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Questionnaire burn out maslach

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questionnaire free download. Maslach job burnout questionnaire. What is maslach burnout inventory. What is maslach burnout theory. Questionnaire burnout maslach. Burnout questionnaire maslach pdf.

What is the relationship between the MBI scales?The following answer is from Leiter, M. P., & Maslach, C. (2016). Latent burnout profiles: A new approach to understanding the burnout experience. Burnout Research, 3, 89-100The first phase of research on the phenomenon of burnout involved a lot of exploratory, qualitative field studies, which
amassed many descriptions of the burnout phenomenon based on observations, interviews, case studies, and personal experience. Based on this exploratory work, psychometric research was carried out to establish a method for assessing the burnout experience. That research identified three basic dimensions: exhaustion (also described as wearing
out, loss of energy, depletion, debilitation, and fatigue); feelings of cynicism and detachment from the job (also described as depersonalization, negative or inappropriate attitudes, detached concern, irritability, loss of idealism, and withdrawal); and a sense of professional inefficacy and lack of accomplishment (also described as reduced productivity
or capability, low morale, and an inability to cope). The measure that emerged from that psychometric research was the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which assessed these three dimensions and has been used in many research studies over the years.The potential of having three interrelated dimensions of burnout was first discussed in terms of a
sequence of stages over time.

Questionnaire burnout maslach. Burnout questionnaire maslach pdf.

What is the relationship between the MBI scales?The following answer is from Leiter, M. P., & Maslach, C. (2016). Latent burnout profiles: A new approach to understanding the burnout experience. Burnout Research, 3, 89-100The first phase of research on the phenomenon of burnout involved a lot of exploratory, qualitative field studies, which
amassed many descriptions of the burnout phenomenon based on observations, interviews, case studies, and personal experience. Based on this exploratory work, psychometric research was carried out to establish a method for assessing the burnout experience. That research identified three basic dimensions: exhaustion (also described as wearing
out, loss of energy, depletion, debilitation, and fatigue); feelings of cynicism and detachment from the job (also described as depersonalization, negative or inappropriate attitudes, detached concern, irritability, loss of idealism, and withdrawal); and a sense of professional inefficacy and lack of accomplishment (also described as reduced productivity
or capability, low morale, and an inability to cope). The measure that emerged from that psychometric research was the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which assessed these three dimensions and has been used in many research studies over the years.The potential of having three interrelated dimensions of burnout was first discussed in terms of a
sequence of stages over time. For example, the transactional model of burnout proposed a first stage of an imbalance between work demands and individual resources (job stressors), a second stage of an emotional response of exhaustion and anxiety (individual strain), and a third stage of changes in attitudes and behavior, such as greater cynicism
(defensive coping). A process model, which emerged from the earlier qualitative work, proposed a first stage of emotional exhaustion, in response to work demands that taxed people’s emotional resources; a second stage of depersonalization, as people tried to cope by withdrawal and negative, cynical reactions; and a third stage of reduced personal
accomplishment, when people began to experience inefficacy and failure.
Maslach job burnout questionnaire. What is maslach burnout inventory. What is maslach burnout theory.
Questionnaire burnout maslach. Burnout questionnaire maslach pdf.

