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Numbers, Operators & Math

Introduction & Objectives

● Understand the concept of numbers in python
● Understand how to work with basic arithmetic operators
● Understand how to use basic math functions
● Understand how to add comments to your codes
Numbers in Python
Numbers in python
Python has three built-in numeric data types: integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers.

1. An integer is a whole number with no decimal places. E.g 30, 2, -15, 7, -10 etc.

The name for the integer data type is int.

1. A floating-point number, or float for short, is a number with a decimal place. E.g 7.2, -1.2, 10.0 etc.The name
of the floating-point data type is float.
2. Complex numbers

NB: Using the type( ) function we can know the type of the numeric data
Arithmetic operators in Python
Arithmetic operators in python
Operators Meaning uses

+ Addition a + b; 3 + 4 = 7

- Subtraction a - b; 9 - 4 = 5

* Multiplication a * b; 3 * 5 = 15

** Exponential a ** b; 2 ** 2 = 4

/ Division a / b; 8 / 4 = 2.0

// Floor division a // b; 5 // 2 = 2

% Modulus a % b; 5 % 2 = 1

math.sqrt Square root math.sqrt(4) = 2

Comments in Python is the inclusion of short descriptions along with the code to increase its readability. A
developer uses them to write his or her thought process while writing the code. It explains the basic logic behind
why a particular line of code was written. They are just meant for the coders themselves or other developers to
understand a piece of code, especially since the Python interpreter completely ignores comments in Python.
Importance of commenting in python

● Makes the code easily understandable by other programmers

● The code becomes self-explanatory
● Helps remember why we used a specific command, method, or function in the code

Comments in python in done using the hashtag (#); everything after the hashtag is completely ignored by python

x = 5 # x is the variable containing 5

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