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The lion is called the king of the

forest. He is big and strong. So,

the smaller animals are afraid of
him except his wife, Queen
One morning, the king of the
forest was in his irritable mood.
His wife, the Queen had said
something he did not like. Queen
Lioness had told King Lion that
his breath was unpleasant. So,
King called animals.
First he called the sheep.
"Friend Sheep,” opening wide his
big mouth, “Would you say that
my breath smells unpleasant?”
Believing that the lion wanted
an honest answer, the sheep gave
it, and the king bit off his head.
King Lion was very angry.
He roared and called the goat.
“Mr. Goat, tell me the truth. Do I
have a bad smell? Do I have bad
breath?”The goat saw the sheep’s meat
and bones. He was afraid of the lion.
So the goat said, “Why, your
Majesty, you have a breath as sweet
as the roses in the garden”. Before he
could finish, the goat was torn to
pieces. “I do not like liars,” roared
king Lion.
At last, the lion called the horse.
The horse walked slowly. He
looked sick. He coughed and
“Friend horse, tell me the truth.
Queen Lioness said I have a bad
breath. She said I have a bad smell.
Is it true?” The horse coughed and
coughed. Then he said softly, “King
Lion, I have a bad cold. It rained
hard while I was carrying crops for
my master. I think I also have a head
cold. So I cannot smell at all. I am
sorry; I cannot answer your
question”. King Lion nodded , “Go
home and rest. Get well soon.”
1. What did the queen tell the king?
2. How did the king feel about this?
3. Do you like what the Queen was
4. Why did the King call the
5. Who was called first?
6. What happened to him?
7. Do you think the sheep did right?
Is it good to tell the truth?
8. What was the goat’s answer when
the king asked him?
9. What happened to the goat?
10. Why did the king kill him?
11. What was the answer of the horse
when he was asked by the King?
12. Why do you think the king didn’t
hurt the horse?
13. If you were the king, would you
do the same?
14. If you were one of the animals,
how would you answer the king’s
15What do you feel when someone
doesn’t tell you the truth?

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