peaks occur. model for the “blue” fundamental.
All functions are given in terms of quantum units With regard to the densities of the photopig-
and corrected for light losses in the ocular media. ments, we believe that the estimates made by the
In the case of the bleaching model, t(m) is de- bleaching model for the “red” and “green” pig-
fined by Eq. 18(8.2.6) with 6 = 1.00 and e = 0.80. ments fall within expected ranges. The estimate
In the case of the 7-mechanisms and the Vos-— for the “blue” pigment, however, is virtually un-
Walraven fundamentals, it has been assumed that certain because that pigment did not seem to
6 = e = 1.0, and in the case of the Smith et al. bleach by any measurable amount in the experi-
fundamentals, 6 = 1.33 and e = 0.50. ment. It follows that the given densities of Dz =
In a qualitative sense, there is reasonable 0.45 and Dz = 0.44 could well be given any
agreement between the various fundamentals de- other values, provided that the near unity ratio of
rived from the “red”-receptor mechanism and an Dpgy/Dp is kept approximately the same. For
equally reasonable agreement between those de- example, the use of Dz = 0.100 and Dz;, = 0.098
rived for the “green’”-receptor mechanism. The in the “best” set of parameters gives essentially
prediction of the “red” and “green” funda- identical results.
mentals made by the bleaching model fall com- The reason for the somewhat unexpected be-
fortably in the domain of the corresponding havior of the “blue” pigment is not clear. At this
fundamentals derived by the other investigators. time, we can only speculate. We suggest that the
A great deal of the somewhat larger spread be- “blue” pigment may be in a near diluted state
tween corresponding fundamentals in the short- already at moderate levels of retinal illuminance,
wavelength region of the spectrum can most making it difficult to detect its bleaching at higher
certainly be attributed to differences in the densi- levels.
ties of the ocular media assumed to apply to the
different data. However, to assess the significance
of these differences and those of a more subtle
nature in quantitative terms is difficult as we lack 8.3. NEURAL MODELS
knowledge of the true fundamentals.
A somewhat less reasonable agreement is noted For several decades, considerable experimental
between the “blue” fundamental predicted by evidence has been gathered in support of models
the bleaching model and those of the other in- of color vision in which the idea of trichromacy at
vestigators. The case of the blue fundamentals is the initial receptor stage is combined with schemes
intriguing because the prediction made by the of coding the receptor signals into two signals
bleaching model demands a pronounced sec- carrying chromatic information and one signal
ondary peak in the long-wavelength region of the carrying achromatic information. Numerous psy-
spectrum. There is a great deal of flexibility in the chophysical as well as electrophysiological experi-
shape of this secondary peak, which is governed ments have provided the basis for such models.
by the coefficients c,,; and c3, in the transforma- However, though considerable progress has no
tion of Eq. 8(8.2.6). The upper (solid) curve corre- doubt been made, none of the present models can
sponds to the “best” case. The lower (dashed) claim to make completely satisfactory predictions
curve corresponds to coefficients c,, = 6.084 x of all or most of the known color-vision phenom-
10°® and c3, = 3.012 X 10~’. These new coeffi- ena. Refinements in the experimental techniques
cients, with all others kept unchanged, have only and research strategy of psychophysicists and
a marginal effect on the predicted values of the electrophysiologists are needed to unravel the
100,000-td-level Maxwell spectral distribution complex neural network of the visual system and
functions, L,(m), Ry(m), Gy(m), By(m). its many processes.
However, they have a drastic effect on the long- We have discussed some of the psychophysical
wavelength part of the “blue” fundamental. There evidence supporting neural models in previous
is an indication (Section 7.4.3) that the 7,-mecha- sections, notably Section 5.12 on chromatic adap-
nism also has a secondary peak in that spectral tation and Section 5.13 on chromatic-response
region, but it is much less pronounced and is only functions. We have also described in Section 2.2,
barely caught in Figure 3(8.2.6). The good agree- though rather briefly, the structure of the human
ment between the 7,-mechanism and the Smith et eye, with some particular attention to the fine
al. “blue” fundamental is not surprising because structure of the retina. However, it is beyond the

scope of this book to offer a survey of the neuro- both be simultaneously utilized. Miiller’s inter-
physiology of the visual system, though we must mediate (second) stage is also found to be a useful
admit that many models of color vision must take theoretical tool.
account of the system’s neurophysiological prop- With somewhat different notation and ter-
erties. To the interested reader we recommend the minology, Judd’s model of Miiller’s theory may
informative review given by Lennie (1980) on be summarized as follows:
visual pathways, which discusses the present state
(i) First Stage (Cone-Receptor Stage). Three
of knowledge concerning the properties of a
types of cone are postulated, each containing a
variety of different neurons and cell types found
photopigment with its own characteristic spectral
primarily in the cat and the macaque monkey.
absorption properties. The spectral response func-
The visual organization of the macaque monkey is
tion of each type of cone can be expressed as a
of particular relevance to human vision. Lennie’s
linear combination of the color-matching func-
review contains many references to the original
tions of a normal trichromat; the normal trichro-
literature in this field. The reader will also find
mat being represented by the CIE 1931 standard
the review on the encoding of color in Chapter 7
colorimetric observer. Thus,
of Boynton’s (1979) book most informative and
up to date. DMA)= _ 3.1956%(A)+2.44787(A) — 0.64342(A)
po(A) =—2.5455x(A) +7.0492 p(A) + 0.49632(A)
8.3.1 Miller and Judd

The now widely accepted concept that color vi- p3(A) = 5.0000Z(A)
sion is best explained by a zone theory (Section [1(8.3.1)]
8.1) dates back more than 50 years with Miiller
(1930) playing a prominent role in its develop- where p,(A), p2(A), p3(A) are the spectral re-
ment. Judd’s (1949, 1951b) formulation of the sponse functions of the three types of cone and
concept provided the insight needed to develop x(A), y(A), Z(A) are the color-matching functions
mathematical models that describe the processes of the CIE 1931 standard observer, applicable to
postulated to take place in the various zones (or monochromatic stimuli of wavelength A and con-
stages) of the visual system. In particular, Judd stant radiance (expressed in energy units) arriving
showed how the signals of the channels of each at the cornea (external stimuli). For color stimuli
stage might be related to the CIE 1931 of complex spectral radiant power distributions
(X, Y, Z)-tristimulus values of the color stimulus; {S, dA}, the basic laws of trichromatic color
the signals being derivable by means of linear and matching are assumed to hold, leading to CIE
simple nonlinear transformations of the tristimulus values
(X, Y, Z)-values.
In Miiller’s theory, the visual system is pos-
X=k[S,x(A) dd
tulated to consist of three processing stages, which,
using Judd’s (1949) terminology, are identified as
(1) an initial photochemical stage, (ii) an inter-
Y=kf{S,y(A) dA [2(8.3.1)]
mediate chemical stage relating to the chromatic
aspect, and (iii) a final stage of excitations of the Z =k S2(A)dd
optic nerve fibers. Judd’s (1949) mathematical
model of Miller’s theory incorporates the color- where k is a normalizing constant (for example,
matching properties of normal trichromats, pro- k = 683 Im- W_'). The CIE tristimulus values
tanopes, and deuteranopes, experimental data X, Y, Z convert to tristimulus cone responses by
concerning the stimulus perceived as being achro- means of a linear transformation identical to Eq.
matic, and the stimulus perceived as unique 1(8.3.1), that is,
yellow (i.e., neither red nor green). The model
expresses in quantitative terms the qualitative P, = 3.1956X + 2.4478Y — 0.6434Z
ideas of Miller; in particular, it shows how the
trichromatic theory of Young, Helmholtz, and Py = —2.5455X + 7.0492Y + 0.4963Z
K6nig (Miller’s first stage) and the opponent-col-
ors theory of Hering (Miller’s third stage) may jee 5.0000Z
both be accepted, and the explaining power of [3(8.3.1)]
Neural Models 635

The coefficients of the transformation matrix generated in the form of two opponent signals:
are determined by a procedure similar to that
employed in the derivation of Kénig-type funda- [red (r)-green (g¢)]-signal:
mentals (Section 8.2.5). This includes, among
other constraints, the following chromaticity co- B(A) = a,(A) — 0.6265a,(A)
ordinates for the dichromatic confusion points:
[yellow ( y )—blue (b)]-signal:
WORST, onli 0-253
B(A) = a,(A) + 0.1622a,(A) [6(8.3.1)]
Myr= 1.0008 yp = 10.000
Note that the 6,(A) signal is a difference signal
5 (O50 a eaa).000 generated from the two second stage difference
signals a,(A) and a,(A), with a,(A) contributing
in a major way and a,(A) in a minor way (factor
(ii) Second Stage (Intermediate Coding of Cone
0.6265). Similarly, the B,(A) signal is a difference
signal with a,(A) being the major and a,(A) the
minor (factor 0.1622) contributor.
[yellowish red (yR)—bluish green (bG)]-signal:
The signal eliciting the achromatic sensation is
generated in a major way by the signals p,(A),
a (A) = p(A) — pr(A) P(A), p3(A) emerging from the first stage to
which are added minor contributions from the
[greenish yellow (gY)—reddish blue (rB)]-signal:
signals emerging from the second stage:

a,(A) = 0.0151p,(A)
[white (w )—black(s )]-signal:
—0.3849p,(A) B3(A) = 0.0075p,(A) + 0.:1912p,(A)
—0.4000p,(A) [4(8.3.1)] +0.0013p3(A) + 0.0810a,(A)
The spectral response functions of the cones are +0.0024a,(2) [7(8.3.1)]
denoted by p,(A), p>(A), p3(A) and are defined
by Eq. 1(8.3.1). These cone responses are con-
verted to two difference signals denoted by a,(A) The sensation of black is considered to come
and a,(A), respectively. The coefficients in the chiefly by induction from a white surrounding
above equations for a,(A) and a,(A) are de- stimulus or from a white pre-exposure stimulus.
termined, in part, from the chromaticity coordi- Equations 6(8.3.1) and 7(8.3.1) defining the
nates of the dichromatic confusion points (see signals emerging from the third and final stage of
above), the achromatic chromaticity point the neural network can also be expressed in terms
(equal-energy stimulus), and the chromaticity of the color-matching functions by making use of
point of unique yellow (578.1 nm). the previous Eqs. 1(8.3.1) and 5(8.3.1); that is,
Equations 4(8.3.1) can be expressed in terms
of the color-matching functions by making use of B (A) = 6.325[x(A) — y)]
Eq. 1(8.3.1), that is,
B,(X) = 2.004[ y(A) — z(A)]
a,(A) = 5.741x(A) — 4.601y(A) — 1.1402(A)
B3(X) = y(A) [8(8.3.1.)]
a (A) = —0.932x(A) + 2.750 (A) = 1.8192(A)
Equation 8(8.3.1) reveals the simple relation pos-
[5(8.3.1)] tulated to exist between the final neural signals
and the CIE 1931 color-matching functions. This
(iii) Third Stage (Final Neural Coding). Six simplicity arises in part from the fact that the
neural signals are postulated, eliciting the sensa- X-primary of the CIE color-matching system cor-
tions “white” (w), “black” (schwarz, s), “red” responds to a (hypothetical) stimulus assumed to
(r), “green” (g), “yellow” (y), and “blue” (b). elicit “unique red” and the Z-primary corre-
The signals eliciting the chromatic sensations are sponds to “unique blue.”

The form of Eq. 8(8.3.1) resembles closely the by Judd (1949) for the spectral response functions
system derived by Schrodinger (1925) and also which, according to him, satisfy the principles of
that derived by Adams (1923) (see below). It the Miiller zone theory expressed in terms of the
satisfies the principles of Hering’s opponent-col- above equations. Figure 1(8.3.1) illustrates the
ors theory (Section 8.1). spectral response functions characterizing normal
Miiller’s zone theory explains protanopic vi- color vision.
sion by the failure of the [(yR) — (bG)]-channel Judd (1949) tested his model of the Miller
[a,(A) = 0] in the second stage, calling the zone theory by predicting the chromatic-threshold
phenomenon “outer red-green blindness.” data of Abney (1910) and Priest and Brickwedde
Deuteranopic vision is explained by the failure of (1938) (see also Section 7.10.3). According to the
the [(7) — (g)]-channel [8,(A) = 0] in the third Miller theory, the ability of an observer to detect
stage, called “inner red-green blindness.” Tri- a slight variation in chromaticity from a chro-
tanopic vision, like protanopic vision, is consid- maticity of a given “white” stimulus depends on
ered a retinal defect, corresponding to the failure the excitation of the chromatic sensory processes
of the [(gY) — (rB)]-channel [a,(A) = 0] in the (second stage). Good agreement between predict-
second stage, and is called “outer yellow-blue ion and observation was obtained when the a,(A)
blindness.” and a,(A) signals, defined by Eq. 4(8.3.1) were
The luminous efficiency function Vp(A) of the combined to give
deuteranope is identical to B;(A) = Vy(A) of the
normal trichromat, that is,
he kVy(A)
Vp(A) = Vy (A) = yA) [9(8.3.1)] [a?(A) + £7a3(A)]'7
The luminous efficiency function V,(A) of the
protanope is defined by [14(8.3.1)]
Vp(A) = 0.0075p,(A) + 0.1921p,(A)
where V,,(A) is the luminance signal generated in
+0.0003p;(A) [10(8.3.1)] the third stage and & and f are constant factors to
account for the particular units used and to scale
which is derived from B,(A) [Eq. 7(8.3.1)] by the relative effectiveness of the a,(A) process
setting a,(A) = 0. In terms of the CIE color- compared to the a,(A) process.
matching functions, Vp(A) becomes In a later study, Judd and Yonemura (1970)
show that a close relationship exists between the
Vp(A) = —0.4650x%(A) + 1.3725p(X) second stage of the Miller theory and the ap-
proximately uniform chromaticity spacing ex-
+0.09202(A) [11(8.3.1)] hibited by the CIE 1960 (u, v)-UCS diagram (see
Section 3.3.9). By considering normal color vision
With regard to the tritanopic luminous ef- as a combination of protanopia and tritanopia as
ficiency function V;(A), Miller’s zone theory re- suggested by the second-stage processes, Judd
quires that this function also deviates from that of and Yonemura develop a more general measure
the normal trichromat; it is given by of the perceived size of a chromaticity difference |
than the commonly used length of the line con-
V-(A) = 0.0075p,(A) + 0.1912 p,(A) necting the two chromaticity points. The general
measure is the square root of the sum of the
+0.0013p93;(A) + 0.0810e,(A) squares of the angles subtended by the line at the
[12(8.3.1)] convergence points of the chromaticity confusion
lines by protanopia and tritanopia, respectively.
OT By this measure, the chromatic-threshold sensitiv-
ity to wavelength changes of monochromatic
V-(A) = 0.0023%(A) + 0.9935y(A) stimuli is accounted for quantitatively not only
for protanopic and tritanopic vision, but also for
+0.0043z(A) [13(8.3.1)] normal vision, including the secondary maximum
of wavelength discrimination in the neighborhood
Table 1(8.3.1) gives the numerical values obtained of 420 nm (see Section 7.10.2).
wey VCO'O CLIO 7 i We 5Bokgn mm [Fd low 90'0 + Dol laa v600 098'1 OV

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Neural Models 639

where (u,, 0,) and (u,v) are the chromaticity

First Stage
points of the two given stimuli whose chromatic-
ity difference Ac, is to be determined, (u,, v,) is
the dichromat’s confusion point in the (u, v)-dia-
gram, and K , = const.

For protanope (d = p):

Spectral ui, 01058, v, = 0.334

For tritanope (d = f):

u, = 0.249, v, = —0.009

(c) General Measure of Perceived Size (Ac) of

Second Stage Chromaticity Difference
Relative 500 600 700 Ac =|(K,A0,)° + (K,A8,)"]
+4 S\ B3(A) = Vy)
q scale’ =
+2 0.4
where K,,A6, is given by Eq. 16(8.3.1) applied to
ro) 0
protanopic vision, and K,A@, is given by Eq.
16(8.3.1) applied to tritanopic vision.
Third Stage
In the above equation, it is assumed that
(final coding) whatever the protanope can discriminate, the nor-
Spectral mal trichromat, endowed with both protanopic
400 500 600 700 and tritanopic discriminative ability, can see
Wavelength A(nm) better.
Figures 2(8.3.1), 3(8.3.1), and 4(8.3.1) illustrate
Fig. 1(8.3.1). Relative spectral response func-
the agreement between the predictions made by
tions of color-vision processes postulated in Miller
the Judd—Yonemura model and selected observed
zone theory, as calculated by Judd (1949) and
wavelength discrimination data for protanopes,
tabulated in Table 1(8.3.1).
tritanopes, and normal trichromats.

The basic formulae given by Judd and 8.3.2 Adams

Yonemura (1970) are the following:
Another zone theory of color vision dating back
(a) CIE 1960 (u, v)-diagram many years is that of E. Q. Adams (1923, 1942).
In that theory [see Figure 1(8.3.2)], it is assumed
= 4X = 4x
that there are rod receptors (S) and three kinds
Seis ya © xe Pty 3 of cone receptor (R, W, B) located in the retina.
6Y 6y The rods and the W-cones are directly connected
to a neural mechanism responsible for eliciting a
ex eo ele
“white” sensation. The R and B-cones modulate
[15(8.3.1)] the response of the W-cones by means of lateral
neural connections. Only an excess of R-cone
(b) Perceived Size (Ac,) of Chromaticity Dif- responses over W-cone responses is permitted by
ference for Dichromat the neural network to reach the (R, W)-neural
coding station to elicit a red sensation. If, on the
es 2 [tan OneOg |G ele | other hand, the W-cone response is in excess, the
4 : u; ~~ Uy uy Ug (R, W)-neural coding station produces a negative
signal that elicits a green sensation. A similar
[16(8.3.1)] mechanism is postulated to function with W-cones


420 440 460 480 500 520 540
Wavelength A» (nm)
Fig. 2(8.3.1). Wavelength discrimination of six protanopes (Pitt, 1935) compared with predict-
ions made by Judd—Yonemura model of Miller theory (prediction is given by solid dots;
K,, = 0.47) (from Judd and Yonemura, 1970).


ia’) 1e) °

fe) (e) +> >

e) °

400 450 500 550 600 650
Wavelength A(nm)
Fig. 3(8.3.1). Wavelength discrimination of four tritanopes (Wright, 1952) compared with |
predictions made by Judd—Yonemura model of Miiller theory (prediction is given by solid dots
connected by solid line; K, = 0.24) (from Judd and Yonemura, 1970).

Neural Models 641



kO tS) 450 500 550 600 650

Wavelength 2X (nm )
Fig. 4(8.3.1). Wavelength discrimination of two normal trichromats (Bedford and Wyszecki,
1958) compared with predictions made by Judd—Yonemura model of Miiller theory (prediction
is given by solid dots connected by solid line; K, = K, = K, = 0.47) (from Judd and Yonemura,

and B-cones which, through lateral neural con- functions is assumed to characterize the photon
nections, feed into a (B,W)-neural coding sta- absorption properties. Equations 1(8.3.1) of the
tion. previous section may serve. Also Eqs. 2(8.3.1) and
The photon absorption properties of the pig- 3(8.3.1) concerning complex color stimuli of spec-
ments in the cone receptors are directly linked tral radiant power distributions {S, dA} and hav-
with the color-matching properties of the visual ing tristimulus values X,Y, Z are assumed to
system. In particular, a linear combination of, for apply to the functioning of the initial receptor
example, the CIE 1931 standard color-matching stage of the visual system.

{I\\ +
Cone <n ‘) ee} =

Vz Cz (Vz -W)

Fig. 1(8.3.2). Schematic diagram of neural network postulated in Adams’ (1923, 1942) zone

The initial receptor stage is followed by an processes. The work of Hurvich and Jameson is
intermediate coding stage in which the cone sig- documented in their numerous publications, the
nals are converted to nonlinear functions of the articles by Jameson (1972) and Hurvich (1978)
X, Y, and Z tristimulus values. These functions providing informative reviews and references to
are assumed to be in the form of the Munsell-value the original literature.
functions Vy,Vy,Vz (Sections 6.3, 6.5.1, and The psychophysical data that are basic to many
6.6.1). A good cube-root representation of such ideas put forward by Hurvich and Jameson are
functions is provided by the following expres- the chromatic-response functions (or chromatic va-
sions: lence functions) described in some detail in Sec-
tion 5.13. These functions are assumed to be
linear combinations of color-matching functions,
and the basic mathematical structure adopted by
Hurvich and Jameson in their models is similar to
that used by Judd (1951b) for the third stage of
[1(8.3.2)] the Miller and Adams zone theories [see Eqs.
8(8.3.1) and 2(8.3.2)]; that is,
Vz=az |= + bz [y(A) — B(A)] = 0.45(A) — 0.42(A)
[r(A) — g(A)] = 1.0€(A) — 1.05(A)
where ay, by, and so on are constants, and
X,»Y,> Z, refer to the tristimulus values of the [1(8.3.3)]
“white” object-color stimulus.
The algorithm embedded in Adams’ model of where x(A), y(A), Z(A) are the color-matching
color vision has been exploited with moderate functions of the CIE 1931 standard observer.
success in a number of color-difference formulae Figure 1(8.3.3) illustrates the chromatic-response
listed in Table 1(6.5.1), particularly those devel- functions derived from Eq. 1(8.3.3).
oped by Adams (1942) himself, Saunderson and According to the opponent-colors theory in
Milner (1946), Hunter (1948, 1958), Glasser et al. the initial (1955) Hurvich and Jameson formula-
(1958), and the CIE (1978a). tion, the chromatic response functions represent
In his analysis of the Adams theory, Judd the differential effects of ight on four substances
(1951b) replaces the nonlinear functions “B”, “G,” “Y,” and “R” with spectral sensitivi-
Vy,Vy,Vz by linear approximations and pos- ties B(A), G(A), Y(A), R(A) expressible as linear
tulates the following spectral response functions combinations of the CIE color-matching func-
for the final (third) stage of the visual system: tions x(A), y(A), Z(A):

[red-green] = B,(A) = x(A) — y(A)

B(A) = 13.0682 (A) + 0.26722(A)
[blue—yellow] = B,(A) = 0.4[ y(A) — Z(A)]
G(A) = —0.6736xX(X) + 14.00187(A)
[white—black] = B,(A) = y(A)
(2(8.3.2)] +0.00402(A)
These equations closely agree with those of Eq. ¥(A) = —0.0039¥(A) + 13.46807(A)
8(8.3.1) of Judd’s (1949, 1951b) model of Miiller’s
third stage processes. —0.1327z(X)

8.3.3. Hurvich and Jameson

R(A) = 0.3329%(A) + 13.0012 7(X)
Over the last three decades, Hurvich and Jameson —0.00112(X) [2(8.3.3)]
have made major contributions to a better under-
standing of Hering’s opponent-colors theory and These four functions which are not linearly inde-
to the development of a broad psychophysical pendent, as illustrated in Figure 2(8.3.3), all have
database in experimental support of opponent a single maximum near 555 nm, and are unlike
Neural Models 643


2 025
oO 0.00

a -0.25


400 500 600 700

Fig. 1(8.3.3).Chromatic-response functions postulated for the CIE 1931 standard observer
when “white” adapted. (Hurvich and Jameson, 1955).

the sets of three fundamentals yielded by most equal to

visual research (Section 8.2.5).
On the basis of more recent evidence, coming
particularly from fundamental discoveries and de- [y(A) — BAY] = kL YA) — BA)]
velopments in electrophysiology, the notion of
“photochemical decompositions of substances in [r(A) — gA)] = ki [RO) — GA)]
post-receptor sites of the visual system” has given
[w(A) — s(A)] = k,[0.5B(A) + 0.5G(A)
way to “neural coding stations” in which neural
signals are generated. These neural signals are +1.0¥(A) + 1.0R(A)]
wavelength dependent and indeed can be pos-
tulated to have spectral response characteristics of —k,[0.5B(A) + 0.5G(A) + 1.0¥(A)
R(A), G(A), Y(A), and B(A). In fact, in de-
scribing the Miller theory (Section 8.3.2), we +1.0R(A)] [3(8.3.3)]
already avoided reference to “substances” in the
opponent mechanisms, though Miller, Judd, and
These equations can be expressed in terms of the
Adams all speak of such substances in their origi-
CIE color-matching functions by making use of
nal work.
Eq. 2(8.3.3):
With the four “substances” or, more ap-
propriately, four “neural mechanisms” defined by
their spectral sensitivities R(A), G(A), Y(A), B(A) [y(A) — b(A)] = &,[—0.0039x
as given in Eq. 2(8.3.3), Hurvich and Jameson
(1955) then set the spectral response functions +0.3998)(A) — 0.39997(A)]


400 500 600 700

Fig. 2(8.3.3). Spectral sensitivity curves R(A),G(A), Y(A), B(A) for the four neural mecha-
nisms postulated by Hurvich and Jameson (1955) as linear combinations of the CIE 1931
color-matching functions.

[r(A) — g(A)] = ky[1.0065x

(A) — 1.00067(A) binations of the four neural mechanisms, with the
same relative spectral sensitivities but different
—0.00512(A)] absolute sensitivities. This function is assumed to
play the same role for the achromatic sensations,
[w(A) — s(A)] = (kg — k4)[0.0078%
(A) white and black, as do the chromatic-response
functions for the opponent colors yellow and
) +40.0042 5(A) + 0.00182(A)] blue, and red and green. The factors k,, k,,
k3,k,4,k5 are supposed dependent on the lumi-
~ ksy(X) nance level of the stimuli, and for the special
conditions of the basic experiments
with k; = 40(k; — k,) [4(8.3.3)]
koe 0:9Sact beeen
The additional function [w(A) — s(A)] repre-
sents the differential activity of two similar com- By varying the values of these factors, the relative
Neural Models 645

importance of yellow-blue hues as against red- 5.13 on the work of Krantz and his co-workers, as
green hues at different luminance levels can be well as Section 8.3.5). The factors n, /, and so
allowed for. The changes of the k; factors leave forth, are then defined by
the relative values through the spectrum of each
response function unaltered.
pt ce Mie © RS
Under chromatic adaptation in the restricted
sense of adaptation to non-neutral surrounds and
B,’ G,’ Yooper FE,
so forth, a further modification is admitted by esas yee 1A pee panels
which the actual shapes of the response curves are ifs m’ ne? fy tp

changed (Jameson and Hurvich, 1956a). The

modification consists in the introduction of new where B,,G,, Y,, R, represent the tetrastimulus
factors n,/, p,m,n’,l’, p’,m’ in the following values for the actual condition of chromatic adap-
way: tation and By, Go, Yo, Ro are these values for an
equal-energy spectrum.
(y — b) =k,(nY— IB) Hurvich and Jameson have compared a num-
ber of experimental data with predictions made
(r— g) =k,(pR— mG) by their model in its original form or variations of
(w—s) =k,[0.5(1B + mG) + nY + pR] it and, in general, they find reasonable agreement.
Figure 3(8.3.3) illustrates, as an example, the
—k,[0.5(B + m'G) + n’Y + p’R] agreement obtained between observed and pre-
dicted “saturation” discrimination data (see Sec-
[8(8.3.3)] tion 7.10.3 on purity differences). The observed
data were obtained by measuring the luminance
Here, integrated “tetrastimulus” values Y, B, AL(A) of the monochromatic stimulus that must
R,G replace the spectral values Y(A), R(A), be added to a “white” stimulus of luminance L,,
G(A), B(A) previously used. The implication is for an observer to detect a just-perceptible change
that the resultant chromatic and achromatic re- in chromaticity. For different monochromatic
sponses (y — b), (r — g), and (w — s) satisfy the stimuli (A) but the same “white” reference
additivity law when stimuli with an extended stimulus, the logarithm of the following quantity
spectrum are employed (see, however, Section is plotted in Figure 3(8.3.3) as a function of


4 Observed

Q “‘n

a 1.0
+ |
a dq
ub 05 Predicted

400 500 600 700

Wavelength dX (nm)
Fig. 3(8.3.3). Observed “saturation” (colorimetric purity) discrimination data compared with
corresponding data predicted by the Hurvich-Jameson (1955) model. The two sets of data are
arbitrarily displaced vertically. In predicting 1/p,=[L,,+ AL(A)]/AL(A), the model
constants were set at k, = 0.5, k, =k, =1.0, k, = 0.95 (from Hurvich and Jameson, 1955).

wavelength: modeling ideas that reflect a great deal of the

present thinking among researchers interested in
1. De tAAD explaining color vision.
[6(8.3.3)] Figure 1(8.3.4) illustrates the neural network
pA) — AL(A)
assumed to govern color vision. Neural signals
The corresponding predicted quantity 1/p.(A) is generated in the first stage (cone pigment) are
computed by the following procedure (see also coded in the second stage consisting of an
Graham, 1965): achromatic channel (A = R + G) and two chro-
The variable luminance increment from zero, matic channels, (D = B — R) and (T= R — G),
AL(A), that must be added to a constant “white” before being forwarded to the “detector mecha-
stimulus of luminance L,, to yield a fixed minimal nism” in the third stage where detection (chro-
saturation increment A6(A) for a threshold re- matic and achromatic) and interpretation of the
sponse, is calculated from transmitted signals is completed.
The relative spectral absogption characteristics
A (A) = of the photopigments of the*three types of cone
are assumed to be linear combinations of the
Judd-modified CIE 1931 standard color-matching
AL(A)[ yA) = 6QA)| H7Q) = 8Q) 1] functions, x’(A), y’(A), Z(A), as suggested by
AL(A)[| w(A) — s(A) |] + L007 — 5) Smith and Pokorny (1975) (see also Section 8.2.5),
but it is pointed out by Guth et al. (1980) that
other sets of pigment fundamentals, such as those
by Vos and Walraven (1971) could have been
In Eq. 7(8.3.3), the quantities |y(A) — b(A)| ,
used with similar success. The adopted transfor-
|7(A) — g(A)|, |w(A) — s(A)| are computed for
mation equations are as follows:
each wavelength A from Eq. 4(8.3.3) and taken in
terms of their absolute values (without regard to
(R): F(A) = 0.2435x%"(A) + 0.8524 (A)
sign). Of the similar quantities for the given
“white” stimulus, only the achromatic component
(w — s),, remains in Eq. 7(8.3.3), the two chro-
matic components (y — b),, and (r — g),, being
(G): BA) = —0.3954X(A) + 1.1642 pA)
zero. With all but A L(A) given or calculated from
Eq. 4(8.3.3), and A6(A), at threshold, assigned
some appropriate small value (say 0.1), the lumi-
nance increment AL(A) can be determined and
inserted in the expression (B): b(A) =0.62252'(A) [1(8.3.4)]

Ru POaD ie Figure 2(8.3.4) illustrates the relative spectral ab-

[8(8.3.3)] sorption curves of the cone pigments calculated
from Eq. 1(8.3.4).
to provide the desired comparison with the ob- In the second stage, the signals in the nonop-
served quantity 1 /p.(A). ponent channel (A) and the two chromatic-oppo-
nent channels (7, D) are linearly related to the
8.3.4 Guth cone signals (R,G,B) provided that certain
stimulus properties, such as size, duration, and
Guth and his coworkers (Guth, 1972; Guth and radiance, are kept constant. At absolute threshold
Lodge, 1973; Guth, Massof, and Benzschawel, conditions, the (A, T, D)-signals are defined by
1980) have developed what they refer to as a
vector model of color vision within the framework
of the Miller zone theory described in Section (A): A(A) = m,[0.59677(A) + 0.36542(A)]
8.3.1. The model is capable of predicting with
reasonable success a number of color vision data
(T):T(A) = m,[0.95537(A) — 1.28362(A)]
obtained by normal as well as dichromatic ob-
servers. The latest, but presumably not the final, (D): D(A) = m,[—0.02487(A) + 0.04835 (A)]
version of the vector model (Guth, Massof, and
Benzschawel, 1980), contains several interesting [2(8.3.4)]
Neural Models 647

(detection and
inter pretation)
| ome |
= achromat

fo) c
cae @
ro) rT)
=n —
S ro}
S i

= ao}
ra} 2
[\ [\ white
(neural coding)

(cone pigments)

Fig. 1(8.3.4). Schematic drawing of the neural

network of the visual system postulated by Guth,
Massof, and Benzschawel (1980).

Wavelength dX (nm)
with the weighting factors (multipliers) m, = m7;
=m,=1.0. At nonthreshold conditions, the Fig. 2(8.3.4). Relative spectral absorption curves
same equations hold but the multipliers take on (log scale) of pigment fundamentals according to
values different from unity. The physiological sig- Smith and Pokorny (1975) and adopted by Guth,
nificance of the multipliers has not as yet been Massof, and Benzschawel (1980) in their color-
established and for the time being there remains a vision model.
certain degree of arbitrariness in the model. In
each case of making predictions with the model, ure 3(8.3.4). The contribution of D-responses is,
“reasonable” values for the multipliers are cho- in general, small relative to A and 7-responses.
sen. The system is then characterized by three For a stimulus to appear achromatic (“ white’),
parameters a, b, t which are given by both chromatic channels (T and D) must signal
zero. The (x’, y’)-chromaticity coordinates of such
M4 Mp a stimulus are
a= =
mM, OM, t My Hoy, oie
Hl yt
x’ =0.37 and y’=0.33
4) The location of this chromaticity point depends
on the wavelengths of the crossover points of the
which, in the initial case of absolute threshold T(A)-function and the D(A)-function which, at
conditions, are 575 nm and 502 nm, correspond to “unique yel-
low” and “unique green,” respectively.
ay = by = Cy =3 The basic model defined by Eqs. 1(8.3.4) to
3(8.3.4) has. been used together with appropriate
When making predictions with the model of additional constraints to make predictions of a
suprathreshold data, m; is usually kept at unity, variety of different experimental data. We have
and mp is increased while m , is decreased. selected a few of these exercises from Guth et al.
The spectral response functions defined by Eq. (1980) to illustrate the merits of the model as it
2(8.3.4), at threshold level, are illustrated in Fig- now stands.



° pSo

oO io



© no

400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Wavelength dX (nm)
Fig. 3(8.3.4). Relative spectral response functions A(A),7(A), D(A) of nonopponent
achromatic channel (4) and opponent chromatic channels (J = R — G and D=R + B) pos-
tulated in the model of Guth, Massof, and Benzschawel (1980).

(i) Apparent Hue of Monochromatic Stimuli. Marrocco (1969) and Guth and Lodge (1973), see
To make predictions of the apparent hue of also Sections 5.7 and 5.8, that visual responses
monochromatic stimuli (see Section 5.9), the mul- involving temporal resolution are, in the main,
tiplier mp is set to 4.0 to simulate a visual field mediated by the nonopponent channel, whereas
condition of low level, but a level well above threshold-detection or brightness responses are
threshold. The relative contributions of “red” mediated by the opponent channels. In particular,
CET), greens (£) pDluc (1h) andes yer the model’s nonopponent channel (A) is given
low” (—D) are computed from Eq. 2(8.3.4) at spectral response characteristics corresponding to
20-nm intervals across the visible spectrum. Fig- the spectral luminous efficiency function obtained
ure 4(8.3.4) illustrates the results and compares by the method of minimum flicker, that is,
these with experimental data obtained by
Boynton and Gordon (1965). There is general but
not detailed agreement between prediction and AEE) a)
experiment. The model does not predict “violet”
(reddish blues) in the short end of the spectrum as For the prediction of detection responses, and, in
seen by actual observers. This deficiency of the particular, for the prediction of equality of bright-
model is difficult to remove without jeopardizing ness of stimuli of different chromaticity, a “vec-
some of its desirable features. tor sum” is used of the chromatic and achromatic
signals whose magnitude is obtained simply by
(ii) Heterochromatic Brightness. The model calculating the square root of the sum of -the
postulates, in accordance with experimental evi- squares of the three component signals of the
dence obtained earlier by Guth, Donley, and (A, 7, D)-visual system. For example, at absolute
Neural Models 649

re) fo) — Observed -? RY — Predicted

rs) Green Yellow , Red


500 500 600
Wavelength A (nm) Wavelength X (nm)
Fig. 4(8.3.4). Apparent hue of monochromatic stimuli as observed by Boynton and Gordon
(1965) and predicted by the model of Guth, Massof, and Benzschawel (1980).

threshold, the spectral luminous efficiency func- tained by various experimenters (see Section 5.8).
tion obtained by the method of direct (hetero- The quantities A,7, D are linearly related with
chromatic) comparison is given by the (X’, Y’, Z’)-tristimulus values in accordance

V*(A) =[4?2(A) + T2(A) + D2(A)]'”

with A(A), T(A), D(A) as defined by Eq. 2(8.3.4). Ore:
Figure 5(8.3.4) illustrates the agreement obtained
between a (foveal threshold detection) mean ob- -0.4
served luminous efficiency function (CIE, 1978;
see also Section 5.7.2) and one calculated in
accordance with Eq. 4(8.3.4).
' o oO
The data presented in Figure 5(8.3.4) are
threshold data and thus, unit multipliers m,, o o fo)

Mr,Mp apply to the calculation of predicted

data. However, Guth et al. note that since
luminous efficiency functions obtained above O
threshold by direct heterochromatic brightness
matching differ little, if at all, from the threshold ' ©)
function, the model reveals a deficiency as it calls
for the use of nonunit multipliers when supra-
threshold conditions prevail. The use of nonunit
multipliers would make the agreement less accep-
In applying the vector-sum principle to stimuli
of complex spectral radiant power distributions
{S, dA} with (x’, y’)-chromaticity coordinates,
Guth et al. calculated “brightness to luminance
ratios” 400 500 600 700
Wavelength » (nm)
2 2 2\!/2 Fig. 5(8.3.4). Mean observed spectral luminous
pote. [5(8.3.4)]
efficiency function (foveal threshold detection)
compared with function (solid dots) predicted by
for comparison with corresponding ratios ob- model of Guth, Massof, and Benzschawel (1980).

with the basic Eqs. 1(8.3.4) and 2(8.3.4) of the Figure 6(8.3.4) illustrates, in the Judd (x’, y’)-
model, that is chromaticity diagram, a number of loci of con-
stant B-ratios [Eq. 5(8.3.4)] centered around the
A=m,-0.9341Y’ model’s achromatic chromaticity point (NV) [x’ =
0.37, y’ = 0.33]. The multipliers were set at m, =
T = m,[0.7401X’ — 0.6801Y’ — 0.1567Z’] 0.4, m, = 1.0, mp = 4.0. The loci may be com-
pared with those shown in Figures 2(5.8.1) and
D = mp[—0.0061X’
— 0.0212¥’ + 0.031427] 6(5.8.1), obtained experimentally.
[6(8.3.4)] (iii) Chromaticity Discrimination. In (ATD)-
where space, which according to Eq. 6(8.3.4) is a linear
transform of (X’, Y’, Z’)-tristimulus space,
X= k[S,x(A)ar (t,,d,)-chromaticity diagrams are defined by

y=k[Syp'(A) ar - == against d, =2 [7(8.3.4)]


as rectilinear coordinates. Figure 7(8.3.4) il-

Z’ = kf Sy2'(A) dd lustrates such a diagram with its spectrum locus
and purple line. In the particular case illustrated,
the constant luminance (A) plane is based on
suprathreshold-level conditions with correspond-
Pua I€ $ ¥. »hi
ing multipliers set at m, = 0.75, mp = 1.0, mp =
a pncpa FU8entree pen ha fom 6.0 [which lead to parameters a = 0.10, ¢t= 0.13,

0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 6(8.3.4). Loci of constant brightness to luminance ratio (8) predicted by model of Guth,
Massof, and Benzschawel (1980) in (x’, y’)-chromaticity diagram.
Neural Models 651

d = 0.77, in accordance with Eq. 3(8.3.4)]. For

different multipliers, the resulting spectrum locus
changes its size and shape.
In a given (t,, d,)-chromaticity diagram, dis-
tances between two given points are related to the
perceived color differences between the corre-
sponding stimuli of equal luminance (A). Accord-
ing to the model, the detectability 6 of a stimulus
is directly proportional to its vector sum (or vec-
tor length), that is,

§~(A27+T?+ D*)'” [8(8.3.4)]

measured from the achromatic point of the spatial
model. A small increment in the stimulus results
in a just-noticeable difference Ad in agreement
with Weber’s law; that is, the following relation is
assumed to be valid:

“ =const =.c [9(8.3.4)]

If the just-noticeable difference Ad is taken as a

radius vector of constant length r rotating about a
given point in (A7D)-space, a small sphere is
generated that defines a locus of constant dis-
criminability about the given point. Because of

Ad = cB = c(A? +7? +,D7)'”*

it follows that the radius r= Ad of the small
sphere is proportional to the distance between the
center of the sphere and the (achromatic) point of
origin of (ATD)-space. In the two-dimensional
case of the (t,,d,)-chromaticity diagram, in
which spheres become circles, the radius r of a
small circle centered at a point (t,, d,) 1s given
pel tee ah {18 34)
with c, = const (Weber fraction). In Figure

Fig. 7(8.3.4). Example of (t,, d,)-chromaticity

diagram for stimuli of equal (achromatic, A ) lumi-
nance in (ATD)-space of Guth, Massof, and
Benzschawel (1980). The diagram’s model multi-
pliers are m, = 0.75, m; = 1.0, mp = 0.77. Just-
noticeable chromaticity differences around a given
point (t,, d,) define a small circle whose radius is
proportional to the distance of the center of the
circle from the achromatic (“white”) point of the
diagram (after Guth et al., 1980).

Guth, Massof, Benzschawel (1980)
(10 X Enlarged )



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 8(8.3.4). Chromaticity-discrimination ellipses predicted by the model of Guth, Massof,

and Benzschawel (1980) in the (x’, y’)-chromaticity diagram. The model multipliers are
m _, = 0.75; m; = 1.0, mp = 6.0; the Weber fraction is c, = 0.004.

7(8.3.4), a few such circles of radius r have been Ingling and Tsou, 1977; Ingling, Russell, Rea,
drawn with centers (t,,d,) in different parts of and Tsou, 1978) concerned with various aspects
the chromaticity diagram. of opponent-colors processes has provided intri-
Each of the circles drawn in Figure 7(8.3.4) guing new possibilities of modeling color vision.
converts to ellipses in the (x’, y’)-chromaticity From this work we have selected the study on the
diagram when applying inverse transformations disparity between cancellation and direct-match-
to the (t,, d,)-points of each circle. If one places ing methods (Ingling, Russell, Rea, and Tsou,
the centers of the circles into points correspond- 1978) which raises a fundamental issue concern-
ing to the centers of MacAdam’s color-matching ing the spectral response functions of opponent-
ellipses (Section 5.4.1), the resulting ellipses in the colors channels and which offers an intriguing
(x’, y’)-chromaticity diagram can be directly idea of modeling the observed phenomenon.
compared with MacAdam’s data. Figure 8(8.3.4) The usual method of measuring the spectral
illustrates the results of the model, whereas Figure response functions, also referred to as chromatic
2(5.4.1) shows MacAdam’s experimentally deter- response functions (Section 5.13), takes advantage
mined ellipses. of the property of opponency in the (red-green)-
and (yellow-blue)-channels. For example, for a
given monochromatic stimulus of wavelength A,
8.3.5 Ingling
the amount of redness is determined by -the
The recent work of Ingling and his associates amount of the opponent hue, green, required to
(Ingling and Drum, 1973; Ingling, 1977; 1978; cancel the perceived redness.
Line Elements of Color Space 653

Oo ‘p


O fe Oe
ay |) C) C) re
C) C) ©

' Oo ine)

O f

' Oo 0)

400 440 480 536 560 600 640 680

Wavelength dX (nm)
Fig. 1(8.3.5). Relative spectral response functions of (red-green)-opponent-colors channel
determined by the method of hue cancellation (open squares) and by the method of hue
matching (open circles). Dotted and solid lines represent response functions predicted by a
special model. The square symbols show the amounts of the green primary stimulus (above zero
line) and the red primary stimulus (below zero line) required to cancel the redness or greenness
perceived to be in a 100-td monochromatic test stimulus of wavelength A. The circle symbols
show the amounts of the same red and green primary stimuli required to match the redness or
greenness of the same monochromatic test stimuli (Ingling, Russell, Rea, and Tsou, 1978).

The authors question the validity of the hue- 30 times more redness than indicated by the
cancellation method as it requires desaturation of hue-matching method.
the test stimulus. They argue that a visual mecha- The effect of greatly increasing the sensitivity
nism may exist that is sensitive to the saturation of the (r — g)-opponent channel at short wave-
of the test stimulus and may contribute to the lengths is thought to be caused by desaturation of
resulting spectral response function. the test stimulus in the process of cancelling its
To test the validity of the hue-cancellation hue. The effect is considered related to the Abney
method, the authors determine the spectral re- effect (Section 5.9) in which a “white’’-stimulus
sponse functions of the opponent-colors channels desaturant increases the redness of violet stimuli.
by a hue-matching method that does not de- From Figure 1(8.3.5), it follows that a green
saturate the test stimuli. Figure 1(8.3.5) illustrates primary stimulus is as effective as a “white”
the results of their determination of the spectral stimulus in producing additional redness. On the
response function of the (7 — g)-channel by the other hand, because the green stimulus also
traditional method of hue cancellation as well as cancels redness, the resultant hue change is not
by the method of hue matching. The hue cancella- directly observable.
tions and hue matches were obtained for each test In a separate experiment, Ingling et al. (1978)
stimulus A by making use of appropriate pairs of measured the amount of green stimulus required
primary stimuli. Both methods yield closely the to cancel the redness in a violet stimulus and also
same results except for the violet region of the to cancel the redness in a mixture of 680 and 480
spectrum, from 400 to 480 nm. In that region, the nm that matches the redness of the violet stimu-
cancellation method indicates that there is about lus. They found that it takes at least 10 times

more green stimulus to cancel the matching red- ficients of the above equations are entirely con-
ness of the comparison stimulus, regardless of the strained by the positions of the “unique hues”
retinal illuminance (0.5 to 500 td). Thus, a characterized by the fixed crossovers (zeros) of
cancelling green stimulus, added to a violet the a,(A)-response function. The dotted and solid
stimulus of 420 nm, produces nine-tenths as much lines drawn in Figure 1(8.3.5) show the results
redness as it cancels, and hence 10 times as much obtained by means of Eqs. 2(8.3.5) and 3(8.3.5).
green stimulus must be added to cancel a unit The model explains how adding a green
amount of redness at 420 nm as must be added to stimulus to a violet stimulus elicits two opposing
cancel a unit amount of redness in stimuli of long effects. The green stimulus cancels the redness in
wavelengths. the usual opponent sense, but it also activates the
Ingling et al. (1978) develop a neural model silent “blue”-cone surround, which by opposing
that is based on electrophysiological evidence of the “green’’-cone necessarily signals redness.
the “silent surround” found in single-unit record- Two differencing mechanisms within the
ings of receptive fields of the lateral geniculate [r — g]-channel are postulated. One opposes the
nucleus in the rhesus monkey ( Wiesel and Hubel, “red’-cone to the “green”-cone; the other oppo-
1966). In accordance with the electrophysiological ses the “blue’-cone to the “green’-cone. The
evidence, a surround is called silent, if, when results of the two experiments, hue cancellation as
stimulated alone, it produces no change in the compared with hue matching, suggests that the
firing rate of the ganglian cell, but nonetheless is two differencing mechanisms have different prop-
shown to have an effect by inhibiting an active erties. The difference obtained by the (G — R)-
center. For a simple opponent cell, displaying mechanism is a true [r — g]-signal; that is, it
different spectral response characteristics in its elicits redness or greenness, depending on the sign
center and its surround, a desaturating stimulus is of the difference. The G#B mechanism signals
needed from a spectral region to which the center only redness; the difference being zero unless the
is sensitive before the presence of the surround output of the G-cones is greater than that of the
becomes apparent; a silent surround does not fire B-cones. .
unless there is an active center to be inhibited.
The mathematical model of the silent-sur-
round concept introduces an operator @ such that 8.4 LINE ELEMENTS OF COLOR SPACE
aup— ap when
a> b
8.4.1 Basic Concepts
afb =0 when a < b [1(8.3.5)] The introduction into color science of the notion
of a line element in tristimulus space originated
It is assumed that short-wavelength (“blue”, B) with Helmholtz (1891, 1896) in his work on a
cones lie in the surrounds of receptive fields of quantitative theory of how perceived color dif-
middle (“green’, G)- and long (“red,” R)-wave- ferences were determined by the properties of
length cones responding in the (G — R) mode. three fundamental color-response systems. To be
The B-cones are silent unless G > R. more specific, line elements aim to specify pairs
The transformation of the spectral response of color stimuli that present a particular constant
functions r(A), g(A), b(A) of R-, G-, B-cones to perceived difference, for example, a just-percepti-
the spectral response function a,(A) of the [r — ble difference, by the positions and distance apart
g|-opponent-colors channel is given by in tristimulus space of the points representing
these stimuli.
a,(A) = —[1.4812(A) — 0.4286 (A) — 7(A)] In ordinary or Euclidean space, the distance ds
between two neighboring points P, and P, whose
, [2(8.3.5)] rectangular coordinates (tristimulus values) are
(U,, U;, U3) and (U, + dU,, U, + dU,, U; + dU;)
when the hue-cancellation method is used, and is given by
a,(A) = —[1.481¢(A)00.4285
(A) — F(A)]
(ds)° = (dU,)° + (dU,)° + (dU,)°
[3(8.3.5)] [1(8.4.1)]
when the hue-matching method is used. The coef- Figure 1(8.4.1) illustrates the geometrical concept
Line Elements of Color Space 655

