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Villaverde Jonas Jr. D.

Ethics - PS1A

Existentialism is all about focusing on you – your existence, freedom, and the choices you make. It's
like this ethical theory that says an action is good if you freely choose it and take responsibility for it.
But if you pick something freely and then try to dodge the responsibility, that's considered evil. On the
flip side, there's essentialism, which says things have unchanging unique features that define them.
Personally, I believe that Existentialism is more acceptable, and that I can apply this theory in my
daily life.

Growing up, I realized that our choices shape our path and define our journey, and they are what
define us. Our choices, big and small, shape our lives, relationships, and the people we become. For
example, If I should take this Political science or any other course, our choices are significant, and this
makes me a more existentialist. The reality struck me that the course I will be choosing affects not
only my academic path, but also the way I think, the skills I gain, and the person I am becoming. It's
not just about sticking to a plan; it's about actively shaping my own story. Accepting an existentialist
viewpoint, I find purpose in the process of choosing, understanding that each option contributes to
the unique tale of my life. Uncertainty is both frightening and freeing, yet it is in this freedom that I
discover the essence of who I am and who I want to be and that is to become a lawyer.

However, things do not always go as planned. For example, I did not get into the school that I
wanted. It felt like a major setback, and disappointment fell heavy on my shoulders. However, when I
didn't get what I expected, I discovered that life doesn't always go as planned. Instead of
concentrating on my disappointment, I began to investigate alternative possibilities and identified
fresh prospects. Maybe that setback was a drive to try new things and find something even better.

In conclusion, it is up to each of us to determine who and what we are through our own actions.
Embracing an existentialist viewpoint, I've discovered that authenticity is the key to dealing with life's
complexity. Regardless of external expectations or norms of society, trusting our intuition and
keeping true to ourselves allows us to live truly and efficiently. Genuine choices and actions define our
existence in our path of self-discovery, producing a unique and rewarding narrative. As an
existentialist, I find empowerment in the ability to forge my own path, understanding that the essence
of a meaningful existence rests in the sincerity of my choices and determination to live in accordance
with the real me.

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