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hPqwvwrI tYst -1 (Bojn Aqy Bojn dy q`q)

smW :- 40 imMt kùl AMk:-20

pRSn-1 KwlI sQwn Bro:-

I. swnMU cInI ………qoN pRwpq huMdI hY[

II. ……….ivtwimn fI dI kmI nwl huMdw hY[
III. pody Aqy dUjy jIv, dohW nMU Kwx vwly jIv …….. AKvwauNdy hn[ 3*1=3

pRSn-2 shI/glq dI cox kro:-

I. qoqw mwswhwrI hY[ ( )

II. sMquilq Bojn Kw ky qru`tI rogW qoN bicAw jw skdw hY[ ( )
III. ivtwimn sI dI kmI nwl AMDrwqw nW dw rog huMdw hY[ ( ) 3*1=3

pRSn-3 shI imlwx kro:-

(a) SwkwhwrI swry jIvW qoN pRwpq auqpwd hn[

(A) pwlk, gwjr,goBI poidAW Aqy poidAW dy ih`sy nMU Kwdy hn[
(e) du`D dhIN pnIr iGE sbzIAW hn[ 3*1=3

pRSn-4 shI ivklp dI cox kro:-

I. cIqw iks pRkwr dw jIv hY:-

(a) SwkwhwrI (A) mwswhwrI (e) srb AwhwrI (s) ienW ivcoN koeI nhIN
II. qoqw hyT iliKAW iv`coN kI KWdw hY?:-
(a) pody (A) jwnvr (e) dovyN (s) ienW iv`coN koeI vI nhIN
III. AwieEfIn dI vrqoN hyT iliKAW iv`coN iks dI prK krn leI kIqI jWdI hY?
(a) crbI (A) pRotIn (e) ivtimn (s) inSwsqw 3*1=3

pRSn-5 swfy Bojn dy mu`K q`qW dy nW ilKo[

pRSn-6 Aijhy do Bojn pdwrQW dy nW ilKo ijnW iv`c hyT ilKy pOSk q`q kwPI mwqrw iv`c pwey jWdy hn[

(a) pRotIn (A) motw Awhwr

pRSn-7 kI swry sMjIv ieko ijhw Bojn Kwdy hn? kwrx d`so[

pRSn-8 do Aijhy pOdy Aqy aunW dy ih`isAW dy nW ilKo ijnW nMU Bojn vWg iesqymwl kIqw jWdw hY [ 4*2=8

BY-PPPP Team Science 05.01.2021



Q1- Fill the blanks:-

a) We get sugar from ___________________.

b) ______________ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D.
c) Animals which eat both plants as well as other animals are called…………… 3*1=3

Q2- Mark the statement as true or false: -

(a) Parrot is carnivore. ( )
(b) Deficiency disease can be prevented by eating a balanced diet. ( )
(c) Deficiency of Vitamin C causes a disease known as night blindness. ( ) 3*1=3

Q3- Match the column:

Column A Column B
a) Milk, curd, paneer, ghee, are vegetables
b) Spinach, cauliflower, carrot eat plants and plant products
c) Herbivores are all animal products 3*1=3

Q4- Choose the correct option:-

I. What kind of creature is the tiger:

a) Vegetarian b) carnivorous c) omnivorous d) None of these
II. Which of the following does the parrot eat?
a) Plants b) Animals c) Both d) None of these.
III. Iodine is used to test which of the following:
1) Fat 2) Protein 3) Vitamin 4) Starch 3*1=3

Q5- Name the major nutrients in our food.

Q6-Name two foods each rich in:

a) Dietary fiber b) Protein

Q7- Do you find that all living beings need the same kind of food? Give reason.
Q8- Name two plants and their parts that we eat.

BY-PPPP Team Science 05.01.2021

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