U3 here used in the wide sense to mean a space for

which, by a suitable and, in general, nonlinear
transformation of the coordinates, the line ele-
ment can be expressed in the form of Eq. 1(8.4.1).
P,(U,,U2,Us) In applications, a particular system of coordi-
nates U,,U,,U; may be of special physical or
psychophysical interest; for example, in models of
P,(U,+dU, ,U2+dU,,U3+dUs)
color vision, this is so if U,,U,,U, are the tri-
stimulus values with respect to a selected funda-
mental set of primaries, or if U,, U,,U; are the
output signals generated in two chromatic chan-
nels and the achromatic channel of the visual
mechanism postulated in the opponent-colors the-
ory. It has then to be kept in mind that a space
U, whose metrical properties are defined by the line
Fig. 1(8.4.1). (U,, U,, U,)-tristimulus space show- element ds may be Euclidean in the wide sense,
ing points P, and P, representing two color stimuli but ds may not be in the Euclidean form of Eq.
perceived to exhibit a small color difference whose 1(8.4.1) when the physically or psychophysically
size is characterized by the distance (line element) important coordinate system is used.
ds between the neighboring points P, and P,. The application of the line element to model-
ing certain aspects of color vision rests on the
following hypothesis: If (U,, U,,U;) and (U, +
involved. However, other quantities ds that are dU,, U, + dU,, U; + dU;) are three-variable
more complicated functions of dU,, dU,, dU;, specifications of two neighboring color stimuli
and U,, U;, U; can be postulated as defining the (for example, their respective tristimulus values),
distance apart of P, and P, in some hypothetical then the necessary and sufficient condition for the
space with metrical properties different from those pair of color stimuli to be “just-noticeably” or
of ordinary space. Suppose, for (ds), the follow- “just-perceptibly” different is that some suitably
ing quadratic form is assumed: defined line element ds has the same constant
2 2 2 value for all such pairs. In the particular case in
(ds) ire 81,(dU,) + 2g) dU, dU, + $29( dU, ) which one color stimulus is kept fixed and the
other is changed relative to the first such that the
+225; dU, dU; + 833( dU; ) + 223, dU; dU, distance between the two corresponding points P,
and P, in tristimulus space always represents a
[2(8.4.1)] just-perceptible color difference, one obtains an
ellipsoid centered at P,, as illustrated in Figure
where the coefficients g;, may be any continuous 2(8.4.1). The ellipsoid is defined by Eq. 2(8.4.1)
functions of the coordinates U,, U,,U;, which with known g;,-coefficients. Only the Riemannian
make the form positive and definite, that is, ds > 0 form, Eg. 2(8.4.1), for the line element has so far
for any choice of dU,, dU,, dU, at all points been used as color-vision models. Other possibili-
(U,, U,, U;). The space in which ds is the distance ties exist and these would yield loci of just-per-
element (i.e., the line element), is known as a ceptible color differences around a given center
three-dimensional Riemannian space. (P,) that are of nonellipsoidal shape.
It may be possible to transform the coordi- For two color stimuli P,; and P, that differ by
nates U,, U,,U; to new coordinates V,, V,, V3 in more than the smallest perceptible difference, the
terms of which (ds)* reduces to the simple form line element can still be used to evaluate the
of Eq. 1(8.4.1), namely, magnitude of their perceptual difference, by
adopting the following further hypothesis associ-
(ds) =(dV,) + (dV,) + (dv) ated particularly with Schrédinger (1920b) in his
development of a similar concept foreshadowed
[3(8.4.1)] in the work of Helmholtz. The points P,, P, are
In such cases, the Riemannian space is also supposed joined by a line following any desired
described as Euclidean, but in general such a path in space. The number of just-perceptible
reduction is not possible. The term Euclidean is steps (ds = constant) between P, and P, along

ds = const

U, ve
Fig. 2(8.4.1). (U,, U,, U;)-tristimulus space show-
ing a locus of just-perceptible color differences
between a fixed color stimulus P, and a variable
color stimulus P,. The Riemannian form for the
line element ds (= const) makes the locus an
So=_f ds = Minimum
ellipsoid centered at P,. F,
Fig. 3(8.4.1). (U,, U,, U;)-tristimulus space show-
ing various paths drawn between two points P, and
P, representing two color stimuli that differ in
this path is evaluated. For some path, the number perceived color by more than a just-perceptible
has a smallest value and this value according to difference. The shortest distance (least number of
Schrédinger’s hypothesis can be taken as the mea- just-perceptible color differences) between P, and
sure of the perceptual difference between the two P, measured in terms of a line element of the
color stimuli. Mathematically, the determination Riemannian form is the curve denoted by 5); this
of the minimal number of steps corresponds to is the geodesic line between P, and P).
integrating the line element ds along the geodesic
line between P, and P, and dividing the result by
the constant value of ds representing a just-per- plausible interpretations by means of physiologi-
ceptible difference. In ordinary space with the cal models of color vision.
line element defined by Eq. 1(8.4.1), the geodesic Of special interest in colorimetry is the ques-
paths are straight lines, but with the line element tion of whether a_ three-dimensional
of the Riemannian form of Eq. 2(8.4.1) they are Riemannian space with a given line element ds
generally curved. Figure 3(8.4.1) illustrates the can be mapped into (or embedded in) a three-
geometrical concept. dimensional Euclidean space in such a way that
The line element can also be used to trace in the equality of distances is preserved.
tristimulus space the loci of constant perceptual This requirement means that three functions
attributes, provided one can identify an ap- of U,, U,, U;, denoted by V,(U,, U3,U;),
propriate geometrical quantity correlating in some V,(U,, U;, U3), V3(U,,U;,U;) can be found in
way to the given perceptual attribute. To quantify terms of which Eq. 2(8.4.1) becomes
the perceptual attributes brightness, hue, and
chroma, it has been proposed to make use again
of the notion of the geodesic line described above.
(ds) = (dV,) + (dV,)° + (dV;
Figures 4(8.4.1) to 7(8.4.1), taken in sequence, This is precisely the same as the condition for the
illustrate the idea. An alternative approach, which Riemannian space to be Euclidean in the wider
in fact may imply the notion of geodesic lines, is sense. If the Riemannian space is not of this kind,
to make U,, U,, U, the output signals of the two it can still be mapped into a Euclidean space but
chromatic channels and the achromatic channel one of more than three dimensions; that is, func-
associated with a color-vision model involving tions) Vj(U,,. Us, 03), |U0, U2 eee
opponent processes, and then postulate an ap- V,,,(U,, U>, U3) with m > 3 can be found such that
propriate functional relationship between these
output signals and the perceptual attribute under
consideration. The latter approach is the more
(ds)’ = (dV,)° + (dV3)° +--+ (dV,,)
commonly used approach and lends itself to more [4(8.4.1)]
Line Elements of Color Space 657

Us F,
f ds = Minimum
Surfaces of
fas = Minimum constant brightness


Fig. 5(8.4.1). In making use of the definition of
U, brightness given in Figure 4(8.4.1) surfaces of
Fig. 4(8.4.1). Definition of brightness in the con- constant brightness in (U,, U,, U;)-tristimulus
text of the line element ds, as proposed by space can be traced. Keeping P, fixed, it is possi-
Schrodinger (1920b). As the point P,, representing ble to determine along each radius vector, pointing
a given color stimulus, is allowed to move away in different directions from the origin, a point P,
from (or towards) the origin, the brightness of the that has a minimum distance from P,. The mani-
color stimulus increases (or decreases). When the fold of points P, so determined lie on a surface in
distance between a fixed point P,, representing tristimulus space representing a surface of con-
another given color stimulus, and the variable point stant brightness, that is, of brightness equal to that
P, is at a minimum, measured along the geodesic of the given stimulus P,. The distance of P, from
line between P, and P,, the two given color stimuli the origin is then changed, and the procedure
are said to be equally bright. repeated to obtain other surfaces of constant

It can be shown that, in the general case, in order

to map a Riemannian space of n dimensions into
a Euclidean space, the dimensions of the latter,
that is, the number of functions V; required, may
have to be as high as m with

n= Bees [5(8.4.1)]
ot ara
Surface of
It follows that a six-dimensional Euclidean space
may be required to embed a three-dimensional
Riemannian space (Silberstein, 1943). However, if
the. Riemannian space is two-dimensional, a
three-dimensional Euclidean space can certainly
be found in which to embed it. This means that if
a three-dimensional line element is laid down and
attention is confined to color stimuli that have the
same brightness (or luminance)—this is a two-
dimensional subspace— these color stimuli can be Fig. 6(8.4.1). Lines of constant hue on a surface
represented as points of a surface contained in a of constant brightness traced in (Uj, U,,U,;)-
three-dimensional Euclidean space. The coordi- tristimulus space along geodesic lines originating
nates of the latter are functions of the tristimulus at P) representing the achromatic stimulus on the
values of the color stimuli so chosen that if two given surface of constant brightness.

related methods for assessing color differences,

but there are differences in the way they have
been determined and in the way they are used.
The color-difference formulae in nearly every case
assume that color-perception space is Euclidean,
or approximately so, but a line element can be
used even when this assumption is not valid. The
basic observations used in setting up line ele-
ments are threshold measurements and standard
deviations in color matching (Section 5.4). Some
observations underlying the color-difference for-
mulae relate to small but not actual threshold
differences, and the formulae proposed may be
applicable to larger or smaller differences.
U, All line elements put forward up to now have
Fig. 7(8.4.1). Lines of constant chroma on a been assumed to have the Riemannian form de-
surface of constant brightness are readily de- fined by Eq. 2(8.4.1) and the outstanding problem
termined when lines of constant hue [see Figure is to determine the metric coefficients g;,. Two
6(8.4.1)] are calculated as geodesic lines originat- differing approaches have been followed; one,
ing from point P) representing the achromatic based on theoretical considerations regarding the
stimulus on the given surface of constant bright- functioning of the visual mechanism coupled with
ness. Lines of constant chroma are concentric certain experimental threshold data, may be de-
Riemannian circles. scribed as the inductive method. On the other
hand, in the empirical method, the metric coeffi-
cients g,, as functions of the tristimulus values
points are a distance ds apart they are just-per- U,, U;, U; are derived by an empirical analysis of
ceptibly different, and conversely. blocks of measurements of threshold differences
The characteristic embedding properties of a (or of the related standard deviations of color
space specified by a line element are unaffected matching) obtained for a selection of color stimuli
by any continuous transformation of the coordi- covering an extended domain of tristimulus space.
nates and are determined mathematically by the MacAdam’s (1943) original contour diagrams for
quantity known as the Gaussian curvature which his coefficients g;, belong to the latter category.
is a function of the coefficients g;, in the line Some of the color-difference formulae used in
element (see, for example, Eisenhart, 1949; recent years result from a hybrid approach in
Sokolnikoff, 1951). In order to map one space which the algebraic form of the line element is
into another of the same dimensions, and at the derived by the inductive method but with several
same time preserve distances, it is necessary and parameters involved left open; the best values of
sufficient that the two spaces have the same the latter are then arrived at by minimizing the
Gaussian curvature at corresponding points. The computed deviations from the empirical data on
Euclidean space has zero Gaussian curvature the precision of color matching determined at a
throughout. Thus, if the three-dimensional color necessarily limited number of points in tristimu-
space is found to have nonzero curvature, it is lus (or chromaticity) space.
impossible to map this space into a three-dimen-
8.4.2 Helmholtz
sional Euclidean space without ruptures or gaps.
Instead, a Euclidean space of more than three, Helmholtz (1896) was probably the first to derive
possibly six, dimensions must be used. Embed- a line element ds of color space, and his de-
ding in a space of more than three dimensions termination of the metric coefficients g,, is based
cannot be visualized. The concept of embedding on his three-component theory of color vision and
is then of limited practical use, and one must be Weber’s law.
content to describe color space and measure in it Helmholtz argued that the visual process is
by means of the line element ds uniquely de- governed by three independent response mecha-
termined by its coefficients g;,. nisms, each with a characteristic spectral response
Line elements and the color-difference for- function, for example, 7(A), Z(A), b(A). The spec-
mulae already described in Section 6.5.2 provide tral response functions determine the trichromatic
Line Elements of Color Space 659

color-matching properties of the eye and must be or,

representable as linear combinations of three em-

© bral wie|W eala

pirically determined color-matching functions,
such as the CIE color-matching functions
X(A), y(A), Z(A); thus,
F(A) = ay, X(A) + ay y(A) + a,37(A)
To make the predictions of this simple line
2(A) = ay, X(A) + ay V(A) + a53Z(A) element fit data on color discrimination, Helm-
holtz had at his disposal one set of parameters:
b (A) = a4,X(A) + ayy 9(A) + ay7(A) the coefficients a,, in the transformation given by
Eq. 1(8.4.2). Helmholtz determined these coeffi-
[1(8.4.2)] cients so that the line element would correctly
predict the experimental data of Konig and
When applied to color stimuli of spectral radiant
Dieterici on the just-perceptible difference of
power distributions {P, dA}, the responses of the
wavelength for monochromatic stimuli of equal
three mechanisms are
brightness measured at different positions along
the spectrum. The resulting spectral response
R= [P,7(A) dd, G= [P,B(A) A, curves 7(A), 2(A), b(A), all of which show two
pronounced maxima, are completely incompatible
B = [P,b (A) dd —— [2(8.4.2)] with the spectral absorption curves that have now
been measured for cone pigments. The line ele-
ment cannot then be valid if the photoreceptors
For each mechanism acting alone, the sensitivity of each of the three mechanisms contain predomi-
to a difference of response (R’ — R) from two nantly one pigment. Another difficulty, pointed
similar adjacent displayed color stimuli of differ- out by Schrédinger (1920b), is that the Helmholtz
ing spectral power distributions is supposed to line element entails a luminous efficiency curve
satisfy Weber’s law (sometimes referred to as quite different from the directly observed V(A)-
Fechner’s or Weber—Fechner’s law); that is, the curve. In fact, the Helmholtz line element predicts
smallest perceptible difference dR is proportional surfaces of constant brightness of the form
to R (or R’); R and R’ being very nearly equal.
Helmholtz, in fact, allows for deviations from R-G-B=const [5(8.4.2)]
Weber’s law arising from “glare” at very high
luminances of the stimulus and from “self-light” These and other difficulties make the Helmholtz
in the eye at very low luminances. These refine- line element mainly of historical interest.
ments, which are not material to the main argu-
ment, are omitted here. 8.4.3 Schroédinger
Helmholtz then assumes that:
Schrédinger (1920b), in an effort to eliminate the
shortcomings of the Helmholtz line element, pro-
(a) The Weber fractions in the intermediate
posed the following modified version:
luminance range are all equal; that is,
nt 1
R _ dG
Goa _ dB
BR = const [3(8.4.2) | UO igs IpR +166 + 1pB

(b) With all three mechanisms in operation, the Ig(dR) ay Ig(aGy” ay [y(4By”
smallest perceptible difference is obtained by R G B
combining the fractional deviations for the three
mechanisms in the same way as independent “er- [1(8.4.3)]
rors” are compounded, using the square root of a
sum-of-squares relation. This gives as the line where, as in the Helmholtz line element, R, G, B
element are the responses of the cone mechanisms, operat-
ing independently from one another (no cross-
2 2 21/2 products). However, the contribution of each
() + (| +(¥)] = const = ds
mechanism to the square of the perceived total

difference (ds)* depends on all three cone re- chance of seeing the one-degree square. Measure-
sponses through the factor ments of L,, were made for a series of values L,,
and for various wavelength pairs A and yp, result-
ing in a large number of experimental curves of
log(1/L,,) against log L,,, for one observer. To a
IpR +166 + I5B
certain approximation and with the exclusion of
an anomalous effect occuring at extremely high
In fact, brightness for this line element is propor- field radiances, these curves could be regarded as
tional to (/pR+/¢G +1/,B), making a surface resultants of three component curves of a com-
of constant brightness a plane in tristimulus space. mon fixed shape whose positions along the axis of
As in all line elements, the choice of the funda- log L,, depended on A and yp. From the shifts
mental primaries, or of the corresponding funda- along the axes, the approximate relative spectral
mental spectral response functions, is vital, and sensitivities of the retinal response systems were
Schrédinger adopted for the latter, the “Grun- determined. The observational results showed that
dempfindungen” curves previously derived by different Weber fractions should be applied to the
Konig and Dieterici. These are single-peak curves three postulated cone-response systems, rather
with maxima in the orange, green, and blue parts than equal fractions as assumed by Helmholtz.
of the spectrum, not radically different from more A tentative line element consistent with the
recent determinations of fundamental response salient conclusions of this work, but with implica-
functions. With these fundamentals and a suit- tions going beyond the experimental basis, was
able choice of the relative values of the con- proposed (Stiles, 1946) in the following form:

= [BD Ba
stants /p,/¢,/,, brightnesses deduced from the
Schrodinger line element agree approximately with
luminances based on the experimentally de-
termined luminous efficiency function V(A). This

concurrence and the additivity of brightness were
considered by Schrédinger as the strong points of : [1(8.4.4)]
his line element, which in fact he designed to
achieve these ends. Schrédinger’s line element has
not been intensively studied, and it seems incon- where the experimentally determined functions
sistent with some of the more recent threshold ¢(R), §(G), §(B) are given approximately by
data of color discrimination. In tests by Bouma
and Heller (1935) and Rosemann (1938), it was
found to fail to predict correctly experimental SAS ger a (G) = —
data of various kinds.
$(B) -5 [2(8.4.4)]
8.4.4 Stiles
The constants p,y,8 are proportional to the
A less radical modification of Helmholtz’s line limiting Weber fractions of the three cone re-
element was suggested by Stiles (1946) based on sponses at high luminances and, for the observer
his extensive experimental data on two-color used, had the following values:
thresholds (Stiles, 1939; 1978; see also Section
7.4). In these measurements, the observer viewed p = 1.28, y = 1.65, B = 7.25
a large (10°) patch of light of wavelength p and
radiance L,, at whose center a small (1°) square The cone responses (R,G, B) are related to the
of light of wavelength A and radiance L,, was CIE 1931 tristimulus values (X, Y, Z) by the fol-
applied in short (0.063 sec) pulses as an addi- lowing linear transformation:
tional stimulus. Within the 1° square during the
pulse, the radiance was L,, + L,, whereas the R66. 0X 4 12600Y “91202
10° surrounding field remained at L,,. The ob-
server fixated accurately the center field ensuring G = —438.0X + 1620.0Y+ 123.0Z
cone (rod-free) vision of the additional stimulus.
By repeated pulses at different radiances L,,, L,, B=0.708X + 417.0Z
being kept constant, the threshold radiance L,,
was determined at which the observer has a 50% [3(8.4.4)]
Line Elements of Color Space 661

They correspond to spectral response functions and g, b and g’, b’ are similarly defined (see
with single maxima at about 580, 540, and 445 Section 3.2). In terms of these chromaticity coor-
nm, respectively. dinates, the line element, defined by Eq. 1(8.4.4),
At high luminances, the line element, defined takes the form
by Eq. 1(8.4.4), reduces to
s_[ (sr 3= Sr) ¢(Sr)| 2
(ds) + two similar terms
ee aed dee [6(8.4.4)]
By varying S’, keeping r’, g’, b’ fixed, the radi-
and in this form its relationship with the Helm- ance of stimulus P’ is varied without changing its
holtz line element, defined by Eq. 1(8.4.3), is chromaticity. The minimum value of (ds)* under
clear. such a variation is reached when the following
The line element was tested by applying it to condition is fulfilled:
the calculation of just-noticeable wavelength dif-
ferences, the luminous efficiency function, and — l / Dot 2 A
ere es (S’r’— Sr)§(Sr)]|° +two similar terms

chromaticity discrimination as exemplified by

MacAdam’s (1942) ellipses in the CIE 1931
(x, y)-chromaticity diagram. The line element is [7(8.4.4)]
an improvement over the previous line elements
because some experimental data can be predicted In terms of tristuumulus values R, G, B and retain-
with it fairly well. However, there remain experi- ing only first-order quantities, Eq. 7(8.4.4) be-
mental data that cannot be predicted adequately. comes
In the remainder of this section, we give a
number of detailed numerical exercises with the o- £[Aen] +2 [Sea]
Stiles line element. The reader may find these
exercises of interest as they show the kind of
analysis involved in applying a Riemannian line
element to predict color-discrimination and other [8(8.4.4)]
relevant data.
This is the quality-of-brightness condition that
(i) Calculation 1: Step-by-Step Luminous Ef- applies to stimuli of nearly the same chromaticity.
ficiency Function. In the step-by-step method of In the special case of monochromatic wave-
determining experimentally the luminous ef- lengths A and (A+ dA), and radiance L,, and
ficiency function (see Section 5.7), two juxtaposed (L,, + dL,,), the above condition reduces to
patches of monochromatic stimuli of slightly dif-
ferent wavelengths are viewed, and the radiance
of one is varied until the perceived total dif-
GARn ,GinedAw
Ge IG, ,(Bs
ference between the two patches is a minimum.
The wavelength difference can be made so small [9(8.4.4)]
that the difference of color (mainly hue) at this where
minimum setting is barely perceptible. The proce-
dure is repeated step-by-step along the spectrum.
The luminous efficiency function can be derived
GS -

[Fen] [Feo] +[Beco]

from the line element by a corresponding proce-
The chromaticity coordinates (r,g,b) and
r’, g’, b’) of the two stimuli (P and P’) are re- [10(8.4.4)]
quired; the coordinates r and r’ are given by
and C;, Cj are similarly defined.
Ks R ive By successive applications of Eq. 9(8.4.4), the
rig Gapee Bs? radiances L,, of a series of monochromatic stimuli
whose wavelengths increase in small steps from
,— few hice -met zi
So aes R’ + (7! ats B’ sk [5(8.4.4)] the blue to the red end of the spectrum and each

of which matches in brightness its neighbors in spectrum). If we bear in mind the large spread of
the series, can be determined. The step-by-step the individual experimental values in the blue, the
luminous efficiency function V(A) is then ob- agreement is good. Comparison with the CIE
tained by forming the reciprocals of the radiances 1924 V(A)-function shows, in fact, the largest
L., and by normalizing them to make V(A) unity discrepancies in the blue, the CIE values being
at A = 555 nm. At high radiance levels, the quan- lower. It may be recalled that in this region the
tities C?,C?,Cf tend to (1/p)’,(1/y)”,(1/B)’, CIE values are generally considered too low and
respectively, and the luminous efficiency function not representative of actual observational data
approaches the limiting form (see Section 5.7.2).
The shape of the V(A)-curve predicted by the
AUN homey este ed
line element depends to some extent on the radi-
ance level. For a level corresponding to ap-
proximately 80 td (= 8 cd - m * seen through an
= constant R\I/ey” . Giusy’ Bisby
eye pupil of 10-mm” area), which is commonly
used in visual photometry, the approximation of
[11(8.4.4)] Eq. 11(8.4.4) is not quite adequate, and the
V(A)-curve must be derived from Eq. 9(8.4.4) by
with the constant adjusted to make V(A) = 1.0 at successive approximation. The results of such a
A = 555 nm. Figure 1(8.4.4) shows V(A) com- calculation are also shown in Figure 1(8.4.4).
puted from Eq. 11(8.4.4) in comparison with the When the radiance is made very low, Eq. 9(8.4.4)
step-by-step luminous efficiency function ob- reduces to the limiting form given below as Eq.
tained by Gibson and Tyndall (1923) as a mean 12(8.4.4), which can also be derived directly by
for 52 observers (32 observers on the end of the accepting the principle that color stimuli (of fixed


600 700
Fig. 1(8.4.4). Comparison of luminous efficiency functions V(A), plotted as log V(A_) against
A, of different origins: Dashed line: CIE 1924 standard V(A )-curve; continuous line: Gibson and
Tyndall (1923) step-by-step function; solid dots: derived from Stiles line element for high
luminance; open circles: derived from Stiles line element for medium luminance (8 cd-m_ ”~ 80
td); crosses: derived from Stiles line element for absolute threshold level.
Line Elements of Color Space 663

size) at absolute threshold have the same bright- double its original radiance, for the relation
ness whatever the wavelength:
(Ry, +R.) (G6, + G,)V™ -(B, + BY
) ig(2)
V(A) = cons (#8)ns (2 10 (2R,)°/" (26, ; (2B,)°/9”

[12(8.4.4)] [15(8.4.4)]
is not, in general, true. The largest discrepancy
Figure 1(8.4.4) includes values of V(A) obtained
may be expected to occur when the chromaticities
from Eq. 12(8.4.4). The main effect of lowering
of stimuli P, and P, are most widely different.
the radiance level is to increase slightly the rela-
For a particular case involving monochromatic
tive luminous efficiencies in the orange and red
stimuli in the blue (470 nm) and in the red (680)
and in the blue regions of the spectrum. There are
— the chromaticity of stimulus P; is immaterial—
insufficient experimental data on step-by-step
one obtains
V(A) functions at different levels to test these
predictions. (Race Ro)” 2
ree eel (B, + B,)°/”
The line element can also be used to derive the
relation between color stimuli that are not neces-
sarily monochromatic but have the same “small- = (264Rt)fa .03G,)> 2(2.638,)0
step” brightness; that is, the two stimuli can be
linked by a small-step series of intermediate
stimuli, each having the same brightness as its
Thus, the breakdown in additivity corresponds in
neighbors in the series. The condition for equality
this case to the difference between 2.0 and 2.63,
of small-step brightness between stimuli P, and
or about 27%. ;
P, of fundamental tristimulus values (R,, G,, B,)
For stimuli of any extended spectral radiance
and (R,, G,, B,) respectively, reduces to
distributions, {L,, dA}, additivity would demand
the following relation:
Rie)”. G/7)? . BA/BY= RV/e”. Gi/*. Bu/BY

(1/p)? (1/y) 2

when for both sets of tristimulus values the ap- S [Rata an x forte an
proximate form, given by Eq. 4(8.4.4), can be
assumed valid. The same Eq. 13(8.4.4) is obtained
by applying Schrédinger’s geodesic definition of x |[Brte an [17(8.4.4)]
equal brightness to the line element of Eq. 4(8.4.4).
It is clear from Eq. 13(8.4.4) that “small-step”
brightness is not additive. If the two stimuli If {L., dd] is the spectral radiance distribution
(R,,G,,B,) and (R,,G,, B,) have the same of a blackbody radiator at 2060 K, the above
small-step brightness, the equality-of-brightness equation is found by calculation to be in error by
still holds if their radiances are changed by the approximately 8%. Experimental data on small-
same factor, c, for instance. In that case, step brightness matching for a quantitative test of
this result are not available. However, many ex-
2 2 periments on direct heterochromatic brightness
matching involving stimuli with widely different
2 1 2 a) B)?
chromaticities have shown a pronounced failure
7 eteg he j (cG,)' ‘Hee (cB) ¢ of additivity of brightness (see Section 5.8). In
general, a mixture of two saturated complemen-
[14(8.4.4)] tary color stimuli giving a resultant “white” has a
lower brightness than the sum of the brightnesses
However, if stimuli P, and P, each match P; in of the components. Such effects are not explained
brightness, the additive mixture of stimuli P, and by the deviations predicted by the line element.
P, will not, in general, match P; increased to In fact, they go in the opposite direction.

(ii) Calculation 2: Wavelength Discrimination. (iii) Calculation 3: Chromaticity Discrimination.

The difference of wavelength of two just-noticea- The line element given in Eq. 1(8.4.4) can be
ble different monochromatic stimuli of equal expressed in terms of CIE (x, y)-chromaticity
brightness can be calculated from the line element coordinates and luminance L = Y by making use
in Eqs. 1(8.4.4) and 8(8.4.4) using the substitu- of Eq. 3(8.4.4) and the fact that the chromaticity
tions coordinates x, y,z and the tristimulus values
dR, X,Y, Z satisfy, by definition, the relations
R= 1.Ry ands dR = Ral aa Lal dX dn
x= eh and Z= (z)y- C=)
and similar ones for G, B, and dG and dB. After
eliminating L,,, the following equation is ob- [20(8.4.4)]
tained for the wavelength difference dA, produc-
ing a just-noticeable color difference ds: Thus, Eq. 3(8.4.4) may be written

(ds)! = (dd) i[Ron
= WR
n= 192)+tay+ orl2)
y 12 13

= tat(ste carat
y 22 23

$e8Gy OB TRCay

XxX Zz
B t 3] y(=)
y +: 32 Yu 33 y(=]

+ two similar com [18(8.4.4) |

The numerical values of ¢;, are given in Eq.
3(8.4.4). By considering only variations in chro-
At high radiances this reduces to maticity (x, y) and keeping luminance (Y) con-
stant, we find that

(ay = (any |(1/p)”

ei dR,
JA dR = (a — ty3) dx

(i/yy 9G, , (1/B)° aB, ues AGE as te) = t13 | dy
G, dA B, 2a
and two similar expressions for dG and dB. The
complete line element of Eq. 1(8.4.4) then takes
+ two similar cr [19(8.4.4)]
the following form:

For a sequence of pairs of stimuli spanning the (as)? = (ax)*|[ Bsc] +| eco]

spectrum of all the same small-step brightness as
determined from the line element and at an abso-
lute level corresponding to 8 cd - m * (~ 80 td)
at AX = 555 nm, the variation of dA with A calcu-
lated from Eq. 18(8.4.4) is compared with the
mean experimental data reported by Wright and +2 dx y{pupn|
(8) |
Pitt (1934) and Bedford and Wyszecki (1958) in

rare) nD)
Figure 2(8.4.4). The predicted values of dX are
proportional to ds, which is here put equal to 0.01
corresponding to the limiting Weber fraction for Y
the conditions of observation commonly used in
determining di. The agreement between experi-
+(ay'{ [22] +[2200@))
mental values and those predicted from the line
element is considered satisfactory except for
shorter wavelengths where the predicted values
appear to be somewhat low.
Line Elements of Color Space 665

NR ome als
2 Ok ee
te Se aes |
40 50 00

Fig. 2(8.4.4). Comparison of wavelength discrimination curves observed by Wright and Pitt
(1934), Bedford and Wyszecki (1958), and predicted from Stiles’ line element.

where illustrates the results; for comparison with

vg MacAdam’s ellipses, see Figure 2(5.4.1).
1 =—(t,—7
a 11 — f3) There is a general similarity between the two
sets of ellipses. The orientations of the ellipses
tf correspond well, and their areas also show a
ee elses fiy)lcates| reasonable correlation. The absolute areas of the
Stiles ellipses exceed those of MacAdam’s on the
He average by a factor of 20.7, that is, (4.5)*. This
P21 =—(t,,—t
at 21 23) arises, at least in part, from the fact that the
MacAdam ellipses refer to standard deviations
Ng of color matching (estimated by MacAdam to
Poa sahil tasatlon ant a3,| be approximately one third the corresponding
threshold differences). The ratios of the axes of
iy" the ellipses cover a range of 2.5 to 1.0 and have
P31 =—(t3,-t
mrNy 33) average values of 2.3 (Stiles) and 2.9 (MacAdam),
but they show no correlation.
4 The discrepancies between MacAdam’s el-
P33 penal ect Vie lipses and those of Stiles have been discussed by
Stiles (1946) and more recently by Wyszecki and
An interesting application is to compute loci Fielder (1971). A quantitative analysis of the dis-
of constant ds around given points of chromatic- crepancies between the two sets of data and, for
ity (x, y) for a constant level of luminance Y. that matter, between those of MacAdam and of
Such loci are, of course, ellipses in the chromatic- other investigators, is a complex problem (see
ity diagram. If the positions of the given chro- Section 5.4.5) because different observing condi-
maticity points are appropriately chosen, a direct tions and different observers are involved in the
comparison of the computed ellipses with those independent studies, and all observational data
directly measured, for example, by MacAdam must be accepted as being erratic to some degree.
(1942) can be made. Again taking ds = const = On the other hand, the model of the functioning
0.00124 (in the units used by Stiles, this corre- of the visual mechanism, on which the line ele-
sponds approximately to a luminance of 48 ment proposed by Stiles is based, is probably too
cd - m * seen through a pupil of 2.6-mm dia, ie., simple, and it may not be permissible to postulate
about 250 td), we compute 25 ellipses whose complete independence of the three-cone re-
centers are located at the chromaticities used by sponse systems. Whatever new line elements may
MacAdam (see Section 5.4.1). Figure 3(8.4.4) be proposed, they may have to include cross-

Stiles Line Element
Ellipses plotted to
three times actual scale

0.4 0.6 0.8


Fig. 3(8.4.4). CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram showing discrimination ellipses derived from
Stiles’ line element.

product terms of the cone responses to account This two-dimensional space, mapped in any
for the interdependence of the cone systems. three-dimensional space, generates a surface with
the Gaussian curvature K calculable from the line
(iv) Calculation 4: Gaussian Curvature of Color
element using the formula (see Sokolnikoff, 1951,
Space. The inherent differences between the two
for example):
sets of data obtained by Stiles (1946) and
MacAdam (1942) are strikingly demonstrated by
considering the Gaussian curvatures calculated pomicsih 24|Puil Shien (Eig Vee
from Stiles’ line element and estimated from 2g!/2| Ox \ g.g!/? dy gif? Ox
MacAdam’s ellipses (Silberstein, 1943).
The line element of a _ two-dimensional
Riemannian space, such as that describing dis-
‘@ p79 Oyppeog Is,
dy \ gli/2 dx gi/? dy
crimination ellipses in terms of chromaticity coor-
dinates (x, y) at constant luminance Y has the
form $2 981
Ox )
[2(8 )]
$2 2
(ds) = g,,(dx)” + 2g) dx dy + go) (dy)
When this formula is applied to Stiles’ line ele-
[23(8.4.4)] ment as defined by Eq. 22(8.4.4), we find thatK
where varies with chromaticity (x, y) and is negative
ST BAIS Te Sip # 0 throughout the domain of real chromaticities.
Line Elements of Color Space 667

x 0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 3(8.4.4). CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram showing discrimination ellipses derived from
Stiles’ line element.

Figure 4(8.4.4) shows the CIE chromaticity dia- results can be embedded in a three-dimensional
gram with loci of constant Gaussian curvature K. Euclidean space. On such a surface, each ellipse
Silberstein’s (1943) estimates of K based on becomes a circle of equal size, thus making it
MacAdam’s ellipses indicate that the Gaussian a uniform-chromaticity-scale surface. MacAdam
curvature is positive in some areas of the chro- (1944) has constructed the surface for his results,
maticity diagram, negative in others, thus clearly and its curvature can clearly be seen on the
indicating that the two results of Stiles and model. From the photograph of this model, shown
MacAdam are incompatible. No linear or nonlin- in Figure 5(8.4.4), the meaning of the concept of
ear transformation exists that would convert one Gaussian curvature is readily appreciated, as is
set of ellipses into the other. However, it is dif- the fact that it is impossible to flatten this surface
ficult to estimate, and in fact has not been tried, to a plane (K = 0) without rupture.
how the Gaussian curvature would vary if small The different uniform-chromaticity-scale sur-
perturbations, simulating observational uncertain- face of the Stiles’ line element is shown in Figure
ties of about 15%, were introduced to the lengths 6(8.4.4) as a drawing in an oblique projection of
and orientations of the major and minor axes the three-dimensional Euclidean space, in which
of the MacAdam’s ellipses. On the basis of case the equation of the surface is derivable alge-
Farnsworth’s (1958) work illustrated in Figure braically as below.
4(5.4.1), such perturbations may show that the Suppose X,, X,, X; are Cartesian coordinates
Gaussian curvature underlying MacAdam’s el- in the Euclidean three-dimensional space. The
lipses could be near or equal to zero in the line element, given as Eq. 23(8.4.4), then repre-
chromaticity domain covered by the ellipses. sents the square of the distance between two
The Riemannian surfaces corresponding to adjacent points on a surface, the Cartesian coor-
Stiles’ line element (Y = const) and MacAdam’s dinates of any surface point being expressed as

Fig. 5(8.4.4). Uniform-chromaticity-scale surface based on MacAdam’s discrimination ellipses

(from MacAdam, 1944).

follows: For the Stiles’ line element, the metric coefficients

g,, are the coefficients of (dx), 2 dx dy, and
X, = X(x, y), X= X,(x,y), X3 = X3(x, y) (dy)? in Eq. 22(8.4.4), and according to the ex-
pressions for {(R) = 9/(1 + 9R), and so forth,
Thus, they are readily expressible in the following form
[inf ~+ +4) logs i:

(ds)° = (dx,)° ae (dx,)° al (dX;)°

lice 4
=|(4) sibare) lhcen aie) 211 Palaeee +9R)

(8 2 aX,
Ox dy
aX, aX;
Ox Oy
dx dy
dx dy
l 0 2
+ i Fee _ 9G)|

(38) +(e) +() Jeo + alaxind + 9B)

[25(8.4.4)] 2
Line Elements of Color Space 669

9 400

BAY re) '

x< Ol j




Fig. 6(8.4.4). Uniform-chromaticity-scale surface derived from Stiles’ line element.

gn = [gy la( +9R)| Faue c °R)| gn = =|ayia + on)

varies + 96)]] F1m( + 90)| +3 aint +96))

+ aay + 98)]] >1m( + 98)| +5 [pit + 9B)| [26(8.4.4)]


When Eq. 26(8.4.4) is compared with Eq. 25(8.4.4), can be made to coincide with any particular point
the appropriate functions X,, X,, X; are, clearly, (Xo, ¥) of the chromaticity diagram by putting

X,= X(x, y)= 7in(1+ 9R) + a,

ee yey “In(1 +96) +4, = =In(1+ 9Gy)

X; = X3,(x%, y) = raat aOR \ as

[27(8.4.4)] where Ry, Go, By are the fundamental tristimulus

values R,G,B of a stimulus having the chro-
where a), a, a, are arbitrary constants indepen- maticity (Xo, yo). In the example illustrated in
dent of x, y. From Eq. 27(8.4.4) and Eq. 21(8.4.4) Figure 6(8.4.4), the values chosen for x9, yp are
it follows that 0.310, 0.316, respectively, which represent the
chromaticity of CIE standard illuminant C. The
ein) —1+9R luminance Y was set equal to 0.00124, the value
used in the calculation of the discrimination el-
OY lipses of Figure 3(8.4.4).
=k sy Lex Tet a Victetys\ ey)
(v) Calculation 5: Loci of Constant Hue and
eV 42) — 1 + 9G Chroma. Schrédinger (1920b), as discussed in
Section 8.4.1, put forward an interesting assump-
oY tion by which the distribution of hue and chroma
oad Ci SS Lt hae Yoeta x =y)] in a surface of constant brightness (luminance)
might be derived from the line element. On this
ePS~43) = 1+ 9B assumption, in a surface of constant brightness,
the loci of constant hue are the geodesic lines
Tape pels ap leep ante Gcwc 11K starting at a specified point representing the
achromatic color stimulus and terminating on the
points of the spectral locus or the line of purples;
[28(8.4.4)] loci of constant chroma are assumed to be geo-
desic circles centered at the achromatic point. The
and when x and y are eliminated from these
computation of these geodesic lines and circles
equations, the equation of the uniform-chromatic-
from a line element given in the form of Eq.
ity-scale surface is obtained as
23(8.4.4) is not particularly simple, but it can be
Ayer no) a A eV *2~ 42) nie Agel?) = Ay
carried out economically with the aid of a com-

[29(8.4.4)] The general equation of a geodesic line in a ~

Riemannian space (x = x', y = x”) is given by
(1, j,k =1,2)
Ay = ta, 33 — t43¢3)

Ay = t13031 — tyyl33 [30(8.4.4)]

Ay = tyto3 — ti3tay
where ds denotes the line element and the quanti-
Ay = 9Y (tA, + ty An + 1573) ties { ;",} are Christoffel 3-index symbols of the
second kind (Sokolnikoff, 1951). The Christoffel
+A, tiAg tA; symbols stand for certain functions of the metric
coefficients and their partial derivatives (see be-
The origin of the (X,, X,, X;)-coordinate system low). (Note that in mathematical space theory,
Line Elements of Color Space 671

both upper and lower suffixes are used to dis- 1 dgy5

12 2b
tinguish components. To prevent confusion with Hee 2 Ox}
power indices, any quantity raised to a power is
enclosed in parentheses.) 23,1] = 08x 1 98>
If 0x? 2 9x!

Seta at howe wae dy _ dx? 1 0255

7 ake Sas mea 2232) \= =

It follows from Eq. 23(8.4.4) that and the quantities g'', g'*, g7!, g as
2 2
gi(V) + 2gpAW + gy(V) = 1 PRIME oa weges Ba 9 ae 22 _ $11

and from Eq. 30(8.4.4) that
i 2

ak iontsa[ jre[ssjari=a
§ — 811822 —(g12)

A complete family of geodesic lines radiates

from any particular point (xj, x¢) representing,
oy {? Vo?+a{? bars {2 |ory? Bs for example, the chromaticity (x9, y)) of the
achromatic color stimulus. The lines of this family
have different initial directions specifiable by an
[32(8.4.4)] angle 0 of tangent A%,/A’). An initial direction 6
having been chosen, A‘), A% are taken so that the
The Christoffel symbols are defined as follows: condition laid down in Eq. 31(8.4.4) is satisfied. A
small step ds along the tangent of the geodesic
{1} satu + g?[,2 line terminates in a second point (x}, x7) of the
geodesic line given by

on = g7'[11,1]
+g” [11,2] a as 5 ‘x24 4, 58

At this point, the new quantities \'), A; have val-

fest = gh [12,1] + g?[12,2] ues

= g71(12)1] 977112,2] int, Vile oF ie N= Ny + — 8s

ee = g''[22,1] + g'? [22,2] where dA',/ds and dd>/ds are found from Eq.
32(8.4.4) by substituting A, for A. This step-wise
procedure is repeated to obtain points
ions = g7![22,1] + g”[22,2] {ORO NE AT ty, i x2)
eee X3,X35°° n? n

where the Christoffel 3-index symbols of the first and corresponding tangent vectors
kind [ij, k| are defined as
Woe tat eet IS 112
(A',, 2 ited etaaare eg,
tal 028i
Phi} <5 =r
until the boundary of real chromaticities, that is,
the spectrum locus or the line of purples, is
[11,2] = OZ _ ah 0811 reached. Figure 7(8.4.4) shows the results of such
dx! 2 Ox? computations for several geodesic lines starting
from x, = 0.310, y = 0.316 (CIE standard illu-
she we
minant C) in various directions. The computa-
tions (assuming Stiles’ line element) were made

K ee


0.6 0.8

Fig. 7(8.4.4). CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram showing a network of geodesic lines and circles,
derived from Stiles’ line element, which resemble lines of constant hue and chroma, respec-

with ds = const = 0.005. Points on these lines Trabka proposes that each cone mechanism is a
which are away from (Xo, yo) by the same num- set of similar nonideal radiation detectors whose
ber of steps 6s lie on a geodesic circle. Several signal-to-noise ratio outputs can be derived from
such circles are shown in Figure 7(8.4.4). These standard methods of detection theory:
derived geodesic lines and circles resemble the Signal-to-Noise Output
lines of constant hue and chroma, respectively, set
up empirically in the Munsell system (Section
6.6.1). This remarkable resemblance supports, in (Sea OS Ou We aba ee
a general way, the assumption that hue and
chroma can actually be described by means of where m is the average rate of absorption of
geodesic lines and circles. However, quite large quanta by a given cone mechanism, and (dm)
discrepancies are noticed between the chroma corresponds to the difference of the stimuli to be
lines of the Munsell system and the geodesic discriminated. The constants b and c are func-
circles derived from Stiles’ line element, and simi- tions of the “dark current” m, and the “dead-
larly for the hue lines. How far these discrepan- time” 7, and given by
cies are connected with the observing conditions
used or assumed in the Munsell data and the line ler tie mg
element, or with observer variations is not clear.
Oe: po ang EO PO ee
8.4.5 Trabka
The “dark current” is very much equivalent to the
Trabka (1968a, b) offers an interesting interpreta- “self-light” (Eigenlicht) observed in vision and
tion of Stiles’ line element by applying basic already considered by Helmholtz in his line-
concepts of signal-detection theory. Specifically, element work. The “dead time” is also a reason-
Line Elements of Color Space —_ 673

able concept in vision, as it relates to neurophysi- perimental data to those made by the original
ological evidence that after the absorption of each Stiles’ line element. He also added predictions of
quantum producing a signal, there is a brief period wavelength discrimination data and luminous ef-
of time during which no further absorption will ficiency functions of tritanopes, deuteranopes, and
contribute to the signal. Estimates for the dark protanopes. His predictions agree reasonably well
current and the dead time are with experimental data.
Trabka considered Stiles’ line element, and his
My = 5 spikes/sec and t= 7 msec own version of it, only as a first-approximation
model to what the visual mechanism actually
Trabka defines the line element for a collec- might be. The work by Boynton, Ikeda, and Stiles
tion of N such nonideal detectors by assuming (1964) on the interactions among chromatic
that the greater the signal-to-noise fatio, the mechanisms as inferred from positive and nega-
greater the sensation of change at the detector tive increment thresholds has strongly indicated
outputs, or the greater the “distance” between the that the three cone mechanisms do not operate
color stimuli; thus, independently as assumed in Stiles’ line element.
N 2 A dependence between them can be allowed for
F,(.dm, by introducing in the line element cross-products
j=1 m?+2bm,+c¢ of pairs of the three cone responses. According to
Trabka, such cross-products could be generated
[2(8.4.5)] from radiation detector theory, but this intriguing
possibility has not as yet been followed through
where a is a scaling constant. Equation 2(8.4.5) in detail.
defines the line element in terms of the sum of the
signal-to-noise ratios at the outputs of nonideal
8.4.6 Vos and Walraven
detectors which are identical except that they may
absorb different average numbers of quanta [i.e., Perhaps the most elaborate line element that
the functions m; = m,(A) may be different func- has been developed so far is that by Vos and
tions of wavelength] and may have different Walraven (1972a, b). It is also one of the latest of
amplification mechanisms (i.e., weighting factors complete versions of line elements meeting the
F). criteria of a line element outlined earlier in Sec-
Trabka shows that the quantities (1/p)’, tion 8.4.1.
(1/y)?, (1/B)? in Stiles’ line element correspond The basic assumptions underlying the Vos—
to the weighting factors F., thus making the limit- Walraven line element are the following:
ing Weber fractions p, y, B inversely proportional
to the square root of the quantum detectivities of (a) Color stimuli are processed in two stages,
different amplifying mechanisms. Trabka also occurring in a Helmholtz-type three-receptor zone,
shows that the denominator of Eq. 2(8.4.5) corre- followed by a Hering-type neural conversion zone
sponds with Stiles’ standard-shape function §(x) in which a luminance and two antagonistic chro-
representing the threshold-versus-radiance (t.v.r.)- matic signals are formed.
curve of an individual foveal mechanism (x), as (b) Color discrimination is essentially pho-
given in Table 1(7.4.3) and illustrated in Figure ton-noise-limited. At higher luminances, “satura-
1(7.4.3). The experimentally determined (t.v.r.)- tion” and “super-saturation” (channel overload-
curve of Stiles agrees very closely with the expres- ing) processes occur that keep color discrimina-
sion tion below the limit that photon noise alone would
l (c) The signals emerging from the second zone,
(x) = the neural conversion zone, combine in a positive
9(ax? + 2bx +c)!”
and definite (quadratic) form to generate an out-
[3(8.4.5)] put signal directly proportional to a just-notice-
able difference between two given input stimuli.
when its coefficients are set at a = 1, b = 0.3, and
c = 0.0125. Vos and Walraven consider first the case in
Trabka showed that his version of Stiles’ line which the visual mechanism is stimulated by color
element gave virtually identical predictions of ex- stimuli of low luminances. In the cone-mechanism

zone, the signal-to-noise output can then be be as follows:

treated in terms of standard Poisson statistics, that
1S, First chromatic signal:

Signal " (dN) F=R/G (red-green)

ouput /N [1(8.4.6)]
Second chromatic signal:
where WN is the average number of quanta ab-
S=(R+G)/B=Y/B (yellow-blue)
sorbed per second. If one were to assume that the
collective response of the three cone mechanisms
would be equivalent to the square root of the sum Achromatic signal:
of the squares of the individual cone responses,
L=R+G+8 (luminance)
one would obtain the line element

wr -(

dG +
2 2
wwe PLN ‘ |
+{—y] The signals, F, S, L emerging from the (red-green),
/G@ /B (yellow-blue), and luminance channels are then
assumed to combine in the positive and definite
[2(8.4.6)] form

where R,G,B are the responses of the three

(ds) =n,{ 2) tar( 2) +ns(S)
independently operating cone mechanisms. The
spectral response functions of the cone mecha-
nisms are linear transformatins of the Judd-mod- [4(8.4.6)]
ified CIE 1931 standard color-matching functions
to generate an output signal ds that is directly
x'(A), y(A), Z(A) (see Sections 5.5.2 and 5.14.4).
proportional to a just-noticeable color difference
The line element defined by Eq. 2(8.4.6) clearly
between two given input stimuli. In Eq. 4(8.4.6),
differs from that of Helmholtz [Eq. 4(8.4.2)] but is
the quantities o,,0,, 06; are signal uncertainties
similar to that of Schrodinger [Eq. 1(8.4.3)] except
and 1,;,%r,Ns5 are constant weighting or gain
for Schrodinger’s luminance dependent factors
factors in the L, F, S channels.
Tp/(lpR +16G+1,B), Ilg/(UrR + IoG + 1pB),
The line element in the form of Eq. 4(8.4.6)
and /,p/(lpR+/¢G+1,B). These factors pre-
can be converted to a corresponding line element
serve Weber’s law from low to high levels of
_ in which the variables are the cone responses
luminance and make “brightness” a linear combi-
R,G, B. This conversion, though elaborate in ex-
nation of the cone responses. The line element of
ecution, follows standard mathematical proce-
Eq. 2(8.4.6), on the other hand, does not comply
dures (see, for example, Section 5.4.2). Briefly, if
with Weber’s law: the Weber fraction increases
the original line element (Eq. 4(8.4.6)] is denoted
with the square root of the luminance instead of
being constant, in accordance with the now well- by
established transition (de Vries—Rose behavior) 3
from absolute-threshold behavior to Weber be- (ds )ovigee teGe Eka ee
havior (Bouman, 1961; Barlow, 1965; van Nes
and Bouman, 1967).
and similarly, the new line element is of the form
The important new concept introduced by Vos
and Walraven (1972a) to the notion of the line f 3
element is that the output signals of the individ- (ds new = dy Cy dx; dx;
ual cone mechanisms generated in the first stage ii
are not combined in the manner described by Eq.
2(8.4.6), but instead are first coded in the second where the original coordinates x, (i = 1 to 3) are
stage, forming two antagonistic chromatic signals related to the new coordinates x; (j = 1 to 3) by
and one achromatic (luminance) signal, before a means of given (linear or nonlinear) transforma-
difference signal is transmitted to the brain. The tions [Eq. 3(8.4.6)]
coding (transformation) of the R, G, B cone sig-
nals in the neural conversion zone is assumed to x; = x;(x/)
Line Elements of Color Space 675

then, the new coefficients cj, are related to the

original coefficients c;, in accordance with +2 dR dB( KGB
=X __ 4.9
3 eS Ns
ql ik , , Ra Gass B
i eee LOSK OX

and the original differentials dx; relate to the new +2 dG dB( ea LeaGee aey
differentials dx; as follows:

3 Ox’
R+G+B 6(8.4.6
dx;i eee= 2 yy J Xi
With R+G+B=L, R/L=r, G/L=g, and
In applying the above procedure to Eq. 4(8.4.6) B/L = b, Eq. 6(8.4.6) becomes
making use of the transformations given in Eq.

3(8.4.6), one obtains as the new line element
g b
(dR+dG+ dB) (ay = ; (ary'( + IF a

r(r+g) Isp +g
2 —

+ (dG ‘(> 7 esb

TF (4G) ne Pe(rt+g) “rt+g
RG(R+ G)
(BdR+BdG-—(R+G) dB) 2 ae
+n 5 B(R+G)(R+G+B)
+2(dR)(aG)( 9 ’ eae
ee ee
The above expression is readily expanded and the
terms regrouped to obtain the line element in the
familiar form: +2(dR dB + d6-4B)(m, ~ 9)
2 —=
2 >
Uhe + ——
dias ieik) esas: R(R+G) It is important to note that the weighting factors

pion tials 4
Nr» NF, N;,, mtroduced by Vos and Walraven in
Eq. 4(8.4.6) are crucial modeling quantities. For
the special case of n, = n-=7, = 1, the line
element of Eq. 6(8.4.6) reverts to that of Eq.
2 NL npR 2(8.4.6) which characterizes a discrimination pro-
apes, |Reba B G(R+ G) cess at absolute threshold in which the three cone

pecs mB 84
mechanisms respond independently of one
another; the cross-products of Eq. 6(8.4.6) vanish.
(R+G)(R+G+B) In an effort to extend the applicability of their
line element defined by Eq. 6(8.4.6) to stimuli
of moderate and high luminances, Vos and
7 (aB)*| KetyG
BE BD deteia( Walraven (1972b) introduce a “saturation” and a
“supersaturation” model along the lines proposed
earlier by Bouman, Vos, and Walraven (1963).
n,(R+G) |
“Saturation” occurs when the spike density of
B(R+G+B) the neural signals increases to a level beyond
which the incidence of new spikes is prevented by
NL a le the inherent refractory period (dead time) that
+2 dR ac aos R+G follows each spike (see also Trabka’s line element
in Section 8.4.5). A simple mathematical model of
too | the saturation process relates the number of spikes
(R+G)(R+G+B) vy with the number of incident events, such as

quanta n, as follows: for which supersaturation occurs. The relation

between n,) and n, is independent of the cone
[7(8.4.6)] mechanism involved and is given by
"T+ n/no
Ane Oe)
where 7, denotes the number of incident events a3= z [10(8.4.6)]
1 0
(quanta) for which saturation occurs. In this
model, it is assumed that the refractory process For example, an inaccuracy in the refractory
has a fixed time interval t, throughout which the period fy of 35% (i€., 9,,/to = 0.35) is equal to
prevention of new spikes occurring is complete, No /n, = 0.5 (approximately).
but at the end of the dead time the possibility of The basic steps of derivation of the general
new spikes occurring is at once restored. When form of the Vos—Walraven (1972a) line element
the number of spikes approaches its maximum, are given as follows:
which is determined by ny, the congestion in the
neural channel increases, leading to a gradual (i) The cone signals R, G, B first add to
reduction of the “accuracy of information on n.”
Vos and Walraven give a formula that describes L=R+G+B8B8 and Y=R+G
the postulated “accuracy reduction” (11) The new signals saturate in accordance with

of = n(1 +7) [8(8.4.6)] gy ecg he


For high luminances, that is, high quanta- (iii) The accuracy of signal transmission is
incidence rates, the quantity o becomes propor- governed first by Poisson statistics, then limited
tional to n. by saturation and supersaturation in accordance
When they introduce their saturation model
into an extended form of their line element of Eq. 0, = yn(1 + n/ng + n>/n;)
6(8.4.6) and then use the extended form to predict
a variety of experimental data, Vos and Walraven
which provides what Vos and Walraven call the
find that there is still room for further improve-
“physical line element”
ment. This improvement, so they argue, may be
obtained through a refinement of their rather 2
simple and possibly not realistic saturation model (ds); = ee
defined by Eqs. 7(8.4.6) and 8(8.4.6). Vos and n(1 +n/ng + n>/n?)
Walraven postulate that the refractory period f, is
“loaded with an inaccuracy +o,,, which makes (iv) After completion of steps (i) to (iii), the
interpretation of small variations in spike density signals of the two antagonistic chromatic chan-
void of sense, once saturation occurs.” This nels are formed in accordance with
changes Eq. 8(8.4.6) to
F=— and
=n +242 [9(8.4.6)]
Qo. -n; The general form of the line element derived
in accordance with steps (i) to (iv), but expressed
where n, denotes the number of incident quanta in terms of the initial cone signals R,G, B, is
then given by

2 2
(ds)” = (dR) nifi+ nefe@(1 +E]
+n (1+ 2)

Y 2
R B :
+ (ac)? nife + nefeR?(1 +2 | +n f6(1+2 | z3 (dB) nift + nh(I i 7)
0 0 0
Line Elements of Color Space 677

+2 dRdG a R= G Wf ck SEN

+2 dR dB
|,f,— 1 68 +e )r(i +F)| +246 aB|n,f,— 1/8 |+2) y(i+$)]
0 0 Bo Yo


B x
1/4--B/B, +B? /B} Loy yw Way,
B(l a7 B,) Y(4+ Y/%)
-(1+ Y/¥% + ¥°/Y?) - (1 + B/B, + B?/B})YB
1 B/By eB /B; Rey /y,,-re /Y,

ae L G/Gg+-G./G; TtR/R, + R°/R?
G(1 — G/G) R(1 + R/R,)
-(1 + R/Ry + R?/R}) - (1+ G/G, + G?/G})RG
1+ G/G,+G?/GF 14+ R/R,+ R?/R?


