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2324 Term 1 Grade 7 – Level I

Computing Final Exam Revision Sheet

Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7-Answer Key

Please be aware that the following questions are not a comprehensive list of questions that students should use to
study for the exam. They are sample questions that students should use to test themselves after they study.

Name: __________________________________ Section: ____

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 1

Chapter 2
1. How can you instruct a computer to perform tasks?
a. By speaking to it
b. By using a programming language
c. By pressing the power button
d. By drawing on the screen

2. What is a programming language made of?

a. Pictures
b. Sounds
c. A set of instructions
d. Mathematical equations

3. Which of the following is an example of a programming language? (select all that apply)
a. Java
b. C++
c. Python
d. C#

4. What is Python classified as in terms of programming languages?

a. Low-level programming language
b. Mid-level programming language
c. High-level programming language
d. Assembly language

5. What is a characteristic of low-level programming languages?

a. They depend on specific computer hardware
b. They are easy to understand
c. They are similar to high-level programming languages
d. They are close in expression to the English language

6. What is a characteristic of high-level programming languages?

a. They depend on specific computer hardware
b. They are challenging to understand
c. They use complex mathematical symbols
d. They are easy to understand and is close in expression to the English language

7. How can you download Python?

a. From a physical store
b. By double-clicking a Python book
c. From
d. By visiting a library

8. What does IDLE stand for in Python?

a. Integrated Development and Learning Environment
b. Interactive Data Language Environment
c. International Data Logging Environment
d. Intelligent Data Loading Environment

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 2

9. What is the purpose of the Python shell?
a. To write long Python programs
b. To write quick Python instructions
c. To open Python books
d. To create variables in the program

10. What does syntax refer to in computer programming?

a. The way people speak to computers
b. The rules that control the structure of words, symbols, and punctuation in programming
c. The user interface of a program
d. The programming language used to develop software

11. When we open the Python shell, we notice the >>>

a. Program
b. Arrows
c. Right
d. Prompt
12. When we press _______, the instruction will be executed, and the operation result will be
13. To find the sum of 5 and 8, we write _____ at the prompt in the Python shell.
a. 13
b. print(“5+8”)
c. Print(5+8)
d. print(5+8)
14. The ________ function in Python displays values on the screen.
a. display
b. print
c. output
d. input
15. When you open Python, the Python __Shell___ will open.
16. Write a Python instruction that would display the result of multiplying 3 by 10. 3*10
17. Write a python instruction that would display the phrase “Study for periodic exam” on
screen. print("Study for periodic exam")

Chapter 3

1. What is the purpose of the Python shell?

a. To write complex computer programs
b. To execute quick Python instructions
c. To store and open Python programs
d. To change Python settings

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 3

2. How can you open the Python Editor?
a. By clicking the Run menu
b. By pressing F5 on the keyboard
c. By going to the File menu in the shell and choosing New File
d. By clicking on the Python Editor

3. What can you do in the Python Editor?

a. Execute quick Python instructions
b. Save and open Python programs
c. Change Python settings
d. Print values in the editor program

4. How do you save a program in the Python Editor?

a. Press F5 on the keyboard
b. Choose Run Module from the Run menu
c. Select Save from the File menu
d. Click the Print button

5. What is the keyboard shortcut to Run the program?

a. F3
b. F5
c. F4
d. F6
6. ________ is a named memory location that can store a value.
a. Value holder
b. Place store
c. Memory
d. Variable

7. A variable name can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. (TRUE / FALSE)
8. We can have only 1 variable in our program. (TRUE / FALSE)
9. A variable name cannot start with a number. (TRUE / FALSE)
10. We can assign a value to a variable only once within the program. (TRUE / FALSE)

11. What does Python not require you to specify when creating variables?
a. Variable name
b. Variable value
c. Data type of the variable
d. Variable location

12. When giving a variable name we must keep in mind that Python is_________.
a. Case-sensitive
b. Case-insensitive
c. Requires numbers at the start
d. Ignores underscores

