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From the desk of: Dr.

Saptarshi Banerjea

Session - 4




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FILE: E:\SAPTARSHI\Session-4-Day-1 – Sluggish & Lazy Remedies Day.doc

From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

1) Introduction 3
2) Drug Totality 3
3) Constitution 3–4
4) Mental Symptoms 4–5
5) Characteristic Symptoms 5
6) Theme & Essence 6
7) Particular Symptoms 7
8) Modalities 8
9) Relationship 8
10) Oral Questionnaire 8

1) Introduction 9
2) Drug Totality 9
3) Constitution 10
4) Aetiology 10
5) Mental Symptoms 10 – 12
6) Guiding Symptoms 12 – 15
7) Theme & Essence 16 – 18
8) Particular Symptoms 18 – 22
9) General Modalities 22
10) Particular Modalities 23
11) Relationship 23
12) Psology 23
13) Oral Questionnaire 23 – 27

1) Common Name 27
2) Constitution 28
3) Mental Symptoms 28
4) Characteristic Symptoms 28
5) Modality 28
6) Relationship 28

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

Session - 4


1) Introduction

Carbonate of Barium with which are included symptoms of Baryta acetica.

Hering and Hahnemann combine the two, as Hering says "there is hardly any difference
between the two, and certainly none in the symptoms cured."

2) Drug Totality

B = Bloated

A = Aversion to strangers

R = Roughness of face with cob-web sensation.

Y = Yeilding to suppuration of glands; quinsy.

T = Touchy, easily irritated.

A = Absent minded, lack of concentration.

3) Constitution

Especially adapted to complaints of first and second childhood;

Physical make-up:
i) Old, cachectic people; scrofulous, especially when fat; or those who suffer from gouty
complaints.(Fluor. ac.).
ii) “With a high swollen pot-bellied abdomen, a bloated face and an idiotic vacant look, he
made a very sorry figure.”(N.M.Choudhuri)
iii) Children represents a picture of typical cretinism, having short stature, swollen
abdomen,puffy face, enlarged glands, thick lips, dwarfish with stunted growth.
iv) Dr.Farrington refers that the child is rather emaciated with the exception of the
abdomen, which is large.
v) Dwarfish, hysterical women and old maids with scanty menses.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

Thermal Reaction:
Deficient heat, always cold and chilly.

Scrofulous, dwarfish children, who do not grow. (children who grow too rapidly, Cal.)

Psoric or tubercular.

4) Mental Symptoms

Delayed milestones:
Children are late coming into activity; late with their studies; late learning to talk & read; late
learning to take in images, and form perceptions; to take on their activities.(Kent)

Dwarfishness of mind:
i) Childish manner of doing things, and childish behavior.
ii) Kent says they play with dolls and say foolish things.They have not come into
womanhood.They lack the prudence of the woman.They have not become circumspect,
and say things just as a boy or just as a little girl would say them.
iii) The baby does not want to play, but sits in the corner of the room or of the play
ground,doing nothing or doing foolish behaviour viz.throwing stones to strangers.
iv) You will have patients to treat, where this slow development manifests in girls 18 to 25
years of age, who do the things they did when they were children, and say things as they
said them when they were children.(Kent)

i) They pick up a thing from your desk, and fumble with it for a minute or two, and the next
moment they are playing with the handle of a drawer. It is the lack of concentration, that
is the outstanding characteristic.(Borland)
ii) Children cannot be taught, as it cannot remember.
iii) Senile dementia.

They never concentrates on a lesson, appears to learn some thing today and has completely
forgotten it tomorrow.(Borland)

N.M.Choudhuri says there is a great amount of irresoluteness; they can hardly make up their
minds to do anything.

Mental Exhaustion:
i) They are very easily tired out. Any attempt at sustained effort exhausts them.
ii) When they are young, they become cross & irritable, as they get older, any sustained
effort brings on very troublesome headaches.

i) Very averse to meeting strangers (Boericke).
ii) Hides himself behind a furniture, when stranger comes.They will hide as for a shame of
iii) Kent picturises that when the Baryta carb. babies appear in the clinic they will keep the
hand up over the face and peek out through the fingers.
iv) N.M.Choudhuri reasons out that they consider themselves the observed of all observers
and the subject of criticism of every body.They fear ridicule.
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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

i) Sensation as of cobweb.
ii) Tension of whole face, as if white of egg had dried on it.(N.M.Choudhuri)
iii) N.M.Choudhuri quotes a peculiar symptom of Dr. Talcott, that the patient thinks his legs
are cut off and that he is walking on his knees.

Terrified of going out of doors, a town-bred child going to the country is terrified in the open

Night Terrors:
Night-terrors, without any clear idea of what the terror is and they always have a fear of people.

5) Characteristic Symptoms

i) Offensive foot sweat; toes and soles get sore; of the heels;
ii) Throat affections after checked foot sweat (Graph., Psor., Sanic., Sil.).
iii) Perspiration : every alternate evening, or alternate night.

Children both physically & mentally weak,must sit, or lie down or lean on something.

Profuse salivation during waking as well as during sleeping hours with intolerable stench
coming from the mouth.

Talking in sleep; awakens frequently; feels too hot.

i) Swelling & induration or incipient suppuration of glands, especially cervical & inguinal.
ii) We find enlargement of tonsils, testes, parotid, axillary, prostate and mesenteric
iii) Kent remarks that the glands all over the body enlarge and indurate; the glands of the
neck, the glands of the groin, the lymphatics in the abdomen are all affected - knotty
chains form in the neck.
iv) Very liable to get cold and they always start as sorethroat (Borland).

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

6) Theme & Essence

Scrofulous +
Weak & Dwarfish
Emotionally Quinsy+++ (Suppurating
after every cold)

Easily Offensive
catches cold foot sweat

Swollen glands

Tonsils Plug in throat

with < swallowing

Swollen veins Suppurating



Smarting Stinging
Quinsy (suppuration after every cold)


Offensive foot sweat ECC

Mentally Tonsillitis Hypertrophy of Apoplexy,

retarded & prostate & senility.
child. croup. testis.