EAC Lan)
The derivation of the general form of the the standard deviations from the mean of re-
Vos—Walraven line element given in Eq. 11(8.4.6) peated color matches (Section 5.4), they make no
is not as straightforward as the low-level line assumptions about the visual response mecha-
element given in Eq. 6(8.4.6). Equation 11(8.4.6) nisms responsible for color discrimination. On
has been reproduced from the original publica- the other hand, the inductive line elements of
tion of Vos and Walraven (1972b) and has not Helmholtz, Schrédinger, Stiles, Trabka, and
been verified by us. Vos—Walraven (Sections 8.4.2 to 8.4.6), that make
Vos and Walraven (19720) test their line ele- very simple assumptions of this kind do not
ment by using it to predict a variety of experi- account for important features of the experimen-
mental color-discrimination data. In general, they tal data embodied in the empirical line elements.
find reasonable agreement between prediction and Various attempts to develop more satisfactory
experiment. Figures 1(8.4.6) and 2(8.4.6) illustrate inductive line elements have been made; the fol-
some of the predictions made for wavelength dis- lowing notes indicate the direction of this work.
crimination and for chromaticity discrimination. Inductive line elements derive from the follow-
In each of the two cases, three luminance levels ing main guiding principles:
(L = 1,10, 100, in arbitrary units) were used, the
inaccuracy of the refractory period ft, was set at
6,,/to = 0.35 (= 35%), and the gain factors
Nr» Nr, 7, Of the achromatic and the two chro- (a) that the perception of a difference between
matic channels were adjusted so as to provide two stimuli of spectral radiant power distribu-
complete equivalence between the (R/G)- and tions, {P, dA} and {Px dA}, respectively, de-
(Y/B)-channel for low to medium values of L. pends on the possibilities of this difference being
detected by one or more of several component
visual mechanisms that are in some sense distinct
8.4.7 General Construction of Inductive Line although not necessarily independent in the
Elements highest possible degree, and
Insofar as empirical line elements, such as those (b) that if the quantitative relation between the
of MacAdam (1942, 1943), correctly reproduce two stimuli at threshold is expressed in terms of

w (o)
Deuteranopia Protanopia
L=l L=!0 L=| L=|00


(arbitrary fo}

Wavelength Difference
500 400 500 600
Wavelength \ (nm) Wavelength A( nm)

8 Tritanopia 100 Normal Trichromatism

3 )

8 8
3 fe)

units )(arbitrary
1%) 19.

500 500 600 700 400 500 600 700

Wavelength \ (nm) Noticeable
Just- Wavelength dA (nm)
Fig. 1(8.4.6). Predictions of Vos—Walraven line element of wavelength discrimination curves
for the three types of dichromat and for the normal trichromat at low, moderate, and high
luminance levels (Vos and Walraven, 1972a, b).

their tristimulus values, The fundamentals [7(A), g(A), b(A)] are nor-
mally identified with the relative spectral absorp-
tions (corrected for light losses in the optic media)
R=[P\r(A)dd, RP’ = [Pxr(A) dd of three photosensitive pigments contained in the
response mechanisms and mediating all visual
effects of light on the retina (Sections 8.2.5 and
G= [P,g(A) A, G’ = [Pxg(A) dd 8.2.6).
The quantitative response of a particular com-
ponent mechanism—say the ith—to the stimulus
{P, dX} may be represented, to take a very gen-
B= [P,b(A) da, B’ = [Pxb(A) ad eral case, by a function of the tristimulus values,
F;(R, G, B). According to the Taylor expansion,
[1(8.4.7)] the difference of response to slightly different
stimuli {P, dA} and {Px dX} is given to the first
approximation by
based on a certain unique set of color-matching
functions [7(A), Z(A), b(A)], known as the funda- AE(R, GIB) =ARMf CR GAB)
mentals, then the relation in question can be
displayed in a particularly significant form which +AG fco(R,G,B)+AB f,(R,G,B)
makes the roles of the component mechanisms
apparent. [2(8.4.7)]
Line Elements of Color Space 679


Fig. 2(8.4.6). Predictions of Vos—Walraven line element of chromaticity-discrimination

ellipses for low, moderate, and high luminance levels (Vos and Walraven, 1972a, b).

Provided the component mechanisms are suffi-
ciently distinct, it will be meaningful to consider
pore alana 2)
the response to the stimulus difference when only
the ith mechanism is operating, and to take as its
= fig(R,G, B) quantitative expression the same quantity AF..
Using the threshold concept in its crudest form,
the stimulus difference will be detected by the ith
= fir(R,G,
B) [3(8.4.7)] mechanism if AF,, taken initially to be positive,
exceeds a threshold value 7,I which, in general,
AR=R’—-R, AG=G'—-G, AB=B’-—B will vary with the mean response level,

F(R, G, B), that is, and, given the quantitative properties of the
component mechanisms specified by the func-
T, = T;{ F;} tions F(R,G,B), T(F) and p,(AF/T,), all
sets of values of AR, AG, AB that correspond
and perhaps also with the response levels of the to threshold perception are determinable. At
other mechanisms; that is, threshold, the values of

= GR
By he}

In the latter case, distinctness of the mechanisms

is taken to imply that it is possible, in principle,
to study the behavior of the ith mechanism acting satisfy
alone by blocking the differential responses AF,
(7 +i) of the other mechanisms without interfer-
0-5 =" [la pie) ie oe
ing with the possible effects of their main re-
sponses F; (j #i) in determining the threshold
[1 —py(év)] — [5(8-4.7)]
TFs Ey) If the €,’s are very small relative to one particular
On the more refined probability definition of a
threshold, the chance of detecting the stimulus €., for example, €98 then Eq. 5(8.4.7) will have the
difference will be a function of AF,, that is, solution
pi(AF.), which is zero when AF,=0 and ap- é=1-—a,, §=a, [6(8.4.7)]
proaches unity when AF, is large in comparison
with the threshold value 7; [which is, by defini-
(with i #j) where the positive quantities a; and
tion, such that p/(7;) = 0.5]. Provided the stimuli
a, are all small compared with unity and become
{P, dX} and {Px dA} are being presented for
vanishingly small as the ratios £;/; (i #j) tend
discrimination under symmetric (or quasi-sym-
simultaneously to zero. This follows from the fact
metric) conditions of comparison (Section 5.2),
that p,(€;) increases monotonically with €,; for
the probability function p/(AF,) must follow the
£,= 1 we have p;(1) = 0.5, and when &; tends to
same course for negative and positive values of
zero, p;(§;) tends to zero.
AF., and the threshold 7, will have the same
The so-called sum-of-squares relation
absolute value (but with opposite signs) in the
two cases.
It is convenient to change the argument of the OF)" (45\" (Abe
probability function from AF, to AF,/T;,, to ob- ie 1, Tat oe
Ww ee P
Pry =P AAR) ge 4+ e34---+62=1 [7(8.4.7)]
This ensures that for all response levels F,, one obviously has a solution that can be written in a
has p;(1) = 0.5, although the exact shape and similar form to Eq. 6(8.4.7):
particularly the steepness of the probability curve
may still depend on F.. > aul sod. €,= a‘ [8(8.4.7)]
If the probabilities of discrimination by differ-
ent component mechanisms combine indepen- (i #7) where a; and a; become vanishingly small
dently, the probability P that the stimulus as the ratios ;/€; (i #/) tend to zero. Clearly, as
difference will be detected by at least one mecha- any of the limiting cases just considered is ap-
nism when all are in operation is given by proached, the solution of the sum-of-squares rela-
tion is an increasingly good approximation to the
solution of the strict threshold condition given by
Bs PAC py CE pant Oh a a)
Eq. 5(8.4.7). Theorists, following Helmholtz, have
[4(8.4.7)] commonly adopted the same sum-of-squares rela-
tions as an approximation valid at threshold when
where WN is the number of mechanisms. The dis- no one of the ratios AF./T, has predominantly
crimination threshold is reached when P = 0.5 the largest value. The divergencies between the
Line Elements of Color Space 681

threshold values of the ratios A F,/T, derived using Regardless of any differences in shape of
the simplified relation [Eq. 7(8.4.7)] and the val- p;(-+-) curves, the bearing of the actual mean
ues obtained using the rigorous probability rela- shape on the acceptability of the sum-of-squares
tion of Eq. 5(8.4.7) depend on the shapes of the threshold condition given by Eq. 7(8.4.7) is il-
probability curves p,(--- ). lustrated by considering just two component
To relate the p,(--- ) curves with experimental mechanisms. The solutions of
probability-of-detection curves, consider the de-
7 2
termination of discrimination thresholds of the
= (= + (2 = §? + £2?
kind sometimes known as general color limens
(Wright, 1941; MacAdam, 1942) in which the
tristimulus values of one stimulus are fixed at are conveniently summarized in the diagram of
R,G, B while those of the other stimulus (R + Figure 1(8.4.7) which shows, as the continuous
AR,G+ AG, B + AB) are varied along a straight curves, log , and log €, plotted against
line in tristimulus space passing through the point log(€,/&,). The three pairs of broken curves rep-
(R,G, B) [see Figures 1(5.4.1) and 1(7.10.5)]. resent similarly the solutions of
Thus, AR, AG, AB are kept in the same ratio
although their actual values have changed; we 0.5 = [1 —p(é,)JL) — p(é)]
corresponding respectively to the three probabil-
AR=ls, AG =ms, AB=ns ity-of-detection curves plotted in Figure 2(8.4.7).
All these p(&)-curves are of one of the types
where the direction cosines /,m,n define the commonly used to fit to experimental probability-
fixed direction of the line and s the variable of-detection curves, and are plotted from the for-
distance along it measured from (R, G, B). The mula
probability of detection P in such a determination
is a function of s/S, that is,
p(é)=5[1 + B(hlogé)] —forg>1
eae = 5[1 e(atos +) for & < 1
where S is the threshold value of s such that with
s=S [9(8.4.7)]
with different values of the constant h which
Pl = P(1) =0.5 controls the steepness of the curve. At p(€) = 0.5,
the gradient dp/dlog € equals approximately
The shape of the probability curve P(---) is 0.565 h. Here E(x) is the error function; that is,
determinable experimentally for various tristimu-
lus points (R, G, B) and directions (/, m, n).
By reference to Eq. 4(8.4.7) for P in terms of
the p,’s, it can be shown that even though the
p;(---) curves for all component mechanisms [10(8.4.7)]
have a common shape that is independent of their
response levels, F;(R,G, B), the resultant proba- The sum-of-squares solution [Curves A, Figure
bility-of-detection curve P(s/S) will have strictly 1(8.4.7)] gives a rather close approximation to the
the same shape as the p;(---) curves only if one predictions of the more rigorous probability
of the ratios AF,/T, is large compared with the method if the steepness of the probability-of-
others. When this is not so, the P(---) curve detection curve, for a single mechanism, corre-
would be somewhat steeper, although the dif- sponds to h = 2.56 [Curves C, Figures 1(8.4.7)
ferences arising in this way are not large. On the and 2(8.4.7)].
whole, experimental P(---) curves show little, if The shape of the probability-of-detection curve
any, systematic dependence on (R, G, B), and the P(s/S) in a determination of a general color
assumption of a common shape for p,(- - - ) curves limen when both mechanisms are in operation is
independent of response level is perhaps admissi- not representable exactly over its whole range by
ble as a working approximation. an expression of the form of Eq. 9(8.4.7), but the
‘5°pay “hn ears CURVES A
fi Ry B—--0o--
a 7 x N| 7 x \
"Sa 70-2 id a
NI N Ny c pee faery

2 aay exit” ior este me

Gd hn Pe eh toe\
7 \
re) / / ‘N \
a ? wey \ [e}
a> -03 Bh/ Me / \‘a hehy\
2 r4 ee Sf X\

/ 7 z
log <: ef if

A “iy / Fase
iJ f
Jo / Vag
/Y / \\

0.5 Be ra
-08 =06 =0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.6 08

oo (&4/,
Fig. 1(8.4.7). Curves showing pairs of values of £,,&, that satisfy the sum-of-squares relation
1=£{+ € or the probability relation 0.5 = [1— p(€,)][1— p(é,)].


0.8 |

0. o

0. BSS

0. nm

<0 -06 -04 -0.2 0 0.2 04 0.6 08
log €

Fig. 2(8.4.7). Probability-of-detection curves: Curve B, h = 3.84; Curve C, h = 2.56; Curve D,

h = 1.92; Curve E, hol:

Line Elements of Color Space 683

Table 1(8.4.7) Values of Con- steeper, and in some cases, much steeper. How-
stant h of Eq. 9(8.4.7) Which Con- ever, even if the sums-of-squares relation is not a
trols the Steepness of the Proba- particularly good approximation, its use is un-
bility-of-Detection Curve p(é), for likely to obscure other salient features of pro-
Different Numbers (NV) of posed systems of component mechanisms, and, in
Component Mechanisms providing a Riemannian line element, it makes it
N A pe easier to handle the quantitative, if approximate,
theory. It is of interest to note that the above
rd 2.56 37 discussion could have been based on a Poisson
3 2.43 6 2 distribution function, instead of the Gaussian dis-
4 2.35 3.45 tribution function of Eq. 9(8.4.7), to represent the
5 Lae Sead
6 2.24 3.56
typical shape of probability-of-detection curves.
Substantially the same general conclusions would
) This value gives exact agreement follow.
between probability and sums-of-squares For the simplest class of component mecha-
solutions when &, = §, =+-* = &y.
nisms, the response function depends on one
(2) This is the maximum value of hp which
arises when £, = §& =--- = &y.
tristimulus value only. For example, if this tri-
stimulus value is R, we have

F(R,G,B) = F(R)
latter gives a good approximation in the central,
steeply ascending part of the curve if the constant and
h is suitably chosen. The appropriate value (hp) OF af OF
depends on the relative contributions of the two SEE yess =e)()
ar fik(R), BG >aR
mechanisms to the particular general color limen
under consideration. If one mechanism pre- If, also, the threshold 7; depends only on the
dominates, hp becomes equal to hy (the value for response of the same mechanism, then
a single mechanism), but is increased to a maxi-
mum hp= 1.24 hy when the two mechanisms
contribute equally. The probability-of-detection
T.LF(R)] = 4,(R)
curve for the latter case, with hy = 2.56, is plotted is a function of R only. The contribution of such
as Curve C in Figure 2(8.4.7). a mechanism, which may be named a Class I
(simple) mechanism, to the sums-of-squares ap-
If there are more than two component mecha-
proximation to the threshold condition is a term
nisms (N > 2) each with the same shape probabil-
ity-of-detection curve of the type defined by Eq.
a= (48) (ary?

9(8.4.7), the value of the constant h for which the

solutions of the probability-threshold condition
[Eq. 5(8.4.7)] accord best with the solutions of the
sums-of-squares condition [Eq. 7(8.4.7)], is shown
For the discrimination properties of the mecha-
nism, only the ratio
as h“!) in Table 1(8.4.7). The third column of the
table defines the steepness of the probability-of-
detection curve in a determination of the general
color limen when A for each of the N mechanisms
fs= 4,(R)
has the value of A = The minimum value, when
is important, and the same function 7,(R) may
one mechanism makes a predominating contribu-
result from:
tion, is simply hp = A“.
The application of the sums-of-squares thresh-
(a) A response function
old condition [Egq. 7(8.4.7)] in an inductive line
element of the kind here being considered is
strictly justifiable only if the steepness of the F(R) =Cf"¥,(R)dR (C= const)
probability-of-detection curves obtained experi-
mentally is consistent with the range of hp values together with a constant threshold
just derived. Some experimental curves lie in this
range, but more generally they are somewhat T(R)=C

(b) A response function leading to the threshold condition

F(R) = CR 1 =|ere ray|(ORY

together with a threshold that varies with the
response F,(R) according to the law
B ; 2
T,(F) = (
KG F by) |pete

(c) Response and threshold functions that parti-

tion the R variation of ¥,(R) in a more com- leet
plicated way, subject only to the condition that
aF(R) 1
WR)= "OR TIR(R)] The quantities a, B, y, a, b, c, and do, bp, Co, are
all positive constants. If, in particular, aa, = |
These different possibilities cover the various (or bby)= 1, or cco= 1), the response becomes
conceivable physiological models of a Class I zero when R=0O (or G=0, or B=0). Apart
(simple) mechanism leading to the term from the symbols used for the constants, Eq.
[W,(R) AR]? in the line element. With three Class 14(8.4.7) is substantially the Stiles line element
I (simple) mechanism dependent respectively on discussed in Section 8.4.4.
the three tristimulus values, the line element has It may be noted, at this point, that the as-
the form sumption of an exact logarithmic form for the
response functions in this and other line elements
is not generally a critical feature. Over limited
1 = [¥,(R) (AR) + [¥.(@) (AG) ranges of the variables, other simple functions
behave in much the same way as the logarithm
+ [y,(B) (4B) [11(8.4.7)] and may, in fact, provide closer approximations
to empirical data. Figure 3(8.4.7) compares a
and the discrimination ellipsoids in R, G, B space logarithmic with a power-law response function.
corresponding to different sets of values of The respective terms in the Schrédinger line
(R, G, B) all have their principal axes parallel to element (Section 8.4.3)
the coordinate directions, the length of the prin-
cipal axis in the R direction being the same at all a(AR)
points (R,G, B) with the same R value, and
similarly for the other principal axes. The un-
eo R(aR + BG + yB)
satisfactory line element of Helmholtz and its
modified version proposed by Stiles (Section 8.4.4) B(AG)°
are of this type and are derivable (omitting some G(aR + BG + yB)
unessential refinements) from a_ physiological
model with response functions
B(aR + BG+ yB)
F(R) =aln[a(R+ ay)]

F,(G) = Bln[b(G + b))] [12(8.4.7)]

are not attributable to any Class I (simple) com-
F,(B) = yln[c(B
+ co)]
ponent mechanisms. Each term corresponds to a
and with constant thresholds mechanism with a response function dependent
on one tristimulus value only, but with a threshold
LCE YR y, ete) aK ae ke dependent on both its own response levels and
those of other mechanisms. Such mechanisms may
[13(8.4.7)] be termed Class I (complex). Possible models
Line Elements of Color Space 685

F(R) ——— 0.4156 R@>"5!

log,, (R+1)

Fig. 3(8.4.7). Similarity of shape of a logarithmic and a power-law response function.

leading to Schrédinger’s line element are: A F, has to be detected above a noise level attrib-
utable mainly to the response in the ith mecha-
(i) Model A. nism but which is also raised by responses in
other mechanisms. Model B with different re-
MUR oR FENG) —pG, F,(B) = 7B sponse functions corresponds to a common shared
noise level. Schrédinger himself, it may be noted,
T, = T(F,,.5,5) derived his line element to yield a luminous ef-
ficiency curve that was a linear combination of
=[F(R){F(R) + F(G) + B(B)}]'7 the color-matching functions.
Component mechanisms of Class II or Class
= [aR(aR + BG + yB)]'” III, that is, those whose response depends on two
or three tristimulus values, are physiologically
T, = [BG(aR + BG + yB)
more sophisticated in the sense that they contem-
plate either retinal end-organs containing more
than one visual pigment or some interplay, usu-
T, =[yB(aR+ BG+yB)]'” — [16(8.4.7)] ally neural, between the end-organs with different
visual pigments, occurring before the response is
(ii) Model B. evaluated. In the second case, particularly, a
mechanism may incorporate in itself a differenc-
pedal Ram OR)61, wrle(G)ia AQ) iar ing process or some “inhibitory” action. The
Vos—Walraven line element (Section 8.4.6) is an
F,(B) = (yB)'” [17(8.4.7)] example of a line element incorporating differenc-
ing processes.
T, = T,=T,=4(aR + BG+yB)” A Class II or Class III component mechanism,
differing from a Class I (simple) mechanism in
The physiological concept underlying model A is, the replacement of a single visual pigment by a
in general terms, that the difference of response fixed mixture of two or all three visual pigments

would have: with a threshold

(a) A response function _ 7} la(R +a)"

F.(R,G, B) =F(L) [18(8.4.7) |
ay sheer tit
equal, in the simplest case, to a constant K,, for
L=I,pR+1[oGt1,B example. The contribution to the line element is

the quantities /p,/,, /, being constants, provided ae. (a\R — BAG )

very intense stimuli, capable of appreciably T2\R+a, Gtbo
changing the relative composition of the pigment
mixture by bleaching, are excluded, and
(b) A threshold function

T=T(L) —[19(8.4.7)] A differencing mechanism of this kind can

provide the basic model for the opponent-color
theory if the responses F,(R, G) of different sign
With the appropriate choice of the constants
are associated—when above threshold—with
lp, /¢, 1g, the quantity L becomes the luminance
the perception of the respective opponent colors.
of the stimulus evaluated for the luminous ef-
However, these interpretations are not im-
ficiency function V(A) which is a linear combina-
mediately relevant to the application to threshold
tion of the color-matching functions. To the
extent that heterochromatic brightness matches
A contribution to the line element similar to
agree with predictions from V(A) (however, see
the above, except that the sign between the two
Section 5.8), the component mechanism would
terms is positive, is provided by a mechanism that
produce a nonzero differential response A F, only
sums linearly two logarithmic outputs:
if the two stimuli differed in brightness. In this
sense, the mechanism might play the role of a
separate system for the appreciation of bright- F.(R,G) =aln[a(R+a,)]
ness. For the functions F,(L) and T,(L) the forms
+ Bin[ b(G + by)]

F,(L) = rin[7(L+ t9)] T; = T,{[a(R + ay)]"[b(G + by)]*}

BAG |?
T;,(L) =constant [20(8.4.7)]

are one possibility among many. [24(8.4.7)]

An example of a Class II component mecha-
nism with some physiological basis is obtained by The line element of Friele (1961, 1966) incorpo-
postulating a linear differencing process between rates such terms.
two logarithmic (or corresponding power func- The complete inductive line element—the sum
tion) outputs, each involving one only of the two of the ? terms of all the component mechanisms
tristimulus values concerned (e.g., R and G). The assumed to be operating— is necessarily homoge-
corresponding response function is neous and of the second degree in AR, AG, AB.
To ensure that it leads to discrimination el-
lipsoids, there must be at least three mechanisms
F(R, G) = aln{a(R + ay)
for which the equations €, = 0, €, = 0, €, =0
(regarded as linear equations for AR, AG, AB
—Bln[ b(G + by)] [21(8.4.7)] with constant coefficients) define three distinct
planes through the origin in (AR, AG, A B)-space.
(a, B, a, b, do, by all positive constants) With more than three mechanisms—certainly a
Line Elements of Color Space 687

possibility—it will generally be easier to adjust Shklover successfully applied this scheme to some
the constants to fit empirical data, and the signifi- of the simpler color-discrimination data and to
cance of a successful fit is necessarily reduced. the determination of loci of constant hue and
One of the most elaborate and, at present, saturation in the chromaticity diagram. Compari-
possibly most successful line elements based on son with the then already available discrimination
“opponent-color mechanisms” is that of Vos and data of MacAdam and Brown (color-matching
Walraven (1972a,b), details of which have been ellipses, Section 5.4) was not made, and in the
given in Section 8.4.6. However, for the purpose light of the later work by Friele (1961) and Vos
of bringing out certain structural features of some and Walraven (1972a,b), offers little promise.
such line elements, we have selected here a slightly Note also that the (B — G) differencing mecha-
generalized form of an “opponent-color line ele- nism postulated by Shklover is now usually re-
ment” given by Shklover (1958). The Shklover placed by a (Y— 8B) differencing mechanism,
line element assumes two differencing mecha- where Y (yellow) is a (R + G) summing mecha-
nisms and a brightness mediating mechanism, nism.
with response functions In the above three-mechanism scheme with the
response functions defined by Eq. 25(8.4.7), put-
F(R, G) = a ln[a,(R + ayo)] ting 8, equal to zero corresponds to placing the
second chromatic differencing mechanism by a
—B,In[b\(G + bio)] Class I (simple) mechanism dependent only on
the B tristimulus value. The resultant line element
F,(B, G) = ay|n[a,(B + ay9)] becomes

— ByIn[ b,(G + by)] ni a AR B,AG |?

— K2| R+aq Gt bio
F,(R,G, B) = a;In[ a3(/gR + IgG
+ 1,B) + a3] [25(8.4.7)]
and constant threshold functions
[27(8.4.7) |
T, = K,, T, = K,, T, = K;
leading to the line element
L=1pR+1¢G+1,B [28(8.4.7) ]
| |a,AR ~.. BAG )
aK REO 6, hPa Ip, 1G, 1, being generally defined to make L the
luminance. In that case, because the contribution
Bp eet hs Nae of the B tristimulus value to luminance is always
Ki \ B+ an G + by very small, it is a good approximation to define L
by L=/p,R+4+1,G.
The application of this line element to the
1 | a,/pAR+ 05/1, AG + azl,AB
special case of MacAdam’s (Section 5.4.1) dis-
K3| (rR +1gG+ 1, Bi) aaaca crimination ellipses in a plane of constant lumi-
nance is illuminating. With AL = 0 and G= (L
[26(8.4.7)] — [pR)/lg, Eq. 27(8.4.7) reduces to

The constants a,, b,, a>, b,a,; do not figure in

eae) ee “(ARY?
the line element; they merely control constant Pete ol ena
Ke R+ ajo L—IpR+t Igbip
quantities added to the responses. With the fol-
lowing special choice: 2 o
gs I 2
re neal C2

Ag = dy = 4x9 = Dy = 43 2 2
AB ee 2) [29(8.4.7)]
a, = B,, a, = By, 37h Sk Sp



__ LOG(B*+0.3)
LOG (B+ 0.47)

0.5 1.0 1.5

Fig. 4(8.4.7). MacAdam ellipses; semiaxis S, in its dependence on B when the tristimulus
values R,G, B are based on Fick-type fundamentals r(A),g(A),b(A) related to the CIE 1931
X(A), y(A),z(A) color-matching functions by the equations: x(A) = 1.350r(A )— 0.460g(A) +
0.195b(A); p(A) = 0.4887(A) + 0.622. 2(A); Z(A) = B(A).

which defines the ellipses projected on the plane than by

containing the R and B axes.
LeGrand (1949), in an instructive study of the S, — const(B + a.)
MacAdam ellipses, expressed them in terms of
tristimulus values based on two sets of fundamen- However, this is an unessential difference, corre-
tals, one of Fick type, the other of Konig type sponding to a change in the response function
(see Section 8.2.5). He concluded that for either F,(B) from
set of fundamentals,
F,(B) = a,|n{a,(B als Ao) }
(a) the experimental ellipses (projected on the
R-B plane) had semiaxes that were nearly parallel
to the R and B directions; and
(b) the length of the semiaxis parallel to the B F,(B) = ain{ a, B a (B? +e) }
direction depended substantially on the B value
only. with e being a constant. Figure 4(8.4.7) illustrates
the results.
These results are in accord with the predic- LeGrand’s most significant finding was that
tions of the above line element, that is, with Eq. the semiaxis Sp, plotted against the logarithm of
29(8.4.7). For the dependence of the semiaxis S, the ratio
on B, the data were represented better by

S» = const(B? + 2)'/*
Line Elements of Color Space 689



20 T5 fe) 05 lO 15
Loc (2)
Fig. 5(8.4.7). MacAdam ellipses: semiaxis Sp in its dependence on R /G. Tristimulus values
as for Figure 4(8.4.7).

showed a well-defined minimum at a particular anism with the response function F,(R, G) of Eq.
value of log(R/G), on either side of which it 25(8.4.7), the assumption of a constant threshold
increased symmetrically. Equation 29(8.4.7) pre- T\(F,) = K, must be abandoned; that is, the
dicts on the contrary, that Sp should show a threshold 7\(F,) must be allowed to depend on
maximum, which should occur at the magnitude of the response F,.
For useful reviews of line elements as mathe-
l matical models of color discrimination, which fol-
log ]= tos(72 + 5lo $")
low a somewhat different approach to the one
given here, the reader is referred to articles by
when it is assumed that the luminance L is high Bouman and Walraven (1972) and Vos (1979).
enough for the small constants a,,. and b), to have The thesis of Buchsbaum (1978) on models of
negligible effect. Figure 5(8.4.7) compares the ex- central signal processing in color perception ex-
perimental and predicted variations of Sp for the ploits, in detail, basic concepts of the signal
Fick-type fundamentals when a, = f,. The detection theory developed in various fields of
minimum in the experimental and the maximum communication. In particular, Buchsbaum shows
in the predicted curve are fairly close that simple color discrimination tasks, such as
wavelength discrimination, are accounted for by
; R R
—log G = —0.16 applying decision rules described by likelihood
Me Gi at pred
ratio tests on statistics derived from a Poisson-type
and could be made to coincide by putting 8B, = process. Possible physiological interpretations of
2a,. A similar expression for the KO6nig-type the statistical model are avoided by Buchsbaum
fundamentals shows a much larger displacement and, in fact, the model does not have a unique
of opposite sign physiological correlate. Nonetheless, Buchsbaum
points out that the logic and strategy of the
log G one ar = +0.76
optimum rules of the probabilistic signal-detec-
tion algorithm that account for the performance
exp G pred
in different visual discrimination tasks provided
To obtain an explanation of the minimum in clues that might help to further our understand-
Sp while retaining a chromatic differencing mech- ing of the functioning of the visual mechanism.

Table 1(1.1) Basic Radiometric Quantities?

Radiant Energy, Radiant energy is energy propagated in the form of electromagnetic

Radiation waves or streams of particles (quanta or photons).
Radiation is the process of emitting or transferring radiant energy.
Sometimes, however, radiation is also identified as radiant energy
Monochromatic radiant energy is radiant energy of a single frequency.
In practice, this term is extended to include radiant energy of a small
range of frequency or wavelength, which can be described by stating
a single frequency or wavelength.
The spectrum of radiant energy is the radiant energy when it is
regarded as an assembly of monochromatic components. Also the
term is frequently used for the image produced by the dispersion of
radiant energy into its monochromatic components.

Radiant Power, P, Radiant power (or radiant flux) is radiant energy emitted, trans-
Radiant Flux, F, ferred, or received through a surface, in unit time interval.

Radiant Exitance, M, Radiant exitance at a point of a surface is the quotient of the radiant
power emitted by an infinitesimal surface element containing the
point, by the area of that surface element.
Irradiance, E, Trradiance at a point of a surface is the quotient of the radiant power
incident on an infinitesimal surface element containing the point, by
the area of that surface element.

Radiant Intensity, J, Radiant intensity (of a source in a given direction) is the quotient of
the radiant power emitted by the source in an infinitesimal element
of solid angle containing the given direction by the element of solid
Radiance, L, Radiance in a given direction at a point on the surface of a source or
a receiver, or at a point on the path of a beam, is the quotient of the
radiant power leaving, arriving at, or passing through an element of
surface at this point and propagated in directions defined by an
elementary cone containing the given direction, by the product of
the solid angle of the cone and the area of the orthogonal projection
of the surface element on a plane perpendicular to the given
Period, ik Period is the time between successive occurrences of the same
characteristics in a periodic phenomenon.
Frequency, v Frequency is the reciprocal of period.

Table I(1.1)— Continued

Wavelength, A Wavelength is the distance between two successive points of a

periodic wave in the direction of propagation in which the oscilla-
tion has the same phase. The wave propagates a distance equal to
one wavelength during every period. Thus, the product (Av) of
wavelength and frequency is equal to the velocity of the wave. In
vacuo, the velocity c of propagation of an electromagnetic wave is
constant and independent of the frequency and amplitude. The
velocity c decreases to c/n when the wave propagates through a
medium other than a vacuum; n is the index of refraction of the
Unless otherwise stated, values of wavelength are generally those in
air. The refractive index of standard air (15°C, 101 325 N-m“) lies
between 1.00027 and 1.00029 for visible radiant energies.
Wavenumber, m Wavenumber is the reciprocal of wavelength.
Photon, Quantum Photon (or quantum) is an elementary quantity of radiant energy of
one frequency. It is equal in value to hy, the product of Planck’s
constant h and the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation.
Spectral The spectral concentration at a given wavelength of a radiometric
Concentration quantity X, is given by the amount of the particular quantity, having
wavelengths in an infinitesimal interval containing the given wave-
length divided by the width of the interval. The usual notation is
Xen a dn

For example, if X, is radiant power P,, the spectral concentration of

radiation power is denoted by P,,=dP,/dX and is simply referred
to as spectral radiant power.
Note: Frequencies v and wavenumbers m may also be used; if there
is a risk of ambiguity this should be avoided by means of an
appropriate wording. For example, P.,,,=dP,/dm would be de-
scribed as a spectral radiant power (wavenumber basis).
Spectral Distribution The spectral distribution function characterizes the variation of the
Function (Curve) spectral concentration of a radiometric quantity with wavelength (or
frequency, or wavenumber). A corresponding graph is termed the
spectral distribution curve. A useful symbol is
{X,. dx}
which becomes for {P,, dA} the spectral distribution function (or
curve) of radiant power.
Relative Spectral A relative spectral distribution function (or curve) gives the spectral
Distribution Function (Curve) concentration in an arbitrary radiometric unit, (i.e., it specifies only
the relative values at different wavelengths). Its symbol is
{X,(A) da}
which becomes {P,(A) dA} for the relative spectral power distribu-
tion function (or curve). Note that in this case the wavelength A
follows the symbol for the quantity in parenthesis instead of as a

“Note: Distinction between radiant and photometric quantities. Each of the radiometric quantities
radiant power P., radiant exitance M.,, irradiance E,, radiant intensity J,, and radiance L, corresponds to
a photometric quantity [defined in Table I(4.1)] which is derived from the radiometric quantity by means
of the spectral luminous efficacy for the CIE standard photometric observer [see Table 1(4.3.2)]. Both the
radiometric and the photometric quantities are denoted by the same principal symbol and the distinction
is made by adding the subscript e (energy) in the case of radiometric quantities and the subscript v
(visual) in the case of photometric quantities. Should there be no confusion, the subscripts may be
Table I(1.2.2) Spectral Radiant Exitance (M,, ) of a Blackbody Radiator at Different
Temperatures 7(K)*

r T(K)
(nm) 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
300 0.48399(—8) 0.19796(—6) 0.28044(—5) 0.20477(— 4) 0.96125(—4)
310 0.19299(—7) 0.60995(—6) 0.71872(—5) 0.45709(— 4) 0.19271(—3)
320 0.70225(—7) 0.17429(—5) 0.17280(—4) 0.96550(—4) 0.36805(—3)
330 0.23518(—6) 0.46511(—5) 0.39209( —4) 0.19398(—3) 0.67271(—3)
340 0.73028(—6) 0.11664(—4) 0.84404(— 4) 0.37240(—3) 0.11814(—2)
350 0.21166(—5) 0.27635(—4) 0.17318(—3) 0.68588(—3) 0.20007(—2)
360 0.57596(—5) 0.62168(—4) 0.34005(—3) 0.12163(—2) 0.32773(—2)
370 0.14791(—4) 0.13335(—3) 0.64140(—3) 0.20832(—2) 0.52076(—2)
380 0.36019(—4) 0.27381(—3) 0.11659(—2) 0.34561(—2) 0.80470(—2)
390 0.83514(—4) 0.54001(—3) 0.20485(—2) 0.55681(—2) 0.12119(—1)
400 0.18507(—3) 0.10262(—2) 0.34879( —2) 0.87312(—2) 0.17825(—1)
410 0.39330(—3) 0.18841(—2) 0.57690(—2) 0.13353(— 1) 0.25650(—1)
420 0.80403(—3) 0.33510(—2) 0.92889(—2) 0.19955(— 1) 0.36170(— 1)
430 0.15855(—2) 0.57864(—2) 0.14588(—1) 0.29188(—1) 0.50058(—1)
440 0.30235(—2) 0.97209( —2) 0.22387(— 1) 0.41850(—1) 0.68082(— 1)
450 0.55886(—2) 0.15918(—1) 0.33621(—1) 0.58904(— 1) 0.91108(—1)
460 0.10033(—1) 0.25452(— 1) 0.49488(— 1) 0.81486(— 1) 0.12010
470 0.17529(— 1) 0.39799(— 1) 0.71490(— 1) 0.11092 0.15610
480 0.29855(—1) 0.60950(— 1) 0.10148 0.14874 0.20024
490 0.49650(—1) 0.91537(—1) 0.14170 0.19665 0.25374
500 0.80742(—1) 0.13498 0.19483 0.25658 0.31784
510 0.12857 0.19564 0.26406 0.33065 0.39386
520 0.20072 0.27903 0.35305 0.42118 0.48314
530 0.30758 0.39195 0.46603 0.53065 0.58705
540 0.46313 0.54273 0.60782 0.66173 0.70693
550 0.68588 0.74142 0.78381 0.81720 0.84414
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.14366(1) 0.13326(1) 0.12630(1) 0.12132(1) 0.11758(1)
580 0.20350(1) 0.17557(1) 0.15799(1) 0.14598(1) 0.13727(1)
590 0.28448(1) 0.22882(1) 0.19586(1) 0.17430(1) 0.15918(1)
600 0.39271(1) 0.29518(1) 0.24073(1) 0.20659(1) 0.18342(1)
610 0.53568(1) 0.37711(1) 0.29348(1) 0.24318(1) 0.21009(1)
620 0.72246(1) 0.47736(1) 0.35505(1) 0.28437(1) 0.23927(1)
630 0.96393(1) 0.59898(1) 0.42640(1) 0.33046(1) 0.27103(1)
640 0.12730(2) 0.74535(1) 0.50853(1) 0.38175(1) 0.30544(1)
650 0.16648(2) 0.92016(1) 0.60247(1) 0.43852(1) 0.34253(1)
660 0.21571(2) 0.11274(2) 0.70929(1) 0.50104(1) 0.38236(1)
670 0.27703(2) 0.13715(2) 0.83005(1) 0.56956(1) 0.42493(1)
680 0.35278(2) 0.16570(2) 0.96583(1) 0.64430(1) 0.47027(1)
690 0.44563(2) 0.19888(2) 0.11177(2) 0.72547(1) 0.51836(1)
700 0.55860(2) 0.23723(2) 0.12867(2) 0.81327(1) 0.56920(1)
710 0.69507(2) 0.28128(2) 0.14740(2) 0.90785(1) 0.62274(1)
720 0.85880(2) 0.33161(2) 0.16805(2) 0.10093(2) 0.67896(1)
730 0.10540(3) 0.38881(2) 0.19072(2) 0.11179(2) 0.73781(1)
740 0.12852(3) 0.45351(2) 0.21551(2) 0.12335(2) 0.79921(1)
750 0.15574(3) 0.52634(2) 0.24252(2) 0.13563(2) 0.86311(1)
760 0.18761(3) 0.60794(2) 0.27183(2) 0.14863(2) 0.92941(1)
710 0.22472(3) 0.69897(2) 0.30351(2) 0.16236(2) 0.99804(1)
780 0.26771(3) 0.80009(2) 0.33765(2) 0.17680(2) 0.10689(2) ©
790 0.31726(3) 0.91197(2) 0.37432(2) 0.19195(2) 0.11418(2)
800 0.37408(3) 0.10353(3) 0.41357(2) 0.20781(2) 0.12168(2)
810 0.43896(3) 0.11707(3) 0.45546(2) 0.22437(2) 0.12937(2)
820 0.51269(3) 0.13188(3) 0.50004(2) 0.24161(2) 0.13723(2)
830 0.59614(3) 0.14804(3) 0.54735(2) 0.25953(2) 0.14526(2)
560 0.47193(—3) 0.34165(— 1) 0.72770 0.72148(1) 0.42964(2)
Table I(1.2.2)— Continued

r T(K)
(nm) 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200
300 0.33120(-3) ——-:0.43453(—3) 0.56277(-3) -0.72015(—3) —0.91128(—3)
310 0.60930(—3) -0.78446(—3) ——-0.9978—-3) _—-0.12553(—2) 0.15626(—2)
320 0.10736(—2) -0.13580(—2) 0.16986(—2) -0.21027(—2) 0.25777(—2)
330 0.18192(—2) 0.22632(—2) 0.27864(—2) -0.33976(—2) —-0.41056(—2)
340 0.29752(—2) 0.36439(—2) 0.44200(-2) ——-0.53135(—2) —-0.63343(—2)
350 0.47111(—2) 0.56854(—2) 0.68002(—2) 0.80661(—2) 0.94936(—2)
360 0.72428(—2) -0.86200(—2) + ~—s-0.10174(—1)_—s«<0.11917(—1) 0.13857(—1)
370 0.10830 —1) ——-0.12731(—1) 0.14839—1) —0.17173(—1) 0.19743(—1)
380 0.15822(—1) —-0.18354(—1) 0.21141(-1) ——-:0.24191(—1) 0.27512(—1)
390 0.22578(—1) 0.25882(—1) 0.29478(—1) ——-0.33370(—1) 0.37564(— 1)
400 0.31549(—1) 0.35762(—1) 0.40295(— 1) 0.45152(—1) 0.50334(—1)
410 0.43239(— 1) 0.48491(-1) —-0.54084(—1) —s:0.60017(/—1)_——«0.66287(—1)
420 0.58208(— 1) 0.64616(— 1) 0.71374(—1) 0.78474(— 1) 0.85910(—1)
430 0.77069(— 1) 0.84727(— 1) 0.92726(—1) 0.10106 0.10970
440 0.10048 0.10945 0.11873 0.12831 0.13817
450 0.12915 0.13943 0.14998 0.16078 0.17182
460 0.16379 0.17534 0.18709 0.19903 0.21113
470 0.20517 0.21785 0.23066 0.24358 0.25658
480 0.25403 0.26764 0.28129 0.29495 0.30861
490 0.31113 0.32537 0.33954 0.35363 0.36762
500 0.37722 0.39167 0.40595 0.42005 0.43397
510 0.45302 0.46715 0.48102 0.49462 0.50797
520 0.53921 0.55236 0.56519 0.57770 0.58989
530 0.63644 0.64783 0.65887 0.66956 0.67994
540 0.74531 0.75401 0.76239 0.77046 0.77825
550 0.86634 0.87129 0.87603 0.88057 0.88493
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.11467(1) 0.11404(1) 0.11344(1) 0.11288(1) 0.11234(1)
580 0.13067(1) 0.12927(1) 0.12795(1) 0.12670(1) 0.12552(1)
590 0.14804(1) 0.14570(1) 0.14350(1) 0.14144(1) 0.13950(1)
600 0.16677(1) 0.16333(1) 0.16011(1) 0.15710(1) 0.15428(1)
610 0.18690(1) 0.18216(1) 0.17776(1) 0.17366(1) 0.16984(1)
620 0.20840(1) 0.20218(1) 0.19642(1) 0.19109(1) 0.18613(1)
630 0.23128(1) 0.22337(1) 0.21609(1) 0.20936(1) 0.20314(1)
640 0.255531) 0.24571(1) 0.23672(1) 0.22845(1) 0.22082(1)
650 0.28111(1) 0.26917(1) 0.25828(1) 0.24831(1) 0.23914(1)
660 0.30800(1) 0.29372(1) 0.28074(1) 0.26889(1) 0.25806(1)
670 0.33616(1) 0.31931(1) 0.30405(1) 0.29017(1) 0.27752(1)
680 0.36556(1) 0.34590(1) 0.32816(1) 0.31209(1) 0.29749(1)
690 0.39614(1) 0.37343(1) 0.35302(1) 0.33460(1) 0.31791(1)
700 0.42785(1) 0.40186(1) 0.37859(1) 0.35765(1) 0.33874(1)
710 0.46063(1) 0.43113(1) 0.40480(1) 0.38119(1) 0.35994(1)
720 0.49443(1) 0.46118(1) 0.43159(1) 0.40516(1) 0.38144(1)
730 0.52917(1) 0.49194(1) 0.45892(1) 0.42951(1) 0.40319(1)
740 0.56480(1) 0.52336(1) 0.48673(1) 0.45419(1) 0.42516(1)
750 0.60123(1) 0.55536(1) 0.51494(1) 0.47914(1) 0.44729(1)
760 0.63841(1) 0.58789(1) 0.54350(1) 0.50431(1) 0.46954(1)
770 0.67625(1) 0.62087(1) 0.57236(1) 0.52964(1) 0.491841)
780 0.71468(1) 0.65424(1) 0.60145(1) 0.55509(1) 0.51417(1)
790 0.75363(1) 0.68794(1) 0.63072(1) 0.58060(1) 0.53648(1)
800 0.79302(1) 0.72189(1) 0.66010(1) 0.606 12(1) 0.55871(1)
810 0.83278(1) 0.75604(1) 0.68954(1) 0.63160(1) 0.58084(1)
820 0.87283(1) 0.7903 1(1) 0.71900(1) 0.65700(1) 0.60283(1)
830 0.91311(1) 0.82466(1) 0.74840(1) 0.68228(1) 0.62462(1)
560 0.17906(3) 0.24495(3) 0.33013(3) 0.43879(3) 0.57571(3)
Table 1(1.2.2)— Continued

r T(K)
(nm) 2250 2300 2350 2400 2450
300 0.11411(—2) —-0.14150(—2) _—0.17387(—2) 0.21181(—2) 0.25596(—2)
310 0.19264(—2) 0.23534(—2) —-0.28506(—2) ——-0.34253(—2) 0.40853(—2)
320 0.31316(—2) 0.37724(—2) —-0.45085(—2) ~—-0.53484(—2) 0.63006(—2)
330 0.49196(—2) 0.584892) _:0.69026(—2) 0.80901(—2) 0.94207(—2)
340 0.74925(—2) 0.87980(-2) —-0..10261(—1) 0.11890(— 1) 0.13695(— 1)
350 0.11093(—1) —-0.12875(—1) 0.14848(— 1) 0.17023(—1) 0.19407(—1)
360 0.16006(—1) —-0.18373(—1) 0.20967(— 1) 0.23795(—1) 0.26866(—1)
370 0.22558(—1) —-0.25625(—1) 0.28951(—1) —-0.32543(—1) 0.36406(— 1)
380 0.31111(—1) ——:0.34993(—1) 0.39162(—1) —-0.43624(—1) 0.48380(— 1)
390 0.42063(—1) —-0.46869(—1) 0.51986(—1) 0.57412(—1) 0.63147(— 1)
400 0.55840(—1) ——-0.61669(— 1) 0.67819(—1) 0.74288(— 1) 0.81072(— 1)
410 0.72889%—1) 0.79819(—1) 0.87070(— 1) 0.94636(— 1) 0.10251
420 0.93673(—1) 0.10175 0.11014 0.11883 0.12781
430 0.11866 0.12790 0.13743 0.14723 0.15728
440 0.14830 0.15869 0.16932 0.18017 0.19123
450 0.18307 0.19452 0.20616 0.21796 0.22992
460 0.22338 0.23577 0.24827 0.26087 0.27356
470 0.26965 0.28278 0.29595 0.30914 0.32235
480 0.32225 0.33586 0.34943 0.36295 0.37641
490 0.38150 0.39527 0.40892 0.42244 0.43583
500 0.44769 0.46123 0.47457 0.48772 0.50067
510 0.52106 0.53390 0.54648 0.55882 0.57092
520 0.60179 0.61339 0.62470 0.63574 0.64651
530 0.69000 0.69976 0.70924 0.71844 0.72738
540 0.78577 0.79303 0.80004 0.80681 0.81337
550 0.88911 0.89314 0.89700 0.90073 0.90431
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.11183(1) 0.11135(1) 0.11088(1) 0.11044(1) 0.11002(1)
580 0.12440(1) 0.12334(1) 0.12233(1) 0.12137(1) 0.12046(1)
590 0.13767(1) 0.13595(1) 0.13431(1) 0.13277(1) 0.13130(1)
600 0.15164(1) 0.14915(1) 0.14680(1) 0.14459(1) 0.14250(1)
610 0.16626(1) 0.16291(1) 0.15977(1) 0.15682(1) 0.15403(1)
620 0.18152(1) 0.17721(1) 0.17318(1) 0.16941(1) 0.16586(1)
630 0.19737(1) 0.19200(1) 0.18700(1) 0.18232(1) 0.17795(1)
640 0.21378(1) 0.20725(1) 0.20118(1) 0.19554(1) 0.19027(1)
650 0.23070(1) 0.22291(1) 0.21570(1) 0.20900(1) 0.20278(1)
660 0.24811(1) 0.23895(1) 0.23050(1) 0.22269(1) 0.21544(1)
670 0.26595(1) 0.25533(1) 0.24556(1) 0.23655(1) 0.22822(1)
680 0.28417(1) 0.27200(1) 0.26083(1) 0.25056(1) 0.24109(1)
690 0.30275(1) 0.28892(1) 0.27627(1) 0.26467(1) 0.25401(1)
700 0.32162(1) 0.30604(1) 0.29184(1) 0.27886(1) 0.26694(1)
710 0.34074(1) 0.32334(1) 0.30751(1) 0.29307(1) 0.27986(1)
720 0.36007(1) 0.34075(1) 0.32323(1) 0.30729(1) 0.29274(1)
730 0.37956(1) 0.35825(1) 0.33897(1) 0.32147(1) 0.30554(1)
740 0.39916(1) 0.37579(1) 0.354691) 0.33559(1) 0.318241)
750 0.41884(1) 0.39333(1) 0.37036(1) 0.34961(1) 0.33081(1)
760 0.43856(1) 0.41084(1) 0.38595(1) 0.36351(1) 0.34322(1)
710 0.45825(1) 0.42828(1) 0.40142(1) 0.37726(1) 0.35546(1)
780 0.47790(1) 0.44561(1) 0.41674(1) 0.39083(1) 0.36750(1)
790 0.49746(1) 0.46280(1) 0.43189(1) 0.40421(1) 0.37933(1)
800 0.51689(1) 0.47983(1) 0.44684(1) 0.41735(1) 0.39091(1)
810 0.53616(1) 0.49665(1) 0.46156(1) 0.43026(1) 0.40224(1)
820 0.55524(1) 0.51325(1) 0.47603(1) 0.44291(1) 0.41331(1)
830 0.57410(1) 0.52960(1) 0.49024(1) 0.45527(1) 0.42409(1)
560 0.74630(3) 0.95659(3) 0.12132(4) 0.15236(4) 0.18957(4)
Table 1(1.2.2)— Continued

r T(K)
(nm) 2500 2550 2600 2650 2700
eee eee eee ee eee es ee ee a
300 0.30699( — 2) 0.36556(—2) 0.43240(—2) 0.50823(—2) 0.59379 —2)
310 0.48381(—2) 0.56918(—2) 0.66544(— 2) 0.77340( —2) 0.89389(—2)
320 0.73739( —2) 0.85769(— 2) 0.99183(—2) 0.11407(—1) 0.13051(— 1)
330 0.10903(— 1) 0.12548(—1) 0.14362(— 1) 0.16354(—1) 0.18534(—1)
340 0.15686(— 1) 0.17870(— 1) 0.20257(—1) 0.22854(— 1) 0.25670(—1)
350 0.22009(— 1) 0.24837(— 1) 0.27899(— 1) 0.31201(— 1) 0.34750(—1)
360 0.30185(—1) 0.33761(— 1) 0.37598(—1) 0.41701(— 1) 0.46074(— 1)
370 0.40546(— 1) 0.44966(— 1) 0.49670(— 1) 0.54660(— 1) 0.59939(— 1)
380 0.53433(— 1) 0.58784(— 1) 0.64434(— 1) 0.70383(—1) 0.76630(— 1)
390 0.69192(— 1) 0.75545(— 1) 0.82202(—1) 0.89160(— 1) 0.96418(—1)
400 0.88166(— 1) 0.95567(— 1) 0.10327 0.11126 0.11955
410 0.11069 0.11915 0.12790 0.13693 0.14623
420 0.13706 0.14658 0.15636 0.16638 0.17664
430 0.16758 0.17810 0.18884 0.19979 0.21094
440 0.20249 0.21393 0.22553 0.23729 0.24920
450 0.24201 0.25423 0.26656 0.27898 0.29150
460 0.28632 0.29914 0.31201 0.32491 0.33784
470 0.33555 0.34875 0.36193 0.37509 0.38820
480 0.38980 0.40311 0.41633 0.42947 0.44251.
490 0.44969 0.46220 0.47517 0.48800 0.50067
500 0.51343 0.52600 0.53837 0.55054 0.56253
510 0.58277 0.59440 0.60580 0.61697 0.62792
520 0.65703 0.66729 0.67731 0.68709 0.69664
530 0.73606 0.74450 0.75271 0.76069 0.76846
540 0.81971 0.82585 0.83179 0.83755 0.84314
550 0.90776 0.91110 0.91431 0.91741 0.92041
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.10962(1) 0.10923(1) 0.10886(1) 0.10850(1) 0.10816(1)
580 0.11960(1) 0.11877(1) 0.11798(1) 0.11722(1) 0.11650(1)
590 0.12991(1) 0.12858(1) 0.12732(1) 0.12612(1) 0.12498(1)
600 0.14052(1) 0.13865(1) 0.13687(1) 0.13518(1) 0.13357(1)
610 0.15141(1) 0.14893(1) 0.14659(1) 0.14436(1) 0.14226(1)
620 0.16253(1) 0.15940(1) 0.15644(1) 0.15364(1) 0.15100(1)
630 0.17386(1) 0.17001(1) 0.16639(1) 0.16298(1) 0.15977(1)
640 0.18535(1) 0.18074(1) 0.17642(1) 0.17236(1) 0.16854(1)
650 0.19698(1) 0.19156(1) 0.18649(1) 0.18175(1) 0.17729(1)
660 0.20871(1) 0.20243(1) 0.19658(1) 0.19111(1) 0.18599(1)
670 0.22050(1) 0.21333(1) 0.20666(1) 0.20044(1) 0.19462(1)
680 0.23233(1) 0.22422(1) 0.21669(1) 0.20969(1) 0.203 16(1)
690 0.24417(1) 0.23508(1) 0.22667(1) 0.21885(1) 0.21158(1)
700 0.25598(1) 0.24588(1) 0.23655(1) 0.22790(1) 0.21987(1)
710 0.26774(1) 0.25659(1) 0.24631(1) 0.23681(1) 0.22801(1)
720 0.27942(1) 0.26720(1) 0.25595(1) 0.24558(1) 0.23599(1)
730 0.29099(1) 0.27766(1) 0.26543(1) 0.25417(1) 0.24378(1)
740 0.30243(1) 0.28798(1) 0.27474(1) 0.26258(1) 0.25138(1)
750 0.31371(1) 0.29812(1) 0.28386(1) 0.27078(1) 0.25877(1)
760 0.32481(1) 0.30806(1) 0.29277(1) 0.27878(1) 0.26594(1)
770 0.33572(1) 0.31780(1) 0.30147(1) 0.28655(1) 0.27289(1)
780 0.34642(1) 0.32731(1) 0.30993(1) 0.29409(1) 0.27960(1)
790 0.35689(1) 0.33658(1) 0.31816(1) 0.30138(1) 0.28607(1)
800 0.36711(1) 0.34561(1) 0.32613(1) 0.30843(1) 0.29230(1)
810 0.37707(1) 0.35437(1) 0.33384(1) 0.31522(1) 0.29827(1)
820 0.38676(1) 0.36286(1) 0.34129(1) 0.32175(1) 0.303991)
830 0.39617(1) 0.37108(1) 0.34846(1) 0.32801(1) 0.30945(1)
560 0.23380(4) 0.28600(4) 0.34715(4) 0.41831(4) 0.500594)
Table I(1.2.2)— Continued

