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(AC-S02) Week 02 - Task: Assignment - A job interview (PA)


Cod: U22235897


Jan. – 2024


Good afternoon, everyone! I'm Lisa Turner, the hiring manager for the Systems
Engineer position. Thank you both for being here today. Let's dive into the
interview. Can each of you briefly introduce yourselves?

Solicitante A (Alex):

Hi, I'm Alex Martinez. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering and
have three years of experience in system architecture. I can adapt quickly to new
technologies and enjoy working in collaborative environments.

Solicitante B (Bella):

Hello, I'm Bella Johnson. I have a Master's degree in Software Engineering and
have been working as a Systems Engineer for four years. I can communicate
effectively and thrive in fast-paced, dynamic teams.


Great to have you both here. Now, let's discuss the skills required for this
position. Alex, what skills do you believe a Systems Engineer has to possess?


A Systems Engineer has to be proficient in programming languages such as C++

and Java. They have to be good problem solvers and have strong analytical
skills. Additionally, they have to work well under pressure and be good team


Excellent, Alex. And Bella, what about you? What skills do you think are
essential for a Systems Engineer?


A Systems Engineer has to be creative and able to think outside the box when
solving complex issues. They have to have good communication skills, be
adaptable to changes, and have a strong understanding of network protocols.


Very insightful, both of you. Now, let's move on to specific questions. Can you,
Alex, work on multiple projects simultaneously, and how do you manage your
time effectively?

Yes, I can handle working on multiple projects simultaneously. I have strong
organizational skills, and I prioritize tasks based on project deadlines to ensure
everything is completed on time.


Good to know. Bella, can you provide an example of a challenging problem

you've encountered in your previous role and how you resolved it?


Certainly. In a recent project, we faced a critical system failure. I had to quickly

analyze the situation, identify the root cause, and coordinate with the team to
implement a solution. I can handle unexpected challenges effectively.


Impressive. Now, for both of you, you may have to collaborate with teams in
different time zones. How well can each of you adapt to a global work


I've had experience working with international teams in my previous role. I can
adapt to different time zones and ensure effective communication and
collaboration across borders.


Similarly, I've worked in a global environment and can comfortably adapt to

different time zones. Communication and coordination are key in such


Thank you both for your responses. It was insightful learning about your
experiences and skills. We'll be in touch soon. Have a great day!

Closing (video):

Thanks for participating in today's interview. We appreciate your time and

insights. We'll be making our decision shortly. Goodbye!

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