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The gastrointestinal microbiome and its association with the control

of pathogens in broiler chicken production: A review

Viviana Clavijo and Martha Josefina Vives Flórez1

Department of Biological Sciences, Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1 Este N◦ 19A–40, Bogotá, Colombia

ABSTRACT The microbiome of the broiler chicken (primary or secondary components of plants that con-
gastrointestinal tract (GIT) has been extensively stud- tain bioactive compounds that exert a positive effect
ied, and it has been amply demonstrated that it plays on the growth and health of animals). Phages may
an important role in the health of the host, as it has potentially provide an integrated solution to modu-
a positive impact on the immune system, the physiol- late the intestinal microbiome of chicken intestines,
ogy of the GIT, and productivity. Also, the microbiota as they reduce specific pathogenic microbial popula-
is involved in reducing and preventing colonization by tions, permitting the proliferation of beneficial micro-
enteric pathogens through the process of competitive biota. Studies have shown that the use of cocktails
exclusion and the production of bacteriostatic and bac- of phages, especially in high concentrations and with
tericidal substances. The taxonomic composition of the short lapses of time between exposure to the bacteria
microbiota is affected by different factors, such as the and treatment with phages, optimize the reduction of
organ, the age of the animal, diet and the use of an- Salmonella in chickens. Each of these technologies has
timicrobials. demonstrable positive effects on the health of the host
Different kinds of additives that regulate the mi- and the reduction of the pathogen load in controlled
crobial community in feed include probiotics (live assays.
microorganisms that when administered in adequate This paper presents a comprehensive summary of the
amounts confer a health benefit on the host), pre- role of the microbiota in the broiler chicken gastroin-
biotics (ingredients that stimulate increased benefi- testinal tract, and discusses the usefulness of different
cial microbial activity in the digestive system in or- strategies for its modulation to control pathogens, with
der to improve the health of the host) and phytobiotics a particular emphasis on bacteriophages.
Key words: broiler microbiota, bacteriophage, pathogen control, phage-therapy, Salmonella
2017 Poultry Science 0:1–16

INTRODUCTION of beneficial microbiota plays an important role in the

production, health, protection from pathogens, detoxi-
Aviculture is currently the most efficient animal pro- fication, and modulation of the immune system (Mead,
ductive system, and forms the basis of global protein 1989; Brisbin et al., 2008).
production. An intensive selection production process The microbiota is defined as the microbial commu-
carried out over the last 6 or 7 decades has produced nity, including commensal, symbiotic and pathogenic
chickens that convert feed into muscle mass efficiently, microorganisms, which usually colonize an area of hu-
making them an effective system for high-quality pro- man and animal organisms, and are around 2 times
tein production. The extraction of energy and nutrients more plentiful than somatic and germinal cells of the
from food requires interaction between the biochemical host (Sender et al., 2016). The collective genome of
functions of the chicken and the microbiota present in these symbionts is known as the microbiome. The mi-
the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Thus, the selection crobiota exerts an important influence on the health
and development of hosts, leading to any organism

C The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University made up of host and microbial components to be con-
Press on behalf of Poultry Science Association. This is an sidered “supraorganisms” (Turnbaugh et al., 2007).
Open Access article distributed under the terms of the This review focuses on the modulatory role that bac-
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License
(, which permits
teriophages, probiotics, prebiotics, and phytobiotics ex-
non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any ert on the chicken GIT. Also, presents an overview of
medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial the microbiome impact on the chicken’s health, and the
re-use, please contact main factors influencing microbiota composition. For
Received July 10, 2017.
Accepted October 29, 2017. deeper information on these subjects, readers will be
Corresponding author: directed to the appropriate previous review.

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METHODS USED TO STUDY THE functional metabolic profiles within bacterial communi-
MICROBIOTA ties to be determined, and thereby, the metabolic path-
ways present in a given environment to be elucidated
The principal difficulties faced when reproducing the with more precision (Deusch et al., 2015).
environmental conditions of the bacteria in the GIT in-
clude the requirement for strict anaerobic conditions, THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT IN BIRDS
the need to co-culture with other bacteria with which
they co-metabolize, and an extreme sensitivity to freez- The digestive system in chickens breaks foods down
ing. Bearing these factors in mind, it is important to mechanically and chemically, permitting nutrients to be
profile and investigate the community, in order to study absorbed. An understanding of the chicken GIT makes
and better understand the behavior and significance of possible to determine how foods are transported, stored
the complex interaction between host and microbiota and broken down, aspects of a process that ensures ef-
within the GIT. ficient digestion, absorption and excretion.
Our knowledge of the microbiota was limited to mi- The digestive system of the chicken and its function
croorganisms that could be recovered using culture me- is presented in a schematic form in Figure 1.
dia, however, fewer than 20% of the microorganisms
found in the GIT have been cultured due to the fact COMPOSITION OF THE MICROBIOTA
that most intestinal bacteria are fastidious and often
demand unknown requirements (Gaskins et al., 2002). Overall, the microbiota in chickens varies according
Culture-independent methods used to characterize to diverse factors that will be discussed below, such as
the chicken microbiota can be divided into the ones diet, location, and age. For this reason, profiles of tax-
that determine the genetic fingerprint of the communi- onomic composition differ greatly in reported studies.
ties and those based on sequencing methods (Zoetendal A study by Wei et al. (2013) used all the available data
et al., 2004). Genetic fingerprint techniques determine on the GIT (both published and unpublished) to ana-
the microbial composition of a community using ge- lyze the intestinal microbiome of broiler chickens. This
nomic DNA. These techniques are useful for comparing article remains the most authoritative study available
and identifying changes in communities and include: on the diversity of the chicken microbiome.
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) (Van Wei et al. (2013) established the presence of 915
Der Wielen et al., 2002), single-strand conformation operational taxonomic units (OTUs), equivalent to
polymorphism (SSCP), and terminal restriction frag- species (defined as having a phylogenetic distance of
ment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) (Torok et al., 3%), classified in 13 phyla, of which Firmicutes (70%),
2008; Geier et al., 2009). Although these are cheap tech- Bacteroidetes (12.3%) and Proteobacteria (9.3%) ac-
nologies that can be used rapidly in the laboratory, their counted for >90% of all the sequences. Overall, 117
principal limitations include low sensitivity (they can genera were described, among which Clostridium, Ru-
only detect taxa with abundance levels > 1%), inexac- minococcus, Lactobacillus and Bacteroides predomi-
titude in their calculations of abundance, and low data nated. It was shown a high prevalence of the genus
reproducibility. An alternative to these techniques is the Ethanoligenes (Firmicutes), which contains ethanol-
employment of 16S ribosomal RNA gene microarrays. producing bacteria. Desulfohalobium was the most fre-
However, the principal limitation of this technique is quent Proteobacteria. Among phyla Actinobacteria,
the difficulty of testing for the entire diversity of the the genus Bifidobacterium was represented by 1% of
prokaryotes in the microbiome (Zoetendal et al., 2004). the sequences. Other phyla, found in small propor-
Sequencing methods have rapidly replaced these tions, included Cyanobacteria, Spirochaetes, Synergis-
techniques, as they resolve several of the difficulties pre- teles, Fusobacteria, Tenericutes, and Verrucomicrobia.
sented by genetic fingerprinting, i.e., sequencing meth- The Archaea were represented only by the phylum Eu-
ods may be used to detect taxa with abundance levels ryarchaeota, with a very small number of sequences (11
below 1% (between 0.01% and 0.1%); in addition, the out of a total of 3,184), corroborating the scarcity of
precision and abundance of taxonomic profiles are im- methanogens in the chicken GIT. These studies have
proved. However, sequencing is still limited by the bias shown that the microbial diversity of the chicken mi-
generated by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and crobiota is relatively low compared to the intestinal
by the depth of the sequencing involved, on which the microbiota of other animals, which is attributed to the
exactitude and precision of the data depend (Zoetendal rapid transit of food through the digestive system, with
et al., 2004; Stanley et al., 2014). short retention times; for instance, a typical retention
The most commonly-used sequencing technique am- time for a 29-day-old broiler chickens is between 4 and
plifies and sequences the 16S rRNA gene of the total 5 h, compared to humans, where the average is 20 h
DNA in a sample, a method that makes it possible to (Rougière and Carré, 2010).
determine taxonomic composition and abundance. An- When sequences drawn from the ceca were analyzed
other approach that is having increasing impact is the (Wei et al., 2013), the predominant phyla found were
direct shotgun sequencing of samples of the DNA of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, followed by Proteobac-
the entire community. This kind of approach permits teria and Actinobacteria. Thirty-one genera from the
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Figure 1. Gastrointestinal tract in chickens and function. The beak gathers food; the bifurcated tongue, located in the posterior part of the
beak, is used to drink and to moisten the material that has been taken up. Subsequently, the food passes to the esophagus, which transports the
food and water to the crop. The esophagus contains mucus glands that help to lubricate the passage of the food to the crop where it is stored
temporarily. In its passage through the esophagus, the food is softened and undergoes pre-digestion by enzymes such as ptyalin, present in saliva,
and enzymes from other organs, such as amylase-types from the duodenum and the proventriculus. The crop fills up when the chicken has eaten
enough, and the food passes slowly to the proventriculus, or glandular stomach. Here, foodstuffs are bathed in gastric juices, hydrochloric acid,
and digestive enzymes, beginning the process of nutrient breakdown and the construction of the food bolus, which then passes to the gizzard.
The enzyme pepsin, which performs its proteolytic activities in the proventriculus, is also produced in the gizzard, as acid levels in the stomach
are below the optimum levels required for it to function. The gizzard, also known as the masticatory organ in chickens, accumulates insoluble
grains, which are ground by frequent and repeated contractions that exert enormous pressure, breaking the grains down into small particles
and mixing them with juices from the proventriculus. From the gizzard, the food passes to the small intestine, an organ that is distinguished
histologically by the presence of villi, which complete the digestion of proteins through the secretion of intestinal juices and digestive enzymes
such as aminopeptidase, amylase, maltase, and invertase; another function is to absorb the nutrients in the digested foodstuffs so that they can
enter the bloodstream; finally, the small intestine provides peristaltic action that passes undigested materials to the ceca. The small intestine has
3 sections: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. The pancreas is the organ that secretes juices enriched with amylases, trypsin, lipases and
carboxypeptidases. The liver secretes bile into the duodenum, which helps break down fats; the bile, though produced in the liver, is stored in
the gallbladder. The ileum opens into the ceca, a pair of tubes where undigested foodstuffs are fermented, and which is emptied every 24 h. The
water and the foodstuffs that are not digested in the small intestine, such as non-starch polysaccharides, are absorbed in the large intestine, a
section of the digestive tract that leads from the junction with the ceca, through the colon, and ends in the external opening of the cloaca (Noy
and Sklan, 1995; Uni et al., 1999; Rebollar Serrano and Serrano, 2002).

