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Design Optimisation of lamella settler

Seminar report submitted to

Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai

Submitted by
Rishikesh Jaiswal
Final Year Chemical Engineering




pg. 2

Sedimentation or settling is the tendency for particles in suspension to settle out of the fluid
due to their motion through the fluid in response to the forces acting on them: these forces can
be due to gravity, centrifugal acceleration, or electromagnetism. The separation of a
suspension or a slurry into a clear liquid lying above the solid residue, that is liquid is
essentially free from the particles. It consists of a thick sludge containing high concentration
of solids therefore it is a process of phase separation.
Common industrial examples of sedimentation include that of treating the wastewater effluents
in sugar, pulp, petrochemical industry for removing solids from the stream. Sedimentation is
also used by the Municipal Corporations to clean water for supplying to the public.
Now, the sedimentation process is possible when
• the suspended liquid is at rest (for example, a settling sand suspension in a beaker)
• the turbulence in the liquid is less or the suspension flow is laminar.
From a sedimentation equipment (also called sedimentor/clarifier/settler), we have the
following objectives:
1. We need the clarified liquid, meaning the solvent free from the suspended particles.
2. We need the thickened solid residue.
3. We need both.

1.1 Factors affecting sedimentation

1. Density : Greater the density (than the suspending liquid), faster the particles settle.
2. Size : Greater the size, faster the settling rate. More size implies more mass and more mass
leads to a greater “mg”.
3. Temperature: Higher the temperature, lower the viscosity force between the liquid and the
solid particles, faster the settling.
4. Turbulence: Less turbulence in the suspension, faster the sedimentation rate. If the
turbulence is more, then the solids may move with the liquid and not settle down. Hence less
turbulence is favourable.
5. Stability: Instability can lead to a short circuit flow, influencing the settling of particles.
6. Bottom scour: During bottom scour, the settled particles in the sludge are resuspended and
are washed out with the effluent.
7. Coagulation/Flocculation: Flocculation leads to the creation of larger particles called as
flocs inside the suspension. So larger particles settle faster. (Figure 1)

pg. 3
Figure 1:Coagulation and Flocculation

1.2 Types of settling.

1. Free settling: If the particle falls in a gravitational field through a stationary fluid and their
movement is not affected by the walls of the container as well as other particles, the settling is
termed as free settling.
So when it's settled with its own velocity without affected by other factors, we can call this as
the free settling.
• Free settling occurs when the concentration of the solution is less than 1 percent

2. Hindered settling: When the concentration of the particles in the suspension is increased,
then the settling is not independent. It is affected by the movement of particles surrounding the

1.3 Sedimentation Characteristics

A preliminary study of phenomenon is performed on the sample of the slurry to determine its
sedimentation characteristics.
A sample slurry is taken in a cylindrical measuring cylinder and kept under observation.
The sedimentation characteristic curve can be found in figure 5. It is a plot of H vs Time, where
H is the height of the interface and t is time.

pg. 4
This interface.

Figure 2: The sedimentation interface and


This interface

Figure 3: Clarified liquid and the sediment

A is the Zone settling: Where the initial suspension exists

B is the clarified liquid: The solvent devoid of solid particles
C is the transition zone: Where the concentration of the solids are unpredictable
D is the compression zone: Where the solid sludge exists after the settling
Here the “t” is time in required units and “H” is the height of the interface of A and B from the
bottom of the container the required units.
Here, the values obtained of H and t can be used in the design of the continuous settler.(See
figure 3 and figure 4)

pg. 5
2.1 Intro: Now for industrial applications, continuous operations are required. Sedimentation
process is no different. We have various continuous sedimentors available such as the Parkson
Lamella Clarifier. The method of operating a batch process is still practised in small industries,
but in large industries the continuous operations are a must.
As it was mentioned above that for the sedimentation to occur, the settling suspension must be
at rest or there should be very less turbulence. Therefore, for the continuous settler, the settling
zone should have less turbulence.
If a clarified liquid, that is the liquid as free from the particles as possible, is produced, then
this is called the clarifying capacity of the sediment. It means when we have clear liquid which
is free from the solid as much as possible we can call it the clarifying capacity of the sediment.
Now, in a continuous settler;
o If overflow liquid must be free from the particles then the upward velocity of the liquid
must be always less than the settling velocity of the particles and thus for a given
throughput the clarifying capacity depends on the diameter or cross section area of the
tank. The meaning of this particular statement is that when we need the clarified liquid,
it’s capacity will depend on the diameter of the tank. Otherwise, if the settling velocity
of particles is less than the liquid velocity, the particles will remain suspended.
o If a thick sludge is concentrated with the solid as possible is obtained then the degree
of thickening of the sludge is controlled by the time of residence of the particles in the
tank and hence by the depth of the tank below the feed inlet. For having thick sludges,
we need to give the settling particles enough time in the settler. So when we need thick
sludge, height is the main concern.
For designing the continuous settler, we need the values of area and the height. The evaluation
of the horizontal area and the volume of the continuous settler can be supported on batch
sedimentation tests.

