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Unit 3 tutorial 1

During many years, I woke up at 6.30 and after that I had a shower. At 7.00 a. m. I started
reading the press and having breakfast until 7.30. When I finished eating that meal I took my
coat and, afterwards, I went out of my house and I got /caught the train to my work. When I
arrived, I started plugging on the computer and reading the emails. I kept reading for an hour
or so. I finished working on in this type of activity when someone knocked at my door and
reminded remembered me that we have a meeting. At the beginnings, these meetings were
very long, two or three hours, but, step by step we were able to short them. Currently Actually,
our meetings don’t have more than 30 minutes. More or less at 14.00 we had lunch and we
started talking about sports or our political problems. After that we carried on working hard
until 6.00, when we returned to our houses to see our families.

Unit 3 tutorial 2

10 journalist died in Somalia

It was 12.00 O’clock. Mogadishu. A big demonstration of women walked slowly towards the de
Central government. They protested about for the deaths of two girls that were condemned to
be stoned by a local jury. They demanded the abolition of the sharia. Many journalists from of
all countries were filming the scene because it was the biggest demonstration manifestation of
women that they had ever seen in their his life in Africa. The journalists were at both sides of
the demonstration, without blending in with the women. When the women arrived near the
port, a big number of soldiers appear in front of them with weapons and grenades. They first
looked at women with an inexpressive face, and then they turn their eyes and weapons
towards the journalists. Just at in that moment the de Hell arrived in Mogadishu. The soldiers
fired on the journalists without compassion, and killed ten of them. Women cried and ran run
in all directions. It was the end.

To be continued.

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