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Topic: Reasoning with default information

What is Default Information?

Definition: Default information represents assumptions or generalizations that are
considered true unless proven otherwise.

Examples: "Birds can fly," "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level."

Role of Default Information in AI

Default information helps AI systems make reasonable assumptions in the absence of
complete knowledge.
It reduces the need for exhaustive reasoning and speeds up decision-making processes.

Default Reasoning:
Default reasoning is the process of drawing conclusions based on default information.

Example: If something is not known to be false, assume it is true.

Types of Default Reasoning:

1.Default deductive Reasoning:
Default deductive reasoning involves drawing specific conclusions from general principles or
premises. For example, if the premise is "All humans are mortal" and the specific case is
"Sara is a human," the deductive conclusion is "Sara is mortal."

2.Defaualt Inductive Reasoning:

Default inductive reasoning, on the other hand, involves making generalizations based on
specific observations. For instance, observing several instances of a phenomenon, like "Every
time it rains, the streets get wet," leads to the inductive generalization that "Rain makes
streets wet." Inductive reasoning doesn't guarantee absolute certainty, but it provides a
probable conclusion based on observed patterns.
Conscription :
Conscription in AI refers to the process of enlisting or compelling information into a
knowledge base, typically when there is a lack of explicit data.

Imagine you have an AI system trying to identify fruits. Initially, the AI has information about
common fruits like apples, bananas, and oranges. Now, a new, uncommon fruit—let's call it a
"mystery fruit"—is introduced. The AI doesn't have explicit information about the mystery
fruit, but it might use conscription to categorize it based on similarities to known fruits. For
instance, if the mystery fruit is similar in shape to an apple and has a citrus scent, the AI
might conscript it into the category of "possible citrus fruits" until more information is

Default Logic :
Default logic is a form of non-monotonic reasoning in AI that allows for making assumptions
or defaults unless there is evidence to the contrary.

Consider a scenario where an AI system is tasked with managing a smart home. It has a default
assumption that lights should be turned off when nobody is in a room to save energy. However, if
there's evidence, like motion detected in a room, the system revises its assumption and keeps the
lights on. In default logic, the AI defaults to the assumption that aligns with typical scenarios
but revises that assumption when presented with evidence to the contrary.
In summary, conscription involves bringing information into a knowledge base when it's
lacking, while default logic allows AI systems to make assumptions unless there's evidence to
the contrary. These concepts play crucial roles in enabling AI systems to navigate
uncertainties and make decisions in dynamic environments.

Truth Maintenance System:

In reasoning with default information, a Truth Maintenance System (TMS) is a mechanism
used to manage and update information about beliefs and their justifications. It helps track
the consequences of assumptions and defaults in a logical system. TMS keeps a record of
inferences made, allowing for efficient handling of conflicting or updated information. It's
particularly useful in scenarios where default assumptions play a role, as it helps maintain
consistency in the face of changing or uncertain information.

Certainly! Let's consider a simple example involving a default assumption and a Truth
Maintenance System (TMS).
Imagine a system that assumes birds can fly by default. You have the following information:
Default assumption: Birds can fly.
Observation: Tweety is a bird.
Now, if you want to conclude whether Tweety can fly based on the default assumption and
the observation, the TMS helps you track this reasoning process. Initially:
Tweety can fly (based on the default assumption).
If new information is introduced:
Information: Tweety is a penguin (which cannot fly).
The TMS updates the beliefs:
Tweety can't fly (based on the new information).
The TMS helps manage these conflicting pieces of information and maintains a coherent set
of beliefs despite changes or updates in the available data.

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