Firmicutes phylum were found, of which just 3, Ru- in the recycling of nitrogen using uric acid, in the
minococcus, Clostridium, and Eubacteria represented production of essential amino acids and in the digestion
>5% of the sequences. The data on the predominance of non-starch polysaccharides, which stimulate the pro-
of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes in the ceca suggests duction of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) (Józefiak
that the microbiota present plays an important role et al., 2004). Other genera that accounted for more than

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1% of the total number of sequences found in the ceca and polysaccharides, which are resistant to bacterial di-
include Faecalibacterium, Blautia, Butyrivibrio, Lacto- gestion in the small intestine (Goldstein, 1989; Obst and
bacillus, Megamonas, Roseburia, Ethanoligenes, Hespel- Diamond, 1989; Clench and Mathias, 1995). This organ
lia, Veillonella, and Anaerostipes (for phylum affiliation principally hosts Firmicutes, Bacteroides, Proteobac-
of these and other genera, see Table S1 in Supplemen- teria and Clostridiaceae. Of particular interest is that
tary Data). The principal representative of the Bac- the most abundant microorganisms are grouped in un-
teroidetes phylum was Bacteroides (40%). Other genera known Firmicutes phylotypes (Gong et al., 2002). Addi-
belonging to this phylum found were Prevotella, Para- tionally, functional metabolic profiles have begun to be
prevotella, Tannerella, and Riemerella. Among the Pro- described within the community, elucidating with more
teobacteria, the predominant genera were Desulfohalo- precision the metabolic pathways present in a given
bium, Escherichia, Shigella, and Neisseria (Wei et al., environment. For example, the presence of hydroge-
2013). nase, which seems to stimulate the production of SCFAs
and is attributed to microorganisms abundant in the
ceca (Megamonas, Helicobacter, and Campylobacter)
Composition of the Microbiota According (Oakley et al., 2014b). Accordingly, the study carried
to GIT Location out by Sergeant et al. (2014) achieved a deep metage-
nomic analysis of a single cecal microbiota from Ross
Each organ of the digestive system performs func- broilers at 42 d, housed indoors under standard com-
tions that are important to the digestive process and mercial conditions. They found numerous polysaccha-
the absorption of nutrients. Microorganisms perform in- ride and oligosaccharide-degrading enzymes with ge-
dependent functions in each of the organs, and it has netic evidence for the coordination of polysaccharide
been suggested that there is a significant difference in degradation with sugar transport and utilization. As
the taxonomic composition of the different organs of was expected, they found in the cecal metagenome sev-
the digestive tract, so they could be considered sepa- eral fermentation pathways leading to the production
rate ecosystems, despite the fact that they are strongly of SCFAs (Sergeant et al., 2014).
interconnected (Van Der Wielen et al., 2002). It is im-
portant to note that the taxonomic profiles described
for each section of the GIT differ considerably between The Presence of Pathogens
studies and are influenced by factors including sex, in-
dividual genetics, diet, the use of antimicrobials and The presence of pathogenic bacteria in the broiler
the technique employed. This makes it difficult to de- chicken microbiota is important to animal and human
fine a typical profile for each section. A literature sum- health alike. Among the taxa that can cause illness in
mary with the profiles of the most abundant bacteria in humans and that have been reported in the chicken
each section of the GIT, was provided by Stanley et al. microbiota are Campylobacter (principally Campylobac-
(2014). ter jejuni and Campylobacter coli), Salmonella enterica,
Briefly, different species of Lactobacillus predominate Escherichia coli, and Clostridium perfringens (Oakley
in the crop; these are believed to be responsible for et al., 2014b).
the decomposition of starch and the fermentation of Gastrointestinal infections caused by Campylobacter
lactate. This organ also hosts several species of the and Salmonella are principally associated with the con-
Clostridiaceae family. Similarly, the gizzard is domi- sumption of products from the poultry chain and for
nated by the same 2 genera. However, the principal this reason the control of pathogens from the farm is of
difference between the 2 organs is the presence of gas- great importance (Wegener et al., 2003). Campylobacter
tric juices, pepsin, and hydrochloric acid in the gizzard, is found in high concentrations in the intestinal micro-
which acidifies the medium, resulting in lower bacterial biota (107 UFC/g). However, it is generally accepted
and less fermentation activity. The small intestine has not to be pathogenic in birds. While Salmonella enter-
the highest concentration of bacterial cells, principally ica is considered to be a low-prevalence taxon of spo-
Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, and various Clostridiaceae; radic distribution and transitional colonization, it can
Lactobacillus was the dominant genus accounting for cause disease in chickens, depending on age, immune
almost 70% of the total (Han et al., 2016). The cecum status, and type of serovar (Stern et al., 1995; Lee and
(made up in chickens of 2 loops, the ceca) is described as Newell, 2006).
the organ with greatest taxonomic diversity and abun- On the other hand, E. coli is a gammaproteobac-
dance, doubtless because it is the organ in the digestive terium present in the intestine, which is found in low
tract that retains food for the longest period (12 to abundance during the entire life cycle of healthy chick-
20 h). Other characteristics that make this organ an ens. However, only certain strains have specific viru-
important niche for the microbiota are that it is the lence factors that may cause disease in chickens; these
site of greatest water absorption, it is responsible for strains are known as avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC).
regulating urea, and it carries out the fermentation of APEC is principally associated with extra intestinal
carbohydrates. The microbiota of the ceca is associated infections, most of which affect the respiratory tract.
with the digestion of foodstuffs rich in cellulose, starch, APEC respiratory tract infections are secondary to the
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initial infection by one or more infectious agents of the as a source of energy and carbon. In addition, they
tract, such as viruses and Mycoplasma gallisepticum. regulate blood flow, stimulate the growth and pro-
The pathogenicity of E. coli has been observed to be liferation of enterocytes, and regulate the production
stimulated by high levels of ammonia in battery sheds of mucin, affecting the immune response of the intes-
and by physiological changes in the host chicken, such tine (Pryde et al., 2002; Sanderson, 2004; Tellez et al.,
as egg peritonitis (Dho-Moulin and Fairbrother, 1999). 2006). There are several studies that support the ar-
E. coli is also considered to be a zoonotic bacterium gument that these compounds fulfill an immunological
that is potentially pathogenic in humans. However, it role (Chambers and Gong, 2011).
has not been demonstrated a relation between the iso- Intestinal bacteria also contribute to the metabolism
lates from the poultry chain and those causing extra- of nitrogen. For example, bacteria from the urogenital
intestinal disorders. It is, however, clear that the intesti- tract capable of catabolizing uric acid into ammonium
nal microbiota, including E. coli, can act as a reservoir can travel from the cloaca to the ceca, affecting the
for the dissemination of resistance to antibiotics in other metabolism in the latter and permitting the host to ab-
pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella (Nandi et al., sorb ammonium, which is then able to use it for synthe-
2004; Fricke et al., 2009; Castellanos et al., 2017). sizing amino acids (Vispo and Karasov, 1997; Denbow,
C. perfringens is found in the population of com- 2014). On the other hand, the same intestinal bacte-
mensal bacteria in the intestines of healthy chickens ria can themselves be a source of amino acids (Metges,
at very low levels of abundance. However, C. perfrin- 2000) and vitamins (LeBlanc et al., 2013), though most
gens is recognized as a pathogen in birds that causes of the proteins and vitamins produced by these bacteria
necrotic enteritis, though the colonization mechanism are lost during excretion, as most intestinal bacteria are
of the bacterium and the factors implicated in toxin found in the cecum and this organ is unable to digest
production are still to be fully described. It is known or absorb proteins (Vispo and Karasov, 1997).
that certain factors predispose chickens to contract the Chickens may also, in a reciprocal manner, provide
disease; these include damage to the mucosa and diets nutrients to intestinal bacteria. For example, the mucin
with high levels of non-starch soluble polysaccharides. produced by calceiform cells in the intestine is an im-
Additionally, C. perfringens is a human pathogen that portant source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy for
is transmitted through food and has been traced to dif- commensal bacteria and pathogens alike (Tellez et al.,
ferent origins, including foodstuffs of avian origin (Van 2006). The presence of mucin-degrading bacteria is as-
Immerseel et al., 2004, 2009). sociated with intestinal health, as they exert selection
pressure on bacteria that cannot adhere to the mucosal
surface (Pan and Yu, 2014).
The digestive system is the most important reservoir
of microorganisms. Therefore, various kinds of interac- Immunological Modulation
tion have been found among broilers and in their in-
testinal microbiota, focused principally on 1) nutrient The immunological system of chickens includes both
exchange, 2) modulation of the immune system, 3) the the innate and the acquired immune response. The mi-
physiology of the digestive system, and 4) the exclu- crobiota plays an important role modulating the regu-
