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Effective Communication: Resolving Conflicts with Stakeholders 1

Effective Communication: Resolving Conflicts with Stakeholders

Deepak Vasudevan

Westcliff University

ITPM 604: Project Communications Management

Professor Mike Moifolley

December 3, 2023
Effective Communication: Resolving Conflicts with Stakeholders 2


A key component of IT project management is conflict resolution, which is essential for

guiding projects through the many obstacles they inevitably face. In order to navigate through

challenges and retain project integrity while also maintaining a peaceful work environment

supportive of productivity and creativity, effective management of these conflicts is essential.

This is especially true when it comes to communication with project sponsors and stakeholders.

The significance of communication skills in conflict resolution is emphasized by Fisher et al.

(2019) study on the dynamics of project management. Additionally, Khaerunnisa (2023)

discussion of the XYZ software update project serves as an example of how proactive

stakeholder engagement may anticipate and resolve potential problems. This paper will

concentrate on the significance of having open, transparent, and assertive channels of

communication with sponsors and other stakeholders to have a better understanding of the many

components of conflict resolution in IT project management, illustrating the substantial impact

that effective communication strategies have on dispute resolution in IT projects.

The Importance of Assertive Communication

Assertive communication is a critical soft talent for project managers, especially in the

high-stakes world of IT project management. This communication style, distinguished by its

straightforward yet courteous attitude, is critical for effectively communicating project-related

challenges to sponsors and stakeholders. Assertive communication is not about being forceful;

rather, it is about being open and honest while also being professional and listening to others. It

enables project managers to express difficulties and negotiate solutions without alienating or

upsetting stakeholders. According to Hernández et al. (2019), assertive communication is critical

in ensuring that all parties are not only informed of the project's status but also feel appreciated
Effective Communication: Resolving Conflicts with Stakeholders 3

and understood. According to Nicholas and Steyn (2020) analysis, in a Global Tech company's

software development project provides a strong illustration of this. The manager's assertiveness

in negotiating deadline extensions with stakeholders owing to unexpected coding issues was

critical to the success of the project. The manager prevented a crisis by fostering a positive

conversation that resulted in an agreed-upon extension by outlining the problems and their

possible effects in detail and by considering the concerns expressed by the stakeholders. This

example demonstrates how the cultivation of an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust—two

factors critical to the successful navigation and completion of challenging IT projects—can result

in beneficial outcomes through assertive communication.

Common Conflicts in Project Management

Conflicts in IT project management, such as disagreements over schedule, shortages of

resources, and difficulties in leading, are not only typical but also have the potential to

significantly affect stakeholder relations and the project's course. Underestimating the amount of

time needed for jobs or encountering unforeseen technological difficulties are common causes of

scheduling conflicts, which can cause a chain reaction of delays that can completely destroy the

project's timetable (Vasudevan et al., 2023). Resource scarcity may seriously impede a project's

advancement, putting teams under more pressure and often lowering the caliber of the

deliverables. This might apply to budgetary limitations, technology resources, or experienced

labor. Strategic misalignments and a decline in the trust and confidence of sponsors and team

members can result from leadership problems such as poor decision-making or low stakeholder

involvement. Tech network upgrade projects have significant delays and expense overruns,

according to Herrera et al. (2020) analysis, mostly because of initially underestimating resource

requirements and subsequent mismanagement. The requirement of proactive conflict

Effective Communication: Resolving Conflicts with Stakeholders 4

management in IT projects is highlighted by this study, which shows how these kinds of

disputes, if not handled appropriately, may cause damaged relationships with sponsors and

stakeholders as well as damage to the reputations of the participating organizations.

Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies

Navigating conflicts in IT project management requires a toolset of effective conflict

resolution strategies, each of which is intended to enhance communication, foster understanding,

and stimulate collaborative problem-solving. Three strategies stand out for their influence and

efficacy among the others: fostering a collaborative environment, engaging in pragmatic

decision-making, and active listening.

In IT projects, where technical complexity and a range of stakeholder viewpoints are

commonplace, active listening is an essential ability that entails actively engaging with the

speaker, understanding their message, and intelligently responding. This was seen in the

Quantum Computing Initiative (QCI) project (Kerzner, 2022). Because of the project manager's

dedication to active listening during stakeholder meetings, underlying data security concerns

were discovered and addressed, resulting in the inclusion of stronger security measures in the

project plan and a better alignment of technical goals with stakeholder expectations.

Another crucial tactic is to promote a collaborative environment. Because of the project

manager's focus on teamwork, there were many cross-functional team meetings throughout the

Sapphire Network Upgrade project. In order to integrate the project with the organization's larger

IT strategy and to resolve inter-departmental disagreements, these discussions were crucial

(Kerzner, 2022).. By showing a feeling of cohesion and one goal among the team members, this

strategy not only prevented future problems but also resolved current ones.
Effective Communication: Resolving Conflicts with Stakeholders 5

Pragmatic decision-making, which involves finding a balance between emotional

intelligence and logical thinking, is essential in the busy, oftentimes high-pressure world of IT

projects. The Global Health Systems Overhaul effort is one instance of this tactic (Jacobsen &

Engell, 2018). The project manager took data-driven judgments while also considering user

requirements to strike a balance between the demands of technical feasibility and user

experience. She was able to guarantee that the finished product was both technologically sound

and user-friendly thanks to this.