pg. 6
2.2 Design of settler






Figure 4: Schematic of a Continuous settler

A,B,D are flow rates in m3 /sec

CA,CB,CD are the solids concentration in their respective streams in Kg/m3
CB = 0, because we assume here that outlet clarified liquid is free from solids.

The component balance of solids
ACA=DCD (essentially indicating that the total mass of solids in gets out as sludge from the
Overall fluid balance:
𝐶& 𝐶*
𝐴 "1 − ( − 𝐷 "1 − ( = 𝐵
𝜌 𝜌

pg. 7
Eliminating D
𝐶& 𝐴𝐶& 𝐶*
𝐴 "1 − (− "1 − ( = 𝐵
𝜌 𝐶* 𝜌
1 1
𝐴𝐶& " − (=𝐵
𝐶& 𝐶*

Eliminating both sides by the area of the settler AR. (AR=pr2, r is the radius of the settler)
𝐴𝐶& 1 1
" − ( = 𝐵.𝐴
𝐴- 𝐶& 𝐶* -

&/0 2
Here &1
can be written as & , where Q is the mass flow rate of solids in the feed.

𝐴𝐶& 𝐴- 𝑥
= =
𝐴- 1 1 1 1
3 − 4 3 − 4
𝐶& 𝐶* 𝐶& 𝐶*

Here x is the ascension velocity of the clarified liquid and it must be less than or equal to the
terminal velocity of settling of solid particles.
Now, this equation is applicable when we have assumed that the concentration inside the
sediment and that of outlet stream or underflow stream should be equal. However, what
happens is the concentration inside the tank will continuously change, therefore instead of
considering the inlet feed and under flow, we have to consider one layer where the
concentration will almost be uniform, so that we call as the capacity limiting layer.

For CL and L for down flow rate corresponding to CL

𝐿𝐶7 𝑥
𝐴- 1 1
3 − 4
𝐶7 𝐶*
Values of LCL by AR should be determined at different values of x and CL and minimum value
of LCL by AR will find the maximum value of AR which should be the thickness sectional area.

pg. 8
Figure 5: Sedimentation Characteristic Curve
§ x can be found out by taking the slope of the tangent at any point R (t=tL) will give us
the value xL (the instantaneous rate of sedimentation). These graph was obtained when
the values of H and t was plotted, where H is the height of the interface and t is the time.
§ Now to determine CL we use the equation HiCL = H0CA, where Hi is the Height of the
interface if all the solids were present at concentration CL.

Now after knowing the values of x and CL at different points on the above curve, we plot the
values of x v CL.
For finding the value of AR, we take the help of the following curve.

Figure 6: This graph is used to calculate Ar

pg. 9
Minimum value of &1
will give maximum value of AR. (Figure 6)

This area is multiplied by two safety factors:

F1:(1.1-1.25) To incorporate variations in feed characteristics
F2:(1.1-1.50) To take care of turbulence at feed inlet.
Therefore the area is AR x F1 x F2

To determine height of sedimentor, initially depth of the compression zone within the retention
time (tD - tC) should be found. Here tD is time required to attain the desired concentration in
underflow, when CL=CD and t=tD. And tC is the critical sedimentation time when only two
layers remain.
Therefore the total volume of solids in the compression zone at t=tC and after will be equal to
the total volume of solids fed. Thus the volume of the compression zone VC within retention
time is :
VC = volume of solids + volume of liquid
2 BC @ @
= 3 4 (𝑡* − 𝑡/ ) + 𝑄 ∫B 3 − 4 𝑑𝑡
9 D /8 9
BC @
= 𝑄 ∫B 3 4 𝑑𝑡
D /8

To find tC, use Robert’s Method

𝐻 − 𝐻I
𝑙𝑛 " ( = −𝑘𝑡, 𝐻 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐻I 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∞.
k is constant for a particular system.
𝐻I can be known by experiments.

