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5th Grade

Expository Essay Writing
If you could choose one
superpower, what would
it be and why?
The Shapeshifter S.A.
By Karleigh Adair

Shapeshifting would be my superpower. Some of my favorite

heroes have that superpower.
Some of the reasons I want this power is that you can shapeshift
into anything, you can change into a person with other
superpowers, and you can prank people.
Though, you also might have lots of weaknesses that people can
Super Speed
By: Sarah Alhashimi
If I were to have a superhuman skill, it would be super speed. It would be pretty
cool. This amazing power would help me quickly finish my chores. I no longer will ever
feel the panic of being in a hurry. The horrific time­consuming shopping experience
with my mom will never happen because I can help her in a flash. These are the
reasons why super speed is the one super I would choose if I had the choice.

Playing with my little brother, watching YouTube, and eating food are my favorite
pastimes that I would have more time for if I had the ability to use my super speed to
finish chores. Every kid that I know must do chores! Dishes. Vacuuming. Dusting.
Ewwwww! Cleaning the nasty, smelly, poopy disgusting bathroom. No longer will my
nose or eyes, even hands, ever have to succumb to the horrid experience of having to
do these chores. When my mom tells me I’ve got chores to finish, I can absolutely use
my super speed to make my bed, clean my room, mop the floor, clean the kitchen, and
straighten out the living room at the speed of light. Isn’t that awesome?

If I’m in a hurry, I can use my Super Speed. If I’m late to school Or I miss my
bus, I can use my Super Speed to get. If i’m going to my friends house, I can use my
Super Speed so I won’t be late anymore. I can also Be the first one at a party And
Dress myself faster. Since i’m always in a hurry And I never get the chance to Curl my
hair, I can do it super fast and still can still look nice. I can do my homework if It/Was
due today, be the first person to finish the presentation. the most important one is if
there was a test today and I didn’t know about it I can study really quick and be ready
for the test.

Lastly, buying food from the Grocery Store. Since we take FOREVER to shop I
can use my Super speed and I can buy everything My mom needs in like one second,
when my mom needs me to get her something I can get it faster and also Because
what happens when there is only one more shopping cart left? I can use my Super
speed To get the last one SAFELY and not hurt anybody when i’m using my super
speed to get it.

These are the Advantages of having super speed. There More things that I can
do with super speed such as Help someone in danger, travel, and More!
My Healing SuperPowers
By Abigail Anokye

If I were to have a superpower than I would have healing powers! The type of power that
save people’s lives. The type that make the world a happy place.
This strong superpower will make everyone on earth the most happiest and sick­free citizens in
the universe. I could make the dead come alive and I can also make zombies turn into normal
human beings! I mean...if zombies exist! Here are some reasons why I would want the ability to

One reason that I would have healing powers is to heal people. I would go to every hospital in
the world and touch everyone there and heal every single one of them. People with bruises
scars, diseases, and comas would be healed by one simple touch of my hand. It will be a huge
miracle of how these people got healed. It will be a secret too because no one will know that I
healed them. But it will be a relief that they’re well and not ill anymore.

Another reason is that when people get healed, they will be happy. They’ll be filled with
happiness when they find out that they’re not sick anymore. One thing that they won’t know is
who healed them...that will still be a mystery least their healthy and well. The news
station would make a new topic all about the miracle of who healed the patients in the hospital.

Last but not least, I would want healing superpowers is because, It will save people’s
lives. People who are sick or VERY ill and those who are about to die, will get their lives saved
by me. No one will feel bad or sad that their family members are dying. Instead they’ll be happy
that their relatives are alive happy and very well.

So that is why I would have healing powers. It helps people get healthy and hearty. It
saves lives, and it would make the world a better place. Healing powers would make the world a
wonderful place to live. Happiness will spread all through the world. Although sometimes
people may be sad, the world will still stay a sick­free place to live in. Plus the world would be
more safe without zombies…
if there even real. Those are the four reasons of why I would want healing superpowers!
By Tala Barghouty

If I could have a superpower I would want to be able to teleport. Teleportation is

when you can go to any other area in a matter of seconds. You can teleport merely a
foot or even 2,000 miles all the way on the opposite side of the world.Teleportation will
help me with protection and if somebody would think deeply about it, they would find
some very helpful benefits from teleportation.
First, if I had teleportation, I would use it to protect me, my family, friends, and
others. The numerous situations I could protect others from are war, dangerous
positions, and viable accidents. I could always find a way to teleport out of any
If I could ever be able to teleport, my life would be filled with joy because
traveling would be completely free. For instance, I could imagine myself in Hawaii
automatically be shifted within seconds without spending a penny. Also, I would be
able help my parents avoid ghastly traffic. Lastly, I would love to pop into a safe zone
whenever I am in a dangerous such as a severe storm or an unexpected accident.
Teleportation would be very helpful. It is helpful because there is more space in
the car if you just teleport and you will never be late unless you don't get ready in time.
If I ever need to quickly buy something I can just teleport there, but I will still stay and
pay for it.
If I could have a superpower I would want to be able to teleport. Teleportation
would help me with a lot of important stuff as well as helping others and family.
What Superpower Would You Have?
By: Samantha Beitzel

If I could have any one superpower in the world I would pick water breathing. I have
always had a desire to keep people safe when they are in the water. I would also want water
breathing so i can play in the water. Ariel from The Li le Mermaid could become a reality.
Another reason I want to be able to breath underwater is the valuable asset I can be to my
community or even the world just like Aquaman!
I want to be similar to Aquaman because, Aquaman is on the jus ce league, he is strong,
he can communicate to dolphins, similar to king triton, and he is played by Jus n Hartley a
popular actor.
Water breathing would also a lifesaver when someone is drowning or an animal is drowning
because you can be a hero by saving animals/person’s life and they will adore you forever and
Water breathing is also a very handy because, if you are in the olympics you can win all
of the swimming events. You can scuba dive without a air tank to drag with you. I would love to
have water breathing because I can feel like a mermaid, just like the Ariel from the li le
I picked water breathing because, water breathing can help you with everyday things like
swimming. It could be useful and/or a lifesaver. And so that is why is picked water breathing! I
hope I can get water breathing in the future!
Superhuman Intelligence
By Swetha Bharat
Superpowers are something everybody wishes for. From superheroes to even
humans, superpowers are having magical abilities that can change anyone's life into
gold. A superpower I desire is superhuman intelligence. The reason this superpower
intrigues me so much is because I don’t need to study anymore, I can have a powerful
memory, and I can have better calculation skills.

