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PART 1 (5 Questions) 5 Marks

Question 1 to 5
Read the message below carefully and choose the best answer.
Baca mesej dibawah dan pilih jawapan yang betul.

Sekolah Kebangsaan Muzaffar Syah


20 February 2022
Books Donation

Dear students,

It is hereby notified that our school has decided to organise a campaign

that will be carried out from 16 to 20 March 2022 with theme “Books
Donation”. The books will be given to students who belong to
underprivileged families. You can donate any type of books whether
they are new or are still durable. Students who are interested to
participate in this donation drive can send your books to our library
before 10 March 2022. The book give-away event will be led by our
headmaster on 22 March 2022 at our school hall.

Arif Fateh
Head of Library

1 The books donation drive is organized to .

A fill up the school library

B to help students from underprivileged families
C inculcate reading habits among the students

2 The donation drive will be carried out for .

A three days
B four days
C five days

3 Students can donate the followings except .

A sturdy storybooks
B good condition novels
C flimsy encyclopaedias

4 What is the core value taught from the donation drive initiative?

A Selfish
B Empathy
C Self-centred

5 The word underprivileged can also be replaced with the followings except .

A poor
B affluent
C disadvantage

PART 2 (4 Questions) 4 Marks

Question 6 to 9

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Pilih jawapan yang betul untuk diisi pada tempat-tempat kosong.

Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta (6) place in March every year.

There are plenty of quirky and eye-catching air balloons for all of us to see. From the usual

rainbow-colored hot air balloon to Darth Vader and Doraemon, there is (7) for

just about everyone.

The event is perfect especially for families as the fiesta encourages togetherness by

organizing a variety of fun activities for all ages. The uniqueness of the event draws everyone

from all over Malaysia as well as neighboring countries. For the past three years, the fiesta has

exhibited hot air balloon shows and (8) other aviation sports to the public and

the turnout has become (9) from year to year.

6 A takes 7 A nothing
B took B anything
C take C something

8 A host 9 A impressive
B hosted B most impressive
C hosting C more impressive

PART 3 (5 Questions) 5 Marks

Question 10 to 14
Read the story below carefully and choose the best answer.
Baca cerita dibawah dan pilih jawapan yang betul.

Robin Hood

Long ago, Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest, England. He’s known to rob the rich and gave
to the poor. The rich feared to go through Sherwood Forest because they knew Robin Hood would
rob them. The pressure mounted on the Sheriff of Nottingham to capture Robin Hood. Finally, the
Sheriff thought of a plan. "Let us have a competition to choose the best shooter in Nottingham.
Robin Hood cannot resist such a competition. He will surely come and when he does, my guards
will capture him," he told his noblemen.

Robin Hood was an excellent shooter and there was none who can challenged him in
Nottingham. When the competition began, Robin Hood wore a green cloak to camouflage
himself. William, the Sheriff’s man took aim first and shot. It was very close to the centre. The
Sheriff applauded. "Good shot, William," he said. Then it was the turn of the man in the green
cloak to let go of his arrow. It went through William's arrow and the bullseye! And within a flash
he shot two more arrows and they came flying towards the chair on which the Sheriff sat and stuck
on either side of it. The Sheriff was stunned! Before the Sheriff can do anything, Robin pulled off
his cloak, threw it in the ground, jumped onto his waiting horse and was gone. Once again, Robin
Hood had escaped again.

10 The rich people were afraid to go through the Sherwood Forest because .

A they will get shot

B they will be robbed
C they will be captured by robin hood

11 Why did the Sheriff of Nottingham decide to carry out the archery shooting competition?

A Because he wanted to seize Robin Hood.

B Because he wanted to shoot Robin Hood.
C Because he wanted to see Robin Hood’s shooting skills.

