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Kenjar, Mangalore-574142
Report on Professional Development Program

Topic: Smart Skills for a Smart Teacher

Date: 12-01-2023 Time: 11:00 AM

Resource Person: Ms. Nischitha, Assistant Professor, Department of E&CE
Venue: PG Building Seminal Hall

Report: Professional development program on “Smart Skills for a Smart Teacher” was held on
12-01-2023 at 11:00 AM by Ms. Nischitha, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics &
Communication Engineering. The speaker started the session with the introduction where she
said that being a smart teacher involves a combination of traditional teaching skills and the
integration of modern technologies and approaches. The session also provided an insight on
various smart skills such as: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound etc. that
can contribute to effective and innovative teaching. the speaker concluded the session by
highlighting the key point that is to continually assess and refine your skills to meet the evolving
needs of your students and the education landscape.

Kenjar, Mangalore-574142

Attendance List

Sl. No. Name of the faculty

1. Dr. Sheeja Krishnan
2. Dr. Cindrella Nishmitha Gonsalves
3. Ms. Ashwitha
4. Ms. Kalpitha
5. Ms. Jane Maria Correa
6. Ms. Saranya Nambiar
7. Ms. Prafulla
8. Mr. Mohan Kumar
9. Ms. Sandra
10. Ms. Sowjanya
11. Ms. Kavitha
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