First childhood Second childhood

Complaints of :


Induration (hypertrophy, scrofulous) Glandular : swelling & induration

& degeneration (vascular  softens (testis, tonsils, prostrate, breast,
vessels  aneurism  rupture  cervical and inguinal glands, etc.)

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

7) Particular Symptoms


i) It is one of the best remedies we have for the prevention of the recurrence of tonsillitis.
ii) It checks the tissue proliferation and rectifies to a great extent the strumous

i) Persons subject to quinsy, take cold easily, or with every, even the least, cold have an
attack of tonsillitis, prone to suppuration (Hep., Psor.).
ii) Removes predisposition to quinsy.
iii) Kent remarks children with enlarged tonsils, and with enlarged glands in other places,
dwarfish intellectually, slow to learn- Baryta carb. will cure the enlarged tonsils.

i) On the slightest exposure to cold and damp, the tonsils tend to suppurate.
ii) Dr. C. S. Kali suggest that Baryta Carb is well indicated than Silicea, in tonsillitis caused
from suppressed foot sweat (- Sil., though indicated but Baryta Carb has more profound
action on throat).

Recurrent tonsilar swelling and congestion with suppuration associated with swollen uvula.

Tonsil tends to suppurate esp. the right.

Inability to swallow anything but liquids (Bap., Sil.).

(i) Pricking sensation when swallowing.
(ii) Sensation of a plug in the throat, worse when swallowing solids.

i) Coryza with swelling of the upper lip & nose.
ii) Chronic cough in psoric children; enlarged tonsils or elongated uvula; < after slight
iii) Dry, suffocative cough, especially in old people, full of mucus but lacking strength to
expectorate, worse every change of weather. (Senega.)
iv) It is indicated in a peculiar type of cough that becomes chronic in scrofulous

Aggravation from empty swallowing,in cold air, damp weather.
Agg. on lying on painful side; on left side (Clarke); aggravation after eating.
There is a cough in Baryta carb. where he coughs and gets no relief until he lies on the
abdomen; and so long as he lies on the abdomen he is free from cough.(Kent)

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8) Modalities

Agg. When thinking of his disease (Oxal. ac.); lying on painful side; after meals; washing
affected parts,company
Amel.: walking in open air;warm wrapping(Boger)

9) Relationship

i) Complementary : Dulc.; Silica; Psorin.

ii) Frequently useful before or after Psor., Sulph and Tub.
iii) After Bar. c., Psor. will often eradicate the constitutional tendency to quinsy.
iv) Incompatible after Calc. Carb., in scrofulous affections.
v) To a typical Baryta Carb child, with an acute tonsillitis, it is wiser to give a dose of Baryta
Mur, rather than Baryta Carb, during the acute phase. Very often they will need an
intercurrent dose of Psorinum after the Baryta Mur., before reverting to Baryta Carb
vi) 30th potency to remove the predisposition to quinsy.
vii) Baryta is slow in action, bears repetition.

10) Oral Questionnaire

Qu.1 Discuss the eye symptoms of Baryta

i) Scrofulous ophthalmia, cornea opaque.
ii) Photophobia.

Qu.2 State the old age symptoms of Baryta

i) Apoplectic tendency in old people; complaints of old drunkards; headache of aged
people, who are childish.
ii) Diseases of old men when degenerative changes begin; - cardiac vascular and cerebral;
- who have hypertrophied prostate or indurated testes, very sensitive to cold, offensive
iii) It is an important help in old age, where due to atrophy of the cranial matters the patient
goes into his second childhood.(N.M.Choudhuri)

Qu.3 State the haemorrhoids of Baryta Carb

Ans.Haemorrhoids protrude every time he urinates (Mur. ac.).

Qu.4 State the heart symptoms of Baryta

i) Palpitation when lying on left side, when thinking of it especially.
ii) Cardiac symptoms after suppressed foot-sweat.

Qu,6 Discuss the male sexual symptoms of Baryta

i) Enlarged prostate and indurated testicles.
ii) Often useful in the dyspepsias of the young who have masturbated and who suffer from
seminal emissions, together with cardiac irritability and palpitation.

Qu.7 Discuss the tumor symptoms of Baryta

Ans. Fatty tumors upon the back.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea


1) Introduction

Synonyms Formula. Source First Prover

1) Carbonate of Lime. CaCO Mineral Kingdom Dr. Samuel
2) Calcium Carbonate of Hahnemann. Hahnemann

This remedy is prepared by triturating the inner snow-white portion of the oyster shells.

Calc. is the "Bell-wether" of the flock of fat remedies.

“With the chalky complexion goes –

Fatness without fitness,
Sweating without heat,
Bones without strength,
Tissues of plus quantity and minus quality.
Mere flabby, bulky with weakness and weariness”.
“Some remedies are difficult to spot; the difficulty is to miss Calcarea, when typical”, says
Margaret Tyler.

It is one of the greatest monuments of Hahnemann‟s genius and is a great polychrest, and
ranks with Sulphur and Lycopodium at the head of anti-psorics.

2) Drug Totality

C = Chilly : takes cold readily.

A = Antipsoric : Hahnemann‟s trio.

L = Leucophlegmatic constitution.

C = Coldness : in general and single parts.

A = Affection of glands : scrofulous & tubercular diathesis.

R = Ravenous hunger.

E = Excessive sour discharges : Sweat, Stool, Vomiting : body smells sour.

A = Assimilation altered : imperfect ossification : delayed mile-stones.

C = Congestion (Ref. Kent).

A = Aversion to meat.

R = Relaxation (Ref. Kent).

B = Better when constipated.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

3) Constitution

Physical make-up :
i) Leucophlegmatic, blonde hair, light complexion, blue eyes, fair skin.
ii) Pale, weak, timid, easily tired when walking.
iii) Disposed to grow fat, corpulent, unwieldy.Tendency to obesity in youth.
iv) Children with red face, flabby muscles, who sweat easily and take cold readily in
v) Girls who are fleshy, plethoric, and grow too rapidly.
vi) Calc. is fat, fair, flabby and perspiring and cold, damp and sour.
vii) Lung diseases of tall, slender, rapidly growing youth.
viii) Children with large head, are large-bellied, pale skin, chalky look.
ix) Boger says Calc. grows fat, but not strong.
x) The characteristic Calc. hand is soft, warm, and moist; a boneless hand.(Ref.Clarke)
xi) Dr. Blackie refers a description of children who are charming, smiling and who take prize
at the baby show.
xii) They sit where they are put and do not wriggle about like other children. comes in puffily
and presents you withfroggy hands that makes you shine and you can spot Calc. carb by
the hands (Ref.Tyler).