12 The Sheriff of Nottingham was stunned because .

A William’s shot was very close to the centre

B Robin’s shot went through William's arrow and hit the bullseye
C he was almost killed when two arrows came flying towards him

13 The word camouflaged can also be replaced with .

A exposed
B revealed
C disguised

14 The following words best described Robin Hood’s characters except

A cowardly
B fearless
C witty

PART 4 (6 Questions) 6 Marks

Question 15 to 20
Read the article below carefully and match the best answer.
Baca artikel dibawah dan padankan jawapan yang betul.


A The Nazca Lines

The lines drawn in geometric patterns and distinct animal shapes
across the Peruvian desert have inspired many theories over the years.
The lines are found in a region of Peru near the modern town of
Nasca. In total, there are over 800 straight lines, 300 geometric
figures and 70 animal and plant designs. However, the lines are
impossible to be identified from ground level. They were first
discovered with the advent of flight in the 1930s. Scientists believed
that the lines were made by the Nasca people although some radical
theories related these lines to aliens and ancient astronauts. Now, the
Nazca lines can also be seen by visiting a viewpoint just outside town.

B The Giza Pyramid

Pharaoh Khufu began the first Giza pyramid project around 2550
B.C. His Great Pyramid is the largest in Giza. Its estimated 2.3
million stone blocks were used with each weighed an average of
2.5 to 15 tons. Inside the large structure includes a cemetery, palace,
temples, treasure chambers and solar boat pits. The builders were
skilled, well-fed Egyptian workers who lived in a nearby temporary
city. It's likely that the Egypt communities paved their ways to this
national project to display the wealth and control of the ancient

C The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is an enormous mausoleum complex commissioned

in 1632 by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to house the remains of
his beloved wife. It took 20 years to be built. The famed complex is
one of the most outstanding examples of Mughal architecture, which
combined Indian, Persian and Islamic influences. His wife, Mumtaz
Mahal died after giving birth to the couple’s 14th child in 1631.

A The Nazca Lines

B The Giza Pyramid
C The Taj Mahal

15 This majestic structure was built in the loving memory of a person [1 mark]
who has passed away.

16 This unique structure was believed to have been linked with the [1 mark]
outer space life.

17 This massive structure was built to showcase the ruler’s fortune and [1 mark]

18 Influences of different cultures from different countries were [1 mark]

skilfully displayed in this huge structure.

19 This magnificent structure is not only a grand graveyard but also [1 mark]
shows how the rulers lived lavishly when they were alive.

20 The design of this structure is visible from a certain vantage point at [1 mark]
a certain magnitude.

PART 5 (5 Questions) 5 Marks

Question 21 to 25
Fill in the blank with letters to form a correct spelling.
Isi tempat kosong dengan huruf untuk menjadi ejaan yang betul.

21. A type of aircraft that is lifted and moved in the air by huge rotating wings or blades.

H __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ [1 mark]

22. A bicycle that is propelled by an attached motor.

M __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ [1 mark]

23. A short narrow board with two small wheels fixed to the bottom at both ends, on which a
person can ride in a standing or crouching position and propel themselves by
occasionally pushing one foot against the ground.

S __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ [1 mark]

24. An airborne object that soars without moving the wings and floats in the air.

A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ [1 mark]

25. A small racing car with lightweight or skeleton bodies.

G __ - __ __ __ __ [1 mark]

PART 6 (1 Question) 10 Marks

Question 26

You helped an old woman to cross a road while waiting for the bus at the bus stop.
You are proud of your noble deed and would like to share the experience with your cousin.

Write an email to him/her.

In your email,

 Explain why you helped the old woman.

 Explain how she responded with your help.

Write your answer between 30-50 words in the space below.

From :
To :
Subject :

PART 7 (1 Question) 15 Marks

Question 27

You saw this poster on the Internet and you are interested to join the programme. You would
like to invite your best friend to join too.

Write a message to him/her and explain why you would like to join the event.
You may include details such as date, place or any other useful information.

Write your answer between 60-80 words in the space below.


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