‘! T(K)
(nm) 2750 2800 2850 2900 2950
300 0.68984(—2) 0.79715(—2) 0.91648(—2) 0.10486(— 1) 0.11943(—1)
310 0.10277(—1) 0.11757(—1) 0.13387(— 1) 0.15174(—1) 0.17127(—1)
320 0.14859(—1) 0.16839(— 1) 0.19000(— 1) 0.21349(—1) 0.23893(—1)
330 0.20909(— 1) 0.23487(—1) 0.26276(—1) 0.29282(—1) 0.32511(—1)
340 0.28710(—1) —-0.31982(-1)_—S—s«0.35493(—1) 0.39247(—1) 0.43251(—1)
350 0.38551(—1) 0.42609(— 1) 0.46929(— 1) 0.51515(—1) 0.56370(— 1)
360 0.50722(— 1) 0.55647(— 1) 0.60852(— 1) 0.66339(— 1) 0.72109(—1)
370 0.65507(— 1) 0.71365(—1) 0.77514(—1) 0.83953(— 1) 0.90681(—1)
380 0.83174(— 1) 0.90012(—1) 0.97143(— 1) 0.10456 0.11227
390 0.10397 0.11181 0.11994 0.12834 0.13702
400 0.12811 0.13695 0.14605 0.15542 0.16504
410 0.15578 0.16558 0.17563 0.18590 0.19639
420 0.18713 0.19783 0.20873 0.21982 0.23110
430 0.22226 0.23375 0.24541 0.25721 0.26915
440 0.26124 0.27340 0.28566 0.29803 0.31048
450 0.30409 0.31674 0.32945 0.34220 0.35499
460 0.35079 0.36374 0.37669 0.38962 0.40255
470 0.40127 0.41430 0.42726 0.44016 0.45299
480 0.45546 0.46829 0.48102 0.49364 0.50614
490 0.51319 0.52557 0.53779 0.54985 0.56177
500 0.57433 0.58593 0.59736 0.60859 0.61965
510 0.63866 0.64918 0.65950 0.66962 0.67955
520 0.70597 0.71508 0.72398 0.73269 0.74119
530 0.77602 0.78338 0.79054 0.79752 0.80432
540 0.84856 0.85381 0.85891 0.86387 0.86868
550 0.92331 0.92611 0.92882 0.93145 0.93399
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.10783(1) 0.10752(1) 0.10722(1) 0.10693(1) 0.10664(1)
580 0.11581(1) 0.11514(1) 0.11451(1) 0.11389(1) 0.11331(1)
590 0.12389(1) 0.12284(1) 0.12184(1) 0.12088(1) 0.11996(1)
600 0.132041) 0.13059(1) 0.12919(1) 0.12786(1) 0.12659(1)
610 0.14026(1) 0.13835(1) 0.13654(1) 0.13482(1) 0.13317(1)
620 0.14849(1) 0.14612(1) 0.14386(1) 0.14172(1) 0.13968(1)
630 0.15673(1) 0.15385(1) 0.15113(1) 0.14855(1) 0.14609(1)
640 0.164941) 0.16154(1) 0.15832(1) 0.15528(1) 0.15240(1)
650 0.17310(1) 0.16915(1) 0.16543(1) 0.16191(1) 0.15859(1)
660 0.18118(1) 0.17667(1) 0.17242(1) 0.16841(1) 0.16463(1)
670 0.18918(1) 0.18407(1) 0.17928(1) 0.17477(1) 0.17053(1)
680 0.19706(1) 0.19135(1) 0.18600(1) 0.18098(1) 0.17626(1)
690 0.20481(1) 0.19848(1) 0.19256(1) 0.18702(1) 0.18182(1)
700 0.21241(1) 0.20545(1) 0.19895(1) 0.19288(1) 0.18719(1)
710 0.21984(1) 0.21224(1) 0.20516(1) 0.19855(1) 0.19237(1)
720 0.22710(1) 0.21885(1) 0.21118(1) 0.20403(1) 0.19736(1)
730 0.23417(1) 0.22527(1) 0.21700(1) 0.20931(1) 0.20214(1)
740 0.24104(1) 0.23147(1) 0.22261(1) 0.21437(1) 0.20671(1)
750 0.24769(1) 0.23747(1) 0.22801(1) 0.21923(1) 0.21108(1)
760 0.25413(1) 0.24324(1) 0.23318(1) 0.22387(1) 0.21523(1)
710 0.26034(1) 0.24879(1) 0.23814(1) 0.22829(1) 0.21916(1)
780 0.26632(1) 0.25411(1) 0.24287(1) 0.23249(1) 0.22288(1)
790 0.27206(1) 0.25920(1) 0.24737(1) 0.23647(1) 0.22639(1)
800 0.27755(1) 0.26405(1) 0.25164(1) 0.24022(1) 0.22969(1)
810 0.28281(1) 0.26866(1) 0.255691) 0.24376(1) 0.23277(1)
820 0.28781(1) 0.27303(1) 0.25950(1) 0.24708(1) 0.23564(1)
830 0.29257(1) 0.27717(1) 0.26309(1) 0.25018(1) 0.23831(1)
560 0.59515(4) 0.70322(4) 0.82606(4) 0.96499(4) 0.11214(5)
~ Table 1(1.2.2)— Continued

r T(K)
(nm) 3000 3050 3100 3150 3200
300 0.13544(— 1) 0.15296(— 1) 0.17207(— 1) 0.19285(—1) 0.21536(—1)
310 0.19254(—1) 0.21561(—1) 0.24057(— 1) 0.26749(— 1) 0.29643(—1)
320 0.26640(— 1) 0.29598(— 1) 0.32772(— 1) 0.36169(—1) 0.39795(— 1)
330 0.35972(— 1) 0.39669(— 1) 0.43607(— 1) 0.47793(— 1) 0.52231(—1)
340 0.47509(— 1) 0.52026(— 1) 0.56805(— 1) 0.61850(— 1) 0.67164(— 1)
350 0.61498(—1) 0.66902(— 1) 0.72582(— 1) 0.78540(— 1) 0.84778(— 1)
360 0.78163(—1) 0.84501(—1) 0.91123(—1) 0.98029(— 1) 0.10522
370 0.97696(— 1) 0.10500 0.11258 0.12044 0.12859
380 0.12026 0.12852 0.13706 0.14587 0.15494
390 0.14597 0.15517 0.16464 0.17435 0.18430
400 0.17490 0.18500 0.19533 0.20587 0.21663
410 0.20710 0.21801 0.22911 0.24040 0.25187
420 0.24255 0.25417 0.26594 0.27785 0.28990
430 0.28122 0.29341 0.30570 0.31809 0.33058
440 0.32301 0.33561 0.34827 0.36098 0.37373
450 0.36780 0.38063 0.39348 0.40632 0.41917
460 0.41544 0.42831 0.44114 0.45392 0.46666
470 0.46575 0.47843 0.49103 0.50354 0.51597
480 0.51852 0.53079 0.54293 0.55495 0.56685
490 0.57353 0.58514 0.59659 0.60790 0.61905
500 0.63053 0.64123 0.65176 0.66212 0.67231
510 0.68928 0.69882 0.70818 0.71736 0.72636
520 0.74950 0.75763 0.76558 0.77336 0.78096
530 0.81095 0.81742 0.82372 0.82986 0.83586
540 0.87336 0.87791 0.88233 0.88663 0.89082
550 0.93646 0.93885 0.94117 0.94342 0.94560
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.10637(1) 0.10611(1) 0.10586(1) 0.10562(1) 0.10538(1)
580 0.11274(1) 0.11220(1) 0.11167(1) 0.111171) 0.11068(1)
590 0.11908(1) 0.11824(1) 0.11742(1) 0.11664(1) 0.11589(1)
600 0.12537(1) 0.12421(1) 0.12309(1) 0.12202(1) 0.12099(1)
610 0.13160(1) 0.13009(1) 0.12866(1) 0.12728(1) 0.12596(1)
620 0.13773(1) 0.13588(1) 0.13411(1) 0.13241(1) 0.13080(1)
630 0.14376(1) 0.14154(1) 0.13942(1) 0.13741(1) 0.13548(1)
640 0.14967(1) 0.14707(1) 0.14460(1) 0.14225(1) 0.14001(1)
650 0.15544(1) 0.15245(1) 0.14962(1) 0.14693(1) 0.14437(1)
660 0.16106(1) 0.15768(1) 0.15448(1) 0.15144(1) 0.14855(1)
670 0.16652(1) 0.16274(1) 0.15916(1) 0.15577(1) 0.15256(1)
680 0.17181(1) 0.16762(1) 0.16366(1) 0.15992(1) 0.15638(1)
690 0.17692(1) 0.17232(1) 0.16798(1) 0.163891) 0.16001(1)
700 0.18185(1) 0.17683(1) 0.17211(1) 0.16766(1) 0.16346(1)
710 0.18658(1) 0.18115(1) 0.17604(1) 0.17124(1) 0.16671(1)
720 0.19111(1) 0.18526(1) 0.17978(1) 0.17462(1) 0.16977(1)
730 0.19544(1) 0.18918(1) 0.18331(1) 0.17781(1) 0.17264(1)
740 0.19957(1) 0.19289(1) 0.18665(1) 0.18080(1) 0.17531(1)
750 0.20348(1) 0.19640(1) 0.18979(1) 0.18360(1) 0.17780(1)
760 0.20719(1) 0.19971(1) 0.19273(1) 0.18621(1) 0.18010(1)
770 0.21069(1) 0.20281(1) 0.19548(1) 0.18862(1) 0.18222(1)
780 0.21398(1) 0.20572(1) 0.19802(1) 0.19085(1) 0.18416(1)
790 0.21707(1) 0.20842(1) 0.20038(1) 0.19290(1) 0.18592(1)
800 0.21995(1) 0.21092(1) 0.20255(1) 0.19476(1) 0.18750(1)
810 0.22262(1) 0.21323(1) 0.20453(1) 0.19645(1) 0.18892(1)
820 0.22510(1) 0.21535(1) 0.20633(1) 0.19796(1) 0.19018(1)
830 0.22738(1) 0.21729(1) 0.20795(1) 0.19930(1) 0.19127(1)
560 0.12966(5) 0.14921(5) 0.17093(5) 0.19497(5) 0.22147(5)

Table 1(1.2.2)— Continued

N T(K)
(nm) 3250 3300 3350 3400 3600
300 0.23968(—1) 0.26589— 1) 0.29405(— 1) 0.32422(— 1) 0.46638(— 1)
310 0.32747(—1) 0.36066(— 1) 0.39608(— 1) 0.43377(— 1) 0.60838(—1)
320 0.43656(—1) 0.47757(—1) 0.52104(—1) 0.56700(— 1) 0.77662(— 1)
330 0.56924(— 1) 0.61877(—1) 0.67094(— 1) 0.72577(— 1) 0.97220(—1)
340 0.72750(—1) 0.78609(— 1) 0.84743(— 1) 0.91154(—1) 0.11957
350 0.91296(— 1) 0.98095(—1) 0.10517 0.11253 0.14473
360 0.11269 0.12044 0.12846 0.13676 0.17264
370 0.13700 0.14568 0.15464 0.16385 0.20321
380 0.16427 0.17385 0.18368 0.19375 0.23632
390 0.19449 0.20490 0.21554 0.22639 0.27178
400 0.22759 0.23875 0.25010 0.26163 0.30939
410 0.26350 0.27529 0.28723 0.29932 0.34892
420 0.30207 0.31436 0.32676 0.33926 0.39013
430 0.34314 0.35578 0.36849 0.38125 0.43274
440 0.38652 0.39934 0.41219 0.42504 0.47649
450 0.43200 0.44482 0.45762 0.47039 0.52111
460 0.47934 0.49197 0.50454 0.51704 0.56633
470 0.52830 0.54054 0.55268 0.56473 0.61188
480 0.57863 0.59027 0.60180 0.61319 0.65752
490 0.63005 0.64091 0.65162 0.66218 0.70299
500 0.68233 0.69219 0.70189 0.71143 0.74808
510 0.73520 0.74386 0.75237 0.76071 0.79258
520 0.78841 0.79569 0.80282 0.80979 0.83628
530 0.84171 0.84743 0.85301 0.85845 0.87903
540 0.89489 0.89886 0.90273 0.90650 0.92065
550 0.94772 0.94978 0.95179 0.95373 0.96101
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.10515(1) 0.10493(1) 0.10472(1) 0.10451(1) 0.10375(1)
580 0.11021(1) 0.10976(1) 0.10932(1) 0.10890(1) 0.10734(1)
590 0.11517(1) 0.11447(1) 0.11380(1) 0.11315(1) 0.11077(1)
600 0.12000(1) 0.11905(1) 0.11813(1) 0.11725(1) 0.11403(1)
610 0.12470(1) 0.12348(1) 0.12232(1) 0.12120(1) 0.11712(1)
620 0.12925(1) 0.12776(1) 0.12634(1) 0.12498(1) 0.12003(1)
630 0.13364(1) 0.13188(1) 0.13020(1) 0.12858(1) 0.12276(1)
640 0.13787(1) 0.13583(1) 0.13388(1) 0.13202(1) 0.12531(1)
650 0.14193(1) 0.13961(1) 0.13739(1) 0.13527(1) 0.12768(1)
660 0.14581(1) 0.14320(1) 0.14071(1) 0.13834(1) 0.12987(1)
670 0.14951(1) 0.14661(1) 0.14386(1) 0.14123(1) 0.13189(1)
680 0.15302(1) 0.14984(1) 0.14682(1) 0.14394(1) 0.13373(1)
690 0.15635(1) 0.15288(1) 0.14959(1) 0.14646(1) 0.13541(1)
700 0.15949(1) 0.15573(1) 0.15218(1) 0.14881(1) 0.13691(1)
710 0.16244(1) 0.15840(1) 0.15458(1) 0.15097(1) 0.13826(1)
720 0.16520(1) 0.16088(1) 0.15681(1) 0.15296(1) 0.13945(1)
730 0.16777(1) 0.16318(1) 0.15886(1) 0.15477(1) 0.14048(1)
740 0.17016(1) 0.16530(1) 0.16073(1) 0.15641(1) 0.14136(1)
750 0.17236(1) 0.16724(1) 0.16243(1) 0.15789(1) 0.14211(1)
760 0.17438(1) 0.16901(1) 0.16396(1) 0.15920(1) 0.14271(1)
710 0.17623(1) 0.17060(1) 0.16532(1) 0.16036(1) 0.14318(1)
780 0.17790(1) 0.17203(1) 0.16653(1) 0.16136(1) 0.14353(1)
790 0.17940(1) 0.17330(1) 0.16758(1) 0.16222(1) 0.14375(1)
800 0.18074(1) 0.17441(1) 0.16849(1) 0.16293(1) 0.14386(1)
810 0.18191(1) 0.17537(1) 0.16924(1) 0.16351(1) 0.14386(1)
820 0.18293(1) 0.17617(1) 0.16986(1) 0.16396(1) 0.14376(1)
830 0.18380(1) 0.17684(1) 0.17035(1) 0.16427(1) 0.14355(1)
560 0.25060(5) 0.28251(5) 0.31733(5) 0.35524(5) 0.54071(5)

Table 1(1.2.2)— Continued

A T(K)
(nm) 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600
ee ee a ee ee ee Re
300 0.64560(— 1) 0.86498(—1) 0.11269 0.14330 0.17842
310 0.82334(—1) 0.10809 0.13825 0.17288 0.21198
320 0.10290 0.13253 0.16661 0.20510 0.24791
330 0.12627 0.15975 0.19759 0.23968 0.28584
340 0.15242 0.18960 0.23096 0.27630 0.32537
350 0.18125 0.22191 0.26646 0.31462 0.36610
360 0.21262 0.25644 0.30377 0.35427 0.40762
370 0.24636 0.29294 0.34257 0.39489 0.44953
380 0.28224 0.33111 0.38253 0.43610 0.49146
390 0.32002 0.37067 0.42331 0.47756 0.53305
400 0.35943 0.41130 0.46459 0.51893 0.57398
410 0.40020 0.45270 0.50605 0.55990 0.61397
420 0.44203 0.49456 0.54737 0.60018 0.65275
430 0.48464 0.53658 0.58829 0.63953 0.69010
440 0.52774 0.57850 0.62854 0.67770 0.72584
450 0.57107 0.62005 0.66790 0.71451 0.75982
460 0.61435 0.66099 0.70615 0.74979 0.79191
470 0.65735 0.70110 0.74311 0.78341 0.82202
480 0.69984 0.74019 0.77863 0.81524 0.85008
490 0.74159 0.77808 0.81258 0.84520 0.87606
500 0.78243 0.81463 0.84486 0.87324 0.89993
510 0.82218 0.84971 0.87537 0.89932 0.92169
520 0.86068 0.88321 0.90406 0.92340 0.94137
530 0.89782 0.91505 0.93089 0.94549 0.95899
540 0.93348 0.94516 0.95583 0.96561 0.97460
550 0.96756 0.97349 0.97886 0.98376 0.98825
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000( 1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.10307(1) 0.10247(1) 0.101931) 0.10144(1) 0.100991)
580 0.10597(1) 0.10475(1) 0.10367(1) 0.1026% 1) 0.10181(1)
590 0.108691) 0.10686(1) 0.10522(1) 0.10377(1) 0.10246(1)
600 0.11123(1) 0.108781) 0.10661(1) 0.10468(1) 0.10295(1)
610 0.113591) 0.110521) 0.10782(1) 0.10542(1) 0.103291)
620 0.11577(1) 0.112091) 0.10886(1) 0.10601(1) 0.103491)
630 0.11778(1) 0.11348(1) 0.10974(1) 0.10646(1) 0.10355(1)
640 0.11961(1) 0.11471(1) 0.11047(1) 0.10676(1) 0.103491)
650 0.12126(1) 0.11578(1) 0.11105(1) 0.10693(1) 0.10331(1)
660 0.12275(1) 0.116691) 0.111491) 0.10697(1) 0.10302(1)
670 0.12408(1) 0.11746(1) 0.111791) 0.10690(1) 0.10263(1)
680 0.12524(1) 0.11808(1) 0.11197(1) 0.10671(1) 0.10215(1)
690 0.12625(1) 0.11856(1) 0.11203(1) 0.10642(1) 0.10157(1)
700 0.12711(1) 0.11891(1) 0.11197(1) 0.10604(1) 0.10092(1)
710 0.12782(1) 0.11913(1) 0.11181(1) 0.10556(1) 0.100191)
720 0.12840(1) 0.11924(1) 0.11154(1) 0.10501(1) 0.99395
730 0.12885(1) 0.11923(1) 0.111191) 0.10437(1) 0.98539
740 0.12917(1) 0.11912(1) 0.11074(1) 0.10367(1) 0.97628
750 0.12936(1) 0.11891(1) 0.110221) 0.10290( 1) 0.96666
760 0.12945(1) 0.11860(1) 0.1096 1(1) 0.10207(1) 0.95660
770 0.12942(1) 0.11821(1) 0.10894(1) 0.10118(1) 0.94613
780 0.129291) 0.11773(1) 0.10821(1) 0.10025(1) 0.93531
790 0.12907(1) 0.11718(1) 0.10741(1) 0.99274 0.92418
800 0.12875(1) 0.11655(1) 0.10656(1) 0.98257 0.91278
810 0.12834(1) 0.11586(1) 0.10566(1) 0.97205 0.90114
820 0.12786(1) 0.11511(1) 0.10471(1) 0.96121 0.88930
830 0.12730(1) 0.11430(1) 0.10373(1) 0.95010 0.87730
560 0.78751(5) 0.11048(6) 0.15010(6) 0.19835(6) 0.25590(6)

Table I(1.2.2)— Continued

nN T(R)
(nm) 4800 5000 5200 5400 5600

300 0.21807 0.26225 0.31085 0.36376 0.42082

310 0.25550 0.30332 0.35528 0.41121 0.47088
320 0.2949] 0.34590 0.40067 0.45898 0.52057
330 0.33586 0.38949 0.44646 0.50650 0.56933
340 0.37789 0.43358 0.49214 0.55326 0.61665
350 0.42057 0.47772 0.53722 0.59877 0.66208
360 0.46345 0.52145 0.58128 0.64266 0.70528
370 0.50614 0.56438 0.62396 0.68457 0.74595
380 0.54825 0.60617 0.66491 0.72423 0.78387
390 0.58946 0.64649 0.70389 0.76143 0.81890
400 0.62946 0.68509 0.74067 0.79600 0.85091
410 0.66799 0.72177 0.77510 0.82785 0.87988
420 0.70485 0.75633 0.80705 0.85690 0.90579
430 0.73985 0.78867 0.83646 0.88314 0.92868
440 0.77286 0.81869 0.86327 0.90657 0.94859
450 0.80376 0.84632 0.88748 0.92724 0.96563
460 0.83248 0.87154 0.90911 0.94521 0.97990
470 0.85898 0.89436 0.92820 0.96056 0.99151
480 0.88323 0.91479 0.9448 1 0.97340 0.10006(1)
490 0.90524 0.93287 0.95903 0.98382 0.10073(1)
500 0.92503 0.94867 0.97095 0.99196 0.10118(1)
510 0.94263 0.96225 0.98065 0.99795 0.10142(1)
520 0.95809 0.97369 0.98826 0.10019(1) 0.10147(1)
530 0.97149 0.98309 0.99389 0.10039(1) 0.10133(1)
540 0.98288 0.99054 0.99764 0.10042(1) 0.10104(1)
550 0.99236 0.99615 0.99964 0.10029(1) 0.10059(1)
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.10059(1) 0.10022(1) 0.99884 0.99574 0.99288
580 0.10101(1) 0.10029(1) 0.99627 0.99020 0.98463
590 0.10128(1) 0.10021(1) 0.99239 0.98351 0.97537
600 0.10140(1) 0.10000(1) 0.98732 0.97577 0.96521
610 0.10139(1) 0.99668 0.98116 0.96708 0.95424
620 0.10124(1) 0.99221 0.97401 0.95754 0.94256
630 0.10097(1) 0.98668 0.96595 0.94724 0.93027
640 0.10060(1) 0.98109 0.95708 0.93627 0.91744
650 0.10012(1) 0.97283 0.94748 0.92470 0.90416
660 0.99547 0.96467 0.93722 0.91263 0.89048
670 0.98888 0.95580 0.92639 0.90010 0.87649
680 0.98149 0.94627 0.91505 0.88720 0.86223
690 0.97338 0.93617 0.90326 0.87397 0.84777
700 0.96462 0.92556 0.89108 0.86048 0.83315
710 0.95527 0.91449 0.87858 0.84677 0.81842
720 0.94539 0.90303 0.86580 0.83289 0.80362
730 0.93504 0.89122 0.85279 0.81889 0.78878
740 0.92427 0.87911 0.83960 0.80480 0.77395
750 0.91314 0.86676 0.82626 0.79066 0.75916
760 0.90168 0.85419 0.81282 0.77650 0.74442
770 0.88994 0.84146 0.79930 0.76235 0.72978
780 0.87797 0.82860 0.78573 0.74824 0.71523
790 0.86580 0.81563 0.77216 0.73420 0.70082
800 0.85347 0.80260 0.75859 0.72023 0.68655
810 0.84101 0.78953 0.74506 0.70637 0.67245
820 0.82844 0.77643 0.73159 0.69262 0.65851
830 0.81581 0.76335 0.71820 0.67901 0.64476

560 0.32327(6) 0.4009 1(6) 0.48914(6) 0.58822(6) 0.69829(6)

Table I(1.2.2)— Continued

A T(K)
(nm) 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600
300 0.48185 0.54663 0.61493 0.68651 0.76114
310 0.53406 0.60050 0.66995 0.74216 0.81686
320 0.58518 0.65254 0.72238 0.79443 0.86844
330 0.63466 0.70222 0.77172 0.84292 0.91555
340 0.68202 0.74910 0.81762 0.88733 0.95800
350 0.72686 0.79285 0.85980 0.92748 0.99569
360 0.76889 0.83324 0.89811 0.96330 0.10286(1)
370 0.80787 0.87010 0.93246 0.99476 0.10569(1)
380 0.84364 0.90335 0.96283 0.10219(1) 0.10806(1)
390 0.87612 0.93296 0.98927 0.10449(1) 0.10999(1)
400 0.90527 0.95896 0.10119(1) 0.10639(1) 0.11151(1)
410 0.93110 0.98141 0.10308(1) 0.10791(1) 0.11264(1)
420 0.95365 0.10004(1) 0.10461(1) 0.10906(1) 0.11340(1)
430 0.97302 0.10162(1) 0.10581(1) 0.10988(1) 0.11383(1)
440 0.98932 0.10288(1) 0.10669(1) 0.11038(1) 0.11395(1)
450 0.10027(1) 0.10384(1) 0.10728(1) 0.11059(1) 0.11379(1)
460 0.10132(1) 0.10452(1) 0.10759(1) 0.11054(1) 0.11337(1)
470 0.10211(1) 0.10494(1) 0.10765(1) 0.11024(1) 0.11272(1)
480 0.10265(1) 0.10512(1) 0.10747(1) 0.10972(1) 0.11186(1)
490 0.10296(1) 0.10508(1) 0.10709(1) 0.10900(1) 0.11082(1)
500 0.10306(1) 0.10483(1) 0.10651(1) 0.10810(1) 0.10961(1)
510 0.10295(1) 0.10440(1) 0.10576(1) 0.10705(1) 0.10826(1)
520 0.10267(1) 0.10379(1) 0.10485(1) 0.10585(1) 0.10679(1)
530 0.10221(1) 0.10304(1) 0.10381(1) 0.10453(1) 0.10522(1)
540 0.10161(1) 0.10214(1) 0.10264(1) 0.10311(1) 0.10355(1)
550 0.10087(1) 0.10112(1) 0.10137(1) 0.10159(1) 0.10181(1)
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.99024 0.98780 0.98553 0.98341 0.98144
580 0.97950 0.97476 0.97037 0.96629 0.96250
590 0.96789 0.96100 0.95463 0.94873 0.94325
600 0.95553 0.94663 0.93842 0.93084 0.92380
610 0.94250 0.93173 0.92183 0.91269 0.90423
620 0.92891 0.91641 0.90493 0.89436 0.88460
630 0.91483 0.90073 0.88781 0.87593 0.86498
640 0.90035 0.88477 0.87052 0.85745 0.84542
650 0.88554 0.86861 0.85315 0.83899 0.82598
660 0.87046 0.85229 0.83572 0.82058 0.80669
670 0.85518 0.83587 0.81831 0.80227 0.78759
680 0.83975 0.81941 0.80094 0.78411 0.76871
690 0.82422 0.80295 0.78367 0.76612 0.75009
700 0.80863 0.78652 0.76652 0.74833 0.73175
710 0.79302 0.77017 0.74952 0.73077 0.71370
720 0.77744 0.75392 0.73270 0.71346 0.69596
730 0.76191 0.73781 0.71608 0.69642 0.67856
740 0.74647 0.72185 0.69969 0.67966 0.66148
750 0.73113 0.70606 0.68353 0.66319 0.64476
760 0.71593 0.69047 0.66763 0.64703 0.62838
770 0.70088 0.67510 0.65199 0.63118 0.61237
780 0.68600 0.65995 0.63663 0.61566 0.59671
790 0.67130 0.64504 0.62156 0.60045 0.58141
800 0.65681 0.63037 0.60677 0.58558 0.56648
810 0.64252 0.61597 0.59227 0.57103 0.55190
820 0.62846 0.60182 0.57808 0.55681 0.53768
830 0.61462 0.58794 0.56418 0.54293 0.52382
560 0.81942(6) 0.95163(6) 0.10949(7) 0.12490(7) 0.14140(7)

Table I(1.2.2)— Continued

r T(K)
(nm) 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600

300 0.83856 0.91852 0.10008(1) 0.10851(1) 0.11713(1)

310 0.89379 0.97272 0.10534(1) 0.11356(1) 0.12191(1)
320 0.94415 0.10213(1) 0.10997(1) 0.11792(1) 0.12595(1)
330 0.98939 0.10642(1) 0.11398(1) - 0.12160(1) 0.12926(1)
340 0.10294(1) 0.11014(1) 0.11737(1) 0.12462(1) 0.13188(1)
350 0.10642(1) 0.11329(1) 0.12016(1) 0.12702(1) 0.13384(1)
360 0.10939(1) 0.11590(1) 0.12238(1) 0.12882(1) 0.13521(1)
370 0.11186(1) 0.11799(1) 0.12407(1) 0.13007(1) 0.13601(1)
380 0.11386(1) 0.11959(1) 0.12525(1) 0.13082(1) 0.13631(1)
390 0.11540(1) 0.12073(1) 0.12597(1) 0.13110(1) 0.13614(1)
400 0.11653(1) 0.12144(1) 0.12626(1) 0.13097(1) 0.13557(1)
410 0.11726(1) 0.12177(1) 0.12617(1) 0.13046(1) 0.13463(1)
420 0.11763(1) 0.12173(1) 0.12573(1) 0.12961(1) 0.13338(1)
430 0.11766(1) 0.12138(1) 0.12498(1) 0.12846(1) 0.13184(1)
440 0.11740(1) 0.12073(1) 0.12395(1) 0.12706(1) 0.13006(1)
450 0.11686(1) 0.11983(1) 0.12268(1) 0.12543(1) 0.12808(1)
460 0.11608(1) 0.11869(1) 0.12120(1) 0.12361(1) 0.12592(1)
470 0.11509(1) 0.11736(1) 0.11953(1) 0.12162(1) 0.12362(1)
480 0.11309(1) 0.11585(1) 0.11771(1) 0.11949(1) 0.12120(1)
490 0.11254(1) 0.11419(1) 0.11576(1) 0.11726(1) 0.11869(1)
500 0.11104(1) 0.11240(1) 0.11370(1) 0.11493(1) 0.11610(1)
510 0.10942(1) 0.11051(1) 0.11154(1) 0.11253(1) 0.11346(1)
520 0.10768(1) 0.10852(1) 0.10932(1) 0.11007(1) 0.11079(1)
530 0.10586(1) 0.10647(1) 0.10704(1) 0.10758(1) 0.10809(1)
540 0.10396(1) 0.10435(1) 0.10472(1) 0.10506(1) 0.10539(1)
550 0.10200(1) 0.10219(1) 0.10237(1) 0.10253(1) 0.10269(1)
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.97960 0.97788 0.97627 0.97475 0.97333
580 0.95896 0.95565 0.95256 0.94966 0.94694
590 0.93815 0.93340 0.92896 0.92480 0.92090
600 0.91727 0.91119 0.90552 0.90022 0.89526
610 0.89639 0.88910 0.88231 0.87598 0.87006
620 0.87557 0.86718 0.85938 0.85212 0.84533
630 0.85486 0.84548 0.83678 0.82867 0.82111
640 0.83432 0.82405 0.81452 0.80567 0.79742
650 0.81399 0.80291 0.79265 0.78313 0.77427
660 0.79390 0.78211 0.77120 0.76108 0.75168
670 0.77409 0.76166 0.75017 0.73953 0.72965
680 0.75459 0.74159 0:72959 0.71849 0.70819
690 0.73541 0.72191 0.70947 0.69797 0.68731
700 0.71657 0.70264 0.68981 0.67797 0.66700
710 0.69810 0.68379 0.67063 0.65849 0.64726
720 0.67999 0.66536 0.65192 0.63953 0.62808
730 0.66227 0.64736 0.63368 0.62109 0.60946
740 0.64493 0.62980 0.61592 0.60316 0.59140
750 0.62798 0.61267 0.59864 0.58575 0.57387
760 0.61143 0.59597 0.58182 0.56883 0.55687
770 0.59528 0.57971 0.56547 0.55241 0.54039
780 0.57952 0.56387 0.54957 0.53647 0.52442
790 0.56415 0.54846 0.53413 0.52101 0.50895
0.54918 0.53346 0.51913 0.50601 0.49396
0.53459 0.51888 0.50456 0.49146 0.47945
0.52039 0.50470 0.49042 0.47736 0.46540
0.50656 0.49092 0.47669 0.46370 0.45179

0.15895(7) 0.17754(7) 0.19715(7) 0.21775(7) 0.23932(7)


Table (1.2.2)— Continued

d T(K)
(nm) 7800 8000 9000 10000 00
300 0.12590(1) 0.13482(1) 0.18080(1) 0.22766(1) 0.12141(2)
310 0.13037(1) 0.13892(1) 0.18241(1) 0.22588(1) 0.10649(2)
320 0.13404(1) 0.14217(1) 0.18303(1) 0.22314(1) 0.93789(1)
330 0.13694(1) 0.14463(1) 0.18279(1) 0.21961(1) 0.82927(1)
340 0.13912(1) 0.14634(1) 0.18177(1) 0.21542(1) 0.73593(1)
350 0.14063(1) 0.14738(1) 0.18009(1) 0.21071(1) 0.65536(1)
360 0.14153(1) 0.14779(1) 0.17785(1) 0.20558(1) 0.58552(1)
370 0.14187(1) 0.14764(1) 0.17512(1) 0.20013(1) 0.52474(1)
380 0.14170(1) 0.14700(1) 0.17199(1) 0.19446(1) 0.47165(1)
390 0.14108(1) 0.14592(1) 0.16854(1) 0.18863(1) 0.42510(1)
400 0.14007(1) 0.14446(1) 0.16482(1) 0.18271(1) 0.38416(1)
410 0.13870(1) 0.14266(1) 0.16091(1) 0.17676(1) 0.34803(1)
420 0.13703(1) 0.14059(1) 0.15683(1) 0.17081(1) 0.31605(1)
430 0.13511(1) 0.13827(1) 0.15265(1) 0.16490(1) 0.28766(1)
440 0.13296(1) 0.13576(1) 0.14840(1) 0.15907(1) 0.26239(1)
450 0.13063(1) 0.13308(1) 0.14411(1) 0.15333(1) 0.23983(1)
460 0.12814(1) 0.13028(1) 0.13981(1) 0.14772(1) 0.21964(1)
470 0.12553(1) 0.12737(1) 0.13552(1) 0.14223(1) 0.20154(1)
480 0.12283(1) 0.12439(1) 0.13127(1) 0.13690(1) 0.18526(1)
490 0.12005(1) 0.12135(1) 0.12707(1) 0.13171(1) 0.17060(1)
500 0.11722(1) 0.11828(1) 0.12294(1) 0.12669(1) 0.15735(1)
510 0.11435(1) 0.11520(1) 0.11888(1) 0.12183(1) 0.14537(1)
520 0.11147(1) 0.11211(1) 0.11491(1) 0.11713(1) 0.13451(1)
530 0.10858(1) 0.10904(1) 0.11103(1) 0.11260(1) 0.12464(1)
540 0.10570(1) 0.10599(1) 0.10725(1) 0.10824(1) 0.11566(1)
550 0.10284(1) 0.10298(1) 0.10357(1) 0.10404(1) 0.10747(1)
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.97199 0.97072 0.96534 0.96118 0.93165
580 0.94438 0.94197 0.93176 0.92390 0.86904
590 0.91724 0.91379 0.89926 0.88812 0.81160
600 0.89060 0.88623 0.86783 0.85380 0.75883
610 0.86451 0.85930 0.83746 0.82088 0.71029
620 0.83898 0.83303 0.80814 0.78932 0.66556
630 0.81404 0.80743 0.77985 0.75908 0.62430
640 0.78971 0.78251 0.75257 0.73010 0.58618
650 0.76600 0.75828 0.72626 0.70233 0.55093
660 0.74292 0.73474 0.70092 0.67573 0.51829
“670 0.72046 0.71188 0.67651 0.65026 0.48804
680 0.69862 0.68971 0.65301 0.62586 0.45996
690 0.67742 0.66821 0.63038 0.60249 0.43387
700 0.65683 0.64737 0.60860 0.58011 0.40960
710 0.63685 0.62718 0.58765 0.55868 0.38701
720 0.61748 0.60764 0.56748 0.53814 0.36595
730 0.59871 0.58873 0.54808 0.51848 0.34631
740 0.58051 0.57042 0.52942 0.49964 0.32796
750 0.56289 0.55272 0.51147 0.48159 0.31082
760 0.54583 0.53560 0.49420 0.46429 0.29478
710 0.52931 0.51905 0.47759 0.44772 0.27976
780 0.51332 0.50305 0.46162 0.43183 0.26569
790 0.49785 0.48759 0.44625 0.41660 0.25249
800 0.48288 0.47264 0.43147 0.40200 0.24010
810 0.46840 0.45820 0.41724 0.38800 0.22846
820 0.45439 0.44425 0.40356 0.37458 0.21752
830 0.44085 0.43077 0.39040 0.36170 0.20722
ee ee ees ee ere ee
560 0.26183(7) 0.28525(7) 0.41503(7) 0.56353(7) 00

Table I(1.2.2)— Continued

r T(K)
(nm) 2042 2790 2856
300 0.41642(—3) 0.77475(—2) 0.93165(—2)
310 0.75400(—3) 0.11449(— 1) 0.13593(—1)
320 0.13089(—2) 0.16429(— 1) 0.19272(— 1)
330 0.21871(—2) 0.22955(—1) 0.26625(— 1)
340 0.35299(—2) 0.31309(—1) 0.35930(— 1)
350 0.55204(—2) 0.41776(— 1) 0.47465(—1)
360 0.83880(—2) 0.54640(— 1) 0.61495(—1)
370 0.12414(—1) 0.70170(—1) 0.78271(—1)
380 0.17932(— 1) 0.88621(—1) 0.98018(—1)
390 0.25334(— 1) 0.11022 0.12093
400 0.35066(— 1) 0.13516 0.14717
410 0.47627(—1) 0.16360 0.17685
420 0.63567(— 1) 0.19567 0.21005
430 0.83478(—1) 0.23144 0.24682
440 0.10799 0.27095 0.28714
450 0.13776 0.31420 0.33098
460 0.17348 0.36115 0.37824
470 0.21581 0.41170 0.42881
480 0.26546 0.46573 0.48254
490 0.32310 0.52310 0.53924
500 0.38937 0.58363 0.59871
510 0.46491 0.64709 0.66073
520 0.55028 0.71327 0.72504
530 0.64603 0.78192 0.79139
540 0.75264 0.85277 0.85952
550 0.87051 0.92556 0.92914
560 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1) 0.10000(1)
570 0.11414(1) 0.10758(1) 0.10718(1)
580 0.12949(1) 0.11527(1) 0.11443(1)
590 0.14606(1) 0.12305(1) 0.12172(1)
600 0.16386(1) 0.13087(1) 0.12903(1)
610 0.18289(1) 0.13873(1) 0.13633(1)
620 0.20314(1) 0.14658(1) 0.14360(1)
630 0.224591) 0.15442(1) 0.15081(1)
640 0.24723(1) 0.16220(1) 0.15795(1)
650 0.27101(1) 0.16992(1} 0.16499(1)
660 0.29591(1) 0.17755(1) 0.17193(1)
670 0.32189(1) 0.18507(1) 0.17873(1)
680 0.34891(1) 0.19246(1) 0.18538(1)
690 0.37690(1) 0.19971(1) 0.19188(1)
700 0.40583(1) 0.20680(1) 0.19820(1)
710 0.43563(1) 0.21372(1) 0.20435(1)
720 0.46624(1) 0.22046(1) 0.21030(1)
730 0.49760(1) 0.22699(1) 0.21605(1)
740 0.52965(1) 0.23333(1) 0.22159(1)
750 0.56231(1) 0.23945(1) 0.22692(1)
760 0.59553(1) 0.24535(1) 0.23203(1)
710 0.62924(1) 0.25103(1) 0.23691(1)
780 0.66337(1) 0.25647(1) 0.24158(1)
790 0.69784(1) 0.26168(1) 0.24601(1)
800 0.73260(1) 0.26665(1) 0.25022(1)
810 0.76758(1) 0.271391) 0.25420(1)
820 0.80271(1) 0.27589(1) 0.25795(1)
830 0.83793(1) 0.28014(1) 0.26148(1)
560 0.23322(3) 0.68046(4) 0.84186(4)
“Note: The computed values of spectral radiant exitance (M,,) are given to five
significant figures followed by the power of ten (in parentheses). The decimal
point is placed consistently after the first figure. All values are normalized so that
M,, at \=560 nm becomes unity, that is 0.10000< 10'. The absolute value at 560
nm is given at the bottom of each column; the unit is watt per square meter per 10
nanometer wavelength interval: W-m 7-(10 nm) |.
Table 1(1.3.2) Spectral Transmittance Curves of Major Types of Commercially Available Colored Glass
Filters. Each Type is Illustrated by Examples

Type 1: Sharp Cutoffs

Sharp cutoffs are glass filters with high spectral transmittances over a wide wavelength range with an
abrupt drop to zero transmittance at the short wavelength of its transmitting range. The cutoff
wavelength can be anywhere from below 200 nm to about 700 nm. Manufacturers offer sets of such
filters with cutoff wavelengths approximately uniformly spaced through the ultraviolet and visible region
of the spectrum. An example is the set offered by Schott (Jenaer Glasswork Schott & Gen., D-6500
Mainz, Germany) containing the series WG 230 to WG 395, the series GG 400 to GG 495, the series OG
515 to OG 590, and the series RG 610 to RG 715, with a total of 28 different cutoff glasses. Other
manufacturers offer sets with similar properties.

Type 2: Shallow Cutoffs

Shallow cutoffs are glass filters with spectral transmittance properties similar to those of the Type 1
glasses but their cutoff in transmittance at the short wavelength is less sharp.

Type 3: Neutrals
Neutrals are glass filters with spectral transmittance curves approximately horizontal across the
visible part of the spectrum. They are mainly used as “nonselective” attenuators of visible radiant
energy. Manufacturers offer sets of neutrals with average transmittances ranging from a fraction of 1%
to over 80%.

Type 4: Broad-Band Through Visible

Broad-band-through-visible glass filters transmit the visible spectrum in a single broad-band with a
relatively high peak transmittance. However, all of these filters also transmit in the infrared, sometimes

Type 5: Broad-Band in Ultraviolet

Broad-band-in-ultraviolet glass filters transmit the ultraviolet region of the spectrum in a single band
and are nearly opaque through most of the visible spectrum. However, all of them also transmit by
varying amounts in the infrared.

Type 6: Sharp Broad-Band in Blue

Sharp broad-band-in-blue glass filters transmit in a single band the short-wavelength region of the
visible spectrum. Most of these filters also transmit part of the ultraviolet, deep red, and infrared region
of the spectrum.

Type 7: Bluish Broad-Band

Bluish broad-band glass filters transmit predominantly in the short-wavelength region of the visible
spectrum and less in other regions. However, all of them transmit also in the infrared, often strongly.

Type 8: Broad-Band in Green

Broad-band-in-green glass filters transmit the middle region of the visible spectrum in a single band.
All of them transmit also in the infrared.

Type 9: Purples
Purple glass filters transmit in the short and long-wavelength regions but little or not in the middle
region of the visible spectrum. Source filters of Type 5 (broad-band in ultraviolet) are similar to purples
in their spectral transmittance characteristics.

Type 10: Multiple Peaks

Multiple-peak glass filters have spectral transmittance curves with a number of distinct minima and
maxima distributed across the spectrum.

Type 11: Infrared Windows

Infrared window glass filters transmit mainly in the infrared region of the spectrum.

Type 12: Heat Absorbers

Heat absorbing glass filters transmit in the ultraviolet and visible parts of the spectrum but transmit
little or not at all in the infrared.

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Table I(2.4.6) Summary of Data on Light Losses in the Eye Caused by Reflection, Absorption, and
Ocular Medium .
[See Fig. 1(2.2)] Absorption Scattering References

Cornea 3-4% at air-corneal in- Transmittance between 25-30% of total light Boettner and Wolter (1962)
terface 0.8 and 0.95, independent scatter in eye. Data on Boynton and Clarke (1964)
of wavelength wavelength dependence LeGrand (1937)
are contradictory. Vos (1963)
Vos and Boogaard (1963)
Aqueous Humor Negligible Boettner and Wolter (1962)
Lens See Table _ I1(2.4.6), Significant Alpern et al. (1965)
III(2.4.6), and IV(2.4.6) Boettner and Wolter (1962)
for details. To convert the Boynton and Clarke (1964)
relative optical densities Cooper and Robson (1969)
given in these tables to Coren and Girgus (1972)
absolute values, a density Gaydon (1938)
of 0.15 is added at all Geeraets et al. (1960)
wavelengths. To convert Ludvigh and McCarthy (1938)
the optical densities to Mellerio (1971)
values applicable to a Norren and Vos (1974)
small pupil, multiply the Ruddock (1964, 1972)
tabulated values by the Said and Weale (1959)
constant factor 1.16. Tan (1971)
Vos (1963)
Vos and Boogaard (1963)
Wald (1945, 1949)
Weale (1954, 1961)
Wolf and Gardiner (1965)
Wright (1952)
Vitreous Body Transmittance of 0.8 or Some
Boettner and Wolter (1962)
more, independent of
Wolf and Gardiner (1965)
Macular Pigment Brown and Wald (1953)
DeVries et al. (1953)
Ishak et al. (1962)
See Tables II(2.4.6),
Naylor and Stanworth (1954)
II1(2.4.6), and IV(2.4.6)
Ruddock (1963, 1972)
for details.
Stiles (1953)
Wald (1945, 1949)
Weale (1963)
Retina 30% of the total light Kishto (1968)
scatter in the eye. Vos and Bouman (1964)

“The light losses given in the table are estimates extracted from the literature. There is considerable
variation between measurements made by different investigators, particularly with regard to losses due
to absorption and scattering. These variations are caused by differences between different eyes of the
same age or different age, and by differences between the techniques of measurement used. Some
measurements are made on excised eyes, others by direct psychophysical techniques.
Table II(2.4.6) Optical Densities of the Eye Lens and Macular Pigment as Functions of Wavelength

(nm) A;(A) AOA) Arsm(A) Dri m(A) (nm) A, (A) Au(A) Ar+m(A) Dry u(A)

400 1.200 0.085 1.285 1.528 Te 0.045 0.000 0.045 0.130

405 1.000 0.120 1.120 1.358 580 0.040 0.040 0.122
410 0.820 0.160 0.980 122 585 0.035 0.035 0.113
415 0.670 0.225 0.895 jEXeS3 590 0.031 0.031 0.105
420 0.550 0.300 0.850 1.072 ab 0.027 0.027 0.098
425 0.450 0.345 0.795 1.012 600 0.024 0.000 0.024 0.091
430 0.370 0.365 0.735 0.947 605 0.021 0.021 0.084
435 0.310 0.380 0.690 0.897 610 0.018 0.018 0.078
440 0.270 0.400 0.670 0.872 615 0.015 0.015 0.071
445 0.240 0.425 0.665 0.862 620 0.012 0.012 0.065
450 0.225 0.460 0.685 0.877 625 0.010 0.000 0.010 0.059
455 0.205 0.490 0.695 0.882 630 0.008 0.008 0.054
460 07195 0.495 0.690 0.872 635 0.006 0.006 0.048
465 0.185 0.470 0.655 0.833 640 0.004 0.004 0.043
470 0.175 0.445 0.620 0.995 645 0.003 0.003 0.039
475 0.165 0.410 0.575 0.743 650 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.034
480 0.155 0.415 0.570 0.734 655 0.001 0.001 0.030
485 0.145 0.420 0.565 0.724 660 0.000 0.000 0.026
490 0.140 0.410 0.550 0.705 665 0.000 0.000 0.022
495 0.130 0.360 0.490 0.640 670 0.000 0.000 0.019
500 0.125 0.275 0.400 0.546 675 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.016
505 0.115 0.195 0.310 0.452 680 0.013
510 0.110 0.130 0.240 0.378 685 0.009
515 0.105 0.085 0.190 0.323 690 0.006
520 0.100 0.050 0.150 0.279 695 0.003
az. 0.095 0.025 0.120 0.245 700 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
530 0.090 0.010 0.100 0.221 705 — 0.003
ah 0.085 0.000 0.085 0.202 710 — 0.006
540 0.080 0.000 0.080 0.193 715 — 0.009
545 0.075 0.000 0.075 0.184 720 =0.012
550 0.070 0.000 0.070 0.175 725 0.000 0.000 0.000 =0.015
p55 0.065 0.065 0.166 730 — 0.018
560 0.060 0.060 0.157 735 ald Ua
565 0.055 0.055 0.148 740 — 0.024
570 0.050 0.050 0.139 745 ==U.U27

Table II(2.4.6)— Continued

A ,(A)=Optical density of the young human eye lens (completely open pupil) at wavelength A, relative
to that at wavelength A = 700 nm. Values taken from the curve of Fig. 1(2.4.6).
A ,,(A)=Optical density of the macular pigment at wavelength A, covering the fovea. Values taken
from the curve of Fig. 5(2.4.6). The maximum density, occurring at A = 458 nm, has been set
at 0.5.
A, +4(A)=Combined optical density of eye lens and macular pigment at wavelength A.