Relation with heat and cold : Master Kent says Calc. is a chilly patient. Sensitive to the cold
air, raw winds.

Miasm : Psora+++, Sycotic+++, Syphilitic++, Tubercular+++.

This great Hahnemannian anti-psoric is a constitutional remedy par excellence.J.H.Clarke says,

Calc. is hydrogenoid and sycotic.

Diathesis : Scrofulous, rachitic and tubercular diathesis.

4) Aetiology

i) Affections caused by working in water.

ii) Pituitary and thyroid disfunction.
iii) Disposition to strain by lifting heavy things.(Ref.Clarke)
iv) Injury to lower spine.(Ref.Clarke)
v) Suppressed eruption.

5) Mental Symptoms

Clarke says Calc. is slow in movements (Sul. quick and active).Kent says,no ability of the mind
to sustain prolonged mental effort. Calc is a tired patient. Slight mental effort produces hot head.

INDOLENCE or INERTNESS (Ref. Dr. C. Hering) is a characteristic. Recall the inactive oyster,
the most passive member of the mollusc family, only opening and closing its shell to take in food
or to reproduce. This same sedentary nature is manifested in Calc., who is lethargic, neither
easily aroused, nor easily moved and content to do the barest minimum. Exertion produces a
jaded state - mentally and physically.

Cannot stand or walk long, he has to sit in a chair and slides down because he is so flabby. A
chubby face, and bright pink cheeks, yet he lacks energy.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

She will lose her reason or people will observe her mental confusion (Act.).Starts at every noise;
fears that she will go crazy.

Fears misfortune,contagiousdiseases.Fears she has some fatalheart disease. Fear of some

impending calamity.(Ref.N.M.Choudhuri)

Fear of darkness, cannot bear to be alone. Calc. Carb. has many fears (more than any remedy
in the Materia Medica).

Clarke says, state of mind is one of apprehension which is worse towards evening.Anxieties of
Calc. are more realistic (--Arsenicum worry will be way out of proportions of reality).

Night Terrors:
Ideas crowding in her mind prevent sleep.Horrid visions when closing eyes.

Same disagreeable idea always arouses from light slumber.J.H.Clarke says, child wakes at
2 or 3 a.m. screaming, cannot be made to understand, remembers nothing of it in morning.

Kent says Calc.sees dogs crowding around him, fights them off.Delirium with visions of fires,

Farrington remarks, as evening comes, child is filled with awe, shudders, his imagination is so
excited that he pictures visions of rat and mice, thinks someone is walking by his side, converts
articles of furnitures into animate objects, which alarms him.

Dreams: Frightful dreams of sickness, death, and smell of corpses.(Ref.Clarke)

N.M.Choudhuri says, mind is so confused, that it does not understand, even the simplest
problems of life.They listen most carefully or read, but their intellect does not absorb even a
portion of what they hear or read.

A disposition to take everything in bad part.When permitted to roam happily,Calc toddler
responds to obstacles in a very particular way. Instead of cryingor demanding adult help, he will
strain, trying by himself to dislodge the obstacle.
Obstinate : (a) if interrupted, (b) if plans are suddenly changed, (c) if forced to change his own plans.

Sensitive to criticism:
Calc. children are told by their teachers that they are stupid, go home, bathed in tears trickling
down their faces. Very sensitive, and more so when they find they cannot keep up with other
children at school. forced to dwell uponlittle things that he cannot put aside.When Calc begins to relate to
his friends how he feels they all naturally say to him, 'Why don't you put that aside; that doesn't
amount to anything."(Ref.Kent)

Reliable and Hard-working:

They may be satisfied to be a middle grade student, it does not distrust them as long as they put
out great effort. They are trustworthy, loyal, dedicated.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

They keep on working against their difficulties, even when feel overwhelmed and are collapsing.
A continuous steadily plodding, do not get tired, will not say that they will go to bed, that they are
tired. "I have got this to do".

A bright girl, talking on sadness, and commencing to talk about the future world and the angels;
and she wants to die and go there. She wants to read Bible all day (Ref. Dr.Kent).

Rush of blood to head.J.H.Clarke says, a sensation of something rising up from epigastrium to
head is very characteristic.

Calc handshake is characteristic. There seems to be no bone, no firm responding grip, as the
patient offers his limp, clammy hand to the doctor. (--Handshake alone helps to spot the
constitutional remedy) :-
Ars Calc. Carb Hepar Lyco Silicea Thuja
a) Cold, dry a) No firm a) Cold and a) Firm, grateful a) Rough & a) Sweaty
grasp responding damp as Calc grasp cracked with hand-clasp
grip, clammy Carb but not overgrown
hand limp nails.
b) To seize/ b) Moist, sticky, b) Cold and b) Firmly b) An embrace
hold, with damp, damp but not holding and or grasp with
eagerness. boneless flaccid. expressing sweaty
Cold but dry hand grip. eagerness hand.
hand. and gratitude.

ESSENCE SUM UP : Calcarea is unable to begin a mental work,laments and

complains, fearful, slow, indolent, picky but hard-working and
tears tickles down slowly.

6) Guiding Symptoms

Let me allow to impress on you the Calcarea Carb. totality through the name of the remedy.

C = Chilly.
A = Antipsoric.
L = Leucophlegmatic.
C =Coldness.
A = Affection of glands.
R = Ravenoushunger.
E = Excessive sour discharges.
A = Assimilation altered.

C = Curvature of Bones.
A = Air Hunger -- craves fresh air.
R = Rawness of soles from perspiration.
B = Better when constipated.

