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Kathleen Hazel Andres

1.There are three trade-offs that we face today, despite commercial progress, new
technology, and the development in the digital world. What are they? Explain briefly.
2.What are the negative effects of global development on
• The people?
• The resources and planet earth?
3. What did the UN General Assembly convene in 1983 to address the challenges brought
about by global progress or development?
4. What is the title of the WCED’s report that was released in 1987, and what aspects did
it address?
5. What is the sustainable development? Briefly explain it in your own words.
6. What are the three pillars of sustainable development? Enumerate end briefly explain
each .
7. What are the three models of sustainable development? Explain each one.
8. There are 17 goals of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Which of them
concern the development of peoples? Which of them are concerned with the planet and
environment? Which of them concern the economy and businesses?


1. Trade-offs today involve balancing economic progress with environmental impact,

digital advancements with privacy concerns, and technological benefits with potential job

2. Negative effects of global development include social inequalities for people and
environmental degradation for the planet.

3. The UN General Assembly convened in 1983 to address global challenges through the
World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED).

4. The WCED's 1987 report is titled "Our Common Future," addressing environmental
sustainability, social equity, and economic development.

5. Sustainable development means meeting current needs without compromising the

ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

6. The three pillars of sustainable development are economic, social, and environmental.
They involve balancing prosperity, social justice, and environmental conservation.

7. The three models of sustainable development are environmental sustainability, social

sustainability, and economic sustainability. Each focuses on balancing one aspect while
considering the broader picture.

8. UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include goals for people (e.g., no
poverty, good health), planet (e.g., climate action, life below water), and economy (e.g.,
decent work, industry innovation).

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