What is the relationship between the MBI scales?The following answer is from Leiter, M. P., & Maslach, C. (2016). Latent burnout profiles: A new approach to understanding the burnout experience. Burnout Research, 3, 89-100The first phase of research on the phenomenon of burnout involved a lot of exploratory, qualitative field studies, which
amassed many descriptions of the burnout phenomenon based on observations, interviews, case studies, and personal experience. Based on this exploratory work, psychometric research was carried out to establish a method for assessing the burnout experience. That research identified three basic dimensions: exhaustion (also described as wearing
out, loss of energy, depletion, debilitation, and fatigue); feelings of cynicism and detachment from the job (also described as depersonalization, negative or inappropriate attitudes, detached concern, irritability, loss of idealism, and withdrawal); and a sense of professional inefficacy and lack of accomplishment (also described as reduced productivity
or capability, low morale, and an inability to cope). The measure that emerged from that psychometric research was the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which assessed these three dimensions and has been used in many research studies over the years.The potential of having three interrelated dimensions of burnout was first discussed in terms of a
sequence of stages over time. For example, the transactional model of burnout proposed a first stage of an imbalance between work demands and individual resources (job stressors), a second stage of an emotional response of exhaustion and anxiety (individual strain), and a third stage of changes in attitudes and behavior, such as greater cynicism
(defensive coping). A process model, which emerged from the earlier qualitative work, proposed a first stage of emotional exhaustion, in response to work demands that taxed people’s emotional resources; a second stage of depersonalization, as people tried to cope by withdrawal and negative, cynical reactions; and a third stage of reduced personal
accomplishment, when people began to experience inefficacy and failure. A third approach was the phase model, in which the three burnout dimensions were split into high and low categories, yielding eight different patterns, or phases, of burnout. The phase model hypothesized that cynicism is the early minimum phase of burnout, followed by the
additions of inefficacy, and finally by exhaustion.What is noteworthy about all of these early approaches is the explicit assumption that people could experience various patterns of burnout, which might change at different points in time. However, the potential of these varying patterns has not been exploited very much in the more recent empirical
If anything, there has been a move towards simplifying burnout to a one-dimensional construct of exhaustion.
Exhaustion is often considered the strongest, primary element of burnout, and thus a suitable proxy for the entire phenomenon. A single dimension is easier to measure, and exhaustion is easier to fit within existing systems of medical diagnosis and disability. But a focus on just exhaustion may ignore other aspects of the burnout experience, which go
beyond chronic fatigue. People experiencing burnout are not simply exhausted or overwhelmed by their workload. They also have lost a psychological connection with their work, which has implications for their motivation and their identity. The cynicism and inefficacy aspects of burnout capture both people’s disaffection with work and a crisis in
their work-based efficacy expectations.The three dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy do not always move in lock-step, which means that they are not so highly correlated as to constitute a single, one-dimensional phenomenon. The advantage of such distinct, but interrelated, burnout dimensions is that there could be several different
patterns that are shown by people at varying times. In some instances, due to situational factors or personal qualities or their interaction, distinct patterns could emerge. Identifying these intermediate patterns would allow a clearer definition of the entire territory between the negative state of burnout and the positive state of engagement. For
example, it may be that some people maintain a neutral stance towards work, experiencing neither joy nor despair. The exceptionally motivated condition of engagement might stand in contrast to both a humdrum existence as well as to chronic distress. Other person-centered patterns may identify distinct forms of distress, of which burnout
represents only one particularly grievous state. Some progress on this point has been made by contrasting burnout and engagement with workaholism, suggesting the potential for further conceptual development. InventoryMaslach Burnout InventoryPurposeintrospective psychological inventory pertaining to occupational burnout The Maslach
Burnout Inventory (MBI) is a psychological assessment instrument comprising 22 symptom items pertaining to occupational burnout.[1] The original form of the MBI was developed by Christina Maslach and Susan E. Jackson with the goal of assessing an individual's experience of burnout.[2] As underlined by Schaufeli (2003), a major figure of
burnout research, "the MBI is neither grounded in firm clinical observation nor based on sound theorising. Instead, it has been developed inductively by factor-analysing a rather arbitrary set of items" (p. 3).[3] The instrument takes 10 minutes to complete.[4] The MBI measures three dimensions of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization,[a]
and personal accomplishment.[1] Following the publication of the MBI in 1981, new versions of the MBI were gradually developed to apply to different groups and different settings.[1] There are now five versions of the MBI: Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS), Human Services Survey for Medical Personnel (MBI-HSS (MP)), Educators Survey (MBI-
ES), General Survey (MBI-GS),[5] and General Survey for Students (MBI-GS [S]).[1] Two meta-analyses of primary studies that report sample-specific reliability estimates for the three MBI scales found that emotional exhaustion scale has good enough reliability; however, reliability is problematic regarding depersonalization and personal
accomplishment scales.[6][7] Research based on the job demands-resources (JD-R) model[8] indicates that the emotional exhaustion, the core of burnout, is directly related to demands and inversely related to the extensiveness of resources.[9][10][11] The MBI has been validated for human services populations,[12][13][14][15] educator populations,
[16][17][18] and general work populations.[19][20][21][22][23] The MBI is often combined with the Areas of Worklife Survey (AWS) to assess levels of burnout and worklife context.[24] Uses of the Maslach Burnout Inventory[4] Assess professional burnout in human service, education, business, and government professions. Assess and validate the
three-dimensional structure of burnout. Understand the nature of burnout for developing effective interventions. Maslach Burnout Inventory Scales[1] Emotional Exhaustion (EE) The 9-item Emotional Exhaustion (EE) scale measures feelings of being emotionally overextended and exhausted by one's work. Higher scores correspond to greater
experienced burnout.