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 4

13. What does the print function do?
a. Execute Python programs
b. Save Python instructions
c. Output values on the screen
d. Store data in variables

14. How can you print multiple values in a single print statement?
a. By using the input keyword
b. By pressing F5 on the keyboard
c. By separating values with commas
d. By using the print keyword

15. What is used to change the separator in the print function?

a. The print keyword
b. The input keyword
c. The sep keyword
d. The end keyword

16. What keyword is used to read a value from the user in Python?
a. output
b. input
c. display
d. execute

17. Write the following example in a single line:

a. print("Please enter your grade:")
b. Grade = input() _____ Student = input("Please enter your

18. What does it mean Python is a Case-sensitive language?

a. variable A is different from variable A
b. variable b is different from variable b
c. variable C is different from variable C
d. variable D is different from variable d

19. What happens when the user enters a value and presses Enter in an input statement?
a. The value is ignored
b. The value is stored in a variable
c. The program ends
d. The value is displayed on the screen

20. How does Python separate different values by default in the print function?
a. By using the end keyword
b. By using a comma
c. By using a space
d. By using the sep keyword

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 5

21. Which of the following is a data type mentioned in Chapter 3? (select all that apply)
a. int
b. float
c. boolean
d. string

22. What keyword is used to change the end of a line in the print function?
a. sep
b. input
c. end
d. print

23. Fill in the blanks with the right items:

a. float holds ___decimal values__________
b. string holds _____a set of characters______
c. int holds ______integer values________

24. For each of the following values, write next to them I (int), F (float), or S (string) to indicate the
data type.
i. “Hello” _S__ “Computing” _S__
ii. 99.99 _F__ 25.6 _F__
iii. 100 _I__ 0 _I__
iv. “Hi” _S__ “hi 5” _S__
v. -5 _I__ 100.01 _F__

25. How can you add comments to Python code?

a. By using the comments keyword
b. By using the input keyword
c. By starting lines with a #
d. By using the sep keyword

26. What is the purpose of comments in Python?

a. To explain code and make it easier to read
b. To store data
c. To execute code
d. To create variables

27. What keyword is used to start a Python program?

a. execute
b. run
c. start
d. begin

28. Use the following variables in Python code to write a statement that will produce the following
output on the Python shell: “The sum of 20, 40, and 60 is 120.”

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 6

print(“The sum of ”,Num1,”, “,Num2, “ and ”,Num3,” is ”,Sum)

Chapter 4

1. What is an operator in Python?

a. A variable
b. A special symbol for calculations
c. A function
d. A data type

2. What are the values that operators work on called?

a. Functions
b. Operands
c. Variables
d. Constants

3. In the following example: 25 + 65 Operator is __+__, and Operands are _25 and 65__
4. In the following example: 4 * 10 Operator is __*__, and Operands are _4 and 10__

5. Which symbol represents the addition operator in Python?

a. *
b. +
c. /
d. -

6. What does the subtraction operator (-) do?

a. Adds two numbers
b. Multiplies two numbers
c. Divides two numbers
d. Subtracts one number from another

7. What does the modulus operator (%) calculate?

a. The sum of two numbers
b. The product of two numbers
c. The remainder when one number is divided by another
d. The quotient of two numbers

8. How is exponentiation represented in Python?

a. ^
b. **
c. //
d. *

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 7

9. When Python treats input values as strings, what operator is used to concatenate them?
a. +
b. -
c. *
d. /

10. To convert an input string into an integer in Python, what function is used?
a. str()
b. float()
c. int()
d. bool()

11. What is the purpose of assignment operators in Python?

a. To perform mathematical operations
b. To compare values
c. To assign a value to a variable
d. To concatenate strings

12. Which operator is used for addition assignment in Python?

a. +
b. -
c. /
d. +=

13. What do comparison operators return in Python?

a. Correct or Incorrect
b. Good or Wrong
c. True or False
d. Yes or No

14. What does the Greater Than operator (>) checks for?
a. If the left value is greater than the right value
b. If the left value is equal to the right value
c. If the left value is less than the right value
d. If the values are not equal

