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Activité proposée (présentation)

Activité. : This task involves analyzing a technical presentation to determine its type,
target audience, purpose, and organizational structure. After watching the
presentation, you will need to record your analysis in a 3-minute audio file and
submit it within seven days. Your assessment will be based on completion, accuracy,
justification, understanding, recording quality, and timeliness. Key answers have
been provided to guide your analysis. Be concise, clear, and provide specific
examples to support your answers.

Consigne détaillée de l’activité :

Activité Analysing a Technical Presentation

Objective: Analyze the given technical presentation to identify its type, target
audience, purpose, and organizational structure used.


1. Presentation Review (15 minutes):

- Watch the provided technical presentation carefully.
Technical Presentation Link:
z0Hm8EDDgroKjwEK8/view?usp=sharing 1
2. Identify the Type of Presentation
- Determine the type of this presentation (e.g., research study, systematic review,
informative lecture, etc.).
3. Audience Analysis
- Based on the presenter's introduction and content, identify the target audience
for this presentation.
4. Define the Purpose
- Analyze the main objective of the presentation and identify its purpose. What
message does it aim to convey to the audience?
5. Organizational Structure Analysis
- Examine how the information in the presentation is arranged.
- Determine the organizational structure used in the presentation (e.g.,
chronological, topical, problem-solution, or compare-contrast).
- Justify your answer with specific examples demonstrating the chosen
structure from the presentation.
6. Submit your work in a 3-minute MP3 recorded file in no more than seven
days (Rename your file as follows; Activity _2_1_ Your name, E.g. Activity _2_1_
Sahraoui_Abed )

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