I don't like tests. Assessments in school are terrifying because if you make
mistakes, you will get bad grades. When I have superhuman intelligence, I don't need
to study for tests. I can periodically party all night and complete the test the next day. I
can ace every single test I have, and I can get all A’s every single year! That would be
very helpful if I had superhuman intelligence.

I can't remember things that well. I usually forget very important things that I have
to do. If I have superhuman intelligence, I will also have powerful memory. If I have a
powerful memory, then I can remember the past, I can remember everything I learn in
school, and I will never forget anything important. Powerful memory is something that
can help me a lot in my life.

Math is my favorite subject. Just because it is my favorite, it doesn't mean that I

am perfect at it. If I have better calculation skills, my math calculations would be better,
I can get 5/5 or 6/6 on my math competitions, and I could get A’s on all my math tests.
My math tests can look like gold if I can get 4’s on every single test.

Super powers are something everybody wishes for. A super power I want to have
is superhuman intelligence. The reasons that I want to have this superpower is
because I don't need to study anymore, I can have a powerful memory, and because
my calculations can be better. For these reasons I think superhuman intelligence is a
wonderful superpower for me.
X­Ray Vision
By Justin Engler

Superpowers are things you only read about in comic books and see in movies. If
I had the opportunity to pick any super power, the one I desire the most would be X­ray
vision. One reason is to see through walls. Another is to keep bad things from
happening to good people. I would have the ability to detect sickness, cancer, and
broken bones in others. These are the reasons why I would want to have X­ray vision.

X­ray vision would help me spy on my younger brother to see what he is up to.
My brother is a brussel sprout. The smell this vegetable produces is just as bad as the
unbelievable passed gas he creates every second of the day. With my X­ray vision, I
can see through his bedroom door without him knowing. This would increase my data
bank of blackmail material I could use against him whenever I need my parents to
ground and embarrass him.

In addition to spying on my brother, I could spy on my cute little family dog,

Duchess, to see what mischievous things she is up to when we're not home. Could you
imagine what kinds of occupations I could be paid for with my super power? I could
see what restaurants and their serving staff do behind the double doors.

I would like to prevent bad things from going on. For example looking in people's
bags to see if they have any explosives on them. I would be a perfect TSA (People
who check you at the airport) person.

Next I would like to see other people’s heath. I would give them a heads up if
they’re sick. I would tell them if they had cancer and where it is.
I would do the same for fractures and broken bones. If they needed a ride, I
would give them an uber or a taxi if they prefered that to the nearest hospital.

That is what I would if do i had X­Ray vision. I chose this superpower because
this is one that i’ve always admired. I hope you enjoyed my essay, what is your
By Yama Etebar

If I could have any superpower known to man, it would be having super strength.
There are numerous reasons being strong would be an exceptional characteristic to
possess. I could save people! I could even help little old ladies with groceries if it is way
too heavy for them. I would be a valuable asset to anyone who wants to get things
done twice as fast. I would be so strong, I can also bench press a bus with my pinky. If
I had super strength, I’d would absolutely love to join the WWE. These are the reasons
why I would want to have super strength.

The first reason I would want to be extremely strong is the ability to help people
twice as fast and if people are in a hurry I can get there stuff done in like 2 seconds so
they can have the party starting now and if someone is in trouble I can get there fast
since, when I go to the gym I go on the treadmill and run like 300 miles so I can get
there really really fast in like 7.5 seconds and if there stuck under a car I could lift the
car up and get the person up before the person gets really injured and I can take the
person to the hospital to get he/she checked up.

I would also use my superpowers for the WWE. WWE is the abbreviation for
World Wrestling Entertainment. WWE is famously known for creating The Undertaker,
Roman Reigns, John Cena, and everyone’s favorite action star, The Rock. With my
super strength I can beat every single WWE fighter in the world since I am the
strongest man in the world and I will be unstoppable and everybody will be so scared
of me and I will be the champion in the world if I go to London or any other country. I
could be famous and I can fight people in the WWE and win the GOLDEN belt in every
single fight.
So about undertaker his real name is Mark William Calaway and he was born in
Houston, Texas and his height is 6’ 10’ his spouse is Michelle McCool, Sara Calaway,
and Jodi Lynn and Mark Calaway started his wrestling career with world class
championship wrestling in 1984 and mark is 51 years old now and he weighs 300
pounds and he is a professional wrestler way to go UNDERTAKER/ Mark William
Calaway. Mark Calaway’s siblings are Paul Calaway, Timothy Calaway, David Calaway,
and Michael Calaway.
The Undertaker is going to be fighting John Cena in the WWE and we will see
who will win on monday the 20 and we will see how the undertaker will come to rank.

So yhea I would have super strength as my superpower and it will be awesome

to really have that and I could really help people in real life and it would be cool.
Avatar Powers
By Tristan Xavier Hendrix

If I could have any power, I would have avatar powers. These are the reasons
why I would have Avatar powers. If I had avatar powers I could shoot fire and make
myself as hot as a supernova. I could burn and make fires so I don’t get cold at night. I
could help people who are being attacked by protecting people who can’t use
bending.With Waterbending, I could cook ramen on the go and never starve. Fire
benders second element is lighting. I could shot lighting and make thunder appear and
be creative with it. I could make a thunder shield and armor for defense and I could
make thunder weapons for offense. Then I could go super sayian and shoot
kamehamehas, because kamehames and going super sayian is also from plasma.

