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General medicine and in brief

• Dentists will encounter patients with

surgery for dental practitioners. various types of cancer who require

dental care.
• Patients may be at various stages of

Part 6 – cancer, radiotherapy •

cancer treatment but the dentist may be
involved at any stage.
A working knowledge of the potential

and chemotherapy
effects of cancer and its treatment is
essential for safe practice.

P. J. Thomson,1 M. Greenwood2 and J. G. Meechan3

Verifiable CPD PaPer

Dental practitioners will encounter patients who have been affected by cancer or who are current cancer patients. Dentists
play an important role in the overall healthcare of such patients, particularly in those with head and neck malignancy. This
paper gives an overview of the impact of cancer and its treatment on dental management.

introDuCtion oral healthcare with malignancies at vari- table 1 General complications of cancer
Cancer is the term applied to malignant ous stages of the disease.
tumours and is essentially a genetic disease Cachexia and wasting
caused by somatic mutation. The multi- Points in the history anaemia and infection
stage theory of carcinogenesis suggests As a consequence of their malignancy,
nutritional deficiencies
that individual cancers arise from several patients with cancer may suffer from a
sequential mutations in cellular DNA. number of general physical, medical and Cutaneous manifestations
There is a close correlation between can- emotional problems. It is important that endocrine disorders
cer incidence and increased age, reflecting dental practitioners have an understand-
rare manifestations
the time required to accumulate the critical ing not only of the effects of malignant
number of genetic abnormalities needed disease on their patient, but also of the
for malignant change. specific problems resulting from cancer table 2 orofacial manifestations of
Improvement in cancer treatment out- treatments (Table 1). While the range,
comes means that in modern clinical prac- symptomatology and diagnosis of malig- Primary tumours in orofacial tissues
tice, a general dental practitioner will have nant neoplasms presenting in the head and Oral squamous cell carcinoma
to advise and treat many patients requiring neck region will be well known to den-
Salivary adenocarcinoma
tists (Table 2), the effects of cancer treat-
ment may not be and it is often this area Metastases in jaws or oral soft tissues
General MeDiCine anD
surGery for Dental that leads to confusion and compromised from breast, lung and prostate primaries
PraCtitioners dental care.
Effects of tumour metabolites
In general, malignant neoplasms are
1. The older patient
treated using one, or some combination Facial flushing
2. Metabolic disorders
of the following treatment modalities: Pigmentations
3. Skin disorders (A)
• Surgery
4. Skin disorders (B) Amyloidosis
• Radiotherapy
5. Psychiatry
• Chemotherapy. Oral erosions
6. Cancer, radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Functional disturbances
The patient may give a history of having
experienced such treatment, may be under-
Honorary Consultant/Professor in Oral and Maxillofa- going it or waiting for it. The selection, Bleeding
cial Surgery, 2*Consultant/Honorary Clinical Professor,
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3Honorary Consultant/
timing and prescription of these anticancer Infections
Senior Lecturer in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, treatments is now the remit of highly spe-
School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University, Fram- Anaemia
lington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4BW
cialised multidisciplinary oncology teams
*Correspondence to: Professor Mark Greenwood and varies considerably depending upon
tumour type and site. While the principles to orofacial cancers, the mechanism of
Refereed Paper of surgical access, tumour resection with action, efficacy and side-effects of radio-
Accepted XX Month 2009
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2010.626
wide margins and tissue reconstruction are therapy and chemotherapy are often less
© British Dental Journal 2010; 209: 65–69 familiar to dentists, particularly in relation well understood.

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table 4 oral complications of cancer

table 3 Chemotherapy drugs and regimens
Drug classification Examples Radiotherapy

Busulphan Mucositis/ulceration
Alkylating agents Chlorambucil
Cyclophosphamide Radiation caries/dental
hypersensitivity/periodontal disease
Cytotoxic antibiotics Xerostomia/loss of taste
Fluorouracil Dysphagia
Vinca alkaloids
Vincristine Osteoradionecrosis
Platinum compounds Cisplatin
treatment regimen Administration Aim
Craniofacial defects (children)
Induction Before other treatments Reduce tumour size
Sandwich Between treatments Reduce risk of metastases
Mucositis/ulceration/lip cracking
Adjuvant After treatment Improve disease-free survival
Concurrent With other treatments Sensitise tumour cells
Shrink residual tumours
Palliative After other treatments Orofacial pain
Pain relief