sion of pathogens. These interactions are reviewed by lation and activation of both elements.
Vispo and Karasov (1997); Chambers and Gong (2011); Regarding the innate immune response, the intesti-
Pan and Yu (2014); Stanley et al. (2014); Oakley et al. nal mucosa is considered the first line of defense against
(2014b). The following sections briefly summarize these infection and a barrier that prevents commensal bacte-
functions. ria from penetrating the intestinal epithelium (Carter
et al., 2009). The interior surface of the avian intestine
is covered in a mucous layer made up of the glycopro-
Nutrient Exchange tein mucin, secreted by calceiform epithelial cells (Bris-
bin et al., 2008). It has been found that mucins with
The commensal bacteria of the digestive system con- sialic acid are more abundant in conventionally reared
tribute nutrients that are both directly and indirectly chickens (that is, living in sheds and able to feed on
important to the metabolism of chickens. These include demand) when compared to mucins with sulfate, which
SCFAs, ammonium, amino acids, and vitamins (Pan are common in birds with low bacterial loads. These
and Yu, 2014). differences are observable from d 4 after birth; this sug-
Most intestinal bacteria are capable of hydrolyz- gests that the intestinal microbiota is involved in reg-
ing polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, and disaccharides ulating the establishment of the mucous layer (Forder
into primary sugars. Intestinal bacteria ferment these et al., 2007). The intestinal microbiota also regulates
sugars, producing SCFAs such as acetate, propionate, the production of antimicrobial peptides present on the
and butyrate (Hooper et al., 2002; Tellez et al., 2006). surface of the intestinal epithelium, which are capable
In the ceca, SCFAs are absorbed through the epithelium of rapidly killing or suppressing the activity. Some of
by passive diffusion, entering a variety of metabolic these peptides are expressed constitutionally, while oth-
pathways (Tellez et al., 2006). Chickens employ SCFAs ers are induced in host cells by bacteria. These aspects
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have been reviewed by Pan and Yu (2014), where some cannot coexist stably. Therefore, one of the competi-
examples of peptides and its action are presented. tors will always dominate the other, leading to an evo-
Regarding the acquired immune system, it would ap- lutionary modification, shift to another niche, or ex-
pear that the commensal bacteria provide protection tinction. The intestinal microbiota competes with the
to the mucosa membrane by modulating the immune colonizing pathogenic bacteria and is able to reduce
response, by controlling the quantity of mediators se- the adhesion and colonization of pathogens in the in-
creted by the cells of the acquired immune system, and testine. This reduction might be the result of different
stimulating the helper T cells. This issue is reviewed by mechanisms, perhaps the physical occupation of space,
Oakley et al. (2014b) and several other papers have competition for resources in a given niche or direct
shown these effects. However, the mechanisms have physical or chemical confrontation with the potential
not yet been completely clarified (Brisbin et al., 2008; colonizer (Chaucheyras-Durand and Durand, 2010). For
Haghighi et al., 2008; Mwangi et al., 2010). Using germ- example, the production of bacteriocins is associated
free chickens, it was demonstrated that microbiota has specifically with interference in the process of coloniza-
a dramatic effect on the repertoire of intestinal T cells tion by pathogens (Stern et al., 2006; Messaoudi et al.,
and their expression of cytokines (Mwangi et al., 2010; 2012; Razmyar et al., 2017). Other competitive exclu-
Ren et al., 2014; Oakley et al., 2014b). sion mechanisms are reviewed in detail by Oakley et al.
(2014b) and Pan and Yu (2014).
In spite of the fact that the mechanism that leads
The Physiology of the Digestive System to this protection has not been decoded, the compet-
itive exclusion process remains one of the most effec-
The period following eclosion from the egg is crit-
tive approaches to prevent intestinal colonization by
ical to the growth and health of chicks because it is
Salmonella in broiler chickens. Armed with this un-
when they change their source of nourishment from the
derstanding, different products have been developed
yolk to a diet of carbohydrates and proteins. This is
to control this pathogen, which range from the use of
why the organs of the digestive system undergo anatom-
probiotics to the inoculation of bedding with cultures
ical and physiological changes during this early stage.
drawn from the fecal material produced in more pro-
The rapid development of the intestinal tract offers an
ductive sheds with better intestinal health (Chambers
ideal niche for colonization by microorganisms, and the
and Gong, 2011). These protection mechanisms are ex-
microbiota also plays an important role in the devel-
plained in more detail below in the probiotics section.
opment of the digestive tract (Uni et al., 1999). This
process has been demonstrated in studies of germ-free
chickens, which develop smaller intestines and ceca that
weigh less and have thinner walls compared to conven- IMPACT OF THE MICROBIOTA ON
tionally reared counterparts. It has been suggested that PRODUCTIVITY AND DEVELOPMENT
SCFAs increase the proliferation and growth of ente-
Recent studies using mouse and human models have
rocytes, which would partially explain the difference
demonstrated that the intestinal microbiota plays a
(Mitsuhiro and Jun-ichi, 1994). Another studies that
very important role in the absorption of nutrients
supports this hypothesis are summarized by Chambers
(Turnbaugh et al., 2007). Thus, an understanding of
and Gong (2011).
the variations in the intestinal microbiota might help
The activity of the digestive enzymes in chicken in-
to clarify how changes in its composition might alter
testines may also be affected by the intestinal micro-
energy efficiency in the host. The principal objective
biota. When the activity of the alkaline phosphatase
of the poultry industry is to increase the productivity
enzyme in germ-free chickens and conventionally reared
of broiler chickens by producing birds that gain weight
chickens is compared, the latter display greater enzy-
more efficiently. Modern chickens require increasingly
matic activity. Diet can also stimulate the growth of
less feed to achieve their desired weight. In 1950, 3 times
certain bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacil-
more feed was required than is needed today. Despite
lus, which help to increase the enzymatic activity of pro-
this major advance, there is still a high degree of vari-
teases, trypsin, and lipases (Palmer and Rolls, 1983).
ation in the indices of weight gain and feed conversion
Pathogenic bacteria can also cause morphological
across and within battery sheds, which implies signifi-
changes. For example, chickens that are co-infected with
cant losses for the poultry industry (Mead, 1989; Bris-
Eimeria sp. and C. perfringens have significantly re-
bin et al., 2008). From this perspective, the study of the
duced length of intestinal villi. This was also shown
GIT microbiota in chickens has nowadays an enormous
in chickens infected with Salmonella Typhimurium
potential and importance.
(Golder et al., 2011).
Some studies have compared the bacterial taxonomic
composition of chickens with high and low develop-
Competitive Exclusion ment in terms of conversion efficiency. Conversion effi-
ciency (CE) is defined as the quantity of feed consumed
The ecological definition of competitive exclusion by unit of weight of animal produced. For example, if
states that 2 species competing for the same resources 4 kg of feed are used to produce a 2 kg animal, CE
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is 2 (4 kg/2 Kg). Thus, the lower the conversion value, intestinal tract (Clench and Mathias, 1995; Sergeant
more efficient and better performance is achieved. Sev- et al., 2014). Studies have described a significant suc-
eral studies have correlated changes in the microbiota cessional change in taxonomic composition, which be-
with the performance of chickens. For example, in 2013 comes more abundant and taxonomically diverse as the
Stanley et al. (2013), used pyrosequencing of the V3 life cycle advances (Van Der Wielen et al., 2002).
region of the 16S rRNA gene and found that butyrate- Bacterial concentrations increase rapidly immedi-
producing and cellulose- and starch-degrading bacterial ately after eclosion. A concentration of 108 to 1010
communities in the ceca are associated with high per- cells/g of digesta has been reported in day-old chick
forming chickens (CE = 1.32). This group of beneficial ceca, which increases and establishes in less than 1 wk,
bacteria included Clostridium islandicum, Ruminococ- reaching a maximum of 109 to 1011 cells/g (Rinttilä and
cus sp., Bacteroides fragilis, and Lactobacillus coleoho- Apajalahti, 2013).
minis. This study determined that the bacteria that Based on several studies using culture-dependent
had a negative effect on development were undescribed methods, a successional change in the broiler chicken
genera of the Firmicutes phylum. microbiota during the life cycle has been proposed,
In another, more recent study, Mancabelli et al. and was explained by Rinttilä and Apajalahti (2013).
(2016) amplified the V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene A recent study, using mass sequencing tools, deter-
and sequenced it using an Illumina MiSeq sequencer. mined the composition of the microbiota at 7, 14 and
This study identified 4 OTUs that were more abun- 42 d (Oakley et al., 2014a). Briefly, on d 7 the mi-
dant in high performance chickens. It was only possible crobiota is dominated principally by 3 genera belong-
to define these OTUs with confidence up to the level ing to the order Clostridiales (Flavonifractor, Pseud-
of class, and they might be different species of a new oflavonifractor, and Lachnospiracea). These 3 genera
family and genus. Three of these potential OTUs were are considered as responsible for converting polysac-