Another reason I would have a avatar powers is so I could shoot water. I could
make water tornados and defend myself so I don’t die and control people by their
blood. I could have the enemies friends turn against themselves. I could make a entire
nations kill themselves. I could defend the weak with tidal waves and push backs
enemies so I don’t kilpowers. Ice Bending is waterbenders secondary element. They
can make ice shards and make water freeze and sh

Another reason is I could bend air. In the anime most of the airbenders were
wiped out but one survived and was Aagn. He was found when Katara and Sokka
found him frozen in a block of ice. I could fly create tornadoes and create air balls. I
could make it rain and coundence clouds into tiny balls. I could make a air shield which
would protect and make me fly at high speeds. The air scooter is a scooter that I could
use when in a pickle for a burst of speed to flee.

Another reason I would have avatar powers is because I could earthbend.

Earthbending has a lot of secondary elements such as sand and steel. With steel
bending I could make steel shields for defense and sand spears and barriers for
offense. Earthbending has a lot of creativity your possibilities are endless. Another
special bending for earth is lavabending. Lavabending is very deadly they can make
magma rise up from the earth and they can make weapons and things out of it.
My final reason that I would have avatar powers is the avatar state. The avatar
state is the form where the avatar can control all elements at once. The avatar state is
no joke one of it’s abilities is the avatar shield demonstrated by Aang in the the battle
against the fire lord. The avatar shield is a shield that surrounds the avatar with the 4
elements. The avatar can fly at immense speed and ram into the opponents

Avatar powers have many possibilities. The reasons above is why I would want
the super cool avatar powers.
Final Draft­­­­ Controlling People’s Minds

By Cameron Ivarone

If I choose what superpower I could have, it would be to control people's minds. It

would be an awesome superpower to have. You could basically do anything you want.
I do not know anyone who would not want to have this superhuman skill. In the
following paragraphs you will see why I have chosen this superpower to be mine only!
J.K. (Just Kidding)
With this superpower I can get all the $money$ in the world, by controlling people
to dig for gold, silver, diamonds, etc. With that money and treasure I can buy a huge
house with thousands of acres of land. Other desires for my house would be shiny, silk,
gold clothes for me and my well­paid servants to wear, a hot tub, and other wishes.
Another thing that I could do with this superpower is to control people to build a
super suit, kind of like Iron Man. With that suit, I could escape fast from any danger. I
can also hunt wild animals that are destroying my crops, or just hunt for fresh deer for
my many kittens. From the suit, I would be world­famous and a “Can I have your
autograph?” guy. But then the actor for Iron Man would not be happy.
One last thing that I would do with this superpower is to preserve forests and
prevent them from being torn down by humans. I would bring smiles to those who have
worked hard for the forests and would help endangered animals make a comeback.
Also, with that in mind, I would control hunters and lower their harvesting, more for big
game hunters, so I would not have to waste my time doing this all the time.
In conclusion, controlling people’s minds can basically get you everything, and
can prevent others from doing harm to you. There are infinity+ things that I could do
with this superpower and achieve. That is why I have chosen this to be my superpower.
Animal Mimicry
By Mana Iyer

Have you ever wished that you could shoot webs like Spiderman, have super strength
like the Hulk, or fly like Superman? If I could have any superpower known to the comic book
world, it would be animal mimicry. Animal mimicry has many technicalities to what you can
transform into. It would help me get out of numerous life threatening situations. I could also
entertain myself with this power. In my opinion, animal mimicry is the best superpower that
has ever been imagined by writers.
Animal mimicry has many rules and regulations, but it is still pretty spectacular. You can
possess any attribute from any animal, and even combine these characteristics together. For
example, you could have a dolphin tail and a lion head. You could also fully transform into an
animal. You would also get the abilities of that animal. Those are the many criteria of animal
Animal mimicry would also help to protect you and a multitude of people. You could
become a shark and swim if a ship you're on were to sink. You could become a chameleon
and camouflage to hide from enemies. You could become an eagle and fly if you fell off a cliff.
As you can see, animal mimicry would help keep you and many others safe.
Finally, you would always be able to amuse yourself with animal mimicry. If you know
someone who is scared of bugs, you could become a huge spider and jump on them.
Though, they would probably hate you more than a teenager hates Dora the Explorer. You
could mix up a narwhal and a horse and become a unicorn. That unicorn would be much
better than a horse with a paper cone taped to its head. You could become a gnat and spy on
your little brother to find out where he hid all of his Halloween candy... You could get into
locked rooms by becoming an ant and crawling under doorway. You could become a falcon
and fly! You could become a cheetah and run at the speed of light if you were ever late to
school. You could have hours of fun with animal mimicry.
Animal mimicry would definitely be the superpower I would choose if ever presented the
option. Though it has many restrictions, being able to transform into any animal on a whim
wouId be more fun than a day at Disney World. Animal mimicry could save countless lives. I
could also have endless fun with this power. As you can see, with animal mimicry, the
possibilities are endless.
about ight
By Joel Joseph
It was one of those days sitting on the couch, and drinking my coffee when I
looked through some of the latest magazines. After I looked through the magazine bin
there it was the latest of them all, it was the magazine that surprised me it said on the
front cover that it was going to describe a one hundred superpowers that people voted
for. So I skipped along then I landed at page twenty five, it was all about my favorite
superpower, so then I jumped straight into it.

Flight, Flight is better than any other superpower because, it can transport you
faster than any other superpower. There are two different types of flight, the most
common one is buoyant flight. Buoyant flight is a human constructed creation which is
lighter than air like a blimp. The second one is animal flight which is a natural flight that
animals are born with.

