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Experiment 5

Preparation of Methane

I. Introduction

Methane is a colorless, odorless gas with a wide distribution in nature. It is the principal
component of natural gas, a mixture containing about 75% CH4, 15% ethane (C2H6),
and 5% other hydrocarbons, such as propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10). Marsh gas,
which is also methane, is generated by anaerobic bacterial decomposition of plant and
animal matter, as occurs under water. Methane is a less dense gas than air at room
temperature. At-183 ° C, it melts and boils at-164 ° C. In water, it is not very soluble.
Methane is combustible, and mixtures in the air are explosive at about 5 to 15 percent.

Methane is commercially synthesized through bituminous coal distillation and through

the heating of a carbon and hydrogen mixture. By heating sodium acetate with sodium
hydroxide and by reaction of aluminum carbide (Al4C3) with water, it can be produced
in the laboratory.

In this experiment it will subject the preparation of methane by heating sodium acetate
with sodium hydroxide or soda lime. The result will be thoroughly discussed as well as
its principle during the course of experiment.

II. Objectives:

At the end of the experiment, the students should be able to:

1. Collect methane gas from soda-lime and freshly fused sodium acetate mixture.
2. Determine and describe the physical and chemical properties of Methane.

III. Apparatus & Chemicals:

Chemicals Apparatus
5g Sodium Acetate Test tubes
Test tube rack
2.5g Sodium Hydroxide Pipette
Liquid Detergent Bunsen burner

IV. Procedures
1. The anhydrous sodium acetate are measured 5g and the pulverized sodium hydroxide are
measured 2.5g and then placed on a beaker.
2. Compounds are mixed well. Using a hard glass test tube/boiling test tube the mixture are
transferred from the beaker and applied heat using the Bunsen burner.
3. For the gathering of methane gas, the soap solution is required to safely collect methane
gas. Methane is extremely flammable. It will produce carbon dioxide and water on

V. Data & Results:

Powdered sodium acetate is mixed with four

times the amount of soda lime. The mixture is
taken in a hard glass tube. It is fitted with the
delivery tube.

As the contents of the tube are heated,

methane gas is produced. It is collected by the
downward displacement of water.

VI. Analysis (Discussion)

In the experiment, methane is formed by heating sodium ethanoate with a mixture of

sodium hydroxide and calcium oxide, called soda lime, on heating in the presence of a catalyst,
calcium oxide, the -COONa group from sodium ethanoate is replaced by the hydrogen atom
from sodium hydroxide, forming methane and sodium hydroxide gets converted into sodium

This reaction is called decarboxylation and is one of the general methods to prepare alkanes.

Hence, from the above reaction it is clear that soda lime is heated with sodium acetate to form

Decarboxylation is a chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon
dioxide (C02). Usually, decarboxylation refers to a reaction of carboxylic acids, removing a
carbon atom from a carbon chain. The term "decarboxylation" usually means replacement of a
carboxyl group (-COOH) with a hydrogen atom. These reactions are one of the oldest known
organic reactions.


1. What happened when the first test for methane was made with the match? What did that
tell you about the gas that was emitted?

The gas that was emitted was a Methane gas. It burst into flames when being lit by a

2. When the gas was tested with the lighted match, what color was the flame it produced?
What did that tell you?

When the gas was tested with the lighted match, the color it produced was only red,
yellow, and orange. Methane burn to give off carbon dioxide and water.

3. Why is temperature an important factor in the production of methane?

Temperature is an important factor because it influences both system heating

requirements and methane production.

4. What process is actually producing methane gas?

Anaerobic digestion is the process of producing methane gas.

5. What type of organisms is involved in this process?

Many microorganisms affect anaerobic digestion, including acetic acid-forming bacteria

(acetogens) and methane-forming archaea (Methanogens).

6. What is the chemical equation for the combustion of methane?

The chemical equation for the combustion of methane is CH4+2O2 —> CO2+2H2O.

7. What are the end products of the methane combustion process?

The end products of the methane combustion process it produces a great amount of heat,
which makes it very useful as a fuel source.

8. What could methane biogas be used for?

Methane biogas could be used as a fuel for machines to convert the energy in the gas into
electricity and heat. It also can be used for any heating purposes, such as cooking.

9. Methane is a renewable resource, what does this mean?

Methane is a renewable resource because it can be used repeatedly and does not run out
because it is naturally replaced and is created daily through decomposition of organic

10. What are the advantages of biogas as a fuel source?

Biogas gives many advantages for the environment, aside that it is renewable, it is also a
clean source of energy. Biogas is a green energy source in form of electricity and heat for
the local consumers, it gives less emission of the greenhouse gasses like methane and
Carbon dioxide.

VIII. Conclusion

Methane is the simplest hydrocarbon, consisting of one carbon atom and four hydrogen
atoms. The chemical formula of methane is CH4. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas.
It is colorless, odorless gas that occurs abundantly in nature and as a product of certain
human activities. Methane can come from many sources, both natural and manmade.
Anaerobic digestion systems capture methane and allow us to use that methane in a
beneficial way. Production of methane is important because methane is a potent
greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change if allowed to escape to the atmosphere.
As the result of the production of methane, it is proven and tested that we can create
biogas through waste and organic matter with the use of an anaerobic digester or the
anaerobic digestion method as a result, it emit less carbon dioxide than either oil or coil.

IX. References



(n.d). Retrieved from

(n.d). Retrieved from
X. Documentation

Adding the chemicals. Mixing the chemicals.

Placed in a tube. The tube is heated.

Bubbles starting to show. Final test.

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