Chilly :

Calcarea is a chilly patient who is sensitive to cold, damp air.Clarke says, dread of open air
ranks most prominently; the least cold air goes right through.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

Master Kent graded Calc. Carb. in second grade in the sub-rubic, tendency to take cold (Acon.,
Baryta., Bry., Chamo., Dulc., Hep., Lyco., Merc., Nat. Mur., Nit. Ac., Psor., Rumex., Sil., Sep.,
Tuber., Bell., Graph., Kali Bi., Phos., Puls., Rhus T., Sulph.)

Master Kent said, sensitive to coming of a storm, to the coming of cold weather and when
weather changes from warm to cold, it seems impossible for him to keep warm.

Anti-psoric :

It is one of our immortal Master Hahnemann‟s trio of anti-psoric remedies – Sulphur., Calc.
Carb. And Lyco.

Leucophlegmatic :

Stedman‟s Medical dictionary eleborated the etymology as – a temperament marked by pallor,

slow respiration, sluggish circulation, hyperplasia of lymphatic glands – much the same as
scrofulous diathesis.

The term used by H. N.Guernsey, viz., Leucophlegmatic temperament.Calc. isconstitutionally fat

or strongly inclined to obesity.Colour of skin is chalky pale. Torpid disposition (especially
children), sluggish or slow in its movements.

Coldness :

Calc. has coldness in general and in single parts (Kali. Bi.); head, stomach, abdomenand legs.
Aversion to cold open air, "goes right through her"; sensitive to cold, damp air.

Nash says in Sulph. we have sensation of burning whereas Calc. has characteristically the
opposite, viz., coldness.

Master Kent in his Repertory said, coldness in inner parts (Lauro.).N.M.Choudhurisays,a

characteristic indication is a feeling of icy coldness in some parts of head, as if a piece of ice is
lying against it.Boger says skin is cold like a snake.

Affection of glands :

Master Kent said, a marked feature running through the remedy is its tendency to attack glands,
- glands of neck – especially lymphatic glands. This is a condition characterized by pre-

N.M.Choudhuri says this is one of the first remedies we think of in scrofula.Nash says, tardy
development of bony tissues with lymphatic enlargements.

Ravenous hunger :
Clarke said our Calc. patient has ravenous hunger. Hunger and feeling of emptiness
immediately after a meal, and in early morning.Clarke elucidated the idea – if patient does not
have breakfast at proper time, a headache comes on.

Master Kent graded Calc. Carb. in second grade in the rubic, ravenous appetite soon after
eating (Cina., lod., Lyc., Phos.,Psor., Sulph.). Emaciation with ravenous appetite ( lod., Nat.
Mur., Abrot., Sulph.). But it is to note that, Kent classed Calc. Carb, in first grade under the sub-
rubic ravenous, canine, excessive, increased appetite (Am.C., Arg.M., Ars., Calc.Ph., China.,
Cina., Graph., lod., Nat.M., NuxV., Phos., Puls., Sulph., Sil.).

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During either sickness or convalescence, great longing for eggs.Craving for indigestible things,
chalk, coal. (Alumina., Cina., Cicuta., Nit. Ac., Psor.).
We notice a great longing for boiled eggs, raw potatoes and flour.(Ref.N.M.Choudhuri)
Desire for sweet, sour and salt.
Desire to be magnetized (Phos.).

Calc has aversion to meat ( China., Graph., Mur.Ac., NuxV., Petrol., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sulph.,
Alumina., Arn., Ars., Bry., Kali Bi., Lyco., Nat. Mur., Phos., Rhus Tox., Tuber.). Master Kent
classed aversion to coffee (Calc., NuxV).
Dislike of fat.Repugnance to hot food.Aversion to boiled things.

Excessive sour discharges :

J.H.Clarke says sourness is one of the characteristic notes of Calc. Calcarea‟s discharges are
characterized by excessive sourness, - sour vomiting, sour stool, sour diarrhoea – even whole
body smells sour (Hep., Mag Carb., Rheum.). Clarke said, even the taste of Calc. is sour.

Assimilation altered :

Boericke says impaired nutrition is the keynote of its action.Boger comments of faulty bone

Diseases arising from altered or defective assimilation (Baryta., Sil.). Master Kent says, it is not
late learning to walk, but it is late walking.It knows how to walk, but it can't walk.

Clarke explained it – improper nutrition and imperfect digestion result in imperfect ossification,
difficulty in learning to walk or stand; delayed mile stones. (-late learning to walk due to mental
dwarfism, Baryta Carb.; - due to weak ankles, Sil. – due to nervous weakness, Caust.).

Children have no disposition to walk and will not try.

Difficult and delayed dentition with characteristic head sweats, and open fontanelles.Nash
says,while irregular bone development is going on, soft parts suffer from over-nutrition.

Curvature of bones :

Large heads and abdomens; fontanelles and sutures remain open too long; bones soft, develop
very slowly.

Master Kent says,bones do not grow and keep pace with growth of the head, and hence sutures
commence to separate and head grows larger, with hydrocephalus.

Curvature of bones, especially spine and long bones; extremities& spine crooked, deformed.

N.M.Choudhuri says bones of leg give way under heavy weight of body; so knock-knees and
bow legs are often met in Calc babies.

You take infants manifestingweakness of spine, let them lie flat on their back in bed, put them
on indicated remedy - it is sometimes Calc. - and in a little while knuckling will cease, and little
one will sit up straight.(Ref.Kent)

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

Air Hunger-Craves fresh air:

Longing for fresh air (when in a room) which inspires, benefits, strengthens (Puls., Sulph.).

Rawness of soles from perspiration :

Rawness of soles from perspiration (Graph., Sanic.); blisters and offensive foot sweat.

Profuse perspiration, mostly on back of head and neck, or chest and upper part of body (Sil.).
Head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around (Sil., Sanic.).

Sweat : of single parts; head, scalp wet, cold; nape of neck; chest, axillae, sexual organs;
hands; feet (Sep.).

Nash says,in all sweatings of Calc. surface is characteristically cold at the same time, and
especially we find lower extremities cold.

It is also a remedy for night sweats when in connection with consumption or debilitating

Better when constipated :

A peculiar uncommon characteristic of Calc.Carb. – „feels better everywaywhen constipated.‟

This is a general symptom, as feeling better as a whole is a generality.

