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The "astral" as generally spoken, is something of a prelude to the kesdjan function and presence, it

connects to a field of 'attention' that is held together in certain form. This varies and takes another form
or role when the kesdjan is sufficiently birthed, which may be in one sense gathered of this 'attentional'
stuff, in a individualised working, linked to our Essence and Soul seed. I might say the general astral is as
either 'thinking' or 'moving' aspect of kesdjan. Until the birthing or 'solidifying' of kesdjan, the astral
function is kept in respect of the physical body and lower centers, and serves as medium for Essence and
subconscious data 'feeding', in compensatory fashion for lower centers misconnections.

The astral is linked with the motion above physical perceived limits, such as around the globe in space
so to speak, and as means within a current space, to enter any object within such to aid a knowing of
such by being. The quality of this would relate to kesdjan and mental body data and degree of formation
etc. The astral is 'singularly localised' whereas the kesdjan has the dual aspect of also commune
between beings, and thereby access another higher order of 'intelligence' and/or Will, perhaps in origin
of, and related to, Soul etc. The kesdjan also then has the temporal mobility, like the astral has in respect
of present space and time. The kesdjan then has greater ability as a higher order vessel or embodiement,
enabling a greater degree of action towards the environment or realm it is present to . The collective
atmosphere of experience of life, and humanity, that can be accessed and contriubuted to in varying
degrees, such as conscious and intentional, may be on the level or connected to the kesdjan , whereas a
beings particular access as potential may relate to the astral as means to connect to such, at least untill
the beings further kesdjan body refinement. In certain teachings the seeker must connect to the
Ancestors to be taught, enabling then his process of self learning relating to his own individuality
realization, linked as kesdjan. The Ancestors must be acessed via the astral aspect, relating to essence
and subconscious, as first means potential of the lower order centers functioning. The Kesdjan realm can
manifest a living Teaching, via members communion to a relatively higher order of being or influence,
that can aid other common beings in their evolutionary development, and in such the kesdjan
meadiation members can be refined, and thereby potentially unite in birth of Soul, which transcends the
individual and commune sides of the kesdjanic members.

The kesdjan has manuverability towards a greater dimension, linked with Time, past and future, that the
astral has relative to present time and space. But as said the kesdjan doesnt move per se, as physical and
astral body relation, but the movement of kesdjan can occur inside its body or vessel, as a motion of
data therein, relating as said again to mental body data. Its like the nature of information travel, varying
from common travel as three d bodies through linear space time, wherein the information travels
through a "substrate" without the common limitations experienced in three d body motion etcIn BT it
seems the mental body is accomodated as part of the Kesdjan, which together can come to birth Soul.

In Life is Real..Gurdjieff expresses his own personalized experience of the transformation of energies for
work occuring via its own steam, without the participation of consciousness and/ or intentionality. He
speaks of subconscious suffering serving as an affirming source of energy to an aim, via its denying
friction towards the consciousness coming through the body and feelings. Its not generally spoken for
the reason of its height of subjectivity in relation to more common "objective" means and areas of work,
and work principles. In a similar sense the second enneagram shock is connected with 'skill' expressed in
material process as a deeper order of transformation, as chemical or molecular etc, where as the first
being of the 'outer' quantity nature and simple material gathering and sorting, simple combinations etc.
This second shock nature in relation to inner work and process, is like the Biblical word "Quick", as like
quick and the dead. This aspect is not a stable property gathered from past so to speak, as common level
knowledge applied to the present process, but a present ability of the being relating to spontaneous
insight of present process data at work.

This nature is mentioned in terms of 'economy', but again not of the first shock order economy of
quantity, but quality. This can be like an 'intuition' of the best times or opportunities for realizing
maximum result, and acting on such, a natural being in tune etc. Through such ability maximum is
achieved through minimum effort, or waste etc, via 'synchronisation' towards the momentum of
processes moving in the desired direction already proceeding. Again there is link with the subconscious
results and means, as with conscious acting of role, where the place of forces action and there relation
therein is reversed in the being, expressed in subjective-objective terms. Its also expressed in conscious
labour as not being attatched to the results of work and processes engaged in, thereby done simply for
the work or process itself in performance.

In 'sufism' there is the technique of distracting the frontal consciousness, so data and impressions can
reach the subconscious directly, without dilution through common associative processing. This is
commonly used via an outside source or means of another being, but can be done without such by a
being themselves by a certain act of 'seperation' of their being functionings through operation of
attention, which in one sense is privative , in sense of "blinkering" the beings multiple means of
impressions reception, to only one or other mode and to lesser flux within such. This is also similiar to
putting oneself in the place of the result, resulzarion in BT enneagram/octave progression, where doing
such is like creating a space, by putting oneself to the side, as frontal conscious putting aside via
distraction for subconscious action. This also again is like the use of suggestibility in us involved in
conscious acting, in sense of acting as if already so. Its like actively putting ourself in the passive role,
under the will of another, in the case without another being and their will, the will of the current
situation and/or process underway must be used in the role of another. The act of passivity and
"blinkering", also related to sacrifice and sacrifice of suffering, is by way of ceasing or limiting the
impressions data arising that is not related or neccessary for the current situation or process underway.
Such is a form of sacrificing the positive negative feelings that would and could arise from the engaging
of unecessary impressions in this context. This passes the place of reception of such data that either
arises unengaged by frontal consciousness, or the energy that commonly goes into the formation and
processing of such impressions, this then going to the subconscious direct so to speak, and further in
such form of action, the subconscious is given or enabled to take the affirming role towards the being
functionings, which is involved in the process of reason of understanding in BT. Such process sets up the
relation for potential third force liberation or transformation through the being functionings multiple
totalities and natures.

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