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The Principles of Transcendentalism

Ilinca Victor-Valentin, LMA III (Engleză, Spaniolă),
Grupa 4 Engleză

Transcendentalism, an influential philosophical movement of the 19th

century, continues to inspire and provoke contemplation in the modern era.
While it may not ignite an overwhelming enthusiasm, there are several aspects
of transcendentalism that resonate with my beliefs. This essay aims to present a
balanced perspective by examining the principles of transcendentalism and
offering reasoning for my agreement, while also providing informative insights
into the main tenets of this philosophy.
At its core, transcendentalism emphasizes the inherent goodness and
potential of individuals, advocating for self-reliance, intuition, and a spiritual
connection with nature. Its proponents, including Ralph Waldo Emerson and
Henry David Thoreau, sought to challenge societal norms and promote
individual growth and enlightenment.
One principle of transcendentalism that I find particularly appealing is the
emphasis on self-reliance. Transcendentalists believe that individuals possess an
innate wisdom and should trust their own intuition and judgment. This resonates
with me as I recognize the importance of personal autonomy and the need to
make independent decisions based on one's own values and beliefs. By relying
on oneself, individuals can unlock their true potential and contribute
meaningfully to society.
Another aspect of transcendentalism that strikes a chord with me is the
encouragement to listen to one's intuition and inner voice. Transcendentalists
believe that there is a deep, intuitive knowledge within each person that can
guide them towards truth and authenticity. In a world filled with external
influences and societal pressures, this principle serves as a reminder to tap into
our inner selves, allowing us to make choices that align with our deepest values
and aspirations. Trusting one's intuition can lead to personal growth and a more
fulfilling life.
Transcendentalists also celebrate the importance of nature as a source of
inspiration and spiritual connection. They believe that immersing oneself in the
natural world can awaken a sense of awe and wonder, reminding us of our place
in the universe. Personally, I find solace and rejuvenation in nature, and I
recognize the value of disconnecting from the hustle and bustle of modern life
to reconnect with the natural world. The beauty and harmony found in nature
can provide a profound sense of tranquillity and perspective.
While I appreciate the principles of transcendentalism, it is important to
approach them with a balanced perspective. Critics argue that transcendentalism
can sometimes promote excessive individualism and overlook the importance of
social responsibilities. It is essential to strike a balance between self-reliance
and the understanding that we are interconnected beings who have obligations
towards our communities and the wider society.
In conclusion, transcendentalism presents a philosophy that, despite not
eliciting overwhelming enthusiasm, contains principles that resonate with my
own beliefs. The emphasis on self-reliance, intuition, and a deep connection
with nature aligns with my understanding of personal growth and fulfilment.
However, it is crucial to maintain a balanced perspective, acknowledging the
criticisms and ensuring that transcendental principles are applied with a sense of
social responsibility. By embracing the core ideas of transcendentalism while
remaining mindful of its limitations, we can navigate our individual journeys
with purpose, authenticity, and an appreciation for the world around us.

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