The time corresponding to y=(1+y1)/ 2 will give us

the value of tc.
y1 is the value when the is extrapolated to the y axis.
See figure 7.

Figure 7: Graph to calculate tc

pg. 10
Height of compression zone HC = VC/AR
Corrected value of HC1=HC x 1.75
Total height of sedimentor= HC1 +allowances
The allowances include clear liquid zone, feed zone, transition zone, pitch of the bottom,
storage capacity.
Total height of sedimentor= HC1 +(0.3-0.5)+0.6+0.6+(0.3-0.6)+(0.3-0.6)

3. The Lamella clarifier

Figure 8: The Parkson Lamella Clarifier

Figure 9: Lamella clarifier schematic

pg. 11
A lamellar separator is a highly efficient particle separator usually used in water treatment
plants and various other applications.

The figure below shows an example of a sedimentation tank.

Figure 10: A circular bed sedimentation tank

We immediately notice the size of the separator. Some of these have diameters of almost 150
m. That is lot of area required for sedimentation.
That is why the lamella clarifier was developed to reduce the size of the sedimenting equipment.
The lamella design utilizes inclined plate clarification to separate solids from the water and
clarify the water. The lamella is composed of a series of removable parallel plates commonly
referred to as “lamella plates”. Stacking the inclined plates results in a separator having up to
ten times the clarification area of a conventional circular settling tank occupying the same floor
space. To put it another way, it does the separator job in 1/10 the space.

3.1 Theory of lamella

The construction of lamella settlers is based on inclined plates arranged one next to each other.
Let us consider an ideal, horizontally fed, continuous sedimentation tank. If we dispose in it n
- 1 parallel plates, we obtain n sedimentation compartments (lamellae) with the same horizontal
surface; thus, the same tank is able to handle an n-fold greater incoming flow. To facilitate the
drainage of the sludge, the tank must be inclined, the horizontal projection of the total area of
the plates being the resulting effective sedimentation area:
𝐴 = 𝐴\ 𝑛. 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼

𝛼 is the angle of inclination of the plates, which is generally taken as 550 (See figure below)

pg. 12
Figure 11

The plates act as deflecting devices, avoiding turbulences and “short- circuits”, which are
important considerations in the design of conventional continuous settlers.

There are no special criteria to choose the number and shape of the plates, but three essential
conditions must be met by the lamella width (separation between adjacent plates) relating to
the counter current flow pattern:

Figure 12: A section of lamella plate

Laminar flow condition

Flow Stability condition
Critical fluid velocity condition

pg. 13
Laminar Flow condition: Values of the Reynolds number ranging from 500 to 2000 have been
described as suit- able for lamella settling. However, values as low as Re = 350 have been
reported as needed for certain suspension. (Granges Engineering, Stockholm, 1973))

𝑣` 𝐷a
𝑅𝑒 = ≤ 350

DH is the hydraulic diameter for a rectangular tank (R. H. Perry and C. H. Chilton, 1973)
defined as 2ab/(a+b). As shown is figure 12,

2𝐵𝑆. 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝛼
𝐷a =
(𝐵 + 𝑆. 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝛼 )

2𝑆. 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝛼
𝐷a =
𝑆. 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝛼
i1 + 𝐵 j

Therefore the ascending fluid velocity vf will be

𝑣` =
𝐵𝑆 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝛼

𝑅𝑒 = ≤ 350
𝛾(𝐵 + 𝑆 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼)

Flow Stability condition: The Froude number (J. M. Coulson and J. F. Richardson,1977)) must
be greater than l0-5 to assure stable flow (Granges Engineering, Stockholm, 1973 ).

𝑣` m 𝑞 m (𝐵 + 𝑆 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼)
𝐹𝑟 = = ≥ 10pq
𝑔𝐷a 2𝑔𝐵m 𝑆 n 𝑠𝑖𝑛n 𝛼

Critical fluid velocity condition: The ascending fluid velocity vf must be less than a certain
critical value from which settled particles could be resuspended.

The minimal value and the maximum value of the width decided by the above equations.
Within this range we find the width.

pg. 14
3.2 Principle of Lamella. Why does it work?


