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1. The most prominent composers of the Classical Period. Franz Joseph Haydn
2. The most genius in musical history. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
3. The Deaf composers in 1796. Ludwig Van Beethoven
4. It is derived from the word Sinfonia which means a harmonious sounding together. Symphony
5. It is multi- movement work for solo instruments. Sonata
6. A music work with different movements for an instrumental soloist and orchestra. Concerto
7. A musical composition designed to be played by the full orchestra. Symphony.
8. It repeats the themes as they first emerged in the opening exposition. Recapitulations.
9. The most important form that was developed during the Classical Era and the first movement of sonata or symphony. Sonata Allegro.
10. The term for serious opera. Opera Seria
11. The general texture of Classical music. Homophonic.
12. The section of sonata allegro where the themes are introduced. Exposition.
13. The Age of Reason. Classical Era
14. The middle part of the sonata allegro form where the themes are being developed. Development.
15. The three movements of concerto. Fast-Slow-Fast
16. The art form that the musicians and singers perform a dramatic theatrical setting. Opera
17. The movement of symphony. Fast-Slow-Medium-Fast
18. The downers that suppress or slow down the CNS. Depressants Drugs.
19. The uppers or speeders that activate the CNC. Stimulants Drugs
20. The drugs that create hallucinations. Hallucinogens
21. Legal drugs that anybody can buy and try which may lead them to use more dangerous drugs. Gateway Drugs
22. The high sensation of feeling good and extremely relaxed caused by drugs. Euphoria
23. The fear that people always stalk and talk about them. Paranoia
24. The Crystal Meth in the Philippines. Shabu
25. The white powder that comes from the dried leaves of the coca plant. Cocaine
26. The three common drugs that abused in the Philippines. Shabu, Marijuana, Inhalants
27. Blessed Soul = Gian Lorenzo Bernini
28. Damned Soul = Gian Lorenzo Bernini
29. The Maids of Honors = Diego Velasquez
30. Conversion of Saint Paul = Amerighi Caravaggio
31. Sistine Madonna = Raphael Sanzio
32. Mona Lisa = Leonardo da Vinci
33. The Last Supper = Leonardo da Vinci
34. Supper at Emmaus = Amerighi Caravaggio
35. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel = Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
36. Cha-Cha = Cuba
37. Samba = Brazil
38. Paso-Doble = Spain
39. Jive/ Boogie = USA
40. Merengue = Dominican Republic

B. Five domains of life that affect the drug use and abuse.
1. personal
2. family
3. peer/friend
4. school
5. community
C. Modern Standard Dance
= slow waltz
= tango
= foxtrot
= quickstep
= Viennese waltz
D. Dance Etiquette
= what to wear
= personal grooming
= asking for a dance
= on the floor
= no-fault dancing
= dance floor demeanor/ behavior

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