linked with microorganisms from the rumen, with su- charides into SCFAs, whose positive effects were men-
perior capacity to degrade cellulose. It was possible to tioned above. On d 21, the genus Faecalibacterium ap-
associate the other OTU with B. fragilis, a bacterium parently predominates. This genus has been described
that displays high levels of hydrolytic activity and is as having anti-inflammatory properties. By d 42 Fae-
considered to be among the most effective degraders calibacterium remains predominant, although the pro-
of digestible carbohydrates. Similarly, the study identi- portion of the genus Roseburia increases. This genus is
fied a greater abundance of 20 OTUs in low performing described as a saccharolytic bacterium that produces
chickens, confirming that these animals contain bacte- butyrate. In addition, by d 42 the abundance of other
ria that exert a negative influence on the effective up- SCFA-producing bacteria, such as members of the fam-
take of nutrients (Mancabelli et al., 2016). ily Lachnospiraceae incertae sedis and the genus Oscil-
Recently, Han et al. (2016) amplified and sequenced libacter, increases.
the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene using an Illumina
MiSeq sequencer to correlate some bacterial groups
with the weight of chickens. In the ceca, Akkermansia, Location
Prevotella, and Anaerovibrio affect weight negatively,
while Lactococcus showed a positive correlation. Akker- See the section Composition of the Microbiota Ac-
mansia muciniphila is recognized as a mucin-degrading cording to GIT Location.
bacterium, which in other studies of humans and mice
has been correlated negatively with weight gain (Ever-
ard et al., 2013). Diet
The nutrients contained in the diet provided to chick-
FACTORS AFFECTING THE MICROBIOTA ens are also the nutrients that modulate the growth and
establishment of the microbiota, thus diet is the factor
Age that has the major impact. The principal character-
Dramatic changes have been described in the mi- istics of feed that may affect the microbiota are: the
crobial community as chickens grow older. However, form of cereal (whole or milled grains, or pellets); the
most of these studies have used methods based on kind of cereal; the quantity of water-soluble non-starch
traditional culture-dependent microbiology, or on low- polysaccharides; and the sources of fat, starch and pro-
resolution molecular methods such as denaturing gra- teins (Gabriel et al., 2006). Groups of bacteria that are
dient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), terminal restriction favored by a particular type of diet are summarized by
fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), or sequenc- Chambers and Gong (2011). For instance, it has been
ing using the Sanger methodology, which offer little reported that chickens fed with diets containing soya
depth. Few have used new mass sequencing technolo- oil have a lower abundance of C. perfringens than birds
gies to determine these changes. Most of the studies fed with fats of animal origin (Luo et al., 2016). Several
that examined the effect of time on the chicken micro- food supplements have been designed in an attempt to
biota have looked at the cecum, since this is the organ modulate the GIT microbiota, including probiotics and
with the greatest diversity and abundance in the entire prebiotics, which will be discussed below.
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Antibiotics mixture of “. . . live microorganisms which when admin-
istered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on
The effect of antibiotics on the microbiota of the di- the host” (Smith, 2014). Before explaining the mecha-
gestive tract of chickens has been reported in several nisms and benefits provided by these microorganisms,
studies, denoting a reduction in the stability of the mi- it is important to specify why, if a microorganism is to
crobiota and also leading to the reduction of the popu- be considered a probiotic, it should meet a range of re-
lation of Lactobacillus in the intestine (Lan et al., 2005; quirements, namely: not pathogenic; ability to adhere
Danzeisen et al., 2011; Allen and Stanton, 2014; Man- to epithelial cells; ability to colonize and reproduce it-
cabelli et al., 2016). self in the host; able to survive the passage through
It has been reported that the Firmicutes/Bacter- the GIT; resistant to gastric acidity and the contents of
oidetes ratio increases when antibiotic supplements are bile; produce metabolites that inhibit or kill pathogenic
provided. A study by Mancabelli et al. (2016) demon- bacteria; characterized in vitro and have undergone tri-
strated that the metagenome of chickens fed with als in vitro and in vivo that demonstrate its benefits.
antimicrobial supplements presents a greater abun- Finally, a probiotic should remain viable under process,
dance of genes associated with antimicrobial resis- production, and storage conditions (Kabir, 2009). The
tance. Among these, of particular importance are following benefits are expected from administering pro-
the vancomycin- and chloramphenicol-resistance genes. biotics (Syngai et al., 2016): stimulation of the develop-
This study also functionally characterized the chicken ment of beneficial microbiota; reduction and prevention
microbiome, showing that chickens treated with an- of colonization by enteric pathogens; modulation of im-
tibiotics present fewer functions associated with carbo- munological activity; stimulation of epithelial health;
hydrate transport and metabolism. Specifically, chick- increased digestive capacity; and help in the matura-
ens that do not received antibiotic supplements had a tion of intestinal tissue.
greater arsenal of families involved in the degradation Probiotics can influence the immune system both di-
of starch, cellulose, and hemicellulose, when compared rectly and indirectly. Direct influence is exerted by dif-
with their counterparts who are fed these supplements. ferent species of Lactobacillus that increase cytokine
Danzeisen et al. (2011) evidenced the effect of the and antibody levels (Haghighi et al., 2006; Brisbin
coccidiostat monensin and the growth promoters vir- et al., 2011). Similarly, various studies have shown
giniamycin and tylosin on the cecal microbiome and that chickens treated with probiotics produce a greater
metagenome of broiler chickens, by 16S rRNA and number of antibodies in response to a given antigen
total DNA shotgun metagenomic pyrosequencing. In (Brisbin et al., 2010). Probiotics may also have indirect
this study, Roseburia, Lactobacillus, and Enterococcus effects, promoting the growth of other bacteria. For ex-
showed reductions, and Coprococcus and Anaeroflum ample, Lactobacillus agilis and Lactobacillus salivarus
were enriched in response to monensin alone, or mon- have the ability to stimulate the butyrate-producing
ensin in combination with virginiamycin or tylosin. An- microbiota and to reestablish the balance of the mi-
other important result was the enrichment in E. coli crobiota (Meimandipour et al., 2009).
in the monensin/virginiamycin and monensin/tylosin Another benefit of probiotics is the reduction
treatments, but not in the monensin-alone treatment. and prevention of colonization by enteric pathogens,
Metagenome analysis identified enrichment in trans- achieved through competitive exclusion mechanisms
port systems genes, including those for the transport and the production of bacteriostatic and bactericidal
of amino acids, iron and manganese, potassium and substances (Wei et al., 2013; Pan and Yu, 2014). Probi-
sodium, sugars, heavy metals, and calcium, which are otic cultures seek to compete with pathogenic microor-
associated to a reduction of acetate production. Regard- ganisms such as Salmonella, Enterobacter sakasaki, and
ing the antimicrobial resistance gene counts, no signifi- Clostridum difficile, which have a high capacity of ad-
cant differences were observed (Danzeisen et al., 2011). hesion to the intestinal mucosa (Collado et al., 2005).
These studies provide evidence that some effects are Strains of probiotics that help to reduce these levels of
similar while others are different when antibiotics are adhesion include bacteria of the genera Bifidobacterium
used either as growth promoters or treatment; for ex- (Collado et al., 2005) and Lactobacillus (Servin and Co-
ample, Lactobacillus diminishment was established for connier, 2003). However, this ability is highly dependent
both uses, but only when antibiotics are applied as a on the source of the microorganism, as bacteria from the
treatment was a higher presence of antibiotic-resistance intestines of chickens show a greater capacity to adhere
genes detected. to the mucosa and, therefore, to displace pathogenic
microorganisms (Collado et al., 2005).
METHODS USED TO MODULATE THE The inhibitory effects of probiotic bacteria on unde-
sirable microorganisms might be the result of the pro-
MICROBIOTA duction of different metabolites such as hydrogen per-
Probiotics oxide (H2 O2 ), diacetyl, bacteriocins and organic acids.
Stern et al. (2006) purified a bacteriocin produced
The International Scientific Association for Pro- by L. salivarius NRRL B-30,514 and treated chickens
biotics and Prebiotics has defined probiotics as a with it; there was a clear reduction in the presence of
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C. jejuni in their intestines (Stern et al., 2006). Other The probiotic model has been used widely in broiler
compounds that assist in the exclusion of human chickens for the control of Salmonella, and it has been
pathogenic microorganisms are organic acids such as reported that the employment of these cultures led
lactic, acetic, or propionic acid, which diminish pH to reductions in colonization by this pathogen, an ef-
levels in the intestine and reduce the speed of the fect that is also correlated with an increase in weight
pathogens multiplication (Blajman et al., 2015). gain and improved conversion of feed into body mass.
The effectiveness of probiotics depends on several fac- Currently, various commercial probiotics are available
tors, such as the composition of the mix, the time when on the market, including Aviguard R
, Primalac