15. What does the Less Than or Equal To operator (<=) do?
a. Checks if the left value is greater than the right value
b. Determines if the left value is equal to the right value
c. Compares whether the left value is less than or equal to the right value
d. Checks if the values are not equal

16. What operator is used to check if two values are equal in Python?
a. =
b. ===
c. =!
d. ==

17. Which operator checks if two values are not equal in Python?
a. >=
b. <=
c. !=
d. >

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 8

18. What are arithmetic operators used for in Python?
a. Assigning values to variables
b. Comparing values
c. Performing mathematical operations
d. Converting strings to integers

19. How is exponentiation represented in Python (power)?

a. ^
b. **
c. //
d. *

20. What is the purpose of comparison operators in Python?

a. To assign values to variables
b. To perform mathematical operations
c. To compare values and return True or False
d. To convert strings to integers

21. If Num1 = 12 and Num2 = 4, then the value of after using the operation Num1 /=Num2 is _______
a. Num1= 4.0
b. Num1= 3.0
c. Num2= 3.0
d. Num2= 4.0

22. If Num1 = 5 and Num2 = 3, what would be the value of Num3, if Num3= Num1**Num2?
a. Num3= 125.0
b. Num3= 3.0
c. Num3= 5.0
d. Num3= 243.0

23. If Num1 = 3 and Num2 = 4, what would be the value if Num1**= Num2?
a. Num1= 81
b. Num2= 81
c. Num1= 9
d. Num1= 12

Chapter 5:

1. A(n) ____________ statement checks a condition, or more and chooses which sets of instructions to
execute accordingly.
i. Conditional
ii. Sequential
iii. Repetition
iv. Programming

2. ____________statements are statements that are executed one after the other, in sequence.
i. Conditional
ii. Sequential
iii. Repetition
iv. Programming

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 9

3. Which of the following are the commonly used conditional statements in Python? (Select all that apply.)
i. if
ii. print
iii. if-else
iv. if-elif-else

4. To display an error message if the user entered a value less than zero. We can use the ________
conditional statement.
i. if
ii. if-else
iii. if-elif-else
iv. any of the above

5. I want to check the value the user entered. If it is more than 100, I display an "Invalid number"
message. Otherwise, I display a "welcome" message. I need to use the _______ conditional statement.
i. if
ii. if-else
iii. if-elif-else
iv. any of the above

6. I need to check the results of students, and depending on their percentage, I need to inform them if they
got an A, B, C, D, or F grade. I would use the ____________ conditional statement.
i. if
ii. if-else
iii. if-elif-else
iv. any of the above

7. ____conditional____ statements used for choosing between a set of instructions to execute, depending
on values in the program.

8. What will be the output of the following code?

X = 10
if (X<15)
a. 10
b. 15
c. wrong
d. Wrong

9. What will be the output of the following Python program?

x = 10
if x > 5:
print("x is greater than 5")
a. 5 is greater than x
b. x is greater than 5
c. x is less than 5
d. 5 is less than x

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 10

10. What will be the output of the following python program?
a. "You are an adult. "
b. "You are a minor."
c. You are an adult.
d. You are a minor.

11. What will be the output of the following Python program if A is 20?

12. What will be the output of the following Python program if A = 10?


13. What do you need to do to statements inside the if condition so that they are considered as one block,
grouped inside the conditional statement?
e. Move to the left side.
f. Indent instructions.
g. Make first latter capital.
h. Nothing.