This scale is used in the MBI-HSS, MBI-HSS (MP), and MBI-ES versions. The MBI-GS and MBI-GS (S) use a shorter 5-item version of this scale called "Exhaustion". Depersonalization (DP) The 5-item Depersonalization (DP) scale measures an unfeeling and impersonal response toward recipients of one's service, care, treatment, or instruction. Higher
scores indicate higher degrees of experienced burnout.
This scale is used in the MBI-HSS, MBI-HSS (MP) and the MBI-ES versions. Personal Accomplishment (PA) The 8-item Personal Accomplishment (PA) scale measures feelings of competence and successful achievement in one's work.

What is maslach burnout inventory. What is maslach burnout theory. Questionnaire burnout maslach.
Burnout questionnaire maslach pdf.

What is the relationship between the MBI scales?The following answer is from Leiter, M. P., & Maslach, C. (2016). Latent burnout profiles: A new approach to understanding the burnout experience. Burnout Research, 3, 89-100The first phase of research on the phenomenon of burnout involved a lot of exploratory, qualitative field studies, which
amassed many descriptions of the burnout phenomenon based on observations, interviews, case studies, and personal experience. Based on this exploratory work, psychometric research was carried out to establish a method for assessing the burnout experience. That research identified three basic dimensions: exhaustion (also described as wearing
out, loss of energy, depletion, debilitation, and fatigue); feelings of cynicism and detachment from the job (also described as depersonalization, negative or inappropriate attitudes, detached concern, irritability, loss of idealism, and withdrawal); and a sense of professional inefficacy and lack of accomplishment (also described as reduced productivity
or capability, low morale, and an inability to cope). The measure that emerged from that psychometric research was the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which assessed these three dimensions and has been used in many research studies over the years.The potential of having three interrelated dimensions of burnout was first discussed in terms of a
sequence of stages over time. For example, the transactional model of burnout proposed a first stage of an imbalance between work demands and individual resources (job stressors), a second stage of an emotional response of exhaustion and anxiety (individual strain), and a third stage of changes in attitudes and behavior, such as greater cynicism
(defensive coping). A process model, which emerged from the earlier qualitative work, proposed a first stage of emotional exhaustion, in response to work demands that taxed people’s emotional resources; a second stage of depersonalization, as people tried to cope by withdrawal and negative, cynical reactions; and a third stage of reduced personal
accomplishment, when people began to experience inefficacy and failure. A third approach was the phase model, in which the three burnout dimensions were split into high and low categories, yielding eight different patterns, or phases, of burnout. The phase model hypothesized that cynicism is the early minimum phase of burnout, followed by the
additions of inefficacy, and finally by exhaustion.What is noteworthy about all of these early approaches is the explicit assumption that people could experience various patterns of burnout, which might change at different points in time. However, the potential of these varying patterns has not been exploited very much in the more recent empirical
literature. If anything, there has been a move towards simplifying burnout to a one-dimensional construct of exhaustion. Exhaustion is often considered the strongest, primary element of burnout, and thus a suitable proxy for the entire phenomenon. A single dimension is easier to measure, and exhaustion is easier to fit within existing systems of
medical diagnosis and disability. But a focus on just exhaustion may ignore other aspects of the burnout experience, which go beyond chronic fatigue. People experiencing burnout are not simply exhausted or overwhelmed by their workload. They also have lost a psychological connection with their work, which has implications for their motivation and
their identity. The cynicism and inefficacy aspects of burnout capture both people’s disaffection with work and a crisis in their work-based efficacy expectations.The three dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy do not always move in lock-step, which means that they are not so highly correlated as to constitute a single, one-dimensional
phenomenon. The advantage of such distinct, but interrelated, burnout dimensions is that there could be several different patterns that are shown by people at varying times. In some instances, due to situational factors or personal qualities or their interaction, distinct patterns could emerge. Identifying these intermediate patterns would allow a
clearer definition of the entire territory between the negative state of burnout and the positive state of engagement. For example, it may be that some people maintain a neutral stance towards work, experiencing neither joy nor despair. The exceptionally motivated condition of engagement might stand in contrast to both a humdrum existence as well
as to chronic distress. Other person-centered patterns may identify distinct forms of distress, of which burnout represents only one particularly grievous state. Some progress on this point has been made by contrasting burnout and engagement with workaholism, suggesting the potential for further conceptual development.