D, ~y(A)=4z + (A) 110g (700/A)

=Combined optical density of eye lens and macular pigment together with the quantity
log(700/ A).
Adding D, . ,,(A) to the logarithm of a spectral sensitivity function W,(A) given in reciprocal
energy units, corrects that spectral sensitivity function for light losses due to absorption in the
lens and macular pigment and, at the same time, converts it to the logarithm of the spectral
sensitivity function W,(A) in reciprocal quantum units. Thus

log W,(A) = log W.(A)+ Drs (A)

The choice of 700 nm as the wavelength at which D, . ,,(A) equals zero is entirely arbitrary.
The above relation is equivalent to

700 W,(2)
Cie PC)
where ft, . (A) is the spectral transmittance of the combined lens and macular pigments
obtained from

19 i Sumer ee

Table I1I(2.4.6) Transmittances of the Eye Lens and the Macular Pigment as
Functions of Wavelength

A(nm) t7(A) ty(A) A(nm) t7(A) ty(A)

400 0.0631 0.8222 550 0.8511 1.0000

405 0.1000 0.7586 ser 0.8610
410 0.1514 0.6918 560 0.8710
415 0.2138 0.5957 565 0.8810
420 0.2818 0.5012 570 0.8913

425 0.3548 0.4519 575 0.9016 1.0000

430 0.4266 0.4315 580 0.9120
435 0.4898 0.4169 585 0.9226
440 0.5370 0.3981 590 0.9311
445 0.5754 0.3758 595 0.9397

450 0.5957 0.3467 600 0.9462 1.0000

455 0.6237 0.3236 605 0.9528
460 0.6383 0.3199 610 0.9594
465 0.6531 0.3388 615 0.9661
470 0.6683 0.3589 620 0.9727

475 0.6839 0.3890 625 0.9772 1.0000

480 0.6998 0.3846 630 0.9817
485 0.7161 0.3802 635 0.9863
490 0.7244 0.3890 640 0.9908
495 0.7413 0.4365 645 0.9931

500 0.7499 0.5309 650 0.9954 1.0000

505 0.7674 0.6383 655 0.9977
510 0.7762 0.7413 660 1.0000
515 0.7852 0.8222 665 1.0000
520 0.7943 0.8913 670 1.0000

325 0.8035 0.944] 675 1.0000 1.0000

530 0.8128 0.9772 680
535 0.8222 1.0000 685
540 0.8318 1.0000 690
545 0.8414 1.0000 695

t,(A)=Transmittance of the young human eye lens (completely open pupil) at wavelength A, relative to
that at wavelength A = 700 nm, [t,(700) = 1.0].
ty(A)=Transmittance of the macular pigment at wavelength A, covering the fovea. The minimum
transmittance occurring at A = 458 nm has been set at 0.3162.
The data are derived from Table II(2.4.6) in which the optical densities A,;(A) and 4,,(A) of the
eye lens and the macular pigment are given. The following relations have been used:

A (A) = log[1/t,(A)] and Ay,(A) = log[1/ty(A)].

If it is desired to change the total densities of the lens and the macular pigment by factors
a), &, respectively, the new spectral transmittances become

tri(A) and rx/(A)

Table IV(2.4.6) Optical Densities and Transmittances of the Eye Lens and the Macular Pigment as
Functions of Wavenumber

m(cm ') A,(m) =Ay(m) tym) ty(m) | mcm!) Ay(m) — Ay(m) — ty (m) tym)
25,000 1.200 0.085 0.063 0.822 20,000 0.125 0.275 0.750 0.531
24,750 1.038 0.113 0.092 0.771 19,750 0.114 0.178 0.769 0.664
24,500 0.866 0.145 0.136 0.716 19,500 0.107 0.105 0.782 0.785
24,250 0.759 0.191 0.174 0.644 19,250 0.101 0.054 0.793 0.883
24,000 0.630 0.250 0.234 0.562 19,000 0.094 0.021 0.805 0.953
23,750 0.529 0.309 0.296 0.491 18,750 0.087 0.003 0.818 0.993
23,500 0.441 0.347 0.362 0.450 18,500 0.079 0.000 0.834 1.000
25,250 0.358 0.365 0.439 0.432 18,250 0.072 0.000 0.847 1.000
23,000 0.313 0.379 0.486 0.418 18,000 0.064 0.000 0.863 1.000
22,750 0.274 0.398 0.532 0.400 17,750 0.047 0.877
22,500 0.243 0.422 0.571 0.378 17,500 0.049 0.893
22,250 0.227 0.456 0.593 0.350 17,250 0.040 0.912
22,000 0.207 0.487 0.621 0.326 17,000 0.032 0.000 0.929 1.000
21,750 0.195 0.495 0.638 0.320 16,750 0.026 0.942
21,500 0.185 0.469 0.653 0.340 16,500 0.020 0.955
21,250 0.174 0.441 0.670 0.362 16,250 0.015 0.966
21,000 0.163 0.411 0.687 0.388 16,000 0.010 0.000 oye 1.000
20,750 0.151 0.417 0.706 0.383 15,750 0.006 0.986
20,500 0.142 0.414 0.721 0.385 15,500 0.003 0.993
20,250 0.132 0.372 0.738 0.425 15,250 0.001 0.998
15,000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000

A,(m)=Optical density of the young human eye lens (completely open pupil) at wavenumber m, relative to that at
wavenumber m = 10//700.
A y,(m)= Optical density of the macular pigment at wavenumber m, covering the fovea. The maximum density occurring at
m = 101/458, has been set at 0.5.
A,(m) and A,,(m) are derived from Table II(2.4.6) by linear interpolation.
t,;(m)=Transmittance of the eye lens at wavenumber m, obtained from

A, (m) = log

ty(m)=Transmittance of the macular pigment at wavenumber m, obtained from

A y(m) =loa

m=wavenumber in cm | is related to wavelength A in nm by

Table 1(3.2) Basic Colorimetric Terms and Their Definitions“

Color Color (in the psychophysical sense) is that characteristic of a visible

radiant power by which an observer may distinguish differences
between two structure-free fields of view of the same size and shape,
such as may be caused by differences in the spectral composition of
the radiant power concerned in the observation.
Psychophysical color is specified by the tristimulus values of the
radiant power (color stimulus) entering the eye.
Color stimulus A color stimulus is radiant power of given magnitude and spectral
composition, entering the eye and producing a sensation of color.
Monochromatic A monochromatic stimulus is monochromatic radiant power of given
stimulus magnitude and wavelength (or frequency), entering the eye and
producing a sensation of light or color.
Achromatic An achromatic stimulus is the color stimulus chosen because it
stimulus usually yields a color perception which is devoid of hue under the
desired observing conditions.

Primary Color Primary color stimuli are color stimuli by whose additive mixture
stimuli nearly all other color stimuli may be completely matched in color.
Note 1: These color stimuli are often chosen to be either red, green,
and blue, or red, green, and violet.
Note 2: In accordance with the laws of additive mixture of color
stimuli, primary color stimuli can be defined that have the useful
property that any real color stimulus can be represented by an
additive mixture of positive amounts of the primary color stimuli
(linear combination with positive coefficients).
Tristimulus values The tristimulus values of a color stimulus are the amounts of the
three primary color stimuli required to give by additive mixture a
color match with the color stimulus considered.

Color-matching The color-matching functions are the tristimulus values, with respect
functions to three given primary color stimuli, of monochromatic stimuli of
equal radiance, regarded as functions of the wavelength.
Chromaticity The chromaticity coordinates of a color stimulus are the ratios of each
coordinates tristimulus value of the color stimulus to their sum.
Note: A diagram in which any one of the three chromaticity
coordinates is plotted against any other is called a chromaticity
diagram. In this diagram, the chromaticity of a color stimulus plots
as a point, the chromaticity point.
Dominant The dominant wavelength of a color stimulus is the wavelength of the
wavelength monochromatic stimulus that, when additively mixed in suitable
proportions with a specified achromatic stimulus, yields a color
match with the color stimulus considered.

Table I(3.2)— Continued

Complementary The complementary wavelength of a color stimulus is the wavelength

wavelength of the monochromatic stimulus that, when additively mixed in
suitable proportions with the color stimulus considered, yields a
color match with a specified achromatic stimulus.
Note: Every color stimulus has either a complementary wavelength
or a dominant wavelength. Some, but not all, color stimuli have
Excitation The excitation purity of a color stimulus is the ratio of two lengths on
purity a chromaticity diagram. The first length is the distance between the
point representing the chromaticity of a specified achromatic
stimulus and that representing the chromaticity of the color stimulus
considered; the second length is the distance along the same
direction and in the sense from the first point to the edge of the
chromaticity diagram.

Metameric Metameric color stimuli have identical tristimulus values but different
color stimuli spectral radiant power distributions.

“Colorimetric terms are psychophysical terms of color that refer to the color matching of one visual
half-field with another, and to judgments of similarities and degree of difference between two such
half-fields. Psychophysical terms of color are distinguished from psychological terms which refer to color
perceptions. Psychological terms of color apply to visual concepts that enable the individual observer to
describe color perceptions. Chapter 6 on Uniform Color Scales deals with such concepts.

Table I(3.3.1) Color-Matching Functions and Corresponding Chromaticity Coordinates
of the CIE 1931 Standard Colorimetric System, for A = 360 to 830 nm at 1-nm Intervals

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) y(r) x (A) yr) z(X)

360 0.000 0.000 003 917 000 0.000 0.175 56 0.005 29 0.819 15
361 0.000 0.000 004 393 581 0.000 0.175 48 0.005 29 0.819 23
362 0.000 0.000 004 929 604 0.000 0.175 0.005 28 0.819 32
363 0.000 0.000 005 532 136 0.000 0.175 0.005 27 0.819 41
364 0.000 0.000 006 208 245 0.000 0.175 0.005 26 0.819 50

365 0.000 0.000 006 965 000 0.001 0.175 0.005 26 0.819
366 0.000 0.000 007 813 219 0.001 0.175 0.005 25 0.819
367 0.000 0.000 008 767 336 0.001 0.175 0.005 24 0.819
368 0.000 0.000 009 839 844 0.001 0.174 0.005 23 0.819
369 0.000 0.000 O11 043 23 0.001 0.174 0.005 22 0.819

370 0.000 0.000 012 390 00 0.001 0.174 0.005 22 0.819

371 0.000 0.000 013 886 41 0.002 0.174 0.005 23 0.820
372 0.000 0.000 O15 352, 28 0.002 0.174 0.005 24 0.820
373 0.000 0.000 017 442 96 0.002 0.174 0.005 24 0.820
374 0.000 0.000 019 583 75 0.003 0.174 0.005 22 G.820

370 0.000 0.000 022 020 00 0.003 0.174 0.005 18 0.820

376 0.000 0.000 024 839 65 0.003 0.174 0.005 13 0.820
377 0.000 0.000 028 041 26 0.004 0.174 0.005 07 0.820
378 0.001 0.000 031 531 04 0.005 0.174 0.005 02 0.820
379 0.001 0.000 035 215 21 0.005 0.174 0.004 98 0.820

380 0.001 0.000 039 000 00 0.006 0.174 0.004 96 0.820

381 0.001 0.000 042 826 40 0.007 0.174 0.004 96 0.820
382 0.001 0.000 046 914 60 0.007 0.174 0.004 97 0.820
383 0.001 0.000 051 589 60 0.008 0.174 0.004 98 0.820
384 0.001 0.000 057 176 40 0.009 0.174 0.004 98 0.820

385 0.002 0.000 064 000 00 0.010 0.174 0.004 98 0.821

386 0.002 0.000 072 344 21 0.011 0.173 0.004 97 0.821
387 0.002 0.000 082 212 24 0.013 0.173 0.004 94 0.821
388 0.003 0.000 093 508 16 0.015 0.173 0.004 93 0.821
389 0.003 0.000 106 136 1 0.017 0.473 0.004 92 0.821

390 0.004 0.000 120 000 0 0.020 0.173 0.004 92 0.821

391 0.004 0.000 134 984 0 0.022 0.173 0.004 92 0.821
392 0.005 0.000 151 492 0 0.025 O.1iS 0.004 94 0.821
393 0.005 0.000 170 208 0 0.028 0.173 0.004 94 0.821
394 0.006 0.000 191 816 0 0.031 0.173 0.004 94 0.821

395 0.007 0.000 217 000 0 0.036 0.173 0.004 92 0.821

396 0.008 0.000 246 906 7 0.041 0.173 0.004 90 0.821
a7 0.010 0.000 281 240 0 0.047 0.173 0.004 86 0.821
398 0.011 0.000 318 520 0 0.054 0.173 0.004 84 0.821
399 0.012 0.000 357 266 7 0.060 0.173 0.004 81 0.821

400 0.014 0.000 396 000 0 0.067 0.173 0.004 80 0.821

401 0.015 0.000 433 714 7 0.074 0.173 0.004 79 0.821
402 0.017 0.000 473 024 0 0.081 0.173 0.004 78 0.821
403 0.018 0.000 517 876 0 0.089 0.173 0.004 78 0.822
404 0.020 748 Ol 0.000 572 218 7 0.098 0.173 0.004 77 0.822

Table 1(3.3.1)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) x(A) yr) x(X) y(X) z(X)

405 0.023 190 00 640 000 0 0.173 02 0.004 78 0.822 20

406 0.026 207 36 0.000 724 560 0 0.172 93 0.004 78 0.822 29
0.029 782 48 825 500 0 0.172 84 0.822 37
0.033 880 92 941 160 0 0.172 qe 0.822 45
0.038 468 24 069 880 0.172 66 0.822 54

0.043 510 00 210 000 0.172 0.822 62

0.048 995 60 362 091 Or iZ 0.822 71
0.055 022 60 530 752 0.172 0.822 81
0.061 718 80 720 368 0.172 0.822 90
0.069 212 00 935 323 0.172 0.822 99

0.077 630 00 180 0.172 0.823 08

0.086 958 11 454 0.171 0.823 16
0.097 176 72 764 0.171 0.823 24
0.108 406 3 117 0.171 0.823 32
0.120 767 2 526 0.171 0.823 40

0.134 380 000 0.171 0.823 49

0.149 358 546 0.171 0.823 58
0.165 395 159 0.170 0.823 68
0.181 983 829 0.170 0.823 76
0.198 611 ih
Ot 546 0.170 0.823 84

0.214 770 300 0.170 0.823 91

0.230 186 086 0.170 0.823 98
0.244 879 908 0.169 0.824 04
0.258 777 767 0.169 0.824 10
0.271 807 o®
Own 664 0.169 0.824 16

0.283 900 600 0.168

0.294 943 573 0.168
0.304 896 582 0.168
0.313 787 629 0.167
0.321 645 ©
hwWN JIS 0.167

0.328 500 840 0.166

0.334 351 007 0.166
0.339 210 214 0.165
0.343 121 453 0.165
0.346 129 WO
NWe 718 0.164

0.348 280 000 0.164

0.349 599 294 0.163
0.350 147 610 0.163
0.350 013 958 0.162
0.349 287 oofwooe 351 CO
We 0.161

0.348 060 800 0.161

0.346 333 310 0.160
0.344 262 883 0.159
0.341 808 cof
WO 521 0.158 57
0.339 094 1 PAD m=
NON 0.157 63

Table 1(3.3.1)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) x(A) y(n) 2(A) x (X) yr) z()

450 0.336 200 0 0.038 000 00 1.772 110 0 0.156 64 0.017 71 0.825 65
451 0.333 197 7 0.039 846 67 1.768 258 9 0.155 60 0.018 61 0.825 79
452 0.330 041 1 0.041 768 00 1.764 039 0 0.154 52 0.019 56 0.825 92
453 0.326 635 7 0.043 766 00 1.758 943 8 0.153 40 0.020 55 0.826 05
454 0.322 886 8 0.045 842 67 1.752 466 3 0.152 22 0.021 61 0.826 17

455 0.318 700 0 0.048 000 00 1.744 100 0 0.150 99 0.022 74 0.826 27
456 0.314 025 1 0.050 243 68 1733153955 0.149 69 0.023 95 0.826 36
457 0.308 884 0 0.052 573 04 1.720 858 1 0.148 34 0.025 25 0.826 41
458 0.303 290 4 0.054 980 56 1.705 936 9 0.146 93 0.026 63 0.826 44
459 0.297 257 9 0.057 458 72 1.688 737 2 0.145 47 0.028 12 0.826 41

460 0.290 800 0 0.060 000 00 1.669 200 0 0.143 96 0.029 70 0.826 34
461 0.283 970 1 0.062 601 97 1.647 528 7 0.142 41 0.031 39 0.826 20
462 0.276 721 4 0.065 277 52 1.623 412 7 0.140 80 0.033 21 0.825 99
463 0.268 917 8 0.068 042 08 1.596 022 3 0.139 12 0.035 20 0.825 68
464 0.260 422 7 0.070 911 09 1.564 528 0 0.137 37 0.037 40 0.825 23

465 0.251 100 0 0.073 900 00 1.528 100 0 0.135 50 0.039 88 0.824 62
466 0.240 847 5 0.077 016 00 1.486 111 4 0.133 51 0.042 69 0.823 80
467 0.229 851 2 0.080 266 40 Sh ys Be) 0.131 37 0.045 88 0.822 75
468 0.218 407 2 0.083 666 80 1.389 879 9 0.129 09 0.049 45 0.821 46
469 0.206 811 5 0.087 232 80 1.338 736 2 0.126 66 0.053 43 0.819 91

470 0.195 360 0 0.090 980 00 1.287 640 0 0.124 12 0.057 80 0.818 08
471 0.184 213 6 0.094 917 55 1.237 422 3 0.121 47 0.062 59 0.815 94
472 0.173 327 3 0.099 045 84 1.187 824 3 0.118 70 0.067 83 0.813 47
473 0.162 688 1 0.103 367 4 1.138 761 1 0.115 81 0.073 58 0.810 61
474 0.152 283 3 0.107 884 6 1.090 148 0 0.112 78 0.079 89 0.807 33

475 0.142 100 0 0.112 600 0 1.041 900 0 0.109 60 0.086 84 0.803 56
476 0.132 178 6 0.117 532 0 0.994 197 6 0.106 26 - 0.094 49 0.799 25
477 0.122 569 6 0.122 674 4 0.947 347 3 0.102 78 0.102 86 0.794 36
478 0.113 275 2 0.127.992 8 0.901 453 1 0.099 13 0.112 01 0.788 86
479 0.104 297 9 0.133 452 8 0.856 619 3 0.095 31 0.121 94 0.782 75

480 0.095 640 00 0.139 020 0 0.812 950 1 0.091 29 0.132 70 0.776 O1
481 0.087 299 55 0.144 676 4 0.770 517 3 0.087 08 0.144 32 0.768 60
482 0.079 308 04 0.150 469 3 0.729 444 8 0.082 68 0.156 87 0.760 45
483 0.071 717 76 0.156 461 9 0.689 913 6 0.078 12 0.170 42 0.751 46
484 0.064 580 99 0.162 717 7 0.652 104 9 0.073 44 0.185 03 0.741 53

485 0.057 950 01 0.169 300 0 0.616 200 0 0.068 71 0.200 72 0.730 57
486 0.051 862 11 0.176 243 1 0.582 328 6 0.063 99 0.217 47 0.718 54
487 0.046 281 52 0.183 558 1 0.550 416 2 0.059 32 0.235 25 0.705 43
488 0.041 150 88 0.192735 0.520 337 6 0.054 67 0.254 09 0.691 24
489 0.036 412 83 0.199 418 0 0.491 967 3 0.050 03 0.274 00 0.675 97

490 0.032 010 00 0.208 020 0 0.465 180 0 0.045 39 0.294 98 0.659 63
491 0.027 917 20 02170199 0.439 924 6 0.040 76 0.316 98 0.642 26
492 0.024 144 40 0.226 734 5 0.416 183 6 0.036 20 0.339 90 0.623 90
493 0.020 687 00 0.236 857 1 0.393 882 2 0.031 76 0.363 60 0.604 64
494 0.017 540 40 0.247 481 2 0.372 945 9 0.027 49 0.387 92° 0.584 59

Table I(3.3.1)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) x(A) y(r) x(A) y(r) 2(X)

0.014 700 00 0.258 600 0 0.023 46 0.412 70 0.563 84

0.012 161 79 0.270 184 9 0.437 76 0.542 54
0.009 919 960 0.282 293 0.462 95 0.520 78
0.007 967 240 0.295 050 0.488 21 0.498 61
0.006 296 346 0.308 578 CoM. 0.513 40 0.476 12

0.004 900 0.323 000 0.538 42 0.453 41

0.003 777 0.338 402 0.563 07 0.430 65
0.002 945 0.354 685 0.587 12
0.002 424 0.371 698 0.610 45
0.002 236 0.389 287 ANoORO 0.633 01

0.002 400 0.407 300 0 0.654

0.002 925 0.425 629 9 0.675
0.003 836 0.444 309 6 0.696
0.005 174 0.463 394 4 0.715
0.006 982 0.482 939 5 ©
aohAN 0.733

0.009 300 0.503 000 0.750

0.012 149 0.523 569 0.765
0.015 535 0.544 512 0.779
0.019 477 0.565 690 0.792
0.023 992 0.586 965 wWOOWwWS ©
m 0.802

0.029 100 0.608 200 0.812

0.034 814 0.629 345 0.819
0.041 120 0.650 306 0.825
0.047 985 0.670 875 0.829
0.055 378 0.690 842 NODS 0.832

0.063 270 0.710 000 0.833

0.071 635 0.728 185 0.834
0.080 462 0.745 463 0.833
0.089 739 0.761 969 0.831
0.099 456 0.777 836 ©
ohAN 0.829

0.109 600 0.793 200 0.826

0.120 167 0.808 110 0.822
0.131 114 0.822 496 0.818
0.142 367 0.836 306 0.814
0.153 854 0.849 491 Oo
HAwonrnkh 0.810

0.165 500 0.862 000 0.805

0.177 257 0.873 810 0.801
0.189 140 0.884 962 0.796
0.201 169 0.895 493 0.791
0.213 365 oro
NOUNABRO 0.905 443 NAL
OO 0.786

0.225 749 0.914 850 0.781

0.238 320 0.923 734 0.776
0.251 066 0.932 092 0.771
0.263 992 0.939 922 0.765
0.277 101 ©
“IN 0.947 225 Ore
NAA 0.760

Table I(3.3.1)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

r 2. AAA ae
(nm) (A) yr) 2(A) x (A) y(r) z(A)
540 0.290 400 0 0.954 000 0 0.020 300 00 0.229 62 0.754 33 0.016 05
541 0.303 891 2 0.960 256 1 0.018 718 05 0.236 89 0.748 52 0.014 59
542 O:317 572 6 0.966 007 4 0.017 240 36 0.244 13 0.742 62 0.013 25
543 0.331 438 4 0.971 260 6 0.015 863 64 0.251 36 0.736 61 0.012 03
544 0.345 482 8 0.976 022 5 0.014 584 61 0.258 58 0.730 51 0.010 91

545 0.359 700 0 0.980 300 0 0.013 400 00 0.265 78 0.724 32 0.009 90
546 0.374 083 9 0.984 092 4 0.012 307 23 0.272 96 0.718 06 0.008 98
547 0.388 639 6 0.987 481 2 0.011 301 88 0.280 13, 0711 72. 40,008 “15
548 0.403 378 4 0.990 312 8 0.010 377 92 0.287 29 0.705 32 ,0,007 39
549 0.418 311 5 0:992 811 6 0.009 529 306 0.294 45 0.698 84 0.006 71

550 0.433 449 9 0.994 950 1 0.008 749 999 0.301 60 0.692 31 0.006 09
551 0.448 795 3 0.996 710 8 0.008 035 200 0.308 76 0.685 71 0.005 53
552 0.464 336 0 0.998 098 3 0.007 381 600 0.315 92- 0.679 06 0.005 02
553 0.480 064 0 0:099 112 0 0.006 785 400 0.323 06 0.672 37 0.004 57
554 0.495 971 3 0.999 748 2 0.006 242 800 0.330 21 0.665 63 0.004 16

555 0.512 050 1 1.000 000 0 0.005 749 999 0.337 36 0.658 85 0,003 79
556 0.528 295 9 0.999 856 7 0.005 303 600 0.344 51 0.652 03 0.003 46
DoT 0.544 691 6 0.999 304 6 0.004 899 800 0.351 67 0.645 17 0.003 16
558 0.561 209 4 0.998 325 5 0.004 534 200 0.358 81 0.638 29 0.002 90
559 OS77 821 6 0.996 898 7 0.004 202 400 0.365 96 0.631 38 0.002 66

560 0.594 500 0 0.995 000 0 0.003 900 000 0.373 10 0.624 45 0.002 45
561 0.611 220 9 0.992 600 5 0.003 623 200 0.380 24 0.617 50 0.002 26
562 0.627 975 8 0.989 742 6 0.003 370 600 0.387 38 0.610 54 0,002 08
563 0.644 760 2 0.986 444 4 0.003 141 400 0.394 51 0.603 57 0.001 92
564 0.661 569 7 0.982 724 1 0.002 934 800 0.401 63 0.596 59 0.001 78

565 0.678 400 0 0.978 600 0 0.002 749 999 0.408 73 0.589 61 0.001 66
566 01695 239 2 0.974 083 7 0.002 585 200 0.415 83 0.582 62 0.001 55
567 0.712 058 6 O:969 FF! 2 0.002 438 600 0.422 92. 0.575 63 0.001 45
568 0.728 828 4 0.963 856 8 0.002 309 400 0.429 99 0.568 65 0.001 36
569 0.745 518 8 0.958 134 9 0.002 196 800 0.437 04 0.561 67 0.001 29

570 0.762 100 0 0.952 000 0 0.002 100 000 0.444 06 0.554 72 0,001 22
571 0.778 543 2 0.945 450 4 0.002 017 733 0.451 06 0.547 77 0,001 17
Bie 0.794 825 6 0.938 499 2 0.001 948 200 0.458 04 0.540 84 0.001 12
573 0.810 926 4 0.931 162 8 0.001 889 800 0.464 99 0.533 93 0.001 08
574 0.826 824 8 0.923 457 6 0.001 840 933 0.471 90 0.52705 0.001 05

575 0.842 500 0 0.915 400 0 0.001 800 000 0.478 78 0.520 20 0.001 02
576 0.857 932 5 0.907 006 4 0.001 766 267 0.485 61 0.513 39 0.001 00
377 0.873 081 6 0.898 277 2 0.001 737 800 0.492 41 0.506 61 0.000 98
578 0.887 894 4 0.889 204 8 0.001 711 200 0.499 15 0.499 89 0.000 96
579 0.902 318 1 0.879 781 6 0.001 683 067 0.505 85 0.493 21 0.000 94

580 0.916 300 0 0.870 000 0 0.001 650 001 0.512 49 0.486 59 0.000 92
581 929 FOSeS 0.859 861 3 0.001 610 133 0.519 07 0.480 03 0.000 90
582 0.942 798 4 0.849 392 0 0.001 564 400 0.525 60 0.473 53 0.000 87
583 0.955 277 6 0.838 622 0 0.001 513 600 0.532 07 0.467 09 0,000 84
584 0.967 217 9 0.827 581 3 0.001 458 533 0.538 46 0.460 73. 0.000 81

Table I(3.3.1)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) x(A) y(r) 2(A) x(X) y(r) z(X)

585 0.978 600 0 0.001 400 000 0.544 0.454 43 0.000 78

586 0.989 385 6 0.001 336 667 0.551 0.448 23 0.000 74
587 0.999 548 8 270 000 0.557 0.442 10 0.000 71
588 1.009 089 2 205 000 0.563 0.436 06 0.000 67
589 1.018 006 4 146 667 0.569 0.430 10 0.000 64

590 1.026 300 0 100 000 0.575 0.424 23 0.000 62

591 1.033 982 7 068 800 0.580 0.418 46 0.000 60
592 1.040 986 0 049 400 0.586 0.412 76 0.000 59
593 1.047 188 0 035 600 0.592 0.407 19 0.000 59
594 1.052 466 7 021 200 0.597 0.401 76 0.000 58

595 1.056 700 0 0.602 0.396 50 0.000 57

596 1.059 794 4 0.608 0.391 41 0.000 56
597 1.061 TIS 0.612 0.386 48 0.000 54
598 1.062 806 8 0.617 0.381 71 0.000 51
599 1.062 909 6 0.622 0.377 05 0.000 49

600 1.062 200 0 0.627 0.372 49 0.000 47

601 1.060 15252 0.631 0.368 03 0.000 45
602 1.058 443 0.635 0.363 67 0.000 43
603 1.055 224 0.640 0.359 43 0.000 41
604 1.050 976 ff
oo 0.644 0.355 33 0.000 40

605 1.045 600 0.648 0.351 40

606 1.039 036 0.652 0.347 63
607 1.031 360 0.655 0.344 02
608 1.022 666 0.659 0.340 55
609 1.013 047 ©
NOOO 0.662 aS. 22

610 1.002 600 0.665 0.334 OL

611 0.991 367 0.668 0.330 92
612 0.979 331 0.671 0.327 95
613 0.966 491 0.674 0.325 09
614 0.952 847 OnDLUNO 0.677 0.322 36

615 0.938 400 0.680

616 0.923 194 0.682
617 0.907 244 -_wo
Ww Ww
& oO
— 0.684
618 0.890 502 0.687
619 0.872 920 }&
ooco 6.6
An 0.689

620 0.854 449 0.691

621 0.835 084 0.693
622 0.814 946 ies)N ~ 0.695
623 0.794 186 0.697
624 0.772 954 6
oro HO
SS) 0.698

625 0.751 400 0.700

626 0.729 583 0.702
627 0.707 588 0.703
628 0.685 602 0.705
629 0.663 810 NM
OOD aSssae

Table 1(3.3.1)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) x(A) y(n) 2(A) ra 0) yA) z(X)

630 0.642 400 0 0.265 000 0 0.000 049 992099 0.707 92 0.292 03 0.000 05
631 0.621 514 9 0.254 763 2 0.000 044 160 00 0.709 23 0.290 72 0.000 05
632 0.601 113 8 0.244 889 6 0.000 039 480 00 0.710 50 0.289 45 0.000 05
633 0.581 105 2 0.235 334 4 0.000 035 720 00 0.711 73 0.288 23 0.000 04
634 0.561 S9RT7 0.226 052 8 0.000 032 640 00 0.712 90 0.287 06 0.000 04

635 0.541 900 0 0.217 000 0.000 030 000 00 0.714 03 0.285 93 0.000 04
636 0.522 599 0.208 161 0.000 027 653 33 O.715012 0.284 84 0.000 04
637 0.503 546 0.199 548 0.000 025 560 00 0.716 16 0.283 80 0.000 04
638 0.484 743 O19) 153 0.000 023 640 00 0.717 16 0.282 81 0.000 03
639 0.466 193 OnHRN 0.182 974 ©
BhNOD 0.000 021 813 33 0.718 12 0.281 85 0.000 03

640 0.447 900 0.175 000 0.000 020 000 00 0.719 03 0.280 94 0.000 03
641 0.429 861 0.167 223 0.060 018 133935 0.719 91 0.280 06 0.000 03
642 0.412 098 0.159 646 0.000 016 200 00 0.720 75 0.279 22 0.000 03
643 0.394 644 0.152 277 0.000 014 200 00 0.724855 0.278 42 0.000 03
644 0.377 533 wNOoOwWO 9.145 125 ONnDKRMNO 0.000 012 133533 0.722 32 0.277 66 0.000 02

645 0.360 800 0.138 200 0.000 010 000 00 0.723 03 0.276 95 0.000 02
646 0.344 456 0.131 500 0.000 007 7332333 0.723 70 0.276 28 0.000 02
647 0.328 516 0.125 024 0.000 005 400 000 0.724 33 0.275 66 0.000 01
648 0.313 019 0.118 779 0.000 003 200 000 0.724 91 0.275 08 0.000 01
649 0.298 001 NO
0OW 0.112 769 oo
W— 0.000 001 3333333 0.725 47 0.274 53 0.000 00

650 0.283 500 0.107 000 0 0.000 000 000 000 0.725599 0.274 Ol 0.000 00
651 0.269 544 0.101 476 2 0.726 49 0.273 31
652 0.256 118 0.096 188 64 0.726 98 0.273 02
653 0.243 189 0.091 122 96 0.727 43 0.29257
654 0.230 UP.5) NAA
OO 0.086 264 85 0.727 86 0.272 14

655 0.218 700 0.081 600 00 0.728: 27 0278 73

656 0.207 097 0.077 120 64 0.728 66 0.271 34
657 0.195 923 O.0%2. BZD 32 0.729 02 0.270 98
658 0.185 170 0.068 710 08 0.729 36 0.270 64
659 0.174 832 ©
Won 0.064 769 76 0.729 68 0.270 32

660 0.164 900 0.061 000 00 O72) 27, 0.270 03

661 0.155 366 0.057 396 21 0.730 23 0.269 77
662 0.146 230 0.053 955 04 0.730 47 0.269 53
663 0.137 490 0.050 673 76 0.730 69 0.269 31
664 0.129 146 ?o
NOON 0.047 549 65 0.730 90 0.269 10

665 0.121 200 0 0.044 580 00 0.731 09 0.268 91

666 0.113 639) 7 0.041 758 72 0.731 28 0.268 72
667 0.106 465 0 0.039 084 96 0.731 47 0.268 53
668 0.099 690 4 0.036 563 84 O.73 0 65 0.268 35
669 0.093 330 6= 0.034 200 48 0.731 83 0.268 17

670 0.087 400 00 0.032 000 00 0.731) 99 0.268 O1

671 0.081 900 96 0.029 962 61 0.732 15 0.267 85
672 0.076 0.028 076 64 0,732.30 0.267 70
673 0.072 0.026 329 36 0.732 44 0.267 56
674 0.067 686 64 0.024 708 05 0.732 58 0.267 42

Table 1(3.3.1)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) x(A) y(n) Z(A) x(X) yr) z(X)

675 0.063 600 00 0.023 200 00 0.000 000 0 0.732 72 0.267 28 0.000 00
676 0.059 806 85 0.021 800 77 0.732 86 0.267 14
677 0.056 282 16 0.020 501 12 0.733 00 0.267 00
678 0.052 971 04 0.019 281 08 0.733 14 0.266 86
679 0.049 818 61 0.018 120 69 0.733 28 0.266 72

680 0.046 770 00 0.017 000 00 0.733 42 0.266 58

681 0.043 784 05 0.015 903 79 0.733 55 0.266 45
682 0.040 875 36 0.014 837 18 0.733 68 0.266 32
683 0.038 072 64 0.013 810 68 0.733 81 0.266 19
684 0.035 404 61 0.012 834 78 0.733 94 0.266 06

685 0.032 900 00 0.011 920 00 0.734 05 0.265 95

686 0.030 564 19 0.011 068 31 0.734 14 0.265 86
687 0.028 380 56 0.010 273 39 0.734 22 0.265 78
688 0.026 344 84 0.009 533 311 0.734 29 0.265 71
689 0.024 452 75 0.008 846 157 0.734 34 0.265 66

690 0.022 700 00 0.008 210 000 0.734 39 0.265 61

691 0.021 084 29 0.007 623 781 0.734 44 0.265 56
692 0.019 599 88 0.007 085 424 0.734 48 0.265 52
693 0.018 237 32 0.006 591 476 0.734 52 0.265 48
694 0.016 987 17 0.006 138 485 0.734 56 0.265 44

695 0.015 840 00 0.005 723 000 0.734 59 0.265 41

696 0.014 790 64 0.005 343 059 0.734 62 0.265 38
697 0.013 831 32 0.004 995 796 0.734 65 0.265 35
698 0.012 948 68 0.004 676 404 0.734 67 0.265 33
699 0.012 129 20 0.004 380 075 0.734 69 0.265 31

700 0.011 359 16 0.004 102 000 0.734 69 0.265 31

701 0.010 629 35 0.003 838 453 ' 0.734 69 0.265 31
702 0.009 938 846 0.003 589 099 0.734 69 0.265 31
703 0.009 288 422 0.003 354 219 0.734 69 0.265 31
704 0.008 678 854 0.003 134 093 0.734 69 0.265 31

705 0.008 110 916 0.002 929 000 0.734 69 0.265 31

706 0.007 582 388 0.002 738 139 0.734 69 0.265 31
707 0.007 088 746 0.002 559 876 0.734 69 0.265 31
708 0.006 627 313 0.002 393 244 0.734 69 0.265 31
709 0.006 195 408 0.002 237 275 0.734 69 0.265 31

710 0.005 790 346 0.002 091 000 0.734 69 0.265 31

711 0.005 409 826 0.001 953 587 0.734 69 0.265 31
712 0.005 052 583 0.001 824 580 0.734 69 0.265 31
713 0.004 717 512 0.001 703 580 0.734 69 0.265 31
714 0.004 403 507 0.001 590 187 0.734 69 0.265 31

715 0.004 109 457 0.001 484 000 0.734 69 0.265 31

716 0.003 833 913 0.001 384 496 0.734 69 0.265 31
717 0.003 575 748 0.001 291 268 0.734 69 0.265 31
718 0.003 334 342 0.001 204 092 0.734 69 0.265 31
719 0.003 109 075 0.001 122 744 0.734 69 0.265 31

Table 1(3.3.1)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) x(A) y(n) z(A) x (A) y(r) z(A)

720 0.002 899 327 0.001 047 000 0.000 000 0 0.734 69 0.265 0.000 00
721 0.002 704 348 0.000 976 589 0.265
722 0.002 523 020 0.000 911 0.265
723 354 168 0.000 850 0.265
724 196 616 0.000 793 0.265

049 190 0.000 740 0.265

910 960 0.000 690 0.265
781 438 0.000 643 0.265
660 110 0.000 599 0.265
546 459 0.000 558 0.265

439 971 0.000 520 0.265

340 042 0.000 483 0.265
246 275 0.000 450 0.265
158 471 0.000 418 0.265
076 430 0.000 388 0.265

0.000 361 0.265

0.000 335 0.265
0.000 311 0.265

AO 0.265

Anh 0.265


m 0.265

Como 0.734 69 0.265

Table I(3.3.1)— Continued

Wavelength -Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) x(A) yr) 2(A) x (A) y(r) z(X)

0.000 117 413 0 0.000 042 400 00 0.000 000 0 0.734 69 0.265 0.000 00
0.000 109 0.000 039 561 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 102 0.000 036 915 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 095 0.000 034 448 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 089 0.000 032 148 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 083 0.000 030 000 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 077 0.000 027 991 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 072 0.000 026 113 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 067 0.000 024 360 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 062 0.000 022 724 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 058 0.000 021 200 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 054 0.000 019 778 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 051 0.000 018 452 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 047 676 0.000 017 216 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 044 485 0.000 016 064 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 041 0.000 014 990 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 038 0.000 013 987 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 036 0.000 013 051 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 033 0.000 012 178 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 031 0.000 O11 362 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 029 0.000 010 600 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 027 0.000 009 885 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 025 0.000 009 217 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 023 0.000 008 592 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 022 0.000 008 009 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 020 0.000 007 465 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 019 0.000 006 ao 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 017 0.000 006 487 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 016 0.000 006 048 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 015 0.000 005 639 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 014 0.000 005 257 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 013 0.000 004 901 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 012 0.000 004 569 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 O11 0.000 004 260 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 010 0.000 003 971 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 010 0.000 003 702 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 009 0.000 003 452 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 008 0.000 003 218 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 008 0.000 003 000 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 007 0.000 002 737 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 007 yA 0.000 002 607 0.734 69 0.265

0.000 006 732 0.000 002 431 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 006 276 0.000 002 266 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 005 851 0.000 002 113 013 0.734 69 0.265
0.000 005 455 0.000 001 969 943 0.734 69 0.265

Table 1(3.3.1)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) x(X) y(r) 2(X) x(r) yr) z(X)

810 0.000 005 085 868 0.000 001 836 600 0.000 000 0 0.734 69 0.265 31 0.000 00
811 0.000 004 741 466 0.000 001 TZ 230 0.265
812 0.000 004 420 236 0.000 001 596 228 0.265
813 0.000 004 120 783 0.000 001 488 090 0.265
814 0.000 003 841 716 0.000 001 387 314 0.265

815 0.000 003 581 652 0.000 001 293 400 0.265
816 0.000 003 339 127 0.000 001 205 820 0.265
817 0.000 003 112 949 0.000 001 124 143 0.265
818 0.000 002 902 ea 0.000 001 048 009 0.265
819 0.000 002 705 645 0.000 000 UE) 057 8 0.265

820 0.000 002 522 525 0.000 000 910 930 0.265
821 0.000 002 351 726 0.000 000 849 251 0.265
822 0.000 002 we 415 0.000 000 791 721 0.265
823 0.000 002 043 902 0.000 000 738 090 0.265
824 0.000 001 905 497 0.000 000 688 109 ofpN
WO 0.265

825 0.000 001 776 509 0.000 000 641 530 0.265
826 0.000 001 656 215 0.000 000 598 089 0.265
827 0.000 001 544 022 0.000 000 557 574 0.265
828 0.000 001 439 440 0.000 000 519 808 0.265
829 0.000 001 341 OTT 0.000 000 484 612 wnOoOnNO 0.265

830 0.000 001 251 141 0.000 000 45] 810 0 0.734 69 0.265 at

Note: If the color-matching functions are required at closer intervals than the l-nm
interval given in the above table, a linear interpolation should be used (CIE, 1971).

Table 11(3.3.1) Abridged Values of Chromaticity Coordinates and Color-Matching
Functions of the CIE 1931 Standard Colorimetric System, for A = 380 to 780 nm at
5-nm Intervals

Chromaticity Coordinates rrave e Color-Matching Functions

x() y(X) 2(X) on) X(X) yr) z(N)

0.1741 0.0050 0.8209 380 0.0014 0.0000 0.0065
0.1740 0.0050 0.8210 385 0.0022 0.0001 0.0105
0.1738 0.0049 0.8213 390 0.0042 0.0001 0.0201
0.1736 0.0049 0.8215 395 0.0076 0.0002 0.0362

0.1733 0.0048 0.8219 400 0.0143 0.0004 0.0679

0.1730 0.0048 0.8222 405 0.0232 0.0006 0.1102
0.1726 0.0048 0.8226 410 0.0435 0.0012 0.2074
0.1721 0.0048 0.8231 415 0.0776 0.0022 0.3713
0.1714 0.0051 0.8235 420 0.1344 0.0040 0.6456

0.1703 0.0058 0.8239 425 0.2148 0.0073 1.0391

0.1689 0.0069 0.8242 430 0.2839 0.0116 1.3856
0.1669 0.0086 0.8245 435 0.3285 0.0168 1.6230
0.1644 0.0109 0.8247 440 0.3483 0.0230 1.7471
0.1611 0.0138 0.8251 445 0.3481 0.0298 1.7826

0.1566 0.0177 0.8257 450 0.3362 0.0380 1.7721

0.1510 0.0227 0.8263 455 0.3187 0.0480 1.7441
0.1440 0.0297 0.8263 460 0.2908 0.0600 1.6692
0.1355 0.0399 0.8246 465 0.2511 0.0739 1.5281
0.1241 0.0578 0.8181 470 0.1954 0.0910 1.2876

0.1096 0.0868 0.8036 475 0.1421 0.1126 1.0419

0.0913 0.1327 0.7760 480 0.0956 0.1390 0.8130
0.0687 0.2007 0.7306 485 0.0580 0.1693 0.6162
0.0454 0.2950 0.6596 490 0.0320 0.2080 0.4652
0.0235 0.4127 0.5638 495 0.0147 0.2586 0.3533

0.0082 0.5384 0.4534 500 0.0049 0.3230 0.2720

0.0039 0.6548 0.3413 SOS 0.0024 0.4073 0.2123
0.0139 0.7502 0.2359 510 0.0093 0.5030 0.1582
0.0389 0.8120 0.1491 515 0.0291 0.6082 0.1117
0.0743 0.8338 0.0919 520 0.0633 0.7100 0.0782

0.1142 0.8262 0.0596 p25 0.1096 0.7932 0.0573

0.1547 0.8059 0.0394 530 0.1655 0.8620 0.0422
0.1929 0.7816 0.0255 535 0.2257 0.9149 0.0298
0.2296 0.7543 0.0161 540 0.2904 0.9540 0.0203
0.2658 0.7243 0.0099 545 0.3597 0.9803 0.0134

0.3016 0.6923 0.0061 550 0.4334 0.9950 0.0087

0.3373 0.6589 0.0038 Dad 0.5121 1.0002 0.0057
0.3731 0.6245 0.0024 560 0.5945 0.9950 0.0039
0.4087 0.5896 0.0017 565 0.6784 0.9786 0.0027
0.4441 0.5547 0.0012 570 0.7621 0.9520 0.0021

0.4788 0.5202 0.0010 575 0.8425 0.9154 0.0018

Table II(3.3.1)— Continued
ee ee re NES Oni sinninla + behing?) zyn eure ied? BAOt- RY arte
Chromaticity Coordinates Wavelength Color-Matching Functions
x (A) y(X) z(X) (nm) X( 2) yr) Z(A)
© WH125 0.4866 0.0009 580 0.9163 0.8700 0.0017
0.5448 0.4544 0.0008 585 0.9786 0.8163 0.0014
0.5752 0.4242 0.0006 590 1.0263 0.7570 0.0011
0.6029 0.3965 0.0006 595 1.0567 0.6949 0.0010

0.6270 0.3725 0.0005 600 1.0622 0.6310 0.0008

0.6482 0.3514 0.0004 605 1.0456 0.5668 0.0006
0.6658 0.3340 0.0002 610 1.0026 0.5030 0.0003
0.6801 0.3197 0.0002 615 0.9384 0.4412 0.0002
0.6915 0.3083 0.0002 620 0.8544 0.3810 0.0002

0.7006 0.2993 0.0001 625 0.7514 0.3210 0.0001

0.7079 0.2920 0.0001 630 0.6424 0.2650 0.0000
0.7140 0.2859 0.0001 635 0.5419 0.2170 0.0000
0.7190 0.2809 0.0001 640 0.4479 0.1750 0.0000
0.7230 0.2770 0.0000 645 0.3608 0.1382 0.0000

0.7260 0.2740 0.0000 650 0.2835 0.1070 0.0000

0.7283 0.2717 0.0000 655 0.2187 0.0816 0.0000
0.7300 0.2700 0.0000 660 0.1649 0.0610 0.0000
0.7311 0.2689 0.0000 665 0.1212 0.0446 0.0000
0.7320 0.2680 0.0000 670 0.0874 0.0320 0.0000

0.7327 0.2673 0.0000 675 0.0636 0.0232 0.0000

0.7334 0.2666 0.0000 680 0.0468 0.0170 0.0000
0.7340 0.2660 0.0000 685 0.0329 0.0119 0.0000
0.7344 0.2656 0.0000 690 0.0227 0.0082 0.0000
0.7346 0.2654 0.0000 695 0.0158 0.0057 0.0000

0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 700 0.0114 0.0041 0.0000

0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 705 0.0081 0.0029 0.0000
0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 710 0.0058 0.0021 0.0000
0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 iS 0.0041 0.0015 0.0000
0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 720 0.0029 0.0010 0.0000

0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 725 0.0020 0.0007 0.0000

0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 730 0.0014 0.0005 0.0000
0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 735 0.0010 0.0004 0.0000
0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 740 0.0007 0.0003 0.0000
0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 745 0.0005 0.0002 0.0000

0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 750 0.0003 0.0001 0.0000

0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 755 0.0002 0.0001 0.0000
0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 760 0.0002 0.0001 0.0000
0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 765 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000
0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 7710 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000

0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 775 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

0.7347 0.2653 0.0000 780 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Totals on Fewa) 21.3714 21.3715

Table 1(3.3.2) _Color-Matching Functions and Corresponding Chromaticity Coordinates
of the CIE 1964 Supplementary Standard Colorimetric System, for A = 360 to 830 nm at
1-nm Intervals

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) X49( A) Nol) Big (A) X19(A) Nol) Z19(A)

360 0.000 000 122 200 0.000 000 013 398 0.000 000 535 027 0.182 22 0.019 98 0.797 80

0.000 000 185 138 0.000 000 020 294 0.000 000 810 720 0.182 0.797 83
0.000 000 278 83 0.000 000 030 56 0.000 001 221 0.182 0.797 86
0.000 000 417 0.000 000 045 74 0.000 001 828 0.182 0.797 89
0.000 000 621 0.000 000 068 05 0.000 002 0.182 0.797 93
0.000 000 919 0.000 000 100 65 0.000 004 0.182 0.797 96

0.000 001 0.000 000 147 98 0.000 005 0.182 0.798 00

0.000 001 0.000 000 216 27 0.000 008 0.182 0.798 04
0.000 002 0.000 000 314 2 0.000 012 0.182 0.798 09
0.000 004 0.000 000 453 7 0.000 018 0.181 0.798 14
0.000 005 0.000 000 651 1 0.000 026 0.181 0.798 20

0.000 008 0.000 000 928 8 0.000 037 0.181 0.798 26

0.000 012 0.000 001 S17 nN 0.000 052 0.181 0.798 32
0.000 017 0.000 001 S572 0.000 074 0.181 0.798 39
0.000 023 0.000 002 602 0.000 104 0.181 0.798 46
0.000 033 0.000 003 625 0.000 146 0.181 0.798 53

0.000 046 0.000 005 019 0.000 202 0.181 0.798 61

0.000 063 0.000 006 907 0.000 279 0.181 0.798 69
0.000 086 0.000 009 0.000 382 0.181 0.798 78
0.000 118 0.000 012 0.000 520 0.181 0.798 88
0.000 159 0.000 017 0.000 704 0.181 0.798 98

0.000 215 0.000 023 0.000 948 0.181 0.799 09

0.000 287 0.000 031 0.001 268 0.181 0.799 20
0.000 381 0.000 041 0.001 686 0.181 0.799 31
0.000 504 0.000 054 0.002 228 0.181 0.799 43
0.000 662 0.000 071 0.002 927 0.180 0.799 55

0.000 0.000 093 0.003 823 0.180 0.799 69

0.001 0.000 120 0.004 964 0.180 0.799 83
0.001 0.000 155 0.006 406 0.180 0.799 99
0.001 0.000 199 0.008 219 0.180 0.800 16
0.002 0.000 253 0.010 482 0.180 0.800 34

0.002 0.000 320 0.013 289 0.180 0.800 55

0.003 0.000 402 0.016 747 0.180 0.800 76
0.004 0.000 502 0.020 980 0.179 0.800 99
0.005 0.000 623 0.026 127 0.179. 0.801 24
0.007 WreNMN~AN 0.000 768 0.032 344 0.179 0.801 49

0.008 0.000 941 0.039 802 0.179 0.801 76

0.010 0.001 147 0.048 691 0.179 0.802 03
0.013 0.001 390 0.059 210 0.178 0.802 31
0.015 0.001 674 0.071 576 0.178 0.802 61
0.019 NnNwowoan 0.002 004 hOWONA 0.086 010 0.178 0.802 90

0.022 0.002 386 0.102 740 0.178 0.803 20

0.027 0.002 822 0.122 000 0.177 0.803 51
0.031 0.003 319 0.144 020 0.177 0.803 83
0.037 0.003 880 0.168 990 0.177 0.804 15
0.043 0.004 509 0.197 120 D.1FF

Table I(3.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) X49(A) V106A) Z19(A) X19(A) Wola) Z49(A)

