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Ouano, Mary Chemly R.

Analytic Rubric for Reading in Braille

Criteria Exceptional Proficient Basic Below Basic

5 4 3 1
Accuracy Reads with Few minor Several errors, Numerous
flawless errors, mostly some accuracy errors; lack of
accuracy, no accurate accuracy
errors detected
Speed Reads at an Reads at a good Reads Reads slowly;
exceptional pace with moderately; lacks fluency
pace, fluency lacking fluency
Comprehension Demonstrates Understand most Partial Limited
deep of the content understanding; understanding;
understanding of lacks depth struggles
Expression ad Expresses Demonstrate Shows limited Lacks
Interpretation emotions and adequate expression expression and
interprets expression interpretation
content well
Fluency Reads smoothly Reads with Reads with Reads
and naturally some pauses and frequent disjointedly;
breaks interruptions lacks fluency
Engagement Highly engaged, Engages well Show some Lacks
and actively with the material engagement engagement;
interacts with the disinterested
Ouano, Mary Chemly R. BEEd-SPEd 3
Holistic Rubric for Braille Reading

Scale Description
13-15 Accurately identifies most characters.
Reads at a proficient speed.
Demonstrates full comprehension of the text.
Reads with excellent fluency and rhythm.
9-12 Shows moderate fluency in reading.
Partial understanding of the text.
Moderate reading pace.
Moderately accurate in recognizing characters.
4-8 Difficulty maintaining a smooth reading flow.
Struggles to understand the context.
Read at a significantly slow pace.
Struggles to accurately read characteristics.
0-4 Reading is disjointed and hesitant.
Unable to comprehend the meaning of the text.
Extremely slow reading pace.
Unable to identify most characters.

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