You can get to crime scenes faster than a jet. If you ever come across a dog that is
going to run into a truck, you can save it by flying fast, but on the other hand, Mr. Flame
will set the dog on fire and everybody will hate him. With that advantage, people will
like you, trust you, and also rely on your help.

During our research, flight was the most popular. Scientists say someday get we will
get flight by mimicking birds and other animals. Flight is the most simplest superpower
to resemble in life which means that we will certainly get flight any time or even today.
This is why having flight is worth it. Next time we get a report from the scientists,
they will tell you what is happening. Ahh, that coffee was tasty. The next day I came to
the same table I noticed there was a new copy of the series which had came out,
which means I sat down drinking my coffee and started reading it this one was about
cars and more.
It is Called Pyrokinesis (and a bit of immortality) Kid.

By: Naren Krishnan

Close your eyes and think about controlling fire. Imagine all the marvels you can create. The

name of that type of power is pyrokinesis. I will tell the many reasons of why I want to possess

pyrokinesis. A plethora of people in the fictional world have pyrokinesis. I shall explain mind­blowing
tricks with pyrokinesis. The following reasons will include, what is pyrokinesis, what I would do with it,
and how I would I be.

Pyrokinesis is the ability to fire. A way to remember it is, “pyro” means fire and “kinesis” means
to control. I could control use fire to soar to great heights, WHEE! I could summon a protective fire
shield to shield me from debris (comes in handy at all times.). I could be fireproof, meaning that fire
will not harm me (I think that is pretty obvious.) I could never be sick because I could heat up and kill
the bacteria in me. Lastly, I could be Marvel’s Human Torch or the the X­men’s Sunspot. The Human
Torch is in the Fantastic Four and is literally on fire, can become as hot as a supernova and can fly.
Sunspot is part of the new X­men and transforms into a mutant that is made out of black solar energy,
can fly, and has superhuman strength.

Lots of super heroes have pyrokinesis. I just have mentioned Sunspot and the Human Torch.
They include; Amazo, Crystal, Captain Planet (that is also a movie played by Don Cheadle),
Bloodaxe, Chromos, Enchantress, Ghost Rider, Naruto Uzumaki, and Firestar (So. Many.
Superheroes!) I could have mentioned a plethora more but you would have fell asleep <snoring.> So,
that is pretty much about “super­people” that have pyrokinesis.

I would use pyrokinesis to protect and destroy. I could protect people from burning building by
making the fire change course to me ( DO NOT TRY
buildings, houses, enemy bases, and cars (technically everything.) I could set things on an almost
everlasting fire. Finally, I could be villainous wrecking everything in my path.
I would be an Anti­hero that causes rampage and does good. An antihero is a person that is
good and bad (like Deadpool). I will work solo, no team affiliations! I will be bad most of the time. I
shall be called… wait I forgot the name, and no, my name is not ”wait I forgot the name.” <A few
seconds later.> I am the one and only Firelord (dramatic background music.) When I am good I would
save people from fires, villains, and more (like debris). When I am bad I am a whole different story, I
will side up with the villains, cause havoc and chaos, and do as much damage as possible (shocked
audience about to faint.)

REPEAT, DO NOT, TRY THIS AT HOME! Some ways you could make pyrokinesis useful is by doing
tricks and stunts. I will start off easy and go hard. A simple one is to do loop­de­loops in the air while
on fire (sure does sound fun!) Next, you could draw smoke patterns in the air while on fire. A
challenging one is, to make an exact duplicate of you out of fire (that sounds sooooo fun.) The most
challenging one is, put a building on fire and after a few minutes, take off the fire and leave the
building untouched (it is possible). Remember, do not try this at home!

When I am a villain, destroying buildings is the least I could do. I would summon supernovas to
destroy cities, states, and even countries. HA HA HA! I would be 100,000 times stronger than an
atom bomb when I am at full power (have I mentioned I am immortal?) In other words, I can destroy a
whole continent! Superheroes will run away from me like a chicken running away from a tiger. Water
can’t stop me because it would evaporate when it is 10 feet away from me. Ahhhhh, I love the amount
of destruction I would cause, good thing I do not feel like destroying the world.

So, these are the main reasons why I want pyrokinesis. I would use it to control the marvels of

fire. I would be similar to a bazillion “super people”. Do some sweet tricks (can’t forget about that). I

would be an Anti­hero to protect and destroy. Hey, a new motto, protect and destroy! Pyrokinesis will

be the start of following my motto.

What Superpower Would You Have?
By Anantha Kumar
If I could choose any superpower in the universe it would be the power to fly. The
three reasons why I would want this phenomenal superpower are the obvious benefits
and some things I would do to make things interesting. I also will be talking about how I
would have to stay safe and how I could use it to my full advantage. Even if these
ideas are crazy or dumb there are uses for them.
First off if I could fly what would be the need for me to use cars anymore? Think
about a life where you never get caught in long, boring, traffic jams. I could fly to school
quickly instead of walking, taking a car, and taking a bus. Plus I could go to my friends
house whenever I am free. It would be so crazy and sci­fi to look at that people might
get jealous. Also by not using a car It lowers global warming, but even though one car
to a billion is little it's still something. When I ride in a car I feel dizzy and I get stomach
pain. But being able to fly I could say goodbye to that forever. So I would love it without
any cars and being able to fly.
These are some creative things you could do. I could carry a camera in the sky,
of course at your own risk, and take beautiful pictures that your parents would love to
see! But be careful not to get hit by an airplane! All the things you could do are just
mindblowing! What if you had a youtube channel and you recorded videos of you flying
without an airplane, helicopter or a parachute. Imagine all the views and likes you
could get! I could be helpful to some kids if their toys get stuck in the trees you could
bring it down for them.
In baseball, I would be too overpowered because I could fly and catch all the
balls that come toward me. I could play many games with my friends. Basketball would
be a piece of cake when I have the ball then fly up and dunk it like a boss! If I played
football I could fly into the end zone and score so many touchdowns. Plus, if I became
an FBI agent I would be the perfect spy. I would track down all the enemies and report
These are all the reasons I want to fly and why. If I ever did discover how to fly I
would come up with even more ideas to do. So flying is my superpower of choice
because of all the mind boggling things to do. Crazy or not flying is a thing humans
have been dreaming about for centuries. It is a dream and to this day it is still alive. I
am sure the possibilities are endless which what makes flying a true wonder to admire.
By Christian Leeson

Have you ever wanted to do things without touching things I know I would. I could
open bathroom doors without touching it ew. If a plane is falling I could hold them up so
they don’t die. Or I dump water on my wicked aggressive stingy sister.I could float
things to myself if I’m lazy which I am.