406 0.050 223 0.005 209 0.228 570 0.176 84 0.018 34 0.804 82
407 0.057 764 0.005 985 0.263 470 0.176 53 0.018 29 0.805 18
408 0.066 038 0.006 833 0.301 900 0.176 21 0.018 23 0.805 56
409 0.075 033 0.007 757 0.343 870 0.175 86 0.018 18 0.805 96
410 0.084 736 0.008 756 0.389 366 0.175 49 0.018 13 0.806 38

411 0.095 041 0.009 816 0.437 970 0.175 09 0.018 08 0.806 83
412 0.105 836 0.010 918 0.489 220 0.174 65 0.018 02 0.807 33
413 0.117 066 0.012 058 0.542 900 0.174 20 0.017 94 0.807 86
414 0.128 682 0.013 237 0.598 810 0.173 72 0.017 87 0.808 41
415 0.140 638 0.014 456 0.656 760 0.173 23 0.017 81 0.808 96

416 0.152 893 0.015 717 0.716 580 0172) 725 001K 76: 0:809-52
417 0.165 416 0.017 025 0.778 120 0:172) 2iey O.017s 72. 0.810, 07
418 0.178 191 0.018 399 0.841 310 0.171 68 0.017 73 0.810 59
419 0.191 214 0.019 848 0.906 110 0:1715 165: 0.01 F =6O:311.07
420 0.204 492 0.021 391 0.972 542 0.170 63 0.017 85 0.811 52

421 0.217 650 0.022 992 1.038 90 0.170 10 0.017 97 0.811 93

422 0.230 267 0.024 598 1.103 10 0.169 57 0.018 11 0.812 32
423 0.242 311 0.026 213 1.165 10 0.169 02 0.018 28 0.812 70
424 0.253 793 0.027 841 1.224 90 0.168 46 0.018 48 0.813 06
425 0.264 737 0.029 497 1.282 50 0.167 90 0.018 71 0.813 39

426 0.275 195 0.031 195 1.338 20 0.167 33 0.018 97 0.813 70

427 0.285 301 0.032 927 1.392 60 0.166 76 0.019 25 0.813 99
428 0.295 143 0.034 738 1.446 10 0.166 19 0.019 56 0.814 25
429 0.304 869 0.036 654 1.499 40 0.165 61 0.019 91 0.814 48
430 0.314 679 0.038 676 1.553 48 0.165 03 0.020 28 0.814 69

431 0.324 355 0.040 792 1.607 20 0.164 45 0.020 68 0.814 87

432 0.333 570 0.042 946 1.658 90 0.163 88 0.021 10 0.815 02
433 0.342 243 0.045 114 1.708 20 0.163 32 0.021 53 0.815 15
434 0.350 312 0.047 333 1.754 80 0.162 75 90.021 99 0.815 26
435 0.357 719 0.049 602 1.798 50 0.162 17 0.022 49 0.815 34

436 0.364 482 0.051 934 1.839 20 0.161 59 0.023 02 0.815 39

437 0.370 493 0.054 337 1.876 60 0.160 98 0.023 61 0.815 41
438 0:375. 727 0.056 822 1.910 50 0.160 36 0.024 25 0.815 39
439 0.380 158 0.059 399 1.940 80 0.159 71 0.024 95 0.815 34
440 0.383 734 0.062 077 1.967 28 0.159.027 03025. 73. 815.25

441 0.386 327 0.064 737 1.989 10 0.158 32 0.026 53 0.815 15

442 0.387 858 0.067 285 2.005 70 0.157 61 0.027 34 0.815 05
443 0.388 396 0.069 764 2.017 40 0.156 89 0.028 18 0.814 93
444 0.387 978 0.072 218 2.024 40 0.156 15 0.029 07 0.814 78
445 0.386 726 0.074 704 2.027 30 0.155 39 0.030 02 0.814 59

446 0.384 696 0.077 272 2.026 40 0.154 60 0.031 05 0.814 35

447 0.382 006 0.079 979 2.022 30 0.153 77 0.032 19 0.814 04
448 0.378 709 0.082 874 2.015 30 0.152 90 0.033 46 0.813 64
449 0.374 915 0.086 000 2.006 00 0.151 98 0.034 86 0.813 16
450 0.370 702 0.089 456 1.994 80 0.151 00 0.036 44 0.812 56

451 0.366 089 0.092 947 1.981 40 0.150 01 0.038 09 0.811 90

452 0.361 045 0.096 275 1.965 30 0.149 03 0.039 74 0.811 23
453 0.355 518 0.099 535 1.946 40 0.148 04 0.041 45 0.810 SI
454 0.349 486 0.102 829 1.924 80 0.147 02 0.043 26 0.809 72
455 0.342 957 0.106 256 1.900 70 0.145 94 0.045 22 0.808 84

Table 1(3.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) Ero( XI Mo lA) Bo (N 19(A) Nolr) Z19(A)

456 0.335 0.109 901 0.144 0.047 0.807

457 0.328 0.113 835 0.143 0.049 0.806
0.320 0.118 167 0.142 0.052 0.805
0.311 0.122 932 0.140 0.055 0.803
0.302 0.128 201 0.138 0.058 0.802

0.292 0.133 457 0.137 0.062 0.800

0.283 0.138 323 0.135 0.066 0.798
0.274 0.143 042 0.133 0.069 0.796
0.264 0.147 787 0.131 0.073 0.794
0.254 0.152 761 0.129 0.077 0.792

0.243 0.158 0.127 0.082 0.790

0.232 0.163 0.124 0.087 0.787
0.220 0.170 0.121 0.094 0.784
0.208 O17 0.118 0.101 0.780
0.195 0.185 0.115 0.109 OnnS

0.183 0.193 0.111 0.117 0.770

0.170 0.200 0.108 0.127 0.764
0.157 0.207 0.104 0.137 0.758
0.144 0.213 0.100 0.147 0.752
0.132 0.219 0.095 0.159 0.745

0.120 0.226 0.091 0.171 0.737

0.109 0.232 0.086 0.184 0.728
0.099 0.239 0.082 0.198 0.719
0.089 0.245 0.077 0.213 0.709
0.080 0.253 0.072 0.229 0.697

0.072 0.261 0.067 0.246 0.685

0.063 0.270 0.062 0.265 0.672
0.055 0.279 0.056 0.285 0.658
0.048 0.288 0.050 0.305 0.643
0.041 0.297 0.045 0.327 0.627

0.034 0.306 0.349 0.610

0.028 0.315 0.372 0.593
0.023 TOF, 0.394 0.575
0.019 07331 0.417 0.557
0.016 Yia39 0.440 0.538

0.013 0.347 0.463 0.519

0.010 0.358 0.487 0.498
0.008 0.370 0.512 0.476
0.006 0.382 0.537 0.453
0.005 0.395 0.562 0.430

0.003 0.408 0.587 0.406

0.003 0.421 0.611 0.383
0.002 0.434 0.634 0.361
0.003 0.447 0.655 0.340
0.003 0.460 0.674 6.319

0.005 0.474 0.692 0.300

0.006 0.488 0.708 0.281
0.009 0.502 0.724 0.262
0.012 147 0.516 0.739 0.243
0.015 444 0.531 0.752 0.225

Table 1(3.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) ViolA) 219(A) %49(A) NolA) 219 (A)
506 0.546 190 0.148 673 0.026 0.764 0.208 ee
507 0.561 180 0.138 609 0.032 0.776 0.191 10
0.576 290 0.129 096 0.037 0.786 0.176
0.591 500 0.120 215 0.043 0.794 0.161
0.606 741 0.112 044 0.049 0.802 0.148

0.622 150 0.104 710 0.055 0.808 0.136

0.637 830 0.098 196 0.062 0.812 0.125
0.653 710 0.092 361 0.069 0.815 0.115
0.669 680 0.087 088 0.077 0.816 0.106
0.685 660 0.082 248 0.085 0.816 0.098

0.701 550 0.077 744 0.093 0.816 0.090

0.717 230 0.073 456 0.101 0.815 0.083
O732 570 0.069 268 0.109 0.813 0.076
0.747 460 0.065 060 0.117 0.812 0.070
0.761 TST 0.060 709 0.125 0.810 0.064

0.775 340 0.056 457 0.133 0.807 0.058

0.788 220 0.052 609 0.141 0.804 0.053
0.800 460 0.049 £22 0.149 0.801 0.049
0.812 140 0.045 954 0.158 0.796 0.045
0.823 330 0.043 050 0.166 OS792 0.041

0.834 120 0.040 368 0.174 0.787 0.038

0.844 600 0.037 839 0.183 0.781 0.035
0.854 870 0.035 384 0.191 0.776 0.032
0.865 040 0.032 949 0.199 0.771 0.029
0.875 211 0.030 451 0.207 0.766 0.026

0.885 370 0.028 029 0.214 0.761 0.024

0.895 370 0.025 862 0.222 0.756 0.021
0.905 150 0.023 920 0.229 0.750 0.019
0.914 650 0.022 174 0.236 0.745 0.018
0.923 810 0.020 584 0.243 0.739 0.016

0.932 550 0.019 127 0.250 0.734 0.015

0.940 810 0.017 740 O25 0.728 0.013
0.948 520 0.016 403 0.264 0.722 0.012
0.955 600 0.015 064 0.271 0.717 0.011
0.961 988 0.013 676 0.278 0.711 0.010

0.967 540 0.012 308 0.285 0.705 0.008

0.972 230 0.011 056 0-292, 0.699 0.007
0.976 170 0.009 915 05299 0.693 0.007
0.979 460 0.008 872 0.306 0.687 0.006
0.982 200 0.007 918 0.313 0.681 0.005

0.984 520 0.007 030 0.320 0.675 0.004

0.986 520 0.006 223 0.326 0.668 0.004
0.988 320 0.005 453 0.333 0.662 0.003
0.990 020 0.004 714 0.340 0.656 0.003
0.991 761 0.003 988 0.347 0.650 0.002

0.993 530 0.003 289 0.354 0.643 0.002

0.995 230 0.002 646 0.360 0.637 0.001
0.996 770 0.002 063 0.367 0.631 0.001
0.598 290 0.998 090 0.001 533 0.374 0.624 0.000
0.616 053 0.999 110 0.001 091 0.381 0.618 0.000

Table 1(3.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) Fol A) Mo lA) Big (A) X19(A) NolA) 219(A)

0.633 948 0.999 770 0.000 711 0.387 0.611 69 0.000 44

0.651 901 1.000 000 0.000 407 0.394 0.605 0.000 25
0.669 0.999 710 0.000 184 0.401 0.598 0.000 11
0.687 0.998 850 0.000 047 0.407 0.592 0.000 03
0.705 0.997 340 0.000 000 0.414 0.585 0.000 00

0.722 0.995 260 0.420 0.579

0.740 0.992 740 0.427 0.572
0.758 0.989 750 0.433 0.566
0.776 0.986 300 0.440 0.559
0.793 0.982 380 0.446 0.553

0.811 0.977 0.453 0.546

0.828 0.973 0.459 0.540
0.845 0.967 0.466 0.533
0.862 0.961 0.472 0.527
0.878 0.955 0.479 0.520

0.894 0.948 0.485 0.514

0.909 0.940 0.491 0.508
0.923 0.932 0.497 0.502
0.937 0.924 0.503 0.496
0.951 0.915 0.509 0.490

0.964 0.905 0.515 0.484

0.977 0.896 0.521 0.478
0.989 0.887 0.527 0.472
1.001 0.877 0.532 0.467
1.014 0.868 0.538 0.461

1.026 0.860 0.544 0.455

1.038 0.549 0.450
0.554 0.445
0.560 0.439
0.565 0.434

0.570 0.429
0.575 0.424
0.580 0.419
0.585 0.414
0.589 0.410

0.594 0.405
0.598 0.401
beakWw—— 0.603 0.396
0.607 0.392
ein 0.611 0.388

0.615 0.384
0.619 0.380
— Ww a 0.623 0.376
0.627 0.372
Snae 0.630 0.369

0.634 0.365
0.637 0.362
0.640 0.359
0.644 0.355
0.647 0.352

Table 1(3.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) Vi9(A) Fo (A) X49(A) Vio) 249 (A)

606 0.580 781 0.000 000 0.650 0.349 87 0.000 00

607 0.567 653 0.653 0.346
608 0.554 490 0.655 0.344
609 0.541 228 0.658 0.341
610 0.527 963 0.661 0.338

611 0.514 634 0.663 0.336

612 0.501 363 0.666 0.333
613 0.488 124 0.668 0.331
614 0.474 935 0.670 0.329
615 0.461 834 0.673 0.326

0.448 823 0.675 0.324

0.435 917 0.677 0.322
0.423 153 0.679 0.320
0.410 526 0.680 0.319
0.398 057 0.682 0.317

0.385 835 0.684 0.315

0.373 951 0.685 0.314
0.362 311 0.687 0.312
0.350 863 0.688 0.311
0.339 554 0.689 0.310

0.328 309 0.690 0.309

0.317 118 0.692 0.307
0.305 936 0.693 0.306
0.294 737 0.694 0.305
0.283 493 0.695 0.304

0.272 gle 0.696 0.303

0.260 990 0.697 0.302
0.249 877 0.698 0.301
0.238 946 0.699 0.300
0.228 254 0.700 0.299

0.217 853 0.702 0.297

0.207 780 0.703 0.296
0.198 072 0.704 0.296
0.188 748 0.704 0.295
0.179 828 0.705 0.294

0.171 285 0.706 0.293

0.163 059 0.707 0.292
0.155 151 0.708 0.291
0.147 535 0.709 0.290
0.140 211 0.710 0.289

0.133 170 0.711 0.288

0.126 400 0.711 0.288
0.119 892 0,712 0.287
0.113 640 0.713 0.286
0.107 633 0.713 0.286

0.101 870 0.714 0.285

0.096 347 0.714 0.285
0.091 063 0.715 0.284
0.086 010 0.715 0.284
0.081 187 0.715 0.284

Table I(3.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) Erol A) Myo (A) 219 (A) *19(A) NiolA) ZA)

656 0.192 950 0.000 000 0.715 87 0.284 13 0.000 00

657 0.182 110
658 0.171 770
0.161 920
0.152 568

0.143 670
0.135 200


0.280 31
0.280 24
0.280 17
0.280 11
0.280 06


oo°o°0oo at

Table 1(3.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) Vi0(A) Bo(A) X49(A) Mola) Z10(A)

706 0.002 380 48 0.000

000 00 0.720 31 0.279 69 0.000 00
707 0.002 209 0.720 29 0.279 71
708 0.002 051 0.720 27
709 0.001 904 0.720 25
710 0.001 768 0.720 23

0.001 642 0.720 20

0.001 525 0.720 18
0.001 416 0.720 15
0.001 315 0.720 12
0.001 222 0.720 09
0.720 06
0.720 02
0.719 99
0.719 95
0.719 91

0.719 87
0.719 83
0.719 78
0.719 74
0.719 69

0.719 64
0.719 60
0.719 55
0.719 50
0.719 45

0.719 40
0.719 34
0.719 29
0.719 24
0.719 19

0.719 13
0.719 08
0.719 02
0.718 96
0.718 91

0.000 473 0.718 85

0.000 440 0.718 79
0.000 410 580 0.718 73
0.000 382 490 0.718 67
0.000 356 380 0.718 61

0.000 332 110 0.718 55

0.000 309 550 0.718 48
0.000 288 580 0.718 42
0.000 269 090 0.718 36
0.000 250 969 0.718 29

0.000 234 130 0.718 23

0.000 218 470 0.718 16
0.000 203 910 0.718 10
0.000 190 350 0.718 03
0.000 177 730 0.717 96

Table 1(3.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) X19( A) Mo (A) Bo (A) 19) i0\A) Z19(A)

756 0.000 065 2a2 0.000 000 000 0 0.717 89 0.000 00

757 0.000 060 939 0.717 82
0.000 056 DJL? IS
0.000 053 0.717 68
0.000 049 0.717 61

0.000 046 0.717 54

0.000 043 0.717 46
0.000 040 0.717 39
0.000 038 U.iie oe
oo 0.000 035 0.717 24

0.000 084 0.000 033 0.717 16

0.000 078 0.000 031 0.717 09
0.000 073 0.000 029 0.717 O1
0.000 068 0.000 027 0.716 94
0.000 064 0.000 025 0.716 86

0.000 060 0.000 023 0.716 78

0.000 056 0.000 022 0.716 70
0.000 052 0.000 020 0.716 62
0.000 049 0.000 019 0.716 54
0.000 046 0.000 018 0.716 46

0.000 043 0.000 017 0.716 38

0.000 040 0.000 016 0.716 30
0.000 038 0.000 015 i=)—oO
\o[o-e) 0.716 22
0.000 035 0.000 014 0.716 14
0.000 033 0.000 013 oOonoshN
hohne 0.716 06

0.000 031 0.000 012 0.715 97

0.000 029 0.000 O11 0.715 89
0.000 027 0.000 010 \oN | 0.715 81
0.000 025 0.000 010 Ott) 12
0.000 024 0.000 009 DWOoOnond 0.715 64

0.000 022 0.000 009 O:715 S35

0.000 021 0.000 008 0.715 47
0.000 019 0.000 007 0.715 38
0.000 018 0.000 007 0.715 29
0.000 017 0.000 007 0.715 21

0.000 016 0.000 006

0.000 015 0.000 006
0.000 014 0.000 005
0.000 013 0.000 005
0.000 012 orerc
SO 0.000
aooo°oeeo 005

0.000 012 0.000 004

0.000 O11 0.000 004
0.000 010 0.000 004
0.000 010 0.000 004
0.000 009 Ooo
© 0.000 003

0.000 008 0.000 003

0.000 008 0.000 003
0.000 007 0.000 003
0.000 007 0.000 002 0.713 96
0.000 006 0.000 002 0.713 87 0.286 13

Table 1(3.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) X19(A) Viol) 219(A) X10(A) — MolA) —-B19(A)
806 0.000 006 501 50 0.000 002 607 05 0.000 000 0000 =0.713 78 0.286 22 0.000 00
807 0.000 006 115 30 0.000 002 453 29 0.713 69 0.286 31
808 0.000 00S 752 90 0.000 002 308 94 0.713 60 0.286 40
809 0.000 005 412 70 0.000 002 173 38 0.713 50 0.286 50
810 0.000 005 093 47 0.000 002 046 13 0.713 41 0.286 59

811 0.000 004 793 80 0.000 001 926 62 0.713 32 0.286 68

812 0.000 004 512 50 ~=0.000 001 814 40 0.713 22 0.286 78
813 0.000 004 248 30 0.000 001 708 95 0.713 13 0.286 87
814 0.000 004 000 20 0.000 001 609 88 0.713 04 0.286 96
815 0.000 003 767 10 0.000 001 516 77 0.712 94 0.287 06

816 0.000 003 548 00 0.000 001 429 21 O12) Sam 0287 15
817 0.000 003 342 10 0.000 001 346 86 0.712 76 0.287 24
818 0.000 003 148 50 0.000 001 269 45 0.712 66 0.287 34
819 0.000 002 966 50 ~=0.000 001 196 62 O712°57 9 O287 43
820 0.000 002 795 31 0.000 001 128 09 0.712 47 0.287 53

821 0.000 002 634 50 = 0.000 001 063 68 O12 Shee 257 62
822 0.000 002 483 40 0.000 001 003 13 O.712 28, 90287 72
823 0.000 002 341 40 0.000 000 946 22 0.712 19 0.287 81
824 0.000 002 207 80 0.000 000 892 63 0.712 09 0.287 91
825 0.000 002 082 00 0.000 000 842 16 0.712 00 0.288 00

826 0.000 001 963 60 0.000 000 794 64 O71 SE O26s 10

827 0.000 001 851 90 0.000 000 749 78 0.711 81 0.288 19
828 0.000 001 746 50 0.000 000 707 44 U711 7S GO288 29
829 0.000 001 647 10 0.000 000 667 48 0.711 62 0.288 38
830 0.000 001 553 14 0.000 000 629 70 0.711 52 0.288 48

Note: If the color-matching functions are required at closer intervals than the 1-nm
interval given in the above table, a linear interpolation should be used (CIE, 1971).

Table II(3.3.2) Abridged Values of Color-Matching Functions and Chromaticity
Coordinates of the CIE 1964 Supplementary Standard Colorimetric System, from
A = 380 to 780 nm at 5-nm Intervals
Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Wavelength Color-Matching Functions
r ee r LL

380 0.0002 0.0000 0.0007 580 1.0142 0.8689 0.0000

385 0.0007 0.0001 0.0029 585 1.0743 0.8256
390 0.0024 0.0003 0.0105 590 1.1185 0.7774
395 0.0072 0.0008 0.0323 595 1.1343 0.7204

400 0.0191 0.0020 0.0860 600 1.1240 0.6583

405 0.0434 0.0045 0.1971 605 1.0891 0.5939
410 0.0847 0.0088 0.3894 610 1.0305 0.5280
415 0.1406 0.0145 0.6568 615 0.9507 0.4618
420 0.2045 0.0214 0.9725 620 0.8563 0.3981

425 0.2647 0.0295 1.2825 625 0.7549 0.3396

430 0.3147 0.0387 1.5535 630 0.6475 0.2835
435 0.3577 0.0496 1.7985 635 0.5351 0.2283
440 0.3837 0.0621 1.9673 640 0.4316 0.1798
445 0.3867 0.0747 2.0273 645 0.3437 0.1402

450 0.3707 0.0895 1.9948 650 0.2683 0.1076

455 0.3430 0.1063 1.9007 655 0.2043 0.0812
460 0.3023 0.1282 1.7454 660 0.1526 0.0603
465 0.2541 0.1528 1.5549 665 0.1122 0.0441
470 0.1956 0.1852 1.3176 670 0.0813 0.0318

475 0.1323 0.2199 1.0302 675 0.0579 0.0226

480 0.0805 0.2536 0.7721 680 0.0409 0.0159
485 0.0411 0.2977 0.5701 685 0.0286 0.0111
490 0.0162 0.3391 0.4153 690 0.0199 0.0077
495 0.0051 0.3954 0.3024 695 0.0138 0.0054

500 0.0038 0.4608 0.2185 700 0.0096 0.0037

505 0.0154 0.5314 0.1592 705 0.0066 0.0026
510 0.0375 0.6067 0.1120 710 0.0046 0.0018
515 0.0714 0.6857 0.0822 715 0.0031 0.0012
520 0.1177 0.7618 0.0607 720 0.0022 0.0008

525 0.1730 0.8233 0.0431 725 0.0015 0.0006

530 0.2365 0.8752 0.0305 730 0.0010 0.0004
535 0.3042 0.9238 0.0206 735 0.0007 0.0003
540 0.3768 0.9620 0.0137 740 0.0005 0.0002
545 0.4516 0.9822 0.0079 745 0.0004 0.0001

550 0.5298 0.9918 0.0040 750 0.0003 0.0001

555 0.6161 0.9991 0.001 1 E55 0.0002 0.0001
560 0.7052 0.9973 0.0000 760 0.0001 0.0000
565 0.7938 0.9824 765 0.0001
570 0.8787 0.9555 770 0.0001

575 0.9512 0.9152 775 0.0000

580 1.0142 0.8689 780 0.0000

Totals: 23.3294 23-3005 23.3343

Table II(3.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Chromaticity Coordinates Wavelength Chromaticity Coordinates

r r
(nm) X19 ( A) Niolr) Z19(A) (nm) X49(A) NiolA) Z49(A)

380 0.1813 0.0197 0.7990 0.5386 0.4614 0.0000

385 0.1809 0.0195 0.7996 0.5654 0.4346
390 0.1803 0.0194 0.8003 0.5900 0.4100
395 0.1795 0.0190 0.8015 0.6116 0.3884

400 0.1784 0.0187 0.8029 0.6306 0.3694

405 0.1771 0.0184 0.8045 0.6471 0.3529
410 0.1755 0.0181 0.8064 0.6612 0.3388
415 0.1732 0.0178 0.8090 0.6731 0.3269
420 0.1706 0.0179 0.8115 0.6827 0.3173

425 0.1679 0.0187 0.8134 0.6898 0.3102

430 0.1650 0.0203 0.8147 0.6955 0.3045
435 0.1622 0.0225 0.8153 0.7010 0.2990
440 0.1590 0.0257 0.8153 0.7059 0.2941
445 0.1554 0.0300 0.8146 0.7103 0.2898

450 0.1510 0.0364 0.8126 0.7137 0.2863

455 0.1459 0.0452 0.8088 0.7156 0.2844
460 0.1389 0.0589 0.8022 0.7168 0.2832
465 0.1295 0.0779 0.7926 0.7179 0.2821
470 0.1152 0.1090 0.7758 0.7187 0.2813

475 0.0957 0.1591 0.7452 0.7193 0.2807

480 0.0728 0.2292 0.6980 0.7198 0.2802
485 0.0452 0.3275 0.6273 0.7200 0.2800
490 0.0210 0.4401 0.5389 0.7202 0.2798
495 0.0073 0.5625 0.4302 0.7203 0.2797

500 0.0056 0.6745 073199 0.7204 0.2796

505 0.0219 0.7526 0.2256 0.7203 0.2797
510 0.0495 0.8023 0.1482 0.7202 0.2798
515 0.0850 0.8170 0.0980 0.7201 0.2799
520 0.1252 0.8102 0.0646 0.7199 0.2801

x25 0.1664 0.7922 0.0414 0.7197 0.2803

530 0.2071 0.7663 0.0267 0.7195 0.2806
535 0.2436 0.7399 0.0165 0.7192 0.2808
540 0.2786 0.7113 0.0101 0.7189 0.2811
545 0.3132 0.6813 0.0055 0.7186 0.2814

550 0.3473 0.6501 0.0026 0.7183 0.2817

355 0.3812 0.6182 0.0007 0.7180 0.2820
560 0.4142 0.5858 0.0000 0.7176 0.2824
565 0.4469 0.5531 OItT2 0.2828
570 0.4790 0.5210 0.7169 0.2831

575 0.5096 0.4904 0.7165 0.2835

580 0.5386 0.4614 0.7161 0.2839
nn nnn nnnn ne eaten nnn nnn nnnnEnnnnEnEEnEE EEEIEIEIO

Table I(3.3.3) Chromaticity Coordinates and Color-Matching Functions of the CIE
1931 Standard Colorimetric System with Respect to Real Primary Stimuli: R at
Ap = 700.0 nm; G at A, = 546.1 nm; B at Az = 435.8 nm

Chromaticity Coordinates Wavelength Color-Matching Functions

r(X) g(r) ZeN) GUS, F(X) B(A) B(d)
0.0272 —0.0115 0.9843 380 0.00003 —0.00001 0.00117
0.0268 —0.0114 0.9846 385 0.00005 —0.00002 0.00189
0.0263 —0.0114 0.9851 390 0.00010 —0.00004 0.00359
0.0256 —0.0113 0.9857 395 0.00017 — 0.00007 0.00647

0.0247 —0.0112 0.9865 400 0.00030 —0.00014 0.01214

0.0237 —0.0111 0.9874 405 0.00047 —0.00022 0.01969
0.0225 —0.0109 0.9884 410 0.00084 —0.00041 0.03707
0.0207 —0.0104 0.9897 415 0.00139 —0.00070 0.06637
0.0181 —0.0094 0.9913 420 0.00211 —0.00110 0.11541

0.0142 —0.0076 0.9934 425 0.00266 —0.00143 0.18575

0.0088 —0.0048 0.9960 430 0.00218 —0.00119 0.24769
0.0012 —0.0007 0.9995 435 0.00036 —0.00021 0.29012
—0.0084 0.0048 1.0036 440 —0.00261 0.00149 0.31228
—0.0213 0.0120 1.0093 445 —0.00673 0.00379 0.31860

—0.0390 0.0218 1.0172 450 —0.01213 0.00678 0.31670

—0.0618 0.0345 1.0273 455 —0.01874 0.01046 0.31166
—0.0909 0.0517 1.0392 460 —0.02608 0.01485 0.29821
—0.1281 0.0762 1.0519 465 —0.03324 0.01977 0.27295
—0.1821 0.1175 1.0646 470 — 0.03933 0.02538 0.22991

—0.2584 0.1840 1.0744 475 —0.04471 0.03183 0.18592

—0.3667 0.2906 1.0761 480 —0.04939 0.03914 0.14494
—0.5200 0.4568 1.0632 485 —0.05364 0.04713 0.10968
—0.7150 0.6996 1.0154 490 —0.05814 0.05689 0.08257
—0.9459 1.0247 0.9212 495 —0.06414 0.06948 0.06246

501 685 1.3905 0.7780 500 —0.07173 0.08536 0.04776

his 182 137195 0.5987 505 —0.08120 0.10593 0.03688
=i3074 1.9318 0.4053 510 —0.08901 0.12860 0.02698
—7 12076 1.9699 0.2377 215 —0.09356 0.15262 0.01842
— 0.9830 1.8534 0.1296 520 —0.09264 0.17468 0.01221

— 0.7386 1.6662 0.0724 a Pes —0.08473 0.19113 0.00830

Uo 159 1.4761 0.0398 530 —0.07101 0.20317 0.00549
— 0.3304 1.3105 0.0199 aes —0.05316 0.21083 0.00320
—0.1707 1.1628 0.0079 540 —0.03152 0.21466 0.00146
—0.0293 1.0282 0.0011 545 —0.00613 0.21487 0.00023

0.0974 0.9051 —0.0025 550 0.02279 0.21178 —0.00058

0.2121 0.7919 — 0.0040 555 0.05514 0.20588 —0.00105
0.3164 0.6881 —0.0045 560 0.09060 0.19702 —0.00130
0.4112 0.5932 —0.0044 565 0.12840 0.18522 —0.00138
0.4973 0.5067 —0.0040 570 0.16768 0.17087 —0.00135

0.5751 0.4283 —0.0034 oy Bs 0.20715 0.15429 —0.00123

Table 1(3.3.3)— Continued

Chromaticity Coordinates Wavelength Color-Matching Functions

r(d) g(r) b() (nm) 7(X) g(A) b(X)

0.6449 0.3579 0.24526 0.13610 —0.00108

0.2952 0.27989 0.11686 —0.00093
0.2402 0.30928 0.09754 —0.00079
0.1928 0.33184 0.07909 —0.00063

0.1537 0.34429 0.06246 —0.00049

0.1209 0.34756 0.04776 —0.00038
0.0949 0.33971 0.03557 —0.00030
0.0741 0.32265 0.02583 —0.00022
0.0580 0.29708 0.01828 —0.00015

0.0454 0.26348 0.01253 —0.00011

0.0354 0.22677 0.00833 —0.00008
0.0272 0.19233 0.00537 —0.00005
0.0205 0.15968 0.00334 —0.00003
0.0152 0.12905 0.00199 — 0.00002

0.0113 0.10167 0.00116 —0.00001

0.0083 0.07857 0.00066 —0.00001
0.0061 0.05932 0.00037 0.00000
0.0047 0.04366 0.00021 0.00000
0.0035 0.03149 0.00011 0.00000

0.0025 0.02294 0.00006 0.00000

0.0016 0.01687 0.00003 0.00000
0.0009 0.01187 0.00001 0.00000
0.0004 0.00819 0.00000 0.00000
0.0001 0.00572 0.00000 0.00000

0.0000 0.00410 0.00000 0.00000

0.0000 0.00291 0.00000 0.00000
0.0000 0.00210 0.00000 0.00000
0.0000 0.00148 0.00000 0.00000
0.0000 0.00105 0.00000 0.00000

0.0000 0.00074 0.00000 0.00000

0.0000 0.00052 0.00000 0.00000
0.0000 0.00036 0.00000 0.00000
0.0000 0.00025 0.00000 0.00000
0.0000 0.00017 0.00000 0.00000

0.0000 0.00012 0.00000 0.00000

0.0000 0.00008 0.00000 0.00000
0.0000 0.00006 0.00000 0.00000
0.0000 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000
0.0000 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000

0.0000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000

0.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

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Table 1(3.3.4) Relative Spectral Radiant Power Distributions of CIE Standard
Illuminants A and D,, from A = 300 to 830 nm at 1-nm Intervals (CIE 1971)

d A Dy; d A Ba
(nm) S(A) S(A) (nm) S(A) S(A)
300 0.930483 0.0341000 355 5.41070 45.7750
301 0.967643 0.360140 356 5.55213 45.9477
302 1.00597 0.686180 357 5.69622 46.1203
303 1.04549 1.01222 358 5.84298 46.2930
304 1.08623 1.33826 359 5.99244 46.4656
305 1.12821 1.66430 360 6.14462 46,6383
306 1.17147 1.99034 361 6.29955 47.1834
307 1.21602 2.31638 362 6.45724 47.7285
308 1.26188 2.64242 363 6.61774 48.2735
309 1.30910 2.96846 364 6.78105 48.8186
310 1.35769 3.29450 365 6.94720 49,3637
311 1.40768 4.98865 366 7.11621 49.9088
312 1.45910 6.68280 367 7.28811 50.4539
313 1.51198 8.37695 368 7.46292 50.9989
314 1.56633 10.0711 369 7.64066 51.5440
315 1.62219 11.7652 370 7.82135 52.0891
316 1.67959 13.4594 371 8.00501 51.8777
317 1.73855 15.1535 372 8.19167 51.6664
318 1.79910 16.8477 373 8.38134 51.4550
319 1.86127 18.5418 374 8.57404 51.2437
320 1.92508 20.2360 375 8.76980 51.0323
321 1.99057 21.9177 376 8.96864 50.8209
322 2.05776 23.5995 377 9.17056 50.6096
323 2.12667 25.2813 378 9.37561 50.3982
324 2.19734 26.9630 379 9.58378 50.1869
325 2.26980 28.6447 380 9.79510 49.9755
326 2.34406 30.3265 381 10.0096 50.4428
327 2.42017 32.0082 382 10.2273 50.9100
328 2.49814 33.6900 383 10.4481 51.3773
329 2.57801 35.3717 384 10.6722 51.8446
330 2.65981 37.0535 385 10.8996 52.3118
331 2.74355 37.3430 386 11.1302 52.7791
332 2.82928 37.6326 387 11.3640 53.2464
333 2.91701 37.9221 388 11.6012 53.7137
334 3.00678 38.2116 389 11.8416 54.1809
335 3.09861 38.5011 390 12.0853 54.6482
336 3.19253 38.7907 391 12.3324 57.4589
337 3.28857 39.0802 392 12,5828 60.2695
338 3.38676 39.3697 393 12.8366 63.0802
339 3.48712 39.6593 394 13.0938 65.8909
340 3.58968 39.9488 395 13.3543 68.7015
341 3.69447 40.4451 396 13.6182 71.5122
342 3.80152 40,9414 397 13.8855 74.3229
343 3.91085 41.4377 398 14.1563 77.1336
344 4.02250 41.9340 399 14.4304 79.9442
345 4.13648 42.4302 400 14.7080 82.7549
346 4.25282 42.9265 401 14.9891 83.6280
347 4.37156 43.4228 402 15.2736 84.5011
348 4.49272 43.9191 403 15,5616 85.3742 -
349 4.61631 44.4154 404 15.8530 86.2473
350 4.74238 44.9117 405 16.1480 87.1204
351 4.87095 45.0844 406 16.4464 87.9936
352 5.00204 45.2570 407 16.7484 88.8667
353 5.13568 45.4297 408 17.0538 89.7398
354 5.27189 45.6023 409 17.3628 90.6129

Table (3.3.4)— Continued

r A Ds A Ds
(nm) S(X) S(A) S(X) S(X)
410 17.6753 91.4860 40.3002 116.337
411 179913 91.6806 40.8076 116.041
412 18.3108 91.8752 41.3182 115.746
413 18.6339 92.0697 41.8320 115.451
414 18.9605 92.2643 42.349] 115.156

415 19.2907 92.4589 42.8693 114.861

416 19.6244 JUGS3) 43.3926 114.967
417 19.9617 92.8481 43.9192 115.073
418 20.3026 93.0426 44.4488 115.179
419 20.6470 93023512 44.9816 115.286

420 20.9950 93.4318 45.5174 115.392

421 21.3465 92.7568 46.0563 115.498
422 21.7016 92.0819 46.5983 115.604
423 22.0603 91.4069 47.1433 115.710
424 22.4225 90.7320 47.6913 115.817

425 22.7883 90.0570 48.2423 fe os:FA:

426 Phe) a i 89.3821 48.7963 11522
427 23.5307 88.7071 49.3533 114.500
428 23.9072 88.0322 49.9132 113.789
429 24.2873 8h3512 50.4760 113.078

430 24.6709 86.6823 51.0418 112.367

43] 25.0581 88.5006 51.6104 111.656
432 25.4489 90.3188 52.1818 110.944
433 25.8432 O2Ts 1 52.7561 110.233
434 26.2411 99.9953 533332 109.522

435 26.6425 95.7736 33.9 132 108.811

436 27.0475 979919 54.4958 108.865
437 27.4560 99.4101 55.0813 108.919
438 27.8681 101.228 55.6694 108.974
439 28.2836 103.047 56.2603 109.028

440 28.7027 104.865 56.8539 109.083

44] 29.4253 106.079 57.4501 109.137
442 29: 9579 107.293 58.0489 109.191
443 29.9811 108.508 58.6504 109.246
444 30.4142 109.722 59.2545 109.300

445 30.8508 110.936 59.8611 109.354

446 31.2909 [12461 60.4703 109.199
447 31.7345 113.365 61.0820 109.044
448 32.1815 114.579 61.6962 108.889
449 32.6320 115.793 62.3128 108.733

450 33.0859 117.008 62.9320 108.578

45] 33.5432 117.088 63.5535 108.423
452 34.0040 117.169 64.1775 108.268
453 34.4682 117.249 64.8038 108.112
454 34.9358 1197329 65.4325 107.957

455 35.4068 117.410 66.0635 107.802

456 35.8811 117.490 66.6968 107.501
457 36.3588 Lhy71 67.3324 107.199
458 36.8399 117.651 67.9702 106.898
459 37.3243 LiFsis2 68.6102 106.597

460 37.8121 117.812 69.2525 106.296

461 38.3031 117.517 69.8969 105.995
462 38.7975 117.222 70.5435 105.693
463 39.2951 116.927 TR19Z2 105.392
464 39.7960 116.632 71.8430 105.091

Table 1(3.3.4)— Continued

r A Ds A D¢5
(nm) S(A) S(A) S(A) S(A)

520 72.4959 104.790 110.803 96.0611

521 73.1508 105.080 TL1529 96.0065
$22 73.8077 105.370 112255 95.9519
523 74.4666 105.660 112.982 95.8972
524 Toae7 Ss 105.950 113.709 95.8426
ae) 75.7903 106.240 114.436 95.7880
526 76.4551 106.530 115.164 95.0778
527 TIA2T 106.820 115.893 94.3675
528 77.7902 107.110 116.622 93.6573
329 78.4605 107.400 1h 92.9470
530 79.1326 107.689 118.080 92.2368
531 79.8065 107.361 118.810 91.5266
532 80.4821 107.033 119.540 90.8163
533 81.1595 106.704 120.270 90.1061
534 81.8386 106.376 121.001 89.3958
535 82.5193 106.047 1203731 88.6856
536 83.2017 105.719 122.462 88.8177
537 83.8856 105.391 123.193 88.9497
538 84.5712 105.062 123.924 89.0818
539 85.2584 104.734 124.655 89.2138
540 85.9470 104.405 125.386 89.3459
541 86.6372 104.370 126.118 89.4780
542 87.3288 104.334 126.849 89.6100
543 88.0219 104,298 127.580 89.7421
544 88.7165 104.262 128.312 89.874]
545 89.4124 104.226 129.043 90.0062
546 90.1097 104.190 129.774 89.9655
547 90.8083 104.154 130.505 89.9248
548 91.5082 104.118 131.236 89.884]
549 92.2095 104.082 131.966 89.8434
550 92.9120 104.046 132.697 89.8026
551 93.6157 103.642 133.427 89.7619
552 94.3206 103237 134.157 89.72)2
S53 95.0267 102.832 134.887 89.6805
554 95-1339 102.428 135.617 89.6398
555 96.4423 102.023 136.346 89.599]
556 97.1518 101.618 137.075 89.4091
557 97.8623 101.214 137.804 89.2190
558 98.5739 100.809 138.532 89.0290
559 99.2864 100.405 139.260 88.8389
560 100.000 100.000 139.988 88.6489
561 100.715 99.6334 140.715 88.4589
562 101.430 99.2668 141.441 88.2688
563 102.146 98.9003 142.167 88.0788
564 102.864 98.5337 142.893 87.8887
565 103.582 98.1671 143.618 87.6987
566 104.301 97.8005 144.343 87.2577
567 105.020 97.4339 145.067 86.8167
568 105.741 97.0674 145.790 86.3757
569 106.462 96.7008 146.513 85.9347
570 107.184 96.3342 147.235 85.4936
571 107.906 96.2796 147.957 85.0526
572 108.630 96.2250 148.678 84.6116
a3 109.354 96.1703 149.398 84.1706
574 110.078 96.1157 150.117 83.7296
Table I(3.3.4)— Continued

rv A D5 A D¢5
(nm) S(X) S(A) S(A) S(A)
630 150.836 83.2886 188.701 74.0027
631 151.554 8353297 189.350 73.1465
632 S227) 83.3707 189.998 72.2902
633 152.988 83.4118 190.644 71.4339
634 153.704 83.4528 191.288 70.5776
635 154.418 83.4939 19R931 69.7213
636 155.132 83.5350 192.572 69.9101
637 155.845 83.5760 193,211 70.0989
638 156.558 83.6171 193.849 70.2876
639 157.269 83.6581 194.484 70.4764
640 1STIT9 83.6992 195.118 70.6652
641 158.689 83.3320 195.750 70.8540
642 159.39), 82.9647 196.381 71.0428
643 160.104 S200 197.009 MZ S15
644 160.811 82.2302 197.636 71.4203
645 161.516 81.8630 198.261 71.6091
646 162.221 81.4958 198.884 71.8831
647 162.924 81.1285 199.506 I2A571
648 163.626 80.7613 200.125 72.4311
649 164.327 80.3940 200.743 T2N0S |
650 165.028 80.0268 ZON 359 72.9790
651 165.726 80.0456 201.972 73.2530
652 166.424 80.0644 202.584 210
653 16%121 80.0831 203.195 73.8010
654 167.816 80.1019 203.803 74.0750
655 168.510 80.1207 204.409 74.3490
656 169.203 80.1395 205.013 73.0745
657 169.895 80.1583 205.616 71.8000
658 170.586 80.1770 206.216 70.5255
659 Led) 80.1958 206.815 69.2510
660 171.963 80.2146 207.411 67.9765
661 172.650 80.4209 208.006 66.7020
662 173,335 80.6272 208.599 65.4275
663 174.019 80.8336 209.189 64.1530
664 174.702 81.0399 209.778 62.8785
665 175.383 81.2462 210.365 61.6040
666 176.063 81.4525 210.949 62.4322
667 176.741 81.6588 21) 532 63.2603
668 177.419 81.8652 21D ee 64.0885
669 178.094 82.0715 212.691 64.9166

670 178.769 82.2778 213.268 65.7448

671 179.44] 81.8784 213.842 66.5730
672 180.113 81.479] 214.415 67.4011
673 180.783 81.0797 214.985 68.2293
674 181.451 80.6804 Oneee 69.0574

675 182.118 80.2810 216.120 69.8856

676 182.783 79.8816 216.684 70.4057
677 183.447 79.4823 217.246 FV P|
678 184.109 79.0829 217.806 71.4460
679 184.770 78.6836 218.364 71.9662

680 185.429 78.2842 218.920 72.4863

681 186.087 77.4279 219.473 73.0064
682 186.743 76.5716 220.025 73.5266
683 187.397 72.9153 220.574 74.0467
684 188.050 74.8590 eat i122 74.5669

Table I(3.3.4)— Continued

r A D5 r A D5
(nm) S(X) S(A) (nm) S(A) S(A)
740 221.667 75.0870 785 243.924 63.8434
741 222.210 BATS 786 244.367 63.9355
742 222.751 72.7881 787 244.808 64.0276
743 223.290 71.6387 788 245.246 64.1198
744 223.826 70.4893 789 245.682 64.2119
745 224.361 69.3398 790 246.116 64.3040
746 224.893 68.1904 79] 246.548 63.8188
747 225.423 67.0410 t92 246.977 63.3336
748 220951 65.8916 793 247.404 62.8484
749 226.477 64.7421 794 247.829 62.3632
750 227.000 63.5927 795 248.251 61.8779
751 POM a9! 61.8752 796 248.671 61.3927
752 228.041 60.1578 797 249.089 60.9075
753 228.558 58.4404 798 249.505 60.4223
754 229.073 56.7229 799 249.918 59.9371
755 229.585 55.0054 800 250.329 59.4519
756 230.096 52.2880 801 250.738 58.7026
Le 230.604 51.5705 802 251.144 57.9533
758 2atallO 49.8531 803 251.548 57.2040
759 231.614 48.1356 804 251.950 56.4547
760 Pe 9S Me 46.4182 805 252.350 55.7054
761 232.615 48.4569 806 252.747 54.9562
762 piase V2 50.4956 807 253.142 54.2069
763 233.606 52.5344 808 253535 53.4576
764 234.099 54.5731 809 2ga0925 52.7083
765 234.589 56.6118 810 254.314 51.9590
766 235.078 58.6505 811 254.700 52.5072
767 235.564 60.6892 812 255.083 53.0553
768 236.047 62.7280 813 255.465 53.6035
769 236.5929 64.7667 814 255.844 54.1516
770 237.008 66.8054 815 256.221 54.6998
771 237.485 66.4631 816 256.595 55.2480
772 2at9S9 66.1209 817 256.968 55.7961
773 238.432 65.7786 818 257.338 56.3443
774 238.902 65.4364 819 257.706 56.8924
775 239.370 65.0941 820 258.071 57.4406
776 239.836 64.7518 82] 258.434 DF1248
777 240.299 64.4096 822 258.795 58.0150
778 240.760 64.0673 823 259.154 58.3022
419 241.219 63.7251 824 259.511 58.5894
780 241.675 63.3828 825 259.865 58.8765
781 242.130 63.4749 826 260.217 59.1637
782 242.582 63.5670 827 260.567 59.4509
783 243.031 63.6592 828 260.914 59.7381
784 243.479 63.7513 829 261.259 60.0253
830 261.602 60.3125

Table II(3.3.4) Abridged Values of Relative Spectral Radiant Power Distributions of CIE
Standard Illuminants A, B, C, and D,. from A = 300 to 830 nm at 5-nm Intervals (CIE, 1971)

A A B Cc Dgs r A B ¢ Ds
(nm) S(A) S(A) S(A) S(A) (nm) S(A) S(A) S(A) S(A)
300 0.93 0.03 ma 110.80 101.90 100.15 96.1
305 1.13 580 114.44 101.00 97.80 95.8
310 1.36 3.3 585 118.08 100.07 95.43 y
315 1.62 11.8 590 121.73 99.20 93.20 88.7
320 Bee 0.02 0.01 20.2 595 123.59 98.44 O22 89.3
325 2und 0.26 0.20 28.6 600 129.04 98.00 89.70 90.0
330 2.66 0.50 0.40 3ia 605 132.70 98.08 88.83 89.8
aos 3.10 1.45 153 38.5 610 136.35 98.50 88.40 89.6
340 B49 2.40 aa 39.9 615 139.99 99.06 88.19 88.6
345 4.14 4.00 4.85 42.4 620 143.62 99.70 88.10 87.7
350 4.74 5.60 7.00 44.9 625 147.24 100.36 88.06 85.5
35> 5.41 7.60 9:95 45.8 630 150.84 101.00 88.00 83.3
360 6.14 9.60 12.90 46.6 635 154.42 101.56 87.86 83.5
365 6.95 12.40 17.20 49.4 640 157.98 102.20 87.80 83.7
370 T82 15.20 21.40 S21 645 161.52 103.05 87.99 81.9

FS 8.77 18.80 27.50 51.0 650 165.03 103.90 88.20 80.0

380 9.80 22.40 33.00 50.0 655 168.51 104.59 88.20 80.1
385 10.90 26.85 39.92 323 660 171.96 105.00 87.90 80.2
390 12.09 31.30 47.40 54.6 665 175.38 105.08 87.22 81.2
395 13.35 36.18 es 68.7 670 178.77 104.90 86.30 82.3

400 14.71 41.30 63.30 82.8 675 182.12 104.55 85.30 80.3
405 16.15 46.62 71.81 87.1 680 185.43 103.90 84.00 Ohare
410 17.68 52.10 80.60 gies 685 188.70 102.84 82.21 74.0
415 19.29 57.70 89.53 os 690 191.93 101.60 80.20 eh
420 20.99 63.20 98.10 93.4 695 1952 100.38 78.24 70.7

425 22.19 68.37 105.80 90.1 700 198.26 99.10 76.30 71.6
430 24.67 73.10 112.40 86.7 705 201.36 97.70 74.36 73.0
435 26.64 77.31 tas 95.8 710 204.41 96.20 72.40 74.3
440 28.70 80.80 121.50 104.9 715 207.41 94.60 70.40 68.0
445 30.85 83.44 123.45 110.9 720 210.36 92.90 68.30 61.6

450 23:09 85.40 124.00 117.0 725 213 29 91.10 66.30 65.7
455 35.41 86.88 123.60 117.4 730 216.12 89.40 64.40 69.9
460 37.81 88.30 123.10 117.8 735 218.92 88.00 62.80 25
465 40.30 90.08 123.30 116.3 740 221.69 86.90 61.50 nk
470 42.87 92.00 123.80 114.9 745 224.36 85.90 60.20 69.3

475 45.52 RES 124.09 115.4 750 227.00 85.20 59.20 63.6
480 48.24 95.20 123.90 H59 DS papa Bess 84.80 58.50 55.0
485 51.04 96.23 122,92 112.4 760 232.V2 84.70 58.10 46.4
490 53.91 96.50 120.70 108.8 765 234.59 84.90 58.00 56.6
495 56.85 95.71 116.90 109.1 770 237.01 85.40 58.20 66.8

500 59.86 94.20 112.10 109.4 775 PeteHs 65.1

505 62.93 P2554 106.98 108.6 780 241.68 63.4
510 66.06 90.70 102.30 107.8 785 243.92 63.8
515 69.25 89.65 98.81 106.3 790 246.12 64.3
520 72.50 89.50 96.90 104.8 files 248.25 61.9

525 Ep be 90.43 96.78 106.2 800 250.33 is

530 79.13 92.20 98.00 107.7 805 2o20a3 eee
535 82.52 94.46 99.94 106.0 810 254.31 52.0
540 85.95 96.90 102.10 104.4 815 256.22 54.7
545 89.41 99.16 103.95 104.2 820 258.07 57.4

550 92.91 101.00 105.20 104.0 825 259.86 58.9

555 96.44 102.20 105.67 102.0 830 261.60 60.3
560 100.00 102.80 105.30 100.0
565 103.58 102.92 104.11 98.2
570 107.18 102.60 102.30 96.3

Table III(3.3.4) Relative Spectral Radiant Power Distributions of Daylight
Illuminants D5, (Correlated Color Temperature 5503 K) and D-,, (Correlated
Color Temperature 7504 K) Calculated in Accordance with CIE Method Given
in Text (CIE, 1971)

A Ds; D;;
(nm) S(A) S(A)
300 0.02 0.04
310 2u 5.1
320 11.2 29.8
330 20.6 54.9
340 23.9 2 Be:
350 27.8 62.7
360 30.6 63.0
370 34.3 70.3
380 32.6 66.7
390 38.1 70.0
400 61.0 101.9
410 68.6 111.9
420 71.6 112.8
430 67.9 103.1
440 85.6 121.2
450 98.0 133.0
460 100.5 132.4
470 o79 127.3
480 102.7 126.8
490 98.1 117.8
500 100.7 116.6
510 100.7 113.7
520 100.0 108.7
530 104.2 110.4
540 102.1 106.3
550 103.0 104.9
560 100.0 100.0
570 97.2 95.6
580 97.7 94.2
590 91.4 87.0
600 94.4 87.2
610 95.1 86.1
620 94.2 83.6
630 90.4 78.7
640 vfht 78.4
650 88.9 74.8
660 90.3 74.3
670 93.9 75.4
680 90.0 71.6
690 ti 63.9
700 82.8 65.1
710 84.8 68.1
720 70.2 56.4
730 79.3 64.2
740 85.0 69.2
750 71.9 58.6
760 52.8 42.6
770 75.9 61.4
780 71.8 58.3
790 72.9 59.1
800 67.3 54.7
810 58.7 47.9
820 65.0 52.9
830 68.3 55.5
Table IV(3.3.4) CIE 1931 (xp, yp)-Chromaticity Coordinates and Scalar Multipliers M,,M,
of Daylight of Different Correlated Color Temperatures TJ. (Planck’s Constant c,= 1.4388x
10 * m-K); (CIE, 1971)
T. Xp YD M, M,