they are administered and the origin of the microorgan- Interbac . These 3 products are made up of different
isms. It seems that the effectiveness of probiotic cul- species of Lactobacillus and Bacillus. There are several
tures is greater when they contain a larger number of areas that still need to be improved in the development
genera (Chambers and Gong, 2011). Similarly, origin and manufacture of these products if their effectiveness
affects effectiveness, as strains that come directly from and quality is to be guaranteed. A deeper analysis of
chicken intestines are more effective than those from this topic with specially interest in Salmonella control
other sources. Additionally, the composition of the pro- is presented by Chambers and Gong (2011).
biotic may be beneficial for one breed of chicken but
not for others. Another factor affecting the effective-
ness of probiotics is the time point at which they are Prebiotics
administered. In 2011, Nakphaichit et al. administered
Lactobacillus reuteri to broiler chickens only during the Prebiotics are defined as ingredients that stimulate
first wk of the life cycle and then proceeded to mon- increased beneficial microbial activity in the digestive
itor the microbial composition of the ileum for a pe- system in order to improve the health of the host. Com-
riod of 6 wk by 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. This pared to probiotics, they are cheaper to produce, the
study concluded that if probiotics are administered at risks of undesirable side effects in the host are lower and
an early stage of the cycle they will have positive effects the production process and administration are easier
only up to wk 6, showing greater diversity and abun- to manage. Most prebiotics seek to stimulate acidolac-
dance of Lactobacillus and a significant reduction in the tic and bifidogenic bacteria. The functions described
presence of chicken pathogens compared to the control for prebiotics are that they attach to pathogens, serve
(Nakphaichit et al., 2011). It has also been suggested as substrates for fermentation, increase osmosis in the
that the administration of probiotics has a greater ef- lumen of the intestine, and may also indirectly stimu-
fect on pathogenic microorganisms following a change late the response of macrophages and the production
in diet, or after antibiotic therapy (Zulkifli et al., 2000). of SCFAs and modulate the immune system (Patel and
The use of probiotics in the poultry chain has been re- Goyal, 2012).
ported since 1973, when Nurmi and Rantala pioneered Two kinds of prebiotics have been described for avi-
their use in the control of Salmonella in broiler chickens culture. Most of those currently used are non-digestible
(Nurmi and Rantala, 1973). They described feeding re- synthetic oligosaccharides that contain one or more
cently hatched chicks with a suspension of the intestinal molecules of a sugar, or a combination of simple sugars
contents of adult chickens, finding that the treatment such as glucose, fructose, xylose, galactose, and man-
protected chickens against Salmonella spp. However, nose. Mannose oligosaccharides found in the cell walls
this first proposed use of “probiotic” proved to have se- of yeasts have proved to be most important as they
rious limitations, principally due to the potential trans- contain compound proteins and glucan (Rehman et al.,
fer of diseases along with the beneficial microorganisms. 2009). The other kind of prebiotic described in the lit-
For this reason, subsequent research has focused on de- erature corresponds to lactose and lactose derivatives
veloping defined probiotics capable of being cultivated such as lactulose and lactosucrose (van Immerseel et al.,
and administered as pure cultures (Smith, 2014). 2002).
A range of probiotics has been developed, which are Several studies of prebiotics in chickens provide evi-
obtained in different ways and for which dosage and dence of positive effects for oligosaccharides of mannose
the time in the cycle in which they are administered or fructose in the inhibition of the pathogens Salmonella
also varies. The results and effectiveness of these prod- and E. coli (Chambers and Gong, 2011; Stanley et al.,
ucts has also been a controversial topic, as some stud- 2014).
ies report high levels of effectiveness, while in others Despite the positive effects observed, responses to
the results are less clear. Consequently, more studies supplements containing prebiotics have been inconsis-
are required in order to achieve reproducible results. tent when applied in mass production systems. Expla-
Lactobacillus is the most commonly used probiotic; its nations for this incongruousness include variation in the
reported benefits include increased weight gain, im- quality and dose of the compounds employed. It has
proved feed utilization effectiveness, and reductions in also been proposed that the effectiveness of prebiotics is
mortality (Zulkifli et al., 2000; Kalavathy et al., 2003; strongly dependent on the particular conditions found
Timmerman et al., 2006). in each farm.

