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Language Test C

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

1 [Track 2] Posłuchaj nagrania i wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.
 orange juice
 toast, butter and 0 jam / honey, 1 eggs / sausages
 2 bread / pasta with tomatoes and cheese
 3 fruit / vegetables
 chicken and a 4 lettuce / salad
 5 pancakes / ice cream with strawberries
______ / 5
2 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij słowa końcówkami z ramek.
-icken -ausages -ips -ice

0 1 2 3
chicken r_____________ s_____________ ch_____________

-ugar -eese - awberries

4 5 6
str_____________ ch_____________ s_____________

______ / 6

English Class A1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Language Test C

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

3 Zakreśl słowa, które nie pasują do podanych kategorii.

0 Vegetables: tomatoes / potatoes / toast
1 Fruit: apples / oranges / pancakes
2 Food from plants: cereal / milk / bread
3 Food from animals: pasta / ham / meat
4 Food from the sea: fish / tuna / yoghurt
______ / 4
4 Uzupełnij słowa końcówkami z ramki.
-acket -an -arton -ar -ottle

0 There isn’t any juice in the carton.

1 Please buy a c_____________ of cola from the supermarket.
2 There’s a b_____________ of water in the fridge.
3 Is there a j_____________ of strawberry jam in the cupboard?
4 Let’s buy a p_____________ of biscuits for tea.
______ / 4
5 Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.
Chocolate mousse
You need:
0 a / – milk
1 a / – chocolate
2 a / an egg
3 a / – flour
4 an / – sugar
5 a / – lemon
______ / 5

English Class A1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Language Test C

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

6 Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramek.

a many some

Izzie: I’m hungry!

Andy: There are 0 some biscuits in the cupboard.
Izzie: How 1 _______ biscuits are there?
Andy: Four.
Izzie: Is there 2 _______ carton of apple juice?
Andy: No, there isn’t.

a lot any much some

Izzie: Is there 3 _______ yoghurt?

Andy: No, there isn’t, but there’s 4 _______ milk.
Izzie: How 5 _______ milk is there?
Andy: There’s 6 _______ of milk! We can make milkshakes!
______ / 6
7 Ułoż zdania w poprawnej kolejności, aby utworzyć dialog.
a And would you like anything to drink? ____
b Anything else? ____
c Are you ready to order? What would you like? _1_
d No, thank you. ____
e Yes, please. I’d like a glass of cola, please. ____
f Can I have the pancakes, please? ____
______ / 5

English Class A1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Language Test C

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

8 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij zdania.

0 Some students don’t have breakfast before school.

1 ______________ students have problems during lessons.

2 In breakfast clubs students can have a ______________ breakfast.

3 Students often have dairy products, like milk or ______________.

4 Children can ______________ together at a breakfast club.

5 Children who have breakfast at school are never ______________ for classes.

______ / 5

School breakfast clubs

0 Mornings are usually difficult for school children. Children often haven’t got time to eat

1 They arrive at school hungry and have problems during lessons.
2 In some schools there are breakfast clubs. Students can have a quick breakfast

3 They can have cereal with milk or yoghurt, sandwiches and toast with jam or ham,

and some fruit (usually apples or bananas). They drink tea or mineral water.
4 After breakfast in the club, the children usually have some time to play and have a

chat with their friends before they start their lessons.

5 Breakfast at school helps children start a day with a smile. They are also never late

for classes – they are already at school.

English Class A1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

Language Test C

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

9 Przeczytaj zadanie i napisz tekst.
Write 5 sentences about the food you eat. Use the questions to help you.

1 What do you have for breakfast?

2 What do you have for lunch?

3 What do you have for dinner?

4 What do you eat at the weekend?

5 What food don’t you like?

1 For breakfast, I have ________________________________________________

2 For lunch, I have ___________________________________________________

3 For dinner, I have __________________________________________________

4 At the weekend, I eat _______________________________________________

5 I don’t like ________________________________________________________

______ / 5
Total: ______ / 45

English Class A1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

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