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Reflection on ACEs

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliations



Reflection on ACEs

To begin with, I found the training very helpful to my insight. The training

enlightened me on how to be an outstanding human service provider. I have a broad

understanding of Adversity Experiences in childhood, their effects, and what I can do to

address ACEs and build resilience. I have acquired the necessary knowledge to prevent and

mitigate the effects of ACEs. My engagement in these modules is the first step toward

increasing my understanding of the effects of ACEs, which will benefit my community's

health in many ways.

I have learned new information in the training on resilience. How I can reevaluate a

challenging circumstance and find opportunities within it, by having a goal, a purpose, and a

mission. I gained courage and strength from the commitment to a meaningful life mission.

Consequently, I have to seek social support structures in the community and be willing to

help others. Resilience has thought me how to make a connection. In both good and terrible

times I have to maintain strong and healthy relationships with family and loved ones.

The key takeaways from the training were on the effect of ACEs on development. It

was evident that people who have had several ACEs appear to be more likely to develop

mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance dependence. Although

several factors contribute to this elevated risk, one of them may be the physical effects of

stressful events on the brain. In addition, living up in a home with medical and psychiatric

addiction issues, aggression, and abuse are all factors to consider. ACEs can cause toxic

stress, which can impair brain development and how the body reacts to stress. In maturity,

ACEs have been related to chronic conditions, mental disease, and substance abuse.

ACEs raise the likelihood of health problems, but they don't have to. Children feel

more secure when adults continuously look after them and provide assistance. They have

faith in their caregivers to satisfy their needs in a caring and compassionate manner. Anyone

can be affected by ACEs, irrespective of gender, educational level, occupation, money,

neighborhood, or culture.

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