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NAME: __________________________ GR.& SEC._________ SCORE:________

Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions
given to it in a variable program.
A. Machines C. Engines
B. Computer D. System Unit
2. It uses continuous variables for mathematical operations and utilizes mechanical or electrical energy.
A. Analog Computers C. Digital Computers
B. Hybrid Computers D. Micro Computers
3. These computers are a combination of both digital and analog computers.
A. Analog Computers C. Digital Computers
B. Hybrid Computers D. Micro Computers
4. These are suitable for complex computation and have higher processing speeds.

A. Analog Computers C. Digital Computers

B. Hybrid Computers D. Micro Computers
5. These are also called mid-range systems or workstations.
A. Mainframe Computers C. Minicomputers
B. Server D. Supercomputers
6. These computers were used for highly critical applications such as bulk data processing and ERP.
A. Mainframe Computers C. Minicomputers
B. Server D. Supercomputers
7. They are computers designed to provide services to client machines in a computer network.
A. Mainframe Computers C. Minicomputers
B. Servers D. Supercomputers
8. It can perform highly calculation-intensive tasks.
A. Mainframe Computers C. Minicomputers
B. Servers D. Supercomputers
9. These computers can fit on desks or tables and prove to be the best choice for single-user tasks.
A. Mainframe Computers C. Microcomputers
B. Servers D. Supercomputers
10. It is intended to be used on a single location.
A. Laptop C. Netbook
B. Desktop D. Tablets
11. These are miniaturized and optimized for mobile use and run on a single battery or an external adapter
that charges the computer batteries.
A. Laptop C. Netbook
B. Desktop D. Tablets
12. It is a handheld computer and popularly known as a palmtop.
A. Tablet C. Netbook
B. Desktop D.PDA’s
13. These are mobile computers that are very handy to use.
A. Tablet C. Netbook
B. Desktop D.PDA’s
14. They fall in the category of laptops but are inexpensive and relatively smaller in size.
A. Tablet C. Netbook
B. Desktop D.PDA’s
15. These computers can be worn on the body and are often used in the study of behavior modeling and
human health.
A. Phone C. Watch
B. Wearable D. Portable
16. The main part of a microcomputer, sometimes called the chassis.
A. Monitor C. System Unit
17. The main circuit board of a computer.
A. Motherboard C. System Unit
B. Keyboard D. CPU
18. The processor is the main “brain” or “heart” of a computer system.
A. Motherboard C. System Unit
B. Keyboard D. CPU
19. It is the computer's working storage space that holds data, instructions for processing and processed
data (information) waiting to be sent to secondary storage.
A. Secondary Storage C. System Storage
B. Primary Storage D. Basic Storage
20. What does RAM mean?
A. Read Access Memory C. Random Actual Memory
B. Read Account Memory D. Random Access Memory
21. What does ROM mean?
A. Read Only Memory C. Random Off Memory
B. Read On Memory D. Random Only Memory
22. The first input device developed for the PC.
A. Touchscreen C. Keyboard Entry
B. Pointing Device D. Direct Entry
23. A form of input that does not require data to be keyed by someone sitting at a keyboard.
A. Touchscreen C. Keyboard Entry
B. Pointing Device D. Direct Entry
24. An input device used to move the pointer (cursor) on screen.
A. Touchscreen C. Keyboard Entry
B. Pointing Device D. Direct Entry
25. The most common 'pointing device' used in PCs.
A. Touchscreen C. Mouse
B. Stick D. Pen
26. A display screen that is sensitive to the touch of a finger or stylus.
A. Touchscreen C. Mouse
B. Stick D. Pen
27. A light-sensitive stylus wired to a video terminal used to draw pictures or select menu options.
A. Touchscreen C. Mouse
B. Stick D. Light Pen
28. A graphics drawing tablet used for sketching new images or tracing old ones.
A. Digitizer Tablet C. Portable Tablet
B. Techno Tablet D. High-Tech Tablet
29. A device that can read text or illustrations printed on paper and translates the information into a form
the computer can use.
A. Scinner C. Photocopier
B. Scanner D. Pinter
30. Audio input devices also known as speech or voice recognition systems that allow a user to send audio
signals to a computer for processing, recording, or carrying out commands.
A. Sound Input Device C. Voice – Input Device
B. Speech Input D. Audio Device
31. It displays information in visual form, using text and graphics. The portion of the monitor that displays
the information is called the screen or video display terminal.
A. Sound Monitor C. Projector
B. Computer Monitor D. Display Audio
32. These are only type of displays for use with desktop PCs.
33. What does LCD mean?
A. Liquid Coal Display C.Liquid Crystal Display
B.Liquid Collar Display D. Light Committing Diode
34. A display and lighting technology used in almost every electrical and electronic product on the market
35.It utilize two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them.
A. LED Proector C. LCD Projector
B.TV Projector D. LTD Projector
36. A type of display screen that has a touch sensitive transparent panel covering the screen, which is similar
to a touch screen.
A. Printer C. LCD Projector
B.TV Projector D. Smart Board
37. A device that prints text or illustrations on paper.
A. Printer C. LCD Projector
B.TV Projector D. Smart Board
38. It sprays ink at a sheet of paper. It produce high-quality text and graphics.
A. Ink-Jet C. LCD Printer
B.LED Printer D. Laser Printer
39. Uses the same technology as copy machines.
A. Ink-Jet C. LCD Printer
B.LED Printer D. Laser Printer
40. Similar to a laser printer, but uses liquid crystals or light-emitting diodes rather than a laser to produce
an image on the drum.
A. Ink-Jet C. Old Printer
B.LED Printer D. Laser Printer

Part II: Instruction: Identify or name the following Computer Desktop Peripheral devices.

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