4,000 0.3823 0.3838 ==1.005 2.827

4,100 0.3779 0.3812 — 1.464 2.460
4,200 0.3737 0.3786 seh ee! D127
4,300 0.3697 0.3760 —" 318 1.825
4,400 0.3658 0.3734 = 7333 1.550
4,500 0.3621 0.3709 — 1.286 1.302
4,600 0.3585 0.3684 — 1.238 1.076
4,700 0.3551 0.3659 = hl 9G 0.871
4,800 0.3519 0.3634 — 1.140 0.686
4,900 0.3487 0.3610 — 1.090 0.518

5,000 0.3457 0.3587 — 1.040 0.367

5,100 0.3429 0.3564 — 0.989 0.230
5,200 0.3401 0.3541 — (0.939 0.106
5,300 0.3375 0.3519 — 0.888 — 0.005
5,400 0.3349 0.3497 = 0:537 —0.105
5,500 0.3325 0.3476 — 0.786 ==0.195
5,600 0.3302 0.3455 — 0.736 — 0.276
5,700 0.3279 0.3435 — 0.685 — 0.348
5,800 0.3258 0.3416 — 0.635 —0.412
5,900 0.3237 0.3397 — 0.586 — 0.469

6,000 0.3217 0.3378 — 0.536 =U 19

6,100 0.3198 0.3360 — 0.487 — 0.563
6,200 0.3179 0.3342 — 0.439 — 0.602
6,300 0.3161 0.3325 —0.391 — 0.635
6,400 0.3144 0.3308 — 0.343 — 0.664
6,500 0.3128 0.3292 — 0.296 — 0.688
6,600 aki? 0.3276 =). 250 — 0.709
6,700 0.3097 0.3260 —0.204 — 0.726
6,800 0.3082 0.3245 =();159 — 0.739
6,900 0.3067 0.3231 —0.114 — 0.749

7,000 0.3054 0.3216 — 0.070 =O IS)

7,100 0.3040 0.3202 — 0.026 — 0.762
7,200 0.3027 0.3189 0.017 0.765
7,300 0.3015 0.3176 0.060 — 0.765
7,400 0.3003 0.3163 0.102 — 0.763
7,500 0.2991 0.3150 0.144 — 0.760
7,600 0.2980 0.3138 0.184 =O J50
7,700 0.2969 0.3126 0.225 — 0.748
7,800 0.2958 0.3115 0.264 — 0.740
7,900 0.2948 0.3103 0.303 =().730

8,000 0.2938 0.3092 0.342 —=() 720

8,100 0.2928 0.3081 0.380 — 0.708
8,200 0.2919 0.3071 0.417 — 0.695
8,300 0.2910 0.3061 0.454 — 0.682
8,400 0.2901 0.3051 0.490 — 0.667
8,500 0.2892 0.3041 0.526 — 0.652

9,000 0.2853 0.2996 0.697 — 0.566

9,500 0.2818 0.2956 0.856 — 0.471

10,000 0.2788 0.2920 1.003 — 0.369

11,000 0.2737 0.2858 1.266 — 0.160

12,000 0.2697 0.2808 1.495 0.045

13,000 0.2664 0.2767 1.693 0.239

14,000 0.2637 0.2732 1.868 0.419

15,000 0.2614 0.2702 2.021 0.586

20,000 0.2539 0.2603 2.571 1.231

Table V(3.3.4) Mean Relative Spectral Radiant Power Distribution S,(A)
and First Two Eigenvectors $,(A) and S,(A) Used in CIE Method of
Calculating Daylight Muminants (CIE, 1971)

(nm) So(A) S\(X) S,(X)
300 0.04 0.02 0.0
310 6.0 4.5 2.0
320 29.6 22.4 4.0
330 33 42.0 8.5
340 ay BS) 40.6 7.8
350 61.8 41.6 6.7
360 61.5 38.0 he:
370 68.8 42.4 6.1
380 63.4 38.5 3.0
390 65.8 35.0 |e
400 94.8 43.4 11
410 104.8 46.3 a0)
420 105.9 43.9 wal
430 96.8 otil Set
440 113.9 36.7 SS
450 125.6 ce aw
460 1255 32.6 ere:
470 121.3 204 210
480 213 24.3 == nO
490 Ge lee 20.1 cous
500 i331 16.2 elMe:
510 110.8 1322 met ee
520 106.5 8.6 ene:
530 108.8 6.1 EP
540 105.3 4.2 ate
550 104.4 14 =0.3
560 100.0 0.0 0.0
570 96.0 1G 0.2
580 95.4 ot ioe 0.5
590 89.1 ape Be ne
600 90.5 fe ea 3.2
610 90.3 a er 4.1
620 88.4 mae 4.7
630 84.0 eke et
640 85.1 7109 6.7
650 81.9 107 a
660 82.6 —12.0 8.6
670 84.9 — 14.0 9.8
680 81.3 =) ES 10.2
690 TS 1 PAW 8.3
700 74.3 13.3 9.6
710 76.4 129 8.5
720 63.3 = 10.6 7.0
730 Ahad mee: 7.6
740 77.0 meee 8.0
750 G2 = 102 6.7
760 47.7 = ope
770 68.6 wae 7.4
780 65.0 — 10.4 6.8
790 66.0 — 10.6 7.0
800 61.0 ae dsl 6.4
810 33:3 bed 3:2
820 58.9 ee 6.1
830 We, 95 6.5
762 eS
DE ES wees








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Table 1(3.8.2) Twenty-Seven Linearly Independent Spectral Reflectance Functions of
(Hypothetical) Black Objects Which are Metameric under CIE Standard Illuminant C
for the CIE 1931 Standard Observer (Wyszecki, 1958)

No. 450 nm 520 nm 600 nm

l 1.0 at 400 nm —0.024942 0.0024834 —0.0013165

2 1.0 at 410 nm —0.076313 0.0069882 —0.0038283
3 1.0 at 420 nm —0.28912 0.025181 —0.013477
4 1.0 at 430 nm —0.71059 0.052377 —0.027402
5 1.0 at 440 nm —0.96764 0.045355 —0.023781
6 1.0 at 460 nm —0.93258 —0.073952 0.037060
| 1.0 at 470 nm —0.71949 —0.17368 0.072058
8 1.0 at 480 nm —0.44830 —0.29436 0.090809
9 1.0 at 490 nm —0.24094 —0.42419 0.092148
10 1.0 at 500 nm —0.11855 —0.58715 0.083842
11 1.0 at 510 nm —0.046234 —0.79531 0.061471
12 1.0 at 530 nm 0.020643 —1.1423 —0.10570
13 1.0 at S540 nm 0.032539 —1.2146 —0.24726
14 1.0 at 550 nm 0.036672 —1.1797 —0.41860
ts) 1.0 at 560 nm 0.033744 — 1.0269 —0.60572
16 1.0 at S570 nm 0.026064 —(0.77591 —0.77965
17 1.0 at 580 nm 0.016230 —0.48391 —0.91651
18 1.0 at 590 nm 0.0070509 —0.20865 —0.99357
19 1.0 at 610 nm —0.0040730 0.12446 —0.93650
20 1.0 at 620 nm —0.0056672 0.16931 —0.79845
21 1.0 at 630 nm —0.0051740 0.15588 —0.60102
22 1.0 at 640 nm —0.0040473 0.12143 —0.41872
23 1.0 at 650 nm —0.0027519 0.082388 —0.26659
24 1.0 at 660 nm —0.0016466 0.049246 —0.15453
25 1.0 at 670 nm —0.00874309 0.026133 —0.080415
26 1.0 at 680 nm —0.00046118 0.013780 —0.041919
27 1.0 at 690 nm —0.00041286 0.012332 —0.037154

“Each reflectance function has only four reflectance values different from zero; three
are located at the fixed wavelengths 450, 520, and 620 nm, the fourth, which is always
equal to 1.0, varies its position in the spectrum from 400 to 690 nm in steps of 10 nm.

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Table III(3.8.2) Spectral Reflectances (in Percent) of 12 (Hypothetical Gray) Objects
Yielding Metameric Object-Color Stimuli with Respect to the CIE 1931 Standard
Observer and CIE Standard Illuminant C (Wyszecki, 1962)

A(nm) 1 2 3 4 ‘ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

380 5.75 4.37 16.13 11.48 2.43 25.50 60.61 21.90 27.06 24.11 37.49 10.42
390 20.17 10.81 17.70 11.70 4.14 29.19 60.17 22.08 29.45 31.58 37.81 11.01
A esS:1D ty Goan 21 73 123 elites 31750. 55.03 922.08), 30.96. 37-03 « 37°70. 11°68
AN” 44,1922 792579: 91257 SBIO~ 368° 46.11 22.25 31-72 40.26 37AS 1226
AN eel] bones S0mn 28-95 1G 10,14. 9314.9 37.48: 222.43. 132.02 ©4167 36:55 12.99
430 46.17 28.34 30.64 13.30 12.98 33.27 32.30 22.61 32.10 41.06 35.69 13.64
440 41.97 29.64 31.26 13.42 15.65 32.97 29.86 22.96 31.91 39.15 34.51 14.43
450 35.29 30.04 30.89 29.92 28.58 32.30 28.90 23.50 31.48 35.21 32.99 15.63
460 27.44 30.73 29.61 48.87 43.89 31.21 28.47 26.68 30.77 29.06 30.86 22.58
ATO 16.11 30.23 25,95. 47/0) 46370817 282513985" 29118 1933 27-11 “S199
ASOCT 8.510 930.7309 2350 13742 43;4le 24:78.) 28.16 452.83 26.85 Ue 9.60 121.84 81:21
490 634 32.85 34.26 26.07 39.83 20.12 28.12 49.80 24.08 4.94 16.14 75.39
500 6.37 35.35 43.21 28.74 37.96 16.34 28.12 40.23 21.71 6.44 11.97 54.57
510 6.53 37.08 44.78 44.96 36.49 12.10 28.11 35.28 18.54 28.78 7.37 37.87
520 6.64 37.69 42.69 48.52 35.55 9.54 28.30 34.54 15.93 58.60 4.33 27.99
5300) 6.0 63664 37-98. £41096 8.978 0.89 | 3029. 3071. 14.75 $7.52 5.53 22:96
5400.14.04" 433.5495,32:33 31993) “30.98 4011)" 33° 23.157 84341 “I9N0 2K41
550 56.96 28.51 27.07 22.22 26.43 35.82 32.54 26.20 41.36 28.22 48.95 20.48
560 67.92 21.45 22.75 16.76 20.02 29.29 30.94 24.33 51.46 16.64 66.21 20.29
570 60.46 14.65 19.85 15.58 13.62 38.19 29.71 23.22 47.11 9.04 60.02 21.65
680 48.11) 228.90? 18112 $4893 V8.18- 59162". 28°95 422.539 97.231 492 “4536 24/85
$000035.13 904 sl 02,504. 2704 «S061. 28.494 2299 8 28:13. 94.67. 31.76) 28.39
600 23.60 68.54 16.47 29.79 70.78 34.29 28.22 22.06 21.43 67.08 21.61 32.08
BiOie 14,34: 958566 17.05 B5520 5050 205654 128210 =22.5)e 17:27456-61 «15.206 35:87
620 8.09 36.76 30.35 40.21 38.32 11.79 28.15 31.64 14.46 36.73 11.64 39.37
610s 4 2h IAS TS96 B44.01 2287 626 29:15 63.99 13.26 21°75 ~9'56 42.07
640 1. 8S2011.77 80.00 147.37, 4259 . 29h 3394 765.389°17.29- 412.00 ©9112" -44.77
65078 0:94 “5.89 464.92 50:29 6.29 1.28 35/68-? 55.13. 42.31-' 6:00 ©1871 47.07
660° 0.31 — 2.94 49.84 52:49 3.15 0.74 34.90" 44.88° 62.23) 3.00 \ 8:78 48.88
670° 0.16 ' 1.26 39.24 54.24 1.57 0.83 33.85 37.68 65.28 1.50 9.53 50.44
680°) 0.00 6 0.42a B17 A578) 2089) | dsl3, B3SAK 32. 15e 61.63, 0.75 41310 51,80
Co0me EOCoun 000m 26.944 0 5OMMaISh- 34.4300 78 S57 20. 0.37. 21:55" 52.98
Tie 0.59 Om 25.30 pesoul oe 2) 3539.38 96 33, 25265). 0,00 W323ide 53.81
710 1.88 0.61 24.97 58.85 0.00 2.31 45.56 24.67 48.26 0.00 38.86 54.55
Pee so 0.92 OAS 5558s 00 2a 50.62 soo, a2? 0 4 e 8Ode
73092409 Fool) Gk 923.94. 16024: e000 (2110 854281 A922:73i5 40.98; ~.0.00%-44.29, «56.02
740° 634 2.06. 23.29 60.89 0.00 . 2.02. 58.17 22-18 37.17%--40.00.. 44.745 56.69
750 7.28 2.37 22.97 61.48 0.00 1.89 59.99 21.90 34.36 0.00 44.95 57.30
760 8.21 2.68 23.05 61.99 0.00 1.81 58.59 21.90 31.37. 0.00 45.18 57.87

“Rach of the 12 objects defined in this table leads to the following tristimulus values
and chromaticity coordinates:
X= 29.41, Y = 30.00, Z = 35.43, x = 0.310, y=0.316

Table IV(3.8.2) Spectral Reflectances (in Percent) of 12 (Hypothetical Gray) Objects Yielding Metameric
Object-Color Stimuli with Respect to CIE Standard Illuminant D,. and the CIE 1931 Standard Observer“

r l 2 3 4 5 6 us 8 9 10 11 12

400 35.11 17.66. (21,742 12 Als = 6.062531, 502 =55 03-) 22 07).@ 350.965 337.045 371 oe
410 4422: 22.78 (258)e012 500 gc8 12083268e 22 255 eee Slee Sale 12ers
420 47574 25.87 42901 "= 192.807.529.990 31S" S7A82 2237-3202 Neal SSERS6o 12
430 46.44 28.29 30.74 12.87 12.50 33.30 32.31 22.48 32.10 41.37 35.73 13.27
440 42.41 29.57 31.39 12.74 14.93 33.04 29.87 22.76 31.92 39.60 34.60 13.88
450 35.84. 29.97 {31.00.6279 125 227 19-32 Al) ono oo) 20m OkWee 5.000 5) anes
460 28.04 30.68 29.64 48.07 43.18 31.36 2847 26.44 30.86 29.45 31.08 22.04
470 16.74 30.21 25.88 47.02 45.88 28.96 28.24 39.65 29.32 19.54 27.40 51.64
480 905 30:73 523°3 1936.85" *43 Tov 225: 0le 26-145 7. Gi Uae. 0m eee tone
490 687 32.86 (33.97) 925.646 239.2)" (2036. e286. 10s <49.08- 224 35a lot Goo ee
500 = 7.03 35.34 §=42.78 928.27 =38.01 16.70 28.09 40.11 22.12 5.98 12.61 54.74
5100 741 37.04 (44.18) (44.39 236.61" 12.59" 28.07- 35.157 19. 149 98.02" 825 =oe9
520) | 7:73. 39.59. 641,96) ©47.865 635.699 210,145 —28.25- 334.40> 016-7 1557.56 4 5:49 282
530 =8.01 3644 37.20 40.63 34.06 21.05 30.24 31.58 15.67 56.25 6.86 23.46
540 15.23) 33.25 31.64 30.55 30.96 40.72 33.32 28.68 24.08 42.10 20.40 21.89
590°: 5803 2B2 26537 21.625 P26 2718 36.388 —32 Sle B26.16 E47 Zoe 226.C1 Ssh 20
560 68.78. 20.96 22.44 ~16.315 —16.69" ~29.65" “30.95; "24.357 =92.29- (15:46 ~ 67:20" 20a
570 61.06 14.08 19.80 15.30 13.12 38.36 29.74 23.31 47.74 8.03 60.73 21.84
580 48.45 8.24 18.35 18.84 7.51 59.59 29.01 22.69 37.70 3.90 45.79 24.90
390 35:20 «233357 917.47) ©24.02> (26.578 50,42* ©28.357" 122.435 128.4 lee 324.10 9h3 1689 928222
600 23.48 67.825 (17.09 29.99 °69.92°33,97 728.3 "2231" 2158 66.06, 920)
610 T4109 37°90." 172725 35.477 58.61" 20.288 SEB Os B22 1G Fs 32° 256,35 "214s
620 7.84 36.22 30.95 40.47 37.62 11.44 28.23 31.86 1446 36.58 11.39 39.17
630 4.02 21.07 78.41 44.21 2232 600 29.21 6451 13.24 2167 9.35 41.91
640) heT3 ddodl 80.33 u¢ AT32 s9l2.24-)° 22 33.98 «6349 ng Li 27s 11.9, 8.96 ae as
650 0:85. da74 9f(65.1255550.38) 46.0855. dulOe 35.705 g99.20 842 290, 5.98.) fOlo ee
660 0.27 2.86 49.96 52.54 3.03 0.67 3491 4492 62.22 2.99 8.72 48.84
670 ‘O14 82 839.308 54.2705 Lee OF. 33.867 #370088 69.27 149 950 50.42
680. = 0.00 - 0740 95351 20F So BU 702 oe obs ean eoeHLOe Ons 0),feel seth eeeee
690: O01 ~9.00 (26.95, 25725.= O38. 7 1 BU) o34.432 28.625 57.20" 0.37. 2E a ee
700, “200° 020 025.310 8.12 E000 279 39oe BO pe 2.00. 00 ue sa) eee

“The data are derived from those given in Table III(3.8.2) by means of the method based on variation
calculus (Takahama and Nayatani, 1972).

Table I(3.9) Formulae of the Kubelka—Munk Theory of Colorant Layers (Judd and Wyszecki, 1975)

Quantity to
be Computed Formula Remarks

R (R = reflectance of a layer with pea (R, — Rwo)/Rwo — Ro(R, — 1/Ro)e8%"/Ro-Ro) Exponential solution of
tsi of reflectance equal to ase a RIOR Ga Ro) REDE ED differential equations

Hyperbolic solution of

ee ele
pee~ ecto OSX)
a—R,+ bctgh bSX differential equations
ean X(1 --1R,) + R;z Special case:
Rix=0) = P
SX(1 — R,) + 1 =
pi ee SX Special case:
(K=R,=0) CU eEL 1 K = R, =.0

pa Roll = Ro) + Ri Rl = Ro)

p a Rox Rol2aRy — 1)
iv 1— RR,
= R aha
nes Se
s an a RR;

Ry (Ro = reflectance of a layer re |

with ideal black background, ° 7 a+b ctghbsX
R, = 0) R, =a — (T2 + 52)%

pa oss R—R
°" 1 — R,(2a — R)
ne S Special case: S small
°K + ctgh KX) compared with K

R, (R, = Reflectance of a layer wiih kg te Rah, (lee)

with ideal white background, Ss Rees)
R, = 1)

& Kite Ka KA Ro also called reflec-

Renee he =e pices Mar Ss ~(F ae =] tivity of layer ;
(Ro = Reflectance of a layer so
thick that further increase in thick- Ro = 2— (a?— 1)% (1—Roo)
ness fails to change the reflectance) Ro =a—b Inverse: SOR

(T= 1
Pca I tre itt
ransmittance o fo. Are
a PSNRie b rei

Fah cen at
TA=(R— Ba) 7 Ro]

1 Special case: S small

Te eS compared with K
‘sinh KX + cosh KX

1 =— =
SX: SAC 5(47 ctgh a7 — Ar ctgh cae Sk

1 1— aR
SX =- Arctgh Rs
pee UE
= 5{4r sinh —= — Arsinh 6)

: :
es i S

_ 1/Ro
+ Ro

— Ro
b ae ener em
b= (a2
— 1)%

Table I(3.9)— Continued

Quantity to
be Computed Formula Remarks

S (S = coefficient of scatter, rate of

increase of reflectance with thickness oe dXx->0

of a very thin layer for diffusely

incident radiant flux)
K (K = coefficient of absorption, C= |
rate of decrease of transmittance ~ \dX) x-+0
with thickness ofa very thin layer
for diffusely incident radiant flux)

Note. sinh uw = abbreviation for (e“ — 1/e“)/2, hyperbolic sine of wu.

cosh uv = abbreviation for (e” + I/e“)/2, hyperbolic cosine of u
(sinh uw + cosh uv = e”%).
ctgh w = abbreviation for (e“ + I/e")/(e“ — 1/e"), hyperbolic cotangent ofw; ctgh w = (cosh w)/(sinh w).
Ar sinh, Ar cosh, Ar ctgh = inverse hyperbolic functions: if v= sinh wv, then « = Ar sinh v, and similarly for Ar cosh and
Ar ctgh.

Table 1(4.1) Basic Photometric Quantities”

Light Light is radiant energy evaluated with respect to its ability to

stimulate the sense of sight of a human observer.
Luminous efficacy, The /uminous efficacy of radiant energy is the quotient of luminous
K, K(A), K flux by the corresponding radiant flux. The symbol K represents the
luminous efficacy of any radiant flux, which may include contribu-
tions of any or all wavelengths. The symbol K(A) represents
luminous efficacy of monochromatic radiant flux of wavelength A.
The symbol K,, represents the maximum luminous efficacy of
monochromatic radiant flux that will be obtained at the wavelength
A=A,, at which V(A) =1; K,,, is equal to 683 lumen per watt.
Photopic luminous efficiency The photopic luminous efficiency function gives the ratio of the radiant
function V(A) (Standard Pho- flux at wavelength A,, to that at wavelength A, when the two fluxes
tometric Observer for Photopic produce the same photopic luminous sensations under specified
Vision) photometric conditions, A,,, being chosen so that the maximum value
of this ratio is unity (A,, =555 nm).
Unless otherwise indicated, the values used for the relative
luminous efficiency function relate to photopic vision by the
standard photometric observer having the characteristics laid down
by the CIE.
Scotopic luminous efficiency The scotopic luminous efficiency function gives the ratio of the radiant
function V’(A) (Standard Pho- flux at wavelength A,,, to that at wavelength A, when the two fluxes
tometric Observer for Scotopic produce the same scotopic luminous sensations under specified
Vision) photometric conditions, A,,, being chosen so that the maximum
value of this ratio is unity ee = 507 nm).
Unless otherwise indicated, the values used for the relative
luminous efficiency function relate to scotopic vision by the
standard photometric observer having the characteristics laid down
by the CIE.
Luminous flux, F,,, or luminous Luminous flux (luminous power) is the quantity derived from radiant
power, P,, flux (radiant power) by evaluating the radiant energy according to
its action upon a selective receptor, the spectral sensitivity of which
is defined by a standard luminous efficiency function.
Unless otherwise indicated, the luminous flux relates to photopic
vision, and is connected with the radiant flux by the following
formula adopted by the CIE:

F, (ot P,)= KymfPe.V(A)dd


Here P,,dA is the radiant flux emitted in the wavelength interval

dX containing the wavelength A, and V(A) is the photopic luminous
efficiency function. The factor K,, is the maximum luminous
efficacy corresponding to the wavelength for which V(A) =I.
The unit of luminous flux is the /umen (1m).

Table I(4.1)— Continued

Luminous intensity, The /uminous intensity in a given direction is the quotient of the
Ivo luminous flux emitted by a point source in an infinitesimal cone
containing the given direction, by the solid angle of that cone.
The unit of luminous intensity is the candela (cd).
Luminance, L,, The /uminance at a point of a surface and in a given direction is the
quotient of the luminous intensity in the given direction of an
infinitesimal element of the surface containing the point under
consideration, by the orthogonally projected area of the surface
element on a plane perpendicular to the given direction.
The unit of luminance is cd-m7?.
Illuminance, E,, The illuminance at a point of a surface is the quotient of the
luminous flux incident on an infinitesimal element of the surface
containing the point under consideration, by the area of that surface
The unit of illuminance is Im-m’.
Luminous emittance, The /uminous emittance from a point of a surface is the quotient of
MD the luminous flux emitted from an infinitesimal element of the
surface containing the point under consideration, by the area of that
surface element. The unit of luminance is lm-m”.

“Note: The above photometric quantities relate to photopic vision, that is, involve the photopic luminous
efficiency function V(A). Analogous scotopic photometric quantities are defined by making use of the
scotopic luminous efficiency function V’(A). The symbols for the scotopic photometric quantities are the
same as those for the photopic quantities, but a prime is added (e.g., scotopic luminous flux, F’). The
maximum scotopic luminous efficacy occurring at \’,, = 507 nm (approx.) is equal to 1700 Im-W_!.

Table I(4.3.2) Values of Standard Spectral Luminous Efficiency Function V’(A) for Scotopic Vision at
One-Nanometer Intervals
Wavelength Wavelength Wavelength Wavelength
d (nm) V(r) A(nm) —-V"(A) A(nm) =V"(A) A(nm) V(X)
380 5.09 4° 10," 430 0.1998 480 0.793 530 0.811
I 6.65 1 0.2119 1 0.805 1 0.796
2 v.52 2 0.2243 2 0.817 2 0.781
3 8.54 3 0.2369 3 0.828 0.765
4 9.72 a 0.2496 4 0.840 4 0.749

385 1.108% 10-5 435 0.2625 485 0.851 535 0.733

6 1.268 6 0.2755 6 0.862 6 0.717
7 1.453 ‘i 0.2886 7 0.873 1 0.700
8 1.668 8 0.3017 8 0.884 8 0.683
9 1.918 9 0.3149 9 0.894 9 0.667

390 2.209 10-* 440 0.3281 490 0.904 540 0.650

1 2.547 I 0.3412 1 0.914 1 0.633
2 2.939 2 0.3543 2 0.923 2 0.616
3 3.394 3 0.3673 3 0.932 3 0.599
4 3.921 4 0.3803 4 0.941 4 0.581

395 4.53 9° 10-* 445 0.3931 495 0.949 545 0.564

6 5.24 6 0.406 6 0.957 6 0.548
7 6.05 7 0.418 i) 0.964 f 0.531
8 6.98 8 0.431 8 0.970 8 0.514
9 8.06 7 0.443 9 0.976 9 0.497

400 9.291 - 105? 450 0.455 500 0.982 550 0.481

1 1.070 - 1072 ys 0.467 1 0.986 1 0.465
2 1.231 2 0.479 2 0.990 2 0.448
3 1.413 3 0.490 5 0.994 3 0.433
4 1.619 4 0.502 4 0.997 4 0.417

405 1.852-10- 455 0.513 505 0.998 555 0.402

6 rs IB 6 0.524 6 1.000 6 0.3864
7 2.405 3 0.535 7 1.000 7 0.3715
8 2.730 8 0.546 8 1.000 8 0.3569
9 3.089 9 0.557 2 0.998 9 0.3427

410 3.484- 10? 460 0.567 510 0.997 560 0.3288

| 3.916 I 0.578 | 0.994 1 0.3151
2 4.39 = 0.588 2 0.990 z 0.3018
3 4.90 3 0.599 3 0.986 3 0.2888
+ 5.45 4 0.610 = 0.981 4 0.2762

415 6.04 -10-? 465 0.620 515 0.975 565 0.2639

6 6.68 6 0.631 6 0.968 6 0.2519
‘i 7.36 7 0.642 7 0.961 7 0.2403
8 8.08 8 0.653 8 0.953 8 0.2291
9 8.85 9 0.664 9 0.944 3 0.2182

420 9.66 5 10>* 470 0.676 520 0.935 570 0.2076

1 1052-2107 * 1 0.687 1 0.925 1 0.1974
2 1.141 2 0.699 2 0.915 2 0.1876
3 1.235 3 0.710 3 0.904 3 0.1782
4 1.334 4 0.722 4 0.892 4 0.1690

425 1.436: 107? 475 0.734 525 0.880 ai5 0.1602

6 1.541 6 0.745 6 0.867 6 0.1517
‘A 1.651 bi 0.757 iy 0.854 7 0.1436
8 1.764 8 0.769 8 0.840 8 0.1358
4) 1.879 9 0.781 9 0.826 9 0.1284

Table 1(4.3.2)— Continued

Wavelength Wavelength Wavelength Wavelength

A (nm) V(r) A (nm) V(X) A (nm) v"(A) A (nm) V"(X)
580 1.212- 10-1 630 3.335 - 10-3
680 7.15 - 10-5
730 2.546 - 10-6

1 1.143 3.079 1 6.66 2.393

1.078 2.842 6.20 2.250
1.015 2.623 5.78 eB t
9.56 - 10-2
2.421 5.38 1.989

8.99 - 10-2 2235; 5.01 - 10-5

1.870- 1
8.45 2.062 4.67 1.759
Fi 1.903 4.36 1.655
7.45 1.757 4.06 1.557
6.99 1.621 3.789 1.466

6.55 - 10-2
1.497 - 3.5335 10-° isi 1o-5
6.13 1.382 3.292 1.299
5.74 1.276 3.075 1.223
337 1.178 2.870 1.151
5.02 1.088 2.679 1.084

4.69 - 10-2
1.005 - 10-8 2.501 -10->
1.022 - 10-6
4.38 9.28 a 2 2.336 9.62 - 10-7
4.09 8.57 2.182 9.07
3.816 7.92 2.038 8.55
3.558 7.32 1.905 8.06

S343 - 10-2
6.77 - 10-4
1.780 - 7.60 -
3.087 6.26 1.664 7.16
2.874 5.79 1.556 6.75
2.674 5.36 1.454 6.37
2.487 4.96 1.360 6.01

2512+ 10-2 4.59 - 10-4

i273 10-° 5.67
2.147 4.25 1.191 5.35
1.994 3.935 1.114 5.05
1.851 3.645 1.043 4.77
1.718 3.37% 5.76 §- 4.50

[593 ew PA ee 9.14>- 4.25

1.477 2.901 8.56 4.01
1.369 2.689 8.02 3.790
1.269 2.493 fe 3.580
1175 aD) 7.04 3.382-

1.088 - 10-2 2.146: 6.60 - 3.196- 10-7

1.007 1.99] 6.18 3.021
9.32 - 10-3 1.848 5.80 2.855
8.62 1.716 5.44 2.699
1391 1.593 5.10 2.552

teat 1.480 - ns 4.78 2.413 -

6.82 1.375 4.49 2.282
6.30 1:27 4.21 2.159
5.82 1.187 3-091 2.042
5.38 1.104 3.709 1.932

4.97 - 10-3
1.026 - 1G 3.482 - 10-° 1.829 - 1o~*
4.59 9.54 - 10-5 3.270 1.731
4.24 8.88 3.070 1.638
3.913 8.26 2.884 1.551
3.613 7.69 2.710 1.468

780 1.390 - 10-7

Table 1(4.4) Calculation of Illuminance Produced by Lambert
Sources of Different Shapes

Inverse square law.

F = Luminous flux
L= Luminance
1 = Luminous intensity

ii)Special case:

pate poet = 7L sin*a
R cee Ay. or R +d

d a i

Sphere is equivalent
to point source of
luminous intensity
I=7LR* situated
at its center

I= luminous intensity
of source per unit
length, i.e. cd/m,
I= F/L 12
@,,@, =angles measured
in radians.

Table 1(4.4.)— Continued




length: 2L; width: 2a


i) Center (P)of receiver
element (dAz) opposite Horizontal illuminance:
one corner of source: AE L (a-ycos B) dAz at P in horizontal
2 plane.

SL(ysinB+8 sin a) Vertical illuminance:

dA2 at P in vertical
plane, parallel to plane
of source.

ii) Projected point Pin- Divide rectangle [ABCD] into

side rectangle of the four rectangular areas
source: (P'A] ,[P'8], [P'c], [P'D], and
compute for each case E,,
and E,as under i) and add
results. In finding E,, neglect
areas [P'D] and [P'C] since
their contributions to E,on
the upper side of dA» atP
is equal to zero.

iii) Projected point P Divide plane of source into

outside rectangle four rectangular areas [P'‘Al,
of source: [P'B] ,[P'C],[P'D] and compute
for each case E, and Ey
as under i). The resultant
illuminations are found
from the relation:
[P'a]+[P'c]-[P'B]-[P'D] = [ABCD]

oT OY OL Ol Lis LE NOd
60 aS 9¢ Cl 80I VC cS SVs 06 WI1d
8°0 8°T CL C vCl C= 9C (Qu Dri ' v60 0 c6C vcv 0 80£°0 arum 9
al OE c9 8Te Sc cS NOd
Ont Ove SI 0 09 Ol— OV Ra 8c WI1d
cel iW! Ce a4 v6 9—- OSs Sa CV SOl 0 CEES 97r 0 Cc6v 0 aruMm ¢
66 EXE os €9 OSs 08 NOd
OT 8°~ VC Va O£ Ol 06 pe— 8C WI1d
OT Exe ce 9 SL Vag OL Ota CV 8800 Ce 8170 OLE 0 arumMm v
eal re OL Ol bee cs NOd
81 eG 8S (6 9¢€ 9—- SI s= VC W1d
IT ac L9e CAs COT Vie 9C (Gar v9 9€10 O8'Y c0Os 0 p9E 0 arumMm €
il IT €v Cv 9T— 8E NOd
vl 6C SC 0 09 Ell CV no SI WId
Soil BiG OV Ol v8 cls CV GC DE CSO 08'S OfC£'O CCV 0 arumMm G
cl GAS VC (4!) eC OC NDOd
cal OE 6S I Ol= VE o> OV Cl 91 WId
9'T OE ILI C= v9 c= (G4 4 al 9710 OVS Ive'0 08S 0 alruM if
9e01 0] (Sacidap)g tS £89 £29 ag alg 1g 07 Nol 7°70 = 9 0x Of} Oy JOAIISGQ. =JoquUINN
10} /V = 0 SJUDIOYJIOD dd (sj19quuey-}00} BUIPIOOD
Sd} ) 9x ur
UOT}9ag ssoID
Jeondi[yA JoUuBUIWUN Aonewoiy)

(punoLing yieqg ‘suOyRAIaSq<Q 99.1d39p-0M J)
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= Ve 195 09

Table (5.5.2) Color-Matching Functions and Spectral Chromaticity Coordinates of CIE 1931
Standard Observer, Modified by Vos (1978)” °

Chromaticity coordinates Color-matching functions

A (nm) x"(X) yA) x(A) yA) Z(X)

380 0.17755 0.01320 0.26899(—2) 0.20000(— 3) 0.12260(— 1)
385 0.17744 0.01322 0.53105(—2) 0.39556(—3) 0.24222(— 1)
390 0.17723 0.01315 0.10781(—1) 0.80000(— 3) 0.49250(— 1)
395 0.17699 0.01316 0.20792(—1) 0.15457(—2) 0.95135(—1)
400 0.17676 0.01303 0.37981(— 1) 0.28000(—2) 0.17409
405 0.17644 0.01301 0.63157(—1) 0.46562(—2) 0.29013
410 0.17599 0.01303 0.99941(— 1) 0.74000(—2) 0.46053
415 0.17549 0.01306 0.15824 0.11779(— 1) 0.73166
420 0.17480 0.01333 0.22948 0.17500(— 1) 0.10658(1)
425 0.17368 0.01401 0.28108 0.22678(— 1) 0.13146(1)
430 0.17223 0.01512 0.31095 0.27300(— 1) 0.14672(1)
435 0.17022 0.01677 0.33072 0.32584(— 1) 0.15796(1)
440 0.16770 0.01907 0.33336 0.37900(— 1) 0.16166(1)
445 0.16433 0.02199 0.31672 0.42391(—1) 0.15682(1)
450 0.15980 0.02589 0.28882 0.46800(— 1) 0.14717(1)
455 0.15404 0.03092 0.25969 0.52122(—1) 0.13740(1)
460 0.14690 0.03787 0.23276 0.60000(— 1) 0.12917(1)
465 0.13828 0.04803 0.20999 0.72942(— 1) 0.12356(1)
470 0.12668 0.06595 0.17476 0.90980(— 1) 0.11138(1)
475 0.11185 0.09499 0.13287 0.11284 0.94220
480 0.09316 0.14086 0.91944(—1) 0.13902 0.75596
485 0.07007 0.20888 0.56985(—1) 0.16987 0.58640
490 0.04623 0.30304 0.31731(—1) 0.20802 0.44669
495 0.02380 0.42042 0.14613(—1) 0.25808 0.34116
500 0.00819 0.54540 0.48491(—2) 0.32300 0.26437
505 0.00378 0.66062 0.23215(—2) 0.40540 0.20594
510 0.01393 0.75440 0.92899(—2) 0.50300 0.15445
515 0.03922 0.81453 0.29278(—1) 0.60811 0.10918
520 0.07502 0.83492 0.63791(— 1) 0.71000 0.76585(— 1)
322) 0.11517 0.82638 0.11081 0.79510 0.56227(— 1)
530 0.15596 0.80538 0.16692 0.86200 0.41366(— 1)
535 0.19425 0.78070 0.22768 0.91505 0.29353(— 1)
540 0.23106 0.75311 0.29269 0.95400 0.20042(— 1)
545 0.26722 0.72295 0.36225 0.98004 0.13312(—1)
550 0.30300 0.69089 0.43635 0.99495 0.87823(—2)
2B 0.33865 0.65749 0.51513 0.10001(1) 0.58573(—2)
560 0.37423 0.62322 0.59748 0.99500 0.40493(—2)
565 0.40965 0.58858 0.68121 0.97875 0.29217(—2)
570 0.44471 0.55396 0.76425 0.95200 O72
SiS 0.47910 O31977 0.84394 0.91558 0.19706(—2)
580 0.51245 0.48653 0.91635 0.87000 0.18066(—2)
585 0.54436 0.45477 0.97703 0.81623 0.15449(—2)
590 0.57431 0.42499 0.10230(1) 0.75700 0.12348(—2)
595 0.60168 0.39768 0.10513(1) 0.69483 0.11177(—2)
600 0.62539 0.37406 0.10550(1) 0.63100 0.90564(— 3)
605 0.64622 0.35333 0.10362(1) 0.56654 0.69467(—3) -
610 0.66344 0.33627 0.99239 0.50300 0.42885(—3)
615 0.67749 0.32227 0.92861 0.44172 0.31817(—3)
620 0.68869 0.31109 0.84346 0.38100 0.25598(—3)

Table 1(5.5.2)— Continued

Chromaticity coordinates Color-matching functions

A (nm) x(A) yA) x"(X) y(X) z'(X)

625 0.69761 0.30223 0.73983 0.32052 0.15679(—3)
630 0.70478 0.29510 0.63289 0.26500 0.97694(—4)
635 0.71077 0.28913 0.53351 0.21702 0.68944(—4)
640 0.71566 0.28424 0.44062 0.17500 0.51165(—4)
645 0.71958 0.28034 0.35453 0.13812 0.36016(—4)
650 0.72248 0.27746 0.27862 0.10700 0.24238(—4)
655 0.72457 0.27537 0.21485 0.81652(—1) 0.16915(—4)
660 0.72593 0.27400 0.16161 0.61000(— 1) 0.11906(—4)
665 0.72721 0.27273 0.11820 0.44327(— 1) 0.81489(—5)
670 0.72820 0.27174 0.85753(—1) 0.32000(— 1) 0.56006(—5)
675 0.72891 0.27103 0.63077(— 1) 0.23454(— 1) 0.39544(—5)
680 0.72940 0.27054 0.45834(— 1) 0.17000(— 1) 0.27912(—5)
685 0.72970 027025 0.32057(—1) 0.11872(—1) 0.19176(—5)
690 0.72987 0.27008 0.22187(—1) 0.82100(—2) 0.13135(—5)
695 0.73003 0.26992 0.15612(—1) 0.57723(—2) 0.91519(—6)
700 0.73010 0.26985 0.11098(—1) 0.41020(—2) 0.64767(—6)
705 0.73006 0.26989 0.79233(—2) 0.29291(—2) 0.46352(—6)
710 O29) 0.27000 0.56531(—2) 0.20910(—2) 0.33304(—6)
715 U.72979 0.27016 0.40039( —2) 0.14822(—2) 0.23823(—6)
720 0.72958 0.27037 0.28253(—2) 0.10470(—2) 0.17026(—6)
725 0.72932 0.27062 0.19947(—2) 0.74015(—3) 0.12207(—6)
730 0.72904 0.27091 0.13994(—2) 0.52000(—3) 0.87107(—7)
735 0.72873 0.27121 0.96980(—3) 0.36093(—3) 0.61455(—7)
740 0.72840 0.27154 0.66847(—3) 0.24920(—3) 0.43162(—7)
745 0.72806 0.27189 0.46141(—3) 0.17231(—3) 0.30379(—7)
750 0.72769 0.27226 U.32073C— 3) 0.12000(—3) 0.21554(—7)
Lee) 0.72730 0.27264 0.22573(—3) 0.84620(—4) 0.15493(—7)
760 0.72689 0.27305 ONS97I35E—3) 0.60000(—4) 0.11204(—7)
765 0.72646 0.27348 ON 1275-3) 0.42446(—4) 0.80873(—8)
770 0.72601 0.27392 0.79513(— 4) 0.30000(— 4) 0.58340(—8)
775 0.72555 0.27438 0.56087(—4) 0.21210(—4) 0.42110(— 8)
780 0.72508 0.27486 0.39541(—4) 0.14989( —4) 0.30383(— 8)
785 0.72459 0.27535 0.27852(—4) 0.10584(—4) 0.21907(— 8)
790 0.72409 0.27587 0.19597(—4) 0.74656(—5) 0.15778(— 8)
795 0.72358 0.27636 0.13770(—4) 0.52592(—5) 0.11348(— 8)

800 0.72306 0.27687 0.96700(— 5) 0.37028(—5) 0.81565(—9)

805 0.72253 0.27740 0.67918(—5) 0.26076(— 5) 0.58626(—9)
810 0.72199 0.27794 0.47706(—5) 0.18365(—5) 0.42138(—9)
815 0.72144 0.27848 0.33550(—5) 0.12950(— 5) 0.30319(—9)
820 0.72089 0.27903 0.23534(—5) 0.91092(— 6) 0.21753(-—9)

825 0.72034 0.27958 0.16377(—5) 0.63564(—6) 0.15476(—9)

Totals 0.10702(3) 0.10748(3) 0.10505(3)

“Equal-energy stimulus (E): X;: = 0.33499, Y_ = 0.33618, Zp = 0.32883.

’Values given to five significant figures. Numbers in parentheses following the values x’(A), y (A), 2'(A)
denote powers of 10. Thus 0.85753(— 1) reads 0.85753 X 10 '.

Table 1(5.5.3) Mean Color-Matching Functions and Spectral Chromaticity Coordinates of
Stiles 2° Pilot Group of Ten Observers, Interpolated from Table 1(5.3.3) at Intervals of
One Nanometer“

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) r(X) g(A) b(X) r(X) g(r)
390 0.18397(—2) — 0.45393(—3) 0.12152(—1) 0.1359 — 0.0335
391 0.22070(—2) —0.53474(—3) 0.14604(— 1) 0.1356 — 0.0329
392 0.2645 1(—2) —0.62941(—3) 0.17534(— 1) 0.1353 — 0.0322
393 0.31672(—2) —0.74019(—2) 0.21033(—1) 0.1350 —0.0316
394 0.37890(— 2) — 0.86974(—2) 0.25208(— 1) 0.1347 — 0.0309
395 0.46153(—2) —0.10464(—2) 0.31110(—1) 0.1331 — 0.0302
396 0.54135(—2) —0.11995(—2) 0.36165(— 1) 0.1341 — 0.0302
397 0.62593(—2) — 0.13528(—2) 0.41145(— 1) 0.1359 — 0.0294
398 0.72015(—2) — 0.15386(—2) 0.46652(— 1) 0.1377 —0.0294
399 0.83035(—2) —0.17975(—2) 0.53472(— 1) 0.1384 — 0.0300
400 0.96264( — 2) —0.21689(—2) 0.62371(— 1) 0.1379 —0.0311
401 0.11208(—1) —0.26695(—2) 0.73827(— 1) 0.1361 —0.0324
402 0.13000(— 1) — (1322992) 0.87262(— 1) 0.1340 — 0.0333
403 0.14934(— 1) — 0.37616(—2) 0.10186 0.1321 — 0.0333
404 0.16943(— 1) —0.41784(—2) 0.11682 0.1308 — 0.0322
405 0.18979( — 1) — 0.44304(— 2) 0.13161 0.1298 — 0.0303
406 0.21071(—1) — 0.46185(—2) 0.14684 0.1290 — 0.0283
407 0.23269( — 1) — 0.48824(— 2) 0.16337 0.1280 — 0.0269
408 0.25621(—1) — 0.53580(—2) 0.18206 0.1266 —0.0265
409 0.28156(— 1) —0.61520(—2) 0.20358 0.1248 — 0.0273
410 0.30803(— 1) — 0.72048(—2) 0.22750 0.1227 — 0.0287
41] 0.33450(— 1) — 0.83929(— 2) 0.25297 0.1203 — 0.0302
412 0.35991(—1) —0:959636=2) 0.27918 0.1178 —0.0314
413 0.38326(—1) —0.10704(—1) 0.30538 0.1151 — 0.0321
414 0.40459( — 1) —0.11689(— 1) 0.33172 0.1122 — 0.0324
415 0.42459( — 1) —0.12579(— 1) 0.35897 0.1092 — 0.0324
416 0.44398(— 1) —0.13405(— 1) 0.38787 0.1060 — 0.0320
417 0.46342(— 1) —0.14194(—1) 0.41914 0.1027 — 0.0315
418 0.48282(— 1) —0.14977(—1) 0.45284 0.0993 — 0.0308
419 0.50098( — 1) — 0.15786(— 1) 0.48810 0.0959 — 0.0302
420 0.51662(— 1) —0.16651(—1) 0.52396 0.0924 —0.0298
421 0.52851(—1) —0.17603(—1) 0.55953 0.0889 — 0.0296
422 0.53564(— 1) —0.18649(—1) 0.59396 0.0852 — 0.0297
423 0.53789(— 1) —0.19688(— 1) 0.62676 0.0814 — 0.0298
424 0.53542(— 1) — 0.20593(— 1) 0.65752 0.0775 — 0.0298
425 0.52837(— 1) —0.21240(— 1) 0.68586 0.0736 — 0.0296
426 0.51690(— 1) —0.21512(—1) 0.71140 0.0697 — 0.0290
427 0.50160(— 1) —0.21404(— 1) 0.73438 0.0657 — 0.0280
428 0.48348(— 1) —0.21029(—1) 0.75560 0.0618 — 0.0269
429 0.46357(— 1) — 0.20502(— 1) 0.77588 0.0578 — 0.0256
430 0.44287(— 1) —0.19936(—1) 0.79604 0.0540 —0.0243
43] 0.42209( — 1) —0.19414(—1) 0.81667 0.0503 —0.0231
432 0.40065(— 1) —0.18875(— 1) 0.83746 0.0467 — 0.0220
433 0.37751(—1) —0.18212(—1) 0.85779 0.0430 —0.0208
434 0.35168(—1) —0.17320(—1) 0.87703 0.0393 —0.0194
435 0.32220(— 1) —0.16097(—1) 0.89459 0.0354 —0.0177 -
436 0.28888(— 1) —0.14518(—1) 0.91025 0.0312 —0.0157
437 0.25318(—1) ~O. 127116 0.92446 0.0270 — 0.0136
438 0.21671(—1) —0.10821(—1) 0.93780 0.0228 —0.0114
439 0.18104(—1) — 0.89882(— 2) 0.95080 0.0189 — 0.0094

Table 1(5.5.3)— Continued

Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) r(A) g(r) b(A) r(X) g(A)
440 0.14763(—1) —0.73457(—2) 0.96395 0.0152 — 0.0076
44] 0.11643(—1) —0.58873(—2) 0.97687 0.0118 — 0.0060
442 0.85576(—2) —0.44508(—2) 0.98815 0.0086 — 0.0045
443 0.53193(—2) —0.28691(—2) 0.99635 0.0053 — 0.0029
444 0.17441(—2) —0.97985(—3) 0.10001(1) 0.0017 — 0.0010
445 —0.23392(—2) 0.13690(—2) 0.99814 — 0.0023 0.0014
446 —0.69620(—2) 0.42191(—2) 0.99033 — 0.0070 0.0043
447 —0.12038(— 1) 0.75200(—2) 0.97759 — 0.0124 0.0077
488 —0.17481(—1) 0.11219(—1) 0.96083 — 0.0183 0.0118
449 —0.23206(—1) 0.15266(—1) 0.94092 — 0.0249 0.0164
450 —0.29130(—1) 0.19610(—1) 0.91875 — 0.0320 0.0216
451 —0.35208(—1) 0.24189(— 1) 0.89561 — 0.0398 0.0273
452 —0.41419(—1) 0.28932(— 1) 0.87310 — 0.0481 0.0336
453 —0.47746(—1) 0.33770(— 1) 0.85281 — 0.0569 0.0403
454 —0.54170(— 1) 0.38634(— 1) 0.83625 — 0.0660 0.0471
455 —0.60677(— 1) 0.43464(— 1) 0.82487 — 0.0751 0.0538
456 —0.67291(—1) 0.48303(— 1) 0.81815 — 0.0842 0.0604
457 —0.74083(—1) 0.53311(—1) 0.81348 — 0.0935 0.0673
458 —0.81124(—1) 0.58651(—1) 0.80820 — 0.1032 0.0746
459 —0.88482(— 1) 0.64481(—1) 0.79972 —0.1141 0.0831
460 —0.96224(—1) 0.70954(— 1) 0.78554 — 0.1266 -0.0933
461 —0.10434 0.78117(—1) 0.76479 — 0.1413 0.1058
462 —0.11270 0.85807(—1) 0.73987 —0.1581 0.1203
463 —0.12113 0.93840(— 1) 0.71354 — 0.1765 0.1367
464 —0.12947 0.10203 0.68846 =1959 0.1544

465 —0,13759 0.11022 0.66723 —0.2150 0.1722

466 — 0.14535 0.11825 0.65182 — 0.2327 0.1893
467 — 0.15284 0.12620 0.64089 — 0.2488 0.2054
468 ~( 16019 0.13420 0.63201 — 0.2643 0.2214
469 — 0.16747 0.14239 0.62281 — 0.2802 0.2382

470 — 0.17486 0.15088 0.61098 get |ok 0.2570

471 — 0.18247 0.15981 0.59430 — 0.3197, 0.2796
472 = (1,19025 0.16916 0.57222 — 0.3452 0.3069
473 — 0.19801 0.17875 0.54617 — 0.3758 0.3392
474 — (20553 0.18840 0.51769 — 0.4106 0.3764

475 — 0.21260 0.19794 0.48829 — 0.4489 0.4179

476 — (71903 0.20720 0.45941 — 0.4894 0.4629
477 — 0.22465 0.21603 0.43234 — 0.5302 0.5098
478 — O27 0.22444 0.40726 — 0.5707 0.5581
479 — 0.23386 0.23255 0.38389 — 0.6113 0.6078

480 — 0.23780 0.24042 0.36195 — 0.6523 0.6595

481 — 0.24153 0.24816 0.34118 — 0.6944 0.7135
482 — 0.24521 0.25585 0.32131 — 0.7387 0.7708
483 — 0.24896 0.26359 0.30216 — 0.7859 0.8321
484 — 0.25281 0.27155 0.28379 — 0.8356 0.8976

485 — 0.25674 0.27993 0.26634 — 0.8868 0.9669

486 — 0.26076 0.28889 0.24990 0.9379 1.0391
487 — 0.26485 0.29862 0.23458 — 0.9869 1.1128
488 — 0.26901 0.30928 0.22050 — 1.0316 1.1860
489 ~O.27319 0.32095 0.20767 — 1.0695 1.2565