If I had telekinesis I could lift trees I could be capable of lifting a tree.

Or if there is a fire I could use my telekinesis to lift them out of the building.
Or if a plane is crashing I could lift them and they could get them out safely.

If I could have telekinesis I would not only save people I would prank them too.I would
pour water on them.I could make their things fly and they can not get their things
Power Shifting
By Aidan McDonough

Power shifting is the ability to change powers. The power was first introduced to
me by the first x men movie. It is a power like no other but so similar at the same time.
Here is what I can do.

With this power I could change my power at will. The science is I change my
genetic code.
It is as simple as that my genes change. It sounds fictional but this could happen to
extent with changing your genetics with special tools.

All the good things I could do like saving cities from bombings.A lot would change
in the world because of me. You may think I could just prevent crime with time travel
but then I would be obsolete. Then I would be trapped in an endless paradox switching
from needed to unneeded being trapped in an endless time loop.

For if some reason I got corrupted then I could blow up the universe. Nothing
would be safe if I was evil. The world would be nothing. I could be a floating thing in
nothing remembering the universe I destroyed. But no star wars movies to watch to be

That is what would happen if I had that power. It could be fun, nice, and amazing.
On the other hand those words would no longer be spoken. Altho it is a cool ability I
wanna stay a normal person. But my evil counterpart from the other paragraph doesn't.
By Brady Nguyen

If I had to pick a superpower, I would pick super strength. Why would I pick super
strength? Well, just look at all of the things I could possibly do. I could throw an egg at
somebody 200 miles away. That would be mindblowing for me and the people I would
entertain, but definitely dreadful for the person on the receiving end of this small slimy
object. Besides having fun, I could use my limitless power to play professional sports.
My last reason I want to have super strength is for emergencies. These are the
reasons why being infinitely burly would be amazing!
Since I always wanted to become a professional football player, I could be pretty
much any position I want to be. If I want to be a wide­receiver, in the game I would just
bolt to the end­zone and signal the quarterback to throw the football as high and far as
he can. Next I’ll jump towards the football and over my teammates and the nasty
opponents to catch the football and score a TOUCHDOWN! Or I can play defensive
tackle. All I have to do to be a great defensive tackle is to just “over muscle” the center
and touch the quarterback to get a “strip sack”, grab the football and take it all the way
home! But since my mom may not want me to ever play football, maybe I could play
basketball for the NBA (National Basketball Association) and get highlight­reel full­court
dunks! Or… I can be a soccer player and make shots from 80 meters away. I would
absolutely be way too overpowered!
Sometimes I don’t have to use super strength for my job though. There are times
when I could use this superpower for my own pleasure and entertainment. I could
annoy my older sister by clapping so loud next to her ear constantly and she’ll go
BANANAS! But, boy oh boy, NO ONE would want to challenge me to an arm wrestle
after they felt my wrath once. Whenever anybody confronts me to an arm wrestling
match, I would always accept. I know that I would always pin them down, unlike in
real­life where I always am the one getting pinned. I could also buy some eggs to throw
at my classmate and neighbor… MANA . Since I know where her house is, I could
spray dozens of eggs at her window while she is sleeping. That will be more fun than
driving a McLaren P1, a million­dollar sports car that can go from 0 to 60 MPH in less
than three seconds. Should I do it even if it means she would get me back? I don’t
want to get in trouble so… YER… NO! Not a good idea!
A few more things that super strength can bonus me are that, One, when Lucy
comes, picks me up and says “I’m gonna pound you!” then I’ll pound her first! Two, I
wouldn’t care if I ran out of gas? All I probably have to do is, pick up the car and walk a
half mile or so to the next gas station.
And last but not least, three, If an airplane is going down all I have to do to save a 150
or so people is to catch the falling airplane and everybody is saved, YAY!
There is one thing that super strength can’t do is it can’t help my emotions when
my fish dies.
So in the end having super strength would be awesome. It would really benefit
when I play sports and having fun. Who wouldn’t want to win every single arm wrestle?
But as we all should know, it can’t prevent my fish from dying...
By Bi Nguyen

This is an essay of why I would have materiokinesis as my one superpower. I

would have materiokinesis because I can protect myself or others from danger by
making any weapon of my choosing that is a solid, liquid, or gas. Since I can control
matter, I can control people’s actions and their breathing as well. Also if I was about to
die from tear gas or any poison gas, I can control the gas to get it out of my system,
avoiding major damage to my lungs or other organs. I would If someone was to point a
gun or weapon at me I could easily change their weapon to something else like water
or something nonlethal. And if someone was to actually shoot me I could slow their
bullet down as if I was in the matrix or something.
Another reason why I would have materiokinesis is because I can create
anything I want, Well anything that’s solid, liquid, or gas. This means I have no limit to
what I can make. Which means I can create things like water or planets, I can make
teleporter and then reverse engineer it to try to find a way to actually make a
teleporter.And then keep reverse engineering things to push mankind’s technology
billions of years ahead, I can become a decillionaire and have tons of money. Of
course, I could use this money to give to people who need it more than me. LIke the
homeless, orphans, and even the sick. I could even make something, Like the cure to
all cancer, or some other deadly disease
The final reason why I would have this superpower is because I can save myself
from any kind of danger. Like if I’m falling to my death, I can make something, like a
parachute, to help me survive the fall. Or If I'm in space and can’t breathe, I can easily
make a helmet with oxygen to save myself from dying of no air. Or when I’m starving to
death I can make food and eat to treat my rumbling stomach.
That’s why I would choose materiokinesis. I could save myself and others,
protect innocent people and give money to charity, I could have anything I want and
push mankind's technology and I can survive any danger. I think materiokinesis is one
of the best powers ever!
Power Mimicry
By Charmi Palem