A patient may give a history of planned the treatment of widespread malignan- here. The cellular damage effects of radio-
or previous radiotherapy. It is possible, but cies such as leukaemia or lymphoma, therapy and chemotherapy produce simi-
more unlikely, that they are undergoing although more recent recognition of early lar effects on oral tissues, although more
radiotherapy at the time of attendance for systemic spread of solid tumours such as widespread and systemic complications
dental treatment. Radiotherapy refers to breast cancer and even head and neck occur following chemotherapy. Table 4
the therapeutic application of localised malignancy has resulted in greater use lists the oral complications of radiother-
ionising radiation (X-rays, beta rays or of chemotherapy in modern treatment apy and chemotherapy which may be seen
gamma rays) to destroy malignant cells. protocols. Chemotherapy agents (Table 3) on examination.
Cells exposed to radiation form free radi- target actively dividing cells to elimi- Mucositis is a particularly distressing
cals in their intracellular water and, as nate tumours while allowing normal cells condition arising from damage to the oral
a result of DNA damage, undergo death to recover and repair. Drugs are usually mucosal lining. It presents as widespread
when stimulated to divide. Radiotherapy administered in high doses intermittently oral erythema, pain, ulceration and bleed-
is thus particularly effective against rap- and often in combination to achieve syn- ing. It may arise during localised head and
idly proliferating tumour cells which are ergy and overcome resistance. Newer head neck radiotherapy or as a consequence of
killed more efficiently than slowly growing and neck regimens utilise chemotherapy systemic chemotherapy. Although an acute
or normal cells. While this is a consider- agents administered as radiosensitisers and usually relatively short-lived prob-
able advantage in cancer treatment, it does before radiotherapy to increase treat- lem, it can significantly impair quality of
not spare normal cells with high replica- ment efficacy but this may also enhance life and prevent oral dietary intake lead-
tion rates such as epithelium of skin and treatment side-effects. ing to hospitalisation. If it is particularly
mucous membranes or highly specialised severe it may cause interruption to thera-
cells in neurological tissue, salivary gland exaMination peutic regimens and can act as a portal
secretory tissue or osteoblasts in bone The patient with cancer may look rela- for septicaemia.
which, when damaged, are unable to repair tively well or may be cachectic. The term Xerostomia is responsible for the most
themselves. Other types of radiation may cachexia refers to a profound and marked common and long-standing problems fol-
also be employed; for example, radioac- state of constitutional disorder, general ill lowing orofacial radiotherapy. Salivary
tive iodine (given orally or by intravenous health and malnutrition. The signs and gland function rarely recovers following
injection) can be used to treat thyroid can- symptoms of oral cancer are well covered secretory cell damage and while newer
cers. Such treatment can affect the func- in relevant texts and therefore will not be computerised radiotherapy techniques help
tion of the salivary glands.1 covered further here. to spare full salivary gland irradiation, it
Patients may reveal a history of chemo- The orofacial region contains one of the remains difficult to avoid gland damage.
therapy or be awaiting or undergoing this highest concentrations of specialised tis- As mentioned above, salivary gland dam-
modality of treatment. The use of chem- sues and sensory organs in the body and age may also occur secondary to the use
otherapeutic agents (anticancer drugs) it is hardly surprising that the effects of of radioactive iodine for the destruction of
is most often employed systemically in cancer treatment are particularly severe thyroid tumours.

66 BRItIsh DEntAl JOuRnAl VOLUME 209 NO. 2 JUL 24 2010

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Permanent mouth dryness, glutinous table 5 Management of patients receiving

sputum in the posterior oral cavity and head and neck radiotherapy
pharynx, and reduction of or altered taste, Before radiotherapy
together with fragile and sensitive oral
Oral hygiene/preventive and restorative dentistry
mucosa, are significant post-radiotherapy
sequelae impairing a patient’s quality of Risk/benefits of retaining teeth
life. Xerostomia also increases the risk of
Dental extractions
rapidly destructive dental caries (‘radiation
caries’) and advanced periodontal disease. During radiotherapy

Artificial saliva preparations including fig. 1 a patient with osteoradionecrosis. the