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Phytobiotics injects its genetic material and then uses the metabolic
machinery of the host to replicate and assemble copies
Phytobiotics are described as primary or secondary of itself. A process of cellular lysis mediated by the
components of plants that contain bioactive com- phage then frees the virions assembled within the inte-
pounds that exert a positive effect on the growth rior of the cell. Once freed, these new virions can infect
and health of animals. Primary components include another cell, reinitiating the cycle. By contrast, in the
the base nutrients, such as protein, fat, and car- lysogenic life cycle the phage recognizes the host cell,
bohydrates, while secondary compounds include es- the injected DNA is incorporated into the bacterium’s
sential and/or volatile oils, bitterns, colorants, and genome and replicates with it. Under certain conditions,
phenolic compounds (Grashorn, 2010). They may be this DNA can detach itself from the genome and initi-
classified into 4 groups: 1) herbs (products from flower- ate a lytic life cycle. As it leaves the bacterial genome,
ing, non-woody, and non-persistent plants); 2) botani- the phage’s DNA can take information with it that can
cals (whole plants or processed parts); 3) essential oils be transferred to its next host. This process might im-
(hydro-distilled extracts of volatile plant compounds); part undesirable characteristics to the new host, such
and 4) oleoresins (extracts based on non-aqueous sol- as virulence factors or antibiotic resistance genes.
vents). Properties such as the promotion of growth and Phage therapy is defined as the use of phages to treat
health have been attributed to phytobiotics. These ben- bacterial infections; the term is restricted to the em-
efits are derived from improved intestinal health in the ployment of virulent phages. Its application to humans
animal, including improved digestion, modification of was described almost as soon as these viruses were dis-
digestive secretions and support to the histology of the covered in 1915 (Abedon et al., 2011). However, its use
intestine (Diaz-Sanchez et al., 2015). was displaced by the discovery of penicillin and contin-
The principal use of phytobiotics in aviculture has ued only in some countries of the former Eastern Block
been the administration of essential oils, which have (Summers, 2012). Today, the problematic emergence of
been used for a long time in the preparation of feed multi drug resistant bacteria has provided a new fo-
as artificial flavors and preservatives. Most essential cus on bacteriophages as a natural, non-toxic alterna-
oils have been classified as Generally Recognized as tive treatment of bacterial infections. The advantages
Safe (GRAS), by the US Food and Drug Adminis- of the technology have been described in detail in differ-
tration (FDA). These oils are characterized as engag- ent review articles such as in Loc-Carrillo and Abedon
ing in antimicrobial activities and having growth pro- (2011). The advantages of phage therapy include that
moting properties. Several oils, including carvacrol and treatment with phages can target a specific group of
thymol obtained from oregano and eugenol from the bacteria, with the result that the normal microbiota is
clove plant, have been shown to inhibit a wide range of not affected, reducing, thereby, the risk of secondary in-
pathogenic bacteria (Dorman and Deans, 2000). Sev- fections associated with antibiotic therapies. Phages are
eral studies have reported controlled experiments in considered to be more effective than antibiotics as they
which oils have been used as feed additives to reduce only multiply when their specific host is present. This
the presence of different pathogens in the intestine, in- implies that phages have the ability to increase their
cluding Salmonella (Tellez et al., 1993; Vicente et al., density in situ. Equally, following infection, once the
2007); E. coli (Jamroz et al., 2005); Campylobacter (Ali, concentration of the host has been reduced, the pop-
2014) and C. perfringens (Mitsch et al., 2004). However, ulation of phages diminishes as well. Another impor-
other studies have reported no effect on these pathogens tant advantage is that phages can be effective against
(Cross et al., 2007; Gonzalez-Gil et al., 2014). sensitive bacteria as well as strains that are resistant
These results suggest that the effectiveness of essen- to antibiotics (Loc-Carrillo and Abedon, 2011; Nilsson,
tial oils varies, principally because their active compo- 2014).
nents can differ depending on the method of extraction, As mentioned, specificity plays an important role in
geographical origin, plant genotype, and storage time. phage therapy, as phages are able to target only cer-
To summarize, essential oils have been extensively stud- tain groups of pathogenic bacteria without having any
ied and have been used in aviculture to improve feed negative effect on the normal microbiota of a given
safety, but further research is required to confirm if niche (Sulakvelidze, 2011), which, as has been shown
they can improve the productive parameters and an- throughout, fulfills important functions in the host.
imal health (Diaz-Sanchez et al., 2015). The application of phages has been described for hu-
mans (Abedon et al., 2011), different models in an-
Bacteriophages imals, plants, and food (Cooper, 2016). In 2006 the
US FDA approved a cocktail of phages formulated to
Bacteriophages (phages) are defined as specific in- control Listeria monocitogenes in food for human con-
tracellular parasites of bacteria that multiply using the sumption (Sulakvelidze, 2013). This approval recog-
metabolic machinery of their hosts. There are 2 large nized the employment of phages in foodstuffs as a safe
kinds of phages: virulent phages, with a lytic life cycle; and effective practice; however, the use of such prod-
and temperate phages, with a lysogenic life cycle. In a ucts is yet to be approved for use in live animals. In
lytic life cycle, the phage recognizes specific bacteria, spite of this, several studies have used bacteriophages
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in animals in order to control bacteria transmitted by more targeted and defined control; 2) resistance to these
foodstuffs. These models include the use of phages to enzymes has not yet been reported; 3) they can be iden-
control Salmonella and Campylobacter in broiler chick- tified and used from temperate and virulent phages;
ens (Grant et al., 2016; Wernicki et al., 2017). Most of and 4) lysins have the potential to be used in many
the published studies on the control of Salmonella have environments (humans, animals, food, biofilms, etc.).
been conducted using germ-free chickens that have been Among the important disadvantages of lysins are: 1)
reared in batteries under tightly controlled conditions. there is a lack of effectiveness against gram-negative
In all cases, phages have been administered orally, ei- bacteria; and 2) bacteriocins are protein, therefore are
ther as a feed supplement, in water, or using a gav- susceptible to inactivation. Several reports on the an-
age after the birds have been challenged with a given timicrobial application of endolysins along the food pro-
concentration of the pathogen (Grant et al., 2016). cessing line have been carried out, mainly directed to
Table 1 presents a summary of the in vivo stud- Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes in
ies carried out to date on broiler chickens to control dairy products (Oliveira et al., 2012). In addition, a
Salmonella; the table provides a brief description of study carried out by Zimmer et al. (2002) reported
each study with the most relevant results. For infor- 2 putative phage lysins from the clostridial phages
mation on Listeria and E. coli, readers are referred to ΦCP39O and ΦCP26F; after cloning and purification,
Wernicki et al. (2017). these lysins were able to lyse their parental C. perfrin-
The results of some of these studies have been very gens strain, as well as other strains of the bacterium.
promising, while in others there has been no observable It is also important to note that all other Clostrid-
effect. Reduction ranges from 0 to 5 log units (Table ium species were resistant to lytic activity, demonstrat-
1). These studies have enabled to identify the most sig- ing species specificity for C. perfringens. No other re-
nificant factors that should be taken into account for ports of lysins with potential use in broilers were found,
the successful application of phages and the maximiza- perhaps because most of the foodborne contamination
tion of reduction of the target microorganisms. These is caused by gram-negative bacteria (Zimmer et al.,
factors include the concentration ratio of the phage to 2002).
the target bacteria—also known as the multiplicity of It should be stressed that phage therapy still presents
infection (MOI), treatment with individual phages or limitations, such as variability in the results obtained;
with a cocktail, the optimum exposure time to the bac- this might be explained by different reasons: the de-
teria prior to the phage treatment, and the phage ad- velopment of resistance to phages by target bacteria,
ministration route. Published studies show that the ap- low multiplicity of infection, inaccessibility of the target
plication of phages in higher concentrations than the microorganism and the deactivation of phages by the
targeted microorganism is more successful in reducing host. The most important limitations to employ bacte-
the presence of the latter (Bardina et al., 2012). It riophages in producer farms is the lack of approval and
should also be considered that cocktails of phages are regulation for their use with animals, and acceptance of
more effective than individual applications (Fiorentin the therapy by the producer community, given that it is
et al., 2005; Andreatti Filho et al., 2007). Additionally, a relatively new technology. However, if such approval is
it has been demonstrated that treatment with phages to be achieved, research into the effectiveness of phages
is more effective when it precedes the exposure to the in the commercial conditions of factory farming is still
pathogen (Bardina et al., 2012; Wong et al., 2014). On required (Grant et al., 2016).
the matter of administration routes, even though most The unique study using bacteriophages in commer-
of the studies have been carried out using oral gavages, cial broiler flocks was reported by Kittler et al. (2013)
Carvalho et al. (2010) compared the effectiveness of with Campylobacter phages. The authors carried out 3
treatments conducted using a gavage with those in field trials, 2 in the same farm but in different sheds,
which phages were administered as a feed supplement, and the third was carried out in another farm. The herd
approaches that obtained reductions of 1.7 log10 and 2 size for the experimental and control group was, on av-
log10 CFU/mL, respectively. In a different approach, an erage, 14,625 chickens/house. The cocktail of 4 phages
extremely interesting study showed that the application was supplied via drinking water to a final concentration
of phages alongside with probiotics is more effective in 105 –107 PFU/mL. In the first trial, a reduction of up
reducing Salmonella than applying each treatment sep- to 3.2 CFU/g of Campylobacter load in the cecal con-
arately (Toro et al., 2005). tent was achieved, compared to the control. However,
Another alternative to the use of bacteriophages is no significant reduction was observed in the experimen-
the application of bacteriophages endolysins (or lysins), tal groups of the other trials, indicating that additional
which are lytic enzymes encoded by bacteriophages that research is required for large-scale application of the
decompose the bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan dur- phages (Kittler et al., 2013).
ing the terminal stage of the phage reproduction cy- Overall, bacteriophages represent a promising alter-
cle. These enzymes present some advantages and disad- native for the control of Salmonella and Campylobacter
vantages over living phages that were summarized by in farms. However, replicable studies that demonstrate
O’Flaherty et al. (2009). Some important advantages the effectiveness of the technology in intensive produc-
are: 1) lysins are not self-replicating, meaning they are tion systems are still required.
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Table 1. Comparative analysis of the effect of bacteriophages on Salmonella counts and incidence in broiler chickens, from literature reports available between 2007–2016.

