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What is Mikrotik fasttrack, how it works in Mikrotik Routers and why we should use it.

Advantages of fasttrack & example how it works in Mikrotik.

Post By.Muhammad Faizal Ali ,Posted on March 25, 2020

Name of God who is the most merciful and the most beneficial
Tutorial create by.Muhammad Faizal Ali

.I Dedicated to Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Now Let’s get started;

Mikrotik fasttrack is a feature in routerOS that most users have heard of but only a few understand and are
willing to implement it. The IPV4 Fast Track is used for marked connections. In the firewall setting, users can use
action=fasttrack-connection to mark connections for fasttrack. Though the fasttrack feature is technically
explained, the simple reason for its implementation is not given and as such, many do not see reasons for its
use. This brings us to why do you need to implement fasttrack on your Mikrotik router?

Mikrotik understands that implementing rules on a router slows down connection speed. This is
simply because of several vetting processes that each connected IP address will have to go through.
For example, if there is a layer 7 rule that denies youtube access to some IPs, all IP addresses on the
LAN will be vetted irrespective of who is allowed or denied YouTube access. With fasttrack, you can
except those with Youtube access from being screened by this rule. This makes the connection fast.
Requiremenst: IPV4 fasttrack is on if these conditions are met: no mesh, meta router interface
configuration; Sniffer, torch and traffic generator is not running; no active mac-ping, mac-telnet or
mac-winbox sessions restriction removed in 6.33; /tool mac-scan is not actively used; /tool ip-scan is
not actively used;

How do you implement fasttrack on a supported Mikrotik router?

Assuming we want to create a fasttrack rule to fasttrack all LAN traffic with this one rule placed at the
top of the Firewall Filter. This will ensure that all established connections will be exempted from all
kinds of vetting processes, thereby increasing their connection speeds.

firewall filter add chain=forward action=fasttrack-connection connection-
firewall filter add chain=forward action=accept connection-state=established,related

Advantages of fast track.

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Since not all packets can be fast tracked, an identical rule with the “accept” keyword must be entered
immediately after the fasttrack rule to enable

>> Increase speed

>> Reduced load on the router’s CPU

example of fasttrack how it works in Mikrotik

Fasttrack your DNS

(Bypass firewall and queues for faster naming resolution)

Fasttrack reduce DNS resolution time.

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Thank’s to my dear God
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