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Mercurio, Claude Aldrich Palo STEM12 Y1-14

TITLE: Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa

Literary approach Evidence from the text Analysis (What does this
idea reveal
about the text)
Formalist approach Dodong thought to himself Base from the text found in
he would tell his father the story, it shows third
about Teang when he got person point of view where
home, after he had the narrator is the one who
unhitched the carabao share or narrate because
from the plow, and let it to the author referred the
its shed and fed it. characters by their name or
third person pronouns like
“he”, “she”, and “they”.
Gender criticism He was seventeen, he had According to these lines
pimples on his face, the from the story, footnote to
down on his upper lip youth have a masculism
already was dark--these approach where they
meant he was no longer a emphasize what a growing
boy. He was growing into a man should do or what a
man – he was a growing man should look
man. Dodong felt insolent like and what a growing
and big at the thought of it man should act.
although he was by nature
low in statue.
Thinking himself a man
grown, Dodong felt he
could do anything.
Psychological criticism Dodong said while his From the start of the story
mother was out that he was Dodong is having difficulties
going to marry Teang. in terms of how he will say
There it was out, to his family that he want to
what he had to say, and marry Teang, but while
over which he had done so unconsciously he said what
much thinking. He had said he wishes to say and
it without any effort at all unexpectedly it goes well
and without self- and Dodong felt relieved
consciousness. Dodong felt because his father didn’t
relieved and looked at his react badly with his
father expectantly. announcement.
Moral philosophical He did not want Blas to From this text it shows the
marry yet. Blas was very lesson that the story want to
young. The life that would share and it is enjoy your
follow marriage would be youth, don’t marry at early
hard... age because having a
family at a early age is very
hard. The story wants to
express that youth should
enjoy their life as long as
they can because when
they started to grow old
and have a family, there
will be a lot of
responsibilities that they
should do, and it is hard if
you are going to do it at a
young age so take it easy.
Sociological approach Dodong unhitched the Base from the work that
carabao leisurely and gave Dodong is doing it simply
it a healthy tap on the hip. shows that the economic of
The beast turned its head the story is from a place
to look at him with dumb where farmers live, like a
faithful eyes. Dodong gave province. The culture it
it a slight push and the shows is based on the old
animal walked alongside culture that Filipino Had
him to its shed. He placed before.
bundles of grass before it
lands the carabao began
to eat. Dodong looked at it
without interests.

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