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WISH / IF ONLY + simple WISH / IF ONLY + past perfect WISH / IF ONLY + would
past : when we wish something ( had + past participle) We complain about a thing or
was different in the Present We regret something from the situation

Pam wishes she was taller I wish I had worked more at I wish my brother would
I wish I had a laptop school stop bothering me
If only I could speak English If only they hadn't been so lazy If only they would let me go
fluently I wish my parents had been less to Brazil
severe with me

I° Wish about a situation in the present

1) I wish I ____________ less homework ( have)
2) If only Helen ________ thinner ( be)
3) They wish they __________ a well- paid job ( find)
4) Bob wishes his parents ___________ him more pocket money ( give )
5) Kevin wishes he ____________ ( not- be ) so small
6) If only my cell phone __________________ all the time ( not- ring)

II° Wishes about a future situation

1) She wishes she __________________ her exam ( pass)
2) John wishes his friends __________________ him to their party( invite)
3) If only there ________________ less noise and pollution in big cities ( be)
4) Our teachers wish we ______________ ____ more hardworking ( be)
5) I wish you __________________ more often ( phone )
6) If only my husband __________________home earlier ( come)

III° Wish about a past situation

1) Jim wishes he ________ not __________ his keys ( lose)
2) I wish I ________ not __________________ to do my homework ( forget)
3) Kelly wishes she ______________________ all the solutions of her maths exercise ( find)
4) If only we ___________________________ more at school ( study)
5) If only Bob ________ not ________________ so many sweets ( eat) . He would be slimmer
6) I wish we ___________________________ to more exotic places ( travel)
IV° Underline the correct tense

1) I am an only child . I wish I have / had a sister or a brother .

2) They wish they can / could go on a cruise at the end of June .

3) What a beautiful house ! I wish it is / was mine

4) Kelly wishes she works / had worked more at school when she was young

5) I really wish I can / could play tennis

6) Jim is upset .He has just had a car accident . If only he didn't drive / hadn't driven so fast

7) If only my parents and I don't argue / hadn't argued so much

8) I wish I had been / would be thinner in the future .

9) Bob wishes he isn't / wasn't ill today

10) I wish there is / would be less unemployment in the future .

V° I wish + past perfect : Imagine what they wish they had one or
hadn't done
Bob spent all his pocket money on a camera
He wishes he hadn't spent all his money on a camera

1) Kelly bought a dress she didn't really like


2) Jenny missed two episodes of her favourite serial Doctor House


3) Tom lost his wallet at the station


4) They were not very polite with their teachers


5) Greg didn't learn his irregular verbs

6) They didn't go to University when they were young

VI° Express your own wishes concerning your last week : tell what
you wish you had done or hadn't done last week
ex: I wish I had gone to bed earlier
1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VII° What do they wish for : I wish + simple past

Jim is too fat I wish I wasn't so fat / I wish I could lose weight

1) My nose is too long . I wish --------------------------------------------------------------------------

2) I have a lot of freckles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3) I am not tall enough -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4) I wear awful glasses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5) My hair is straight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6) I have short legs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VIII° What about you ? What do you wish you had / were / did ?
a) physical or moral appearance
1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

b) school and teachers

1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c) future job or life
1) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IX° Mixed sentences : Put the right tense and pay attention to the
time expressions
1) I wish she _________________ here now ( come)

2) They wish they ______________________ to the USA next summer ( travel)

3) I wish my parents ______________________ me more pocket money last week ( give)

4) Helen wishes she ________________ better today ( feel)

5) Greg wishes he _____________________ the tennis competition next month ( win )

6) They wish they ____________________________ so lazy when they were at school ( not-

7) I wish you _______________ on holiday now ( be)

8) My parents wish they _______________________ a new car last year ( buy)

9) I wish my pen-pal __________________ me a letter next week ( write)

10) Kevin wishes he ___________________________ Jenny to the cinema last week ( invite)

11) We wish we _______________________ a lot of money now ( have )

12) Maud wishes she __________________________ her exam next June ( pass)

13) David wishes he __________________________ his passport two weeeks ago (not- lose)

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