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Nuclear Energy and Technology 3 (2017) 302–306

New generation refueling machine information and control system

V.V. Korobkin a,∗, V.P. Povarov b
a ResearchInstitute of Multiprocessor Systems named after the academician A.V. Kalyaev of the Southern Federal University, 2 Chekhov st.,
GSP284 Taganrog 347928 Russia
b Branch of JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom” “Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant” 1 Promyshlennaya zona Yuzhnaya, Novovoronezh,

Voronezh reg. 396072 Russia

Available online 29 November 2017

The main distinctive feature in the creation of the new nuclear fuel handling complex at the Novovoronezh NPP is the deep integration
of the information and control system (ICS) and the electrical equipment complex of the refueling machine (RM) into a single complex. The
structure of the multi-level multi-processor and multi-network ICS provides high fault-tolerance and functional safety and fully corresponds
to the principle of no single point of failure, even when operating in single-channel mode. Control of the RM during refueling is carried
out with the participation of a human operator, who is supported by an intelligent interface. The operator makes decisions on certain actions
to control the RM and the complex as a whole, monitors the control process and takes decisions on preventing abnormal or emergency
In fact, the ICS is a distributed system that implements the entire control cycle and contains information, processing and control parts.
In each part, communication devices realize data connections between the components on the entire graph or on a common bus.
The development result is a new generation RM ICS that differs from the existing ones by innovative methodical, algorithmic, hardware–
software and design-technological solutions, which reduce the time and increase the safety of nuclear fuel handling in VVER reactors. At
the same time, the introduction of the RM ICS increases the installed capacity utilization factor (ICUF) of the power unit by about 1.66%,
which ensures additional electricity generation and supply for consumers.
Copyright © 2017, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (

Keywords: Information and control system; Nuclear power plant; Functional safety; Nuclear fuel; Refueling machine; Decentralization of control functions;
Single failure; Human factor.

Introduction cess of creating a unified fuel handling system at NPPs in

accordance with the prescribed regulations. The main compo-
At present, the Russian NPP power units (except for the nent of this complex is the refueling machine (RM), which is
Kalinin NPP, Unit 3) are using control systems based on ob- directly used for fuel handling operations at a shutdown and
solete computing means, the resource of which has been com- open VVER reactor during planned preventive maintenance
pletely exhausted. Taking into consideration the design fea- [2,3].
tures of the refueling complex [1] and modern requirements The previous experience of creating RMs shows that, de-
for nuclear fuel handling operations in terms of control, mon- spite scrupulous compliance with safety requirements in de-
itoring and safety, an integral approach is required to the pro- signing and manufacturing equipment intended for nuclear
hazardous operations, the control system, electrical equipment
∗ Corresponding author.
and mechanical parts were developed and manufactured by
E-mail addresses: (V.V. Korobkin), different organizations without proper mutual coordination, (V.P. Povarov). which subsequently led to unjustified time and, as a conse-
Peer-review under responsibility of National Research Nuclear University quence, economic costs.
MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). That is why the main distinctive feature in the design of
Russian text published: Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika (ISSN
0204–3327), 2017, n.3, pp. 98–107.
the new nuclear fuel handling complex is the deep integration
2452-3038/Copyright © 2017, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). Production and hosting by Elsevier
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (
V.V. Korobkin, V.P. Povarov / Nuclear Energy and Technology 3 (2017) 302–306 303

Fig. 1. RM ICS generalized structure.

of the information and control system (ICS) and the electri- [5–9]. Therefore, for innovative Units 1 and 2 of the NVNPP
cal equipment complex of the refueling machine (RM) into a II with a VVER-1200 reactor, a new information and control
single complex that takes into account all the constructional system for the RM was developed, manufactured, tested and
and operational features of the RM mechanical part [4]. This implemented. This system has a multi-level multi-processor
integration became possible due to the use of innovations in and multi-network structure (Fig. 1). This structure ensures
technical devices and technologies. First, there have appeared compliance with the fault-tolerance and safety requirements,
intelligent sensors that can be integrated into industrial sen- which fully corresponds to the principle of no single point of
sory data transmission networks and reconfigured depending failure, even when operating in single-channel mode [10].
on the operating conditions. Second, modern frequency con- The ICS is built on the basis of modern industrial automa-
verters (inverters), in addition to direct engine control, have tion and computer facilities using new information technolo-
the ability to perform the function of controlling the local gies, the general tasks of which are as follows:
mechanism (drive) and be integrated into industrial control
networks. New information technologies make it possible to - Ensuring maximum functional safety in nuclear fuel han-
use a combination of modern means and methods of collect- dling operations and conducting maintenance and preven-
ing information to obtain new quality information about the tive works.
condition of an object or process, algorithms for processing - Providing flexible equipment control.
this information and taking decisions on controlling the RM - Providing optimal information support for the “human-
on this basis. At the same time, it became possible to si- machine” dialogue for efficient control.
multaneously take into account the RM condition for various
and numerous groups of parameters, the control system hard- The ICS, in general, operates in automated mode [11],
ware/software condition, etc., on a real-time basis. since the process of controlling a complex technical object
The paper presents the conceptual design of the new RM involves a human operator (one or more), who often decides
ICS based on the latest achievements in producing hardware on various actions to control the RM and the complex as a
components and information technologies. whole monitoring of the control process and makes decisions
The ICS has a multi-processor distributed two-channel on preventing abnormal or emergency situations. The commu-
structure that ensures compliance with the fault-tolerance re- nication between the operator(s) and the ICS is carried out
quirements in case of independent information and control via the human–machine interface of the operator terminal.
functions. Intelligent software allows performing a real-time The wide use of the function of automated decision sup-
analysis and processing of incoming information from RM port (Fig. 2) makes it possible to significantly undercut the
sensors, making decisions to prevent accident conditions dur- influence of the so-called “human factor” on the control pro-
ing refueling caused by the personnel or technical failures, cess, reduce the number of errors, and often exclude them
and predicting the initiation of subcritical or critical operat- when making decisions, i.e., improve the facility safety [12].
ing modes. The functional safety principle is realized by the use of
technical means localizing the development of unfavorable
New RM ICS conceptual design processes both in the ICS and in the RM in the event of
faults and protecting the RM from issuing the wrong control
The most important requirements for the nuclear fuel actions to counteract the development of a dangerous failure
handling procedures remain accuracy, reliability, and safety and transfer the system to a protected state. For these pur-
304 V.V. Korobkin, V.P. Povarov / Nuclear Energy and Technology 3 (2017) 302–306

