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Our application will launch in January

2. After our app launches, in the first quarter
we will focus on getting new users. We'll do
this through a variety of marketing to
increase brand awareness.
In the second quarter, we will do surveys and
direct communication to collect user
feedback. Based on the feedback and after
analysing the data, we will prioritize and
implement feature enhancements or new
functionality and continuously monitor and
improve application performance.
At the same time, we will monitor
competitors, which helps identify trends,
opportunities, and areas where the app can
stand out.
In the third quarter, we will measure the
customer's feedback after we develop the
new version.
In the last quarter, we will conduct target
marketing campaigns, including promotions,
special events, or seasonal offers, and
interact with users through social media,
forums, or the app itself, which can foster a
sense of belonging and loyalty.
Post-launch growth is an ongoing process,
and our app developers and team adapt to
changing market conditions, user
preferences, and industry trends to maintain
and maximize growth.

We need an investment and the amount of

money is 1 million Baht to further develop the
application and create more opportunities to
increase sales. The investor will get 10% in
return after one year in every last quarter.

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