Note. 1: Master Kent said, Calc is full of congestion - determination of blood to head with hot
head; congestion of chest.N.M.Choudhuri says Calc. being chronic of Belladonna, we meet with
congestion in head, same as in Bell.

Note. 2:Our sagacious Master Kent said, Calc. has great relaxation of tissues everywhere;
relaxation of muscles, relaxation of veins, relaxation of walls of bloodvessels to great extent.

Note. 3:
Kent says,a grand feature running through this remedy is its ability to grow polypi.

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7) Theme & Essence

Physical Theme :
Pituitary and thyroid dysfunction; impaired
nutrition affecting glands, bones and skin


Tendency to obesity in youth Irregular menstruation

Slowness Scrofulous

3`S‟ Diathesis

Sourness Sweaty Rachitic Tubercular

or obese
3F: Fair, fat, flabby
and diagnose Cold

Freezing Slow, sluggish Clammy hands Catches

movement & feet cold easily


Eructations & taste Stool & urine

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

Mental Theme :

Animals (including dogs)

Insects & Spiders Health & recovery

Claustrophibia Disease (Cancer)

Fears Anxiety
High places
Poverty (heights) Cruelty Accidents

Others will know her confusion



Closed Reliable & responsible

Sensitive & Shy &

sentimental Protection sluggish Over-res- Reliable & simple Works
& ponsible hard
Security Lack of
Timid ambition Duty-bound
and Initiative
Overworks to keep it

Over- Sincere
whelmed Occupation >


A3 : Anxiety, Apprehension, Alert

Fears Sensitive

Insecurity Withdrawal

Unstable  Hide

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

Fear (Loss of familiar ground) Poverty

Anticipation Anxiety
Disease Others will know
her confusion
Aetiologies Duty bound Anxiety+++

Overexertion News Reliable

Mental Bad
Over Excite- Events Tragedies works to Timid &
work ment & stories (results maintain it sluggish
Respon- Sincere

Lack of ambition Lack of initiative

8) Particular Symptoms


Suitability :
i) Menarche commence at an early age.
ii) Girls who are fleshy, plethoric and grow too rapidly.

i) N.M.Choudhuri shares, all organs of conception, are found in good condition, and still
conception does not take place, due to constitutional dyscrasia. Calc. causes conception
to take place readily.
ii) Master Kent says it is a common thing for Calc. women to be sterile. So tired, so
relaxed; wholly unfit for reproduction.

i) Often due to a disagreeable nauseating taste, child would not take to the breast.
It cries itself hoarse and still would not suck.A few doses of Calc. given to the mother
sweetens the milk and child devours greedily what he disliked only a whileago.
ii) Deficient lactation, with distended breasts in lymphatic women.


Suitability :
i) In little girls before puberty and in infants.(Ref.N.M.Choudhuri)
ii) Leucorrhoea in children from atony (Mill.).

i) Leucorrhoea, especially between menses.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

ii) Leucorrhoea during emission of urine (Clarke).

Character:Thick, milky, gushing leucorrhoea.

i) Suppression of menses in women of full habit after working in water.(Ref.Clarke)
ii) Chlorosis with menses scanty or suppressed.


Time : Too early; premature.

Quantity :
i) Too profuse.
ii) Clarke says if menses are scanty, and Calc. characteristics of chilliness and cold,
clammy feet are present, Calc. will still be the remedy.

Duration:Too long lasting with subsequent amenorrhoea.

Before menstruation :
i) Before menses, headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhoea.
ii) Swelling, painful sensitiveness and tenderness of breasts.
iii) Burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation; in little girls.

During menstruation :
i) Feet feels habitually cold and damp, as if they had on cold damp stockings.
ii) Toothache, vertigo,nausea, colic during menses (Clarke).
iii) Eruption on face of young womenduring scanty menses (Bellis., Eugen., Psor., Sang.).

Modalities :
Agg. Least mental excitement, which causes profuse return of menstrual flow (Sulph.,Tuber.).


Introduction :
Diseases arising from defective assimilation; imperfect ossification.

Constitution :
i) Psoric, chilly, scrofulous, leucophelgmatic.
ii) Fair, fatty and flabby. Disposed to grow corpulent.
iii) Large head, anterior fontanelle and sutures are open.
iv) Abdomen swollen like an inverted saucer.
v) Children with red face, flabby muscles; pale, weak, timid, easily tired.
vi) Calc. sweats easily and take cold readily in consequence.
vii) Children prone to brain troubles (Bell., Hell., Tuber.).

Physical symptoms :

Bones :
i) Delayed ossification; bones soft, develops very slowly.
ii) Curvature of bones esp. spine, and long bones.
iii) Extremities are crooked, deformed.
iv) Bones irregularly developed; so, late learning to walk.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

Head :Large with fontanelles and sutures open.

Teeth :Difficult and delayed dentition.

Tonsils :Tendency to enlarge, due to tubercular diathesis.Cold settles in the tonsil.

Abdomen :Pit of the stomach swollen like an inverted saucer and painful to pressure.

Desire :
i) For indigestible things, such as clay, chalk.
ii) Desire to be magnetised.
iii) Desire for boiled egg.
iv) Longing for fresh air – which inspires, benefits and strengthens.
v) Insatiate craving for salt.

Stool :
i) Clay or white coloured.
ii) Diarrhoea of children, sour smelling (Hepar.).
iii) Fells better in everyway when constipated.
iv) During constipation – stool has to be removed mechanically.
v) Stool large, hard, impacted, so that it requires mechanical aid.

Sweat :
i) Profuse head sweats while sleeping.
ii) Mostly on back of head and neck, or chest and upper part of the body.
iii) Wets pillow far around.
iv) Sour sweat – sour odour of whole body.

Mind :
i) Full of fear; can‟t bear to be alone; fear of darkness.
ii) In the evening his imagination is so excited; sees visions of rats, mice.
iii) Night terrors in children.