By illustrating that effective conflict resolution requires more than simply resolving

disputes, these approaches also underscore the significance of communication and understanding

in building an environment that supports open communication and cooperative problem-solving.

This is especially relevant in the context of IT project management.

Communicating with Project Sponsors and Stakeholders

Effective communication with project sponsors and stakeholders is crucial during

conflicts in IT project management. It involves specific methods and styles tailored to ensure

clarity, transparency, and constructive dialogue. The importance of honesty and transparency

cannot be overstated; it forms the basis of trust and understanding, especially during challenging

project phases. In the conflict resolution phase, a project manager must present the situation

accurately, without downplaying or exaggerating the issues, as evidenced in the Phoenix

Software Upgrade project (Kerzner, 2022).

Another key aspect is audience-appropriate communication. Project managers must

change their communication strategy based on each stakeholder's experience, interests, and level

of investment in the project. Delta Enterprises' project manager used several communication

tactics during the Cybersecurity Implementation Project. For example, she interacted with IT
Effective Communication: Resolving Conflicts with Stakeholders 6

professionals using technical terms and with senior sponsors using a more business-focused

approach (Project Management Institute, 2021). This ensured that everyone concerned with the

issue had adequate information to take part fully in the resolution process.

Utilizing project management tools to ensure clear and consistent communication is also

critical. These tools can aid in supporting an ongoing discourse, tracking dispute resolution

progress, and keeping all parties informed. The implementation of a cloud-based project

management platform offered real-time updates and feedback in the GreenTech Network

Expansion project, allowing for speedier resolution of schedule disputes (Schwalbe, 2018).

The project manager's responsibility in mediating and communicating during conflicts is

to function as a bridge between technical teams and non-technical stakeholders. They must

ensure that all parties understand the nature of the issue, the suggested resolutions, and the

impact on the project. This was effectively illustrated in the Phoenix Software Upgrade project,

when the project manager's proactive communication technique avoided a small technical issue

from growing into a significant stakeholder conflict.


Conflict resolution is critical in IT project management because it has a direct influence

on project success and stakeholder relationships. This study has emphasized the necessity of

forceful communication, highlighting how it provides clarity and respect in demanding

situations, as demonstrated by initiatives such as the Phoenix Software Upgrade and the

Quantum Computing Initiative. We have seen that resolving disagreements in IT projects

necessitates a balanced strategy of active listening, encouraging cooperation, and making

pragmatic decisions, all of which are dependent on successful communication. These tactics,

which were successfully used in the Sapphire Network Upgrade and Global Health Systems
Effective Communication: Resolving Conflicts with Stakeholders 7

Overhaul projects, demonstrate the need to combine technical competence with emotional

intelligence. Ultimately, this paper asserts that successful conflict resolution in IT projects is

about more than just resolving disputes; it is about setting up a foundation of transparency,

understanding, and trust among project managers, stakeholders, and sponsors, transforming

challenges into opportunities for project enhancement and strengthened relationships.

Effective Communication: Resolving Conflicts with Stakeholders 8


Fisher, J., Stutzman, H., Vedoveto, M., Delgado, D., Rivero, R., Dariquebe, W. Q., Contreras, L.

S., Souto, T., Harden, A., & Rhee, S. (2019). Collaborative Governance and Conflict

Management: Lessons Learned and Good Practices from a Case Study in the Amazon

Basin. Society & Natural Resources, 33(4), 538–553.

Hernández, F. Y., Ramírez, R., & Laguado, R. I. (2019). Communications management in the

success of projects. Case study: Provincial university. Journal of Physics, 1388(1),


Herrera, R., Sánchez, O., Castañeda, K., & Porras, H. (2020). Cost Overrun Causative Factors in

Road Infrastructure Projects: A Frequency and importance analysis. Applied Sciences,

10(16), 5506.

Jacobsen, K. L., & Engell, T. G. (2018). Conflict prevention as pragmatic response to a twofold

crisis: liberal interventionism and Burundi. International Affairs, 94(2), 363–380.

Kerzner, H. (2022). Project Management case studies. John Wiley & Sons.

Khaerunnisa, S. (2023, April 2). MINIMIZING RENOVATION PROJECT DELAYS (Case

study: Fuel Station A).

Nicholas, J. M., & Steyn, H. (2020). Project management for engineering, business and

technology. In Routledge eBooks.

Project Management Institute. (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

Effective Communication: Resolving Conflicts with Stakeholders 9

Schwalbe, K. (2018). Information Technology Project Management. Cengage Learning.

Vasudevan, A., Prabakaran, R., Toong, H., & Beleya, P. (2023). Effective communication

management in remote working environment on project management success.



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