InventoryMaslach Burnout InventoryPurposeintrospective psychological inventory pertaining to occupational burnout The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is a psychological assessment instrument comprising 22 symptom items pertaining to occupational burnout.[1] The original form of the MBI was developed by Christina Maslach and Susan E.
Jackson with the goal of assessing an individual's experience of burnout.[2] As underlined by Schaufeli (2003), a major figure of burnout research, "the MBI is neither grounded in firm clinical observation nor based on sound theorising. Instead, it has been developed inductively by factor-analysing a rather arbitrary set of items" (p. 3).[3] The
instrument takes 10 minutes to complete.[4] The MBI measures three dimensions of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization,[a] and personal accomplishment.[1] Following the publication of the MBI in 1981, new versions of the MBI were gradually developed to apply to different groups and different settings.[1] There are now five versions
of the MBI: Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS), Human Services Survey for Medical Personnel (MBI-HSS (MP)), Educators Survey (MBI-ES), General Survey (MBI-GS),[5] and General Survey for Students (MBI-GS [S]).[1] Two meta-analyses of primary studies that report sample-specific reliability estimates for the three MBI scales found that
emotional exhaustion scale has good enough reliability; however, reliability is problematic regarding depersonalization and personal accomplishment scales.[6][7] Research based on the job demands-resources (JD-R) model[8] indicates that the emotional exhaustion, the core of burnout, is directly related to demands and inversely related to the
extensiveness of resources.[9][10][11] The MBI has been validated for human services populations,[12][13][14][15] educator populations,[16][17][18] and general work populations.[19][20][21][22][23] The MBI is often combined with the Areas of Worklife Survey (AWS) to assess levels of burnout and worklife context.[24] Uses of the Maslach Burnout
Inventory[4] Assess professional burnout in human service, education, business, and government professions. Assess and validate the three-dimensional structure of burnout.

P., & Maslach, C. (2016). Latent burnout profiles: A new approach to understanding the burnout experience. Burnout Research, 3, 89-100The first phase of research on the phenomenon of burnout involved a lot of exploratory, qualitative field studies, which amassed many descriptions of the burnout phenomenon based on observations, interviews,
case studies, and personal experience. Based on this exploratory work, psychometric research was carried out to establish a method for assessing the burnout experience. That research identified three basic dimensions: exhaustion (also described as wearing out, loss of energy, depletion, debilitation, and fatigue); feelings of cynicism and detachment
from the job (also described as depersonalization, negative or inappropriate attitudes, detached concern, irritability, loss of idealism, and withdrawal); and a sense of professional inefficacy and lack of accomplishment (also described as reduced productivity or capability, low morale, and an inability to cope). The measure that emerged from that
psychometric research was the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which assessed these three dimensions and has been used in many research studies over the years.The potential of having three interrelated dimensions of burnout was first discussed in terms of a sequence of stages over time. For example, the transactional model of burnout proposed
a first stage of an imbalance between work demands and individual resources (job stressors), a second stage of an emotional response of exhaustion and anxiety (individual strain), and a third stage of changes in attitudes and behavior, such as greater cynicism (defensive coping). A process model, which emerged from the earlier qualitative work,
proposed a first stage of emotional exhaustion, in response to work demands that taxed people’s emotional resources; a second stage of depersonalization, as people tried to cope by withdrawal and negative, cynical reactions; and a third stage of reduced personal accomplishment, when people began to experience inefficacy and failure. A third
approach was the phase model, in which the three burnout dimensions were split into high and low categories, yielding eight different patterns, or phases, of burnout. The phase model hypothesized that cynicism is the early minimum phase of burnout, followed by the additions of inefficacy, and finally by exhaustion.What is noteworthy about all of
these early approaches is the explicit assumption that people could experience various patterns of burnout, which might change at different points in time. However, the potential of these varying patterns has not been exploited very much in the more recent empirical literature. If anything, there has been a move towards simplifying burnout to a one-