Adaptibility:Lung diseases of tall, slender, rapidly growing youth.

i) Catarrhal symptoms with hunger.
ii) Coryza alternates with colic.

i) Chronic disease of left tonsil; feeling of lump in left side of throat which he wants to swallow.
ii) Pain from left tonsil to ear.(Ref.Clarke)
iii) It may in the beginning be a Bell. throat, which is quite likely, but before he gets over it, he
has taken another cold. This is a part of Calc. patient, that he takes cold so easily.(Ref.Kent)

Polypi: Kent says, Calc has cured a great many times, polypi of the nose.

i) Upper third of right lung (Ars.-upper left, Myr., Sulph.); oftener the guide to constitutional
remedy than Phos. (compare, Tub.).
ii) N.M.Choudhuri says large cavities have formed specially in middle third of right lung.

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i) Tickling cough troublesome at night, dry and free expectoration in morning.
ii) Cough when playing piano or by eating.
iii) J.H.Clarkesays,”I have cured with Calc. a "fat cough"─a cough with easy expectoration of a
little mucus─and an arsenical cough (brought on by sleeping in a room having an arsenical
wallpaper) which waked the patient in the middle of night, causing him to sit up and cough
till phlegm was raised.”

i) N.M.Choudhuri says, sputa is yellow, lumpy and when thrown into water, it resembles a
falling star,heavier portion settling at the bottom.
ii) Expectoration only during day; thick, yellow, sour mucus. Master Kent says,
expectoration is sweetish very often, like Phos. and Stannum.

i) Suffocating spells; worse going upstairs or slightest ascent, must sit down.
ii) Kent says,Calc. patient can't go upstairs; he pants and suffocates from going upstairs

i) Painless hoarseness < in morning.
ii) Master Kent says, Calc. wonders why he has so much trouble in the larynx, because he
has no feeling in it.

i) Palpitation at night and after eating.
ii) Palpitation with feeling of coldness, oppression of chest; after suppressed eruption.

Agg.:Exposure to cold,damp air. Chest very sensitive to touch, percussion, or pressure.


i) Persistent sour taste.
ii) Burning pain at tip of tongue; worse, anything warm taken into stomach.

Appetite:Ravenous hunger but loss of appetite when overworked.

Thirst:Longing for cold drinks.

i) Little children crave eggs; at every meal they will eat eggs, and will digest eggs better than
ii) Craves indigestible things (Alum.); chalk, coal, pencils.
iii) Desire for salt,sour and sweets.
iv) We notice a great longing for raw potatoes and flour.(Ref.N.M.Choudhuri)

i) Aversion to meat.
ii) Dislike of fat.
iii) Repugnance to hot food.
iv) Aversion to boiled things.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

N.M.Choudhuri says, a great characteristic is intolerance of milk; as soon as it is taken, it is
either vomited out in sour curds or ejected through rectum in white curdled lumps.

Acidity:Sour eructation, sour vomiting& stool; sour odour of whole body.

i) Pit of stomach swollen like an inverted saucer, and painful to pressure.
ii) Nash says,Calc. is pot-bellied from hard and swollen mesentery, even when rest of
body is emaciated.
iii) Increase of fat in abdomen.
iv) Master Kent says, there is a tubercular tendency, and tabesmesenterica is one of the
natural endings of Calc.

Sensitiveness:Cannot bear tight clothing around the waist. Liver region painful when stooping.

Vomiting:Sour, curdled vomit.

i) Children's diarrhoea.
ii) Diarrhoea of undigested foodwith ravenous appetite.
iii) N.M.Choudhuri says, a great trait of Calc. is a constant tendency to diarrhoea.It is of
frequent occurrence.

i) Feels better in every way when constipated.
ii) Kent says, when there is only a moderate diarrhoea, stool is white; and when
constipation is present, stool is like chalk.
iii) Stool at first hard, then pasty, then liquid.
iv) Stool has to be removed mechanically (Aloe, Sanic., Sel., Sep., Sil.).

9) General Modalities

Drug Time Season & Thermal Sides Position Mental Eating &
&Moda- Weather Drinking
< Night & full Cold wet Cold air, from Right side Ascending, Mental & After
moon, morning. weather,moist washing (Ant. standing, physical eating,milk
air c.); damp. walking,press exertion
ure of
> In dark, while Dry weather. Lying on
lying on back. painful side
drawing limbs

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10) Particular Modalities

Drug & Head Symptoms Respiratory Gastric Symp- Urinary Symp- Anal Symp- Sexual Symp-
Modalities Symp-toms toms toms toms toms
< pain < open air. 1) nasal symp- 1) nausea in 1) pain in 1) haemorrhoids 1) pain in
toms < by cold. morning. urinary passage by walking. spermatic cord
2) cough at 2) distention < < night, frequent <morning, when
night, after eating. micturi- walking.
hacking,eating, 3) colic at night. tion<forenoon, 2) menses : <
playing piano. and afternoon. least mental
3) asthma < excitement.
morning, fore
noon and sitting.

> Sneezing (pain in colic > passing > during stool.

head and nape). flatus.

11) Relationship

Complementary :

i) Rhus Tox is a very close analogue of Calc.; may be regarded as acute satellites of Calc.
ii) Lycop.; Silica.
iii) Bell. is the acute of Calc.

Calcarea acts best before, Lyc., Nux, Phos., Sil.

It follows Nit. ac.

Calcar. is useful after Sulphur where pupils remain dilated.
When Pulsatilla failed in school girls.
Calc. is followed by, Kali bi. in nasal catarrh.

According to Hahnemann, Calc. must not be used before Nit. ac. and Sulph.; may produce
unnecessary complications.

Incompatible :
i) Bryonia.
ii) Sulphur should not be given after Calc.

12) Posology

i) In children it may be often repeated.

ii) In aged people should not be repeated; especially if first dose benefited, it will usually do

13) Oral Questionnaire

Qu. 1. From which sources the medicine is prepared ?

Ans. It is prepared from two sources:
I] Animal kingdom:From the middle layer of oyster shell (Most common).
II] Mineral kingdom:From Calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

Qu. 2. Name three medicines for blonde hair.

Ans. I] Calcarea carb ii] Phosphorus iii] Pulsatilla.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

Qu. 3. Name three medicines for psoric constitutions.