on 04 January 2018
Inoculation of Phage treatment
Age of animal Concentration of phage(s) in (I: one phage
when challenged Serovar the Salmonella relation to the Concentration of only; C: Method of
Reference with Salmonella employed inoculum challenge the phage(s) cocktail) inoculation Results

(Wong et al., 6d S. Typhimurium 1010 UFC/mL 2h 1012 UFP/mL I1 Oral gavage Reduction (UFC/mL) of 2.9 log10
2014) post-challenge CFU/mL at 6 h post-treatment
and undetectable levels after 24 h.
(Gonçalves 45 d S. Enteritidis 107 UFC/mL 1 hour 109 UFP/mL C2 Oral gavage Reduction (UFC/mL) in the ceca
et al., 2014) post-challenge and crop of 2 log10 CFU/mL at 3
h post-treatment, and at 6 h
reduction of 2 log10 CFU/mL in
ceca and undetectable levels in
(Bardina et al., 21 d S. Typhimurium 105 UFC/mL 1d 1011 UFP/mL C3 Oral gavage Reductions (UFC/mL) of 4.4
2012) pre-challenge, and 3.2 log10 , at 2 and 6 d
and d post-treatment respectively, after
0,1,2,3,6,8,10,13,15 8 d a reduction of 2 log10 is
post-challenge maintained.
21 d S. Typhimurium 105 UFC/mL Days 1111 UFP/mL C3 Oral gavage Reductions (UFC/mL) of 4 and 2
0,1,2,3,6,8,10,13,15 log10 at 2 and 6 d post-treatment.
post-challenge The reduction of 2 log is
maintained until the end of the
21 d S. Typhimurium 105 UFC/mL Days 4 and 5 1211 UFP/mL C3 Oral gavage Reduction (UFC/mL) of 1 and
post- challenge 0.5 at 6 and 12 d after treatment.
(Andreatti Filho 6d S. Enteritidis 103 UFC/mL 1 hour 108 UFP/mL I4 Oral gavage Reduction (incidence)8 of 70%
et al., 2007) post-challenge and 0% at 24 and 48 h
post-treatment respectively.