14. What will be the output of the following python program if the value A=17

Not allowed

15. What will be the output of the following python program if the value A=22

on board

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 11

16. What will be the output of the following python program if the value is:
Value: Output:
58 F
99 A
76 C
70 D
69 D

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 12

Chapter 6:
1. In Python, the _________ is a feature that allows the programmer to draw diagrams.
a. draw
b. turtle
c. paint
d. snake
2. Write the Python statement that would import the turtle into a Python program.
a. add turtle
b. import turtle
c. turtle import
d. turtle()

3. Which of the following statements is used to declare a variable named Bunny that we can use
to manipulate the turtle?
a. myTurtle = turtle.Turtle()
b. Turtle = turtle.Turtle()
c. Bunny = turtle.Turtle()
d. turtle.Turtle() = Bunny

4. The ________ function will make the turtle turn counterclockwise.

a. up
b. down
c. right
d. left

5. The ________ function will make the turtle turn clockwise.

a. up
b. down
c. right
d. left

6. Which instruction is used to make the turtle stop leaving a trace as it moves? ___penup()____

7. Python instruction that would move the turtle 250 steps to the front.
a. import turtle
b. X = turtle.Turtle()
c. X.forward(250)___

8. The _________ function will make the turtle go to a specific X and Y coordinate.
a. xy()
b. goto()
c. goxy()
d. jump()

9. The__________ function will make the turtle change the pen color.
a. penup()
b. pendown()
c. goto()
d. color()

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 13

10. In Python, speed(1) means that turtle will go very ___slow______, and speed(10) means that
turtle will move very ____fast____. If we want to see a drawing directly, we will choose

11. The_______________ function will make the turtle move back.

a. reverse
b. backward
c. back
d. turn(180)
12. If we want turtle to continue leaving the trace, we need to add instruction: __pendown()___

13. Python instruction that would turn the turtle 90 degrees clockwise.

14. Python instruction that would turn the turtle 60 degrees counter-clockwise.

Chapter 7:
1. A ___________is a group of computers connected together to communicate and share
a. connected network
b. computer network
c. wifi network
d. internet network
2. The ___________is a group of computer networks that provide different services to users.
a. Website
b. Network
d. Internet
3. ____________allows users to access a remote computer connected to the internet.
a. Telnet
b. FTP
c. WWW
d. E-mail
4. ________allows users to search for information on different websites.
a. Telnet
b. FTP
c. WWW
d. E-mail

5. A(n) _______ allows users to send and receive files that are too big to fit to be attached to an e-
a. Telnet
b. FTP
c. WWW

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 14

d. E-mail

6. A(n) _________ is a group of connected pages that contain information about a specific topic.
a. Web page
b. Web browser
c. Web internet
d. Web site
7. ___________ allows users to chat in real time and both people need to be online at the same
a. WWW
b. FTP
c. Instant Messaging
d. Telnet
8. ___________ allows users to send and receive messages that include text, videos, pictures, or
other file types.
a. Telnet
b. FTP
c. WWW
d. E-mail
9. ________ is an offensive process that aims to steal or damage important data.
a. Cybersecurity
b. Cyberattack
c. Cyberbullying
d. Cybernetwork
10. ________ is a process in which hackers pretend to be a trusted contact and trick internet users
into sending important information.
a. Phishing
b. Malware
c. Virus
d. Application software
11. Computer experts are known as? __Hackers____
12. Cyberattacks can target:
a. Individuals
b. Institutions
c. Both of above
13. __________are hackers whose aim is to improve the security of the computer network.
a. White hats
b. Black hats
c. Gray hats
d. All the above
14. ____________ illegally access the network to cause damage or steal important data.
a. White hats
b. Black hats
c. Gray hats
d. All the above

15. What does FTP stand for? _____File Transfer Protocol________

16. What does WWW stand for? ____World Wide Web_______

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 15

17. What does E-mail stand for? ____Electronic Mail_______
18. What does IM stand for? ____Instant Messaging________

19. Application 20. 21. Ensures data integrity and confidentiality.

22. Network 23. 24. Ensures that network connectivity is available and
security that hackers cannot access the network’s resources.
25. Information 26. 27. Ensures that software is running properly and as
security intended.

Date 08-11-2023| Level I | 16

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