Ans. Master Hahnemann‟s trio of antipsoric : (Ref. Tyler‟s Lyco. Chapter).
I] The king of the kingdom of Psora : Sulphur.
Ii] The prince of the kingdom of Psora : Lycopodium.
Iii] The queen of the kingdom of Psora : Calcarea carb.

Qu. 4. „Disposed to grow fat‟ – mention five medicines.

Ans. I] Antim. crud iii] Calcarea carb. v] Pulsatilla.
Ii] Ammon carb iv] Graphites.

Qu. 5. Name three medicines where constitution is deficient of animal heat.

Ans. I] Calcarea carb ii] Lycopodium iii] Silicea.

Qu. 6. Name three medicines those are ideal to begin treatment of a chronic case.
Ans. I] Calcarea carb. ii] Pulsatilla. Iii] Sulphur.

Qu. 7. „Sweet easily‟ – mention three medicines.

Ans. I] Free sweat : Bryonia.
Ii] Children who sweat easily : Calcarea carb.
Iii] Profuse perspiration attends nearly every complaint : Mercurius.

Qu. 8. Describe the sweat of Calcarea carb.

Ans. I] Location :-
A] Mostly on back of head and neck.
B] On chest and upper part of body (Silicea).
C] Sweat in single parts; head, scalp wet & cold; nape of
neck; chest, axillae, sexual organs; hands, knees, feet.
ii] Character :
I] Head sweats profusely while sleeping; wetting pillow far around.
Ii] Rawness of soles of feet from perspiration.
Iii] Blisters and offensive foot sweat.
V] Sweat is sour smelling.
Iii] Modalities : Agg. while sleeping.

Qu. 9. „Large head, open fontanelles and sutures‟ – mention two medicines.
Ans. I] Calcarea carb. : Large head and abdomen; fontanelles
and sutures open esp. anterior; bones soft, develop very slowly.
Ii] Silicea : Scrofulous, rachitic children, with large head
open fontanelles and sutures.

Qu. 10. Name three medicines for late learning to walk in children, with indications.
Ans. I] Calcarea carb. : Late learning to walk due to
curvature of bones especially, spine and long bones. Bones soft, crooked,
deformed; irregularly developed. Defective assimilation; imperfect
ossification – children have no disposition to walk and will not try.
Ii] Baryta carb : Late learning to walk – children both physically
and mentally weak. Memory deficient; child can‟t be taught as it cannot
Iii] Causticum: Children slow in learning to walk due to disturbed
functional activities of brain and spinal cord, resulting paralytic weakness.
Iv] Silicea: Slow in learning to walk due to weak ankles;
resulting in late walking which is also characterised by malnutrition –
constitution suffer from deficient nutrition, not because food is lacking in
quality or in quantity, but from imperfect assimilation.
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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

Qu. 11. Describe the fever symptoms of Calc. Carb.

i) Chill at 2 p.m. begins internally in stomach region.
ii) Night sweats, especially on head, neck and chest.

Qu. 12. Do you think Calcarea carb. is also suitable for tall, slender persons
rather than fair, fat, flabby constitution ? If so, discuss with indications.
Ans. I] Lung diseases of tall, slender, rapidly growing youth.
Ii] Children and young peoplegrow too rapidly (Phos. acid, Calc phos.).

Qu. 13. Name five medicines having longing for fresh air.
Ans. I] Argentum nitricum iii] Calcarea carb
Ii] Apismel iv] Pulsatilla v] Sulphur.

Qu. 14. State the skin symptoms of Calc.

Ans. I] Nettle rash; better in cold air.
II] Abscesses in deep muscles.

Qu. 15. Describe the uro-genital symptoms of Calcarea carb.

Ans. I] Uraemic or other diseases brought on by standing on cold,
damp pavements.
Ii] Working while standing in cold water.
Iii] Modellers or workers in cold-clay.
IV] Enuresis. (Use Calc C 30th, also Tuberculin. 1m.)

Qu. 16. Name five medicines where patient could weep at any moment.
Ans. I] Apis mel. Iii] Calc carb. v] Pulsatilla.
Ii] Aurum. Met. Iv] Lachesis.(Ref. Lac. can. of Allen‟s key-note).

Qu. 17. Name few medicines for coldness in general or in single parts, with
their indications.
Ans. I] Coldness of single parts : Calc. carb., Kali bi.
Ii] Icy coldness of face, tip of nose, feet, legs, hands, arms: Verat alb.
iii] Cold feeling in abdomen : Colch., Veratrum alb.
iv] Awakens from cold knees at night : Apis., Carbo. Veg.
V] One hand icy cold, the other warm : China., Ipec., Puls.
Vi] Hydrocephalus; deathly coldness in forearm of children : Arnica.
Vii] Heat of upper part of body, coldness of lower : Arnica.
Viii] In the last stage of disease, with cold tongue : Carbo veg.

Qu. 18. Name three medicines where patient is very hungry, cannot eat
enough to satisfy; as hungry after eating as before.
Ans. I] Calcarea carb. ii] Cina. Iii] Lycopodium
(Ref. Lac. can. of Allen‟s key-note).

Qu. 19. Name three medicines for burning spots on vertex.

Ans. I] Calcarea carb. ii] Graphites iii] Sulphur

Qu. 20. Name four medicines where subject is predisposed to lung & hepatic affections.
Ans. I] Calcarea carb. iii] Phosphorus.
Ii] Lycopodium iv] Sulphur.

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From the desk of: Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea

Qu. 21. Name three medicines for white stool.

Ans. I] Calcarea c. ii] China. Iii] Hepar sulph.(Other : Digitalis).

Qu. 22. Mention six characteristic symptoms of Calcarea carb.