Table 1(5.5.3)— Continued

Wayeleneth Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) r(X) (A) b(A) r(X) (A)
490 =O TZ? 0.33353 0.19593 — 1.0995 1.3225
491 — 0.28109 0.34686 0.18509 — 1.1205 1.3827
492 — 0.28453 0.36081 0.17498 — 1.1324 1.4360
493 — 0.28744 0.37526 0.16541 <s1-1550 1.4818
494 — 0.28969 0.39008 0.15622 — 1.1289 1.5201
495 — 0.29125 0.40521 0.14730 — 1.1148 1.5510
496 — 0.29228 0.42078 0.13865 — 1.0940 1.5750
497 — 0.29298 0.43696 0.13031 — 1.0681 1.5930
498 — 0.29354 0.45390 0.12232 — 1.0384 1.6057
499 — 0.29415 0.47173 0.11470 — 1.0064 1.6140
500 — 0.29500 0.49060 0.10749 — 0.9733 1.6186
501 — 0.29616 0.51059 0.10071 — 0.9398 1.6202
502 — 0.29734 0.53148 0.94295(— 1) —0.9053 1.6182
503 — 0.29813 0.55298 0.88199(— 1) — 0.8691 1.6120
504 — 0.29816 0.57482 0.82358(— 1) — 0.8305 1.6011
505 — 0.29706 0.59673 0.76714(— 1) — 0.7892 1.5854
506 — 0.29446 0.61845 0.71209(— 1) —0.7451 1.5649
507 — 0.29004 0.63975 0.65792(— 1) — 0.6980 1.5397
508 — 0.28387 0.66063 0.60468(— 1) — 0.6492 1.5109
509 — 0.27628 0.68127 0.55274(— 1) — 0.6003 1.4802
510 — 0.26759 0.70184 0.50248(— 1) 4+()/5523 1.4486
511 — 0.25812 0.72251 0.45426(— 1) — 0.5063 1.4172
S12 — 0.24816 0.74344 0.40844( — 1) — 0.4629 1.3867
513 — 0.23802 0.76478 0.36537(— 1) — 0.4225 1.3577
514 — 0.22781 0.78656 03252562 )) — 0.3853 1.3303
515 = 21725 0.80852 0.28781(—1) — 0.3504 1.3040
516 — 0.20600 0.83037 0.25287(— 1) —0.3171 1.2782
517 — 0.19374 0.85179 0.22016(— 1) — 0.2849 1.2525
518 —0.18014 0.87252 0.18945(— 1) = 2532 1.2266
519 — 0.16488 0.89226 0.16050(— 1) = (0.2298 1.2002
520 — 0.14768 0.91076 0.13309(— 1) — 0.1902 1.1731
521 — 0.12848 0.92793 0.10717(— 1) — 0.1586 1.1454
ape: — 0.10745 0.94384 0.82893(— 2) —(). 142 1.1174
9 fs) —0.84777(—1))) 0.95857 0.60380(— 2) — 0.0964 1.0895
524 —0.60631(—1) 0.97221 0.39763(— 2) — 0.0662 1.0619
20 —0.35184(—1) 0.98482 0.21170(— 2) — 0.0370 1.0347
526 —0.86031(—2) 0.99650 0.47268(— 3) — 0.0087 1.0082
527 0.18950(—1) —0.10073(1) += —0.94755(—3) 0.0185 0.9824
528 0.47338(—1)!) 0.10872) ™ — 02165762) 0.0446 0.9575
529 0.76441(—1) 0.10261(1) —0.32223(—2) 0.0695 0.9334
530 0.10614 0.10339(1) = —0.41574(—2) 0.0934 0.9102
531 0.13633 0.10405(1) = —0.50101(—2) 0.1163 0.8879
532 0.16688 0.10459(1) = —0.58186(—2) 0.1383 0.8665
533 0.19770 0.10499(1) = —0.66202(—2) 0.1593 0.8460
534 0.22868 0.10525(1) = —0.74487(— 2) 0.1795 0.8263
535 0.25981 0.10538¢1)-9 * —0383032( +2) 0.1990 0.8073
536 0.29116 0.10542(1) —0.91612(—2) 0.2179 0.7890
537 0.32277 0.105391) = —0.10001(—1) 0.2362 0.7711
538 0.35471 0.10531(1) = —0.10799(—1) 0.2539 0.7538
539 0.38702 0.105210)" ") — 01 1536G47) 0.2711 0.7370

Table 1(5.5.3)— Continued

Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) r(X) (A) b(A) r(A) g(A)
540 0.41976 0.10512(1) —0.12191(—1) 0.2877 0.7206
541 0.45298 0.10507(1) —0.12742(—1) 0.3038 0.7047
542 0.48676 0.10505(1) —0.13188(—1) 0.3194 0.6893
543 0.52121 0.10504(1) —0.13543(—1) 0.3345 0.6742
544 0.55645 0.10502(1) —0.13822(—1) 0.3493 0.6593
545 0.59259 0.10498(1) —0.14039(—1) 0.3639 0.6447
546 0.62973 0.10489(1) —0.14210(—1) 0.3783 0.6302
547 0.66800 0.10473(1) —0.14348(—1) 0.3927 0.6157
548 0.70748 0.10448(1) —0.14468(—1) 0.4071 0.6012
549 0.74822 0.10413(1) —0.14579(—1) 0.4215 0.5867
550 0.79004 0.10368(1) —0.14681(—1) 0.4360 0.5721
551 0.83271 0.10312(1) —0.14770(—1) 0.4503 0.5577
552 0.87603 0.10245(1) —0.14845(—1) 0.4646 0.5433
ely 0.91978 0.10168(1) —0.14901(—1) 0.4786 0.5291
554 0.96376 0.10080(1) —0.14936(—1) 0.4925 0.5151

550 0.10078(1) 0.99826 —0.14947(—1) 0.5061 0.5014

556 0.10516(1) 0.98745 ~0.14931(—1) 0.5195 0.4878
557 0.10953(1) 0.97574 —0.14888(—1) 0.5327 0.4745
558 0.11391(1) 0.96338 —0.14819(—1) 0.5456 0.4615
559 0.11834(1) 0.95066 —0.14727(—1) 0.5584 0.4486

560 0.12283(1) 0.93783 —0.14613(—1) 0.5709 0.4359

561 0.12743(1) 0.92515 —0.14480(—1) 0.5832 0.4234
562 0.13215(1) 0.91287 —0.14328(—1) 0.5953 0.4112
563 0.13702(1) 0.90123 —0.14160(—1) 0.6070 0.3993
564 0.14206(1) 0.89044 —0.13978(—1) 0.6184 0.3876

565 0.14727(1) 0.88039 —0.13782(—1) 0.6295 0.3763

566 0.15262(1) 0.87070 —0.13575(—1) 0.6404 0.3653
567 0.15807(1) 0.86100 —0.13357(—1) 0.6509 0.3546
568 0.16360(1) 0.85095 —0.13129(—1) 0.6613 0.3440
569 0.16917(1) 0.84018 —0.12893(—1) 0.6716 0.3335

570 0.17476(1) 0.82835 —0.12650(—1) 0.6818 0.3232

571 0.18034(1) 0.81513 —0.12401(—1) 0.6920 0.3128
572 0.18589(1) 0.80020 —0.12147(—1) 0.7023 0.3023
573 0.19138(1) 0.78362 —0.11888(—1) 0.7126 0.2918
574 0.19680(1) 0.76573 —0.11625(—1) 0.7230 0.2813

575 0.20214(1) 0.74686 —0.11356(—1) 0.7332 0.2709

576 0.20739(1) 0.72735 —0.11082(—1) 0.7433 0.2607
577 0.21254(1) 0.70752 —0.10803(—1) 0.7531 0.2507
578 0.21757(1) 0.68770 —0.10518(—1) 0.7626 0.2411
579 0.22247(1) 0.66819 —0.10228(—1) 0.7718 0.2318

580 0.22724(1) 0.64930 —0.99317(—2) 0.7804 0.2230

581 0.23186(1) 0.63117 —0.96303(—2) 0.7886 0.2147
582 0.23635(1) 0.61365 —0.93258(—2) 0.7964 0.2068
583 0.24069(1) 0.59659 —0.90203(—2) 0.8038 0.1992
584 0.24489(1) 0.57981 —0.87159(—2) 0.8109 0.1920

585 0.24896(1) 0.56317 —0.84148(—2) 0.8178 0.1850

586 0.25289(1) 0.54649 —0.81188(—2) 0.8245 0.1782
587 0.25668(1) 0.52963 —0.78300(—2) 0.8311 0.1715
588 0.26034(1) 0.51245 —0.75502(—2) 0.8376 0.1649
589 0.26387(1) 0.49480 —0.72812(—2) 0.8441 0.1583

Table 1(5.5.3)— Continued

Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) r(A) 8(A) b(A) r(A) g(A)
590 0.26725(1) 0.47675 —0.70210(—2) 0.8505 0.1517
591 0.27044(1) 0.45842 —0.67665(—2) 0.8569 0.1452
692 0.27344(1) 0.43993 —0.65146(—2) 0.8632 0.1389
A935 0.27620(1) 0.42143 —0.62622(—2) 0.8693 0.1326
594 0.27871(1) 0.40302 —0.60062(—2) 0.8753 0.1266
395 0.28093(1) 0.38484 —0.57437(—2) 0.8811 0.1207
596 0.28286(1) 0.36699 —0.54718(—2) 0.8867 0.1150
597 0.28445(1) 0.34961 ~0,51875¢20) 0.8920 0.1096
598 0.28570(1) 0.33277 —0.48896(—2) 0.8971 0.1045
ay 0.28660(1) 0.31647 —0.45831(—2) 0.9019 0.0996
600 0.28717(1) 0.30069 —0.42743(—2) 0.9064 0.0949
601 0.28742(1) 0.28539 —0.39696(—2) 0.9108 0.0904
602 0.28734(1) 0.27056 —0.36751(—2) 0.9150 0.0862
603 0.28695(1) 0.25615 —0.33970(—2) 0.9190 0.0820
604 0.28625(1) 0.24215 —0.31410(—2) 0.9229 0.0781
605 0.28525(1) 0.22853 —0:29132(22) 0.9267 0.0742
606 0.28397(1) 0.21526 —0.27191(—2) 0.9304 0.0705
607 0.28240(1) 0.20233 —0.25626(—2) 0.9339 0.0669
608 0.28055(1) 0.18975 —0.24398(—2) 0.9374 0.0634
609 0.27842(1) 0.17755 —0.23441(—2) 0.9408 0.0600
610 0.27601(1) 0.16575 —0.22693(—2) 0.9441 0.0567
611 0.27333(1) 0.15438 —0.22092(—2) 0.9473 0.0535
612 0.27037(1) 0.14347 —0.21577(—2) 0.9503 0.0504
613 0.26714(1) 0.13305 —0.21090(—2) 0.9533 0.0475
614 0.26365(1) 0.12313 —0.20572(—2) 0.9561 0.0447
615 0.25989(1) 0.11373 —0.19966(—2) 0.9588 0.0420
616 0.25586(1) 0.10489 —0.19220(—2) 0.9613 0.0394
617 0.25158(1) 0.96593(—1) —0.18328(—2) 0.9637 0.0370
618 0.24707(1) 0.88810(—1) —0.17319(—2) 0.9660 0.0347
619 0.24235(1) 0.81516(—1) —0.16223(—2) 0.9681 0.0326
620 0.23743(1) 0.74682(— 1) —0.15069(—2) 0.9701 0.0305
621 0.23234(1) 0.68282(— 1) —0.13883(—2) 0.9720 0.0286
622 0.22708(1) 0.62289(— 1) —0.12695(—2) 0.9738 0.0267
623 0.22169(1) 0.56679(— 1) —0.11532(—2) 0.9756 0.0249
624 0.21617(1) 0.51426(—1) —0.10418(—2) 0.9772 0.0232
625 0.21054(1) 0.46504(— 1) —0.93822(—3) 0.9788 0.0216
626 0.20483(1) 0.41892(—1) —0.84426(—3) 0.9804 0.0201
627 0.19904(1) 0.37578(—1) —0.75965(—3) 0.9818 0.0185
628 0.19320(1) 0.33553(—1) —0.68351(—3) 0.9833 0.0171
629 0.18733(1) 0.29807(— 1) —0.61496(—3) 0.9847 0.0157
630 0.18145(1) 0.26333(—1) —0,55316(—3) 0.9860 0.0143
631 0.17557(1) 0.23120(—1) —0.49727( —3) 0.9873 0.0130
632 0.16972(1) 0.20162(—1) —0,44648(—3) 0.9885 0.0117
633 0.16390(1) 0.17448(— 1) —0.39998(—3) 0.9897 0.0105
634 0.15815(1) 0.14972(—1) —0,35697(—3) 0.9908 0.0094
635 0.15247(1) 0.12724(—1) —0.31668(—3) O99T9 0.0083
636 0.14687(1) 0.10695(— 1) —0.27849(—3) 0.9930 0.0072
637 0.14137(1) 0.88722(—2) —0.24217(—3) 0.9939 0.0062
638 0.13596(1) 0.72418(—2) —0.20760(—3) 0.9949 0.0053
639 0.13065(1) 0.57899(—2) —0.17465(—3) 0.9957 0.0044

Table 1(5.5.3)— Continued

Wavelength Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates:

(nm) r(A) g(A) b(X) r(A) (A)
640 0.12543(1) 0.45033(— 2) —0.14319(—3) 0.9965 0.0036
641 0.12030(1) 0.33688(— 2) —0.11310(—3) 0.9973 0.0028
642 0.11527(1) 0.23734(— 2) — 0.84268(—4) 0.9980 0.0021
643 0.11033(1) 0.15045(—2) — 0.56564(— 4) 0.9987 0.0014
644 0.10550(1) 0.74966(— 3) — 0.29873(—4) 0.9993 0.0007
645 0.10076(1) 0.96611(—4) — 0.4083 1(—5) 0.9999 0.0001
646 0.96114 — 0.46618(—3) 0.20896(— 4) 1.0005 — 0.0005
647 0.91577 — 0.94692(— 3) 0.45000(— 4) 1.0010 — 0.0010
648 0.87149 —0.13524(— 2) 0.68102(—4) 1.0015 — 0.0016
649 0.82835 —0.16894(—2) 0.90080(— 4) 1.0019 — 0.0020
650 0.78642 —0.19645(—2) 0.11081(—3) 1.0024 — 0.0025
651 0.74574 —0.21840(— 2) 0.13018(—3) 1.0028 — 0.0029
652 0.70637 — 0.23544(— 2) 0.14807(— 3) 1.0031 — 0.0033
653 0.66835 —0.24819(—2) 0.16437(— 3) 1.0035 — 0.0037
654 0.63174 0, 25727042) 0.17897(— 3) 1.0038 — 0.0041
655 0.59659 —+026327(+ 2) 0.19175(—3) 1.0041 — 0.0044
656 0.56294 —0.26679( — 2) 02026 1( 3) 1.0044 — 0.0048
657 0.53081 — 0.26828(—2) 0.21149(—3) 1.0047 —0.0051
658 0.50018 70.267 96(-2) 0.21842(— 3) 1.0049 — 0.0054
659 0.47099 -40.26601(=2) 0.22343(— 3) 1.0052 — 0.0057
660 0.44320 — 0.26262(— 2) 0.22656(— 3) 1.0054 —0.0060
661 0.41679 0.25797 G2) 0.22784( — 3) 1.0057 — 0.0062
662 0.39172 —0.25224( —2) 0.2273 1(— 3) 1.0059 — 0.0065
663 0.36793 —0.24560(— 2) 0:22501(>-3) 1.0061 — 0.0067
664 0.34541 20038220 >2) 0.22096(— 3) 1.0063 — 0.0069
665 0.32410 “#23027(=22) 0:21520¢—3) 1.0065 — 0.0072
666 0.30398 + 022192(=2) 0.20776( — 3) 1.0067 — 0.0073
667 0.28502 +0;21332(—2) 0.19868(— 3) 1.0068 — 0.0075
668 0.26716 —0.20460(— 2) 0.18809( — 3) 1.0070 — 0.0077
669 0.25035 +0,19581( =2) 0.17630(—3) 1.0072 — 0.0079
670 0.23455 —0.18700(—2) 0.16361(—3) 1.0073 — 0.0080
671 0.21971 08 18226-32) 0.15033(— 3) 1.0075 — 0.0082
672 0.20576 —0.16950(— 2) 0.13675(— 3) 1.0076 — 0.0083
673 0.19267 —0.16090(— 2) 0.12317(—3) 1.0078 — 0.0084
674 0.18037 #0152472) 0.10988( — 3) 1.0079 — 0.0085
675 0.16884 —0.14424(—2) 0.97164(—4) 1.0080 — 0.0086
676 0.15801 0:1 3625(F22) 0.85290( — 4) 1.0081 — 0.0087
677 0.14784 + 0:12856(=2) 0.74535(— 4) 1.0083 — 0.0088
678 0.13829 HO Z20(=-2) 0.65168(—4) 1.0084 — 0.0088
679 0.12930 —0.11420(—2) 0.57370( — 4) 1.0085 — 0.0089
680 0.12086 40. 10755(F=2) 0.51033(—4) 1.0085 — 0.0090
681 0.11294 —0.10124(—2) 0.4598 1(—4) 1.0086 — 0.0090
682 0.10549 —0.95247(— 3) 0.42045(— 4) 1.0087 — 0.0091
683 0.985 10(— 1) —0.89554(— 3) 0.39058(— 4) 1.0088 — 0.0092
684 0.91958(— 1) —0.84145(— 3) 0.36853(— 4) 1.0088 — 0.0092
685 0.85811(— 1) — 0.79004( — 3) 0.35271(—4) 1.0089 — 0.0093
686 0.80044(— 1) —0.74116(—3) 0.34151(—4) 1.0089 — 0.0093
687 0.74630(— 1) — 0.69463(— 3) 0.33338(— 4) 1.0089 — 0.0094
688 0.69544(— 1) — 0.65030(— 3) 0.32676(— 4) 1.0090 — 0.0094
689 0.64762(— 1) — 0.60803(— 3) 0.32017(— 4) 1.0090 — 0.0095
Table 1(5.5.3)— Continued
ee ————————e—e=SO

Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates

(nm) r(X) g(r) B(A) r(X) g(r)
690 0.60260(— 1) — 0.56765(— 3) 0.31211(—4) 1.0090 — 0.0095
691 0.56019(— 1) 0.52909 —3) 0.30183(— 4) 1.0090 — 0.0095
692 0.52029(— 1) — 0.49231(—3) 0.28963(— 4) 1.0090 — 0.0095
693 0.48282(— 1) — 0.45733(—3) 0.27587(—4) 1.0090 — 0.0096
694 0.44769(— 1) — 0.42414(—3) 0.26090(— 4) 1.0090 — 0.0096
695 0.41480(— 1) — 0.39274(—3) 0.24508(— 4) 1.0090 — 0.0096
696 0.38408(— 1) — 0.36311(—3) 0.22876(— 4) 1.0089 — 0.0095
697 0.35543(— 1) 7 0'33526(= 3) 0.21228(—4) 1.0089 — 0.0095
698 0.32878(— 1) —0.30917(—3) 0.19597(— 4) 1.0089 — 0.0095
699 0.30405(— 1) — 0.28486(— 3) 0.18018(—4) 1.0089 — 0.0095
700 0.28114(—1) ==9.2623 (== 3) 0.16521(—4) 1.0088 — 0.0094
701 0.25999(— 1) —0.24151(—3) 0.15140(—4) 1.0088 — 0.0094
702 0.24051(— 1) — 0.22247(— 3) 0.13905(—4) 1.0087 — 0.0093
703 0.22261(—1) —0.20514(— 3) 0.12833(—4) 1.0087 — 0.0093
704 0.20620(— 1) —0.18940(—3) 0.11911(—4) 1.0087 — 0.0093
705 0.19117(—1) S(UPST2(>3) 0.11124(—4) 1.0087 — 0.0092
706 0.17740(— 1) = ON6218(=-3) 0.10457(— 4) 1.0086 — 0.0092
707 0.16481(—1) —0.15046(—3) 0.98953(—5) 1.0086 — 0.0092
708 0.15329(— 1) = O3983(--3) 0.94242(—5) 1.0086 — 0.0092
709 0.14273(— 1) —0.13018(—3) 0.90293(—5) 1.0086 — 0.0092
710 0.13305(— 1) —0.12140(—3) 0.86965(—5) 1.0085 — 0.0092
711 0.12415(—1) —0/11336(= 3) 0.84120(—5) 1.0085 — 0.0092
be 0.11593(—1) —0.10595(—3) 0.81621(—5) 1.0085 = 0092
773 0.10829(— 1) — 0.99062(— 4) 0.79333(—5) 1.0085 — 0.0092
714 0.10116(— 1) —0.92590(—4) OTRAS) 1.0085 — 0.0092
WS 0.94092(— 2) —0.85760(—4) 0.74351(—5) 1.0084 — 0.0092
716 0.87394(—2) —0.79184(—4) 0.71463(—5) 1.0083 —0.0091
717 0.81190(—2) — 0.73128(—4) 0.68695(— 5) 1.0082 —0.009i
718 0.75441(—2) —0.67550(—4) 0.66041(—5) 1.0081 — 0.0090
719 0.70114(—2) — 0.62412(—4) 0.63497(— 5) 1.0081 — 0.0090
720 O.651TI=2) —0.57677(—4) 0.61057(—5) 1.0080 —0.0089
721 0.60599(—2) —0.53313(—4) 0.58718(—5) 1.0079 — 0.0089
722 0.56354(— 2) —0.49290(— 4) 0.56474( — 5) 1.0078 — 0.0088
723 0.52417(—2) —0.45580(—4) 0.54322(—5) 1.0077 — 0.0088
724 0.48765(—2) — 0.42159(—4) 0.52258(—5) 1.0076 — 0.0087
725 0.45377(—2) —0.39003(—4) 0.50277(—5) 1.0075 — 0.0087
726 0.42232(—2) —0.36091(—4) 0.48377(— 5) 1.0075 — 0.0086
ip4) 039313G-2) — 0.33403(—4) 0.46553(—5) 1.0074 — 0.0086
728 0.36600(— 2) —0.30921(—4) 0.44728(—5) 1.0073 — 0.0085
729 0.2408 1(—2) — 0.28628(—4) 0.42952(—5) 1.0072 — 0.0085
730 0.31742(—2) —0.26511(—4) 0.41251(—5) 1.0071 — 0.0084

Some of the entries in the table have been interpolated numerically. The primary stimuli
are located at mp=15,500, mg=19,000, mz, = 22,500 cm~'. No correction for rod
intrusion has been applied to the data. Rod-intrusion corrected data are given in Table
3(5.5.4). Numbers in parentheses denote the power of ten. Thus, 0.18397(—2) reads
0.18397X 107.

Table 1(5.5.4) Mean 10° Color-Matching Functions, Spectral Chromaticity Coordinates, and W .D. W.
Coordinates of Stiles—Burch (1959) 49 Observers at Wavelengths from 380 to 760 nm and 5-nm intervals.
The Data are Interpolated from Table 1(5.5.4)

Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates W. D. W. Coordinates

s(t a
A (nm) r(X) g(A) b(A) r(X) g(A) b(A) r*(X) g*(A)_ —b*(A)
380 0.0002 —0.0001 0.0008 0.23239%7-0.0551 0.8228 0.0245 —0.0259 1.0014
385 0.0006 —0.0001 0.0022 0.2222 —0.0549 0.8327 0.023237-=0.0255 1.0023
390 0.0015 —0.0004 0.0062 0.2102 —0.0546 0.8444 0.0216 —0.0250 1.0034
395 0.0038 —0.0010 0.0161 0.1999 —0.0542 0.8543 0.0203 —0.0246 1.0042
400 0.0089 —0.0025 0.0400 0: 19.1894 0.0539 0.8621 0.0194 —0.0242 1.0049
405 0.0188 —0.0059 0.0906 0.1820 —0.0566 0.8746 0.0181 —0.0251 1.0070
410 0.0350 —0.0119 0.1802 0.1723 —0.0584 0.8862 017025 0.0257 1.0087
415 0.0531 —0.0201 0.3088 0.1554 —0.0587 0.9034 0.0150 —0.0253 1.0103
420 0.0702 —0.0289 0.4670 0.1382 —0.0569 0.9187 0.0132 —0.0241 1.0110
425 0.0763 —0.0338 0.6152 0.1161 —0.0514 0.9353 0.0109 —0.0214 1.0106
430 0.0745 —0.0349 0.7638 0.0927 —0.0435 0.9507 0.0085 —0.0178 1.0093
435 0.0561 —0.0276 0.8778 0.0619 —0.0305 0.9686 0.0056 —0.0122 1.0066
440 0.0323 —0.0169 0.9755 0.0326 —0.0170 0.9844 0.0029 —0.0067 1.0038
445 — 0.0044 0.0024 1.0019 —0.0044 0.0024 1.0020 —0.0004 0.0009 0.9994
450 — 0.0478 0.0283 0.9996 —0.0488 0.0289 1.0198 —0.0041 0.0109 0.9932
455 — 0.0970 0.0636 0.9139 501102 0.0722 1.0380 —0.0090 0.0264 0.9827
460 —0.1586 0.1082 0.8297 —0.2035 0.1388 1.0647 —0.0160 0.0487 0.9674
465 — 0.2235 0.1617 0.7417 —0.3288 0.2378 1.0910 —0.0247 0.0795 0.9452
470 — 0.2848 0.2201 0.6134 —0.5190 0.4011 11 18ee 0.0366 01261 0.9106
475 — 0.3346 0.2796 0.4720 —0.8024 0.6705 1.1318 —0.0526 0.1958 0.8568
480 03776 0.3428 0.3495 —1.1998 1.0893 1.1105 —0.0728 0.2945 0.7783
485 — 0.4136 0.4086 0.2564 —1.6458 1.6256 1.0202 —0.0947 0.4167 0.6780
490 — 0.4317 0.4716 0.1819 —1.9468 2.1265 0.8203 —0.1145 0.5573 0.5573
495 — 0.4452 0.5491 D500 a— 89 1) 2.3400 USStie 04265 0.6968 0.4300
500 — 0.4350 0.6260 0.0910 —1.5426 2.2199 0.322708 0212718 0.8191 0.3087
505 — 0.4140 0.7097 0.0580 —1.1707 2.0067 0.163954 0: 1272 0.9252 0.1959
510 — 0.3673 0.7935 0.035.7270-7953 1.7180 0.0772 —0.1026 0.9875 0.1151
515 — 0.2845 0.8715 0.0200 —0.4687 1.4358 0.0329 —0.0743 1.0140 0.0603
520 —0.1855 0.9477 0.0095 —0.2404 1.2281 0.0123 —0.0447 1.0184 0.0263
525 — 0.0435 0.9945 0.0007 —0.0457 1.0450 0.0007 —0.0099 1.0081 0.0018
530 0.1270 1.0203 —0.0043 0.1111 0.8926 —0.0037 0.0275 0.9832 —0.0106
555 0.3129 1.0375 —0.0064 0.2328 0.7719 —0.0048 0.0644 0.9508 —0.0152
540 0.5362 1.0517 —0.0082 0.3394 0.6658 —0.0052 0.1046 0.9139 —0.0185
545 0.7722 1.0390 —0.0094 0.4286 0.5766 —0.0052 0.1459 0.8745 —0.0205
550 1.0059 1.0029 —0.0097 0.5032 0.5017 —0.0049 0.1876 0.8333 —0.0209
555 1.2710 0.9698 —0.0097 0.5697 0.4347 —0.0043 0.2320 0.7884 —0.0204
560 1.5574 0.9162 —0.0093 0.6320 0.3718 —0.0038 0.2816 0.7378 —0.0194
565 1.8465 0.8571 —0.0087 0.6852 0.3180 —0.0032 0:33:19 0.6862 —0.0181
570 2A511 0.7823 —0.0080 0.7353 0.2674 —0.0027 0.3881 0.6286 —0.0167

575 2.4250 0.6953 —0.0073 0.7790 0.2233 —0.0023 0.4459 0.5695 —0.0154
580 2.6574 0.5966 —0.0065 0.8183 0.1837 —0.0020 0.5071 0.5071 —0.0142
585 2.9151 0.5063 —0.0057 0.8535 0.1482 —0.0017 0.5712 0.4418 —0.0130
590 3.0779 0.4203 —0.0050 0.8811 0.1203 —0.0014 0.6291 0.3827 —0.0118
595 3.1613 0.3360 —0.0042 0.9050 0.0962 —0.0012 0.6858 0.3247 —0.0105

Table 1(5.5.4)— Continued

Color-Matching Functions Chromaticity Coordinates W. D. W. Coordinates

A (nm) r(X) g(A) b(X) r(X) g(a) b(X) r*(r) g™(A) bits
600 3.1673 0.2591 —0.0034 0.9253 0.0757 —0.0010 0.7397 0.2695, .—0.0093
605 3.1048 0;1917—-=0,0027 0.9426 0.0582 —0.0008 0.7906 0.2174 —0.0080
610 2.9462 0.1367 —0.0021 0.9563 0.0444 —0.0007 0.8344 0.1725 —0.0069
615 2.7194 0.0938 —0.0016 0.9672 0.0334 —0.0006 0.8718 0.1340 —0.0058
620 2.4526 0.0611 —0.0012 0.9761 0.0243 —0.0005 0.9045 0.1004 —0.0050
625 2.1700 0.0371 —0.0009 0.9836 0.0168 —0.0004 0.9333 0.0711 —0.0044
630 1.8358 0.0215 —0.0006 0.9887 0.0116 —0.0003 0.9536 0.0498 —0.0034
635 5179 0.0112 —0.0003 0.9928 0.0074 —0.0002 0.9702 0.0320 —0.0022
640 1.2428 0.0044 —0.0001 0.9966 0.0035 —0.0001 0.9856 0.0156 —0.0011
645 1.0070 0.0001 —0.0000 09999 0.0001 —0.0000 0.9996 0.0005 —0.0000
650 O782 Tana 0015 0.0000 1.0019 —0.0020 0.0001 1.0083 —0.0089 0.0006
655 0.5934 —0.0020 0.0001 1.0033 —0.0034 0.0001 1.0144 —0.0155 0.0011
660 0.4442 —0.0021 0.0001 1.0046 —0.0047 0.0001 T0198" =0.0273 0.0015
665 0.3283 —0.0019 0.0001 1.0057 —0.0058 0.0002 1.0246 —0.0265 0.0019
670 0.2394 —0.0016 0.0000 1.0065 —0.0067 0.0002 1.0281 —0.0305 0.0023
675 OVIZ2 a U00lZ 0.0000 L.OOTO: =— 0000.5 0.0002 1.0305" —-0.0332 0.0026
680 0.1220 0009. 0.0000 1.0074 —0.0076 0.0002 1.0320 —0.0348 0.0028
685 0.0853 —0.0007 0.0000 1.0076 —0.0078 0.0003 1.0327 —0.0358 0.0031
690 0.0586 —0.0005 0.0000 1.0076 —0.0078 0.0003 1032500 1-20-0356 0.0033
695 0.0408 —0.0003 0.0000 1.0077 —0.0080 0.0003 1.0328: 5540-0363 0.0035
700 0.0284 —0.0002 0.0000 1.0077 —0.0080 0.0003 1.0330 —0.0367 0.0038
705 0.0197 —0.0002 0.0000 1.0077 —0.0080 0.0003 1.0330 -—0.0367 ~ 0.0036
710 0.0135 —0.0001 0.0000 10076" 70,0079 0.0003 1.0325 —0.0360 0.0035
wAS 0.0092 —0.0001 0.0000 1.0073 —0.0076 0.0003 1.0309 —0.0348 0.0039
720 0.0064 —0.0000 0.0000 1.0059 —0.0062 0.0003 1.0247 —0.0283 0.0037
J25 0.0045 —0.0000 0.0000 1.0071 —0.0073 0.0002 1.0307 —0.0334 0.0026
730 0.0032 —0.0000 0.0000 ).O072he= 00015 0.0003 1.0304 —0.0341 0.0037
735 0.0023 —0.0000 0.0000 1.0074 —0.0074 0.0000 1.0340 —0.0340 0.0000
740 0.0017 —0.0000 0.0000 1.0073 —0.0073 0.0000 1.0334 —0.0334 0.0000
745 0.0012 —0.0000 0.0000 1.0068 —0.0068 0.0000 1.0308 —0.0308 0.0000
750 0.0009 —0.0000 0.0000 1.0070 —0.0070 0.0000 10320 0.0370 0.0000
755 0.0006 —0.0000 0.0000 1.0064 —0.0064 0.0000 10292 Mia O0292 0.0000
760 0.0005 —0.0000 0.0000 1.0066 —0.0066 0.0000 1.0300 —0.0300 0.0000

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Table 1(6.3) Selected Formulae for Calculating Lightness-scale Values V from Luminance Factors
Y of “Gray” Paint Chips
e Se e ee ee,
1. Priest, Gibson, and McNicholas (1920):

Used in connection with the original Munsell system. Applies best to observations with a white
background (Munsell, Sloan, and Godlove, 1933; Godlove, 1933).
2. Munsell, Sloan, and Godlove (1933); Godlove (1933):

V = (1.474Y—0.00474Y7)'/7
A modified version of (1) above; applies best to observations with a middle-gray background of
luminance factor Y, =19.1.
3. Newhall, Nickerson, and Judd (1943):

1.2219V —0.23111V7 + 0.23951V? —0.021009V4 +0.0008404V>

Used in connection with the Munsell renotation system. Applies best to observations with a
middle-gray background (Y, = 20). Defines Munsell value (_V =V) in the Munsell renotation system.
The luminance factor Y is relative to magnesium oxide taken as 97.5%; this gives a value of
Y=102.568 for V=10. The Munsell value function is tabulated in Table II(6.5.1) (see also,
Bridgeman, 1963; Billmeyer, 1963).
4. CIE (1976):

V= 25( Y, 16

CIE (1976) lightness function L*(=V). The luminance factor Y> refers to the nominally white
object-color stimulus; usually Y) = 100. (See also Wyszecki, 1963, Ladd and Pinney, 1955).
5. Foss, Nickerson, and Granville (1944):

V— 0-251 Slog..¥.
Defines the gray scale of color Harmony Manual and is based on Weber’s law. V = 0 corresponds to
a good pigment black (Y = 0.009); V =10 corresponds to a good pigment white (Y= 0.891). Applies
best to observations with a gray background whose luminance factor is close to that of the gray chips
being compared for their lightness difference.
6. Richter (1953):

V = 6.1723 log,)(40.7Y
Used in connection with the gray scale of the DIN Color Chart and based on a modified Delboeuff
formula. Applies best to observations with a gray background of luminance factor Y, ~ 50%.

Table I(6.4) Coefficients of Projective Transformation Yielding Approximately Uniform Chromaticity

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Judd _Breckenridge— Farnsworth Hunter MacAdam Neugebauer OSA Sugiyama-— CiE
Coefficient (1935) Schaub (1939) (1944) (1941) (1937) (1949) (1963) Fukuda(1959) (1976)

ayy 2.7760 —0.74803 0.6600 2.4266 4.0 4.4210 0.4661 0.230 4.0
ay ZAP, . 7 1.58203 0.0000 — E3634 0.0 — 2.5263 0.1593 0.000 0.0
a}3 —0.1192 0.70001 0.0000 — 0.3214 0.0 — 0.6316 0.0000 0.000 0.0
a, — 2.9446 3.19700 0.0000 0.5710 0.0 0.6316 0.0000 0.000 0.0
ay 5.0322 —1.55045 1.2666 1.2447 6.0 2.2105 0.6581 0.600 9.0
a3 0.8283 —0.54884 0.0000 — 0.5708 0.0 0.9473 0.0000 0.000 0.0
a3, — 1.0000 1.00000 0.0000 1.0000 = 2a) —2.0000 —0.1574 —0.038 Al
a3) 6.3553. = 1.05336 1.0000 2.2633 12.0 12.0000 1.0000 1.000 12.0
a33 1.5405 —1.64023 0.2666 1.1054 3.0 3.0000 0.2424 0.163 3.0

Notes referring to the UCS systems (1) to (9).

(1) Coordinate system is represented by an equilateral triangle.
(2) Developed directly from Judd’s system. Coefficients so chosen that the diagram can be plotted in rectangular
coordinates. This UCS Diagram is usually referred to as the RUCS diagram (Rectangular-Uniform-Chromaticity-Scale
diagram) and places the chromaticity of the equal-energy source at the origin of the coordinate system. The
transformation coefficients given here differ from those onginally given by Breckenridge and Schaub (1939) but lead to
an identical diagram. The original transformation is carried out in two steps, a projective transformation followed up by
a simple translation of the origin. These two steps have been combined into a single step.
Developed for minimum deviation from circularity of loci of Munsell hues of chroma/10 and value 5/, with CIE
standard illuminant C as the center.
Developed to adjust the spacing of Judd’s diagram to conform more closely to the Munsell spacing. The chromaticity of
CIE standard illuminant C is represented by the origin of this system. Sometimes referred to as the “alpha—beta”
and (7) Developed directly from Judd’s system. Coefficients so chosen that the diagram can be plotted in rectangular
coordinates. System (5) is deliberately designed to have simple coefficients. This system was adopted by the CIE in 1960
as a provisional standard UCS diagram and is called the CIE 1960 UCS diagram.
Identical to MacAdam’s diagram (5) but with the origin shifted into the point representing the chromaticity of the
equal-energy source.
Developed to conform to both the chromaticity spacing provided by the Munsell system and that provided by
MacAdam’s discrimination ellipses (MacAdam, 1942).
Modification of MacAdam’s diagram (5), which is also the CIE 1960 UCS diagram, by making the new coefficient a,,
equal to 1.5 times its original value.

“The transformation has the following form:

x (a,x +a,y+ 413) /(43,x + a3) y + 433)

= (a9,X + ayy + 43) /(a3,x + a3yy + 33)

(x, y = CIE chromaticity coordinates)

Table I(6.5.1) Three-Dimensional Color Spaces and Color-Difference Formulae
lS ee ee ee ee ee ee eee
1. Adams (1942)

(a) Chromatic-valence space:

i eK:
W, = 0.5V,

V,, = Munsell function defined by:

Y, =1.2219V, —0.23111V* +0.23951V,> —0.021009V,* + 0.0008404V,>

X= X/Xvgo = X/0.9804
Z.= Z/Zyy0 = Z/1.1810
(For CIE standard source C, X.=Y.= Z.=100.00). The coordinates W. and W, define, for every
W, =const., a UCS diagram. In this case, the abscissa (W,) is proportional to (X,—Y,), and the
ordinate (W,) is proportional to (Z,—Y,). The achromatic color lies in the origin of the diagram.
The total difference between two colors given in the chromatic-valence space is defined as:

aE=|(aw,) +(aw,y + (any)

(b) Chromatic-value diagram:

We = VaoF:

We OD ACYy,)
V,=Munsell value function as defined above.
V.=Munsell value found from Munsell value function by substituting
X,.for Y, and V, for ¥,..
V,=Munsell value found from Munsell value function by substituting
Z..for Y, and V, for V,.
Table II(6.5.1) shows the interdependences of X and V,, Y and V,, Z and V,, respectively. The
tristimulus values X,Y, Z refer to the CIE 1931 standard observer and the CIE standard source C,
and are computed in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 3.3.8.
The coordinates W* and W- define, for every W.*=const, a USC diagram. The total difference
between two colors given in the chromatic-value diagram is defined as:

az={(0.23av,) +[A(V,-¥,)] +[o.4a(v.-v,
The successful introduction of this formula to industrial applications is to a large extent due to the
work of Nickerson (1947, 1950), and thus the formula is often referred to as the Adams-Nickerson
color-difference formula.

Table 1(6.5.1)— Continued

2 Saunderson and Milner (1946)

“Zeta” space:
w= (y= V, )(9.37+0.79 cos 8)

= kV,

= (V,—V,)(3.33+0.87
Sans = Munsell values as defined in the chromatic-value diagram above and given in Table
11(6.5.1) as functions X, Y, Z, respectively.

0.4(V. —V,)
6 = angle calculated from tan @

k =constant whose value may range from | to 5, depending on the observing conditions such as
fineness of the dividing line between the light patches being compared.
The coordinates §, and §, define, for every {, = const, a UCS diagram in zeta space.
The total difference between two colors given in zeta space is defined as

+(AE) +(4&)7] 7
Glasser, McKinney, Reilley, and Schnelle (1958)
Cube-root color coordinate system:

L* =25.29G'/? — 18.38
a* = K,(R'73—G'/?)

b* = K,(G'/3— B'/3)

with R=1.02X, G=Y, B=0.847Z

K,,= 106.0, K, = 42.34

For an improved approximation to the Munsell system, the constants are to be taken as follows:

K,=105.0 for R<G; K,=30.5 forB<G

KK, = 125,0" ior Re, K,=53.6 for B>G

The coordinates a*, b* define, for every L* = const, a UCS diagram in the cube-root color system.
The total difference between two colors given in the cube-root color coordinate system is defined
AE=|(AL*)’ +(Aa*)’ +(Ab*)']'”°
~ Hunter (1942)
Modified Judd System (Judd, 1939):
Ue= 221 0

Us = 221Y'/4B

Table 1(6.5.1)— Continued

ga 2.426% ~1.3631y ~0.3214
1.0000x + 2.2633 y+ 1.1054

_ 0.5710x +1.2447y —0.5708

P= +
0000x +2.2633y + 1.1054
x,y, Y=CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinates and luminance factor, respectively. (Y taken in
k=constant expressing the relative importance of the lightness (Uy) and chromatic compo-
nents (U,,Ug,) in the joint system; k =12 for comparisons made across a very narrow
dividing line. Increasing separation between the colored patches to be compared decreases
the value of k.

The total difference between two colors given in the modified Judd system is defined as:
2) V2
AE={,\ |221¥,1/4((da)? +(ag))'| +[kar?p |

Aa=a;— a, AB=B,—b,
when the first color is given by a,,8,, Y, and the second color by aj, B,, Y;.
__ constant factor which takes account of the masking influence of a
I, = glossy surface on the detection of color differences:

= ties

I= Yee. 5
The unit in which values of AE are obtained from the above formula is defined as the NBS unit of
color difference.

5. Scofield (1943)


a, B as defined in the modified Judd system; Y= luminance factor.
The total difference between two colors given in the Scofield system is defined as:

AE=|(AL)+(da) +(asy|
6. Hunter (1948, 1958)
Hunter L, a,, b;, system:
eG yas
Wie Gl Uh Coos
iL BS Gpeee™
7.0(Y —0.847Z)
b, = —____—_—

Table 1(6.5.1)— Continued

X,Y, Z= CIE 1931 tristimulus values (taken in percent). The Hunter photoelectric color-difference
meter measures the quantities L, a,,b, directly.
The total difference between two colors given in the Hunter L,a,,b, system is defined as:

AE=[(AL) +(Aa,) +(4b,)']

Wyszecki (1963)
CIE 1964 (U*V*W*)-system, (CIE, 1964):

dteorse Ei al GPa ag

. = 13W*(o as Uo)

Wo 2hy 7 1k te


or u=4x/(—2x+12y

v=6y/(—2x+12y +3)

Ug, Up = Values of the variables u,v, respectively, for the achromatic color placed at the origin of
the (U*,V*)-system. For object colors the choice of up,v_9 to correspond to the illuminant is
generally satisfactory.
The total difference between color (U*,V*,W;*) and color (Ux, V3‘, W3*) is defined as:

AE =[(Us—US)’ +(Vt—VE) + (We WEY|

The CIE 1964 (U*V*W*) system is a development from the CIE 1960 UCS diagram.
In 1976 it has been superceded by an amended version known as the CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-system
defined below (see also Section 3.3.9).

CIE (1976).
CIE 1976 (L* u*v*)-system:

L*=116(Y/Y,)'”°-16 with Y/Y>0.01


p= Dia)

- where
Ya AX CA Ia oe)

vo, = 9Y, /(X, + 15Y, +3Z,)

Table 1(6.5.1)— Continued
rp Ee
with X,,, Y,, Z,, being the tristimulus values of the nominally white object-color stimulus. Usually,
the white object-color stimulus is given by the spectral radiant power distribution of one of the CIE
standard illuminants, typically Dg; or A, together with the perfect reflecting diffuser as the
reference surface viewed by the observer. Under these conditions, X,,Y,, Z, are the tristimulus
values of the standard illuminant with Y, =100.
The total difference between color (L*, u*, v*) and color (L3, uz, v3) is defined as :

AE*,=[(AL*)’ +(Au*)’ +(Av*)’] 7

The CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-system is a combination of the CIE lightness index L* and the CIE 1976
(u’,v’)-UCS diagram. It is an improved version of the CIE 1964 (U*V*W*)-system, which it
supercedes (see No. 7 above). For more details, see Section (3.3.9).

CIE (1976).
CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-system

= Y/yajr > = 16

a* = 500[(X/X;)'? -(¥7Y,)'”)]
b* = 200|(¥/Y,)'”° -(Z/z,)'”"]


The tristimulus values X.,, Y,,, Z,, of the nominally white object-color stimulus are defined as in No.
8, above.
The total difference between color (Li, af, b7) and color (L¥, a¥, b¥) is defined as:

AE*,=|(AL*) +(Aa*) +(Ab*))]'”

For more details, see Section (3.3.9).

MacAdam (1942, 1943), Brown—MacAdam (1949).

2 2 2 AY
(As) = g,,(Ax) +2g,,AxAy+ g,(Ay) T 833 >

Y=(Y,+Y,)/2, where (x,, y,;, ¥;) and (x, y2, Y,) are the 1931 CIE chromaticity coordinates and
luminances of neighboring colors | and 2.
211, B12» 27 — constants whose values depend on the chromaticity (x,, y,) of color 1 and are read
off special graphs.
33—constant whose value is approximately unity for samples viewed at an angular
subtense of about two degrees and separated by a sharp and narrow dividing line. For
a less well-defined line, g,,; may be considerably less (for example, for a 5° separation
between large samples, g3; is approximately 0.005). For extremely small samples,
contrasted in color with their background, g,;,;~0.5 and g,),22)5, 85. are about
one % of their nominal values (Am. Inst. Phys. Handbook, 2nd ed., pp. 6-149, 1963).

Table 1(6.5.1)— Continued

The unit of color difference (As =1) defined by the above formula is called the MacAdam unit of
color difference (See also Sections 5.4.1 and 5.4.2). A formula has been developed by Chickering
(1967) which allows the calculation of As without the use of graphs for the values of the g;,

K. Richter (1978/79, 1980)

LABNAU 1977 color space

L* =116(Y/100)'’° —16
A* = 500(A’—
A’) ¥'79

B* = 500( B’— B,)Y'”°



a= alF*5]

This space is intended to be an improvement over the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-space (see No. 9 above).
It includes a chromaticity diagram (A’, B’). The capital letters LABNHU describing the color space
denote the following perceptual attributes: L = L* “photometric” or p-lightness; 4 = A* =“red-
green” or RG-chroma; B = B* =“yellow-blue” or J/B-chroma; H = H* “colorimetric” or c-light-
ness; N = N* = blackness (N = noir); U =U* = unique hueness.

laa) \O
al yy
ras) ™~

30 2

S oO oO L0 9°0












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Table 1(6.5.3) Whiteness Formulae (Whiteness Measure Denoted by W)

Y= luminance factor of white surface relative to a given standard white and with respect to the
CIE standard observer [see, for example, ASTM Method E97-53T (1953); Federal Specification
TT-P-141b, Method 612.1, Method 412.1, Method 613.1].

B=“blue reflectance” = reflectance of white surface when illuminated with blue light of specified
spectral radiant power distribution. In some cases, the spectral distribution is that of CIE standard
illuminant A, weighted by the CIE 1931 z(A)-function [see, for example, TAPPI Method T425m-48
(1948); ASTM Method D985-50(1950)]. In this case, B is often called “paper brightness.”

w= R99 20 —R 450
R409, R459 = reflectances of white surface at wavelengths 700 and 450 nm, respectively. This W is
usually referred to as an index of “yellowness” [see, for example, Hunter (1958)].

B,G, A= reflectances of white surface when illuminated with lights of specified spectral radiant
power distributions. Usually, the spectral distributions are those of CIE standard illuminant C
weighted respectively by the z(A), y(A) and red portion of the x(A) color-matching functions of the
CIE 1931 standard observer. This W is usually referred to as an index of “yellowness” (see, for
example, Federal Specification TT-P-141b, Method 613.1)

W = 2 R439 — Rezo
R 430, R670 = reflectances of white surface at wavelengths 430 and 670 nm, respectively. This
formula is called the Stephansen formula |[see, for example, Berger (1959)].

R 439, R679 aS in Formula No. 5. This formula is called the Harrison formula |see, for example,
Berger (1959)].

W=G-4G— B)=4B—3G
B,G=reflectances as defined in Formula No. 4. This formula is called the Taube formula [see
Hunter (1960)]. The quantity (G— B) (in percent) denotes an index of yellowness, whereas G (in
percent) is the luminance factor representing an index of lightness.

W = 0.333Y+ 1.060Z — 1.277X

X,Y, Z= CIE 1931 tristimulus values (Yy499 = 100) with respect to CIE standard illuminant C. This
is the Berger formula (Berger, 1959).

L, b= Hunter coordinates [see Table 1(6.5.1)] (Hunter, 1960).

W=(¥— kp?)'/?
Y = luminance factor of white surface
p. = colorimetric purity
k = constant
This formula is called the MacAdam formula (MacAdam, 1934; Judd, 1935).

Table 1(6.5.3)— Continued

11. W=(Y— KS*)'/?

Y = luminance factor of white surface;
S=distance in Judd’s UCS triangle [See Table 1(6.5.1)] between the point representing the
standard white and the point representing the white test surface;
K =constant, which for application to the grading of laundered white goods is 6700. This formula
is called the Judd formula (Judd, 1935, 1936).

“a7} 1/2
2: W=1 |[30(a? Hamat
Y= luminance factor (Yy_0 = 1.0)
a, B=coordinates of Hunter UCS diagram [see Table I(6.5.1)]. This formula is called the Hunter-—
Judd formula (Judd, 1941).
Variations of this formula have been proposed by Selling and Friele (1950) and
Hunter (1958; see Formula No. 11, as an example).

AN ontaes 8 = ae
K,(G +0.242B) 200
G, B=reflectances as defined in Formula No. 4.
K,=constant which varies with the observing conditions. Typical values are K, = 20, or 70, or
(preferred) 38.6 (Hunter, 1960).

W=100—[(L, — L)* +(a* + b*)]'7*

L,a,b= Hunter coordinates [see Table I(6.5.1)]
Lp= lightness index of the preferred white of whatever material is being studied. If magnesium
oxide is preferred, L, is set equal to 100 (Hunter, 1958).

W =100—[(100— L)? + 10b7]'/2

L, b= Hunter coordinates [see Table I(6.5.1)] (Hunter, 1960).

Ww =100— OAT ells + k[As]?]!72

A( yi} == Lae Yee, sample
Y= jumdinanice factor
As =[(Au)? +(Av)?]'/? = distance on MacAdam’s UCS diagram [also the CIE 1960 UCS dia-
gram, see Table 1(6.5.1)] between the point representing the standard white (MgQ) and the point
representing the white test surface;
k = const. |
This formula is called the first Selling formula (Selling and Friele, 1950). A simplified formula is
given below as No. 17.

WE W=100-[(AY)* + k’(As)*]!7?
AY Yast, \
test gamples © — JUIDINANCe tacior,
As =as defined in Formula No. 16;
= const; a typical value is k’= 9.5 10°.
This is the second Selling formula (Selling and Friele, 1950; Friele, 1959).

W=Y-13.2Y[(Au)* + Av)?]!/2
Y = luminance factor of white test surface;
Au=u- uo,
Av =v — 0;
- u,v =coordinates of white test surface in MacAdam UCS diagram [also the CIE 1960 UCS
diagram, see Table I(6.5.1)];

Table 1(6.5.3)— Continued

Uy, Vy = coordinates of standard white in the same UCS diagram; for magnesium oxide surface
under CIE standard illuminant C, uy = 0.2009, vy = 0.3073 (CIE 1931 standard observer). This is
the Croes formula (Croes, 1959).

ve|av-(a (8) 2 2]1/2

L,M,S= length of long, medium, short axis of color discrimination ellipsoid centered on the
standard white.
A,b, c= constants
This is the Friele formula (Friele, 1959).

20. W=Y + a(x—x9)t+ b(y— yo)

Y = luminance factor of white test surface;
x, y= CIE chromaticity coordinates of white test surface under CIE standard illuminant D,; and
with respect to either the CIE 1931 or the CIE 1964 standard observer;
Xo; Yo = CIE chromaticity coordinates of perfect reflecting diffuser under CIE standard illuminant
D,; and with respect to either the CIE 1931 or the CIE 1964 standard observer;
a, b=coefficients whose values depend on the “hue preference” that prevails among observers
judging whiteness.
With no hue preference, referred to as “neutral hue preference”:

a= —800, b= —1700

With “green hue preference”:

a= —1700, b= —900

With “red hue preference”:

a= +800, b= —3000

This is the Ganz formula (Ganz, 1979).

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