Have you ever wanted to be good at something that you haven't been
very good at? I know I have. You could finally be good at what you love to
do. You don't have to stay up all night studying for school. When you're
playing a board game like chess, you could play as well as Magnus Carlsen
(Winner of the World Championship 2014). Best of all, you do it with your
Have you ever wanted a new hobby but don't know where to start? You
could start out awesome! Sing songs like Shake It Off and Out of The
Woods like Taylor Swift. Write books like Grimm brothers and L. Frank
Baum. Swim as fast as Michael Phelps in the Olympics. Play basketball as
good as Michael Jordan.
Have you just wanted to sleep a good 10 hours instead of taking 7 of
those hours trying to study? Right before taking a test just absorb all the
facts that the teacher knows and the good thing is she still knows the facts.
Now you don't have to do those all­nighters, remember everything a lecturer
says, and it's not cheating! Cheating is when you are “looking” at someone
else's work, not absorbing, and it's in the middle of a test not right before the
Best of all, it's fun. When you're playing basketball with friends you
could play as good as Lebron James, Steph Curry, or Michael Jordan. If I'm
playing tag I can run as fast as Usain Bolt and catch everyone. One day
during recess while I'm playing four­square I can absorb all the power from
If I had to pick the best superpower it would be the Power Mimicry. I
could be good at anything I wanted! I could build things like Thomas Edison.
I could be an astronaut like Mae Jemison. I can do it all with my mind!
By Nishitha Pammidimukkala

Time travel is the best superpower you can ever have. Why? There are a
plethora of reasons why being able to go back in time or fast forward to the future is the
best superpower anyone could have, but there are three major reasons why I want to
be able to travel at the snap of a finger. One reason is to fix bad things. The second
reason is to go to the future. The last reason is to go back in time.

First, you can fix bad things. You can stop accidents from happening because
you know what is happening in the future. You can also stop people from committing
suicide. You can stop people from making bad choices like smoking or drinking.You
can also stop people from getting bullied.

You can see into the future. You can see how you look in the future. You can see
how many kids you have in the future. You can also see answers to the questions you
have to your future self. You will also be able to stop the bad things from happening.

You can go back in time. If you can hi back in time then you can stop yourself
from getting in trouble. For example you can stop from getting bad grades because you
would know the answers in the test from the first time you took your test. If you could
go back in time you can get more TC. And lastly if you could go back in time you can
meet famous people like Thomas Jefferson, Helen Keller, Pocahontas, and more.

So now that you know tons and tons of advantages for time travel would you
choose ‘’Time Travel’’ as your super power too? I know I would I mean come I mean
come on you get to see your future self. You can also save so many lives. Those are all
the reasons why I chose this superpower.
Super Powers
By Nicholas Ruff

If I could have one superpower, it would be to travel through time. I would be able
to go back in time and stop the bad guy before he even is a menace to society. I could
also go back in time and fix all the things I've done wrong, like miserably failed on a
test. I could even go back and fix the Sphinx's nose. The following is what I would do if
I could travel through time.
Like the main character, The Doctor, in Doctor Who, a sci­fi show that’s been
running for years, I would be able to go back in time and make sure bad guys are
never even born. I could go back in time and make the number one most wanted villain
just a normal average Joe that didn't hurt anyone. That would make the people’s lives
way easier in the future. In addition to keeping thugs off the streets and affecting
families’ lives, I would also help that could­be man from having a life of pain and
suffering in jail. That's one of the ways the world could benefit from me being able to
have the awesome ability to time travel.
Another thing I could do is go back and fix things, like that broken nose on the
Sphinx in Egypt. I could make sure that the carver of the ancient Sphinx reinforces the
nose with more sandstone. With the Sphinx’s nose fixed now, the attraction would look
way better and captivating a quadrillion to the infinite power of tourists . That's another
thing I would save with time travel.
The last thing I could do is go back in time and make myself the most perfect
creature on the face of this planet. If I do that, I could make myself act nicer and
ultimately become more successful. I could even do test I did bad on over again, even
though that would be cheating. That's one of the last things I would do.
Time travel is one of the coolest powers ever. I could stop bad people that stole
lots of important things. I could go back and fix a statue that would of been broken for
many years. I could even fix my ways and become a better person. That's what's I
would do if I could time travel. I also must be sure not to give myself a high five. That
might destroy the fabric of space and time.
What Superpower Would I Have?

By Savannah Simon

If I could have one super power, I would choose to Shapeshift. You can do so many things
by Shapeshifting. You'd be the master of Hide And Seek, not have to face annoying siblings,
be the scariest Zombie on Halloween, and much more!

One thing I would love about having a Shapeshifting power is that you would be the
master of Hide And Seek. Hear some one near you? You turn small! Are you the seeker?
Become a Bear when you see them! Every time you would win! You could get a medal, “Best
Hide And Seek Player Ever!” Hide and seek would become my favorite game ever!

If I had a Shape Shifting power, I could prank people like a boss! When you do pranks you
usually have to hide from them. Not for me! I could even stand right next to them! Ahhhh…. A
prankers dream. I could be invisible and tap their shoulder, “Who's there?” They would ask in
fright. They might start believing in ghosts though. Ooo spooky!