Discourage smoking and alcohol
overlying skin has broken down due to its
saliva sprays, replacement gels or pas- poor blood supply Eliminate infections:
tilles may be helpful. Oral administration antibiotics/antifungals/antivirals
of pilocarpine may help to increase flow Relieve mucositis
in patients with residual salivary gland
Saliva substitutes
Infections are common due to immuno- TMJ physiotherapy for trismus
suppression, especially candidal and her- After radiotherapy
petic types. Appropriate use of antifungal
Oral hygiene/preventive dentistry
agents such as miconazole or systemic flu-
conazole may be necessary to treat severe Specialist OMFS for dental
extractions/oral surgery
oral candidosis.
The lesions of osteoradionecrosis, as Topical fluorides
shown in Figure 1 (non-vital bone second- fig. 2 osteonecrosis in a patient who has Avoidance of mucosal trauma
ary to radiotherapy), or osteonecrosis as been prescribed bisphosphonates and has had
dental extractions in this area Saliva substitutes
in Figure 2 (non-vital bone secondary to
bisphosphonate treatment) may be evident
and should be managed as described in the to reduce the risk of osteoradionecrosis. table 6 Management of patients receiving
next section. Extractions are advised for grossly carious,
non-vital, periodontally involved teeth or Before chemotherapy
Dental ManaGeMent of heaD retained roots and their removal should Oral/dental assessment
anD neCk CanCer Patients be performed carefully before radiotherapy
Oral hygiene/preventive dentistry
The important management principles for starts to ensure rapid healing.
patients undergoing radiotherapy for head Osteoradionecrosis arises due to the During chemotherapy
and neck malignancy are summarised in death of irradiated and lethally damaged Folic acid to reduce ulceration
Table 5. The general dental practitioner bone cells stimulated to divide following
Ice to cool oral mucosa
has an important role in management. It traumatic stimuli such as dental extractions
is important that the patient is rendered or localised infection (Fig. 1). Diminished Chlorhexidine mouthwashes
dentally fit before the commencement of vascularity of the periosteum also exists Eliminate infections:
radiotherapy treatment. This also applies as a result of late radiation effects on
to patients about to receive chemotherapy. endothelial lining cells, which is particu- After chemotherapy
The principles of management are sum- larly pertinent for the dense and less vas- Oral hygiene/preventive dentistry
marised in Table 6. cular mandibular bone. The radionecrotic
Risk of anaemia/bleeding/infection
The importance of general dental care process usually starts as ulceration of the
and oral hygiene, especially for head and alveolar mucosa with brownish dead bone
neck cancer patients, cannot be empha- exposed at the base. Pathological fractures oxygenation have also been recommended2
sised too strongly. A comprehensive dental may occur in weakened bone and second- and are used as a treatment modality in
assessment and proactive preventive treat- ary infection leads to severe discomfort, the UK.3
ment plan is mandatory before definitive trismus, foetor oris and general malaise. Osteonecrosis is a recently recognised
head and neck cancer treatment. While this Radiographically, the earliest changes are a complication of bisphosphonate treat-
is often led by specialist restorative den- ‘moth-eaten’ appearance of the bone, fol- ment 4 (Fig. 2). This condition is defined
tists working in multidisciplinary oncol- lowed by sequestration. as exposed bone in the maxillofacial
ogy teams, the role of the general dental Treatment should be predominantly region for longer than eight weeks in the
practitioner remains central. conservative, with long-term antibiotic absence of radiotherapy but in a patient
Patients undergoing radiotherapy for and topical antiseptic therapy and careful using bisphosphonates. It is diagnosed
orofacial cancers need dental input to local removal of sequestra when neces- clinically but local malignancy must be
minimise radiation caries, the need for sary. Hyperbaric oxygen and ultrasound excluded.5 Bisphosphonates are a group of
post-radiotherapy dental extractions and therapy to increase tissue blood flow and drugs, including alendronic acid, disodium