Here we can clearly how an inclined settler takes less time than a traditional for settling the
particles. In the first picture, we have the start of settling in both the orientations. They both
start at the same rate, but since the distance that is needed to be covered in the test tube 1 will
be more, hence it naturally leads to more time of sedimentation in TT 1. In test tube 2, the
distance particles need to travel is less and when they reach the surface of the test tube, they
accumulate and form a lump and slide down even faster. (

4. Design of Lamella settler for biomass recycling in a continuous ethanol fermentation

process.(J. Tabera et. al, 1988)

The limiting value of vf was determined experimentally for their slugde and the value was 5 x
10-2 m/s.

Sacchuromyces ellipsoideus 159 strain of the IFI collection, selected for its fermentation rate
and flocculation ability (J. Tabera et. al, 1985) was employed. The fermentation medium was
composed of beet molasses diluted to 120 g/L sucrose with 0.5 g/L of added (NH,),HPO, and
pH adjusted to 4.5 with H2S04.

Critical ascending fluid velocity was also determined with our yeast. To establish the residence
time of the solids in the settler, necessary for volume calculation, we considered that
fermentation rate was the best indicator of the influence of that time on the physiological state

pg. 15
of the microorganisms. Thus, fermentation rate measurements of yeast maintained in
sedimentation for different time intervals were performed.

Sedimentation tests of yeast yielded the plot:

Figure 13: Experimental interface falling curve for 45 kg/m3 Succharomyces ellipsoideus
IF1 159 suspension

Table 1: Sedimentation Capacity calculation G from experimental h vs t plot (Not all points
are noted here)

Interface height Intercept (m) Settling rate, Solids Conc C G (x 103)

h (m) v (x105) (m/s) Kg/m3 (Kg/m3s)

0.80 0.800 5.800 45.000 4.176

0.58 0.770 5.233 46.753 4.008
0.40 0.605 2.600 59.504 3.069
0.32 0.475 1.159 75.789 2.384
0.28 0.325 0.267 110.769 3.845

pg. 16
4.1 Settling area determination
To determine the sedimentation area, it is necessary to define the values Q0 and CR to be
included in the sedimentation capacity expression .As previously stated for our process (J.
Tabera , 1986 ), to obtain 90% recycled biomass and a double yeast concentration in the sludge
than in the broth,Q0 = 4.264 x m3/s and CR = 120 kg/m3 must be fixed.

𝑸𝟎 𝑪𝟎 𝒗
𝑮= = = 𝑺𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 (𝑲𝒚𝒏𝒄𝒉, 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟐)
𝑨 𝟏 𝟏
𝑪 − 𝑪𝑹

It must be remarked that these values have been derived from extreme conditions, that is,
maximal dilution rate and maximal yeast concentration. Of course, these conditions have not
simultaneously happened; so, settling area determination has been based on a conservative
approach. A minimal value, G = 2.384 x 10-3 kg/m3 s, corresponding to a solids concentration
C = 75.789 kg/m3 and a settling rate v = 1.159 x 10-5m/s, accounts for the maximal solids
entrance at a level of 0.32 m height.

Therefore, A=Q0C0/G=8.05 x 10-2 m2

which corresponds to an actual plate surface area of 1.4035 x 10-1 m2 at 𝛼 = 550.(Since the
plates are inclined.)

Now we need to find the spacing between the plates.

𝐷a ≈ 2𝑆 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼 (𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑)

𝑅𝑒 = ≤ 350

𝐹𝑟 = ≥ 10pq
2𝑔𝐵m 𝑆 n 𝑠𝑖𝑛n 𝛼

On the other hand, if we assume the kinematic viscosity of the fluid to be that of the water (𝛾
= 10-6 m2/s),

≤ 1.75 × 10p•

pg. 17
Hence from the above equations we can find the range of S.

𝑆 ≤ 6.57 × 10pm 𝑚
𝑆 ≥ 0.43 × 10pm 𝑚

The obtained 1.4035 X l0-1 m2 plate area must be divided into n plates, each of AP = BL surface,
having no precise criteria to choose neither their number nor their dimensions. Nevertheless,
most of the commercial lamella settlers use plates with a 1.5-2.5 length-width ratio. Also,
lamella widths of 2-5 cm, values included in our range, are very often employed in small
settlers. By establishing a length-width plate ratio L/B = 2 and a lamella width S = 3 x l0-2 m,
in addition to the settling area imposed by the sedimentation capacity, we have a set of
constraints to be satisfied by the number and size of the plates.