Ans. 1. Antisporic :
It is one of the member of Master Hahnemann‟s trio of antipsoric. (- others,
Lyco. and Sulph.). (Ref. Lyco. chapter of Tylers‟ Drug pictures).
2. Chilly : i] Constitution is deficient of animal heat (Alum., Sil.).
Ii] Sensitive to cold, take cold readily.
Iii] Aversion to cold open air – which goes right through her.
3] Coldness :
Generalised Of single parts. Viz. Of
Head, stomach, Feet and legs.
4] Sweat :
I] Location :
Mostly on back of head & neck; on chest and upper part of the body.
Ii] Character :
Head sweats profusely, while sleeping, wetting pillow far around.Sweat is
sour smelling.
5] Desires : I] Longing for eggs,sweet& salt.
Ii] Desire to be magnetised.
Iii] Longing for fresh air.
Iv] Craves indigestible things.
6] Discharges : All the discharges are sour in character – sour vomiting
and diarrhoea, sour perspiration, sour odour of the whole body.

Qu. 23. Who is the acute of the Calcarea carb ?

Ans. Belladonna. (Children who catch cold easily, sensitive to draughts of air, suffers from
congestive attacks of fever, headache, catarrhand controlled by Bell. in acute stage;
these cases findssimilimum in Calc carb. provided constitutional totality corroborates – it
removes such dyscrasias).

Qu. 24. Describe the eye symptoms of Calcarea carb.

i) Lachrymation in open air and early in morning.
ii) Lachrymal ducts closed from exposure to cold.
iii) Chronic dilatation of pupils.

Qu. 25. Describe the extremity symptoms of Calcarea carb.

i) Cold, damp feet; feel as if damp stockings were worn.
ii) Cold knees with cramps in calves.
iii) Soles raw; feet feel cold and dead at night.

Qu. 26. Describe the epilepsy of Calcarea carb.

Ans. Immediately before attack, aura starts, with a sensation of something running in arms, or
from pit of stomach down through abdomen into feet.

Qu. 27. Describe the headache of Calc carb.

i) Sense of weight on top of head.
ii) Icy coldness on vertex with cold hands and feet.

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iii) Headache from overlifting, from mental exertion, with nausea.

Qu. 28 Name few remedies for new moon aggravation.

Ans. I] Ammon carb. II] Calc. carb. III] Sil.

Qu. 29 Name few remedies for full moon aggravation.

Ans. I] Calc. Carb. II] Graph. III] Nat. mur. IV] Sil. V] Sulph.

Qu. 30 State the remedies for complaints relieved by lying on painful side.
Ans. I] Am. Carb. II] Arn. III] Bry.
IV] Calc. V] Colocynth. VI] Puls. VII] Sulph.

Qu.31 State the remedies where stool has to be removed mechanically.

Ans. I] Aloe. II] Calc. Carb. III] Sil.

Qu.32 Name few remedies which have desire for indigestible things.
Ans. I]Alum. II] Calc. carb. III] Cina IV] Nitric ac. V]Psor.

Qu.33 State the remedies for desire to be magnetized.

Ans. I] Calc. II] Phos. III] Sil.

Qu. 34 Name the remedies- head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around.
Ans. I] Calc. II] Sil.

Qu.35 Compare the children symptoms of Calcarea, Baryta, Natrum Mur, Silicea.
Calcarea : Psoric children disposed to grow fat, corpulent, unwieldy; with
red face; flabby muscles; who sweat easily and take cold readily in consequence; with large
head and abdomen; fontanelles and sutures open; bone soft, develop very slowly; curvature of
bones, especially spine and long bones; extremitis crooked, deformed; bones irregularly
developed; head sweats profusely while sleeping; wetting pillow far around; difficult and delayed

Baryta : Psoric children, fatty; dwarfish both in body and mind; tubercular and scrofulous;
specially have chronic enlarged tonsil; loss of memory; cannot be taught anything easily; late in
learning to walk, they do not try to walk even; though lower limbs are well developed; every cold
settles in tonsils with tendency to suppurate; Salivation – mostly at night, offensive foot sweat.

Natrum Mur : Emaciation marked in neck. Intense craving for salt. Emaciation though he is
eating food both in quantity as well in quality. < at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.; < Sea shore.

Silicea : Yet after intake of highly nutritious diet, there is a progressive emaciation. Emaciation
throughout the body except head and abdomen which are enlarged; emaciation after

1) Common Name

Red Cayenne Pepper

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2) Constitution

Physical make-up: (i)Light hair,blue eyes.(ii)Clumsy,fat & dirty.General uncleanliness(iii)Stout

& nervous with lax fibres.
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Relation to heat/cold:Chilly pt. with aversion to open air.

3) Mental Symptoms

(A) Home sickness: of indolent melancholic people with red cheeks & insomnia.Dr.Clarke
cites an example of a young Australian girl who was cured of homesickness when she
had come to London to study
(B) Irritability: (i)As the coldness of the body increases ,so does the ill humor.(ii)Peppery
(C) Melancholy: Desire to be alone.They want to lie down & sleep.
(D) Uncleanliness: Aversion to bathing.
(E) Indolence: (i)Physical-Aversion to exercise.(ii)Mental-Aversion to work or think. Aversion
to go out of their routine,
(F) Exhaustion; Older people who have exhausted their vitality by mental work & poor living.
(G) Capriciousness: Child desires for things which when offered is refused.

4) Characteristic Symptoms

(A) Pain:(i)Burning & smarting sensation as from cayenne pepper. (ii)Constriction esp.
between acts of deglutition.(iii)Pain in the distant parts on
(B) Sensitiveness: Swelling & sensitiveness in the mastoid bone & petrous part of temporal
(C) Thirst: Every stool is followed by thirst & every drink by shuddering.
(D) Sore throat: (i)of smokers & drinkers.(ii)Pain & dryness of throat.(iii)Constriction esp.
between acts of deglutition
(E) Cough: (i)With every explosive cough ,there is expulsion of pungent & foetid air.
(ii)Nervous cough as if head would fly to pieces.
(F) Stool: Bloody mucus in stool with burning & tenesmus.After stool,thirsty with
shivering.Bleeding piles with soreness of anus.
(G) Fever: (i) StoolThirstDrinks Shuddering. (ii)Chill begins in the back.(iii)Must have
something hot to the back.

5) Modality

Agg. Draft of cold air,empty swallowing,bathing,eating

Amel. Continued motion.(Boger)

6) Relationship

Cina follows well in intermittent fever.

Complementary: Nat mur.(Boger)

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