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etidronate and risedronate sodium, which preserve the remaining dentition. Should drug. Similarly, erythromicin increases
are adsorbed onto hydroxyapatite crystals teeth have to be extracted, this is best the toxicity of the chemotherapeutic drug
thus slowing their rate of growth and dis- carried out in a specialist oral and max- vinblastine. The toxicity of methotrexate
solution. They have been used in treatment illofacial surgery unit and it is essential is increased with concomitant administra-
of bony metastases, the hypercalcaemia of that atraumatic techniques are used, with tion of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
malignancy and the management of oste- primary closure of oral mucosa together drugs, penicillins and tetracyclines. These
oporosis in post-menopausal women. with antibiotic therapy until healing is are just some examples of pertinent drug
Dental extractions should be avoided complete. Similar considerations apply to interactions. The dentist should consult a
wherever possible while patients are on patients taking bisphosphonates. The tim- publication such as the British National
bisphosphonate therapy to reduce the ing of extractions in patients undergoing Formulary or discuss with the patient’s
risk of necrosis. Established cases require chemotherapy is critical. This should be oncologist if there is any doubt about pre-
analgesia, long-term antibiotic and topical co-ordinated with the treating oncologist scribing another medication.
antiseptic therapy, together with careful so that the ideal ‘window of opportunity’ Patients who have received treatment for
local debridement to remove limited bony is used. childhood cancers may have dentofacial
sequestra similar to the management of abnormalities as normal development may
osteoradionecrosis.6 Risk factors that will effeCts of DruGs useD have been compromised. Problems such
increase the possibility of osteonecrosis in Patients with oral as poor root formation, enamel defects,
developing include local infection, steroid
MaliGnanCy on Dental prominent incremental lines in dentine
use, trauma, chemotherapy and periodon- and facial asymmetry may arise.7,8
tal disease. As mentioned above, many drugs used in
The mechanism by which bisphospho- the management of malignant disease will ConClusions
nates increase the risk of osteonecrosis affect white cell and platelet numbers. This Many patients with cancer will present to
is not fully understood. Trauma caused means that bleeding and infection are risks their dental practitioner requiring routine
by dental extraction in the presence of of surgical dentistry such as extractions. A dental care or specific attention to oral
impaired osteoclast function may cause full blood count is needed to ensure that complications resulting from malignancy
inadequate clearance of necrotic debris. any extractions can be performed safely. or radiotherapy and chemotherapy treat-
Local osteonecrosis may also occur due to Elective extractions should be carried out ments. It is imperative that dental prac-
secondary infection. It is also thought that when the blood picture is normal, however titioners make an appropriate assessment
bisphosphonates might have toxic effects emergency extractions may need to be per- of the patient’s general medical status
on soft tissues around the extraction site formed. If the platelet count is less than (including nutrition, debilitation and hae-
and thereby impair the function of vascu- 50 × 109 per litre then intra-oral surgery is matology) before embarking upon dental
lar and epithelial cells.5 contraindicated unless a platelet transfu- care. Prevention is vital throughout to
Chemotherapy agents are inevitably sion can be provided; if less than 100 × 109 avoid worsening dental disease in patients
highly toxic and risk important systemic per litre then sockets should be packed with compromised general health.
effects such as infections and bleeding with a haemostatic agent such as Surgicel® 1. Mandel S J, Mandel L. Radioactive iodine and the
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2. Vudiniabola S, Pirone C, Williamson J, Goss A N.
resultant neutropaenia and thrombocyto- than 2.5 × 109 per litre then prophylactic Hyperbaric oxygen in the therapeutic manage-
paenia. It is important to liaise with an antibiotics are recommended. ment of osteonecrosis of the facial bones. Int J Oral
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individual patient’s oncologist to ensure It was mentioned above that xerostomia 3. Kanatas A N, Lowe D, Harrison J, Rogers S N. Survey
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timed to avoid periods of maximum bone apy. These can also be unwanted effects of 2005; 43: 219–225.
marrow depression. some drugs used to treat malignancy. Thus 4. Hellstein J W, Marek C L. Bisphosphonate osteoche-
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Management of established mucositis excellent oral hygiene and caries preven- of the 21st century? J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005;
includes systemic analgesia, the use of tion measures such as the use of fluoride 63: 682–689.
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intraoral ice and topical analgesics such are recommended. If dentures are ill-fit- nates. BMJ 2010; 340: c246.
as benzydamine hydrochloride or 2% lido- ting these should be removed as they may 6. Migliorati C A, Casiglia J, Epstein J, Jacobsen P L,
Siegel M A, Woo S B. Managing the care of patients
caine lollipops or mouthwash. worsen drug-induced mucositis. with bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis: an
Subsequent to radiotherapy and chemo- Some of the drugs used to treat malig- American Academy of Oral Medicine position paper.
J Am Dent Assoc 2005; 136: 1658–1668.
therapy, meticulous oral hygiene is essen- nancies will interfere with medications 7. Macleod R I, Welbury R R, Soames J V. Effects of
tial, especially during treatment when the dentists might prescribe. Examples include cytotoxic chemotherapy on dental development.
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