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6d S. Enteritidis 103 UFC/mL 1 hour 108 UFP/mL I5 Oral gavage Reduction (incidence)8 of 65%
post-challenge and 0% at 24 and 48 h
post-treatment respectively.
6d S. Enteritidis 103 UFC/mL 1 hour 108 UFP/mL C6 Oral gavage Reduction (incidence)8 del 40%
post-challenge and 85% at 24 and 48 h
post-treatment respectively.
(Atterbury 34 d S. Typhimurium 1010 UFC/mL 48 h 109 UFP/mL I1 Oral gavage No reduction in Salmonella
et al., 2007) post-challenge observed (UFC/mL)
34 d S. Enteritidis 1010 UFC/mL 48 h 109 UFP/mL I1 Oral gavage No reduction significant reduction
post-challenge (UFC/mL)
34 d S. Typhimurium 1010 UFC/mL 48 h 1011 UFP/mL I1 Oral gavage Reduction (UFC/mL) of 2.19
post-challenge log10 UFC/mL at 24 h
34 d S. Enteritidis 1010 UFC/mL 48 h 1011 UFP/mL I1 Oral gavage Reduction (UFC/mL) of 4.3 log10
post-challenge UFC/mL at 24 h post-treatment
(Hurley et al., 1d Salmonella sp. 108 UFC/mL 24 h and 28 d 106 UFP/mL (24 h) I7 Water from No reduction in Salmonella
2008) post-challenge 108 UFP/mL (28 d) drinking observed (UFC/mL)


Reduction (incidence)8 of 19%

Reduction (incidence)8 of 30%


No reduction in Salmonella
observed (UFC/mL)
The gastrointestinal microbiota plays a crucial role
Results in host immune system, its physiological development,
health, nutrition and productivity. The manipulation

Reduction of incidence of Salmonella compared to positive control. Incidence = number of animals with presence of Salmonella per group/No. of animals per treatment group.
of the microbial community through the inclusion of
feed additives such as probiotics, prebiotics, phytobi-
otics and phages is feasible in order to enhance chicken
growth and control either human or animal pathogens.
However, it is still required improvements in these ap-
proaches to ensure their adequate use in the production
Water from

Water from
Method of

chain. Phage-therapy is one of the strategies available

Spray on




to manipulate gut microbiome, which have has promis-

ing results and also have some advantages over the oth-
ers technologies, but research is needed for the use of
phages at the productive scale.
Phage treatment
(I: one phage

only; C:



Supplementary data are available at PSCIEN online.

Supplementary Table S1. Taxonomical affiliation
of genera present in the broiler microbiota, cited in
Concentration of

108 UFP/mL (28

108 UFP/mL

108 UFP/mL
10 UFP/mL
the phage(s)

this review (according to the NCBI taxonomy database

(24 h)

We thank Colciencias for funding the research project
relation to the

Inoculation of

48 h and 28 d


phage(s) in

code 1204-569-34190 “Uso de bacteriófagos nativos


24 h

24 h

como alternativa para el control de la salmonelosis en

Colombia” (with resources from Patrimonio Autónomo
Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento para la Ciencia, la
Tecnologı́a y la Innovación, Francisco José de Caldas);
also, for the doctoral scholarship awarded to VC. We
Concentration of
the Salmonella

10 UFC/mL

105 UFC/mL

105 UFC/mL

thank Pilar Donado from Corporación Colombiana de


Investigación Agropecuaria - Corpoica) for her kind re-

vision of an early version of the manuscript.

Salmonella sp.

S. Enteritidis

S. Enteritidis

Viviana Clavijo-López and Martha J. Vives-Florez


are members of the spin off SciPhage S.A.S., which

works for the development of phage therapy in Colom-
Cocktail of 3 phages not identified.
when challenged
with Salmonella

Cocktail of phages not identified.

Age of animal

Phages CB4O and WT45O.

10 d

10 d

Abedon, S., S. J. Kuhl, B. G. Blasdel, and E. M. Kutter. 2011. Phage

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Phage not identified.
Table 1 Continued.

of broiler chicks as affected by dietary marjoram leaves powder.

Egypt. Poult. Sci. J. 34:57–70.
Phage WT45O.
Phage CB4O.

Allen, H. K., and T. B. Stanton. 2014. Altered egos: Antibiotic effects

Phage SP6.
(Borie et al.,

on food animal microbiomes. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 68:297–315.

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