To obtain a lamella pack of suitable shape from the several pairs of values AP n satisfying the
above constraints, the following have been selected: n = 6 plates (the lower wall of the container
included), L = 21.63 X 10-2 m and B = 10.81 x 10-2 m, from which a lamella pack of 18.00 X
l0-2 m length, 10.81 x l0-2 m width, 17.72 X l0-2 m height, and 3.448 X 10-3 m3 volume can
be made. Note that a conventional settling tank with the same effective area and the same height
would have a volume of 14.264 x 10-3 m3, more than 4 times that of the lamella pack.

pg. 18
4.2 Volume determination

Fermentation curves of S. ellipsoideus strain after 0, 1, 2, and 24 h sedimentation are shown in

Figure 14. Because we want to evaluate the delay in fermentation activity due to spent time
outside the fermentor, the initial slope of these curves is of major concern. As can be seen, this
slope decreases as the sedimentation period increases. The maximal relative difference is
attained between 0 and 1 h sedimentation, which can be interpreted as the fastest activity is
produced in the first hour.

Therefore, in an attempt to find a compromise between fermentation activity and thickening,

we have chosen 45 min as a suitable settling residence time. Entering 𝜏 = 2700 s in the interface
falling curve (Fig. 13), h = 63.5 X l0-2 m is obtained, the volume to be occupied by the
suspension is 9.137 X m3. The total volume of the settler will be obtained by addition of the
lamella pack volume.

Figure 14:Fermentation curves of Saccharomyces

ellipsoideus IFI 159 after differ-

pg. 19
5. Advantages:
§ Compact design: saves more than 85% of space compared to conventional
sedimentation tanks
§ As a result of the 60 degree slant of the funnel, a compact sludge is created which can
be transported precisely e.g. via pumps. That is why no manual sludge handling is
§ No moving parts. Only by the usage of a scraper there is a drive with a shaft.
almost no maintenance
low-energy system

6. Innovations:
Parkson Lamella Ecoflow: The Lamella® clarifier works when a solid/liquid stream that has
been flocculated, enters a tank, and flows upward between a pack of inclined plates. The solids
fall to the plate surface, where they slide by gravity down to a sludge collection hopper. The
clarified effluent flows through orifice holes and exits the top of the settler.

The innovative Lamella EcoFlow®, which was unveiled in 2012 and is patented, eliminates
the area of interference at the bottom of the plates and allows for full utilization of the plate
settling area. This translates to an increased capacity of 25% in the same footprint and allows
for easy retrofitting to upgrade older installations to the EcoFlow® design.

Figure 15: The flow of sediments and inlet fluid in the

Parkson Ecoflow.

pg. 20
Blucomb self-cleaning lamella water clarifier: Gas spargers are used in the lamella clarifier
which release air at very high speed. These causes the stuck solid particles to the plates to break
free from the plates.

7. Conclusion
We conclude that the lamella settler innovation was a milestone in the separation processes of
the solid liquid suspension. Not only did the lamella settler save time, but also physical space.
It provides a sigh of relief as it operates in continuous operation with very high efficiency as
compared to other sedimentors. The design of this particular equipment is not too
complicated (compared to other industrial equipment) as the area and the volume can be
calculated from many theoretical and empirical equations. Lamella clarifier is also being used
in areas of low clean water availability and is of great help to such regions.

pg. 21
7. References

1. J. M. Coulson and J. F. Richardson, Chemical Engineering, 3rd ed., Vol. 2 (Pergamon,

Oxford, 1978), p. 177.
2. (
3. G .J. Kynch, Trans. Faraduy SOC., 48, 166 (1952)
4. Granges Engineering, Sedimentacidn a Lamelas Sistema GEWE (Granges Engineering,
Stockholm, 1973).
5. J. M. Coulson and J. F. Richardson, Chemical Engineering 3rd ed. Vol. 1 (Pergamon, Oxford,
1977), pp. 66-67.
6. J. Tabera, M. A. Iznaola, I. Schnabel, and J. Ganido, Biorechnol. Lett., 7, 437 (1985).
7. R. H. Perry and C. H. Chilton, Chemical Engineer’s Handbook, 5th ed. (McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1973), pp. 5-24.

pg. 22

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