dimensional construct of exhaustion. Exhaustion is often considered the strongest, primary element of burnout, and thus a suitable proxy for the entire phenomenon. A single dimension is easier to measure, and exhaustion is easier to fit within existing systems of medical diagnosis and disability. But a focus on just exhaustion may ignore other aspects
of the burnout experience, which go beyond chronic fatigue. People experiencing burnout are not simply exhausted or overwhelmed by their workload. They also have lost a psychological connection with their work, which has implications for their motivation and their identity. The cynicism and inefficacy aspects of burnout capture both people’s
disaffection with work and a crisis in their work-based efficacy expectations.The three dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy do not always move in lock-step, which means that they are not so highly correlated as to constitute a single, one-dimensional phenomenon. The advantage of such distinct, but interrelated, burnout dimensions is
that there could be several different patterns that are shown by people at varying times. In some instances, due to situational factors or personal qualities or their interaction, distinct patterns could emerge. Identifying these intermediate patterns would allow a clearer definition of the entire territory between the negative state of burnout and the
positive state of engagement.
For example, it may be that some people maintain a neutral stance towards work, experiencing neither joy nor despair. The exceptionally motivated condition of engagement might stand in contrast to both a humdrum existence as well as to chronic distress. Other person-centered patterns may identify distinct forms of distress, of which burnout
represents only one particularly grievous state. Some progress on this point has been made by contrasting burnout and engagement with workaholism, suggesting the potential for further conceptual development. InventoryMaslach Burnout InventoryPurposeintrospective psychological inventory pertaining to occupational burnout The Maslach
Burnout Inventory (MBI) is a psychological assessment instrument comprising 22 symptom items pertaining to occupational burnout.[1] The original form of the MBI was developed by Christina Maslach and Susan E. Jackson with the goal of assessing an individual's experience of burnout.[2] As underlined by Schaufeli (2003), a major figure of
burnout research, "the MBI is neither grounded in firm clinical observation nor based on sound theorising. Instead, it has been developed inductively by factor-analysing a rather arbitrary set of items" (p. 3).[3] The instrument takes 10 minutes to complete.[4] The MBI measures three dimensions of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization,[a]
and personal accomplishment.[1] Following the publication of the MBI in 1981, new versions of the MBI were gradually developed to apply to different groups and different settings.[1] There are now five versions of the MBI: Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS), Human Services Survey for Medical Personnel (MBI-HSS (MP)), Educators Survey (MBI-
ES), General Survey (MBI-GS),[5] and General Survey for Students (MBI-GS [S]).[1] Two meta-analyses of primary studies that report sample-specific reliability estimates for the three MBI scales found that emotional exhaustion scale has good enough reliability; however, reliability is problematic regarding depersonalization and personal
accomplishment scales.[6][7] Research based on the job demands-resources (JD-R) model[8] indicates that the emotional exhaustion, the core of burnout, is directly related to demands and inversely related to the extensiveness of resources.[9][10][11] The MBI has been validated for human services populations,[12][13][14][15] educator populations,
[16][17][18] and general work populations.[19][20][21][22][23] The MBI is often combined with the Areas of Worklife Survey (AWS) to assess levels of burnout and worklife context.[24] Uses of the Maslach Burnout Inventory[4] Assess professional burnout in human service, education, business, and government professions. Assess and validate the
three-dimensional structure of burnout. Understand the nature of burnout for developing effective interventions. Maslach Burnout Inventory Scales[1] Emotional Exhaustion (EE) The 9-item Emotional Exhaustion (EE) scale measures feelings of being emotionally overextended and exhausted by one's work. Higher scores correspond to greater
experienced burnout. This scale is used in the MBI-HSS, MBI-HSS (MP), and MBI-ES versions. The MBI-GS and MBI-GS (S) use a shorter 5-item version of this scale called "Exhaustion". Depersonalization (DP) The 5-item Depersonalization (DP) scale measures an unfeeling and impersonal response toward recipients of one's service, care, treatment,
or instruction. Higher scores indicate higher degrees of experienced burnout. This scale is used in the MBI-HSS, MBI-HSS (MP) and the MBI-ES versions. Personal Accomplishment (PA) The 8-item Personal Accomplishment (PA) scale measures feelings of competence and successful achievement in one's work. Lower scores correspond to greater
experienced burnout.