I bet everybody has once thought, “My brother/sister is SO annoying!” Well fear no more! If
they are annoying you while you're reading your prized book, then turn invisible and go read
somewhere else. Another option is to turn into a dragon and roar, “LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” If
they keep saying play with me then you could turn into a sloth and say,
“Iiiiimmmmmm………….coommmmmiinggg….” There face will sure turn Fire Truck red!

If I could shapeshift Halloween would be my favorite time of year! I could look however I
wanted to. I could be a Vampire, Zombie, or an Alien. I would look so convincing I could work
in a Haunted House attraction yelling, “AAAGGGHHH!!!!”, “ I VANT to SUCK your BLOOD!”,
“Braaaiiinnnsss…” And terrifying everybody. I usually think it's rude to do this next one, but
some people go to houses twice, but have different costumes to trick the owners…. I could do
this and not have to buy another costume by shapeshifting, but I wouldn't because what if I
take all their candy and other kids can't get anymore?

When I grow up I could become a Scientist. You might be asking, “What?” but if I become
one I could learn about animals better. Scientists would have to be next to them or set up
cameras to learn about their ways, but I could become any animal I choose to study. I would
learn the ways of the Wolf, or learn how mother Deer protect there young. Since I am
fascinated by animals this would be a very fun, but dangerous, job for me to do.

If I could shapeshift I could have other powers like flying, breathing underwater, and
turning into animals. I could grow wings, or better yet, just turn into a bird! Since I adore the
ocean I could turn into a hungry Shark, a playful Dolphin, or a little, little Fish so I can explore
the Deep Blue. A Shape Shifting power would be like a, “Buy one get one free!” deal.

I have always loved the idea of flying. When I have a dream that I'm flying I think about
that dream and try to experience it again. It feels so real when I'm dreaming. Whenever I go to
bed I always think, “ Please be a flying dream, please be a flying dream!” But if I have a
Shape Shifting power, I could become a bold Eagle, a watchful Owl or an elegant Phoenix.

Having a Shapeshifting superpower would be AMAZING because I could accomplish so

many things with it. I would do anything to be granted this power.
By Megan Sinkar

If you could have any superpower what would it be? For me I would want to have
invisibility. I think it would be able to help me a lot life. I could escape danger, I could
sneak away in the night or day, and I could do good deeds and there is many other
thing I could do with invisibility. So here are some reasons why I would love to have the
power of invisibility.

First of all, danger I would be able to escape danger. Then when my life is in risk
I could run away and no one could be able to see me. Also I could just flee when I am
in a bullying situation. That also means I can cause mischief with invisibility. That would
be cool like to prank someone! Like to go up to someone when it’s snowing and throw
a snowball, he wouldn’t know who did it!

Second, would be sneaking away, I’m already pretty good at sneaking things, but
I could be better if I had invisibility. I mean who doesn’t want to sneak out at night. That
also means I can escape chores that would be amazing! And best of all I could escape
when my mom is angry that would be entertaining. Then if I am mad at someone then I
could glide away myself so win win.

And finally good deeds, I could save people from danger if I am invisible. Also if
other people do good deeds then I could reward them with something. So I could help
animals from going extinct. I could help people in need, like old people. I could be a
hero but nobody would know it was me! That’s amusing just thinking about it.

In conclusion if I could have one superpower in the world it would be invisibility. I

would be able to do many different things than any ordinary humans. I would be able to
do many fun things with the power of invisibility. I could do some fun things or serious
things or mischievous things. I could help people or animals in need, I could sneak
away, and I could escape danger. And that would be majestic!
Time Manipulation
By Callie Spengler

Have you ever wanted to go back in time and change something you said or did?
Well,I know I have. With time manipulation you can stop time and erase all the
miserable thing that you might have done too. Well, that’s called time manipulation.
This power can be very formidable, you can use it to save lives, provide protection, and
be helpful in many ways. With time manipulation, you could be the ruler of time and do
whatever you wish.

Time manipulation can be generously helpful. It is a very strong power. It can

erase things in the past that you regret. You can get away from treacherous and
perilous jobs like grueling chores. You know what to look forward to in the future since
the power includes time travel, and you can always be early and still sleep late. You
can reverse mistakes and undo the past.

If I had time manipulation, I would choose to save people from dangerous

accidents. I could prevent things from happening. Let's say that I am about to get into a
dreadful car accident. Knowing this ahead of time and having the power to travel back
within seconds, could change the domino effect of a totaled car, possibly dead people,
and even the countless consequences that accompanies a serious accident. Also, I
could warn someone from something that might happen that is either good or bad.
Lastly, time manipulation saves lives by being able to freeze time so you can easily get

With time manipulation I could protect myself from anything bad. I can stop time
and get away. Wherever I am, I could go back in time or in the future so I am always
prepared for what's going to happen. Finally, I can protect myself or anybody else by
erasing the past or future to make things better.

In conclusion, time manipulation is the best superpower ever. You can do so

many different things with it: stop time, travel to the future and the past, erase things
that you might regret, and lastly, control everything in time. I would love to have time
manipulation as my superpower, but mostly because I could help save lives and make
the world a better place day by day.
By: Shrina Thakkar

If you could have any superpower what would it be? If Someone gave me a
choice it would be invisibility. I think that it would help a lot in life, here are some
reasons why I chose invisibility out of all the superpowers in the world.

First of all getting out of things easily, I could get out of going to school, danger,
and doing chores. The reason why I would want to refuse going to school is because
school is boring the teachers make you sit in class for like one thousand hours and
make you do so much work. Next, I could get out of being killed easily, I think the right
time to turn invisible is when the person who is trying to kill me is telling their
depressing story about how they became evil. And lastly, easily getting out of doing
chores, whoever loves chores is out of their mind I don’t think anyone hates chores
more than me. If my mom told me to do chores for one whole day I would definitely run
away because chores is basically doing work and my superpower would be broken.