- Ability to perform multiple calculations, allocated to indi-

vidual tasks, which can be performed in parallel on differ-
ent computing devices (nodes).
- Flexible management of computing resources, which pro-
vides an optimally distributed computational load even in
the event of failures of the ICS nodes.

In addition to high fault-tolerance, the distributed ICS ar-

chitecture provides high efficiency and fully corresponds to
the control task [13]; while a typical control cycle (Fig. 3)
contains the following components:

- Primary and secondary processing of information on the

RM functioning obtained from the sensors.
- Automatic verification that all the values of the operation
parameters are within their specifications: if all the param-
eter values are within the limits set by their specifications,
Fig. 2. Functional diagram of the MR ICS operator support. the RM operates normally; otherwise, if at least one value
goes beyond the limits of the specifications, an abnormal
poses, monitoring and diagnostic devices are used that eval- situation occurs, and managerial decisions must be taken
uate the values of the ICS output signals, signals from the to enter all the indicators within the specified limits: for
control object condition sensors and the values of special di- this, a set of all possible solutions should be formed.
agnostic features. - Selection of solutions to enter all the parameter values
An important aspect of ensuring the ICS operation safety is within the specified limits using the mathematical model
increased fault-tolerance realized by reserving the most crit- of the RM functioning.
ical elements, i.e., control devices, sensors, information ex- - Selection of the optimal solution with the help of the math-
change buses, etc. ematical model of the RM functioning.
The use of duplication (as a special case of reservation) - Formation of control commands and issuance of control
leads to the construction of a distributed system. The ICS as actions.
a distributed system has the following advantages:
RM ICS generalized architecture
- Ability to process data directly at the points of their re-
ceipt (e.g., when obtaining one value as a result of pro- The considered conceptual provisions make it possible to
cessing the data of a set of sensors, when receiving one determine the composition of the RM ICS generalized archi-
record from the database, etc.) and minimize information tecture (Fig. 4). The main components here are information
exchange. sources (IS), communication devices (CD) providing informa-

Fig. 3. Control cycle diagram.

V.V. Korobkin, V.P. Povarov / Nuclear Energy and Technology 3 (2017) 302–306 305

Fig. 4. RM ICS distributed architecture.

tion exchange at various control levels, computing units (CU),

human–machine interface, controllers (C) and actuators (A).
The distributed RM ICS, implementing the control cycle
described above, contains information, processing and control
parts. In each part, communication devices realize data con-
nections between the components on the entire graph [14] or
on a common bus.
This architectural solution of the RM ICS makes it pos-
sible: first, to provide the possibility of increasing fault-
tolerance due to the decentralized control functions of the
information-computation process in each of the parts; sec-
ond, to build the RM ICS on the basis of unified means
of microelectronic and computer technologies; third, to op-
timize the software/hardware composition and, providing
fairly quick access to distributed structured and unstructured
data. Fig. 5. New generation MR ICS for Novovoronezh NPP II Units 1 and 2.
Therefore, the ICS has a multi-processor distributed two-
channel structure that ensures compliance with the fault-
tolerance requirements in case of independent information and the inverters, reconfiguration into single-channel mode occurs,
control functions. The system operates in two-channel mode, when the remaining inverter is alternately connected to one of
providing control commands by “two out of two” logic and the drives depending on the current algorithm for controlling
protections and interlocks by “one out of two” logic, or in the RM mechanisms in automated, step-be-step or manual
single-channel mode if one of the channels fails. The channels operating modes.
operate in parallel, independently and synchronously, which
makes it possible to compare the results of their operation
and, in the event of an error in the operation of one of the RM ICS functional capabilities
channels, lock out the transmission of a control action. In
the event of hardware problems in one of the channels, it is Fig. 5 shows a photograph of the new generation RM ICS,
possible to continue the system operation in a single-channel which is distinguished by innovative methodical, algorithmic,
configuration (see Fig. 1) provided that the channels of di- hardware–software and design-technological solutions, which
agnostics, protections and interlocks remain operational in a reduce the time and increase the safety of nuclear fuel han-
routine (automated, step-by-step, manual) mode. At the same dling operations, including:
time, the electrical equipment of the RM ISC also allows
operation in the mode (using two channels of the electrical - RM ICS hardware and software that provide parallelization
equipment) when each RM mechanism is connected to its in- of procedures for solving the tasks of controlling the RM
verter (frequency converter). In the event of failure of any of mechanisms as well as automatic fault diagnosis and redis-
306 V.V. Korobkin, V.P. Povarov / Nuclear Energy and Technology 3 (2017) 302–306

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