Is maslach burnout inventory free. Maslach burnout inventory questionnaire free download. Maslach job burnout questionnaire. What is maslach burnout inventory. What is maslach burnout theory.
Questionnaire burnout maslach. Burnout questionnaire maslach pdf.

What is the relationship between the MBI scales?The following answer is from Leiter, M. P., & Maslach, C. (2016). Latent burnout profiles: A new approach to understanding the burnout experience. Burnout Research, 3, 89-100The first phase of research on the phenomenon of burnout involved a lot of exploratory, qualitative field studies, which
amassed many descriptions of the burnout phenomenon based on observations, interviews, case studies, and personal experience. Based on this exploratory work, psychometric research was carried out to establish a method for assessing the burnout experience. That research identified three basic dimensions: exhaustion (also described as wearing
out, loss of energy, depletion, debilitation, and fatigue); feelings of cynicism and detachment from the job (also described as depersonalization, negative or inappropriate attitudes, detached concern, irritability, loss of idealism, and withdrawal); and a sense of professional inefficacy and lack of accomplishment (also described as reduced productivity
or capability, low morale, and an inability to cope). The measure that emerged from that psychometric research was the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which assessed these three dimensions and has been used in many research studies over the years.The potential of having three interrelated dimensions of burnout was first discussed in terms of a
sequence of stages over time. For example, the transactional model of burnout proposed a first stage of an imbalance between work demands and individual resources (job stressors), a second stage of an emotional response of exhaustion and anxiety (individual strain), and a third stage of changes in attitudes and behavior, such as greater cynicism
(defensive coping). A process model, which emerged from the earlier qualitative work, proposed a first stage of emotional exhaustion, in response to work demands that taxed people’s emotional resources; a second stage of depersonalization, as people tried to cope by withdrawal and negative, cynical reactions; and a third stage of reduced personal
accomplishment, when people began to experience inefficacy and failure. A third approach was the phase model, in which the three burnout dimensions were split into high and low categories, yielding eight different patterns, or phases, of burnout. The phase model hypothesized that cynicism is the early minimum phase of burnout, followed by the
additions of inefficacy, and finally by exhaustion.What is noteworthy about all of these early approaches is the explicit assumption that people could experience various patterns of burnout, which might change at different points in time. However, the potential of these varying patterns has not been exploited very much in the more recent empirical
literature. If anything, there has been a move towards simplifying burnout to a one-dimensional construct of exhaustion. Exhaustion is often considered the strongest, primary element of burnout, and thus a suitable proxy for the entire phenomenon. A single dimension is easier to measure, and exhaustion is easier to fit within existing systems of
medical diagnosis and disability. But a focus on just exhaustion may ignore other aspects of the burnout experience, which go beyond chronic fatigue. People experiencing burnout are not simply exhausted or overwhelmed by their workload. They also have lost a psychological connection with their work, which has implications for their motivation and
their identity. The cynicism and inefficacy aspects of burnout capture both people’s disaffection with work and a crisis in their work-based efficacy expectations.The three dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy do not always move in lock-step, which means that they are not so highly correlated as to constitute a single, one-dimensional
phenomenon. The advantage of such distinct, but interrelated, burnout dimensions is that there could be several different patterns that are shown by people at varying times. In some instances, due to situational factors or personal qualities or their interaction, distinct patterns could emerge. Identifying these intermediate patterns would allow a
clearer definition of the entire territory between the negative state of burnout and the positive state of engagement. For example, it may be that some people maintain a neutral stance towards work, experiencing neither joy nor despair. The exceptionally motivated condition of engagement might stand in contrast to both a humdrum existence as well
as to chronic distress.
