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Running head: AMUL COOPERATIVE 1

Case Study Assignment

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Case Study Assignment

Amul is a cooperative dairy society that represents farmers' interests and benefits them

through the creation of a ready market, offers a platform to negotiate with buyers, and enhances

farmers living conditions through various levels of training. Amul follows a three-tier

cooperative that assists the farmers in effectively marketing their products (Parwez, n.d).

Technically, milk producers sell their milk to village cooperatives that belong to the district milk

cooperative union that sends the milk to the state marketing federation. It is a stipulation that has

heightens the availability of the market for the farmers. This incorporation instigates the element

of suitable development of the rural economy and thus upgrades the farmers' living conditions. It

is a prolific dynamic that has made India the largest dairy milk producer in the world. The

farmers in the area also have had the advantage of a collective platform to negotiate with the

buyers. This ensures the development of a standard pricing strategy that kicks out the element of

exploitation. The development of the distribution channel is a scope that constitutes the

proliferation of delivering training on how to handle milk and milk products. Amul cooperative

has played an integral role in offering aggregates for the farmers through its esteemed models of

improving outcomes.

The Amul cooperative means social change for the consumers that associates to coming

with three distinct benefits: handling price variations, taking care of intermediaries, and creating

employment. Amul cooperative gets embraced by the consumers for its specific provision of

services (Parwez, n.d). For instance, the organization has played a prolific venture of doing away

with exploitative intermediaries that charges the consumers more. The cooperative focuses on

the attribute of establishing a direct linkage between the consumers and the milk producers. It is

a proliferation that has increased the availability of milk and other daily products. Consumers

also enjoy quality products; it is fundamental for customers to receive value for their money as

depicted by the organization. It is an element that instigates critical growth, which constitutes the

proliferation of creating an economic network that appreciates the brand. Amul cooperative is a

brand that considers the entire family, which stems out to initiate a nutritive family that exploits

dairy products (Parwez, n.d). The creation of jobs is also a venture that Indian consumers gain

from the creation of the firm. The development of society through the cooperative depends on

the maintenance element of the organization.



Parwez, S. (n.d). Co-operative Led Contract Farming in India: A Case Study of Amul.

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