The next thing I could do when I’m invisible is be a rewarder. It’s pretty obvious by
the name, a rewarder is person who rewards things to people for passing things like a
really hard exam (the SOLs) and things like promotions. When people pass a really
hard exam they basically get nothing but a good grade and satisfaction. I’m not saying
that a passing grade is nothing but a good grade is not really a prize and I think that
people that pass a really hard exam they should get something like a prize for doing
really good. Promotions are really good, they mean that you are taking a big step
forward and moving into something more advanced and when you get a promotion all
you get is a few claps and that is just horrible ( in a sassy voice) I think that people
should really get a prize for doing something so good that they move up into advanced
stuff and so that is why I want to be an invisible rewarder.

And lastly, I don’t like being bullied, I don’t think anyone likes being bullied it’s just
wrong and if I’m being bullied in front of like one million people it’s embarrassing and
usually people who are being bullied don’t do anything about it they just stand with a
scared face on so i’ve decided that if I ever get bullied bad then I could try to stand up
for myself and not exactly fight back but kind of argue back with the person and if that
doesn’t work then I could turn invisible and pretend that nothing ever happened and
pretend like everything's normal.

If I ever had a superpower it would be invisibility because I can get out of things easily,
be a rewarder, and if being bullied turn invisible. I think that being invisible is really cool
and awesome and you can get out of things that you don’t want to do.
By Briany Villagomez

If you could choose any superpower, what would you want to have? My chosen superpower
would be the ability to heal. I am the type of person who always wants people and their loved ones
to feel happy. It makes me sad to see people hurt and sick, normal day-to-day problems that many
people have are headaches. People’s headaches can de nitely be wiped away if I had the power to
heal. Also, my friends, family and neighbors who encounter broken bones can immediately have
their health fully restored to them. These are the reasons why I would want to be a super healer.

First of all, if I had a superpower, it would be the ability to heal people in just seconds. With
just a touch, I can make a person feel better and save their life! Also, if I save a person's life then that
would make me feel proud.

Secondly, it will help a person if they are bleeding. It will take an infection away and not keep
on touching it! So if it's bleeding a lot then normally you would get a band-Aids or other objects, but
some people don't have any Band-Aids so then I could come and help that person and they can feel
better than ever! I could make them stop crying by healing them, then they will feel better.

Third of all, it will also help a person if they have headaches. I could take away the pain so
they can go to school, stay home if it is the weekend, or take entertainment classes like karate, art,
and more! I can take away the stress of having a headache so they can do activities during the day.
Also people sometimes do this and take the person to the doctor, but that person can contact me
and I could come straight away! Instead of going to the doctor and wasting their money.

Finally, it could help if someone has an injury like Tala with her ankle. I could heal broken
bones because it would help them walk or move their arm or maybe bathe! I could be a lifesaver
because I help someone that is important and people who need help. I could even take away the pain
because if someone doesn't feel well with there feelings I could help with that too! I should always
use my superpowers, because it’s a good opportunity for helping others.

In conclusion, my superpower is so amazing because it helping people too! I really love

helping people in my class and everyone else! It is amazing helping people because when you help a
person they give you the same respect that you gave them and you feel proud of yourself.
Force Field
By: Jacob Wimmer

My teacher asked the class to pick any superpower we want, and after about fifteen minutes
of research I decided to pick a force field for three reasons. One is total privacy. Two is blocking
annoying people and sounds. Three to have a little fun with pranks. Those are the reasons of my
wish for a force field.

Total privacy is important in my life. No matter where I go I'm being followed. At my house
the only place for privacy is my room but with six people living in our house until summer. the
craziness doesn't end. With a force field no one can get near me or my belongings. Now total
privacy will be all mine.

Annoying people and sounds are a big roadblock to my life. With a force field I can easily
block those people and noises around me. Super loud tailgates, not a problem. Screaming
sisters, taken care of. Windy nights, are now silent nights. Just those times where nothing is
good to be around.Those problems are now gone but only for me.

If somebody is getting on my nerves then I can use my force field for little pranks. The first
one I thought of was the invisible wall. They will act like mimes with the invisible wall trying
to get out. The second one I thought of is for the game tag. People will be trying to get me but
they cannot do it because of the force field. Those are some of many pranks that I can pull.

There are many more things a force field is good for. Those are my main three reasons for
having force field. Now I can block people and sounds like my grandparents or sibling. Maybe
even have a little fun. That is why I want a force field.
By Srija Doma
Have you ever wanted a superpower? I would, if I got to choose I would choose
mind control. I chose this superpower because I thought “what if someone was
keeping a secret from the police because someone came and frightened them” Who
would be there to save them? Three things I could help people with mind control are
to save people, sense and prevent danger, and see if anyone is having any trouble with

First, if I could have mind control I could tell if someone needed help with doing
the right thing because some people try to do the right thing but, end up doing the
wrong thing instead. So then we will not have any things that will make a big change!
And if I had mind control I could probably get to save people. Maybe I could see and
talk to people in their mind who needed help. I could probably talk to them in their
mind and if they live far try to give them directions to get out of that situation safely.

Next, if I had mind control I could tell if someone was in danger. I could read
their mind if there was a crime that they knew about. I could also tell if they had a
problem in their life which I could help them with and if their was a problem which I
was included in, I could try to solve it. And if I was once was in the same place that
they were in I could try to try to help them in a place where they were not allowed to
have people with them, like court.

Last, I could save people’s life. If someone was going to hurt someone I could
warn them about doing the right thing and could of warned the target. If there was a
crime I could stop them. If someone was going to do something dangerous like a
suicide I could try to stop them. I can also save them if someone was going to hurt

And at the beginning you must have thought why I chose this superpower now it
seems like you know why I chose this superpower!

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