Other person-centered patterns may identify distinct forms of distress, of which burnout represents only one particularly grievous state. Some progress on this point has been made by contrasting burnout and engagement with workaholism, suggesting the potential for further conceptual development. InventoryMaslach Burnout
InventoryPurposeintrospective psychological inventory pertaining to occupational burnout The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is a psychological assessment instrument comprising 22 symptom items pertaining to occupational burnout.[1] The original form of the MBI was developed by Christina Maslach and Susan E. Jackson with the goal of
assessing an individual's experience of burnout.[2] As underlined by Schaufeli (2003), a major figure of burnout research, "the MBI is neither grounded in firm clinical observation nor based on sound theorising. Instead, it has been developed inductively by factor-analysing a rather arbitrary set of items" (p. 3).[3] The instrument takes 10 minutes to
complete.[4] The MBI measures three dimensions of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization,[a] and personal accomplishment.[1] Following the publication of the MBI in 1981, new versions of the MBI were gradually developed to apply to different groups and different settings.[1] There are now five versions of the MBI: Human Services
Survey (MBI-HSS), Human Services Survey for Medical Personnel (MBI-HSS (MP)), Educators Survey (MBI-ES), General Survey (MBI-GS),[5] and General Survey for Students (MBI-GS [S]).[1] Two meta-analyses of primary studies that report sample-specific reliability estimates for the three MBI scales found that emotional exhaustion scale has good
enough reliability; however, reliability is problematic regarding depersonalization and personal accomplishment scales.[6][7] Research based on the job demands-resources (JD-R) model[8] indicates that the emotional exhaustion, the core of burnout, is directly related to demands and inversely related to the extensiveness of resources.[9][10][11] The
MBI has been validated for human services populations,[12][13][14][15] educator populations,[16][17][18] and general work populations.[19][20][21][22][23] The MBI is often combined with the Areas of Worklife Survey (AWS) to assess levels of burnout and worklife context.[24] Uses of the Maslach Burnout Inventory[4] Assess professional burnout
in human service, education, business, and government professions. Assess and validate the three-dimensional structure of burnout. Understand the nature of burnout for developing effective interventions. Maslach Burnout Inventory Scales[1] Emotional Exhaustion (EE) The 9-item Emotional Exhaustion (EE) scale measures feelings of being
emotionally overextended and exhausted by one's work. Higher scores correspond to greater experienced burnout. This scale is used in the MBI-HSS, MBI-HSS (MP), and MBI-ES versions. The MBI-GS and MBI-GS (S) use a shorter 5-item version of this scale called "Exhaustion". Depersonalization (DP) The 5-item Depersonalization (DP) scale
measures an unfeeling and impersonal response toward recipients of one's service, care, treatment, or instruction.
Higher scores indicate higher degrees of experienced burnout. This scale is used in the MBI-HSS, MBI-HSS (MP) and the MBI-ES versions. Personal Accomplishment (PA) The 8-item Personal Accomplishment (PA) scale measures feelings of competence and successful achievement in one's work. Lower scores correspond to greater experienced
burnout. This scale is used in the MBI-HSS, MBI-HSS (MP), and MBI-ES versions.
Cynicism The 5-item Cynicism scale measures an indifference or a distance attitude towards one's work. It is akin to the Depersonalization scale. The cynicism measured by this scale is a coping mechanism for distancing oneself from exhausting job demands. Higher scores correspond to greater experienced burnout. This scale is used in the MBI-GS
and MBI-GS (S) versions. Professional Efficacy The 6-item Professional Efficacy scale measures feelings of competence and successful achievement in one's work. It is akin to the Personal Accomplishment scale. This sense of personal accomplishment emphasizes effectiveness and success in having a beneficial impact on people. Lower scores
correspond to greater experienced burnout.
This scale is used in the MBI-GS and MBI-GS (S) versions. Forms of the Maslach Burnout Inventory[1] The MBI has five validated forms composed of 16–22 items to measure an individual's experience of burnout. Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) The MBI-HSS consists of 22 items and is the original and most widely used
version of the MBI. It was designed for professionals in human services and is appropriate for respondents working in a diverse array of occupations, including nurses, physicians, health aides, social workers, health counselors, therapists, police, correctional officers, clergy, and other fields focused on helping people live better lives by offering
guidance, preventing harm, and ameliorating physical, emotional, or cognitive problems. The MBI-HSS scales are Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Personal Accomplishment. Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey for Medical Personnel (MBI-HSS (MP)) The MBI-HSS (MP) is a variation of the MBI-HSS adapted for medical
personnel. The most notable alteration is this form refers to "patients" instead of "recipients". The MBI-HSS (MP) scales are Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Personal Accomplishment. Maslach Burnout Inventory - Educators Survey (MBI-ES) The MBI-ES consists of 22 items and is a version of the original MBI for use with educators. It
was designed for teachers, administrators, other staff members, and volunteers working in any educational setting.
This form was formerly known as MBI-Form Ed. The MBI-ES scales are Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Personal Accomplishment. Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) The MBI-GS consists of 16 items and is designed for use with occupational groups other than human services and education, including those working
in jobs such as customer service, maintenance, manufacturing, management, and most other professions. The MBI-GS scales are Exhaustion, Cynicism, and Professional Efficacy. Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey for Students (MBI-GS (S)) The MBI-GS (S) is an adaptation of the MBI-GS designed to assess burnout in college and university
students. It is available for use, but its psychometric properties are not yet documented.
The MBI-GS (S) scales are Exhaustion, Cynicism, and Professional Efficacy. Scoring the Maslach Burnout Inventory All MBI items are scored using a 7 level frequency ratings from "never" to "daily." The MBI has three component scales: emotional exhaustion (9 items), depersonalization (5 items) and personal achievement (8 items). Each scale
measures its own unique dimension of burnout. Scales should not be combined to form a single burnout scale. Importantly, the recommendation of examining the three dimensions of burnout separately implies that, in practice, the MBI is a measure of three independent constructs - emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal
accomplishment - rather than a measure of burnout. Maslach, Jackson, and Leiter[1] described item scoring from 0 to 6.
There are score ranges that define low, moderate and high levels of each scale based on the 0-6 scoring.
The 7-level frequency scale for all MBI scales is as follows: Never (0) A few times a year or less (1) Once a month or less (2) A few times a month (3) Once a week (4) A few times a week (5) Every day (6) Examples of use The Maslach Burnout Inventory has been used in a variety of studies to study burnout, including with health professionals[25][26]
[27] and teachers.[28][29][30] Notes ^ The term "depersonalization" as used by Maslach and Jackson should not be confused with the same term used in psychiatry and clinical psychology as a hallmark of dissociative disorder. References ^ a b c d e f g Maslach, C.; Jackson, S.E.; Leiter, M.P. (1996–2016). Maslach Burnout Inventory Manual
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doi:10.1037/a0037906 Retrieved from " MirageC/Getty Images Tweet Post Share Annotate Save Get PDF Buy Copies Print The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is the first scientifically developed measure of burnout and is used widely in research studies around the world. Since its first publication in 1981, the MBI has been applied for other
purposes, such as individual diagnosis or organizational metrics. When used correctly, these applications of the MBI can greatly benefit employees and organizations. When used incorrectly, it can result in more confusion about what burnout is rather than greater understanding. Some of these applications are even unethical. This article explores
what the MBI is, how misuses of the MBI have led to troubling outcomes, and how following the best practices for administering the MBI can help leaders design effective ways to build engagement and establish healthier workplaces. It is now clear that the Covid-19 pandemic has aggravated burnout and related forms of workplace distress, across
many industries. This has led more organizations to become more aware of burnout, and more concerned about what to do about it.
We felt it was the right time to assess the use of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) in organizations. This article will give an overview about what the MBI is, cover some concerning ways that it is being misused, and show how employers should use it for the benefit of employees, organizations, and the world’s understanding of burnout.

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